#Soylent | Logs for 2014-03-25

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[00:00:56] <test> [SoylentNews] - Busy Fireball Season - http://sylnt.us - it-came-to-me-in-a-flash
[00:07:23] -!- Cyprus has quit [Quit: ThrashIRC v2.9 sic populo comunicated]
[00:13:43] -!- Cyprus [Cyprus!~Cyprus@68.63.ljr.ppx] has joined #Soylent
[00:41:25] <test> [SoylentNews] - Gov't Bureaucracy Makes Misconduct Official Quit - http://sylnt.us - I-feel-for-you-bro
[00:53:19] <FoobarBazbot> Eh, that headline's not grammatically ambiguous at all...
[00:53:25] <FoobarBazbot> test: s/Official /Rage/
[00:53:25] <SedBot> <FoobarBazbot> <test> [SoylentNews] - Gov't Bureaucracy Makes Misconduct RageQuit - http://sylnt.us - I-feel-for-you-bro
[00:54:50] * FoobarBazbot honestly parsed "misconduct" as noun, "quit" as noun, and "official" as adjective
[00:55:47] <FoobarBazbot> thought it was some sort of manglish for "makes misconduct terminable offense"
[01:02:12] <Cyprus> yeah that one was painful
[01:10:47] MrBluze|afk is now known as MrBluze
[01:11:48] <test> [SoylentNews] - As Turkey Bans Twitter, Tor Usage Skyrockets - http://sylnt.us - internet-will-route-around-damage
[01:22:00] -!- Cyprus has quit []
[01:22:13] -!- Cyprus [Cyprus!~Cyprus@68.63.ljr.ppx] has joined #Soylent
[01:29:42] -!- NezSez [NezSez!~4c7061d7@j-78-064-32-800.hsd3.mi.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[01:31:30] -!- mrcoolbp [mrcoolbp!~mrcoolbp@Soylent/Staff/mrcoolbp] has joined #Soylent
[01:31:30] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mrcoolbp] by ChanServ
[01:33:43] -!- NezSez [NezSez!~4c7061d7@j-78-064-32-800.hsd3.mi.comcast.net] has parted #Soylent
[01:34:17] -!- Anon3 has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[01:46:21] -!- prospectacle [prospectacle!~b4c880f7@180.200.jji.ihy] has joined #Soylent
[01:46:45] <prospectacle> Greetings
[01:50:17] <test> [SoylentNews] - How Do You Sync Your Home Directory? - http://sylnt.us
[01:53:15] test is now known as DashComma
[01:57:31] -!- FunPika has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[02:06:54] MrBluze is now known as MrBluze|afk
[02:11:02] -!- SpallsHurgenson [SpallsHurgenson!~SpallsHur@xqzt-30-396-388-29.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #Soylent
[02:16:25] juggs is now known as juggs|afk
[02:25:57] * SpallsHurgenson sings "I'm too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my shirt, so sexy it hu-urts!"
[02:27:47] -!- BadCoderFinger [BadCoderFinger!~BadCoderF@23-663-529-38.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #Soylent
[02:27:51] <BadCoderFinger> Yo
[02:28:03] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~AndChat30@58.171.zwk.qsx] has joined #Soylent
[02:28:18] <SpallsHurgenson> Indeed, a good evening to you as well, sir!
[02:29:50] <BadCoderFinger> Hey Spalls! How are things?
[02:30:47] <DashComma> [SoylentNews] - Placebo As Effective As Nicotine Patches - http://sylnt.us - its-enough-to-make-you-want-to-quit
[02:30:50] <SpallsHurgenson> verily, I am doing quite well; and how are you faring?
[02:31:28] <BadCoderFinger> I'm avoiding an early modern english accent for lent.
[02:32:43] * SpallsHurgenson takes off his monocle and waistcoat
[02:32:53] <BadCoderFinger> Heh!
[02:34:12] <SpallsHurgenson> I think I need a new chair. The frame of this chair is jabbing me in the back.
[02:35:05] <BadCoderFinger> That's a good indicator that a new chair is in order.
[02:36:02] <BadCoderFinger> They have some decent Herman Miller chairs at work, but I'm a contractor so I don't get one.
[02:36:35] <SpallsHurgenson> yeah but it took me forever to find this one; I do not relish another search. I'm mighty particular when it comes to chairs :)
[02:37:14] * SpallsHurgenson wants another nice leather club chair :)
[02:37:40] <BadCoderFinger> I can understand. If you have to sit in it all day, it should be a nice one.
[02:38:33] <SpallsHurgenson> oh, this isn't an all day gotta-do-work chair. This is the "back home from work wanna chill chair" :)
[02:39:17] <BadCoderFinger> A chill chair is even more important!
[02:40:20] * crutchy agrees
[02:40:43] <SpallsHurgenson> something like this (minus the ottoman) http://www.hayneedle.com
[02:41:07] <SpallsHurgenson> perfect for gaming, surfin', ircin' and watchin' bad movies :)
[02:44:46] <BadCoderFinger> That's a nice one, but I think I'd nap in it, heh! Plus it's not really cat resistent.
[02:45:49] <SpallsHurgenson> nothing in this house is. but it's her house too, so I say scratch away :)
[02:48:55] <SpallsHurgenson> (my kitteh is spoiled rotten :)
[02:49:13] <BadCoderFinger> Heh! They almost all are. They make the rules.
[02:50:55] <SpallsHurgenson> it helps when you are armed with 18 inch-long claws :)
[02:52:51] <BadCoderFinger> That may slightly exceed the specifications of a housecat. You, sir, have accidentally purchased a bobcat. Return to sender immediately, and make sure you give feedback to the seller.
[02:53:16] <SpallsHurgenson> that is, 18 claws an inch-long each, not claws 1.5' in length. I live with a cat, not a T-rex :)
[02:53:25] <SpallsHurgenson> (although sometimes I wonder :)
[02:53:44] <BadCoderFinger> A six-toed Hemingway cat? Nice.
[02:54:11] <Cyprus> commas ate the difference between "I helped my uncle Jack, off a horse
[02:54:13] <Cyprus> "
[02:54:13] <SpallsHurgenson> no, five on each front foot, 4 toes each on the back feet
[02:54:21] <Cyprus> and "I helped my uncle jack off a horse"
[02:54:29] <Cyprus> nograb
[02:55:58] -!- SedBot has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[02:56:03] -!- crutchy has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[02:56:04] <Landon> capitalization as well
[02:56:09] <Landon> I helped my uncle Jack off a horse
[02:56:16] <Landon> (nograbs)
[02:56:19] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~AndChat30@1.155.qk.lrp] has joined #Soylent
[02:56:53] <BadCoderFinger> I've noticed a lot of "grab" paranoia.
[02:57:23] <BadCoderFinger> You can't stop bash.org like that, heh!
[02:57:28] <Landon> hehehe
[02:57:33] <Landon> !quote grab
[02:57:33] <DashComma> No quotes found with the text 'grab'
[02:57:52] <Cyprus> most of that was old bash quotes anyway
[02:59:11] -!- crutchy has quit [Client Quit]
[03:06:33] prospectacle is now known as prospectacle_is_away
[03:16:07] -!- SedBot [SedBot!~SedBot@github.com/FoobarBazbot/sedbot] has joined #Soylent
[03:16:14] MrBluze|afk is now known as MrBluze
[03:19:36] <SpallsHurgenson> huh, firefox wants to put adverts in my "newtab". Yeah, that will sit well with its customers :)
[03:21:45] -!- SedBot has quit [Quit: testing]
[03:22:02] -!- SedBot [SedBot!~SedBot@github.com/FoobarBazbot/sedbot] has joined #Soylent
[03:23:49] <BadCoderFinger> Yep, another patchset I'll have to keep up with.
[03:24:11] <SpallsHurgenson> on the plus side, I suspect this will give GNU IceCat a much-needed boost :)
[03:24:30] <BadCoderFinger> They're probably grasping at any straw so that when Google decides to drop them it won't be devastating.
[03:25:25] <SpallsHurgenson> probably could save millions if they weren't releasing new versions every other day :)
[03:27:23] <BadCoderFinger> Gotta eat up that monthly bandwidth!
[03:28:47] <BadCoderFinger> Dangit Spalls, now I'm building icecat!
[03:30:24] <BadCoderFinger> It uses imake! Seriously, imake? What year is this?
[03:30:42] <SpallsHurgenson> I dunno, what calendar are you using?
[03:30:52] <BadCoderFinger> Calendar?
[03:30:57] <SpallsHurgenson> heck, what PLANET are you on? That's probably even more vital information :)
[03:31:16] <BadCoderFinger> Luckily I'm safely breathing Earth air.
[03:32:46] * SpallsHurgenson sings "If you visit American city, You will find it very pretty. Just two things of which you must beware: Don't drink the water and don't breathe the air. Pollution, pollution, We got smog and sewage and mud. Turn on your tap and get hot and cold running crud."
[03:34:12] <BadCoderFinger> Beats Beijing, though.
[03:36:22] * SpallsHurgenson sings, "France got the bomb, but don't you grieve, 'Cause they're on our side (I believe). China got the bomb, but have no fears, They can't wipe us out for at least five years. Who's next?"
[03:37:34] prospectacle_is_away is now known as prospectacle
[03:38:53] * MrBluze singes "The Paki's got the bom, but don't you fret, they haven't worked out how to use it yet"
[03:41:36] <SpallsHurgenson> (there don't really seem to be many currently-maintained Gecko-based browsers aside from IceCat and maybe IceDragon)
[03:44:15] -!- prospectacle has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[03:46:35] <BadCoderFinger> There are a lot of webkit based ones, although most of them suck.
[03:50:26] * SpallsHurgenson looks to see how many of his add-ons he could live without, if he switched browsers...
[03:52:22] <SpallsHurgenson> huh, about a third of the add-ons are fixes to make Firefox's GUI usable again :)
[03:53:29] * Cyprus would die without noscript, adblock, and referrermod
[03:54:07] <BadCoderFinger> NoScript, AdBlock, Cookie Monster, Ghostery, RequestPolicy, ImageBlock
[03:55:43] <BadCoderFinger> Wow, takes a while to build icecat.
[03:56:39] <SpallsHurgenson> status4evar too. who thought it would be a good idea to ditch the status bar?
[03:59:29] -!- mrcoolbp has quit []
[04:03:30] * FoobarBazbot just can't bring himself to care about browsers these days...
[04:03:50] <FoobarBazbot> They *all* suck!
[04:04:02] <BadCoderFinger> Yeah, I'm with you there.
[04:05:09] <BadCoderFinger> I think I might have decent luck with uzbl and squid.
[04:05:23] <SpallsHurgenson> its not so much that I care about browsers, except they are our window onto the web and their strengths and limitations greatly affect how we receive our information
[04:05:37] <Cyprus> s/information/porn
[04:05:37] * SedBot offers Cepras a /
[04:05:40] <Cyprus> s/information/porn/
[04:05:48] <Cyprus> spallshurgenson: s/information/porn/
[04:06:03] <Cyprus> wait... Cepras?
[04:06:22] <SpallsHurgenson> too many windows open, gah
[04:06:53] -!- Tachyon has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[04:06:58] <FoobarBazbot> 1. nicks are case-sensitive to sedbot
[04:07:35] <FoobarBazbot> 2. miss a trailing slash? get your nick mocked.
[04:07:36] -!- Tachyon [Tachyon!~Tachyon@xuco.me] has joined #Soylent
[04:09:16] <Cyprus> ahhh i see
[04:09:24] * Cyprus throws a rock at SedBot
[04:09:55] <SpallsHurgenson> do not taunt happy fun bot
[04:09:56] -!- pbnjoe [pbnjoe!~pbnjoe@Soylent/Users/313/pbnjoe] has joined #Soylent
[04:09:59] <FoobarBazbot> 1. is kinda stupid, i should fix it...
[04:11:04] <pbnjoe> Does having a story you submitted get accepted give you karma?
[04:11:26] <pbnjoe> because I now have 3 more unnaccounted for
[04:12:02] <FoobarBazbot> I think it does..
[04:13:40] <pbnjoe> Ok, cool
[04:16:55] -!- Boxzy [Boxzy!~1f34a47a@kbey38-92-709-217.range76-11.btcentralplus.com] has joined #Soylent
[04:18:26] <BadCoderFinger> Holy flaming chicken monkeys!
[04:18:47] <BadCoderFinger> I have 16GB of RAM, and it ran out of memory during the link.
[04:19:02] <BadCoderFinger> Granted, I used LTO, but still.
[04:19:11] * SpallsHurgenson squirts a fire extinguisher on BadCoderFinger's avian apes
[04:20:01] <BadCoderFinger> Dang, now I'm out of flaming chicken monkeys.
[04:20:45] <SpallsHurgenson> well, if it makes you feel any better, I'm out of squirts too :)
[04:22:28] -!- lhnn [lhnn!~chatzilla@ddn-86-833-887-968.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #Soylent
[04:22:52] <lhnn> Good afternoon!
[04:23:19] <SpallsHurgenson> stupid round planet!
[04:23:45] <lhnn> It's 22:30 here, but I figure someone is on the other side of the planet
[04:23:47] <BadCoderFinger> Spalls: So my other flaming creatures of expletives are still flammable?
[04:24:53] <Boxzy> Its 03.24 here, its always some silly time O'clock somewhere
[04:26:19] <SpallsHurgenson> It's Six Sigma Hexagon here...but I live in a silly place.
[04:27:58] <Boxzy> Six sigma, so you are pretty certain what you are, just not when you hexagon
[04:28:34] <Cyprus> ewww six sigma
[04:28:37] <Cyprus> begone from this realm
[04:28:49] <lhnn> ITILv3 motha fuckas
[04:29:02] -!- SpallsHurgenson has quit [Quit: aieeeeeee banished <disappears in a puff of foul smelling smoke>]
[04:29:25] <Cyprus> lol
[04:29:29] <Cyprus> well now i feel bad
[04:30:18] <DashComma> [SoylentNews] - The Truth is out: Money is Just an IOU - http://sylnt.us
[04:30:26] <Boxzy> he was hexagon, ... deserved it :)
[04:30:51] <BadCoderFinger> That'll teach him!
[04:34:28] <FoobarBazbot> Holy sarcastic headline, Batman!
[04:40:24] -!- willyg_cos [willyg_cos!~joeuser@06-377-63-214.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #Soylent
[04:46:05] <BadCoderFinger> Sourceforge sucks.
[04:46:36] <lhnn> It's sad, isn't it?
[04:47:00] <BadCoderFinger> It used to be such a beacon for open source and freeware.
[04:49:03] <BadCoderFinger> Wait, I think I may have found the problem on the front page: Copyright © 2014 Dice. All Rights Reserved.
[04:49:43] <Cyprus> it could be worse
[04:49:48] <Cyprus> have you looked at Cnet recently?
[04:50:52] <BadCoderFinger> Cnet? Not for about ten years or so.
[04:51:49] <Cyprus> it's crossed the malware event horizon
[04:52:28] <Cyprus> someone i work with downloaded something from download.com before i could stop him. Took him like 3 days to purge the infestation
[04:52:29] <BadCoderFinger> Yeah, that's been in the cards for a while.
[04:55:29] -!- keplr [keplr!~jdavis@66-48-811-374.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[04:55:43] <BadCoderFinger> I wonder how long it'll take dice to buy github.
[04:55:48] -!- keplr has quit [Client Quit]
[04:56:33] -!- keplr [keplr!~jdavis@66-48-811-374.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[05:03:36] -!- BadCoderFinger has quit [Quit: Done arguing with sourceforge for the night.]
[05:23:46] <pbnjoe> When I go to other tech sites to get news for SN it feels like I'm swimming in molasses
[05:23:57] <FoobarBazbot> Cyprus: sedbot is upgraded, no longer treats nicks case-sensitively.
[05:23:57] * SedBot is a 53-line awk script, https://github.com
[05:24:22] <pbnjoe> if I don't allow a billion sites to run javascript on the page/don't allow requests to other sites, it's broken
[05:24:26] <pbnjoe> if I do, it's slowwww
[05:26:15] <FoobarBazbot> PbNjOe, s/www$/er than a speeding tortoise/
[05:26:16] <SedBot> <FoobarBazbot> <PbNjOe> if I do, it's slower than a speeding tortoise
[05:26:49] -!- dentonj has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[05:27:06] <pbnjoe> FoObaRBaZbOt, why did you write my name like that? :p
[05:28:14] <FoobarBazbot> To demonstrate SeDbOt's new case-insensitivity with MaXiMuM lUlZ
[05:30:20] <pbnjoe> FOOBARBAZBOT, s/new.*/newfound brainsmartness
[05:30:30] <pbnjoe> aw crap
[05:30:32] <pbnjoe> FOOBARBAZBOT, s/new.*/newfound brainsmartness/
[05:30:32] <SedBot> <pbnjoe> <FOOBARBAZBOT> To demonstrate SeDbOt's newfound brainsmartness
[05:30:35] <pbnjoe> there we go
[05:30:39] <pbnjoe> I always forgot the last one
[05:30:48] <Cyprus> i'm just waiting till SedBot is turing complete
[05:31:56] -!- Cyprus has quit [Quit: zzzzzz]
[05:36:13] -!- willyg_cos has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[05:42:13] <DashComma> [SoylentNews] - Brendan Eich becomes Mozilla CEO - http://sylnt.us - meet-the-new-boss,-same-as-the-old-boss
[05:58:04] <arti> :D
[06:01:41] <pbnjoe> Smiling at the latest headline?
[06:01:42] <pbnjoe> :)
[06:03:43] MrBluze is now known as MrBluze|afk
[06:14:10] MrBluze|afk is now known as MrBluze
[06:37:31] -!- keplr has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[06:38:45] -!- pbnjoe has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[06:39:09] MrBluze is now known as MrBluze|afk
[06:49:12] -!- pbnjoe [pbnjoe!~pbnjoe@Soylent/Users/313/pbnjoe] has joined #Soylent
[06:52:06] <DashComma> [SoylentNews] - Active in Wild 0-day MS Word RTF Parser Exploit - http://sylnt.us - immediate-release
[06:53:07] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~cb811792@724-640-25-593.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[07:21:07] <arti> pbnjoe, hacker news has more on eich
[07:21:30] <crutchy> g'oop
[07:21:37] <arti> g'oop
[07:21:40] * arti tips hat
[07:22:13] <arti> appropriate_time_greeting.sh
[07:23:00] <crutchy> echo $standard_time_greeting_global_var;
[07:23:40] <arti> how goes it
[07:24:12] <crutchy> ok
[07:24:13] <crutchy> u?
[07:24:20] <crutchy> fkin long day
[07:24:22] <arti> was working on some tunes
[07:24:28] * arti is returning to the payment processor
[08:06:46] -!- Boxzy has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[08:21:13] <DashComma> [SoylentNews] - The Bank of England Declares the Pound is Fiat - http://sylnt.us - Fiat-&pound;
[08:33:03] -!- CynicGalahad [CynicGalahad!~hugo.corr@213.136.ht.gg] has joined #Soylent
[08:47:32] -!- anthem [anthem!~textual@c-57-259-236-77.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[08:48:27] MrBluze|afk is now known as MrBluze
[09:11:10] -!- qlaras has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[09:12:30] MrBluze is now known as MrBluze|away
[09:15:13] -!- qlaras [qlaras!~qlaras@166.70.vmi.qwm] has joined #Soylent
[09:16:25] -!- Konomi has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[09:16:25] -!- KonomiNetbook has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[09:16:52] -!- anthem has quit [Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
[09:17:16] <crutchy> hi konomi
[09:18:05] -!- anthem [anthem!~textual@c-57-259-236-77.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[09:18:10] * arti o.o
[09:18:20] -!- Konomi [Konomi!~Konomi@Soylent/Users/189/Konomi] has joined #Soylent
[09:18:25] -!- KonomiNetbook [KonomiNetbook!~Konomi@Soylent/Users/189/Konomi] has joined #Soylent
[09:18:48] <crutchy> hi arti
[09:18:55] * arti tosses crutchy a beer
[09:18:58] <arti> hail
[09:19:04] <crutchy> i'm having another crack @ a php irc bot
[09:19:09] <arti> noice
[09:19:11] * crutchy catches beer
[09:19:27] <xlefay> which php ver?
[09:19:33] <arti> there were some enterprising guys that wrote irc services in php
[09:19:35] * crutchy pours out beer and fills with cheap nasty red wine :-P
[09:19:43] <crutchy> ooh
[09:20:00] <crutchy> php 5 point something or other
[09:20:09] <xlefay> must have been real high performance services ;-)
[09:20:13] <xlefay> crutchy: php -v ;-)
[09:20:36] <crutchy> PHP 5.3.3-7+squeeze19 with Suhosin-Patch (cli) (built: Feb 18 2014 13:59:15) Copyright (c) 1997-2009 The PHP Group Zend Engine v2.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2010 Zend Technologies with Suhosin v0.9.32.1, Copyright (c) 2007-2010, by SektionEins GmbH
[09:20:44] <crutchy> :-D
[09:20:55] <xlefay> I think it's 5.4 that GC got improved?
[09:21:18] * arti recommends php 5.4+
[09:21:19] <xlefay> And you're missing out on nice array syntax :-P
[09:21:24] <arti> []
[09:21:29] <xlefay> ^ less typing, ftw.
[09:21:56] <xlefay> PHP 5.5.10 (cli) (built: Mar 6 2014 06:34:18) <- locally
[09:22:00] <crutchy> i'm a bit slow
[09:22:22] <xlefay> crutchy: all the more reason to get 5.4 so you'll have to type less ! ;-)
[09:22:29] * arti flicks crutchy's turbo switch
[09:22:43] -!- pbnjoe has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[09:22:52] * crutchy is still on kernel 2.6.32
[09:23:13] <xlefay> Debian really does like it stable but then again Jesse is the latest debian ;-)
[09:23:19] <crutchy> must be debian stable i guess
[09:23:32] <xlefay> err wheezy?
[09:23:59] <xlefay> Isn't old stable still stable in debian land?
[09:24:18] <swiss> hallo
[09:24:22] <arti> guten tag
[09:24:28] <crutchy> i just pick up my mouse and say "startup pyewta" into it and hope for the best
[09:24:34] <swiss> guten nacht*, i should be sleepin
[09:24:40] <arti> guten abend :P
[09:24:48] <swiss> lol
[09:25:03] <xlefay> crutchy: I guess it's a pay off between new and nice and old and stable ;)
[09:25:05] <swiss> i just don't feel like sleepin yet for some reason
[09:25:12] <arti> play some 2048
[09:25:14] <xlefay> I can see the appeal of old 'n stable too ;)
[09:25:17] <xlefay> oh god... that game
[09:25:23] <arti> you know that'd be sweet to hookup to websockets and make a multiplayer
[09:25:25] <crutchy> das ist mein hamburger
[09:25:27] <swiss> arti: i just got done playin some
[09:25:28] MrBluze|away is now known as MrBluze
[09:25:36] <swiss> i got a 1024 block
[09:25:38] <arti> like a mini screen so yo ucan see where they're at, or points
[09:25:44] <arti> noice
[09:26:21] <swiss> man, i'm working full time for the next few weeks... I'm trying to remember what I did all day
[09:26:25] <xlefay> crutchy: wi ;)
[09:26:39] <swiss> like... how much time did I manage to waste to put in 8 hour days
[09:26:45] <xlefay> err... I didn't finish that sentence, obviously. Let me git --revert that.
[09:27:05] <xlefay> crutchy: are you considering an OOP approach to building the bot?
[09:27:06] <crutchy> wi ist mein hamburger :-P
[09:27:11] <crutchy> nah
[09:27:20] <crutchy> functional
[09:27:25] <arti> ins dein arse?
[09:27:28] <xlefay> That's unfortunate :<
[09:27:29] <crutchy> complete with globals :-P
[09:27:42] <arti> grobar.
[09:27:56] * crutchy is serious about globals
[09:28:11] * xlefay runs away while screaming BLOODY MURDER
[09:28:29] <crutchy> its about 60 lines
[09:28:54] <crutchy> a lot of them just contain a lonesome curly brace
[09:28:58] <xlefay> What functionality has the bot?
[09:29:05] <arti> stackdump
[09:29:19] <arti> makes .cores
[09:29:32] <crutchy> at the moment is works extremely well at spamming my vhost error log :-)
[09:29:46] <xlefay> wait, you're executing it via http?
[09:30:31] <crutchy> want to eventually do that !submission thingy that copies from irc to wiki
[09:30:44] <xlefay> Will that not be a pain in the long run? Opposed to from the cli?
[09:31:01] <arti> hahahaha
[09:31:04] <crutchy> i'm lazy
[09:31:06] * xlefay notes soon Bender will be on GitHub too
[09:31:16] <arti> crutchy tha's awesome
[09:31:34] <arti> call it sham bot, for the horrible truth
[09:31:39] <crutchy> lol
[09:32:07] <xlefay> You'll be posting the bot to github? :p
[09:32:15] <xlefay> or a simple .phps?
[09:32:50] <crutchy> i can post it online somewhere... just in case there is demand for spamming of apache logs
[09:32:59] <xlefay> ha :p
[09:33:07] <xlefay> I wonder if: http://www.phpbots.org still works
[09:33:36] <xlefay> Would be nice if they included a year in the dates...
[09:33:40] <crutchy> i'm trying to make it reeeeeeeal simple... that's why no g'oop
[09:35:03] <xlefay> Simple is good, curious to see the source once your done ;)
[09:35:32] <crutchy> it'll probably do something beyond spamming logs in about 10 years
[09:36:12] <crutchy> tomorrow i'll see something else shiny and i'll forget about php bots :-P
[09:36:21] <arti> bah
[09:36:30] <arti> troubleshooting something and the results were on the second page
[09:36:52] <xlefay> I hate when that happens
[09:37:04] <arti> i kept digging deeper to debug
[09:37:24] <arti> yay. only card retrieval to do
[09:39:50] <crutchy> woohoo bot finally joined
[09:40:00] <arti> remember the pings?
[09:40:32] <xlefay> ^
[09:51:23] <crutchy> yeah ok you convinced me to bail on http
[09:51:36] <xlefay> =)
[09:51:37] <arti> heh
[09:51:37] <crutchy> php -f it is
[10:04:18] <crutchy> bot joins, bot quits, bot joins, bot quits, bot joins.... bot quits :-P
[10:04:30] <arti> does it time out?
[10:04:54] <crutchy> nah. ping pong thingy works ok
[10:05:09] <crutchy> long wait though :-P
[10:11:01] -!- Popeidol has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[10:13:05] -!- Popeidol [Popeidol!~matt@791-73-335-87.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #Soylent
[10:20:43] <DashComma> [SoylentNews] - How Animals Lose Migratory Routes - http://sylnt.us - You-were-following-me?
[10:26:44] <crutchy> bit more fun now that i'm actually getting somewhere
[10:31:02] -!- Brylarke [Brylarke!~Brylarke@73-51-404-28.dsl.zen.co.uk] has joined #Soylent
[10:31:31] <arti> indeed, progress is rewarding
[10:52:43] <crutchy> 73 lines now... i'm writing bloatware!
[10:53:06] -!- FunPika [FunPika!~FunPika@Soylent/Staff/Wiki/FunPika] has joined #Soylent
[10:53:06] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v FunPika] by ChanServ
[10:53:06] <arti> use two letter function names and single letter args
[10:53:43] <crutchy> and get rid of line breaks :-P
[10:54:17] <crutchy> it's got 2 functions and they're both 4 letter names
[11:03:07] -!- dentonj [dentonj!~dentonj@217.33.iwh.wjw] has joined #Soylent
[11:06:37] <crutchy> woohoo first part is sort banged together
[11:33:58] -!- Popeidol has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[11:35:56] -!- Popeidol [Popeidol!~matt@360-80-267-616.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #Soylent
[11:48:50] -!- Space_Man_ [Space_Man_!~Space_Man@91-886-365-69.static.enta.net] has joined #Soylent
[11:49:22] -!- Space_Man has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[11:50:55] Space_Man_ is now known as Space_Man
[11:57:02] -!- FunPika has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[12:02:32] <crutchy> anyone know how to script a wiki submission? i'm guessing it's not meant to be easy
[12:02:56] <crutchy> i've got a post request sorted out with some of the wiki fields
[12:03:26] <crutchy> i'm guessing there's all manner of anti-bot and anti-spam protection
[12:04:22] <xlefay> crutchy: and you just missed the wiki man by 5 minutes ;-)
[12:04:56] <crutchy> i'll post my code to github if you want xlefay
[12:05:04] <xlefay> FunPika knows pretty much everything about the wiki, if there's a way, he'll know it but maybe someone else here knows it to
[12:05:24] <crutchy> i'm sure you pros will rip the shit out of it :-P
[12:06:15] <xlefay> well feel free to post it tho, I'm just curious about the code itself :P
[12:10:00] <crutchy> https://github.com
[12:10:24] * crutchy hides under the desk
[12:10:51] <crutchy> holy carp i just popped my github cherry
[12:13:38] <xlefay> send(":$nick QUIT"); # should be 'QUIT :reason' or just 'QUIT'
[12:14:13] <xlefay> send(":$nick PRIVMSG $chan :$msg_nick wants to send \"$content\" to the Soylent wiki."); <- should be 'PRIVMSG $chan etc..'
[12:14:45] <crutchy> seems to work
[12:15:01] <crutchy> i got my protocol info from here http://blog.initprogram.com
[12:15:33] <crutchy> but i'm a total noob at irc protocol so i'm sure my messages can be tweaked
[12:16:08] <xlefay> :source whatever = mostly for incoming stuff, it might work outgoing but according to the rfc, you simply do "WHATEVER"
[12:16:19] <xlefay> e.g. "JOIN #one,#two" you don't need to ":me JOIN #one,#two"
[12:16:26] <crutchy> mkay
[12:16:32] <crutchy> i never read the rfc :-P
[12:16:37] <xlefay> Same with privmsg, etc.
[12:16:45] <xlefay> crutchy: there are several ;-)
[12:17:49] <xlefay> As for your send function, I would simply do: function send($whatever) { /* that global..... */ fputs($fp, $whatever . "\r\n"); } // although, I never called myself for the \r.. ;)
[12:18:17] <xlefay> "Keep it simple, stupid" - the extra logic you got built in there is useless
[12:18:58] <crutchy> i think i found another guy that did it like that but i never used it, so you're right
[12:20:15] <crutchy> that's prolly the only bit that was inspired from elsewhere
[12:21:21] <Brylarke> Go on xlefay, tear him apart
[12:21:29] <crutchy> only bit that doesn't work is the wiki post
[12:21:58] <xlefay> Brylarke: that wasn't my intention ;-)
[12:22:02] <crutchy> yeah you can. i never had much review of my code
[12:22:26] <Brylarke> Hah, it was tongue in cheek, but its always nice to have other opinions
[12:22:27] <xlefay> crutchy: the wiki part, you're right anti spambot crap (e.g. special tokens in forms [used correctly..... :P])
[12:23:57] <crutchy> i saw a few other inputs in the html... start and end times, format, etc
[12:24:13] <crutchy> i didn't go too much into it cos i kinda figured it was probably futile
[12:24:20] <xlefay> crutchy: I like your coding standards tho ;)
[12:24:34] <xlefay> *probably because he uses the same :P*
[12:24:42] <crutchy> i tend to go about things the long way, even though i like to keep it simple
[12:24:49] <xlefay> crutchy: yeah, you'll need to get some access from FunPika from that
[12:25:15] <xlefay> s/from/for/
[12:25:15] <SedBot> <xlefay> crutchy: yeah, you'll need to get some access for FunPika from that
[12:25:18] <crutchy> pretty good for en engineer though right :-D
[12:25:21] <xlefay> errr... wrong from/for
[12:25:24] * MrBluze looks
[12:25:31] <MrBluze> crutchy: are u finally hooked? ;)
[12:25:31] <crutchy> s/en/an/
[12:25:32] <SedBot> <crutchy> pretty good for an engineer though right :-D
[12:26:22] <xlefay> crutchy: not bad but I would definitely recommend putting some blank lines here and there (maybe even include some documentation!) ;-)
[12:27:17] <crutchy> i saw the mention of piping irc to wiki @ http://wiki.soylentnews.org and thought i'd have another go
[12:27:24] <xlefay> https://github.com <-- that's a bad assumption though
[12:27:47] <xlefay> I'd simply do the IF and let the else { go
[12:27:55] <xlefay> s/\'d/ would/
[12:27:57] * crutchy gathps!!! documentation... wtf is that? do you think i'm some kinda programmerer or something?
[12:28:02] <xlefay> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[12:29:01] <crutchy> yeah you're right xlefay... that would reduce indentation
[12:29:12] <xlefay> Also, you might wish to use cURL instead of just fsockopen ;-)
[12:29:27] * crutchy like sockets :-)
[12:29:36] <crutchy> i've heard of cURL but i never used it tbh
[12:29:43] <xlefay> Then you'll be happy to know cURL will open one for you
[12:29:43] <crutchy> don't know anything much about it
[12:29:49] <crutchy> hmm ok
[12:29:55] <xlefay> cURL makes life a whole lot easier when dealing with forms for instance :)
[12:30:20] <xlefay> All that stuff you had in 29 lines? Maybe 10 in cURL
[12:30:21] <DashComma> [SoylentNews] - A Heuristic Model of Alcohol Dependence - http://sylnt.us - Whiskey-in-the-Jar
[12:30:25] <crutchy> real men code their own post requests :-P
[12:30:37] <xlefay> No, engineers do ;-)
[12:30:53] <xlefay> (engineers that use globals :P)
[12:31:02] <xlefay> glo(w)bal(l)s
[12:31:23] <crutchy> lol yeah i was thinking about defines but i thought globals would be more fun
[12:32:02] <xlefay> I don't think you can actually put an fsockopen in a define
[12:32:34] <xlefay> (not even sure why you would want too though...)
[12:33:27] <xlefay> crutchy: http://viper-7.com
[12:33:28] <xlefay> FML
[12:33:30] <xlefay> wtf...
[12:34:10] -!- ground has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[12:36:06] <crutchy> not for the socket, but the other stuff
[12:36:44] <crutchy> oh, ok
[12:36:50] <crutchy> i wouldn't have thought of that
[12:37:00] <crutchy> ^viper-7 thingy
[12:37:07] <xlefay> viper-7 thingy is nice ;-)
[12:38:06] <Brylarke> What the hell kind of name is that
[12:38:28] <Brylarke> Sounds like some warez site
[12:38:31] <MrBluze> uXwOPH .. that's a sweet name, how dare you insult my daughter's name like that
[12:38:34] <xlefay> Think it's related to the Viper 7 show?
[12:38:58] <xlefay> (nvm, confused with yet another show)
[12:39:55] <MrBluze> hmm.. colors
[12:41:00] <crutchy> tweaked it a little bit xlefay: https://github.com
[12:41:08] <crutchy> got rid of the else and the send function
[12:41:33] <crutchy> wow git is fun once you get the hang of it
[12:41:57] -!- ground [ground!~ground@192.3.wnw.w] has joined #Soylent
[12:42:03] <Brylarke> Until you move on to the second stage where stuff breaks
[12:42:10] <crutchy> lol
[12:42:27] <MrBluze> xlefay: finished the code of behaviour thing
[12:42:34] <Brylarke> Or "crap, i did something wrong three commits ago and I want to fix it"
[12:42:39] <xlefay> MrBluze: awesome, can you mail it to me?
[12:42:44] <crutchy> thou shalt bacon++ whenever possible
[12:42:51] <crutchy> ^rule #1
[12:42:52] <Brylarke> Which leads to about 5 hours learning about how complicated git gets
[12:43:15] <crutchy> i prolly won't get into the ins and outs of what git can do. i'm just a tinkerer
[12:43:36] * MrBluze thinks about it for 1 second.
[12:43:38] <MrBluze> okay :)
[12:43:42] <crutchy> and i have a short attention span
[12:43:43] <MrBluze> gimme a sek
[12:43:50] <crutchy> ...ooh ponies!
[12:43:52] <xlefay> crutchy: I would change the main function to include parameters, e.g. that'll save you a lot of unneeded glowballs and crap ;-) As for the }else{echo $data; // you probably want to see that data at all times and update the send function to echo ">> $whatever"
[12:43:58] <xlefay> oh, you removed the send function
[12:44:08] <crutchy> lol ye of little faith in glowballs
[12:44:13] <xlefay> !grab crutchy
[12:44:13] <DashComma> Added quote 70
[12:44:23] <Brylarke> I'd read your code but I'm at work and allergic to PHP
[12:44:47] <crutchy> hmm so that's why my nose has been stuffed up for years
[12:45:19] * MrBluze prescribes Brylarke some nasonex
[12:47:17] <crutchy> xlefay: i used a lot of echos during debugging but when i had it working i wasn't sure i needed to see all the ping pongs
[12:47:44] <crutchy> not that there is that many
[12:47:50] <xlefay> crutchy: seeing the raw IRC is extremely handy while building ;-)
[12:48:10] -!- ground has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[12:48:20] <crutchy> gave me the best glimpse i've had into the irc protocol
[12:48:34] <crutchy> except for the superfluous crap i put into my msgs
[12:48:57] <xlefay> btw, I whipped up a lil bit of code, don't hold it against me - I didn't test it or thought it through entirely: https://gist.github.com
[12:49:09] <xlefay> "superfluous"?
[12:49:14] <xlefay> ooh
[12:49:21] <xlefay> yeah :P
[12:49:55] <xlefay> oops lil error
[12:50:06] <crutchy> oh cool u making a bot xlefay?
[12:51:41] -!- bytram [bytram!~pc@Soylent/Staff/Developer/martyb] has joined #Soylent
[12:51:41] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v bytram] by ChanServ
[12:51:41] <xlefay> crutchy: nah, just showing an example, notice 'splitter' and 'handle' and the while loop, that's where the magic would happen
[12:52:29] * crutchy just heard a pop that seemed to come from a power board behind his screens :-/
[12:52:36] <xlefay> hmm
[12:52:42] <xlefay> too much glowballs?
[12:52:45] <crutchy> lol
[12:52:51] <crutchy> everything still seems to be working
[12:53:01] <crutchy> i'll wait for the smoke
[12:53:05] <crutchy> :-P
[12:53:14] <xlefay> hah :p
[12:53:42] <DashComma> [ksuhku] how not to editor: copypasta article + add a fricking link farm http://soylentnews.org
[12:54:24] <xlefay> crutchy: the advantage would be, in the loop, you'd get: $line['source'], $line['target'], $line['type'] etc.. so making responses to an user is extremely simple ;-)
[12:55:18] <xlefay> although it's probably over kill for your needs :P
[12:55:21] <crutchy> i was trying to figure out a neater way to do that. i used explode in the end, but i also tried strtok but got a weird output
[12:55:32] <xlefay> that part really sucks
[12:55:58] <crutchy> an engineer hack :-P
[12:56:08] <crutchy> just make it work and clean it up later
[12:56:14] <crutchy> if i can be bothered :-P
[12:56:38] <xlefay> a regex would probably be nicer in that case
[12:56:41] bytram is now known as Bytram|afk
[12:57:25] <crutchy> everything looks like it's just space delimited so not overly complicated, but i wanted to grap the message at the end including any spaces
[12:57:59] <xlefay> oh that part, I was referring to getting the username/ident@host stuff
[12:57:59] <crutchy> so you could do something like "!wiki i want to chuck this into the wiki" and it would set $msg to "i want to chuck this into the wiki"
[12:58:03] <crutchy> oh
[12:58:43] <crutchy> yeah i guess regex would make the multiple delimter thing easier
[12:58:51] <crutchy> : and ! and whatnot
[12:58:53] <Bytram|afk> crutchy, hi! just popping online for a few minute to check e-mails... then off 2 work! good to "see" you!
[12:58:54] <Brylarke> Uh oh
[12:59:01] <crutchy> i don't know how to do regex stuff
[12:59:07] <crutchy> hi marty!
[12:59:09] <xlefay> :bla!bla@bla
[12:59:24] <Brylarke> Sorry, was bus, then came back and saw the words 'regex' and 'easier' in the same sentence
[12:59:29] <crutchy> lol
[13:00:12] <crutchy> i just set up multiple explosions :-D
[13:00:41] <crutchy> trying to come up with variable names for nested explodes is fun... parts, pieces, bits, tokens, etc
[13:00:54] <xlefay> Brylarke: let's rephrase, make it shorter ;-)
[13:02:05] <xlefay> crutchy: just wait till you've got so many it's a pain to figure it out ;-)
[13:02:55] <crutchy> i've battled that with a pressure vessel code compliance data file parsing routine
[13:02:58] <crutchy> quite nasty
[13:03:33] <DashComma> [RudyValencia-] nick RudyValencia
[13:05:32] <xlefay> Rudy, if only you were doing raw IRC, then it would have worked!
[13:07:38] * crutchy doesn't even know how to change nicks in here... probably is why he's on the top of the 'has no life' stats
[13:08:06] * MrBluze buys crutchy an open source irc client
[13:08:33] <MrBluze> if necessary crutchy i'll fly over and come over to your place and install it for u
[13:09:21] <xlefay> /nick waaaaaaaaaaat
[13:09:32] <xlefay> LOL MrBluze ;)
[13:09:39] <MrBluze> :)
[13:10:25] <crutchy> i have xchat installed
[13:11:01] <crutchy> i don't even know why i don't use it
[13:11:20] <crutchy> although i dunno how to change nicks in it either :-P
[13:11:29] <MrBluze> konversation .. very nice
[13:11:31] <MrBluze> i recommend it
[13:11:39] <crutchy> kkkkkkde
[13:11:44] <crutchy> :-D
[13:11:47] <xlefay> oh, you just click your name before the "text input bar" or you type: /nick whatever (/nick generally works on every client)
[13:12:04] crutchy is now known as crutchy_is_awesome
[13:12:08] <crutchy_is_awesome> ooh
[13:12:16] <xlefay> !grab crutchy_is_awesome
[13:12:16] <DashComma> Added quote 71
[13:12:19] <crutchy_is_awesome> <<< don't you know it
[13:12:25] crutchy_is_awesome is now known as crutchy
[13:12:35] * crutchy feels special now :-P
[13:12:53] <xlefay> ha :P
[13:14:08] <crutchy> if i wasn't a lazy git i could have just googled it too eh
[13:14:31] <xlefay> Most definitely
[13:18:07] <xlefay> https://github.com <-- least we know who to blame! :)
[13:18:44] -!- stdhell [stdhell!~pohol@GetOffMyLawn/stderr] has joined #Soylent
[13:18:44] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v stdhell] by ChanServ
[13:31:56] * MrBluze off to bed
[13:31:58] <MrBluze> see u all later
[13:32:02] <MrBluze> cheers xlefay, crutchy
[13:32:12] <MrBluze> and cheers Konomi
[13:32:19] <xlefay> Good night ;)
[13:32:21] <Konomi> nn MrBluze ~
[13:32:26] <crutchy> cya mrbluze
[13:32:37] <crutchy> not far off bed
[13:32:45] <crutchy> gotta make kid's lunches
[13:33:16] * xlefay fights with KDE & Thunderbird to get that darned icon in the taskbar :<
[13:33:25] <xlefay> firetray gives an ugly border :/
[13:34:45] <Bytram|afk> time for me to be going... hope you all have a great day/night!
[13:35:03] <xlefay> ciao Bytram|afk ;)
[13:35:23] <crutchy> bye bytram
[13:41:01] -!- Bytram|afk has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[13:46:15] <stdhell> Hey!
[13:46:24] <xlefay> hey ;)
[13:46:30] * stdhell is finally getting ready in the new office...
[13:49:01] <crutchy> new orifice :-)
[13:49:17] <crutchy> g'day stdhell
[13:50:29] -!- weeds [weeds!~4118a13c@cwz-29-45-637-17.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #Soylent
[13:51:12] <weeds> Good (US Eastern Time) Morning
[13:54:41] <crutchy> good (australian eastern daylight saving time) middle of the night :-)
[13:54:54] <crutchy> hi weeds
[13:57:12] <weeds> hello crutchy. what're you doing up ay this hour?
[13:57:19] <weeds> at
[13:59:00] <crutchy> eating a frosty fruit :-D
[14:00:05] <crutchy> about to go to bed though
[14:00:10] <crutchy> i think i had it for the day
[14:00:20] <crutchy> err... the yesterday :-P
[14:00:26] <crutchy> (just ticked over midnight)
[14:01:30] <DashComma> [SoylentNews] - Living Materials - Beginning of Organic Tech? - http://sylnt.us - Whole-engineering-Market
[14:01:36] <crutchy> night everyone
[14:01:42] <crutchy> sorry to do a runner on you weeds
[14:01:47] <crutchy> catch up soon though
[14:01:56] <weeds> 9:00 AM here, just starting the day - no worries mate :)
[14:02:03] -!- crutchy has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[14:04:57] -!- TK [TK!~9ff52002@159.245.ju.y] has joined #Soylent
[14:35:10] paulej72 is now known as paulej72_away
[14:39:50] paulej72_away is now known as paulej72
[15:00:25] -!- RhubarbSin [RhubarbSin!~rhubarbsi@] has joined #Soylent
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[15:10:22] <DashComma> [SoylentNews] - Jimmy Wales Responds to Holistic Healing Petition - http://sylnt.us - If-it-quacks-like-a-duck
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[15:19:00] <elf_mobile> Hi, where's the best place to find news on how things are getting on behind the scenes?
[15:20:57] <SirFinkus> probably NCommander's journals ATM
[15:22:30] -!- Cyprus [Cyprus!~Cyprus@68.63.ljr.ppx] has joined #Soylent
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[16:31:23] <DashComma> [SoylentNews] - Migration to Cloud? Just marketing buzz or useful? - http://sylnt.us - SoylentCloud-SoylentBI
[17:02:04] mechanicjay is now known as mechanicjay|lunch
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[17:50:23] <DashComma> [SoylentNews] - Former US President Defends Snowden's Disclosures - http://sylnt.us - is-he-on-our-side-or-their-side,-I-forget
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[17:51:57] <xyzzyyzzyx> bacon++
[17:51:57] <DashComma> karma - bacon: 190
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[17:53:27] * xyzzyyzzyx_ requests his story to be reviewed regarding Lexmark ruling, there is not even a submission up at thatotherunspeakableplace yet
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[17:56:10] -!- NightHawk [NightHawk!~AndChat37@kx15-150-124-38.pa.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #Soylent
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[18:51:09] <DashComma> [SoylentNews] - Accidentally Donating to the Wrong Charity - http://sylnt.us - so-simple-an-idiot-could-do-it
[18:54:53] mechanicjay|lunch is now known as mechanicjay
[19:00:40] weeds|lunch is now known as weeds
[19:05:03] <TK> Are posts from registered users starting at +2 now?
[19:09:13] <mrcoolbp> Karma affects your starting score
[19:19:36] mattiep is now known as mattie_p
[19:21:29] <dx3bydt3> what's the threshold in karma for bumping up the starting score?
[19:26:18] <mrcoolbp> that I'm not sure of exactly
[19:26:59] <mrcoolbp> it should probably go in our documentation eventually, but we are working hard at fixing bugs and useability issues currently
[19:30:46] <mrcoolbp> currently we have this info in the moderation guide: Karma is the sum of all moderation activity done to a user. Karma is used to determine eligibility for moderator status and can affect your comments starting score. Every new user starts with a Karma of 0, and as long as your karma isn't negative you are eligible to become a moderator.
[19:51:55] <DashComma> [SoylentNews] - Why Han vs. Greedo Matters - http://sylnt.us - Ches-ko-ba-tuta-creesta-crenko-ya-kolska!
[19:54:16] <mrcoolbp> heh
[20:04:43] <mechanicjay> That is probably the best damn department name, I've ever seen.
[20:05:26] <LaminatorX> ;)
[20:05:42] <mechanicjay> LaminatorX++
[20:05:42] <DashComma> karma - laminatorx: 4
[20:07:29] <mrcoolbp> LaminatorX: janrinok is walking me through the editorial process, wanted to ask your permission to be added to the authors list in case the team needs an extra hand
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[20:53:09] -!- FunPika [FunPika!~FunPika@Soylent/Staff/Wiki/FunPika] has joined #Soylent
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[21:11:55] <DashComma> [SoylentNews] - Electronic Cigarettes May Not Help Smokers Quit - http://sylnt.us - quitting-is-for-quitters
[21:13:21] <mrcoolbp> ^^^ my "edited" story ^^^
[21:19:35] <weeds> Got my comment on there. Good story - found a study in my home town to reference :-)
[21:20:18] <mrcoolbp> Nice.
[21:20:55] <weeds> The first time a "vap"er comes into my office, I change the no smoking sign to say "No Smoking - including E-cigarettes"
[21:26:58] <LaminatorX> Looks good.
[21:28:53] LaminatorX is now known as LaminatorX|afk
[21:29:56] -!- xyzzyyzzyx [xyzzyyzzyx!~48f3b602@72.243.zhg.v] has joined #Soylent
[21:31:29] * xyzzyyzzyx wonders what compels editors to hold stories for hours, saying "the queue may run dry" would be valid if stories were posted regularly, alas, they are not
[21:34:32] <weeds> xyzzyyzzyx: pop over to #editorial and check in.
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[22:09:54] MrBluze is now known as MrBluze|afk
[22:10:40] <DashComma> [SoylentNews] - Solar Cell By Day, Light Panel By Night? - http://sylnt.us - photon-recycler
[22:11:56] <crutchy> DashComma: s/Light Panel/Alien Communications Antenna/
[22:11:56] <SedBot> <crutchy> <DashComma> [SoylentNews] - Solar Cell By Day, Alien Communications Antenna By Night? - http://sylnt.us - photon-recycler
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[22:33:46] <crutchy> bbl... gotta go to workipoos
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[23:00:17] <DashComma> [SoylentNews] - UKs Cyber Emergency Response Unit to Launch - http://sylnt.us - so-you-can-sleep-safely-in-your-beds
[23:05:04] MrBluze|afk is now known as MrBluze
[23:18:57] MrBluze is now known as MrBluze|afk
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[23:57:39] <pbnjoe> www.nooooooooooooooo.com/
[23:57:52] <pbnjoe> facebook got their fingers into Oculus VR
[23:57:57] <pbnjoe> and by that I mean they now own it
[23:58:20] <pbnjoe> And John Carmack now works for FB :S
[23:59:09] MrBluze is now known as MrBluze|afk
[23:59:45] <Cyprus> wow really?!