#rss-bot | Logs for 2016-03-27

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[00:07:47] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - CGI Released of a Man Who Lived in Roman Britain - http://sylnt.us
[00:10:54] <Bender> [HackerNews] - HLS Video Playback in Chrome - https://chrome.google.com
[00:26:06] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Computational thinking, 10 years later - https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com
[00:31:10] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Gone fishing in a fluid trial - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
[00:46:21] <Bender> [HackerNews] - How Words Shape Our World - http://www.prospectmagazine.co.uk
[00:46:25] <Bender> [HackerNews] - With No Inkling of the Contents: Viewing Narnia Through a Hindu Lens - http://www.mantlethought.org
[00:46:29] <Bender> [HackerNews] - News Genius Picks Up Again Where Failures Left Off - http://glog.glennf.com
[00:56:29] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Project West Ford - https://en.wikipedia.org
[01:01:33] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The fight against food fraud - https://next.ft.com
[01:01:37] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Opera’s $1.2B sale: Shocking underdog victory or cruel twist of fate? - http://venturebeat.com
[01:01:41] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Direct Manipulation: A Step Beyond Programming Languages (1983) [pdf] - http://www.csc.kth.se
[01:06:37] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Tools for thought: graphical algebra and Fourier analysis - https://acko.net
[01:11:41] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Minecraftly: Inspire kids to learn computing via Minecraft - https://m.ly
[01:11:45] <Bender> [HackerNews] - What Is a Robot? - http://www.theatlantic.com
[01:16:44] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Reality Is the Next Big Thing (2014) [video] - https://vimeo.com
[01:21:52] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[01:37:00] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Scientists push a record 57Gbps through fiber optic lines - http://www.engadget.com
[01:52:12] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Music in the brain - http://scienmag.com
[02:07:23] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The Mystery of the Phantom Page Turner - http://www.collectorsweekly.com
[02:12:27] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Why Are Educators Learning How to Interrogate Their Students? - http://www.newyorker.com
[02:28:40] Bytram is now known as Bytram|away
[02:32:34] <Bender> [CNET] - Bernie Sanders' bizarre bird encounter inspires new 'Birdie Sanders' memes - CNET - http://feedproxy.google.com
[02:32:43] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Lightweight versatile JavaScript cache - http://sylnt.us
[02:37:46] <Bender> [HackerNews] - How to Get Out of Bed - http://www.theparisreview.org
[02:39:42] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Hyperloop Could Debut in Europe Instead of California - http://sylnt.us
[02:52:58] <Bender> [HackerNews] - What do you call this in Ruby? - http://sylnt.us
[02:58:02] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The Mitochondria in Startups - https://medium.com
[03:13:14] <Bender> [HackerNews] - CakeML: A verified implementation of ML - http://sylnt.us
[03:23:19] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Dirty Truths Your Analytics Software Vendor Won't Tell You - http://www.forbes.com
[03:28:25] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The Hidden Histories of Maps Made by Women: Early North America - http://www.citylab.com
[03:58:48] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Generating Factoid Questions with RNNs: The 30M Factoid Question-Answer Corpus - http://arxiv.org
[04:19:04] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The Impious Delights of Hieronymus Bosch - https://newrepublic.com
[04:34:16] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The Way of the Gopher: Making the Switch from Node.js to Golang - https://medium.com
[04:49:28] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Could Rust have a left-pad incident? - http://edunham.net
[05:04:39] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The Dead Sea effect (2008) - http://brucefwebster.com
[05:11:40] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - You Can Thank Diverse Yeasts for That Coffee and Chocolate - http://sylnt.us
[05:35:03] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The Patron Saint of Inner Lives: On Wallace Stevens - http://www.theatlantic.com
[05:50:13] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Boaty McBoatface: How An Internet Craze Provided Priceless Publicity - http://www.forbes.com
[06:30:46] <Bender> [HackerNews] - How Scandinavian design took over the world - http://www.curbed.com
[06:35:50] <Bender> [HackerNews] - SandDance – Visually explore, understand, and present data - http://research.microsoft.com
[07:01:00] <Bender> [Bugtraq] - Bugtraq: [slackware-security] libevent (SSA:2016-085-01) - http://www.securityfocus.com
[07:01:04] <Bender> [Bugtraq] - Bugtraq: [slackware-security] mozilla-thunderbird (SSA:2016-085-02) - http://www.securityfocus.com
[07:01:08] <Bender> [Bugtraq] - Bugtraq: [SECURITY] [DSA 3531-1] chromum-browser security update - http://www.securityfocus.com
[07:01:12] <Bender> [Bugtraq] - Bugtraq: TrendMicro DDI Cross Site Request Forgerys - http://www.securityfocus.com
[07:11:18] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Imaginary Spaces - http://www.newyorker.com
[07:11:22] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Free Machine Learning Library for .NET - http://accord-framework.net
[07:26:29] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The Dream of Usable Email Encryption Is Still a Work in Progress - https://motherboard.vice.com
[07:41:41] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Concurrency in Rust - http://doc.rust-lang.org
[07:43:37] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - First Evidence Found That 'Cryptic Female Choice' is Adaptive - http://sylnt.us
[09:17:53] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - No, The 9.7 iPad Pro Won't Replace A Windows Laptop - http://www.forbes.com
[09:33:04] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Latest iPhone Rumors Suggest Apple May Make Another Big Break From Past - http://www.forbes.com
[09:38:10] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Join TheMuse.com (YC W12) as a back end or fullstack engineer and reach 50M people - https://www.themuse.com
[09:43:56] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - "Do not drink" water advisory lifted in Louisiana town - http://phys.org
[09:44:00] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Law enforcement investigators seek out private DNA databases - http://phys.org
[09:44:04] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - Easter delivery: Cargo ship arrives at space station - http://phys.org
[09:44:08] <Bender> [PhysOrg] - World's nations gather to rescue ocean life - http://phys.org
[10:15:33] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Ex-Colin Powell Aide: "Snowden Has Done a Service" - http://sylnt.us
[10:17:50] -!- richardboegli has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[10:22:29] -!- richardboegli [richardboegli!~r@527-601-573-606.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #rss-bot
[10:44:00] <Bender> [HackerNews] - HTML5 function plotter with LaTeX editor - https://www.desmos.com
[11:56:16] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[11:59:58] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Writing Women Back into the History of Science - http://nautil.us
[12:20:14] <Bender> [HackerNews] - My year in startup hell - http://fortune.com
[12:30:22] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Generating and Populating Caves in a Roguelike Game - http://www.gridsagegames.com
[12:30:26] <Bender> [HackerNews] - In-memory hash tree implementation - https://godoc.org
[12:30:30] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Show HN: A simple core-based tweening to create animations - http://sylnt.us
[12:30:34] <Bender> [HackerNews] - How Instagram Make Money - http://pakarimreviews.blogspot.my
[12:30:38] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Show HN: Parse Ifconfig output from remote/local server and retrieve as required - http://sylnt.us
[12:35:25] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Show HN: On-Demand Secure Private Networks – Documentation - https://wormhole.network
[12:45:25] <Bender> [CNET] - 11 questions we're asking ourselves after 'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice' (spoilers) - CNET - http://feedproxy.google.com
[12:47:29] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Once Again on TCP vs UDP - http://sylnt.us
[13:05:33] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Polar A360 reviewed: Another fitness tracker with smartwatch envy - http://arstechnica.com
[13:10:52] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Cambridge professor on how to stop being manipulated by misleading statistics - http://qz.com
[13:10:56] <Bender> [HackerNews] - CE+T Power wins Google's $1M high density inverter challenge - http://googleresearch.blogspot.com
[13:26:04] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Comprehensions in Python the Jedi way - http://sylnt.us
[13:41:16] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Introducing Yosai: A Security Framework for Python Applications - http://daringordon.com
[13:51:23] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Romania Jails Ex-Minister Over Microsoft Licenses - http://www.balkaninsight.com
[14:01:29] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - 'Need For Speed' Unlocks The Rods - http://www.forbes.com
[14:01:31] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Direct vs. indirect interventions to prevent suicide - http://www.thelancet.com(16)00064-X/fulltext
[14:01:35] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Methods for Web Content Analysis and Context Detection - https://hacks.mozilla.org
[14:16:42] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Airware (YC W13) Flying Robots - https://news.ycombinator.com
[14:26:44] Bytram is now known as Bytram|away
[14:31:54] <Bender> [HackerNews] - List of Open Source Web Apps, Alternative to Paid Solutions - http://sylnt.us
[14:31:58] <Bender> [HackerNews] - How SysAdmins Devalue Themselves - http://queue.acm.org
[14:32:03] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Linux-insides: Timers and time management in the Linux kernel - http://sylnt.us
[14:36:42] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Dengue virus disables the immune system by blocking mass transit - http://arstechnica.com
[14:36:56] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Ricoh Theta S Review: A Good Travel Camera? - http://www.forbes.com
[14:42:42] <Bender> [Nautilus] - This College Student Is Writing Women Back into the History of Science - Facts So Romantic - http://nautil.us
[14:52:10] <Bender> [HackerNews] - I’ve Seen the Greatest A.I. Minds of My Generation Destroyed by Twitter - http://www.newyorker.com
[15:19:25] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Police Raid Usenet Service, Arrest Operator, Seize Data - http://sylnt.us
[15:32:41] <Bender> [HackerNews] - What no one tells you before you become a deep sea diver - http://www.telegraph.co.uk
[15:42:40] <Bender> [CNET] - Thousands sign satirical petition to allow guns at Republican Convention - CNET - http://feedproxy.google.com
[16:13:11] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Mammalian diving reflex - https://en.wikipedia.org
[16:19:17] <Bender> [Woody] - Anybody else seeing big downloads in Win7? - http://www.askwoody.com
[16:23:17] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Crafting Will Be The Downfall Of 'The Division' If Left Unchecked - http://www.forbes.com
[16:33:27] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Explosion at Park in Lahore, Pakistan, Kills at Least 56 - http://www.npr.org
[16:38:31] <Bender> [HackerNews] - An Autobiography of a Blind Programmer - https://www.parhamdoustdar.com
[16:48:39] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Open-source car coded in C. Because you wouldn't download one, would you? - http://sylnt.us
[16:53:42] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Law enforcement investigators seek out private DNA databases - http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com
[16:58:46] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Iso8601.date - http://iso8601.date
[16:58:50] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Linux 4.6-rc1 has been released - https://lkml.org
[16:58:54] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Intermediate Vim: Sessions - http://rkd.me.uk
[16:58:58] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Proactively Reacting to Ransomware - http://www.freeforensics.org
[16:59:03] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Complete Node.js CheatSheet - http://sylnt.us
[16:59:07] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Tqdm – a fast, extensible progress bar for Python - http://sylnt.us
[17:09:40] <Bender> [ScienceDaily] - Computer simulation discloses new effect of cavitation - https://www.sciencedaily.com
[17:19:51] <Bender> [SingularityHub] - Incredible ‘Living’ Alzheimer’s Implant Clears Mouse Brains of Toxic Junk - http://singularityhub.com
[17:29:09] <Bender> [HackerNews] - How a TV Sitcom Triggered the Downfall of Western Civilization - https://medium.com
[17:29:13] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Chinese activist's family 'taken away' over letter calling President Xi to quit - http://www.theguardian.com
[17:44:05] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - The Audi R8 goes topless in Manhattan, wins 2016 World Performance Car - http://arstechnica.com
[17:44:13] <Bender> [CNET] - iPhone may get new screen, wireless charging next year - CNET - http://feedproxy.google.com
[17:44:21] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Building and shipping functional CSS - https://blog.colepeters.com
[17:49:23] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Ricoh Theta S 360-Camera Review: Good For Travel? - http://www.forbes.com
[17:51:21] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Google: First Amendment Doesn't Protect MPAA's Secrets - http://sylnt.us
[17:54:29] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Fight - http://www.nytimes.com
[17:59:33] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Timers and time management in the Linux kernel, Part 7 - http://sylnt.us
[18:04:21] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Utah now has an online registry for white-collar criminals - http://arstechnica.com
[18:04:37] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Desmos Graphing Calculator – HTML5 with LaTeX editor - https://www.desmos.com
[18:10:30] <Bender> [SingularityHub] - Incredible ‘Living’ Alzheimer’s Implant Clears Mouse Brains of Toxic Junk - http://singularityhub.com
[18:14:44] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The Road to 200G Networks Starts with the Transceiver - http://www.nextplatform.com
[18:14:48] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Finally – the Advanced Swift book is ready - https://www.objc.io
[18:19:48] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Burstable EC2 T2 instances: what are they, what's the performance and the cost - https://www.algotech.solutions
[18:24:52] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Where's my petabyte disk drive? - http://bit-player.org
[18:29:56] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The Technical Details Behind “No Browser Left Behind” - https://blog.cloudflare.com
[18:30:00] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Automating XKCD-Style Narrative Charts - https://source.opennews.org
[18:30:04] <Bender> [HackerNews] - A Raspberry Pi dashcam with two cameras and a GPS - http://pidashcam.blogspot.com
[18:35:00] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Vintage 1960's Cap'N Crunch Bo'Son Whistle Blue Phone Phreaker - http://www.ebay.com
[18:40:04] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Ask HN: Contract says my vested shares are forfeited if I quit within 24 months - https://news.ycombinator.com
[18:40:08] <Bender> [HackerNews] - BLIS: BLAS-Like Library Instantiation Software Framework - http://sylnt.us
[18:40:12] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Shakespeare in the Bush (1966) - http://www.naturalhistorymag.com
[18:45:07] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Thread pools How do I use them? - http://jvns.ca
[18:50:11] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Writing a Text Adventure in Go – Part 1 - https://gocodecloud.com
[18:50:15] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Writing a Text Adventure in Go – Part 2 - https://gocodecloud.com
[18:54:59] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Looks aside, NASA’s Orion is “lightyears ahead of what they had in Apollo” - http://arstechnica.com
[18:55:15] <Bender> [HackerNews] - SandDance – Dynamic Visual Data Exploration - https://www.sanddance.ms
[19:05:23] <Bender> [HackerNews] - A golden age of ancient DNA science begins - http://phys.org
[19:05:27] <Bender> [HackerNews] - A List of Isaac Asimov's Books - http://www.asimovonline.com
[19:05:31] <Bender> [HackerNews] - A Supreme Court Pioneer, Now Making Her Mark on Video Games - http://www.nytimes.com
[19:05:35] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The New Old Masters - http://www.city-journal.org
[19:10:27] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The Most Audacious Real Estate Project - http://www.forbes.com
[19:15:31] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Thread pools: How do I use them? - http://jvns.ca
[19:25:39] <Bender> [HackerNews] - A giant map of metabolic pathways - http://biochemical-pathways.com
[19:30:42] <Bender> [HackerNews] - American Tech Giants Face Fight in Europe Over Encrypted Data - http://www.nytimes.com
[19:30:46] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Introducing the Photographers’ Identities Catalog - http://www.nypl.org
[19:30:50] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The Hierarchy of Engagement - https://medium.com
[19:30:54] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Build a Personal Food Computer - http://openag.media.mit.edu
[19:30:58] <Bender> [HackerNews] - What are the Differences Between Java Platforms from Desktops to Wearables? - http://electronicdesign.com
[19:31:02] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Hiring Senior Software Engineer (NYC) - http://www.shoptiques.com
[19:40:50] <Bender> [HackerNews] - ReUUID – A UUID Recycling Service - http://reuuid.org
[19:40:54] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The Easter Rocket War of Vrontados - http://www.theatlantic.com
[19:40:58] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Why OCaml Language Sucks - http://www.podval.org
[19:50:56] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - How Smartcard Coin Bounced Back From Near Failure to Partner with Visa and Mastercard - http://www.forbes.com
[19:50:58] <Bender> [HackerNews] - An MIT lab flushing out a city’s secrets - https://www.theguardian.com
[19:51:02] <Bender> [HackerNews] - 3D Done with Mirrors and Prisms (2008) - https://www.lhup.edu
[19:51:06] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Videogames at the Library of Congress – An Interview with Dave Gibson - http://www.nodontdie.com
[19:56:00] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Get Back To Work! 6 Clever Productivity Apps - http://www.forbes.com
[19:56:02] <Bender> [HackerNews] - A Tribute to Monument Valley and Escher in LaTeX - https://www.overleaf.com
[19:56:06] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Fishing for Hackers: Analysis of a Linux Server Attack - https://sysdig.com
[19:56:10] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Smile – Statistical Machine Intelligence and Learning Engine - http://haifengl.github.io
[19:56:14] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Play music from vim - http://sylnt.us
[19:56:18] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Survey of Communication Through Touch (PDF, 2006) - http://www.cim.mcgill.ca
[19:56:22] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Anatomy of a Co-Branded Credit Card - http://thefinancebuff.com
[20:01:06] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Nima Gluten Sensor - https://nimasensor.com
[20:01:10] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Proposed H.R.4886 would require ID to buy prepaid phones and SIMs - https://www.congress.gov
[20:01:14] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Shoptiques Is Hiring a Senior Software Engineer in NYC - http://www.shoptiques.com
[20:01:18] <Bender> [HackerNews] - OCaml Language Sucks (2007) - http://www.podval.org
[20:11:05] <Bender> [CNET] - Will this state ban texting while walking? - CNET - http://feedproxy.google.com
[20:21:21] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Ask HN: How is it to work in Visual Effects industry as a developer? - https://news.ycombinator.com
[20:23:17] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Teacher who got Fired After Student Stole her Nude Pics Sues School District - http://sylnt.us
[20:26:23] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - A Win-Win Theory About Who Negan May Kill On 'The Walking Dead' - http://www.forbes.com
[20:31:29] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The Four Pillars of PIM – TiPb of the Iceberg (2008) - http://www.imore.com
[20:34:58] -!- richardboegli has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[20:36:31] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Big 'Leak' Claims Nintendo NX Is More Powerful Than PS4, But Be Careful - http://www.forbes.com
[20:41:37] <Bender> [HackerNews] - First Impressions of a $9 CHIP Computer - https://spin.atomicobject.com
[20:46:40] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Six Face Charges In Scheme To Manipulate Lottery Game - http://www.courant.com
[20:56:46] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Oculus Rift Launches Tomorrow - http://www.forbes.com
[20:56:48] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Wikipedia founder calls alt-medicine practitioners “lunatic charlatans” - http://arstechnica.com
[21:01:52] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Is old tech putting banks under threat of extinction? - http://www.bbc.co.uk
[21:01:56] <Bender> [HackerNews] - A Decade of Container Control at Google - http://www.nextplatform.com
[21:06:54] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Awestruck At The Fushimi Inari Shrine - http://www.forbes.com
[21:11:58] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Why So Many People Fear "Inbound Marketing" (It's About Technology) - http://www.forbes.com
[21:13:01] <Bender> [Woody] - Did Early March Win 7 Updates Mess Up Install Dates under Programs and Features? - http://www.askwoody.com
[21:22:06] <Bender> [ForbesTech] - Why So Many People Want But Fear "Inbound Marketing" (It's About Technology) - http://www.forbes.com
[21:22:08] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Artificial Gills to Breathe Underwater: A Million Dollar Scam? - https://gearjunkie.com
[21:22:12] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Bluetooth Technology 101 - http://www.tomshardware.com
[21:27:11] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Forgotten audio formats: The Highway Hi-Fi - http://arstechnica.com
[21:27:15] <Bender> [HackerNews] - A new edition of Burke's writings, speeches, and essays - http://standpointmag.co.uk
[21:32:07] <Bender> [CNET] - Facebook's Safety Check malfunctions after Pakistan bombing - CNET - http://feedproxy.google.com
[21:38:20] <Bender> [Woody] - Yes, I’m recommending that you get updated - http://www.askwoody.com
[21:58:36] <Bender> [Woody] - The Windows Update slow issue – there is a definitive answer… less a definitive solution - http://www.askwoody.com
[22:07:42] <Bender> [HackerNews] - The one hundredth anniversary of the Irish Easter 1916 uprising - http://marginalrevolution.com
[22:12:30] <Bender> [ArsTechnica] - Alfa Romeo’s Giulia: Italian good looks and lashings of technology - http://arstechnica.com
[22:12:38] <Bender> [CNET] - Apple's iPhone may get new screen, wireless charging next year - CNET - http://feedproxy.google.com
[22:22:54] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Discovery of Burial Ground Backs a Less Conventional Version of Harlem’s History - http://www.nytimes.com
[22:55:14] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Brussels Attacks Were Another Intelligence Community Failure, Not "Encryption Problem" - http://sylnt.us
[22:58:21] <Bender> [HackerNews] - How Genode came to RISC-V - http://genode.org
[23:13:33] <Bender> [HackerNews] - DImple: An object-oriented API for business analytics powered by D3 - http://dimplejs.org
[23:16:51] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[23:28:44] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Escher Sketch - http://levskaya.github.io
[23:43:56] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Fuck Nuance [pdf] - http://kieranhealy.org
[23:59:08] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Retro-Gaming Enthusiasts Are Getting It All Wrong - http://amigalove.com
[23:59:12] <Bender> [HackerNews] - Isaac Newton's Recipe for Magical 'Philosopher's Stone' Rediscovered - http://www.livescience.com