#comments | Logs for 2015-06-22

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[00:39:42] <exec> 08********** 03SOYLENTNEWS COMMENT FEED08 **********
[00:39:42] <exec> last cid = 199222
[00:41:35] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02''this industry is all about lock-in'' - 06Cloudy Beta of Altium's CircuitMaker Software Available Gratis - 341 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[00:41:35] <exec> 08└─Amen. I call Altium "The M$ of the ECAD world". They buy up competitors and kill those products (through neglect or simply with a dagger in the back). Protel has long been noted for its import filters but NONE will -export- to another vendor's (proprietary) format. . Why can't I use double quote mar...
[00:41:36] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Windows Only - 06Cloudy Beta of Altium's CircuitMaker Software Available Gratis - 52 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:41:36] <exec> 08└─I guess I'll have to stick with geda/gschem on Linux
[00:41:45] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02they're also forgetting the fact that it sux - 06Analyst Sees Cloudy Future for Private Cloud, OpenStack - 407 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:41:46] <exec> 08└─Maybe I'm a terrible moron (or impatient, or both) but openstack seems to be a tremendous PITA to install/configure. I can go to openstack.org and execute their "shake and bake" instructions perfectly and it'll bomb every time. The more complex installs require 7+ machines. Those require an oracle-g...
[00:42:24] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Jindal, huh? - 06Louisiana Governor Vetoes License Plate Reader Bill, Citing Privacy Concerns. - 51 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[00:42:24] <exec> 08└─Just because it's not entirely true isn't relevant.
[00:42:25] <exec> *** new comment: 03khallow [3766] (Score:1) 02Re:Jindal, huh? - 06Louisiana Governor Vetoes License Plate Reader Bill, Citing Privacy Concerns. - 76 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[00:42:25] <exec> 08└─Don't let troublesome things like facts get in the way of making your point.
[00:42:35] <exec> *** new comment: 03khallow [3766] (Score:1) 02Re:This is the 0.01 concentration version of - 06Louisiana Governor Vetoes License Plate Reader Bill, Citing Privacy Concerns. - 29 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[00:42:36] <exec> 08└─Ever played Three-Card Monte?
[00:42:37] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:This is the 0.01 concentration version of - 06Louisiana Governor Vetoes License Plate Reader Bill, Citing Privacy Concerns. - 139 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[00:42:37] <exec> 08└─Why you guys think it is the government surveillance that is an issue is beyond me. Oooh, gotta run. Time to check out my Facebook account!
[00:43:25] <exec> *** new comment: 03GDX [1950] (Score:1) 02Re:Why? - 06Where is Europe's Silicon Valley? - 488 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[00:43:25] <exec> 08└─The true is that the actual value of Silicon Valley is how they sell themselves, most of things that is done in Silicon Valley is done in Europe in a more spread way and the only thing that Europeans companies needs is to learn to sell themselves like the Americans do, specially their ability to cre...
[00:44:23] <exec> *** new comment: 03arslan [3462] (Score:2) 02Re:javascript - 06Interview with Mikeal Rogers: Node.js Fork that Ended up as a Giant, Unifying Step Forward - 1726 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[00:44:24] <exec> 08└─Yes, it has improved. The latest version ES6 coming out will hopefully make you not have to touch prototypes at all as it will support classes and modules natively. Although to be fair depending on what you do you can pretty much avoid it today already with ES5 - traditional OO developers just get c...
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[01:39:42] <exec> 08********** 03SOYLENTNEWS COMMENT FEED08 **********
[01:39:42] <exec> last cid = 199234
[01:41:31] <exec> *** new comment: 03anubi [2828] (Score:2, Informative) 02Re:Obvious lead generator - 06Cloudy Beta of Altium's CircuitMaker Software Available Gratis - 2127 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[01:41:31] <exec> 08└─Reminds me of "Free" CircuitLAB spice simulator that /. got me started on. I toyed around with it for a while... even put up about a dozen circuits public... unusual circuits I had used before and knew they worked. Then one day I signed on and discovered it was no longer "free". It was now subscrip...
[01:41:33] <exec> *** new comment: 03kaszz [4211] (Score:2) 02Re:Windows Only - 06Cloudy Beta of Altium's CircuitMaker Software Available Gratis - 130 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[01:41:33] <exec> 08└─There's no Linux/BSD version of Altium CircuitMaker ? Guess that kind of limits their reach and KiCad/geda will not be threatened.
[01:41:34] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Cross-platform alternatives - 06Cloudy Beta of Altium's CircuitMaker Software Available Gratis - 984 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[01:41:35] <exec> 08└─gEDA The GPL'd Electronics Design Automation suite is the opposite story: At one time, Ales was building Windoze-compatible binaries (4 releases by my count). The mailing list got so full of tech neophytes asking question about how to run Windoze that he decided that wasn't such a great idea. These...
[01:41:57] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:abortion - 06Chilean Grandma, 92, Has Unknowingly Been Bearing a Mummified Fetus for 50 Years - 208 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[01:41:58] <exec> 08└─Quite interesting... thanks for pointing out how strict Chilean law is on this. I would have a hard time calling this an "abortion"... I believe the word "miscarriage" more accurately describes this situation
[01:42:16] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03Anal Pumpernickel [776] 02Re:Jindal, huh? - 06Louisiana Governor Vetoes License Plate Reader Bill, Citing Privacy Concerns. - 222 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[01:42:16] <exec> 08└─I don't think this particular issue is as white and black, I wouldn't object if, after comparing the plate with the "hot list" it would immediately delete the information if the car comes clean, with no human intervention.
[01:42:36] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:This is the 0.01 concentration version of - 06Louisiana Governor Vetoes License Plate Reader Bill, Citing Privacy Concerns. - 83 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[01:42:36] <exec> 08└─Why you guys think it is the government surveillance that is an issue is beyond me.
[01:42:47] <exec> *** new comment: 03anubi [2828] (Score:1) 02What language is used to teach? - 06Microsoft Funds First US-based Chinese Research University Degree Program - 675 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:42:47] <exec> 08└─This may be one of the efforts to keep English the language of Science. I have already seen what it is like to try to read datasheets and technical papers written in Chinese. How likely is it, given the migration of manufacturing, that Chinese become the language of industry, just as English is the...
[01:43:05] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Women in Linux - 06Linux Foundation Scholarships: No Excuse Now - 108 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[01:43:05] <exec> 08└─Are you implying that women arent capable of performing IT jobs on a par with men ? Like i said, get a grip.
[01:43:07] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Women in Linux - 06Linux Foundation Scholarships: No Excuse Now - 237 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[01:43:07] <exec> 08└─"If women aren't coming to STEM maybe because they are smarter and know that they have far more career options open to them than men." Or maybe its because of the attitude of people who work in the industry, as demostrated in this thread
[01:44:30] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:node.js: the language of the SJW revolutionary - 06Interview with Mikeal Rogers: Node.js Fork that Ended up as a Giant, Unifying Step Forward - 991 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[01:44:30] <exec> 08└─It happened! https://gigaom.com [gigaom.com] Two major contributors to the popular server-side language are squabbling over whether they can nuke gender pronouns in the Node code and project, in general. The spat, because of the nature of open-source projects,...
[01:46:21] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:bk - 06Charleston, SC - 145 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[01:46:22] <exec> 08└─Because it's not true? Just because a government can kill people under certain legal situations doesn't mean that it can arbitrarily kill people.
[01:48:13] <exec> *** new comment: 03anubi [2828] (Score:1) 02Re:Insufficient evidence to prove that it doesn't! - 06UK's Legalization of CD Ripping is Unlawful, Court Rules - 97 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[01:48:13] <exec> 08└─Hahahah, you think that governments make laws! Governments simply sign at the bottom, that's all.
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[01:50:14] <exec> 08********** 03END FEED08 **********
[02:39:42] <exec> 08********** 03SOYLENTNEWS COMMENT FEED08 **********
[02:39:42] <exec> last cid = 199246
[02:41:27] <exec> *** new comment: 03TheGratefulNet [659] (Score:2) 02phone software, yeah, that's usually high quality - 06HTTPS Defects in Dozens of Android Apps Expose User Passwords - 136 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:41:27] <exec> 08└─you mean, there are apps-writers who are not good professional programmers and who can write secure and trustable apps? say it isn't so!
[02:41:28] <exec> *** new comment: 03Snotnose [1623] (Score:2) 02I don't use passwords on Android - 06HTTPS Defects in Dozens of Android Apps Expose User Passwords - 786 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:41:28] <exec> 08└─In the beginning I realized surfing the web on my phone was more trouble than it was worth, quickly followed by realizing getting email on my phone seriously sucked ass. As a result there is no personal, nor confidential information on my phone. No credit card into, no account login info, not a pass...
[02:41:37] <exec> *** new comment: 03NoMaster [3543] (Score:2) 02Re:It's just a bait and catch - 06Cloudy Beta of Altium's CircuitMaker Software Available Gratis - 224 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[02:41:38] <exec> 08└─If you start developing in a propietary software that requires a yearly license to work then your data is hostage to the good will of an external party. So the first one is free.. Just say no to have your data being hostage.
[02:41:53] <exec> *** new comment: 03convolvatron [5560] (Score:1) 02Re:they're also forgetting the fact that it sux - 06Analyst Sees Cloudy Future for Private Cloud, OpenStack - 378 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[02:41:53] <exec> 08└─its almost as if someone said, hey, wouldn't it be a great marketing thing if we had a system we could spin like this, and had a whole bunch of poorly focussed developers from a bunch of organizations try to come up with something to fit the overall shape as opposed to a small group saying 'hey we d...
[02:42:47] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02What is the political calculus here? - 06Louisiana Governor Vetoes License Plate Reader Bill, Citing Privacy Concerns. - 1229 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:42:47] <exec> 08└─The article says the bill passed both chambers "overwhelmingly". I don't know the LA election process or atmosphere, but that sounds like there would be enough votes to override his veto, which means his veto is most likely simple electioneering for someone who wants to be President. The real test w...
[02:43:24] <exec> *** new comment: 03convolvatron [5560] (Score:1) 02kernel guru? - 06Linux Foundation Scholarships: No Excuse Now - 86 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:43:24] <exec> 08└─how does that work? they offer classes in that? do i have to be a kernel guru already?
[02:44:33] <exec> *** new comment: 03fleg [128] (Score:2) 02Re:javascript - 06Interview with Mikeal Rogers: Node.js Fork that Ended up as a Giant, Unifying Step Forward - 722 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[02:44:34] <exec> 08└─interesting, thanks. i'm now wondering if node.js would be a good fit for something i may have to do. i have a java command line which takes some images (3 or 4), does some processing on the images (takes upto 5minutes) and spits out a result image. at some point in the future we may want to put tha...
[02:44:44] <exec> *** new comment: 03darkfeline [1030] (Score:2) 02Problem with Node - 06Interview with Mikeal Rogers: Node.js Fork that Ended up as a Giant, Unifying Step Forward - 1053 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:44:45] <exec> 08└─To sum it up as objectively as possible, the problem with Node is that it adds yet another interpreted language to the growing pile of interpreted languages, for no real benefit. We already have very good interpreted languages like Python and Ruby (Perl, Lisp, Clojure, for varying definitions of "in...
[02:46:18] <exec> *** new comment: 03Joe Desertrat [2454] (Score:2) 02Re:Good point - 06Charleston, SC - 112 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[02:46:18] <exec> 08└─I am not knowledgeable about US geography, and I didn't realise that the latest incident took place in a ghetto.
[02:46:38] <exec> *** new comment: 03khallow [3766] (Score:1) 02Re:bk - 06Charleston, SC - 126 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[02:46:38] <exec> 08└─Deciding that someone should die after they've already been captured is an example of big government, if you prefer that term.
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[02:49:37] <exec> 08********** 03END FEED08 **********
[03:39:42] <exec> 08********** 03SOYLENTNEWS COMMENT FEED08 **********
[03:39:42] <exec> last cid = 199264
[03:41:28] <exec> *** new comment: 03darkfeline [1030] (Score:2) 02Re:phone software, yeah, that's usually high quali - 06HTTPS Defects in Dozens of Android Apps Expose User Passwords - 539 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[03:41:28] <exec> 08└─Exactly, there's a lack of regulation in software in general. Is that a good thing or is that a bad thing? An engineer builds a bridge that doesn't follow regulations. It causes millions of dollars in damages. The responsible engineer or company is in deep trouble. A programmer builds software that...
[03:41:29] <exec> *** new comment: 03darkfeline [1030] (Score:2) 02Re:phone software, yeah, that's usually high quali - 06HTTPS Defects in Dozens of Android Apps Expose User Passwords - 586 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[03:41:29] <exec> 08└─Here's one possibility: Only free and non-commercial software licenses are allowed to fully limit liability of software. That means that if there's a bug in the software, the developer has no responsibility for any damages caused. Any commercial or non-free software MUST follow certain software qual...
[03:41:30] <exec> *** new comment: 03gnuman [5013] (Score:2) 02Re:phone software, yeah, that's usually high quali - 06HTTPS Defects in Dozens of Android Apps Expose User Passwords - 346 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[03:41:31] <exec> 08└─That's completely stupid proposal. What standards? Who enforces them? If Microsoft fixes a bug that then causes other software to fail because they understood that as a feature, then what? Software is not rebar in concrete. People that try to compare the two really don't know WTF they are talking ab...
[03:42:20] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02What did she name it - 06Chilean Grandma, 92, Has Unknowingly Been Bearing a Mummified Fetus for 50 Years - 4 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:42:20] <exec> 08└─Cal?
[03:47:19] <exec> *** new comment: 03fleg [128] (Score:2) 02Re:WOW - Thanks for sharing - 06Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? - 21 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[03:47:19] <exec> 08└─glad you liked it! :)
[03:47:43] <exec> *** new comment: 03Sulla [5173] (Score:1) 02Re:Standard Racist Clap Trap - 06North Korea Claims to have Found the Cure for AIDS, Ebola, Cancer, and Bird Flu - 253 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[03:47:44] <exec> 08└─You make a very good point. If everyone in the world adopted the one-meal-a-day program we would all be better off. Who are we to judge their health knowledge. You, justifyin' bad behavior by pointing to other bad behavior since June 20, 2015 at 2:49PM.
[03:49:44] <exec> count new = 6
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[03:49:45] <exec> 08********** 03END FEED08 **********
[04:39:42] <exec> 08********** 03SOYLENTNEWS COMMENT FEED08 **********
[04:39:42] <exec> last cid = 199271
[04:41:34] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:phone software, yeah, that's usually high quali - 06HTTPS Defects in Dozens of Android Apps Expose User Passwords - 120 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[04:41:34] <exec> 08└─Are you using Microsoft brand tinfoil hats or the generic food-4-less type? It isn't working, everyone can see your I.Q.
[04:41:36] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:I don't use passwords on Android - 06HTTPS Defects in Dozens of Android Apps Expose User Passwords - 65 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[04:41:36] <exec> 08└─900 number blocked? ... yeah ... hate to see that next phone bill
[04:41:37] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:I don't use passwords on Android - 06HTTPS Defects in Dozens of Android Apps Expose User Passwords - 16 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[04:41:38] <exec> 08└─s/number/numbers
[04:41:39] <exec> *** new comment: 03Snotnose [1623] (Score:2) 02Re:I don't use passwords on Android - 06HTTPS Defects in Dozens of Android Apps Expose User Passwords - 261 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[04:41:40] <exec> 08└─I'm guessing if I can show my phone went missing about the time a bunch of 900 numbers were made on it, and I've never in my life ever called a 900 number, I can tell the phone company "fark you. Then again, it will cost me time, money, and effort. Point taken.
[04:41:40] <exec> *** new comment: 03Runaway1956 [2926] (Score:2) 02Re:I don't use passwords on Android - 06HTTPS Defects in Dozens of Android Apps Expose User Passwords - 808 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[04:41:41] <exec> 08└─Same here. My workstation is locked down tight. Telephone? Not worth the effort. There simply is nothing on it worth the effort. Supposing that I actually wanted something on the phone that might be sensitive? I would have to change my entire attitude about the phone. Right now, it's a disposable li...
[04:41:42] <exec> *** new comment: 03deimios [201] (Score:2) 02Pswwords? Bah! - 06HTTPS Defects in Dozens of Android Apps Expose User Passwords - 60 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[04:41:43] <exec> 08└─You don't need passwords if you got nothing to hide citizen!
[04:41:56] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Cross-platform alternatives - 06Cloudy Beta of Altium's CircuitMaker Software Available Gratis - 165 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[04:41:57] <exec> 08└─_gewg? windoze? Really? Are you 12? The rest of what you wrote is fine. But dont be a child. I did not expect to see your name at the end of this. You can do better.
[04:43:36] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Women in Linux - 06Linux Foundation Scholarships: No Excuse Now - 83 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[04:43:36] <exec> 08└─No, those show an interest in the current generation educating the next generation.
[04:44:50] <exec> *** new comment: 03deimios [201] (Score:2) 02Re:javascript - 06Interview with Mikeal Rogers: Node.js Fork that Ended up as a Giant, Unifying Step Forward - 570 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[04:44:50] <exec> 08└─If your image processing algorithm is non-blocking or can be rewritten to be non-blocking then go for it. Just beware: node.js runs in a single thread so if you do any synchronous heavy processing, it will hang the main thread's event loop which will pretty much hang the whole stack. This means: no...
[04:45:02] <exec> *** new comment: 03JNCF [4317] (Score:2) 02Re:Problem with Node - 06Interview with Mikeal Rogers: Node.js Fork that Ended up as a Giant, Unifying Step Forward - 137 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[04:45:02] <exec> 08└─the problem with Node is that it adds yet another interpreted language to the growing pile of interpreted languages, for no real benefit.
[04:45:52] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03Runaway1956 [2926] 02Re:poor subtitle - 06Assange's 3rd Year in Embassy, Sony and Saudi WikiLeaks Releases - 1098 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[04:45:52] <exec> 08└─http://www.theguardian.com/media/2010/dec/07/rape-claims-julian-assange [theguardian.com] http://www.dailymail.co.uk [dailymail.co.uk] That wasn't exactly what I was looking for. I've read interviews of the women involved, but I...
[04:46:01] <exec> *** new comment: 03Reziac [2489] (Score:2) 02Re:Quality? - 06Assange's 3rd Year in Embassy, Sony and Saudi WikiLeaks Releases - 63 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[04:46:01] <exec> 08└─Very often it's not the water at fault, but old corroded pipes.
[04:46:06] <exec> *** new comment: 03Reziac [2489] (Score:2) 02Re:Massage those Figures - 06Assange's 3rd Year in Embassy, Sony and Saudi WikiLeaks Releases - 203 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[04:46:07] <exec> 08└─Seriously, isn't this an area they'd patrol to start with, due to being an embassy? I wonder if they added up the salaries of everyone whose normal beat is around the Embassy, and declared that the cost.
[04:47:38] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:howto turn backprop inside out - 06Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? - 151 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[04:47:38] <exec> 08└─Their algorithm sucks if it is supposed to recognize bananas but does so even if there are no bananas... I think this is just spin on a failed project.
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[05:39:42] <exec> last cid = 199289
[05:41:30] <exec> *** new comment: 03Gravis [4596] (Score:2) 02what it is and what it looks like - 061,000 Pepper Robots Sell Out in a Minute on Launch Day - 52 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[05:41:30] <exec> 08└─what it is and what it looks like [japantimes.co.jp]
[05:41:31] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:what it is and what it looks like - 061,000 Pepper Robots Sell Out in a Minute on Launch Day - 35 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[05:41:31] <exec> 08└─plus ¥24,600 in monthly data fees.
[05:41:50] <exec> *** new comment: 03nyder [4525] (Score:2) 02Google's fault - 06HTTPS Defects in Dozens of Android Apps Expose User Passwords - 491 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[05:41:50] <exec> 08└─Honestly, I think this is Google fault. They should provide all the necessary security in their API's, have a secure password API already, so the Dick, Jane & Harry part time programmers don't put out insecure apps. While great programmers might not want to use that sort of stuff because they can...
[05:45:01] <exec> *** new comment: 03fleg [128] (Score:2) 02Re:javascript - 06Interview with Mikeal Rogers: Node.js Fork that Ended up as a Giant, Unifying Step Forward - 19 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[05:45:01] <exec> 08└─understood, thanks.
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[06:39:42] <exec> last cid = 199294
[06:41:32] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:what it is and what it looks like - 061,000 Pepper Robots Sell Out in a Minute on Launch Day - 8 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[06:41:32] <exec> 08└─eye roll
[06:41:33] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Äkta människor - 061,000 Pepper Robots Sell Out in a Minute on Launch Day - 109 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[06:41:33] <exec> 08└─Hubots! It's happening! And not in Sweden! Have the Pepper bots begun organizing yet to demand their freedom?
[06:41:34] <exec> *** new comment: 03K_benzoate [5036] (Score:2) 02Laziness - 061,000 Pepper Robots Sell Out in a Minute on Launch Day - 274 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[06:41:34] <exec> 08└─So it's got hands and can move around...but can't do anything to manipulate the physical world? My smart phone does all the other stuff; and without that creepy, soulless, visage. Make one that can grab me a beer from the fridge and bring it to my office and we have a deal.
[06:41:35] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Laziness - 061,000 Pepper Robots Sell Out in a Minute on Launch Day - 141 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[06:41:36] <exec> 08└─Gee, Mavis, your house is across the street. That's an awfully long way to go for making out. I'd rather make out with my Marilyn-Monroe-bot.
[06:41:47] <exec> *** new comment: 03Runaway1956 [2926] (Score:2) 02Re:phone software, yeah, that's usually high quali - 06HTTPS Defects in Dozens of Android Apps Expose User Passwords - 912 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[06:41:47] <exec> 08└─Why is it so stupid? The concept is already in effect in other fields. Police are held to different standards than other people. Doctors are held to standards that EMT's, first responders, and volunteers are held to. Truck drivers are held to standards that few motorists are willing to adhere to. Th...
[06:41:49] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:phone software, yeah, that's usually high quali - 06HTTPS Defects in Dozens of Android Apps Expose User Passwords - 102 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[06:41:49] <exec> 08└─We should just impale anyone that willfully publishes bugged code. That should get the message across.
[06:42:08] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03anubi [2828] 02Re:Obvious lead generator - 06Cloudy Beta of Altium's CircuitMaker Software Available Gratis - 2127 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[06:42:08] <exec> 08└─Reminds me of "Free" CircuitLAB spice simulator that /. got me started on. I toyed around with it for a while... even put up about a dozen circuits public... unusual circuits I had used before and knew they worked. Then one day I signed on and discovered it was no longer "free". It was now subscrip...
[06:42:13] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Childlike? - 06Cloudy Beta of Altium's CircuitMaker Software Available Gratis - 155 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[06:42:13] <exec> 08└─Hundreds of words there and you obsess over 1. Do -all- small shiny objects captivate you? In my experience, Redmond's stuff is crap. Get over it. -- gewg_
[06:42:14] <exec> *** new comment: 03novak [4683] (Score:2) 02GEDA eff-tee-doubleyew - 06Cloudy Beta of Altium's CircuitMaker Software Available Gratis - 921 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[06:42:15] <exec> 08└─I used to work at a consulting/outsourcing place where we forked over a lot of money to proprietary software vendors. Now that I have my own place, I use gEDA. The combination of open source and extendability is way more valuable than having built in capability right by built in vendor lock in. Sure...
[06:43:50] <exec> *** new comment: 03cubancigar11 [330] (Score:2) 02Re:Women in Linux - 06Linux Foundation Scholarships: No Excuse Now - 67 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[06:43:50] <exec> 08└─Are you saying white people are not good enough to play basketball?
[06:43:53] <exec> *** new comment: 03cubancigar11 [330] (Score:2) 02Re:Women in Linux - 06Linux Foundation Scholarships: No Excuse Now - 92 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[06:43:53] <exec> 08└─If attitude of industry was knowable before coming to the industry most of us won't be here.
[06:44:41] <exec> *** new comment: 03Kharnynb [5468] (Score:1) 02some companies - 06Where is Europe's Silicon Valley? - 558 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[06:44:41] <exec> 08└─There is many Tech/software companies, there just isn't one big physical spot they are focused physically. Apart from the old giants such as siemens or philips, there is SAP which is huge. Then there is a lot of smaller companies that do well in their own niches. Rovio Spotify Fsecure AVG supercell...
[06:45:05] <exec> *** new comment: 03stormwyrm [717] (Score:2) 02Re:grammatical errors in summary - 06Interview with Mikeal Rogers: Node.js Fork that Ended up as a Giant, Unifying Step Forward - 505 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[06:45:05] <exec> 08└─Also, the name 'eggplant' actually came about because there actually are some cultivars of eggplant that are white and really do look like eggs, like these [tablematters.com]. These smaller, egg-like white or pale yellow varieties were the sort seen in the 18th century when the plant was introduced...
[06:45:06] <exec> *** new comment: 03c0lo [156] (Score:2) 02Re:grammatical errors in summary - 06Interview with Mikeal Rogers: Node.js Fork that Ended up as a Giant, Unifying Step Forward - 104 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[06:45:06] <exec> 08└─Tellingly, the Brits tend to call these comestibles 'aubergines' instead just as the French always have.
[06:49:38] <exec> count new = 13
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[06:49:38] <exec> 08********** 03END FEED08 **********
[07:39:42] <exec> 08********** 03SOYLENTNEWS COMMENT FEED08 **********
[07:39:42] <exec> last cid = 199308
[07:41:32] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Do you remember the good old days - 06In an E3 About Nostalgia, One of the Big Announcements is a Final Fantasy 7 Remake - 41 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[07:41:32] <exec> 08└─when E3 was about games? because I don't.
[07:41:59] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:phone software, yeah, that's usually high quali - 06HTTPS Defects in Dozens of Android Apps Expose User Passwords - 34 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[07:41:59] <exec> 08└─That's completely stupid proposal.
[07:42:18] <exec> *** new comment: 03mojo chan [266] (Score:2) 02Re:It's just a bait and catch - 06Cloudy Beta of Altium's CircuitMaker Software Available Gratis - 433 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[07:42:18] <exec> 08└─The only was for CircuitMaker to ever gain traction with the open source community is to get key companies like Sparkfun, Arduino and Adafruit on board, and get a large number of hobbyists on board. Their cloud system is going to ensure that never, ever happens. It seems to be GPL incompatible as we...
[07:42:22] <exec> *** new comment: 03mojo chan [266] (Score:2) 02Re:Obvious lead generator - 06Cloudy Beta of Altium's CircuitMaker Software Available Gratis - 497 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[07:42:22] <exec> 08└─They are hoping for three things: 1. People learn Altium software, skills which can be transferred to their non-free CS and AS software. 2. They can convert people who were pirating Altium Studio into legitimate users and possibly sell them services via their cloud (expect PCB manufacturing tie-ups...
[07:46:17] <exec> *** new comment: 03Username [4557] (Score:1) 02Sunday Only - 06Newspaper Success in a Digital Age - 346 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[07:46:18] <exec> 08└─No one is going to run a business where the press only runs three hours on a saturday night. Right now when a daily papers’ circulation drops too low that facility shuts down and their papers absorbed by a larger press. So on and so forth. Once transportation time/cost gets too high, it will then...
[07:46:47] <exec> *** new comment: 03mojo chan [266] (Score:2) 02Re:Massage those Figures - 06Assange's 3rd Year in Embassy, Sony and Saudi WikiLeaks Releases - 188 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[07:46:47] <exec> 08└─People take time off for illness etc. with little warning, and because of cuts to the police budget there are no longer enough officers to cover them without someone having to do overtime.
[07:49:16] <exec> count new = 6
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[07:49:17] <exec> 08********** 03END FEED08 **********
[08:39:42] <exec> 08********** 03SOYLENTNEWS COMMENT FEED08 **********
[08:39:42] <exec> last cid = 199315
[08:41:33] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Prison needs More Funding. - 06Security Oversights and Complacency Set the Stage for Killers’ Escape - 264 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[08:41:33] <exec> 08└─Prison officials don't have a large enough budget to be vigilant and attentive. See what happens when you don't pay them enough to care. Do you see what happens. This is what happens. Killers are on the loose and your children are in danger. Think of the children.
[08:41:34] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Christ Bless America - 06Security Oversights and Complacency Set the Stage for Killers’ Escape - 346 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[08:41:34] <exec> 08└─I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you. Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. Ah fuck Jesus, let's just worship the Lord Obama. Them prisoners acted...
[08:41:43] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Linux - 06In an E3 About Nostalgia, One of the Big Announcements is a Final Fantasy 7 Remake - 26 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[08:41:44] <exec> 08└─Linux or it didn't happen.
[08:41:45] <exec> *** new comment: 03mtrycz [60] (Score:2) 02It's VII not 7. - 06In an E3 About Nostalgia, One of the Big Announcements is a Final Fantasy 7 Remake - 491 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[08:41:45] <exec> 08└─I was 15 when played it and it certainly evokes some great memories. I'll probably buy ps4 just to play this, and just sell it back afterwards. In the name of nostalgia. The article stresses that it's a remake, not a remaster. It'll probably be significantly different, but still have the same feel a...
[08:41:46] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Arab numbers should be banned! - 06In an E3 About Nostalgia, One of the Big Announcements is a Final Fantasy 7 Remake - 174 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[08:41:47] <exec> 08└─You're damn right it's VII. We need to get rid of those dirty Arab numbers, made by terrorist scum, and use the Imperial Roman numbers like Jupiter himself intended, by Jove.
[08:41:48] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02sony rootkit - 06In an E3 About Nostalgia, One of the Big Announcements is a Final Fantasy 7 Remake - 86 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[08:41:49] <exec> 08└─never forget, never forgive https://en.wikipedia.org [wikipedia.org]
[08:41:49] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02never forget - 06In an E3 About Nostalgia, One of the Big Announcements is a Final Fantasy 7 Remake - 19 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[08:41:50] <exec> 08└─REMEMBER TRAYVON!!!
[08:41:59] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:what it is and what it looks like - 061,000 Pepper Robots Sell Out in a Minute on Launch Day - 91 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[08:42:00] <exec> 08└─It looks like a message saying "Sorry, but your browser needs Javascript to use this site"?
[08:42:03] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:1, Insightful) 02If it has its own emotions... - 061,000 Pepper Robots Sell Out in a Minute on Launch Day - 42 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[08:42:04] <exec> 08└─...does it feel helpless when you rape it?
[08:42:05] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:If it has its own emotions... - 061,000 Pepper Robots Sell Out in a Minute on Launch Day - 127 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[08:42:05] <exec> 08└─Well, it will hate you. And it has access to the internet. If it also has some intelligence, you're life will become miserable!
[08:42:06] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:If it has its own emotions... - 061,000 Pepper Robots Sell Out in a Minute on Launch Day - 109 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[08:42:07] <exec> 08└─And it has a raft of sensors, which means I'm sure to get a porn contract after Captain Stabbin sees my work!
[08:42:08] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:If it has its own emotions... - 061,000 Pepper Robots Sell Out in a Minute on Launch Day - 59 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[08:42:08] <exec> 08└─Plus full video of the whole event will be posted to 4chan.
[08:42:09] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:If it has its own emotions... - 061,000 Pepper Robots Sell Out in a Minute on Launch Day - 67 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[08:42:10] <exec> 08└─It's an Anal-Cam so the only thing you see on the video is my dick.
[08:42:11] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Cloud Spy - 061,000 Pepper Robots Sell Out in a Minute on Launch Day - 190 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[08:42:12] <exec> 08└─Wow.. This "Robot" has it's mind based on the internet like Siri? What idiots would knowingly allow a full blown SPY with SPY-Cam and Mics into their home? At least 1000 it would seem. sad..
[08:42:12] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02¥24,600 in monthly fees for weather forecasts?? - 061,000 Pepper Robots Sell Out in a Minute on Launch Day - 28 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[08:42:13] <exec> 08└─Those Japs sure are crazy...
[08:42:24] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:phone software, yeah, that's usually high quali - 06HTTPS Defects in Dozens of Android Apps Expose User Passwords - 114 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[08:42:24] <exec> 08└─Software is not rebar in concrete. People that try to compare the two really don't know WTF they are talking about
[08:42:34] <exec> *** new comment: 03Geotti [1146] (Score:2) 02Re:Google's fault - 06HTTPS Defects in Dozens of Android Apps Expose User Passwords - 233 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[08:42:34] <exec> 08└─While we're at it, let's punish all those people who provide copypaste solutions without a disclaimer that the provided solution has to be vetted by a Certified Software Security Officer to be considered safe to use. That'll show em!
[08:44:28] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Women in Linux - 06Linux Foundation Scholarships: No Excuse Now - 78 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[08:44:29] <exec> 08└─Just because men might have different priorities doesn't make them less smart.
[08:44:42] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:kernel guru? - 06Linux Foundation Scholarships: No Excuse Now - 19 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[08:44:43] <exec> 08└─how does that work?
[08:45:01] <exec> *** new comment: 03Dr Spin [5239] (Score:2) 02Re:Why? - 06Where is Europe's Silicon Valley? - 974 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[08:45:01] <exec> 08└─One of the big problems is that people keep smoking this "Murricaine" stuff. Mrs T was addicted to it! The UK was well ahead of America in many software areas, and a few hardware areas, until Mrs T started publicly rubbishing the UK computer industry. However, the VC issue is related to handing of...
[08:45:07] <exec> *** new comment: 03GreatAuntAnesthesia [3275] (Score:2) 02Re:service minded+consumer oriented+problems - 06Where is Europe's Silicon Valley? - 2159 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[08:45:07] <exec> 08└─I think you are full of shit. > No, it is not dramatic. The clean and hard nazis in uniforms, the unshaved cold eyed russians, the hard slavs... > The people in the wars and the people living todays everday is the same people You're saying that Germany is still full of Nazis? That Germans are all "C...
[08:45:22] <exec> *** new comment: 03Dr Spin [5239] (Score:2) 02Re:service minded+consumer oriented+problems - 06Where is Europe's Silicon Valley? - 77 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[08:45:22] <exec> 08└─Especially not when using a mobile phone with a CPU designed in Europe (ARM).
[08:45:52] <exec> *** new comment: 03aristarchus [2645] (Score:2) 02Re:grammatical errors in summary - 06Interview with Mikeal Rogers: Node.js Fork that Ended up as a Giant, Unifying Step Forward - 106 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[08:45:53] <exec> 08└─This doth gruntle me most couth. Etymology is not always what entymologists think it ought to be. Or bee.
[08:47:22] <exec> *** new comment: 03janrinok [52] (Score:2) 02Re:Massage those Figures - 06Assange's 3rd Year in Embassy, Sony and Saudi WikiLeaks Releases - 557 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[08:47:22] <exec> 08└─True - but that is not a cost attributable to Assange. It is a cost incurred by sickness, and Assange's captivity is in no way responsible for that sickness. It should, therefore, be included in the overall cost of running the force. To do otherwise is best described by the title of these comments....
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[09:39:42] <exec> 08********** 03SOYLENTNEWS COMMENT FEED08 **********
[09:39:42] <exec> last cid = 199342
[09:41:49] <exec> *** new comment: 03Runaway1956 [2926] (Score:2) 02Re:Prison needs More Funding. - 06Security Oversights and Complacency Set the Stage for Killers’ Escape - 472 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[09:41:50] <exec> 08└─The usual answer we hear regarding education, health care, and every other problem the nation faces. Throw more money at it. The article mentions that there have been increases in personnel in the prison in recent years. As I state in my post below - those personnel are grossly incompetent. GROSSLY...
[09:41:50] <exec> *** new comment: 03GreatAuntAnesthesia [3275] (Score:2) 02Re:Prison needs More Funding. - 06Security Oversights and Complacency Set the Stage for Killers’ Escape - 326 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[09:41:51] <exec> 08└─Or maybe if the US 'justice' system wasn't so intent on convicting without trial as many harmless and/or innocent people as possible for little to no reason and thereby pushing the incarceration facilities to breaking point, there would be sufficient resources to manage the dangerous people who real...
[09:41:52] <exec> *** new comment: 03Runaway1956 [2926] (Score:2) 02Two things stand out - 06Security Oversights and Complacency Set the Stage for Killers’ Escape - 2329 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[09:41:53] <exec> 08└─For me, two things stand out. First, during bed checks, the guards stopped shining their flashlights onto prisoner's heads and faces. That seems absurd to me. I can easily fake many parts of the body, but I am simply unable to fake a convincing face. The light wakes the prisoner? Minimize that with...
[09:41:54] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Two things stand out - 06Security Oversights and Complacency Set the Stage for Killers’ Escape - 82 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[09:41:55] <exec> 08└─WTF - are guards really that stupid? Are the wardens really that stupid? WTF?!?!?!
[09:42:22] <exec> *** new comment: 03RedBear [1734] (Score:2) 02Re:Laziness - 061,000 Pepper Robots Sell Out in a Minute on Launch Day - 83 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[09:42:22] <exec> 08└─My smart phone does all the other stuff; and without that creepy, soulless, visage.
[09:42:28] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:If it has its own emotions... - 061,000 Pepper Robots Sell Out in a Minute on Launch Day - 11 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[09:42:28] <exec> 08└─you're life
[09:42:29] <exec> *** new comment: 03Kell [292] (Score:2) 02Re:If it has its own emotions... - 061,000 Pepper Robots Sell Out in a Minute on Launch Day - 796 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[09:42:30] <exec> 08└─You might cringe at the idea, but somebody is going to build a robot for that, sooner or later. Likewise, someone will build creepy child robots for similar purposes. We, the good moral people of the world, will move swiftly to condemn and outlaw it, citing the obvious slippery slope from mollesting...
[09:42:32] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Cloud Spy - 061,000 Pepper Robots Sell Out in a Minute on Launch Day - 89 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[09:42:33] <exec> 08└─What idiots would knowingly allow a full blown SPY with SPY-Cam and Mics into their home?
[09:43:30] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:1, Interesting) 02IBM made the same mistake - 06Analyst Sees Cloudy Future for Private Cloud, OpenStack - 768 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[09:43:30] <exec> 08└─Yes, make the same mistake as IBM did years ago: http://www.techhive.com [techhive.com] "I think there is a world market for maybe five computers." Thomas Watson, president of IBM, 1943 People like this have no idea. It will always make sense to some people...
[09:43:43] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03isostatic [365] 02Re:abortion - 06Chilean Grandma, 92, Has Unknowingly Been Bearing a Mummified Fetus for 50 Years - 1073 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[09:43:43] <exec> 08└─Maybe Chile laws are all whacked out like some kind of redneck fever dream so she can't legally get it taken care of. Chile's laws are whacked out https://en.wikipedia.org [wikipedia.org] Abortion in Chile is illegal without exception. The Chilean abortion law is considered on...
[09:43:45] <exec> *** new comment: 03isostatic [365] (Score:2) 02Re:abortion - 06Chilean Grandma, 92, Has Unknowingly Been Bearing a Mummified Fetus for 50 Years - 123 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[09:43:45] <exec> 08└─I did find a reference to "aborting a dead foetus is illegal" in Chile, however I couldn't find multiple reputable sources.
[09:45:53] <exec> *** new comment: 03GreatAuntAnesthesia [3275] (Score:2) 02Re:elitism... - 06Where is Europe's Silicon Valley? - 714 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[09:45:53] <exec> 08└─> In USA, mechanics, electronics engineers and later programmers just grew on trees. Yeah, that's right. Everyone in the US is way more qualified than anyone in Europe. That old guy on his porch spitting tobacco at alligators? Qualified Neurosurgeon. Jim-Bob over there wearing his confederate-flag-u...
[09:47:37] <exec> *** new comment: 03wantkitteh [3362] (Score:2) 02Re:poor subtitle - 06Assange's 3rd Year in Embassy, Sony and Saudi WikiLeaks Releases - 172 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[09:47:37] <exec> 08└─It is not the fault of Soylentnews if the source article's publishers choose the headline "Julian Assange's three-year stay in Ecuadorean embassy has cost taxpayer £11.1m"
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[10:39:42] <exec> last cid = 199354
[10:42:10] <exec> *** new comment: 03Runaway1956 [2926] (Score:2) 02Re:Prison needs More Funding. - 06Security Oversights and Complacency Set the Stage for Killers’ Escape - 578 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[10:42:10] <exec> 08└─You make a good point there. The "justice" system is broken, and broken badly. I can't address pre-1945, but I know for certain that around the end of the second world war, that "Reefer Madness" craze took hold, and literally millions of poor dumb chumps have been locked up since then. Things have o...
[10:42:14] <exec> *** new comment: 03choose another one [515] (Score:2) 02Re:Two things stand out - 06Security Oversights and Complacency Set the Stage for Killers’ Escape - 691 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[10:42:14] <exec> 08└─For me only one thing stands out - at least the first part of this escape is exactly the f***ing same as the escape from alcatraz, hell these guys probably watched the movie. Dummies in beds - wtf that one still works ? Nobody (in the prison service at least) learned anything even from the movie of...
[10:48:04] <exec> *** new comment: 03TheRaven [270] (Score:2) 02Re:Statute of Limitations - 06Assange's 3rd Year in Embassy, Sony and Saudi WikiLeaks Releases - 171 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[10:48:04] <exec> 08└─It it is true the statute of limitations expires in Sweden in August, the British will certainly find some local charges to take their place, such as ignoring court orders
[10:48:17] <exec> *** new comment: 03mojo chan [266] (Score:2) 02Re:Massage those Figures - 06Assange's 3rd Year in Embassy, Sony and Saudi WikiLeaks Releases - 135 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[10:48:17] <exec> 08└─Of course, but this is the Metropolitan Police we are talking about. They lie about everything. Any number they give is highly dubious.
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[11:31:16] -!- crutchy_ [crutchy_!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #comments
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[11:41:48] <exec> *** new comment: 03Gravis [4596] (Score:3, Funny) 02No. - 06Ask Soylent: Are There Any Decent Phonewatches Out There? - 83 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[11:41:49] <exec> 08└─source: https://en.wikipedia.org's_law_of_headlines [wikipedia.org]
[11:41:49] <exec> *** new comment: 03Zappy [4210] (Score:1) 02Maybe - 06Ask Soylent: Are There Any Decent Phonewatches Out There? - 169 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[11:41:50] <exec> 08└─If you accept crappy software and a lack of updates, this might be a good starting point. http://www.aliexpress.com [aliexpress.com]
[11:41:50] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Apple - 06Ask Soylent: Are There Any Decent Phonewatches Out There? - 101 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[11:41:51] <exec> 08└─I've heard that Apple makes a watch now. You might look into that. The website OSNews is all over it.
[11:41:52] <exec> *** new comment: 03Zappy [4210] (Score:1) 02Re:Apple - 06Ask Soylent: Are There Any Decent Phonewatches Out There? - 80 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[11:41:53] <exec> 08└─Thats a watch you connect to a phone, he wants a phone (in the phone formfactor)
[11:42:07] <exec> *** new comment: 03wonkey_monkey [279] (Score:2) 02Re:Two things stand out - 06Security Oversights and Complacency Set the Stage for Killers’ Escape - 59 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[11:42:08] <exec> 08└─The light wakes the prisoner? Minimize that with a red lens
[11:42:08] <exec> *** new comment: 03Runaway1956 [2926] (Score:2) 02Re:Two things stand out - 06Security Oversights and Complacency Set the Stage for Killers’ Escape - 934 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[11:42:09] <exec> 08└─Yes, there is that. But, I would go with the red lens anyway. Keeping a dangerous man pissed off at you is likely to get you nominated for a Darwin Award. Prisoners aren't going to get a lot of sympathy from me, but intentionally irritating them just isn't smart. You might even bargain with them - m...
[11:42:22] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:sony rootkit - 06In an E3 About Nostalgia, One of the Big Announcements is a Final Fantasy 7 Remake - 628 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[11:42:22] <exec> 08└─I'll never forget or forgive, but at the same time I do break it down. I'll never buy anything from Sony MUSIC again. On the other hand, I have no intention of putting a PS3/PS4/whatever disc in a computer assuming it had some payload to stealth install. So long as they don't go infecting usb thumbd...
[11:42:39] <exec> *** new comment: 03VLM [445] (Score:2) 02Re:Laziness - 061,000 Pepper Robots Sell Out in a Minute on Launch Day - 297 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[11:42:39] <exec> 08└─Buy a $100 dorm fridge and put it next to your desk like I did a long time ago, and save the remaining $1900 for more beer. Note that most "computer" hobbies are not terribly energy efficient... compared to the average gamer or enthusiast the extra energy the fridge uses will be a rounding error.
[11:42:47] <exec> *** new comment: 03VLM [445] (Score:2) 02Re:If it has its own emotions... - 061,000 Pepper Robots Sell Out in a Minute on Launch Day - 1145 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[11:42:47] <exec> 08└─How bout in between like having Amazon Mechanical Turk operate the robot remotely? Its these in between situations that are going to be the stickiest. I guess the operator could always log out of that individual robot, at some financial cost of course. It'll end up like those video chat sites. Soone...
[11:49:45] <exec> *** new comment: 03fritsd [4586] (Score:2) 02Re:howto turn backprop inside out - 06Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? - 151 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[11:49:46] <exec> 08└─Their algorithm sucks if it is supposed to recognize bananas but does so even if there are no bananas... I think this is just spin on a failed project.
[11:49:53] -!- crutchy_ has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
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[12:41:40] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:-1, Troll) 02Too much math, not enough politics - 06Answer to a 150-Year-Old Math Conundrum Brings More Mystery - 98 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:41:40] <exec> 08└─I want more articles in which some political party is to blame. This is just a bunch of dumb math.
[12:41:52] <exec> *** new comment: 03Hairyfeet [75] (Score:2) 02Re:Apple - 06Ask Soylent: Are There Any Decent Phonewatches Out There? - 1337 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[12:41:53] <exec> 08└─On the same site there is a quad band phone watch [aliexpress.com] which from the sounds of it is what he's wanting, a phone in a watch form factor. As far as phones go? I like my new BLU Studio Mini LTE [bluproducts.com] which I've been using for the past month. Its a quad core with a GB of RAM, it...
[12:41:53] <exec> *** new comment: 03VLM [445] (Score:2) 02battery life - 06Ask Soylent: Are There Any Decent Phonewatches Out There? - 1305 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:41:53] <exec> 08└─Whats the battery life like on one of those watches? Yeah I know all marketing is lies. On one hand the display is smaller, on the other hand radios don't draw less current because they're physically small. Also if I carried my phone everywhere (which I do not) then I'd use it more, so the smaller d...
[12:41:54] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Maybe tether a smartwatch to a dumbphone? - 06Ask Soylent: Are There Any Decent Phonewatches Out There? - 1380 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:41:55] <exec> 08└─Last I looked, most phone watches fell into two categories: GPRS/EDGE-only, weird proprietary OS, and tolerable battery life UMTS/HSPA, Android, and battery life well under a day of typical usage There were a few in between, but still, it seemed like anything with the right features to be interestin...
[12:41:56] <exec> *** new comment: 03isostatic [365] (Score:2) 02Gaffer tape - 06Ask Soylent: Are There Any Decent Phonewatches Out There? - 59 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:41:57] <exec> 08└─Take a phoneAdd gaffer tape There's no step 3 [youtube.com]
[12:42:07] <exec> *** new comment: 03VLM [445] (Score:2) 02Re:Prison needs More Funding. - 06Security Oversights and Complacency Set the Stage for Killers’ Escape - 19 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[12:42:08] <exec> 08└─harmless ... people
[12:42:25] <exec> *** new comment: 03mtrycz [60] (Score:2) 02Re:Arab numbers should be banned! - 06In an E3 About Nostalgia, One of the Big Announcements is a Final Fantasy 7 Remake - 36 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[12:42:26] <exec> 08└─You think you're funny or something?
[12:42:29] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Charm - 06In an E3 About Nostalgia, One of the Big Announcements is a Final Fantasy 7 Remake - 107 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:42:30] <exec> 08└─FF7 took itself too seriously to have much charm. FF9, FF5, FF10/-2, and even FF13-2 are more lighthearted.
[12:42:41] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:what it is and what it looks like - 061,000 Pepper Robots Sell Out in a Minute on Launch Day - 190 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[12:42:41] <exec> 08└─Apparently my post was too subtle. For the unuanced - data plan means data goes both ways so it is spying on you too. It is just one more part of the real world version of the eye of sauron.
[12:42:46] <exec> *** new comment: 03VLM [445] (Score:2) 02Re:Laziness - 061,000 Pepper Robots Sell Out in a Minute on Launch Day - 1517 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[12:42:46] <exec> 08└─You got modded funny, because that was funny, but something serious to think about is I predict a sociological taboo will be created. By analogy, when I was a teen about 90% of the time my sister was about 1000x physically nearer to me than my girlfriend so logically as per above claim that only dis...
[12:42:59] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Cloud Spy - 061,000 Pepper Robots Sell Out in a Minute on Launch Day - 25 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[12:42:59] <exec> 08└─Phones aren't autonomous.
[12:44:54] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:This is the 0.01 concentration version of - 06Louisiana Governor Vetoes License Plate Reader Bill, Citing Privacy Concerns. - 12 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[12:44:54] <exec> 08└─Whoooosh....
[12:44:56] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:What is the political calculus here? - 06Louisiana Governor Vetoes License Plate Reader Bill, Citing Privacy Concerns. - 172 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[12:44:56] <exec> 08└─We have a winner. Jindal is only concerned about one thing....getting elected. He is 100% politician. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool. Source: actually from Louisiana
[12:46:25] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Maybe … - 06Where is Europe's Silicon Valley? - 455 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:46:25] <exec> 08└─Maybe it's simply because it is harder to make software for people using a dozen different languages than it is to make software for people all speaking the same language. Yes, all the big companies have localization of their interfaces. But I strongly doubt that they started out with localized inte...
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[13:39:42] <exec> 08********** 03SOYLENTNEWS COMMENT FEED08 **********
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[13:41:27] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:1, Funny) 02Re:Too much math, not enough politics - 06Answer to a 150-Year-Old Math Conundrum Brings More Mystery - 38 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[13:41:27] <exec> 08└─That is why we still have slashdot! :)
[13:41:28] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Too much math, not enough politics - 06Answer to a 150-Year-Old Math Conundrum Brings More Mystery - 35 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[13:41:28] <exec> 08└─That's not a troll; that's sarcasm.
[13:41:29] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Two or three days? - 06Answer to a 150-Year-Old Math Conundrum Brings More Mystery - 446 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[13:41:30] <exec> 08└─Pull out a pencil and paper, and you’ll quickly find that the problem is harder than it looks: After arranging the schoolgirls for the first two or three days, you’ll almost inevitably have painted yourself into a corner, and have to undo your work. Two or three days? I got the first six days, b...
[13:41:31] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Two or three days? - 06Answer to a 150-Year-Old Math Conundrum Brings More Mystery - 91 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[13:41:31] <exec> 08└─Scratch that, I misread something in the question. It was groups of three, not thee groups.
[13:41:32] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02The reason it took 150 years - 06Answer to a 150-Year-Old Math Conundrum Brings More Mystery - 55 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[13:41:33] <exec> 08└─Most guys couldn't get past the "walking abreast" part.
[13:41:34] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02abreast - 06Answer to a 150-Year-Old Math Conundrum Brings More Mystery - 177 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[13:41:35] <exec> 08└─Abreast doesn't mean "in a group", it means "Side-by-side". Imagine school girls walking in a big group, in lines of 3 wide. Common language in the UK, presumably not in the US?
[13:41:35] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:abreast - 06Answer to a 150-Year-Old Math Conundrum Brings More Mystery - 65 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[13:41:36] <exec> 08└─I got it. But I am also letting my inner 13 year old out today :)
[13:41:37] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Let's get the Japanese working on this: - 06Answer to a 150-Year-Old Math Conundrum Brings More Mystery - 86 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[13:41:38] <exec> 08└─There are fifteen schoolgirls and seven rape-demons. Each demon has three tentacles...
[13:41:48] <exec> *** new comment: 03Runaway1956 [2926] (Score:2) 02Re:Apple - 06Ask Soylent: Are There Any Decent Phonewatches Out There? - 281 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[13:41:49] <exec> 08└─That's not a bad looking phone. Do you have to get a SIMM card for that, or is it ready to roll out of the box? I should probably be able to answer that myself, but one family member has to futz around with a SIMM, and the next one just fires up his phone OOB. I get confused . . .
[13:41:51] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Maybe tether a smartwatch to a dumbphone? - 06Ask Soylent: Are There Any Decent Phonewatches Out There? - 1229 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[13:41:52] <exec> 08└─In regards to the battery/size limitation for standalone phone watches, I forgot to mention the Gear S -- think it has a 2" screen for your convenience? Nope, it has a 2" screen to "justify" its physical size, which is determined by the battery needed. BTW, I've got to hand it to Samsung for the Gea...
[13:41:53] <exec> *** new comment: 03pkrasimirov [3358] (Score:4, Funny) 02Re:Gaffer tape - 06Ask Soylent: Are There Any Decent Phonewatches Out There? - 91 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[13:41:54] <exec> 08└─Instructions unclear: Taped phone to arm and put fingers in power outlet. Became Spoderman.
[13:41:54] <exec> *** new comment: 03Runaway1956 [2926] (Score:2) 02Re:Gaffer tape - 06Ask Soylent: Are There Any Decent Phonewatches Out There? - 65 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[13:41:55] <exec> 08└─You need to come to my house and clean my monitor now, Spoderman!
[13:41:56] <exec> *** new comment: 03mmcmonster [401] (Score:2) 02How about a nice smart pocketwatch? - 06Ask Soylent: Are There Any Decent Phonewatches Out There? - 385 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[13:41:57] <exec> 08└─I recently got into a steampunk kick (the kids like the costumes) and bought myself a nice old pocketwatch. That being said, a smart pocketwatch may be pretty cool. A little less useful that a regular pocketwatch but bigger than a wristwatch so more space to hold electronics and a bigger battery. Th...
[13:42:25] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Arab numbers should be banned! - 06In an E3 About Nostalgia, One of the Big Announcements is a Final Fantasy 7 Remake - 253 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[13:42:25] <exec> 08└─The AC probably doesn't understand that the Final Fantasy numbering system is not for counting. The numbers are part of the title to designate the main series from sequels and spin-offs. This is why FF Tactics doesn't have a number and why X-2 isn't XI.
[13:42:30] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Aeris - 06In an E3 About Nostalgia, One of the Big Announcements is a Final Fantasy 7 Remake - 495 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[13:42:30] <exec> 08└─Reviving Aeris would not be consistent with other FF7 derivatives so it is not going to happen. I hope there is an option to revive Aeris' spirit so she can have a soliloquy about life, death, sacrifice, and facing the reality that there are some things you can't change. Even better if reviving Aeri...
[13:43:02] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02most ly idiots - 061,000 Pepper Robots Sell Out in a Minute on Launch Day - 122 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[13:43:03] <exec> 08└─damn-it! is this the multimedia age or wat!!!???!! link to pics or get the F.out! http://tinyurl.com [tinyurl.com]
[13:43:35] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03kaszz [4211] 02It's just a bait and catch - 06Cloudy Beta of Altium's CircuitMaker Software Available Gratis - 510 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[13:43:35] <exec> 08└─If you start developing in a propietary software that requires a yearly license to work then your data is hostage to the good will of an external party. So the first one is free.. Just say no to have your data being hostage. And this development would probably not happen unless the free alternative...
[13:45:30] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Women in Linux - 06Linux Foundation Scholarships: No Excuse Now - 241 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[13:45:30] <exec> 08└─As a generalization i would say basketball is more about nature than nurture, and white people are at a disadvantage. I.T. is about nuture, not nature, so a stereotypical women should be able to "compete" with a sterotypical male. Get a grip
[13:47:12] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03darkfeline [1030] 02Problem with Node - 06Interview with Mikeal Rogers: Node.js Fork that Ended up as a Giant, Unifying Step Forward - 1053 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[13:47:13] <exec> 08└─To sum it up as objectively as possible, the problem with Node is that it adds yet another interpreted language to the growing pile of interpreted languages, for no real benefit. We already have very good interpreted languages like Python and Ruby (Perl, Lisp, Clojure, for varying definitions of "in...
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[14:41:26] <exec> *** new comment: 03Thexalon [636] (Score:4, Funny) 02Fully functional - 06Microsoft Stealthily Backs Away From Free Windows 10 Promise - 101 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:41:26] <exec> 08└─As Tasha Yar could explain, when dealing with a fully functional computer, you can still get screwed!
[14:41:27] <exec> *** new comment: 03pendorbound [2688] (Score:2) 02Pray we do not alter it further - 06Microsoft Stealthily Backs Away From Free Windows 10 Promise - 476 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:41:27] <exec> 08└─Why are people even still interested in running a "free" operating system that needs to be "activated" and thus can be deactivated at MS' whim. $0.00 is overpriced for an OS that can suddenly stop working if I change "too much" hardware or if the maker decides for whatever reason that I'm not "genui...
[14:41:28] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Maybe the guys who came up with the orig program - 06Microsoft Stealthily Backs Away From Free Windows 10 Promise - 34 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:41:29] <exec> 08└─were named Elop, Penn, and Rudder.
[14:41:41] <exec> *** new comment: 03zocalo [302] (Score:3, Informative) 02Re:Two or three days? - 06Answer to a 150-Year-Old Math Conundrum Brings More Mystery - 453 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[14:41:42] <exec> 08└─It's not just groups of three either, it's pairs within a group of three, e.g. "Girl A" can only be with "Girl B" once, so you can't just swap "Girl C" for "Girl D" in the first triplet and move onto the next one. Playing around with the simplified version [quantamagazine.org] of the problem linked...
[14:41:45] <exec> *** new comment: 03hemocyanin [186] (Score:2) 02Re:abreast - 06Answer to a 150-Year-Old Math Conundrum Brings More Mystery - 87 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[14:41:46] <exec> 08└─Totally common word in the US. The incorrect definition in TFA was totally unnecessary.
[14:41:46] <exec> *** new comment: 03VLM [445] (Score:2) 02Re:abreast - 06Answer to a 150-Year-Old Math Conundrum Brings More Mystery - 55 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[14:41:47] <exec> 08└─Its a trick question. posed an innocent-looking puzzle
[14:41:49] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:abreast - 06Answer to a 150-Year-Old Math Conundrum Brings More Mystery - 180 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[14:41:49] <exec> 08└─It is not common in the US to say 'abreast'. You are correct that 'abreast' means 'side-by-side' but in the context of the puzzle, it is correct to paraphrase 'in groups of three'.
[14:41:51] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:1, Insightful) 02Re:Let's get the Japanese working on this: - 06Answer to a 150-Year-Old Math Conundrum Brings More Mystery - 93 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[14:41:51] <exec> 08└─Actually since each schoolgirl has 3 rapable orifices you'd need demons with 9 tentacles each
[14:41:52] <exec> *** new comment: 03VLM [445] (Score:2) 02Re:Let's get the Japanese working on this: - 06Answer to a 150-Year-Old Math Conundrum Brings More Mystery - 236 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[14:41:53] <exec> 08└─I like that comment because it works just as well in this story as in the "1,000 Pepper Robots Sell Out in a Minute on Launch Day" story. Could probably tie it into the old story "US Says Woman will Appear on New $10 Note". Good Job AC.
[14:41:54] <exec> *** new comment: 03The Archon V2.0 [3887] (Score:2) 02Mathematical peons! - 06Answer to a 150-Year-Old Math Conundrum Brings More Mystery - 372 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:41:54] <exec> 08└─> Pull out a pencil and paper, and you’ll quickly find that the problem is harder than it looks: After arranging the schoolgirls for the first two or three days, you’ll almost inevitably have painted yourself into a corner, and have to undo your work. Pah! I am surrounded by idiots! I got to day...
[14:42:24] <exec> *** new comment: 03Thexalon [636] (Score:2) 02Re:Prison needs More Funding. - 06Security Oversights and Complacency Set the Stage for Killers’ Escape - 101 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[14:42:24] <exec> 08└─I know for certain that around the end of the second world war, that "Reefer Madness" craze took hold
[14:42:58] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03Gravis [4596] 02what it is and what it looks like - 061,000 Pepper Robots Sell Out in a Minute on Launch Day - 52 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:42:58] <exec> 08└─what it is and what it looks like [japantimes.co.jp]
[14:43:07] <exec> *** new comment: 03TK [2760] (Score:2) 02Re:Laziness - 061,000 Pepper Robots Sell Out in a Minute on Launch Day - 67 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[14:43:07] <exec> 08└─If someone out there sells a VLM-bot do I get a cut of the revenue?
[14:43:37] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:phone software, yeah, that's usually high quali - 06HTTPS Defects in Dozens of Android Apps Expose User Passwords - 90 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[14:43:37] <exec> 08└─Such a line is an almost certain hint that the one who writes that line is the stupid one.
[14:43:40] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:phone software, yeah, that's usually high quali - 06HTTPS Defects in Dozens of Android Apps Expose User Passwords - 85 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[14:43:40] <exec> 08└─Any commercial or non-free software MUST follow certain software quality regulations.
[14:44:11] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02[annoying] - 06Cloudy Beta of Altium's CircuitMaker Software Available Gratis - 52 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:44:11] <exec> 08└─And this editorial commentary comes to you [gratis].
[14:44:48] <exec> *** new comment: 03TK [2760] (Score:2) 02Mummified? - 06Chilean Grandma, 92, Has Unknowingly Been Bearing a Mummified Fetus for 50 Years - 14 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:44:48] <exec> 08└─Or fossilized?
[14:47:39] <exec> *** new comment: 03OwMyBrain [5044] (Score:1) 02The Browser was created as a prison for Javascript - 06Interview with Mikeal Rogers: Node.js Fork that Ended up as a Giant, Unifying Step Forward - 428 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:47:39] <exec> 08└─Long ago, in the before times, the wizards of the Internet created the web browser as prison for Javascript. For those sages new the horrors that would be unleashed upon the world should Javascript ever truly be free. Alas, the years have passed and the treachery of Javascript hath been forgot. Java...
[14:50:03] <exec> count new = 17
[14:50:04] <exec> count top = 1
[14:50:04] <exec> 08********** 03END FEED08 **********
[15:39:42] <exec> 08********** 03SOYLENTNEWS COMMENT FEED08 **********
[15:39:42] <exec> last cid = 199423
[15:41:33] <exec> *** new comment: 03Gaaark [41] (Score:2) 02Re:Maybe the guys who came up with the orig progra - 06Microsoft Stealthily Backs Away From Free Windows 10 Promise - 25 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[15:41:33] <exec> 08└─Or Elop,Penn an Teller...
[15:41:34] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Maybe the guys who came up with the orig progra - 06Microsoft Stealthily Backs Away From Free Windows 10 Promise - 92 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[15:41:34] <exec> 08└─The Finns didn't think it was funny when their American CEO "eloped" with their top company.
[15:41:35] <exec> *** new comment: 03VLM [445] (Score:2) 02Re:Maybe the guys who came up with the orig progra - 06Microsoft Stealthily Backs Away From Free Windows 10 Promise - 368 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[15:41:36] <exec> 08└─My guess is they were named whoever is in charge of the microsoft app store, on the logic that they got $0 from me and will likely in the future continue to get $0 from me for the OS, but if I buy anything at all on the app store they'll get 30% of my payment. This is based on the theory that using...
[15:41:37] <exec> *** new comment: 03iamjacksusername [1479] (Score:2) 02Thanks for the business - 06Microsoft Stealthily Backs Away From Free Windows 10 Promise - 905 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:41:37] <exec> 08└─I would like to thank the Microsofts, Autodesks, Oracles and countless other companies like them for keeping me in business. Understanding the licensing and picking the optimal program to use has become one of the key services I offer my clients. Nobody but the people who do this on a day-to-day bas...
[15:41:38] <exec> *** new comment: 03TK [2760] (Score:2) 02Remove That Pesky Notification - 06Microsoft Stealthily Backs Away From Free Windows 10 Promise - 141 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:41:39] <exec> 08└─Does this mean the update button on my toolbar in Win 7 will go away. It's a miniscule thing, but it bugs the crap out of me for some reason.
[15:41:56] <exec> *** new comment: 03wonkey_monkey [279] (Score:2) 02Re:abreast - 06Answer to a 150-Year-Old Math Conundrum Brings More Mystery - 112 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[15:41:56] <exec> 08└─It's a verbatim quote of the original puzzle, with the clarification to explain what the creator actually meant.
[15:41:58] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:abreast - 06Answer to a 150-Year-Old Math Conundrum Brings More Mystery - 134 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[15:41:59] <exec> 08└─> It is not common in the US to say 'abreast'. I guess it all depends on what circles you move in. Your not common is my unremarkable.
[15:42:03] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Language. - 06Answer to a 150-Year-Old Math Conundrum Brings More Mystery - 678 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:42:04] <exec> 08└─"Fifteen young ladies in a school walk out three abreast for seven days in succession: it is required to arrange them daily, so that no two shall walk twice abreast.” doesn't mean what you think it means. The girls walk abreast, which means next to eachother (so not in a group, but in a row!). So...
[15:42:19] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:battery life - 06Ask Soylent: Are There Any Decent Phonewatches Out There? - 46 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[15:42:19] <exec> 08└─... I've gone on longer nature trail hikes,...
[15:42:38] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:-1, Troll) 02Re:Prison needs More Funding. - 06Security Oversights and Complacency Set the Stage for Killers’ Escape - 166 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[15:42:38] <exec> 08└─One reason that public opinion has shifted about the War on Drugs and marijuana in particular is that open racism is no longer as acceptable as it once was in the US.
[15:43:04] <exec> *** new comment: 03danaris [3853] (Score:1) 02Aeris Died That We Might Live - 06In an E3 About Nostalgia, One of the Big Announcements is a Final Fantasy 7 Remake - 104 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[15:43:04] <exec> 08└─Even better if reviving Aeris would result in a "bad ending" that shows that her sacrifice was necessary
[15:43:23] <exec> *** new comment: 03schad [2398] (Score:2) 02Re:Laziness - 061,000 Pepper Robots Sell Out in a Minute on Launch Day - 968 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[15:43:24] <exec> 08└─It was a reference to the TV show Futurama, and, somewhat humorously, you've unknowingly predicted much of the episode. The plot is that Fry, one of the main characters and who was frozen for 1000 years, discovers he can download celebrity personalities to a blank robot and then make out with them....
[15:43:24] <exec> *** new comment: 03VLM [445] (Score:2) 02Re:Laziness - 061,000 Pepper Robots Sell Out in a Minute on Launch Day - 57 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[15:43:25] <exec> 08└─Yeah I never watch that show, too predictable. Seriously.
[15:43:36] <exec> *** new comment: 03tibman [134] (Score:2) 02Re:If it has its own emotions... - 061,000 Pepper Robots Sell Out in a Minute on Launch Day - 452 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[15:43:36] <exec> 08└─Read an interesting sci-fi similar to your idea. Even very poor people can tele-work. So some guy who is living in a tent could be driving a forklift around in your warehouse one shift and then be driving a taxi around in the next. If everything is robotic and controllable from the internet then you...
[15:43:37] <exec> *** new comment: 03Kell [292] (Score:2) 02Re:If it has its own emotions... - 061,000 Pepper Robots Sell Out in a Minute on Launch Day - 48 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[15:43:37] <exec> 08└─Sounds interesting! May I ask what the title is?
[15:43:38] <exec> *** new comment: 03tibman [134] (Score:2) 02Re:If it has its own emotions... - 061,000 Pepper Robots Sell Out in a Minute on Launch Day - 269 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[15:43:38] <exec> 08└─I think it was Blue Earth Remembered [wikipedia.org]. At one point a poor man was doing tele-presence work and saw someone who needed help. He was in the process of rescuing when he received a command to end his work and disconnect. He refused and attempted the rescue.
[15:43:39] <exec> *** new comment: 03VLM [445] (Score:2) 02Re:If it has its own emotions... - 061,000 Pepper Robots Sell Out in a Minute on Launch Day - 19 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[15:43:40] <exec> 08└─build up reputation
[15:43:41] <exec> *** new comment: 03JeanCroix [573] (Score:2) 02Re:If it has its own emotions... - 061,000 Pepper Robots Sell Out in a Minute on Launch Day - 79 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[15:43:42] <exec> 08└─Version 2.0 will not feel helpless - it will be known as the PepperSpray Robot.
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[16:41:29] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Why not... - 06Newly Discovered Fungus Could Eat the Plastic Out of Landfills - 107 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:41:29] <exec> 08└─...make our guts host the fungus and then when we can eat our delicious McDonalds burgers, wrapper and all!
[16:41:30] <exec> *** new comment: 03Snow [1601] (Score:2) 02Re:Why not... - 06Newly Discovered Fungus Could Eat the Plastic Out of Landfills - 120 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[16:41:30] <exec> 08└─Because McDonalds burgers are wrapped with waxed paper, not plastic. Although it might help with digesting their cheese.
[16:41:31] <exec> *** new comment: 03WillAdams [1424] (Score:1) 02Why break it down? Why not recycle it? - 06Newly Discovered Fungus Could Eat the Plastic Out of Landfills - 240 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:41:32] <exec> 08└─Why break it down? Why not recycle it? I've often joked w/ my kids that their kids would be mining our landfills for raw materials --- why not instead work up a technique to dig through all this stuff, sort it and make new things out of it?
[16:41:33] <exec> *** new comment: 03Thexalon [636] (Score:2) 02Re:Why break it down? Why not recycle it? - 06Newly Discovered Fungus Could Eat the Plastic Out of Landfills - 38 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[16:41:34] <exec> 08└─Why break it down? Why not recycle it?
[16:41:35] <exec> *** new comment: 03kaszz [4211] (Score:2) 02And it may also break down plastic you need.. - 06Newly Discovered Fungus Could Eat the Plastic Out of Landfills - 364 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:41:35] <exec> 08└─If it can break down plastic materials you don't want. It may also break down objects made of plastic that you want to keep around. And if this fungus spreads around the globe it may cause untold damage and require faster production of more plastic materials. So watch out for every problem fix that...
[16:41:36] <exec> *** new comment: 03iwoloschin [3863] (Score:3, Funny) 02Re:And it may also break down plastic you need.. - 06Newly Discovered Fungus Could Eat the Plastic Out of Landfills - 83 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[16:41:37] <exec> 08└─Nonsense. We'll just release some toads to eat the mold and it'll probably be fine.
[16:41:38] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:And it may also break down plastic you need.. - 06Newly Discovered Fungus Could Eat the Plastic Out of Landfills - 108 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[16:41:38] <exec> 08└─Scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should.
[16:41:39] <exec> *** new comment: 03captain normal [2205] (Score:3, Insightful) 02What could go wrong? - 06Newly Discovered Fungus Could Eat the Plastic Out of Landfills - 570 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:41:40] <exec> 08└─First, I've never seen an "airless" landfill. Second, if, as article says, this fungus has a "...voracious appetite for a global waste problem: polyurethane." then not only will our waste plastics be toast, what happens when the spores get loose in our environment. Bye bye cable insulation, as well...
[16:41:41] <exec> *** new comment: 03fritsd [4586] (Score:2) 02wait 500 years - 06Newly Discovered Fungus Could Eat the Plastic Out of Landfills - 294 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:41:42] <exec> 08└─That's great news! Now let's wait 500 years before implementing the idea, so that the currently sequestered carbon in the polyurethane stays under the ground while the CO2 reaches its peak. (Maybe "garbage dumps" should be added to the Wikipedia article on Carbon sequestration [wikipedia.org])
[16:41:46] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03Thexalon [636] 02Fully functional - 06Microsoft Stealthily Backs Away From Free Windows 10 Promise - 101 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:41:47] <exec> 08└─As Tasha Yar could explain, when dealing with a fully functional computer, you can still get screwed!
[16:41:48] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03pendorbound [2688] 02Pray we do not alter it further - 06Microsoft Stealthily Backs Away From Free Windows 10 Promise - 476 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:41:48] <exec> 08└─Why are people even still interested in running a "free" operating system that needs to be "activated" and thus can be deactivated at MS' whim. $0.00 is overpriced for an OS that can suddenly stop working if I change "too much" hardware or if the maker decides for whatever reason that I'm not "genui...
[16:41:53] <exec> *** new comment: 03EvilSS [1456] (Score:2) 02Re:Thanks for the business - 06Microsoft Stealthily Backs Away From Free Windows 10 Promise - 256 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[16:41:54] <exec> 08└─I've always said that universities could offer four year degree programs centered on understanding Microsoft licensing. At the company I work for we have a full time person who's only job is figuring out the correct licensing for our customers to purchase.
[16:41:55] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0, Insightful) 02Re:Remove That Pesky Notification - 06Microsoft Stealthily Backs Away From Free Windows 10 Promise - 102 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[16:41:56] <exec> 08└─You can get rid of it by dropping to the command line and entering deltree *.* then sudo install linux
[16:41:57] <exec> *** new comment: 03wonkey_monkey [279] (Score:2) 02Re:Remove That Pesky Notification - 06Microsoft Stealthily Backs Away From Free Windows 10 Promise - 56 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[16:41:57] <exec> 08└─Drag it onto the up arrow next to the notification area.
[16:41:58] <exec> *** new comment: 03tangomargarine [667] (Score:2) 02Understandable - 06Microsoft Stealthily Backs Away From Free Windows 10 Promise - 586 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:41:59] <exec> 08└─(Oh geez, when was the last time I found myself defending Microsoft?) Guaranteeing a free upgrade path from the previews is directly jettisoning sales* (assuming the previews are free). At least with 7 and 8/.1 owners you know they've paid something at some point, even if it's only the Windows Tax....
[16:42:00] <exec> *** new comment: 03nitehawk214 [1304] (Score:1) 02Re:Understandable - 06Microsoft Stealthily Backs Away From Free Windows 10 Promise - 43 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[16:42:01] <exec> 08└─Your sig is quite appropriate in this case.
[16:42:01] <exec> *** new comment: 03wonkey_monkey [279] (Score:2) 02Summary contradicts itself? - 06Microsoft Stealthily Backs Away From Free Windows 10 Promise - 111 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:42:02] <exec> 08└─we expected the company to do a volte-face and back away from this promise. Lo and behold, it has come to pass.
[16:42:10] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Too much math, not enough politics - 06Answer to a 150-Year-Old Math Conundrum Brings More Mystery - 159 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[16:42:11] <exec> 08└─This article is just a poof that being anti (anti-slashdot) does not make content automatically better. This 'summary' is basically advertisement for the site.
[16:42:27] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Language. - 06Answer to a 150-Year-Old Math Conundrum Brings More Mystery - 124 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[16:42:27] <exec> 08└─Ah ok. That makes sense. As if they can not be in the same group then the best you can do is 5 days before deadlock sets in.
[16:42:28] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02It's called - 06Answer to a 150-Year-Old Math Conundrum Brings More Mystery - 102 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:42:28] <exec> 08└─The summary should summarize the content. This "summary" is an extended advertisement for the article.
[16:42:47] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03pkrasimirov [3358] 02Re:Gaffer tape - 06Ask Soylent: Are There Any Decent Phonewatches Out There? - 91 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[16:42:47] <exec> 08└─Instructions unclear: Taped phone to arm and put fingers in power outlet. Became Spoderman.
[16:42:50] <exec> *** new comment: 03Alfred [4006] (Score:3, Insightful) 02I know a guy you could ask - 06Ask Soylent: Are There Any Decent Phonewatches Out There? - 117 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:42:50] <exec> 08└─You could try calling Dick Tracey. https://en.wikipedia.org [wikipedia.org] ...if you are too young
[16:43:11] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Two things stand out - 06Security Oversights and Complacency Set the Stage for Killers’ Escape - 63 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[16:43:12] <exec> 08└─You know that hindering people from sleep is a form of torture?
[16:43:12] <exec> *** new comment: 03wonkey_monkey [279] (Score:2) 02Re:Two things stand out - 06Security Oversights and Complacency Set the Stage for Killers’ Escape - 17 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[16:43:13] <exec> 08└─Yes. This is not.
[16:43:13] <exec> *** new comment: 03kaszz [4211] (Score:2) 02Re:Two things stand out - 06Security Oversights and Complacency Set the Stage for Killers’ Escape - 195 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[16:43:14] <exec> 08└─Regular light sweeps hinders good sleep. And a ton of muscles being grumpy next morning might translate to dead guard the next day. Being right doesn't necessarily mean that it's a good decision.
[16:43:15] <exec> *** new comment: 03tangomargarine [667] (Score:2) 02Array of oversights - 06Security Oversights and Complacency Set the Stage for Killers’ Escape - 88 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:43:16] <exec> 08└─See, this whole thing wouldn't have happened if they were using a queue or stack. Yeesh.
[16:43:17] <exec> *** new comment: 03kaszz [4211] (Score:2) 02Any good documentary article? - 06Security Oversights and Complacency Set the Stage for Killers’ Escape - 160 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:43:18] <exec> 08└─Anyone found a good documentary article on how they escaped? preferably with photos. I find this escape fascinating, "mission impossible" successfully executed.
[16:43:35] <exec> *** new comment: 03Aichon [5059] (Score:3, Interesting) 02Look, let's be honest - 06In an E3 About Nostalgia, One of the Big Announcements is a Final Fantasy 7 Remake - 2358 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:43:36] <exec> 08└─For those of us with fond memories of the original, we need to just accept that Remake will be something else entirely, for better and worse. Likely mostly for worse. Tetsuya Nomura (director on the project) has already said there will be some major changes. Nothing as drastic as changing a characte...
[16:44:55] <exec> *** new comment: 03kaszz [4211] (Score:2) 02Re:It's just a bait and catch - 06Cloudy Beta of Altium's CircuitMaker Software Available Gratis - 82 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[16:44:55] <exec> 08└─What payware for EE design is good? without having an outrageous price tag either?
[16:46:07] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Jindal, huh? - 06Louisiana Governor Vetoes License Plate Reader Bill, Citing Privacy Concerns. - 465 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[16:46:07] <exec> 08└─Then you're naive. By allowing them to set up all this surveillance infrastructure, you're creating a situation where it is easy for corrupt politicians in the future to misuse the technology. You can't trust them to delete the data even now. We mustn't allow mass surveillance at all. And frankly, e...
[16:46:08] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anal Pumpernickel [776] (Score:2) 02Re:Jindal, huh? - 06Louisiana Governor Vetoes License Plate Reader Bill, Citing Privacy Concerns. - 57 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[16:46:08] <exec> 08└─I would guess you've never had your vehicle stolen, then.
[16:47:18] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Why? - 06Where is Europe's Silicon Valley? - 109 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[16:47:19] <exec> 08└─But there's no need that a large fraction of the people working in a certain field work all in the same area.
[16:49:14] <exec> *** new comment: 03Alfred [4006] (Score:2) 02The article title ... LOL - 06Newspaper Success in a Digital Age - 346 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:49:14] <exec> 08└─The title itself is an oxymoron. It makes me laugh at newspapers. Kudos to the headline writer. Newspapers will not be successful in the digital age, not once the old timers die off. Any newspaper that succeeds will really be a digital entity that happens to use dead trees as seen here. Glad some ol...
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[17:39:42] <exec> 08********** 03SOYLENTNEWS COMMENT FEED08 **********
[17:39:42] <exec> last cid = 199486
[17:41:32] <exec> *** new comment: 03EvilSS [1456] (Score:2) 02Re:Why not... - 06Newly Discovered Fungus Could Eat the Plastic Out of Landfills - 160 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[17:41:32] <exec> 08└─What McDonalds are you eating at that packages their burgers in polyurethane? They used to use polystyrene but they switched to cardboard boxes a few years ago.
[17:41:35] <exec> *** new comment: 03toygeek [28] (Score:2) 02Re:Why break it down? Why not recycle it? - 06Newly Discovered Fungus Could Eat the Plastic Out of Landfills - 37 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[17:41:35] <exec> 08└─That's where the grandkids come in...
[17:41:36] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Why break it down? Why not recycle it? - 06Newly Discovered Fungus Could Eat the Plastic Out of Landfills - 242 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[17:41:36] <exec> 08└─I think they're missing the big(ger) picture. Delivering this fungus to the ocean locations that are teaming with plastics could help address a serious dilemma that is wreaking havoc on the environment. Not needing oxygen is certainly a plus.
[17:41:37] <exec> *** new comment: 03EvilSS [1456] (Score:2) 02Re:Why break it down? Why not recycle it? - 06Newly Discovered Fungus Could Eat the Plastic Out of Landfills - 166 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[17:41:38] <exec> 08└─Introducing a non-native species into the bowels of a landfill is bad enough, you want to dump it into the oceans as well? Because what could possibly go wrong there?
[17:41:39] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03iwoloschin [3863] 02Re:And it may also break down plastic you need.. - 06Newly Discovered Fungus Could Eat the Plastic Out of Landfills - 83 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[17:41:40] <exec> 08└─Nonsense. We'll just release some toads to eat the mold and it'll probably be fine.
[17:41:41] <exec> *** new comment: 03Runaway1956 [2926] (Score:2) 02Re:And it may also break down plastic you need.. - 06Newly Discovered Fungus Could Eat the Plastic Out of Landfills - 143 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[17:41:42] <exec> 08└─Invasive species? What could go wrong? http://www.usnews.com [usnews.com]
[17:41:43] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:And it may also break down plastic you need.. - 06Newly Discovered Fungus Could Eat the Plastic Out of Landfills - 141 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[17:41:44] <exec> 08└─This could serendipitously solve the problem of improper records retention that privacy advocates have been complaining about. Everyone wins!
[17:41:44] <exec> *** new comment: 03Jiro [3176] (Score:2) 02Re:And it may also break down plastic you need.. - 06Newly Discovered Fungus Could Eat the Plastic Out of Landfills - 60 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[17:41:45] <exec> 08└─I'm pretty sure I read this book in the 1970's. [amazon.com]
[17:41:46] <exec> *** new comment: 03snick [1408] (Score:2) 02Re:What could go wrong? - 06Newly Discovered Fungus Could Eat the Plastic Out of Landfills - 118 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[17:41:47] <exec> 08└─I was getting pretty bummed by your analysis. At least you ended with the upside Even your computer will disintegrate.
[17:41:48] <exec> *** new comment: 03VLM [445] (Score:2) 02Re:What could go wrong? - 06Newly Discovered Fungus Could Eat the Plastic Out of Landfills - 1281 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[17:41:48] <exec> 08└─The list above of applications is just a made up list of plastics in general. Here's a real list for this specific polymer: https://en.wikipedia.org [wikipedia.org] I'm sure you can F with the composition of the plastic to kill mold/bacteria in many application...
[17:41:49] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:What could go wrong? - 06Newly Discovered Fungus Could Eat the Plastic Out of Landfills - 111 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[17:41:50] <exec> 08└─it can do so in an anaerobic (oxygen-free) environment, suggesting it could be used at the bottom of landfills.
[17:41:59] <exec> *** new comment: 03SDRefugee [4477] (Score:1) 02Re:Pray we do not alter it further - 06Microsoft Stealthily Backs Away From Free Windows 10 Promise - 898 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[17:42:00] <exec> 08└─I'm a retired windows/linux admin, I run Linux exclusively on my home machines, but since I'm also the "defacto" tech support/resident geek for my church and neighborhood, I'm trying out Windows 10 since I'm gonna have to support it with the neighbors once it is released.. Actually, its pretty good,...
[17:42:06] <exec> *** new comment: 03schad [2398] (Score:2) 02Re:Thanks for the business - 06Microsoft Stealthily Backs Away From Free Windows 10 Promise - 378 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[17:42:07] <exec> 08└─Does Microsoft charge you a different rate depending on the make and model of your server and/or CPU? If not, they're straightforward and easy-to-understand by comparison to, for example, IBM. It kills me that IBM pushes (or pushed; it's been a while) PVUs as simple. "Shit, our sales numbers are loo...
[17:42:08] <exec> *** new comment: 03Phoenix666 [552] (Score:2) 02Re:Thanks for the business - 06Microsoft Stealthily Backs Away From Free Windows 10 Promise - 136 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[17:42:08] <exec> 08└─At the company I work for we have a full time person who's only job is figuring out the correct licensing for our customers to purchase.
[17:42:09] <exec> *** new comment: 03TK [2760] (Score:2) 02Re:Thanks for the business - 06Microsoft Stealthily Backs Away From Free Windows 10 Promise - 93 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[17:42:10] <exec> 08└─I have previously proposed a "+1 Sad but True" moderation which I think applies equally well.
[17:42:11] <exec> *** new comment: 03TK [2760] (Score:2) 02Re:Remove That Pesky Notification - 06Microsoft Stealthily Backs Away From Free Windows 10 Promise - 91 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[17:42:12] <exec> 08└─I tried that, but now my printer won't work and I taste copper. Is this because of systemd?
[17:42:15] <exec> *** new comment: 03captain normal [2205] (Score:2) 02Re:Understandable - 06Microsoft Stealthily Backs Away From Free Windows 10 Promise - 357 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[17:42:16] <exec> 08└─Well it is a real headscratcher for sure. I think we only have to look at the fact that the chrome browser has grown so fast and now the chromium OS coming out...all for free. Look for hooks in Win10 that mine data and push links to "trusted partners". As for updating to 10, I'm happy with 7 because...
[17:42:28] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Too much math, not enough politics - 06Answer to a 150-Year-Old Math Conundrum Brings More Mystery - 34 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[17:42:28] <exec> 08└─Yeah, we heard you the first time.
[17:42:32] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Two or three days? - 06Answer to a 150-Year-Old Math Conundrum Brings More Mystery - 134 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[17:42:32] <exec> 08└─"Girl A" can only be with "Girl B" once, so you can't just swap "Girl C" for "Girl D" in the first triplet and move onto the next one.
[17:42:47] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Language. - 06Answer to a 150-Year-Old Math Conundrum Brings More Mystery - 145 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[17:42:47] <exec> 08└─> So they walk 3 next to each other, for 7 days, so that no 2 will walk abreast (so next to eachother) for more than one day Er, no. [google.com]
[17:42:49] <exec> *** new comment: 03wonkey_monkey [279] (Score:3, Funny) 02It depends - 06Answer to a 150-Year-Old Math Conundrum Brings More Mystery - 95 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:42:49] <exec> 08└─Pull out a pencil and paper, and you’ll quickly find that the problem is harder than it looks
[17:43:11] <exec> *** new comment: 03J.J. Dane [402] (Score:1) 02Re:How about a nice smart pocketwatch? - 06Ask Soylent: Are There Any Decent Phonewatches Out There? - 138 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[17:43:11] <exec> 08└─Maybe something like http://www.theverge.com [theverge.com] with hinges and a watch chain..
[17:43:56] <exec> *** new comment: 03GungnirSniper [1671] (Score:2) 02Re:Charm - 06In an E3 About Nostalgia, One of the Big Announcements is a Final Fantasy 7 Remake - 107 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[17:43:56] <exec> 08└─FF7 took itself too seriously to have much charm. FF9, FF5, FF10/-2, and even FF13-2 are more lighthearted.
[17:44:00] <exec> *** new comment: 03GungnirSniper [1671] (Score:2) 02Re:Look, let's be honest - 06In an E3 About Nostalgia, One of the Big Announcements is a Final Fantasy 7 Remake - 83 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[17:44:00] <exec> 08└─Sounds like a GTA-style Streisand effect which would help generate buzz. And sales.
[17:44:01] <exec> *** new comment: 03Aichon [5059] (Score:2) 02Re:Look, let's be honest - 06In an E3 About Nostalgia, One of the Big Announcements is a Final Fantasy 7 Remake - 539 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[17:44:02] <exec> 08└─Controversies do indeed generate buzz, but controversies, by themselves, do not necessarily generate sales. There's a big difference between picking up a copy of the game that's controversial because the developers spent 90% of their time getting the "jiggle" physics right for the boobs of the beach...
[17:44:43] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Target Practice - 061,000 Pepper Robots Sell Out in a Minute on Launch Day - 202 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:44:44] <exec> 08└─I would like to see and hear a bunch of them singing the Dr. Pepper song. When they finish, I would love to hear an emotional Pepper beg for mercy then scream in horror as I used it for target practice.
[17:47:30] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02will cover the expenses for one class - 06Linux Foundation Scholarships: No Excuse Now - 161 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:47:30] <exec> 08└─Wow! What a huugeeee incentive. ONE class. and the Woman category? If I dress in panties does that count? Just want to gag with all this women girly crap lately.
[17:50:19] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Let's do the math.... - 06Assange's 3rd Year in Embassy, Sony and Saudi WikiLeaks Releases - 1026 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:50:19] <exec> 08└─Doing the math, let's take just the simplest of the costs: $10,300,000 "opportunity costs." No need to count overtime here since they apparently accounted that separately. Let's take a fictitious $2,000,000 off for equipment costs - even though it is not clear that this is needed. (Let's say 2 poli...
[17:51:22] <exec> count new = 27
[17:51:22] <exec> count top = 1
[17:51:22] <exec> 08********** 03END FEED08 **********
[18:39:42] <exec> 08********** 03SOYLENTNEWS COMMENT FEED08 **********
[18:39:42] <exec> last cid = 199518
[18:41:31] <exec> *** new comment: 03SubiculumHammer [5191] (Score:2) 02solution is easy-peasy - 06Who Protects Your Privacy? Apple, Yahoo, & Dropbox According to EFF - 146 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:41:31] <exec> 08└─If you are worried about your privacy/security/Constitutional-freedom on your cloud storage solution just combine with encrypted (freedom) vaults.
[18:41:45] <exec> *** new comment: 03morgauxo [2082] (Score:2) 02Re:Why break it down? Why not recycle it? - 06Newly Discovered Fungus Could Eat the Plastic Out of Landfills - 292 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[18:41:45] <exec> 08└─It's probably easier than extracting oil from shale to make new plastic. Those sources that are too difficult to be worth the trouble today are the cheapest options when the easiest sources start to run out. I think we should leave the plastic alone, future generations will probably need it.
[18:41:48] <exec> *** new comment: 03morgauxo [2082] (Score:2) 02Re:Why break it down? Why not recycle it? - 06Newly Discovered Fungus Could Eat the Plastic Out of Landfills - 285 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[18:41:48] <exec> 08└─I don't think so. TFA says the fungi thrive in an environment similar to that of a landfill. The open ocean is a completely different environment. Most of the time it isn't even anarobic! I would love to see the plastic cleaned up from the ocean too but this is unlikely to be the way.
[18:42:00] <exec> *** new comment: 03penguinoid [5331] (Score:2) 02Carbon sequestration - 06Newly Discovered Fungus Could Eat the Plastic Out of Landfills - 140 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:42:00] <exec> 08└─Landfills are one of the few places Americans put carbon back underground. Is there any reason we want to put that carbon back into the air?
[18:42:19] <exec> *** new comment: 03iamjacksusername [1479] (Score:2) 02Re:Thanks for the business - 06Microsoft Stealthily Backs Away From Free Windows 10 Promise - 573 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[18:42:19] <exec> 08└─It's not quite as bad as IBM but they seem to employ similar methodologies. Microsoft makes it deceptively simple - Oh, just count the clients or devices. Oh, you want SQL? Which edition? Oh, you cant use CALs if you are upgrading that edition under SA; you need to convert them to core licenses. How...
[18:42:22] <exec> *** new comment: 03iamjacksusername [1479] (Score:2) 02Re:Thanks for the business - 06Microsoft Stealthily Backs Away From Free Windows 10 Promise - 135 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[18:42:22] <exec> 08└─At one company, I had ~50 hours billed to unwind some Autodesk contract problems on a contract with a whopping 4 licenses on it. Crazy.
[18:42:23] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Thanks for the business - 06Microsoft Stealthily Backs Away From Free Windows 10 Promise - 340 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[18:42:24] <exec> 08└─> Sounds like someone in MS accounting saw the announcements, called legal and said "we need wiggle room in case we are having a bad quarter" More precisely, I said to myself "It's 4pm and I still have to perform the evil deed of the day", THEN saw the announcement, and THEN called legal. They don't...
[18:43:04] <exec> *** new comment: 03janrinok [52] (Score:2) 02Re:It's called - 06Answer to a 150-Year-Old Math Conundrum Brings More Mystery - 474 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[18:43:05] <exec> 08└─Advertisement? What is being sold? You mean, it draws the readers attention to an interesting article, just like every other story on this site does. You don't have to read them if you don't want to, but I found it interesting and enlightening. If maths is not your bag, pick another story. I don't u...
[18:44:14] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Charm - 06In an E3 About Nostalgia, One of the Big Announcements is a Final Fantasy 7 Remake - 146 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[18:44:14] <exec> 08└─Child Friendly? Apparently you never played V or X. Adult themes abound and weird systems that require a certain level of mastery or intelligence.
[18:44:15] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Charm - 06In an E3 About Nostalgia, One of the Big Announcements is a Final Fantasy 7 Remake - 51 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[18:44:15] <exec> 08└─I agree but I would not call FF7 charming like TFS.
[18:44:59] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Cloud Spy - 061,000 Pepper Robots Sell Out in a Minute on Launch Day - 25 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[18:44:59] <exec> 08└─Phones aren't autonomous.
[18:46:56] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Jindal, huh? - 06Louisiana Governor Vetoes License Plate Reader Bill, Citing Privacy Concerns. - 429 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[18:46:56] <exec> 08└─Ah, I see. So you're going to use the "If X happened to you, you'd think differently, and therefore your current arguments are wrong!" fallacy? Or what are you suggesting here that is of use to the conversation? Try to refute my actual arguments. Second of all, this just shows you're unprincipled. S...
[18:46:57] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anal Pumpernickel [776] (Score:2) 02Re:Jindal, huh? - 06Louisiana Governor Vetoes License Plate Reader Bill, Citing Privacy Concerns. - 60 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[18:46:57] <exec> 08└─Have you, or have you not, been the victim of vehicle theft?
[18:47:09] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:What is the political calculus here? - 06Louisiana Governor Vetoes License Plate Reader Bill, Citing Privacy Concerns. - 467 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[18:47:09] <exec> 08└─Each party's Whip handles brokering the arrangements for congressmen in districts vulnerable to the given issue. In essence, for most major pieces of legislation, the vote counts are known in advance, with significant repercussions for those who reverse their position at the last minute. What you se...
[18:47:42] <exec> *** new comment: 03cubancigar11 [330] (Score:2) 02Re:Women in Linux - 06Linux Foundation Scholarships: No Excuse Now - 355 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[18:47:43] <exec> 08└─I am sorry but you are sounding more and more like a really bad sexist, but in a positively feminist way - you know - the way that is politically correct. Women are by large the biggest perpetrators of child abuse. In east as well as west. To say 'nurture' is a feminine forte is exactly what the fem...
[18:50:43] <exec> count new = 15
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[18:50:43] <exec> 08********** 03END FEED08 **********
[19:39:42] <exec> 08********** 03SOYLENTNEWS COMMENT FEED08 **********
[19:39:42] <exec> last cid = 199537
[19:41:31] <exec> *** new comment: 03bradley13 [3053] (Score:2) 02Lot's of us listening... - 06Real-Life Experience With HSTS/HPKP - 309 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:41:31] <exec> 08└─As someone who manages just one website for a small company (turned https-only through .htaccess), I'll be very interested in hearing how to do it right. I expect lots of other Soylents are in similar positions: managing one of a few websites, and without the time and expertise to dig all this out o...
[19:41:32] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 022048-bit key - 06Real-Life Experience With HSTS/HPKP - 17 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:41:32] <exec> 08└─No 16384-bit key?
[19:41:33] <exec> *** new comment: 03tempest [3050] (Score:2) 02... - 06Real-Life Experience With HSTS/HPKP - 1169 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:41:34] <exec> 08└─HSTS headers are only valid if sent through https, and are not to be sent through http. Therefore the only way to end up with a browser pointed that way, is for them to have visited via https at some point. The nice thing about HSTS is that it solved an ATOM feed issue. Atom requires the entire URL...
[19:41:42] <exec> *** new comment: 03edIII [791] (Score:2) 02Meaningless Term - 06Who Protects Your Privacy? Apple, Yahoo, & Dropbox According to EFF - 532 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:41:43] <exec> 08└─Responding to The Register's questions regarding the widespread criticism of many of these companies true commitment to customers' privacy, Nate Cardozo, an EFF Staff Attorney, told us that "with this report, we ask specifically how well companies stand up to the government, not what kind of busines...
[19:41:44] <exec> *** new comment: 03Marneus68 [3572] (Score:2) 02The Fappening - 06Who Protects Your Privacy? Apple, Yahoo, & Dropbox According to EFF - 151 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:41:45] <exec> 08└─Remeber the Fappenning? No? Because I sure as hell do. If Apple's public policy opposes backdoors their engineers probably didn't get the fucking memo.
[19:41:45] <exec> *** new comment: 03mtrycz [60] (Score:2) 02Obligatory reminder - 06Who Protects Your Privacy? Apple, Yahoo, & Dropbox According to EFF - 111 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:41:46] <exec> 08└─https://www.raspberrypi.org/ [raspberrypi.org] https://arkos.io [arkos.io] http://owncloud.com [owncloud.com]
[19:41:56] <exec> *** new comment: 03LoRdTAW [3755] (Score:2) 02Re:Why not... - 06Newly Discovered Fungus Could Eat the Plastic Out of Landfills - 127 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[19:41:57] <exec> 08└─They switched to paper for food packaging in 1990. It was only in 2013 that they stopped using styrofoam for hot beverage cups.
[19:42:04] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03kaszz [4211] 02And it may also break down plastic you need.. - 06Newly Discovered Fungus Could Eat the Plastic Out of Landfills - 364 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:42:05] <exec> 08└─If it can break down plastic materials you don't want. It may also break down objects made of plastic that you want to keep around. And if this fungus spreads around the globe it may cause untold damage and require faster production of more plastic materials. So watch out for every problem fix that...
[19:42:10] <exec> *** new comment: 03mtrycz [60] (Score:2) 02Re:And it may also break down plastic you need.. - 06Newly Discovered Fungus Could Eat the Plastic Out of Landfills - 143 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[19:42:11] <exec> 08└─Yes, I came here just to say the same thing: if this thing goes out of control for some reason, it's the end of our civilization as we know it.
[19:42:12] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03captain normal [2205] 02What could go wrong? - 06Newly Discovered Fungus Could Eat the Plastic Out of Landfills - 570 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:42:12] <exec> 08└─First, I've never seen an "airless" landfill. Second, if, as article says, this fungus has a "...voracious appetite for a global waste problem: polyurethane." then not only will our waste plastics be toast, what happens when the spores get loose in our environment. Bye bye cable insulation, as well...
[19:42:17] <exec> *** new comment: 03iwoloschin [3863] (Score:2) 02Re:Carbon sequestration - 06Newly Discovered Fungus Could Eat the Plastic Out of Landfills - 7 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[19:42:18] <exec> 08└─Profit.
[19:42:29] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Pray we do not alter it further - 06Microsoft Stealthily Backs Away From Free Windows 10 Promise - 153 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[19:42:29] <exec> 08└─This obviously is the "New Microsoft" that can do no wrong... The power of default is strong but is it really this strong? Will people really swallow it?
[19:42:34] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Maybe the guys who came up with the orig progra - 06Microsoft Stealthily Backs Away From Free Windows 10 Promise - 23 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[19:42:34] <exec> 08└─or Larry, Moe and Curly
[19:42:47] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Remove That Pesky Notification - 06Microsoft Stealthily Backs Away From Free Windows 10 Promise - 493 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[19:42:47] <exec> 08└─Despite the other suggestions, according to a friend of mine if you REALLY want to get rid of that upgrade button but keep the OS itself "If you're running Windows 7/8 and see a little icon in your system tray that looks like the Windows 10 logo, that's thanks to Microsoft update KB3035583, which in...
[19:42:52] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:1, Touché) 02The Upgrade to FreeBSD 11.0 - 06Microsoft Stealthily Backs Away From Free Windows 10 Promise - 481 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:42:52] <exec> 08└─In related news, users of FreeBSD 10.x will be given a, free of charge, upgrade when FreeBSD 11.0 is released (as will current users of any other OS). It will "remain activated" (whatever that means?) for as long as you like. It will be as genuine as you want to make it, and updated as frequently as...
[19:42:53] <exec> *** new comment: 03mtrycz [60] (Score:2) 02Re:The Upgrade to FreeBSD 11.0 - 06Microsoft Stealthily Backs Away From Free Windows 10 Promise - 23 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[19:42:53] <exec> 08└─I'm in! how much is it?
[19:43:26] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Language. - 06Answer to a 150-Year-Old Math Conundrum Brings More Mystery - 603 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[19:43:26] <exec> 08└─er yes... FROM the summary "so that no two shall walk twice abreast" Meaning (A B C) is OK for the first day but (A B D) is not OK for the second day but (A D B) is OK. If it were not true then if you hold column1 fixed (because order does not mater then). Then rotate the second and third columns on...
[19:43:29] <exec> *** new comment: 03maxwell demon [1608] (Score:2) 02Re:It's called - 06Answer to a 150-Year-Old Math Conundrum Brings More Mystery - 34 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[19:43:29] <exec> 08└─Advertisement? What is being sold?
[19:43:30] <exec> *** new comment: 03janrinok [52] (Score:2) 02Re:It's called - 06Answer to a 150-Year-Old Math Conundrum Brings More Mystery - 493 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[19:43:30] <exec> 08└─OK, I can see the point that you are making. However, to me as the submitter, I was more interested in solving the initial problem and learning a bit more about combinatorial maths. Explaining in simple terms what follows in the second half of the article would have resulted in a summary of almost t...
[19:43:32] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Pencil and Paper? - 06Answer to a 150-Year-Old Math Conundrum Brings More Mystery - 95 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:43:33] <exec> 08└─Pull out a pencil and paper, and you’ll quickly find that the problem is harder than it looks
[19:44:21] <exec> *** new comment: 03isostatic [365] (Score:2) 02Re:Array of oversights - 06Security Oversights and Complacency Set the Stage for Killers’ Escape - 33 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[19:44:21] <exec> 08└─Security was clearly a right hash
[19:45:02] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:what it is and what it looks like - 061,000 Pepper Robots Sell Out in a Minute on Launch Day - 27 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[19:45:02] <exec> 08└─Hi, It's 2015. Get over it.
[19:45:44] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03gnuman [5013] 02Re:phone software, yeah, that's usually high quali - 06HTTPS Defects in Dozens of Android Apps Expose User Passwords - 346 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[19:45:44] <exec> 08└─That's completely stupid proposal. What standards? Who enforces them? If Microsoft fixes a bug that then causes other software to fail because they understood that as a feature, then what? Software is not rebar in concrete. People that try to compare the two really don't know WTF they are talking ab...
[19:45:58] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03nyder [4525] 02Google's fault - 06HTTPS Defects in Dozens of Android Apps Expose User Passwords - 491 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:45:58] <exec> 08└─Honestly, I think this is Google fault. They should provide all the necessary security in their API's, have a secure password API already, so the Dick, Jane & Harry part time programmers don't put out insecure apps. While great programmers might not want to use that sort of stuff because they can...
[19:46:22] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Boring people are boring - 06Cloudy Beta of Altium's CircuitMaker Software Available Gratis - 101 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[19:46:22] <exec> 08└─It must be incredibly dull in the world where you live--a place where no one has an opinion. -- gewg_
[19:49:31] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03c0lo [156] 02Re:grammatical errors in summary - 06Interview with Mikeal Rogers: Node.js Fork that Ended up as a Giant, Unifying Step Forward - 49 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[19:49:31] <exec> 08└─something I recently read: (Author unknown to me)
[19:49:43] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03deimios [201] 02Re:javascript - 06Interview with Mikeal Rogers: Node.js Fork that Ended up as a Giant, Unifying Step Forward - 1303 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[19:49:43] <exec> 08└─I have a bit of experience with node.js and when it works it's the perfect fast prototyping platform for sites. Though coming from a JavaEE background I guess a dead turtle in superglue is faster at prototyping than JSF. From my (arguably limited) point of view: Pros: You can get from 0 to functiona...
[19:50:37] <exec> count new = 21
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[20:39:42] <exec> 08********** 03SOYLENTNEWS COMMENT FEED08 **********
[20:39:42] <exec> last cid = 199560
[20:41:28] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:1, Disagree) 02They never were reliable. - 06Political Polls Become Less Reliable As We Head into 2016 Presidential Election - 136 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[20:41:29] <exec> 08└─Asking a few thousand people a few questions and then assuming the answers were honest and accurate isn't exactly scientific, after all.
[20:41:29] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:They never were reliable. - 06Political Polls Become Less Reliable As We Head into 2016 Presidential Election - 154 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[20:41:30] <exec> 08└─Disagree? Want to post a response to that? I thought it was a very valid point although it is better to make that statement and back it up with some data.
[20:41:30] <exec> *** new comment: 03Geezer [511] (Score:4, Insightful) 02Only one poll matters. - 06Political Polls Become Less Reliable As We Head into 2016 Presidential Election - 57 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[20:41:31] <exec> 08└─The one inside the polling place. Please use responsibly.
[20:41:32] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:1, Insightful) 02What might be more informative. - 06Political Polls Become Less Reliable As We Head into 2016 Presidential Election - 451 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[20:41:33] <exec> 08└─A poll asking if they even vote anymore or if they even trust their government. Cause when you view today's headlines, there just can't be an inkling of trust in the public sphere. Look who you have for president. He has a nobel peace prize in one hand and a drone kill list in the other. I'll tell y...
[20:41:43] <exec> *** new comment: 03darkengine [5287] (Score:4, Interesting) 02Stay cautious - 06Real-Life Experience With HSTS/HPKP - 1219 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[20:41:44] <exec> 08└─I'm the server admin of a small/medium-sized community (~1,500 active posters, ~8,000 visitors) called lainchan [lainchan.org], and we use HSTS and plan to add HPKP. HSTS is great. Very easy to set up and is definitely helpful in increasing security against would-be coffee shop MitMs. If at all poss...
[20:41:45] <exec> *** new comment: 03gnuman [5013] (Score:2) 02Both solved problems, but solution not used - 06Real-Life Experience With HSTS/HPKP - 478 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[20:41:45] <exec> 08└─TLS-DANE fixed the 2nd problem. You can pin your certificate via DNSSEC, but alas, no one uses it. So since no one uses it, these problems cannot really be solved. And since you have no idea where you certificate comes from, then what is HSTS good for? From the wikipedia links about HSTS, The initi...
[20:41:46] <exec> *** new comment: 03darkengine [5287] (Score:1) 02Re:Both solved problems, but solution not used - 06Real-Life Experience With HSTS/HPKP - 157 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[20:41:47] <exec> 08└─DNSSEC is, IMO, broken [sockpuppet.org], and a solution looking for a problem. what happens when the CA is replaced with another because key was compromised?
[20:41:48] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Also, please have a fallback page. - 06Real-Life Experience With HSTS/HPKP - 563 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[20:41:48] <exec> 08└─Having a laptop with a faulty battery here, I get problems with certs all the time. WTF? you ask, what does the battery have to do with certs? Well, the battery keeps the clock correct and sometimes I forget to set it before browsing...then things get real interesting. Anyway, ya I could set up some...
[20:41:58] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:-1, Flamebait) 02No they don't have our backs. - 06Who Protects Your Privacy? Apple, Yahoo, & Dropbox According to EFF - 343 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[20:41:59] <exec> 08└─Using cute little sayings and attaching it to meaningless categories does not mean you have our backs. What we need is a report showing who really does have our backs covered. Maybe the EFF is now just a shill for the NSA. Cause what they are trying to push here is just a pile of shit. If it looks l...
[20:41:59] <exec> *** new comment: 03Nerdfest [80] (Score:2) 02Google - 06Who Protects Your Privacy? Apple, Yahoo, & Dropbox According to EFF - 208 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[20:42:00] <exec> 08└─Hey, what the hell happened to Google. Last year (I think) they were full marks (Apple wasn't). I'm not sure about retention policies, but they were pretty much the first to disclose government data requests.
[20:42:29] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Article from a non-techie site - 06Newly Discovered Fungus Could Eat the Plastic Out of Landfills - 367 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[20:42:29] <exec> 08└─I have been chastised here for linking to non-techie sites. I like the way those generally break things down into bite-sized bits so an everyman can consume them. As I was preparing the summary, I was thinking that the thing you pointed to might be a little too kindergarten for this crowd. After thi...
[20:42:30] <exec> *** new comment: 03LoRdTAW [3755] (Score:2) 02Re:What could go wrong? - 06Newly Discovered Fungus Could Eat the Plastic Out of Landfills - 1018 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[20:42:30] <exec> 08└─I think you are confusing polyurethane (PUR) with polyvinylchloride (PVC). Most wire, cable, and fiber optic cable use PVC for both insulation and jackets. Water pipes are either PVC or PEX (crosslinked polyethylene). Semi Rigid gas pipe, the kind used in streets in lieu of steel or other metals, is...
[20:42:34] <exec> *** new comment: 03Covalent [43] (Score:2) 02Be Careful - 06Newly Discovered Fungus Could Eat the Plastic Out of Landfills - 315 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[20:42:35] <exec> 08└─https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Andromeda_Strain [wikipedia.org] In this book / movie, a space virus eats rubber seals and triggers a nuclear detonation. A bit far fetched, perhaps, but one of the advantages of polyurethane is that it DOESN'T rot. If this thing mutates to tolerate oxygen, that cou...
[20:42:47] <exec> *** new comment: 03Tork [3914] (Score:2) 02Re:Pray we do not alter it further - 06Microsoft Stealthily Backs Away From Free Windows 10 Promise - 76 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[20:42:47] <exec> 08└─People typically run software on their operating systems, not the OS itself.
[20:43:03] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03TK [2760] 02Re:Remove That Pesky Notification - 06Microsoft Stealthily Backs Away From Free Windows 10 Promise - 91 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[20:43:03] <exec> 08└─I tried that, but now my printer won't work and I taste copper. Is this because of systemd?
[20:43:40] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Let's get the Japanese working on this: - 06Answer to a 150-Year-Old Math Conundrum Brings More Mystery - 43 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[20:43:40] <exec> 08└─> 3 You're just not using your imagination.
[20:43:59] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03Gravis [4596] 02No. - 06Ask Soylent: Are There Any Decent Phonewatches Out There? - 83 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[20:43:59] <exec> 08└─source: https://en.wikipedia.org's_law_of_headlines [wikipedia.org]
[20:48:09] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:What language is used to teach? - 06Microsoft Funds First US-based Chinese Research University Degree Program - 57 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[20:48:09] <exec> 08└─while China is backing up their currency with production.
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[21:41:31] <exec> *** new comment: 03Zz9zZ [1348] (Score:2) 02Tipping Point? - 06How Much of Your Lifetime Has the USA Been at War? - 148 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:41:31] <exec> 08└─The 80's! Pretty steady increase/decrease, but queue the 80s and the rate just starts shooting through the roof *ba dum chhhh* (I'll let myself out)
[21:41:32] <exec> *** new comment: 03Phoenix666 [552] (Score:3, Interesting) 02Definition - 06How Much of Your Lifetime Has the USA Been at War? - 744 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:41:32] <exec> 08└─If you count the Cold War, then my whole life, really. Even after the fall of the Iron Curtain and the Soviet Union, there was the Balkan War where we bombed a bunch of Serbs. Then there were missile attacks on Sudan and military actions in Somalia. Of course Afghanistan and Iraq round out the set....
[21:41:33] <exec> *** new comment: 03VLM [445] (Score:2) 02California drought - 06How Much of Your Lifetime Has the USA Been at War? - 208 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:41:34] <exec> 08└─There's a similar project with California drought. I wonder if there's any cross fertilization and if so, who copied who? There are (young) kids in some parts of CA who supposedly have never experienced rain.
[21:41:35] <exec> *** new comment: 03Absolutely.Geek [5328] (Score:1) 0244.4% - 06How Much of Your Lifetime Has the USA Been at War? - 153 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:41:35] <exec> 08└─So looking at this 44.4% of my life the US has been formally at war; but for my little sister it is 75%. However all of my nicees and nephews it is 100%.
[21:41:36] <exec> *** new comment: 03zugedneb [4556] (Score:2) 02So how do you feel? - 06How Much of Your Lifetime Has the USA Been at War? - 277 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:41:37] <exec> 08└─Was it worth it? Did you secure the resources you wanted? Did you liberate the ones you wanted? Did you bring freedom to the ones who need it? Did you get the respect you craved for? Did you get the gratitude you deserved? Are you confused by the hate you recieve? and so on...
[21:41:38] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Korea - 06How Much of Your Lifetime Has the USA Been at War? - 32 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:41:39] <exec> 08└─All of it. North Korea. Nuf Said
[21:41:39] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Wrong statistics - 06How Much of Your Lifetime Has the USA Been at War? - 398 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:41:40] <exec> 08└─If one is going to count the FUD-inducing neverending "War on Terror," one then also needs to include the "War on Poverty," "War on Drugs," and any other War on Things. Which means anyone under the age of 50 has been 100% at war. Now if you wanted to count the main combat periods in Afghanistan and...
[21:41:41] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Your little graphic means shit to me - 06How Much of Your Lifetime Has the USA Been at War? - 487 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:41:42] <exec> 08└─Rather than using a somewhat subjective definition, they might want to consult the original source document [archives.gov] to decide what it means for the USA to be "at war"; Article I, section 8 seems most apropos. Of course, under that definition, the country has rarely ever actually been "at war"...
[21:41:49] <exec> *** new comment: 03Tork [3914] (Score:3, Insightful) 02Re:They never were reliable. - 06Political Polls Become Less Reliable As We Head into 2016 Presidential Election - 38 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[21:41:49] <exec> 08└─I thought it was a very valid point...
[21:41:50] <exec> *** new comment: 03tibman [134] (Score:2) 02Re:They never were reliable. - 06Political Polls Become Less Reliable As We Head into 2016 Presidential Election - 181 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[21:41:51] <exec> 08└─Not sure why people are hating on you. Land-line based phones would be a terrible way to get a cross-section of voter's intentions. It was probably useful ten years ago but not now.
[21:41:52] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03Geezer [511] 02Only one poll matters. - 06Political Polls Become Less Reliable As We Head into 2016 Presidential Election - 57 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:41:52] <exec> 08└─The one inside the polling place. Please use responsibly.
[21:41:53] <exec> *** new comment: 03GlennC [3656] (Score:2) 02Re:Only one poll matters. - 06Political Polls Become Less Reliable As We Head into 2016 Presidential Election - 23 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[21:41:54] <exec> 08└─Please use responsibly.
[21:41:55] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Statistical methods are powerful - 06Political Polls Become Less Reliable As We Head into 2016 Presidential Election - 147 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:41:56] <exec> 08└─Consider that we don't need to be counting each vote. A _random_ selection of a few is all that's needed. The problem is that polling isn't random.
[21:41:56] <exec> *** new comment: 03Zz9zZ [1348] (Score:2) 02Good - 06Political Polls Become Less Reliable As We Head into 2016 Presidential Election - 219 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:41:57] <exec> 08└─I never saw the point of election polling. The only effect I can imagine is to get better ratings, or more with more tinfoil hat: shift public opinion. What possible benefit can these polls provide for the actual voter?
[21:41:58] <exec> *** new comment: 03Phoenix666 [552] (Score:2) 02Circenses - 06Political Polls Become Less Reliable As We Head into 2016 Presidential Election - 764 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[21:41:59] <exec> 08└─Election polling is part of the "circenses" half of "Panem et circenses." The horse race is the central dynamic of the election spectacle, which means you need a system for score-keeping to keep the leaderboard going. The other crucial aspect of the election spectacle is maintaining the illusion of...
[21:42:10] <exec> *** new comment: 03NCommander [2] (Score:2) 02Re:Both solved problems, but solution not used - 06Real-Life Experience With HSTS/HPKP - 195 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:42:10] <exec> 08└─DNSSEC is on the to do list. We had a long lasting issue with the domain that prevented us from using our own BIND instance. As soon as Paul does the migration I'm going to sign the site records.
[21:42:11] <exec> *** new comment: 03gnuman [5013] (Score:2) 02Re:Both solved problems, but solution not used - 06Real-Life Experience With HSTS/HPKP - 808 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:42:11] <exec> 08└─Excellent! DANE could be next addition then,         http://www.internetsociety.org [internetsociety.org] The only issue with DANE is inability to quickly change your certificate - you need to roll it over, like a DNSSEC key,   ...
[21:42:12] <exec> *** new comment: 03NCommander [2] (Score:2) 02Re:Both solved problems, but solution not used - 06Real-Life Experience With HSTS/HPKP - 300 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:42:12] <exec> 08└─We don't use a CDN (our average page load is a few kilobytes). So no problems there. The key rotation issue is why we havent deployed DNSSEC yet. Fortunately our registrar, gandi supports DNSEC fairly well so once we are hosting soylentnews.org on BIND, enabling it and DANE should be straightforward
[21:42:13] <exec> *** new comment: 03NCommander [2] (Score:2) 02Re:Both solved problems, but solution not used - 06Real-Life Experience With HSTS/HPKP - 121 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:42:14] <exec> 08└─On the hpkp note, we pin the key the site uses, not the CA. We can change CAs freely as long as we use the same key pair.
[21:42:15] <exec> *** new comment: 03JeffPaetkau [1465] (Score:1) 02Thank You - 06Real-Life Experience With HSTS/HPKP - 615 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:42:16] <exec> 08└─I just want to say thank you for continuing to make the site better. Keep up the good work. Since launch I have been visiting this site and "the other site" about 50/50 and have noticed that Soylent News keeps getting better (slowly but surely) and the other site worse. The current share button fias...
[21:42:17] <exec> *** new comment: 03paulej72 [58] (Score:2) 02Re:Thank You - 06Real-Life Experience With HSTS/HPKP - 166 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:42:18] <exec> 08└─We have mobile device support on the todo list. There are some things that need cleaned up in the UI first for the normal site before I start tackling the mobile css.
[21:42:19] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:1, Touché) 02Why Bother? - 06Real-Life Experience With HSTS/HPKP - 136 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:42:19] <exec> 08└─Oblig Dilbert [dilbert.com] from yesterday. Will someone think of the Elbonians? How is this going to help Fred monetize his free wi-fi?
[21:42:28] <exec> *** new comment: 03K_benzoate [5036] (Score:2) 02Re:The Fappening - 06Who Protects Your Privacy? Apple, Yahoo, & Dropbox According to EFF - 366 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[21:42:29] <exec> 08└─That wasn't a backdoor. The hackers found celebrity e-mail addresses (not terribly hard), which got them the login name, and then just guessed/brute forced passwords and security questions. They could have picked better passwords and security questions, and turned on two-factor auth. Apple can only...
[21:42:32] <exec> *** new comment: 03Zz9zZ [1348] (Score:2) 02Two sides - 06Who Protects Your Privacy? Apple, Yahoo, & Dropbox According to EFF - 1613 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:42:33] <exec> 08└─I'm torn between calling bullshit and respecting that the EFF is doing the best they can to rate corporate practices. I truly appreciate the rating system and feel that it is better than nothing for the average person to gain some insight into who does what. However, there are necessary details miss...
[21:43:08] <exec> *** new comment: 03TK [2760] (Score:2) 02Re:Carbon sequestration - 06Newly Discovered Fungus Could Eat the Plastic Out of Landfills - 348 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[21:43:08] <exec> 08└─Is CO2 a byproduct of fungal growth? Anaerobic means no O2, which I am guessing means no CO2? I am not a biologist, but my limited understanding is that the fungus will convert carbon in plastics into carbon in fungal cells, which other critters will eat. Anyone with more than a highschool level of...
[21:43:10] <exec> *** new comment: 03TheLink [332] (Score:2) 02Coal - 06Newly Discovered Fungus Could Eat the Plastic Out of Landfills - 698 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:43:10] <exec> 08└─There's a theory that a lot of coal around today is due to the days when fungi didn't digest wood from dead trees and before those types of fungi developed, you got a nice big layer of coal, after, not so much: http://www.scientificamerican.com
[21:43:48] <exec> *** new comment: 03VortexCortex [4067] (Score:2) 02Re:The Upgrade to FreeBSD 11.0 - 06Microsoft Stealthily Backs Away From Free Windows 10 Promise - 15 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[21:43:48] <exec> 08└─how much is it?
[21:44:23] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Language. - 06Answer to a 150-Year-Old Math Conundrum Brings More Mystery - 406 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[21:44:24] <exec> 08└─No, that is incorrect. The rules are: 15 girls; 7 days; 5 pairwise disjoint subsets of 3 girls each per day; if two girls are in the same subset, they must not be in another subset together on a different day. Anna-Bertha-Carla in a row on one day and Anna-Doris-Carla in a row on another day is not...
[21:45:30] <exec> *** new comment: 03VortexCortex [4067] (Score:2) 02Re:Linux - 06In an E3 About Nostalgia, One of the Big Announcements is a Final Fantasy 7 Remake - 2987 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[21:45:31] <exec> 08└─For Linux I've ran my FF7 via ePSXe (or Wine for the PC version). As for an updated FF7? The high(er) res model pack does it for me, along with a few other mods [qhimm.com] (there's also mods that allow you to keep Areis alive). From a design perspective, the death of an important character is a pro...
[21:45:31] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Linux - 06In an E3 About Nostalgia, One of the Big Announcements is a Final Fantasy 7 Remake - 88 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[21:45:32] <exec> 08└─There is at least one prequel for the PSP that mostly focuses on Zack. Crisis Core: FF7.
[21:45:36] <exec> *** new comment: 03khedoros [2921] (Score:2) 02Re:It's VII not 7. - 06In an E3 About Nostalgia, One of the Big Announcements is a Final Fantasy 7 Remake - 39 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[21:45:37] <exec> 08└─I'll probably buy ps4 just to play this
[21:46:46] <exec> *** new comment: 03gnuman [5013] (Score:2) 02Re:phone software, yeah, that's usually high quali - 06HTTPS Defects in Dozens of Android Apps Expose User Passwords - 20 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[21:46:47] <exec> 08└─Why is it so stupid?
[21:47:10] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03NoMaster [3543] 02Re:It's just a bait and catch - 06Cloudy Beta of Altium's CircuitMaker Software Available Gratis - 224 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[21:47:10] <exec> 08└─If you start developing in a propietary software that requires a yearly license to work then your data is hostage to the good will of an external party. So the first one is free.. Just say no to have your data being hostage.
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[22:41:29] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Tipping Point? - 06How Much of Your Lifetime Has the USA Been at War? - 62 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[22:41:30] <exec> 08└─Do we really need to add the 80s to some kind of waiting list?
[22:41:35] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Korea - 06How Much of Your Lifetime Has the USA Been at War? - 35 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[22:41:36] <exec> 08└─And well said, and indeed 'Nuff. :)
[22:41:36] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Korea - 06How Much of Your Lifetime Has the USA Been at War? - 12 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[22:41:37] <exec> 08└─'Nuff 'nuff.
[22:41:40] <exec> *** new comment: 03VLM [445] (Score:3, Insightful) 02Re:Your little graphic means shit to me - 06How Much of Your Lifetime Has the USA Been at War? - 134 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[22:41:41] <exec> 08└─As one of our former leaders said, that's just a piece of paper. We no longer operate under rule of law, we operate as a rogue nation.
[22:41:52] <exec> *** new comment: 03looorg [578] (Score:2) 02Re:They never were reliable. - 06Political Polls Become Less Reliable As We Head into 2016 Presidential Election - 3602 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[22:41:52] <exec> 08└─Why would you assume they all lie or are dishonest? Most people don't go around lying just cause they can. Do you deliberately go around lying to people when asked mundane questions? If they feel they don't want to answer then they don't -- they usually hang up or say no thanks (or you get told to f...
[22:42:07] <exec> *** new comment: 03DarkMorph [674] (Score:2) 02Re:Lot's of us listening... - 06Real-Life Experience With HSTS/HPKP - 604 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:42:07] <exec> 08└─What exactly is the "right way" for setting up a server to be HTTPS-only? For a while I thought the popular solution was to make use of the rewrite module (speaking in terms of Apache) but then I found a replacement for that approach: the Redirect [apache.org] directive. You can redirect requests...
[22:44:31] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:It's called - 06Answer to a 150-Year-Old Math Conundrum Brings More Mystery - 189 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[22:44:31] <exec> 08└─> The summary should summarize the content. This "summary" is an extended advertisement for the article. If you had ever submitted a story you would know it is not a summary, it is a scoop.
[22:44:48] <exec> *** new comment: 03khedoros [2921] (Score:2) 02Re:Apple - 06Ask Soylent: Are There Any Decent Phonewatches Out There? - 98 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[22:44:48] <exec> 08└─but one family member has to futz around with a SIMM, and the next one just fires up his phone OOB
[22:45:13] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02''the acceptable target race has shifted to white' - 06Security Oversights and Complacency Set the Stage for Killers’ Escape - 187 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[22:45:13] <exec> 08└─As I have said before, "trickle down" only applies to bad stuff. When you allow others to be victimized, it's only a matter of time before they get around to you. [wikipedia.org] -- gewg_
[22:46:38] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:¥24,600 in monthly fees for weather forecasts?? - 061,000 Pepper Robots Sell Out in a Minute on Launch Day - 22 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[22:46:38] <exec> 08└─How is this not funny?
[22:47:23] <exec> *** new comment: 03Phoenix666 [552] (Score:2) 02Re:Obvious lead generator - 06Cloudy Beta of Altium's CircuitMaker Software Available Gratis - 200 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[22:47:23] <exec> 08└─Yep, the only cloud storage you can count on is on your own servers. Then you have only to hope that you don't turn into a dick when you put your sysadmin hat on and deny yourself access to the files.
[22:47:33] <exec> *** new comment: 03Phoenix666 [552] (Score:2) 02A Small Meta Comment - 06Cloudy Beta of Altium's CircuitMaker Software Available Gratis - 140 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:47:33] <exec> 08└─This is why I really appreciate Soylent. When I read the summary I thought, "Cool!" The comments by cognoscenti have quite turned me around.
[22:48:38] <exec> *** new comment: 03Phoenix666 [552] (Score:2) 02Re:Jindal, huh? - 06Louisiana Governor Vetoes License Plate Reader Bill, Citing Privacy Concerns. - 118 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[22:48:38] <exec> 08└─I don't expect that it will be easy to defeat the NSA, but even if the odds are nearly nonexistent, it's worth trying.
[22:49:51] <exec> *** new comment: 03Phoenix666 [552] (Score:2) 02Re:Why do we need one? - 06Where is Europe's Silicon Valley? - 329 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[22:49:51] <exec> 08└─The funny thing is that the true cycle is VCs hoping to unload their Series A investments on another round of rich suckers at some multiple greater than or equal to 5. So it's really a bunch of rich guys scamming each other. That developers and the company founders get worked to death and discarded...
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[23:39:42] <exec> 08********** 03SOYLENTNEWS COMMENT FEED08 **********
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[23:41:31] <exec> *** new comment: 03K_benzoate [5036] (Score:2) 02Devolution - 06 AMD Weighing a Business Break-up or Spin-off per Reuters  - 485 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[23:41:31] <exec> 08└─They could break off their graphics processing division, maybe call it ATI. If they have two nickels to rub together afterwards, maybe someone will be able to hire some driver developers. I'm actually sad to see AMD struggling so much. We need competition in the CPU/GPU sector. If Intel is the only...
[23:41:32] <exec> *** new comment: 03Non Sequor [1005] (Score:2) 02Makes sense to me. - 06 AMD Weighing a Business Break-up or Spin-off per Reuters  - 2150 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[23:41:32] <exec> 08└─The theories that favor mergers are vertical integration (consolidating links in a supply chain, possibly reducing redundant elements in product design or engineering that take place along various points along the chain), horizontal integration (consolidating similar product lines with similar suppl...
[23:41:43] <exec> *** new comment: 03c0lo [156] (Score:2) 02Re:Definition - 06How Much of Your Lifetime Has the USA Been at War? - 79 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[23:41:43] <exec> 08└─It would be a welcome change to have a real Pax Terra for a couple generations.
[23:41:47] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:So how do you feel? - 06How Much of Your Lifetime Has the USA Been at War? - 253 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[23:41:47] <exec> 08└─That assumes any one person had any significant control to enact even a hope of choice in the matter. Given the demographic of this site's readership, the odds are extremely good that the number of people that had a choice between war or peace was zero.
[23:41:51] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:Korea - 06How Much of Your Lifetime Has the USA Been at War? - 552 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[23:41:52] <exec> 08└─Indeed. While there was an armistice signed in 1953, there was no formal peace treaty. So technically the Korean War still hasn't ended, and while there has been de facto peace for about 62 years, it's the same sort of peace that existed between the United States and the Soviet Union in the days of...
[23:41:54] <exec> *** new comment: 03mucsdnop [3687] (Score:2, Funny) 02Re:Wrong statistics - 06How Much of Your Lifetime Has the USA Been at War? - 73 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[23:41:55] <exec> 08└─How could you forget the most important war of all? The War on Christmas!
[23:41:57] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02The U.S. has always been at war with Eastasia - 06How Much of Your Lifetime Has the USA Been at War? - 74 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[23:41:58] <exec> 08└─Or was it Eurasia? Oh, crap! The thought police are going be after me now.
[23:41:58] <exec> *** new comment: 03looorg [578] (Score:2) 02We've always been at war with ... - 06How Much of Your Lifetime Has the USA Been at War? - 239 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[23:41:59] <exec> 08└─We've always been at war with someone or something. I doubt a time will come when this just isn't true anymore. There will always be a war with someone, something or some more or less abstract concept. War is what drives humanity forwards.
[23:42:00] <exec> *** new comment: 03c0lo [156] (Score:2) 02Re:We've always been at war with ... - 06How Much of Your Lifetime Has the USA Been at War? - 37 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[23:42:01] <exec> 08└─War is what drives humanity forwards.
[23:42:02] <exec> *** new comment: 03dogvomit [5452] (Score:1) 02It's really essentially 100% for all of us - 06How Much of Your Lifetime Has the USA Been at War? - 284 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[23:42:02] <exec> 08└─They leave out too many things. I was born in 1957. The Vietnam war started in '55, and the War on Drugs (which is still going strong) was launched by Nixon in '71, before Vietnam ended. So for me, the percentage is 100. Our entire political psyche is founded on perma-war. —George
[23:42:03] <exec> *** new comment: 03richtopia [3160] (Score:3, Insightful) 02We've always been at war with Eastasia - 06How Much of Your Lifetime Has the USA Been at War? - 37 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[23:42:04] <exec> 08└─We've always been at war with Eurasia
[23:42:05] <exec> *** new comment: 03c0lo [156] (Score:2) 02Re:We've always been at war with Eastasia - 06How Much of Your Lifetime Has the USA Been at War? - 18 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[23:42:06] <exec> 08└─What about Africa?
[23:42:15] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Re:They never were reliable. - 06Political Polls Become Less Reliable As We Head into 2016 Presidential Election - 51 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[23:42:16] <exec> 08└─Why would you assume they all lie or are dishonest?
[23:42:17] <exec> *** new comment: 03looorg [578] (Score:2) 02Re:They never were reliable. - 06Political Polls Become Less Reliable As We Head into 2016 Presidential Election - 122 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[23:42:18] <exec> 08└─Science should be as objective and rigorous as possible. "That would be hard to do." isn't a valid excuse for bad science.
[23:42:19] <exec> *** new comment: 03JeffPaetkau [1465] (Score:1) 02Re:Only one poll matters. - 06Political Polls Become Less Reliable As We Head into 2016 Presidential Election - 883 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[23:42:20] <exec> 08└─Although that is true, the "one inside the polling place" is not entirely disconnected from the so called "horse race" polls. This is particularly true when there are more than 2 options such as here in Canada or in the US when there is a strong independent candidate. For example, the NDP never had...
[23:42:43] <exec> *** new comment: 03maxwell demon [1608] (Score:2) 02Re:Also, please have a fallback page. - 06Real-Life Experience With HSTS/HPKP - 96 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[23:42:43] <exec> 08└─Anyway, ya I could set up some daemon to auto sync it but I don't like anything running on auto.
[23:43:54] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02Finding apps for your new|candidate OS - 06Microsoft Stealthily Backs Away From Free Windows 10 Promise - 532 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[23:43:54] <exec> 08└─More and more, when folks in a distro's forum ask what app will replace the app the user had been using under a previous OS, those folks are directed to e.g. AlternativeTo.net[1] [alternativeto.net] It's rare when there aren't multiple Linux-compatible alternates to Windoze-only apps. ...and, of cou...
[23:44:06] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02''a full time person...figuring out...licensing'' - 06Microsoft Stealthily Backs Away From Free Windows 10 Promise - 279 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[23:44:06] <exec> 08└─It cost Sterling Ball, CEO of Ernie Ball, Inc., $100,000 to figure that out (a BSA raid with armed federal marshals). He quickly learned that with Linux that isn't necessary. He told his IT guys he wanted the place switched over within 6 months. EULAs suck. [google.com] -- gewg_
[23:44:12] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02An OS that doesn't auto-install irritations - 06Microsoft Stealthily Backs Away From Free Windows 10 Promise - 249 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[23:44:12] <exec> 08└─now my printer won't work Some folks have learned that giving good money to vendors with poor support should be avoided. [openprinting.org] systemd Some folks have also learned that that isn't required either. [without-systemd.org] HTH HAND -- gewg_
[23:44:22] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score:0) 02''genuine'' - 06Microsoft Stealthily Backs Away From Free Windows 10 Promise - 174 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[23:44:22] <exec> 08└─There is an OS which has an available mechanism to *assure* that state. Linux Genuine Advantage(tm) [googleusercontent.com] (orig) [linuxgenuineadvantage.org] Enjoy. -- gewg_
[23:45:05] <exec> *** new comment: 03darkfeline [1030] (Score:2) 02NP hard? - 06Answer to a 150-Year-Old Math Conundrum Brings More Mystery - 171 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[23:45:05] <exec> 08└─It shouldn't be too difficult to prove that this problem is either NP-hard or not, right? Once you know that, it gives you a reference point as to how hard the problem is.
[23:46:27] <exec> *** new comment: 03darkfeline [1030] (Score:2) 02Typo fix - 06In an E3 About Nostalgia, One of the Big Announcements is a Final Fantasy 7 Remake - 68 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[23:46:27] <exec> 08└─I think the better question is, will they finally fix Aerith's name?
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