#comments | Logs for 2020-07-14

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[00:20:59] <exec> 08********** 03SOYLENTNEWS COMMENT FEED08 **********
[00:20:59] <exec> last cid = 1020814
[00:22:32] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 38 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:22:32] <exec> 08└─Gargle some sodium ascorbate solution.
[00:22:34] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 140 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:22:34] <exec> 08└─Perfect example of how social safety nets will not lead to couch potatoes. On average people want to be useful, and consumption gets boring.
[00:22:35] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 1, Interesting) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 497 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:22:36] <exec> 08└─So to "fight the power" you will choose a corrupt thief who steals your money? At least we have the direct confessions of you morons to help alleviate our feelings of guilt when we think "what a bunch of fucking idiots, what is wrong with them???" I know guilt is a strange concept to you what with b...
[00:22:37] <exec> *** new comment: 03Phoenix666 [552] (Score: 0, Troll) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 368 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:22:38] <exec> 08└─In the Rockies, in Free America, nobody we know has contracted the disease spread by the great Rat-Spirit, the giant of Sumatra. People walk about at ease, with no masks. Children swim and play in the sun. The message to those in Occupied Territory is: The chair is against the wall, the chair is aga...
[00:22:39] <exec> *** new comment: 03Sulla [5173] (Score: 1) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 116 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:22:40] <exec> 08└─Please be mindful that "the internet never forgets". I encourage all who respond to make use of posting anonymously.
[00:22:41] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 518 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:22:42] <exec> 08└─At work I'm stuck with clerical tasks of late. I hate clerical work, but the labor market is crappy so I try to shuddup and slog it out. Outside of work, it's hard to get anything else done because shops are either shut down, or my wife deems it too risky to bring repair people into the house. And I...
[00:22:44] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0, Troll) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 195 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:22:45] <exec> 08└─My grandma fled nazi germany. She warned to flee the country when I saw people acting exactly like the democrats are right now. Everything they are doing and proposing the Nazis did in the 1930s.
[00:22:46] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 130 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:22:47] <exec> 08└─Taught her how to pick stocks, she pointed at Tesla, and now we're both eating porterhouse steak three times a day. Thanks, COVID!
[00:22:48] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 232 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:22:49] <exec> 08└─I don't know where you live, who you hang out, whatever. Trump America is what America is today. Don't deny it, it's the truth. Actually, all you millenials ( I hate you all) , prove me wrong (or right). Get your asses out and vote.
[00:22:50] <exec> *** new comment: 03Ethanol-fueled [2792] (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 844 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:22:51] <exec> 08└─How are we holding up? We're past the "fear" stage and well into the "anger" stage. Meaning, nobody believes the danger narrative anymore, and they're pissed off that the Democrats are holding their lives hostage because "Fuck Trump!" The news media went silent about politics ever since BLM/Antifa g...
[00:23:20] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Linus Torvalds: Don't Hide Rust in Linux Kernel; Death to AVX-512 - 45 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:23:20] <exec> 08└─Blacks, Indians, Pakis and Odorous Columbians
[00:23:21] <exec> *** new comment: 03Subsentient [1111] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Linus Torvalds: Don't Hide Rust in Linux Kernel; Death to AVX-512 - 545 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:23:22] <exec> 08└─I agree with Linus on this -- 99% of my code in all my projects just uses straight integers of 64-bits width or smaller. The only time I end up using floats is when something else uses floats and wants a float. I suspect that to be true unless you're doing a lot of graphics or scientific work. Integ...
[00:23:23] <exec> *** new comment: 03gtwregegcwcfew [11552] (Score: 1) 02 - 06Linus Torvalds: Don't Hide Rust in Linux Kernel; Death to AVX-512 - 52 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:23:24] <exec> 08└─Useful piece of information! CeliTech [celitech.com]
[00:23:25] <exec> *** new comment: 03The Mighty Buzzard [18] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Linus Torvalds: Don't Hide Rust in Linux Kernel; Death to AVX-512 - 812 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:23:26] <exec> 08└─To begin, I'd +1 Funny you for the typos but I'm out of points. As to the assertion itself? Compilers can only catch you out making stupid mistakes that can be corrected easily all at once when you're done. They will not tell you if your shiny, happy algorithm (that had damned well better take more...
[00:23:49] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03Anonymous Coward 02 - 06The Supreme Court Just Pointed Out the Absurdity of the Electoral College - 356 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:23:49] <exec> 08└─Now it's up to us. If you live in a state that hasn't joined the interstate compact, you can urge your state legislators and your governor to sign on. And no matter where you're from, you can dispel the myths about the Electoral College and who it really helps, myths that still lead some people to s...
[00:23:59] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03DeathMonkey [1380] 02 - 06The Supreme Court Just Pointed Out the Absurdity of the Electoral College - 94 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:23:59] <exec> 08└─You don't think on person's vote counting more than another person's vote is a good criticism?
[00:24:25] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03Opportunist [5545] 02 - 06The Supreme Court Just Pointed Out the Absurdity of the Electoral College - 360 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:24:25] <exec> 08└─Counter question: How is it fair that your vote has more weight than the one from someone in a bigger state? How about creating a counter weight system where there is one house where every state has the same amount of say, independent of size, while we also have a second house where the seats are di...
[00:24:58] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03hemocyanin [186] 02 - 06The Supreme Court Just Pointed Out the Absurdity of the Electoral College - 586 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:24:59] <exec> 08└─The EC was a compromise, meaning there was bargaining and an exchange to get to agreement. It is the height of self-entitlement however, to expect small states to give up what they bargained for and won, for nothing. What makes you so special that by the mere ability to procreate more -- to be a fuc...
[00:28:53] <exec> *** new comment: 03ElizabethGreene [6748] (Score: 2) 02 - 06The Most and Least Expensive Cars to Maintain - 340 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:28:53] <exec> 08└─Your point on programmed obsolescence is spot on. I'm generally opposed to federal "help" wrt manufactured goods, but I wouldn't mind seeing the federal 8 year/80k Mile emissions component warranty expanded to cover a lot more systems. As for non-drivetrain electronics... I haven't met an infotainme...
[00:30:39] <exec> *** new comment: 03Azuma Hazuki [5086] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Study Pinpoints Brain Cells that Trigger Sugar Cravings and Consumption - 261 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:30:39] <exec> 08└─That argument doesn't follow. Evolution isn't a conscious process; in fact, I would bet it can be described purely in terms of entropy, which *to us* would look like taking the laziest, easiest path of least resistance for whatever works best in the short term.
[00:30:41] <exec> *** new comment: 03Azuma Hazuki [5086] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Study Pinpoints Brain Cells that Trigger Sugar Cravings and Consumption - 113 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:30:41] <exec> 08└─What is it with you and "BIPOC" in all your trolling? Did your girlfriend leave you for a black guy or something?
[00:31:23] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03Anonymous Coward 02 - 06French Parliament Passes Porn Age-Verification Legislation - 63 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:31:23] <exec> 08└─From now on, it is only lawful to get fucked by the government.
[00:32:36] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03Runaway1956 [2926] 02 - 06Apple Warns Customers Not to Close its Laptops with a Camera Cover Attached - 216 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:32:36] <exec> 08└─This is why Apple, and all the rest, should put a hardware on/off switch on the damned thing. If the electrical circuit is open, you KNOW the camera is not in use by some systemd malware, or by Microsoft telemetrics.
[00:34:01] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03Rosco P. Coltrane [4757] 02 - 06Hasbro, North American Scrabble Players Association Bans Racial, Ethnic Slurs from Word Lists - 101 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:34:01] <exec> 08└─It's a feel-good measure that says, "We need to put ourselves in the news with some free advertising.
[00:36:32] <exec> count new = 17
[00:36:32] <exec> count top = 7
[00:36:32] <exec> 08********** 03END FEED08 **********
[01:20:59] <exec> 08********** 03SOYLENTNEWS COMMENT FEED08 **********
[01:20:59] <exec> last cid = 1020856
[01:22:16] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Muzak Parent Mood Media Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy - 123 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:22:17] <exec> 08└─Instead of charging people to play their music, they should charge people not to play it. Demand would go through the roof!
[01:22:40] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 142 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:22:40] <exec> 08└─Remember that if enough do "freedom exposure", then your hospitals will be backed up such that if you get some random illness, you may be SOL.
[01:22:41] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 3, Insightful) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 149 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:22:41] <exec> 08└─And I see the same things that you do, except that for me, it's the republicans that are doing them. ("the press is the ennemy of the people !", etc)
[01:22:43] <exec> *** new comment: 03TheGratefulNet [659] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 124 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:22:44] <exec> 08└─you know, you are not even MILDLY amusing. even your troll attempts are increasingly pathetic. you're tapped out. just quit.
[01:22:45] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 401 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:22:46] <exec> 08└─At this point in time the Republicans are not burning stuff in the streets, trying to defund local police so federal police become more powerful, let political organizations decide which businesses are allowed to stay open, get the government meddling in everyones health, etc. But Republicans would...
[01:22:47] <exec> *** new comment: 03c0lo [156] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 150 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:22:48] <exec> 08└─Meaning, nobody believes the danger narrative anymore, and they're pissed off that the Democrats are holding their lives hostage because "Fuck Trump!"
[01:22:49] <exec> *** new comment: 03Azuma Hazuki [5086] (Score: 3, Informative) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 993 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:22:50] <exec> 08└─As pretty much everyone knows by now I work in a pharmacy, and take public transport. I keep the mask on, wash my hands a lot, and keep my BP and weight (115/64 and 138 lb at 5'10" last check) under control with a strict 16/8 (or better) intermittent fasting and calorie restriction regime. Needless...
[01:22:51] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 458 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:22:52] <exec> 08└─Hospitals probably currently hurt more people than they save anyway, that means people are dying less often due to medical error. https://www.cnbc.com [cnbc.com] If you include bad public health advice like the food pyramid and n...
[01:22:54] <exec> *** new comment: 03mrpg [5708] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 214 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:22:54] <exec> 08└─I am practicing two languages, French and python :-)) , looking for a job, reading Shakespeare's sonnets in English with comments in http://www.shakespeares-sonnets.com [shakespeares-sonnets.com] And you?
[01:22:56] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 29 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:22:57] <exec> 08└─Wearing a facemask is racist.
[01:22:58] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 148 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:22:59] <exec> 08└─Democrats have done nothing productive since Trump first ran for POTUS. They've been wasting 4 years on witch hunts. Fuck Democrats, SJW's, and BLM.
[01:23:00] <exec> *** new comment: 03c0lo [156] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 29 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:23:01] <exec> 08└─Wearing a facemask is racist.
[01:23:02] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 53 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:23:03] <exec> 08└─Meaning, nobody believes the danger narrative anymore
[01:23:05] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 1078 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:23:05] <exec> 08└─Working memory capacity predicts individual differences in social-distancing compliance during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States Before vaccination and other intervention measures become available, successful containment of an unknown infectious disease critically relies on people’s volun...
[01:23:07] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 191 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:23:08] <exec> 08└─It is racist, we've known this since April: https://mobile.twitter.com [twitter.com] Why would Trump wear one other than as a dog whistle to white supremecists?
[01:23:09] <exec> *** new comment: 03MostCynical [2589] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 98 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:23:10] <exec> 08└─which organisations have pushed narrow spectrum sun screen? Mayo Clinic [mayoclinic.org] doesn't..
[01:23:11] <exec> *** new comment: 03MostCynical [2589] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 26 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:23:12] <exec> 08└─vous tenez mal ce serpent!
[01:23:13] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 129 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:23:14] <exec> 08└─Edited by Susan Fisk, who thinks you are a terrorist if you try to replicate one of her studies. These pseudoscientists gotta go.
[01:23:15] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 769 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:23:16] <exec> 08└─Early in March, before it was widely known, I had lost all sense of smell and taste. I had mild body aches like you get when you have a fever (the kind where your skin hurts), but I didn't have any respiratory problems, fever, etc. Losing smell and taste was very upsetting. You don't notice it until...
[01:23:18] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 1255 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:23:18] <exec> 08└─It started with mild cold and diarrhea, joints pain and tiredness. It was before Covid was "discovered" in NY so I thought it was flu because I usually feel it like this. Cold and pain went away, but on and off diarrhea is still with me as well as tiredness. Could be anything, off course, including...
[01:23:20] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 157 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:23:21] <exec> 08└─He fully subscribes to the "if you don't test, you don't get any positive cases" philosophy. There's no problem the sticking your head in the sand can't fix.
[01:23:22] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 389 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:23:23] <exec> 08└─All of them until 2010 or so. Blocking UVA is a new thing, u til recently "wear sunscreen" amount to advice that you should prevent your bodies way of telling you to get out of the sun (sunburn) while doing nothing to block the UVA that causes skin cancer. That's why now there is a skin cancer epide...
[01:23:56] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Linus Torvalds: Don't Hide Rust in Linux Kernel; Death to AVX-512 - 128 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:23:56] <exec> 08└─You will never replace C That's like the Air Force replacing the B-52 Besides, screw C, if you can't do assembly, you're a punk!
[01:35:14] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03Booga1 [6333] 02 - 06Hasbro, North American Scrabble Players Association Bans Racial, Ethnic Slurs from Word Lists - 27 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:35:14] <exec> 08└─A new "code" will emerge...
[01:36:30] <exec> count new = 23
[01:36:30] <exec> count top = 1
[01:36:30] <exec> 08********** 03END FEED08 **********
[02:20:59] <exec> 08********** 03SOYLENTNEWS COMMENT FEED08 **********
[02:20:59] <exec> last cid = 1020894
[02:22:28] <exec> *** new comment: 03Snotnose [1623] (Score: 3, Interesting) 02 - 06Muzak Parent Mood Media Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy - 676 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:22:28] <exec> 08└─I remember back in the 60s, my parents forced me to go to church where they would rail about the evils of The Beatles, amongst other things. The problem? The religious radio station my parents listened to on the way to church played Muzak versions of, you guessed it, Beatles songs. Buncha fucking hy...
[02:22:29] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Muzak Parent Mood Media Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy - 596 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:22:29] <exec> 08└─Both my grandparents were Southern Baptist country preachers... And Dad tried to raise me in the ways of the church, but the main thing all that "discipline" taught me was how wrong it is to compel others by demonstrations of one's ability to inflict physical pain on another. Just because one has si...
[02:22:31] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Muzak Parent Mood Media Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy - 327 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:22:31] <exec> 08└─As somebody that works in a retail establishment, I'd much prefer to be listening to Muzak all day than actual songs. Muzak was largely developed to be something that you could hear without really having to listen to. Whereas most other commercial music is set up to demand you listen to the same few...
[02:22:59] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03Azuma Hazuki [5086] 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 993 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:23:00] <exec> 08└─As pretty much everyone knows by now I work in a pharmacy, and take public transport. I keep the mask on, wash my hands a lot, and keep my BP and weight (115/64 and 138 lb at 5'10" last check) under control with a strict 16/8 (or better) intermittent fasting and calorie restriction regime. Needless...
[02:23:16] <exec> *** new comment: 03Sulla [5173] (Score: 1) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 94 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:23:16] <exec> 08└─Had to log in to mod you up. I'm also doing the Vitamin D, Zinc, and Ginger Tea with Turmeric.
[02:23:17] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 5 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:23:18] <exec> 08└─Yawn.
[02:23:19] <exec> *** new comment: 03MostCynical [2589] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 85 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:23:20] <exec> 08└─wow. Australia has been pushing brad spectrum since at least 1983 [standards.govt.nz]
[02:23:21] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 354 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:23:22] <exec> 08└─The problem with that is that both candidates are corrupt and going to steal our money, at least if Trump wins by default there's some hope that the Democratic establishment might let the voters choose the nominee next time. There's also some hope that the green party will get their 5% as most of th...
[02:23:23] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 645 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:23:24] <exec> 08└─The nice thing about the placebo effect is that even if you know it's a placebo it can still help you. I think that's all you're getting out of that stuff, and I don't feel the least bit guilty about calling it out because I can't damage your placebo effect. It's hard enough to stick with what's kno...
[02:23:25] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 551 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:23:26] <exec> 08└─I likely had it back in January when it was tearing through Western Washington, at this point, that leaves me a bit in a weird state where I might be able to get it, or not at all or somewhat, but I can likely still breathe it in and breathe it out and spread it. I've been working at a grocery store...
[02:23:28] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 131 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:23:28] <exec> 08└─Couldn't get the link to work. But it was definitely not common until recently: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov [nih.gov]
[02:23:30] <exec> *** new comment: 03HiThere [866] (Score: 3, Interesting) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 1583 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:23:31] <exec> 08└─Actually, that's not quite true. Some percentage of the population will end up too depressed and lacking motivation to do anything else in particular. Another percentage will opt for "cheap thrills". In prior times a portion of the wealthy took up dueling. (Actually, if you count paintball that's al...
[02:23:32] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 1, Interesting) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 1913 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:23:33] <exec> 08└─As a faculty member at a major public university, I'm genuinely concerned about the fall. Like many such universities, mine is planning to open its doors in the fall. Most classes are expected to be in-person, with faculty being told they're supposed to have a "meaningful" in-person component. Stude...
[02:23:34] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 170 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:23:35] <exec> 08└─Sociopath, I still can't seem to derive pleasure knowing you old idiots are more likely to catch covid and die. I guess you gotta be raised a hateful cunt to be like you.
[02:23:36] <exec> *** new comment: 03The Mighty Buzzard [18] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 162 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:23:37] <exec> 08└─When Canada tried it, >25% who were working when it started were not working when it got killed. It's not a number the economy could absorb without a lot of pain.
[02:23:38] <exec> *** new comment: 03The Mighty Buzzard [18] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 94 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:23:39] <exec> 08└─Better disorganized, inefficient crime than criminals who have their racket down to a science.
[02:23:41] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: -1, Troll) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 245 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:23:42] <exec> 08└─You must actually be a shill, actively promoting unsafe behavior while all the states that stayed open are locking down due to explosions in infection rates. Top kek you piece of shit, but what else should be expected from a username like yours?
[02:23:43] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 319 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:23:44] <exec> 08└─I'd like to offer an opportunity for us to pull together and share our collective experiences. If you've made it through, telling others of how it went can be helpful both for the one who shares, and also for those who were recently diagnosed. Fears, doubts, and worries act to drain energy better di...
[02:23:45] <exec> *** new comment: 03The Mighty Buzzard [18] (Score: 3, Funny) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 47 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:23:46] <exec> 08└─Smoking's more effective than all of the above.
[02:23:47] <exec> *** new comment: 03HiThere [866] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 640 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:23:48] <exec> 08└─Well, as a pharmacist you probably know, but be careful with that Zinc. Too much is as bad as too little, perhaps worse. And most minerals are cumulative over time, though with many there's a way to shed excess. Not always a very quick way. (Though for shedding minerals, women of reproductive age ha...
[02:23:49] <exec> *** new comment: 03c0lo [156] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 129 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:23:50] <exec> 08└─Hospitals probably currently hurt more people than they save anyway, that means people are dying less often due to medical error.
[02:23:51] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 83 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:23:52] <exec> 08└─Yep, how many of those were people who got unnecessarily put on a ventilator? Half?
[02:23:54] <exec> *** new comment: 03Runaway1956 [2926] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 896 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:23:54] <exec> 08└─No, I'm not a zombie yet, but people keep spotting them. My wife follows the updates, reminding me at least twice a day, "There are x new cases in Sevier County, x in Howard County, and x in Little River, and x in Miller County. In Texas blah blah blah" I swear, she could probably quote the numbers...
[02:23:56] <exec> *** new comment: 03NickM [2867] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 1143 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:23:57] <exec> 08└─Do you take K2 with your D3 ? I ask caused I have read that D3 is really good at pumping calcium into the blood stream but that without vitamin K it is not so great at making the osteoblasts use that calcium and that a nonegligeable part of that calcium end up hardening the arteries. The literature...
[02:23:58] <exec> *** new comment: 03c0lo [156] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 238 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:23:59] <exec> 08└─Of them, even some I would have thought to be more liberal are tending toward Trump now. ... The democrats are stealing GenX's and Millennials' lives and economic well being, so that elderly, retired boomers may perhaps live another year.
[02:24:00] <exec> *** new comment: 03The Mighty Buzzard [18] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 653 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:24:01] <exec> 08└─Pretty sure we all had it in late December or early January. Whole neighborhood, including cats, got the couple week long lung crud, of widely varying severities. Nobody died except a couple of the neighbor's cats. Nobody was even hospitalized. Nobody went in to get tested because it wasn't supposed...
[02:24:02] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 149 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:24:03] <exec> 08└─No quercetin? [chrismasterjohnphd.com] Reminder that you can't claim to be on the morally superior left unless you eat quinoa [healthline.com] daily.
[02:24:04] <exec> *** new comment: 03HiThere [866] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 1237 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:24:05] <exec> 08└─If you're worried about the class being split between video and in person, the answer would appear to be to have two different sections, with students enrolled in one section and able to audit the other whenever they felt like it. Much of the video section could be a recording of the in-person secti...
[02:24:07] <exec> *** new comment: 03HiThere [866] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 55 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:24:08] <exec> 08└─Your ability to understand statistics is a true marvel.
[02:24:09] <exec> *** new comment: 03c0lo [156] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 77 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:24:10] <exec> 08└─Yep, how many of those were people who got unnecessarily put on a ventilator?
[02:24:11] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 93 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:24:12] <exec> 08└─Most people have a hard time coming up with anything productive to do in the current society.
[02:24:13] <exec> *** new comment: 03HiThere [866] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 493 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:24:14] <exec> 08└─Maybe. And unfortunately the antibody test won't answer that question, because the antibodies don't seem to be persistent. I guess we just need to hope that that's not the arm of the immune system that's most important in this case. OTOH, if you've got a septic tank or a privy you could have someone...
[02:24:15] <exec> *** new comment: 03bzipitidoo [4388] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 2246 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:24:16] <exec> 08└─So far, most people I know have avoided infection. One acquaintance is in the hospital with cancer, and caught COVID-19 there. It now seems that the whole idea of gathering lots of sick people into a single building, presumably to make it more efficient to care for them all, is both bad and unnecess...
[02:24:18] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 351 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:24:18] <exec> 08└─The format doesn't work well for classes built around discussions during class. If there's a mix of in-person and online students in the same session, online students probably won't actually feel like they can readily participate in the same way someone can in-person. In other words, the class proba...
[02:24:53] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Linus Torvalds: Don't Hide Rust in Linux Kernel; Death to AVX-512 - 26 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:24:53] <exec> 08└─I've been hung all my life
[02:24:55] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Linus Torvalds: Don't Hide Rust in Linux Kernel; Death to AVX-512 - 48 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:24:55] <exec> 08└─I suppose that spam could be useful, to someone.
[02:25:23] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03Farkus888 [5159] 02 - 06The Supreme Court Just Pointed Out the Absurdity of the Electoral College - 481 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:25:24] <exec> 08└─The purpose of faithless electors, I was taught, is related to communication delay. Say a candidate commits murder the day before the election and is arrested. In the early 1800s it was impossible for the average voter to find out in time to change their vote. The electors were more informed and cou...
[02:30:23] <exec> *** new comment: 03toddestan [4982] (Score: 2) 02 - 06The Most and Least Expensive Cars to Maintain - 542 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:30:23] <exec> 08└─Some of the brands on that list are kind of strange. Pontiac and Saturn were axed back in 2009, so any Pontiac and Saturn on the road is at least 10 years old now, and Mercury got culled in 2011 so the newest Mercury is almost as old. In that sense, it's no wonder the maintenance costs are going up...
[02:37:25] <exec> count new = 36
[02:37:25] <exec> count top = 2
[02:37:25] <exec> 08********** 03END FEED08 **********
[03:20:59] <exec> 08********** 03SOYLENTNEWS COMMENT FEED08 **********
[03:20:59] <exec> last cid = 1020946
[03:22:28] <exec> *** new comment: 03PartTimeZombie [4827] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Muzak Parent Mood Media Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy - 82 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:22:28] <exec> 08└─Nobody uses Musak anymore, which of course introduces this problem. [theonion.com]
[03:22:30] <exec> *** new comment: 03Megahard [4782] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Muzak Parent Mood Media Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy - 36 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:22:30] <exec> 08└─Nobody is taking elevators any more.
[03:23:45] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 3, Insightful) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 148 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:23:45] <exec> 08└─Democrats have done nothing productive since Trump first ran for POTUS. They've been wasting 4 years on witch hunts. Fuck Democrats, SJW's, and BLM.
[03:23:47] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 17 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:23:47] <exec> 08└─[citation needed]
[03:23:48] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 304 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:23:49] <exec> 08└─I agree with GP in one respect: Get your ass out and vote. If you don't like how things are, *you* have the power to change it. Even if you've been brainwashed to believe that your vote doesn't count, that doesn't make it true. Especially in local/state elections. Want to make things better? Vote. V...
[03:23:50] <exec> *** new comment: 03NickM [2867] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 549 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:23:51] <exec> 08└─I take 4g/day of quercetin against pollen and dust allergies it is significantly more effective than any OTC antihistamines¹ without any apparent side effects but it needs frequent and borderline ridiculous high doses to be effective but it works so well that it's well worth it's price. Quercetin h...
[03:23:52] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 165 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:23:53] <exec> 08└─there's been lots of documentation about Trump's thievery. Let's see some about Biden's. Note that I'm not saying it doesn't exist, but I haven't seen it. Your move.
[03:23:55] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 90 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:23:56] <exec> 08└─I didn't realize Park Slope was in the Rockies. I guess you learn something new every day.
[03:23:57] <exec> *** new comment: 03fadrian [3194] (Score: 4, Informative) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 972 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:23:58] <exec> 08└─But for the rank and file in the service industry, along with people in small and local enterprises, this is an existential threat to their lives and their families. They'd rather be working. The democrats are mauling all of those people. I agree that this is an existential threat to the families yo...
[03:23:59] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 399 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:24:00] <exec> 08└─If you really want to be protected we already know it is vitamin c, a pulse oximeter, tobacco smoke and hyperbaric chambers (in that order of extremity). I have zero fear at all of this virus. But no one is actually taking this seriously anywhere in the world, just a bunch of people trying to profit...
[03:24:01] <exec> *** new comment: 03NotSanguine [285] (Score: 3, Insightful) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 122 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:24:02] <exec> 08└─Nowadays, about half the folks in this county wear a mask that wouldn't stop a ping-pong ball, much less a covid-19 virus.
[03:24:03] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 941 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:24:04] <exec> 08└─There's been some indication that vitamin D might help, but it's best to get it outside. The work was preliminary and pretty much based on the observation that where people were getting the sickest and who was getting the sickest had some degree of correlation with which people had more or less vita...
[03:24:06] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 323 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:24:06] <exec> 08└─I notice you failed to mention a single thing at the national level, 500 bills about commemorative coins isn't an accomplishment. And minimum wage just means you are making it more expensive to train employees. Not that it matters since $15 is still nothing compared to inflation the fed and these po...
[03:24:08] <exec> *** new comment: 03MostCynical [2589] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 3459 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:24:09] <exec> 08└─AS/NZS 2604:2012 Australian/New Zealand Standard™Sunscreen products—Evaluation and classification AS/NZS 2604:2012 AS/NZS 2604:2012 This Joint Australian/New Zealand Standard was prepared by Joint Technical Committee CS-042, Sunscreen Agents. It was approved on behalf of the Council of Standards...
[03:24:10] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 73 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:24:11] <exec> 08└─That is one embarassing response. I'm embarassed for even having read it!
[03:24:12] <exec> *** new comment: 03tizan [3245] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 427 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:24:13] <exec> 08└─I heard this like several times now...I doubt it, we have seen how fast it spreads we would have been flooding the ICU earlier than we saw ... unless you were in NY state ...that is where it was roaming for quite some time before first id. I got terribly sick with a lung /cough / fever in February a...
[03:24:14] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 200 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:24:15] <exec> 08└─We live in a "bad" state in a "bad" county with ~1M population, under 500 currently hospitalized. It's not really "bad" yet, but if the trends continue, it could become impressive in a few days/weeks.
[03:24:16] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 117 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:24:17] <exec> 08└─You think no one in their 20s ever died of the flu? Single people's fates never are a base for good policy decisions.
[03:24:18] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 339 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:24:19] <exec> 08└─All the worlds current problems were resolved by the movie demolition man. The virus spreads on toilet paper, stop the toilet paper, use the seashells. No more fluid exchange or cursing either. Enforced by mass surveillance state with no remaining middle class. Keep in mind the people who wanted tha...
[03:24:21] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 56 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:24:21] <exec> 08└─WTF does COVID-19 have to do with the Zombie Apocalypse?
[03:24:23] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 151 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:24:24] <exec> 08└─No they don't. I see people take them off to talk, spit, cough, and sneeze. Nobody is going to walk around in a mask filled with spit and snot all day.
[03:24:25] <exec> *** new comment: 03khallow [3766] (Score: 1) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 140 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:24:26] <exec> 08└─Perfect example of how social safety nets will not lead to couch potatoes. On average people want to be useful, and consumption gets boring.
[03:24:27] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 107 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:24:28] <exec> 08└─I thought it was only safe to budget for 8 hrs of outside time per week. The rest should be spent isolated.
[03:24:29] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 106 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:24:30] <exec> 08└─As usual you come up with a stupid troll response to maintain your world view. You're the worst buzzy boy.
[03:24:32] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 61 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:24:32] <exec> 08└─If you never take a pregnancy test you'll never get pregnant.
[03:24:34] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 49 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:24:35] <exec> 08└─Not seeing anything about broad spectrum in 1983.
[03:24:36] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 96 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:24:37] <exec> 08└─[...] I really don't know how long the isolation and sanitation measures can keep us safe. [...]
[03:24:38] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 333 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:24:39] <exec> 08└─I'm being de-platformed! CAnCeL CulTuRe StAliNisT PhOEnIX!! Can't say I'm surprised, so far I've noticed that only massive hypocrites whinge on about "cancel culture" because they are losing their privileged status. Probably even money P666 worked on the Trump campaign as an intern hoping to re-ener...
[03:24:40] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: -1, Flamebait) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 254 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:24:41] <exec> 08└─Moronic conservatives spreading the virus? It sure as hell hasn't been conservatives gathering cheek by jowl in the thousands at the protest/riots, the only activity that gets an exemption from the leadership regarding coronavirus trasmission prevention.
[03:24:43] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 18 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:24:43] <exec> 08└─Tell that to Rush.
[03:24:45] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 49 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:24:46] <exec> 08└─When did Canada implement universal basic income?
[03:24:47] <exec> *** new comment: 03khallow [3766] (Score: 1) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 60 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:24:48] <exec> 08└─Pretty sure we all had it in late December or early January.
[03:24:49] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 68 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:24:50] <exec> 08└─Check the welfare statistics, for your state, as well as for others.
[03:24:51] <exec> *** new comment: 03khallow [3766] (Score: 1) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 78 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:24:52] <exec> 08└─So to "fight the power" you will choose a corrupt thief who steals your money?
[03:24:53] <exec> *** new comment: 03Azuma Hazuki [5086] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 210 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:24:54] <exec> 08└─I'm just a tech, not a pharmacist (poor girls don't get to go to pharmacy school). A good one, for a relative rookie, but nonetheless...Anyway, yes, 30mg is a little high. I will skip a day or two now and then.
[03:25:05] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03NickM [2867] 02 - 06Linus Torvalds: Don't Hide Rust in Linux Kernel; Death to AVX-512 - 364 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:25:06] <exec> 08└─Your wrong on the managed aspect of Rust, it dosen't use a GC, doesn't possess runtime reflection and like C++ it has a zero-cost abstraction model; zero cost if you exclude the geological compilations times and the cognitive load of having a complex evolving language. Go, like JVM and CLR languages...
[03:25:31] <exec> *** new comment: 03driverless [4770] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Linus Torvalds: Don't Hide Rust in Linux Kernel; Death to AVX-512 - 52 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:25:31] <exec> 08└─Makes Intel look good on specific benchmarks though.
[03:25:33] <exec> *** new comment: 03petecox [3228] (Score: 1) 02 - 06Linus Torvalds: Don't Hide Rust in Linux Kernel; Death to AVX-512 - 189 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:25:33] <exec> 08└─I use a package-based distribution, so yes, I probably wouldn't see any benefit. Some use to Gentoo's user base who compile every optimisation for every piece of software on their machines!
[03:31:05] <exec> *** new comment: 03NateMich [6662] (Score: 2) 02 - 06The Most and Least Expensive Cars to Maintain - 57 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:31:05] <exec> 08└─Don't seem Peugeot in that list. Isn't it sold in the US?
[03:31:06] <exec> *** new comment: 03NateMich [6662] (Score: 2) 02 - 06The Most and Least Expensive Cars to Maintain - 259 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:31:06] <exec> 08└─Nope. No Citroen or Renault, either. (I suspect Renault earned an unofficial perma-ban from the US market due to their mishandling of AMC back in the '80s.) I've seen them infrequently on trips into Mexico, but on this side of the border, they're nonexistent.
[03:31:08] <exec> *** new comment: 03driverless [4770] (Score: 2) 02 - 06The Most and Least Expensive Cars to Maintain - 189 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:31:08] <exec> 08└─Interesting that there are no Italian cars there. If they were, they'd be at position 0, -1, -2, -3, .... You don't really own an Italian car, you're just put in charge of paying its bills.
[03:31:10] <exec> *** new comment: 03driverless [4770] (Score: 2) 02 - 06The Most and Least Expensive Cars to Maintain - 253 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:31:11] <exec> 08└─Meh, there's only one Mercedes worth owning and that's the 600. Bonus points if you get one that was previously owned by Idi Amin, Ferdinand Marcos, P.W.Botha, Enver Hoxha, Mobuto Sese Seko, Tito, Papa Doc, Kim Il-Sung, Pablo Escobar, or Saddam Hussein.
[03:31:12] <exec> *** new comment: 03driverless [4770] (Score: 2) 02 - 06The Most and Least Expensive Cars to Maintain - 197 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:31:13] <exec> 08└─Post-1980s BMWs are worth more as a collection of replacement parts for other post-1990s BMWs than a car (unless they've got better in the last ten years or so). Which says a lot about them really.
[03:31:14] <exec> *** new comment: 03driverless [4770] (Score: 2) 02 - 06The Most and Least Expensive Cars to Maintain - 44 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:31:15] <exec> 08└─the car being climate controlled garage kept
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[04:21:03] <exec> last cid = 1021003
[04:23:02] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03Anonymous Coward 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 149 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[04:23:02] <exec> 08└─And I see the same things that you do, except that for me, it's the republicans that are doing them. ("the press is the ennemy of the people !", etc)
[04:23:52] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03Anonymous Coward 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 148 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[04:23:53] <exec> 08└─Democrats have done nothing productive since Trump first ran for POTUS. They've been wasting 4 years on witch hunts. Fuck Democrats, SJW's, and BLM.
[04:23:59] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03fadrian [3194] 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 972 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[04:23:59] <exec> 08└─But for the rank and file in the service industry, along with people in small and local enterprises, this is an existential threat to their lives and their families. They'd rather be working. The democrats are mauling all of those people. I agree that this is an existential threat to the families yo...
[04:25:04] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Linus Torvalds: Don't Hide Rust in Linux Kernel; Death to AVX-512 - 40 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[04:25:04] <exec> 08└─Ladies? A well hung man is hard to find.
[04:30:41] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06The Most and Least Expensive Cars to Maintain - 467 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[04:30:41] <exec> 08└─One exception, Pontiac Vibe, nearly same as Toyota Matrix, both built at the NUMMI plant (where Tesla is now), when it was joint Toyota GM ownership (and Toyota management). A friend gave me his 5-speed Vibe just before he died of cancer, 5 years ago. It's at 125K miles now and has been pretty good....
[04:30:42] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06The Most and Least Expensive Cars to Maintain - 391 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[04:30:42] <exec> 08└─> 1986 Vanagon - Grandpa bought this new, in 34 years and 800k miles it has gone through three sets of tires I call BS on this. Nobody gets 266K miles on a set of tires. Or if you meant the tires were replaced 3 times (4 sets including the original), that would still be 200K miles/set of tires, not...
[04:37:34] <exec> count new = 3
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[05:21:00] <exec> last cid = 1021028
[05:22:34] <exec> *** new comment: 03stormwyrm [717] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Simulation Shows Potential for Glowing Gravitons - 789 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[05:22:34] <exec> 08└─Is there some sort of unified field theory they're looking to test that unifies electromagnetism and gravitation, Einstein's final quest? Photons can transform into the weak bosons and vice-versa thanks to electroweak unification, and presumably at even higher energies the gluon might join in that s...
[05:25:13] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Linus Torvalds: Don't Hide Rust in Linux Kernel; Death to AVX-512 - 314 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[05:25:13] <exec> 08└─AVX-512 is only a benefit in really specific circumstances. Other than those, it hurts performance and can hurt it quite badly. One of the biggest reasons why is that in order for AVX-512 to work, the entire CPU is clocked down, slowing all other threads on that chip for the duration of that part of...
[05:25:14] <exec> *** new comment: 03weirsbaski [4539] (Score: 1) 02 - 06Linus Torvalds: Don't Hide Rust in Linux Kernel; Death to AVX-512 - 250 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[05:25:14] <exec> 08└─We do a lot of AVX-related stuff where I work, so I've been making the joke that after AVX1 (128-bit), AVX2 (256-bit), and AVX-512, the only way to make the FP any wider would be to direct-wire the floating-point unit into the on-chip graphics block.
[05:30:54] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06The Most and Least Expensive Cars to Maintain - 870 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[05:30:54] <exec> 08└─I currently own a Toyota Yaris. It is fine for reliability, but some design decisions make working on the thing pretty terrible. I had to replace the water pump, and to do it, you have to remove the motor mounts, and hang the engine on a jack to get the extra couple mm clearance needed to remove the...
[05:37:44] <exec> count new = 4
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[06:21:00] <exec> last cid = 1021065
[06:22:20] <exec> *** new comment: 03Rosco P. Coltrane [4757] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Google Bans Ads for Stalkerware Apps—with Some Exceptions - 205 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[06:22:20] <exec> 08└─If they stop allowing products or services whose express purpose is tracking and monitoring people and their activities without their authorization, Google will have to shut down their entire product line.
[06:37:20] <exec> count new = 1
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[07:21:00] <exec> last cid = 1021067
[07:22:25] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Simulation Shows Potential for Glowing Gravitons - 40 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[07:22:25] <exec> 08└─Simulation shows I could be filthy rich.
[07:29:31] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03Bot [3902] 02 - 06The Most and Least Expensive Cars to Maintain - 309 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[07:29:31] <exec> 08└─The newer the car, the more money squandered. The repair itself is not a problem. You spend x on the engine head but you have a new one. Whereas, money spent on electronics is wasted. The average age of my 2 vehicles is 37 years, no turbos in either, no A/C, no stuff that isn't involved with actuall...
[07:30:43] <exec> *** new comment: 03qzm [3260] (Score: 2) 02 - 06The Most and Least Expensive Cars to Maintain - 889 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[07:30:43] <exec> 08└─E66, Put 150k miles on it. In that time it had an alternator diode pack go bad (french part, funny enough). BMW wanted close to $1500 for the parts/labour to change the alternator - the diode pack cost $30 and took perhaps an hour to change myself. The PCV breather gummed up - engine started EATING...
[07:37:18] <exec> count new = 2
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[08:21:00] <exec> last cid = 1021095
[08:22:35] <exec> *** new comment: 03FatPhil [863] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Google Bans Ads for Stalkerware Apps—with Some Exceptions - 134 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[08:22:35] <exec> 08└─Not quite - they'll just have to stop advertising their entire product line (to people who are already in a google-controlled bubble).
[08:22:55] <exec> *** new comment: 03FatPhil [863] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Muzak Parent Mood Media Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy - 328 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[08:22:56] <exec> 08└─Didn't Ted Nugent buy up exclusive rights to their entire back catalogue decades back when he heard a bastardisation of one of his songs being played in a lift, and wanted to ensure noone else went through that horror? Unfortunately, that's the Cobra Fallacy. Ahh, fukkit, now playing: http://www.you...
[08:22:57] <exec> *** new comment: 03FatPhil [863] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Muzak Parent Mood Media Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy - 434 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[08:22:57] <exec> 08└─My last was for my mum's funeral, the church I spent the first 20 years of my life attending (I'm not super-complaining, I did like the music, and I still do despite now being a rampant igtheist). A funeral where I had the task of a bible reading - no biggy, I'm a competent orator. Alas, and I'm not...
[08:22:58] <exec> *** new comment: 03FatPhil [863] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Muzak Parent Mood Media Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy - 68 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[08:22:59] <exec> 08└─Yeah, but those Catholic girls when they reach university - amirite?
[08:23:07] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03Snotnose [1623] 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 124 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[08:23:08] <exec> 08└─A) video games B) Reading C) Sitting on my ass doing nothing D) Watching TV/movies Pick any 1. I am sick and tired of all 4.
[08:25:28] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 1, Informative) 02 - 06Linus Torvalds: Don't Hide Rust in Linux Kernel; Death to AVX-512 - 222 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[08:25:28] <exec> 08└─not that I disagree with the 25 line function statement, but please note that in C++ with templates and abstract classes on top a small change can lead to a long recompilation time even if your code is technically modular.
[08:25:29] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Linus Torvalds: Don't Hide Rust in Linux Kernel; Death to AVX-512 - 370 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[08:25:30] <exec> 08└─not to rain on your parade, but people use computers mostly for media consumption and games. i.e. floating point operations are happening all the time and everyone wants them to be fast. now that I think about it, you may have a point in saying servers only need integer operations though. if I was a...
[08:25:31] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Linus Torvalds: Don't Hide Rust in Linux Kernel; Death to AVX-512 - 135 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[08:25:32] <exec> 08└─Last I checked, D uses a tracing collector, which is completely unacceptable in any kind of space, time, or latency constrained system.
[08:25:47] <exec> *** new comment: 03FunkyLich [4689] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Australian Virus Tracking App Doesn’t (Always) Work - 619 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[08:25:48] <exec> 08└─That actually is exactly their problem. Nowadays, the majority of those who "work in tech" (whatever that word construct means) unavoidably deal a lot with programing. In the current world population of programmers, the vast majority are shitty programmers, whose mindset is based in two main modern...
[08:36:02] <exec> count new = 8
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[10:21:00] <exec> last cid = 1021120
[10:22:24] <exec> *** new comment: 03Snotnose [1623] (Score: 2) 02 - 06120,000-Year-Old Necklace Tells of the Origin of String - 46 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[10:22:25] <exec> 08└─Something in String Theory that can be proved.
[10:22:26] <exec> *** new comment: 03MostCynical [2589] (Score: 2) 02 - 06120,000-Year-Old Necklace Tells of the Origin of String - 20 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[10:22:26] <exec> 08└─a song [youtube.com]
[10:22:33] <exec> *** new comment: 03Bot [3902] (Score: 2) 02 - 06How Venus Flytraps Snap - 78 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[10:22:34] <exec> 08└─I bet they did not bother asking for consent before touching the plant. #metoo
[10:25:35] <exec> *** new comment: 03turgid [4318] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Linus Torvalds: Don't Hide Rust in Linux Kernel; Death to AVX-512 - 151 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[10:25:35] <exec> 08└─No one is forcing you to use the garbage collector though, or array bounds checking either for that matter. That's one of the many good things about D.
[10:25:36] <exec> *** new comment: 03turgid [4318] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Linus Torvalds: Don't Hide Rust in Linux Kernel; Death to AVX-512 - 599 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[10:25:36] <exec> 08└─Typos? It was past midnight and I was on my Android phone. I'd spent the evening doing battle with a micro SD card in an Android tablet. I accidentally formatted it as internal storage and it moved 7.5 GB of data. I had to figure out how to undo it. I learned all about MTD and failed to backup all t...
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[11:21:00] <exec> last cid = 1021137
[11:22:31] <exec> *** new comment: 03zeigerpuppy [1298] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Google Bans Ads for Stalkerware Apps—with Some Exceptions - 276 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[11:22:31] <exec> 08└─Good is trying to get rid of the competition. Only Alphabet must be the nameless owner of all data. Total inference on the population under the guise of bro culture. How do you know what Google is doing... a Google search doesn't work so well. But what do they know about you?
[11:22:40] <exec> *** new comment: 03Mojibake Tengu [8598] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Simulation Shows Potential for Glowing Gravitons - 1116 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[11:22:40] <exec> 08└─Yes, as I well remember, in 70' to early 80' there was a Grand Unification Theory based on multilinear Grassmann algebra apparatus, which explained gravitation quite well with graviton-gravitino interaction. And, surprisingly, predicted the local inversion of time possible. I have read about it in d...
[11:22:42] <exec> *** new comment: 03zeigerpuppy [1298] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Simulation Shows Potential for Glowing Gravitons - 643 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[11:22:43] <exec> 08└─That sounds really fascinating. I have been interested for a while in theories which allow temporal inversion. There are two-time theories (Itzhak Bars) but these generally rely on the second time being folded (as in M theory). A theory that allows temporal inversion in a relativistic frame is quite...
[11:23:50] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03HiThere [866] 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 1583 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[11:23:50] <exec> 08└─Actually, that's not quite true. Some percentage of the population will end up too depressed and lacking motivation to do anything else in particular. Another percentage will opt for "cheap thrills". In prior times a portion of the wealthy took up dueling. (Actually, if you count paintball that's al...
[11:31:12] <exec> *** new comment: 03fliptop [1666] (Score: 2) 02 - 06The Most and Least Expensive Cars to Maintain - 48 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[11:31:12] <exec> 08└─Interesting that there are no Italian cars there
[11:31:13] <exec> *** new comment: 03fliptop [1666] (Score: 2) 02 - 06The Most and Least Expensive Cars to Maintain - 30 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[11:31:13] <exec> 08└─No Citroen or Renault, either.
[11:31:15] <exec> *** new comment: 03driverless [4770] (Score: 2) 02 - 06The Most and Least Expensive Cars to Maintain - 298 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[11:31:15] <exec> 08└─Yeah but that's just brand ownership, I meant genuine designed-and-slapped-together-in-Italy cars, Alfa Romeo ("What's in the last ten pages of the Alfa owner's manual? Bus and train timetables") and Fiat ("How do you get spare parts for a Fiat? Follow another one around") being the main culprits.
[11:35:36] <exec> count new = 6
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[12:21:00] <exec> last cid = 1021149
[12:22:26] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06120,000-Year-Old Necklace Tells of the Origin of String - 274 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:22:26] <exec> 08└─I prefer Muslim humour: Mohammed: "How many virgins do you get if you blow yourself up next to a pink-hair millennial?" Mohamad: "I don't know, Mohammed" Mohammed: "73... 72 from Allah, and the Christian god throws in one for saving him the trouble of getting rid of an SJW"
[12:22:34] <exec> *** new comment: 03aristarchus [2645] (Score: 2) 02 - 06How Venus Flytraps Snap - 239 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:22:34] <exec> 08└─I bet they never asked for consent, prior to snapping onto a pussy! Donald thinks being famous allows everything, and that is how he got married, three times, and the Nupital "you will be a rich bitch" agreement. What a whore of a husband!
[12:22:36] <exec> *** new comment: 03shortscreen [2252] (Score: 2) 02 - 06How Venus Flytraps Snap - 26 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:22:36] <exec> 08└─inputs not fully debounced
[12:22:47] <exec> *** new comment: 03Runaway1956 [2926] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Google Bans Ads for Stalkerware Apps—with Some Exceptions - 608 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:22:48] <exec> 08└─Google and Gubbermint are quite a bit alike. "We have all these cool toys that we like to play with, but you, Mr. and Mrs. Citizen, cannot use these toys in any manner that we don't approve of." When cool stuff is discovered, or invented, mankind puts that stuff to use in all manner of ways. Startin...
[12:28:10] <exec> *** new comment: 03Muad'Dave [1413] (Score: 2) 02 - 06At 100TB, the World's Biggest SSD Gets an (Eye-Watering) Price Tag - 141 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:28:10] <exec> 08└─We must be of a similar vintage. I remember the 5/40/80 MB 'washing machine' removable disks [google.com] from college and my first real job.
[12:33:49] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 1, Informative) 02 - 06YouTube is Finally Letting Creators Know Exactly How They’re Making Money on YouTube - 492 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:33:49] <exec> 08└─I had been watching Jack Conte as part of Pomplamoose (A little band that became popular through Youtube in the late 2000s to early 2010s). Imagine my surprise when I discovered HE was the creator and owner of Patreon. I very much doubt with his past history that he would just willingly sell Patreon...
[12:33:50] <exec> *** new comment: 03c0lo [156] (Score: 2) 02 - 06YouTube is Finally Letting Creators Know Exactly How They’re Making Money on YouTube - 23 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:33:50] <exec> 08└─Thanks for the pointer.
[12:34:52] <exec> count new = 7
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[13:21:00] <exec> last cid = 1021192
[13:22:31] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06How Venus Flytraps Snap - 57 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[13:22:31] <exec> 08└─I wonder how a Venus flytrap closure looks like in Scheme
[13:22:52] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Simulation Shows Potential for Glowing Gravitons - 209 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[13:22:52] <exec> 08└─> Knowing from previous work that other massless particles can abruptly change state in large numbers (a phenomenon known as a quantum break But is ungoogleable because Quantum Break is also the name of a game
[13:24:06] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03The Mighty Buzzard [18] 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 47 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[13:24:07] <exec> 08└─Smoking's more effective than all of the above.
[13:31:29] <exec> *** new comment: 03fliptop [1666] (Score: 2) 02 - 06The Most and Least Expensive Cars to Maintain - 36 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[13:31:29] <exec> 08└─Yeah but that's just brand ownership
[13:31:30] <exec> *** new comment: 03VLM [445] (Score: 2) 02 - 06The Most and Least Expensive Cars to Maintain - 38 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[13:31:30] <exec> 08└─In 20 years replaced an engine support
[13:31:31] <exec> *** new comment: 03VLM [445] (Score: 2) 02 - 06The Most and Least Expensive Cars to Maintain - 32 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[13:31:32] <exec> 08└─burning a quart of oil per week!
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[14:21:00] <exec> last cid = 1021215
[14:22:43] <exec> *** new comment: 03legont [4179] (Score: 2) 02 - 06120,000-Year-Old Necklace Tells of the Origin of String - 132 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:22:43] <exec> 08└─The tiny marks left behind by a *flax* string rubbing against the edges of the hole looked just like the marks on the Qafzeh shells.
[14:22:54] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06How Venus Flytraps Snap - 349 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:22:55] <exec> 08└─Venus.... (Light bulb goes off in head...has revelation.) So that is why it's called Venus fly trap. It's pink and red when open and obviously looks like the genitalia of the female sex. All this time I thought it was jokingly named after the planet Venus because it is carnivorous and so different f...
[14:23:18] <exec> *** new comment: 03martyb [76] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Simulation Shows Potential for Glowing Gravitons - 210 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:23:18] <exec> 08└─> Knowing from previous work that other massless particles can abruptly change state in large numbers (a phenomenon known as a quantum break But is ungoogleable because Quantum Break is also the name of a game
[14:26:09] <exec> *** new comment: 03DannyB [5839] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Linus Torvalds: Don't Hide Rust in Linux Kernel; Death to AVX-512 - 85 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:26:09] <exec> 08└─There are whole books written on what you shouldn't do when writing C++, for example.
[14:26:11] <exec> *** new comment: 03takyon [881] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Linus Torvalds: Don't Hide Rust in Linux Kernel; Death to AVX-512 - 162 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:26:11] <exec> 08└─https://community.arm.com/developer/tools-software/hpc/b/hpc-blog/posts/technology-update-the-scalable-vector-extension-sve-for-the-armv8-a-architecture [arm.com]
[14:28:36] <exec> *** new comment: 03DannyB [5839] (Score: 2) 02 - 06At 100TB, the World's Biggest SSD Gets an (Eye-Watering) Price Tag - 987 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:28:37] <exec> 08└─I got to use washing machine removable disks in college. On a minicomputer. At a small school. I was privileged by my third year to have exclusive access to the entire system late at night. I had the source code. I had learned assembler for that system. (The system had instructions such as: BLU, SEX...
[14:32:25] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Cause of Oversized Placentas in Cloning Found after Two Decades - 379 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:32:25] <exec> 08└─So much of biology is co-op competitive. For instance, the two sexes need to work together to breed, but each competes against the other to put more of the burden on them. The results can be pretty extreme, on the one side, there are harem species, on the other is monogamy (or in the extreme case, r...
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[15:22:25] <exec> *** new comment: 03hendrikboom [1125] (Score: 3, Interesting) 02 - 06The Long-Lost Computation Dissertation of Unix Pioneer Dennis Ritchie - 52 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:22:25] <exec> 08└─Pages in the cleaner copy are slightly out of order.
[15:22:36] <exec> *** new comment: 03DannyB [5839] (Score: 2) 02 - 06120,000-Year-Old Necklace Tells of the Origin of String - 106 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:22:36] <exec> 08└─While the origin of String is interesting, I'm more interested in the origin of (UNWIND-PROTECT forms...).
[15:22:38] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06120,000-Year-Old Necklace Tells of the Origin of String - 1109 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:22:38] <exec> 08└─whenever human minds as we now understand them are shown to have existed earlier and earlier (which happens consistently over the past few years), I think about the dividing line between "human" and "animal". to me it's quite clear that any self-aware being has a rich inner life that is worth knowin...
[15:22:39] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06120,000-Year-Old Necklace Tells of the Origin of String - 632 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:22:40] <exec> 08└─"People living on the Israeli coast 120,000 years ..." 120,000 years ago there was no Israel and there was no Israeli coast. That makes about as much sense as claiming that clam digging Indians living along the coast of western North America were really early Californians. Nice archeology but coveri...
[15:22:51] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06How Venus Flytraps Snap - 83 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:22:51] <exec> 08└─Well someone the day early. Lady, you really need to lay off the morning daiquiris.
[15:22:52] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06How Venus Flytraps Snap - 15 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:22:52] <exec> 08└─Ha ha sex abuse
[15:23:30] <exec> *** new comment: 03Tokolosh [585] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Muzak Parent Mood Media Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy - 311 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:23:31] <exec> 08└─These companies should all die. Together with anyone who thinks they are entitled to inflict their noise on me. If you want to listen to something, get earbuds. https://en.wikipedia.org(campaign) [wikipedia.org] https://www.tvbgone.com [tvbgone.com] Bluetooth speakers are the work of...
[15:23:32] <exec> *** new comment: 03Opportunist [5545] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Muzak Parent Mood Media Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy - 79 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:23:32] <exec> 08└─If you talk to god, it's called prayer. If god talks to you, it's called crazy.
[15:23:33] <exec> *** new comment: 03Opportunist [5545] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Muzak Parent Mood Media Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy - 99 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:23:34] <exec> 08└─Next time, read them Ezechiel 23. If the pastor lets you get to vers 20, he doesn't know the Bible.
[15:23:35] <exec> *** new comment: 03Opportunist [5545] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Muzak Parent Mood Media Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy - 61 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:23:36] <exec> 08└─The mandatory good news of the day so we don't get depressed?
[15:23:50] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03Anonymous Coward 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 140 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:23:50] <exec> 08└─Perfect example of how social safety nets will not lead to couch potatoes. On average people want to be useful, and consumption gets boring.
[15:25:55] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03Subsentient [1111] 02 - 06Linus Torvalds: Don't Hide Rust in Linux Kernel; Death to AVX-512 - 545 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:25:55] <exec> 08└─I agree with Linus on this -- 99% of my code in all my projects just uses straight integers of 64-bits width or smaller. The only time I end up using floats is when something else uses floats and wants a float. I suspect that to be true unless you're doing a lot of graphics or scientific work. Integ...
[15:28:39] <exec> *** new comment: 03Muad'Dave [1413] (Score: 2) 02 - 06At 100TB, the World's Biggest SSD Gets an (Eye-Watering) Price Tag - 253 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:28:39] <exec> 08└─I got to use washing machine removable disks in college. On a minicomputer. At a small school. I was privileged by my third year to have exclusive access to the entire system late at night. I had the source code. I had learned assembler for that system.
[15:32:04] <exec> *** new comment: 03Tokolosh [585] (Score: 2) 02 - 06The Most and Least Expensive Cars to Maintain - 145 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:32:04] <exec> 08└─Mercedes in '01 was Chrysler, not Mercedes. It is well-known to avoid models from the Chrysler-Benz era. But that does not excuse the crappiness.
[15:34:23] <exec> count new = 12
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[16:21:45] -!- RandomFactor has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[16:22:24] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Analog Devices Announces Acquisition of Maxim Integrated for $21 Billion - 167 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:22:25] <exec> 08└─Sweet!!! I absolutely love looking at signal processing discrete integrated circuits and other electrical schematics along with mostly naked hot female babes in Maxim.
[16:22:33] <exec> *** new comment: 03RamiK [1813] (Score: 2) 02 - 06The Long-Lost Computation Dissertation of Unix Pioneer Dennis Ritchie - 123 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:22:33] <exec> 08└─You argue with your librarian about paper binding costs, your dissertation gets "accidentally" misplaced for three decades.
[16:22:47] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06120,000-Year-Old Necklace Tells of the Origin of String - 91 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:22:48] <exec> 08└─true. and the mayans didn't live in South America because Amerigo Vespucci wasn't born yet.
[16:23:19] -!- RandomFactor [RandomFactor!~IceChat9@629-71-065-58.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net] has joined #comments
[16:32:12] <exec> *** new comment: 03SunTzuWarmaster [3971] (Score: 2) 02 - 06The Most and Least Expensive Cars to Maintain - 288 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:32:12] <exec> 08└─Our maintenance costs on our 2016 Nissan Leaf (electric) and 2009 Toyota Yaris (gas) have been, precisely, $0 since last October. While we haven't put big miles on the Yaris, we've put over 10K miles on the Leaf. The fact that there are no electrics on the list means that the list sucks.
[16:34:29] <exec> count new = 4
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[17:20:59] <exec> 08********** 03SOYLENTNEWS COMMENT FEED08 **********
[17:21:00] <exec> last cid = 1021321
[17:22:24] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 2, Funny) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 72 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:22:24] <exec> 08└─Back when Boeing made airplanes to kill Germans, not its own passengers.
[17:22:26] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: -1, Offtopic) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 175 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:22:26] <exec> 08└─Thanks boomer :D Oh wait, she is the mother of boomers. Here I thought I was gonna have a positive use for the boomer label. Learn something from yer parents ya whiny boomies!
[17:22:27] <exec> *** new comment: 03DannyB [5839] (Score: 3, Insightful) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 332 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:22:28] <exec> 08└─Only in the United States. Where we have the worst numbers. The nation that no other nation wants to accept people from without a 14 day quarantine. The only nation with a continuous stream of health and science disinformation, from the highest levels. You can make a mask. But you can't convince peo...
[17:22:29] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 522 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:22:30] <exec> 08└─How could it not become political? There is no hard science with which to prove or disprove that mask-wearing makes a difference in slowing down the spread of Cooties-19. It's basically all guesswork, hunches, speculation, and anecdotal observations. In the absence of hard science, we have no choice...
[17:22:31] <exec> *** new comment: 03PiMuNu [3823] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 325 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:22:32] <exec> 08└─> There is no hard science There is, however, evidence-based decision making, and risk-aversion. 1. The cost of wearing a mask is low. 2. The risk that going without a mask will cause someone to get ill is, in fact, rather low; but non-zero. 3. The impact of someone getting ill is rather high. So it...
[17:23:01] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06120,000-Year-Old Necklace Tells of the Origin of String - 651 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:23:01] <exec> 08└─Interesting how you rarely see death threats and glorification from liberals towards conservatives around here, the "worst" is probably Azuma who predicts karmic hell built from their own minds. Yet we have trolls and registered users calling for murder of liberals on the regular. Azuma is correct,...
[17:23:02] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06120,000-Year-Old Necklace Tells of the Origin of String - 562 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:23:03] <exec> 08└─Excellent point! Yes there is some biological realities, but the average human is capable of so much when they put in the time to learn things. The most significant factor in a child's success is their parent's engagement and education level. We pass on knowledge and teachers can only do so much in...
[17:23:04] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06120,000-Year-Old Necklace Tells of the Origin of String - 7 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:23:05] <exec> 08└─~childo
[17:23:24] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03Rosco P. Coltrane [4757] 02 - 06Google Bans Ads for Stalkerware Apps—with Some Exceptions - 205 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:23:24] <exec> 08└─If they stop allowing products or services whose express purpose is tracking and monitoring people and their activities without their authorization, Google will have to shut down their entire product line.
[17:23:28] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Google Bans Ads for Stalkerware Apps—with Some Exceptions - 880 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:23:29] <exec> 08└─I don't understand what the big deal is. They say "oh, China is spying on me." To the extent that their spying on me allows them to engage in identity theft in my name or access my bank account that's a problem. Otherwise I don't live in China so they can't do anything against me. What are they goin...
[17:26:36] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Linus Torvalds: Don't Hide Rust in Linux Kernel; Death to AVX-512 - 143 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:26:37] <exec> 08└─avx-1024 avx-2048 avx-4096 ... avx-to-infinity-and-beyond! nb: don't look at the docs for amx, advanced matrix extensions. just. don't. do. it.
[17:28:48] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03c0lo [156] 02 - 06At 100TB, the World's Biggest SSD Gets an (Eye-Watering) Price Tag - 86 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:28:48] <exec> 08└─By comparison, consider that the current world population is about 7.8 billion people.
[17:34:19] <exec> count new = 10
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[17:34:19] <exec> 08********** 03END FEED08 **********
[18:20:59] <exec> 08********** 03SOYLENTNEWS COMMENT FEED08 **********
[18:21:00] <exec> last cid = 1021360
[18:22:37] <exec> *** new comment: 03DannyB [5839] (Score: 3, Insightful) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 34 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:22:37] <exec> 08└─How could it not become political?
[18:22:38] <exec> *** new comment: 03VLM [445] (Score: 2, Disagree) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 24 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:22:39] <exec> 08└─There is no hard science
[18:22:40] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 23 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:22:41] <exec> 08└─COVID-19 == white males
[18:22:42] <exec> *** new comment: 03DannyB [5839] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 636 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:22:43] <exec> 08└─Miami is now the coronavirus epicenter as cases surge, expert says [cnn.com] Coronavirus: How did Florida get so badly hit by Covid-19? [bbc.com] Gee? I wonder how? Florida has more Covid-19 than most countries in the world. These stats show how serious the problem is [cnn.com] Photo in article show...
[18:22:44] <exec> *** new comment: 03DannyB [5839] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 284 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:22:45] <exec> 08└─Not just white males. [npr.org] And not just Boomers either . . . ‘I think I made a mistake’: Young man from Texas dies after attending COVID-19 party [nbc12.com] A man in his 30s who thought the coronavirus was a “hoax” died from the disease after attending a COVID-19 party.
[18:22:46] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 102 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:22:47] <exec> 08└─Glamebait if you need extra Preparation H, but offtopic? Learn from her boomers, wear your damn masks!
[18:22:49] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 232 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:22:50] <exec> 08└─"Virtue signalling by wearing a mask" Wow, you really are dumb. I know it isn't ignorance, the reasons for wearing masks have been widely discussed on SN. That means you are guzzling Fox News propaganda, or worse, Facebook groups!!!
[18:22:51] <exec> *** new comment: 03VLM [445] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 1417 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:22:52] <exec> 08└─Follow the money. The people pushing masks want consumers out there and spending in bars, hotels, tourist traps, protests, malls. The impact of someone getting ill is in fact very low, zero for the vast majority. For a very small fraction of a percent, unfortunately, its fatal. If you don't care abo...
[18:22:53] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: -1, Troll) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 196 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:22:54] <exec> 08└─"People say to me, "You helped the Jews kill millions of your own people in WWII and now you are helping them institute a medical tyranny worldwide. These are alarming things to hear," Krier said.
[18:22:55] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 385 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:22:56] <exec> 08└─If stupid pieces of shit weren't trying to violate people's rights by forcing them, people would be more inclined to wear them. I'm currently boycotting all businesses in my area b/c they have decided to play cop for the governor's unconstitutional order. The same one the police can't even enforce....
[18:22:57] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 171 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:22:58] <exec> 08└─"And I would dare say, only among Republicans." What have the Demokrauts accomplished in the last 4 motherfucking years besides the multiple witch hunts against Trump? GFY
[18:22:59] <exec> *** new comment: 03Opportunist [5545] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 33 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:23:00] <exec> 08└─Go play with something poisonous.
[18:23:02] <exec> *** new comment: 03Opportunist [5545] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 624 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:23:03] <exec> 08└─Hmm... let's see... countries where the people act like sane members of society, do what scientists tell them and generally behave in a level headed manner are pretty much over the hump and getting their economy back on track. As exhibit B, we have people lamenting about "muh freedumz", consider wea...
[18:23:10] <exec> *** new comment: 03fustakrakich [6150] (Score: 1) 02 - 06Analog Devices Announces Acquisition of Maxim Integrated for $21 Billion - 11 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:23:11] <exec> 08└─Fake money!
[18:23:13] <exec> *** new comment: 03VLM [445] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Analog Devices Announces Acquisition of Maxim Integrated for $21 Billion - 76 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:23:14] <exec> 08└─Maxim is really missing out on the teledildonics market. Both of the Maxims.
[18:23:22] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06The Long-Lost Computation Dissertation of Unix Pioneer Dennis Ritchie - 62 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:23:23] <exec> 08└─We bow to thee https://wiki.c2.com [c2.com]
[18:23:40] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06120,000-Year-Old Necklace Tells of the Origin of String - 260 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:23:40] <exec> 08└─That's like saying 120,000 years ago there was no Earth, because they weren't calling it "Earth". I think you're just looking to pick a fight over the Israel-Palestine issue, whereas the people who wrote TFA were just trying to tell us where they found things.
[18:25:02] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03TheGratefulNet [659] 02 - 06Two Months after Infection, COVID-19 Symptoms Persist... How are Soylentils Holding Up? - 124 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:25:02] <exec> 08└─you know, you are not even MILDLY amusing. even your troll attempts are increasingly pathetic. you're tapped out. just quit.
[18:33:04] <exec> *** new comment: 03VLM [445] (Score: 2) 02 - 06The Most and Least Expensive Cars to Maintain - 645 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:33:04] <exec> 08└─Ugh you're missing the point completely. Around here batteries die in about 4 years and cost maybe $80? Figure $20/year? So figure your Yaris starter battery has lost maybe a year of its life since October so you need to budget $20 for the starter battery alone? Yeah YOU personally didn't spend $80...
[18:34:55] <exec> count new = 18
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[19:21:00] <exec> last cid = 1021401
[19:22:44] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06NASA Signs Agreement with Japan on Lunar Exploration - 15 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:22:44] <exec> 08└─...............
[19:22:45] <exec> *** new comment: 03takyon [881] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NASA Signs Agreement with Japan on Lunar Exploration - 855 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:22:45] <exec> 08└─Price War Between SpaceX and Russia [soylentnews.org] Russian Space Chief Vows to Find "Full Name" of Technician Who Caused ISS Leak [soylentnews.org] NASA and Roscosmos Release Joint Statement on ISS Leak Amid Rumors [soylentnews.org] Head of Russian Space Agency Roscosmos Wavers on Lunar Orbital P...
[19:22:47] <exec> *** new comment: 03Runaway1956 [2926] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NASA Signs Agreement with Japan on Lunar Exploration - 94 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:22:48] <exec> 08└─Kick those alcoholic has-beens to the curb, let them attach themselves to the Chinese program.
[19:23:13] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 54 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:23:14] <exec> 08└─I think he got confused while thinking about bloomers.
[19:23:15] <exec> *** new comment: 03DannyB [5839] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 63 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:23:15] <exec> 08└─The Democrats are not the ones in power if you had not noticed.
[19:23:16] <exec> *** new comment: 03RS3 [6367] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 755 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:23:17] <exec> 08└─Reluctantly (because it's all sad but true) I have to agree. And augment- most of the COVID-19 deaths (maybe all) are due to some other significant concurrent health problem. Even very elderly have survived it. The fact that many people test positive but otherwise asymptomatic shows that as bad as C...
[19:23:18] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 589 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:23:19] <exec> 08└─Wake the F. up DannyB. Newsflash, hot off the presses: US House of Representatives is DEMOCRATIC MAJORITY. Since Trump has been in office the Dems have constantly attacked him in every possible way they can dig up. They alone have caused the political shitstorm that the US has degraded into. And at...
[19:23:21] <exec> *** new comment: 03DannyB [5839] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 82 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:23:21] <exec> 08└─If stupid pieces of shit weren't trying to violate people's rights by forcing them
[19:23:23] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 77 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:23:24] <exec> 08└─[...] Masks are the filtered cigarette of 2020. Nothing but false hope. [...]
[19:23:25] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 437 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:23:26] <exec> 08└─The US isn't the only country like this. The same bullshit is happening in Brazil, where Jair Bolsonaro is a Trump wannabe. Americans and Brazilians aren't stupid. The real problem is that both of our countries have been infested by a cancer, the far right, which is driving these absurd policies. We...
[19:23:27] <exec> *** new comment: 03DannyB [5839] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 334 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:23:28] <exec> 08└─Doctors in states with rising COVID-19 cases share their fears: "Is this the tipping point?" [cbsnews.com] On not wearing masks or taking the virus seriously, Tran said, "People that you know are thinking that masks don't matter and that coronavirus isn't real, or it's not as big of a problem as it...
[19:23:29] <exec> *** new comment: 03RS3 [6367] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 747 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:23:30] <exec> 08└─Thanks for all the info and links. It saddens me, as an "American", that the rest of the world sees this and very unfairly lumps us all together, when in fact we're some of the most diverse people on earth (to a fault I think). Any ideas of why people are doing this? I know Americans are somewhat ga...
[19:23:31] <exec> *** new comment: 03krishnoid [1156] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 427 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:23:32] <exec> 08└─I blame computer graphics in movies. "Evidence-based" means that a disease is no longer something that causes you to make some strangled noises in your throat and drop lifelessly to the ground. Nowadays, your body and/or face has to be bloating, pus-filled, and preferably melting off until you eithe...
[19:23:33] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 961 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:23:34] <exec> 08└─I think it's very justified to expect that employers should do far more than just require masks. And I'd agree that employers aren't doing nearly enough to protect people. No problem there, masks are only one part of the solution. I see no problem with expecting other measures to be taken like physi...
[19:23:36] <exec> *** new comment: 03Phoenix666 [552] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 127 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:23:37] <exec> 08└─I'm currently boycotting all businesses in my area b/c they have decided to play cop for the governor's unconstitutional order.
[19:23:38] <exec> *** new comment: 03Runaway1956 [2926] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 122 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:23:39] <exec> 08└─The Democrats ARE IN POWER. They control the House, which controls the purse strings. What do you mean by "power", anyway?
[19:23:40] <exec> *** new comment: 03Phoenix666 [552] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 68 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:23:41] <exec> 08└─It's inspiring to see these ladies setting an example of civic duty.
[19:23:42] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 698 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:23:43] <exec> 08└─Mask requirements primarily exist to prevent infected people from spreading the infection to others. What you're saying is that your petulant whining is more important than the health of other people. When you refuse to take reasonable precautions and, instead, insist on recklessly endangering other...
[19:23:44] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 228 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:23:45] <exec> 08└─1. The cost of wearing a mask is low. 2. The risk that going without a mask will cause someone to get ill is, in fact, rather low; but non-zero. 3. The impact of someone getting ill is rather high. So it's obvious - wear a mask.
[19:23:47] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 31 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:23:47] <exec> 08└─But, I don't like progressives!
[19:23:49] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 104 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:23:50] <exec> 08└─If the Democrats have that much power, how come the Heroes Act [congress.gov] isn't law? Please do tell.
[19:23:51] <exec> *** new comment: 03RS3 [6367] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 156 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:23:52] <exec> 08└─But even if you were right (which you obviously are NOT), how and why is it such a big deal to wear a mask? I would do it with or without govt. requirement.
[19:23:53] <exec> *** new comment: 03Runaway1956 [2926] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 322 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:23:54] <exec> 08└─Theater. They offered a version of the bill to the Senate, that the House knew the Senate would reject. So, the left has on record that the right rejected the attempt. But, it's all theater. If the Dems were serious, they would have offered a somewhat different bill that the Republicans in the Senat...
[19:23:55] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 15 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:23:56] <exec> 08└─"survivor bias"
[19:24:06] <exec> *** new comment: 03VLM [445] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Analog Devices Announces Acquisition of Maxim Integrated for $21 Billion - 158 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:24:06] <exec> 08└─Its interesting that both companies are companies that primarily acquire other companies. A family tree of all the companies Analog Devices own would be huge.
[19:24:17] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06The Long-Lost Computation Dissertation of Unix Pioneer Dennis Ritchie - 147 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:24:17] <exec> 08└─And theOneTrueDebugger https://www.reddit.com [reddit.com]
[19:24:51] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06How Venus Flytraps Snap - 50 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:24:51] <exec> 08└─More unintelligent dribble from the village idiot.
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[20:23:47] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 119 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[20:23:47] <exec> 08└─If the Democrats have to offer a bill that Senate Republicans will accept, then the Democrats aren't really in control.
[20:23:48] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 59 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[20:23:48] <exec> 08└─when in fact we're some of the most diverse people on earth
[20:23:50] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 173 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[20:23:50] <exec> 08└─I dunno about Brazilians but the Americans prove they are stupid almost every day. And there's Florida... A place where a guy punches an ATM because it gave too much cash...
[20:23:52] <exec> *** new comment: 03Runaway1956 [2926] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 524 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[20:23:53] <exec> 08└─AH-HAA!!! You've figured it out!! Neither the House, nor the Senate, nor the President is SUPPOSED TO BE IN CONTROL!!! But, as I said, the House controls the purse strings. Only Congress can make a budget. Those other guys and only approve, or disapprove of a budget. And, in the case of a presidenti...
[20:23:54] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 90 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[20:23:55] <exec> 08└─Says the moron telling people the virus is no big deal. There is something wrong with you.
[20:23:56] <exec> *** new comment: 03RS3 [6367] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 258 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[20:23:57] <exec> 08└─I wish there was a way to identify you ACs. You're that same AC with short-circuited brain. Please get an appt. with a neurologist. Probably can't be fixed though, but worth a try. What makes you think you're more diverse than, say, India, Brazil, or Turkey?
[20:24:08] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Analog Devices Announces Acquisition of Maxim Integrated for $21 Billion - 57 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[20:24:09] <exec> 08└─https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJ_DNSZfSs8 [youtube.com]
[20:24:20] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06The Long-Lost Computation Dissertation of Unix Pioneer Dennis Ritchie - 427 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[20:24:21] <exec> 08└─Makes one wonder if the research was really usefull. If it was, one would expect that it would be referenced a few times, at least within the research group where the research was performed. Then again, I've seen references that were passed along from student to student and didn't cover what was wri...
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[21:22:23] <exec> *** new comment: 03fustakrakich [6150] (Score: 1) 02 - 06Damaged Human Lungs Can be Repaired by Attaching Them to Pigs, Experiment Shows - 183 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:22:23] <exec> 08└─Or have a real long tube connected to your lungs. I mean, you don't want to have to carry him around in your arms. After you're healed, will you have the heart to eat him all at once?
[21:22:24] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: -1, Flamebait) 02 - 06Damaged Human Lungs Can be Repaired by Attaching Them to Pigs, Experiment Shows - 74 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:22:24] <exec> 08└─On the plus side, when their suicide vest detonates you get instant bacon.
[21:22:26] <exec> *** new comment: 03Snotnose [1623] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Damaged Human Lungs Can be Repaired by Attaching Them to Pigs, Experiment Shows - 166 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:22:27] <exec> 08└─"Hey, you're gonna die unless you have this pig in your lap 24/7" Yeah, it's not housebroken and tends to shit/piss wherever but, hey, at least the pig doesn't smoke.
[21:22:28] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Damaged Human Lungs Can be Repaired by Attaching Them to Pigs, Experiment Shows - 651 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:22:29] <exec> 08└─https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1191431.shtml [globaltimes.cn] http://en.nhc.gov.cn [nhc.gov.cn] Seems pretty easy to find lungs to me. Just go to China, join the CCP, and they will find a Uyghur who is happy to give up theirs. https://www.thejournal.ie
[21:23:29] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 39 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:23:29] <exec> 08└─They work better than wearing a banana.
[21:23:30] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 70 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:23:30] <exec> 08└─They pointed out all the ways that Trump and his followers are morons.
[21:23:32] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 105 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:23:33] <exec> 08└─I'm sure the local undertaker will be willing to take your business and won't require you to wear a mask.
[21:23:34] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 77 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:23:35] <exec> 08└─Which proves that Demokrauts only have an IQ 2 points higher than fools gold.
[21:23:36] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 73 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:23:37] <exec> 08└─And the "woke" "cancel culture" idiots burning and looting are Einsteins.
[21:23:38] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 103 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:23:39] <exec> 08└─Yes, it certainly looks better than all those covidiots loudly proclaiming why they refuse to wear one.
[21:23:50] <exec> *** new comment: 03Snotnose [1623] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Analog Devices Announces Acquisition of Maxim Integrated for $21 Billion - 314 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:23:50] <exec> 08└─So one company that makes semi obscure products buys out their biggest competitor. I fail to see how this could be a problem, could someone clue me in? / says the regulators // who earned their bones buying companies, eviscerating them, and selling the husks to idiots on NASDAQ /// not that I'm jad...
[21:24:02] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06The Long-Lost Computation Dissertation of Unix Pioneer Dennis Ritchie - 245 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:24:02] <exec> 08└─Usenet refugees only: Next jargon file entry is http://catb.org [catb.org] which leads to this page,     https://web.archive.org [archive.org]
[21:24:22] <exec> *** new comment: 03FatPhil [863] (Score: 2) 02 - 06120,000-Year-Old Necklace Tells of the Origin of String - 428 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:24:22] <exec> 08└─Nope. "Earth" is not the name of an artificial, arbitrary, and ephemeral political construct, it's a clearly-defined unambiguous geo-(quite literally)-physical one whose boundaries haven't changed in any relevant timescale. (Even if the bits of it that are open to the air and submerged have changed...
[21:24:23] <exec> *** new comment: 03FatPhil [863] (Score: 2) 02 - 06120,000-Year-Old Necklace Tells of the Origin of String - 251 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:24:23] <exec> 08└─There is a perfectly good name for that eastern mediterranian region that is relatively unencumbered with arbitrary political or religious baggage: https://en.wikipedia.org
[21:24:24] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06120,000-Year-Old Necklace Tells of the Origin of String - 374 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:24:26] <exec> 08└─Mohammed: "Hey, Mohamad, how many jihadis does it take to kill a liberal AC" Mohamad: "I do not know, Mohammed, please tell me - if it the will of Allah that I should know." Mohammed: "None, save your suicide vest for another day since the liberal AC will kill himself when Trump wins again in Novemb...
[21:33:53] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06The Most and Least Expensive Cars to Maintain - 205 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:33:53] <exec> 08└─I like Hondas - bad head gasket? No problem at all to pull the block and rebuild it, even if it is OHC (and Honda manuals are /good/!). Don't even need a block-puller for that little 4 banger in the Civic.
[21:34:45] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Apple Has Built its Own Mac Graphics Processors - 486 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:34:46] <exec> 08└─Docking will be the killer when smartglasses start getting really mainstream - maybe another 5-10 years. Phone SoCs are already fast enough for 99% of people, but interfacing is the pain point. If you're not going chorded input (because nobody make chorded input devices for consumers except tapwithu...
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[22:22:35] <exec> *** new comment: 03acid andy [1683] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Damaged Human Lungs Can be Repaired by Attaching Them to Pigs, Experiment Shows - 190 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:22:35] <exec> 08└─As I understand it, transplanted lungs usually only prolong someone's life for around five years. Does that justify what sounds like some quite significant animal cruelty? I'm not convinced.
[22:22:36] <exec> *** new comment: 03fustakrakich [6150] (Score: 1) 02 - 06Damaged Human Lungs Can be Repaired by Attaching Them to Pigs, Experiment Shows - 52 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:22:36] <exec> 08└─at least the pig doesn't smoke. Not yet [blains.com]
[22:22:37] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Damaged Human Lungs Can be Repaired by Attaching Them to Pigs, Experiment Shows - 214 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:22:38] <exec> 08└─I thought the US body parts business is a Jewish monopoly; mostly Palestinian parts though. https://www.nytimes.com [nytimes.com] I wonder how are them compared to Chinese Muslims.
[22:22:40] <exec> *** new comment: 03legont [4179] (Score: 3, Insightful) 02 - 06Damaged Human Lungs Can be Repaired by Attaching Them to Pigs, Experiment Shows - 120 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:22:40] <exec> 08└─Cancer treatment considered a success if it prolongs life for 6 months. I am sure covid will get the same morality base.
[22:22:42] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Damaged Human Lungs Can be Repaired by Attaching Them to Pigs, Experiment Shows - 124 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:22:43] <exec> 08└─So we can turn the pig into bacon, but not use them for growing or repairing human organs? All pigs are bastards. Fuck them.
[22:22:44] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Damaged Human Lungs Can be Repaired by Attaching Them to Pigs, Experiment Shows - 79 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:22:45] <exec> 08└─On the plus side, when their suicide vest detonates you get instant bacon bits.
[22:22:55] <exec> *** new comment: 03jelizondo [653] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NASA Signs Agreement with Japan on Lunar Exploration - 55 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:22:55] <exec> 08└─Neither government released the text of the declaration
[22:22:57] <exec> *** new comment: 03jelizondo [653] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NASA Signs Agreement with Japan on Lunar Exploration - 273 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:22:58] <exec> 08└─You know what they say, an alcoholic is one who drinks more than you! Anyway, you should be grateful for almost a decade of U.S. astronauts getting to space on Russian rockets [wired.com]. Of course, the world now knows that the U.S. does not have partners, only interests.
[22:22:59] <exec> *** new comment: 03PaperNoodle [10908] (Score: 1) 02 - 06NASA Signs Agreement with Japan on Lunar Exploration - 281 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:23:00] <exec> 08└─It has to be secret. Gotta keep aliens/obelisk/nazis/god/edge of universe/flat earth/3 legged dogs/911 inside job/JFK assassination/vaccine autism/fake moon landing recording studio on the moon/lizard people/illuminati a secret. The world isn't ready for those kind of truth bombs.
[22:23:01] <exec> *** new comment: 03takyon [881] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NASA Signs Agreement with Japan on Lunar Exploration - 556 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:23:02] <exec> 08└─No, I don't have to be grateful. They got something called "money" in exchange for launching astronauts to the ISS, and they demanded more of it as time went on, and threatened to cut off cooperation over Crimea [vox.com] and other diplomatic spats. We used the ISS program to prop up the Russian sta...
[22:23:10] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03Anonymous Coward 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 72 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:23:11] <exec> 08└─Back when Boeing made airplanes to kill Germans, not its own passengers.
[22:23:13] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03DannyB [5839] 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 332 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:23:14] <exec> 08└─Only in the United States. Where we have the worst numbers. The nation that no other nation wants to accept people from without a 14 day quarantine. The only nation with a continuous stream of health and science disinformation, from the highest levels. You can make a mask. But you can't convince peo...
[22:24:02] <exec> *** new comment: 03Pslytely Psycho [1218] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 246 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:24:02] <exec> 08└─When you elect a criminal with total contempt for the well-being of the country and its citizens who sees the constitution as little more than a bunch of words restricting what he wants to do, then constant attacks are called "being responsible."
[22:24:04] <exec> *** new comment: 03PartTimeZombie [4827] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 108 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:24:04] <exec> 08└─And then our friendly flat-earth anonymous coward replies, starting with: How could it not become political?
[22:24:05] <exec> *** new comment: 03Pslytely Psycho [1218] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 84 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:24:06] <exec> 08└─Which is an improvement on the Rupublicunts IQ being 4 points lower than fools gold.
[22:24:07] <exec> *** new comment: 03PartTimeZombie [4827] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 149 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:24:08] <exec> 08└─So the House Democrats are in power, and if they just give the Senate Republicans what they want, they can exercise that power? Jesus that's stupid.
[22:24:09] <exec> *** new comment: 03Runaway1956 [2926] (Score: 3, Insightful) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 299 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:24:10] <exec> 08└─No, it isn't that stupid. It's politics. Give a little to get a little, everyone gets something they want, nobody gets everything they want. Politics. Instead of playing politics, they've been acting like they are the heroes in the final confrontation between good and evil, or some such silly shit.
[22:25:18] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03FatPhil [863] 02 - 06Google Bans Ads for Stalkerware Apps—with Some Exceptions - 134 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:25:18] <exec> 08└─Not quite - they'll just have to stop advertising their entire product line (to people who are already in a google-controlled bubble).
[22:27:52] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03turgid [4318] 02 - 06Linus Torvalds: Don't Hide Rust in Linux Kernel; Death to AVX-512 - 801 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:27:52] <exec> 08└─I'm leaning towards D because it's much cleaner than either and designed by a guy (Walter Bright) with years of experience writing C and C++ compilers. When Go came out, I was underwhelmed by it. Rust seems to be designed by people who haven't heard of Test Driven Development and it suffers from som...
[22:34:40] <exec> *** new comment: 03turgid [4318] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Google Loon Is Now Beaming WiFi Down to Earth From Giant Balloons - 487 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:34:40] <exec> 08└─Where I come from, in Teuchter Land, a loon means a boy (and a quine is a girl). Mannies and wifies are men and women respectively. The term "loon" is often applied to a junior farm worker. The full term is "orra loon." This implies someone employed in general farm labour. When one is out taking one...
[22:35:20] <exec> *** new comment: 03takyon [881] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Apple Has Built its Own Mac Graphics Processors - 602 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:35:20] <exec> 08└─There's a new GPU player in town: Asia based Zhaoxin has plans for a dedicated graphics card series [guru3d.com] That one looks pretty lackluster compared to this concept from another Chinese company, also on a "28nm" node: Look out Nvidia and AMD… Chinese GPU maker has a GTX 1080-level card in de...
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[23:22:15] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Microsoft is Dropping PHP Support From Windows - 109 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[23:22:16] <exec> 08└─PHP, the millenial version of Perl, but even less useful. Hate them both. Death is too good for both of them.
[23:22:34] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Damaged Human Lungs Can be Repaired by Attaching Them to Pigs, Experiment Shows - 25 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[23:22:34] <exec> 08└─Fuck that. Bacon is life.
[23:22:35] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Damaged Human Lungs Can be Repaired by Attaching Them to Pigs, Experiment Shows - 87 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[23:22:35] <exec> 08└─Pretty soon penis damage will be fixable by transplanting it on Piglet for a few years.
[23:22:36] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Damaged Human Lungs Can be Repaired by Attaching Them to Pigs, Experiment Shows - 533 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[23:22:37] <exec> 08└─Considering that the main other use for pigs is food and leather, this doesn't really seem so bad. In the longterm, I'm sure they're going to work on figuring out how to build a machine that can keep these organs in good working order until they're ready for implantation. There are a number of reaso...
[23:22:39] <exec> *** new comment: 03Runaway1956 [2926] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Damaged Human Lungs Can be Repaired by Attaching Them to Pigs, Experiment Shows - 128 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[23:22:39] <exec> 08└─I mean, a lung needs to be repaired. You can't just go out to the pig farm, leave a lung, and come back in a week to pick it up?
[23:22:41] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Damaged Human Lungs Can be Repaired by Attaching Them to Pigs, Experiment Shows - 250 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[23:22:42] <exec> 08└─Penis damage is very hard to fix, the vascular system of the penis is very delicate, especially the bits along the sides that give it the shape that it has. I half expect that we'll be able to replace the penis before we figure out how to repair one.
[23:22:43] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Damaged Human Lungs Can be Repaired by Attaching Them to Pigs, Experiment Shows - 40 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[23:22:44] <exec> 08└─David pig-violator Cameron, is that you?
[23:22:57] <exec> *** new comment: 03jelizondo [653] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NASA Signs Agreement with Japan on Lunar Exploration - 190 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[23:22:57] <exec> 08└─We used the ISS program to prop up the Russian state space industry post-Soviet Union in order to keep their engineers from wandering around and building missiles for North Korea, Iran, etc.
[23:22:58] <exec> *** new comment: 03takyon [881] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NASA Signs Agreement with Japan on Lunar Exploration - 454 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[23:22:58] <exec> 08└─Russia is more stable than it was in the early 90s. Not looking too great, especially with COVID and an aging population, but not as crazy and lawless. Israel periodically offs scientists/engineers in Iran, and Iran's program also experiences mysterious problems [theguardian.com] that could be infli...
[23:24:04] <exec> *** new comment: 03PartTimeZombie [4827] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 69 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[23:24:04] <exec> 08└─And yet you're claiming the Democrats are in power. It can't be both.
[23:24:05] <exec> *** new comment: 03Phoenix666 [552] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 107 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[23:24:06] <exec> 08└─Why do you hate women who try to help their communities instead of enjoying their well-deserved retirement?
[23:24:07] <exec> *** new comment: 03Runaway1956 [2926] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Original 'Rosie the Riveter' Makes Masks to Fight COVID-19 - 42 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[23:24:08] <exec> 08└─They impeached the president, didn't they?
[23:24:20] <exec> *** new comment: 03corey [2202] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Analog Devices Announces Acquisition of Maxim Integrated for $21 Billion - 45 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[23:24:20] <exec> 08└─Yeah. Next up, NXP (or Broadcom) buys Analog.
[23:24:54] <exec> *** new comment: 03RS3 [6367] (Score: 2) 02 - 06120,000-Year-Old Necklace Tells of the Origin of String - 53 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[23:24:54] <exec> 08└─You're a fucking lunatic. I hope you don't live long.
[23:28:29] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Linus Torvalds: Don't Hide Rust in Linux Kernel; Death to AVX-512 - 55 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[23:28:29] <exec> 08└─That may be, but AVX-512 doesn't help you there either.
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[23:34:48] <exec> count top = 0
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