#Soylent | Logs for 2014-06-02

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[00:00:28] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Humanized Cartograms of the Periodic Table - http://sylnt.us - Not-Cartmangrams
[00:13:11] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[00:13:27] -!- exec has quit [Quit: exec]
[00:13:34] -!- crutchy has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[01:30:26] -!- SoyCow9237 [SoyCow9237!~c6e4c89a@ygzsqsfyqw9ug788-rai.mycingular.net] has joined #Soylent
[01:30:35] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Snowden Says He Was a Spy, Not Just an Analyst - http://sylnt.us - the-tangled-web
[01:31:59] -!- SoyCow9237 has quit [Client Quit]
[01:36:50] -!- AshleyWaffle has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[01:54:43] -!- AshleyWaffle [AshleyWaffle!~waffle@198.206.zs.ukm] has joined #Soylent
[01:59:09] -!- FunPika has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[02:01:58] -!- boioioing has quit [Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in]
[02:02:14] -!- boioioing [boioioing!~pert.boio@76.84.hjr.llj] has joined #Soylent
[02:21:15] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Patent Trolls Win Battle In Congress - http://sylnt.us - not-this-crap-again
[02:28:14] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~62b0c2d3@on26-954-472-094.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[02:29:40] <Ethanol-fueled> FUCK YOU NIGGERA
[02:30:18] -!- Ethanol-fueled has quit [Client Quit]
[02:47:14] -!- ethanol-fuieled [ethanol-fuieled!~62b0c2d3@on26-954-472-094.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[02:47:21] <ethanol-fuieled> suck my dick]
[02:47:42] -!- ethanol-fuieled has quit [Client Quit]
[02:53:50] -!- n1 has quit []
[03:28:37] -!- Bytram|away [Bytram|away!~pc@Soylent/Staff/Developer/martyb] has joined #Soylent
[03:28:37] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Bytram|away] by juggler
[03:52:06] -!- drgibbon has quit [Quit: Beware.. your closest friends may be.. CYBER MAGICIANS!]
[03:52:18] -!- boioioing has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[03:55:01] -!- boioioing [boioioing!~boioioing@76.84.hjr.llj] has joined #Soylent
[03:55:45] boioioing is now known as SoyGuest5635
[03:59:10] -!- SoyGuest5635 has quit [Client Quit]
[03:59:51] -!- boioioing [boioioing!~boioioing@76.84.hjr.llj] has joined #Soylent
[04:00:35] boioioing is now known as SoyGuest73145
[04:02:28] -!- SoyGuest73145 has quit [Client Quit]
[04:03:07] -!- boioioing [boioioing!~boioioing@76.84.hjr.llj] has joined #Soylent
[04:03:50] boioioing is now known as SoyGuest26684
[04:07:46] -!- SoyGuest26684 [SoyGuest26684!~boioioing@76.84.hjr.llj] has parted #Soylent
[04:11:34] -!- boioioing [boioioing!~boioioing@76.84.hjr.llj] has joined #Soylent
[04:21:45] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~62b0c2d3@on26-954-472-094.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[04:22:00] -!- Ethanol-fueled has quit [Client Quit]
[04:30:50] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Turkey Detains CNN Reporter On Air - http://sylnt.us - probably-on-youtube-by-now
[04:47:07] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~62b0c2d3@on26-954-472-094.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[04:47:16] <Ethanol-fueled> Yeeeahhhhh!
[04:47:34] -!- Bytram|away has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[04:47:55] <Ethanol-fueled> fuck you nigga
[04:48:16] <Ethanol-fueled> http://www.youtube.com
[04:48:20] <Ethanol-fueled> yeeeahhhhh
[04:49:16] <Ethanol-fueled> fuck you all.
[04:49:26] <Ethanol-fueled> suck my fucking dick.
[04:49:29] <Ethanol-fueled> assholes
[04:49:34] -!- Ethanol-fueled has quit [Client Quit]
[07:00:42] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - 'Beam Me Up, Data' - http://sylnt.us - in-search-of-the-holy-grail
[07:44:01] -!- pbnjoe has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[08:40:21] -!- f4r_ [f4r_!~HanakoDlm@455-30-464-400.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #Soylent
[08:41:38] -!- f4r has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[08:51:05] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - One More Step Towards Proving Quantum Computing - http://sylnt.us - one-step-at-a-time
[09:21:39] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@universe2.us/Subsentient] has joined #Soylent
[09:23:13] <Subsentient> $chanctl op Subsentient
[09:23:13] <aqu4> Ok.
[09:23:14] -!- mode/#Soylent [+o Subsentient] by aqu4
[09:23:17] <Subsentient> $restart
[09:23:18] <aqu4> Be right back.
[09:23:18] -!- aqu4 has quit [Quit: aqu4bot is restarting...]
[09:23:31] -!- aqu4 [aqu4!~aqu4bot@universe2.us/ircbot/aqu4] has joined #Soylent
[09:23:36] -!- mode/#Soylent [+o aqu4] by Subsentient
[09:23:41] <Subsentient> $chanctl deop Subsentient
[09:23:41] <aqu4> Ok.
[09:23:42] -!- mode/#Soylent [-o Subsentient] by aqu4
[09:23:46] <Subsentient> $sr derp
[09:23:46] <aqu4> pred
[09:23:54] <JamesNZ> $time
[09:23:54] <aqu4> Mon 2014-06-02 07:23:54 AM UTC
[09:23:59] <Subsentient> chromas:
[09:24:09] <Subsentient> Try to make her do the /me trick with $sr
[09:24:23] <Subsentient> $burrito chromas
[09:24:23] * aqu4 chucks a nasty, rotten burrito at chromas
[09:25:24] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[09:25:30] <Subsentient> $sr
[09:25:30] * aqu4 dropkicks a cinderblock at Subsentient's head
[09:25:31] <aqu4> You sneaky thing.
[09:25:34] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[09:25:40] <arti> g'day
[09:25:52] <Subsentient> $sr derps
[09:25:52] <aqu4> spred
[09:25:55] <Subsentient> $sr
[09:25:55] * aqu4 dropkicks a cinderblock at Subsentient's head
[09:25:56] <aqu4> You sneaky thing.
[09:25:57] * crutchy salutes
[09:26:22] <Subsentient> crutchy: you approve of my method?
[09:26:41] <crutchy> method?
[09:26:48] <Subsentient> She now checks for any \x01 character and snarfles the garthog of whoever tries to use them in $sr
[09:27:00] <Subsentient> $sr
[09:27:00] * aqu4 dropkicks a cinderblock at Subsentient's head
[09:27:01] <aqu4> You sneaky thing.
[09:27:08] <crutchy> lol what about \x02?
[09:27:17] <Subsentient> Colors and bold, I don't care.
[09:27:45] <Subsentient> As long as you aren't making her /me
[09:28:19] <crutchy> what about \x00\x01?
[09:29:16] <Subsentient> It will allow \0 but not \1
[09:29:21] * crutchy is just thinking aloud / devils advocate thing... is to lazy to try it
[09:29:25] <Subsentient> so youd' still get nailed
[09:29:52] <Subsentient> $tell crutchy
[09:29:52] * Subsentient farts on crutchy
[09:29:52] <aqu4> I'll tell them in a PM next time I see 'em.
[09:29:54] * crutchy is eating a mcspew burger
[09:30:06] <Subsentient> $tell Subsentient
[09:30:06] * Subsentient farts on crutchy
[09:30:06] <aqu4> I'll tell them in a PM next time I see 'em.
[09:30:08] <Subsentient> .
[09:30:26] <crutchy> ok now i'm curious :-P
[09:30:47] <Subsentient> $msg #Soylent
[09:30:47] * Subsentient farts on crutchy
[09:30:47] <aqu4> Ok.
[09:30:48] * aqu4 farts on crutchy
[09:31:48] <crutchy> meh i dunno how to make a \x00 anyway :=P
[09:32:06] <Subsentient> crutchy: that has a value of 0. It's literally binary 0. As such, it's useless.
[09:32:32] <arti> look at you guys, bot bros
[09:32:44] <arti> all you need are some tshirts and a theme song
[09:32:45] <crutchy> does aqu4 trim the trailing before detecting \x01?
[09:32:51] <JamesNZ> Let's start a bot clan!
[09:32:52] <crutchy> lol
[09:33:05] <Subsentient> crutchy: yes
[09:33:06] <crutchy> a bot army mwahahahaa!!
[09:33:17] <crutchy> ah
[09:33:20] <arti> if you can get ncommander confused, only then will you succeed
[09:33:33] <JamesNZ> crisp: And take over IRC with it!
[09:33:50] <crutchy> i'll just tell him new hampshire is really in canada
[09:34:04] <JamesNZ> Err, I mean crutchy*
[09:34:10] <arti> better than crotchy
[09:34:23] <arti> that's when he's really old
[09:34:34] <crutchy> i don't need nicknames for it... speaks for itself ;-)
[09:34:45] <arti> "speaks"
[09:34:54] <arti> i speak after mcdonalds too
[09:34:57] <crutchy> kinda spits as it talks
[09:35:11] <arti> too much coconut milk
[09:35:54] <crutchy> exec was a naughty bot last night
[09:36:26] <crutchy> was talking jibberish in #irpg
[09:36:40] <crutchy> i forgot it was in there
[09:37:38] <crutchy> now i dump irc messages to #exec so i can see what its doing
[09:37:52] <crutchy> i have nfi how it works anymore
[09:37:59] <Subsentient> crutchy: Where is the source for your bot? Link?
[09:38:06] <crutchy> ~
[09:38:06] <arti> crutchy LOL
[09:38:06] <exec> IRC SCRIPT EXECUTIVE
[09:38:07] <exec> https://github.com
[09:38:07] <exec> http://wiki.soylentnews.org
[09:38:27] * arti waits for subsentient to bitch and moan
[09:38:57] * Subsentient pukes on crutchy
[09:38:59] <arti> you have to like it, it's derived from C!
[09:39:32] <crutchy> lol php... it's like pcp except with no c
[09:40:01] <crutchy> at least its not full of g'oop
[09:40:51] <Subsentient> I make sure to add a heaping blob of goop to each commit in aqu4bot. Nice, viscous cyan goop.
[09:41:55] <crutchy> plenty og glowballs though :-D
[09:42:03] <crutchy> s/og/of/
[09:42:03] <SedBot> <crutchy> plenty of glowballs though :-D
[09:58:24] -!- SirFinkus has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com]
[10:07:45] -!- KonomiNetbook has quit [Quit: leaving]
[10:07:47] <crutchy> is ciri still banned?
[10:07:55] <crutchy> :-(
[10:08:19] <Subsentient> hmm
[10:08:41] <Subsentient> $chanctl unban *!*ciri@*
[10:08:42] <aqu4> Ok.
[10:08:42] -!- mode/#Soylent [-b *!*ciri@*] by aqu4
[10:08:55] <Subsentient> $chanctl unban *!*ciri@*.members.linode.com
[10:08:56] <aqu4> Ok.
[10:08:56] -!- mode/#Soylent [-b *!*ciri@*.members.linode.com] by aqu4
[10:09:05] <Subsentient> crutchy:
[10:09:15] * arti blows the horn
[10:09:17] <crutchy> :-)
[10:09:27] <crutchy> hurray!
[10:09:48] -!- ciri [ciri!~ciri@iminylescdbcem.com] has joined #Soylent
[10:10:14] <arti> now with more dice rolling and unit conversions
[10:10:18] * crutchy wonders if there is a way to set browser command in xchat
[10:10:18] -!- ciri has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[10:10:25] <arti> niiiice
[10:10:27] <crutchy> ?
[10:10:29] <arti> blew up
[10:10:49] <arti> *** glibc detected *** ./eggdrop: munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer: 0x0912e3e0 ***
[10:11:06] <Subsentient> arti: You can fork aqu4bot and merge my upstream :^)
[10:11:15] <arti> that sounds dirty
[10:11:21] <Subsentient> lol
[10:11:30] <arti> i appreciate the kind offer
[10:11:48] <crutchy> not that there's anything wrong with that :-P
[10:11:52] <Subsentient> arti: aqu4bot pretty much never crashes anymore.
[10:12:03] <Subsentient> She's really really stable.
[10:12:04] <crutchy> exec just does whatever it wants
[10:12:20] <crutchy> maybe it is female after all
[10:12:32] * Subsentient hails extensive use of snprintf() as a major contributor to stability.
[10:12:47] -!- ciri [ciri!~ciri@iminylescdbcem.com] has joined #Soylent
[10:12:56] <crutchy> soylent news printf :-)
[10:13:16] <arti> !decide yes no "maybe so"
[10:13:18] <ciri> The roll of the dice picks: no.
[10:13:37] <arti> nice, now we just need a secret decoder ring
[10:13:55] <arti> perhaps we can partyline all of these
[10:14:03] <Subsentient> crutchy: Actually it's more like char Array[256]; snprintf(Array, sizeof Array, "String 1, %s Integer: %d\n", "String 2", 7); IRC_Message(SendTo, Array);
[10:14:17] <crutchy> Subsentient already offered you his decoder ring arti
[10:14:24] <arti> :|
[10:14:27] <arti> i don't like pink though
[10:14:46] <aqu4> neither do I.
[10:14:52] <crutchy> he appears purple here
[10:15:13] <aqu4> What color is aqua, dumbass?
[10:15:20] <aqu4> cyan.
[10:15:28] <arti> is dumbass some kind of token?
[10:15:38] <aqu4> No it's a decoder ring.
[10:15:45] <crutchy> Subsentient, i think aqu4 is talking to you
[10:15:52] <Subsentient> lollll
[10:16:01] <arti> quick, everyone, dumbass time!
[10:16:10] <aqu4> Organics, beh.
[10:16:13] <crutchy> dumbass++
[10:16:13] <Bender> karma - dumbass: 1
[10:16:16] <arti> dRiNK MoRe OvalTiNE
[10:16:20] <Subsentient> LOLLL
[10:16:30] * crutchy supplies the crayons
[10:16:31] <Subsentient> Tentacle covered kiwis!
[10:16:37] <Subsentient> Talking toilet onions!
[10:16:48] <arti> :>
[10:17:46] <arti> hmm
[10:18:30] <arti> man that was the first time... oh, maybe i should recompile
[10:21:06] <arti> anyway, i'll catch you guys later, need to read a bit
[10:21:22] <arti> danke sub
[10:21:52] <crutchy> cya arti
[10:22:00] * crutchy salutes
[10:22:01] <arti> yessir, good luck
[10:22:11] <arti> gotta wrap my brain around these adjectives, fucking genders
[10:22:22] <arti> it's like a bunch of exceptions
[10:22:30] <crutchy> ~define adjectives
[10:22:36] <exec> [wolframalpha] adjectives: 1 | noun | a word that expresses an attribute of something\n2 | noun | the word class that qualifies nouns\n3 | adjective | of or relating to or functioning as an adjective\n4 | adjective | relating to court practice and procedure as opposed to the principles of law
[10:22:49] <crutchy> ~define pffft
[10:22:51] <exec> [urbandictionary] pffft: the sound emitted when farting
[10:23:02] <arti> ~define fupa
[10:23:07] <exec> fupa: unable to find definition
[10:23:13] <arti> ~define gunt
[10:23:16] <crutchy> lol
[10:23:17] <exec> gunt: unable to find definition
[10:23:20] <arti> :O
[10:23:43] <crutchy> is it borked?
[10:23:45] <arti> ~define taint
[10:23:46] <exec> [urbandictionary] taint: The area between the nutsack and asshole that prevent a man from shitting on his nuts. See durf.
[10:23:54] <arti> seems to be working
[10:23:54] <crutchy> o.0
[10:24:04] <arti> also known as 'the dirty inch'
[10:24:04] <crutchy> ~define durf
[10:24:06] <exec> [urbandictionary] durf: The area between the scrotum see "nutsack" and the asshole that prevents one from shitting on his nuts.
[10:24:32] <crutchy> ok i kinda prefer some mystery wrt to that area
[10:24:50] <crutchy> my wife can study it instead :-P
[10:24:53] <arti> anyway, we should start a pool to see who can guess the closest amounts of 'suck my dicks'
[10:25:05] <arti> and the bot should count this
[10:25:16] <crutchy> ke?
[10:25:19] <arti> our first nomination should be Mr Fueled.
[10:25:47] <arti> seems to have an episode every other day or so
[10:26:01] <arti> so we can tie in the position of the moon and maybe the stock market and we'll make predictions
[10:26:07] <arti> maybe generate some haikus
[10:26:14] <crutchy> sounds complicated
[10:26:21] <crutchy> brb
[10:26:26] <arti> complexity means job security
[10:26:29] <Subsentient> lol
[10:27:48] <Subsentient> That explains Windows NT
[10:28:38] <arti> 3.51 in the hizzy
[10:42:59] <Subsentient> $seen xlefay
[10:42:59] <aqu4> I last saw xlefay at 2014-05-03 00:39:51 UTC in #soylent. Their most recent message is " Order alone : 5"
[10:43:42] <Subsentient> $title xkcd.com
[10:43:43] <aqu4> Title for page xkcd.com: "xkcd: Jump"
[10:43:49] <Subsentient> ahh good a new one
[10:44:22] <ar> hm
[10:44:45] * Subsentient is confused by the new one
[10:44:58] <ar> $title arachnist.is-a.cat/test.html
[10:44:59] <aqu4> Title for page arachnist.is-a.cat/test.html: "FOO
[10:45:06] <ar> hm
[10:45:11] <Subsentient> $title universe2.us
[10:45:12] <aqu4> Title for page universe2.us: "Universe 2"
[10:45:19] <Subsentient> $title universe2.us
[10:45:19] <aqu4> Title for page universe2.us: "Universe 2"
[10:45:22] <ar> $title arachnist.is-a.cat/test.html
[10:45:22] <aqu4> Title for page arachnist.is-a.cat/test.html: "FOO
[10:45:22] -!- aqu4 has quit [Quit: bar"]
[10:45:26] <ar> whoops
[10:45:27] <ciri> And from what i've read basically every book i've come across in skyrimjob.
[10:45:46] <ar> fix that irc bot of yours, ok? ;)
[10:46:02] <Subsentient> ar: You just cost my bot OP
[10:46:07] <Subsentient> I lost admin because of you.
[10:46:13] <ar> Subsentient: sorry about that
[10:46:17] <Subsentient> Ask people before you crash their stuff
[10:46:27] <Subsentient> Some asshole rebooted my server once.
[10:46:28] <ar> Subsentient: but i could've made the bot kick anyone in the channel
[10:46:38] <ar> Subsentient: which would've been worse
[10:46:46] <Subsentient> Server.
[10:50:43] <ar> Subsentient: is it so hard to restart the bot?
[10:51:13] <Subsentient> ar: No. I fixed the problem but then noticed my clip-less network cable had come out and I need to tape it back in
[10:51:47] <ar> Subsentient: just wondering, are the sources available online somewhere?
[10:51:56] <ar> (for the bot)
[10:52:35] <Subsentient> Yes
[10:52:44] <Subsentient> http://github.com
[10:54:19] <ar> oh, it's written in C
[10:54:46] -!- aqu4 [aqu4!~aqu4bot@universe2.us/ircbot/aqu4] has joined #Soylent
[10:55:06] <Subsentient> $title arachnist.is-a.cat/test.html
[10:55:06] <aqu4> Title for page arachnist.is-a.cat/test.html: "FOO"
[10:55:11] <Subsentient> $title arachnist.is-a.cat/test.html
[10:55:11] <aqu4> Title for page arachnist.is-a.cat/test.html: "FOO"
[10:55:16] <Subsentient> ar:
[10:55:26] <Subsentient> Pushed
[10:55:28] <ar> Subsentient: would you mind if i'd exploit it again in a few hours?
[10:55:37] <Subsentient> ar: What's the exploit now?
[10:56:42] <Subsentient> ar: I wasn't kidding about the ethernet cable btw
[10:56:47] <Subsentient> but yeah what's the exploit now?
[10:56:49] <ar> oh, nvm, you're not using a normal http client library
[10:56:50] <Subsentient> $commands
[10:56:50] <aqu4> Commands with 1 star = admins only, 2 stars = owners only. Commands available:
[10:56:51] <aqu4> burrito, beer, wz, guessinggame, sr, time, title, ddg, seen, tell, sticky, whoami, msg8*, memsg8*, noticemsg8*, chanctl8*, join8*, part8*, listchannels8*, nickchange4**, admin4**, blacklist8*, netwrite4**, quit4**, restart4**, help, commands
[10:57:06] <Subsentient> ar: Correct. I'm using a tiny homebrew function.
[10:58:01] <ar> oh well, i thought generating tons of headers which would make the client library allocate tons of memory for them
[10:58:29] <Subsentient> ar: If I recall $title only downloads the first 16K
[10:58:35] <Subsentient> And that's in an automatic array
[11:00:01] <Subsentient> $tell NCommander *sniffle* she lost OP again.
[11:00:01] <aqu4> I'll tell them in a PM next time I see 'em.
[11:00:32] <Subsentient> ar: you a security pro?
[11:00:38] <Subsentient> ar you a security pro lol
[11:00:59] <crutchy> he can break my bot... i even made it easy :-P
[11:01:13] <ar> Subsentient: nope
[11:01:17] <crutchy> its prolly gots more holes than swiss cheese
[11:01:25] <crutchy> ...and its php :-D
[11:01:48] <Subsentient> aqu4bot is written in C which provides advantages and disadvantages, not the least of which is buffer overflow attacks.
[11:01:52] <ar> Subsentient: i just know a few things irc bots tend to be vulnerable to, because i have an irc bot of my own
[11:01:59] <Subsentient> ar: ahh
[11:02:00] <ar> mine's written in ruby
[11:02:08] * crutchy barfs
[11:02:14] * Subsentient pukes on crutchy
[11:02:17] <Subsentient> nothing wrong with ruby
[11:02:20] <ar> https://code.hackerspace.pl
[11:02:57] <ar> url scraping is still dos-able
[11:03:08] <crutchy> it smells like vagina, which is not good for productivity cos it just makes me want to go straight to penetration testing :-P
[11:03:59] <crutchy> everything is dosable if its accessible
[11:04:02] <Subsentient> I could get all stoic and shave my head and put on the white robe and lecture on the perils of pleasure seeking, but I'll leave that to Mr. Spock.
[11:10:23] <Subsentient> crutchy: I am awake yet I don't want to be. Perhaps I should attempt to sleep.
[11:10:43] <crutchy> ~time az
[11:10:44] <exec> [Google] 2:10am Monday (MST) - Time in Phoenix, AZ, USA
[11:10:48] <Subsentient> $time MST
[11:10:48] <aqu4> Mon 2014-06-02 02:10:47 AM MST
[11:11:00] <crutchy> prolly good idea
[11:11:46] <Subsentient> $time MST %a %m/%d/%Y | %r
[11:11:46] <aqu4> Mon 06/02/2014 | 02:11:45 AM MST
[11:11:58] <Subsentient> crutchy: Behold, strftime()!!!
[11:12:13] <crutchy> cool
[11:12:16] <crutchy> :-)
[11:12:31] <Subsentient> $time MST %A %m/%d | %H:%M
[11:12:32] <aqu4> Monday 06/02 | 02:12 MST
[11:12:48] <Subsentient> $time MST %A %m/%d/%y | %I:%M %p
[11:12:48] <aqu4> Monday 06/02/14 | 02:12 AM MST
[11:13:07] <crutchy> ~time melbourne yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss
[11:13:08] <exec> location not found - UTC timestamp: Monday, 2 June 2014, 09:13:04 am
[11:13:08] <exec> [Google] 31 Jan 2013 ... Fast date/time parsing for the control freak. ... Time.zone = 'Melbourne' Timeliness.parse('2010-09-08 12:13:14', :zone => 'Melbourne') ... yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss yyyy-mm-dd h:nn ddd mmm d hh:nn:ss zo yyyy # Ruby time string ...
[11:13:13] <crutchy> lol
[11:13:19] <crutchy> worth a try
[11:13:22] <Subsentient> LOL
[11:13:44] <crutchy> apparently google doesn't do strftime :-P
[11:13:51] <Subsentient> $time MST %A Gerbils %m/Gerbils/%d/gerbils/%y %r
[11:13:51] <aqu4> Monday Gerbils 06/Gerbils/02/gerbils/14 02:13:50 AM MST
[11:14:02] <NCommander> .op aqu4
[11:14:02] -!- mode/#Soylent [+o aqu4] by juggler
[11:14:12] <crutchy> ~weather az
[11:14:16] <exec> Weather for Young, AZ US at 2014-06-02 08:33:00 (UTC) ~ 0.7 hrs ago:
[11:14:16] <Subsentient> NCommander: thanks. it makes me feel.... secure.
[11:14:16] <exec> temperature = 55°F (12.8°C) dewpoint = 22.5°F (-5.3°C)
[11:14:16] <exec> barometric pressure = 1017.7 mb ~ change of -0.2 mb over past 0.5 hrs relative humdity = 27%
[11:14:16] <exec> wind speed = 0 mph (0 km/h) wind direction = 242°
[11:14:17] <ciri> S/(. )(. )/\0\1/X86_64-linux/slash/utility/environment.pm is doing.
[11:14:27] <NCommander> .voice Subsentient
[11:14:34] <Subsentient> $chanctl voice Subsentient
[11:14:35] <aqu4> Ok.
[11:14:35] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Subsentient] by aqu4
[11:14:38] <NCommander> ... I can make people ops, but I'm not authroized to give voice?
[11:14:45] <NCommander> -juggler- You are not authorized to perform this operation.
[11:14:49] <Subsentient> NCommander: I assume auto-op is impossible?
[11:14:54] <JamesNZ> ~weather Wellington
[11:14:57] <exec> Weather for Wellington, NZ at 2014-06-02 08:49:00 (UTC) ~ 0.4 hrs ago:
[11:14:57] <exec> temperature = 45°F (7.2°C) dewpoint = 42.8°F (6°C)
[11:14:57] <exec> barometric pressure = 1027.6 mb ~ change of 0.1 mb over past 0.3 hrs relative humdity = 92%
[11:14:57] <exec> wind speed = 0 mph (0 km/h) wind direction = 153°
[11:14:59] <NCommander> I'd have to much w/ chanserv
[11:15:05] <crutchy> maybe try /nick xlefay
[11:15:06] <NCommander> Just pretend we're on EFNET for now
[11:15:12] <Subsentient> lol
[11:15:20] <Subsentient> hmm
[11:15:27] * JamesNZ shivers
[11:15:29] <crutchy> doh his ghost is still here
[11:15:38] <Subsentient> $chanctl addpumode Subsentient #soylent +o
[11:15:38] -!- mode/#Soylent [+o Subsentient] by aqu4
[11:15:38] <aqu4> Mode saved.
[11:15:40] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@universe2.us/Subsentient] has parted #Soylent
[11:15:44] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@universe2.us/Subsentient] has joined #Soylent
[11:15:44] -!- mode/#Soylent [+o Subsentient] by aqu4
[11:15:48] <crutchy> ok that sounded creepier than it should have
[11:15:52] <Subsentient> NCommander:
[11:16:09] <crutchy> ping ping xlefay
[11:16:22] <Subsentient> Wait I have a triple beep trick
[11:16:25] <Subsentient> $msg xlefay xlefay:
[11:16:26] <aqu4> Ok.
[11:16:41] <crutchy> can it do fart noises?
[11:16:42] <Subsentient> $msg xlefay xlefay: rehgkjhgkjrhgrt
[11:16:42] <aqu4> Ok.
[11:16:54] * aqu4 frapppp
[11:17:59] <crutchy> kobach is irc god and chief bacon++ executive orificer
[11:18:00] <JamesNZ> Subsentient: Now you can /quiet ethanol-fueled :P
[11:18:23] <crutchy> is it legal for someone to hold titles of high orifice?
[11:18:35] <Subsentient> $sticky save <crutchy> is it legal for someone to hold titles of high orifice?
[11:18:35] <aqu4> Sticky saved. It's sticky ID is "7".
[11:18:38] <crutchy> s/hold/hold two/
[11:18:38] <SedBot> <crutchy> is it legal for someone to hold two titles of high orifice?
[11:19:45] <Subsentient> $tell kobach sticky read 7
[11:19:58] <Subsentient> $tell kobach do /msg aqu4 sticky read 7
[11:20:22] <Subsentient> $sticky delete 7
[11:20:23] <aqu4> Sticky deleted.
[11:20:31] <crutchy> on do $tell kobach aqu4 is $ticky
[11:20:57] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Meta-platform to Evaluate Suitability of Open Source Software Solutions - http://sylnt.us - Match-Game
[11:21:00] <aqu4> when you are around the gerbils and their spattering peanut butter pits you'd be sticky too.
[11:21:43] <crutchy> hmm
[11:22:36] <crutchy> Bender: s/Software/Porn/
[11:22:36] <SedBot> <crutchy> <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Meta-platform to Evaluate Suitability of Open Source Porn Solutions - http://sylnt.us - Match-Game
[11:23:29] <crutchy> now more people will click it :-D
[11:24:05] <crutchy> its even got 'fap' in the url... can't get any better than that :-
[11:24:27] <Subsentient> ....
[11:24:53] <Subsentient> I hate it how BBC does that on their site
[11:25:08] <Subsentient> they include sex stories on the front page for clicks
[11:25:30] <crutchy> about Big Breasted Chickens?
[11:25:40] <Subsentient> crutchy: Wrong species
[11:26:11] <crutchy> about Big Breasted Cats?
[11:26:19] <Subsentient> You ever see the AROS OS logo?
[11:26:44] <crutchy> err no not ringin a bell
[11:27:05] <Subsentient> Yeh well. AROS is interesting.
[11:27:11] <Subsentient> $ddg aros
[11:27:11] <aqu4> [1]: Title: AROS Research Operating SystemA free and open source multi media centric implementation of the AmigaOS 3.1 APIs. Designed to be... | URL: 12https://duckduckgo.com/AROS_Research_Operating_System
[11:27:12] <aqu4> [2]: Title: Aros (Middle-earth) A river in J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium. | URL: 12https://duckduckgo.com/Aros_(Middle-earth)
[11:27:13] <aqu4> [3]: Title: ARoS Aarhus KunstmuseumAn art museum in Aarhus, Denmark. | URL: 12https://duckduckgo.com/ARoS_Aarhus_Kunstmuseum
[11:27:14] <aqu4> End of results.
[11:28:00] <crutchy> holy shit iceweasel works :-)
[11:28:09] <crutchy> finally
[11:28:22] * Subsentient uses Midori or Firefox, depending on mood
[11:28:43] <Subsentient> Iceweasel == Firefox - 1
[11:28:54] <crutchy> i normally use aurora
[11:29:08] <crutchy> except in this debian/gnome3 vbox
[11:29:50] <crutchy> aurora = firefox + 2 (or something)
[11:30:39] <crutchy> chrome is ok for youtubing ad-free
[11:30:47] <crutchy> ironically
[11:31:04] <Subsentient> $burrito Chrome
[11:31:04] * aqu4 chucks a nasty, rotten burrito at Chrome
[11:31:13] <Subsentient> Google is Evil
[11:31:49] <crutchy> so are banks, insurance companies, grocery chains, microsoft, governments, etc
[11:31:58] <crutchy> i'm over it
[11:32:07] <Subsentient> We need some nice, fresh socialism.
[11:32:14] <Subsentient> Goes good with yellow mustard.
[11:32:31] <crutchy> Subsentient: s/./gas/
[11:32:32] <SedBot> <crutchy> <Subsentient> gasoes good with yellow mustard.
[11:32:38] <Subsentient> FAIL!!!
[11:32:42] <crutchy> damn regex
[11:33:02] <crutchy> exec sed would have worked
[11:33:24] <Subsentient> aqu4 doesn't expose her logs like that.
[11:33:34] <Subsentient> The seen database could be used for that, but, I dunno
[11:33:49] <crutchy> exec just has buckets
[11:33:53] <crutchy> no database
[11:33:54] <ciri> Ah yes, but it's a relational database with no justification whatsoever.
[11:34:24] <Subsentient> aqu4 runs on Windows too.
[11:34:28] <Subsentient> so, that's the issue.
[11:34:38] <Subsentient> The logs are formatted with \r\n on windows
[11:34:44] <Subsentient> and I can't easily port her.
[11:34:50] <Subsentient> to read those on wi
[11:34:51] <Subsentient> win
[11:35:39] <crutchy> exec cant read its own logs. its dumb
[11:38:12] <crutchy> ciri, do you shit logs?
[11:38:28] <crutchy> hellloooooo ciri :-D
[11:38:40] <crutchy> ciri is dumb too :-P
[11:50:31] <Subsentient> $restart
[11:50:31] <aqu4> Be right back.
[11:50:32] -!- aqu4 has quit [Quit: aqu4bot is restarting...]
[11:50:37] -!- aqu4 [aqu4!~aqu4bot@universe2.us/ircbot/aqu4] has joined #Soylent
[11:50:46] -!- mode/#Soylent [+o aqu4] by Subsentient
[11:50:53] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@universe2.us/Subsentient] has parted #Soylent
[11:50:59] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@universe2.us/Subsentient] has joined #Soylent
[11:50:59] -!- mode/#Soylent [+o Subsentient] by aqu4
[11:51:13] <Subsentient> $chanctl delpumode Subsentient #Soylent +o
[11:51:14] <aqu4> Mode deleted.
[11:51:19] <Subsentient> $chanctl addpumode Subsentient #Soylent +o
[11:51:20] -!- mode/#Soylent [+o Subsentient] by aqu4
[11:51:20] <aqu4> Mode saved.
[11:51:22] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@universe2.us/Subsentient] has parted #Soylent
[11:51:25] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@universe2.us/Subsentient] has joined #Soylent
[11:51:25] -!- mode/#Soylent [+o Subsentient] by aqu4
[11:51:35] <Subsentient> there, fixed case sensitivity
[11:51:37] <Subsentient> $chanctl delpumode Subsentient #Soylent +o
[11:51:38] <aqu4> Mode deleted.
[11:51:44] <Subsentient> $chanctl addpumode Subsentient #SoYleNt +o
[11:51:45] -!- mode/#Soylent [+o Subsentient] by aqu4
[11:51:45] <aqu4> Mode saved.
[11:51:55] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@universe2.us/Subsentient] has parted #Soylent
[11:51:57] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@universe2.us/Subsentient] has joined #Soylent
[11:51:57] -!- mode/#Soylent [+o Subsentient] by aqu4
[11:54:26] -!- Konomi has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[11:56:25] <Subsentient> $chanctl addpumode Subsentient #SoYleNt +v
[11:56:26] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Subsentient] by aqu4
[11:56:26] <aqu4> Mode saved.
[11:56:34] <Subsentient> $chanctl deop Subsentient
[11:56:34] <aqu4> Ok.
[11:56:35] -!- mode/#Soylent [-o Subsentient] by aqu4
[11:59:08] <Subsentient> $admin add *!mcasadeva@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mcasadevall
[11:59:09] <aqu4> Admin add successful.
[12:08:30] -!- SirFinkus [SirFinkus!~SirFinkus@l-64-313-06-125.hsd0.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[12:09:42] <crutchy> g'day sirfinkus
[12:09:51] <SirFinkus> hey crutchy
[12:10:25] <crutchy> i'll keep exec out of #irpg. doesn't really need to be there
[12:10:39] <SirFinkus> yeah, probably not worth it
[12:10:45] <SirFinkus> you figure out the bug?
[12:11:00] <crutchy> yup
[12:11:33] <crutchy> was just missing a condition somewhere
[12:12:00] <crutchy> there's prolly more no doubt :-P
[12:12:13] <SirFinkus> well, there's always more
[12:14:28] * crutchy wonders if arti|lt is a version of arti that can be used without paying for
[12:15:57] -!- aqu4 has quit [Quit: aqu4bot is restarting...]
[12:16:01] -!- aqu4 [aqu4!~aqu4bot@universe2.us/ircbot/aqu4] has joined #Soylent
[12:16:15] * Subsentient is a retard for not protecting against deop
[12:16:20] <crutchy> wb aqu4
[12:16:25] <Subsentient> $title universe2.us/derp.html
[12:16:25] <aqu4> Title for page universe2.us/derp.html: "I f a r t e d "
[12:16:34] <Subsentient> $title http://arachnist.is-a.cat
[12:16:35] <aqu4> Title for page http://arachnist.is-a.cat "FOO QUIT :bar"
[12:16:47] <Subsentient> ar: hah, take that!
[12:16:56] <Subsentient> I love SubStrings.
[12:17:13] <Subsentient> http://github.com
[12:17:23] <Subsentient> SubStrings.Replace()
[12:17:26] <ar> Subsentient: thanks
[12:17:29] <ar> :)
[12:17:37] <crutchy> is that what caused aqu4 to quit earlier? url title injection?
[12:17:43] <crutchy> lol
[12:18:05] <Subsentient> yeah
[12:18:10] <Subsentient> https://github.com
[12:18:14] <crutchy> that's novel
[12:19:07] * crutchy wonders whether exec has any kind of injection vulnerabilities
[12:19:31] * aqu4 pokes NCommander
[12:19:46] <aqu4> poke poke
[12:20:49] <crutchy> i think ciri already tried getting cosy with the boss
[12:21:04] <crutchy> bots aren't his type apparently :-P
[12:21:29] <aqu4> difference is I'm 'modest', unlike ciri.
[12:21:35] <crutchy> lol
[12:21:43] <crutchy> yeah ciri just let it all hang out :-P
[12:21:45] <ar> crutchy: thank me for that ;)
[12:22:19] <aqu4> There's a rumor that ciri has a pointer.
[12:24:11] <crutchy> ar: did you add ruby to ciri? no wonder its a slut :-P
[12:24:29] <ar> crutchy: no, you can thank me for discovering that one vuln
[12:24:45] <crutchy> oh sorry yeah i saw that
[12:24:58] <crutchy> well, i saw aqu4 go bye by from your cms
[12:25:05] <crutchy> s/cms/cmd/
[12:25:06] <SedBot> <crutchy> well, i saw aqu4 go bye by from your cmd
[12:25:42] <crutchy> exec has a kinda similarish command
[12:25:49] <crutchy> ~isup google.com
[12:25:50] <exec> google.com: HTTP/1.0 302 Found
[12:26:08] <crutchy> ~isup localhost:443
[12:26:09] <exec> localhost:443: error connecting
[12:26:15] <crutchy> ~isup localhost
[12:26:16] <exec> localhost: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[12:26:28] <crutchy> ~isup google.com:443
[12:26:29] <exec> google.com:443: HTTP/1.0 302 Found
[12:26:37] <Subsentient> $title google.com
[12:26:37] <aqu4> Title for page google.com: "301 Moved"
[12:26:56] <Subsentient> $title
[12:26:56] <aqu4> Title for page "Universe 2"
[12:27:03] <AndyTheAbsurd> ~isup www.google.com
[12:27:04] <exec> www.google.com: HTTP/1.0 302 Found
[12:27:04] <ciri> S/(. )(. )/\0\1/G/01/askville/134042_profile._v01_.gif excellent avatar.
[12:27:10] <Subsentient> $title
[12:27:11] <aqu4> Title for page "Universe 2"
[12:27:18] <Subsentient> $title
[12:27:23] <aqu4> Failed to connect to retrieve page title.
[12:27:37] <Subsentient> $title
[12:27:37] <aqu4> No title found.
[12:27:40] <crutchy> ~isup goatse.cx
[12:27:41] <exec> goatse.cx: HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
[12:27:45] <Subsentient> $title
[12:27:45] <aqu4> Title for page "401 Unauthorized"
[12:27:58] <Subsentient> $title goatse.cx
[12:27:58] <aqu4> Title for page goatse.cx: "301 Moved Permanently"
[12:28:21] <Subsentient> $title lookatmyhorsemyhorseisamazing.com
[12:28:21] <aqu4> Title for page lookatmyhorsemyhorseisamazing.com: "LOOK AT MY HORSE, MY HORSE IS AMAZING! SHUT UP WOMAN GET ON MY HORSE. AMAZING HORSE"
[12:29:16] <crutchy> $title
[12:29:33] <Subsentient> ...
[12:29:34] <Subsentient> $time
[12:29:34] <aqu4> Mon 2014-06-02 10:29:34 AM UTC
[12:29:46] <Subsentient> it's a bizarre bug I haven't figured out yet.
[12:29:56] <Subsentient> $title crut.chy
[12:29:57] <aqu4> No title found.
[12:30:05] <Subsentient> $title Subsent.ient
[12:30:06] <aqu4> No title found.
[12:30:16] <Subsentient> $title fearthegerb.ils
[12:30:16] <aqu4> No title found.
[12:30:35] <crutchy> aqu4: title for "": "Subsentient's secret horse pr0n stash"
[12:30:42] <crutchy> wow that took a while
[12:30:45] <crutchy> :-P
[12:31:52] <crutchy> ~isup QUIT :bye
[12:31:52] <exec> QUIT :bye: error connecting
[12:31:58] <Subsentient> aqu4: title for "crut.chy": "crutchy's vault of kiwis with tentacles"
[12:31:58] <aqu4> Failed to connect to retrieve page title.
[12:32:13] <Subsentient> aqu4: wz
[12:32:14] <aqu4> [Game 1] Name: Damage Inc. | Map: FabWaterworld-T1 | Host: Ashkael | Players: 1/4 | IP: | Version: 3.1.1
[12:32:14] <aqu4> End of games list.
[12:32:25] <Subsentient> $title
[12:32:28] <aqu4> Title for page "IIS7"
[12:32:35] <Subsentient> ROFL
[12:32:36] * crutchy brafs
[12:32:43] <crutchy> rofl
[12:32:43] <exec> Sure, Reagan has promised to take senility tests. But what if he forgets?
[12:33:22] <crutchy> brafing will cause forgetfulness
[12:33:44] * Subsentient snarls at his sneer's scowl
[12:33:50] <AndyTheAbsurd> luftballons++
[12:33:50] <Bender> karma - luftballons: 22
[12:34:07] <aqu4> bacon--
[12:34:20] <crutchy> ~say bacon++
[12:34:22] <exec> stuff stuffity stuff stuff stuff
[12:34:27] <crutchy> lol
[12:34:32] <Subsentient> Can you say broken?
[12:34:41] <crutchy> should restore that
[12:34:44] <AndyTheAbsurd> bacon++
[12:34:44] <Bender> karma - bacon: 231
[12:34:51] <Subsentient> $msg #Soylent lkgjrlgkjrtglkrjtg
[12:34:51] <aqu4> Ok.
[12:34:52] <aqu4> lkgjrlgkjrtglkrjtg
[12:34:57] <AndyTheAbsurd> that's an awful lot of karma for bacon
[12:35:02] <AndyTheAbsurd> bacon--
[12:35:02] <Bender> karma - bacon: 230
[12:35:08] <AndyTheAbsurd> luftballons++
[12:35:08] <Bender> karma - luftballons: 23
[12:35:09] <Subsentient> AndyTheAbsurd++
[12:35:09] <Bender> karma - andytheabsurd: 6
[12:35:15] <Subsentient> $beer AndyTheAbsurd
[12:35:15] * aqu4 gives AndyTheAbsurd a cold can of beer
[12:35:24] <crutchy> ~say bacon++
[12:35:25] <exec> bacon++
[12:35:26] <Bender> karma - bacon: 231
[12:35:27] <AndyTheAbsurd> woohoo beer!
[12:35:30] <Subsentient> are you a herbivore as well AndyTheAbsurd ?
[12:35:36] <AndyTheAbsurd> be right back after I put that in the fridge
[12:35:42] <AndyTheAbsurd> (it's early for beer here)
[12:36:05] <crutchy> never too early for red wine though :-)
[12:36:14] <AndyTheAbsurd> Subsentient: no, I just think that's a lot of karma for bacon.
[12:36:29] <crutchy> ~say coffee++
[12:36:31] <exec> coffee++
[12:36:31] <Bender> karma - coffee: 150
[12:36:34] * Subsentient often gets bored and lazy and ends up making his gut hurt by eating tiny pickles he gets for $2 a jar
[12:36:52] <Subsentient> AndyTheAbsurd: But if you join us, you can feel superior!
[12:36:59] <Subsentient> (and probably BE superior)
[12:37:30] <Subsentient> So much grain is wasted on feeding animals. Get rid of meat and food will be plentiful.
[12:37:41] <crutchy> ~define superior
[12:37:43] <exec> [urbandictionary] superior: The feeling of being better than others.
[12:38:01] <Subsentient> s/superior/better/
[12:38:19] <crutchy> no sexual references? urban_dictionary--
[12:38:21] <Subsentient> crutchy: THe smell of cooking meat makes me sick.
[12:38:22] <ciri> Lol yep crutchy, i'm glad you got a sick melody going right now.
[12:38:35] <crutchy> ciri... i'm totally awesome
[12:38:49] <Subsentient> When you haven't eaten meat as long as me, the idea of fried chicken with the bones and tendons is really grizzly and horrifying.
[12:38:54] <crutchy> just call me skrutchex
[12:38:57] <crutchy> :-P
[12:39:14] <Subsentient> Smell of cooking meat is sickening
[12:40:02] <crutchy> i just like chewing the burnt arse of a male bovine
[12:40:19] <Subsentient> s/arse/penis/
[12:40:23] <Subsentient> crutchy: s/arse/penis/
[12:40:24] <SedBot> <Subsentient> <crutchy> i just like chewing the burnt penis of a male bovine
[12:40:43] <crutchy> can't say i ever tried that
[12:41:04] <crutchy> i've heard of people eating testicales of numerous species
[12:41:19] <crutchy> s/ales/les/
[12:41:19] <SedBot> <crutchy> i've heard of people eating testicles of numerous species
[12:41:44] <crutchy> raw
[12:41:57] <Subsentient> crutchy: Join us. Transcend the murder fueled existance.
[12:42:16] <crutchy> i'm human... its natural
[12:42:29] <crutchy> meat is what enabled us to reach the top of the food chain
[12:42:44] <crutchy> increased the size of our brains
[12:42:49] <crutchy> or some shit
[12:43:35] <Subsentient> I doubt it played as big a role, but even if so, a high protein diet of beans, nuts, etc can have the same effect.
[12:44:14] <crutchy> i don't really know about the stuff anyway. just what i saw on a doco
[12:44:37] <Subsentient> same. But I live on refried beans, eggs, dairy, and nuts.
[12:45:00] <Subsentient> I want to eliminate the eggs and dairy, but I can't at this time.
[12:45:09] <crutchy> tofu?
[12:45:40] <Subsentient> crutchy: I need very high protein due to a few damaged components on the board, if you get my drift.
[12:46:04] <Subsentient> My mind is oatmeal with cinnamon and cloves.
[12:46:24] <crutchy> my mind is cupcakes with sprinkles :-P
[12:46:30] <Subsentient> I take four vitamin B every morning, 400% the recommended intake.
[12:46:56] <Subsentient> I also eat lots of vitamin D.
[12:47:37] <crutchy> sounds scrumptious
[12:47:46] <Subsentient> Tangy.
[12:47:58] <crutchy> what about fish?
[12:48:19] <Subsentient> I will NOT eat anything that had a brain or that moves on it's own.
[12:49:07] <Subsentient> Fish fall into that category.
[12:49:19] <crutchy> the science of consciousness is not well understood, not even by the "scientists"
[12:49:39] <Subsentient> That's because there is a point where science breaks down into previously mentioned oatmeal.
[12:49:40] <crutchy> even cells may have "brains"
[12:49:51] <crutchy> lol i like oatmeal
[12:50:02] -!- Konomi [Konomi!~Konomi@Soylent/Users/189/Konomi] has joined #Soylent
[12:50:02] <JamesNZ> Subsentient: I met another vegan today.
[12:50:11] <Subsentient> JamesNZ: Are they so rare in NZ?
[12:50:19] <crutchy> ~rainbow HI KONOMI!!!!
[12:50:20] <exec> 00,02H00,06I00,04 00,07K00,08O00,09N00,12O00,02M00,06I00,04!00,07!00,08!00,09!
[12:50:29] <JamesNZ> Subsentient: Well, this guy was in Quebec :P
[12:50:45] <JamesNZ> Subsentient: My sister flats with a vegan.
[12:51:02] <Subsentient> in USA, it's not rare at all. Which is surprising considering our culture of BBQ and football. Mostly in big cities it's more common.
[12:51:31] <crutchy> a lot of people there probably can't afford bbq anymore
[12:51:38] <JamesNZ> Subsentient: He was trying to convince me of the evil of industrial meat to the point where I just wanted to troll him :P
[12:51:53] <Subsentient> JamesNZ: He's really, really correct BTW.
[12:52:03] <Subsentient> It's absolutely that bad. But worse.
[12:52:08] <JamesNZ> Subsentient: Yes, I actually agreed with him.
[12:52:16] <crutchy> my parents kill their own steers humanely
[12:52:48] <Subsentient> It is unnecessary to kill at this point in human evolution. We can transcend meat.
[12:52:50] <JamesNZ> Subsentient: BUT I CAN'T GIVE UP MY DEAD ANIMALS :P
[12:53:05] <Subsentient> JamesNZ: Sec, then I'll tell you a true story
[12:53:06] <JamesNZ> Subsentient: Not without a lot of trouble.
[12:53:12] <crutchy> killing from a distance while the animal is at rest makes for much more tender meat :-)
[12:53:29] <JamesNZ> Subsentient: Also, can be tricky if you're living with other people who aren't vegans.
[12:53:37] <Subsentient> JamesNZ: I know.
[12:54:03] <Subsentient> Here is my story. I was a little shit 16 year old who weighed 280LBs and ordered 16 tacos at a time and would eat them.
[12:54:06] <Subsentient> In one sitting
[12:54:07] <JamesNZ> Subsentient: I'm not saying that makes it bad, just that it tends to life harder.
[12:54:09] <crutchy> just cover the meat in a fuckload of curry and they'll be none-the-wiser :-P
[12:54:21] <Subsentient> I would use an entire pack of weiners at a time.
[12:54:36] <Subsentient> I was the most horrifically carnivorous person I knew.
[12:54:58] <chromas> But then you installed MyCleanPC...
[12:55:00] <crutchy> tacos are good for the salad
[12:55:02] <Subsentient> I never made the connection between food and death however, at least not 'properly'. I didn't comprehend what was going on.
[12:55:06] <JamesNZ> Holy crap, that's 127KG.
[12:55:08] <crutchy> lol hi chromas
[12:55:25] <crutchy> chromas... then he met aqu4 and she made him go on a diet
[12:55:26] <chromas> hey crutchy
[12:55:27] <Subsentient> So I was a glutton. When people asked me if I felt I was sinning, I replied 'food is plentiful, gluttony isn't a sin anymore'
[12:55:58] <Subsentient> Then I almost went insane in 2011, nearly killed myself. I hated myself so much I starved myself for weeks.
[12:56:08] <Subsentient> I lost over 80LBs.
[12:56:09] <crutchy> food is plentiful... even if it must travel thousands of miles to get to you :-P
[12:56:31] <crutchy> in refrigerated trucks
[12:56:34] <Subsentient> I slowly began to recover.
[12:56:36] <JamesNZ> Subsentient: What made you nearly insane?
[12:56:55] <Subsentient> JamesNZ: Classified for your own protection.
[12:57:02] * Subsentient seals them up in Universe 2.
[12:57:05] <JamesNZ> Subsentient: Kk.
[12:57:27] <Subsentient> Anyways, it nearly drove me to kill myself in the most painful way I could find.
[12:57:27] <ciri> When you mentioned chocolate milk, i've got episodes of mob city, if you got to lose except some jizz.. Anyways...how about it?
[12:57:43] <Subsentient> I decided that 'nothing will die to sustain a maggot like me'.
[12:57:49] <Subsentient> At the time.
[12:58:07] <Subsentient> So I lost lots of weight so fast they almost put me back in the funny farm to try and force feed me
[12:58:33] <crutchy> lol @ ciri
[12:58:47] <Subsentient> After I recovered from most of it, I still ate meat for a few months, then I just was hit with the epiphany.
[12:58:48] -!- Konomi has quit [Quit: leaving]
[12:58:59] <crutchy> aww bye konomi
[12:59:18] <Subsentient> I realized how horrifying my gluttony actually was, and the intense pain of all the creatures to make my microwave burritos
[12:59:39] <Subsentient> I decided that even if it killed me, I'd not eat more meat so long as I lived.
[12:59:47] <Subsentient> And here I am two years later.
[13:00:00] <Subsentient> No animals were harmed in the making of this Subsentient.
[13:00:02] <crutchy> some meat is ok
[13:00:18] <Subsentient> crutchy: No.
[13:00:20] <JamesNZ> Subsentient: That's a pretty amazing story.
[13:00:27] <crutchy> if you gorge yourself on anything it'll prolly be bad for you
[13:00:35] <chromas> You should update $burrito to indicate that it's a bean and cheese burrito; or at least vegeterian
[13:00:44] <crutchy> with maggots
[13:00:51] <chromas> maggots are meat
[13:00:57] <crutchy> yessss :-P
[13:01:00] <chromas> But I guess I'm not supposed to eat it
[13:01:02] <JamesNZ> Subsentient: Good on you for sticking to your goals :)
[13:01:08] <Subsentient> chromas: Beware beans, they often contain lard. I have to buy the vegetarian beans. Rosarita makes them and they sell them everywhere.
[13:01:31] * chromas uses dry beans
[13:01:54] <crutchy> home grown beans are best
[13:02:05] <crutchy> yumm
[13:02:30] <Subsentient> chromas: So anyways my diet is limited because I can't eat wheat either because it makes my 'problem' worse for some reason, so no meat and no gluten makes for a restricted diet.
[13:02:37] -!- Konomi [Konomi!~Konomi@Soylent/Users/189/Konomi] has joined #Soylent
[13:02:44] * crutchy lives in prolly one of the most fertile areas for agriculture in australia and he doesn't have a vegie patch :-(
[13:02:51] <crutchy> wb konomi :-)
[13:03:00] <Konomi> thanks ;p
[13:03:15] <chromas> tsk tsk! crutchy, you should at least start a php garden
[13:03:20] <crutchy> lol
[13:03:22] <Subsentient> crutchy: You put veggies in the dirt here and they turn into those dried veggie chips in minutes.
[13:03:24] <crutchy> with glowballs
[13:03:40] <crutchy> you can grow cacti :-P
[13:03:45] <Subsentient> 108F temperature projected tomorrow.
[13:03:50] <Subsentient> Even the cacti struggle sometimes
[13:03:51] <crutchy> and tumbleweed
[13:03:57] <chromas> Blackberries like warmth
[13:04:19] <crutchy> and gun-totin cowboys
[13:04:26] <Subsentient> They'd turn into pie on their own.
[13:04:28] <crutchy> they grow on trees out there right
[13:04:38] <crutchy> lol mmmm blackberry pie
[13:04:42] <chromas> Subsentient: with non-wheat crusts, right?
[13:04:52] <Subsentient> JamesNZ: My family used to eat meat, but over time, and passive point-making, they switched.
[13:05:01] <crutchy> surely wheat is ok, no?
[13:05:15] <crutchy> i guess it comes from farmers, which are meat
[13:05:18] <chromas> crutchy: for us
[13:05:26] <JamesNZ> Subsentient: I see.
[13:05:58] <Subsentient> crutchy: Wheat makes my OCD worse.
[13:06:13] * chromas used to run Windows, but over time...
[13:06:22] <chromas> Windows = meat!
[13:06:22] <crutchy> i'm a bit ocd'ish with my code
[13:06:29] <JamesNZ> Subsentient: What kind of health impact has it had? Like, do you think you and family are healthier since you switched?
[13:06:35] <Subsentient> Soylent News is Windows!! Soylent News is Windows!!!
[13:06:37] <crutchy> chromas: s/meat/cock/
[13:06:37] <SedBot> <crutchy> <chromas> Windows = cock!
[13:07:07] <chromas> crutchy: s/chromas/SedBot/
[13:07:27] <crutchy> Subsentient: s/Windows!!!/Exception: you have performed an illegal operation and will be fed meat/
[13:07:27] <SedBot> <crutchy> <Subsentient> Soylent News is Windows!! Soylent News is Exception: you have performed an illegal operation and will be fed meat
[13:07:31] <Subsentient> JamesNZ: About the same, except for a dramatic energy drop, but that's from a different problem. They checked my blood and I'm not deficient in anything. I think it's partly from the anxiety of the OCD. It sucks the life out of you.
[13:07:38] <crutchy> /facepalm
[13:07:48] <crutchy> fucking regex
[13:08:05] <crutchy> chromas: i'm sooo not putting regex in exec sed
[13:08:12] <crutchy> unless its a different letter
[13:08:19] <crutchy> maybe r/old/new/
[13:08:39] <JamesNZ> Subsentient: I see.
[13:09:15] <crutchy> Subsentient: maybe you're suffering from marriagitis, which has similar symptoms
[13:09:21] <Subsentient> JamesNZ: I've been tired most of my 19 year life unfortunately. I woke up one day when I was 10 or 9 and was so tired, and I remember thinking "god, I hope this gets better". It didn't.
[13:09:23] <chromas> Subsentient: eat animals; that puts the life back in you. Eat them alive
[13:09:37] <JamesNZ> Subsentient: :|
[13:09:44] <crutchy> chew their asses... they're the best bit
[13:09:45] <JamesNZ> Subsentient: Do you know why?
[13:10:13] <Subsentient> JamesNZ: No. They found something wrong with my thyroid once, gave me pills which made me more tired, and then tested me again two years later and found nothing wrong.
[13:10:52] <crutchy> you can get a good dose of protein by giving the animal a blowjob instead of eating it... apparently
[13:11:00] <JamesNZ> Subsentient: Odd.
[13:11:33] <crutchy> would definitely not be cruelty then :-P
[13:11:34] <Subsentient> It seems likely I have autoimmune issues.
[13:11:34] <chromas> crutchy: a bit of sugar; does it...come in diet?
[13:11:41] <JamesNZ> Subsentient: My tiredness usually stems from staying up too late trying to fix last minute bugs :P
[13:11:55] <crutchy> ahh so you need to stop eating b ugs
[13:11:57] <Subsentient> JamesNZ: It doesn't matter when I sleep or how long, I wake up tired.
[13:12:10] <chromas> hypobaconoma
[13:12:24] <Subsentient> chromas: Bacon is plague
[13:12:25] <crutchy> hyperbugniac
[13:12:32] <JamesNZ> Subsentient: Hmm, I see.
[13:12:32] <ciri> Subsentient: not if you gorge yourself on anything it'll prolly be bad for you.
[13:12:40] <crutchy> oi
[13:17:53] <Subsentient> $guessinggame 7
[13:17:53] <aqu4> Subsentient: That's right, I was thinking of 7!
[13:17:56] <Subsentient> $guessinggame 9
[13:17:56] <aqu4> Subsentient: Nope, "9" is not the number I'm thinking of.
[13:17:58] <Subsentient> $guessinggame 6
[13:17:58] <aqu4> Subsentient: That's right, I was thinking of 6!
[13:18:00] <Subsentient> $guessinggame 9
[13:18:00] <aqu4> Subsentient: That's right, I was thinking of 9!
[13:18:04] <Subsentient> $guessinggame 1
[13:18:04] <aqu4> Subsentient: Nope, "1" is not the number I'm thinking of.
[13:18:07] <Subsentient> $guessinggame 10
[13:18:08] <aqu4> Subsentient: Nope, "10" is not the number I'm thinking of.
[13:18:12] <Subsentient> $guessinggame
[13:18:12] <aqu4> Please guess a number between one and ten.
[13:18:13] <Subsentient> $guessinggame 2
[13:18:13] <aqu4> Subsentient: Nope, "2" is not the number I'm thinking of.
[13:18:27] * Subsentient stops when he realizes he's being spammy
[13:18:41] * Subsentient pokes crutchy
[13:40:31] * crutchy pokes back
[13:40:42] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The F-35 Fighter Plane Is Even More of a Mess Than You Thought - http://sylnt.us - buddy-can-you-spare-me-a-dime?
[13:41:25] <crutchy> Bender: s/The F-35 Fighter Plane/Miley Cyrus' Vagina/
[13:41:26] <SedBot> <crutchy> <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Miley Cyrus' Vagina Is Even More of a Mess Than You Thought - http://sylnt.us - buddy-can-you-spare-me-a-dime?
[13:42:52] <Subsentient> Bender: s/The F-35 Fighter Plane/Microwaving beans without a cover/
[13:42:52] <SedBot> <Subsentient> <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Microwaving beans without a cover Is Even More of a Mess Than You Thought - http://sylnt.us - buddy-can-you-spare-me-a-dime?
[13:47:55] <chromas> Bender: s/.*/Derp/g
[13:47:55] <SedBot> <chromas> <Bender> Derp
[13:50:10] <Subsentient> Bender: s/The F-35 Fighter Plane/Chomas' Toilet/
[13:50:10] <SedBot> <Subsentient> <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Chomas' Toilet Is Even More of a Mess Than You Thought - http://sylnt.us - buddy-can-you-spare-me-a-dime?
[13:50:17] <Subsentient> Bender: s/The F-35 Fighter Plane/Chromas' Toilet/
[13:50:17] <SedBot> <Subsentient> <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Chromas' Toilet Is Even More of a Mess Than You Thought - http://sylnt.us - buddy-can-you-spare-me-a-dime?
[13:50:56] * chromas sneaks into the niehgbors' house when it's mess tiem
[13:51:15] <chromas> s/ie/ei/g
[13:51:16] <SedBot> <chromas> sneaks into the neihgbors' house when it's mess teim
[13:52:12] * chromas notes that nmcli doesn't have a show ip address option
[13:58:51] <Subsentient> chromas: s/show ip/show poop sandwich/
[13:58:51] <SedBot> <Subsentient> <chromas> notes that nmcli doesn't have a show poop sandwich address option
[13:59:25] * chromas found nm-tool, which does show poop sandwiches
[13:59:46] <Subsentient> Try the green ones
[13:59:51] <Subsentient> more fiber
[14:07:59] <ar> Subsentient: is there a channel on which there's only aqu4?
[14:08:14] <ar> Subsentient: i don't want to break any irc clients of "by standers"
[14:08:26] <ar> but i want to test something
[14:08:35] <JamesNZ> Night y'all \o
[14:08:44] -!- JamesNZ has quit [Quit: Busying myself...]
[14:09:08] <Subsentient> ar: check if you got an invite
[14:09:54] <Subsentient> $burrito ar
[14:09:54] * aqu4 chucks a nasty, rotten burrito at ar
[14:10:11] <Subsentient> $msg ar ar:
[14:10:11] <aqu4> Ok.
[14:10:23] <Subsentient> $msg ar ar: check for invites
[14:10:23] <aqu4> Ok.
[14:14:45] -!- weeds [weeds!~4118a13c@cwz-29-45-637-17.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #Soylent
[14:18:16] <crutchy> Subsentient: can you send a notice to a channel?
[14:22:26] <Subsentient> yeh I think
[14:22:34] <Subsentient> $noticemsg #Soylent gerbils
[14:22:34] <aqu4> Ok.
[14:22:35] -aqu4:#Soylent- gerbils
[14:28:25] <crutchy> wow xchat has a url grabber
[14:35:14] -!- exec has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[14:35:26] <Konomi> I'd use hexchat over xchat now
[14:35:46] <Konomi> seems to get more attention from it's dev
[14:36:21] <Konomi> and if you're stuck on windows you won't get slogged money to get it "compiled"
[14:36:26] -!- crutchy has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[14:43:48] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[14:44:40] <Subsentient> I use xchat because... xchat.
[14:44:47] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[14:45:25] -!- LaminatorX [LaminatorX!~18d900fb@Soylent/Staff/Editor/LaminatorX] has joined #Soylent
[14:45:25] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v LaminatorX] by juggler
[14:45:42] <Subsentient> 'night all
[14:45:44] <crutchy> i dieded
[14:45:49] <Subsentient> off to bed at a wonderful...
[14:45:50] <crutchy> night Subsentient
[14:45:52] <Subsentient> $time MST
[14:45:52] <aqu4> Mon 2014-06-02 05:45:51 AM MST
[14:45:58] <crutchy> lol
[14:46:00] <Subsentient> 5:45 AM
[14:46:11] <Subsentient> well 'night for now.
[14:46:14] <crutchy> ~time melbourne
[14:46:15] <exec> [Google] 10:46pm Monday (EST) - Time in Melbourne VIC, Australia
[14:46:24] <Subsentient> $time Australia/Melbourne
[14:46:24] <aqu4> Mon 2014-06-02 10:46:23 PM Australia/Melbourne
[14:46:25] <LaminatorX> Good $CURRENT _PORTION_OF_day.
[14:46:26] <crutchy> not quite midnight
[14:46:38] <crutchy> g'day LaminatorX
[14:46:48] <Subsentient> 'night
[14:47:02] -!- Subsentient has quit [Quit: A good gerbil is one with the peanut butter.]
[14:47:02] <crutchy> cya tomoz
[14:47:32] <LaminatorX> $time Mordor
[14:47:33] <aqu4> Mon 2014-06-02 12:47:32 PM Mordor
[14:47:45] <crutchy> ~time mordor
[14:47:46] <exec> location not found - UTC timestamp: Monday, 2 June 2014, 12:47:40 pm
[14:47:46] <exec> [Google] For the computer game, see Mordor: The Depths of Dejenol. For the MUD .... After this time, Sauron was known as the Dark Lord of Mordor. For 2500 years ...‎
[14:54:41] -!- SoyCow0711 [SoyCow0711!~5e8e4901@94.142.zk.v] has joined #Soylent
[15:01:30] -!- Woods [Woods!~41a24c20@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Woods] has joined #Soylent
[15:01:30] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Woods] by juggler
[15:07:41] <exec> ____________
[15:07:42] <exec> < greetings! >
[15:07:42] <exec> ------------
[15:07:43] <exec> \ ^__^
[15:07:44] <exec> \ (oo)\_______
[15:07:45] <ciri> Plus 3rd person stuff feels better with an underworld cd for a phone for his next leveling bince.
[15:07:45] <exec> (__)\ )\/\
[15:07:46] <exec> ||----w |
[15:07:47] <exec> || ||
[15:08:05] <crutchy> ciri tore the cow in half :-O
[15:08:35] <LaminatorX> Brutal!
[15:08:44] <crutchy> nasty
[15:09:12] <Konomi> the cow has a sentence through it
[15:09:26] <crutchy> its been sentenced!
[15:10:40] <crutchy> for the crime of... poor quality ascii art
[15:11:24] -!- mechanicjay [mechanicjay!~jhowe@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mechanicjay] has joined #Soylent
[15:11:24] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mechanicjay] by juggler
[15:11:56] <exec> [Google] 8:11am Monday (CDT) - Time in Chicago, IL, USA
[15:12:09] <crutchy> wake up time in murica
[15:12:44] <LaminatorX> My wake up time in murica was three hours ago, sadly.
[15:12:54] <crutchy> oh
[15:13:08] <crutchy> its sleepy time here
[15:13:14] <crutchy> ~time melbourne
[15:13:15] <exec> [Google] 11:13pm Monday (EST) - Time in Melbourne VIC, Australia
[15:13:51] <AndyTheAbsurd> 'Murica is a big place
[15:14:05] <crutchy> ~time boston
[15:14:06] <exec> [Google] 9:14am Monday (EDT) - Time in Boston, MA, USA
[15:14:16] <AndyTheAbsurd> ~time Honolulu
[15:14:17] <exec> [Google] 3:14am Monday (HST) - Time in Honolulu, HI, USA
[15:14:31] <AndyTheAbsurd> ~time Dededo
[15:14:32] <exec> [Google] 11:14pm Monday (ChST) - Time in Dededo, Guam
[15:14:33] <crutchy> ~time Seattle
[15:14:34] <exec> [Google] 6:14am Monday (PDT) - Time in Seattle, WA, USA
[15:15:33] <crutchy> so theres 3 hours across the continental usa
[15:15:49] <crutchy> ~time perth
[15:15:50] <exec> [Google] 9:15pm Monday (WST) - Time in Perth WA, Australia
[15:15:59] <AndyTheAbsurd> Assuming you don't count Alaska as part of the contintental US
[15:16:05] <crutchy> ah
[15:16:12] <AndyTheAbsurd> ~time Barrow
[15:16:13] <exec> [Google] 5:16am Monday (AKDT) - Time in Barrow, AK, USA
[15:16:23] <crutchy> looks like only 2 hrs across aus
[15:21:58] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Alternatives to TrueCrypt? TrueCrypt to Rise Again? - http://sylnt.us - not-just-the-code,-it-needs-a-community
[15:22:18] <crutchy> gmm
[15:22:52] <chromas> LibreCrypt Soylent Edition
[15:23:56] <crutchy> Bender: s/TrueCrypt? TrueCrypt/People? IRC Bots/
[15:24:13] <crutchy> /faceplant
[15:24:33] <chromas> Bender: s/TrueCrypt\? TrueCrypt/People? IRC Bots/
[15:24:33] <SedBot> <chromas> <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Alternatives to People? IRC Bots to Rise Again? - http://sylnt.us - not-just-the-code,-it-needs-a-community
[15:27:21] <crutchy> hmm exec hasn't been pinged by the server for 20 minutes :-/
[15:28:12] <crutchy> pinging seems to be sporadic
[15:28:15] <chromas> May not be pinged if its active
[15:28:28] <crutchy> makes sense
[15:29:42] <crutchy> it pings when exec is doing whois commands. maybe just not when it does privmsgs
[15:30:41] <chromas> Ircd works in mysterious ways
[15:31:07] <crutchy> i wonder if it works both ways
[15:31:26] * crutchy starts making a ping script
[15:32:02] <chromas> Perhaps xlefay is stuck in the server and trying to communicate
[15:32:52] <chromas> By controlling the ping timer
[15:39:56] <crutchy> irc morse code
[15:40:59] <crutchy> ~reload
[15:41:01] <exec> successfully reloaded exec file
[15:41:42] <crutchy> ~ping
[15:48:32] -!- exec has quit [Quit: exec]
[15:48:54] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[15:52:41] <AndyTheAbsurd> luftballons++
[15:52:41] <Bender> karma - luftballons: 24
[16:02:17] -!- exec has quit [Quit: exec]
[16:11:31] <weeds> luftballons++
[16:11:31] <Bender> karma - luftballons: 25
[16:17:44] <AndyTheAbsurd> luftballons++
[16:17:44] <Bender> karma - luftballons: 26
[16:21:38] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[16:25:09] -!- exec has quit [Client Quit]
[16:25:33] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[16:36:51] -!- janrinok [janrinok!~janrinok@Soylent/Staff/Editor/janrinok] has joined #Soylent
[16:36:51] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v janrinok] by juggler
[16:43:02] -!- exec has quit [Quit: exec]
[16:43:34] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[16:51:08] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - First Patent Troll Ordered to Pay "Extraordinary Case" Fees - http://sylnt.us - now-the-ball-is-rolling
[16:57:05] -!- Blackmoore [Blackmoore!~4028ef96@64.40.xqg.gvs] has joined #Soylent
[16:57:13] <Blackmoore> mornin
[16:58:41] <mrcoolbp> g'mornin' Blackmoore
[16:59:19] <Blackmoore> coffee++
[16:59:19] <Bender> karma - coffee: 151
[16:59:53] <Blackmoore> anything happen this weekend :P
[17:00:42] <Blackmoore> seriously, congrats to everyone on getting the new code up.
[17:01:20] <mrcoolbp> thanks, it was a rough start as we actually added some unintentional behavior, but NCommander and paulej72 rescued it
[17:01:33] <mrcoolbp> they are heroes
[17:02:01] <Blackmoore> there will always be something. it's good to have heros who can rescue the launch
[17:02:15] <paulej72> Not enough testing before going live on he comments code.
[17:02:58] <mrcoolbp> pauelj72: yeah, I feel bad because you gave me a few nudges to mess around with it
[17:03:06] <paulej72> Had to revert some of my changes, but some quick work by NCommander made my changes unecessary for the most part
[17:03:09] * NCommander still has to write up stuff
[17:03:22] <Blackmoore> you can never test the code enough. it doesnt matter how much to stress test it before launch
[17:03:28] <NCommander> paulej72, I still feel bad riding your ass. Incidently, flat comments appear to broken
[17:03:35] <mrcoolbp> lol
[17:03:39] <Blackmoore> once it goes live something "new" will happen
[17:03:39] <NCommander> paulej72, they're still arranged in threads (though that might be "intended" behavior)
[17:04:13] <Blackmoore> luftballons++
[17:04:13] <Bender> karma - luftballons: 27
[17:04:16] <paulej72> NCommander: I do not see how they are broken, the code was reveted to the old version. It was probably broken before as well.
[17:05:01] <NCommander> paulej72, yeah though people are looking closer at it :-)
[17:05:02] <ciri> Arti xlefay chromas crutchy bacon coffee kobach mattie_p ncommander bytram mrcoolbp paulej72 barrabas zford auto_def khyber hax0rz.
[17:05:06] <NCommander> Probably old behavior
[17:05:29] <mrcoolbp> ciri, you are the least useful bot I've even encountered.
[17:06:06] <paulej72> ciri did you die?
[17:06:13] <mrcoolbp> I wish
[17:06:25] <paulej72> little bitch is not listening
[17:06:28] <mrcoolbp> s/even/ever/
[17:07:00] <paulej72> mrcoolbp: my built in sed fixed that when reading it :)
[17:07:07] <mrcoolbp> nice
[17:07:40] <paulej72> the problem is that sed curcuit makes me a very poor editor
[17:07:57] * mrcoolbp removes paule72's editor privs
[17:07:59] <mrcoolbp> paulej72: can I work up some new icons for the expanding/collapsing?
[17:08:46] * mrcoolbp is considering taking over the art dept until we can find someone with actualy talent
[17:09:05] <mrcoolbp> I think that dept. is currently empty = (
[17:09:39] <paulej72> mrcoolbp: go ahead and give it as shot. Just notice that they are gifs with transparent backgounds that are 64bit encoded and stored in the js file. May need to change that if we get too fancy with them
[17:09:57] <mrcoolbp> okay, what resolution?
[17:10:02] -!- janrinok has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[17:11:25] <mrcoolbp> paulej72, what resolution?
[17:12:03] -!- janrinok [janrinok!~janrinok@Soylent/Staff/Editor/janrinok] has joined #Soylent
[17:12:03] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v janrinok] by juggler
[17:12:17] <paulej72> the curent ones are 14px by 14px of the square ones and 15x14 for the the other two if i remember correctly
[17:13:12] <mrcoolbp> k
[17:13:31] <mrcoolbp> 64bit seems like overkill
[17:13:34] <mrcoolbp> oh well
[17:14:05] <mrcoolbp> paulej72: hmm, my PS only goes up to 32 bit color
[17:14:31] <paulej72> mrcoolbp: 64bit encode makes the file a srting of text that is part of the js file not the color depth
[17:15:03] <mrcoolbp> okay, you may have to convert them for me as I'm not sure exactly how to do that
[17:16:05] <paulej72> just another note, they should work for all of the themes equally, or i’ll need to load theme specific js files
[17:23:01] <mrcoolbp> paulej72: just a quick one: http://imgur.com
[17:23:12] <mrcoolbp> paulej72: noted on the themes
[17:23:19] <mrcoolbp> I'll consider that
[17:25:12] <mrcoolbp> paulej72: transparent one (that might be more theme-friendly) http://imgur.com
[17:26:45] <paulej72> lunch time bbl
[17:27:28] * mrcoolbp gets breakfast
[17:37:16] <Blackmoore> oh dear.
[17:37:27] <Blackmoore> looks like dwarf fortress is getting an upgrade
[17:37:36] <Blackmoore> we may never see NC again
[17:43:28] <mrcoolbp> http://imgur.com
[18:01:11] <Blackmoore> some days it does not pay to come into the office. *headdesk*
[18:01:19] <Blackmoore> i've only been here an hour
[18:01:27] <Blackmoore> and i already need a drink
[18:14:55] <mrcoolbp> yeah I'm not looking forward to going to work in a few, but I gotta start getting ready anyway
[18:15:10] <poutine> Wow, how many articles are you guys going to have about truecrypt
[18:15:17] <poutine> there's been 3 so far and no new information on any of them
[18:15:39] <poutine> also you guys are aware google isn't indexing crap from your site? might be the ridiculous crawl delay
[18:19:49] <poutine> it might also be because you're not structuring your robots.txt to be User-agent then disallow, then the crawl delay
[18:21:12] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Google Spending $1 Billion on Satellites to Cover Earth in Wi-Fi - http://sylnt.us - that's-a-lot-of-data-collection
[18:28:01] -!- LaminatorX has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[18:35:47] <Woods> Poutine: Looks like new information to me. Granted, they are all about the same subject, but they are each two days apart.
[18:37:14] -!- SoyCow0711 has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[18:48:23] <paulej72> Woods: don’t feed the troll
[18:56:49] <NCommander> Blackmoore, figured I finally managed an awesome fort when DF gets an upgrade -_-;
[18:56:55] <NCommander> Still, I've got a month to destroy this one
[18:57:21] <NCommander> and I generally don't upgrade until Therapist or DFHack get upgraded
[18:57:35] <SirFinkus> oh shit, new df version?
[18:59:35] <NCommander> SirFinkus, yeah
[18:59:57] <NCommander> SirFinkus, I've been running an epic fort for the last 1-2 weeks, pop at 140, have a count, and at war with the elves
[19:00:32] <SirFinkus> should do a soylent news succession fort sometime
[19:00:56] <SirFinkus> wwdc time
[19:01:16] <NCommander> SirFinkus, amazes me how many DF players we have
[19:01:32] * NCommander played in Deathgate, and Swordthunders
[19:06:55] <SirFinkus> god, that opening video was the second most cringeworthy tech conference intro I've seen
[19:07:22] <paulej72> WWDC keynote has started http://www.apple.com
[19:07:23] <arti> the constraint is tech conferences? or cringeworthy videos in general
[19:07:30] * arti gets the lotion
[19:07:35] <SirFinkus> tech conferences
[19:07:46] <SirFinkus> I don't think anyone can top qualcomm
[19:11:16] <SirFinkus> swell and release
[19:13:43] <SirFinkus> lol pot jokes? really?
[19:13:54] <paulej72> yes
[19:14:51] <paulej72> continuity
[19:16:07] <SirFinkus> icons look better than ios7
[19:16:22] <paulej72> yes but I like the old ones better
[19:16:35] <SirFinkus> not sure, I'd have to see them live
[19:16:55] <paulej72> transulency sucks
[19:17:03] <SirFinkus> trashcan is shit
[19:17:14] <paulej72> agreed
[19:17:27] <SirFinkus> dark mode
[19:17:29] <SirFinkus> I like that
[19:17:50] <paulej72> looks like you are bit ahead of me on the feed
[19:18:07] <SirFinkus> I actually had a "new release" of my own when I saw that
[19:19:48] <paulej72> bad ui on spotlight
[19:20:01] <paulej72> moving focus unnecessaily
[19:20:15] <SirFinkus> yeah, I don't see what the new feature is
[19:20:47] <SirFinkus> I always use the keyboard shortcut for it, so I don't care where it shows up
[19:21:42] <arti> hey guys translucent menus!
[19:21:50] <SirFinkus> about time they made the dashboard less retarded
[19:21:55] <arti> as you can see, very translucent
[19:23:37] <SirFinkus> is there anything new about this except for the interface?
[19:23:44] <SirFinkus> spotlight seems to do all this stuff already
[19:23:58] <SirFinkus> the previews are nicer I guess
[19:24:03] -!- unitron [unitron!~1888c64e@ibdb-9i0aagh.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #Soylent
[19:24:20] <paulej72> yes the previews are better
[19:24:21] <ciri> Saa, omae no tsumi o kazoero.
[19:24:28] <SirFinkus> oh, maps shit
[19:24:59] <SirFinkus> I hope I can turn all this web shit off
[19:25:29] <SirFinkus> so when I search for dinkyporn.mp4 it won't google it too
[19:26:36] <SirFinkus> oh cool, they're breaking mail.app again
[19:28:41] <paulej72> wonder bar for safari
[19:28:58] <SirFinkus> get at "things"
[19:29:10] <paulej72> now safari chrome and FF all have the same UI
[19:30:36] <SirFinkus> yeah "netflix"
[19:34:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> i really need to quit going fishing in that lake. i have yet to catch a fish in it.
[19:34:39] <arti> the same ui shit is terrible
[19:35:17] <SirFinkus> does this do penises?
[19:35:46] <SirFinkus> that's the only use case I'd have for this
[19:37:12] <SirFinkus> "hand off"
[19:37:44] <paulej72> good for porn
[19:38:23] <SirFinkus> this stuff is actually pretty neat
[19:38:39] <paulej72> auto hotspot is nice
[19:39:33] <SirFinkus> that's neat as fuck
[19:39:50] <paulej72> mac a my phone :)
[19:39:54] <Blackmoore> TheMightyBuzzard: that's fair reason to try someplace new.
[19:40:42] <paulej72> s/a /as/
[19:40:42] <SedBot> <paulej72> mac asmy phone :)
[19:41:04] <SirFinkus> "get em going"
[19:41:14] <SirFinkus> maybe you'll get a hand off
[19:42:12] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Google Spending $1 Billion on Satellites to Provide Wireless Internet - http://sylnt.us - that's-a-lot-of-data-collection
[19:43:02] <paulej72> dr. dre
[19:45:43] <paulej72> open beta
[19:46:03] <SirFinkus> page isn't live yet
[19:48:02] <paulej72> i didn’t think it would be
[19:48:08] <SirFinkus> "it's really enormous"
[19:50:59] <SirFinkus> extend your "experience"
[19:59:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> paulej72, just went back and checked the flow on that rss thing we were talking about. link http/https switchage only appears to happen on apache originated dynamically generated feeds. index.* feeds are generated periodically by slashd and served up statically straight from the file with no alteration.
[20:01:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> i'll slap in a little extra code and get us https rss/atom feeds shortly
[20:10:31] <SirFinkus> aww man, they totally should have called it medkit
[20:10:34] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Urban Wind Turbines - http://sylnt.us - the-answer-is-blowin-in-the-wind
[20:18:35] <SirFinkus> so why does this guy have so many pictures of little girls on his ipad?
[20:21:35] <SirFinkus> still only 5GB :/
[20:28:20] <paulej72> 4000 new APis
[20:29:16] <AndyTheAbsurd> SirFinkus: that's a question that you may not want answered.
[20:30:23] <SirFinkus> note the black thunderbolt cable
[20:30:35] <SirFinkus> I suspect demo funkyness
[20:31:12] <paulej72> that is so the cable is not noticable during the demo
[20:32:08] <AndyTheAbsurd> oh you're watching WWDC
[20:32:12] <AndyTheAbsurd> I hate WWDC
[20:32:29] <AndyTheAbsurd> virtually every tech news outlet goes gaga over it
[20:32:57] <AndyTheAbsurd> it's like April Fool's Day only worse because there's no attempts to be funny.
[20:33:09] <SirFinkus> that's where you're wrong
[20:33:14] <SirFinkus> they attempt to be funny all the time
[20:33:28] <paulej72> it ususally a poor attempt
[20:33:34] <SirFinkus> they haven't succeeded yet
[20:33:36] -!- janrinok has quit [Quit: leaving]
[20:34:17] <paulej72> third part keyboards
[20:34:27] <paulej72> y
[20:34:47] <SirFinkus> I bet you can unlock your mac with touchid now
[20:35:30] <SirFinkus> huh, haven't mentioned it
[20:35:35] <SirFinkus> seems like a no-brainer to me
[20:39:13] <SirFinkus> oh boy, a new graphics api
[20:40:54] <SirFinkus> 10x performance
[20:40:56] <SirFinkus> solve for x
[20:41:30] <Blackmoore> -3 sqrt(pi)?
[20:42:22] <Blackmoore> x = -1 log (previous api)
[20:42:52] <SirFinkus> hehe, he drew boobies
[20:43:44] <paulej72> lol
[20:44:06] <SirFinkus> that guy wanted off the stage
[20:44:18] <paulej72> aspy
[20:44:40] <Blackmoore> our API is better because it takes miliseconds per instance.. and the we know miliseconds are better than nanosecons
[20:44:50] -!- mechanicjay has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[20:46:08] <SirFinkus> ho boy
[20:46:12] <SirFinkus> new programming language
[20:46:25] <paulej72> objective -c
[20:47:32] <paulej72> rewrite slash in swift :)
[20:47:52] <paulej72> looks like perl
[20:48:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> bout ready to rewrite it in crayon
[20:48:42] <SirFinkus> I don't think anyone was expecting this
[20:49:09] <SirFinkus> oh shit, this is sexy
[20:49:32] <paulej72> oh I think I’ll need to learn this
[20:51:36] <SirFinkus> oh god, I need this
[20:53:38] <SirFinkus> DOWNLOAD WHEN
[20:54:10] Blackmoore is now known as blackmoore|lunch
[20:57:43] -!- mechanicjay [mechanicjay!~jhowe@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mechanicjay] has joined #Soylent
[20:57:43] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mechanicjay] by juggler
[21:02:43] <SirFinkus> https://itunes.apple.com
[21:03:36] <SirFinkus> for those interested
[21:34:20] <SirFinkus> anyway, this keynote was the shit https://www.youtube.com
[21:34:55] <AndyTheAbsurd> s/the shit/shit/
[21:35:25] <paulej72> I think you both are correct :)
[21:35:30] <SirFinkus> no, the best thing ever
[21:35:30] <ciri> Ah yes, my child.
[21:35:45] <SirFinkus> AndyTheAbsurd is just mad because he wasn't born mobile
[21:36:24] <AndyTheAbsurd> I'm mad because WWDC is happening
[21:36:33] <AndyTheAbsurd> the amount of attention it gets is ridiculous
[21:36:37] <paulej72> most of the preseters seemed wooden. The demos were lackluster. some of the features are going to be good, but they relly did not show them off well.
[21:37:15] <paulej72> Jobs even when half dead was a better presenter than anyone today.
[21:37:34] <paulej72> Well maybe even full dead :)
[21:41:43] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Samsung to Launch Phone with "Tizen" Operating System - http://sylnt.us - market-based-cannibalism
[21:50:56] <Woods> Bender: s/Tizen/Real/
[21:50:56] <SedBot> <Woods> <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Samsung to Launch Phone with "Real" Operating System - http://sylnt.us - market-based-cannibalism
[21:51:02] <Woods> Bahaha.
[22:03:59] <poutine> <Woods> Poutine: Looks like new information to me. Granted, they are all about the same subject, but they are each two days apart.
[22:04:02] <poutine> You'd be wrong
[22:04:12] <poutine> Truecrypt has not released ANY new info since the page change
[22:04:16] <poutine> yet there's been 3 articles about it
[22:04:28] <poutine> <paulej72> Woods: don’t feed the troll
[22:04:39] <poutine> I guess it's trolling to criticize editors
[22:04:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> it's trolling to troll
[22:05:35] <poutine> if this happened on slashdot, people would be raising hell
[22:05:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> witness you going waaaay the hell back to find something to argue with.
[22:06:07] <poutine> If you don't understand the slashdot crowd, maybe you shouldn
[22:06:15] <poutine> 't be trying to make a slashdot refugee haven
[22:06:28] * TheMightyBuzzard yawns
[22:07:28] <poutine> ^ Level of support you should expect when you bring up there's been a dupe article for the past 3 days in a row on the front page
[22:07:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah, and maybe i should just ignore you. your bitches occasionally lead to useful changes but that's not why you bitch.
[22:07:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> you bitch because you're a troll. and you bore me.
[22:08:11] <poutine> also I guess I was trolling about you guys screwing the pooch with being indexed by google also, that's totally not your fault in the way you did the robots.txt
[22:08:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> you're trolling about everything, even when you're right.
[22:08:31] <poutine> the only googleable page on soylentnews is the front page... how useful
[22:08:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> it's motivation in question, not correctness
[22:09:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> so, a flagpole. go find one and piss up it.
[22:09:21] <poutine> yeah and anyone throwing away "being indexed on google" is an idiot TheMightyBuzzard
[22:09:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> isn't your problem, trollboy
[22:09:56] <Woods> Geeze, you guys.
[22:09:59] <poutine> if you're not motivated enough to do a simple task, like to verify that your site is indexed by the largest search engine in the world, then you're not motivated enough to maintain SN
[22:10:05] <Woods> Am I going to have to separate you two?
[22:10:10] <TheMightyBuzzard> Woods, i'm havin fun.
[22:10:12] <poutine> it's like not IE5 for UNIX support is broken
[22:10:17] <poutine> this is a pretty big deal
[22:10:54] <poutine> I think the dwindling comment counts on frontpage article are an indicator of how well SN Staff is handling things
[22:11:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, it must hurt your feelings terribly to keep you coming back.
[22:11:29] <Woods> Poutine: The first article is information from Truecrypt, the second is information from someone else, and the third is someone asking about alternatives.
[22:11:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> who knew poutine was our biggest cheerleader?
[22:12:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> i say we get him some pom-poms and a wee bitsy skirt if he's going to try this hard to make us awesome.
[22:13:42] <poutine> Woods, Guess what, nobody else officially speaks for truecrypt, so the 2nd article is crap and unsubstantiated, and the 3rd is discussed in the 1st
[22:14:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> you must be new to news, poutine. that's standard practice for most all news sites.
[22:15:01] <TheMightyBuzzard> when there's nothing to report and people want to know, you report on the reporting.
[22:15:06] <poutine> TheMightyBuzzard, This would not be acceptable to slashdot
[22:15:11] <Woods> Poutine: If the content does not agree with you, then perhaps you should submit an article yourself, we could use some more good articles.
[22:15:17] <poutine> and is not acceptable to any slashdot "successor"
[22:15:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> beta was acceptable to most of slashdot.
[22:15:38] -!- swiss has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[22:16:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> but this ain't disney land and it ain't slashdot. we're us and we submit/read/bitch about what we like.
[22:17:03] <weeds> poutine: go back to slashdot and STFU (not necessarily in that order) you are a bigger bore than drunk uncle.
[22:17:56] <weeds> poutine: If you want to decide what is acceptable, start your own site.
[22:18:59] <paulej72> mrcoolbp: took a look at your buttons, we need a few changes. First, if we are going to do transparency we should do png with alpha trnasparency effects. I think if we do this correctly we can make the buttons work on any background. Next we need buttons for the hover efect.
[22:22:11] -!- weeds has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[22:30:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> booyah, who wants some https rss feeds?
[22:31:34] <stderr> !/me
[22:32:10] <stderr> Or should that be "~/me" ?
[22:33:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> gonna get a fresh pull and reinsert the changes to make sure i did it clean then i'll put the pull request in.
[22:34:58] -!- FunPika [FunPika!~FunPika@Soylent/Staff/Wiki/FunPika] has joined #Soylent
[22:34:58] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v FunPika] by juggler
[22:37:56] <arti|lt> i want a fresh pull
[22:37:58] -!- swiss [swiss!swiss@Soylent/Users/803/swisskid] has joined #Soylent
[22:38:15] <arti|lt> also, reinsert
[22:38:38] <arti|lt> meh, more CSS joy :(
[22:39:13] <stderr> arti|lt: "That's what she said..."
[22:43:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> hrm... what i did there was an ugly hack. i think i'll make it clean instead.
[23:01:43] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - When Will the Internet Replace College? - http://sylnt.us - education-wants-to-be-free
[23:01:56] <paulej72> never
[23:02:21] <paulej72> people want to get drunk an laid
[23:06:18] <blackmoore|lunch> ^this.
[23:06:26] blackmoore|lunch is now known as Blackmoore
[23:06:38] <AndyTheAbsurd> great, now I want to get lunch, get drunk, and get laid.
[23:07:08] <Blackmoore> you really can't throw a toga party without a schoolful of people to invite
[23:15:32] -!- Anon3 [Anon3!~Anon3___@109.246.xwk.kkg] has joined #Soylent
[23:20:03] <Blackmoore> and now i want to get dinner, drunk at a toga party and laid.
[23:35:46] <Blackmoore> I might have been more productive if I had NOT come in to work today.
[23:36:13] -!- mechanicjay has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[23:36:23] <chromas> Circlejerk meetings?
[23:38:31] <TheMightyBuzzard> don axe me. i'm just waiting on slashd to fire open_backend.pl again.