#Soylent | Logs for 2014-08-02

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[00:01:37] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - UK Woman Unable To Register Middle Name of "Skywalker" With Passport Office - http://sylnt.us - a-legal-name-is-not-enough
[00:02:39] <mrcoolbp> crutchy: ^
[00:03:52] <crutchy> jar jar binx would have probably been acceptable
[00:04:02] <mrcoolbp> yeah no one cares about him
[00:04:11] <mrcoolbp> she shoulda' tried that
[00:04:30] <crutchy> Mary Jar Jar Binks Smith
[00:05:10] <crutchy> #staff seems pretty quiet lately
[00:05:39] <mrcoolbp> crutchy: we mostly just use this channel
[00:06:38] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~62b0bfdf@ag88-211-281-313.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[00:06:47] <crutchy> aye focker!
[00:06:57] -!- Tachyon [Tachyon!~Tachyon@xuco.me] has joined #Soylent
[00:07:01] <Ethanol-fueled> 'Sup.
[00:07:19] <crutchy> we're blaggin about fuckin pikies
[00:07:20] * mrcoolbp readies his banhammer +78
[00:07:24] <crutchy> lol
[00:07:34] <crutchy> aw
[00:07:43] <Ethanol-fueled> the fuck is a pike?
[00:07:48] <mrcoolbp> curtchy, it's for Eth, not you
[00:07:57] <Ethanol-fueled> I'm not drunken...YET.
[00:07:59] <mrcoolbp> he said I could if he gets all roudy-like
[00:08:02] <mrcoolbp> = (
[00:08:06] <crutchy> lol
[00:08:11] <Ethanol-fueled> settin up and old laptop, whch is gonna be a bizznitch.
[00:08:16] <crutchy> yeah i think i remember he did too
[00:08:22] <Ethanol-fueled> Yeah, I said it.
[00:08:24] <mrcoolbp> Ethanol-Fueled: a pike is like an irish-british person with a thick accent or somethign
[00:08:28] <crutchy> lol bizznitch
[00:08:31] <mrcoolbp> er pikie
[00:08:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> yar
[00:08:46] <Ethanol-fueled> we have a fucking irish pikie at work
[00:08:57] <crutchy> they like periwinkle blue caravans
[00:08:58] <Ethanol-fueled> talks litalks like a leprechaun
[00:09:15] <crutchy> and baggy shoes
[00:09:25] <Ethanol-fueled> or chavs like female pikies?
[00:09:27] <crutchy> ~define bizznitch
[00:09:29] <exec> [urbandictionary] 3bizznitch: Basically just the word Bitch with izz added to it. See also Shizznit
[00:09:30] <Ethanol-fueled> are^
[00:10:11] -!- Tachyon__ has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[00:11:20] <Ethanol-fueled> Anglosphere in the hizzy
[00:12:27] <crutchy> what's the old laptop gunna be for Ethanol-fueled
[00:12:54] <Ethanol-fueled> Dell Latitude D600, installing Win XP/Linux for Dual-boot,
[00:13:17] <crutchy> ew. dell
[00:13:36] <Ethanol-fueled> School's starting soon and I was too Jewish to buy a new laptop....of course, when you have a laptop that you've had for almost a decade and it's still running strong, it's hard to just let it go
[00:13:58] <crutchy> i'm the same with my toshiba tecra a2
[00:14:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> wouldn't too jewish mean you got a wicked good deal from your cousin?
[00:14:12] <Ethanol-fueled> crutchy, it's a surprisingly reliable and Linux-friendly beast, as well as one that handles drunkenness (spills) well. It has both the touchpad and the "clit" mouse
[00:14:14] <crutchy> i can't bring myself to retire it
[00:14:26] <crutchy> lol
[00:14:44] <crutchy> they should market drunk-proof as a feature
[00:14:48] <Ethanol-fueled> Buzzard: reluctance to spend money. I have to drop over 4 G's cash for tuition this fall, and only have 2 G's saved up
[00:15:01] <mrcoolbp> add drunk-proofing for only $59.99!!
[00:15:01] <Ethanol-fueled> crutchy: I believe that line was marketed towards business customers.
[00:15:21] <Ethanol-fueled> Plus just got a new car and, you know, gotta eat.
[00:16:08] <crutchy> i think tecra may have been a more businessy laptop. i like the matte screen
[00:16:21] <Ethanol-fueled> crutchy, the most reliable laptop I have abused was a toshiba.
[00:16:47] <Ethanol-fueled> (already told that story before) but needless to say they can get super-wet and not explode or be permanently damaged.
[00:16:56] <crutchy> gigolo is an honest second job
[00:16:56] <mrcoolbp> those are dec for durability
[00:17:03] <Ethanol-fueled> Provided its the right kind of wet.
[00:17:39] <crutchy> ciri makes my laptop wet
[00:17:46] <mrcoolbp> oh boy.
[00:18:01] <crutchy> ^mrcoolbp groans
[00:18:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> nice, haven't had this keyboard eight hours yet and already it's been kissed by cola
[00:18:39] <Ethanol-fueled> Buzzard...thick, milky white "cola" from spilling your "bottle" the wrong way before your climax?
[00:18:55] <Ethanol-fueled> Um..yeah...Cola. Sweet and sticky. *Cough*
[00:19:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> just boring coke. apparently i've forgotten how to drink from a can without having it dribble down my lip.
[00:19:20] <crutchy> i hope it wasn't cheesy cola
[00:19:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> i blame it on being old.
[00:20:43] -!- drgibbon has quit [Quit: Beware.. your closest friends may be.. CYBER MAGICIANS!]
[00:21:52] <Ethanol-fueled> Buzzard, are you also going to school? I think you mentioned that awhile back
[00:22:31] <TheMightyBuzzard> hell naw. i dropped out before graduating highschool and twice in college. i can't stand how slow school is.
[00:22:32] <crutchy> hmm got a 404 @ http://logs.sylnt.us
[00:22:33] <monopoly> ^ 03404 Not Found
[00:22:45] <Ethanol-fueled> Hahaha, I don't blame you buzzard.
[00:23:16] <Ethanol-fueled> I spend much of high school smoking weed and pinching my girlfriends braless nipples, when I was there at all. The only reason I graduated was because my dad was a teacher there.
[00:23:45] <Ethanol-fueled> Slow, boring, and the worst are teachers with agendas.
[00:24:00] <TheMightyBuzzard> fuck yes.
[00:24:10] <Ethanol-fueled> I can't imagine how bad it is now, with even more emphasis on pandering to the lowest common denominator.
[00:24:31] <TheMightyBuzzard> get your preachy ass out of my face and judge me on whether i know the material.
[00:24:48] <Ethanol-fueled> Buzzard, you're being disruptive. Go to the principal's office NOW.
[00:25:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> flashback
[00:25:46] <swiss> i wrote an ajax application today
[00:25:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> you know, if you get sent to the principal's office, the only thing making you go THERE is your own damned silliness.
[00:25:54] <TheMightyBuzzard> swiss, nifty
[00:26:02] <swiss> The only way i kept myself from feeling a need to shoot myself was to write it in Go
[00:26:26] <swiss> json was the ONLY good thing that came from javascript
[00:26:36] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~james@43-567-441-22.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Soylent
[00:26:43] <Ethanol-fueled> swiss: what does it do?
[00:27:05] <swiss> Ethanol-fueled: displays applications that are out of compliance at my job
[00:27:17] <swiss> click on the pie chart, lists the applications below along with the relevant info
[00:27:22] <Ethanol-fueled> care to go into more detail?
[00:27:34] <swiss> the pie chart shows the percentage for each reason
[00:27:42] <swiss> uh, stuff like "Missed their review date"
[00:27:49] <swiss> "Application owner no longer works here"
[00:27:51] <arti> "Character flaw"
[00:28:08] <Ethanol-fueled> Nice.
[00:28:20] <arti> greeths ethanol
[00:28:28] <Ethanol-fueled> thups
[00:28:29] <swiss> yeah. I'm actually being fed the data from other systems, i just organize and display it
[00:28:30] * arti begins drinking
[00:29:00] <Ethanol-fueled> that's cool, swiss. Data visualization is still low-hanging fruit in smaller organizations.
[00:29:36] <Ethanol-fueled> motherfuckers be lookin' at excel charts and graphs and gasping like cavemen who saw their first fire.
[00:29:52] <swiss> lol
[00:29:58] <swiss> this isn't a smaller organization
[00:30:15] <swiss> this is just a POC basically for my data ingestion and display engine
[00:30:31] <Ethanol-fueled> swiss: I've never worked for an organization larger than 200-ish people, so I don't know.
[00:30:34] <swiss> oh
[00:30:54] <swiss> we have quite a few more than that :X
[00:31:02] <crutchy> swiss... join the dark side and use hidden iframes
[00:31:12] <swiss> lol, why?
[00:31:22] <arti> all the cool kids do it that way
[00:31:24] <swiss> i don't understand the benefit
[00:31:34] <crutchy> cos its awesome
[00:31:36] <swiss> lol
[00:31:37] <crutchy> :d
[00:31:59] <swiss> i am not even using a standard webserver
[00:32:03] <swiss> i'm serving my content with Go
[00:32:13] <swiss> that's how awesome it is
[00:32:35] <crutchy> why do something in 3 lines of code when 15 will do?
[00:32:53] <swiss> heh
[00:33:05] <arti> swiss likes it on the go
[00:33:40] <swiss> go's webserver: http.ServeFile(rw, req, req.url.Path[1:])
[00:34:07] <swiss> well, first I call "http.HandleFunc("/", serverHandler), and then serverhandler just contains that line
[00:34:23] <swiss> then to get it on a port
[00:34:35] <swiss> http.ListenAndServer(":8080", nil)
[00:35:18] <Ethanol-fueled> Huh huh...he called it "nil"..huh huh, heh heh
[00:35:51] * crutchy isn't a big fan of frameworks
[00:35:57] <swiss> 98 lines for my entire ingestion, storage, and writing engine
[00:36:12] <swiss> crutchy: this is part of the default package with Go
[00:36:18] <crutchy> there are too many frameworks and there's always a 'better' one just around the corner
[00:36:20] <crutchy> ah
[00:36:29] <swiss> that's why I really like Go
[00:36:48] <swiss> they took all that stupid shit people built bad frameworks around, and made it standard in a "This is all you will need" way
[00:38:30] <arti> so it's like the Apple of languages
[00:38:37] <arti> "you do it our way!"
[00:38:46] <swiss> nah
[00:38:53] <Ethanol-fueled> Hahah, arti, like that pig-disgusting language apple just came out with?
[00:38:58] <swiss> you can use more basic functions
[00:39:01] * arti likes it
[00:39:19] <arti> pig disgusting would be the powershell crap
[00:39:20] <Ethanol-fueled> likes it up the ass, that is.
[00:39:38] <swiss> golang is developed by ken thompson
[00:40:56] <Ethanol-fueled> arti, why is powershell pig disgusting?
[00:41:09] <swiss> because C# is disgusting
[00:41:25] <Ethanol-fueled> It is, honestly.
[00:41:41] <Ethanol-fueled> It's easy but in a freakish way.
[00:41:51] <swiss> I hate c#
[00:42:07] <swiss> I actually hate .NET as a whole
[00:42:08] <arti> yet another syntax to learn
[00:42:18] <Ethanol-fueled> I like it because it lets idiots like me build usable shit fast
[00:43:16] <arti> $splattable = @{}
[00:43:16] <arti> $splattable['Class'] = "Win32_OperatingSystem"
[00:43:16] <arti> $splattable['Computername'] = 'server1'
[00:43:16] <arti> $admincheck = Test-IsAdmin
[00:43:16] <arti> If ($admincheck -is [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential])
[00:43:17] <arti> {
[00:43:18] <arti> $splattable['Credential'] = $admincheck
[00:43:19] <arti> }
[00:43:19] <arti> Get-WmiObject @splattable
[00:43:35] <arti> its like php and perl had a lovechild
[00:43:58] <swiss> MVC is also shit
[00:44:03] <Ethanol-fueled> Holy shit arti, that's a real dick-limpener.
[00:44:09] <arti> Get-Command -type cmdlet | Where {$_.Parameters.Containskey("Credential")} | Select-Object Name
[00:44:15] <arti> look at this crap
[00:44:46] <swiss> can we go back to using good languages?
[00:44:48] <arti> whatever, it's a tool, and it does some cool stuff
[00:44:54] <arti> swiss, nah we all have to come up with languages now
[00:44:59] <arti> screw improving them, just make new ones
[00:45:01] <swiss> C, some C++, and Golang please
[00:45:07] <swiss> Python is acceptable for small tasks
[00:45:13] <crutchy> awk++
[00:45:13] <Bender> karma - awk: 3
[00:45:17] <arti> sed++
[00:45:17] <Bender> karma - sed: 1
[00:45:25] <arti> awk is pretty legit
[00:45:39] <arti> "screw you guys, we're writing our own arcane text processing"
[00:45:40] * crutchy wishes he knew awk
[00:46:00] <Ethanol-fueled> fuck awk and sed. After sending scripts and typing in commands all day, sometimes it's much nicer to just push a fucking button.
[00:46:09] <crutchy> the any key
[00:46:10] <arti> ethanol fueled, oh totally
[00:46:23] <arti> this is why i write trainers :D
[00:46:42] <Ethanol-fueled> doing command-line shit for its own sake is to impress girls who come over. fire up the green-on-black terminal, apt-get, "WOW, YOU REALLY KNOW HOW TO HACK A COMPUTER?"
[00:46:51] <Ethanol-fueled> arti: AI trainers?
[00:47:08] <swiss> I love sed
[00:47:13] <arti> i'm currently trying to locate the chat window in unreal3 so other playres can type !blah and it'll trigger another function (in lua)
[00:47:14] <swiss> I haven't played with awk enough
[00:47:16] <crutchy> php's explode function feels kinda awkish
[00:47:25] <crutchy> just without the regex
[00:47:34] <swiss> regex++
[00:47:34] <Bender> karma - regex: 0
[00:47:44] <swiss> who the fuck put a minus on regex
[00:47:48] <arti> laravel's template engine uses regexs
[00:47:53] <crutchy> !whodown regex
[00:47:53] <Bender> downers of regex are: JamesNZ: -2, crutchy: -1
[00:47:56] <crutchy> lol
[00:48:01] <crutchy> oops
[00:48:02] <arti> !whoup regex
[00:48:02] <Bender> uppers of regex are: ar: 2, swiss: 1
[00:48:04] <Ethanol-fueled> arti, how do you do that?
[00:48:19] <arti> Ethanol-fueled: cheatengine
[00:48:34] <arti> application level debugger
[00:48:40] <Ethanol-fueled> Nice.
[00:49:07] <arti> yeah, so as it stands now i've got all the stuff setup on my end, i want to expose it remotely
[00:49:22] <arti> so you could say !level XX and whatever XX is is what you'll be set to
[00:49:30] <arti> !gravity on/off
[00:49:39] <Ethanol-fueled> IDDQD
[00:49:47] <arti> impluse255?
[00:49:51] * chromas regrets scratching after cutting peppers
[00:50:02] <arti> chromas, have you fed your dog a lime yet?
[00:50:13] <crutchy> piss on your pingers and the pain will go away
[00:50:15] * arti enjoys watching them bark at the sourness
[00:50:22] <crutchy> pingers++
[00:50:22] <Bender> karma - pingers: 1
[00:50:32] <arti> crutchy speaks about outback remedies
[00:50:40] <Ethanol-fueled> crutchy, you have to drink the piss too, if you eat the peppers and they're too hot.
[00:50:52] <arti> !image better drink my own piss
[00:50:52] <ciri> 4,240,000 results | Better Drink My Own Piss (http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/bear-grylls-better-drink-my-own-piss - 702x780-1193k) @ http://t1.gstatic.com | Better Drink My Own Piss (http://www.memecenter.com/fun/462723/better-drink-my-own-piss - 630x762-92k) @
[00:50:53] <ciri> http://t0.gstatic.com | Better Drink My Own Piss (http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/bear-grylls-better-drink-my-own-piss - 600x682-90k) @ http://t0.gstatic.com | Drink your own piss.
[00:50:54] <ciri> (http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/159579-no-water-drink-your-own-piss/ - 720x669-1033k) @ http://t1.gstatic.com
[00:51:06] <arti> well that's awkward
[00:51:42] <crutchy> could use that as a password
[00:51:52] <arti> i like sexy nipples
[00:51:59] <crutchy> i like trains
[00:52:04] <arti> you'd like india then
[00:52:10] <arti> +1 to gang rape there
[00:52:19] <crutchy> i don't like trains with poop all over them
[00:52:29] <Ethanol-fueled> Hahaha, you know why there's all this bad press abotu India being a rape company
[00:52:30] <arti> china is here mr. burton
[00:52:35] <Ethanol-fueled> because they told the WTO to fuck off.
[00:52:50] <Ethanol-fueled> and now it's the "rape-culture" liberal media to teh rescue again.
[00:53:04] <crutchy> india, china and russia have their own WTO that's bigger than the WTO
[00:53:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> i really hate that phrase
[00:53:18] <arti> liberal media?
[00:53:24] <arti> or rape-culture?
[00:53:24] <Ethanol-fueled> rape culture>
[00:53:30] <crutchy> liberals are the conservatives in ausstralia
[00:53:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> it gets used by people who are also anti-gun to keep women from learning to defend themselves
[00:53:48] <arti> shut up you... you privileged patriarchy!
[00:54:03] <arti> as a white man you don't know what its like!
[00:54:08] <Ethanol-fueled> arti - there can't be anyway in hell people use those terms in real life.
[00:54:18] <Ethanol-fueled> maybe on Fox News.
[00:54:18] <arti> my dumblr feed says so!
[00:54:22] <Ethanol-fueled> or dumblr
[00:54:37] <arti> you cis-gendered scum
[00:54:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> less than 4% of rapes and sexual assaults are perpetrated by a person with a gun. an armed woman will almost never have any trouble.
[00:54:39] <crutchy> but our government doesn't have much power cos there isn't much left that's run by government
[00:55:02] <crutchy> damn politicians still know how to waste all our taxes though :-/
[00:55:10] <Ethanol-fueled> buzzard, they're also trying to do away with bright-colored guns and Eddie eagle, a fucking GUN SAFETY program.
[00:55:10] <arti> they're good at their jobs, see?
[00:55:18] <arti> Ethanol-fueled: zero tolerance!
[00:55:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> man i had shotguns in my gun rack at school and nobody said a damned thing
[00:56:01] <Ethanol-fueled> arti, like mister ching chong chang, an anti-gun congressmen who was recently linked to a gun-running scandal?
[00:56:05] <crutchy> gun violence helps drive the progressive message
[00:56:16] <arti> they're all like that
[00:56:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> gun violence increases as gun laws increase
[00:56:33] <crutchy> its a vicious circle
[00:56:42] <arti> usually holders, or have people who carry around them
[00:56:43] <Ethanol-fueled> Buzzard, I wasn't around for those good old days, but people tell me stories...of bringing their guns to school (unloaded) to do presentations, walking through town open carry, etc.
[00:56:56] <arti> people lose their minds over guns
[00:57:04] <TheMightyBuzzard> Ethanol-fueled, open carry is actually still the law in a lot of places
[00:57:08] <crutchy> anti-gun lobbyists need gun violence, so they introduce gun laws to stop it which increases gun violence which then helps their cause further
[00:57:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> crutchy, yep
[00:57:25] <Ethanol-fueled> Yeah, I know that, in fact until recently it was legal here in San Diego.
[00:57:45] <arti> i dont own any guns
[00:57:49] <arti> but they're fun to shoot
[00:57:55] <crutchy> did you see that idiot on CNN going on about guns a lot?
[00:58:02] <crutchy> pierce morgan
[00:58:10] <crutchy> that guy was a tosser
[00:58:14] <arti> was or is ?
[00:58:14] <Ethanol-fueled> crutchy: I stopped watching that shit long ago, it made me feel empty inside.
[00:58:27] <crutchy> i liked seeing him lose :d
[00:58:33] <crutchy> which happened a lot
[00:58:34] <arti> get one of those dragon dongs, that'll help with that cavernous feeling
[00:58:42] <paulej72> crutchy: fixed the 404
[00:58:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> http://www.political-humor.org
[00:58:50] <monopoly> ^ 03Politicians, Not Guns
[00:59:00] <crutchy> g'day paulej72 :-D
[00:59:08] <Ethanol-fueled> pauley!
[00:59:11] <paulej72> hello all
[00:59:43] <Ethanol-fueled> (pauley is a big fat balding italian and a brutal murderer who chooses to bludgeon his victims to death
[00:59:46] <arti> yes, greetings resident wizard
[01:00:06] <arti> Ethanol-fueled: if i was dr. manhattan i'd do that with something else
[01:00:06] <crutchy> ommmmm
[01:00:10] <TheMightyBuzzard> Ethanol-fueled, he's a cleric. he can't use edged or piercing weapons.
[01:00:18] <arti> TheMightyBuzzard: oh they can pierce alright
[01:00:21] <crutchy> with +5 damage
[01:00:39] <arti> usually trust and thin layers of clothing
[01:00:41] <Ethanol-fueled> buzzard: does he have that holy magic that can fuck shit up, somewhat paradoxically?
[01:00:59] <crutchy> the more you look like a girl the better you are at kung fu
[01:01:09] <arti> this should go in tama
[01:01:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> Ethanol-fueled, unholy. he works with slash. i never said he was a GOOD cleric.
[01:01:20] <crutchy> yes, yes it should :d
[01:01:34] <arti> we should do an rpg night
[01:01:40] <arti> for an hour or something
[01:01:48] <crutchy> counter strike
[01:01:56] <Ethanol-fueled> Buzzard: so he started life as an undertaker who gave in to necrophiliac urges?
[01:01:57] <arti> !roll 3d6*10
[01:01:58] <ciri> arti rolls 9
[01:02:07] <crutchy> /invite tama
[01:02:18] <arti> i gotta tone down some of the rhetoric
[01:02:25] <arti> until then, closed doors.
[01:02:36] <crutchy> tama, rhetoric--
[01:02:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> some guy on twitter: Court rules DOJ must disclose Fast & Furious docs. Insiders say ruling may have caused up to 14 hard drive crashes.
[01:02:56] <crutchy> lol
[01:02:57] <arti> works for the IRS
[01:03:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> made me laugh, like this, ha
[01:03:32] <crutchy> there's always prism
[01:03:41] <Ethanol-fueled> No, it's deeper than that.
[01:03:45] <crutchy> the universal backup
[01:03:58] <TheMightyBuzzard> crutchy, oooh, good thinking
[01:04:16] <arti> didn't a congresscritter ask them for stuff?
[01:04:26] <arti> some taunt about the irs stuff
[01:04:28] <crutchy> or the chinese prolly also have a copy
[01:04:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> i should write the NSA and see if they have any of my porn from the great hard drive crash of `12
[01:04:31] <Ethanol-fueled> It's a system of proxies and plants, where every corporation, every citizen, acts as an arm of the government...or, rather, who runs the government.
[01:05:05] <Ethanol-fueled> All data from the individual to the corporate level is synergized via fusion centers and big data analysis.
[01:05:13] <crutchy> the goverment is like a zerg swarm after the overmind was killed
[01:05:20] <Ethanol-fueled> And then the latter half of Metal Gear Solid.
[01:05:55] <Ethanol-fueled> "We are formless...we are the very discipline and morality that Americans invoke so often.
[01:05:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> i was kind of hoping for bladerunner. i could dig on hunting replicants.
[01:06:15] <crutchy> it's not like police take orders from anyone
[01:06:25] <Ethanol-fueled> Buzzard, you'll have to settle for neighborhood watch vs. suspected terrorists and pedophiles.
[01:06:44] <Ethanol-fueled> And that rude asshole who drives the Prius is in need of a good reeducation.
[01:07:09] <crutchy> but he's saving the environment
[01:07:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> nah, i spect i'll get to shoot some government types here within the next 25 years or so.
[01:07:32] <crutchy> by driving a car on a surface made with tar
[01:07:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> they're worse than replicants anyway
[01:08:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> crutchy, and their electricity to charge them comes from coal
[01:08:15] <arti> ssshhh!
[01:08:17] <crutchy> cos push bikes aren't environmentally friendly cos they require the killing of grass to feed the peasants who make them
[01:08:27] <Ethanol-fueled> Uh...yeah, buzzard....because we are "lone wolf" terrorists, right? Wink Wink?
[01:08:43] <Ethanol-fueled> *boom mike bumps buzzard on the head*
[01:09:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> Ethanol-fueled, lone, nah. i'm just waiting on the rest of the folks to arrive at the party.
[01:09:16] <Ethanol-fueled> Hhhahahahaa
[01:09:17] <crutchy> chuck norris is a terrorist... he terrorizes the terrorists
[01:09:21] <TheMightyBuzzard> they're fashionably late
[01:09:44] <crutchy> and then scares himself in the mirror
[01:09:57] <Ethanol-fueled> Buzzard, that's because they're trying to force the tipping point, so they can quantify it for future use.
[01:10:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> silly bastards in the army never should have made me swear to support and defend the constitution.
[01:10:28] <Ethanol-fueled> I took the oath too, Buzzard.
[01:10:36] <crutchy> defend the constitution? in the army? bahahahahahahahaha!!!
[01:10:46] <Ethanol-fueled> I LOLD.
[01:11:39] <Ethanol-fueled> crutchy: but the thing is, that the oath remains with you even though you become more savvy to what's actually going on, and why it's in your best interests (as a military American, at least) to support that oath.
[01:12:05] <crutchy> best way to support it is prolly to defect
[01:12:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> i mean really, how do you get someone to swear to that then go ripping up amendments left and right and sleep well?
[01:12:15] <crutchy> or just go awol
[01:12:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> crutchy, best way to support it is treason
[01:12:37] <crutchy> yeah
[01:12:41] <crutchy> 'treason'
[01:12:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> armed insurrection
[01:12:56] <crutchy> ~define treason
[01:12:57] <exec> [urbandictionary] 3treason: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the T...
[01:13:06] <Ethanol-fueled> Buzzard - that is inaccurate. The people who are not acting in the best interests of the country are committing treason.
[01:13:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> exercising our 2nd amendment rights for the purpose they were created.
[01:13:43] <Ethanol-fueled> Think of the united states as a corporation. Every so often, the shitbags must be purged.
[01:13:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> Ethanol-fueled, nah. i'm okay with it being treason. we're a nation that was born from treason.
[01:14:26] <crutchy> the big sandy shootout serves as military training for this treason?
[01:14:53] <Ethanol-fueled> Buzzard: I'm okay with it too, because I was dishonorably discharged for violating article 125 of the UCMJ.
[01:15:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> crutchy, boot camp serves as it honestly. you'd be hard pressed to find a vet who isn't at least halfway ready to take up arms against his government.
[01:15:10] <arti> !google article 125 UCMJ
[01:15:11] <ciri> 14,800 results | Punitive Articles of the UCMJ - Article 12 - Sodomy - US Military @ http://usmilitary.about.com | Uniform Code of Military Justice (UJMJ) - ART. 125. SODOMY @ http://usmilitary.about.com | Defense.gov News Article: New Law Brings Changes to Uniform ... @
[01:15:12] <ciri> http://www.defense.gov | Why the military still bans sodomy | MSNBC @ http://www.msnbc.com | 925. ARTICLE 125. SODOMY « UCMJ " United States Code of ... @ http://www.ucmj.us
[01:15:23] <Ethanol-fueled> And that was back when it included animals and homosexuality.
[01:15:41] <arti> did you explain without US there is no anUS?
[01:15:48] <TheMightyBuzzard> that's what you get for trying to bugger a hedgehog
[01:17:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> aright, back to my beer drinking and tv watching. don't burn down the channel.
[01:17:20] <crutchy> http://www.youtube.com
[01:17:21] <monopoly> ^ 03Big Sandy Machine Gun Shoot April 2014 Saturday Night - YouTube
[01:17:54] <crutchy> i'll bet the government doesn't go anywhere near this joint
[01:20:08] <arti> mmm joint
[01:20:18] <Ethanol-fueled> pot!
[01:20:27] <arti> hell yes
[01:20:40] <arti> be doing my fun run soon
[01:20:43] * Ethanol-fueled like a crude, pavlovian beast, crawls in search of the pot.
[01:21:06] <arti> space cakes and 9 miles of sweaty jogging
[01:23:04] <Ethanol-fueled> if you have music, the pot takes the pain from running.
[01:23:43] -!- Ethanol-fueled has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[01:30:44] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Amazon Provides Specific Information About their Objectives - http://sylnt.us - cutting-out-the-middle-man
[01:31:10] <crutchy> bender s/Objectives/Anus
[01:31:10] <exec> <crutchy> <bender> [SoylentNews] - Amazon Provides Specific Information About their Anus - http://sylnt.us - cutting-out-the-middle-man
[01:32:13] <crutchy> bender s/.*/(o Y o)
[01:32:14] <exec> <crutchy> <bender> (o Y o)
[01:52:06] crutchy is now known as \
[01:52:14] \ is now known as crutchy
[01:56:50] crutchy is now known as |
[01:59:01] | is now known as crutchy
[02:04:44] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~ae444a47@qm690-65-19-30.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[02:05:19] -!- Ethanol-fueled has quit [Client Quit]
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[03:05:19] <crutchy> i like trains
[03:05:20] <exec> http://www.youtube.com
[03:07:55] crutchy is now known as pants
[03:08:06] <pants> i like pants
[03:08:13] pants is now known as crutchy
[03:08:22] -!- Space_Man__ [Space_Man__!~Space_Man@91-886-365-69.static.enta.net] has joined #Soylent
[03:08:23] <pbnjoe> are we bored, crutchy?
[03:08:26] -!- Space_Man_ has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[03:08:49] <crutchy> i'm just procrastinating whilst drinking coffee
[03:08:58] <crutchy> kiddies are having their lunch
[03:09:18] <pbnjoe> whatcha avoiding doing?
[03:09:38] <crutchy> i've been working on a meeting minutes publishing script
[03:10:09] <pbnjoe> ah, cool
[03:10:09] <crutchy> http://wiki.soylentnews.org
[03:10:10] <monopoly> ^ 04Wiki: 03IRC:exec: IRC Script Executive
[03:12:00] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Teenagers Turn Living Room into Swimming Pool using Film - http://sylnt.us - better-lilo-when-parents-find-out
[03:12:34] -!- Space_Man__ has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[03:12:40] * pbnjoe imagines wading in a room full of movie film
[03:13:03] <pbnjoe> I don't think that would feel nice
[03:18:43] <crutchy> i'd be worried if i lived in the flat underneath. floors are generally designed to take about 3kPa, which is equivalent of about 30 cm deep water. not sure how deep these guys filled
[03:19:33] <pbnjoe> I was joking about a different kind of film ;) but yeah, it's sketchy all around
[03:19:56] <pbnjoe> "half a metre high"
[03:20:34] <pbnjoe> so they're past their limit
[03:21:52] <crutchy> russians probably build their flats out of nuclear submarines
[03:23:28] <crutchy> most floors can probably take half a metre of water, but if there was a defect in the floor and it collapsed under load beyond the engineered limits, bye bye insurance
[03:24:10] <pbnjoe> bye bye whoever lives beneath, too
[03:24:28] <pbnjoe> if not crushed by floor, pinned down and drowned
[03:26:19] <pbnjoe> "Russian teenagers", "Urainian teenagers". "temperatures reaching an uncomfortable 34C", "temperatures reaching an uncomfortable 36C".
[03:26:28] <pbnjoe> So, are they russian or ukrainian, and how hot was it getting?
[03:28:19] <pbnjoe> s'pose I shouldn't expect much when suggested articles are Putin laughing at Obama over a poodle or something, and Putin taking selfies
[03:28:46] -!- Space_Man__ [Space_Man__!~Space_Man@91-886-365-69.static.enta.net] has joined #Soylent
[03:29:06] <crutchy> don't allow a silly little thing like the truth get in the way of a good story
[03:29:10] <Konomi> you know you're sick when you're setting alarms for the next increment of time at which you cna take more pain meds
[03:29:12] <crutchy> just chuck in some baysplosions
[03:29:13] <exec> http://www.youtube.com
[03:29:25] <pbnjoe> hope you feel better soon Konomi
[03:29:31] <crutchy> konomi++
[03:29:31] <Bender> karma - konomi: 14
[03:29:34] <pbnjoe> :)
[03:29:38] <Konomi> I am hoping I do too like a freaking lot
[03:29:40] <pbnjoe> konomi++
[03:29:40] <Bender> karma - konomi: 15
[03:29:53] <Konomi> I hate having reduced thinking capacity it blows ._.
[03:30:00] <crutchy> my wife lives on an unhealthy dose of oxycontin, oxynorm, lyrica, etc
[03:30:14] <crutchy> for her back problem
[03:30:25] <pbnjoe> "Russian/Ukrainian teenagers filled their room with film and water and *Bwoooosh!* The temp was reaching *Kabloooom!*"
[03:30:49] <crutchy> and then they paddled and blablaboom!!!
[03:30:54] <pbnjoe> *Sounds of metal twisting and flying through air*
[03:31:00] <pbnjoe> *bridges creaking and collapsing*
[03:31:29] <crutchy> and one started drinking a glass of water splablaSPLOOM!!!
[03:31:32] <Konomi> what I wouldn't give for some optiate pain killers ;p-
[03:31:55] <crutchy> konomi, she's been on them for a couple of years. not fun
[03:32:02] <pbnjoe> One boy reportedly dried himself off and SHHHHSPROM!
[03:32:28] <Konomi> crutchy: here's hoping for cannibs legalisation maybe she could get something out of that
[03:32:50] <crutchy> she would rather have the problem fixed, but takes time
[03:33:01] <Konomi> back problems are always complicated
[03:33:01] <pbnjoe> getting the vibe that it's on its way to it?
[03:33:07] <pbnjoe> legalisation I mean
[03:33:14] -!- Space_Man__ has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[03:33:18] <Konomi> tasmania is having a trial
[03:33:36] <crutchy> we don't have private health, which means we wait (but at least we don't go completely broke)
[03:34:41] <pbnjoe> I honestly couldn't imagine what it would be like to break my leg and feel like that would be the end of me financially :(
[03:35:11] <crutchy> the public/private health thing is hard in australia i reckon
[03:35:16] <crutchy> there's pros/cons for both
[03:35:38] <Konomi> we didn't even have private until howard
[03:35:39] <pbnjoe> oh, there's both?
[03:35:42] <Konomi> that dirty scum bag
[03:35:43] <pbnjoe> interesting
[03:35:51] <Konomi> most are on public
[03:36:07] <Konomi> private was marketted as this slightly better experience
[03:36:28] <pbnjoe> sure, if you can afford to give up tens of thousands of $ on a whim
[03:37:44] * pbnjoe is thinking of watching the Moore doc again
[03:38:26] <pbnjoe> either that, or games, or irc til bed
[03:38:30] <pbnjoe> hmm
[03:39:39] <pbnjoe> all three
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[04:23:17] <keplr> Was the Israel propaganda story the first one with > 100 comments?
[04:26:07] <crutchy> israel propaganda story?
[04:27:52] <arti> it's more common than you think?
[04:28:05] <crutchy> israel is just a multinational weapons testing facility
[04:28:14] <keplr> Seems that way
[04:28:18] <crutchy> posing as a country
[04:28:20] <arti> the matrix is all around us...
[04:29:11] <crutchy> the white rabbit is having relations with trinity
[04:29:37] <crutchy> that lucky thumper
[04:29:39] <arti> sounds religious
[04:30:06] <crutchy> hmm, apparently flaps are not sexy
[04:30:12] <crutchy> i beg to differ
[04:30:31] <crutchy> ~dest-override #
[04:30:33] <exec> destination override "#" set for nick "crutchy" in "#Soylent"
[04:30:50] <crutchy> ~say tama, flaps are sexy
[04:31:35] <crutchy> aw tama is ignoring exec
[04:31:38] <crutchy> bad tama
[04:31:51] <arti> the plot thickens
[04:32:21] <crutchy> mixing thickened plot with flaps causes babies
[04:32:53] <crutchy> ~dest-clear
[04:32:54] <exec> destination override "#" cleared for nick "crutchy" in "#Soylent"
[04:33:12] <pbnjoe> well, I'm about halfway through, and depressed
[04:33:28] <crutchy> halfway through thickening some plot?
[04:33:42] <crutchy> natalie portman can assist
[04:34:21] <pbnjoe> ok I can use a dumb chuckle atm so I won't tell you off ;)
[04:34:39] <crutchy> i can supply the dumb part :d
[04:35:16] <pbnjoe> you've provided the chuckle too, with the plot joke
[04:36:34] <crutchy> i need some baysplosions
[04:36:35] <exec> http://www.youtube.com
[04:39:09] <pbnjoe> *SHBLOOM*
[04:40:13] <crutchy> i like asdf too
[04:40:20] <crutchy> suits my sense of humor
[04:40:24] <crutchy> i like trains
[04:40:25] <exec> http://www.youtube.com
[04:41:05] <crutchy> is monopoly dead?
[04:41:25] <crutchy> or maybe it set to ignore bots
[04:42:18] <chromas> Ignores exec (for titles only) in case someone seds Bender of something
[04:44:11] <pbnjoe> asdf is good :)
[04:46:49] <crutchy> gedit_snippets++
[04:46:49] <Bender> karma - gedit_snippets: 2
[04:47:04] * crutchy always has trouble remembering how to do a foreach
[04:47:23] <crutchy> with snippets, just type foreach and hit tab :-D
[04:47:39] <crutchy> almost like a real programming tool :-p
[04:48:18] <swiss> anyone here do fiberglassing?
[04:48:50] <pbnjoe> foreach?
[04:48:53] <crutchy> nah. i used to work at an aircraft factory with a composites workshop. when i went in there i came out high as a kite
[04:48:58] * pbnjoe doesn't want to look it up
[04:49:20] <swiss> lol
[04:49:25] <crutchy> bad headaches too. nasty chemicals
[04:49:36] <swiss> i am debating learning so i can try to make a nice screen for my car
[04:50:06] <crutchy> vacuum bagging method?
[04:51:15] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Wildfires Play Bigger Role in Climate Change than Previously Thought - http://sylnt.us - burning-stuff-produces-carbon-dioxide
[04:54:36] <crutchy> vacuum cleaners can bend metal
[04:54:41] <crutchy> vacuum++
[04:54:41] <Bender> karma - vacuum: 1
[04:55:37] <crutchy> not plate steel, but aluminium sheet for leading edges
[04:55:55] <crutchy> 0.025"
[04:56:40] <swiss> huh?
[05:11:56] <keplr> Anyone remember Star Trek TNG S04E15?
[05:12:19] <keplr> I both fear and wish that's like our reality.
[05:13:14] <crutchy> i'm a voyager guy, but i don't remember by episode no
[05:13:32] <keplr> I never watched TNG when it was airing
[05:14:08] <keplr> So I'm catching up now, since it's generationally relevant
[05:14:40] <keplr> I guess I should watch Voyager eventually
[05:15:38] <keplr> Anyway, TNG S04E15 is about First Contact
[05:15:38] <crutchy> all 7 seasons :-D
[05:15:57] <crutchy> i like this: http://www.youtube.com
[05:15:57] <monopoly> ^ 03Voyager: The Motion Picture - YouTube
[05:16:18] <arti> :D
[05:16:22] <crutchy> not into fan art much but this one isn't bad
[05:16:35] <keplr> The oligarchs of the culture don't want to integrate into The Federation, so they cover up First Contact.
[05:16:36] <arti> cool, i did a marathon of TNG moons ago
[05:17:02] <arti> i like the one where he lives life as one of those people, in a probe
[05:17:24] <keplr> Might not have gotten to that one, only on S04
[05:17:43] <arti> who is your favorite character at the moment?
[05:17:53] <keplr> It just made me worried that our governments might have made first contact but decided the plebs weren't ready to hear the Good News.
[05:18:11] <arti> !google youtube.com they live human power elite
[05:18:12] <ciri> 2,470,000 results | Human Power Elite Mix--They live! - YouTube @ http://www.youtube.com | Power Elite Bringing About Disparate Society - YouTube @ http://www.youtube.com | Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They ... - YouTube @ http://www.youtube.com | UFO NASA Power Elite Moon Cover-Up - Our Ancient
[05:18:13] <ciri> Human Life ... @ http://www.youtube.com | Activist Post: 10 Signs The Global Elite Are Losing Control @ http://www.activistpost.com
[05:18:16] <keplr> Data of course.
[05:18:39] <keplr> I've seen They Live
[05:18:47] <crutchy> data is even more annoying than the doctor from voyager
[05:19:05] <keplr> Data is as annoying as a first try android would be
[05:19:19] <arti> crutchy, i kinda like that guy even more since he is johnny cab
[05:19:26] <crutchy> lol
[05:19:44] <arti> The Patient entered, and the treatment began *dismissive eye-roll*
[05:20:01] <crutchy> you mean that extra in some movie with mila jovovich
[05:20:10] <arti> captcha: mannish
[05:20:50] <keplr> The warp drive physicist Dr. Brahms is the hottest character so far.
[05:21:06] * crutchy wishes he could live in a space station orbiting jupiter
[05:21:16] <arti> set phasers to stun?
[05:21:21] <crutchy> ~define br brahms
[05:21:28] <keplr> We all wish that
[05:21:33] <exec> [stoacademy] 3br brahms: BRB - Be Right Back
[05:21:35] <arti> !image dr. brahms
[05:21:35] <ciri> 834,000 results | Susan Gibney (http://lost.wikia.com/wiki/Susan_Gibney - 198x306-10k) @ http://t3.gstatic.com | Dr. Leah Brahms in 2367. (http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Leah_Brahms - 292x292-9k) @ http://t2.gstatic.com | Leah_brahms.jpg
[05:21:36] <ciri> (http://celebrity.ms/details/star/43295/susan-gibney - 419x557-22k) @ http://t2.gstatic.com | Dr. Brahms' body. (http://fashionitso.wordpress.com/ - 578x683-418k) @ http://t0.gstatic.com
[05:21:44] <crutchy> ~define dr brahms
[05:21:46] <keplr> Born too late for the tall ships, born too soon far the star ships.
[05:21:54] <exec> [stoacademy] 3dr brahms: TL;DR - Too Long, Didn't Read
[05:22:12] <crutchy> hmm surely sto academy has dr brahms
[05:22:48] <keplr> I can't easily click those links because I am using IRSSI through SSH with the Putty client.
[05:23:22] <keplr> Considering the site this channel is about, my use case should be standard.
[05:24:00] <keplr> That bot needs a URL shortener
[05:24:22] <arti> that's a good idea
[05:24:31] <crutchy> some pretty long links for sure
[05:26:55] <crutchy> soylent could use a similar strategy for managing ad blockers as stoacademy... have an image that is overlayed with the transparent iframe (assuming that's how it works)
[05:27:24] <crutchy> http://www.stoacademy.com
[05:28:24] <keplr> Managing ad blockers?
[05:28:58] <crutchy> eventually SN gunna need to have ads
[05:29:25] <crutchy> if they think they can avoid it and survive they're kidding themselves
[05:29:39] <arti> some people enjoy lying to themselves
[05:29:57] <arti> make them ads for cool stuff
[05:30:07] <arti> do it yourself beer volcano etc.
[05:30:44] <crutchy> plenty of hosting providers, hardware manufacturers, IT services companies etc would be good advertising clients
[05:31:10] <crutchy> not to mention USB rocket launchers... are they still fashionable?
[05:31:27] <arti> bring it back
[05:31:40] <arti> "automated tracking software!"
[05:32:07] <crutchy> maybe if we make SN usb rocket launchers... now with a free yo-yo!
[05:32:09] <keplr> The advertising model is doomed
[05:32:23] <keplr> It's based on the false assumption that advertising to nerds works.
[05:32:26] <keplr> It doesn't.
[05:32:50] <keplr> Businesses based on it are also doomed.
[05:32:53] <crutchy> keplr, i agree, but atm its at least a reliable source of income (assuming its not pay per click)
[05:33:43] <crutchy> swag is great, but who is going to buy a coffee++ mug after the core supporters already have one?
[05:35:34] * crutchy probably won't get one cos he doesn't value subscriptions to anything that much
[05:35:36] <keplr> Maybe proprietary WWW sites are ultimately doomed if ad-free funding is required
[05:36:19] <crutchy> slashdot probably isn't profitable for dice, and its an established website
[05:36:56] <crutchy> SN needs some out-of-the-box thinking for funding i reckon
[05:37:02] <keplr> If there's no way for a central authority to make money, the only alternative is distributing the costs.
[05:37:14] <arti> how about letting the community vote on tattoos for employees
[05:37:17] <crutchy> need to have some brainstorming sessions in irc sometimes
[05:37:20] <crutchy> lol
[05:37:21] <keplr> That means something like Bittorrent for Web Sites.
[05:37:28] <arti> "full back GNU!"
[05:37:41] <arti> "stallman sleeve"
[05:37:49] <crutchy> the next internet business model could be invented right here
[05:38:02] <arti> TollTubes(tm)
[05:38:14] <keplr> The next business model won't be a business.
[05:38:43] <keplr> Decentralize the "website" the same way file sharing is decentralized via Bittorrent.
[05:39:08] <crutchy> i like the idea of reducing expenses rather than increasing income
[05:39:32] <keplr> crutchy: few humans share that virtue
[05:40:19] <crutchy> its not like we need materials for manufacturing widgets, or employees to feed. SN is just a website for nerds (many of which build/host their own websites)
[05:40:49] <crutchy> if we can't come up with some way to host SN cheaply/freely, how can we call ourselves nerds?
[05:40:55] <keplr> The reall frustrating thing is that it all currently exists. It's all here to make a better internet--better in every way. Why can't we? Entrenched capitalist intersts.
[05:41:04] <arti> make it run on a botnet
[05:41:10] <crutchy> arti++
[05:41:10] <Bender> karma - arti: 59
[05:41:11] <arti> use fast flux
[05:41:19] <arti> soylentherd
[05:41:58] <crutchy> we could build a technology that hosts SN on free nodes that all talk to each other
[05:42:45] <keplr> A mesh network could work, even better than the current internet, if we could simulataneously convert everyone over to it
[05:42:47] <crutchy> might not fit the old slash model, but if we can't get over vested interests we're pretty ffucked
[05:43:09] <keplr> But we can't. It's like biological evolution, which is my area of expertise
[05:43:26] <keplr> You're stuck with what you started with
[05:44:00] <crutchy> if we had a few nodes to build on, we could develop the technology and gradually migrate it
[05:44:59] <crutchy> most of us have (mostly) always-on internet, so that's the infrastructure sorted
[05:46:05] <keplr> I also have my work connection to leech from! Entirely under my control.
[05:46:39] <arti> soylent@home
[05:46:48] <keplr> And 90% under-utilized over every 24-h period
[05:46:51] <arti> "mining for stories!"
[05:47:36] <keplr> arti: funny that you say that, I currently run BOINC on all my work machines
[05:47:56] <keplr> got me into the top 5% of SETI@home
[05:48:23] <arti> that's pretty neat
[05:48:47] <keplr> That's just a few dozen i3 Intel CPUs
[05:50:01] <keplr> My home cluster, if turned over entirely to SETI@home would produce that much and half again.
[05:51:04] <swiss> just keep SN data on freenode
[05:51:46] <keplr> You'd still need people to host it
[05:51:56] <keplr> Freenode is pretty sparse, also
[05:55:43] <keplr> Wow, Susan Gibney is older than I thought
[05:55:56] <crutchy> arti... i like the @home idea
[05:55:58] <keplr> Or TNG is older than I think...
[05:56:07] <arti> be kinda cool
[05:56:29] <crutchy> maybe not boinc though, but we could develop something in asm
[05:56:32] <crutchy> :p
[05:56:59] <keplr> I think a distributed journalism hosting network is suitable for BOINC
[05:57:17] <crutchy> seems like something worth looking into
[05:57:29] <crutchy> SN could (should) be the first
[05:57:40] <keplr> The alternatives are untenable
[05:57:59] <crutchy> kinda like a distributed wikileaks
[05:58:09] <keplr> Advertising either: won't work; or will be self-destructive
[05:58:24] <crutchy> anyone can contribute, and because of the distributed nature of the network makes it hard for authorities to shut it down
[05:58:44] <crutchy> yeah i would just block ads
[05:58:57] <arti> scope out share
[05:58:58] <arti> Share
[06:00:01] <crutchy> arti: is it this one: http://en.wikipedia.org
[06:00:01] <monopoly> ^ 04Wiki: 03Share (P2P): Share (シャレ(洒落),シェア?) is the name for a closed-source P2P application being developed in Japan by an anonymous author. Since the author of Winny was arrested, Share was developed as its successor, also focusing on higher s...
[06:00:12] <arti> yeah
[06:00:29] <crutchy> dunno about the closed-source bit, but maybe something similar
[06:01:02] <crutchy> closed-source would make it vulnerable and untrustworthy
[06:01:27] <crutchy> maybe an encrypted bitcoin-like internet
[06:02:01] <crutchy> contributions are encrypted and shared randomly
[06:02:52] <crutchy> prolly don't need to go that far though cos we're not into divulging state secrets
[06:03:16] <crutchy> just an open source p2p network might work though
[06:03:22] <crutchy> browser-based
[06:10:14] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Bacteria Ate Some Toxins, but Worst Remain, According to Gulf Oil Spill Researcher - http://sylnt.us - except-that-bit-I-don't-want-that-bit
[06:11:08] -!- Subsentient1 [Subsentient1!~WhiteRat@216.161.ghn.ql] has joined #Soylent
[06:11:50] -!- Space_Man__ [Space_Man__!~Space_Man@91-886-365-69.static.enta.net] has joined #Soylent
[06:12:33] <crutchy> g'day Subsentient
[06:12:37] <crutchy> g'day Subsentient1
[06:13:08] <Subsentient1> lol hi
[06:16:01] <crutchy> arti, freenet looks interesting
[06:16:09] <crutchy> http://en.wikipedia.org
[06:16:10] <monopoly> ^ 04Wiki: 03Freenet: Freenet is a peer-to-peer platform for censorship-resistant communication. It uses a decentralized distributed data store to keep and deliver information, and has a suite of free software for publishing and communicating on the Web witho...
[06:16:30] -!- Space_Man__ has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[06:16:53] <arti> i2p?
[06:18:35] <crutchy> ooh
[06:19:38] <crutchy> would be nice to maintain some relationship with http so that anyone with a browser can access
[06:19:47] <arti> make a js client :P
[06:20:01] <arti> could do an extension too
[06:20:01] <crutchy> but the underlying network could be using a different protocol
[06:20:34] * swiss brings out his "screw js" club
[06:21:07] * crutchy isn't sure about the distributed dns part (which is a cost)
[06:23:52] <crutchy> maybe one public domain (soylentnews.org) and the host connected to it acts as a sort of load balancer, kind of like how the akamai network functions
[06:24:58] <crutchy> so the soylentnews.org host just redirects to an available node closest to the request origin
[06:25:03] <crutchy> or something
[06:25:24] <crutchy> existing users could then just bookmark that node
[06:26:35] <crutchy> hmm though if node dies then need to be able to automatically redirect still
[06:26:43] * crutchy is not a software guy
[06:28:35] <crutchy> http://en.wikipedia.org
[06:28:36] <monopoly> ^ 04Wiki: 03Syndie: Syndie is an open source cross-platform computer application to syndicate (re-publish) data (mainly forums) over a variety of anonymous and non-anonymous computer networks
[06:30:32] <crutchy> http://en.wikipedia.org
[06:30:32] <monopoly> ^ 04Wiki: 03Osiris (Serverless Portal System):
[06:31:03] <chromas> Nah screw it; let's make our own
[06:31:35] <chromas> Our wheel will be 200% rounder
[06:31:57] <crutchy> making our own would be cool, but these existing ones look interesting, and might be worth considering compatibility with them
[06:32:00] <crutchy> lol
[06:32:18] <chromas> Compatibility sounds like work
[06:32:39] <crutchy> it will be so frictionless that it won't even spin, so we can just make it square
[06:32:58] <chromas> Exactly :)
[06:33:03] -!- Space_Man__ [Space_Man__!~Space_Man@91-886-365-69.static.enta.net] has joined #Soylent
[06:33:11] <chromas> !Grab crutchy
[06:33:20] <chromas> !grab crutchy
[06:33:20] <Bender> Added quote 218
[06:33:21] <crutchy> no
[06:33:26] <crutchy> crape
[06:33:49] <chromas> Meanness++
[06:33:49] <Bender> karma - meanness: 1
[06:34:04] <crutchy> groping++
[06:34:05] <Bender> karma - groping: 1
[06:34:59] <crutchy> i like this idea:
[06:35:02] <crutchy> "Each user is free to give reputation (positive or negative) to another user according to its contribution to the portal, based on these reputations, the system processes the pages by removing the contents of users evaluated negatively (such as spammers) and importing the reputations of users considered positively. "
[06:35:27] <crutchy> from http://en.wikipedia.org
[06:35:28] <monopoly> ^ 04Wiki: 03Osiris (Serverless Portal System):
[06:44:06] <chromas> Kademlia++
[06:44:06] <Bender> karma - kademlia: 1
[06:44:43] -!- Subsentient has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[06:44:54] Subsentient1 is now known as Subsentient
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[07:38:33] Space_Man__ is now known as Space_Man
[07:40:01] crutchy is now known as ^
[07:40:45] ^ is now known as crutchy
[07:41:23] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Appeals Court: Shell Game Over, Prenda Law Must Pay Sanctions in Full - http://sylnt.us - back-under-the-bridge
[07:47:34] <chromas> From the shells-and-cheese dept
[08:56:01] -!- SoyCow8390 [SoyCow8390!~6dc0586b@ufa-msw-675-668-009-623.hsi0.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de] has joined #Soylent
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[09:01:11] juggs|afk is now known as juggs
[09:02:31] -!- Subsentient has quit [Quit: A good gerbil is one with the peanut butter.]
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[09:41:09] -!- joj [joj!~weechat@680-181-186-61.ip8.george90.com] has joined #Soylent
[09:42:49] <chromas> Firefox for android has a really hard time with horizontal scrolling
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[10:27:53] -!- KonomiNetbook [KonomiNetbook!~Konomi@Soylent/Users/189/Konomi] has joined #Soylent
[10:41:38] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - OpenVMS Not Yet Dead - http://sylnt.us - VAXen-Nation
[10:59:09] juggs|afk is now known as juggs
[10:59:57] juggs is now known as juggs|afk
[11:02:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> oversleeping++
[11:02:53] <Bender> karma - oversleeping: 1
[11:07:47] -!- exec has quit [Quit: dafuq]
[11:08:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++ too
[11:08:05] <Bender> karma - coffee: 489
[11:08:49] <crutchy> coffee++
[11:08:50] <Bender> karma - coffee: 490
[11:10:01] <ar> coffee--
[11:10:01] <Bender> karma - coffee: 489
[11:10:22] juggs|afk is now known as juggs
[11:10:31] <ar> coffee kills your free will
[11:11:04] * juggs wanders off to make tea instead :P
[11:12:07] <ar> juggs++
[11:12:07] <Bender> karma - juggs: 15
[11:14:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> tea is fine if you're a brit. or if you make it strong enough to stand a spoon up in.
[11:16:42] <ar> i'm not a brit and my tea isn't strong enough for a spoon to stand in it
[11:17:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> no excuse for it then
[11:17:38] <ar> but at least it smells and tastes good
[11:18:00] <ar> and i'm able to function normally without a cup of tea in the morning
[11:19:33] <juggs> I am a brit :P Relatively weak black tea with a splash of lemon here in a ginormous mug. Lurrvely
[11:19:46] <juggs> !whoup juggs
[11:19:46] <Bender> uppers of juggs are: xlefay: 3, crutchy: 2, arti: 2, Konomi: 1, hax0rz: 1, martyb: 1, andrew: 1, ar: 1, stderr: 1, pbnjoe: 1, ciri: 1
[11:20:01] <juggs> ciri????? lol
[11:20:21] <stderr> juggs
[11:20:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> the smell of coffee is the olfactory equivalent of getting a refund from a hooker for being that good
[11:20:35] <juggs> stderr ?
[11:20:42] <stderr> You tell me...
[11:20:46] <juggs> lol TMB
[11:21:11] <juggs> ohh it was the !whoup that pinged you stderr :D sorry
[11:21:44] * juggs poddles off to do some more swagtastic stuff
[11:21:53] * stderr goes back to upgrading a Ubuntu-box to Debian...
[11:22:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> good word choice, upgrading
[11:23:08] -!- janrinok [janrinok!~janrinok@Soylent/Staff/Editor/janrinok] has joined #Soylent
[11:23:08] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v janrinok] by juggler
[11:23:10] <juggs> I still have an ubuntu server ticking over - seems fine for that
[11:23:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> mostly i'd only use it for a linux noob. though i'm on the lookout for something better.
[11:24:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> arch++
[11:24:11] <Bender> karma - arch: 1
[11:24:42] <stderr> Damn, the fan in that server doesn't sound that good...
[11:25:11] <crutchy> debian++
[11:25:11] <Bender> karma - debian: 7
[11:25:15] <juggs> I may well bump it across to debian next time it's due a refresh. C B A meddling with it until then as it's performing fine
[11:25:41] <juggs> hmm - that'll be 2017 I next have to upgrade lol
[11:27:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> debian starting in with the 5year lts releases pretty much gives me no more excuse to put *buntu on a server
[11:31:50] * juggs nods. I do like to just set and forget my home stuff. It's not exactly doing anything cutting edge :D
[11:31:56] -!- KonomiNetbook has quit [Quit: leaving]
[11:32:15] -!- KonomiNetbook [KonomiNetbook!~Konomi@Soylent/Users/189/Konomi] has joined #Soylent
[11:33:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> i'm debian for home servers, arch for desktop.
[11:34:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> i probably should use something more stable for a desktop but i like not having to wait forever for an upgraded version of ffmpeg or vlc or x265 or what have you.
[11:36:07] <stderr> TheMightyBuzzard: debian-backports?
[11:36:16] <ar> ubuntu lts for desktops and servers, but with APT::Install-Recommends "0"; and APT::Install-Suggests "0"; in apt.conf.d
[11:36:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> stderr, still slower than arch
[11:36:39] <ar> >slower than arch
[11:36:41] <ar> lol?
[11:37:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> what can i say, i like reading about how they made the x265 encoder and trying it out the same day without having to compile from source by hand.
[11:38:27] <ar> and how's that "slower" or "faster"?
[11:38:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> ar, faster in getting packages out.
[11:39:44] <crutchy> i think debian's not too bad with security patches
[11:39:54] <crutchy> anything else can wait
[11:40:10] <ar> TheMightyBuzzard: which isn't always a good thing. i've seen arch users getting screwed by untested packages waay too many times
[11:40:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> crutchy, they're not. they're very stable like that.
[11:40:40] <TheMightyBuzzard> ar, so have I. it's a tradeoff.
[11:41:31] <TheMightyBuzzard> but my /home partition has survived far longer than it has any right to so i'm all good with some risk.
[11:42:25] * TheMightyBuzzard mourns the loss of his /storage partition in the great hard drive crash of `12
[11:42:37] <u> no, Arch has buggered things up before
[11:42:41] <u> but I still use it.
[11:43:04] <ar> zfs here. on my laptop, on my desktop and on my NAS
[11:43:09] <ar> <3
[11:43:10] <u> there was that time they shipped a buggy mesa which couldn't start X in a virtual machine
[11:43:37] <u> I was thinking of using ZFS for this laptop, but it seemed too much trouble since I would inevitably end up with an unbootable system whenever a new linux was shipped
[11:44:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> i'm currently being annoyed with it having xorg 1.16 and catalyst drivers only working with xorg <=1.15
[11:44:29] <Konomi> downgrade
[11:44:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> Konomi, haven't upgraded
[11:44:56] * Konomi just finished getting screen to her liking
[11:46:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> the annoying bit is the fellow maintaining the xorg 1.15 for catalyst repo, while a good guy doing yeoman's work, has worked his packages into conflict with themselves.
[11:48:01] * crutchy is tinkering with exec again
[11:48:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> he'll get it squared away eventually but it will probably stay broken over the weekend
[11:48:12] * u imagines that M.C.Escher sketch, framed 'inspirational poster' style, caption: "Linux Package Management"
[11:49:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> truth at times
[11:49:52] <TheMightyBuzzard> most times it makes any other os look that way though.
[11:50:00] <u> Well, that's true
[11:50:05] <u> Have you ever looked in c:\windows\winsxs?
[11:51:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> yes and it had much the same effect that wandering around R'lyeh had on that one poor fellow
[11:51:31] <stderr> u: There be dragons...
[11:52:01] <u> basically Microsoft had their DLL hell issue, so they went into 'Never Again' mode
[11:52:35] <crutchy> now they're just in window licking mode
[11:52:52] <u> funnily enough there is actually a Linux distro that does this, nixos, which probably makes it the only linux distro to support multiple package versions installed at the same time
[11:53:48] <crutchy> that would be handy
[11:53:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> as far as different versions of the same library, linux has been doing that for ages. there's no point in removing the old one, you just move the symlink to the new one on upgrade.
[11:54:28] <u> well, yeah, but I don't think any normal Linux package managers can model it, so they have to make a libfoo1 and a libfoo2
[11:54:56] <TheMightyBuzzard> see that's just wrong
[11:55:02] <crutchy> in debian, would be cool to be able to manually install a package from testing without fouling packages installed from stable
[11:55:34] <crutchy> that's why i can't install hexchat
[11:55:50] <crutchy> (unless i compile myself)
[11:55:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> crutchy, build from source. it's not like it's going to update often.
[11:56:08] <stderr> crutchy: Can't you use a chroot?
[11:56:48] <crutchy> i'm sure its possible to do all sorts of things. but just sayin would be handy if it were a feature of the package manager (what i think u was getting at)
[11:57:01] <u> yeah
[11:57:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> afk making more coffee
[11:57:35] <u> correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think there's any linux package manager besides nix that can understand the concept of having two versions of the same package installed
[11:57:45] <u> if you install a newer version, it replaces the older version
[11:57:50] <stderr> crutchy: https://packages.debian.org
[11:57:52] <monopoly> ^ 03Debian -- Details of package hexchat in wheezy-backports
[11:58:29] <Konomi> get your cursed irc client
[11:58:57] <crutchy> konomi?
[11:58:58] <u> I use weechat+tmux.
[11:59:12] <crutchy> hi konomi ;-p
[11:59:20] <chromas> crutchy: hex
[11:59:58] <chromas> Hexen too
[12:00:45] <crutchy> wtf is software install. clicked it instead of gdebi
[12:01:18] <Konomi> irssi+screen
[12:01:24] <Konomi> lets yell at each other about which is better
[12:01:50] <chromas> Ethereal
[12:02:05] <chromas> Read the packets
[12:03:02] <Konomi> http://i2.minus.com
[12:03:13] <crutchy> must try to remember backports
[12:03:21] <crutchy> stderr++
[12:03:21] <Bender> karma - stderr: 44
[12:03:22] <TheMightyBuzzard> telnet
[12:03:45] <crutchy> thanks stderr
[12:03:53] <stderr> No problem.
[12:06:41] <juggs> wtf has thunderbird done with the "send as plain text only" option?! ffs
[12:06:46] <Konomi> why did youtube have to make everything open to a freaking playlist now
[12:09:28] <juggs> gudamn it - can't even find it in about:config - /me goes for nicotine
[12:13:58] <TheMightyBuzzard> juggler, it's not under tools>options send options?
[12:14:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> fscking tab autocomplete
[12:14:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> juggs, it's not under tools>options send options?
[12:15:51] <u> https://i.imgur.com
[12:15:55] <crutchy> Konomi, ooh i'm blue in your thingy as well :p
[12:16:51] <crutchy> how you going with your perl bot?
[12:16:57] * crutchy is being nosey
[12:16:59] <juggs> TheMightyBuzzard, I have no "Options" under Tools since I got upgraded to v31 :(
[12:17:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> crazy. that's all my google-fu turned up for the last month
[12:18:14] <Konomi> crutchy: got lazy ;p
[12:18:19] <Konomi> works okay though
[12:19:18] * crutchy has too many windows open
[12:19:58] <juggs> TheMightyBuzzard, they moves send options to Edit > Preferences > Composition > General > Send Options - but there's still no option for always plain text. da fuq mozilla just wtf
[12:20:45] <crutchy> hmm. as much as hexchat has some nifty features, the xchat interface is a tad easier on the eyes
[12:20:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> juggs, ask me not. i gave up on mozilla after australis.
[12:21:06] <crutchy> might be just what my eyes are used to though
[12:21:10] <u> Well, with terminal-based solutions rendering is separated from the IRC client.
[12:21:21] <u> oh god, firefox 29
[12:21:27] <juggs> TheMightyBuzzard, any recommends for an alternative?
[12:21:39] <crutchy> epiphany :p
[12:21:45] <u> that shit broke my custom user styles CSS tab style
[12:21:57] <u> I use seamonkey now, but apparently Pale Moon is a firefox fork without the bullshit
[12:22:01] <crutchy> iceweasel+dev toolbar is pretty good
[12:22:13] <u> (seamonkey=mozilla suite on life support)
[12:22:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> juggs, read somewhere that the palemoon guy was working on a thunderbird client but i can't seem to find it now.
[12:22:38] <u> the main problem with seamonkey is that relatively few extensions bother to support it, even though it's pretty much the same browser and would require only minimal effort to support
[12:23:37] <crutchy> the disable menu in web developer toolbar is very handy for quickly turning off crap
[12:24:20] <u> I use noscript for that.
[12:24:45] <u> Way too many websites are excessively reliant on javascript nowadays, though..
[12:25:39] <juggs> AHA! cracked it. Had to go the properties of the contacts I am mailing and set the "prefers to receive mail as" option to plain text. asshattery.
[12:26:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeesh
[12:26:17] <crutchy> outlook is worse
[12:26:33] <crutchy> i guess that's a given though
[12:26:47] <juggs> ooh - also have the option to set the preference ~per domain~. wth would be so hard about a global option. :(
[12:30:57] -!- rand [rand!~rand@64.185.sh.jxs] has joined #Soylent
[12:31:03] <stderr> juggs: FYI: alpine doesn't have that kind of shit... :-)
[12:32:44] <juggs> ty stderr, will take a look
[12:33:07] <stderr> AND it can run in screen.
[12:33:15] <juggs> fine by me
[12:39:50] <Konomi> my desk looks like the cold and flu section of a chemist
[12:40:04] <Konomi> tissues soothers tablets cough medicine decongestants
[12:41:26] <juggs> ugh - not feeling any better Konomi ?
[12:41:42] <Konomi> nope ^^;
[12:41:57] <juggs> Sylpheed looks like it might be a go-er... "Sylpheed does not support HTML formatting" \o/
[12:42:22] <juggs> perhaps it's permanent Konomi :D
[12:43:32] <Konomi> my current theory is that all the flu strains have decided to meet in my body to form a mega strain to wipe out the human species, unfortuantly I am too cowdice to kill myself so like any good geek would do for a fall back plan, I am hermitting in my room
[12:44:30] <juggs> lol what are you eating? the carpet? or have you rigged up some kind of airlock system to have food delivered via?
[12:44:43] <u> Perhaps he's eating soylent. :v
[12:44:46] <crutchy> eating carpet?
[12:45:04] <crutchy> video or it didn't happen :p
[12:45:17] <juggs> :P
[12:45:42] <Konomi> i see what you did there ;p
[12:46:13] -!- rand__ [rand__!~rand@64.185.sh.jxs] has joined #Soylent
[12:46:27] -!- rand__ has quit [Client Quit]
[12:46:39] * crutchy hasn't quite mastered winking with his tongue out
[12:47:18] <u> people use IRC while having flu? personally I don't find 'computer use' and illness compatible.
[12:47:38] <Konomi> well
[12:47:44] <Konomi> I took out my cold medication yesterday
[12:47:47] <Konomi> drank it
[12:47:58] <Konomi> put it on my bed then sat in front of my heater
[12:48:05] <janrinok> pity - it was a suppository....
[12:48:09] <Konomi> and stared at it for about 20minutes trying to find the will to put it back
[12:48:15] <Konomi> >.>
[12:48:24] <crutchy> most kbs have spill trays so you can always drain the runny boogers
[12:48:35] <Konomi> someyhing tells me flu medicine would not fit comfortably in my butt
[12:48:57] <janrinok> have you tried? How much do you really want to be better?
[12:49:09] <Konomi> though the idea of putting cough medicine in a flask and referring to it as hair of the dog crossed my mind
[12:49:10] -!- rand has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[12:49:27] <Konomi> I just haven
[12:49:33] <Konomi> t perfected my 10mg sip yet
[12:49:40] <crutchy> yeah... and video or it didnt happen :-D
[12:49:48] * crutchy hides
[12:50:08] <Konomi> I'd have to buy a flask so that video isn't happening
[12:50:12] <Konomi> I could wipe out half of the town
[12:50:24] * janrinok thinks that crutchy and JR aren't helping konomi much...
[12:50:27] <u> Buy a biohazard suit.
[12:51:07] -!- rand__ [rand__!~rand@64.185.sh.jxs] has joined #Soylent
[12:51:38] -!- rand__ has quit [Client Quit]
[12:51:39] <Konomi> I could buy a large one and carry my laptop in it
[12:51:55] <Konomi> no more human contact yay
[12:53:47] -!- SoyCow3387 [SoyCow3387!~40b924ee@hou-066.69-463-92.nts-online.net] has joined #Soylent
[12:53:57] -!- SoyCow3387 has quit [Client Quit]
[12:54:30] <crutchy> i think that one was rand again
[12:54:37] <u> You know, it's ridiculous how few laptops have three buttons on the trackpad.
[12:54:48] <crutchy> mine has 2
[12:54:57] <u> I tire of using X11's 3-button emulation just to paste things.
[12:55:12] <Konomi> I never liked middle click to paste
[12:55:14] <Konomi> too many accidents
[12:55:14] <crutchy> oh how *few*
[12:55:22] <crutchy> missed that bit
[12:55:39] <crutchy> my track pad is disabled anyway
[12:57:00] <Konomi> once I treid vista voice control
[12:57:08] <Konomi> accidently pasted my personal diary entry to irc
[12:57:13] <Konomi> thank god for line length limits
[12:57:17] <Konomi> they only got the intro
[12:57:35] -!- rand [rand!~40b924ee@hou-066.69-463-92.nts-online.net] has joined #Soylent
[12:57:44] <crutchy> anyone know about the ircd protocol?
[12:58:18] <crutchy> ERROR :Closing Link: (Invalid servername.)
[12:58:42] <crutchy> dunno why it doesn't like the servername
[12:58:45] <u> errm, which ircd protocol?
[12:58:53] <u> there are several ircd protocols which are incompatible
[12:58:56] <crutchy> ts6
[12:59:00] <u> ah
[12:59:08] <juggs> and what server name? ?
[12:59:20] <crutchy> i've tried a few
[12:59:21] <u> Well have you tried using Wireshark to dump the connection between two ircds, and seeing how yours differs?
[12:59:47] <crutchy> hmm good thinking
[13:00:05] <u> Konomi: weechat is nice for this, if you paste something multiline it asks you to press Ctrl+Y or Ctrl+N to paste/not paste as confirmation
[13:02:33] <Konomi> irssi has the same thing
[13:03:33] <u> oh, neat
[13:04:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> in fly swatting, as in zombieland, rule #2 is double tap. em lil fookers is resilient.
[13:08:11] <crutchy> hmm. i'm too dumb to figure out how to get two instances of charybdis going on the same machine. might have to clone the vm
[13:08:23] -!- crutchy has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[13:08:48] -!- Space_Man has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[13:14:35] juggs is now known as juggs|afk
[13:27:04] -!- Space_Man [Space_Man!~Space_Man@91-886-365-69.static.enta.net] has joined #Soylent
[13:28:37] <stderr> sub unicode_filter($)
[13:28:37] <stderr> {
[13:28:37] <stderr> my $input=shift;
[13:28:37] <stderr> # Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
[13:28:50] <stderr> Actual comment from one of my perl modules...
[13:31:47] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - XBMC Is Getting a New Name: "Kodi" - http://sylnt.us - Kodiak-Arrest
[13:33:25] -!- prospectacle [prospectacle!~3a6b4181@b62-366-36-690.mit757.act.optusnet.com.au] has joined #Soylent
[13:33:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> stderr, sounds reasonable. some regexs can start to look like one of the Old Ones speaking.
[13:33:33] <prospectacle> hello soylent
[13:33:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> mornin
[13:34:39] <prospectacle> yeah regexes are the epitome of brevity over intelligibility. They're like an obfuscated c competition
[13:34:45] <prospectacle> damn useful though
[13:35:34] <stderr> I should check if "Old One"-speak is included in unicode and rewrite the comment using the correct codepoints.
[13:36:28] <stderr> prospectacle: /x helps a lot.
[13:37:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> stderr, klingon is if your font supports it.
[13:38:23] <stderr> TheMightyBuzzard: Writing Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn in klingon would just be weird...
[13:38:42] <prospectacle> stderr, thanks for the tip, I hadn't heard of that
[13:38:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> you'll need to add use utf8; up top though if you're going to have unicode in the source.
[13:39:04] <stderr> I know.
[13:39:20] * TheMightyBuzzard nods
[13:40:21] <stderr> prospectacle: $text =~
[13:40:21] <stderr> m/
[13:40:21] <stderr> \A
[13:40:21] <stderr> (
[13:40:21] <stderr> [\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\x7E] # ASCII
[13:40:22] <stderr> |
[13:40:24] <stderr> ...
[13:40:26] <stderr> |
[13:40:30] <stderr> [\xF1-\xF3][\x80-\xBF]{3} # planes 4-15
[13:40:32] <stderr> |
[13:40:34] <stderr> \xF4[\x80-\x8F][\x80-\xBF]{2} # plane 16
[13:40:36] <stderr> )*
[13:40:38] <stderr> \z
[13:40:40] <stderr> /x
[13:40:58] <stderr> See? Almost readable... :-)
[13:41:32] <Konomi> >.>
[13:41:51] <u> hmm, someone should create a joke programming language which requires the use of all of unicode to do anything
[13:41:58] <prospectacle> hmm, better for sure
[13:42:09] <prospectacle> u, that's brilliant
[13:42:43] <u> it will be the most visually dense programming language in existence. for good measure add significant colors too like ColorForth, and require a special extension to emacs to edit it
[13:42:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> reminds me, i need to figure out wtf went wrong with daily stories email on dev. if it was a getting forwarded through webmail thing or if there's actual issues.
[13:42:46] <prospectacle> brainfuck2.ੴ
[13:43:28] <stderr> u: Just use the opcodes as unicode codepoints?
[13:43:57] juggs|afk is now known as juggs
[13:44:33] <u> stderr: :D
[13:44:36] <prospectacle> taking the regex approach one could make a basic c-like programming language with only 1 letter keywords f(x-1;x<2;x++) {d w(b>2){ i(z < m) z++;ei(z==m) d()};}
[13:44:38] <u> http://xahlee.info
[13:44:39] <monopoly> ^ 03Unicode: Brackets & Quotation «» 「」 【】 《》
[13:44:48] <u> to begin with, make sure all of these brackets are used for different meanings
[13:44:54] <prospectacle> f for "for", d w for "do while" etc
[13:45:46] <u> If the language has an 'unsafe' keyword (ala C#, Rust), make it use the 'Radioactive' symbol: ☢
[13:47:17] <u> Then you have gender symbols: ♂ ♀ You could Frenchise the language by requiring a random proportion of symbol names to be tagged 'male' and a random number 'female'. Kind of like INTERCAL with its arbitrary demands for not too much and not too little politeness.
[13:47:20] <stderr> #define EXIT_FAILURE 💩
[13:47:28] <prospectacle> lol
[13:48:11] <prospectacle> maybe I could write an english to regex translator "/\space+/global" etc
[13:48:15] <prospectacle> probably someone has done it already
[13:48:22] <u> http://www.99-bottles-of-beer.net
[13:48:24] <monopoly> ^ 0399 Bottles of Beer | Language INTERCAL
[13:49:46] <prospectacle> lol "PLEASE DO"
[13:50:47] <u> The INTERCAL compiler refuses to compile the program if it is insufficiently or excessively polite. AFAIK what counts as 'insufficiently' or 'excessively' is not defined.
[13:51:02] <prospectacle> while (it's_not_too_much_trouble && x < max)
[13:51:58] <u> http://xahlee.info
[13:51:59] <monopoly> ^ 03Unicode: Stars, Crosses, Dingbats ★ ♥ ✜ ☪ ☯ ☺ ☠
[13:52:06] <u> scroll down to 'male female sign' and 'sex relations'.... what.
[13:54:09] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[13:56:10] <prospectacle> well I have to type splashing sweat so often it would save a lot of time.
[13:56:24] <u> http://xahlee.info
[13:56:25] <monopoly> ^ 03Unicode Emoticons, Faces 😃 😄 😱 😸 👸 👽 👍
[13:56:40] <u> there is a Unicode codepoint for Japan, the island
[13:56:46] <u> this is not fair, all landmasses should get a codepoint
[13:57:42] <ar> i see lots of empty rectangles there
[13:57:54] * Konomi finds a corner of the channel to die in
[13:58:19] <juggs> try not to decompose too messily
[13:58:29] <Konomi> just burn me after I'm dead
[13:58:36] <ar> Konomi: why so?
[13:58:37] * prospectacle hands konomi a nice hot honey lemon with various drugs mixed in
[13:58:50] <stderr> http://xkcd.com Reminds me of an episode of Futurama...
[13:58:50] <monopoly> ^ 03xkcd: Harpoons
[13:58:52] <juggs> Konomi barbegue
[13:58:56] <juggs> ugh
[13:59:02] <prospectacle> ar, if you don't burn him it might spread
[13:59:30] <Konomi> not a guy >.<
[13:59:39] <prospectacle> sorry
[13:59:42] <Konomi> unless my clone is
[13:59:46] <stderr> Konomi: That's what she said!
[13:59:57] <Konomi> my clone or me I am getting confused
[14:00:04] <prospectacle> ar, if you don't burn her it might spread
[14:00:12] <prospectacle> like on "the strain"
[14:00:17] <prospectacle> or walking dead
[14:00:21] <prospectacle> game of thrones
[14:00:24] <prospectacle> Every tv show I guess
[14:00:34] <stderr> Or Barney...
[14:00:42] <stderr> Or was that's just a dream?
[14:01:08] <Konomi> barney?
[14:01:32] <stderr> Konomi: http://www.imdb.com
[14:01:34] <monopoly> ^ 03Barney Friends (TV Series 1992– ) - IMDb
[14:01:43] <prospectacle> Was that the one where barney gets the parasite which turns people into were-dinosaurs
[14:02:25] <Konomi> they really made that as a story line?
[14:02:35] <prospectacle> I hope so, but I've never seen the show
[14:02:45] <prospectacle> let's say they probably did
[14:06:22] <Konomi> 190 Airflow_Temperature_Cel 0x0022 063 044 045 Old_age Always In_the_past 37 (0 1 39 17 0)
[14:06:27] <Konomi> poor laptop drive
[14:06:39] <Konomi> 63 celcius mustn't have been fun
[14:08:07] <prospectacle> How did I only just find out about these: https://www.youtube.com
[14:08:07] <monopoly> ^ 03Infinity Mirror Illusion! - YouTube
[14:09:27] <ar> prospectacle: why should i burn her?
[14:09:58] <prospectacle> This one is better: https://www.youtube.com
[14:09:59] <monopoly> ^ 03Infinite Dungeon Corridor from ThinkGeek - YouTube
[14:10:43] <ar> prospectacle: maybe she's cute, like Yumiyoshi from Dance, Dance, Dance ;)
[14:11:54] <prospectacle> ar, I think konomi was saying "burn me after I'm dead" as a joke about being sick
[14:12:03] <ar> oh
[14:14:57] <prospectacle> think geek has some cool things: http://www.thinkgeek.com
[14:14:59] <monopoly> ^ 03ThinkGeek :: evoMouse - Virtual Mouse
[14:17:24] <ar> http://roflcopter.pl - haha
[14:17:25] <monopoly> ^ 03Roflcopter.pl - cytat #7527
[14:17:30] <ar> http://roflcopter.pl
[14:17:31] <monopoly> ^ 03Roflcopter.pl - cytat #7525
[14:18:54] -!- dx3bydt3 has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[14:18:57] <prospectacle> is that funny because one is 1 indexed and one is 0 indexed? I think javascript does that with its datetime, it's annoying
[14:19:38] <ar> yes
[14:21:29] <prospectacle> Yeah now I look it up again, it seems in js the month starts at 0, but not the day or the year
[14:21:38] <prospectacle> good tiems
[14:21:43] <prospectacle> times
[14:22:14] <prospectacle> the sooner I finish my typing-training pogram the better ofr everyone I think.
[14:22:24] <ar> probably because the api is based on the unix time functions
[14:22:44] <prospectacle> makes sense
[14:23:13] <paulej72> no amount of typing training will fix my poor spelling
[14:23:29] <Konomi> does anyone happen to know if lynx has a skip x amount of links
[14:23:41] <Konomi> rather than tab tab tab I could press some combo that takes me foward 10 links
[14:23:52] <Konomi> cause going through one link at a time is kinda shit
[14:24:10] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[14:24:19] <crutchy> ~sed on
[14:24:19] <exec> sed already enabled for 10#Soylent
[14:24:20] <paulej72> something like d 23 space in vi
[14:25:15] <paulej72> s/i/I/g
[14:25:16] <exec> <paulej72> somethIng lIke d 23 space In vI
[14:25:38] <paulej72> sed is on
[14:25:41] <crutchy> can do regex now too paulej72
[14:26:26] <prospectacle> dunno sorry konomi, does lynx support extensions?
[14:28:08] <Konomi> doubt it
[14:29:40] <prospectacle> looks like you can turn on vi-like key bindings in lynx, that oughta do it, based on what paulej72 said
[14:30:09] <Konomi> I don't use vi so that just kinda complicates it more for me ._.
[14:30:44] <paulej72> but once you learn vi you will always forget it
[14:31:39] <prospectacle> lol
[14:31:54] <prospectacle> I've heard people say once you get over the initial learning curve you can't live without it, but I'm yet to find out if that's true
[14:32:31] <ar> yup, it works like that
[14:38:01] <paulej72> I only know about a dozen vi commands I use to edit system files on Linux. since I do not do heave editing I do not need more
[14:41:26] <ar> browsers with vi-like "UI" (luakit or dwb, for example) don't use much more than that
[14:43:00] -!- prospectacle_ [prospectacle_!~3a6b4181@b62-366-36-690.mit757.act.optusnet.com.au] has joined #Soylent
[14:43:43] <prospectacle_> i like how peoplep argue about vi vs emacs when you can have vi key-binding in emacs. So what's the argument?
[14:44:23] -!- prospectacle has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[14:44:35] prospectacle_ is now known as prospectacle
[14:49:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> prospectacle, keybindings matter not. the command interface of vi is what matters.
[14:50:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> and yes, you could with enough work, clone that as well but then you're adding a layer of meta that is entirely unneeded.
[14:54:52] <prospectacle> I see. So does using vi keys in emacs not give you the same modal editing interface?
[14:55:56] <TheMightyBuzzard> :%s/dev.soylentnews.org/ and such are important
[14:56:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> the keybindings in vi really do not matter much at all.
[15:02:27] <prospectacle> I thought the vi emulation in emacs handled that, but I haven't tried it, so I may well be mistaken
[15:02:38] <crutchy> ~weather crutchy
[15:02:40] <exec> weather for 10Morwell (latrobe Valley Airport), VIC, Australia at 2014-08-02 14:00:00 (UTC) ~ 1 hrs ago:
[15:02:41] <exec> temp: 1032.4°F (0.2°C), dp: 1032.2°F (0.1°C), press: 101033 mb (0 mb over 3 hrs), humid: 1099%, wind: 100 mph (0 km/h) @ 100°
[15:02:56] <crutchy> too cold :-(
[15:03:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> it may but you may as well be running it in a vm if you're going to run it in emacs
[15:03:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> crutchy, raining or only about to?
[15:05:23] <crutchy> dunno
[15:05:36] <crutchy> prolly gunna be frosty
[15:09:01] <prospectacle> crutchy, yeah it's been a good winter. I'm a bit scared about my next heating gas bill
[15:09:24] <crutchy> mee too
[15:10:50] <ar> ~weather ar
[15:10:52] <ar> hm
[15:10:54] <exec> weather for 10Searcy, Searcy Municipal Airport, AR, United States at 2014-08-02 14:56:00 (UTC) ~ 0.2 hrs ago:
[15:10:55] <exec> temp: 1079.9°F (26.6°C), dp: 1068.9°F (20.5°C), press: 101019.6 mb (0 mb over 1 hrs), humid: 1069%, wind: 108 mph (12.8 km/h) @ 1020°
[15:11:01] <ar> wtf
[15:11:02] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Wearable Devices And Associated Apps Trackable And Unsecure - http://sylnt.us - got-my-pi-on-you
[15:11:11] <ar> ~weather warsaw, poland
[15:11:13] <exec> weather for 10Warsaw, PL at 2014-08-02 15:01:00 (UTC) ~ 0.2 hrs ago:
[15:11:13] <exec> temp: 1086°F (30°C), dp: 1059.5°F (15.3°C), press: 101012.8 mb (0 mb over 0.4 hrs), humid: 1040%, wind: 10(no data) @ 10(no data)
[15:11:22] <ar> waay too hot
[15:11:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~weather TheMightyBuzzard
[15:11:38] <exec> weather for 10Ada, Ada Municipal Airport, OK, United States at 2014-08-02 14:55:00 (UTC) ~ 0.3 hrs ago:
[15:11:38] <exec> temp: 1073.4°F (23°C), dp: 1069.8°F (21°C), press: 101021 mb (-0.3 mb over 0.3 hrs), humid: 1088%, wind: 100 mph (0 km/h) @ 100°
[15:11:48] <TheMightyBuzzard> niiiiice here today
[15:13:27] <prospectacle> ~weather prospectacle
[15:13:30] <exec> Weather for "prospectacle" not found. Check spelling or try another nearby location.
[15:14:02] <crutchy> ~weather-add
[15:14:03] <exec> usage: "~weather-add name location" (visit http://wiki.soylentnews.org for more info)
[15:14:05] <prospectacle> ~weather south-prospectacle
[15:14:07] <exec> Weather for "south-prospectacle" not found. Check spelling or try another nearby location.
[15:14:11] <crutchy> lol
[15:17:26] <crutchy> according to the b.o.m. it's -0.5 deg C here now
[15:18:40] <ar> ~weather-add ar warsaw, poland
[15:18:43] <exec> code "ar" set for location "warsaw, poland"
[15:23:13] <u> ~weather london
[15:23:17] <exec> weather for 10London, UK at 2014-08-02 14:47:00 (UTC) ~ 0.6 hrs ago:
[15:23:18] <exec> temp: 1070°F (21.1°C), dp: 1058.9°F (14.9°C), press: 101005.1 mb (0 mb over 0.3 hrs), humid: 1067%, wind: 100 mph (0 km/h) @ 10164°
[15:23:47] <prospectacle> I wonder if in a few hundred years humans will be literally incapable of surviving without their computers. Like certain parts of their brains will have become vestigial and replaced by their computer implants
[15:24:18] <u> Probably, but I don't think it's the brain that will be the issue.
[15:24:30] <crutchy> isn't that what iphones are now?
[15:24:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> wouldn't worry about that. skynet will see it never becomes an issue.
[15:24:50] <prospectacle> u, i imagine we'll also need some kind of health-implant as well.
[15:25:00] <u> For insurance company tracking, or for health benefits?
[15:25:13] <crutchy> we'll all be eating delicious beef in the matrix
[15:25:17] <prospectacle> like detecting an allergic reaction and releasing the required anti-histamines or epinepherine or whatever
[15:25:20] <u> Hmm. If things like e.g. asthma are cured, then city pollution will mean basically everyone needs it.
[15:25:57] <u> There was this guy who actully went to Cameroon just so he could contract some parasite which has the unusual effect of curing asthma in the host, but only for as long as it stays in the body.
[15:25:59] <crutchy> we'll all have nano-tube lungs
[15:26:00] <prospectacle> u, for health. A lot of people are alive now that wouldn't be alive without advanced medical technology, and sometimes their illnesses or conditions are hereditary
[15:26:15] <u> Yeah, but not -everybody- will need those implants.
[15:26:33] <u> For truly necessary augmentation, I'm thinking more along the lines of 'Combine Advisor'.
[15:26:55] <prospectacle> u, well, for each generation those conditions (Which used to be fatal) are no longer selected out, they spread throughout the gene pool. Increasing people will have at least one condition that would have been fatal a century or so ago
[15:27:03] <crutchy> after the 3rd world war we'll need lungs that can breath in 1% oxygenated air
[15:27:07] <u> Hm, that's true.
[15:27:33] <u> crutchy: you mean 'after the 3rd world war, the only people alive will be the people who genetically have lungs that can breathe in 1% oxygenated air'
[15:27:51] <u> unless an artificial lung solution or steroid or whatever is created to save the people who don't.
[15:28:16] <u> (if no solution is available, these people could be confined to indoors areas with sealed life support)
[15:29:14] <prospectacle> I guess there might be a ww3, it doesn't seem that farfetched when you watch the news
[15:29:40] <u> Oh yeah, have you seen the film 'The Time Machine' (the version with the talking rings)?
[15:29:41] <crutchy> not a question of if, just when
[15:29:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh please, we all know ww3 will be vs zombies
[15:29:47] -!- Konomi has quit [Quit: leaving]
[15:29:50] <crutchy> lol
[15:29:51] <prospectacle> If there's not though, i expect we'll become as dependent on drugs as we are on clothes and cooking
[15:30:07] <crutchy> milla jovovich will be our new god
[15:30:07] <u> That film has the incredibly creepy line 'The last factory for the manufacture of oxygen has been destroyed.'
[15:30:16] <crutchy> s/god/godess/
[15:30:17] <exec> <crutchy> milla jovovich will be our new godess
[15:30:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> my zombie apocalypse plan is to get bitten and spend my days eating tasty, tasty brains.
[15:30:21] <prospectacle> u, i haven't seen that one
[15:30:23] -!- Konomi [Konomi!~Konomi@Soylent/Users/189/Konomi] has joined #Soylent
[15:30:33] <prospectacle> TheMightyBuzzard, why wait to get bitten?
[15:30:33] <crutchy> wb Konomi ;-p
[15:30:46] <Konomi> ;p
[15:30:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> prospectacle, good point, come over here.
[15:31:02] <u> the line is creepy, because it suggests some sort of weird future where manufacturing oxygen (on a planet where it is necessary for survival) is some sort of weird niche industry that nobody really cares about
[15:31:16] <crutchy> TheMightyBuzzard: http://www.youtube.com
[15:31:17] <monopoly> ^ 03How To Zombie Proof Your Car - YouTube ( https://www.youtube.com )
[15:31:40] * prospectacle sets down a tray of lambs brains and backs away carefully
[15:31:44] <u> in Half-Life 2, I believe one cancelled proposal was that the Combine had some plant for removing oxygen from the atmosphere and replacing it with something that only the Combine could breathe, or something
[15:31:55] <u> so, you can just imagine it like some obsolete piece of technology
[15:32:57] <prospectacle> u, I saw a ben elton play once where they'd started selling bottled purified air, by extracting it from the regular air and replacing it with an unnoticeable gas (until the oxygen levels got too low in the regular air)
[15:33:00] <u> "Greetings, resident. As you may be aware, atmospheric support for oxygen-based lifeforms is being deprecated, and will end on approximately the 1st of March. Please vacate the planet or make arrangements for Combinization before this date. Have a nice day."
[15:34:00] <u> hmm
[15:35:55] <Konomi> http://i6.minus.com <- settled on this
[15:36:55] <prospectacle> konomi, which part?
[15:37:26] <Konomi> screen line I guess ;p
[15:42:02] * crutchy is going to start a company selling bottled air like that dude from the lorax movie\
[15:42:40] <prospectacle> I could go some bottled air about now. Convenient and fresh.
[15:43:06] <crutchy> and disco trees that play 'the hustle'
[15:43:08] <Konomi> bottled crack would sell better
[15:43:39] <crutchy> or air that smells like crack
[15:43:41] <prospectacle> Is the reason most illegal drugs aren't drunk is that it's too expensive and drinking is less potent than smoking?
[15:43:53] <crutchy> hmm you were probably thinking of a different crack
[15:43:56] <prospectacle> Cause now that you mention it I don't see why they wouldn't have bottled crack, but I've never heard of it
[15:44:40] <crutchy> i could fart in bottles and sell butt crack air
[15:45:05] <prospectacle> heroin used to be a cough syrup but now it seems to be injected or smoked
[15:46:16] <prospectacle> http://www.historytoday.com <-- cool old timey heroin bottle from when it was legal and manufacutred by bayer
[15:46:18] <monopoly> ^ 03Heroin: A Hundred-Year Habit | History Today
[15:46:32] <ar> Konomi: oh, KDE <3
[15:46:51] <crutchy> ar s/oh/ew
[15:46:52] <exec> <crutchy> <ar> Konomi: ew, KDE <3
[15:47:05] * Konomi smacks crutchy
[15:47:46] <Konomi> I have an open jar of chest rub next to my laptop cooling vent
[15:47:49] <Konomi> it's slowly melting it
[15:48:12] <Konomi> red neck vaporiser perhaps
[15:48:23] * crutchy resists the urge
[15:48:25] <ar> http://arachnist.is-a.cat
[15:48:48] <Konomi> hehe
[15:49:06] <Konomi> can you tell I like colour?
[15:49:23] <ar> yeah, it looks so
[15:49:48] <Konomi> no one says the skype icon in my sys tray
[15:49:59] <Konomi> no critising me
[15:49:59] <ar> i don't even have a wallpaper set - it would be usually covered by a fullscreen windows
[15:50:33] <ar> Konomi: if anything, i'd stop using pidgin. libpurple, which is what it's based on, is a security nightmare
[15:50:59] <Konomi> I know sadly there isn't much else
[15:51:04] <Konomi> and I had the pidgin devs
[15:51:05] <Konomi> burn them
[15:51:24] <ar> and what about kopete?
[15:51:25] <Konomi> the irc channel for it is like huge elitist dick central
[15:51:37] <Konomi> I hate it sadly
[15:51:41] <Konomi> too much UI blote
[15:51:54] <Konomi> it feels like one of the few apps for kde that stayed in kde3 land
[15:52:04] <Konomi> also it doesn't see much dev work
[15:52:08] <ar> you can configure-out most of the UI there
[15:52:14] <Konomi> also using about 20 plugins in pidgin
[15:53:34] * Konomi has been reading http://phrack.org
[15:53:37] <monopoly> ^ 03.:: Phrack Magazine ::.
[15:53:58] <Konomi> I was originally trying to read it in lynx but so much tabbing
[15:54:18] <ar> why lynx?
[15:54:28] <Konomi> was in a console mood
[15:56:03] <prospectacle> (it's always sunny in philadelphia)++
[15:56:03] <Bender> karma - (it's always sunny in philadelphia): 1
[15:57:04] <crutchy> Konomi: i come across swift in synaptic
[15:57:26] <crutchy> swift-im
[15:57:54] <crutchy> ooh
[15:57:56] <crutchy> smuxi
[15:58:14] <ar> anyway, i'm off. it's getting too hot here
[15:58:18] <ar> bbl
[15:58:29] <crutchy> it's -1.1 here :-(
[15:58:30] <prospectacle> later ar
[15:58:44] <Konomi> I'm not quite ready to jump into a console for my IM needs
[15:58:54] <ar> crutchy: it's 30°C here.
[15:59:11] <ar> *poof*
[15:59:37] * Konomi has a screen inside a screen session now
[15:59:44] <crutchy> http://www.bom.gov.au
[15:59:47] <monopoly> ^ 03Latest Weather Observations Latrobe Valley
[15:59:51] <crutchy> lol
[16:00:02] <crutchy> i think i've done that by accident before
[16:00:16] <Konomi> I have a badblocks running and I didn't bother wanting to try to figure out how to transfder it to another screen instance
[16:00:25] <Konomi> you can run one within the other just fine crutchy
[16:00:28] <prospectacle> has anyone ever pushed the nested VM limit of their machine? I wonder how deep you could go
[16:00:34] <Konomi> ctrl+a
[16:00:37] <Konomi> will access the first one
[16:00:40] <Konomi> ctrl+a a
[16:00:43] <Konomi> will access the second
[16:01:04] <Konomi> https://superuser.com
[16:01:05] <monopoly> ^ 03How do you run a gnu screen within a gnu screen? - Super User
[16:01:07] <Konomi> I've been googling
[16:01:28] <crutchy> prospectacle: if you use a hypervisor and headless vms you could prolly go pretty deep
[16:01:51] <prospectacle> worlds within worlds
[16:02:12] <Konomi> basically I got into screen because I was doing some checks on some older hard drives
[16:02:15] <crutchy> maybe time would slow down
[16:02:26] <Konomi> and I wanted to make sure if I accidently blew up my DE badblocks command would survive it
[16:02:37] <Konomi> considering it takes 33 hours for a 500gb drive to be checked
[16:02:39] <crutchy> i'm a screen noob
[16:02:42] <Konomi> I kinda don't want to do repeats
[16:02:42] <prospectacle> crutchy, probably you'd punch through to another universe after a while
[16:02:48] <Konomi> crutchy: I just learned it today
[16:02:48] <Konomi> ;p
[16:03:05] <Konomi> half of it while playing an MMO with my SO
[16:03:18] <crutchy> this is in my iceweasel bookmarks: http://www.dayid.org\
[16:03:18] <monopoly> ^ 03dayid's screen and tmux cheat sheet
[16:03:26] <Konomi> and they say I multi task too much pft
[16:03:58] <Konomi> heh funny thing
[16:04:01] <Konomi> I don't plan to use tmux
[16:04:05] <Konomi> and I just realised
[16:04:31] <Konomi> when I was using windows there used to be a small vocal group which would hound about how bad it was (linux users) put me off it for ages
[16:04:49] <Konomi> now when I am on linux there's a small vocal group which hound me about how bad linux is (some bsd users)
[16:04:52] <Konomi> irony
[16:05:02] <Konomi> except I have no reason to switch from linux as I did from windows
[16:05:13] <crutchy> when i use ctrl+a+esc it causes my bot to freeze till i hit esc again, and if i take too long it ping timeouts\
[16:05:28] <Konomi> is this for nested screens or something else?
[16:05:38] <crutchy> just normal screen
[16:05:56] <crutchy> well, screen over ssh
[16:06:17] <Konomi> that's odd
[16:06:34] <crutchy> try it with your perl bot
[16:06:34] <Konomi> I'm not over ssh though so I don't know if it's related to that
[16:07:00] <Konomi> okay but I cna't do anything else while holding a command ;p
[16:07:37] <Konomi> um crutchy that's copy mode
[16:07:46] <crutchy> yeah
[16:07:54] <crutchy> allows scrollback
[16:08:03] <Konomi> https://superuser.com
[16:08:03] <monopoly> ^ 03osx snow leopard - GNU Screen Copy mode blocks execution? - Super User
[16:08:27] <Konomi> see explantion
[16:08:47] <crutchy> makes sense
[16:09:16] <crutchy> that's pretty much what happens. doesn't cause it to bomb. just pauses it
[16:09:35] <Konomi> well since it pauses execution your bot no longer responces to ping/pong
[16:09:38] <Konomi> so it times out
[16:09:42] <crutchy> yup
[16:10:23] <crutchy> that's why i put my detailed logs online so i can use a web browser
[16:11:17] <crutchy> http://irciv.us.to
[16:12:01] <monopoly> ^ <<2014-07-29 00:00:25>> /BUCKET_
[16:12:04] <crutchy> 21 lines in 1 sec
[16:12:33] <Konomi> Content-Length: 4206818
[16:12:37] <Konomi> that's a lot of text
[16:12:52] <Konomi> btw I found something neat on linux
[16:12:55] <Konomi> you can use zcat
[16:13:01] <Konomi> it cats compressed text files
[16:13:32] <Konomi> a lot of debina packages come with docs/ and most of them are compressed so zcat
[16:13:38] <Konomi> is really nice for those
[16:14:04] <crutchy> cool
[16:14:18] <Konomi> "this is window 0" damn it screen stop making me feel stupid >.>
[16:14:23] <crutchy> lol
[16:14:49] <crutchy> your screen setup looked pretty nice
[16:15:00] <crutchy> almost made me wanna try out irssi
[16:15:11] <Konomi> irssi will be way more effort
[16:15:24] <prospectacle> crikey when it did it become 2 o'clock
[16:15:39] <crutchy> about 16 ago :p
[16:15:46] <prospectacle> oh yeah. nevermind
[16:15:54] * Konomi looks at bed
[16:15:56] <Konomi> meh
[16:16:07] * crutchy is in bed
[16:16:15] * crutchy hugs laptop
[16:16:15] <Konomi> my desk is next to my bed so when I have stayed up too late if I slump in the right direction I make it there without effort
[16:16:24] <Konomi> hate using laptops in bed uncomfy ;p
[16:16:56] <prospectacle> I just fall asleep on the couch and then wake up hours later sore and the wrong temperature and then stumble to bed
[16:17:02] <crutchy> what's the bot command for making it warmer?
[16:17:04] <prospectacle> it's a good system.
[16:17:07] <Konomi> you sound like my house mate
[16:17:11] <Konomi> only he uses a mac
[16:17:15] * Konomi shivers
[16:17:18] <prospectacle> lol
[16:19:02] <Konomi> another fun command is tailf
[16:19:18] <Konomi> shows first 10 lines of a file then watches the file for activity and prints it as it changes
[16:19:38] <prospectacle> i like how open source software, over time, does almost anything you can think of
[16:19:48] <prospectacle> apparently latest libreoffice has support for microsoft works files!
[16:19:51] <prospectacle> works!
[16:20:22] <Konomi> it's more horrible you found works files
[16:20:34] <Konomi> I haven't sseen those since my tafe projects
[16:20:48] <prospectacle> well i haven't actually tested this out, but ars technica has a good write up
[16:21:06] <Konomi> my mac using friend has libreoffice at my insistence
[16:21:12] <Konomi> he's pretty happy with it
[16:21:18] <crutchy> libreoffice is good
[16:21:35] <Konomi> need more projects with libre in them
[16:21:39] * crutchy is thinking about bailing from mysql and going to mariadb
[16:21:41] <Konomi> I prefer it over the free word
[16:21:47] <prospectacle> also supports clarisworks and superpaint
[16:21:55] <Konomi> superpaint
[16:21:59] <crutchy> just gotta finish migrating to pdo
[16:22:00] <Konomi> that sounds vaugely familar
[16:22:26] <crutchy> like regular ms paint but with racing stripes?
[16:23:14] <crutchy> its wet outside. gunna be ftosty in a few hours i reckon
[16:23:25] <prospectacle> I think it was Macs paintbrush
[16:23:31] <crutchy> had to sit right in front of heater to warm up again
[16:24:10] <prospectacle> i like libreoffice but I don't like turning on java to use macros
[16:24:15] <prospectacle> java--
[16:24:15] <Bender> karma - java: -3
[16:24:17] <crutchy> ftosty++
[16:24:17] <Bender> karma - ftosty: 1
[16:24:18] <prospectacle> lol
[16:24:31] <prospectacle> !whodown java
[16:24:31] <Bender> downers of java are: chromatos: -1, crutchy: -1, prospectacle: -1
[16:24:59] <Konomi> hehe
[16:25:12] <crutchy> !whodown poutine
[16:25:12] <Bender> downers of poutine are: kobach: -112, crutchy: -33, xlefay: -23, FoobarBazbot_: -19, FatPhil: -14, stderr: -13, andrew: -12, mrcoolbp: -11, Khyber: -11, mattie_p: -11, FoobarBazbot: -10, SoylentMUD: -9, swiss: -9, pbnjoe: -7, drcoolbp: -7, paulej72: -6, Ethanol-fueled: -6, chromas: -5, stdhell: -4, dx3bydt3: -4, FunPika: -3, MrBluze: -3, arti: -3, amblivious: -3, swisskid: - 1 more
[16:25:24] <Konomi> surprised I am not in that list
[16:25:31] <paulej72> !more
[16:25:31] <Bender> -3, xyzzyyxxyx: -3, CHALLNGEACCPTD: -2, melikamp: -2, mattiep: -2, Barrabas: -2, TheMightyBuzzard: -2, drgibbon: -2, int: -1, martyb: -1, KhyberLaptop: -1, xyzzyyzzyx: -1, ragequit: -1, hax0rz: -1, ethanol-fueled: -1, Admiral_coolbp: -1, MrBluze_: -1, Konomi: -1, drussell: -1, mrgirlpluggedout: -1, FuckBeta: -1, Cyprus: -1
[16:25:35] <Konomi> yay
[16:25:56] <Konomi> so many nicks
[16:26:13] <crutchy> coffee and bacon would be the other ones
[16:26:21] <Konomi> caffeine++
[16:26:21] <Bender> karma - caffeine: 13
[16:26:34] <stderr> You're more than welcome to remove my nick from all uppers and downers...
[16:26:45] <Konomi> I don't subscribe to these primitive ideas that coffee is the only way to get my caffeine
[16:26:49] <prospectacle> stderr, gone straight?
[16:26:50] <crutchy> lol g'day stderr
[16:26:52] * Konomi gets the IV drip
[16:27:11] <stderr> prospectacle: BEEP!!!
[16:27:15] <crutchy> you're always nearby when that happens :-p
[16:27:25] <Konomi> crutchy: I went to the chemist looking for caffeine powder no dice ;_;
[16:27:35] <prospectacle> konomi, could you crush up no doz?
[16:27:37] <crutchy> nodoze ;p
[16:27:40] <crutchy> lol
[16:27:42] <Konomi> it's expensive
[16:27:47] <Konomi> bulk powder is cheaper
[16:27:51] <paulej72> stderr: ignore Bender
[16:27:52] <prospectacle> I think some athletes use caffeine powder, maybe try a sports suplement place
[16:27:52] <Konomi> and I have a feeling whoever makes it knows that
[16:28:11] <prospectacle> konomi, it's true. Although at osme places you can get bottles of a hundred pills and ti's pretty cheap then
[16:28:20] * Konomi nods
[16:28:22] <crutchy> stderr, need to change your beep to something pornographic
[16:28:28] <stderr> paulej72: I could do that, but I don't want to add ignores just for this.
[16:28:28] <Konomi> I just can't have hot coffee
[16:28:34] <Konomi> my stomach does not like hot acidic drinks
[16:28:39] <prospectacle> hmm, what about tea?
[16:28:40] <crutchy> oh no
[16:28:45] <Konomi> atm I buy farmers union iced coffee
[16:28:53] <Konomi> but expensive ;_;
[16:28:56] <crutchy> that would suck balls not being able to habe hot coffee
[16:29:09] <Konomi> I can have it I just get unpleasent stomach time ;p
[16:29:15] <crutchy> i can give you my super secret iced coffee recipe
[16:29:22] <prospectacle> hmm
[16:29:22] <Konomi> might be the nasty cheap coffee this house hold has though
[16:29:29] <prospectacle> sugar free V?
[16:29:41] <Konomi> idk
[16:29:44] <Konomi> I live with older people
[16:29:44] <prospectacle> that's not cheap though
[16:29:48] <Konomi> smoked all their lives
[16:29:56] <Konomi> I think they nuked their taste buds ages ago
[16:30:01] <Konomi> along with their sense of smell
[16:30:06] <prospectacle> I think bulk buying no doz from your local discount chemist is the way to go
[16:30:27] <prospectacle> I'm surprised there's no competition in the caffeine pill market
[16:30:27] <crutchy> get a big cup, 2/3 fill with ice cream, add a couple of heaped teaspoons of coffee, fill with milk, and enjoy!
[16:30:38] <SirFinkus> Well, I guess that guy with ebola landed in the US
[16:30:59] <crutchy> is he going around biting people?
[16:31:02] * Konomi wishes tony abbott would magiclaly catch ebola
[16:31:18] <SirFinkus> not yet
[16:31:19] * crutchy wishes all politicians would catch ebola
[16:31:39] <crutchy> and lawyers and real estate agents
[16:31:46] <crutchy> and car salesmen
[16:32:02] <crutchy> and ceo's
[16:32:05] <SirFinkus> lol my mom is a real estate agent
[16:32:33] <prospectacle> and those people who try to give you free pamphlets but then the pamplet hypnotises you into giving them money to predict your future
[16:32:48] <prospectacle> those are the worst
[16:32:55] <crutchy> and bankers and insurance people
[16:33:10] <SirFinkus> the Center for Misplacing Smallpox says Ebola isn't a big deal
[16:33:11] <crutchy> and anyone that makes me wait on the phone
[16:33:19] <crutchy> bastards
[16:33:25] <crutchy> /rant
[16:33:27] <SirFinkus> fuck phones though
[16:33:33] <SirFinkus> just email me
[16:33:57] <prospectacle> SirFinkus, well they would know
[16:34:16] <prospectacle> crutchy, I called a place once, that said "press 1 and we'll call you back when you get the front of the queue"
[16:34:32] <prospectacle> brilliant!
[16:34:46] <crutchy> i think that's how some government agencies are starting to do things
[16:34:51] <SirFinkus> I love trying to call my isp
[16:35:20] <SirFinkus> 45 minute wait time, then they transfer me 2 minutes later and make me wait 45 more minutes
[16:35:25] <crutchy> i like trains
[16:35:26] <exec> http://www.youtube.com
[16:35:28] <prospectacle> wow
[16:35:41] <SirFinkus> I had gotten a new modem and I needed someone to press a button
[16:36:02] <Konomi> the au peeps will get this image
[16:36:04] <Konomi> https://i.imgur.com
[16:36:07] <crutchy> did it have a remote controlled power switch?
[16:36:23] <SirFinkus> no, they just needed to authorize the MAC address
[16:36:25] <prospectacle> wow
[16:36:31] <prospectacle> your call is important to them, please wait on the line and you will be answered by their next available caller
[16:36:41] <SirFinkus> so guys
[16:36:45] <crutchy> konomi, i don't get it, but i'm not from qld
[16:36:56] <Konomi> guess you don't follow the news much
[16:37:01] <Konomi> the bikey laws
[16:37:03] <SirFinkus> you ever call a place and they ask you to talk into the computer and it will automatically route your call?
[16:37:03] <crutchy> nah. fuck news
[16:37:06] <Konomi> guilt by association etc
[16:37:08] <SirFinkus> and has that ever worked?
[16:37:17] <crutchy> that's why i'm involved in a news community :p
[16:37:33] <prospectacle> sirfinkus, I try mashing the 9 key and they're usually like "sorry I coudln't understand, transferring you to an operator'
[16:37:52] <SirFinkus> but fuck phones
[16:37:54] <Konomi> when they please choose one the of the following options
[16:37:57] <SirFinkus> emails are better for support
[16:38:01] <Konomi> mash your phone keypad with your forehead
[16:38:12] <crutchy> my isp is really good support-wise
[16:38:18] <SirFinkus> people bitch when companies don't have customer support phone numbers, but email is infinitely better
[16:38:22] <crutchy> one of the reasons i stuck with them
[16:38:46] <Konomi> three sneezes in a row my plague must be ready to spread
[16:39:02] <crutchy> 4 more and you'll have an orgasm
[16:39:03] <prospectacle> i have not had to call my isp much, which counts for something, no matter how crap they are when I do call.
[16:39:07] <SirFinkus> if I need support for some doodad, I can spend 5 minutes writing an email, attach logs/pictures/etc and be done with it
[16:39:07] <Konomi> wat
[16:39:15] <SirFinkus> if I have to call someone, my day is ruined
[16:39:20] <Konomi> do you speak from personal experience?
[16:39:29] <crutchy> sadly no
[16:39:35] <prospectacle> and actually I can't complain they're not bad really.
[16:40:00] <crutchy> i fuckin hate phones, almost as much as i fuckin hate pikeys
[16:40:01] <Konomi> I've never had that happen from sneezing the feeling like crap part seems to counter hte idea ;p
[16:40:15] <crutchy> i can understand that
[16:40:22] <prospectacle> konomi, it's a rumour that goes around you must have heard it that a sneeze is the equivalent of 1/8th of an orgasm, I don't know what it means exactly. Maybe the amount of some neurotransmitter released or something.
[16:40:26] <crutchy> sorry to hear your still feeling shit
[16:40:27] <Konomi> well everyone is fingering their phones
[16:40:34] <Konomi> it's a good expression of how much they get done
[16:40:35] <crutchy> female phones
[16:40:37] <Konomi> aka nothing at all
[16:40:44] <Konomi> you can finger guys
[16:40:45] <Konomi> ;p
[16:40:50] <crutchy> ew
[16:41:01] <SirFinkus> well he's right you know
[16:41:01] * Konomi gets out the rubber gloves
[16:41:13] <prospectacle> i like phones. there I said it
[16:41:31] * crutchy is reminded of a scene from american pie (one of them)
[16:41:37] <prospectacle> you can talk to people if you want to
[16:41:38] * Konomi goggles "how to tie a noose for prospectacle"
[16:41:44] <Konomi> ;p
[16:42:12] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Despite Warnings, Many Computers Still Vulnerable to Hackers at Start-Up - http://sylnt.us - security-on-the-honour-system
[16:42:25] <crutchy> when people call me at work they usually want something that i can't give them
[16:42:40] <Konomi> no linux users reboot their computers
[16:42:43] <Konomi> this article is moot
[16:43:01] <crutchy> i do. i am ashamed
[16:43:17] <crutchy> its prolly habit
[16:43:27] <Konomi> I wonder if this even applies to linux since network manager is near the end of the startup process
[16:43:33] <Konomi> so I am not sure how they're going to exploit it
[16:43:39] <crutchy> ew. network manager
[16:43:45] <Konomi> shussshh
[16:43:53] <Konomi> you'll be all like whinen network manager whine
[16:43:59] <crutchy> lol
[16:44:01] <Konomi> then 2 years you'll be like omg I love it I cna't do without it etc
[16:44:08] <crutchy> prolly
[16:44:22] <Konomi> got mod points again
[16:44:31] <u> wth is that article about? Delayed firewall enablement? Secure boot? PXE?
[16:44:32] <Konomi> who wants to me bet me they'll vanish before I find a comment I want to even mod
[16:44:33] <crutchy> ~queue
[16:44:35] <exec> *** SN submission queue: 13
[16:44:56] <prospectacle> konomi, you could sell them to spammers
[16:45:05] <Konomi> we don't get spammers
[16:45:08] <Konomi> just crazies
[16:45:08] <u> hmm
[16:45:22] <prospectacle> oh I like your comment about amazon, ++ insightful
[16:45:23] <u> NOTABUG
[16:45:31] <prospectacle> chaching
[16:45:48] <Konomi> I need to invent like
[16:45:48] <u> BIOS is not an issue, and if the OS lets malware bug the MBR it's the OS's fault anyway
[16:45:58] <Konomi> that slime stuff that you played with when you were a kid
[16:46:02] <Konomi> and some sort of seditive
[16:46:07] <Konomi> that way I could just cover my nose with it
[16:46:20] <Konomi> then possibly die of asphixiation while I sleep
[16:46:37] <u> hardware has given us protected memory for eons, yet there are still no OSes which appear to use it to provide decent security
[16:46:43] <crutchy> just stick some playdoh up there
[16:46:49] <crutchy> or maybe blutak
[16:47:01] <Konomi> nose explosion
[16:47:05] <prospectacle> Konomi, is it allergies?
[16:47:09] <Konomi> flu
[16:47:21] <Konomi> ironically
[16:47:30] <Konomi> a freind for the usa recommended me naproxin
[16:47:34] <crutchy> i finished a course of antibioticals a couple of days ago and i'm still coughing up flem
[16:47:42] <Konomi> but apparently in au we only use that in period pain pills
[16:47:48] <crutchy> lol
[16:48:05] <Konomi> must really suck for guys if they want it
[16:48:06] * crutchy shouldn't laugh
[16:48:07] <prospectacle> have you tried those lozenges with the numbing agents?
[16:48:13] <Konomi> yeah
[16:48:19] <Konomi> they just can't get up my nose apparently
[16:48:30] <crutchy> maybe just smother your face with teething gel
[16:48:37] <Konomi> it feels like my nose is blocke dup near the top of it
[16:48:59] <crutchy> what's it called.... err... fuck
[16:49:09] <crutchy> sedagel
[16:49:09] <Konomi> I'm waiting for the day crutchy gets moody so i can offer him my period pain pills
[16:49:12] <Konomi> cough
[16:49:36] * Konomi just wishes she had endone
[16:49:54] <prospectacle> you can get nasal sprays that not only decongest but also like, coat your nasal cavity in some weird stuff, it might be soothing I dunno.
[16:49:58] * prospectacle checks
[16:49:58] <Konomi> oxycodeine plssss
[16:50:08] <crutchy> if i tried to take some off my wife to give to you she would cut off my balls
[16:50:09] <Konomi> yeah I know
[16:50:33] <Konomi> also irony
[16:50:41] <prospectacle> dimetapp I think
[16:50:41] <Konomi> all my pills that specific for girls seem to be blue
[16:50:43] <Konomi> dk why
[16:51:12] <crutchy> its to keep you from discovering the truth
[16:51:14] * Konomi wonders if there is some colour coding scheme she is unaware of
[16:51:28] <Konomi> wasn't the red pill the go back to normal one though?
[16:51:47] <prospectacle> I don't think I've ever seen a red pill in real life
[16:52:01] <prospectacle> maybe if someone offers you a red pill, you know you're in the matrix
[16:52:03] <Konomi> I think I seen some flu related ones
[16:52:06] <crutchy> if you mash the blue and red pills together you end up with a purple pill that turns you into a llama
[16:52:13] <prospectacle> sweet
[16:52:18] <Konomi> llama llama duck
[16:53:05] <crutchy> must be sleepy time for me. i'm starting to get even more retarded than usual
[16:53:26] <crutchy> ~weather crutchy
[16:53:37] <exec> process timed out: crutchy
[16:53:38] <prospectacle> yeah it's almost three. I've got to be welll rested for my day of rest tomorrow.
[16:53:53] <crutchy> lol
[16:53:57] <crutchy> ~weather crutchy
[16:53:59] <prospectacle> you guys up to anything fun for rest of weekend?
[16:54:07] <crutchy> i have dishes waiting :-(
[16:54:07] <exec> process timed out: crutchy
[16:54:17] <crutchy> aw fuck off stupid bot :/
[16:54:31] <prospectacle> lol me too
[16:54:45] <crutchy> hmm that seemed to timeout quick
[16:55:15] <crutchy> ~rehash
[16:55:17] <exec> successfully reloaded exec file
[16:55:22] <crutchy> ~weather crutchy
[16:55:26] <exec> weather for 10Morwell (latrobe Valley Airport), VIC, Australia at 2014-08-02 14:00:00 (UTC) ~ 2.9 hrs ago:
[16:55:26] <exec> temp: 1032.4°F (0.2°C), dp: 1032.2°F (0.1°C), press: 101033 mb (0 mb over 3 hrs), humid: 1099%, wind: 100 mph (0 km/h) @ 100°
[16:55:42] <crutchy> doh still hasn't updated
[16:56:10] <crutchy> -1.4 deg C on b.o.m.
[16:56:18] <prospectacle> on the bom site what's the difference between temp and app temp?
[16:56:39] <crutchy> i think that's the 'feels like' temp or something
[16:56:52] <crutchy> i don't really know. i generally ignore it :p
[16:56:54] <prospectacle> oh like wind chill
[16:57:02] <crutchy> maybe yeah
[16:58:04] <prospectacle> well my brain is melting I think i'll get some sleep
[16:58:21] <prospectacle> take care all. enjoy your dishes crutchy. feel better konomi
[16:58:31] -!- prospectacle [prospectacle!~3a6b4181@b62-366-36-690.mit757.act.optusnet.com.au] has parted #Soylent
[16:58:32] <Konomi> nn hehe
[16:58:32] <crutchy> night prospectacle
[16:59:02] * crutchy is peckish
[16:59:31] * Konomi gets bird seed
[16:59:42] <crutchy> yummy
[17:00:13] <crutchy> usual weekend quiet
[17:00:19] <crutchy> ~time chicago
[17:00:20] <exec> [Google] 12:00pm Saturday (CDT) - Time in Chicago, IL, USA
[17:01:17] <crutchy> need a server to brainfart or something
[17:01:31] <crutchy> that will get the traffic flowing ;p
[17:02:14] <crutchy> unless its the ircd that brainfarts
[17:03:35] * juggs brainfarts
[17:12:10] -!- SirFinkus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[17:12:58] -!- SirFinkus [SirFinkus!~SirFinkus@l-64-313-06-125.hsd0.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[17:24:33] -!- monopoly has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[17:32:49] -!- exec has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[17:33:20] -!- crutchy has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[17:47:33] <ar> moin
[17:47:36] <ar> erm
[17:47:49] <ar> or should i say: hello again
[17:49:38] <juggs> moin!
[18:00:43] -!- rand has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[18:02:49] -!- SirFinkus has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com]
[18:04:11] -!- rand [rand!~40b924ee@hou-066.69-463-92.nts-online.net] has joined #Soylent
[18:05:10] rand is now known as SoyGuest44733
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[18:07:00] -!- rand [rand!~40b924ee@hou-066.69-463-92.nts-online.net] has joined #Soylent
[18:11:19] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Google To Europe: Sometimes it's Not So Easy to Forget - http://sylnt.us - forget-me-not
[18:21:54] -!- rand has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[18:49:47] <ar> http://0x71.org - wtf
[18:50:05] <ar> the website's overloaded…
[18:50:18] <ar> >title: 0×71 True Jesus Church Hacker Team with Lord Jesus Christ: 0×71 (xc) Our Hacker Team
[18:51:14] <arti> this is awesome
[18:51:18] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~james@43-567-441-22.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Soylent
[18:52:29] <arti> i don't think its a native writing that stuff
[18:52:38] * arti notices lots of singular stuff
[18:52:44] <arti> 0×71 (xc) Our Research 700.500 Trillion Unknown US Dollar US 1-1 $
[18:55:51] <ar> https://www.youtube.com - huh. parcel delivery companies in poland…
[18:56:22] <ar> or maybe, s/companies/couriers/
[19:03:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> i'd really like to see Lucy and Guardians of the Galaxy but that would require getting off my ass. given that i passed on fishing today to attempt a higher order of lazy, i just can't bring myself to do it.
[19:07:07] -!- monopoly [monopoly!~chromas@0::1] has joined #Soylent
[19:20:53] <bryan> TheMightyBuzzard: lol, well put :P
[19:22:36] <chromas> Wind is trying to trick me into thinking it's nice outside but thermometer says otherwise
[19:23:39] <ar> hehe
[19:23:43] <ar> wait for sunset
[19:28:56] <chromas> ~weather walla walla
[19:29:19] <chromas> exec done died?
[19:29:58] <ar> ~weather
[19:30:02] <ar> exec died
[19:30:18] <ar> he's less emotionally stable than my own ruby bot
[19:30:18] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Understanding Chronic Pain's Link to Depression - http://sylnt.us - known-for-years-by-sufferers
[19:30:50] <chromas> Ruby bot? Where at?
[19:31:11] <chromas> Bust out, man! We need a bot in every language
[19:31:31] <ar> chromas: https://code.hackerspace.pl
[19:31:32] <monopoly> ^ 03ar/repost -
[19:31:46] <ar> chromas: it needs a major rewrite
[19:31:58] <TheMightyBuzzard> dibs on not having to do malebolge
[19:32:34] <chromas> ~define ma--oh wait, that doesn't work now
[19:33:07] <ar> chromas: it has at least two known, easily exploitable DoS bugs
[19:34:01] <chromas> \nquit
[19:34:26] <ar> no
[19:35:12] <chromas> Oh yeah. You're already familiar with that one eh
[19:35:36] <chromas> And now so is aqu4
[19:35:56] <ar> but grabbing URL contents to extract title is: a) blocking - bot timeouts because it stops responding to irc server pings; b) doesn't limit page size - you can paste a link to an ubuntu iso, for example and it'll download it all into memory
[19:36:20] <ar> and the VPS it runs on has only 512M of ram
[19:37:08] <chromas> Hah. Tmb made monopoly download firefox once. It goes to disk though
[19:37:10] <TheMightyBuzzard> exec had that one too
[19:37:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh ya, wrong bot
[19:37:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> hrm
[19:38:56] <TheMightyBuzzard> i almost want to write a bot now but that would so get in the way of useful coding on slash
[19:39:43] <chromas> TheMightyBuzzard: a Perl bot?
[19:39:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> chromas, of course. what else?
[19:40:08] <chromas> Oc
[19:40:12] <chromas> herp
[19:40:16] <chromas> ocaml
[19:40:37] <chromas> Or assembly
[19:41:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> nope. perl's the reigning king of text mangling and that's what a bot does.
[19:42:13] * chromas puts regex in your regex
[19:43:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> hrm, you could prolly do that.... s/(stuff)/$1 =~ s#more stuff#chicken butt#/e
[19:44:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> multiple levels even. like an infinity mirror.
[19:45:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> hexchat can do perl already but i don't want to turn myself into a bot
[19:45:18] <chromas> s☕stuff☕things☕g
[19:45:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> chromas, don't forget to use utf8;
[19:45:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> that would probably work if you did
[19:46:14] <chromas> Looks right on my end. Did you get gibberish?
[19:46:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> no, came through fine
[19:46:37] <chromas> Should be little coffee or tea cups
[19:46:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> i mean it would probably actually work in a perl script like that
[19:47:27] <chromas> Hehe or use nulls to confuse c interaction
[19:47:54] <TheMightyBuzzard> ooooh, that probably wouldn't work but it would be fun to try
[19:48:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> plus it would annoy the begeezus out of paulej72 if i did it in slash code.
[20:04:17] -!- janrinok has quit [Quit: leaving]
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[21:01:27] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Ask SN: DIY Remote Wireless Camera Project - http://sylnt.us - brainstorm-time
[21:02:34] -!- JamesNZ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[21:09:43] -!- pbnjoe has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[21:10:57] <chromas> The correct answer, of course, is to skip the wireless camera and give his horse a phone and watch its tweets. The nsa and facebook will track it
[21:25:24] <arti> strategery
[21:37:15] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@universe2.us/Subsentient] has joined #Soylent
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[22:04:45] -!- SirFinkus [SirFinkus!~SirFinkus@l-64-313-06-125.hsd0.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[22:14:28] juggs is now known as juggs|afk
[22:18:01] -!- Valkor has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[22:40:41] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - At Least One Ebola Patient Due on American Mainland on Saturday - http://sylnt.us - wishing-them-well
[23:09:24] <Tachyon> http://www.reddit.com
[23:09:25] <monopoly> ^ 03New NASA engine, if initial tests work out, can get to Mars in weeks, instead of months : worldnews
[23:09:35] <Tachyon> 30 years to proxima centauri
[23:09:51] <Tachyon> but it seem that it violates conservation of energy
[23:14:42] juggs|afk is now known as juggs
[23:18:06] <juggs> I think it's been replicated 3 times now - first in the UK with really tiny force measured, then in China where they got a surprisingly large result and now at NASA - although there is some mention of them trying the experiment with a setup they believed shouldn't work, but it as well did. It needs testing outside the magnetic influence of earth really.
[23:22:28] <Tachyon> i'd be interested, if it really violates the energy conservation
[23:23:20] <Tachyon> i have been suspecting for a long time, that energy conservation doesn't have to real
[23:25:04] <TheMightyBuzzard> with a nick like that, you'd have to.
[23:26:33] <Tachyon> xD
[23:26:40] <Tachyon> not really :D
[23:26:49] <Tachyon> tachyons don't violate anything if they exist
[23:27:06] <Tachyon> they travel FTL but they don't carry information
[23:27:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> except copyright
[23:30:00] <juggs> I love any topic that can use the words "and therefore is potentially demonstrating an interaction with the quantum vacuum virtual plasma." - it's at that point my brain melts - the what now? Why yes of course! The quantum vacuum virtual plasma - that's the shit that flickers in and out of existence inexplicably isn't it?? Hang on - did someone drug me a put me in a star trek set~?
[23:31:16] -!- keplr has quit [Quit: leaving]
[23:33:22] * juggs remembers why hot glue guns and beers do not a happy marriage make. The fingertip is a sub-optimal device for determine whether the glue has cooled and set. Owww that's hot - very hot and it's stuck to me :D
[23:35:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> stick it in your mouth, cuss a blue streak, and kick something. that's how us male humans deal with that kind of thing.
[23:37:02] -!- drgibbon has quit [Quit: Beware.. your closest friends may be.. CYBER MAGICIANS!]
[23:37:06] -!- SpallsHurgenson [SpallsHurgenson!~SpallsHur@qxsa-73-534-033-096.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #Soylent
[23:37:48] * SpallsHurgenson says hello! to the internet, and gives it a little tickle
[23:38:04] <TheMightyBuzzard> evenin, SpallsHurgenson
[23:40:48] * SpallsHurgenson gives TheMightyBuzzard an extra special tickle
[23:43:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> it's that time again... https://www.youtube.com
[23:43:07] <monopoly> ^ 03Tequila - The Champs - YouTube
[23:44:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> holy monkey that smells gooooood
[23:47:00] <SpallsHurgenson> is that what time it was? huh, it's only quarter-past Scotch-on-ice here...
[23:47:57] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[23:49:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> it's more a date thing than an hourly thing.
[23:49:10] <TheMightyBuzzard> mornin, crutchy
[23:49:24] <crutchy> g'day
[23:51:26] <SpallsHurgenson> g'scotch
[23:54:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> tequila++
[23:54:23] <Bender> karma - tequila: 1
[23:54:42] <SpallsHurgenson> tequlla-the-morning-after--