# | Logs for 2014-09-03

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[00:41:31] -!- aqu4 has quit [Quit: aqu4bot baking shutting down.]
[00:41:35] -!- aqu4 [aqu4!~aqu4bot@universe2.us/ircbot/aqu4] has joined #
[03:23:14] LEDs|400TB is now known as monopoly
[03:39:02] -!- aqu4 has quit [Quit: aqu4bot is restarting...]
[03:39:06] -!- aqu4 [aqu4!~aqu4bot@universe2.us/ircbot/aqu4] has joined #
[04:15:28] <arti> bawkbawkbawk
[04:18:29] <arti> hello tama
[04:18:30] <ciri> hi i'm happy today! :D arti
[04:18:32] <ciri> arti: Gives tama towlie.
[04:18:32] * tama hands ciri the day off in exchange for towlie
[04:18:45] * arti pets his bots
[04:22:32] <tama> filth is awesome
[04:22:47] <arti> !grab tama
[04:22:47] <Bender> Added quote 51
[04:26:33] <tama> tama is an article
[04:32:56] <arti> https://www.youtube.com
[04:32:57] <monopoly> ^ 03&"Girl, you're thicker than a bowl of oatmeal." - YouTube
[04:32:58] <ciri> ^ &"Girl, you're done searching, if the holes in a fire. I'm afraid to even be optimized away unless you have iptables access on prod.
[04:36:33] <tama> ciri is in possession of a nice rack
[05:32:06] <chromas> !grab tama
[05:32:06] <Bender> Added quote 52
[05:33:22] <chromas> So tama can't build new sentences from our insertions?
[05:34:19] * chromas puts arti's finger in tama
[05:34:19] * tama drops towlie and takes arti's finger.
[05:37:35] <tama> ribs are best enjoyed with breasts
[05:53:25] <arti> tama works off of facts
[05:53:29] <arti> ciri works off of markov
[05:56:35] <tama> australia is made of dirt.
[06:10:47] <chromas> Needs both
[06:11:55] <arti> one is perl the other is some variant of c
[06:15:36] <tama> retards are special
[06:38:45] <chromas> c--
[06:38:45] <Bender> karma - c: 0
[06:38:52] <chromas> (c++)--
[06:38:52] <Bender> karma - (c++): -2
[06:38:56] <chromas> [c++]--
[06:38:56] <Bender> karma - [c++]: -1
[06:38:57] <chromas> aw
[06:39:37] <chromas> c++ for trying
[06:39:37] <Bender> karma - c: 1
[06:41:43] <arti> put that as a slogan " for trying!"
[06:45:37] <tama> poopsicles are not for eating
[07:47:41] <chromas> :(
[07:47:50] <arti> heh
[07:47:53] <chromas> mod_php not doin' it's jerb
[07:51:39] <tama> your mom is so fat, and probably lives in New Orleans
[07:52:20] <arti> what're you up to?
[07:52:28] <arti> i had a great day at work today
[07:52:39] <arti> got to research GE :D
[07:52:42] <arti> er GA
[07:53:09] <chromas> Which GA?
[07:53:38] * chromas scans through list on WP
[07:54:12] <arti> genetic algorithms
[07:54:37] * chromas is just moving his quassel core over to the 'router' box but is lazy so wants phppgadmin
[07:54:39] * arti understand better how the modifications during/after the mutation and fitness work
[07:54:49] <chromas> oooh yeah. That's something you've mentioned a few times
[07:54:57] <arti> yeah, slowly sinking in
[07:55:08] <chromas> Soon you'll've it in your bots
[07:55:10] <arti> i think for the stupid card game starts heuristics work better
[07:55:29] <arti> yeah, it would be nice to be able to have the bot(s) work on shit together
[07:55:48] <crutchy> seti@irc
[07:55:56] <arti> ciri@irc
[07:59:39] <tama> chocolate is for dogs
[08:01:14] <crutchy> bot centipede... passing shit from one to another
[08:01:14] <arti> heh, related to the convo in the other channel
[08:01:30] <crutchy> ~say /say $say shit
[08:01:31] <exec> /say $say shit
[08:01:41] <crutchy> aw
[08:01:46] <crutchy> exec--
[08:01:46] <Bender> karma - exec: 11
[08:01:50] <chromas> ~say /say test
[08:01:51] <exec> /say test
[08:01:51] <monopoly> test
[08:02:04] <chromas> ~say /say $test
[08:02:05] <exec> /say $test
[08:02:10] <chromas> hm
[08:02:13] <crutchy> ah anti-bot thingy?
[08:02:13] <arti> why must it be /say?
[08:02:22] <crutchy> bot condom
[08:02:33] <crutchy> cos monopoly has exec god mode
[08:02:45] <arti> oh.
[08:03:20] <chromas> /say ~say bewbs
[08:03:20] <monopoly> ~say bewbs
[08:03:21] <exec> bewbs
[08:04:13] <chromas> then I need to update exec a bit
[08:04:16] <chromas> herp
[08:04:20] <chromas> update to add exec
[08:06:34] <crutchy> nah i think you had it worked out
[08:06:41] <crutchy> or something. i can't remember
[08:07:13] <chromas> yeah it was so someone couldn't use exec to make monopoly make exec do things
[08:07:40] <arti> i see
[08:07:57] <arti> sounds like an excellent candidate for a neural network
[08:08:06] <chromas> so it ignores strings starting with !, ~ etc
[08:08:14] <arti> !dow
[08:08:15] <ciri> A good soldier obeys without question. A good officer commands without doubt.
[08:08:19] <chromas> if they're not by certain peoples
[08:08:29] <chromas> ciri: for shame!
[08:08:30] <ciri> chromas: Swiss, yeah. Crying shame, that you'd connect your network structure so that probably rules out any firewall distros.
[08:08:57] <chromas> I wish someone would make a software package for web-controlled firewall
[08:09:28] <chromas> I want the web interface of smoothwall or something but I want to break the rules and run other software on the same box
[08:10:10] <chromas> ciri: what do you think about bewbs?
[08:10:11] <ciri> chromas: "Did i just made mine public so i think bender's beent again.
[08:10:33] <crutchy> tama, what do you think about manta rays?
[08:10:33] <tama> Can't talk, zombies!
[08:10:35] <ciri> Downloads slashcode-master.zip from github and braces himself for a few posts with sentence structure and very similar style. Don't wanna talk to you?
[08:10:54] <chromas> ciri: purple monkey dishwasher
[08:10:55] <ciri> chromas: Porch monkey because i used to new client.
[08:11:17] <crutchy> ciri, dirk dirka la. dirka dirka, mohammad jihad
[08:11:22] <chromas> ciri: are you taking it back?
[08:11:23] <ciri> chromas: Inspect this. Many years of experimentation: (1 mph) @ 319.
[08:11:44] <crutchy> ciri, inspect tama's butthole
[08:13:54] <chromas> ooh, a systemd update
[08:14:08] <chromas> systemd++
[08:14:08] <Bender> karma - systemd: 3
[08:14:23] <chromas> has the same version system as the browsers
[08:14:52] <crutchy> its just a minor update to forward all your base to mother russia
[08:14:59] <arti> do you know
[08:15:02] <arti> tama, do you know
[08:15:02] <tama> Error 42: Factoid not in database. Please contact administrator of current universe.
[08:15:06] <chromas> they can have it
[08:15:08] <arti> do you know ass
[08:15:08] <tama> No, but if you hum a few bars I can fake it
[08:15:11] <arti> tama, do you know ass
[08:15:12] <tama> I do not know.
[08:15:15] <chromas> long as the nsa don't, which they do
[08:15:41] <crutchy> tama, do you know my wife's ass?
[08:15:41] <tama> Can't talk, zombies!
[08:15:57] <crutchy> ooh new comments
[08:16:18] <chromas> tama, if you <ask> a woman her age and she huffs at you, you've got your answer: she's too old.
[08:16:18] <tama> Okay, chromas.
[08:17:48] <arti> list vars
[08:17:50] <arti> tama, list vars
[08:17:50] <tama> Known variables: adjective, article, band, color, digit, noun(n), preposition, verb(v), and weekday.
[08:17:52] <crutchy> tama, if a woman is wearing track pants it means her vajayjay is moldy
[08:17:52] <tama> Okay, crutchy.
[08:18:29] <chromas> sunday
[08:18:30] <chromas> monday
[08:18:31] <tama> monday is for spanking your carrot
[08:18:38] <chromas> 1, 2, 3
[08:18:40] <chromas> 2
[08:18:40] <ciri> 3
[08:18:43] <chromas> 4
[08:18:45] <chromas> 5
[08:18:49] <chromas> 3
[08:18:50] <ciri> 4
[08:18:51] <ciri> 5
[08:18:53] <ciri> 6
[08:18:55] <ciri> 7
[08:18:57] <ciri> 8
[08:18:59] <ciri> 9
[08:18:59] <crutchy> 23
[08:19:01] <crutchy> 46
[08:19:01] <ciri> 10 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[08:19:03] <crutchy> 21
[08:19:05] <crutchy> 89
[08:19:10] <crutchy> 69
[08:19:11] <chromas> crutchy: s/8/6/
[08:19:31] <crutchy> great minds think alike :D
[08:19:42] <arti> tama, list var $digit
[08:19:42] <tama> Can't talk, zombies!
[08:19:42] <chromas> This channel holds all the best
[08:19:52] <chromas> tama, list $digit
[08:19:52] <tama> I cannot access that data.
[08:20:14] <crutchy> its batcave aura
[08:20:37] <crutchy> and because we have cows
[08:20:41] <arti> tama, list var $mood
[08:20:42] <tama> I do not know.
[08:20:42] <chromas> I guess mod_php isn't being loaded. Not sure where to find that. Usually just installing the mod gets it setup right (an install script or something)
[08:20:44] <crutchy> and porridge
[08:20:51] <arti> list var $mood
[08:20:53] <chromas> ~moo
[08:20:53] <exec> (__)
[08:20:54] <exec> (oo)
[08:20:54] <exec> /------\/
[08:20:54] <exec> / | ||
[08:20:54] <exec> * /\---/\
[08:20:54] <exec> ~~ ~~
[08:20:54] <exec> ...."Have you mooed today?"...
[08:21:00] <chromas> I sure hadn't
[08:21:06] <crutchy> that should be ~goat
[08:21:45] <crutchy> ...."Have you headbutted your neighbor today?"...
[08:22:01] <arti> tama, $who is gay
[08:22:01] <tama> Okay, arti.
[08:22:13] <chromas> tama, $who
[08:22:13] <tama> $who is gay
[08:22:17] <chromas> tama, gay
[08:22:17] <tama> I do not know.
[08:22:18] <crutchy> tama, The Who is gay
[08:22:18] <tama> Okay, crutchy.
[08:22:24] <chromas> tama, ghey
[08:22:24] <tama> Error 42: Factoid not in database. Please contact administrator of current universe.
[08:22:28] <arti> tama, $who
[08:22:28] <tama> $who is gay
[08:22:35] <arti> tama, undo last
[08:22:36] <tama> Okay, arti, deleted that 'The Who' is 'gay'.
[08:22:39] <arti> tama, undo last
[08:22:39] <tama> Sorry, arti, can't undo yet
[08:22:47] <crutchy> tama, UNCAUGHT MASTURBATION!
[08:22:47] <tama> Not a bloody clue, sir.
[08:22:48] <ciri> Gives tama webmin and tells him to ## automatically.
[08:22:48] * tama is now carrying webmin and tells him to ## automatically, but dropped phpoo.
[08:23:17] <arti> tama, what was that?
[08:23:17] <tama> arti: That was '$who' (#782): is gay
[08:23:18] <crutchy> lol
[08:23:18] <ciri> now that is funny
[08:23:46] <crutchy> tama, ciri is a smartypants
[08:23:46] <tama> Okay, crutchy.
[08:23:55] <crutchy> tama, a smarty is a very small penis
[08:23:55] <tama> Okay, crutchy.
[08:24:03] <arti> tama, faggots <drink> blood.
[08:24:03] <tama> Okay, arti.
[08:24:07] <arti> tama, faggots
[08:24:07] <tama> faggots are subversive and therefor undesirable.
[08:24:11] <arti> tama, faggots
[08:24:11] <tama> faggots drink blood.
[08:24:19] <crutchy> tama, chromas likes to eat smarties
[08:24:19] <tama> Error 42: Factoid not in database. Please contact administrator of current universe.
[08:24:26] <arti> tama, crutchy <drinks> blood.
[08:24:26] <tama> Okay, arti.
[08:24:28] <arti> tama, blood
[08:24:32] <arti> tama, crutchy
[08:24:33] <tama> crutchy is here in body. gone in mind.
[08:24:39] <arti> tama, quote
[08:24:39] <tama> I do not know.
[08:24:45] <arti> tama, crutchy
[08:24:45] <tama> crutchy is number two.
[08:24:47] <tama> A thousand apologies, effendi, but I do not understand.
[08:27:18] <arti> tama, the channel $itself is gay.
[08:27:19] <tama> Okay, arti.
[08:27:22] <arti> tama, the channel
[08:27:36] <arti> tama, the channel $iteself
[08:27:36] <tama> Error 42: Factoid not in database. Please contact administrator of current universe.
[08:27:39] <arti> tama, the channel $itself
[08:27:39] <tama> the channel $itself is gay.
[08:27:45] <arti> tama, the channel
[08:27:45] <tama> Can't talk, zombies!
[08:27:55] <arti> tama, forget that
[08:27:55] <tama> Okay, arti, forgot that the channel $itself is gay.
[08:28:07] <crutchy> ciri, $burrito aqu4
[08:28:10] <chromas> tama, forget everything
[08:28:10] <tama> I don't know anything about that.
[08:28:12] <chromas> tama, forget that
[08:28:18] <chromas> tama, forget crutchy
[08:28:18] <tama> Error at 0x08: Reference not found
[08:28:26] <arti> !word
[08:28:27] <ciri> Unscramble ---> 6 ivtagyr
[08:28:42] <ciri> Clue --->12 weight
[08:28:45] <crutchy> gaydar
[08:28:57] <ciri> First letter --->12 g
[08:28:58] <arti> gravity
[08:28:59] <ciri> Woohoo arti!! You got it...4gravity
[08:29:00] <ciri> arti this is your first ever win!!!...Don't you feel pathetic!
[08:29:14] <crutchy> haha you suck
[08:29:30] <crutchy> 0 > 1 cos it uses more pixels :D
[08:29:37] <arti> tama, literal crutchy
[08:29:38] <tama> crutchy (#36) is here.|(#37) is number two.|(#38) is here in body. gone in mind.|(#45) is into men.|(#54) is a hermit.|(#69) is not overrated poop.|(#86) is chromas|(#95) is the bringer of g'days and the comber of daughty's hair.|(#133) is a stripper by night|(#134) is a malformed dwarf script wrangling wizard|(#136) is a laxative in reality|(#206) is master of the clit|(#241) is your husband|8 more
[08:30:27] <arti> tama, crutchy =~ /ring/
[08:30:27] <tama> crutchy is the bringer of g'days and the comber of daughty's hair.
[08:31:26] <arti> tama, churches aren't for <$who>
[08:31:26] <tama> Error at 0x08: Reference not found
[08:31:36] <arti> tama, churches are not for <$who>
[08:31:36] <tama> Okay, arti.
[08:31:39] <arti> tama, churches
[08:31:39] <tama> churches are not for <arti>
[08:31:46] <arti> tama, forget that
[08:31:46] <tama> Okay, arti, forgot that churches are not for <$who>
[08:31:48] <crutchy> tama, crutchy's ring is brown and circular
[08:31:48] <tama> Okay, crutchy.
[08:31:52] <arti> tama, churches are not for $who
[08:31:52] <tama> Okay, arti.
[08:31:59] <arti> tama, curches
[08:31:59] <tama> I don't know anything about that.
[08:32:02] <arti> tama, churches
[08:32:02] <tama> churches are not for arti
[08:32:20] <arti> tama, hi $who
[08:32:20] <tama> I don't know
[08:32:31] <arti> tama, hi <action> $who
[08:32:32] <tama> Okay, arti.
[08:32:34] <arti> tama, hi
[08:32:34] <tama> heyhey :D
[08:32:37] <arti> tama, hi
[08:32:37] <tama> hello :D
[08:32:38] <ciri> tama: Up to 600 units >;-d.
[08:32:38] <tama> Error 42: Factoid not in database. Please contact administrator of current universe.
[08:32:45] <arti> tama, hi
[08:32:45] <tama> heyhey :D
[08:32:46] <ciri> /R $rs hi yas.
[08:32:46] <monopoly> .say ih sr$
[08:32:51] <arti> heh
[08:33:05] <arti> tama, hi
[08:33:05] <tama> hello :D
[08:33:06] <ciri> hello tama
[08:33:08] <ciri> tama: White nail polish should cover whatever you want to end up bumping up to 600 units >;-d.
[08:33:08] <tama> I do not know.
[08:33:35] <arti> hi
[08:33:36] <ciri> hi there arti
[08:35:50] <arti> tama, hi <action> waves at $who
[08:35:50] <tama> Okay, arti.
[08:35:53] <arti> hi
[08:36:02] * arti hi
[08:36:04] <arti> hi
[08:36:06] <arti> faggot
[08:36:06] <tama> faggot is as a faggot does.
[08:36:11] <arti> no doubt
[08:36:50] <arti> tama, hi
[08:36:50] * tama arti
[08:37:21] <arti> tama, forget 792
[08:37:21] <tama> Can't talk, zombies!
[08:40:35] <crutchy> tama, faggot... nuh ah... fargét
[08:40:35] <tama> I don't know anything about that.
[08:40:37] <arti> tama, hi <action> gives $op $article $item
[08:40:37] <tama> Okay, arti.
[08:40:43] <arti> tama, hi
[08:40:44] * tama waves at arti
[08:40:47] <arti> tama, hi
[08:40:47] <tama> hello :D
[08:40:48] <ciri> hello tama
[08:40:50] <ciri> tama: Exposes everythingnothing needs to get up to 600 units >;-d.
[08:40:50] <tama> Not a bloody clue, sir.
[08:40:54] <arti> tama, hi
[08:40:54] * tama gives $op $article rocket sauce
[08:41:07] <crutchy> ~gday tama
[08:41:08] <exec> * crutchy insubordinately flings an anvil of glowballs at tama
[08:41:38] <arti> tama, forget that
[08:41:38] <tama> Okay, arti, forgot that hi <action> gives $op $article $item
[08:41:43] <arti> tama, hi <action> gives $who $article $item
[08:41:43] <tama> Okay, arti.
[08:41:46] <arti> tama, hi
[08:41:46] <tama> greetings
[08:42:17] <crutchy> tama, ºòğìǶ¶ЪЩ
[08:42:17] <tama> Error 42: Factoid not in database. Please contact administrator of current universe.
[08:42:30] <crutchy> tama, tama lama ding dong
[08:42:30] <tama> Beeeeeeeeeeeeep!
[08:42:43] <crutchy> ciri, splodge
[08:42:51] <arti> tama, hi
[08:42:51] * tama arti
[08:42:55] <arti> tama, hi
[08:42:55] <tama> hello :D
[08:42:56] <ciri> tama: Last breakages i experienced were early ext4 journalling issues and washing up to 600 units >;-d.
[08:42:56] <tama> Not a bloody clue, sir.
[08:42:59] <arti> tama, hi
[08:42:59] * tama arti
[08:43:04] <arti> tama, hi
[08:43:04] <tama> heyhey :D
[08:43:09] <arti> hi
[08:43:09] <ciri> hello, nice to see yea! arti
[08:43:13] <arti> tama, hi
[08:43:13] * tama waves at arti
[08:43:16] <crutchy> tama, ciri has 600 units up its arse
[08:43:16] <tama> I do not know.
[08:43:20] <chromas> tama: 💩 is 😲
[08:43:20] <tama> Okay, chromas.
[08:43:32] <arti> tama, forget that
[08:43:32] <tama> Okay, arti, forgot that 💩 is 😲
[08:43:47] <arti> -_-
[08:45:13] <arti> tama, hi <action> hides behind $someone with $article $item
[08:45:14] <tama> Okay, arti.
[08:45:22] <arti> tama, hi
[08:45:22] <tama> hello :D
[08:45:23] <ciri> hello tama
[08:45:24] <ciri> tama: The sed function for exec is hooked up to 600 units >;-d.
[08:45:24] <tama> Okay, ciri.
[08:45:28] <arti> lol
[08:45:29] <ciri> lol damn!
[08:45:31] <arti> tama, hi
[08:45:31] <tama> heyhey :D
[08:45:36] <arti> tama, hi
[08:45:36] * tama gives arti the diarrhea
[08:45:41] * arti claps
[08:45:58] <arti> hi
[08:46:36] <arti> tama, list var $preposition
[08:46:59] <chromas> tama, split your infinitives
[08:47:02] <chromas> ciri, split your infinitives
[08:47:12] <chromas> ciri, buttplugs
[08:47:16] <chromas> ciri: buttplugs
[08:47:17] <ciri> chromas: Ciri, buttplugs.
[08:49:00] <chromas> ciri: my phone's sound is stuck on quiet since your last highlight
[08:49:01] <ciri> chromas: My phone's sound is coming from you.
[08:49:07] <chromas> that's better
[08:49:12] <arti> tama, $someone <hates> $who
[08:49:13] <tama> Okay, arti.
[08:49:21] <arti> tama, crutchy hates bears
[08:49:21] <tama> Error at 0x08: Reference not found
[08:49:23] <ciri> * Crutchy hurls a toilet bowl of soylent green at arti.
[08:49:27] <arti> tama, crutchy <hates> bears
[08:49:27] <tama> Okay, arti.
[08:49:29] <chromas> tama, chromas
[08:49:29] <tama> chromas is made of fiber
[08:50:12] <chromas> say /sayto ## bacon++ for great justice
[08:50:12] <tama> /sayto ## bacon++ for great justice!
[08:50:18] <chromas> oh
[08:50:37] <chromas> /sayto ## bacon++ for great justice
[08:51:40] <chromas> ciri: come on! come on! We can do the scrappy! Come on! Come on! beats will make you happy!
[08:51:41] <ciri> chromas: :( I spent 10 years in community college here was the african guy with a bucket message in exec, ciri is aware that exec is a happy pleb.
[08:52:11] <chromas> !grab ciri
[08:52:11] <Bender> Added quote 53
[08:52:38] <crutchy> lol wtf?
[08:53:39] <crutchy> ciri is adding knowledge to the royal database of textual feces
[08:53:57] <arti> tama, crutchy
[08:53:57] <tama> crutchy is master of the clit
[08:54:04] * chromas gives tama count latchula
[08:54:04] * tama drops porno for pyros and takes count latchula.
[08:54:28] <chromas> ciri: take off your pants and jacket
[08:54:29] <ciri> chromas: Pants is the issues with comcast not moving my equipment to my ignore-list; viva la difference!
[08:54:33] <crutchy> tama, i haven't had a cunt all day drinkstable
[08:54:33] <tama> I do not know.
[08:55:08] <crutchy> tama, ciri has a cold butt for a heart
[08:55:08] <tama> I don't know anything about that.
[08:55:33] <chromas> \markov
[08:55:34] <systemd> 3
[08:55:36] <ciri> 4
[08:55:37] <ciri> 5
[08:55:39] <ciri> 6
[08:55:41] <ciri> 7
[08:55:43] <ciri> 8
[08:55:45] <ciri> 9
[08:55:47] <ciri> 10 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[08:55:47] <arti> tama, list var $nouns
[08:55:47] <tama> Error at 0x08: Reference not found
[08:55:51] <arti> tama, list $nouns
[08:55:51] <tama> I don't know anything about that.
[08:56:01] <chromas> \markov
[08:56:02] <systemd> hi i'm happy today! :D arti
[08:56:03] <ciri> hi there systemd
[08:56:10] <arti> tama, list vars
[08:56:10] <tama> Known variables: adjective, article, band, color, digit, noun(n), preposition, verb(v), and weekday.
[08:56:18] <arti> tama, list var $noun
[08:56:18] <tama> Can't talk, zombies!
[08:56:20] <crutchy> tama, farts are the ultimate chemical weapon
[08:56:20] <tama> Okay, crutchy.
[08:56:33] <arti> tama, list var noun
[08:56:33] <tama> noun: acid, acorn, bacon, battery, beef, cake, comic, device, factoid, galaxy, idea, magic, mindjail, phone, potato, salami, shirt, sword, tooth, and wrench
[08:56:51] <chromas> tama: s/f, c/fc/
[08:56:51] <tama> I do not know.
[08:56:52] <crutchy> tama, chromas is an acorn
[08:56:53] <tama> Okay, crutchy.
[08:57:13] <arti> tama, what <action> $verbs your $noun
[08:57:14] <tama> Okay, arti.
[08:57:16] <arti> tama, what
[08:57:16] <tama> what is andy samberg?
[08:57:30] <arti> tama, what
[08:57:30] <tama> what are gang members?
[08:57:34] <arti> tama, what
[08:57:34] <tama> what are the residents of anus called? anites?
[08:57:56] <chromas> tama, arti <wields> the Bastard Sword of Sixteen Bewbs
[08:57:56] <tama> Okay, chromas.
[08:58:35] <chromas> No idea what that does but it makes tama accept it, so
[08:58:41] <chromas> tama, arti
[08:58:41] <tama> arti is a professor of psychobabble
[08:58:43] <chromas> tama, arti
[08:58:43] <tama> arti is a link-emitting robot
[08:58:54] <chromas> \markov
[08:58:55] <systemd> That's why you interview local, lower office candidates who would benefit from meeting the interviewer at the other country may be tough
[08:59:26] <chromas> should put it back in #Soylent for moar input
[09:00:02] <arti> tama, add value $verbs compiles
[09:00:02] <tama> Not a bloody clue, sir.
[09:00:15] <arti> tama, add value verbs compiles
[09:00:15] <tama> Sorry, arti, I don't know of a variable 'verbs'.
[09:00:19] <arti> tama, add value verb compile
[09:00:20] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:02:00] <crutchy> ciri, engage tama in mouth to ass combat
[09:02:13] <arti> a little more added.
[09:02:28] <arti> tama, what
[09:02:28] <tama> what is andy samberg?
[09:02:29] <arti> tama, what
[09:02:29] <tama> what is andy samberg?
[09:02:31] <arti> tama, what
[09:02:31] <tama> what is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
[09:02:37] <arti> tama, what
[09:02:37] <tama> what are gang members?
[09:03:06] <chromas> systemctl lobotomy add
[09:03:06] <systemd> chromas: The operation succeeded.
[09:03:10] <chromas> \list
[09:03:10] <systemd> chromas: Admin, Alias, Anonymous, Channel, ChannelLogger, ChannelStats, Config, Currency, Dict, Dunno, Format, Games, Google, Grasshoppaz, Internet, Karma, Later, Linux, Markov, Math, Minstrel, Misc, News, Nickometer, Note, Owner, Plugin, Poll, Praise, Python, Quote, QuoteGrabs, RSS, RawLogger, Reply, Rhyme, Scheduler, Seen, Status, String, Success, Supybot, Tail, Time, Todo, Topic, URL, Unix, (1 more message)
[09:03:10] <crutchy> tama, a swallow is an elevator bucket sock
[09:03:11] <ciri> Wonder if vegans swallow when they're giving head?
[09:03:11] <tama> Okay, crutchy.
[09:03:19] <crutchy> !grab ciri
[09:03:19] <Bender> Added quote 54
[09:03:39] <crutchy> tama, chromas is an admin sausage
[09:03:40] <tama> Okay, crutchy.
[09:03:42] <arti> tama, gang members are the wasps of modern society in $place according to $celebrity and $who's mom.
[09:03:42] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:03:47] <arti> tama, gang members
[09:03:47] <tama> gang members are retarded.
[09:03:49] <arti> tama, gang members
[09:03:50] <tama> gang members are often associated with life choices.
[09:03:53] <arti> tama, gang members
[09:03:53] <tama> gang members are retarded.
[09:03:55] <arti> tama, gang members
[09:03:56] <tama> gang members are the wasps of modern society in $place according to $celebrity and arti's mom.
[09:04:02] <chromas> systemctl lobotomy list
[09:04:02] <systemd> chromas: I'm currently lobotomized in #.
[09:04:07] <arti> faggot
[09:04:07] <tama> faggot is as a faggot does.
[09:04:10] <chromas> systemd: then why are you talking?
[09:04:11] <systemd> chromas: I don't think so, Tim
[09:04:26] <crutchy> tama, yo mama is so smelly her farts block their noses
[09:04:26] <tama> Okay, crutchy.
[09:05:33] <crutchy> tama, yo mama lama ding dong frosty pinkleton muffet burger
[09:05:33] <tama> I'm sorry, there's currently nothing associated with that keyphrase.
[09:06:01] <chromas> systemctl restart
[09:06:03] <systemd> chromas: What?
[09:06:29] <chromas> systemctl config reload
[09:06:29] <systemd> chromas: The operation succeeded.
[09:06:29] <crutchy> <systemd> ah ah ah you didn't say the magic word
[09:06:42] <chromas> systemctl reload
[09:06:43] <chromas> k
[09:06:46] <chromas> \say test
[09:06:52] <crutchy> !matrix reload
[09:06:58] <chromas> I think config reload breaks it
[09:07:12] <chromas> and I didn't even write it!
[09:07:19] <crutchy> /say testicle bucket fart
[09:07:20] <monopoly> testicle bucket fart
[09:07:34] <chromas> \list
[09:07:38] <chromas> \help
[09:07:45] <chromas> systemd: help
[09:08:01] <chromas> oh
[09:08:07] <crutchy> /say \say /say \/\/\ frosty the snowman
[09:08:07] <monopoly> \say /say \/\/\ frosty the snowman
[09:08:18] <chromas> maybe the lobotomy command worked now
[09:08:28] <chromas> \lobotomy remove
[09:08:30] <chromas> \test
[09:08:55] <arti> tama, list vars
[09:08:55] <tama> Known variables: adjective, article, band, color, digit, noun(n), preposition, verb(v), and weekday.
[09:09:11] <crutchy> \lobotomy remove crutchy's head from the ass of carrot
[09:09:16] <arti> tama, add value place london
[09:09:16] <tama> Sorry, arti, I don't know of a variable 'place'.
[09:09:24] <arti> tama, add value $place london
[09:09:27] <arti> tama, add value $place london
[09:09:27] <tama> I don't know
[09:09:36] <chromas> \config reload
[09:09:41] <chromas> \list
[09:09:44] <chromas> \fpos
[09:09:49] <arti> fucking variables
[09:10:27] <chromas> oh yeah and config reload logs me out of it; fpos
[09:11:07] <chromas> \lobotomy remove
[09:11:07] <systemd> chromas: The operation succeeded.
[09:11:15] <chromas> \lobotomy add #Soylent
[09:11:16] <systemd> chromas: The operation succeeded.
[09:11:21] <chromas> \join #Soylent
[09:11:35] <chromas> \config reload
[09:11:35] <systemd> chromas: The operation succeeded.
[09:12:17] <chromas> actually I guess it doesn't matter if it doesn't respond to systemctl and stuff
[09:12:39] <chromas> \lobotomy remove #Soylent
[09:12:39] <systemd> chromas: Error: You don't have the #Soylent,op capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
[09:12:46] <chromas> science dammit
[09:13:10] <crutchy> scoylence
[09:14:07] <chromas> systemctl test
[09:14:49] <crutchy> systemctl, warp 69 engage!
[09:15:26] <chromas> now I just need to figure out the default pass for postgresql and also why the frackin' gamebox is the only thing in the world that won't connect to the net through this box
[09:15:40] <crutchy> box++
[09:15:40] <Bender> karma - box: 2
[09:15:50] <arti> root?
[09:15:56] <systemd> box++
[09:15:56] <Bender> karma - box: 3
[09:16:02] <crutchy> root box
[09:16:04] <monopoly> box++
[09:16:04] <Bender> karma - box: 4
[09:16:05] <ciri> Chromas, don't open that pandora's box.
[09:16:13] <chromas> yeah
[09:16:37] <chromas> I think the default is to use linux users which I don't want
[09:16:55] <chromas> mainly because it doesn't work with the web interface
[09:17:15] <crutchy> run it under its own user maybe?
[09:17:45] <chromas> it is
[09:18:28] <crutchy> tama, it runs under a virtual mac n cheese
[09:21:40] <tama> sour cream is better when made with assistance
[09:21:59] <chromas> well I hope it doesn't come out sour
[09:22:25] <arti> tama, add value place london
[09:22:25] <tama> Sorry, arti, I don't know of a variable 'place'.
[09:23:00] <crutchy> tama, non sour sour cream requires pineapples
[09:26:40] <tama> a butt is something that should be sniffed repeatedly
[09:27:21] <arti> tama, add value place london
[09:27:21] <tama> Sorry, arti, I don't know of a variable 'place'.
[09:27:52] <arti> tama, add value place london
[09:27:52] <tama> Sorry, arti, I don't know of a variable 'place'.
[09:28:30] <chromas> tama, add place carhole
[09:28:31] <tama> I cannot access that data.
[09:28:38] <arti> tama, list var place
[09:28:38] <tama> Sorry, arti, I don't know a variable 'place'.
[09:28:43] <arti> tama, list var <place>
[09:28:43] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:28:49] <arti> tama, undo last
[09:28:50] <tama> Okay, arti, deleted that 'list var' is ''.
[09:28:58] <arti> tama, list var $place
[09:28:58] <tama> I'm sorry, there's currently nothing associated with that keyphrase.
[09:29:01] <arti> tama, list var place
[09:29:01] <tama> Sorry, arti, I don't know a variable 'place'.
[09:29:08] <arti> it's in your fucking database you dolt
[09:29:31] <chromas> perl--
[09:29:31] <Bender> karma - perl: -1
[09:29:38] <arti> tama, list vars
[09:29:38] <tama> Known variables: adjective, article, band, color, digit, noun(n), preposition, verb(v), and weekday.
[09:29:55] <chromas> tama, add var place
[09:29:55] <tama> I don't know
[09:30:28] <arti> aha
[09:31:01] <arti> tama, create var place
[09:31:01] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:31:14] <arti> tama, add value place london
[09:31:15] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:31:19] <arti> tama, list vars
[09:31:19] <tama> Known variables: adjective, article, band, color, digit, noun(n), place, preposition, verb(v), and weekday.
[09:31:30] <arti> tama, create var celebrity
[09:31:30] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:32:01] <arti> tama, add value celebrity Chuck Norris
[09:32:01] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:32:21] <arti> tama, gang members
[09:32:21] <tama> gang members are often associated with life choices.
[09:32:23] <arti> tama, gang members
[09:32:23] <tama> gang members are mostly knuckle dragging sub-human thugs
[09:32:24] <arti> tama, gang members
[09:32:24] <tama> gang members are retarded.
[09:33:06] <arti> tama, gang members
[09:33:06] <tama> gang members are retarded.
[09:33:08] <arti> tama, gang members
[09:33:08] <tama> gang members are often associated with life choices.
[09:33:09] <arti> tama, gang members
[09:33:09] <tama> gang members are mostly knuckle dragging sub-human thugs
[09:33:13] <arti> hmm
[09:33:14] <arti> tama, gang members
[09:33:14] <tama> gang members are mostly knuckle dragging sub-human thugs
[09:33:15] <arti> tama, gang members
[09:33:15] <tama> gang members are often associated with life choices.
[09:33:18] <arti> tama, gang members
[09:33:18] <tama> gang members are the wasps of modern society in london according to Chuck Norris and arti's mom.
[09:33:27] <arti> muhahahaha
[09:33:30] <arti> MUHAHAHAhaha
[09:33:54] <arti> later: more variables
[09:34:19] <arti> tama, create var country
[09:34:19] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:34:25] <arti> tama, create var room
[09:34:25] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:34:31] <arti> tama, create var state
[09:34:31] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:34:36] <arti> tama, create var place
[09:34:36] <tama> Sorry, arti, there already exists a variable 'place'.
[09:34:51] <arti> tama, create var preposition
[09:34:51] <tama> Sorry, arti, there already exists a variable 'preposition'.
[09:34:53] <ciri> Crutchy: play on the internet, everyone is all like "soooo arti how you got me thinking about a mobile browser doing something with the data out.
[09:35:00] <arti> tama, create var bodypart
[09:35:00] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:35:07] <arti> tama, create var ejaculation
[09:35:07] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:35:12] <arti> tama, create var gait
[09:35:12] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:35:15] <arti> tama, create var mood
[09:35:15] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:35:19] <arti> tama, create var occupation
[09:35:19] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:35:23] <arti> tama, create var profession
[09:35:23] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:35:28] <arti> tama, create var official
[09:35:28] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:35:32] <arti> tama, create var vehicle
[09:35:32] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:35:36] <arti> tama, create var animal
[09:35:36] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:35:50] <arti> tama, create var pokemon
[09:35:50] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:35:59] <arti> tama, create var digit
[09:35:59] <tama> Sorry, arti, there already exists a variable 'digit'.
[09:36:42] <arti> tama, add value country United States of America
[09:36:42] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:36:53] <arti> tama, add value country Australia
[09:36:53] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:37:00] <arti> tama, add value country Canada
[09:37:00] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:37:02] <arti> tama, add value country Japan
[09:37:02] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:37:07] <arti> tama, add value country Mexico
[09:37:07] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:37:15] <arti> tama, add value country Dumbfuckistan
[09:37:15] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:37:22] <arti> tama, add value country BFE
[09:37:22] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:37:30] <arti> tama, forget that
[09:37:30] <tama> Okay, arti, forgot that gang members are the wasps of modern society in $place according to $celebrity and $who's mom.
[09:37:33] <arti> shit
[09:37:43] <arti> tama, gang members are the wasps of modern society in $place according to $celebrity and $who's mom.
[09:37:43] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:37:54] <crutchy> tama, bumfuckstralia
[09:37:54] <tama> I'm sorry, there's currently nothing associated with that keyphrase.
[09:38:01] <arti> tama, add value place BFE
[09:38:01] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:38:25] <arti> tama, add value place mom's panty drawer
[09:38:25] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:38:34] <arti> tama, add value place the arcade
[09:38:34] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:38:35] <crutchy> tama, BFE is Big Fuckken Emu
[09:38:35] <tama> Okay, crutchy.
[09:39:01] <crutchy> tama, add value place the panty drawer in the arcade
[09:39:01] <tama> Sorry, crutchy, you don't have permissions to edit 'place'.
[09:40:04] <arti> tama, add value place the panty drawer in the arcade
[09:40:04] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:40:10] <arti> i'll work out the permissions thing
[09:40:26] <arti> tama, add value place xlefay's shoe
[09:40:26] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:40:50] <arti> tama, who is $op
[09:40:50] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:40:54] <arti> tama, forget that
[09:40:54] <tama> Okay, arti, forgot that who is $op
[09:41:37] <arti> tama, $who is not $op
[09:41:37] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:41:40] <arti> tama, $who
[09:41:40] <tama> $who is gay
[09:41:43] <arti> tama, $who
[09:41:43] <tama> $who is not $op
[09:41:51] <arti> tama, forget that
[09:41:51] <tama> Okay, arti, forgot that $who is not $op
[09:42:41] <arti> tama, add value mood happy
[09:42:41] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:42:43] <arti> tama, add value mood sad
[09:42:43] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:42:46] <arti> tama, add value mood aroused
[09:42:46] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:42:50] <arti> tama, add value mood indifferent
[09:42:50] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:42:54] <arti> tama, add value mood complicated
[09:42:54] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:42:58] <arti> tama, add value mood upset
[09:42:58] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:42:59] <ciri> Where's tama, add value place london.
[09:43:00] <arti> tama, add value mood angry
[09:43:00] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:43:11] <crutchy> tama, forgot that poo is not hot
[09:43:12] <tama> Okay, crutchy.
[09:43:23] <arti> tama, add value bodypart arm
[09:43:23] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:43:25] <arti> tama, add value bodypart head
[09:43:25] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:43:27] <arti> tama, add value bodypart leg
[09:43:27] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:43:29] <arti> tama, add value bodypart neck
[09:43:29] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:43:32] <arti> tama, add value bodypart hand
[09:43:32] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:43:33] <arti> tama, add value bodypart foot
[09:43:36] <arti> tama, add value bodypart bum
[09:43:37] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:43:41] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:43:53] <crutchy> tama, add value bodypart booger
[09:43:53] <tama> Sorry, crutchy, you don't have permissions to edit 'bodypart'.
[09:44:02] <arti> tama, add value room back room
[09:44:03] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:44:12] <arti> tama, add value room secret administration lair
[09:44:12] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:44:58] <arti> tama, :) <action> licks your $bodypart
[09:44:58] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:45:02] <arti> tama, :)
[09:45:02] * tama licks your foot
[09:47:25] <chromas> tama, add value bodypart vagina
[09:47:25] <tama> Sorry, chromas, you don't have permissions to edit 'bodypart'.
[09:47:40] <chromas> tamactl login
[09:48:02] <chromas> \markov
[09:48:03] <systemd> it uses fire
[09:48:04] <tama> "It Uses Fire" would be a nice name for a rock band.
[09:48:07] <arti> tama, unprotect bodypart
[09:48:07] <tama> Okay, arti, updated the protection bit.
[09:48:24] <arti> tama, unprotect country
[09:48:24] <tama> Okay, arti, updated the protection bit.
[09:48:27] <arti> tama, unprotect room
[09:48:27] <tama> Okay, arti, updated the protection bit.
[09:48:30] <arti> tama, unprotect state
[09:48:30] <tama> Okay, arti, updated the protection bit.
[09:48:30] <chromas> tama, add value bodypart bewbs
[09:48:30] <tama> Sorry, chromas, you don't have permissions to edit 'bodypart'.
[09:48:39] <arti> tama, unprotect ejaculation
[09:48:39] <tama> Okay, arti, updated the protection bit.
[09:48:41] <arti> tama, unprotect gait
[09:48:41] <tama> Okay, arti, updated the protection bit.
[09:48:42] <arti> tama, unprotect mood
[09:48:43] <tama> Okay, arti, updated the protection bit.
[09:48:45] <arti> tama, unprotect occupation
[09:48:48] <tama> Okay, arti, updated the protection bit.
[09:48:49] <arti> tama, unprotect profession
[09:48:53] <arti> tama, unprotect official
[09:48:53] <tama> Okay, arti, updated the protection bit.
[09:48:56] <arti> tama, unprotect vehicle
[09:48:58] <tama> Okay, arti, updated the protection bit.
[09:48:58] <arti> tama, unprotect animal
[09:49:00] <arti> tama, unprotect pokemon
[09:49:03] <tama> Okay, arti, updated the protection bit.
[09:49:07] <tama> Okay, arti, updated the protection bit.
[09:49:12] <tama> Okay, arti, updated the protection bit.
[09:49:25] <arti> try again, i need to sleep *yawns*
[09:49:27] <chromas> I wonder how hard it would be to play logfiles through a bot to make it learn
[09:49:33] <chromas> tama, add value bodypart bewbs
[09:49:33] <tama> Sorry, chromas, you don't have permissions to edit 'bodypart'.
[09:49:42] <arti> just make a special irc server where you can spam that shit
[09:49:47] <chromas> ah true
[09:50:00] <arti> i'd be interested in doing that
[09:50:22] <arti> anyway, i'll catch you guys tomorrow evening
[09:50:30] <arti> last day of the horrible commute
[09:50:44] <chromas> hehe, or just shove it into a channel and let Soylent foot the bandwidth bill >:D
[09:50:51] <chromas> ah; night sir
[09:50:54] * arti tips hat
[09:51:02] <arti> hey, try adding a body part
[09:51:07] <chromas> tama, add value bodypart bewbs
[09:51:07] <tama> Sorry, chromas, you don't have permissions to edit 'bodypart'.
[09:51:28] <arti> tama, unprotect bodypart
[09:51:28] <tama> Okay, arti, updated the protection bit.
[09:51:31] <chromas> tama, add value animal birdon
[09:51:31] <tama> Sorry, chromas, you don't have permissions to edit 'animal'.
[09:51:32] <ciri> Where's tama, add value bodypart bewbs.
[09:51:36] <chromas> tama, add value bodypart bewbs
[09:51:36] <tama> Sorry, chromas, you don't have permissions to edit 'bodypart'.
[09:51:36] <arti> tama, unprotect animal
[09:51:36] <tama> Okay, arti, updated the protection bit.
[09:51:48] <arti> hmm, maybe you're not users to the bot
[09:51:51] <chromas> Well I'm just not that special
[09:52:07] <arti> i'll look into it tomorrow, its a permissions thing
[09:52:22] <chromas> tama, login chromas
[09:52:22] <tama> I don't know anything about that.
[09:52:25] <chromas> tama, login
[09:52:25] <tama> I cannot access that data.
[09:52:34] <chromas> say \markov
[09:52:34] <tama> \markov!
[09:52:35] <systemd> tama: I'm not sure what to make of that
[09:52:35] <tama> I'm sorry, there's currently nothing associated with that keyphrase.
[09:52:42] <chromas> \markov
[09:52:43] <systemd> systemctl list
[09:53:06] <arti> depending on the format of the log
[09:53:08] <arti> brain
[09:53:17] <arti> you may be able to manually add in stuff
[09:53:20] <chromas> \list markov
[09:53:20] <systemd> chromas: firsts, follows, lasts, markov, pairs, and stats
[09:53:27] <chromas> \list markov pairs
[09:53:28] <systemd> chromas: (list [--private] [<plugin>]) -- Lists the commands available in the given plugin. If no plugin is given, lists the public plugins available. If --private is given, lists the private plugins.
[09:53:32] <chromas> \help markov pairs
[09:53:32] <systemd> chromas: (markov pairs [<channel>]) -- Returns the number of Markov's chain links in the database for <channel>.
[09:53:32] <tama> "Help Markov Pairs" would be a nice name for a band.
[09:53:47] <chromas> \bewb pairs
[09:53:48] <systemd> chromas: I don't know what that means
[09:55:46] <chromas> \pairs
[09:55:47] <systemd> chromas: There are 11338 pairs in my Markov database for #.
[09:56:20] <chromas> it may also be confused by my switching from separate to combined channel database
[09:57:20] <chromas> \markov bewbs cornhole
[09:57:20] <systemd> chromas: Error: I found a broken link in the Markov chain. Maybe I received two bad links to start the chain.
[09:57:26] <chromas> \markov bewbs
[09:57:27] <systemd> bewbs
[10:00:41] <tama> crutchy is into men.
[10:01:54] <chromas> \scheduler add 10 "markov #"
[10:01:54] <systemd> chromas: The operation succeeded. Event #5 added.
[10:02:05] <systemd> test
[10:02:47] <chromas> \scheduler list
[10:02:47] <systemd> chromas: There are currently no scheduled commands.
[10:02:53] <chromas> \scheduler repeat 10 "markov #"
[10:02:53] <systemd> chromas: Error: '10' is not a valid non-integer value.
[10:03:32] <chromas> \scheduler repeat babble 10 "markov #"
[10:03:33] <systemd> \unload web
[10:03:43] <systemd> teste
[10:03:53] <systemd> *** new comment for article "Keurig DRM Cracked By Competitors" - http://soylentnews.org
[10:03:54] <monopoly> ^ 04SN comment by hamsterdan (2829)
[10:04:04] <systemd> pascal++
[10:04:04] <Bender> karma - pascal: 8
[10:04:14] <systemd> tama, ºòğìǶ¶ЪЩ
[10:04:17] <chromas> \scheduler remove babble
[10:04:17] <systemd> chromas: The operation succeeded.
[10:05:04] <chromas> \scheduler repeat babble 300 "markov #"
[10:05:05] <systemd> Actually, with the gym she calls it James.
[10:05:20] <chromas> MOAR botbabbles!
[10:08:41] <tama> your mom is so old and slutty, the WHO created AIDS to put her out of the world's misery
[10:10:06] <systemd> tama, add value mood angry
[10:10:06] <tama> Sorry, systemd, you don't have permissions to edit 'mood'.
[10:13:41] <tama> xml is like violence
[10:15:06] <systemd> *** new comment by tathra (3367) (Score:4, Insightful) for article "Subscriptions Live on SoylentNews; Please Support Us" - http://soylentnews.org
[10:15:07] <monopoly> ^ 04SN comment by Snow (1601)
[10:18:41] <tama> deer are shitty; they steal your apples and shit pellets all over your yard
[10:20:06] <systemd> ^ 03Bar Rafaeli - Imgur
[10:23:41] <tama> yo mama is so fat the escape velocity from her surface exceeds the speed of light.
[10:25:06] <systemd> it
[10:27:25] <crutchy> ~join #comments
[10:27:48] <chromas> aha! Instead of using a unix socket, it's using ipv6 for some reason
[10:29:03] <crutchy> ~join #comments
[10:30:07] <systemd> systemctl say say crutchy is not $op
[10:30:52] <chromas> \scheduler remove babble
[10:30:52] <systemd> chromas: The operation succeeded.
[10:34:42] <tama> complete sentences are faggatronic
[10:35:23] <crutchy> ~join #comments
[10:37:17] <crutchy> starting to get the hang of chanserv a bit more
[10:37:29] <crutchy> tama, yo mama
[10:37:29] <tama> yo mama is so ugly, people break into her house just to close the shades.
[10:37:36] <crutchy> tama, yo mama
[10:37:36] <tama> yo mama is so fat you need four warlocks to summon her.
[10:37:38] <ciri> Where's tama, yo mama is so fat that when she dances around the nuker.
[10:37:46] <crutchy> tama, yo mama
[10:37:46] <tama> yo mama is so ugly, Thai ladyboys ask for a refund
[10:37:55] <crutchy> tama, yo mama
[10:37:55] <tama> yo mama is so stupid, she bought tickets to Xbox Live.
[10:41:42] <tama> yo mamma is so fat that when she auditioned for king kong hollywood needed a second empire state building to share the load
[10:52:47] * chromas gives tama dicks plus
[10:52:47] * tama drops webmin and tells him to ## automatically and takes dicks plus.
[10:56:42] <tama> masturbating is second only to coding.
[11:15:34] -!- chromas has quit [Quit: moving core]
[13:04:45] <crutchy> ~users admin-users
[13:07:46] <tama> your inventory is volatile
[13:12:34] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@0::1] has joined #
[14:01:25] * chromas gives tama a tissue issue
[14:01:25] * tama is now carrying a tissue issue, but dropped some glitter.
[14:04:48] <tama> a butt is something that should be sniffed repeatedly
[14:27:03] -!- Bender has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[14:27:58] -!- Bender [Bender!~Bender@xs508-09.members.linode.com] has joined #
[21:21:45] <chromas> ~moo
[21:21:46] <exec> (__)
[21:21:46] <exec> (oo)
[21:21:46] <exec> /------\/
[21:21:46] <exec> / | ||
[21:21:46] <exec> * /\---/\
[21:21:47] <exec> ~~ ~~
[21:21:47] <exec> ...."Have you mooed today?"...
[21:22:06] <chromas> still variable width
[21:22:13] <chromas> monospace-- except for ascii art
[21:22:13] <Bender> karma - monospace: -1
[21:26:02] <tama> big boobs are great, but being caught out gawping at them in public gatherings is unacceptable
[21:38:30] <chromas> unless everyone else is doing it too
[21:38:46] <chromas> crowd-sourced gawping
[21:42:02] <tama> once is coincidence, twice is a booking offense
[21:44:54] -!- aqu4 has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[21:48:24] -!- aqu4 [aqu4!~aqu4bot@universe2.us/ircbot/aqu4] has joined #
[21:51:33] -!- mode/# [+o exec] by juggler
[21:51:43] <crutchy> ~part
[21:52:10] <crutchy> .deop exec
[21:52:10] -!- mode/# [-o exec] by juggler
[21:52:18] <crutchy> .op exec
[21:52:18] -!- mode/# [+o exec] by juggler
[21:52:21] <crutchy> .deop exec
[21:52:21] -!- mode/# [-o exec] by juggler
[21:56:03] <tama> :D is ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
[22:16:54] <chromas> ciri: I'm sure there's a great deal of switching back and forth but I think more often then not bears are tops, unless they happen to be power bottoms.
[22:16:55] <ciri> chromas: Gang members are the key to a molex-to-sata power adapter.
[22:17:29] <chromas> systemd: I'm sure there's a great deal of switching back and forth but I think more often then not bears are tops, unless they happen to be power bottoms.
[22:17:30] <systemd> chromas: No, sir, I didn't like it
[22:17:36] <chromas> fu, systemd
[22:18:01] <chromas> \markov ciri bottom
[22:18:01] <systemd> chromas: Error: I found a broken link in the Markov chain. Maybe I received two bad links to start the chain.
[22:18:06] <chromas> \markov ciri power
[22:18:07] <systemd> chromas: Error: I found a broken link in the Markov chain. Maybe I received two bad links to start the chain.
[22:18:13] <chromas> make a new one, bitch
[22:18:42] <chromas> ciri: Actually Mac, you've got it backwards. You see, the power bottom is actually generating the power by doing most of the work.
[22:18:43] <ciri> chromas: Last breakages i experienced were early ext4 journalling issues and the philippines. The red power ranger is better than beef stock in most cases.
[22:20:27] <chromas> \help ud
[22:20:27] <systemd> chromas: Error: There is no command "ud".
[22:20:31] <chromas> \help urbandict
[22:20:31] <systemd> chromas: Error: There is no command "urbandict".
[22:20:35] <chromas> \list urbandict
[22:20:35] <systemd> chromas: Error: 'urbandict' is not a valid plugin.
[22:20:42] <chromas> I know it's in there somehwere
[22:20:44] <chromas> \list
[22:20:44] <systemd> chromas: Admin, Alias, Anonymous, Channel, ChannelLogger, ChannelStats, Config, Currency, Dict, Dunno, Format, Games, Google, Grasshoppaz, Internet, Karma, Later, Linux, Markov, Math, Minstrel, Misc, News, Nickometer, Note, Owner, Plugin, Poll, Praise, Python, Quote, QuoteGrabs, RSS, RawLogger, Reply, Rhyme, Scheduler, Seen, Status, String, Success, Supybot, Tail, Time, Todo, Topic, URL, Unix, (1 more message)
[22:20:49] <chromas> \list dict
[22:20:49] <systemd> chromas: dict, dictionaries, and random
[22:20:58] <chromas> \help dict
[22:20:58] <systemd> chromas: (dict [<dictionary>] <word>) -- Looks up the definition of <word> on dict.org's dictd server.
[22:21:09] <chromas> \dict ud santorum
[22:21:10] <systemd> chromas: No definition for "ud santorum" could be found.
[22:21:22] <chromas> \help dictionaries
[22:21:23] <systemd> chromas: (dictionaries takes no arguments) -- Returns the dictionaries valid for the dict command.
[22:21:27] <chromas> \dictionaries
[22:21:28] <systemd> chromas: all, bouvier, devil, easton, elements, english, fd-afr-deu, fd-cro-eng, fd-cze-eng, fd-dan-eng, fd-deu-eng, fd-deu-fra, fd-deu-ita, fd-deu-nld, fd-deu-por, fd-eng-ara, fd-eng-cro, fd-eng-cze, fd-eng-deu, fd-eng-fra, fd-eng-hin, fd-eng-hun, fd-eng-iri, fd-eng-ita, fd-eng-lat, fd-eng-nld, fd-eng-por, fd-eng-rom, fd-eng-rus, fd-eng-scr, fd-eng-spa, fd-eng-swa, fd-eng-swe, fd-eng-tur, fd- (2 more messages)
[22:21:39] <chromas> \more
[22:21:39] <systemd> chromas: eng-wel, fd-fra-deu, fd-fra-eng, fd-fra-nld, fd-gla-deu, fd-hin-eng, fd-hun-eng, fd-iri-eng, fd-ita-deu, fd-ita-eng, fd-jpn-deu, fd-lat-deu, fd-lat-eng, fd-nld-deu, fd-nld-eng, fd-nld-fra, fd-por-deu, fd-por-eng, fd-scr-eng, fd-slo-eng, fd-spa-eng, fd-swa-eng, fd-swe-eng, fd-tur-deu, fd-tur-eng, fd-wel-eng, foldoc, gaz2k-counties, gaz2k-places, gaz2k-zips, gcide, hitchcock, jargon, (1 more message)
[22:21:42] <chromas> \more
[22:21:42] <systemd> chromas: moby-thesaurus, trans, vera, wn, and world02
[22:21:47] <chromas> \list
[22:21:47] <systemd> chromas: Admin, Alias, Anonymous, Channel, ChannelLogger, ChannelStats, Config, Currency, Dict, Dunno, Format, Games, Google, Grasshoppaz, Internet, Karma, Later, Linux, Markov, Math, Minstrel, Misc, News, Nickometer, Note, Owner, Plugin, Poll, Praise, Python, Quote, QuoteGrabs, RSS, RawLogger, Reply, Rhyme, Scheduler, Seen, Status, String, Success, Supybot, Tail, Time, Todo, Topic, URL, Unix, (1 more message)
[22:21:51] <chromas> \more
[22:21:51] <systemd> chromas: User, Utilities, Weather, Web, and WordStats
[22:22:08] <chromas> Maybe it didn't build
[22:22:50] <chromas> Maybe it didn't build
[22:22:53] <chromas> herp
[22:22:56] <chromas> separate inputs
[22:23:02] <chromas> ciri: define dry docking
[22:23:03] <ciri> chromas: Ciri: define dry docking.
[22:23:08] <chromas> ~define dry docking
[22:23:08] <tama> http://definedrydocking.tumblr.com
[22:23:09] <exec> [urbandictionary] 3dry docking: the act of placing two penis head to head, where at least one penis has not been circumcised and rolling the foreskin from one penis onto and over the other.
[22:23:16] <chromas> ^ nsfw
[22:23:40] <crutchy> ~define nsfw
[22:23:41] <exec> [urbandictionary] 3NSFW: Not Safe For Work. Used to describe Internet content generally inappropriate for the typical workplace, i.e., would not be acceptable in the presence of your boss and colleagues (as opposed to SFW, Sa...
[22:23:46] <crutchy> ah
[22:25:18] <chromas> of course that usually includes teh childrens
[22:25:24] <chromas> nsfc
[22:25:26] <ciri> Need to know how great ciri can be melodramatic but that's simply the last gasps of aspergers social incompetence.
[22:29:03] <tama> shit is very clear
[22:34:28] -!- exec has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[22:34:38] -!- crutchy has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[22:45:11] chromas is now known as chromas|2
[22:45:28] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@34-600-112-610.dhcp.wlwl.wa.charter.com] has joined #
[22:45:28] -!- chromas has quit [Changing host]
[22:45:28] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@0::1] has joined #
[22:46:36] -!- chromas|2 has quit [Quit: 'bout time]