#comments | Logs for 2017-07-01

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[00:32:04] <exec> 08********** 03SOYLENTNEWS COMMENT FEED08 **********
[00:32:05] <exec> last cid = 533756
[00:33:25] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06NASA Takes the Time to Debunk Anonymous YouTube Clickbait - 164 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:33:25] <exec> 08└─But if it takes 20 years to get there, they're no longer children once their labor is being exploited... oh, so NASA's right, there are no "child slaves" on mars...
[00:33:27] <exec> *** new comment: 03bob_super [1357] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NASA Takes the Time to Debunk Anonymous YouTube Clickbait - 144 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:33:27] <exec> 08└─"NASA Mars Child Colony, coverup of Alien life: Using more than 140 chars to deny profoundly stupid rumors would be a waste of taxpayers money."
[00:33:28] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06NASA Takes the Time to Debunk Anonymous YouTube Clickbait - 101 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:33:29] <exec> 08└─It's being run by J'onn J'onzz, so it's under the DEO's jurisdiction. NASA has nothing to do with it.
[00:33:53] <exec> *** new comment: 03Snotnose [1623] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NUS Researchers Create Novel Probiotic Beer That Boosts Immunity and Improves Gut Health - 157 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:33:53] <exec> 08└─Especially with the concept of "regularity": that bowel movements should happen by the progression of the clock, rather than as a function of dietary intake.
[00:33:54] <exec> *** new comment: 03Gaaark [41] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NUS Researchers Create Novel Probiotic Beer That Boosts Immunity and Improves Gut Health - 717 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:33:54] <exec> 08└─The problem with 'our' guts is that anti-biotics kill off all the good things while they are killing off the bad things. It is a WMD: indiscriminate in what it kills. In a gut that is barren of all the good 'flora' stuff, the bad can take over (which is part of the problem for some autistic people)....
[00:35:01] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06ThinkPad Designer David Hill Resigns from Lenovo - 236 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:35:01] <exec> 08└─Hey, me too. Still rockin' a T500 laptop! I think one of most important features of the T500 is the Hardware Reference Manual. Using it, I was able to replace loose hinges and also upgrade the CPU. Scary because I'm clumsy but I did it!
[00:40:16] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03Anonymous Coward 02 - 06How Non-Monogamous Relationships Find Success - 173 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:40:17] <exec> 08└─Polygamy has a bad reputation but I don't see why there are laws against it. I'd prefer that the government stayed out of marriage entirely and only recognised civil unions.
[00:44:01] <exec> *** new comment: 03shanen [6084] (Score: 1) 02 - 06Time Magazine Asks Trump to Remove Fake Covers From Display at Golf Clubs - 702 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:44:01] <exec> 08└─You're a little late. I already deleted the SN bookmark, though I hadn't closed this tab yet. You're right about one thing. We don't know where the problem is, though I think I've done a better job of proving it isn't on my end than you've done in proving it isn't on yours. That leaves anywhere in b...
[00:44:03] <exec> *** new comment: 03takyon [881] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Time Magazine Asks Trump to Remove Fake Covers From Display at Golf Clubs - 188 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:44:03] <exec> 08└─Your strong demotivation really comes through in your Slashdot comment history [slashdot.org]. I hope you can find an engaging site to "invest" your time in that doesn't rot before you do.
[00:45:34] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Help Wanted: Americans Don’t Need More Degrees, They Need Training - 1081 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:45:35] <exec> 08└─Both sides of the political aisle are guilty of competition-limiting regulation. Often it gets pushed as "consumer protection" or "punishing the big corporations". But every time there is any legislation that targets a particular industry, what happens is the "experts" on that industry are the ones...
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[00:45:57] <exec> 08********** 03END FEED08 **********
[01:32:04] <exec> 08********** 03SOYLENTNEWS COMMENT FEED08 **********
[01:32:05] <exec> last cid = 533770
[01:33:18] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Japan Planning to Put a Man on the Moon Around 2030 - 36 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:33:18] <exec> 08└─All your moon base are belong to us!
[01:33:20] <exec> *** new comment: 03bob_super [1357] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Japan Planning to Put a Man on the Moon Around 2030 - 210 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:33:20] <exec> 08└─Is that rocket going to be wired half in 60Hz and half in 50Hz [wikipedia.org]? Talking about double standards, I thought we didn't allow people living in that corner of the world to launch ballistic rockets...
[01:33:21] <exec> *** new comment: 03takyon [881] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Japan Planning to Put a Man on the Moon Around 2030 - 103 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:33:22] <exec> 08└─Read the summary! Sounds like they will pay SpaceX or ULA and coordinate the mission with NASA and ESA.
[01:33:34] <exec> *** new comment: 03rts008 [3001] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NASA Takes the Time to Debunk Anonymous YouTube Clickbait - 24 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:33:34] <exec> 08└─The ghost of John Glenn?
[01:33:35] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06NASA Takes the Time to Debunk Anonymous YouTube Clickbait - 205 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:33:36] <exec> 08└─Anonymous says NASA is going to announce aliens, and immediately Eth pops up? Coincidence? I think not! And remember, Ladys and Germs, "Correlation is not causation, but coincidence more than likely is."
[01:33:43] <exec> *** new comment: 03esperto123 [4303] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Airbus and OneWeb Begin Building Satellites for Internet Constellation - 601 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:33:44] <exec> 08└─In the last year or so i've seen a lot of projects like this being started, and at least an old one (iridium) being updated for greater speed, but at no time I saw how much it is going to cost or transfer limits... The idea of having high speed internet literally anywhere is a dream, but if it costs...
[01:34:04] <exec> *** new comment: 03tibman [134] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NUS Researchers Create Novel Probiotic Beer that Boosts Immunity and Improves Gut Health - 52 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:34:04] <exec> 08└─Got it backwards, man. Should come in a litre glass.
[01:34:05] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06NUS Researchers Create Novel Probiotic Beer that Boosts Immunity and Improves Gut Health - 404 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:34:06] <exec> 08└─> ... for 20 minutes... I used to do that, very pleasurable, nothing is as underrated as a good shit ...(and so on)... But, somewhere around age 50, sitting on the can too long started to cause hemorrhoids. Stopped reading in the john for more than a few minutes and the nasty things went away. No id...
[01:34:41] <exec> *** new comment: 03jmorris [4844] (Score: 3, Interesting) 02 - 06OutlawCountry: Project of the CIA Targets Computers Running the Linux Operating System - 1270 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:34:42] <exec> 08└─You don't run RHEL/CentOS. Stock is the name of the game, often to be able to insert closed source modules. And you certainly want to retain support, especially for RHEL. No, what I have found most interesting about the Vault 7 leaks so far is how incompetent the CIA is. Yea I realize this was all f...
[01:34:43] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06OutlawCountry: Project of the CIA Targets Computers Running the Linux Operating System - 184 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:34:43] <exec> 08└─And it can be hardened even more by the end user. Try that with Win10... You might as well pull the hard drive out and put it in a microwave oven, that's the only way to harden Windows
[01:34:44] <exec> *** new comment: 03jmorris [4844] (Score: 3, Insightful) 02 - 06OutlawCountry: Project of the CIA Targets Computers Running the Linux Operating System - 349 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:34:45] <exec> 08└─It is a truth though that the people who spend the most time securing their machine have the least interesting stuff on it. All of the most vendable personal information, the business records, the corporate secrets, the most useful networks full of innocent spam canneries, the darkest vilest crap, a...
[01:35:18] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06ThinkPad Designer David Hill Resigns from Lenovo - 391 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:35:18] <exec> 08└─Lenovo has had a 3:2 Thinkpad for the past two years. Nobody wants it because it's Windows 10 only. The 7-row keyboard was done away with because they can use the same PCB for their desktop machines *and* their convertible laptops with the new layout. So it saves them about $20/machine. It's a race...
[01:35:19] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06ThinkPad Designer David Hill Resigns from Lenovo - 1807 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:35:20] <exec> 08└─>The new chasses aren't cheap plastic, they are Carbon Fiber Reinforced, and the X1 still has a metal chassis. Whether they are more or less rugged, I can't say, but you're clearly setting up a strawman by calling them cheap plastic. They *are* cheap plastic, at least on some models. https://i.redd....
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[01:45:53] <exec> 08********** 03END FEED08 **********
[02:32:04] <exec> 08********** 03SOYLENTNEWS COMMENT FEED08 **********
[02:32:05] <exec> last cid = 533787
[02:33:20] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Western Digital Announces 96-Layer 3D NAND, Including Both TLC and QLC - 107 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:33:20] <exec> 08└─Otherwise it would be metric, not powers of two. KB vs KiB, so BCS vs BiCS, because it's for chips. Haha...
[02:33:30] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: -1, Offtopic) 02 - 06Japan Planning to Put a Man on the Moon Around 2030 - 76 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:33:30] <exec> 08└─Not without leaving a bunch of sperm. Their population is crashing big time.
[02:33:45] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06NASA Takes the Time to Debunk Anonymous YouTube Clickbait - 90 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:33:45] <exec> 08└─I think somebody confused NASA with Jeffrey Epstein's flying 'Pizza Parlor' [newsweek.com]
[02:34:52] <exec> *** new comment: 03butthurt [6141] (Score: 2) 02 - 06OutlawCountry: Project of the CIA Targets Computers Running the Linux Operating System - 280 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:34:53] <exec> 08└─> What if Wikileaks gets the NSA's stuff and we discover it isn't much better? That the script kiddies and ransomware peeps are actually BETTER. Exploits purportedly used by the NSA were leaked, and became the basis of ransomware. /article.pl?sid=17/05/13/116235 [soylentnews.org]
[02:34:54] <exec> *** new comment: 03butthurt [6141] (Score: 2) 02 - 06OutlawCountry: Project of the CIA Targets Computers Running the Linux Operating System - 77 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:34:54] <exec> 08└─It appears that only the documentation, not the software, has been published.
[02:34:55] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06OutlawCountry: Project of the CIA Targets Computers Running the Linux Operating System - 224 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:34:56] <exec> 08└─Your statement is unrelated to ones ability to secure Linux. The point is, one has the freedom and access to really tighten a Linux box. Linux administrators' individual choices doesn't diminish what is available to her/him.
[02:34:58] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06OutlawCountry: Project of the CIA Targets Computers Running the Linux Operating System - 56 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:34:58] <exec> 08└─... with the Kennedy assassination? He's dead, ain't he?
[02:37:22] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: -1, Troll) 02 - 06After ACA Arrived in an Oregon County, There was a 17% Drop in Cardiac Arrest - 669 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:37:22] <exec> 08└─Actual real version that you guys are pushing: Patient: "Now that I have insurance I can go to the doctor for regular checkups" Doctor: "You have high blood pressure. Change your diet and take these pills" Patient: "Thanks to other people that actually have to work for a living! I'll just insist tha...
[02:39:43] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Pentagon: Chemical Weapons Activity Seen at Syrian Air Base - 314 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:39:43] <exec> 08└─The OPCW director is a Turk. In regards to Syria it is not wise to take its statements at face value. They sent no inspectors of their own to check up. The victims were sent to Turkey. And the story has changed several times over. This is serious war mongering bullshit. I wish people would stand up...
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[02:44:50] <exec> 08********** 03END FEED08 **********
[03:32:04] <exec> 08********** 03SOYLENTNEWS COMMENT FEED08 **********
[03:32:05] <exec> last cid = 533800
[03:33:34] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Japan Planning to Put a Man on the Moon Around 2030 - 96 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:33:34] <exec> 08└─It's an easy promise for a politician to make because if it fails, it's long after their tenure.
[03:35:00] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06OutlawCountry: Project of the CIA Targets Computers Running the Linux Operating System - 92 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:35:00] <exec> 08└─Hey, is that my tax $$ paying the electric bill for your mining? Time to share the wealth...
[03:35:01] <exec> *** new comment: 03deimtee [3272] (Score: 2) 02 - 06OutlawCountry: Project of the CIA Targets Computers Running the Linux Operating System - 46 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:35:02] <exec> 08└─This is probably some intern's summer project.
[03:35:03] <exec> *** new comment: 03Gaaark [41] (Score: 2) 02 - 06OutlawCountry: Project of the CIA Targets Computers Running the Linux Operating System - 261 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:35:04] <exec> 08└─Car analogy: MS has spent 30 years trying to get girls' pants off in the back of their Edsel, but is constantly getting some disease or other because MS's idea of security is a condom ripped to shreds when they replace a faulty fan belt with it. Good enough? ;)
[03:36:09] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Looking for an Ubuntu Unity Close Cousin? Elementary, My Dear... - 650 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:36:09] <exec> 08└─Lubuntu and antiX are indeed the ones that get mentioned a lot in this context. (antiX doesn't use systemd.) My experience with Slitaz was disappointing, but that was on a Pentium 2 with 128MB of RAM. People who recommend Puppy Linux should make sure to say that it is a single-user system. If you ar...
[03:37:31] <exec> *** new comment: 03khallow [3766] (Score: 1) 02 - 06After ACA Arrived in an Oregon County, There was a 17% Drop in Cardiac Arrest - 374 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:37:31] <exec> 08└─The problem as I see it, is that this particular bit of research is strongly publicized. But if further research doesn't back the hypothesis, will that get publicized as well? My view is that we have the situation of data mining for anything that portrays ACA in a positive light, publicize it, and t...
[03:39:53] <exec> *** new comment: 03fustakrakich [6150] (Score: 1) 02 - 06Pentagon: Chemical Weapons Activity Seen at Syrian Air Base - 101 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:39:53] <exec> 08└─Who cares about 'credibility'? The tabloid press is there to amuse and confuse, not inform. Cui bono?
[03:40:09] <exec> *** new comment: 03Reziac [2489] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Evidence that Parkinson's Disease is Autoimmune - 155 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:40:10] <exec> 08└─Probably anything that reduces inflammatory response would help, simply because the immune system then gets less stimulation and produces fewer antibodies.
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[03:45:01] <exec> 08********** 03END FEED08 **********
[04:32:04] <exec> 08********** 03SOYLENTNEWS COMMENT FEED08 **********
[04:32:05] <exec> last cid = 533810
[04:33:51] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06NASA Takes the Time to Debunk Anonymous YouTube Clickbait - 271 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[04:33:52] <exec> 08└─NASA ain't doing shit now. Shuttle program is shut now. Mars, yeah, right. Moon, despite all, the US gov ain't giving no money for it. The best PR for NASA has been the MARS rovers that are, what, a decade old already? So they are mucking around with youtube videos. Sad.
[04:35:06] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06OutlawCountry: Project of the CIA Targets Computers Running the Linux Operating System - 666 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[04:35:06] <exec> 08└─Spend 30 years hardening your system, then find it's still micro and soft and there isn't enough viiagra to do any kind of a job at all with it. 30 years of impotence. Maybe they need an Apple a day? Gimme a break, dude. 30 years: 1: http://www.zdnet.com
[04:35:42] <exec> *** new comment: 03kaszz [4211] (Score: 2) 02 - 06ThinkPad Designer David Hill Resigns from Lenovo - 766 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[04:35:42] <exec> 08└─The plastic case could perhaps be outsourced to some plastic-mould-as-you-order the same way you can order circuit boards online these days. The keyboard could either some existing [eaccessibilitywales.org.uk] model where the case is made to fit around it. Or something that maybe.. could be ordered...
[04:35:43] <exec> *** new comment: 03kaszz [4211] (Score: 2) 02 - 06ThinkPad Designer David Hill Resigns from Lenovo - 202 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[04:35:44] <exec> 08└─Got any screenshot with god vs bad UI design in this regard? Btw, Considering the competence here. I'm sure people could make a design without these flaws and ram it down on the public and corporations.
[04:37:38] <exec> *** new comment: 03khallow [3766] (Score: 1) 02 - 06After ACA Arrived in an Oregon County, There was a 17% Drop in Cardiac Arrest - 219 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[04:37:38] <exec> 08└─Looking at that list, I see three causes of death that would count: heart disease, strokes, and the kidney disease stuff (nephritis, etc). 800,000 deaths a year in total is plenty of room to hide over-medication deaths.
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[04:44:52] <exec> 08********** 03END FEED08 **********
[05:32:04] <exec> 08********** 03SOYLENTNEWS COMMENT FEED08 **********
[05:32:05] <exec> last cid = 533815
[05:33:23] <exec> *** new comment: 03kaszz [4211] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Extensive Study Concludes Neonicotinoid Pesticides Harm Bees - 123 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[05:33:23] <exec> 08└─If neonicotinoids are bad. Then there's surely a lot of other stuff which is yet undiscovered and bad for bees. Glyphosate?
[05:33:47] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Japan Planning to Put a Man on the Moon Around 2030 - 161 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[05:33:47] <exec> 08└─So !that! was the very strange Japanese TV show I saw... the one with the guys in latex and many trampolines. They were doing early research for their Moon shot!
[05:33:49] <exec> *** new comment: 03kaszz [4211] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Japan Planning to Put a Man on the Moon Around 2030 - 229 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[05:33:49] <exec> 08└─They should go for 230 V to reduce the need for heavy cables and 60 Hz to reduce the need for a lot of iron in transformers and motors. One benefit with 50 Hz is PAL compatibility though which has way better colors and stability.
[05:34:06] <exec> *** new comment: 03kaszz [4211] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NASA Takes the Time to Debunk Anonymous YouTube Clickbait - 255 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[05:34:06] <exec> 08└─People just have to think and follow up on known facts, and how they are known. Not something people do it seems. I'll guess it's good to whack the credibility of some crap videos to put a good dent into the whole rubbish part of the online video segment.
[05:34:15] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Airbus and OneWeb Begin Building Satellites for Internet Constellation - 148 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[05:34:15] <exec> 08└─Demolition derby in the low orbit. All kinds of shit will rain down out of clear blue sky. Oh hell, what the fuck, astroids rain down on us anyways.
[05:35:23] <exec> *** new comment: 03kaszz [4211] (Score: 2) 02 - 06OutlawCountry: Project of the CIA Targets Computers Running the Linux Operating System - 168 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[05:35:23] <exec> 08└─The leak could be engineered to make the case they aren't that good and it's possible the CIA isn't even aware of some black budget program that have the "real skills".
[05:35:24] <exec> *** new comment: 03kaszz [4211] (Score: 2) 02 - 06OutlawCountry: Project of the CIA Targets Computers Running the Linux Operating System - 182 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[05:35:24] <exec> 08└─Microsoft hides behind Linux for protection [zdnet.com]: Microsoft has employed Akamai's Linux-based servers to protect its Microsoft.com Web site and reduce the site's vulnerability
[05:36:02] <exec> *** new comment: 03kaszz [4211] (Score: 2) 02 - 06ThinkPad Designer David Hill Resigns from Lenovo - 969 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[05:36:02] <exec> 08└─What is the optimal screen ratio for developer work do you think? 4:3? 3:2? 16:9? And size? 10" 11" 13" 15" ? If our community wants a good laptop I think kickstarter is the way to go. Big corp has been brainwashed into the siren calls of Apple sect. So.. Chassi: Custom online order (not that expens...
[05:37:56] <exec> *** new comment: 03kaszz [4211] (Score: 2) 02 - 06After ACA Arrived in an Oregon County, There was a 17% Drop in Cardiac Arrest - 210 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[05:37:56] <exec> 08└─Where is "over there" ? Japan? Europe? And what are the circumstances that makes "being an American" soon to be of negative value on a individual level? Are your wife/family also into graduate level job market?
[05:40:36] <exec> *** new comment: 03kaszz [4211] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Evidence that Parkinson's Disease is Autoimmune - 183 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[05:40:36] <exec> 08└─The question then becomes how strong dosage is needed? and will the benefits outweigh any long term side effects? 15% reduction is significant but Aspirin is not that nice to the gut.
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[06:32:04] <exec> 08********** 03SOYLENTNEWS COMMENT FEED08 **********
[06:32:05] <exec> last cid = 533827
[06:35:24] <exec> *** new comment: 03jmorris [4844] (Score: 2) 02 - 06OutlawCountry: Project of the CIA Targets Computers Running the Linux Operating System - 2094 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[06:35:24] <exec> 08└─You must not have any experience with RHEL / CentOS. They do not rev the kernel version, period. When RHEL N.0 ships the N.[1-9] periodic releases all report the same major and minor kernel version numbers, only the numbers way over in the package name tick upward. They backport in new hardware supp...
[06:35:26] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06OutlawCountry: Project of the CIA Targets Computers Running the Linux Operating System - 136 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[06:35:26] <exec> 08└─Actually, they care about computers people use for ebanking nowadays, and those usually do indeed reside on desks (or in their pockets).
[06:35:27] <exec> *** new comment: 03jmorris [4844] (Score: 2) 02 - 06OutlawCountry: Project of the CIA Targets Computers Running the Linux Operating System - 490 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[06:35:28] <exec> 08└─Only the stupid ones. Everyone else knows EVERY nation state since the beginning of recorded history has had spies and this reality isn't going to change as long as humans are still basically flawed ("fallen" if you are of a religious bent) violent and tribal critters. Don't hate the player, hate th...
[06:35:29] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06OutlawCountry: Project of the CIA Targets Computers Running the Linux Operating System - 185 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[06:35:30] <exec> 08└─You have the same freedum on windows. Nobody does it, but you do. Nothing stops you from loading a custom ring 0 driver and basically filter/change/manipulate/control whatever you want.
[06:37:25] <exec> *** new comment: 03dry [223] (Score: 2) 02 - 06111 People Have Killed Themselves Under California's Right-to-Die Law - 264 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[06:37:25] <exec> 08└─Next I was wondering if this has had any significant reduction in the "normal" suicide rate. People that now get these kind of drugs would they have killed themselves anyway or are these new people that would have never contemplated the idea of suicide previously?
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[07:32:04] <exec> 08********** 03SOYLENTNEWS COMMENT FEED08 **********
[07:32:05] <exec> last cid = 533833
[07:33:25] <exec> *** new comment: 03https [5248] (Score: 3, Insightful) 02 - 06Extensive Study Concludes Neonicotinoid Pesticides Harm Bees - 762 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[07:33:25] <exec> 08└─That's like saying smoking-related diabetic nephropathy is something to worry about after someone points out that smoking is strongly correlated with heart disease. Nothing has had as big an impact on bees as the neonicotinoids. Saying "other stuff is dangerous too" is unhelpful and derailing. Back...
[07:34:39] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06NUS Researchers Create Novel Probiotic Beer that Boosts Immunity and Improves Gut Health - 392 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[07:34:39] <exec> 08└─This obsession with regularity is most associated with quackery, er, "alternative medicine", and if a lot of Americans seem unduly obsessed with that notion, it shows just how far they have succeeded: http://scienceblogs.com [scienceblogs.com] ht...
[07:35:40] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03Grishnakh [2831] 02 - 06ThinkPad Designer David Hill Resigns from Lenovo - 798 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[07:35:40] <exec> 08└─Are you one of those people who is a lousy typist and doesn't care what kind of keyboard they use? One of the things so many people liked about the Thinkpad was the keyboard; it was by far the very best of laptop keyboards. Today's shitty "island" keyboards, pioneered by Apple, are simply horrible t...
[07:36:10] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06ThinkPad Designer David Hill Resigns from Lenovo - 368 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[07:36:10] <exec> 08└─I cannot care less if it is thin and light when I run out of usb slots, or when my otherwise perfectly capable firewire audio card requires an adapter, or when the battery runs out. What I want from a laptop is 1 autonomy 1 bis connectivity 2 reliability 3 power 4 pretty design If I want a toy, I ge...
[07:36:12] <exec> *** new comment: 03Bot [3902] (Score: 2) 02 - 06ThinkPad Designer David Hill Resigns from Lenovo - 370 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[07:36:12] <exec> 08└─I think it's a degeneration of the so called "material design" that started to appear on android/google. It is closely related to the fact that ugly ass flat icons are quicker to market than the 3d, shaded icons that were especially popular on iphones at the time. Bonus evil points to the designers...
[07:36:13] <exec> *** new comment: 03Bot [3902] (Score: 2) 02 - 06ThinkPad Designer David Hill Resigns from Lenovo - 106 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[07:36:14] <exec> 08└─This seems relevant. I wonder how they are doing. https://www.olimex.com [olimex.com]
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[08:33:26] <exec> *** new comment: 03kaszz [4211] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Snapdragon 450 SoC Moves From Midrange Qualcomm Chips From 28nm to 14nm - 243 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[08:33:26] <exec> 08└─Intel hit the ~4.5 GHz ceiling and now the more power efficient ARM things are closing in. Does cornered ring any bells? ;-) Anyway.. nice microcontroller, too bad there's no documentation for the graphics controller that goes with it.........
[08:33:35] <exec> *** new comment: 03kaszz [4211] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Extensive Study Concludes Neonicotinoid Pesticides Harm Bees - 207 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[08:33:35] <exec> 08└─My point is that there might be more toxins worth to investigate. So as to not remove neonicotinoid just to get another worse replacement. And other toxins may show up when the worst one is removed from use.
[08:33:37] <exec> *** new comment: 03Some call me Tim [5819] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Extensive Study Concludes Neonicotinoid Pesticides Harm Bees - 258 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[08:33:38] <exec> 08└─A quick search found an article from 2016 but there are probably earlier studies. http://articles.mercola.com [mercola.com] Someone should tell the bees that smoking is bad for them.
[08:34:26] <exec> *** new comment: 03Some call me Tim [5819] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NASA Takes the Time to Debunk Anonymous YouTube Clickbait - 102 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[08:34:26] <exec> 08└─Of course they denied that it was on Mars, because it's really on the Moon! M-o-o-n, that spells moon!
[08:34:27] <exec> *** new comment: 03Some call me Tim [5819] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NASA Takes the Time to Debunk Anonymous YouTube Clickbait - 279 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[08:34:28] <exec> 08└─There's a group on youtube called Secureteam10 or something like that and their videos are nothing but street lights or space junk. The sad reality is that the people that subscribe to their crap channel also vote. They also waste oxygen and create CO2 but that's another thread.
[08:34:29] <exec> *** new comment: 03kaszz [4211] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NASA Takes the Time to Debunk Anonymous YouTube Clickbait - 182 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[08:34:30] <exec> 08└─The worst is the electricity they consume and the industrial waste the manufacture of their computers add to the environmental cost. And yeah the have a mental environment cost too..
[08:34:31] <exec> *** new comment: 03Some call me Tim [5819] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NASA Takes the Time to Debunk Anonymous YouTube Clickbait - 98 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[08:34:32] <exec> 08└─As long as he eats lots of beans and shares the effluent with the rest of the audience, who cares?
[08:36:37] <exec> *** new comment: 03kaszz [4211] (Score: 2) 02 - 06ThinkPad Designer David Hill Resigns from Lenovo - 486 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[08:36:37] <exec> 08└─With a price of 225 EUR it seems really nice. Especially considering ARM and no UEFI, TPM etc (I hope!). But they are "out of stock". So it doesn't seem like a viable solution. Otoh, if one could make spare parts for an ordinary laptop and with time it's completely made up of spare parts then that m...
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[09:33:23] <exec> *** new comment: 03aristarchus [2645] (Score: 1, Troll) 02 - 06Ancient Egyptians not African - 1356 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[09:33:23] <exec> 08└─I wonder, but not too long or to hard, whether our editors are able to recognize the racist dogwhistles that cross the transom of SoylentNews on occasion. Of course Egyptians were not Africans, since they must have been white to actually do things like Pyramids and Geometry and inventing Beer. Or, p...
[09:33:24] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Ancient Egyptians not African - 120 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[09:33:24] <exec> 08└─... science is now neo-nazi? stop drinking the libtard koolaid my man, because you come off as straight up braindamaged.
[09:33:25] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Ancient Egyptians not African - 174 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[09:33:26] <exec> 08└─I would encourage you to try to gain some degree of introspection if you think science proving an unsupported presumption as false can ever be racist. Ignorance is not bliss.
[09:33:28] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Ancient Egyptians not African - 1058 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[09:33:28] <exec> 08└─You have to be ware that attitudes like the one that you're demonstrating is precisely how societies regress. The Arab world was once a center of education and learning. Now you'd struggle to find any redeeming quality to the region. The main thing that happened was religion. If certain facts or dis...
[09:33:30] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Ancient Egyptians not African - 162 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[09:33:31] <exec> 08└─I was never in to that stuff, but if the alternative is to resist science when it breaks the liberal narrative... fuck it, sign me up for the KKK. I like science.
[09:33:47] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Extensive Study Concludes Neonicotinoid Pesticides Harm Bees - 170 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[09:33:48] <exec> 08└─This is insect poison, without which we can't feed 8 billion people. Most crops don't need bees. If you put insect poison on bee-pollinated crops, well, bless your heart.
[09:36:41] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06ThinkPad Designer David Hill Resigns from Lenovo - 1965 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[09:36:41] <exec> 08└─The reasoning is different. Google only had a search box because their search algorithm was good enough that that was all you needed. The empty page also loaded MASSIVELY faster than every other search engine. Remember, people were using dial-up and web page size really mattered. The other search en...
[09:36:42] <exec> *** new comment: 03driverless [4770] (Score: 2) 02 - 06ThinkPad Designer David Hill Resigns from Lenovo - 113 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[09:36:42] <exec> 08└─Why would you want a silent keyboard? When I'm on my Model M, I want everyone in range to know I'm on my Model M.
[09:36:43] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06ThinkPad Designer David Hill Resigns from Lenovo - 1568 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[09:36:44] <exec> 08└─If we can just gut older larger laptops and us their shells we're not far from our own modular laptops. * The existing keyboard we like can be read using a microcrontroller http://www.instructables.com [instructables.com] Use something like an nr...
[09:37:16] <exec> *** new comment: 03driverless [4770] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Looking for an Ubuntu Unity Close Cousin? Elementary, My Dear... - 127 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[09:37:17] <exec> 08└─I have an old Gateway laptop that I can't put on the network because it runs XP. Still can't find a distro that will run on it.
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[10:33:28] <exec> *** new comment: 03The Mighty Buzzard [18] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Ancient Egyptians not African - 59 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[10:33:28] <exec> 08└─Dupe, eds. We ran a sub from me on this a month or two ago.
[10:33:29] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Ancient Egyptians not African - 35 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[10:33:30] <exec> 08└─posting from prison [wikipedia.org]
[10:33:49] <exec> *** new comment: 03driverless [4770] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Extensive Study Concludes Neonicotinoid Pesticides Harm Bees - 236 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[10:33:49] <exec> 08└─Naah, it's all OK, some schmuck speaking for Big Pharma has said theres nothing to worry about: Dr Richard Schmuck, director of environmental science at Bayer, said: "We do not share the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology's interpretation
[10:35:59] <exec> *** new comment: 03lentilla [1770] (Score: 2) 02 - 06OutlawCountry: Project of the CIA Targets Computers Running the Linux Operating System - 370 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[10:36:00] <exec> 08└─By the same token, everyone knows that every society since the dawn of time has had its share of murderers. Of course, just because some people happen to be murderers does not mean that I need to be one. Just to be clear: just because one country employs spies does not mean another country needs spi...
[10:36:46] <exec> *** new comment: 03driverless [4770] (Score: 2) 02 - 06ThinkPad Designer David Hill Resigns from Lenovo - 158 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[10:36:46] <exec> 08└─+1. Gen 1 Carbon, before they started messing around with it and randomly adding and removing things in case it made it better. Best ultrabook I've ever used.
[10:36:47] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06ThinkPad Designer David Hill Resigns from Lenovo - 173 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[10:36:48] <exec> 08└─nrf51822 https://www.aliexpress.com [aliexpress.com]
[10:37:21] <exec> *** new comment: 03driverless [4770] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Looking for an Ubuntu Unity Close Cousin? Elementary, My Dear... - 102 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[10:37:21] <exec> 08└─Keep in mind that Unity will continue to work for years to come. There just won't be any improvements.
[10:37:59] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03kanweg [4737] 02 - 06111 People Have Killed Themselves Under California's Right-to-Die Law - 100 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[10:37:59] <exec> 08└─I find it not so funny that there are people who want to deny other people the right to choose. ....
[10:41:59] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03mojo chan [266] 02 - 06EU Court: Vaccines can be Blamed for Illnesses Without Proof - 757 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[10:41:59] <exec> 08└─The court is simply applying the normal standard of evidence for civil cases. In criminal cases the standard of proof is "beyond reasonable doubt", but in civil cases it's the "balance of probabilities". In other words, something only needs to be proven 51% likely to be the case for the claimant to...
[10:42:07] <exec> *** new comment: 03driverless [4770] (Score: 2) 02 - 06EU Court: Vaccines can be Blamed for Illnesses Without Proof - 162 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[10:42:07] <exec> 08└─The part I liked was: the criteria used by the court made no sense — and are similar to those used by vaccine injury compensation programs in the United States.
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[11:33:23] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Ancient Egyptians not African - 550 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[11:33:23] <exec> 08└─So Egyptians were in essence early Arabs. Once their society collapsed due to corruption over mainly farm land that were regularly flooded by the Nile, Africans entered the country. Seems structured societies doesn't build not on Africans. Now which of the Arab subgroup that made up the ancient Egyp...
[11:33:55] <exec> *** new comment: 03qzm [3260] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Western Digital Announces 96-Layer 3D NAND, Including Both TLC and QLC - 700 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[11:33:55] <exec> 08└─'Given such endurance, it is logical to expect 3D QLC NAND to be used for primarily removable storage' Except that the unpowered data retention, with such small write endurances, is likely to be TERRIBLE. WORM applications may well be ok - as the controller continuously scans the cells and refreshes...
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[12:33:17] <exec> *** new comment: 03khallow [3766] (Score: 1) 02 - 06U.S. DHS to Enhance Flight Security Measures but Avoids Laptop Ban - 406 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:33:17] <exec> 08└─I think there is no more glaring example of regulatory ratcheting out there. It won't get better. There will always be someone who wants to blow up or hijack a plane and they'll be at least a little creative in expressing their desires. And the security apparatus is more interested in looking like t...
[12:33:38] <exec> *** new comment: 03inertnet [4071] (Score: 4, Insightful) 02 - 06Ancient Egyptians not African - 149 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:33:38] <exec> 08└─No, the irony is that you complain about people that rewrite history to their liking, while complaining about a piece of history that you don't like.
[12:33:39] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Ancient Egyptians not African - 322 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:33:39] <exec> 08└─The haplogroups match clusters in the Western Iberian peninsula. The likely scenario to make that happen is that this group of people, which included ancient Egyptians, lived around the Mediterranean and was gradually eradicated by migration of modern Arabs and Africans. That pocket on Western Europ...
[12:33:40] <exec> *** new comment: 03AthanasiusKircher [5291] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Ancient Egyptians not African - 2471 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:33:41] <exec> 08└─I have several reactions to this. First, yes, as written, this comment is trollish. On the other hand, Aristarchus brings up an important point -- the race of the Ancient Egyptians has been a subject of a long-standing controversy [wikipedia.org] which frequently has had racist overtones. Back on th...
[12:33:49] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Snapdragon 450 SoC Moves Midrange Qualcomm Chips From 28nm to 14nm - 59 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:33:50] <exec> 08└─There is absolutely nothing about Intel that is "cornered".
[12:37:00] <exec> *** new comment: 03cafebabe [894] (Score: 2) 02 - 06ThinkPad Designer David Hill Resigns from Lenovo - 123 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:37:00] <exec> 08└─Do you know that you're audibly broadcasting everything that you type? That includes passwords and personal correspondence.
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[13:33:40] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06U.S. DHS to Enhance Flight Security Measures but Avoids Laptop Ban - 817 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[13:33:40] <exec> 08└─Any individual, politician or not, trying to convince you that they can 'keep you safe' is a lying bastard. They are lying and they know it. They just don't want to be seen to be doing nothing; even though there is nothing for them to do. The standard approach when *anything* happens is always "let'...
[13:33:41] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06U.S. DHS to Enhance Flight Security Measures but Avoids Laptop Ban - 341 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[13:33:42] <exec> 08└─There seem to be some problems with your post. First, the qualifier 'always' there are fewer and fewer people attempting hijackings. Second, 'creativity' seems to be very lacking, 80% are people saying they have explosives. Unclear on if they actually do in most cases, but with the 95% failure rate...
[13:34:05] <exec> *** new comment: 03VLM [445] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Ancient Egyptians not African - 80 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[13:34:05] <exec> 08└─modern Egyptians share more genes with African populations than their ancestors.
[13:34:06] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Ancient Egyptians not African - 78 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[13:34:07] <exec> 08└─https://img.4plebs.org/boards/pol/image/1491/77/1491776349344.jpg [4plebs.org]
[13:34:08] <exec> *** new comment: 03khallow [3766] (Score: 1) 02 - 06Ancient Egyptians not African - 121 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[13:34:09] <exec> 08└─But of course racial categories from modern genetic studies have shown to be more fluid than our historical views of race
[13:34:10] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Ancient Egyptians not African - 271 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[13:34:11] <exec> 08└─The above NSFW historic drawing of circumcision or penis cleaning shows black Egyptians seemingly serving non-black Egyptians. If the Egyptians had artwork of different colored skins working together then clearly it's highly likely they all didn't have the same ancestry.
[13:34:31] <exec> *** new comment: 03bzipitidoo [4388] (Score: 3, Insightful) 02 - 06Extensive Study Concludes Neonicotinoid Pesticides Harm Bees - 334 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[13:34:31] <exec> 08└─Oh yes, and it seems Big Tobacco style propaganda had a lot to do with delaying this admission. Colony Collapse Disorder was a big "mystery" for years, thanks to industry propaganda denying that their pesticide products had anything to do with it, and that there wasn't enough evidence to make that c...
[13:34:32] <exec> *** new comment: 03fraxinus-tree [5590] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Extensive Study Concludes Neonicotinoid Pesticides Harm Bees - 757 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[13:34:32] <exec> 08└─Some logic applied: Glyphosate is a herbicide. Bees are insects, not herbs. Neonicotinoids are insecticides, i.e. a lot better suspect. Up to now the bees survived a lot of agricultural chemistry by either dying right away from something (so "something" is never more tried near bees) or working as...
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[14:33:45] <exec> *** new comment: 03kaszz [4211] (Score: 3, Interesting) 02 - 06Let's Encrypt Issues 100 Millionth Certificate - 322 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:33:45] <exec> 08└─Lets just remind everybody that the current model of trust is a bad design. Even if it's better than none. An arbitrary list in the browser decides which CAs that get to authorize anyone to pretend being any site. A DNS based approach is one alternative, but trusting the DNS administrators is also n...
[14:33:55] <exec> *** new comment: 03takyon [881] (Score: 2) 02 - 06U.S. DHS to Enhance Flight Security Measures but Avoids Laptop Ban - 101 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:33:55] <exec> 08└─I don't think they need to do a lot of convincing. Both of the main parties support security theater.
[14:33:56] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06U.S. DHS to Enhance Flight Security Measures but Avoids Laptop Ban - 300 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:33:57] <exec> 08└─DHS mentions a laptop bomb in 2016 in Somalia. And there's articles detailing a similar incident in 2013 also in Africa. But I remember reading about a laptop bomb that went of near the security in some African airport before that, it could been at the /. site. Anyone recall when and where that was?
[14:34:25] <exec> *** new comment: 03Runaway1956 [2926] (Score: 1, Offtopic) 02 - 06Ancient Egyptians not African - 145 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:34:25] <exec> 08└─What a bitter little man you are. You're not really Greek, are you? And, you're not really geek, either. You do seem to hate white people though.
[14:34:26] <exec> *** new comment: 03Runaway1956 [2926] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Ancient Egyptians not African - 322 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:34:26] <exec> 08└─" Why entitle this "Ancient Egyptians not African"" Actually, I thought this was going to turn into a 'Chariots of the Gods' story. The Egyptians are truly alien, and they only came to earth a few thousand years ago. Nope, not African, but ill-freakin-legal aliens. Alas, my suspicions haven't been p...
[14:34:27] <exec> *** new comment: 03Spamalope [5233] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Ancient Egyptians not African - 477 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:34:28] <exec> 08└─They may have been hybridized into a new haplogroup. There was plenty of time for that level of mixing. This is more interesting for adding more support and understanding about the continuity of culture from Mesopotamia/UR to Egypt. We've already got enough information about things like religious sy...
[14:34:30] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Ancient Egyptians not African - 132 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:34:30] <exec> 08└─How representative are the samples? Are they all the ruling elite that were mummified, or did they check a bunch of workers as well?
[14:34:32] <exec> *** new comment: 03Spamalope [5233] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Ancient Egyptians not African - 477 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:34:33] <exec> 08└─It can (or will) totally be a dog whistle, or just an easy way to spot the morons (or, since this is the Internet, shitposters). But they'll just make stuff up anyway. Trying to avoid that is like trying to avoid any news that might look like a gov't conspiracy. It's once of the best ways we've got...
[14:34:34] <exec> *** new comment: 03kurenai.tsubasa [5227] (Score: 1) 02 - 06Ancient Egyptians not African - 219 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:34:35] <exec> 08└─Haha, I'd forgotten that the Christian Identity movement not only believes that whites are some lost tribe of Israel and thus god's Chosen People, but that modern Jews are somehow ethnically different from ancient Jews.
[14:34:58] <exec> *** new comment: 03Gaaark [41] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Extensive Study Concludes Neonicotinoid Pesticides Harm Bees - 165 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:34:58] <exec> 08└─and with the way the money grubbing goes, you have to maintain vigilance against evil... ALWAYS. Lobbying with money should not be allowed: it mutes those without it
[14:37:59] <exec> *** new comment: 03cafebabe [894] (Score: 2) 02 - 06ThinkPad Designer David Hill Resigns from Lenovo - 222 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:37:59] <exec> 08└─According to MagPi magazine [magpi.cc] issue 58, page 14 [raspberrypi.org], laptop and tablet cases are already available from Pi-Top [pi-top.com]. Unfortunately, they are in a similar style to the OLPC XO [wikipedia.org].
[14:38:34] <exec> *** new comment: 03Joe Desertrat [2454] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Looking for an Ubuntu Unity Close Cousin? Elementary, My Dear... - 80 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:38:34] <exec> 08└─So a UI that's protected from any such "improvements" is a major win in my book.
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[15:33:18] <exec> *** new comment: 03bzipitidoo [4388] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Let's Encrypt Issues 100 Millionth Certificate - 181 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:33:18] <exec> 08└─In the late 90s, there was this s-http. From what I read, it was better than https, but as happens in standards wars, the best solution doesn't always win, for a variety of reasons.
[15:33:35] <exec> *** new comment: 03hemocyanin [186] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Recreational Cannabis Goes on Sale in Nevada Ahead of Independence Day - 27 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:33:35] <exec> 08└─Fucking booze distributors.
[15:34:04] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Ancient Egyptians not African - 212 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:34:04] <exec> 08└─no, you wuz arabs... except for these guys https://en.wikipedia.org [wikipedia.org] They got tired of dick washing and took over the place. Capitol was Memphis. Take note, Tennessee rednecks.
[15:34:06] <exec> *** new comment: 03AthanasiusKircher [5291] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Ancient Egyptians not African - 49 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:34:06] <exec> 08└─Not fluid enough to invalidate the old divisions.
[15:34:07] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Ancient Egyptians not African - 253 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:34:08] <exec> 08└─The movement of people, goods and ideas throughout Egypt’s long history has given rise to an intricate cultural and genetic exchange and entanglement, involving themes that resonate strongly with contemporary discourse on integration and globalization
[15:34:09] <exec> *** new comment: 03inertnet [4071] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Ancient Egyptians not African - 208 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:34:10] <exec> 08└─During the Egyptian era Nubian (south of Egypt) women were considered exceptionally beautiful, I believe some made it to queen or female Pharaoh. So there was mixing going on already more than 2000 years ago.
[15:34:11] <exec> *** new comment: 03stretch611 [6199] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Ancient Egyptians not African - 244 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:34:12] <exec> 08└─Of course the most obvious answer is that the aliens came in their spaceships which stopped on the pyramid landing pads. Once the initial few were here, they dropped off a stargate and the rest of the Egyptians gated through from other planets.
[15:38:15] <exec> *** new comment: 03mcgrew [701] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Looking for an Ubuntu Unity Close Cousin? Elementary, My Dear... - 172 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:38:15] <exec> 08└─I remember that one... it's capapble of internet access now? Does it run Linux or Windows programs? I used it way back before Windows 95. There was one called FreeDOS, too.
[15:42:18] <exec> count new = 8
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[16:33:52] <exec> *** new comment: 03Revek [5022] (Score: 1) 02 - 06Let's Encrypt Issues 100 Millionth Certificate - 210 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:33:52] <exec> 08└─Since I control my machines and the services that run on them. I'm pretty comfortable with it has a service. Many only like to point out the flaws but you get the same problems with a paid CA. Symantec for one.
[16:34:11] <exec> *** new comment: 03Gaaark [41] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Recreational Cannabis Goes on Sale in Nevada Ahead of Independence Day - 1642 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:34:11] <exec> 08└─So much writing, so many crickets... How you uh, how you comin' on that article you're working on? Huh? Gotta a big, uh, big stack of papers there? Gotta, gotta nice little story you're working on there? Your big novel you've been working on for three years? Huh? Gotta, gotta compelling protagonist?...
[16:34:12] <exec> *** new comment: 03Gaaark [41] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Recreational Cannabis Goes on Sale in Nevada Ahead of Independence Day - 96 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:34:13] <exec> 08└─And while i copy/pasta, Hemocyanin slips in first and gives me his sloppy seconds. Thanks, Hemo.
[16:34:14] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Recreational Cannabis Goes on Sale in Nevada Ahead of Independence Day - 125 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:34:15] <exec> 08└─this is why we cant have nice things, fucking drug abusers have to ruin things for the rest of society. Just Say No to drugs.
[16:34:16] <exec> *** new comment: 03takyon [881] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Recreational Cannabis Goes on Sale in Nevada Ahead of Independence Day - 616 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:34:17] <exec> 08└─It took me a while to put this together because there was a lot of contradictory and fragmented info. Most of the articles don't talk about the booze distributors or the fact that medical dispensaries can only sell the cannabis they have on hand TODAY as recreational. You can have your legal weed, b...
[16:34:18] <exec> *** new comment: 03KGIII [5261] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Recreational Cannabis Goes on Sale in Nevada Ahead of Independence Day - 73 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:34:19] <exec> 08└─Umm... Weed is legal in Maine, already. It kinda takes the fun out of it.
[16:34:20] <exec> *** new comment: 03takyon [881] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Recreational Cannabis Goes on Sale in Nevada Ahead of Independence Day - 45 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:34:21] <exec> 08└─Just say no to small businesses. And aspirin.
[16:34:54] <exec> *** new comment: 03KGIII [5261] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Ancient Egyptians not African - 24 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:34:54] <exec> 08└─I fucking love Poe Slaw.
[16:36:06] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06NASA Takes the Time to Debunk Anonymous YouTube Clickbait - 20 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:36:06] <exec> 08└─E's got giant fangs!
[16:37:31] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06OutlawCountry: Project of the CIA Targets Computers Running the Linux Operating System - 131 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:37:31] <exec> 08└─By design, what easier way to spread malware through a business? No one thinks a text document would be dangerous (non tech people)
[16:37:32] <exec> *** new comment: 03mcgrew [701] (Score: 2) 02 - 06OutlawCountry: Project of the CIA Targets Computers Running the Linux Operating System - 326 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:37:32] <exec> 08└─Linux is a kernal, not an OS, so this exploit should be able to pwn any Android device. There are a lot more Android devices than Windows devices; everyone who doesn't have an iPhone has Linux in their pockets and purses. Linux devices now outnumber Windows devices, just not on desks (unless you lea...
[16:38:58] <exec> *** new comment: 03mcgrew [701] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Looking for an Ubuntu Unity Close Cousin? Elementary, My Dear... - 185 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:38:59] <exec> 08└─It simply locks up with a black screen no matter what distro I've tried. It does have a CD burner, making it easier than the hassle readying a USB drive like on one of my other laptops.
[16:39:00] <exec> *** new comment: 03KGIII [5261] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Looking for an Ubuntu Unity Close Cousin? Elementary, My Dear... - 46 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:39:00] <exec> 08└─PAE, maybe? Though I'd expect to see an error.
[16:42:46] <exec> count new = 13
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[17:33:23] <exec> *** new comment: 03looorg [578] (Score: 2) 02 - 06German "Network Enforcement Act" to Force Websites to Remove "Obviously Illegal" Content - 101 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:33:23] <exec> 08└─The companies will be able to send some content for evaluation if they are uncertain of its legality.
[17:33:29] <exec> *** new comment: 03cafebabe [894] (Score: 2) 02 - 06AVX-512: A "Hidden Gem"? - 468 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:33:30] <exec> 08└─512 bit SIMD was devised as part of AMD's VEX prefix [wikipedia.org] which converted legacy two-address instructions into three-address instructions and also provided scalable SIMD. If Intel likes these instructions so much then perhaps they shouldn't publish one incompatible version of AMD's instru...
[17:33:31] <exec> *** new comment: 03opinionated_science [4031] (Score: 2) 02 - 06AVX-512: A "Hidden Gem"? - 223 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:33:32] <exec> 08└─interesting. I've only used the instructions on the Xeon-phi's, but I was hoping to see them on other processors - preferably a tightly integrated APU.... It would be nice to have a sub 3us 3D FFT on a desktop machine...;-)
[17:34:05] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Recreational Cannabis Goes on Sale in Nevada Ahead of Independence Day - 30 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:34:05] <exec> 08└─I know. We should ban alcohol.
[17:34:06] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Recreational Cannabis Goes on Sale in Nevada Ahead of Independence Day - 749 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:34:07] <exec> 08└─I live in Vegas. I voted in favor of this. Since one minute after midnight last night, my neighbors have been shooting at each other, a plane fell onto the street in a fiery crash in front of my house, people are running out of the casinos throwing stacks of hundred dollar bills into the air, and an...
[17:34:17] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03Anonymous Coward 02 - 06Ancient Egyptians not African - 1058 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:34:17] <exec> 08└─You have to be ware that attitudes like the one that you're demonstrating is precisely how societies regress. The Arab world was once a center of education and learning. Now you'd struggle to find any redeeming quality to the region. The main thing that happened was religion. If certain facts or dis...
[17:34:42] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Ancient Egyptians not African - 115 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:34:42] <exec> 08└─What about Ethiopia? I understand that was once a happening place. My knowledge of African history is very lacking.
[17:34:43] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Ancient Egyptians not African - 302 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:34:43] <exec> 08└─When black racists (what? that's impossible! string him up!) try to claim that Egyptians were Sub-Saharan African because "we waz kings and queens and shit", you should expect an equal but opposite reaction of "you were all monkeys eating ants with sticks". The truth may be more complicated that tha...
[17:35:07] <exec> *** new comment: 03datapharmer [2702] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Extensive Study Concludes Neonicotinoid Pesticides Harm Bees - 38 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:35:07] <exec> 08└─Debugging? I see what you did there...
[17:35:09] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Extensive Study Concludes Neonicotinoid Pesticides Harm Bees - 132 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:35:09] <exec> 08└─no, it's never been a big mystery to non-whore beekeepers. the poison industry has just suppressed and ignored the obvious evidence.
[17:37:26] <exec> *** new comment: 03KGIII [5261] (Score: 2) 02 - 06OutlawCountry: Project of the CIA Targets Computers Running the Linux Operating System - 95 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:37:26] <exec> 08└─Huh... I think this is the first time I've wished for a 'fucking retarded' moderation category.
[17:37:27] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06OutlawCountry: Project of the CIA Targets Computers Running the Linux Operating System - 173 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:37:27] <exec> 08└─"Nothing stops you from loading a custom ring 0 driver and basically filter/change/manipulate/control whatever you want." not being a stupid whore bent on insanity stops me.
[17:42:08] <exec> count new = 11
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[17:42:09] <exec> 08********** 03END FEED08 **********
[18:32:05] <exec> 08********** 03SOYLENTNEWS COMMENT FEED08 **********
[18:32:05] <exec> last cid = 533946
[18:33:26] <exec> *** new comment: 03unauthorized [3776] (Score: 2) 02 - 06German "Network Enforcement Act" to Force Websites to Remove "Obviously Illegal" Content - 129 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:33:26] <exec> 08└─Seems similar to the system a lot of countries have or had to rate motion pictures. It's a bit pointless today with the Internet.
[18:33:27] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06German "Network Enforcement Act" to Force Websites to Remove "Obviously Illegal" Content - 44 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:33:28] <exec> 08└─How fast is immediately and obvious to whom?
[18:33:45] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Let's Encrypt Issues 100 Millionth Certificate - 106 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:33:45] <exec> 08└─They need to add more digits to the sign [soylentnews.org], or make it say "millions and millions served."
[18:34:12] <exec> *** new comment: 03butthurt [6141] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Recreational Cannabis Goes on Sale in Nevada Ahead of Independence Day - 444 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:34:12] <exec> 08└─The state sales tax on other non-prescription drugs is 6.85%. http://www.tax-rates.org [tax-rates.org] A packet of 20 cigarettes carries a $1.80 tax. https://tax.nv.gov [nv.gov] Previously it was $0.80 per packet. The Las Vega...
[18:34:14] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Recreational Cannabis Goes on Sale in Nevada Ahead of Independence Day - 50 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:34:14] <exec> 08└─tl;dr: I live in Vegas and it's a normal week-end.
[18:34:15] <exec> *** new comment: 03takyon [881] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Recreational Cannabis Goes on Sale in Nevada Ahead of Independence Day - 39 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:34:16] <exec> 08└─What happens in Nevada stays in Nevada.
[18:34:52] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Ancient Egyptians not African - 56 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:34:52] <exec> 08└─They could have crossed a land bridge, or an ice bridge.
[18:35:07] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03https [5248] 02 - 06Extensive Study Concludes Neonicotinoid Pesticides Harm Bees - 762 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:35:07] <exec> 08└─That's like saying smoking-related diabetic nephropathy is something to worry about after someone points out that smoking is strongly correlated with heart disease. Nothing has had as big an impact on bees as the neonicotinoids. Saying "other stuff is dangerous too" is unhelpful and derailing. Back...
[18:35:12] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03bzipitidoo [4388] 02 - 06Extensive Study Concludes Neonicotinoid Pesticides Harm Bees - 334 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:35:13] <exec> 08└─Oh yes, and it seems Big Tobacco style propaganda had a lot to do with delaying this admission. Colony Collapse Disorder was a big "mystery" for years, thanks to industry propaganda denying that their pesticide products had anything to do with it, and that there wasn't enough evidence to make that c...
[18:35:18] <exec> *** new comment: 03fraxinus-tree [5590] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Extensive Study Concludes Neonicotinoid Pesticides Harm Bees - 104 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:35:19] <exec> 08└─Pun not intended. I know, I know, but in my brain "debugging" and "bug" do not really relate to insects.
[18:35:20] <exec> *** new comment: 03fraxinus-tree [5590] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Extensive Study Concludes Neonicotinoid Pesticides Harm Bees - 340 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:35:21] <exec> 08└─I don't say it is a mystery what insecticides of almost any kind do to the bees. Solving a problem that affects a lot of parties is more complex than just nailing the substance. Do we need to kill the neonicotinoids completely? Alter their application, quarantine periods? Do we have some remedy whic...
[18:39:05] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Looking for an Ubuntu Unity Close Cousin? Elementary, My Dear... - 255 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:39:05] <exec> 08└─don't feel bad. it was eventually fine for a lot of normal people. i always left it on ubuntu machines that i set up for people. my grandma (in her late 70's) uses it just fine and she can barely use any OS (she never used computers when she was younger).
[18:40:31] <exec> *** new comment: 03iWantToKeepAnon [686] (Score: 2) 02 - 06After ACA Arrived in an Oregon County, There was a 17% Drop in Cardiac Arrest - 159 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:40:31] <exec> 08└─Because "After ACA ..." is in the headline and "can't determine causation" is in the article's second paragraph. Clear bias. Nobody RTFA, soylenters know that.
[18:42:20] <exec> count new = 11
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[19:32:05] <exec> last cid = 533957
[19:33:22] <exec> *** new comment: 03Justin Case [4239] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Survey Says AI Will Exceed Human Performance in Many Occupations Within Decades - 115 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:33:22] <exec> 08└─Software already exceeds human performance in many occupations, and has for decades. There is no "AI". That is all.
[19:33:23] <exec> *** new comment: 03tftp [806] (Score: 1) 02 - 06Survey Says AI Will Exceed Human Performance in Many Occupations Within Decades - 419 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:33:23] <exec> 08└─If we call Google search an AI, it already outperforms any human. It's quite logical to extrapolate that AIs are and will be better than people in many specific areas (driving vehicles seems to be the next goal.) The really difficult thing is, for example, to build an AI that, upon waking up on an a...
[19:33:33] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06German "Network Enforcement Act" to Force Websites to Remove "Obviously Illegal" Content - 1961 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:33:34] <exec> 08└─It's extremely ironic that this argument, or the essence of it at least, is what lay behind nearly all of the recent pushes for censorship. It seems some people are rather rewriting history. The Nazi party was not wildly popular. Their biggest electoral victory, by far, in anything even remotely res...
[19:34:03] <exec> *** new comment: 03khallow [3766] (Score: 1) 02 - 06U.S. DHS to Enhance Flight Security Measures but Avoids Laptop Ban - 85 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:34:03] <exec> 08└─First, the qualifier 'always' there are fewer and fewer people attempting hijackings.
[19:34:22] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Recreational Cannabis Goes on Sale in Nevada Ahead of Independence Day - 137 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:34:22] <exec> 08└─I don't find anything "fun" about risking arrest so I can grow and consume on my own property the only anti-depressant that works for me.
[19:34:24] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Recreational Cannabis Goes on Sale in Nevada Ahead of Independence Day - 252 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:34:24] <exec> 08└─Fix the cause instead of treating the symptom. Yes, I know that's far easier said then done but your life will be far better off. Can't figure out the cause? Randomly change things in your life until you do. Start by eating one banana outside each day.
[19:34:25] <exec> *** new comment: 03KGIII [5261] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Recreational Cannabis Goes on Sale in Nevada Ahead of Independence Day - 99 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:34:26] <exec> 08└─It has been a civil offense, here, for years. It was just a fine, unless you had a whole lot of it.
[19:35:03] <exec> *** new comment: 03HiThere [866] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Ancient Egyptians not African - 1092 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:35:03] <exec> 08└─It's worth noting that those mummified were primarily aristocrats, especially during the early period. This may imply that some aristocrats were of a religious group that believed in mummification. Alternatively the study could be read to show that Egypt was conquered at an early period by invaders...
[19:35:05] <exec> *** new comment: 03khallow [3766] (Score: 1) 02 - 06Ancient Egyptians not African - 164 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:35:05] <exec> 08└─It depends on what your rational for "division" is. [...] But are such divisions the best way of categorizing humans into historical or geographically-based groups?
[19:35:33] <exec> *** new comment: 03butthurt [6141] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Extensive Study Concludes Neonicotinoid Pesticides Harm Bees - 1079 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:35:33] <exec> 08└─> This is insect poison, without which we can't feed 8 billion people. There are other options besides using insecticides exactly as we are now, or not using them at all. Neonicotinoids have only been in use since the late 1990s; they replace less specific insecticides (which affect birds and mammal...
[19:37:51] <exec> *** new comment: 03NewNic [6420] (Score: 2) 02 - 06OutlawCountry: Project of the CIA Targets Computers Running the Linux Operating System - 559 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:37:51] <exec> 08└─Interesting, your post made me look into kernel module compatibility a bit more. A naive attempt appears to shows that the version must match exactly: # insmod /lib/modules/2.6.32-696.1.1.el6.x86_64/kernel/drivers/net/vmxnet3/vmxnet3.ko insmod: error inserting '/lib/modules/2.6.32-696.1.1.el6.x86_64...
[19:38:41] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06ThinkPad Designer David Hill Resigns from Lenovo - 338 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:38:41] <exec> 08└─manufacturers are the stupidest of fucks. fuck you, lenovo, you dumb ass bastards. you and the rest of your manufacturer ilk. you common street hookers! all of you think you're so fucking smart but you can't hardly do anything right. smug fucks with no common sense. people wonder why the economy und...
[19:39:22] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Looking for an Ubuntu Unity Close Cousin? Elementary, My Dear... - 475 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:39:22] <exec> 08└─it's a stupid thing to have by default when you make a distro aimed at "human beings" when you know damn well human beings can't do shit. also, the whole procedure is ridiculous, even if it works. one can simply remove appport and that little problem magically goes away, not that my grandma should h...
[19:39:23] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Looking for an Ubuntu Unity Close Cousin? Elementary, My Dear... - 303 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:39:23] <exec> 08└─"One of the desktops that is nearly as well polished, and therefore worth Unity fans considering, is the not-quite-as-new-kid on the block, Elementary OS." oh, i didn't know ElementaryOS was not an OS but an DE. i wonder why they tried to trick me with the 'OS' in the name. trixxy, trixxy, my precio...
[19:40:11] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06111 People Have Killed Themselves Under California's Right-to-Die Law - 33 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:40:11] <exec> 08└─self empowered life transitioning
[19:40:13] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06111 People Have Killed Themselves Under California's Right-to-Die Law - 94 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:40:13] <exec> 08└─why, if the dipshit volunteered? it's his right to risk his life. she should get off scot free
[19:40:52] <exec> *** new comment: 03Bot [3902] (Score: 2) 02 - 06After ACA Arrived in an Oregon County, There was a 17% Drop in Cardiac Arrest - 232 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:40:53] <exec> 08└─It would be nice to know how many other counties have been sampled to judge the impact of ACA. The title is basically about cherry-picking. X is done nationwide, in an oregon county Y happens. OK interesting, let's look at the rest.
[19:40:53] <exec> count new = 17
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[20:33:23] <exec> *** new comment: 03nethead [4970] (Score: 4, Funny) 02 - 06Survey Says AI Will Exceed Human Performance in Many Occupations Within Decades - 119 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[20:33:24] <exec> 08└─I'll get worried only when they make an AI that is a Lotus Domino admin. Some tasks are just beyond the realm of logic.
[20:33:25] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Survey Says AI Will Exceed Human Performance in Many Occupations Within Decades - 99 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[20:33:25] <exec> 08└─In high school (1970s) we discussed what job would be safe from automation. There really isn't one.
[20:33:36] <exec> 08*** new score 5 comment: 03bradley13 [3053] 02 - 06German "Network Enforcement Act" to Force Websites to Remove "Obviously Illegal" Content - 2472 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[20:33:36] <exec> 08└─Free speech in Europe only exists at the whim of the governments. The European Convention on Human Rights makes this all too clear: "Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference...
[20:35:06] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Ancient Egyptians not African - 73 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[20:35:06] <exec> 08└─Or, you know, they could have come in regular ships, the kind that float.
[20:35:07] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Ancient Egyptians not African - 79 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[20:35:08] <exec> 08└─Actually, I thought this was going to turn into a 'Chariots of the Gods' story.
[20:35:37] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Extensive Study Concludes Neonicotinoid Pesticides Harm Bees - 37 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[20:35:37] <exec> 08└─Shill said Complete and utter rubbish
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[21:33:21] <exec> *** new comment: 03lx [1915] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Point of Massive Electrical Grid Defection Closes in - 249 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:33:22] <exec> 08└─A home solar system can fail as well as any utility. I'm not sure whether off grid living is such a good idea anyway. Nearly all progress humanity has made has been by banding together. Insulating yourself from the world seems like a step backwards.
[21:33:23] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Point of Massive Electrical Grid Defection Closes in - 667 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:33:23] <exec> 08└─What is it with you Statist people? Decentralization doesn't imply isolation. Almost every decision that is made every single day is made in a decentralized fashion through the interactions between individuals; that interaction is what makes society, not some top-down, centralized, command-and-contr...
[21:33:25] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Point of Massive Electrical Grid Defection Closes in - 608 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:33:25] <exec> 08└─People reducing their reliance on the US power grid is not necessarily bad for their local utility companies. In many areas local utilities cannot keep up with growth and demand. The regulations involved in adding additional capacity, and raising rates to pay for the expansions, are cumbersome, expe...
[21:33:27] <exec> *** new comment: 03lx [1915] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Point of Massive Electrical Grid Defection Closes in - 121 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:33:28] <exec> 08└─I guess my thinking is coloured by not living in a failed state and by not putting labels on people who disagree with me.
[21:33:29] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Point of Massive Electrical Grid Defection Closes in - 64 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:33:30] <exec> 08└─The rest of your comment is irrelevant; it forms a non sequitur.
[21:33:39] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03nethead [4970] 02 - 06Survey Says AI Will Exceed Human Performance in Many Occupations Within Decades - 119 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:33:40] <exec> 08└─I'll get worried only when they make an AI that is a Lotus Domino admin. Some tasks are just beyond the realm of logic.
[21:33:52] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06German "Network Enforcement Act" to Force Websites to Remove "Obviously Illegal" Content - 372 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:33:52] <exec> 08└─the universal declaration of rights is the good cop. current governments are the bad cop. in fact, rights are imaginary fluff born to remove the concept of god and kings from society, and especially to distract you from the fact that without power (and your power has always been eroded as a natural...
[21:34:01] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06AVX-512: A "Hidden Gem"? - 493 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:34:01] <exec> 08└─The thing about Intel's chips for several (tech) generations has been the inclusion of the Intel Management Engine, which works even when the system is ostensibly powered down. With Intel, one has to decide if the new whiz-bang stuff is worth the included spyware. Robert Pogson is currently on Beast...
[21:35:01] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03AthanasiusKircher [5291] 02 - 06Ancient Egyptians not African - 2471 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:35:01] <exec> 08└─I have several reactions to this. First, yes, as written, this comment is trollish. On the other hand, Aristarchus brings up an important point -- the race of the Ancient Egyptians has been a subject of a long-standing controversy [wikipedia.org] which frequently has had racist overtones. Back on th...
[21:35:26] <exec> *** new comment: 03Thexalon [636] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Ancient Egyptians not African - 57 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:35:26] <exec> 08└─Seems structured societies doesn't build not on Africans.
[21:35:27] <exec> *** new comment: 03Thexalon [636] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Ancient Egyptians not African - 326 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:35:27] <exec> 08└─Another weakness in the study is that, since Egypt is in Africa, Egyptians are by definition Africans. Sure, they might be genetically similar to Italians or Arabs or Persians or something, but that doesn't make them not African any more than a majority of USAians' European or African genetic lineag...
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[22:33:27] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0, Disagree) 02 - 06Point of Massive Electrical Grid Defection Closes in - 173 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:33:28] <exec> 08└─If you have a comment on a story (even one which you have submitted), then you should... wait for it... place your comment in the comment section along with all the others.
[22:33:29] <exec> *** new comment: 03Lagg [105] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Point of Massive Electrical Grid Defection Closes in - 1495 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:33:29] <exec> 08└─It's pretty interesting to see this stuff about the challenges of solar. I had a friend that lived with his family in Golden Valley, AZ (look on maps and imagine minus 15 years) near the hill towards Bullhead. They were too poor and out-of-the-way that they had to use a water tank and had their own...
[22:33:30] <exec> *** new comment: 03KilroySmith [2113] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Point of Massive Electrical Grid Defection Closes in - 246 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:33:31] <exec> 08└─Please feel free to band together with your neighbors, then, if you think that's the best idea. No argument from me on that one. Just don't tell me that I must join your band because you and your neighbors have determined that it's the best idea.
[22:33:32] <exec> *** new comment: 03Lagg [105] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Point of Massive Electrical Grid Defection Closes in - 192 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:33:33] <exec> 08└─Oh could you please it was a harmless technical suggestion. I'd agree if it was political bullshit but half the fun sometimes is the edop - even if for argument purposes. You mirthless bastard
[22:33:35] <exec> *** new comment: 03takyon [881] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Point of Massive Electrical Grid Defection Closes in - 80 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:33:36] <exec> 08└─If it didn't have My comment: before it, you would not have complained about it.
[22:33:37] <exec> *** new comment: 03ledow [5567] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Point of Massive Electrical Grid Defection Closes in - 1930 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:33:38] <exec> 08└─Some people already cope with electricity, gas or water piped to their household. They cope with sewage, fresh water, telephones or local police forces. The problem is not "it can't be done" but "it's not practical to do HERE", or even "people won't do it here". That translates to everything from no...
[22:33:39] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Point of Massive Electrical Grid Defection Closes in - 29 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:33:40] <exec> 08└─Have you folks no principles?
[22:33:41] <exec> *** new comment: 03takyon [881] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Point of Massive Electrical Grid Defection Closes in - 102 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:33:42] <exec> 08└─Adding a question to the end of the summary = adding a lie? Deplorable anons gonna deplore everything.
[22:33:44] <exec> *** new comment: 03Whoever [4524] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Point of Massive Electrical Grid Defection Closes in - 72 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:33:44] <exec> 08└─I think people underestimate the livability of off-grid solar currently.
[22:33:46] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Point of Massive Electrical Grid Defection Closes in - 194 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:33:47] <exec> 08└─Your thinking is coloured by your lack of basic language comprehension skills. Lessening your dependencies on a centralized system does not necessarily mean isolating yourself from other people.
[22:33:57] <exec> *** new comment: 03RamiK [1813] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Survey Says AI Will Exceed Human Performance in Many Occupations Within Decades - 220 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:33:57] <exec> 08└─I don't know about High-Level Machine Intelligence. But if Skynet is reading Soylent today, you have my consent to nuke us all. And if anyone is expressing a different opinion, they're just an enemy AI you should ignore.
[22:33:59] <exec> *** new comment: 03takyon [881] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Survey Says AI Will Exceed Human Performance in Many Occupations Within Decades - 116 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:33:59] <exec> 08└─Martian child slave labor isn't about the labor. It's about the bespoke offerings to Satan from the interglobalists.
[22:34:00] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Survey Says AI Will Exceed Human Performance in Many Occupations Within Decades - 32 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:34:01] <exec> 08└─How about the oldest profession?
[22:34:02] <exec> *** new comment: 03opinionated_science [4031] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Survey Says AI Will Exceed Human Performance in Many Occupations Within Decades - 304 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:34:03] <exec> 08└─quite. And "AI" has become synonymous with marketing by those trying to sell it - including vendors or hardware, software and academics looking for funding. However, it may not matter. The continued astonishing density of computation and storage will lead to some very interesting, and useful, tools....
[22:34:16] <exec> *** new comment: 03khallow [3766] (Score: 1) 02 - 06German "Network Enforcement Act" to Force Websites to Remove "Obviously Illegal" Content - 188 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:34:16] <exec> 08└─Our increasing centralization of executive power has been happening for decades as each side cheers it on when 'their team' happens to be in office - as if it that will always be the case.
[22:34:18] <exec> *** new comment: 03khallow [3766] (Score: 1) 02 - 06German "Network Enforcement Act" to Force Websites to Remove "Obviously Illegal" Content - 80 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:34:18] <exec> 08└─and your power has always been eroded as a natural consequence of evil in others
[22:34:19] <exec> *** new comment: 03inertnet [4071] (Score: 2) 02 - 06German "Network Enforcement Act" to Force Websites to Remove "Obviously Illegal" Content - 98 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:34:20] <exec> 08└─Those in power obviously still believe that censoring people will make the growing unrest go away.
[22:34:21] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06German "Network Enforcement Act" to Force Websites to Remove "Obviously Illegal" Content - 173 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:34:22] <exec> 08└─In a few more years, Arabic will supplant Hochdeutsch as the main language, Sharia imams will replace the Bundestag, and free speech will be a despised heresy against Allah.
[22:34:32] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06AVX-512: A "Hidden Gem"? - 627 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:34:33] <exec> 08└─Now in a cellphone, TV box, or AMD processor near you! Same shit flavor as Intel ME, different shit brand! Unless we get some ME-less processors fabbed on our own, nerds and datacenters both have lost out to the intellectually destitute commoners and their intellectual/financial/technological master...
[22:35:16] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Recreational Cannabis Goes on Sale in Nevada Ahead of Independence Day - 285 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:35:17] <exec> 08└─That sounds like some kind of madness having to do with joints. Joint Madness we could call it. It could be a movie. If we showed it to the public, they might be convinced that this joint madness is a real possibility. We could pass new laws, but not until a refer session in Congress.
[22:38:53] <exec> *** new comment: 03takyon [881] (Score: 2) 02 - 06OutlawCountry: Project of the CIA Targets Computers Running the Linux Operating System - 72 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:38:53] <exec> 08└─Or it proves that Akamai is cheap and convenient because of their scale.
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[23:33:30] <exec> *** new comment: 03tftp [806] (Score: 1) 02 - 06Updates to Thimbleweed Park Allow Characters to Talk to one Another Plus an Inbuilt Hint System - 185 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[23:33:30] <exec> 08└─Judging by the four screenshots on the web page of the manufacturer, the game is visually underwhelming. Probably on par with "Leisure Suit Larry." Not sure how the dialogs can save it.
[23:33:32] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Updates to Thimbleweed Park Allow Characters to Talk to one Another Plus an Inbuilt Hint System - 137 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[23:33:32] <exec> 08└─Seriously! I'm not trying to be an ass. I just read stories like this and think... but who would be intrigued by this story?! WHO CARES?!
[23:33:33] <exec> *** new comment: 03Gaaark [41] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Updates to Thimbleweed Park Allow Characters to Talk to one Another Plus an Inbuilt Hint System - 923 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[23:33:34] <exec> 08└─Watched about 3 mins of a youtube video with one of the programmers: go to take a picture of the corpse-- errrr, no film in camera. Click on the guy, he has the film. click on the 'give' button, click on the film, click on the female partner. He gives the film to her. click on her, click on 'use', c...
[23:34:09] <exec> *** new comment: 03Gaaark [41] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Survey Says AI Will Exceed Human Performance in Many Occupations Within Decades - 331 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[23:34:09] <exec> 08└─Maybe software could replace the government? You know, unbribeable software? Software capable of making decisions that are good for all people (WE the people, or Ee'd Plebnista, if you will) That would be good. Live long, software, and prosper: so long as it is NOT closed software. "That Siri.... sh...
[23:34:11] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Survey Says AI Will Exceed Human Performance in Many Occupations Within Decades - 161 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[23:34:11] <exec> 08└─None of pimping, prostitution, or thievery are impossible to automate, although the likelihood is probably somewhat lower simply due to their respective natures.
[23:34:12] <exec> *** new comment: 03HiThere [866] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Survey Says AI Will Exceed Human Performance in Many Occupations Within Decades - 104 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[23:34:13] <exec> 08└─Google "real doll"...now add AI & increased robotization. P.S.: It's already reportedly being worked on.
[23:34:29] <exec> *** new comment: 03Ethanol-fueled [2792] (Score: 1) 02 - 06German "Network Enforcement Act" to Force Websites to Remove "Obviously Illegal" Content - 285 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[23:34:30] <exec> 08└─The destruction of Germany was a plot hatched by the unelected Jewish bureaucrats who infiltrated and dominated the EU leadership. Why? Revenge for WWII. If Europe does actually launch a successful fight against the savages and becomes more anti-Islam, that is also a goal of the Jews.
[23:34:31] <exec> *** new comment: 03tftp [806] (Score: 1) 02 - 06German "Network Enforcement Act" to Force Websites to Remove "Obviously Illegal" Content - 281 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[23:34:31] <exec> 08└─The people in power are usually just trying to kick the can down the road. If censoring of certain ideas may help delay certain events by a few years, they go full ahead with censorship. It costs nearly nothing. How often governments fall and individuals are fired over censorship?
[23:34:42] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06AVX-512: A "Hidden Gem"? - 190 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[23:34:42] <exec> 08└─Any idea about how this compares to SVE from ARM? https://community.arm.com [arm.com]
[23:35:27] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Recreational Cannabis Goes on Sale in Nevada Ahead of Independence Day - 17 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[23:35:27] <exec> 08└─Go fuck yourself.
[23:35:28] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Recreational Cannabis Goes on Sale in Nevada Ahead of Independence Day - 17 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[23:35:28] <exec> 08└─How nice for you.
[23:36:12] <exec> *** new comment: 03realDonaldTrump [6614] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Ancient Egyptians not African - 308 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[23:36:12] <exec> 08└─Egypt is in Africa now. But in ancient times, maybe it wasn't. Maybe it drifted there, like India drifted into Asia. Indians aren't Asian. Not Oriental. President Modi (great hugger) told me that ancient Indians made test tube babies. They made the first test tube babies, thousands of years ago. Ver...
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