#Soylent | Logs for 2014-05-28

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[00:00:12] <crutchy> there's always someone willing to kill you
[00:00:41] <paulej72> but funny that is what google spit out for “time to go”
[00:01:05] * arti prepares to choke crutchy
[00:01:56] <crutchy> time tiem
[00:01:57] <exec> location not found - UTC timestamp: Tuesday, 27 May 2014, 10:01:54 pm
[00:01:57] <exec> [Google] A cool way to say time You think its 1337 but its actually retarded.
[00:02:14] <arti> "Strange new trend at the office. People putting names on food in the company fridge. today I had a tuna sandwich named Kevin"
[00:02:28] <crutchy> lol
[00:02:47] <paulej72> lol2
[00:03:01] <crutchy> at least you knew his name before you ate him
[00:05:27] <paulej72> Dish of the Day
[00:06:04] <Blackmoore> Meet the meat?
[00:06:13] <arti> sounds like jail lingo
[00:06:25] <crutchy> it's not really socially acceptable to just eat some random sandwich
[00:06:37] <arti> make them with cat food!
[00:07:02] <paulej72> crutchy: you need to take the sandwich on a date first
[00:07:17] <chromas> time for sandwich action
[00:07:17] <paulej72> then it is ok to eat it
[00:07:18] <exec> location not found - UTC timestamp: Tuesday, 27 May 2014, 10:07:16 pm
[00:07:19] <exec> [Google] Set goals for time frames so we have more driver practice time. ... at the Sandwich Teen Action Group gymnasium on Thursday, November 14th, 2013, in order to ...
[00:09:35] <crutchy> that was kinda wrong
[00:09:56] <crutchy> like one of those messages you see on the wall in a public toilet
[00:10:16] <arti> basically the internet is one big stall
[00:10:26] <arti> FOR A GOOD TIME VISIT PAGE 525
[00:10:35] <arti> JIZZY STICKS SOLD HERE
[00:11:09] <arti> the deep web is when you go at least 100 pages deep in the search results
[00:22:34] <Blackmoore> and then you find you're somplace either in porn or 4 chan.. or even worse. tv tropes
[00:22:51] * arti likes raiding your stash
[00:23:05] <paulej72> ok it is now time for me to go get some food. bbl
[00:23:11] <arti> paulej72: check the fridge!
[00:23:18] <crutchy> time for workipoos
[00:23:19] <exec> location not found - UTC timestamp: Tuesday, 27 May 2014, 10:23:17 pm
[00:23:20] <exec> [Google] Follow Following Unfollow Blocked Unblock Pending Cancel. Andrew Cockburn ‏@Cobygoesmoo 25 Apr 2010. Workipoos time! Bring home bacons!
[00:23:28] <arti> crutchy, may the force be with you
[00:23:41] <paulej72> frige is empty
[00:23:48] * arti recommends adding a bang to commands
[00:29:10] <Blackmoore> moo
[00:29:11] <exec> (__)
[00:29:11] <exec> (oo)
[00:29:11] <exec> /------\/
[00:29:11] <exec> / | ||
[00:29:11] <exec> * /\---/\
[00:29:11] <exec> ~~ ~~
[00:29:11] <exec> ...."Have you mooed today?"...
[00:40:54] <Blackmoore> and g'nite
[00:41:14] Blackmoore is now known as blackmoore|afk
[00:41:22] <arti> nite nite blackmoore|afk
[00:58:21] -!- Anon3 has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[01:01:04] <cosurgi> moo test
[01:01:05] <exec> (__)
[01:01:05] <exec> (oo)
[01:01:05] <exec> /------\/
[01:01:05] <exec> / | ||
[01:01:05] <exec> * /\---/\
[01:01:06] <exec> ~~ ~~
[01:01:06] <exec> ...."Have you mooed today?"...
[01:12:35] <paulej72> moo moo moo
[01:12:35] <exec> (__)
[01:12:36] <exec> (oo)
[01:12:36] <exec> /------\/
[01:12:36] <exec> / | ||
[01:12:36] <exec> * /\---/\
[01:12:36] <exec> ~~ ~~
[01:12:37] <exec> ...."Have you mooed today?"...
[01:20:38] <deadpeas> [SoylentNews] - New Banking Trojan 'Zberp' - http://sylnt.us - with-power-comes-money
[01:23:08] -!- SpallsHurgenson [SpallsHurgenson!~SpallsHur@gdzt-78-534-547-681.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #Soylent
[01:25:42] * SpallsHurgenson sings "Making your way in the world today takes everything you got; taking a break from all your worries sure would help a lot? Wouldn't you like to get away....Sometimes you wanna go where everbody knows your name!"
[01:28:22] -!- Subsentient has quit [Quit: Derp.]
[02:02:29] MrBluze|afk is now known as MrBluze
[02:10:08] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~james@43-567-441-22.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Soylent
[02:17:29] <paulej72> And they’re always glad you came.
[02:24:32] <arti> that's how i feel about being at the massage places
[02:26:21] <SpallsHurgenson> "massage
[02:26:40] * SpallsHurgenson suffers from premature enter-key pressage :(
[02:42:29] -!- Blackmoore [Blackmoore!~48581a0a@mpcu-55-16-09-48.bflony.east.verizon.net] has joined #Soylent
[02:47:16] <SpallsHurgenson> I miss BBS's
[02:48:34] <Blackmoore> heh that was quiet some time ago.
[02:49:04] <Blackmoore> we used to have some good ones here.
[02:49:17] <SpallsHurgenson> I know there are still some lurking about that you can telnet into (or even ring up) but it's not the same
[02:49:36] <Blackmoore> no, not without the members.
[02:49:41] <arti> pretty cool time no doubt
[02:49:49] * arti rather likes the speed of today's internet
[02:49:54] <arti> the whole tracking stuff sucks though
[02:50:00] * arti preferred the wild west feel
[02:50:01] <SpallsHurgenson> I miss ymodem :)
[02:50:24] <Blackmoore> yeah, the speed sucked. but i preffered the community, and anynominity.
[02:50:38] <SpallsHurgenson> I don't miss time limits though :)
[02:50:46] <deadpeas> [SoylentNews] - Methane Lake in Rwanda Could be Energy Source - http://sylnt.us - just-keep-digging
[02:50:51] <arti> ugh yeah, also, as an aside, i'm glad phone rates are better today
[02:51:03] <arti> long distance fees sucked
[02:51:24] <Blackmoore> true that. and we arent blowing whisltes to get free long distance
[02:51:35] <arti> such a sweet hack
[02:51:46] <arti> TWEET "admin mode activated"
[02:52:06] * arti used to remember digits to dial to have a phone ring itself
[02:52:27] <Blackmoore> hehe
[02:52:55] <Blackmoore> i still remeber the number for the BBS i used to work on
[02:53:05] <SpallsHurgenson> I don't even remember the names of the BBSs I frequented anymore :(
[02:53:45] <arti> it'll come back to you
[02:54:12] <Blackmoore> last i knew Cat's Lair had been put back online for a few years I couldnt get the dailer to work in win at the time.
[02:54:23] <Blackmoore> now i dont even have a modem
[02:55:07] <SpallsHurgenson> I think it used Wildcat
[02:56:25] <SpallsHurgenson> god, "bulletin board system" is the fifth result when I search for BBS. that's even more depressing
[02:56:36] <Blackmoore> oy
[02:57:20] <arti> maybe you can make a youtube video about it?
[02:57:24] <arti> or an AMA on reddit!
[02:57:33] <boioioing> a few years ago I found a printout of local BBS's from the early '90s. A few of the numbers even had modem tones when they answered. I don't have a computer with a serial conection for my modem though :-(
[02:57:35] <arti> or a hashtag! those work
[02:58:15] <Blackmoore> I bet i have a pci card modem around here someplace
[02:58:41] <Blackmoore> i wonder if i can get that to work with dsl.
[02:59:37] <SpallsHurgenson> I wonder if I could find an app that goes Beeep-beep-dirdirdirdir-k'shhhhhhhhh when I open my browser for the first time :)
[02:59:48] <Blackmoore> ew.
[03:05:33] <Blackmoore> here you go
[03:05:33] <Blackmoore> https://www.youtube.com
[03:06:45] <SpallsHurgenson> ooooh, mmmm, yeah :)
[03:10:51] <SpallsHurgenson> except I think I used L0 to turn off the speaker :)
[03:11:02] <Blackmoore> yep
[03:11:10] <arti> not dig it out with a screw driver?
[03:11:24] <arti> stealth dialing ftw
[03:13:55] <SpallsHurgenson> we need a soylent bbs. somebody tell ncommander to get on that, stat! :)
[03:14:54] <SpallsHurgenson> also, a soylent MUD is requested :)
[03:15:55] <Blackmoore> dont we already have qa mud?
[03:16:37] <arti> yeah, i thought it plays irpg :)
[03:33:37] * SpallsHurgenson rolls a 20-sided die
[03:35:42] <Blackmoore> well, you missed, but you did find a secret door
[03:36:17] <SpallsHurgenson> oooh! I open the secret door and throw in the dwarf!
[03:38:06] <Blackmoore> *wait a second... is that dwarf dead?
[03:38:23] <SpallsHurgenson> no, but if I know the DM, he is now :)
[03:40:44] <Blackmoore> ah. well, the dwarf skids down the corridor, and lands with a thump about 15 feet down the way.
[03:41:02] <Blackmoore> everything looks perfectly fine
[03:41:20] <SpallsHurgenson> wait for it...
[03:41:22] <Blackmoore> the dwarf gets up,
[03:41:27] <SpallsHurgenson> wait for it...
[03:41:34] <Blackmoore> *click*
[03:41:40] <SpallsHurgenson> heheh :)
[03:42:00] <Blackmoore> the floor gives out under the dwarf
[03:42:14] <Blackmoore> he screams in panic
[03:42:39] <Blackmoore> you can see his fingers just on the edge
[03:42:40] * SpallsHurgenson throws the halfling in after him
[03:42:50] <SpallsHurgenson> oh wait... I forgot to tie the rope to the halfling first
[03:42:52] <SpallsHurgenson> oops :)
[03:43:06] <Blackmoore> and there goes the halfling.
[03:43:19] <Blackmoore> the dwarf yells.
[03:43:26] <SpallsHurgenson> well, never let it be said I don't learn from my mistakes
[03:43:31] * SpallsHurgenson ties the rope to the elf
[03:43:33] <Blackmoore> it seems the halfling has grabbed his leg
[03:43:46] * SpallsHurgenson throws elf and rope in after the halfling
[03:43:47] <Blackmoore> and..
[03:44:05] <SpallsHurgenson> hmmm... should I have held onto one end of the rope?
[03:44:06] <Blackmoore> well the halfling was climbing up the dwarf.
[03:44:17] <Blackmoore> but hwe isnt any more
[03:44:37] <Blackmoore> You hear a muffled splut
[03:44:49] * SpallsHurgenson shakes his head, quietly closes the door, and heads to the nearest tavern :)
[03:44:55] <Blackmoore> and then another as the dwarf lands too
[03:45:42] <SpallsHurgenson> I cast magic missile at the darkness :)
[03:48:31] <Blackmoore> https://www.youtube.com
[03:48:46] <Blackmoore> the Darkness jams back.
[03:49:17] <SpallsHurgenson> https://www.youtube.com
[03:50:55] <Blackmoore> hehe
[03:51:34] <Blackmoore> on your way to the tavern, your path is blocked by a rampent gazebo
[03:52:17] <SpallsHurgenson> oh no, not a gazeebo; they are immune to arrows and they eat paladins!
[03:54:13] <Blackmoore> aye.
[03:54:57] <SpallsHurgenson> then there are always these guys: http://www.tuckerskobolds.com
[03:55:23] <Blackmoore> it looks like the gazebo has some armor stuck in its fence
[03:58:38] <Blackmoore> oh that is fiendish. i like it
[03:59:29] <SpallsHurgenson> I never needed to be so nasty with my players; they tended to do themselves in
[03:59:53] <SpallsHurgenson> e.g., "Guys, this cliff is just an illusion. Look, I'll step off it and..."
[04:01:26] <SpallsHurgenson> "This lich is totally dead. Here, I'll give it a poke; you'll see."
[04:01:51] <SpallsHurgenson> (actually, the "I just give it a poke" has bedevilled them with many a monster :)
[04:03:14] <SpallsHurgenson> "I steal the high-level paladin's warhorse"
[04:03:44] <Blackmoore> eh i had a game session i called "death by taxes"
[04:04:21] <Blackmoore> i really dont recommend forging the country's coin
[04:04:50] <SpallsHurgenson> that's good advice in roleplaying games and out!
[04:09:33] <SpallsHurgenson> governments get so cranky about stuff like that
[04:12:11] <Blackmoore> indeed
[04:13:18] <Blackmoore> i cant say i took well to that player - the one who needed a couple xp. and decided to go fight the town bum, or guard.
[04:13:56] <SpallsHurgenson> the fiend! that guard had a family! Now who will bring home the bacon for his little daughter?
[04:15:44] <Blackmoore> and now they have to make the player understand there's laws against that..
[04:15:56] <Blackmoore> and thats how villans are made
[04:17:38] <SpallsHurgenson> my players were all - fortunately - fairly well behaved and roleplayed well (an advantage of playing with liberal arts and theater students :)
[04:17:53] <SpallsHurgenson> on the downside, I rarely had stuff like this to challenge me: http://theglen.livejournal.com :)
[04:17:56] <Blackmoore> i've had an decent mix.
[04:18:36] <Blackmoore> the munchkins bother me, but then i knew one who was also a gm. and that he did well.
[04:18:54] <SpallsHurgenson> (actually, looking at the list again... it occurs to me that many of those did happen after all :)
[04:21:49] <Blackmoore> i miss gming
[04:22:44] <SpallsHurgenson> there is a solution to that problem :)
[04:23:56] <Blackmoore> there could be. I havent looked at maptools since it's infancy.
[04:24:21] <SpallsHurgenson> maptools? you mean a pencil and some graph paper?
[04:24:56] <Blackmoore> maptools for displaying across the web
[04:25:09] <Blackmoore> sadly i live in the boondocks
[04:25:46] <Blackmoore> and while there is a local gameing store - who host a game on wednesdays the day is nogood for me
[04:25:59] <Blackmoore> and i know noone out here
[04:26:21] <Blackmoore> my players are in chiago and vegas; Northcarolina
[04:26:57] <Blackmoore> tough to have them over. but with skype or mumble, and map tools
[04:27:18] <Blackmoore> i can think about doing this on the tubes
[04:27:23] <SpallsHurgenson> but hand drawing the map is the best part!
[04:27:47] <Blackmoore> yes, and then i only show the playes parts of it :P
[04:28:01] <Blackmoore> or i read it off.
[04:28:35] <SpallsHurgenson> no, you draw a special "player's map" with numerous inaccuracies. Hand-outs always make a game more fun :)
[04:29:42] <Blackmoore> true
[04:31:49] <Blackmoore> well time for mine craft.
[04:31:54] <SpallsHurgenson> have fun :)
[04:31:59] <Blackmoore> gnight!
[04:32:01] <deadpeas> [SoylentNews] - Study Finds Wikipedia Has Significant Errors - http://sylnt.us - most-sources-are-wrong
[04:32:14] -!- Blackmoore has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[04:32:45] <SpallsHurgenson> alright, I was enough of a nerd tonight; now I better go and do something MANLY
[04:33:12] -!- SpallsHurgenson has quit [Quit: oooh, what a pretty pink dress!]
[05:01:03] -!- ethanol-fueled [ethanol-fueled!~62b0ca37@qm64-697-278-52.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[05:01:19] <ethanol-fueled> Hahaha, oh sweet Jesus, sorry about that guys.
[05:01:23] <ethanol-fueled> That was fucking obnoxious.
[05:01:32] <ethanol-fueled> even by my standards.
[05:03:57] <NCommander> Is it just me, or are comments dead today?
[05:04:17] <ethanol-fueled> Sounds pretty dead in here.
[05:04:28] <NCommander> :-/
[05:05:09] <ethanol-fueled> Because its full of lurkers most of the time.
[05:05:31] <NCommander> ethanol-fueled, yeah, I'm aware most people lurk vs. posting
[05:05:34] <NCommander> */guilty of that too*
[05:05:50] <ethanol-fueled> I really am sorry about that though.
[05:05:57] <NCommander> ?
[05:06:04] <ethanol-fueled> That fucking alcohol-crazed rant the Sunday morning.
[05:06:11] <NCommander> I think I missed it
[05:06:53] <ethanol-fueled> I shitposted 2 comments in a story about rob malda drinking bull semen to put hair on his chest.
[05:07:06] <ethanol-fueled> it was in that discussion about tained dog treats from china...or something.
[05:07:08] <ethanol-fueled> hahahah
[05:08:24] <ethanol-fueled> any plans to post the bylaws to the main page when you finalize 'em?
[05:15:40] <ethanol-fueled> Anyway, gonna split. Peace out, y'all.
[05:30:13] -!- ethanol-fueled has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[05:51:00] <deadpeas> [SoylentNews] - Apple Devices Held Hostage Using Find My iPhone - http://sylnt.us - if-you-can-find-it-someone-else-can
[06:02:24] <paulej72> NCommander: eveyone still hung over from the holiday
[06:02:48] <NCommander> paulej72, yeah :-/
[06:04:10] <paulej72> NCommander: Got a bunch of small fixes that I added into my last pull request as I was doing testing of the code.
[06:04:41] <NCommander> paulej72, let me review now
[06:05:47] <NCommander> paulej72, merged
[06:20:17] <JamesNZ> There's a broken link on the password preferences page: http://soylentnews.org
[06:31:04] <paulej72> JamesNZ: going away june 1. already fixed on dev.soylentnews.org
[06:31:45] <JamesNZ> paulej72: Ah, cool.
[06:34:29] <NCommander> JamesNZ, huge update coming down the pipe :)
[06:36:11] <JamesNZ> NCommander: \o/
[06:37:24] <JamesNZ> NCommander: Will the update include easier HTML formatting by any chance? :P
[06:44:02] <NCommander> JamesNZ, its on the wishlist, but not there yet
[06:44:13] <NCommander> Unfortunatley, my coding time is *extremely* curtailed at the moment due to RL
[06:44:32] * NCommander hopes/prays(?) that when we incorporate, that might change
[06:45:22] <JamesNZ> NCommander: Ah, fair enough.
[06:50:53] <paulej72> JamesNZ: you can play with the changes on http://dev.soylentnews.org. It does not have a current database, but one we cloned from production at the begining of April.
[06:52:36] <paulej72> JamesNZ: this is a good story to look at the new comments: http://dev.soylentnews.org
[06:54:48] <paulej72> This one shows the new word wraping http://dev.soylentnews.org
[06:55:49] <paulej72> Ok time for bed for me. Good night all
[06:56:25] <JamesNZ> paulej72: I see.
[07:26:23] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@universe2.us/Subsentient] has joined #Soylent
[07:39:11] MrBluze is now known as MrBluze|afk
[08:21:38] -!- SirFinkus [SirFinkus!~SirFinkus@l-64-313-06-125.hsd0.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[08:22:15] -!- pbnjoe [pbnjoe!~pbnjoe@Soylent/Users/313/pbnjoe] has joined #Soylent
[08:29:49] -!- mth has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[08:33:49] -!- SirFinkus has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[08:36:00] -!- mth [mth!yjnhuvlo@wfkm-731-914-221-403.chello.nl] has joined #Soylent
[08:40:02] MrBluze|afk is now known as MrBluze
[08:49:49] MrBluze is now known as MrBluze|afk
[08:52:18] <deadpeas> [SoylentNews] - One More Time: Avast Forum, 400,000 Users at Risk - http://sylnt.us - Airgap-Me
[09:11:33] -!- mth_ [mth_!vdbuswiq@88.159.sz.jxm] has joined #Soylent
[09:13:25] -!- mth has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[09:40:53] MrBluze|afk is now known as MrBluze
[09:50:35] MrBluze is now known as MrBluze|afk
[10:25:38] <crutchy> coffee++
[10:25:38] <deadpeas> karma - coffee: 133
[10:30:20] MrBluze|afk is now known as MrBluze
[10:32:36] <crutchy> o.0
[10:33:20] <crutchy> time murica
[10:33:22] <exec> location not found - UTC timestamp: Wednesday, 28 May 2014, 08:33:20 am
[10:33:22] <exec> [Google] Find out current local time in Spain Murcia. Get Murcia's weather and area codes, time zone and DST. Explore Murcia's sunrise and sunset, moonrise and ...
[10:33:35] <crutchy> time america
[10:33:36] <exec> [Google] 4:33am Wednesday (EDT) - Time in Washington, DC, USA
[10:33:56] <crutchy> no wonder its quiet
[10:39:47] MrBluze is now known as MrBluze|afk
[10:43:46] <crutchy> ~reload
[10:43:46] <exec> successfully reloaded exec file
[11:32:43] <crutchy> sorbet++
[11:32:43] <deadpeas> karma - sorbet: 1
[11:33:43] <crutchy> sorbet++
[11:33:44] <deadpeas> karma - sorbet: 2
[11:35:31] <crutchy> time north pole
[11:35:32] <exec> location not found - UTC timestamp: Wednesday, 28 May 2014, 09:35:30 am
[11:35:32] <exec> [Google] Technically, both the South Pole and the North Pole are at all time zones at the same time. iStockphoto.com/David Ciemny. Antarctica is one of the most ...
[11:38:07] <crutchy> travelling to the north/south pole must come with some fucked up jet lag
[11:39:12] <crutchy> just hope the pilot doesn't decide to circle around the pole before he lands
[11:57:39] <crutchy> ~reload
[11:57:39] <exec> successfully reloaded exec file
[12:02:39] <deadpeas> [SoylentNews] - Crowd Sourcing Bees - http://sylnt.us - Shake-Your-Honey-Maker
[12:40:52] -!- Brylarke [Brylarke!~Brylarke@73-51-404-28.dsl.zen.co.uk] has joined #Soylent
[12:51:25] -!- Konomi has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[12:54:29] <Popeidol> bees are already a crowd
[12:54:34] <Popeidol> there is no need to crowd source them further
[12:58:39] -!- Konomi [Konomi!~Konomi@Soylent/Users/189/Konomi] has joined #Soylent
[13:04:57] <exec> 00,02h00,06i00,04 00,07k00,08o00,09n00,12o00,02m00,06i
[13:07:36] -!- KonomiNetbook [KonomiNetbook!~Konomi@Soylent/Users/189/Konomi] has joined #Soylent
[13:13:01] <Popeidol> you know what they say: two's company, but bee's a crowd.
[13:45:57] <Konomi> heh colour does not trigger my highlight script
[13:47:50] -!- JamesNZ has quit [Quit: Busying myself...]
[13:52:38] <crutchy> $konomi="hi konomi"
[13:52:38] <exec> variable "konomi" set to value "hi konomi"
[13:52:45] <crutchy> $$$konomi
[13:52:45] <exec> hi konomi
[13:52:59] <Konomi> not sure I like being evaled ;_;
[13:53:47] <crutchy> $$ there's no eval in this one... $konomi... it's just plain ol' string parsing
[13:54:12] <crutchy> ...and facepalm
[13:54:22] <crutchy> $$ $konomi
[13:54:22] <exec> hi konomi
[13:54:30] <Konomi> what is with the extra space?
[13:54:40] <crutchy> $$ i wonder if this $konomi will work
[13:54:41] <exec> i wonder if this hi konomi will work
[13:54:52] <crutchy> $$i wonder if this $konomi will work
[13:54:52] <exec> i wonder if this hi konomi will work
[13:55:27] <crutchy> $$ now i'm trying to break it $konomi
[13:55:27] <exec> now i'm trying to break it hi konomi
[13:55:48] <crutchy> $$there's no eval in this one... $konomi... it's just plain ol' string parsing
[13:55:58] <crutchy> ahh
[13:56:11] <crutchy> $$there's no eval in this one... $konomi ... it's just plain ol' string parsing
[13:56:11] <exec> there's no eval in this one... hi konomi ... it's just plain ol' string parsing
[13:56:32] <crutchy> it was confused into thinking the var name was $konomi...
[13:56:41] <crutchy> (with the 3 dots)
[13:57:57] <crutchy> need to strip illegal chars off the end of the var name token
[14:00:04] <crutchy> ~bucket <<last.php>>_variable_#Soylent_$konomi unset
[14:00:04] <exec> unset bucket
[14:01:06] <crutchy> $$there's no eval in this one... $konomi ... it's just plain ol' string parsing
[14:02:09] <deadpeas> [SoylentNews] - Mozilla Starts Preorders for 1st Firefox Phone - http://sylnt.us - What-does-the-fox-say?
[14:04:22] <crutchy> in other news, apparently you can cook an iphone in a cake and it will still work!
[14:05:14] <crutchy> news at 11: study discovers there is no point cooking an iphone in a cake
[14:05:45] -!- Bytram|away [Bytram|away!~pc@Soylent/Staff/Developer/martyb] has joined #Soylent
[14:05:45] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Bytram|away] by juggler
[14:06:27] <crutchy> g'day Bytram|away
[14:08:14] <crutchy> time america
[14:08:21] <crutchy> ~time america
[14:08:22] <exec> [Google] 8:08am Wednesday (EDT) - Time in Washington, DC, USA
[14:08:34] <crutchy> wake up time
[14:09:28] <weeds> waking up...
[14:10:03] * crutchy could be really nasty and set off everyone's dingers with !stats
[14:10:55] <Bytram|away> crutchy: g'day. what's up down under?
[14:11:39] <crutchy> gettin close to bed time here so not much. munchin on some bikkies :-)
[14:11:59] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[14:12:10] <Bytram> bikkies?
[14:12:27] <crutchy> biscuits
[14:12:38] <crutchy> lol sorry about that
[14:12:50] <Bytram> ah. got it. what kind?
[14:13:05] <crutchy> arnotts "nice"
[14:13:14] <crutchy> cheap n cheerful
[14:13:26] <Bytram> herewegoagain... arnotts?
[14:13:32] <crutchy> lol
[14:14:07] <crutchy> http://www.arnotts.com.au
[14:14:46] <crutchy> holy shit they been making this particular bikkie since 1922
[14:16:11] <Bytram> methinks arnotts means "Fresh? Are nots!"
[14:16:26] <crutchy> lol
[14:16:43] <crutchy> apparently started in 1865
[14:16:51] <crutchy> wow that's an old company
[14:17:00] <crutchy> for australia anyway
[14:17:12] <Bytram> so, biscuits... soft and chewy or more like a thick cracker?
[14:17:52] <crutchy> these ones are crunchy and sweet with sugar on sprinkled on top
[14:17:58] <crutchy> good coffee-dipper
[14:18:38] <Bytram> yum! sounds sorta like cinnamon sprinkled graham(sp? crackers.
[14:20:16] <crutchy> my favourites are caramel crowns
[14:20:44] <crutchy> http://ih1.redbubble.net
[14:22:25] <Bytram> sry, got a slow net connection and am trying to get a few things done afore I head to work later today. but thanks for the links!
[14:22:59] <crutchy> no worries
[14:23:13] <crutchy> try with vegemite spread on them
[14:23:29] <crutchy> lol nah just kidding that would be gross
[14:23:46] <crutchy> hmm
[14:24:00] <Bytram> meatavegavitamix? (I love lucy reference)
[14:24:16] <crutchy> haha
[14:25:26] <Bytram> gotta get going here; tahnks for the chat! sweet dreams.
[14:25:49] <crutchy> cya Bytram have fun :-)
[14:30:12] <Bytram> thanks! same 2 u!
[14:35:12] -!- LaminatorX [LaminatorX!~18d900fb@Soylent/Staff/Editor/LaminatorX] has joined #Soylent
[14:35:12] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v LaminatorX] by juggler
[14:55:03] -!- Woods [Woods!~41a24c20@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Woods] has joined #Soylent
[14:55:03] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Woods] by juggler
[15:15:49] -!- pbnjoe has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[15:30:15] <deadpeas> [SoylentNews] - Software Bug Disrupts e-Vote Count in Belgium - http://sylnt.us - Show-of-Han#@%$%^@#-[NO-CARRIER]
[15:37:35] blackmoore|afk is now known as Blackmoore
[15:37:38] <Blackmoore> mornin
[15:37:43] <Blackmoore> coffee++
[15:37:43] <deadpeas> karma - coffee: 134
[15:44:18] <exec> 00,04m00,07o00,08r00,09n00,12i00,02n00,06 00,04B00,07l00,08a00,09c00,12k00,02m00,06o00,04o00,07r00,08e00,09 00,12:00,02-00,06)
[15:47:16] <AndyTheAbsurd> mornin all
[15:48:24] <crutchy> g'day
[15:49:08] <weeds> "Good morning, good afternoon and good night."
[15:49:30] * Woods notes that Weeds forgot "Good evening"
[15:51:05] <crutchy> its almost morning here :-P
[15:51:59] <crutchy> time vic
[15:52:08] <crutchy> ~time vic
[15:52:09] <exec> [Google] 11:52pm Wednesday (EST) - Time in Victoria, Australia
[15:58:17] <weeds> Woods: I should have looked it up instead of relying on my memory.
[15:58:32] <weeds> "Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night! "
[16:00:20] <Blackmoore> mornin - or it's 5 oclock somewhere?
[16:01:06] <crutchy> at the north and south poles it's all times simultaneously
[16:01:28] <crutchy> good night
[16:01:31] <crutchy> :)
[16:02:05] <Blackmoore> that's bogus. I'd hate to have to get up and attempt to do everything at the same time
[16:02:21] <Blackmoore> g'night crutchy
[16:03:24] <Blackmoore> (I'd have to find some other way to signify the progression of life, just without a change in apparent time)
[16:03:46] <Blackmoore> ... and that's a little to deep for me on a wednesday.
[16:03:55] <Blackmoore> before i finish my coffee.
[16:12:38] -!- janrinok [janrinok!~janrinok@Soylent/Staff/Editor/janrinok] has joined #Soylent
[16:12:38] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v janrinok] by juggler
[16:17:38] * LaminatorX finally saw Godzilla. "SKREEEEEOOOINK!"
[16:33:19] <Blackmoore> nice - i still have to go.
[16:34:09] <Blackmoore> my youngest saw it and was stomping around my living room
[16:38:05] <LaminatorX> My girls love G-monster, but I think this would be too intense for them in the theater.
[16:38:15] <LaminatorX> Ages 3&5.
[16:43:16] <Blackmoore> yeah. my guy is 10.
[16:48:00] <Blackmoore> basicall he saw the movie as a videogame. and that's fine
[16:51:16] <deadpeas> [SoylentNews] - Google Glasses is a Failure - http://sylnt.us - poor-solutions-with-no-problems-to-solve
[16:52:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[16:52:41] <deadpeas> karma - coffee: 135
[16:53:11] <LaminatorX> I've been schooling them on the classics. So far, Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla and Mothra vs Godzilla are their favorites.
[16:55:55] <LaminatorX> Mothra vs Godzilla in particular grabbed them, not only by virtue of having faries in it, but they were totally sold on the "little" caterpillar Mothra sisters wolfpacking Godzilla after he took down their Mommy. High drama!
[17:05:34] janrinok is now known as janrinok|afk
[17:41:53] <deadpeas> [SoylentNews] - Google Glass is a Failure - http://sylnt.us - poor-solutions-with-no-problems-to-solve
[18:06:36] <Blackmoore> um.. typo?
[18:07:55] <Blackmoore> any editors around?
[18:08:03] <LaminatorX> Yo.
[18:08:32] <Blackmoore> you have another "Solar roadways" in the submission queue. there had been a different one in there earlyer
[18:09:03] <Blackmoore> dont know if you want to merge or mark it as dup.
[18:09:36] <LaminatorX> Once a story has run, there's no good way to merge them. I'll delete it from the sub bin.
[18:10:15] <deadpeas> [SoylentNews] - Stick-On Buttons for Your Phone - http://sylnt.us - not-all-purchasable-technology-is-an-advertisement
[18:10:31] <LaminatorX> Was there a typo you saw?
[18:11:23] <Bytram> LaminatorX: I fixed it: "Google Glasses" should have been "Google Glass"
[18:11:31] <LaminatorX> Cool.
[18:11:36] <Blackmoore> i was wondering why deadpaes announced Google Glass is a Failure twice.
[18:11:45] <Blackmoore> ah!
[18:12:46] LaminatorX is now known as LaminatorX|out2lunch
[18:17:52] <Brylarke> Those buttons look like nipples
[18:20:37] -!- swiss has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[18:21:54] -!- swiss [swiss!swiss@Soylent/Users/803/swisskid] has joined #Soylent
[18:28:36] <Blackmoore> ......and rule 34.
[18:33:07] Blackmoore is now known as blackmoore|lunch
[18:37:53] Bytram is now known as Bytram|away
[18:38:11] -!- Brylarke has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[18:40:24] stderr is now known as stdhell
[19:07:40] <AndyTheAbsurd> !current-uid
[19:07:55] <AndyTheAbsurd> that's not right, is it?
[19:08:29] <AndyTheAbsurd> !uid
[19:13:03] LaminatorX|out2lunch is now known as LaminatorX
[19:22:09] <deadpeas> [SoylentNews] - Samsung reportedly prepping another smart watch - http://sylnt.us - still-waiting-for-that-shoe-phone
[19:22:40] <AndyTheAbsurd> woohoo I got another story posted
[19:34:46] MrBluze|afk is now known as MrBluze
[19:41:03] blackmoore|lunch is now known as Blackmoore
[19:41:08] <Blackmoore> congrats andy!
[19:41:29] <Blackmoore> nipples++
[19:41:30] <deadpeas> karma - nipples: 1
[19:41:36] <Blackmoore> coffee++
[19:41:36] <deadpeas> karma - coffee: 136
[19:41:55] <Blackmoore> luftballoons++
[19:41:55] <deadpeas> karma - luftballoons: 39
[19:42:43] <AndyTheAbsurd> luftballoons++
[19:42:43] <deadpeas> karma - luftballoons: 40
[19:42:58] <AndyTheAbsurd> luftballoons needs 59 more
[19:43:08] <AndyTheAbsurd> probably get there by sometime next week
[19:45:24] <Blackmoore> someone needs to program the bot to do ..something.. when it hits 99
[19:46:13] -!- Woods has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[19:50:37] -!- Bytram|away has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[19:52:07] <weeds> luftballoons++
[19:52:07] <deadpeas> karma - luftballoons: 41
[19:52:42] <swiss> luftballoons++
[19:52:42] <deadpeas> karma - luftballoons: 42
[19:52:54] <swiss> er
[19:52:59] <swiss> i'm really sorry to break this to you guys
[19:53:13] <swiss> AndyTheAbsurd: weeds it's spelled "luftballons"
[19:53:39] <AndyTheAbsurd> I actually knew that
[19:53:45] <AndyTheAbsurd> but I'd been ignoring it
[19:53:55] <AndyTheAbsurd> WHY DID YOU HAVE TO MENTION IT?!
[19:54:06] <swiss> I SAID I WAS SORRY
[19:54:16] <AndyTheAbsurd> s'okay
[19:54:16] <swiss> :(
[19:54:16] <swiss> :'(
[19:54:17] <weeds> I just copied what was posted already...
[19:56:25] <swiss> i meant that you got the count to 42
[19:56:27] <swiss> and it's wrong
[19:58:19] -!- janrinok|afk has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
[20:00:29] -!- Woods [Woods!~41a24c20@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Woods] has joined #Soylent
[20:00:29] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Woods] by juggler
[20:08:32] <Blackmoore> https://medium.com
[20:08:47] <Blackmoore> luftballons++
[20:08:47] <deadpeas> karma - luftballons: 1
[20:12:42] <AndyTheAbsurd> luftballons++
[20:12:42] <deadpeas> karma - luftballons: 2
[20:12:43] <AndyTheAbsurd> luftballons++
[20:12:43] <deadpeas> karma - luftballons: 3
[20:12:45] <AndyTheAbsurd> luftballons++
[20:12:45] <deadpeas> karma - luftballons: 4
[20:12:46] <AndyTheAbsurd> luftballons++
[20:12:46] <deadpeas> karma - luftballons: 5
[20:12:52] <AndyTheAbsurd> okay I'll stop now
[20:13:02] <AndyTheAbsurd> before someone stomps on me for spamming the channel
[20:30:59] <Blackmoore> So you come around the corner and into a well manicured space adorned with a gazebo.
[20:32:23] <AndyTheAbsurd> I approach the gazebo
[20:35:23] <Blackmoore> it stands resolute
[20:35:55] <Blackmoore> it's bleached white surface shining in the sunlight
[20:36:57] <Blackmoore> there is a smell of dried blood, but you dont see any on the deck
[20:38:59] <swiss> luftballons++
[20:38:59] <deadpeas> karma - luftballons: 6
[20:39:26] <swiss> AndyTheAbsurd: burn it down
[20:40:41] * AndyTheAbsurd checks the deck of the gazebo for trap doors
[20:40:56] <AndyTheAbsurd> or other hidden entrances/switches/etc
[20:45:27] <Blackmoore> What you find is disturbing
[20:45:44] <Blackmoore> the gazebo seems to be made of flesh.
[20:46:02] <Blackmoore> roll initiative
[20:46:26] <Blackmoore> the gazebo is attempting to eat you.
[20:46:53] <paulej72> the gaxebo was an outdoor grew
[20:47:11] <AndyTheAbsurd> grues can't live outdoors
[20:47:17] <AndyTheAbsurd> they can't stand light
[20:47:31] <Woods> I thought it was luftballoons?
[20:47:34] <paulej72> genetically modified by Monsanto
[20:47:47] * AndyTheAbsurd doesn't know what system is being used so isn't sure how to roll initiative
[20:48:02] <Blackmoore> eh fine; you go first
[20:48:23] <AndyTheAbsurd> sweet!
[20:48:30] <Blackmoore> Since you walked into it to check for traps, it's trying to bite down
[20:48:47] <AndyTheAbsurd> in that case, I run out of the gazebo
[20:49:30] <Blackmoore> it snages your left leg as you try to get out, and you take 4 hp in damage. just a flesh wound
[20:50:14] <AndyTheAbsurd> ...how many HP do I have?
[20:50:44] <Blackmoore> the gazebo makes a sound that's a cross between a roar and a wheeze.
[20:50:49] <AndyTheAbsurd> ...do I have a sword? shield? armor? knapsack? spells?
[20:50:54] <Blackmoore> AndyTheAbsurd: 27hp
[20:51:06] <AndyTheAbsurd> oh that's not bad then
[20:51:08] <Blackmoore> sure. sword, l1 and l2 spells
[20:51:25] <AndyTheAbsurd> you still haven't told me what system this is
[20:51:38] <Blackmoore> the gazebo rises a few feet in an attempt to pursue.. it's really slow
[20:51:39] <AndyTheAbsurd> I cast Magic Missile on the gazebo
[20:51:46] <Blackmoore> oh assume AD&d.
[20:51:52] <AndyTheAbsurd> well I guess "at"
[20:52:16] <Blackmoore> the missle hits the gazebo
[20:52:39] <AndyTheAbsurd> of course it does, that's the nice thing about Magic Missile, it strikes unerringly
[20:52:56] <AndyTheAbsurd> unfortunately it only does 1d4+1 of damage IIRC.
[20:53:09] * AndyTheAbsurd has no idea how many hit points a gazebo has
[20:53:36] * AndyTheAbsurd does a knowledge check to see if he knows how difficult it is to kill a gazebo
[20:56:35] <LaminatorX> I think a gazebo would have structure points, not hit points, if we're going AD&D here.
[20:58:23] -!- Subsentient has quit [Quit: Derp.]
[20:58:45] <swiss> AndyTheAbsurd: should have burned it down
[20:59:40] <LaminatorX> Burning Hands is your 1st level gazebo killer, not Magic Missile.
[21:00:26] <LaminatorX> You'll need a couple of levels under your bely before it does enough damage though.
[21:01:12] <AndyTheAbsurd> I like fire but I'm not *that* much of a pyromaniac
[21:01:35] <Woods> AndyTheAbsurd: Did you check the shadows first? Maybe it is in a rick. (The collective noun of Gazebo)
[21:01:52] <Woods> First you are setting it on fire, next thing you know, you are surrounded.
[21:03:26] <boioioing> luftballons++
[21:03:26] <deadpeas> karma - luftballons: 7
[21:03:42] <boioioing> ...all that other work for nuttin'
[21:05:34] <AndyTheAbsurd> luftballons++
[21:05:34] <deadpeas> karma - luftballons: 8
[21:05:47] <AndyTheAbsurd> luftballons++
[21:05:47] <deadpeas> karma - luftballons: 9
[21:06:32] <AndyTheAbsurd> it keeps a separate karma counter per-channel?
[21:06:45] <AndyTheAbsurd> I just tried it in a /query and it started at 1. :(
[21:07:51] <Blackmoore> (sorry had to work)
[21:08:44] <Blackmoore> You hear lurching and shuffling around you
[21:09:17] <Blackmoore> a large mirrored ball has rolled into your legs
[21:09:21] <Woods> Uh oh, I told you dude. It has a posse!
[21:09:50] <Blackmoore> it bites you for 2hp.
[21:10:15] <Blackmoore> Woods - you are being approached by a trellis.
[21:10:55] <Woods> I immediately jump on, and climb the trellis to the top.
[21:10:57] <Blackmoore> LaminatorX: the hedge to the north is starting to move south
[21:11:36] <Blackmoore> The trellis is now buckig like a mad bronco.
[21:12:04] <Blackmoore> the gazebo lurches forward... about half a foot.
[21:12:32] <Woods> Good thing I have rope! I loop the rope around the trellis and ride it around, attempting to tame it.
[21:12:56] <Blackmoore> AndyTheAbsurd: 25 hp.
[21:13:07] <Blackmoore> good thinking woods!
[21:13:23] <Blackmoore> but you still take 2hp in bruising.
[21:13:55] <Blackmoore> it seems to be working
[21:13:57] <Woods> Nah man, I have my leather trellis-riding chaps on. That should negate it.
[21:16:26] <Blackmoore> it's percussive damage, you'll have it back after a nights rest.
[21:16:59] <Blackmoore> the hedge is getting closer
[21:17:01] <Woods> Okay good.
[21:17:28] <Woods> I whistle as loudly as I can to get the attention of AndyTheAbsurd, and LaminatorX.
[21:17:49] <Blackmoore> andy; what are you doing? the Gazebo is still slowly aproaching.
[21:21:05] <Woods> I bend down and pet the trellis behind the cross hatches, then feed it some ivy leaves from my pouch.
[21:23:00] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@universe2.us/Subsentient] has joined #Soylent
[21:31:15] <Blackmoore> *achievement get - trellis mount*
[21:34:46] <Woods> Good to know I still live up to my old title from back home...
[21:35:06] * Woods unbuttons his jacket to reveal the badge on his chest that reads "SHERRIF TRELLIS WRANGLER"
[21:37:50] * AndyTheAbsurd draws his sword and attacks the gazebo
[21:38:38] <Blackmoore> ok, i wasnt expecting that. You strike a blow to the gazebo.
[21:38:59] <Blackmoore> it attempts to bit back, bu tyou dodge.
[21:39:18] <Woods> Go for the weak spot!
[21:39:34] <Blackmoore> however when you went to back up the mirrored ball has attempted to trip you
[21:39:55] <AndyTheAbsurd> It's a gazebo! I don't think it *has* weak spots! (With apologies to the writers of GalaxyQuest)
[21:39:56] <Blackmoore> you've lost balance, but did not fall.
[21:40:16] <AndyTheAbsurd> I attack the mirrored ball with my sword
[21:40:45] <Blackmoore> you attack with a -2 (you are recovering from the stumble)
[21:40:56] <Blackmoore> but manage to connect.
[21:41:09] <Blackmoore> the mirrord ball shatters.
[21:41:42] <Woods> I sit back and watch the carnage while my trellis grazes on some nearby vines.
[21:41:44] <Blackmoore> the gazebo roars.
[21:41:54] <deadpeas> [SoylentNews] - Appeals Court Slams Prenda Law - http://sylnt.us - and-here's-the-pitch
[21:41:55] <Blackmoore> the trellis shudders
[21:42:51] <AndyTheAbsurd> I attack the gazebo with my sword!
[21:43:05] <Blackmoore> The gazebo leaps at you!
[21:43:25] <Blackmoore> it impales itself on your sword!
[21:43:43] <AndyTheAbsurd> Does this mean that I've defeated the Dread Gazebo?
[21:44:06] <Blackmoore> your sword is stuck in the gazebo. It is wailing in pain.
[21:44:37] <AndyTheAbsurd> I thrust my sword more deeply into the gazebo.
[21:44:48] <Blackmoore> ....
[21:45:05] <Blackmoore> somebody grab that line
[21:45:08] <AndyTheAbsurd> yeah yeah. "THat's what she said." Sure it is.
[21:45:20] <Woods> Too late :(
[21:45:41] <AndyTheAbsurd> here I'll fix it
[21:45:43] <AndyTheAbsurd> I thrust my sword more deeply into the gazebo.
[21:45:50] <Woods> !grab AndyTheAbsurd
[21:45:50] <deadpeas> Added quote 179
[21:45:52] <Woods> Done.
[21:46:11] <Blackmoore> the gazebo rears back in pain, an agonizine wail pierces the area
[21:46:34] <Blackmoore> it lurches over, and grow quiet
[21:46:54] * Woods is fascinated at how a gazebo is able to lurch.
[21:46:57] <Blackmoore> you have defeated the gazebo.
[21:47:21] <Blackmoore> you hear a shuffling stomp from the west.
[21:47:34] <AndyTheAbsurd> I turn to look to the west
[21:47:44] <Blackmoore> it appears to be the Eifel tower approaching.
[21:47:53] <Woods> You made its mother angry.
[21:47:59] <AndyTheAbsurd> great.
[21:48:06] <Woods> Good luck with that, mate.
[21:48:23] <Blackmoore> it seems to be dropping tourists in it's wake.
[21:48:35] <paulej72> run away into the nearby cave
[21:48:39] <AndyTheAbsurd> I wonder if I could summon King Kong to fight it for me?
[21:48:44] <Blackmoore> :P
[21:48:48] <AndyTheAbsurd> on second thought, paulej72 has a good idea
[21:48:54] <Blackmoore> this isnt final fantasy
[21:49:00] <AndyTheAbsurd> Are there any caves nearby?
[21:49:07] <AndyTheAbsurd> Or even houses with basements?
[21:49:09] <Blackmoore> sure enough yes.
[21:49:32] <Blackmoore> it looks like caves or some kind of entrence to a catacomb
[21:49:39] <Blackmoore> to the south east
[21:49:58] <AndyTheAbsurd> I go to the cave
[21:50:12] <AndyTheAbsurd> and wait just far enough inside that the Eiffel Tower can't reach me
[21:50:26] <Woods> Careful, it could be dark inside.
[21:50:55] <Blackmoore> well, it is underground.
[21:51:30] <paulej72> It could be lit by biolumenecent fungi on the walls
[21:51:45] <Blackmoore> and i have to get back to work. - We'll have to come back to this later
[21:52:26] <Blackmoore> I really do miss being the GM.
[21:54:31] <AndyTheAbsurd> Blackmoore: what time zone are you in? (US named time zones or GMT offset work fine for me.)
[22:00:19] <Blackmoore> EST
[22:05:27] <Woods> Bam, just bought a new computer off of Newegg.
[22:06:27] <Blackmoore> nice
[22:06:51] <Woods> Apparently my current system could not run Watchdogs. Soooo....
[22:07:28] <Blackmoore> LaminatorX: I have found a boing boing review for the greenwald book.
[22:07:39] <Woods> Saved a couple hundred by building it myself instead of getting one of the pre-mades, too.
[22:07:59] <Blackmoore> do you want that as a seperate submission. or do we add it to the one i sent in this morning?
[22:09:06] <Blackmoore> Woods: I usually build my systems. it's a good hobby for me. too bad i cant afford more than one every 4-5 years.
[22:09:46] <Woods> Yeah, my last one was... I think... 6 years ago? Tough to remember.
[22:09:59] <Woods> Back when 4 Gb of RAM was a lot.
[22:10:36] <AndyTheAbsurd> My current system is ~2.5 years old I think and it's got 16GB of RAM
[22:10:55] <Woods> Not too shabby AndyTheAbsurd, planned ahead huh?
[22:11:00] <AndyTheAbsurd> yup :)
[22:11:11] <AndyTheAbsurd> I don't think I've *ever* used swap on that system.
[22:11:57] <Woods> My new one has 16, but can get up to like... 64. Except, they do not make 16 Gb sticks that I know of yet.
[22:12:13] <Blackmoore> *rolls eyes* I wish i could afford 8gb of ram.
[22:12:37] <Woods> Blackmoore: I have a few 2 Gb sticks laying around, do you want some?
[22:12:58] <Blackmoore> mm.. where would you ship out of woods?
[22:13:14] <Woods> Missouri, USA.
[22:13:22] <Blackmoore> i'm in buffalo. ok that would work.
[22:13:44] <Blackmoore> I think. let me check what my system needs.
[22:13:58] <Woods> DDR3-1333-2Gb Dimm.
[22:14:08] <Woods> 240 pin
[22:14:26] <Woods> The cas is probably horrible, but better than nothing.
[22:17:48] <Blackmoore> damn. my MB is too old. it wants DDR2
[22:18:27] <Blackmoore> (yeah newegg and historical lookup)
[22:19:02] <Woods> All I have for DDR2 is 5300 1Gb
[22:19:07] <Woods> But a lot of it.
[22:19:10] <Blackmoore> .. but the MB is still for sale :P
[22:19:52] <Blackmoore> it only has 2 ram slots.
[22:19:57] <Woods> :(
[22:20:02] <Blackmoore> drat.
[22:20:22] <Woods> It should not cost too much to upgrade, if it supports it.
[22:20:39] <Woods> 2x 4Gb sticks is probably only like $50 or less.
[22:21:00] <Woods> Especially DDR2.
[22:23:06] -!- FunPika [FunPika!~FunPika@Soylent/Staff/Wiki/FunPika] has joined #Soylent
[22:23:06] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v FunPika] by juggler
[22:23:13] <Woods> Haha, I bought the stuff about an hour and 20 minutes ago. Newegg just sent a tracking code.
[22:23:17] <Woods> Man I love those guys.
[22:24:43] <Blackmoore> looks like i am out of luck.
[22:25:35] <Blackmoore> newegg isnt even listing DDR2 ram .
[22:25:48] <Woods> Well dang. Sorry to hear that Blackmoore. How much ram do you have now?
[22:25:53] <Blackmoore> 4gb
[22:26:05] <Blackmoore> and you'd think that's be enough
[22:26:46] <Woods> After I build my new computer, I will scavenge what I have and see if I can help you out. My current system had two RAM ports go bad (Or the sticks themselves) if I still have them around I will check and let you know what kind they are.
[22:27:01] <Blackmoore> but at times it's going to swap, ah well. - well thank you!
[22:27:34] <Blackmoore> yeah - let me know. I expect I'll be nursing this sytem for 4-5 more years
[22:28:45] <Woods> lol
[22:32:13] <Woods> I cannot recall if I kept the two extra sticks or not, and Newegg is not showing them in my purchase history. The internet has failed me yet again.
[22:34:52] <Blackmoore> ah well.
[23:22:11] <deadpeas> [SoylentNews] - The PANIC Button to Erase Your RAM. - http://sylnt.us - DDR3-for-the-win
[23:26:57] <LaminatorX> Sorry, Blackmoore, I missed you there.
[23:28:59] <LaminatorX> Did you submit a Guenwald story this morning? All I see from you in the bin are Reading Rainbow and patent trolls.
[23:30:11] <LaminatorX> Oh, I see, it's already queued.
[23:31:47] <Blackmoore> tis alright.
[23:32:02] <Blackmoore> http://boingboing.net
[23:32:17] <LaminatorX> If you want to add to it now, an editor will have to edit it in manually. I can make that happen if need be. Alternately, you could just put the boing boing reference in a comment, if it doesn't warrant significant changes to the summary.
[23:32:57] <Blackmoore> far more positive than greenwalds reaction to the press
[23:33:23] <LaminatorX> I'll add a see also with that link.
[23:33:45] <Blackmoore> thanks
[23:35:35] <Blackmoore> weeds: i'm stumbling with irc. i see you PM, and webchat keeps telling me i cant respond :P
[23:35:58] -!- LaminatorX has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[23:37:23] <AndyTheAbsurd> webchat usually sucks
[23:37:49] <Blackmoore> well, i'm at work, you use what you can get away with
[23:41:11] <crutchy> coffee++
[23:41:11] <deadpeas> karma - coffee: 137
[23:42:30] <Blackmoore> coffee++
[23:42:30] <deadpeas> karma - coffee: 138
[23:47:51] <paulej72> fixing bugs on dev. Making sure we are ready to deploy this weekend.
[23:49:07] <crutchy> sounds good paulej72
[23:51:20] -!- weeds has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[23:51:23] <paulej72> found a bucnch today. One was on IE 9 as it did not like my linear gradient in the background and then ingnored the fall back. I had to set background-color seperate from my gradinets. Also added the prefixed versions of these as it would get more coverage for older browsers.
[23:52:05] <paulej72> another bug, I had links on the uthors page set as black on black
[23:52:18] <paulej72> i mean white on white
[23:58:38] <Blackmoore> drat, i was going to crack out ACDC..
[23:59:08] -!- Woods has quit [Quit: Web client closed]