#qa | Logs for 2023-06-09

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[16:03:57] -!- halibut has quit [Quit: Timeout]
[16:10:26] -!- halibut [halibut!~halibut@CanHazVHOST/halibut] has joined #qa
[22:30:36] -!- Loggie [Loggie!Loggie@Soylent/BotArmy] has joined #qa
[22:30:36] -!- mode/#qa [+nt #qa] by irc.sylnt.us
[22:30:36] -!- mode/#qa [-o Loggie] by ircservices.sylnt.us
[22:30:36] -irc.sylnt.us:#qa- *** Notice -- TS for #qa changed from 1686349836 to 1397814726
[22:30:36] -!- wheatley [wheatley!wheatley@ircservices.sylnt.us] has joined #qa
[22:30:36] -!- mode/#qa [+o wheatley] by ircservices.sylnt.us
[22:30:36] wheatley changed topic of #qa to: #qa is for discussing testing of SoylentNews and related services | this channel IS logged
[22:30:48] -!- cmn32480 [cmn32480!~cmn32480@0::z] has joined #qa
[22:30:49] -!- cmn32480 has quit [Changing host]
[22:30:49] -!- cmn32480 [cmn32480!~cmn32480@Soylent/Staff/Editor/cmn32480] has joined #qa
[22:30:53] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@Soylent/Staph/Infector/chromas] has joined #qa
[22:30:54] -!- Deucalion [Deucalion!~Fluff@188.226.nuy.w] has joined #qa
[22:30:54] -!- Deucalion has quit [Changing host]
[22:30:54] -!- Deucalion [Deucalion!~Fluff@Soylent/Staff/IRC/juggs] has joined #qa
[22:30:54] -!- mode/#qa [+o Deucalion] by wheatley
[22:51:42] -!- halibut [halibut!~halibut@CanHazVHOST/halibut] has joined #qa