#Soylent | Logs for 2014-08-07

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[00:00:01] <chromas> ~weather walla walla
[00:00:04] <exec> weather for 10Walla Walla-Whitman College, WA, United States Of America at 2014-08-06 22:30:00 (UTC) ~ 1.5 hrs ago: temp: 1088°F (31.1°C), dp: 1048.9°F (9.4°C), press: 101012.9 mb (-0.3 mb over 0.5 hrs), humid: 1026%, wind: 106 mph (9.6 km/h) @ 10210°
[00:00:26] <chromas> Under ninety. Where's ma coat?
[00:02:04] -!- Tachyon_ [Tachyon_!~Tachyon@xuco.me] has joined #Soylent
[00:02:37] -!- Tachyon_ has quit [Client Quit]
[00:03:58] <NCommander> w00t
[00:04:01] <NCommander> Got my CV all updated and nice
[00:05:12] -!- SpallsHurgenson [SpallsHurgenson!~SpallsHur@klpz-54-960-962-459.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #Soylent
[00:08:42] -!- Tachyon_ [Tachyon_!~Tachyon@xuco.me] has joined #Soylent
[00:10:23] -!- Tachyon_ has quit [Client Quit]
[00:12:43] * SpallsHurgenson eats a real Mexican burrito, made by real Mexicans, for real Mexicans, out of real Mexicans
[00:17:36] <NCommander> SpallsHurgenson, so you're currently in Baja California
[00:17:38] <NCommander> Good to know :-)
[00:17:52] <SpallsHurgenson> maybe I import my Mexicans :)
[00:18:46] <SpallsHurgenson> http://www.nowgamer.com
[00:18:48] <monopoly> ^ 03Why The Wii U's Name Halved Sales - NowGamer
[00:19:23] <chromas> Wii u Mii Us
[00:19:48] <SirFinkus> more like it doesn't make sense
[00:20:30] -!- FunPika [FunPika!~FunPika@Soylent/Staff/Wiki/FunPika] has joined #Soylent
[00:20:30] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v FunPika] by juggler
[00:20:35] <SpallsHurgenson> frankly, I think the fact that it only has a few games worth playing might have more to do with it, but what do I know about business :)
[00:20:48] <SirFinkus> so like, the wii, and the DS and all the other things didn't really need to be explained
[00:21:06] <chromas> Maybe the name is why Gimp doesn't sell :)
[00:21:18] <SirFinkus> as far as I can tell, the wii u is some weird abortion controller/screen that you can use on your tv or something
[00:21:53] <SirFinkus> and the benefit of that layout hasn't been explained to me adequately
[00:22:34] <SpallsHurgenson> ehn, I'm a member of the PC Master Race so I don't care either way :)
[00:23:38] <mrcoolbp> SirFinkus: I'd tend to agree, and was fully annoyed by their "demo" unit that had only one playable game for months
[00:23:54] <SirFinkus> well me too SpallsHurgenson
[00:24:05] <mrcoolbp> SirFinkus: but my avid gaming friend loves his, he said you can use the controller to look around in a world (aug reality stuff)
[00:24:08] <SirFinkus> when I play games
[00:24:35] <SirFinkus> I can see a second screen being useful, just it isn't amazing enough
[00:24:40] <SpallsHurgenson> that, and I'm not secure enough in my masculinity to play kiddie-games like Mario Cart or whatever :) :)
[00:25:26] <SirFinkus> especially when you consider that in order to play party games (always one of nintendo's strengths) you have to spend a bunch more money on the controller things
[00:25:46] <SirFinkus> actually, I'm not 100% sure how that works
[00:26:47] <SirFinkus> when I think of nintendo, I think stupid mario cart games with friends and stuff
[00:27:20] <SpallsHurgenson> bah, friends! that'll never catch on!
[00:28:03] <SirFinkus> that was one of their defining strengths though, and it seems like they just threw it away
[00:31:30] <mrcoolbp> SirFinkus: old wii controlers still work with wii uuu
[00:32:59] <SirFinkus> well, see? that isn't immediately clear
[00:33:02] <SirFinkus> hence lost sales
[00:36:05] * SpallsHurgenson uses all the amazing rendering and CPU power of his PC to play... Freecell
[00:38:15] <SirFinkus> lol, usually dwarf fortress for me
[00:38:22] <SirFinkus> although that's more of a cpu thing
[00:44:34] <SirFinkus> bah, my mod points expired just as I was about to upvote something :(
[00:44:41] <mrcoolbp> hate that
[00:45:08] * mrcoolbp notes that while "other sites" might have given admins unlimited points, we don't = )
[00:45:29] <SirFinkus> whenever I have them, there's nothing to upvote or downvote
[00:45:35] <SirFinkus> at least for me, I'm stingy
[00:46:28] * SpallsHurgenson isn't judgemental enough to moderate
[00:47:22] <SirFinkus> I need to feel strongly about something before it gets my points
[00:47:47] <SirFinkus> I also try and find something I disagree with, but that brings up interesting points to mod up
[00:48:30] <SirFinkus> although it is difficult to mod things up that you disagree with
[00:48:34] <SirFinkus> damn these human brains
[00:48:53] <SpallsHurgenson> with a bottle of whiskey and a hacksaw, you can fix that problem!
[00:49:23] <SirFinkus> naw, then you become ethonal-fueled
[00:49:30] <SirFinkus> I like him, but I don't want to be him
[00:50:16] <SpallsHurgenson> just try to be a more interesting troll, that's all I ask :)
[00:50:30] <SirFinkus> I'm a boring troll?
[00:51:05] <SirFinkus> please tell me how to improve my trolling, I'll work at it
[00:51:09] <SpallsHurgenson> no, ethanol is. He's got no style to his trolling; he's unconvincing, obvious and boring
[00:51:45] <SirFinkus> I disagree there, I always have fun reading his posts
[00:53:06] <SpallsHurgenson> I prefer a bit more intelligence and subtly. Just spouting off random curses, insults and racial slurs are sophomoric. He needs to work up to a diatribe like that :)
[00:55:13] * SpallsHurgenson hates a lazy troll :)
[00:58:26] <SirFinkus> subtlety usually isn't worth the effort
[00:59:01] <SirFinkus> back when I was like 15 I told someone I thought I had ebola and they kind of bought it, so I took it and ran
[00:59:05] <SirFinkus> it was rather effective
[01:01:59] -!- FunPika has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[01:02:38] -!- Brylarke has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[01:03:12] <SpallsHurgenson> yeah, but at least you can have a discussion about that: how did you get ebola, isn't it a shame that such a disease kills so many people, are you going to die, get away from me you suck fuck, that sort of thing :)
[01:11:01] <SpallsHurgenson> sort of hard to do with somebody who's entire stick is "racial group X sux, fuck fuck shit, I'm drunk!" :)
[01:11:43] <chromas> SpallsHurgenson: s/sti/schti/
[01:11:44] <exec> <chromas> <SpallsHurgenson> sort of hard to do with somebody who's entire schtick is "racial group X sux, fuck fuck shit, I'm drunk!" :)
[01:11:53] <chromas> :-D
[01:12:12] <SpallsHurgenson> thanks, my Yiddish is a bit rusty :)
[01:12:32] <chromas> Ef would have something to say about that
[01:13:38] <SpallsHurgenson> on a completely unrelated topic: since when has 1TB not been enough disk space? Jeez, I'm down to 150gb already...
[01:15:42] * SpallsHurgenson looks for a 1PB cloud-storage provider :)
[01:16:33] <chromas> It's not enough once you can afford it
[01:18:32] <SpallsHurgenson> at my current internet speed, it would take me more than 2 centuries to download that much data
[01:19:19] <SpallsHurgenson> and maybe 7 centuries to upload :)
[01:19:22] <juggs> hmm, seems the msttcorefonts package went walkabout from linux mint's repos :/
[01:19:29] <SpallsHurgenson> I think 1PB would suffice :)
[01:20:04] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~james@43-567-441-22.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Soylent
[01:22:11] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - DARPA Awards $40 Million for Research into Memory-Controlling Implants - http://sylnt.us - thanks-for-the-memory
[01:24:00] -!- Brylarke [Brylarke!~brylarke@356.266.54.300.dyn.plus.net] has joined #Soylent
[01:46:48] * SirFinkus is running out of space on his 2TB drive
[01:52:18] <SpallsHurgenson> minimum I need two more 3TB drives (one for files, the other for backup)
[01:53:37] <SpallsHurgenson> but I'd be happier if I could just upgrade all my spinning rust to 200% current capacity...
[01:55:16] <SpallsHurgenson> ... and that's a bit out of my budget range for now :)
[01:56:54] <SpallsHurgenson> or I suppose I could learn how to use the DELETE key and get rid of some files...
[01:59:02] <chromas> Don't say such things!
[01:59:58] <SpallsHurgenson> don't worry, I have 20+ year old files on these things; I don't think I'm gonna be deleting anything soon :)
[02:01:45] <SirFinkus> oh, my 2tb doesn't count backup
[02:05:30] <juggs> ls -l
[02:05:34] <juggs> urrr
[02:08:18] -!- Tachyon_ [Tachyon_!~Tachyon@xuco.me] has joined #Soylent
[02:08:18] -!- Tachyon has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[02:51:18] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Gmail Adapted to Recognize Addresses Containing Non-Latin Characters - http://sylnt.us - hope-this-epistle-finds-you-adequately-healthy
[02:56:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah, that makes me feel right good about how quickly unicode work has gone on slash
[02:56:57] <SpallsHurgenson> your good work is what encouraged google :)
[02:59:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> should have embarassed them. i did it in a month of spare time.
[02:59:59] <chromas> TheMightyBuzzard++
[03:00:00] <Bender> karma - themightybuzzard: 32
[03:02:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> yep, paypal is officially buggier than slash
[03:14:46] <SpallsHurgenson> of course, unicode URLs will just work to the scammer's benefit as they redirect unsuspecting users to websites whose address looks similar enough to the real thing that they will be fooled
[03:15:38] <SpallsHurgenson> not that takes much to do
[03:17:29] -!- Brylarke has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[03:33:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> nod nod. lurve me some rtl marks
[03:36:28] -!- SpallsHurgenson has quit [Quit: Reboot!]
[03:45:40] -!- SpallsHurgenson [SpallsHurgenson!~SpallsHur@klpz-54-960-962-459.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #Soylent
[03:45:53] -!- pbnjoe [pbnjoe!~pbnjoe@Soylent/Users/313/pbnjoe] has joined #Soylent
[04:19:42] -!- SpallsHurgenson has quit [Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de]
[04:20:26] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - UK IP Police Unit Arrest Man for Running Proxy Server - http://sylnt.us - they-work-for-them
[04:36:07] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@universe2.us/Subsentient] has joined #Soylent
[04:47:23] -!- kilo110 has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[04:52:38] -!- kilo110 [kilo110!~killo110@ntc-60r0q8vb.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #Soylent
[05:36:54] -!- JamesNZ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[05:46:17] -!- mth has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[05:56:08] <ar> http://www.telegraph.co.uk
[05:56:08] <monopoly> ^ 03Wikipedia refuses to delete photo as 'monkey owns it' - Telegraph
[06:01:00] <ar> Konomi: http://arachnist.is-a.cat ;)
[06:02:46] <arti> :|
[06:06:34] <Konomi> mew?
[06:06:49] <arti> nya o.o
[06:07:26] <Konomi> touhou
[06:07:36] <arti> wanwan?
[06:08:45] <arti> !idle
[06:08:45] <ciri> sirecote hasn't said a word for 4184 minutes :/
[06:09:14] <arti> !g 4184/60/24
[06:09:15] <ciri> (4184 / 60) / 24 = 2.90555556
[06:11:10] <chromas> Computer_refusing_to_boot--
[06:11:10] <Bender> karma - computer_refusing_to_boot: -1
[06:11:28] <arti> how so?
[06:11:28] <ciri> how how brown cow
[06:11:43] * arti picks up ciri and wears like a parrot
[06:11:50] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Rosetta Finally Arrives at Comet 67P - http://sylnt.us - one-long-commute
[06:13:28] <chromas> Think the optical drive may be a fpos. Why do I still have one anyway?
[06:13:43] <arti> so you can stick it to the RIAA
[06:13:55] <arti> or burn bootable distros for your family members
[06:14:00] <arti> since everyone loves to do that
[06:14:01] <chromas> Oh yeah.
[06:14:06] <arti> it's like opt in tech support
[06:14:35] * chromas goes off to distribute music and movies back and forth on the lan for spite
[06:14:35] <arti> how's it going?
[06:14:50] <arti> uh... i guesss i already know
[06:14:57] * arti hisses his ss
[06:15:13] <chromas> Went for a walk by the new school. Looks like it's going to be ready in time for the new year
[06:15:26] <arti> did they ever discover what happened to the last one?
[06:15:45] <chromas> I was afraid the teachers weren't going to have time to roll out their letter banners
[06:16:30] <arti> did you tell the teachin' ladies that the only three letters you need are U, S and A?
[06:16:46] <chromas> They're knocking the old one down; it's ancient. Fortunately they got the new building up and didn't copy the people who did the mall
[06:16:57] <arti> how ancient? like turn of the last century?
[06:16:57] <ciri> you talking to me?
[06:17:04] <arti> yes. you're ancient
[06:17:31] <arti> !dow
[06:17:31] <ciri> Foolish are those who fear nothing, yet claim to know everything.
[06:17:38] <chromas> Dunno but they were talking about replacing it when I went there 25 years ago
[06:17:54] * arti takes off shoes and counts
[06:18:35] <arti> felt that way about skate parks
[06:18:46] <arti> finally built the things after years and years
[06:18:46] <chromas> I think it had some issues with satefy codes too
[06:19:00] <arti> !roll 1d20
[06:19:01] <ciri> arti rolls 15
[06:19:08] * arti successfully avoids falling debris
[06:19:18] <chromas> Skate parks aren't cool, though. Need to be out on the steppes, grinding rails and laser flipping pedestrians
[06:19:51] <arti> i'll have to dig around, neat video of this guy launching off of something and breaking his leg
[06:19:55] <chromas> and flipping off the poh-lice
[06:20:12] <arti> i'm actually surprised kids still do stuff outside
[06:20:37] * arti enjoys seeing "dates" where both parties are on their phones
[06:21:35] <chromas> shit, last time I visited my sister the kids wanted to go out and play ball and stuff. This time, it's all video games (though one pled with Scratch)
[06:23:17] <chromas> played
[06:23:27] <arti> bikes, bottle rockets, and rope swings.
[06:23:58] * chromas didn't have bottle rockets :(
[06:24:07] * arti always has some
[06:24:14] <arti> got some blackcats too
[06:24:15] <chromas> but I did play with match heads one year
[06:24:26] <arti> i enjoy lighting them off at my friends apartments
[06:24:35] <chromas> Put a pile in a glass jar; friend lit it and singed his eyebrows as a fountain of flame burst out
[06:25:02] <chromas> I guess now match heads mean drugs or something
[06:25:05] <arti> its better than breaking glass
[06:25:11] * arti had a phase
[06:25:14] <chromas> it melted the bottom off the jar
[06:25:20] <arti> science
[06:25:25] <chromas> science++
[06:25:25] <Bender> karma - science: 2
[06:25:31] <arti> coffee++
[06:25:31] <Bender> karma - coffee: 516
[06:25:31] <chromas> ^ disappointing
[06:25:33] <arti> science++
[06:25:33] <Bender> karma - science: 3
[06:25:40] * arti tests a theory
[06:25:42] <arti> religion++
[06:25:43] <Bender> karma - religion: 1
[06:26:05] <chromas> ciri: 1
[06:26:25] <chromas> a lot of religious people around here
[06:26:42] <arti> yeah, we should burn them
[06:26:52] <arti> tolerance and whatnot
[06:27:00] <arti> a warm welcome?
[06:27:15] <chromas> They're just dying to teach us about jesus
[06:27:37] <arti> or his noodly appendage
[06:27:40] <chromas> oh and seventh day adventist is the major religion here
[06:28:23] <arti> ever hit up the bake sales?
[06:28:56] <chromas> no. I've been to some of the pot luck things and I think most of the people around here make weird-tasting food
[06:29:15] <chromas> or at least weird-smelling
[06:29:31] <chromas> But I do appreciate the selection of nuts and other bulk items
[06:29:38] <chromas> nutes++
[06:29:38] <Bender> karma - nutes: 1
[06:29:43] <chromas> nuts++
[06:29:43] <Bender> karma - nuts: 1
[06:29:46] <arti> are you implying they're crazy and fat?
[06:30:05] <chromas> Nah, they seem to be pretty healthy
[06:30:43] <arti> nutes++
[06:30:43] <Bender> karma - nutes: 2
[06:31:31] <chromas> Even the nearest college is SDA-run
[06:32:17] <arti> Super Dimensional Adventists
[06:32:38] <chromas> at least they worship on the right day :D
[06:32:57] * arti doesn't have an issue with religious people
[06:33:04] <arti> take GNU peeps for example
[06:33:25] <chromas> Me either, the ones I don't like are because of their personalities, not their religion
[06:33:58] <chromas> Also when I was in Roseburg we seemed to get a lot of door-tor-door sales
[06:34:06] <arti> unless they believe metric is better than freedom units, then it's on
[06:34:35] * arti wants an otter
[06:34:56] <chromas> When I was visiting my mom a couple years ago some black guy came along to sell some cleaning shit and got all nigger on my mom's husband
[06:35:09] <chromas> getting down and cleaning his shoes and talking Jim Crowish
[06:35:24] <arti> was this a hobo or something?
[06:35:52] <arti> just set mode +i next time
[06:36:00] <chromas> No and I found out that around the same time there were a bunch of guys around here doing the same. I guess they were being dropped off in vans to go door-to-door
[06:36:32] * chromas hates answering the door and hides until people leave
[06:36:53] * arti doesn't enjoy solicitations
[06:37:20] <chromas> Now the house I'm at now, nobody sells their religion here because the guy before me would invite them in and chat their ears off
[06:37:29] <pbnjoe> put up a sign saying solicitors will be shot :P
[06:37:44] <arti> it's not supposed to happen here but there are still plenty that come by, school stuff, newspapers, cancer, tamales
[06:38:07] <arti> a few years ago these "census" people came by
[06:39:45] <chromas> Would you care to expand on that? :D
[06:39:59] <arti> i totally avoided them
[06:40:04] <chromas> or maybe you're implying that was the end of them :D
[06:40:07] <chromas> <:D
[06:40:09] <chromas> >:D
[06:40:14] <chromas> if I can get the eyes right
[06:40:30] <arti> i like to give them the dead eyes stare
[06:41:23] <chromas> Put on some plastic, slice some raw meat and then answer the door with a dripping knife and gloves
[06:42:36] <chromas> "Hi, I'm Dexter; how's it going?"
[06:43:09] <pbnjoe> and then open fire because you put up the sign I suggested
[06:43:10] <pbnjoe> haha
[06:44:30] <arti> how about a vuvuzela melody
[06:44:32] <ciri> don't ask me!
[06:44:48] <pbnjoe> they're close to equivalent
[06:45:07] <pbnjoe> about as destructive
[06:51:03] <ar> http://www.cs.cmu.edu
[06:51:03] <monopoly> ^ 033D Object Manipulation in a Single Photograph using Stock 3D Models ( SHIBLOCATION=local; path=/; domain=.cs.cmu.edu )
[06:51:17] <ar> SHIBLOCATION, wat?
[06:51:26] <arti> MANIPULATION, who
[06:51:36] <ar> oh, cookies
[06:51:48] <arti> ar++
[06:51:48] <Bender> karma - ar: 4
[06:51:59] <ar> tea++
[06:51:59] <Bender> karma - tea: 17
[06:52:02] <ar> coffee--
[06:52:02] <Bender> karma - coffee: 515
[06:52:14] <ar> bring it down to a round number, like 512?
[06:52:20] <arti> coffee++
[06:52:20] <Bender> karma - coffee: 516
[06:52:42] <arti> was tea higher previously?
[06:55:00] <ar> i don't think so
[06:55:12] <arti> i know i was, that was probably it
[06:55:17] <arti> tea++
[06:55:17] <Bender> karma - tea: 18
[07:11:14] <crutchy> coffee++
[07:11:14] <Bender> karma - coffee: 517
[07:13:30] <ar> coffe--
[07:13:30] <Bender> karma - coffe: 1
[07:13:56] <chromas> hot_coffee_mod++
[07:13:56] <Bender> karma - hot_coffee_mod: 1
[07:13:58] <crutchy> coffee++
[07:13:58] <Bender> karma - coffee: 518
[07:14:24] <crutchy> naked_chicks++
[07:14:24] <Bender> karma - naked_chicks: 1
[07:14:32] <crutchy> tama++
[07:14:32] <Bender> karma - tama: 1
[07:14:37] <ar> karma++
[07:14:37] <Bender> karma - karma: 15
[07:14:55] <crutchy> !whoup karma
[07:14:55] <Bender> uppers of karma are: chromas: 2, hax0rz: 2, shogun: 2, stderr: 2, martyb: 2, amblivious: 1, kobach: 1, SpallsHurgenson: 1, girlpluggedout: 1, ar: 1, Woods: 1, swisskid: 1, xlefay: 1, Azrael: 1
[07:15:01] <crutchy> lol
[07:15:21] <ar> !whodown coffee
[07:15:21] <Bender> downers of coffee are: ar: -49, NCommander: -2, JamesNZ: -1, Azrael: -1, chimp: -1, DrMag: -1
[07:19:49] <crutchy> that's ok. the !whoup coffee is a ping o death
[07:20:32] <ar> orly?
[07:20:36] <ar> !whoup coffee
[07:20:36] <Bender> uppers of coffee are: crutchy: 258, TheMightyBuzzard: 121, Blackmoore: 55, Bytram: 34, MrBluze: 15, mrcoolbp: 12, crutchy_: 11, arti: 10, AndyTheAbsurd: 8, chromas: 5, mattie_p: 5, TheMightyLaptop: 4, Bytram|away: 4, juggs: 3, TK: 3, TheMightyBuzzard|Book: 2, paulej72: 2, Blackmoore|afk: 2, exec: 2, chimp: 1, TheMightyBuzzard|Gone: 1, xlefay: 1, TheMightyBuzzard|AFK: - 1 more
[07:20:51] <chromas> !more
[07:20:51] <Bender> 1, idetuxs: 1, crutchy_fone: 1, TheMightyBuzzard|Laptop: 1, crutchy__: 1, Ethanol-fueled: 1, mechanicjay: 1, crutchy|zzz: 1, TheMightyBuzzard|Fishing: 1, monopoly: 1, TheMightyBuzzard|Out: 1, prospectacle: 1, crutchety: 1, mrcool|livingthedream: 1
[07:21:13] <chromas> !whoup bewbs
[07:21:13] <Bender> uppers of bewbs are: crutchy: 7, chromas: 1, TheMightyBuzzard: 1
[07:21:29] <crutchy> haha bewbs
[07:21:33] <crutchy> :D
[07:22:19] <crutchy> ok most of the coffee uppers are tmb clones :p
[07:24:45] <chromas> and a few crutchys
[07:25:52] <ar> coffee--
[07:25:52] <Bender> karma - coffee: 517
[07:30:08] <crutchy> i even coffee++ in my sleep apparently
[07:30:24] <Subsentient> I have to make your day more weird.
[07:30:31] <Subsentient> http://universe2.us
[07:30:59] <crutchy> weird_devil_gerbil++
[07:30:59] <Bender> karma - weird_devil_gerbil: 1
[07:31:20] <Subsentient> Lord Gerbilius, king of the undead gerbil horde!
[07:31:25] <arti> what a garbage collector function looks like
[07:31:39] <arti> MOAR MEMORY!
[07:32:06] <crutchy> Subsentient, how would it go againt a zerling rush?
[07:32:22] <crutchy> s/er/erg/
[07:32:23] <exec> <crutchy> Subsentient, how would it go againt a zergling rush?
[07:32:48] <Subsentient> In the gerbil pit, gerbils rush Zerg!
[07:35:38] <crutchy> right before protoss come and nuke the site from orbit... cos its the only way to be sure
[07:36:27] <chromas> VLC's logo is a pylon. Could Videolan be a Protoss project?
[07:37:09] <crutchy> they require more lesbian gas
[07:37:19] <chromas> Don't we all
[07:38:26] <arti> crutchy, i recommend some refried beans
[07:57:00] <crutchy> we call them witches hats here
[07:58:31] <crutchy> cos all the witches that were in them have been burned :p
[08:01:12] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Page On Tektronix's Horrible Security Gets a DMCA Takedown Notice - http://sylnt.us - mask-your-dumb-practices-with-immoral-practices
[08:01:51] <crutchy> ~queue
[08:01:53] <exec> the script had a brain fart
[08:02:25] <crutchy> dammit i forgot about that
[08:09:38] <ar> http://arachnist.is-a.cat - huh
[08:14:37] <arti> Urdon't
[08:15:24] <ar> it looks a bit like a map of Ankh-Morpork
[08:26:30] <arti> hahaha
[08:26:43] <arti> !disk
[08:26:50] <arti> !disc
[08:26:52] <ciri> "I DON'T KNOW ABOUT YOU, he said, BUT I COULD MURDER A CURRY. -- Death addresses his new apprentice -- (Terry Pratchett, Mort)"
[09:19:41] <ar> yay, new openssl CVE's
[09:19:45] <ar> http://www.openssl.org
[09:19:46] <monopoly> ^ 03OpenSSL: OpenSSL vulnerabilities
[09:26:51] <ar> erm, bad link
[09:26:53] <ar> http://www.openssl.org
[09:26:54] <monopoly> ^ OpenSSL Security Advisory [6 Aug
[09:35:27] <crutchy> ar, is that map london?
[09:35:36] <ar> crutchy: yup
[09:39:20] <crutchy> i can't get enough of bit bit: https://www.youtube.com
[09:39:20] <monopoly> ^ 03HAPPY WHEELS RAP! - Happy Wheels - Part 65 - YouTube
[09:45:38] <crutchy> triangle mode activate
[09:46:35] <chromas> triangle triangle, circle circle
[09:50:35] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Effect of BCG Vaccination against Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Infection in Children - http://sylnt.us - problem-solved?
[09:56:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[09:56:51] <Bender> karma - coffee: 518
[09:57:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> fishing++ too
[09:57:15] <Bender> karma - fishing: 1
[09:57:47] <chromas> It seems Bender doesn't know about your other fishings
[09:57:56] <chromas> new macro
[09:58:20] <chromas> need a sensor to fire it every time you grab your fishing gear
[09:59:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> wouldn't work, i keep it packed in the car just in case
[10:00:30] <chromas> then at least one for coffee++ you knew there was a reason to install Linux in your coffee maker
[10:01:00] <TheMightyBuzzard> hrm... i might be able to lately. damn things are almost computers.
[10:01:52] <TheMightyBuzzard> nah, too much work to port it down to a microprocessor
[10:02:38] <chromas> you just need it to run a perl script :)
[10:05:32] <crutchy> coffee++
[10:05:32] <Bender> karma - coffee: 519
[10:05:38] <crutchy> coffee++
[10:05:38] <Bender> karma - coffee: 520
[10:09:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[10:09:53] <Bender> karma - coffee: 521
[10:14:57] -!- monopoly has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[10:15:00] <TheMightyBuzzard> well as of last night, subscriptions are a go as well as paypal.
[10:15:25] <chromas> Now you just gotta find people with moneys
[10:15:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, there is that
[10:16:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> on the up side, i think it was gonna be priced cheap enough most anyone could subscribe if they felt the urge
[10:16:50] * chromas has the urge to herbal
[10:16:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh, swag store is coming along too. should be a week or two behind the 14.08 rollout
[10:17:55] -!- monopoly [monopoly!~chromas@0::1] has joined #Soylent
[10:20:56] <TheMightyBuzzard> think we have probably today and tomorrow to clean up code and polish the paypal daemon but ima push for the weekend for a rollout if at all possible.
[10:22:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> will be quite nice to get to use the black icicle theme.
[10:25:58] <TheMightyBuzzard> and off i go
[10:26:02] <TheMightyBuzzard> fishing++
[10:26:02] <Bender> karma - fishing: 2
[10:26:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[10:26:07] <Bender> karma - coffee: 522
[10:30:04] <chromas> everyone leaves all at once
[10:30:27] * chromas mixes various brown things to make beef-related salad dressing
[10:52:42] <crutchy> coffee++
[10:52:42] <Bender> karma - coffee: 523
[11:15:45] -!- mth [mth!~mth@88.159.sz.jxm] has joined #Soylent
[11:15:51] <exec> mth: Marathon, FL, USA, 28.3°C (83°F), 7:15 am EDT, Thursday, 7 August 2014
[11:20:29] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~james@43-567-441-22.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Soylent
[11:21:43] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Ask Soylent: What Can the Average Person Do to Support Patent Reform? - http://sylnt.us - gather-round-and-hear-this-tale-of-woe
[11:34:43] -!- JamesNZ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[11:38:01] <crutchy> coffee++
[11:38:02] <Bender> karma - coffee: 524
[11:38:35] <juggs> tea++
[11:38:35] <Bender> karma - tea: 19
[11:44:31] -!- Subsentient has quit [Quit: Derp.]
[11:44:51] -!- Tachyon_ has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[11:45:53] -!- KonomiNetbook has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[11:51:57] -!- elf [elf!~55771b1b@85.119.th.ik] has joined #Soylent
[11:52:02] <exec> elf: Al Fashir, Sudan, 22°C (71.6°F), 2:51 pm EAT, Thursday, 7 August 2014
[11:52:14] <elf> Hi, is there a problem with logging in on the website?
[11:55:15] <crutchy> i'm able to login
[11:55:45] <crutchy> you having trouble logging into SN elf?
[11:56:31] <elf> I can log in
[11:56:37] <elf> but it logs me out randomly
[11:56:45] <elf> like clicking on an article link
[11:56:52] <crutchy> oh
[11:56:55] <elf> when I try and comment I also get Error 503 Service Unavailable
[11:57:00] <elf> but not always
[11:57:28] <elf> I had an endless loop before of trying to moderate
[11:57:36] <elf> but when I did it asked me to login
[11:57:38] <elf> I did
[11:57:44] <elf> I then tried to moderate...
[11:57:49] <elf> and the same cycle began
[11:58:03] <elf> I'm going to be away for a while, I'll check again later
[11:58:21] <crutchy> hmm. never had that, but i rarely bother moderating :p
[12:06:51] -!- KonomiNetbook [KonomiNetbook!~Konomi@Soylent/Users/189/Konomi] has joined #Soylent
[12:11:34] -!- Tachyon [Tachyon!~Tachyon@xuco.me] has joined #Soylent
[12:40:43] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Skype Suddenly Blocks Customers Using OS X 10.5.x and Earlier - http://sylnt.us - finding-more-ways-to-lose-users
[12:42:01] <crutchy> !uid
[12:42:01] <Bender> The current maximum UID is 4615, owned by dueckuwanga
[12:48:08] -!- cmn32480 [cmn32480!~17186141@23.24.kp.ip] has joined #Soylent
[12:48:27] <cmn32480> Is anybody aware that the login page throws a Varnish error?
[12:49:24] <cmn32480> Error 503 Service Unavailable
[12:49:38] <cmn32480> XID: 765337319
[12:49:43] <crutchy> someone must have activated period.pm
[12:50:19] <cmn32480> Because it is that time of the month?
[12:50:25] <crutchy> !press big-red-button
[12:50:36] <crutchy> !woop
[12:50:36] <Bender> woop woop woop (\/) (;,,;) (\/)
[12:51:27] <crutchy> ~weather crutchy
[12:51:31] <exec> weather for 10Morwell (latrobe Valley Airport), VIC, Australia at 8:57 pm (EST) ~ 114 mins ago: temp: 1049.1°F (9.5°C), dp: 1048.6°F (9.2°C), press: 101030.3 mb (0.8 mb), humid: 1098%, wind: 100 mph (0 km/h) @ 100°
[12:53:36] <juggs> cmn32480, on https or http ? seems to work ok for me either way
[12:53:54] <cmn32480> https ... will try http
[12:54:13] <cmn32480> nope.. looks like both
[12:54:32] <crutchy> elf mentioned having problems with moderating before
[12:54:58] <juggs> cmn32480, what's the error you get? (copy / pasta)
[12:55:55] <crutchy> "slashd has layed a fresh turd on your browser... it smells"
[12:56:51] <cmn32480> [08:49] <cmn32480> Error 503 Service Unavailable XID: 765337319
[12:56:57] <crutchy> ok i don't think slashd has anything to do with what goes to browsersm but meh
[12:57:00] <cmn32480> Varnish Cache Server
[12:57:28] <cmn32480> sorry crutchy,... that smell was my ass
[12:57:37] <crutchy> dayam!
[12:58:18] * crutchy tries to shut off the valve to the tube connecting to cmn32480
[13:03:16] <juggs> cmn32480, I've pinged the relevant staff (i.e. someone who actually knows how it works) with your error. Not much more I can do unfortunately.
[13:04:11] <crutchy> except invoke firefighting procedure 47A: wave arms in the air frantically
[13:05:19] <juggs> not my department to get all arm wavey about :D
[13:06:10] <crutchy> im not on staff so i'm not qualified to invoke said procedure
[13:06:41] <cmn32480> I'll read anonymously for now and try back later.
[13:06:49] <cmn32480> Thanks for looking into it.
[13:06:55] <cmn32480> I'm gonna go smack a VP
[13:08:03] <crutchy> a video player?
[13:08:14] <crutchy> a volvo person?
[13:08:33] <juggs> virtual path (atm term)
[13:08:36] <cmn32480> Vice President
[13:08:42] <crutchy> a verigated petunia
[13:08:44] <crutchy> oh
[13:08:53] <crutchy> ew
[13:09:01] <crutchy> be sure to wash your hands afterwards
[13:09:01] <ciri> ok crutchy
[13:12:31] <cmn32480> He will be luckj if I don't toss him out the window instead
[13:13:11] <cmn32480> Been at work 3 hours and I knew today was gonna suck when I walked in the door.
[13:13:16] <cmn32480> sigh....
[13:15:09] <cmn32480> Sweet... somebody fixed the login already
[13:15:25] <cmn32480> Way to go whomever fixed it!
[13:16:34] <juggs> glad its working - not sure anyone even looked at it yet. Mebbe it's SN's self-healing abilities kicking in! :D
[13:26:38] -!- mth has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[13:27:14] -!- mth [mth!fgvntvrz@88.159.sz.jxm] has joined #Soylent
[13:27:19] <exec> mth: Marathon, FL, USA, 30.6°C (87°F), 9:27 am EDT, Thursday, 7 August 2014
[13:31:10] blackmoore|afk is now known as Blackmoore
[13:31:15] <Blackmoore> coffee++
[13:31:15] <Bender> karma - coffee: 525
[13:31:39] <Blackmoore> mornin
[13:31:48] -!- mth has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[13:32:00] -!- mechanicjay [mechanicjay!~jhowe@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mechanicjay] has joined #Soylent
[13:32:00] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mechanicjay] by juggler
[13:32:38] <KonomiNetbook> fun things
[13:32:53] <KonomiNetbook> show my house mate how to download his facebook data
[13:33:08] <KonomiNetbook> doesn't get distrubed they logged all his chat with precise times stamps for years
[13:33:26] <KonomiNetbook> says oh that's handy I found all my old events now I'll know where to go on holiday again
[13:33:27] <Blackmoore> *brrr* yeah that's creepy
[13:33:33] * KonomiNetbook bangs head on her desk
[13:33:45] -!- mth [mth!~mth@88.159.sz.jxm] has joined #Soylent
[13:33:49] <exec> mth: Marathon, FL, USA, 30.6°C (87°F), 9:33 am EDT, Thursday, 7 August 2014
[13:34:43] <KonomiNetbook> I'm just going to wait for the au version of the gulag to come around and then tell him off ;p
[13:39:57] <Blackmoore> there are reasons i do not spend time in fb. in paticular; i really dont like them keeping chat logs; but they log every damn page visit, and every comment- including ones you dont submit.
[13:47:47] <Konomi> Blackmoore: yeah when I found out I was like wth
[13:47:58] <Konomi> I used to use pidgin's facebook chat way back when it first came out
[13:48:03] <Konomi> glad I didn't persist with it
[13:50:53] <Blackmoore> i gave it a shot; but it never worked with fb for me. I'm glad it didnt
[13:52:01] <Blackmoore> I'm sure skype isn't an improvment either. but i'm basically adding chaff to the data they collect there
[14:01:45] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - In Helsinki, Car Ownership Could Soon Be A Thing Of The Past - http://sylnt.us - 95-percent-idle-is-really-wasteful
[14:04:09] -!- TK [TK!~9ff52002@159.245.ju.y] has joined #Soylent
[14:06:43] -!- cmn32480 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[14:09:29] -!- weeds [weeds!~4118a13c@cwz-29-45-637-17.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #Soylent
[14:09:55] <weeds> good morning
[14:34:41] <TK> m'rnin'
[14:38:49] <Blackmoore> 'ornin'
[14:38:59] <mrcoolbp> 'rnin'
[14:39:23] <Blackmoore> I think we need a round of rum.
[14:41:40] <Blackmoore> coffee with spiced rum...
[14:49:41] <weeds> coffewithrum++
[14:49:42] <Bender> karma - coffewithrum: 1
[14:54:32] -!- Konomi has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
[15:01:52] -!- Konomi [Konomi!~Konomi@Soylent/Users/189/Konomi] has joined #Soylent
[15:07:49] <TK> irishcoffee++
[15:07:49] <Bender> karma - irishcoffee: 1
[15:08:18] <Blackmoore> rum++
[15:08:18] <Bender> karma - rum: 7
[15:11:33] -!- kilo110 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[15:14:27] <TK> Kahlua++
[15:14:27] <Bender> karma - kahlua: 1
[15:14:39] <TK> I think that's how it's spelled
[15:19:11] <ar> (white russian)++
[15:19:12] <Bender> karma - (white russian): 1
[15:28:53] <Blackmoore> amaretto++
[15:28:53] <Bender> karma - amaretto: 1
[15:29:26] <Blackmoore> i need to get some more of that and do another smootie night
[15:29:31] <Blackmoore> smoothie
[15:30:20] <TK> amaretto in a smoothie? Is it 90% bananas?
[15:30:37] <TK> I always go for rum and grenadine (if needed)
[15:31:52] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Sprint Abandons Plan to Merge With T-Mobile - http://sylnt.us - is-Sprint-the-loser-or-is-their-customers?
[15:32:47] <Blackmoore> Vanilla icecream, Amaretto; blend till it's a smootie or shake.
[15:33:13] <Blackmoore> basically get blitzed on a milkshake
[15:50:04] -!- kilo110 [kilo110!~killo110@ntc-60r0q8vb.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #Soylent
[15:53:13] <TK> I'm more of a rum and frozen strawberries kinda guy
[15:57:59] <Blackmoore> hmm.. ok, so a white rum, Frozen strawberries .. just that blend till smooth? might be too sweet.
[16:04:45] <TK> You can cut it with a banana and vanilla extract
[16:05:00] <TK> Depends what you like
[16:11:46] <Blackmoore> yeah. maybe melon or mango.
[16:42:31] -!- SirFinkus has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[16:50:23] <mrcoolbp> paulej72: blockquoting in an article is styled differently then comments. Is that intentional? http://dev.soylentnews.org
[16:50:24] <monopoly> ^ 04SN (dev) article 03 Testing blockquotes in an article 04(1 comments):
[16:51:29] <mrcoolbp> paulej72: see the comments on this article for context: http://soylentnews.org
[16:51:30] <monopoly> ^ 04SN article 03 Page On Tektronix's Horrible Security Gets a DMCA Takedown Notice 04(19 comments):
[16:53:44] <paulej72> mrcoolbp: TheMightyBuzzard setup blockquote styles, I did not look at them
[16:53:51] <mrcoolbp> ah
[16:57:09] -!- SirFinkus [SirFinkus!~SirFinkus@l-64-313-06-125.hsd0.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[16:57:16] <exec> SirFinkus: Olympia, WA, USA, 13.3°C (56°F), 9:57 am PDT, Thursday, 7 August 2014
[17:01:00] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Gamma FinFisher Hacked - 40 GB of Code and Docs Available - http://sylnt.us - a-taste-of-one's-own-medicine
[17:12:02] <stdhell> https://twitter.com
[17:12:02] <monopoly> ^ 03Twitter / elgreg: Just ordered Soylent for ...
[17:13:33] <stdhell> ... for @cmdrtaco, @monirom and me
[17:13:58] <stdhell> WTF?!
[17:26:22] <Woods> http://www.soylent.me
[17:26:23] <monopoly> ^ 03Soylent - Free Your Body
[17:26:30] <Woods> I ordered some last week.
[17:28:12] <stdhell> For cmdrtaco?
[17:28:59] <TK> mrcoolbp: What am I missing here? I see no difference in blockquotes
[17:31:02] -!- Blackmoore has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[17:33:48] -!- Blackmoore [Blackmoore!~4028ef96@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Blackmoore] has joined #Soylent
[17:33:48] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Blackmoore] by juggler
[18:02:05] -!- janrinok [janrinok!~janrinok@Soylent/Staff/Editor/janrinok] has joined #Soylent
[18:02:05] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v janrinok] by juggler
[18:18:14] <mrcoolbp> TK: we styled them with a (approx) .75 % opacity, I'm not seeing that in the article
[18:19:17] <mrcoolbp> TK: see the comments on this story for an extreme example: http://dev.soylentnews.org
[18:19:18] <monopoly> ^ 04SN (dev) article 03 Zizbans 3rd test story 04(6 comments):
[18:31:09] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Britons Spend More Time Using Technology Than Sleeping - http://sylnt.us - its-what-beds-are-for
[18:31:58] <TK> It shows better with the nightmode theme than the ones with white backgrounds
[18:32:45] <TK> I like it
[18:39:45] -!- Blackmoore_ [Blackmoore_!~4028ef96@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Blackmoore] has joined #Soylent
[18:39:45] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Blackmoore_] by juggler
[18:40:05] <Blackmoore_> oh fer f sake.
[18:40:23] <Blackmoore_> how many times is this going to crash
[18:40:23] <ciri> doing good, and you?
[18:42:19] -!- Blackmoore has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[18:58:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> mrcoolbp, no, not intentional. if you want it changed we can find n change it.
[19:00:19] -!- tecnomo [tecnomo!~ce51a832@vwn.computerland7.com] has joined #Soylent
[19:00:33] <NCommander> Well
[19:00:41] <NCommander> I'm doing something new
[19:00:44] * NCommander is studying Esperanto
[19:01:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> man, i love that kinda coffee
[19:01:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[19:01:23] <Bender> karma - coffee: 526
[19:02:03] <NCommander> TheMightyBuzzard, its not a coffee, its a language -_-;
[19:02:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> ah well, nothing's perfect.
[19:02:37] <tecnomo> novaĵo estas peopel
[19:03:09] <NCommander> tecnomo, you know esperanto?
[19:03:21] * NCommander just started today
[19:03:26] <tecnomo> no google translate
[19:03:35] <NCommander> Oh, so they finally added it
[19:03:38] <NCommander> */took long enough*
[19:04:01] <TheMightyBuzzard> neko wa nate imasu
[19:13:54] -!- janrinok has quit [Quit: leaving]
[19:19:31] -!- LaminatorX|out2lunch has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[19:43:44] <TK> ~users
[19:43:51] <TK> ~members
[19:44:07] <TK> ~accounts
[19:44:22] <TK> what's the bot code to get the number of accounts, or latest registered account?
[19:46:26] <arti> (ง ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)ง
[19:46:31] <arti> !current-uid
[19:46:31] <Bender> The current maximum UID is 4615, owned by dueckuwanga
[19:51:01] <Blackmoore_> !quote
[19:51:01] <Bender> quote <ID/search string>
[19:51:16] <Blackmoore_> !quote NCommander
[19:51:16] <Bender> Quote 1 - <NCommander> DarkMorph, because whenever I have to touch hashref's I want to stab my eyes out
[19:51:20] <Bender> Also in quotes: 7, 53, 82, 83, 86, 87, 88, 97, 106, 111, 114, 138, 147, 153, 156, 157, 158, 169, 171, 211, 212
[19:51:33] <paulej72> !uid
[19:51:33] <Bender> The current maximum UID is 4615, owned by dueckuwanga
[19:51:48] <arti> Not sure if legit: https://mega.co.nz!S1JBSb5D!f2DZZizgRgdf8oBz5-7C2atSpr8LLSjBiiu3aX-vYNE
[19:51:49] <monopoly> ^ 03MEGA
[19:51:54] <paulej72> TK someone made the comand easier to remember
[19:52:58] <TK> That's much better
[19:53:12] <TK> moo
[19:53:13] <arti> we should make another alias
[19:53:23] <paulej72> ~moo
[19:53:24] <exec> (__)
[19:53:24] <exec> (oo)
[19:53:24] <exec> /------\/
[19:53:24] <exec> / | ||
[19:53:25] <exec> * /\---/\
[19:53:25] <exec> ~~ ~~
[19:53:26] <exec> ...."Have you mooed today?"...
[19:53:42] <TK> "Have you mooed today?"
[19:53:44] <TK> neigh
[19:53:55] <arti> !system.output.scripts.slash.users.count.backflip.current-uid
[19:54:12] <paulej72> !
[19:56:31] <Blackmoore_> !quote tk
[19:56:31] <Bender> No quotes found with the text 'tk'
[19:56:38] <Blackmoore_> !quote TK
[19:56:38] <Bender> Quote 98 - <TK> When using the rubber hose technique, best practices indicate to avoid the head and fingers for optimal results.
[19:56:42] <Bender> Also in quotes: 99, 151
[19:57:13] <Blackmoore_> !quote Blackmoore
[19:57:13] <Bender> Quote 78 - <Blackmoore> mm.. liquified bacon, just hook them up to an IV feed.
[19:57:17] <Bender> Also in quotes: 79, 81, 102, 214, 217
[19:57:32] <Blackmoore_> !quote 99
[19:57:32] <Bender> Quote 99 - <TK> I'm going to patent this, be right back
[19:57:40] <Blackmoore_> !quote 100
[19:57:40] <Bender> Quote 100 - <michealpwalls> "<google> I see you can't spell properly and have an interest in torture and coercion. Did you know the NSA is hiring?!"
[19:57:50] <Blackmoore_> !quote 101
[19:57:50] <Bender> Quote 101 - <kobach> xlefay: i saw 34 messages and closed it
[19:57:57] <Blackmoore_> !quote 102
[19:57:57] <Bender> Quote 102 - <Blackmoore> *I ate the bacon... but i did not eat the soylet green (sing to i shot the sherriff)
[19:58:13] <Blackmoore_> good god what the hell were we talking about?
[20:01:17] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Wikimedia Refuses to Takedown Photo, Claims Monkey Owns Copyright - http://sylnt.us - point-and-shoot-monkeys
[20:02:08] <arti> who is paying for beer!
[20:02:32] <arti> !beer Blackmoore_
[20:02:32] * ciri pours some Blackmoore_ from the tap and slides it to arti
[20:02:54] <arti> D:
[20:03:05] <arti> Soylent Beer
[20:15:11] -!- weeds has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[20:21:51] <TK> !quote Bender
[20:21:54] <TK> !quote bender
[20:22:05] <TK> y'all are prejudiced against robots
[20:26:32] <Blackmoore_> !quote Bender
[20:26:33] <Bender> Quote 5 - <soulde> I have friends that are better bots than Bender
[20:27:17] <Blackmoore_> nah the bot just wont answer if you arent logged in and flagged as staff.
[20:27:44] <TK> !quote TK
[20:27:50] <TK> well there ya go
[20:27:55] <Blackmoore_> !quote TK
[20:27:55] <Bender> Quote 98 - <TK> When using the rubber hose technique, best practices indicate to avoid the head and fingers for optimal results.
[20:27:59] <Bender> Also in quotes: 99, 151
[20:37:43] -!- Kaganar [Kaganar!~41054f89@65.5.tt.hvj] has joined #Soylent
[20:50:58] <paulej72> Bender should not be ignoring normal folks. There must be something set wrong.
[20:52:37] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@universe2.us/Subsentient] has joined #Soylent
[20:57:10] -!- Subsentient has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[20:57:10] -!- aqu4 has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[21:02:34] <Blackmoore_> it always ignored me before
[21:02:39] -!- aqu4 [aqu4!~aqu4bot@universe2.us/ircbot/aqu4] has joined #Soylent
[21:02:45] -!- tecnomo has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[21:02:57] <Blackmoore_> !beer TK
[21:02:58] * ciri pours some TK from the tap and slides it to Blackmoore_
[21:03:32] <Blackmoore_> hmm. that's kinda backwards
[21:03:48] <Blackmoore_> !beer RUM
[21:03:48] * ciri pours some RUM from the tap and slides it to Blackmoore_
[21:04:08] <Blackmoore_> Slides it over to TK
[21:04:49] -!- Tachyon has quit [Quit: De omnibus dubitandum est.]
[21:05:20] <TK> Gimme about 25 minutes
[21:14:59] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@universe2.us/Subsentient] has joined #Soylent
[21:25:08] -!- Tachyon [Tachyon!~Tachyon@xuco.me] has joined #Soylent
[21:26:18] -!- Tachyon has quit [Client Quit]
[21:38:15] -!- monopoly has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[21:38:45] -!- TK has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[21:40:33] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Suspected Ebola Victim Dies in Saudi Arabia - http://sylnt.us - time-to-call-in-Dustin
[21:43:15] <Blackmoore_> !quote 79
[21:43:15] <Bender> Quote 79 - <janrinok> Blackmoore: Who told you I was making them wear ballgags. I hadn't mentioned that to anyone, er, well if I had made them wear ballgags, I wouldn't have told anyone. Anyway, they said they liked it - well, would have done if they hadn't been wearing ballgags, oh shit
[21:43:42] <Blackmoore_> !quote 81
[21:43:42] <Bender> Quote 81 - <Blackmoore> and look at you - you fertilized thier garden - what a good neighbor!
[21:45:50] -!- Tachyon [Tachyon!~Tachyon@xuco.me] has joined #Soylent
[21:46:14] <paulej72> !quote NCommander
[21:46:14] <Bender> Quote 1 - <NCommander> DarkMorph, because whenever I have to touch hashref's I want to stab my eyes out
[21:46:18] <Bender> Also in quotes: 7, 53, 82, 83, 86, 87, 88, 97, 106, 111, 114, 138, 147, 153, 156, 157, 158, 169, 171, 211, 212
[21:46:20] <crutchy> coffee++
[21:46:20] <Bender> karma - coffee: 527
[21:46:26] <arti> coffee++
[21:46:26] <Bender> karma - coffee: 528
[21:46:41] <crutchy> ~weather crutchy
[21:46:45] <exec> weather for 10Morwell (latrobe Valley Airport), VIC, Australia at 5:58 am (EST) ~ 108 mins ago: temp: 1048°F / 8.9°C, dp: 1048°F / 8.9°C, press: 101029.3 mb (+0.2 mb), humid: 10100%, wind: 100 mph (0 km/h) @ 100°
[21:46:53] <paulej72> eeffoc++
[21:46:53] <Bender> karma - eeffoc: 1
[21:47:46] <paulej72> ~weather princeton
[21:47:50] <exec> weather for 10Princeton, NJ US at 5:29 pm (EDT) ~ 18 mins ago: temp: 1080°F / 26.7°C, dp: 1059.7°F / 15.4°C, press: 101013.2 mb (+0.1 mb), humid: 1049%, wind: 100 mph (0 km/h) @ 1022°
[21:47:53] <arti> feefoc
[21:49:03] <crutchy> ~weather crutchy
[21:49:06] <exec> weather for 10Morwell (latrobe Valley Airport), VIC, Australia at 6:01 am (EST) ~ 108 mins ago: temp: 108.9°C (48°F), dp: 108.9°C (48°F), press: 101029.3 mb (+0.2 mb), humid: 10100%, wind: 100 km/h (0 mph) @ 100°
[21:49:31] <crutchy> there we go. metricated stuff before imperial stuff
[21:49:54] <Blackmoore_> !quote 82
[21:49:54] <Bender> Quote 82 - <NCommander> Cyprus, we've got that shit apparmored tighter than a chastity belt
[21:50:01] <arti> communits
[21:50:09] <arti> freedom units r bestest
[21:50:40] <paulej72> ~weather princeton
[21:50:44] <exec> weather for 10Princeton, NJ US at 5:26 pm (EDT) ~ 24 mins ago: temp: 1026.7°C (80°F), dp: 1015.4°C (59.7°F), press: 101013.2 mb (+0.1 mb), humid: 1049%, wind: 100 km/h (0 mph) @ 1022°
[21:50:52] <Blackmoore_> aside from F i wish we would drop support for Imperial units.. it's so stupid.
[21:51:13] <Blackmoore_> Celcius on the otherhand still doesnt look "right" to mme
[21:51:19] <mechanicjay> Any Seattlites in here?
[21:51:31] <paulej72> for bonus points, look for US in location and put Imperial first
[21:51:54] <Blackmoore_> it does!
[21:52:02] <arti> ex seattlite
[21:52:09] <arti> i still have my seattle tna
[21:52:11] <arti> tan*
[21:52:18] <Blackmoore_> ~weather hell mi
[21:52:21] <exec> weather for 10Elva, EE at 5:28 pm (EDT) ~ 24 mins ago: temp: 1018.3°C (65°F), dp: 1016.7°C (62°F), press: 101013.8 mb (0 mb), humid: 1089%, wind: 100 km/h (0 mph) @ 10(no data)
[21:52:32] <Blackmoore_> ?!?!
[21:52:33] -!- monopoly [monopoly!~chromas@0::1] has joined #Soylent
[21:52:58] <Blackmoore_> ~weather buffalo,ny
[21:53:03] <exec> weather for 10Tonawanda, NY US at 5:29 pm (EDT) ~ 24 mins ago: temp: 1024.4°C (76°F), dp: 1011.4°C (52.5°F), press: 101017.7 mb (0 mb), humid: 1043%, wind: 100 km/h (0 mph) @ 1023°
[21:53:33] <Blackmoore_> eh. ok it had put imperial first.. *shrug*
[21:53:36] <NCommander> ~weather, Anchorage, AK
[21:53:40] <NCommander> ~weather Anchorage, AK
[21:53:44] <exec> weather for 10Anchorage, AK US at 1:17 pm (AKDT) ~ 36 mins ago: temp: 1015.6°C (60°F), dp: 1010.5°C (50.9°F), press: 101006.8 mb (-0.1 mb), humid: 1071%, wind: 100 km/h (0 mph) @ 10356°
[21:53:51] * NCommander is collecting #soylent users
[21:53:57] <crutchy> ~weather ncommander
[21:54:01] <exec> weather for 10Anchorage, AK US at 1:18 pm (AKDT) ~ 36 mins ago: temp: 1015.6°C (60°F), dp: 1010.5°C (50.9°F), press: 101006.8 mb (-0.1 mb), humid: 1071%, wind: 100 km/h (0 mph) @ 10356°
[21:54:06] <crutchy> so is exec :p
[21:54:10] * NCommander has mrcoolbp, Blackmoore_, ar, Bytram, and a few others in my collection
[21:54:15] <chromas> ~uid
[21:54:18] <NCommander> ~weather warsaw
[21:54:21] <exec> weather for 10Warsaw, PL at 11:30 pm (CEST) ~ 24 mins ago: temp: 1022.2°C (72°F), dp: 1018.4°C (65.1°F), press: 101013.8 mb (0 mb), humid: 1079%, wind: 10(no data) @ 10(no data)
[21:54:24] <chromas> Collect all 6320
[21:54:31] <NCommander> !current-uid
[21:54:31] <Bender> The current maximum UID is 4616, owned by tecnomo
[21:54:31] <crutchy> ~weather ar
[21:54:34] <exec> weather for 10Warsaw, PL at 11:30 pm (CEST) ~ 24 mins ago: temp: 1022.2°C (72°F), dp: 1018.4°C (65.1°F), press: 101013.8 mb (0 mb), humid: 1079%, wind: 10(no data) @ 10(no data)
[21:54:41] <crutchy> ~weather xlefay
[21:54:45] <exec> weather for 10Leeuwarden, Netherlands at 11:24 pm (CEST) ~ 30 mins ago: temp: 1015°C (59°F), dp: 1014°C (57.2°F), press: 101016 mb (-0.6 mb), humid: 1093%, wind: 100 km/h (0 mph) @ 100°
[21:54:56] <crutchy> hmm not sure who else is in there
[21:54:59] <crutchy> ~weather tk
[21:55:02] <exec> all stations matching "tk" are either inactive or have no data. check spelling or try another nearby location.
[21:55:07] <crutchy> hmm
[21:55:15] <crutchy> anyway. off to workipoos i go
[21:55:16] <Blackmoore_> ~weather TK
[21:55:18] <exec> all stations matching "TK" are either inactive or have no data. check spelling or try another nearby location.
[21:55:19] <arti> lates crutchy
[21:55:28] <arti> ncommander, collector of the realm(s)
[21:55:53] <arti> at least you're not crazy. who knows, maybe you take trophies "i'd like a sample of your finest code"
[21:56:19] <mechanicjay> arti: Looks like I'm relocating to Seattle in the very near future.
[21:56:28] <arti> :|
[21:56:33] <arti> you may like it
[21:56:40] <SirFinkus> Seattle is nice
[21:56:41] <arti> i miss the skiing mostly
[21:56:54] <arti> the traffic and the rain are exceptional
[21:57:01] <mechanicjay> Wife's family is there
[21:57:05] <arti> i'm sorry
[21:57:10] <arti> lol
[21:57:10] <ciri> i missed it, what are you laughing at? >.>
[21:57:20] * arti is laughing at something that isn't funny
[21:57:29] <mechanicjay> now that we have kids, it'll be good to have family support.
[21:57:30] <SirFinkus> the rain isn't that bad
[21:57:36] <arti> 30 days straight
[21:57:41] <mechanicjay> The traffic isn't as bad as NY metro
[21:57:43] <SirFinkus> and?
[21:57:57] <SirFinkus> it isn't torrential or anything, just a drizzle usually
[21:58:06] <mechanicjay> On the plus side, I got a really good job offer there :)
[21:58:08] <arti> vancouver bc has better weather imo
[21:58:20] <arti> nice man, it has charm, the summer is whats really nice up there
[21:58:26] <arti> will you be around lake washington area?
[21:58:33] <arti> sea fair is pretty cool
[21:59:27] <arti> also, i liked camping up in washington
[21:59:30] <mechanicjay> The office is right on the waterfront in lower queen anne. Not sure where we're going to be moving to, staying with In-laws short term.
[22:00:02] <mechanicjay> Yeah, I'm pretty excited about the outdoor activity opportunities
[22:00:17] <arti> careful for mosquitos man
[22:01:11] <mechanicjay> do they carry many terrible diseases out there?
[22:01:35] <arti> nah, just they'll get you through your socks :P
[22:02:00] <mechanicjay> around here, were under the constant threat of Lyme's Disease from ticks -- which is awesome. I grew up with it whatever, but it really freaks my wife out.
[22:03:12] <paulej72> traffic can’t be any worse than jersey
[22:03:22] <arti> that's eastern washington
[22:03:29] <arti> it's like you're in ohio
[22:03:51] <mechanicjay> http://www.cdc.gov
[22:03:52] <monopoly> ^ 03CDC - Interactive Maps - Lyme Disease
[22:03:59] <mechanicjay> North Jersey FTW
[22:04:19] <arti> http://www.thefiscaltimes.com
[22:04:20] <monopoly> ^ 0310 U.S. Cities with the Worst Traffic | The Fiscal Times
[22:05:16] <arti> http://www.forbes.com
[22:05:17] <monopoly> ^ 03The Most Traffic-Jammed Cities In The U.S. - Forbes
[22:05:52] <arti> lol the seattle traffic pic
[22:05:52] <ciri> rofl
[22:06:26] <arti> another thing i liked about washington vs california (socal)
[22:06:29] <arti> space between cities
[22:06:47] <arti> although i like the whole grid thing down here vs the NE/SW roads
[22:06:52] <arti> # vs S
[22:07:04] <arti> also, studded tires
[22:07:17] <arti> you're going to have to do the Pyuallup fair
[22:07:28] * arti still has that melody in his head
[22:07:37] <arti> over a decade later, it's a good jingle
[22:07:45] <mechanicjay> wife's been trying to take me to that for years, haven't made it yet.
[22:08:14] <arti> plenty to see and do :D
[22:08:47] <mechanicjay> I read a similar traffic article a couple years ago, ordering was different, but Seattle was still in the top 10, though behind NY.
[22:09:31] <paulej72> but new jersey is one giant traffic jam :)
[22:09:55] <mechanicjay> yeah that's the joke, it's never not thick around here.
[22:10:41] <mechanicjay> It's just a matter of population density
[22:10:45] <paulej72> we are the subburbs of both Philly and New York and people seem to travel from very far away to get to each
[22:11:14] <mechanicjay> NY metro area has a population of 23 Million people. Washington state doesn't even have 8 million, in the whole damn state.
[22:11:34] <mechanicjay> Seattle Metro is only 3.5 million.
[22:12:22] <paulej72> there is probably more that live with in a few miles of the route 1 corridor in NJ
[22:12:43] <mechanicjay> If you want to kill yourself, try commuting down 206 from 287 to Princeton for 3 years.
[22:12:48] <arti> well its not the people but how stuff is structured
[22:13:02] <paulej72> No I am not that crazy
[22:13:02] <arti> fun fact 206 is a seattle area code :D
[22:13:39] <mechanicjay> paulej72: I was, is it any wonder I left?
[22:13:43] <paulej72> the problem with nj is that I95 was never finished .
[22:14:05] <mechanicjay> The problem is that there are too many damn people.
[22:14:17] <paulej72> there is no major n/s interstate on the left side of the state in the north
[22:14:53] <mechanicjay> that's true, in the north we suffer from the all-roads-lead-to-Rome problem wrt NYC.
[22:14:54] <paulej72> all that traffic hits rt1 and other roads like 206.
[22:15:17] <mechanicjay> or really, everything is just a corridor between NYC and Philly
[22:15:27] <arti> can't you just web sling around?
[22:15:35] <arti> how do the turtles get everywhere so fast?
[22:15:50] <paulej72> turtles all the way down
[22:18:42] -!- Kaganar has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[22:35:29] <Blackmoore_> https://medium.com
[22:35:31] <monopoly> ^ 03Medium
[22:35:53] <Blackmoore_> I'd submit this but i need to jet out of the office.
[22:36:20] <Blackmoore_> have a good weekend folks
[22:36:49] -!- Blackmoore_ has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[22:38:23] <chromas> If only he had rolled a two
[22:40:43] <Subsentient> I need help with a critically important project. I need three volunteers willing to run a program I've made for as long as possible. It can be supplied for Linux and Windows.
[22:40:50] <Subsentient> i386 only.
[22:41:22] <Subsentient> It's not FOSS because the source is protected for good reason which volunteers will understand later.
[22:43:19] -!- mechanicjay has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[22:59:45] <arti> the past, the present and the future walked into bar.
[22:59:48] <arti> it was tense.
[22:59:58] <arti> a bar >.>
[23:00:04] * arti hangs head in shame
[23:00:15] <arti> !beer arti
[23:00:15] * ciri pours some arti from the tap and slides it to arti
[23:00:42] * arti enjoys himself
[23:15:42] <Subsentient> arti: nurble nurble
[23:15:59] * arti speaks subsentient dialect
[23:16:05] <arti> derpa derp derpa derpderp
[23:16:09] <Subsentient> arti: Can I bother you into running a program from me?
[23:16:21] * Subsentient puts on his bothering pants
[23:16:29] * arti invisions assless chaps
[23:16:38] <arti> what platform would i be running this on?
[23:16:48] * arti readies a vm snapshot
[23:18:30] <Subsentient> arti: Windows or Linux
[23:18:33] <Subsentient> whichever.
[23:19:03] <arti> where do i get this program?
[23:19:12] <arti> botnet.exe
[23:19:24] <arti> whitehousethreats.dll
[23:22:27] <Subsentient> arti: sec
[23:22:33] <Subsentient> incoming PM
[23:22:52] -!- kilo110 has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[23:28:11] <SirFinkus> oh paulej72, were you the one who said tool was awesome?
[23:28:14] <SirFinkus> like 2 weeks ago?
[23:29:01] -!- kilo110 [kilo110!~killo110@ntc-60r0q8vb.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #Soylent
[23:31:57] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Samsung Hints September 3 Release of Galaxy Note 4 - http://sylnt.us - similarities-bigger-than-differences
[23:33:12] -!- kilo110 has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[23:37:13] -!- SpallsHurgenson [SpallsHurgenson!~SpallsHur@klpz-54-960-962-459.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #Soylent
[23:37:32] <SpallsHurgenson> Eet's a-me, Spallio!
[23:39:42] -!- kilo110 [kilo110!~killo110@ntc-60r0q8vb.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #Soylent
[23:40:32] <Subsentient> SpallsHurgenson: You use N64 emulators?
[23:40:50] <SpallsHurgenson> no, I'm not really a Nintendo fan
[23:40:57] <Subsentient> shame
[23:41:10] <Subsentient> I mean, shame on you. As in shame.
[23:41:27] <SpallsHurgenson> I remember poking around with one years ago... ultraHE or something?
[23:42:28] <SpallsHurgenson> I'm generally more impressed with the idea of the emulation than the actual effect :)
[23:44:09] * arti agrees
[23:45:01] <SpallsHurgenson> anyway, Nintendo games suck </troll>
[23:53:10] <SpallsHurgenson> it's not quite as good as those two guys with the cellos but still a great song http://videosift.com
[23:55:14] <SpallsHurgenson> huh, where's the bot telling everybody what the obviously-named URL is all about?
[23:55:23] -!- kilo110 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]