#Soylent | Logs for 2014-05-10

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[00:00:08] -!- mechanicjay has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[00:00:36] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@universe2.us/Subsentient] has joined #Soylent
[00:02:10] <deadpeas> [SoylentNews] - Cherry Trees That Went to Space Bloom 6 Years Early - http://sylnt.us - new-generation-of-triffids
[00:13:38] <Blackmoore> 'gnight
[00:13:41] <Blackmoore> I'm out too.
[00:14:05] -!- Blackmoore has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[00:15:39] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~james@43-567-441-22.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Soylent
[00:22:43] -!- FunPika [FunPika!~FunPika@Soylent/Staff/Wiki/FunPika] has joined #Soylent
[00:22:43] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v FunPika] by juggler
[00:24:19] * NCommander sighs
[00:38:38] MrBluze|afk is now known as MrBluze
[00:54:01] -!- FunPika has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[01:00:21] -!- AndChat|447225 [AndChat|447225!~AndChat44@y618157n0.tmodns.net] has joined #Soylent
[01:03:13] -!- opie has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[01:08:26] -!- AndChat|447225 has quit [Quit: Bye]
[01:10:40] <Tachyon> ...
[01:10:40] <Tachyon> http://www.reddit.com
[01:10:52] <Tachyon> i just started to hate reddit
[01:12:38] <chromas> So how does that work?
[01:12:57] <chromas> It shows it's in /r/technology/; does it just not index it or?
[01:14:49] <chromas> I guess so. Also there's another posting but with a Reueters article
[01:16:02] <chromas> Submit to Soylent, Tachyon
[01:16:13] <Tachyon> http://tach.me
[01:16:18] <Tachyon> that was it
[01:16:26] <Tachyon> chromas: i already did
[01:16:50] <chromas> That's the page I got; I wasn't sure if it just doesn't show up in the list or something even though it's on the site
[01:17:03] <Tachyon> i didn't want to submit to slashdot/soylent because i didn't feel like writing a good summary, but ... i'm never going to submit to reddit again :)
[01:17:21] <chromas> There's always Hacker News.
[01:17:34] <chromas> A site which, by the way, doesn't have a matching domain name...
[01:18:31] <chromas> Windows_7_classic_theme_with_panel_on_the_side++
[01:18:31] <deadpeas> karma - windows_7_classic_theme_with_panel_on_the_side: 1
[01:19:23] <chromas> There's probably a circlejerk subreddit where people just post crap and mod each other up to get the karma you need
[01:20:52] <Landon> other than /r/circlejerk?
[01:21:20] <Tachyon> haha
[01:21:20] <Tachyon> :D
[01:21:47] <Landon> no reason to hate reddit because of a subreddits policies though
[01:22:09] <deadpeas> [SoylentNews] - Uber vs London Taxis - Protest via Gridlock - http://sylnt.us - more-cabbies-having-a-bad-time
[01:22:16] <chromas> No but we should do like any corporation and hate them because they're taking away business from Soylent
[01:24:47] <Landon> ok, let me know when soylent starts accepting cooking and gardening non-tech submissions :)
[01:25:40] <chromas> Has anybody tried it?
[01:25:57] <chromas> If there's anything nerdy about it, it should count
[01:26:23] <chromas> Cooking for Engineers
[01:26:45] <chromas> Lengthen your Garden With this one weird trick
[01:58:01] -!- chromas has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[02:08:48] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@47-85-184-52.dhcp.knwc.wa.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[02:08:48] -!- chromas has quit [Changing host]
[02:08:48] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@0::1] has joined #Soylent
[02:10:30] <Subsentient> chromas: You won't believe what these developers are making!
[02:10:42] <chromas> Which?
[02:10:55] <chromas> My ISP was finger itself so I was off and getting the shakes
[02:10:57] <Subsentient> Single mom makes $60,000 a day with this secret! Oracle hates her!
[02:11:04] <chromas> oh that's right
[02:11:06] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[02:11:07] <chromas> :-)
[02:11:15] <Subsentient> crutchy: hi
[02:11:23] <crutchy> mornin
[02:11:33] <crutchy> connection dropped out i think
[02:11:40] <crutchy> coffee++ didn't work
[02:11:40] <deadpeas> karma - coffee: 40
[02:12:21] <chromas> internet_withdrawal--
[02:12:21] <deadpeas> karma - internet_withdrawal: -1
[02:12:25] <chromas> shakes--
[02:12:25] <deadpeas> karma - shakes: -1
[02:12:29] <chromas> get_shakes++
[02:12:29] <deadpeas> karma - get_shakes: 1
[02:12:48] <FoobarBazbot> milkshakes++
[02:12:48] <deadpeas> karma - milkshakes: 1
[02:13:02] <chromas> FoobarBazbot_actually_being present++
[02:13:16] <chromas> _++
[02:13:16] <deadpeas> karma - _: 1
[02:13:54] <Subsentient> while (--bacon)l
[02:13:55] <Subsentient> while (--bacon);
[02:15:02] <chromas> I don't eat bacon but the more there is, the more full everyone else is and I can eat whatever's good because they can't
[02:15:50] <crutchy> .++
[02:16:02] <crutchy> i like dots
[02:16:36] <crutchy> apparently . is an erroneous nickname
[02:16:44] <crutchy> coffee++
[02:16:44] <deadpeas> karma - coffee: 41
[02:17:07] <Subsentient> `++
[02:17:12] <Subsentient> ~++
[02:17:19] <Subsentient> ++
[02:17:30] <Subsentient> -++
[02:17:37] <Subsentient> '++
[02:17:41] <Subsentient> ;++
[02:17:46] <Subsentient> \++
[02:17:49] <Subsentient> |++
[02:17:53] <Subsentient> _++
[02:17:53] <deadpeas> karma - _: 2
[02:17:57] <Subsentient> %++
[02:18:00] <Subsentient> !++
[02:18:03] <Subsentient> @++
[02:18:05] <Subsentient> #++
[02:18:07] <Subsentient> $++
[02:18:11] <Subsentient> ^++
[02:18:15] <Subsentient> &++
[02:18:18] <Subsentient> *++
[02:18:22] <Subsentient> (++
[02:18:24] <Subsentient> )++
[02:18:28] <Subsentient> +++
[02:18:32] <Subsentient> =++
[02:18:38] <Subsentient> ]++
[02:18:47] <Subsentient> /++
[02:18:47] * FoobarBazbot points to #test
[02:19:01] <crutchy> or #
[02:19:21] <chromas> Someone should point to the bot's karma source
[02:19:31] <chromas> But even the bot doesn't know it
[02:19:54] <crutchy> FoobarBazbot: i don't think test has a bender in it (though prolly should i guess)
[02:20:12] <chromas> It did but was removed when we were doing some thing or another
[02:20:21] <chromas> or maybe it was the logger
[02:20:22] <crutchy> oh
[02:20:30] <crutchy> # and ## have one
[02:20:34] <chromas> That was a couple weeks ago I think
[02:20:53] <crutchy> not sure where else they are
[02:22:48] <crutchy> did someone make an super-auto-karma-flood-bot?
[02:23:09] <chromas> I think Alberto was one
[02:23:32] <crutchy> he just used an xchat timer from memory
[02:28:48] <crutchy> coffee++
[02:28:48] <deadpeas> karma - coffee: 42
[02:29:24] <crutchy> ping
[02:30:25] -!- dentonj has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[02:35:19] -!- Bytram|away [Bytram|away!~pc@Soylent/Staff/Developer/martyb] has joined #Soylent
[02:35:19] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Bytram|away] by juggler
[02:35:37] <crutchy> g'day Bytram|away
[02:36:02] <Bytram|away> crutchy: g'day! How goes it?
[02:36:04] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[02:36:09] <crutchy> good
[02:36:20] <crutchy> damn chilli chips
[02:36:30] <crutchy> pain
[02:36:43] <Bytram> how so?
[02:36:58] <crutchy> sore mouth from the chilli
[02:37:18] <Bytram> isn't that the whole point of'em?
[02:37:31] <crutchy> yes :-P
[02:37:59] <crutchy> maybe i'm a cullinary masochist
[02:38:00] * Bytram likes sezwan extra spicy chinese food
[02:38:01] -!- dentonj [dentonj!~dentonj@217.33.iwh.wjw] has joined #Soylent
[02:38:17] * Bytram and asks for extra hot oil on the side
[02:38:30] <crutchy> straight from the fryer :-P
[02:38:50] <Bytram> yum!
[02:39:18] <Bytram> true story: years ago I was working at a company that was on a bit of a death march developing some software
[02:39:23] <Bytram> I was in QA at the time.
[02:39:29] <crutchy> why is it that on cartoons like ben 10 the laser blasts always follow the same path?
[02:39:40] <crutchy> a death march?
[02:39:59] <Bytram> there was a defacto-rule that if you were working past 8pm, they'd order out for dinner and send an e-mail when it arrived.
[02:40:15] <Bytram> work until you die; slightly overstated, but no by much
[02:40:27] <crutchy> so everyone started getting to work at 7.59pm?
[02:40:40] <Bytram> so I get an e-mail that there was food in the conference room
[02:41:04] <Bytram> I was in the middle of running some tests, so it took me a while to get there.
[02:41:29] <Bytram> they'd ordered a bunch of chicken wings and had already made their way through a good part of them
[02:41:43] <crutchy> i thought open source was the death march... why pay for programmers that work themselves to death when you can access their source code for free
[02:41:58] <Bytram> I chowed down for a while and as things ran out, I noticed there was a box that had hardly been touched.
[02:41:59] <Bytram> I asked why?
[02:42:16] <crutchy> it was the oil?
[02:42:31] <Bytram> "They are so spicy, they call them 'suicide wings'"
[02:42:35] <crutchy> lol
[02:42:42] <Bytram> "Hmm, I like spicy food", I said.
[02:43:04] <Bytram> took a bite and realized quickly that I should not let my lips touch them, but otherwise they were fine.
[02:43:11] <Bytram> I finished the box.
[02:43:17] <crutchy> lol
[02:43:21] <crutchy> die hard
[02:43:46] <crutchy> and then nobody went anywhere behind you in case you farted flames?
[02:44:02] <Bytram> meantime, realize the developers were 6-foot plus tall and would come back from a lunch-time basketball game all bruised up from battles under the basket.
[02:44:25] <crutchy> did you work for google?
[02:44:32] <Bytram> they look at me, a comparitively skinny little QA guy who just polished off a whole box of wings they didn't dare to eat.
[02:44:32] <crutchy> s/did/do/
[02:44:32] <SedBot> <crutchy> do you work for google?
[02:44:35] <Bytram> no
[02:45:02] <Bytram> a month later I finished my project and ended up testing the code that these same guys wrote.
[02:45:37] <Bytram> It was so amazing to see the respect they extended to me whenever I submitted a bug report!
[02:45:43] <crutchy> haha
[02:46:04] <Bytram> They just *knew* there was more there than meets the eye!
[02:46:27] <crutchy> should have chased the wings with a tumbler of whiskey... they would have worshipped you
[02:46:36] <Bytram> The look on their faces as I polished off that box of suicide wings was absolutely priceless!!!!
[02:46:59] <Bytram> I could have done that then, but they frowned at drinking on the job.
[02:47:08] <crutchy> ah
[02:47:18] <crutchy> my boss buys the beer
[02:47:31] <Bytram> and he lets you drink it?
[02:47:36] <Bytram> not a bad bargain
[02:47:40] <crutchy> after knock off time
[02:48:04] <crutchy> also gets some f&c's to go with
[02:48:05] <Bytram> yeah, that would make sense. work quality tends to suffer a bit after a few. :/
[02:48:39] <Bytram> I only like fish that say "Moo".
[02:48:49] <crutchy> haha
[02:49:06] <crutchy> i like my moo dead and crispy :-P
[02:49:20] <Bytram> not *exactly* true; I'll eat tuna fish on occasion, or a fried fish sandwich, but that's about it.
[02:49:52] -!- JamesNZ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[02:49:52] <Bytram> have you read "The restaurant at the end of the universe" by Douglas Adams?
[02:50:01] <crutchy> gotta admit i'm not keen on eating anything that comes out of the world's sewer
[02:50:14] <crutchy> haven't heard of it
[02:50:21] <crutchy> (till now)
[02:50:27] <Bytram> you do have a bit of a point there
[02:50:59] <Bytram> he started the series off with "The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy".
[02:51:15] <deadpeas> [SoylentNews] - Self-Healing Plastic Inspired By Blood - http://sylnt.us - things-similar-to-things-vampires-drink
[02:51:19] <crutchy> ahh i have heard of that :-D
[02:51:32] <Bytram> TRATEOTU was one of the sequels.
[02:51:45] <Bytram> fun reads, the whole lot of them.
[02:52:04] <Bytram> along the lines of Douglas Barry or Gary Larson
[02:52:20] <Bytram> HIGHLY recommended!
[02:52:37] <crutchy> might look at one of them for my next annual book
[02:52:45] * crutchy isn't much of a reader
[02:53:01] <crutchy> i try to read one decent book per year though
[02:53:06] <Bytram> Granted, there are quite a few, umm, "Britishisms" in 'em, but it's not TOO distracting.
[02:53:12] <crutchy> lol
[02:53:30] <crutchy> i don't mind dry british humour, but i'm australian
[02:53:41] <Bytram> yanno "Chemist" for "Drug Store"; "Flat" for "Apartment", that kind of thng.
[02:54:00] <crutchy> lol that's what i call them too
[02:54:00] <Bytram> so, no worries for you, then.
[02:54:16] <Bytram> Yeah, so You'd prolly not even notice 'em
[02:54:45] <crutchy> petrol instead of gas
[02:54:52] <Bytram> bingo.
[02:55:14] <crutchy> there's prolly a lot of countries that think americans have some weird names for things :-P
[02:55:39] <Bytram> they're not that long, either. Admittedly, I can read pretty quickly, but I read THHGTTG in about 1 1/2 days.
[02:56:05] <Bytram> But I was busy with some other things at the same time. If I was *just* reading, could probably have read it in a single day.
[02:56:34] <crutchy> if american's call petrol "gas", what do you call gas (as in LPG)?
[02:57:10] <Bytram> very occassionally, "gas".
[02:57:10] <crutchy> i guess gas is short for gasoline
[02:57:22] <Bytram> as in cook on a "gas grill"
[02:57:28] <Bytram> yep
[02:57:33] <crutchy> mkay
[02:57:45] <Bytram> "I need to get some gas for the grill"
[02:57:56] <Bytram> can mostly tell from context which is which.
[02:58:03] <crutchy> yeah
[02:58:30] <Bytram> we don't have many LPG vehicles here, so that helps void confusion with "I need to gas up the car"
[02:58:46] <Bytram> unless one just ate a large chilli burrito
[02:58:52] <crutchy> lol
[02:58:56] <Bytram> =)
[02:59:27] <Bytram> speaking of which, how's your mouth doing now?
[02:59:32] <crutchy> what's the typical octane level of gas over there?
[02:59:41] <crutchy> i mean gasoline
[02:59:58] <crutchy> 91'ish?
[03:00:05] -!- SpallsHurgenson [SpallsHurgenson!~SpallsHur@gdzt-78-534-547-681.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #Soylent
[03:00:22] <Bytram> depends if you get "Regular", "Plus", or "Premium"; which have increasing octane ==> less detonation
[03:00:30] <Bytram> hold on brbr
[03:00:40] <crutchy> ah so similar to here too
[03:01:04] <Bytram> IIRC, about 87 or so for "Regular"... but it depends on how the octane rating is measured.
[03:01:06] <crutchy> except you guys get more bang for your buck, so to speak
[03:01:29] <Bytram> I'd suggest reading up on it in wikipedia; I read it a while back and the explanation was quite readable
[03:01:34] <crutchy> $1.60 (AU) is typical for 98 (premium) here
[03:01:45] <crutchy> mkay yeah might be interesting
[03:01:47] <Bytram> that's for a liter, though
[03:01:51] <Bytram> right?
[03:01:54] <crutchy> oh yeah
[03:02:03] <crutchy> lol you guys even measure things differently
[03:02:11] <SpallsHurgenson> damn metric system, it'll never catch on :)
[03:02:37] <crutchy> everything is a ripoff here
[03:02:51] <Bytram> we buy it by the gallon (128 fluid ounces); varies from state to state, and even city-to-city within a state depending on the taxes they addon.
[03:03:15] <Bytram> My last fillup, it was $3.70USD / gallon.
[03:03:28] <Bytram> (give or take a few cents)
[03:04:08] <Bytram> since 2 liters is about 5% more than a half-gallon...
[03:04:17] MrBluze is now known as MrBluze|afk
[03:04:21] <Bytram> 4 liters would be about 5% more than a gallon
[03:04:45] <crutchy> i can't convert stuff in my head
[03:04:47] <Bytram> $1.60 * 4 = $6.40 for 4 liters
[03:05:12] <Bytram> or: $6.40 for (1.05 gallons)
[03:05:26] <SpallsHurgenson> but you need extra heavy gas that works upside down in australia
[03:05:35] <crutchy> wow... australia is getting so arse fucked
[03:05:38] <crutchy> lol yeah maybe
[03:05:52] <Bytram> or roughly, $6.10 per US gallon
[03:06:21] <Bytram> of course, I'm talking US Dollars and you're talking, I assume, about australian. Right?
[03:06:27] <crutchy> yup
[03:06:32] <Bytram> any idea what the exchange rate is these days?
[03:06:34] <crutchy> aussie is a bit down atm
[03:06:49] -!- dentonj has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[03:06:53] -!- dentonj [dentonj!~dentonj@217.33.iwh.wjw] has joined #Soylent
[03:06:57] <crutchy> prolly about 90 us cents / aussie $
[03:07:59] <crutchy> i think our government and central bank is trying to scare everyone out of the aussie to help it go down further
[03:08:14] <Bytram> so, 6.40 * 0.9 which means you are paying about $5.75 USD per gallon
[03:08:38] <Bytram> I'm to tired to work back what we pay into your units. sorry.
[03:08:46] <crutchy> lol
[03:08:50] <crutchy> that's ok
[03:09:08] <Bytram> it's been a LONG day at work and I think I'll be heading to bed soon. got another long one ahead, tomorrow.
[03:09:16] <crutchy> oh
[03:09:20] <crutchy> working sat?
[03:09:30] <Bytram> BTW, up here in the states, Sunday is "Mother's Day"; same for you?
[03:09:36] <crutchy> yup
[03:10:15] <Bytram> I work retail; weekends are the "best" times to work
[03:10:27] <crutchy> ah
[03:10:40] <Bytram> I pretty much always get Thursday off, and then some other day during the week.
[03:10:44] <crutchy> i'm an orifice dweller
[03:10:49] <crutchy> mkay
[03:11:02] * SpallsHurgenson has fond memories of when he used to work retail...
[03:11:05] <Bytram> on occasion, I'll get two days off in a row; almost feels like a mini-vacation.
[03:11:09] <SpallsHurgenson> 'course, I was much younger then :)
[03:11:23] <Bytram> I'm younger now that I'll ever be!
[03:11:28] <Bytram> s/that/than/
[03:11:28] <SedBot> <Bytram> I'm younger now than I'll ever be!
[03:11:35] <crutchy> ^^ here here
[03:11:47] <crutchy> sorry another 'britishism"
[03:11:50] <NCommander> wow
[03:11:52] <NCommander> people
[03:12:04] <Bytram> Are you sure it's not "Hear here!" ??
[03:12:05] <crutchy> g'day NCommander
[03:12:15] <Bytram> NCommander: what up?
[03:12:19] <crutchy> Bytram: buggered if i know :-P
[03:12:23] <NCommander> Bytram, my train :-)
[03:12:28] * NCommander is on the Empire Builder
[03:12:34] <SpallsHurgenson> I wouldn't want to be buggered for not knowing
[03:12:47] <SpallsHurgenson> but different strokes for different folks :)
[03:12:54] <Bytram> NCommander: where ya headed to?
[03:13:23] <crutchy> "buggered if i know" means i don't know, which means i have avoided said buggering :-P
[03:14:53] <Bytram> crutchy: similar to "Damned if I know" which, I suspect, is short for "I'd be damned if I knew why ..."
[03:15:13] <crutchy> yeah. i think
[03:15:47] <Bytram> NCommander: so the "wow" and "people" comments? could use a little more detail or context here.
[03:15:56] <SpallsHurgenson> Mobile data a competitor for cable internet in US, says exec, so let Comcast and Time Warner merge http://www.huffingtonpost.com
[03:16:11] <crutchy> i think he was surprised that there are people talking here
[03:16:17] <crutchy> or something
[03:16:19] <SpallsHurgenson> only things those two are competing for is how high they can charge their customers for shitty service...
[03:16:29] <NCommander> Bytram, more seeing active chat here
[03:16:36] <NCommander> I'm heading to Seattle, taking this as much needed vacation
[03:16:44] <Bytram> NCommander++
[03:16:44] <deadpeas> karma - ncommander: 27
[03:17:08] <NCommander> Bytram, I'm also using the time to do a bit of writing
[03:17:24] <Bytram> NCommander: Hate to break it to ya, but you might find it hard to locate a good NH apartment there.
[03:17:29] <SpallsHurgenson> ooh, soylent fanfic :)
[03:17:43] <Bytram> =)
[03:17:45] * NCommander beats Bytram
[03:18:11] * Bytram topples to the ground
[03:18:31] * NCommander waits for Bytram to get up again
[03:18:41] <crutchy> bytram... he didn't specify implement, so you can insert chicken wings as beating implement
[03:18:55] * Bytram waits for a pretty lady to offer CPR
[03:19:25] * Bytram holds his breath expectantly
[03:19:26] SpallsHurgenson is now known as Barbara_Bush
[03:19:34] <Barbara_Bush> Hello sailor!
[03:19:35] <crutchy> ew
[03:19:50] <Barbara_Bush> now hold on while I take my teeth out
[03:19:52] <crutchy> i think they're both on a train in this scenario
[03:19:53] * Bytram is pretty sure he hoped for a *pretty* lady.
[03:20:09] <crutchy> a flying train
[03:20:10] <Barbara_Bush> you scamp! you don't talk to a lady that way!
[03:20:25] <Barbara_Bush> now let me just bend over and... oooh, my girdle is getting in the way :)
[03:20:31] <crutchy> with a swimming pool full of naked chicks
[03:20:36] Barbara_Bush is now known as SpallsHurgenson
[03:20:52] * Bytram quickly gasps for air
[03:21:16] <SpallsHurgenson> works every time :)
[03:21:23] <crutchy> with their chicken elders looking after them
[03:21:40] <SpallsHurgenson> now let me just snap the girdle back on and put my teeth back in :)
[03:22:15] * Bytram is pondering getting back up and walking rather quikcly to the next state over
[03:22:21] <crutchy> are you sure that's your girdle?
[03:22:54] <Bytram> looks too big to be a garter belt
[03:23:01] * crutchy feels safe in the arse end of nowhere
[03:23:15] <SpallsHurgenson> Delaware?
[03:23:29] <crutchy> as long as barb doesn't like using strapons
[03:23:47] <Bytram> okay gang. I'm pretty wiped out after a LONG day.
[03:23:57] <Bytram> am gonna call it a night.
[03:24:12] <crutchy> night marty
[03:24:17] <Bytram> try and not cause too much trouble, ya hear?
[03:24:30] * SpallsHurgenson hides the matches and gas-can
[03:24:32] <Bytram> crutchy: g'nite
[03:24:49] * crutchy hides the suicide wings
[03:24:49] * Bytram takes aim with phaser
[03:24:59] <crutchy> and skittles
[03:25:20] * crutchy builds fortress out of skittles
[03:26:03] <Bytram> crutchy: sounds like fun. might want to put in some practice at that minecraft copy of denmark (I think it was)
[03:26:18] <Bytram> =)
[03:26:22] <Bytram> g'nite all.
[03:26:28] Bytram is now known as Bytram|zzzz
[03:26:34] <crutchy> i don't touch minecraft... very dangerous software for engineer
[03:26:41] <crutchy> night matey
[03:26:48] <SpallsHurgenson> whether you are using pins or candies, that does not sound like a suitable construction material :)
[03:27:28] <crutchy> i chew some of them up and spit it out and use it as a mortar
[03:27:36] <crutchy> :-P
[03:27:45] * SpallsHurgenson is still no closer to knowing whether you mean pins or candy :)
[03:29:33] <SpallsHurgenson> (hmmm, firefox 29.01 is released... still haven't updated to 29.0)
[03:30:00] -!- Bytram|zzzz has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[03:32:01] -!- chromas has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[03:36:22] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@47-85-184-52.dhcp.knwc.wa.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
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[03:43:05] -!- d33tah has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[03:45:04] <crutchy> i'm on aurora 15.0a2
[03:45:09] <crutchy> coffee++
[03:45:09] <deadpeas> karma - coffee: 43
[03:46:09] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[03:48:15] <chromas> The new firefox ui gives treestyle tabs gas when Customizing the layout
[03:48:47] <chromas> exec:
[03:48:50] <chromas> exec: ~
[03:48:52] <chromas> ~
[03:48:52] <exec> IRC SCRIPT EXECUTIVE
[03:48:52] <exec> https://github.com
[03:48:52] <exec> http://wiki.soylentnews.org
[03:52:36] <paulej72> I am on FF 30
[03:52:58] <SpallsHurgenson> does that correct all the FF29 mistakes?
[03:53:09] <crutchy> nah just makes lots of new ones :-P
[03:54:04] <paulej72> Hell if I know I am on the beta channel. I should get off, but I am too lazy to download the regular version
[03:54:24] <SpallsHurgenson> I'm thinking about going back to the ESR version which I think is 24
[03:54:33] <SpallsHurgenson> (aka, last Thursday's release)
[03:54:34] <crutchy> try aurora... the alpha channel
[03:55:39] <paulej72> I had that on here a while back
[03:55:45] <crutchy> coffee++
[03:55:45] <deadpeas> karma - coffee: 44
[04:02:08] <deadpeas> [SoylentNews] - SOPA : Undead and Loving It - http://sylnt.us - my-favorite-acronym-that-sounds-like-Mario-asking-for-cleaning-supplies
[04:03:12] <SpallsHurgenson> if at first you don't succeed, try, try again.
[04:13:13] -!- Nerdfest has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[04:37:38] <SpallsHurgenson> New York is so uptight. No one wants to hire you if you show up to the interview in a Speedo.
[04:41:11] -!- opie [opie!~opie@g-695-03-58-764.hsd8.co.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[05:02:40] <crutchy> even for a speedo model job?
[05:03:28] <SpallsHurgenson> oh, for those I /don't/ wear the speedo :)
[05:08:05] <SirFinkus> well, yeah
[05:08:07] <SirFinkus> of course you don't
[05:19:46] * arti read final fantasy at first :| FF3 wtf *scrolls up*
[05:19:56] <arti> ff 30
[05:21:07] <deadpeas> [SoylentNews] - Maglev System Capable of 1,800 mph Tested in China - http://sylnt.us - science-has-the-best-adjectives
[05:22:49] -!- chromas has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
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[05:48:20] -!- Subsentient has quit [Quit: Derp.]
[05:54:34] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@universe2.us/Subsentient] has joined #Soylent
[05:57:52] -!- SpallsHurgenson has quit [Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de]
[06:00:59] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~james@43-567-441-22.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Soylent
[06:13:45] -!- Nerdfest [Nerdfest!~quassel@614-36-601-610.cpe.teksavvy.com] has joined #Soylent
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[07:01:22] <deadpeas> [SoylentNews] - Prestigious Colleges Won't Make You Happier - http://sylnt.us - high-expectations-not-results
[07:08:01] -!- chromas has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[07:09:36] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@47-85-184-52.dhcp.knwc.wa.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
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[07:09:36] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@0::1] has joined #Soylent
[07:18:08] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[07:20:18] <crutchy> !statsupdate
[07:20:27] <crutchy> !updatestats
[07:20:35] <crutchy> !update-stats
[07:20:37] <arti> i need to fix that heh
[07:20:49] <crutchy> hi arti
[07:20:51] <crutchy> is it borked?
[07:21:00] <arti> i've moved things around after a recent reinstall
[07:21:09] <crutchy> ah
[07:21:23] <crutchy> its no prob
[07:21:40] <chromas> Hm I seem to lose connection every time I look away now
[07:21:42] <crutchy> i just like the dotty plotty stuff
[07:21:48] <crutchy> lol me too chromas
[07:22:07] * chromas made chocolate cake with blueberry sauce and whipped cream
[07:22:30] <crutchy> sounds like something you eat with your missus ;-)
[07:22:39] <chromas> Don't have one
[07:23:10] <crutchy> ooh well you can share it with some strange chick that has been detoxed and disinfected
[07:23:12] <chromas> But it is for a friend's b-day
[07:23:18] <chromas> lol
[07:23:31] <chromas> I put a little cream cheese in the cream to keep it up
[07:23:37] <chromas> Whipped cream viagra
[07:23:45] <crutchy> i'm dressing up as dumbledore later
[07:23:57] <arti> sounds good
[07:24:01] <chromas> For an event?
[07:24:07] <arti> nah, that's like fap warm up
[07:24:13] <chromas> lool
[07:24:15] <crutchy> wife made me a hat with stars on it and a beard from coton wool
[07:24:15] <arti> he puts on his robe and wizard hat
[07:24:18] <crutchy> lol
[07:24:25] <chromas> lol
[07:24:39] <crutchy> i get to wear my dressing gown and slippers :-P
[07:25:01] <arti> it rubs the lotion on its skin, or else it gets no hot yogurt again
[07:25:45] <crutchy> i doubt my dumbledore effort will get me anything like that
[07:25:56] <crutchy> hmm effort.... yes
[07:26:19] <crutchy> well i didn't make anything, but i'm driving us there :-P
[07:26:23] <crutchy> that's effort
[07:26:36] <arti> also so is pushing
[07:26:51] <crutchy> from behind
[07:27:15] <arti> not if you get one of those love chairs
[07:27:29] <crutchy> yes... i do love chairs
[07:27:30] <arti> "we work on your relationship, so you don't have to"
[07:27:36] <crutchy> lol
[07:27:43] <arti> that's what your company engineers
[07:27:55] <arti> Improving humanity, one relationship at a time"
[07:28:04] <crutchy> i don't think a love chair would get me anything either
[07:28:11] <crutchy> lol... not exakery
[07:28:15] <chromas> Dark chocolate
[07:28:20] <arti> well you can tell your doctor that you're moving around more
[07:28:31] <chromas> Women like thing bitter. Their chocolate, their coffee, their men
[07:28:48] <arti> well the ideal item would be something made out of chocolate tha ejaculates money
[07:29:08] <crutchy> doesn't help
[07:29:09] <arti> this is my small talk while i'm uploading stats
[07:29:23] <crutchy> i just ... money
[07:29:30] -!- JamesNZ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[07:29:33] <crutchy> there is no ejaculation :-P
[07:29:38] <arti> there is only zuul!
[07:30:03] <arti> stats updated
[07:30:29] <crutchy> does stats log every channel registered with chanserv?
[07:30:40] <arti> http://antiartificial.com
[07:30:51] <arti> er wait
[07:30:54] <arti> misfire
[07:31:06] <crutchy> shooting blanks?
[07:31:13] <chromas> I've only said 11 lines?
[07:31:19] <chromas> Lost some backlog?
[07:31:21] <arti> feels like more than that
[07:31:30] <crutchy> i'm very quiet
[07:31:40] <crutchy> might even say i'm just a lurker
[07:32:01] <crutchy> it's not like i'm a troll or anything :-P
[07:32:15] <chromas> http://logs.sylnt.us
[07:32:18] <chromas> ^ Import
[07:32:39] <crutchy> i think they're way out of date too?
[07:33:05] <crutchy> oh wow they're up to date
[07:33:30] <crutchy> i was going to scrape them but i thought it wasn't being maintained
[07:35:57] <crutchy> i'm trying to construct a http request with a gif and some text
[07:36:26] <crutchy> very slow going... motivation is -47
[07:36:34] <crutchy> motivation++
[07:36:34] <deadpeas> karma - motivation: 1
[07:36:50] <crutchy> wow it jumped 48 in 2 seconds
[07:40:13] <chromas> I think they come from Loggie
[07:40:15] <chromas> Loggie:
[07:40:21] <arti> stats updated
[07:40:23] <arti> http://antiartificial.com
[07:40:55] <chromas> Wow; that's sad
[07:41:06] <chromas> Activity's so low I ranked in
[07:41:23] <arti> "my length is now average"
[07:41:24] <chromas> Get ta talkin' people!
[07:42:31] <chromas> A few years ago I played with the profile settings in facebook and compared the sidebar ads
[07:43:03] <chromas> Young single male --> dating sites; Older married male --> cheating sites
[07:43:12] <chromas> Female --> jewelry
[07:43:42] <crutchy> wtf
[07:43:45] <crutchy> "hey at least i'm not upside down :-P"
[07:43:51] <crutchy> when did i say that?
[07:44:40] <crutchy> did we lose the march data?
[07:44:51] <crutchy> and feb
[07:45:17] <arti> nah says 19.2 to 9.5
[07:45:22] <chromas> Those were on freenode
[07:45:30] <arti> wat
[07:45:54] <crutchy> the first bar is 10.4
[07:45:55] <arti> the daily activity only shows the last ~ 30 days
[07:46:02] <crutchy> ah
[07:46:11] <arti> you know what would be slick?
[07:46:18] <arti> generating the report per time zone
[07:51:53] <crutchy> that would just make me look even more like a troll
[08:09:48] <crutchy> what's happened to xlefay?
[08:09:57] <crutchy> ping xlefay
[08:10:11] <crutchy> *static*
[08:10:18] <crutchy> crutchy to xlefay
[08:10:32] <crutchy> roger dodger 10-4 over rover
[08:10:43] <chromas> 10-100 good buddy
[08:11:05] <crutchy> kkkkkkkkkk
[08:11:47] <crutchy> maybe we need an awesome laser wifi network
[08:11:56] <crutchy> we could call it SNet
[08:14:27] <crutchy> soylent network over terrain
[08:14:31] <crutchy> snot
[08:14:34] <chromas> lol
[08:14:53] <crutchy> hmm there's no mention of "lasers" though
[08:15:48] <crutchy> wonder if lasers can be bent around the earth by bouncing off the ISS solar panels :-P
[08:17:42] <chromas> Somebody needs to invent a virtual network layer that runs over any connection.
[08:18:05] <chromas> Then you can connect up USB, firewire, ethernet or whatever and applications don't know or care which or how many you're using
[08:18:44] <chromas> Hook up with your laser. Use two lasers for double speed
[08:21:00] <crutchy> i shall call it universal dilation potato
[08:21:22] <crutchy> oh you mean with usb and stuff
[08:21:34] <crutchy> hmm
[08:21:58] <crutchy> i shall call this new universal virtual network layer... "ellectricity"
[08:22:14] <crutchy> because one "l" just isn't enough
[08:23:28] <crutchy> imagine the filesharing that could go on at a skrillex concert
[08:23:36] <crutchy> ...with laser networking
[08:23:48] <SirFinkus> sounds thunderboltey
[08:25:26] <crutchy> thunder is just a protocol that uses the electricity layer... it is also a major source of spam traffic
[08:25:39] <crutchy> very noisy
[08:26:11] <crutchy> oops i mean ellectricity
[08:26:57] <SirFinkus> Blackmoore "when i had my up GI it was radioactive dye and a camera up my ass"
[08:27:01] <SirFinkus> I love how that's his quote
[08:27:52] <crutchy> lol
[08:28:14] <crutchy> i want access to the bender quote db
[08:28:43] <SirFinkus> most of my fun stuff is probably in The Other Channel
[08:29:09] <crutchy> what channel is that?
[08:29:32] <SirFinkus> ##
[08:29:45] <crutchy> ahh
[08:30:30] <chromas> and #staff infection
[08:30:31] <crutchy> !quote crutchy
[08:30:32] <deadpeas> Quote 27 - <crutchy> buggered if i know
[08:30:36] <deadpeas> Also in quotes: 28, 33, 34, 37, 39, 40, 46, 47, 54, 58, 59, 60, 69, 70, 71, 77, 122, 123, 131, 133, 137, 140, 144, 157, 159
[08:30:42] <SirFinkus> could just be an ass and iterate through the quotes in the channel
[08:30:48] <SirFinkus> !quote 1
[08:30:48] <deadpeas> Quote 1 - <NCommander> DarkMorph, because whenever I have to touch hashref's I want to stab my eyes out
[08:30:49] <chromas> !quote
[08:30:49] <deadpeas> quote <ID/search string>
[08:30:53] <chromas> Needs a $random
[08:31:05] <SirFinkus> !quote SirFinkus
[08:31:05] <deadpeas> No quotes found with the text 'SirFinkus'
[08:31:12] <SirFinkus> huh
[08:31:21] <crutchy> !quote 140
[08:31:21] <deadpeas> Quote 140 - <crutchy> "because we care about people.... they are our product after all"
[08:31:23] <chromas> !grab SirFinkus
[08:31:23] <deadpeas> Added quote 161
[08:31:54] <crutchy> !quote 41
[08:31:54] <deadpeas> Quote 41 - <arti> MAKE IT WORK!J$34kl324j!!!#$#!#$!
[08:31:58] <crutchy> lol
[08:32:09] * arti o.o
[08:32:14] <crutchy> !quote xlefay
[08:32:14] <deadpeas> Quote 64 - <arti> this way xlefay can extort you
[08:32:18] <deadpeas> Also in quotes: 73, 88, 97, 101, 108, 114, 117, 121, 125, 127, 138, 145
[08:32:22] <crutchy> ?
[08:32:31] <chromas> It's got his name
[08:32:47] <crutchy> !quote xlefay
[08:32:47] <SirFinkus> I think it's dumb and just checks the line for the name, not who it's from
[08:32:47] <deadpeas> Quote 64 - <arti> this way xlefay can extort you
[08:32:51] <deadpeas> Also in quotes: 73, 88, 97, 101, 108, 114, 117, 121, 125, 127, 138, 145
[08:32:58] <SirFinkus> !quote 97
[08:32:58] <deadpeas> Quote 97 - <michealpwalls> Example: Say NCommander comes to xlefay's home with a large, heavy Rubber Hose. NCommander proceeds to beat xlefay with the large, Rubber Hose until xlefay logs into his/her account for NCommander to abuse. Stop that, Kerberos!
[08:33:13] <crutchy> lmao
[08:33:16] <SirFinkus> "rubber hose"
[08:33:25] <chromas> Yeah it doesn't care if it's a name
[08:33:29] <crutchy> "Say NCommander comes to xlefay's home with a large, heavy Rubber Hose"
[08:33:32] <chromas> !quote horse
[08:33:32] <deadpeas> No quotes found with the text 'horse'
[08:33:35] <crutchy> sounds like the start of a bad porno
[08:33:39] <chromas> !quote quote
[08:33:39] <deadpeas> Quote 11 - <arti> oh, are quotes working?
[08:34:28] <SirFinkus> !grab deadpeas
[08:34:28] <deadpeas> I don't know what deadpeas said, so I can't quote them!
[08:34:35] <SirFinkus> cleve girl
[08:34:41] <SirFinkus> *clever
[08:35:59] <crutchy> жľз£ąч++
[08:37:11] <crutchy> !grab grab
[08:37:11] <deadpeas> I don't know what grab said, so I can't quote them!
[08:37:28] <crutchy> !grope SirFinkus
[08:38:08] <chromas> !grab crutchy
[08:38:08] <deadpeas> Added quote 162
[08:38:40] <crutchy> shit... that'll no doubt come back to grope me
[08:38:47] <crutchy> ah well
[08:39:05] <chromas> !grab crutchy -1
[08:39:05] <deadpeas> I don't think that's a nick....
[08:39:17] <arti> that's his past self
[08:39:38] <crutchy> !quote curtchy 2018
[08:39:38] <deadpeas> No quotes found with the text 'curtchy 2018'
[08:39:52] <crutchy> lol i can smell my own naym
[08:39:53] <arti> future crutchy doesn't exist yet, in this plane
[08:39:57] <chromas> !quote 8008135
[08:39:57] <deadpeas> Can't find quote 8008135
[08:40:30] <crutchy> 8008135++
[08:40:30] <deadpeas> karma - 8008135: 14
[08:41:25] <crutchy> !quotes
[08:41:32] <crutchy> !quote
[08:41:32] <deadpeas> quote <ID/search string>
[08:41:44] <crutchy> !quote *
[08:41:44] <deadpeas> Quote 73 - <chimp> xlefay: All I saw was ******?
[08:41:48] <deadpeas> Also in quotes: 102, 130, 134
[08:42:01] <crutchy> !quote <
[08:42:01] <deadpeas> Quote 0 - <MrBluze> dumb question i know
[08:42:05] <deadpeas> Also in quotes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, - 1 more
[08:42:08] <crutchy> lol
[08:42:29] <crutchy> wow < is popular
[08:42:39] <chromas> !quote -1
[08:42:39] <deadpeas> Quote -1 - <crutchy> !grope SirFinkus
[08:42:53] <chromas> !quote -2
[08:42:53] <deadpeas> Quote -2 - <SirFinkus> huh
[08:43:11] <crutchy> !quote i+1
[08:43:11] <deadpeas> No quotes found with the text 'i+1'
[08:43:22] <crutchy> no imaginary quotes
[08:43:39] <chromas> !quote 2.0
[08:43:39] <deadpeas> No quotes found with the text '2.0'
[08:43:46] <chromas> No float quotes
[08:45:51] <SirFinkus> can I grab myself?
[08:45:55] <SirFinkus> !grab SirFinkus
[08:45:55] <deadpeas> Added quote 163
[08:45:58] <SirFinkus> I guess so
[08:46:05] <crutchy> !quote -1
[08:46:05] <deadpeas> Quote -1 - <SirFinkus> !grab SirFinkus
[08:46:12] <crutchy> ?
[08:46:21] <crutchy> !quote -2
[08:46:21] <deadpeas> Quote -2 - <crutchy> !grope SirFinkus
[08:46:30] <SirFinkus> ahh, it's backwards
[08:46:43] <crutchy> grabbing the grab line isn't a bug... it's a feature!
[08:47:07] <SirFinkus> 日本語テスト
[08:47:12] <SirFinkus> !grab SirFinkus
[08:47:12] <deadpeas> Added quote 164
[08:47:18] <crutchy> !quote -1
[08:47:18] <deadpeas> Quote -1 - <SirFinkus> !grab SirFinkus
[08:47:19] <SirFinkus> !quote 164
[08:47:19] <deadpeas> Quote 164 - <SirFinkus> !grab SirFinkus
[08:47:25] <SirFinkus> uh oh
[08:47:30] <SirFinkus> don't think that was supposed to happen
[08:47:34] <crutchy> feature
[08:47:37] <crutchy> :-P
[08:47:37] <SirFinkus> you've gone and broken it crutchy
[08:47:46] <SirFinkus> or maybe it was me
[08:47:53] <SirFinkus> !quote crutchy
[08:47:53] <deadpeas> Quote 27 - <crutchy> buggered if i know
[08:47:57] <deadpeas> Also in quotes: 28, 33, 34, 37, 39, 40, 46, 47, 54, 58, 59, 60, 69, 70, 71, 77, 122, 123, 131, 133, 137, 140, 144, 157, 159, 162
[08:48:06] <crutchy> yeah what he said ^
[08:48:08] <SirFinkus> !quote SirFinkus
[08:48:08] <deadpeas> Quote 161 - <SirFinkus> huh
[08:48:12] <deadpeas> Also in quotes: 162, 163, 164
[08:48:30] * SirFinkus is now flummoxed
[08:48:44] <crutchy> is that oxygenated flum?
[08:49:15] <SirFinkus> sure, why not
[08:49:32] <SirFinkus> !quote 164
[08:49:32] <deadpeas> Quote 164 - <SirFinkus> !grab SirFinkus
[08:49:36] <crutchy> cool we just discovered a new element
[08:50:00] <SirFinkus> I don't think it handles fancy cjk stuff
[08:50:04] <crutchy> Fu, flum
[08:50:27] <SirFinkus> Избранная статья
[08:50:33] <SirFinkus> !grab SirFinkus
[08:50:33] <deadpeas> Added quote 165
[08:50:39] <chromas> When you grab yourself it takes your !grab string
[08:50:44] <SirFinkus> !quote 165
[08:50:44] <deadpeas> Quote 165 - <SirFinkus> !grab SirFinkus
[08:50:49] <SirFinkus> ooooooooohhhhhh
[08:50:58] <SirFinkus> makes sense lol
[08:51:14] <chromas> So you need an accomplice
[08:51:21] <chromas> Maybe a robot
[08:51:22] <crutchy> feature
[08:51:42] <crutchy> lol
[08:51:45] <deadpeas> [SoylentNews] - The Next Startup Craze: Food 2.0 - http://sylnt.us - first-they-took-the-eggs,-then-they-took-the-bacon
[08:51:48] <crutchy> i just had a stupid idea
[08:51:50] <chromas> !grab 1/0
[08:51:50] <deadpeas> I don't know what 1/0 said, so I can't quote them!
[08:51:52] * SirFinkus can't be assed
[08:52:27] <chromas> !grab $(1/0)
[08:52:27] <deadpeas> I don't know what $(1/0) said, so I can't quote them!
[08:52:52] <chromas> Idea, sir crutchy
[08:53:03] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[08:53:11] <crutchy> con/con
[08:53:11] <exec> 00,12
[08:53:12] <exec> 00,12 12,00 Soylent 00,12
[08:53:12] <exec> 00,12
[08:53:12] <exec> 00,12 A fatal exception 0E has occurred at 0028:C0011E36 in VXD VMM(01) +
[08:53:12] <exec> 00,12 00010E36. The current application will be terminated.
[08:53:12] <exec> 00,12
[08:53:12] <exec> 00,12 * Press any key to terminate the current application.
[08:53:12] <exec> 00,12 * Press CTRL+ALT+DEL again to restart your computer. You will
[08:53:12] <SirFinkus> oh lord
[08:53:13] <exec> 00,12 lose any unsaved information in all applications.
[08:53:13] <exec> 00,12
[08:53:16] <arti> hahaha
[08:53:50] <SirFinkus> windows has the worst error messages
[08:53:55] <chromas> Did windows have exceptions back then?
[08:54:38] <chromas> !grab exec
[08:54:38] <deadpeas> Added quote 166
[08:54:38] <SirFinkus> I love it when it gives me some hex error code that I need to look up on the windows site
[08:54:44] <crutchy> did windows not have exceptions back... ever?
[08:55:09] <crutchy> !quote exec
[08:55:09] <deadpeas> Quote 166 - <exec> 00,12
[08:55:21] <crutchy> cool
[08:55:28] <crutchy> a blank quote
[08:55:28] <chromas> The hex strings are addresses, at least in nt
[08:55:52] <SirFinkus> talking about something different
[08:56:00] <SirFinkus> it'll give them as an "error code"
[08:56:46] <chromas> Well that way they can save 1MB by not storing the strings
[08:57:07] <SirFinkus> the funny part is they do
[08:57:17] <SirFinkus> you can look them up in the help and support app
[08:57:23] <SirFinkus> most of the time anyway
[08:57:23] <chromas> Need to save that part for spinning icons and stuff
[08:57:38] <SirFinkus> so I'm going to say "can't be assed"
[08:57:44] <crutchy> and the infinite loop registry
[08:58:03] <SirFinkus> can't copy from them either, you're typing it in manually
[08:58:25] <chromas> Whatever happened to animated icons? Windows 95 had it. Even kde supports animated icons but your week to exist
[08:59:04] <chromas> Wtf
[08:59:16] <chromas> Don't seem to exist
[08:59:23] <chromas> They
[08:59:32] <chromas> Et cetera
[08:59:32] <SirFinkus> I remember them
[08:59:33] <arti> sounds like crazy ramblings
[08:59:38] <SirFinkus> awesome when I was like, 9
[08:59:49] <arti> you were 9 when windows 95 came out?
[09:00:13] <chromas> It's like a built-in screen saver
[09:00:23] <chromas> Keep those pixels moving
[09:00:40] <crutchy> it just burns into your eyes instead
[09:01:04] <SirFinkus> shit, I don't remember
[09:01:09] <SirFinkus> feels about 9
[09:01:24] <chromas> I remember when 95 came out. Still used a 286 with msdos 3.3
[09:01:35] <SirFinkus> wasn't necessarily in 1995 either
[09:02:35] <crutchy> i was 13 in '95
[09:02:39] <SirFinkus> I have vague memories of my dad bringing home a 486 so we could have "the internet"
[09:02:51] <arti> 82?
[09:02:58] <crutchy> so long ago
[09:03:08] <crutchy> i don't even know how old i am
[09:03:11] <crutchy> 30 something
[09:03:15] <SirFinkus> so I guess I was 7, but it was probably the old computer
[09:03:17] <arti> just take your shoes off
[09:03:22] <arti> makes it easier to count
[09:03:31] <crutchy> cool
[09:03:33] <crutchy> i'm 20
[09:03:42] <chromas> Binary
[09:03:56] <chromas> Toenary
[09:04:16] <arti> Kneenary
[09:04:41] <crutchy> gaynary
[09:04:48] <crutchy> straightnary
[09:04:48] <chromas> Bonerary
[09:04:56] <crutchy> ronery
[09:04:58] <arti> Eyenary
[09:05:40] <SirFinkus> so guys, I have an idea
[09:05:49] * arti runs
[09:05:57] <SirFinkus> instead of using binary, computers should use base 10
[09:06:01] <SirFinkus> so they're 10x as fast
[09:06:07] * arti stifles a laugh
[09:06:16] <SirFinkus> I know, it's genius
[09:06:32] <SirFinkus> you could even do like, base 100 to make it faster
[09:07:36] <SirFinkus> you laugh now, but we have the technology
[09:07:38] <SirFinkus> http://en.wikipedia.org
[09:19:42] MrBluze|afk is now known as MrBluze
[09:42:14] <NCommander> I fucking hate insomina
[09:42:24] MrBluze is now known as MrBluze|afk
[09:42:24] <arti> have it frequently?
[09:42:59] MrBluze|afk is now known as MrBluze
[09:43:03] <arti> http://www.theonion.com
[09:47:36] <MrBluze> hi nc
[09:47:43] <Subsentient> NCommander: Warning: it's not real advice. They once told me to clear my sinuses by snorting draino, and I smelled like ammonia for a week.
[09:48:09] <MrBluze> ammonia will destroy your olfactory cells
[09:48:16] <NCommander> arti, I suffer from Non-24 Sleep Disorder
[09:48:18] <SirFinkus> "wait for the warm eternal embrace of death"
[09:48:24] <arti> i know non 24!
[09:48:26] <SirFinkus> sounds like every time I try and sleep
[09:48:30] <arti> blind people can suffer from it
[09:48:36] <NCommander> I'm not blind
[09:48:40] <Subsentient> No just smelly
[09:48:40] <SirFinkus> I think too much
[09:48:44] <arti> sure you aren't
[09:48:54] * arti points to ciri
[09:49:07] <NCommander> arti, ... would I seriously be travelling coast to coast on Amtrak if I were blind?
[09:49:08] <arti> well, where ciri would be
[09:49:18] <NCommander> .op
[09:49:18] -!- mode/#Soylent [+o NCommander] by juggler
[09:49:20] -!- mode/#Soylent [-b ciri!*@*] by NCommander
[09:49:42] * Subsentient looks into the logs
[09:49:56] <arti> i've made some adjustments
[09:50:49] <NCommander> I just wish I could sleep at ight
[09:51:08] <arti> http://www.ichill.com
[09:51:08] <arti> came across these at a trade show
[09:51:12] <arti> pretty cool
[09:52:03] <NCommander> But man, I still love the train
[09:52:04] <Subsentient> NCommander: why the kickban on ciri
[09:52:15] <MrBluze> it was removed
[09:52:15] * Subsentient doesn't know who that is
[09:52:36] <MrBluze> in all the time ive been here i havent seen anyone who deserves a kickban
[09:52:44] <MrBluze> even poooteen
[09:52:47] <chromas> Robot
[09:52:53] <arti> nuh uh
[09:53:21] <Subsentient> MrBluze: Irrelevant, why was the ban ordered in the first place
[09:53:38] <NCommander> Subsentient, arti's bot annoyed me
[09:53:38] * NCommander is tired
[09:53:38] <NCommander> but can't sleep
[09:53:38] <NCommander> I should kickban myself so I can go back to having a life
[09:53:42] <MrBluze> i dunno
[09:53:51] <arti> apparently it liked ncommander
[09:54:08] <MrBluze> NCommander: exercise helps a lot
[09:54:10] <NCommander> I get creeped out when scripts star coming on to me
[09:54:10] * arti has a merry screenshot of the first interaction
[09:54:21] <arti> i'm keeping it forever
[09:54:24] <Subsentient> NCommander: ah, it was a bot.
[09:54:27] <Subsentient> I understand now.
[09:54:32] <Subsentient> Now can you OP aqu4?
[09:54:39] <arti> :|
[09:54:41] <NCommander> Yeah, and it passed the turning test :-P
[09:54:43] * aqu4 looks around eagerly
[09:54:44] <NCommander> .op aqu4
[09:54:44] -!- mode/#Soylent [+o aqu4] by juggler
[09:54:52] <NCommander> This is probably a bad idea
[09:54:54] * aqu4 squeals with joy
[09:54:57] <arti> lol
[09:55:11] <Subsentient> NCommander: Sweet, thanks.
[09:55:20] <Subsentient> NCommander: hmm, sec
[09:55:24] <NCommander> Subsentient, what are you going to do with that?
[09:55:30] <Subsentient> NCommander: sec
[09:55:30] * arti is very curious about this too
[09:55:32] <chromas> Does aqu4 c better now?
[09:55:51] * arti begins the conjuring spell
[09:56:01] <Subsentient> $admin add NCommander!mcasadeva@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mcasadevall
[09:56:01] <aqu4> Admin add successful.
[09:56:05] <Subsentient> NCommander: do $whoami
[09:56:43] <chromas> $whoareyou
[09:57:07] <MrBluze> #whoishe
[09:57:09] <NCommander> $whoami
[09:57:10] <aqu4> You are NCommander!mcasadeva@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mcasadevall, and you are an admin.
[09:57:18] <arti> now it has the scent for blood
[09:57:23] <NCommander> ... I'm tired
[09:57:24] <MrBluze> you dont need a comma before an and
[09:57:26] <NCommander> All I saw was evil, and you are an admin
[09:57:29] <chromas> $3.fitty
[09:57:37] <arti> "evil" hahaha
[09:57:39] <Subsentient> NCommander: LOL
[09:57:54] <Subsentient> NCommander: of course I can do this:
[09:57:58] <Subsentient> $chanctl op Subsentient
[09:57:58] <aqu4> Ok.
[09:57:59] -!- mode/#Soylent [+o Subsentient] by aqu4
[09:58:06] <Subsentient> $chanctl deop Subsentient
[09:58:06] <aqu4> Ok.
[09:58:07] -!- mode/#Soylent [-o Subsentient] by aqu4
[09:58:08] <NCommander> Crap, the truth is out there
[09:58:09] * NCommander puts on his evil beard
[09:58:14] <Subsentient> $chanctl voice Subsentient
[09:58:14] <aqu4> Ok.
[09:58:15] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Subsentient] by aqu4
[09:58:25] <NCommander> $fudge
[09:58:26] <arti> one of us, one of us
[09:58:32] <Subsentient> $burrito NCommander
[09:58:32] * aqu4 chucks a nasty, rotten burrito at NCommander
[09:58:34] <NCommander> l.l
[09:58:40] <chromas> $sr samorhc .po
[09:58:40] <aqu4> op. chromas
[09:58:54] <chromas> $sr samorhc po.
[09:58:54] <aqu4> .op chromas
[09:58:56] <Subsentient> chromas: Told you before, she doesn't listen to her own output.
[09:58:57] <NCommander> $sr racecar
[09:58:57] <aqu4> racecar
[09:59:11] <Subsentient> NCommander: I see you are aware of that fact as well
[09:59:19] <Subsentient> $sr Subsentient
[09:59:19] <aqu4> tneitnesbuS
[09:59:24] <Subsentient> $sr predator
[09:59:24] <aqu4> rotaderp
[09:59:35] <arti> palindrome :: [a] -> [a]
[09:59:35] <arti> palindrome [] = []
[09:59:35] <arti> palindrome (x:xs) = x : palindrome xs ++ [x]
[09:59:37] <arti> :D
[09:59:49] <NCommander> $sr tanw I od thaw
[09:59:50] <aqu4> waht do I wnat
[09:59:54] <NCommander> piss
[10:00:04] <arti> sounds about right
[10:00:19] <NCommander> juggler, eat agu4
[10:00:24] <NCommander> juggler, eat aqu4
[10:00:34] <arti> maybe a trailing exclamation
[10:00:36] <NCommander> .deop aqu4
[10:00:36] -!- mode/#Soylent [-o aqu4] by juggler
[10:00:39] * aqu4 devours juggler
[10:00:48] <Subsentient> NCommander: sniffle
[10:00:56] <NCommander> .kick aqu4 I HAVE THE POWER
[10:00:56] -!- aqu4 was kicked from #Soylent by juggler!SN@services. [(NCommander) I HAVE THE POWER]
[10:01:06] -!- aqu4 [aqu4!~aqu4bot@universe2.us/ircbot/aqu4] has joined #Soylent
[10:01:07] <NCommander> .unkick?
[10:01:11] <NCommander> .op aqu4
[10:01:11] -!- mode/#Soylent [+o aqu4] by juggler
[10:01:17] <NCommander> I'm such a tease
[10:01:23] <aqu4> I will get you for that one of these days Mr. Juggles.
[10:01:44] -!- ciri [ciri!~ciri@iminylescdbcem.com] has joined #Soylent
[10:01:49] <chromas> In that outfit yes
[10:02:07] <arti> :D
[10:02:23] <NCommander> ...
[10:02:25] <NCommander> ..............
[10:02:27] <NCommander> ..................................
[10:02:31] <NCommander> ..................................................
[10:02:35] <NCommander> .oO(where the fuck is pacman)
[10:02:40] <arti> ciri pacman?
[10:02:49] <arti> oh, right
[10:02:54] <Subsentient> $chanctl settopic juggler smells
[10:02:55] <aqu4> Ok.
[10:02:55] aqu4 changed topic of #Soylent to: juggler smells
[10:03:00] <Subsentient> $chanctl settopic LIVE FREE OR DIE! | https://soylentnews.org | Wiki: http://sylnt.us | Code: http://sylnt.us | Got bugs? http://sylnt.us | Who's who? http://sylnt.us | Get Involved: http://sylnt.us | Staff discussions in #staff are now open for all, always.
[10:03:01] <aqu4> Ok.
[10:03:01] aqu4 changed topic of #Soylent to: LIVE FREE OR DIE! | https://soylentnews.org | Wiki: http://sylnt.us | Code: http://sylnt.us | Got bugs? http://sylnt.us | Who's who? http://sylnt.us | Get Involved: http://sylnt.us | Staff discussions in #staff are now open for all, always.
[10:03:16] <arti> does it have a restore?
[10:03:22] <Subsentient> No, I copy-pasted.
[10:03:26] <NCommander> unbreak
[10:03:29] <arti> you should've just said yes
[10:03:33] * arti would've been impressed
[10:03:41] NCommander changed topic of #Soylent to: LIVE FAST AND PROSPER! | https://soylentnews.org | Wiki: http://sylnt.us | Code: http://sylnt.us | Got bugs? http://sylnt.us | Who's who? http://sylnt.us | Get Involved: http://sylnt.us | Staff discussions in #staff are now open for all, always.
[10:04:05] <Subsentient> Yeah no she's written in C so pretty much everything dynamic like that would require a linked list of some sort
[10:04:18] <Subsentient> or a hash, or a malloc'd array of arrays
[10:04:19] <Subsentient> etc
[10:04:45] <chromas> Just store what it was before changing
[10:04:53] <Subsentient> Ah, one change deep?
[10:04:56] <Subsentient> I could do that.
[10:05:02] <chromas> Only need one string
[10:05:11] <Subsentient> If I recall she already has the code framework where she saves the topic for each channel.
[10:05:13] <arti> unless you want to be OCD about it
[10:05:39] <Subsentient> arti: I use unsigned long everywhere that I shouldn't because I fear overflow so much ROFL
[10:05:40] <chromas> Or pull it from the log
[10:05:47] <arti> hey it works
[10:05:53] <Subsentient> Performance dip though
[10:06:03] <Subsentient> Epoch, my init system, is full of those unsigned longs
[10:06:04] <NCommander> Subsentient, ,,, U want to overflow your stack and pwn your PC
[10:06:09] <arti> yeah, so its only 40x as fast as some scripted lang
[10:06:16] <NCommander> *I...
[10:06:28] <NCommander> Real men write their IRC bots in assembly
[10:06:28] <arti> use the f0rce
[10:06:58] <Subsentient> NCommander: lol well considering all the python yuppies in here I'm happy with C. Did I mention I ported her to Windows?
[10:07:01] <chromas> NCommander: was that a come-on?
[10:07:11] <arti> lol
[10:07:27] <NCommander> chromas, if I were hitting on you, you'd be in pain :-P
[10:07:38] <Subsentient> nice one
[10:07:59] <chromas> I think you misread your last statement
[10:08:22] * NCommander is a straight male ... which really limits my chances on finding a compatible mate on SN :-(
[10:08:29] <Subsentient> ROFL
[10:08:37] <chromas> Well several ago. Damn slow phone typing
[10:08:44] <arti> well we could revisit the personals
[10:08:57] <NCommander> Oh, I can see it now
[10:09:06] <NCommander> Ask Soylent: NCommander needs to get laid, who's in Seattle?
[10:09:06] <arti> languages spoken:
[10:09:21] <chromas> All the women are bots here
[10:09:39] <Subsentient> 150 male geeks, a couple Japanese chicks, and a C based IRC bot would be the SN dating site userbase
[10:09:50] <chromas> And their pleasure is throwing rotten burritos
[10:10:10] <Subsentient> chromas: You are almost as nuts as me. Congratulations! Have a gerbil!
[10:10:21] <NCommander> I don't mean to sound sexist, but is Konomi the only person here in position of an XX chromosome?
[10:10:32] * aqu4 gives chromas a pet gerbil
[10:10:39] * chromas knows just where to put a gerbil
[10:10:44] <Subsentient> ROFL
[10:10:53] * aqu4 bends over
[10:10:55] <Subsentient> jk
[10:10:56] * NCommander gets the lube
[10:10:57] <Konomi> I'm just an fbi agent everyone knows thatr
[10:11:22] <chromas> She possesses the Konomi Code
[10:11:27] <Subsentient> And I am a transdimensional cyan rat. So what?
[10:11:38] <NCommander> Konomi, doesn't mean you can't be a female FBI agnet. After all, I like te idea of hitting on authority
[10:11:39] * NCommander ducks
[10:11:42] <Konomi> I'd have went with a better colour
[10:11:44] <chromas> And has never heard that joke before
[10:11:56] <Subsentient> Konomi: heretic.
[10:12:13] <NCommander> Subsentient, you might want to go with something less flashy. LIke Purple
[10:12:26] <Subsentient> NCommander: Purple is associated with royalty
[10:12:32] <Subsentient> fail
[10:12:51] <NCommander> Subsentient, no, purple is my favorite T-Shirt color, so you'd blend into the mess on the floor
[10:12:57] <Subsentient> lol
[10:13:18] <Subsentient> NCommander: I prefer to watch you from under your desk and the top of your refrigerator.
[10:13:26] <NCommander> Subsentient, else we could paint you black and I could throw you in the crapper
[10:13:34] <Konomi> i thought it was associated with a few irrate devs' from an im project
[10:13:38] <Subsentient> NCommander: Constipated often are we?
[10:13:41] <NCommander> Subsentient, ... you're making me wish I wore pants more frequently >.<;
[10:13:56] <Subsentient> lol
[10:13:57] <NCommander> */creeped out*
[10:14:16] <Subsentient> We are legion.
[10:14:23] <aqu4> We are everywhere.
[10:14:27] <Subsentient> there is no escape.
[10:14:35] <aqu4> surrender to the gerbil swarm
[10:15:02] <aqu4> s/gerbil swarm/granola in your fridge/
[10:15:02] <SedBot> <aqu4> surrender to the granola in your fridge
[10:15:12] * NCommander notes that he stood up suddenly one day and the gerbil swarm was beheaded in one switchy crunchy movement
[10:15:50] <aqu4> The gerbils are everlasting, immortal, eternal. The horde existed before the universe was born and will exist far after it's demise.
[10:16:14] * NCommander farts in their general direction
[10:16:17] <NCommander> Problem solved.
[10:16:46] <chromas> aqu4: s/gerbil/radioactive rubber piggie/g
[10:16:46] <SedBot> <chromas> <aqu4> The radioactive rubber piggies are everlasting, immortal, eternal. The horde existed before the universe was born and will exist far after it's demise.
[10:17:03] <Konomi> less than 10 minutes to get to fart jokes ~
[10:17:13] <NCommander> Awesome
[10:17:16] <NCommander> Pigs that turn into bacon on their own, no itnervention or pan required
[10:17:19] * arti eats more dairy
[10:17:21] <aqu4> chromas: I'm going to get you
[10:18:01] <NCommander> Konomi, I dunno, I think this is the first time I've really caused the conversation to go into the shitter :-)
[10:18:20] <Konomi> xP
[10:18:48] <chromas> Monty Perl
[10:18:58] <Subsentient> Anyone willing to mutilate their OS to test Epoch git/master?
[10:19:32] <NCommander> Subsentient, I run Ubuntu, you can't mutilate it :-)
[10:19:48] * Konomi guards her precious debian install
[10:19:55] <Konomi> why not just vm mangle it
[10:20:11] * NCommander throws an Ubuntu CD at on
[10:20:14] <NCommander> *at Konomi
[10:20:29] <Konomi> keep your main stream distro away from me ._.
[10:20:49] <arti> debian not mainstream?
[10:21:13] * Subsentient is almost ready for Epoch 1.1, then he'll finish up SubLinux2, the second build of his wonderful homebrew i586-compatible source based distribution.
[10:22:01] <Konomi> debian does the undoable
[10:22:05] <MrBluze> Subsentient: im going to do my thing top-down
[10:22:09] <Konomi> it's popular yet still not main stream
[10:22:10] <MrBluze> rather than bottom-up
[10:22:28] * arti rather likes that configuration
[10:22:29] <Subsentient> MrBluze: I have a filesystem layout for SubLinux in a tarball. Here:
[10:22:32] <MrBluze> debian is awesome, always has been
[10:22:41] <Subsentient> http://universe2.us
[10:22:48] <MrBluze> u sent it before :) :)
[10:22:52] <MrBluze> is it changed?
[10:22:59] <joe> Not always... getting AWE32 to work under slink was PITA ...
[10:23:02] <Subsentient> Ahh, I didn't remember. No, it's the same
[10:23:03] <Konomi> I need to get unlazy and package up my bins I compiled but i cna't be beothered
[10:23:15] <NCommander> Konomi, join the Ubuntu side
[10:23:19] <Konomi> nope
[10:23:24] <NCommander> We haz juju, and you touch Ubuntuness just by being on this IRC server
[10:23:25] <Subsentient> Join the SubLinux side. We are free from systemd!
[10:23:26] <Konomi> the swirl compells me
[10:23:37] -!- exec has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[10:23:41] <NCommander> Konomi, I'm a DD, and I used radioactive ink on the swirl
[10:23:58] <MrBluze> DD?
[10:24:01] <MrBluze> brb
[10:24:02] <Konomi> double d?
[10:24:03] <NCommander> Debian Developer
[10:24:19] <Konomi> sorry i couldn't resist
[10:24:36] <NCommander> Konomi, I thought you were describing yourself
[10:24:42] <Konomi> god know
[10:24:44] <chromas> See Konomi you're not the only female in here after all
[10:24:47] <Konomi> DD = back pain forever
[10:25:09] <NCommander> Konomi, depends how the rest of you is propotioned
[10:25:13] -!- crutchy has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[10:25:33] <Konomi> in my case I'd be walking with a hunch >.>
[10:25:39] <arti> if you're a great big fat person and have one giant torso it shouldn't be bad
[10:25:57] <NCommander> I knew something with a big enough ass her DDs were proprely counterbalanced
[10:26:12] <Subsentient> I like big butts and I cannot lie!
[10:26:13] <arti> something
[10:26:15] <NCommander> Konomi, could be worse, my ex-roomate uses her gut as a boob shelf
[10:26:21] * Konomi tries not to imagine
[10:26:22] <arti> :X
[10:26:24] <arti> jesus
[10:26:46] <Konomi> http://www.gunnerkrigg.com
[10:26:50] <Subsentient> Ok well you all be nice and I suggest you change this topic before someone gets pissed. ;^)
[10:26:53] <Konomi> current time waster \o/
[10:26:56] -!- Subsentient has quit [Quit: Derp.]
[10:28:18] <Konomi> oh hey nerds here
[10:28:24] <Konomi> anyone know anything about xmpp servers?
[10:28:32] <Konomi> and why most of them have no blocking extension at all?
[10:28:44] <NCommander> We joke she's growing horizontially
[10:28:46] <NCommander> Ok, I weigh 107 kh
[10:28:46] <NCommander> *kg
[10:28:46] <NCommander> She ways 109 kg
[10:28:46] <NCommander> I am 5'10 ft (87? cm)
[10:28:46] <NCommander> She's 5'0
[10:28:46] <NCommander> :-)
[10:28:46] <NCommander> and yes, she kicked me in the shin went I pointed this out
[10:28:47] <NCommander> Konomi, yes and yes
[10:28:50] <Konomi> aka the free independant ones splattered all over the wow
[10:28:55] <Konomi> I either lagged back or you did NCommander
[10:29:09] <NCommander> Konomi, you're in Oz, I'm at 1G
[10:29:16] <NCommander> I think our lag counterbalanced each other
[10:29:37] <Konomi> but I'm on cable sort of a special exception
[10:29:37] <NCommander> I know a thing or two about XMPP
[10:29:57] <Konomi> so yeah main question was does every one except gmail seem to have block extension absent?
[10:30:17] <NCommander> Because no one actually uses s2s or cares about Jabber?
[10:30:32] <Konomi> except everyone on gmail you mean ;p
[10:32:59] <Konomi> http://www.gunnerkrigg.com <- that last frame ha
[10:41:56] <chromas> $sr test samorhc kcik/
[10:41:56] <aqu4> /kick chromas tset
[10:42:09] <deadpeas> [SoylentNews] - Radio Frequencies Interfere with Bird Orientation - http://sylnt.us - could-not-find-satellites
[10:42:25] <chromas> Backward test autocorrected
[10:45:14] -!- bryan has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[10:45:44] <Subsentient> kgtlrejgvkvj;wefkel;kdq'kg,t;wlemkr;lrg;lk,;olk,2'p;e
[10:45:57] -!- bryan has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[11:40:54] -!- x0908d3b2 [x0908d3b2!~quassel@2605:ea00:1:j::qvto:oymn] has joined #Soylent
[11:52:56] -!- KonomiNetbook [KonomiNetbook!~Konomi@Soylent/Users/189/Konomi] has joined #Soylent
[12:02:09] <deadpeas> [SoylentNews] - Conflicts with Social Relations Increases Mortality Risk - http://sylnt.us - just-accept-you're-wrong
[12:05:18] <chromas> But I'm never wrong. That's why I prefer elastic tabstops
[12:05:53] <chromas> And edit.com
[12:06:27] <chromas> (editor not website)
[12:14:12] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~james@43-567-441-22.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Soylent
[12:29:01] <chromas> Speaking of Bitstream
[12:29:11] -!- Subsentient has quit [Quit: Derp.]
[12:34:59] -!- JamesNZ has quit [Quit: Busying myself...]
[12:35:49] <chromas> Slow down, you guys; it's hard to keep up with the conversation
[12:38:51] <chromas> $sr samorhc po.
[12:38:51] <aqu4> .op chromas
[12:39:17] <chromas> Thay would probably work if juggler wasn't ignoring aqu4
[12:40:21] -!- opie2 [opie2!~opie@g-695-03-58-764.hsd8.co.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[12:41:20] <chromas> $sr poed.
[12:41:20] <aqu4> .deop
[12:41:31] <chromas> That would be funny
[12:42:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[12:42:07] <deadpeas> karma - coffee: 45
[12:42:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> cigarette++
[12:42:13] <deadpeas> karma - cigarette: 1
[12:42:50] <chromas> Bumming smokes off a bot?
[12:43:37] -!- opie has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[12:44:11] <chromas> .nick too
[12:44:16] <chromas> .help
[12:44:30] <chromas> juggler:
[12:45:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> just giving love back to the stuff what makes me go
[12:46:36] <chromas> deadpeas increments cigarette; TheMightyBuzzard decrements it
[12:46:54] <TheMightyBuzzard> zactly
[12:46:55] <chromas> Balancing act
[12:47:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> circle of life, yo
[12:47:24] <chromas> Don't let it go negative or else soviet russia
[12:47:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> or mobius strip of life
[12:47:47] <chromas> Cigarette smoke you
[12:48:47] <Tachyon> hm
[12:49:02] <Tachyon> i posted a story yesterday to software
[12:49:06] <chromas> Tachyon: pulse
[12:49:13] <Tachyon> and it didn't end up on main page
[12:49:18] <Tachyon> i even can't find it
[12:49:36] <Tachyon> how is that possible?
[12:49:55] <chromas> it's gone from your submission list?
[12:50:13] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@universe2.us/Subsentient] has joined #Soylent
[12:50:29] <Tachyon> chromas: on submit page i see the story as accepted
[12:50:42] <chromas> If it's been accepted it won't appear in the main submissions list
[12:50:44] <Tachyon> but there is no link to that story
[12:50:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> then it's likely in the queue
[12:51:10] <Tachyon> can I display the queue?
[12:51:12] <chromas> Did you preview?
[12:51:16] <Tachyon> yes
[12:51:21] <TheMightyBuzzard> they go missing between accepted and the time they actually show up on the page
[12:51:30] <Tachyon> hmm
[12:51:38] <Tachyon> not very good
[12:51:42] <Subsentient> Tachyon: He speaketh the truth
[12:51:51] <Tachyon> even slashdot has the story already published
[12:52:29] <Tachyon> we need more editors xD
[12:52:31] <Tachyon> :)
[12:53:36] <chromas> Sign up
[12:53:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> prolly wouldn't hurt but that's not the issue
[12:53:54] <chromas> We know you have the time :)
[12:54:12] <Tachyon> chromas: i don't have the time but more importantly i don't have the skill
[12:54:19] <Tachyon> my english actually sux pretty bad
[12:54:23] <chromas> What skill?
[12:54:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> limbo means it's already edited and posted, just hasn't made its way through the queue
[12:54:34] <chromas> Have you seen slashdot?
[12:55:04] <Tachyon> chromas: i know sometimes it is quite bad on /.
[12:55:17] <Tachyon> but i wouldn't improve the standard either
[12:56:34] <chromas> What you do is run it through autocorrect then translator because that ensures the text follows the rules of the language
[12:57:37] * chromas stands by for lulz
[12:58:00] * TheMightyBuzzard spock eyebrow's chromas
[12:58:45] <Tachyon> it sometimes is problematic to find the right word for the thing i want to say
[12:59:08] <Subsentient> Just submitted a story
[12:59:13] <Tachyon> like there are plenty of synonyms in english and usually only one fits best in the sentence
[12:59:52] <chromas> Doing fine so far in here
[12:59:54] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh that? don't sweat that. most americans have a suck-ass mental thesaurus.
[13:00:05] <Subsentient> http://soylentnews.org
[13:00:49] <chromas> Hey, I request that statement!
[13:01:40] <TheMightyBuzzard> brits know more words but nobody understands half of them except for other brits.
[13:03:02] <chromas> Subsentient: the worst thing I ever wrote was beta
[13:03:18] <Subsentient> chromas: Uhh
[13:03:22] * chromas admits it was me
[13:04:25] <chromas> $import(wordpress.php)
[13:07:26] <chromas> That's a good idea, though
[13:07:56] <chromas> We need a bit more oc. Doesn't all have to be links to other articles
[13:11:10] -!- Subsentient has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[13:16:36] <chromas> juggler is a chanserv minion? I just thought it was a regular robot
[13:24:01] <chromas> s/()()/aqu4/g
[13:24:01] <SedBot> <chromas> aqu4jaqu4uaqu4gaqu4gaqu4laqu4eaqu4raqu4 aqu4iaqu4saqu4 aqu4aaqu4 aqu4caqu4haqu4aaqu4naqu4saqu4eaqu4raqu4vaqu4 aqu4maqu4iaqu4naqu4iaqu4oaqu4naqu4?aqu4 aqu4Iaqu4 aqu4jaqu4uaqu4saqu4taqu4 aqu4taqu4haqu4oaqu4uaqu4gaqu4haqu4taqu4 aqu4iaqu4taqu4 aqu4waqu4aaqu4saqu4 aqu4aaqu4 aqu4raqu4eaqu4gaqu4uaqu4laqu4aaqu4raqu4 aqu4raqu4oaqu4baqu4oaqu4taqu4
[13:43:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[13:43:57] <deadpeas> karma - coffee: 46
[13:44:01] <TheMightyBuzzard> cigarette++
[13:44:01] <deadpeas> karma - cigarette: 2
[13:45:19] FoobarBazbot is now known as FoobarBazbot|afk
[13:54:24] <MrBluze> right
[13:54:28] <MrBluze> so..
[13:56:25] -!- KonomiNetbook has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
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[13:59:29] <MrBluze> hi Konomi
[14:01:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> mornin, MrBluze
[14:03:23] -!- Konomi [Konomi!~Konomi@Soylent/Users/189/Konomi] has joined #Soylent
[14:11:45] <deadpeas> [SoylentNews] - Ask Soylent: Online Privacy Tools? - http://sylnt.us - when-you-need-more-than-common-sense
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[15:10:30] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[15:27:00] <crutchy> evening soylent
[15:27:28] <crutchy> anyone know if this is this bender's source code: http://modules.anope.org
[15:28:38] <crutchy> looks a little different actually
[15:34:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> evenin
[15:35:03] <Tachyon> hm, the story still isn't published
[15:35:09] <Tachyon> or .. didn't come ty my rss
[15:38:10] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, i dunno how the queue works exactly but speedy it usually ain't
[15:38:25] <mattie_p> what story are you talking about?
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[15:51:00] <deadpeas> [SoylentNews] - Oracle Wins Java API Appeal - http://sylnt.us - implementation-of-patent-filing
[15:58:36] <crutchy> coffee++
[15:58:36] <deadpeas> karma - coffee: 47
[15:58:44] -!- Konomi has quit [Quit: leaving]
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[16:16:30] -!- boioioing [boioioing!~pert.boio@76.84.hjr.llj] has joined #Soylent
[16:21:24] <Tachyon> ha
[16:21:26] <Tachyon> here it is
[16:22:50] <Tachyon> mattie_p: this story :)
[16:23:18] <mattie_p> The Oracle API one?
[16:26:59] <Tachyon> yes
[16:27:39] <mattie_p> then its up. honestly that turn around was pretty quick
[16:28:31] <Tachyon> mattie_p: i posted it yesterday... about 14 hours ago
[16:28:33] <mattie_p> on the weekends we tend towards lower traffic and submissions so a sub from last night appearing in the am is typical
[16:28:55] <Tachyon> hmm ok
[16:28:56] <Tachyon> :D
[16:28:57] <Tachyon> i
[16:29:14] <Tachyon> i'm not from US so i'm biased in time :)
[16:29:19] <Tachyon> ""
[16:29:21] <mattie_p> I understand
[16:29:30] <mattie_p> especially with the name you are using :p
[16:29:38] <Tachyon> :-DDD
[16:29:44] <Tachyon> good point :)
[16:30:07] <mattie_p> maybe you can develop tech to post stories before they are submitted
[16:30:10] <mattie_p> that would be good
[16:30:57] <Tachyon> i'd rather develop tech to get sports results before they are played
[16:31:12] <Tachyon> (back to the future's idea)
[16:31:13] <Tachyon> :)
[16:32:11] <mattie_p> stock prices
[16:40:12] <Tachyon> that is good too
[16:44:25] <mattie_p> my wife and son were watching BttF III yesterday, don't change the future when you invent time travel, please
[17:12:01] <deadpeas> [SoylentNews] - Multipath TCP - TCP for Multi-homed Hosts - http://sylnt.us
[17:22:09] -!- Tachyon_ [Tachyon_!~Tachyon@xuco.me] has joined #Soylent
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[17:24:01] -!- Tachyon has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[17:24:22] <michealpwalls> Good morning :)
[17:26:14] FoobarBazbot|afk is now known as FoobarBazbot
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[18:11:04] <chromas> mattie_p: What if you could stop beta?
[18:11:51] <chromas> But then we wouldn't be here, Tachyon_wouldn't've invented time travel and so we wouldn't have been able to stop beta
[18:11:58] <chromas> which means we would be here...
[18:14:32] <mattie_p> yeah, its a paradox
[18:14:59] <mattie_p> I think if there is time travel it is via the multiple world multiverse
[18:15:38] <chromas> There was talk of paradox in the first movie but then everything changed just slow enough that they had time to fix things before being screwed
[18:15:52] <chromas> It's like time took time to change
[18:16:05] <michealpwalls> The group-think drives me batshit crazy
[18:16:06] <michealpwalls> Gah
[18:16:19] <michealpwalls> Exactly the same as /. in many ways.
[18:16:23] <chromas> Shh! Agree with us!
[18:17:15] <chromas> Nothing at all like SD. We're called SN. See?
[18:17:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> i like the group think when it disagrees with me.
[18:18:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> if you're dumb, surround yourself with smart people. if you're smart, surround yourself with smart people who disagree with you.
[18:18:16] <michealpwalls> ^ Nice
[18:19:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> s'not to say i don't want to choke a couple of them every now and then though.
[18:20:21] <michealpwalls> haha
[18:20:39] <michealpwalls> I just had a "fox news" momment on SN today haha. So bad
[18:21:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> fox news isn't group think. it's manufactured controversy. the rest of the msm is group think.
[18:22:11] <chromas> I lauled when Geraldo appeared on that channel
[18:22:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> never liked him. he reminded me of my step-dad.
[18:22:48] <chromas> Back when he used to have an Operah-style daytime talk show, he would talk over and interrupt people who disagreed with him
[18:22:57] <chromas> But I can't spel
[18:23:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> colmes i liked, even though i hardly ever agreed with him.
[18:24:06] <chromas> I don't know who that is
[18:24:21] <TheMightyBuzzard> hannity i couldn't stand because having someone moron up your side of an argument is worse than being disagreed with.
[18:24:36] <chromas> I also saw Bill O'Reilly doing the same thing and "oops we lost the signal" so I knew Geraldo would be at home
[18:24:40] <TheMightyBuzzard> used to do a show with sean hannity back when fnc first started
[18:26:04] <chromas> I didn't really watch it much. The all-day news channels seemed like rambling heads, so I'd only stop by occasionally. I guess that's why they changed.
[18:26:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> colmes was the intellectual liberal but the guy was at least willing to let you disagree without calling you the devil.
[18:27:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> i used to watch a lot back in my 20s.
[18:27:45] <chromas> or having "mic issues"
[18:28:21] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh nah, bill would just shout over top of them. any mic issues were legit aside when he flat said cut their mic.
[18:29:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> i think i mostly watched for the novelty of not being called evil every single newscast
[18:30:04] <chromas> What we need is to make a "news channel" where a politician comes on and gets interviewed. Answers can be wrong. If he loses, he has to redeem himself by fighting a bear or something
[18:30:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> nah, wrong is fine but spin or not answering the question that was asked = bear wrestling.
[18:31:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> or bobcat juggling
[18:32:20] <chromas> Evolution would kick it in, if indeed it does exist, and they'd be replaced by muscular nutjerbs who could wrangle a tiger as easily as our opinions
[18:34:22] <chromas> Oh yeah, we have a news page now, don't we
[18:34:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> which we invite to a huge party in their honor and shoot dead as they arrive.
[18:35:47] <Landon> heh
[18:35:59] <michealpwalls> LOL
[18:36:36] <Landon> I'm sure if diane rehm had something more than harsh words at her disposal, she'd be a good fit for hosting the channel
[18:36:53] * Landon thinking of last week when she cut off a caller and shamed him for an ad hominem attack
[18:37:35] <michealpwalls> Ad hominem is what our society is in love with..
[18:38:00] <michealpwalls> It's basically North America's arguement tactic of choice. Nobody here cares about facts, generally speaking we jump straight to attacking characters :)
[18:38:06] <michealpwalls> I.E: Rob Ford is a crack smoker.
[18:38:07] <michealpwalls> :)
[18:38:19] <Landon> meh, I'd take you more seriously, but you're an anonymous internet asshole
[18:38:20] <Landon> :)
[18:38:25] <mattie_p> Landon, the same Diane Rehm who talks at approximately 2 words per minute?
[18:38:27] <Landon> yep
[18:38:28] <michealpwalls> haha Landon
[18:38:31] <michealpwalls> touche :)
[18:38:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> blood is what we're in love with. take away coliseums and we have to get it in more metaphoric ways.
[18:38:51] <mattie_p> don't know if she'd be able to keep up in a talking head environment
[18:38:59] <chromas> I'm not saying michealpwalls pits babies against alligators but why won't he come out and defend himself?
[18:39:01] <mattie_p> she'd still be responding to something they said 5 minutes ago
[18:39:07] <michealpwalls> haha TheMightyBuzzard, I was watching UFC the other night and thought of Roman Gladiators LOL
[18:39:14] <michealpwalls> I made a funny connection in my head :D
[18:39:21] <michealpwalls> LMAO chromas
[18:39:32] <Landon> "You slow yourself down or I'll get out the boomstick"
[18:39:33] <michealpwalls> You must be formally trained in Poli. Sci... That was professional! :)
[18:39:40] <TheMightyBuzzard> chromas, the babies were asking for it
[18:39:44] <mattie_p> Landon: :-)
[18:40:19] <mattie_p> TheMightyBuzzard those are some tough babies, and they are so vicious and sly
[18:40:34] <Landon> time for a nap, then back to cracking the books
[18:40:44] <Landon> C++ so much better when you don't learn it from a "C but better" perspective
[18:40:44] <deadpeas> karma - c: 22
[18:40:47] <mattie_p> always convincing everyone to do things for them, how do they do it?
[18:41:14] <michealpwalls> haha Landon. But in C, ++ is just increasing value by 1
[18:41:21] <TheMightyBuzzard> it's not that i mind, it's the noxious chemical/biological warfare you have to put up with for the first 13 years or so
[18:41:26] <michealpwalls> So isn't C++ just merely C increased by 1? :)
[18:41:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> we have laws against that kinda thing.
[18:42:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> and if it's torture to blast crap music at gitmo prisoners, it's torture for me to have to listen to it.
[18:42:44] <chromas> We need a ++C. It's like C++ but it increases after you read it instead of before
[18:42:47] <michealpwalls> haha TheMightyBuzzard! Amen! :)
[18:42:52] <michealpwalls> LMAO chromas
[18:43:07] <michealpwalls> ++C: It's exactly the same as C until you compile it?
[18:43:10] <mattie_p> chromas I think you have that backwards
[18:43:20] <chromas> Yeah probably
[18:43:28] <michealpwalls> I think so, too :P
[18:43:38] <mattie_p> http://stackoverflow.com
[18:43:48] <chromas> I never remember which is which; haven't Cd much
[18:43:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> you write the C then go back to read it and suddenly it's all C++
[18:44:10] <chromas> Yeah, C, that's exactly what we need
[18:44:43] <mattie_p> I like c. It fits my grognard tendencies nicely.
[18:44:45] <michealpwalls> I can honestly say I've never used ++n hehe
[18:45:00] <Landon> same, but I've been reading lately it's the preferred form
[18:45:10] <michealpwalls> It makes the most logical sense :/
[18:45:12] <chromas> a++ = ++b
[18:45:12] <deadpeas> karma - a: 1
[18:45:32] <chromas> ^ off-by-one array
[18:45:34] <michealpwalls> ++n increases the value of n and then returns that new value; n++ increases the value of n but returns the original value
[18:46:14] <Landon> which, iirc, means n++ makes a new object
[18:46:24] <Landon> and ++n doesn't
[18:46:35] * Landon will have to find what I was reading yesterday
[18:46:35] <michealpwalls> I'm not sure
[18:46:42] <michealpwalls> It would depend on the compiler, ultimately
[18:46:47] <mattie_p> Landon, there is some discussion on that in the link I posted
[18:47:02] <Landon> mattie_p: well I skipped it! because i and i are the same :)
[18:47:05] <michealpwalls> I haven't learned 'bout writing compilers hehe. I wouldn't imagine there would be a difference :/
[18:47:08] <mattie_p> not sure which is correct, probably compiler dependent
[18:47:56] <chromas> "Won't this effect weather the loop runs"
[18:48:14] <michealpwalls> It sucks, but I have to pick that kind of information out of my professors.. low-level system programming and efficiency isn't really a core subject :(
[18:48:15] <chromas> Loops can be weathered?
[18:48:15] <mattie_p> chromas apparently not
[18:48:53] <chromas> I guess I need to keep my loop runs protected
[18:49:44] <michealpwalls> I don't think so.. Like a for loop has 3 statements right? int i = 0; i < 5; i++. The first statement declares and initializes your index to 0.. Then the condition is whether or not i is less than 5...
[18:49:45] <Landon> /********/
[18:49:48] <Landon> for (;;;)
[18:49:51] <Landon> ^ loop umbrella
[18:50:02] <michealpwalls> The 3rd statement *should* be i++... Because you want to keep the *first* iteration of the for loop with index at 0
[18:50:50] <Landon> I think you're overthinking this, michealpwalls
[18:51:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, just have it call gLock if it needs protected
[18:51:59] <chromas> if (smith && wesson) ;
[18:52:09] <michealpwalls> haha
[18:52:18] <Landon> "So, if the resulting value is not used, I would use ++i. But not because it is more efficient: because it correctly states my intent. "
[18:55:10] <TheMightyBuzzard> meh, couple hours to kill with nothing i feel like doing before i get busy again. i declare it nap time.
[18:55:19] <michealpwalls> lol
[18:56:29] <michealpwalls> Hey guys... Is there a reason why slash never allowed for editing of comments?
[18:56:42] <michealpwalls> Like I know there's no technical reason. Was there a different kind of reason, I wonder? :/
[18:59:13] <mattie_p> I think for mod-bombing reasons, IIRC
[18:59:33] <michealpwalls> Ohhh
[18:59:47] <mattie_p> say something intelligent, get modded up, then edit it to your rediculously trollish un-proven assertions after its modded +5
[19:00:00] <michealpwalls> Like post a decent comment.. It gets voted up, then edit it to be really nasty? Leaving it up-modded but still obvious junk
[19:00:07] <michealpwalls> touche.. hah never even thought of that
[19:00:25] <michealpwalls> What if an edit triggers the comment to be stripped of mod points it had earned?
[19:00:27] <mattie_p> I think we eventually plan to allow editing before its been modded
[19:00:38] <mattie_p> thats another thought
[19:01:12] <michealpwalls> Does MySQL support Triggers, I wonder?
[19:01:13] -!- chromas has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[19:01:20] <michealpwalls> That would be a really easy way to implement that
[19:01:29] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@47-85-184-52.dhcp.knwc.wa.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[19:01:29] -!- chromas has quit [Changing host]
[19:01:29] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@0::1] has joined #Soylent
[19:02:54] <mattie_p> I have no idea, but I'm pretty sure its a feature request that will be implemented at some point
[19:08:30] mrcool|afk is now known as mrcoolbp
[19:09:33] <mrcoolbp> allow editing for 1 minute after posting
[19:10:01] <chromas> Is the comment readable by others during that window?
[19:10:30] <deadpeas> [SoylentNews] - Physics-Exploiting Axe Splits Wood in Record Time - http://sylnt.us - pointy-end-goes-into-the-log
[19:10:47] <chromas> That was I can get frist psot but still have a minute to make it a decent one
[19:11:10] <chromas> \/s/y/
[19:11:21] <mrcoolbp> lol
[19:11:45] <chromas> Can I edit my IRC message?
[19:11:53] <mrcoolbp> yeah no.
[19:12:29] <mrcoolbp> s/yeah no/but you can substitute/
[19:12:29] <SedBot> <mrcoolbp> but you can substitute.
[19:12:33] <mrcoolbp> = )
[19:12:58] <mattie_p> and I think it is only your most recent message
[19:14:40] <mattie_p> mrcoolbp: was thinking of some ideas. The first one is probably expanded social media presence. I think it might be time to start using other platforms to raise our web footprint.
[19:15:04] <mrcoolbp> we haven't even begun with those
[19:15:44] <mattie_p> I know
[19:15:56] <mrcoolbp> the thought occurred to me as well
[19:15:57] <mattie_p> thats why it might be time to start
[19:16:14] <mrcoolbp> someone could probably to that one job full-time
[19:16:40] <mattie_p> I'm willing to start playing around with it with the intention of passing it on to a volunteer at some point
[19:16:45] <chromas> Put the javascript IRC in a panel at the bottom, change to blue theme
[19:17:01] <chromas> let us embed cat pics
[19:17:08] <chromas> SoyBook
[19:17:22] <mrcoolbp> brb
[19:17:48] <mattie_p> ok, later
[19:20:20] <mattie_p> taking my son out to lunch soon so I'll be back soon as well
[19:50:05] <mrcoolbp> (back) okay mattie
[19:55:44] <paulej72> New messages display on dev. See /my/messages
[20:05:43] -!- pbnjoe [pbnjoe!~pbnjoe@Soylent/Users/313/pbnjoe] has joined #Soylent
[20:38:50] <michealpwalls> Before promoting, I think more work can be done to smooth out any edges there might be.
[20:38:57] <michealpwalls> Esp. finish the name vote, etc. haha
[20:51:44] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~james@43-567-441-22.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Soylent
[20:57:27] <NCommander> morning world
[20:58:47] <mattie_p> good morning, NCommander
[20:59:13] * NCommander is in North Dakota
[21:00:22] <mattie_p> Never been there.
[21:01:07] <NCommander> Lot of flat and empty
[21:01:24] <mattie_p> badlands are there, are they not? or is that SD?
[21:09:30] <Landon> going to work on the pipelines instead of the internet tubes?
[21:11:05] <mrcoolbp> now I know who to blame for all my woes "it was poutine (from IRC) who suggested we use a temporary name"
[21:11:32] <mattie_p> ah, you reading some of the wiki pages, I see
[21:14:11] <mattie_p> no need to blame poutine though, he gets enough blame all around.
[21:15:11] <chromas> poutine-- is our scapegoat
[21:15:11] <deadpeas> karma - poutine: -339
[21:15:54] <mattie_p> hrm, he must have built some karma back up, I seem to remember it lower
[21:16:11] <chromas> In this channel?
[21:16:25] <mattie_p> this is the main poutine-- channel, isn't it?
[21:16:50] <chromas> poutine-- main channel, this is
[21:16:50] <deadpeas> karma - poutine: -340
[21:17:57] <mattie_p> !who-down poutine
[21:18:04] <mattie_p> !whodown poutine
[21:18:04] <deadpeas> downers of poutine are: kobach: -111, crutchy: -31, xlefay: -23, FoobarBazbot_: -19, FatPhil: -14, stderr: -13, andrew: -12, Khyber: -11, mattie_p: -11, mrcoolbp: -10, FoobarBazbot: -10, SoylentMUD: -9, swiss: -8, pbnjoe: -7, drcoolbp: -7, paulej72: -6, stdhell: -4, dx3bydt3: -4, chromas: -3, FunPika: -3, MrBluze: -3, arti: -3, amblivious: -3, swisskid: -3, xyzzyyxxyx: - 1 more
[21:18:07] <mattie_p> !more
[21:18:07] <deadpeas> -3, CHALLNGEACCPTD: -2, melikamp: -2, mattiep: -2, Ethanol-fueled: -2, Barrabas: -2, drgibbon: -2, int: -1, martyb: -1, KhyberLaptop: -1, xyzzyyzzyx: -1, ragequit: -1, hax0rz: -1, TheMightyBuzzard: -1, Admiral_coolbp: -1, MrBluze_: -1, Konomi: -1, drussell: -1, mrgirlpluggedout: -1, FuckBeta: -1, Cyprus: -1
[21:19:10] <stderr> Is it possible to be removed from the list of up- and down-ers?
[21:19:49] <chromas> You want to take it back?
[21:20:12] <mattie_p> I think if you cancel it out then you won't be listed any longer
[21:20:12] <chromas> Too bad; you're the place to send all our errors
[21:20:20] <chromas> poutine++
[21:20:20] <deadpeas> karma - poutine: -339
[21:20:21] <chromas> poutine++
[21:20:21] <deadpeas> karma - poutine: -338
[21:20:21] <Landon> tacos++
[21:20:21] <deadpeas> karma - tacos: 4
[21:20:23] <chromas> poutine++
[21:20:23] <deadpeas> karma - poutine: -337
[21:20:24] <stderr> No... I just don't want my IRC-client to yell at me every time someone checks the lists.
[21:20:25] <Landon> gah
[21:20:27] <chromas> !whodown poutine
[21:20:27] <deadpeas> downers of poutine are: kobach: -111, crutchy: -31, xlefay: -23, FoobarBazbot_: -19, FatPhil: -14, stderr: -13, andrew: -12, Khyber: -11, mattie_p: -11, mrcoolbp: -10, FoobarBazbot: -10, SoylentMUD: -9, swiss: -8, pbnjoe: -7, drcoolbp: -7, paulej72: -6, stdhell: -4, dx3bydt3: -4, chromas: -3, FunPika: -3, MrBluze: -3, arti: -3, amblivious: -3, swisskid: -3, xyzzyyxxyx: - 1 more
[21:20:31] <Landon> bingbong++
[21:20:31] <deadpeas> karma - bingbong: 1
[21:20:34] <Landon> bingbong--
[21:20:34] <deadpeas> karma - bingbong: 0
[21:20:36] <Landon> !whodown bingbong
[21:20:36] <deadpeas> downers of bingbong are: Landon: -1
[21:20:37] <mattie_p> lol@stderr
[21:20:39] <Landon> !whoup bingbong
[21:20:40] <deadpeas> uppers of bingbong are: Landon: 1
[21:20:42] <Landon> you're screwed
[21:20:43] <Landon> forever listed
[21:20:44] <mattie_p> stderr how have you been doing?
[21:21:06] <chromas> You'll have to modify your highlighter
[21:21:12] <stderr> mattie_p: It's actually very annoying.
[21:21:37] <mattie_p> chromas difficult to do, considering deadpeas changes his name every couple of days, it seems
[21:21:51] <chromas> check for "uppers" and "downers"
[21:21:55] <stderr> chromas: But I do want it to notify me when my name is mentioned. Just not when it's useless shit like this...
[21:22:00] <chromas> Just like the police
[21:22:02] <mattie_p> stderr I can understand that.
[21:31:53] -!- opie [opie!~opie@g-695-03-58-764.hsd8.co.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[21:39:51] <chromas> If there's ever a Skate 4, I hope they fix pedestrian mode
[21:40:51] <chromas> Right now it's Frodo mode
[22:11:24] <arti> you smuggle shit into a demon forge?
[22:11:45] <deadpeas> [SoylentNews] - What's the Worst/Funniest Code You Ever Wrote? - http://sylnt.us - Hall-of-Shame
[22:13:16] <chromas> No you fall down at the drop of a hat
[22:13:58] <chromas> Hey, Subsentient, who'se not here; there's your article
[22:14:03] <chromas> aqu4: ^
[22:15:27] <chromas> http://tylervigen.com
[22:27:57] -!- JamesNZ has quit [Quit: Busying myself...]
[22:50:57] -!- michealpwalls has quit [Quit: michealpwalls]
[23:41:34] * mrcoolbp went a little crazy on the wiki
[23:43:04] <mattie_p> ruh roh
[23:44:35] <mrcoolbp> main page is much cleaner: http://wiki.soylentnews.org
[23:44:51] <mrcoolbp> still working on organization/consolidation
[23:45:07] <mrcoolbp> there's a lot of cool ideas on the old pages (which I've dubbed the Archive)
[23:45:20] <mattie_p> its a monumental task, glad someone is tackling it
[23:50:10] <mattie_p> mrcoolbp I've gotten no response yet from my email
[23:50:21] <mrcoolbp> i was going to ask
[23:51:59] <mattie_p> after I sent it there was no activity from either account tho, so maybe just offline
[23:52:04] <mattie_p> if I see a response I'll let you know
[23:52:17] <mattie_p> did we ever hear back from the trek people we emailed?
[23:55:12] <mrcoolbp> we didn't email them actually
[23:55:29] <mrcoolbp> after wording out all that stuff about the interview we showed it to NCommander
[23:55:45] <mrcoolbp> he mentioned he had a different vision for how interviews could work
[23:56:14] <mrcoolbp> he outlined it briefly I beleive, but I don't recall specifics, then xlefay and I decided to put it on hold for now
[23:56:31] <mrcoolbp> so I'm waiting to hear from xlefay before we send them out
[23:57:30] <mattie_p> oh, ok
[23:58:08] <mattie_p> I know I've been in and out, so I've got no excuse, but haven't seen xlefay for the past few days. Anything going on with him?
[23:59:54] <mrcoolbp> I think he is working on a job offer
[23:59:59] <mrcoolbp> oh cool: http://wiki.soylentnews.org