#Soylent | Logs for 2014-08-12

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[00:12:51] <rand> That's chilling. I'm 62 and manic-depressive, too.
[00:24:16] -!- mrcoolbp_ [mrcoolbp_!~mrcoolbp@166.170.oj.kyy] has joined #Soylent
[00:24:51] <mrcoolbp_> hmm, not sure if my laptop survived the trip
[00:25:27] -!- Brylarke [Brylarke!~brylarke@356.266.54.300.dyn.plus.net] has joined #Soylent
[00:28:25] <mrcoolbp> ah there we go
[00:28:30] -!- mrcoolbp_ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[00:28:47] <arti> :D
[00:28:51] <mrcoolbp> = )
[00:29:11] <arti> you've arrived safely?
[00:30:56] <mrcoolbp> yessir, all setup here at the hotel
[00:31:18] <arti> found a sweet vietnamese joint this weekend
[00:36:06] <mrcoolbp> cool, gotta go for a bit, BBL
[00:36:14] <arti> may the force be with you
[00:36:25] -!- Space_Man_ [Space_Man_!~Space_Man@91-886-365-69.static.enta.net] has joined #Soylent
[00:36:33] -!- Space_Man has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[00:55:40] -!- Brylarke has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[01:01:39] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Everyday is Goof Off at Work Day at the US Patent &amp; Trademark Office - http://sylnt.us - explains-a-lot-of-recent-patents
[01:18:49] -!- SpallsHurgenson [SpallsHurgenson!~SpallsHur@arbs-80-396-897-17.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #Soylent
[01:22:44] -!- Subsentient has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[01:22:52] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@universe2.us/Subsentient] has joined #Soylent
[01:25:34] -!- Brylarke [Brylarke!~brylarke@356.266.54.300.dyn.plus.net] has joined #Soylent
[01:35:27] -!- Brylarke has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[01:38:10] <SpallsHurgenson> !todo plan to take over the world
[01:38:10] <Bender> todo item 1 added
[01:40:33] <SpallsHurgenson> everyone saw that, right? I call first dibs on the world
[01:42:27] <Landon> I think the brain has first dibs
[01:42:32] <Landon> prior art and all...
[01:43:29] <SpallsHurgenson> I don't think it counts unless you announce it on IRC
[01:46:30] <mythterj> !todo seek position as SpallsHurgenson's banker.
[01:59:48] <SpallsHurgenson> hiring test: I have a $10 nest egg. I need $10 billion for my super-laser project. If you can get me the money by year's end, the job is yours
[02:03:36] <chromas> Easy. Just write down your account info and I'll transfer immediately
[02:04:00] <SpallsHurgenson> umm, actually, I don't have the $10 right now... can I borrow $10?
[02:12:08] -!- KonomiNetbook has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[02:15:51] * SpallsHurgenson sings, "It ain't much I'm asking; I want it all, I want it all, and I want it now."
[02:18:51] -!- Space_Man_ has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[02:21:40] -!- rand has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[02:22:55] * SpallsHurgenson wants Robin Williams not to be dead
[02:30:47] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Ad-Funded VoIP-Over-Mobile-Data Service Launches - http://sylnt.us - doing-more-with-less
[02:52:11] -!- Space_Man_ [Space_Man_!~Space_Man@91-886-365-69.static.enta.net] has joined #Soylent
[03:16:16] -!- geotti [geotti!~geotti@x1wx22nkm.dip7.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #Soylent
[03:16:55] <geotti> Good morning! anyone awake?
[03:17:18] <SpallsHurgenson> zzzzzzzzzz
[03:18:15] <geotti> cool. Anyone here experience with writing research proposals for a masters thesis?
[03:19:20] <SpallsHurgenson> last time I had to worry about that sort of thing was so long ago that I was running away from dinosaurs while I was doing it
[03:20:31] <geotti> I'm struggling to find a motivation for a system that is part of a bigger system without revealing the bigger system to the department... And the "friendly" people over on freenode in #math kind of bashed me for asking an abstract question (which surprised me quite a bit)...
[03:21:05] <geotti> I'm sure it's just like cycling : )
[03:21:14] <SpallsHurgenson> it's late, I'm old and I think you broke my brain with that question :)
[03:21:38] * SpallsHurgenson passes geotti to someone else :)
[03:22:12] <geotti> So basically, since I ripped out the/a core of the bigger system, I now have a solution looking for a problem, and I need to find the problem to be able to write my thesis
[03:22:40] <geotti> yeah, it's real late for me too and I'm not the youngest either : )
[03:25:13] <geotti> SpallsHurgenson: wanna have a try at it, anyway?
[03:25:31] <SpallsHurgenson> not really :)
[03:25:37] <SpallsHurgenson> (no offense)
[03:25:53] <geotti> none taken, I should be going to bed anyway : )
[03:27:03] <SpallsHurgenson> !todo go to bed
[03:27:03] <Bender> todo item 2 added
[03:27:14] -!- SpallsHurgenson has quit [Quit: that's a good day's work :)]
[03:49:53] -!- geotti has quit [Quit: sleep]
[04:12:04] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Researchers Find Replacement for 100 Year Old Process - http://sylnt.us - we-can-fix-it
[04:23:06] -!- Brylarke [Brylarke!~brylarke@356.266.54.300.dyn.plus.net] has joined #Soylent
[05:17:30] -!- SirFinkus [SirFinkus!~SirFinkus@l-64-313-06-125.hsd0.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[05:21:37] -!- pbnjoe has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[05:41:12] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Photo Editing Algorithm Changes Weather &amp; Seasons Automatically - http://sylnt.us - make-it-so
[06:10:42] <JamesNZ> TIL that thawing hunks of meat takes more than a few hours in the sun...
[06:11:05] <JamesNZ> frozen hunks*
[06:12:23] -!- Brylarke has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[06:22:31] <chromas> Put 'em in water
[06:22:48] <arti> water works well
[06:24:45] <JamesNZ> Ah, didn't think of that.
[06:40:48] -!- Space_Man_ has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[06:43:50] <swiss> and the new board burnt out already :/ i think the chip overheated. Fuck the chinese manufacuterers
[06:50:43] <mrcoolbp> arti: are we still thinkin' thursday?
[06:51:34] <arti> if you want, figured it might be late for a school night. can always bail tho
[06:52:18] <mrcoolbp> arti: don't want to mess with your schoolin'
[06:58:33] -!- Space_Man_ [Space_Man_!~Space_Man@91-886-365-69.static.enta.net] has joined #Soylent
[07:00:12] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Def Con 22 Uneasy with Press Presence - http://sylnt.us - the-right-to-be-ignored?
[07:09:44] -!- JamesNZ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[07:16:02] <keplr> An SN link made me have to re-read all 2800 pages of The Baroque Cycle. Damn you
[07:27:20] <Azrael> keplr: which link?
[07:28:19] <SirFinkus> I should be sleeping, but I found youtube gold
[07:28:37] <SirFinkus> https://www.youtube.com
[07:28:38] <monopoly> ^ 03ParkourDude91 Manifesto:THE HATER HITLIST - YouTube
[07:28:54] <SirFinkus> my friend is an asshole for sending this to me, now I'm down this rabbit hole
[07:31:32] <keplr> SirFinkus: Speed and Starting Point Enough to Track a Car's Location
[07:31:49] <SirFinkus> think you meant Azrael
[07:32:33] <keplr> They do almost the same thing in The Baroque cycle.
[07:32:58] <keplr> But it's a horse drawn wagon, and a person is hidden inside the cart to count wheel revolutions.
[07:35:30] * arti has yet to jump into that trilogy
[07:37:02] <keplr> It's great, it's got everything
[07:49:31] -!- keplr has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[07:56:08] <Azrael> :D
[08:09:20] <crutchy> coffee++
[08:09:20] <Bender> karma - coffee: 561
[08:18:02] <Subsentient> Can we PLEASE start getting more relevant, INTERESTING tech related submissions?
[08:19:38] * Subsentient pokes crutchy
[08:20:06] <juggs> Subsentient, what types of things would you like to see?
[08:20:20] <crutchy> i don't have any submissions
[08:20:27] * crutchy is munching
[08:20:38] <Subsentient> juggs: Linux, FOSS, OS, hardware, software, computing, NOT cloud, NOT mobile, etc.
[08:20:43] <Subsentient> Good old days type stuff.
[08:20:52] <crutchy> i like TED
[08:21:03] <crutchy> always something interesting there
[08:21:15] <juggs> does Ted like you? Perhaps you should move in!
[08:21:27] <crutchy> and vsauce (even if the guy is a douche)
[08:21:31] <Azrael> Subsentient: be the submissions you'd like to see! ;)
[08:21:44] <crutchy> be the ball!
[08:22:12] * chromas submits crutchy's ball
[08:22:28] <crutchy> are youtube videos suitable for submission?
[08:22:48] <crutchy> *links to
[08:23:30] <chromas> Do they involve trains?
[08:23:32] <juggs> I don't see why not as long as it has some discussion padding wordy bits to go with it
[08:24:48] <crutchy> oh yes, i like trains afterall
[08:24:49] <exec> http://www.youtube.com
[08:29:28] <crutchy> we need a new poll
[08:29:44] <crutchy> no more phone books please
[08:31:26] <Subsentient> Ooh, I know!
[08:31:29] <Subsentient> Something stupid!
[08:31:35] <Subsentient> "your favorite false god"
[08:31:55] <crutchy> what is the most awesomess space robot ever? walle, r2d2, data, natalie portman's bewbs
[08:32:18] <Subsentient> hmm, better ones....
[08:32:40] <Subsentient> "How long does your battery last?"
[08:32:58] <Subsentient> Lots of hourly timesl ,and then "desktop, you insensitive clod!"
[08:33:10] <Subsentient> laptop/netbook battery**
[08:33:46] <crutchy> and finally, "mine is plugged into the infine resources of natalie portman's robot bewbs"
[08:34:18] <Subsentient> crutchy: lol
[08:34:34] <Subsentient> Robot boobs, the possibilites are endless
[08:41:28] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Sad News ... Robin Williams Dead at 63 - http://sylnt.us - made-us-laugh-now-makes-us-cry
[08:55:27] -!- keplr [keplr!~keplr@87-281-631-798.dhcp.gvrb.ca.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[09:17:43] <crutchy> ~queue
[09:17:46] <exec> *** SN submission queue: 5
[09:18:01] <crutchy> ooh. getting low
[10:00:50] <Azrael> ~queue
[10:00:53] <exec> *** SN submission queue: 3
[10:00:58] <Azrael> getting lower!!
[10:08:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> put these two in then: http://phys.org and http://phys.org
[10:08:26] <monopoly> ^ 03Stinky gases emanating from landfills could transform into clean energy
[10:08:26] <monopoly> ^ 03Could hemp nanosheets topple graphene for making the ideal supercapacitor?
[10:08:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> i don't have time or i would
[10:10:33] <TheMightyBuzzard> bad smells and hemp sure say SN contributors to me though =P
[10:10:35] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Tractor Beam on Water - http://sylnt.us - not-for-flooded-fields
[10:11:00] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[10:11:00] <Bender> karma - coffee: 562
[10:56:58] <crutchy> coffee++
[10:56:58] <Bender> karma - coffee: 563
[11:02:16] <crutchy> http://www.youtube.com
[11:02:18] <monopoly> ^ 03Margaret Gould Stewart: How giant websites design for you (and a billion others, too) - YouTube ( https://www.youtube.com )
[11:02:37] <crutchy> ^ TED talk
[11:29:06] -!- keplr has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[11:30:20] -!- keplr [keplr!~keplr@87-281-631-798.dhcp.gvrb.ca.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[11:41:44] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Perceptual and Behavioral Consequences of Powerful Music - http://sylnt.us - pump-it-up
[11:54:34] -!- exec has quit [Quit: dafuq]
[11:57:28] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[11:57:37] <crutchy> ~queue
[11:57:43] <exec> *** SN submission queue: 6
[11:59:25] <crutchy> ~queue
[11:59:28] <exec> *** SN submission queue: 6 [http://soylentnews.org/submit.pl?op=list]
[11:59:40] <crutchy> ah crap
[11:59:56] <weeds> good morning y'all
[12:00:38] <crutchy> morn
[12:00:42] <crutchy> ~queue
[12:00:46] <exec> *** SN submission queue: 6
[12:00:46] <exec> *** http://soylentnews.org
[12:25:54] -!- weeds has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[12:39:57] -!- Brylarke [Brylarke!~brylarke@356.266.54.300.dyn.plus.net] has joined #Soylent
[12:57:58] -!- Brylarke has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[12:59:31] -!- TheMightyBuzzard has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[13:00:14] -!- TK [TK!~9ff52002@159.245.ju.y] has joined #Soylent
[13:00:44] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - More Power! - http://sylnt.us - need-more-power
[13:32:34] <Blackmoore> mornin
[13:35:25] <crutchy> g'day
[13:39:20] <Blackmoore> i think I'm going to send in a submission; in light of Robin WIlliams suicide. I know this isn't the forum specifically for dicussing depression - but I'm sure we're all dealing with it.
[13:40:21] <Blackmoore> This is the second impact I'm dealing with in a week. we lost my wife's father last monday.
[13:41:09] <Blackmoore> so this hurts; but not as much. but Robin's depression is something i'm very familliar with
[13:42:19] <crutchy> i didn't know the guy personally, but celebrity suicide isn't rare. prolly doesn't help but just sayin
[13:42:55] <Blackmoore> nah, and suicide among comidians is pretty damn common
[13:43:09] <crutchy> sorry to hear about your wife's father. that would be a much bigger deal
[13:43:33] -!- rand [rand!~rand@cea-547.64-463-42.nts-online.net] has joined #Soylent
[13:43:37] <Blackmoore> yeah - she's devistated. I just hurt. he was a nice guy.
[13:44:01] <crutchy> what was the cause if you don't mind me asking?
[13:44:49] <crutchy> not suicide i hope
[13:45:10] -!- janrinok [janrinok!~janrinok@Soylent/Staff/Editor/janrinok] has joined #Soylent
[13:45:10] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v janrinok] by juggler
[13:45:12] <Blackmoore> I met Robin williams once. at an event call Pensic war. he was trying to hide his identity and have a good time as just a normal guy. Her father? heart failure.
[13:46:16] <Blackmoore> We new he was going to have a shorter run, he was undergoing lung cancer treatments
[13:46:47] <Blackmoore> but we didnt expect sudden heart failure.
[13:48:29] <crutchy> that's no good. i wish you and your wife well in what must be a shitty time. hopefully gets easier with time
[13:49:46] <crutchy> had a bit of a scare recently myself; my dad was involved in an accident that could have easily killed him. he was very very lucky
[13:50:00] <crutchy> life is fragile
[13:50:23] <Blackmoore> well, that's the thing that took me so long to understand life throws nasty stuff at you all the time ; we just have to deal with what we've been dealt.
[13:50:28] -!- Subsentient has quit [Quit: Derp.]
[13:51:24] <Blackmoore> and you just have to find happiness in the moments that it is there.
[13:51:36] <crutchy> still hard i guess. i would be a mess if i had lost my dad (i was a mess a couple of times early on after the accident)
[13:52:52] <crutchy> he had his face, chest and arms burned. when i first heard about it on the phone it was a shock
[13:53:00] <Blackmoore> she was pretty close to her dad. it is going to hurt hard. I went through that 20 years ago when i lost my grandma - (heart failure) she was the only family o was close to
[13:53:22] <Blackmoore> how bad was the burn?
[13:53:23] <ciri> how how brown cow
[13:54:12] <crutchy> turns out it wasn't too bad. he was in hospital for a couple of weeks but the onsite treatment saved him from needing grafts
[13:54:30] <crutchy> it looked pretty bad when i first saw him though
[13:56:06] <crutchy> very lucky where we are that we have decent burns unit in the state
[13:56:49] <crutchy> lol ciri you're a nutjob
[13:56:49] <ciri> it's not that funny :)
[14:02:06] <Blackmoore> I'm glad he got the care he needed. permenent scarring form burns is stupid hard to deal with.
[14:02:41] <Blackmoore> has a psyological impact that you dont normally have to deal with like broken bones and such
[14:05:21] <crutchy> his face is almost back to normal. i'm just thankful i didn't lose him
[14:06:41] <crutchy> you never know what's just around he corner
[14:07:21] <paulej72> its a grue
[14:08:28] <Blackmoore> yeah - i know if i ever lost one of my kids i'd be shattered. and at this point most of them are adults and out on thier own.
[14:08:43] <Blackmoore> and i still worry about them
[14:16:05] <crutchy> i remember when my missus lost her grandfather, who was like a father because she grew up with a single mum and she stayed with he grandfather a lot. one of the things i found hardest was the feeling like i couldn't help. the only thing i could do was be there for her and listen and do those little things (make cups of tea, dishes, etc)
[14:16:19] <crutchy> shit feeling though. i don't envy you matey
[14:21:09] -!- janrinok has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[14:23:55] <crutchy> seems like ping timeouts are common. i never really used irc before SN so not sure if its normal or not
[14:24:55] <crutchy> anyway, night #soylent
[14:25:02] <crutchy> catch yas on the flipside
[14:31:53] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Obama Takes Step to Improve Government Technology - http://sylnt.us - even-bigger-government
[14:32:52] <Blackmoore> catch ya later crutchy
[14:34:03] -!- mechanicjay [mechanicjay!~jhowe@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mechanicjay] has joined #Soylent
[14:34:03] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mechanicjay] by juggler
[15:21:36] -!- TheMightyBuzzard [TheMightyBuzzard!~bob@Soylent/Staff/Developer/TMB] has joined #Soylent
[15:21:36] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v TheMightyBuzzard] by juggler
[15:33:30] <juggs> !current-uid
[15:33:30] <Bender> The current maximum UID is 4627, owned by everflow
[15:34:01] <juggs> !rss-feeds
[15:34:01] <Bender> feeds running in #Soylent: SoylentNews
[15:34:34] <juggs> !rss-running
[15:39:35] <juggs> !pants
[15:39:35] <Bender> juggs: Bite my shiny. metal. pants.
[15:39:40] <juggs> !woop
[15:39:40] <Bender> woop woop woop (\/) (;,,;) (\/)
[15:40:00] <juggs> !lod
[15:40:00] <Bender> ಠ_ಠ
[16:08:09] -!- geotti [geotti!~geotti@j0zi451eu.dip6.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #Soylent
[16:30:34] <stdhell> http://ask.slashdot.org
[16:30:35] <monopoly> ^ 03Ask Slashdot: Why Are Online Job Applications So Badly Designed? - Slashdot ( http://slashdot.org )
[16:31:01] <stdhell> ... and hi. :-)
[16:31:24] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Astronomers Theorize Moon has a Low Viscosity Zone - http://sylnt.us - Dali-predicted-runny-moon
[16:44:03] <Blackmoore> HI... and i'll tell you why. HR.
[16:44:36] <Blackmoore> bastards should be forced to take courses on web design.. and english grammer
[16:45:47] <stdhell> Didn't I answer the question already?
[16:50:23] <stdhell> I hate syntax highlighting on websites. Especially when it's clear that it's highlighting using the wrong language...
[16:51:30] <stdhell> Didn't the author read his own page?!
[16:58:38] <Blackmoore> HR ought to be taken out of the hiring process completely. When i see requirements that expect an entry level persion with 5 years experience - that's a fail
[16:59:30] <Blackmoore> when i see requirements that a applicant needs more experience in a programming language - that the existance of said language? fail.
[16:59:31] <Landon> Blackmoore: so you want to bog down engineers with that cruft?
[16:59:41] <Blackmoore> Mangers ought to do hiring
[17:00:12] <Blackmoore> there are typically more managers than HR anyways
[17:03:51] <Blackmoore> HR people do not know technology, and NEVER understand what actually needs to be done at any job other than thier own. I do not understand why anyone would trust them to hire when they can only judge the applicant; and not the job vs the applicant
[17:12:13] -!- Brylarke [Brylarke!~brylarke@356.266.54.300.dyn.plus.net] has joined #Soylent
[17:25:38] <mechanicjay> Blackmoore: my favorite is a "technical" screening with an HR drone. Those never go well.
[17:26:37] <mechanicjay> If you don't know the particular little factoid they're asking, you're screwed, never mind that you know how the particular thing they're asking about works and have written programs to interact with it...
[17:32:01] <Blackmoore> yup.
[17:46:08] <Blackmoore> I've even seen HR who would not hire people who they thought were smarter than them.
[17:46:30] <Blackmoore> but since they were incontrol of the hiring process; management never figured it out
[17:48:39] <mythterj> Never faced that problem. HRs Ive had to deal with always forwarded technical peopel to inteview with the technical department in question. All it took was one incompetant but impossible to get rid of HR hire and rubbing HRs nose in it in front of senior management. Problem solved.
[17:52:42] -!- janrinok [janrinok!~janrinok@Soylent/Staff/Editor/janrinok] has joined #Soylent
[17:52:42] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v janrinok] by juggler
[17:54:32] -!- Woods has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[18:01:32] <Blackmoore> it took us 6 months to get rid of an incompetent
[18:02:24] <paulej72> that was quite fast based on some horror stories I have heard
[18:03:34] <mechanicjay> Blackmoore: yeah, what paulej72 said... In Higher Ed, once you hire an incompetent, unless they steal money or kill someone, you can basically never get rid of them -- just marginalize them to keep them from doing too much damage,
[18:12:43] <Blackmoore> yeah. i'm in sales we try to do that too.
[18:13:28] <Blackmoore> (but why in hell would you hire a sales person with no follow up skills?)
[18:20:47] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - In Support of WebGL, Microsoft Joins Khronos Group - http://sylnt.us - embrace-extend-extinguish-again?
[18:21:20] -!- janrinok has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
[18:31:31] -!- quitte [quitte!~5dd8eb42@l5bm2jd06.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #Soylent
[18:31:46] -!- quitte has quit [Client Quit]
[18:58:58] -!- jsb-55 [jsb-55!~Bender@xs508-09.members.linode.com] has joined #Soylent
[18:59:02] -!- jsb-55 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[18:59:53] <paulej72> !soylentrss
[19:00:14] <paulej72> !list
[19:00:14] <Bender> available plugins: admin, cfg, chan, chatlog, core, fleet, grabquote, ignore, irc, karma, koffie, lod, markov, more, plug, relay, soylentrss, sylnt, todo, twitter, uidchecker, urlinfo, user
[19:01:28] <paulej72> !quote paulej72
[19:01:28] <Bender> Quote 209 - <paulej72> sec's up
[19:02:57] <Blackmoore> !quote mechanicjay
[19:02:57] <Bender> No quotes found with the text 'mechanicjay'
[19:03:30] <mechanicjay> Lack of quote-age makes me sad.
[19:04:05] <paulej72> !grab mechanicjay
[19:04:05] <Bender> Added quote 224
[19:04:11] <Blackmoore> :)
[19:04:13] <mechanicjay> :)
[19:11:09] <xunie-laptop> Lack of people using the quote feature or lack of quotes with age?
[19:14:32] <mechanicjay> xunie-laptop: I think some people are just more quotable than others.
[19:15:24] <mechanicjay> though, I'm pretty sure I've been quoted before -- did the quotes database get hosed at some point?
[19:15:32] <mechanicjay> I don't actually care, just curious.
[19:15:42] <paulej72> channel specific
[19:15:52] <paulej72> most of the best quotes are in #staff
[19:16:08] <mechanicjay> yeah, I'm not there either ;(
[19:16:33] <paulej72> !quote NCommander
[19:16:33] <Bender> Quote 1 - <NCommander> DarkMorph, because whenever I have to touch hashref's I want to stab my eyes out
[19:16:37] <Bender> Also in quotes: 7, 53, 82, 83, 86, 87, 88, 97, 106, 111, 114, 138, 147, 153, 156, 157, 158, 169, 171, 211, 212, 222
[19:18:50] <paulej72> what is wrong with hashrefs
[19:20:22] <Landon> I just realized my first 2 internships were thanks to slashdot
[19:20:27] <Landon> so Soylent better pull through for me too
[19:20:29] <Landon> with a few jobs
[19:21:01] <paulej72> you got plenty of jobs, but they don’t pay anything :)
[19:21:35] <Landon> drat
[19:22:02] <Landon> perhaps I should note now... I used jsonbot's precursor for one of those jobs
[19:22:18] <Landon> conflict of interest :)
[19:23:57] <paulej72> speaking of jsonbot was the documenttation still up when you got Bender running here?
[19:24:36] <paulej72> All I have been able to dig up is older docs from the Inernet Archive
[19:28:39] <Landon> I think I got some doc with bender source
[19:28:59] <Landon> somewhere on the internet maybe
[19:29:01] <Landon> but not internet archive
[19:33:13] -!- Brylarke has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[19:52:52] <Blackmoore> !quote 2
[19:52:52] <Bender> Quote 2 - <hax0rz> highlights, gold, they shine
[19:58:46] <chromas> Hehe, a school named UTI
[19:58:51] <xunie-laptop> !quote 1337
[19:58:59] <xunie-laptop> !quote 137
[19:59:02] <xunie-laptop> !quote 17
[19:59:05] <xunie-laptop> !quote 17
[19:59:08] <xunie-laptop> !quote 1
[19:59:14] <xunie-laptop> ;_;
[19:59:41] <paulej72> chromas: every time I see a commercial for UTI I think that someone came up with really bad name
[20:00:48] <chromas> Me too. :-) Would be funnier if it were medical school
[20:01:41] <chromas> s/school/"\1"/
[20:01:42] <exec> <chromas> Me too. :-) Would be funnier if it were medical ""
[20:01:48] <chromas> :(
[20:02:04] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Rethink: An Effective Way to Prevent Cyberbullying? - http://sylnt.us - they-can't-think-twice-if-they-didn't-think-once
[20:03:29] <arti> Press E to stop using the device.
[20:05:29] <chromas> Everything is bullying now
[20:06:23] <chromas> "don't let your kids make fun of other kids with glasses. Stop bullying nao!"
[20:06:36] <arti> that's triggering me!
[20:06:40] <arti> @.o
[20:07:39] <crutchy> that was weird
[20:08:16] <crutchy> s/weird/"smarch"/
[20:08:17] <exec> <crutchy> that was "smarch"
[20:08:42] <crutchy> s/weird/"\smarch"/
[20:08:42] <exec> <crutchy> s/"\smarch"/"smarch"/
[20:09:08] <crutchy> eh. confusement
[20:09:19] * arti shrugs
[20:10:12] <crutchy> s/eh/"\1"/
[20:10:13] <exec> <crutchy> "". confusement
[20:11:35] <crutchy> s/c/"\65"/
[20:11:35] <exec> syntax: 8[nick[:|,|>|.] ]s/pattern/replace[/[g]]
[20:11:45] <crutchy> oops
[20:11:53] <crutchy> s/o/"\65"/
[20:11:53] <exec> <crutchy> ""ops
[20:12:00] <crutchy> hmm
[20:13:10] <crutchy> i'll have to play around later. i've never used preg_replace before this, though not sure if its related to that or if i just fucked something up
[20:14:41] <crutchy> script here if anyone feels like getting shitty with some phpoo https://github.com
[20:19:19] -!- Brylarke [Brylarke!~brylarke@356.266.54.300.dyn.plus.net] has joined #Soylent
[20:20:29] <Blackmoore> !quote 17
[20:20:29] <Bender> Quote 17 - <nobbis> and that ladies and gentlemen is how the nerd news website was abandoned and they setup a goat porn site instead
[20:20:42] <Blackmoore> !quote 137
[20:20:42] <Bender> Quote 137 - <crutchy> overseas folk don't seem to be able to grasp the joy of riding a kangeroo to work and avoiding drop bears and deadly wombat snakes at every traffic lights :-P
[20:21:38] <Blackmoore> !quote 16
[20:21:38] <Bender> Quote 16 - <kobach> headaches--
[20:22:08] -!- AndyTheAbsurd has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[20:23:58] <crutchy> !quote 1
[20:23:58] <Bender> Quote 1 - <NCommander> DarkMorph, because whenever I have to touch hashref's I want to stab my eyes out
[20:25:17] -!- Tecnomo [Tecnomo!~ce51a832@vwn.computerland7.com] has joined #Soylent
[20:26:42] -!- `Andy` [`Andy`!~Andy@siojgvbu.net] has joined #Soylent
[20:27:13] * chromas wonders if acne ads are metaphors
[20:27:23] <arti> Blight be upon you
[20:28:03] <Blackmoore> !quote arti
[20:28:03] <Bender> Quote 9 - <arti> National Lampoons - Ethanol Fueld Thanksgiving
[20:28:07] <Bender> Also in quotes: 11, 12, 41, 64, 65, 66, 94, 116, 135, 143, 148, 152, 170, 172, 180, 208, 219, 220
[20:28:32] <chromas> Girls putting cream all over their faces and rubbing it in gleefully
[20:28:59] <Blackmoore> chromas: .... i was going to ask but no now it is quite clear what metaphor
[20:29:27] <Blackmoore> may as well put a little "brazzers" logo in the cornert
[20:29:27] <chromas> Shopping, of course
[20:30:02] <crutchy> tama, shampoo is poo made by the same company that makes shamwow... sham inc
[20:30:51] <arti> lol
[20:30:53] <ciri> hehehe
[20:30:59] <chromas> 404 tama not found
[20:31:16] <crutchy> oh crap wrong chan
[20:31:36] <arti> yeah, it would be a little more interesting for sure.
[20:34:27] <Blackmoore> crutchy: https://www.youtube.com
[20:34:28] <monopoly> ^ 03Wig Racing - YouTube
[20:35:58] <crutchy> that is... disturbing
[20:36:17] <crutchy> but prolly typical for muppets "p
[20:37:21] <crutchy> "
[20:37:31] <arti> muppets are awesome
[20:38:20] <Blackmoore> :)
[20:38:40] <Blackmoore> mm.. that's a nice ring to it.. "too big to Function" http://boingboing.net
[20:41:24] <Blackmoore> http://www.theatlantic.com
[20:41:24] <monopoly> ^ 03What's Wrong With Comcast? - The Atlantic
[20:41:36] <arti> that's a good one
[20:42:41] <Tecnomo> http://www.google.com
[20:43:03] <Blackmoore> now how do you get the FCC and the courts to break up comcast (and time warner) to promote competition.. that at&t thing didnt work out so well.
[20:43:11] <crutchy> wholly crabstick!
[20:43:40] <crutchy> Blackmoore, sell it to newscorp ;p
[20:45:45] <crutchy> not the FCC and the courts (newscorp already prolly own them)
[20:46:00] -!- Tecnomo has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[20:46:43] <chromas> eas--
[20:46:43] <Bender> karma - eas: -1
[20:46:46] <Blackmoore> mm. FCC probably. the courts are unlikely to break up any company these days.
[20:47:33] <crutchy> chromas, would be handy if monopoly outputted its thing if redirect detected?
[20:48:07] <chromas> You're right
[20:48:16] <Blackmoore> and the at&t breakup is kinda the reason - it did not lead to competition. it lead to severl different monopolies. which than swalloed each other till only Verizon and At&t were left
[20:49:40] <crutchy> gov't gotta stop giving these companies monopoly licenses by regulating the little guys out of existence
[20:50:46] <crutchy> governments are designed to stifle competition. the more it meddles, the less you get
[20:51:26] <crutchy> good intentions, but shitty system
[20:51:44] <chromas> You know what the saddest thing is?
[20:51:55] <crutchy> full of unintended consequences and corruption
[20:52:06] <chromas> Dying from autoerotic asphyxiation without finishing
[20:53:33] <crutchy> what about a blind man in a titty bar?
[20:55:35] <chromas> Is he an amputee?
[20:56:20] <crutchy> quadriplegic
[20:57:09] <chromas> Does he have a tongue?
[20:57:37] <crutchy> lnao
[20:57:47] <crutchy> s/nm/
[20:57:55] <crutchy> fk
[20:59:09] <crutchy> it was blown off in nam (cos he used to run with his tongue out?)
[21:00:00] * crutchy has nfi where this is going :p
[21:00:30] <crutchy> ah crap i gotta get ready for workipoos
[21:23:25] <Blackmoore> *snort*
[21:24:53] <Blackmoore> https://code.facebook.com
[21:25:25] <Blackmoore> that's an interesting bug.
[21:39:53] <arti> yeah, pretty cool
[21:40:12] <crutchy> ~submit https://code.facebook.com
[21:40:56] <crutchy> hmm someone should make a script for submitting links to SN with an excerpt from te page
[21:41:08] <arti> that'd be cool, i find lots of interesting stuff
[21:41:18] <arti> the write up of the interesting stuff isn't nearly as interesting
[21:41:25] <crutchy> wouldn't have to worry about the far queue running out then
[21:41:30] <crutchy> ~queue
[21:41:34] <exec> *** SN submission queue: 15
[21:41:34] <exec> *** http://soylentnews.org
[21:41:44] <crutchy> ooh theres lots today
[21:42:34] <crutchy> who wouldn't wanna know about a guy that takes a dump through your car window in LA?
[21:43:18] <crutchy> i was watching one of those 'only in russia' youtubes last night. they're always an eye opener
[21:43:51] <arti> driving seems like quite the experience there
[21:44:20] <crutchy> one thing that shocked me (coming from australia) is the danger of ice avalanche from sloped roofs
[21:45:14] <crutchy> tiles of ice flowing off a multistorey building like a waterfall
[21:45:38] <arti> heavy too
[21:45:46] <crutchy> might sting a bit if you were unlucky enough to be at the receiving end
[21:46:21] <mechanicjay> ice flying off the roofs of big trucks on the hiway have been known to seriously injure folks around here
[21:47:26] -!- TK has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[21:47:33] <crutchy> i never saw it before last night. surprised people in icy places don't put teflon on their roofs (i guess cost)
[21:47:33] -!- Brylarke has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[21:48:03] <arti> teflon is for pans
[21:48:30] <crutchy> a little bit of ice/snow not so bad. don't want it to build up
[21:49:00] <mechanicjay> a law passed here a couple years ago make it a ticket-able offense to not clear the roof of your car. Definitely see fewer people driving around in the winder with a 3 ft pile of snow on top, with only a porthole cut into the windshield snow.
[21:49:18] <Landon> oh man, I wish it was law here
[21:49:40] <Landon> takes like 5s to at least bust it enough that it'll slide off by the time you're out of your driveway
[21:49:51] <crutchy> 'call in the next 15 minutes for your RoofSlip2000 roof teflon "system" and we'll throw in a free set of steak knives... now really, we will actually throw them at you'
[21:49:52] <Landon> instead they just leave it all day and it comes off in chunks
[21:50:14] <mechanicjay> I'm generally not a fan of more laws, but it's a serious public saftey issue. It's just unfortunate that we have to legislate common sense .
[21:50:26] <Blackmoore> !grab crutchy
[21:50:26] <Bender> Added quote 225
[21:50:31] <Landon> well it's not common sense until it affects you :)
[21:50:41] <Landon> god knows what things I do regularly while driving that drive people nuts
[21:51:05] <arti> IRC Crutchy here with RoofSlip2000
[21:51:27] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Parents 'Must Learn' Classroom Tech - http://sylnt.us - children-should-teach-their-parents
[21:51:39] <crutchy> you can also get a bundle deal with the UltraVibePleasure2000
[21:52:30] <crutchy> one way to address might just be in changing building codes to require steeper roof slopes
[21:52:48] <crutchy> won't fix existing buildings but
[21:52:55] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~james@43-567-441-22.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Soylent
[21:53:08] <crutchy> at snow resorts here in australia roofs are generally quite steep
[21:53:26] <arti> like this? /
[21:53:31] <crutchy> yeah
[21:53:44] <chromas> Bender: s/teach/eat/
[21:53:44] <exec> <chromas> <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Parents 'Must Learn' Classroom Tech - http://sylnt.us - children-should-eat-their-parents
[21:53:58] <crutchy> i guess that would make houses more expensive
[21:57:26] <arti> just build them in the ground
[21:57:39] <arti> i'm surprised they don't do stuff like that in tornado areas, bunkerify
[22:00:19] <paulej72> arti: people have this love affair with thes things called “windows” they do not work real well underground
[22:00:50] <arti> think hobbit holes
[22:01:12] <paulej72> need a hill for that. there are none in tornado alley
[22:01:19] <chromas> Leave a box outside with mirrors and stuff to reflect scenery into underground windows 95
[22:01:40] <arti> dig dirt out
[22:01:43] <arti> pack it down
[22:01:49] <arti> boom, fountain area
[22:02:08] <arti> build the thing half underground, so windows are ground level
[22:02:27] <paulej72> then I can kick them in easier
[22:02:35] <arti> shutters, c'mon
[22:02:55] <arti> they have those roll door thing
[22:03:06] <paulej72> defeats the windows thing then.
[22:03:09] <arti> either way, just get the germans to build the structures like the atlantic bunkers
[22:04:00] <paulej72> how many more windows will be killed by drive by mowing “accidents” if the windows were a mower level
[22:04:27] <crutchy> maybe the manufacturers of windows have oem deals with homebuilders
[22:04:56] <paulej72> If we do the German thing, we can just go arround where they think it is too hard to land
[22:05:12] <arti> cheaper cooling costs too
[22:05:38] -!- x0908d3b2 has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[22:06:15] <paulej72> yeah it was the next big thing in the 80s to have a undergound house
[22:07:07] <paulej72> I thought it would be neat to have one, but I am someone who can live without windows
[22:10:04] <Blackmoore> well there is a plan to "fix" tornado alley with a 20 foot wide and several state long earthen wall.
[22:15:09] -!- x0908d3b2 [x0908d3b2!~quassel@2605:ea00:1:j::qvto:oymn] has joined #Soylent
[22:18:44] <paulej72> food time. bbl
[22:26:27] <chromas> 90° and raining
[22:28:21] -!- mechanicjay has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[22:31:29] <Blackmoore> t-storms are just passing through here. i hope the basement hasnt flooded again
[22:31:33] <mythterj> @Blackmoore there is no such plan, it was a thought expiriment. Environmental disaster.
[22:40:05] <geotti> Guys, a fellow soylentil (me) needs your assistance.
[22:40:12] * geotti hijacks any other running conversation
[22:42:17] <geotti> So, I have this initial presentation for my research proposal for my masters thesis tomorrow. And i've ripped out a core part from a larger idea (holodeck-like, but interact with remote areas over unstable networks) and need a motivation for it without mentioning the bigger picture.
[22:43:51] <geotti> the "core" (or, one of the cores) is an immersive graph manipulation/interaction environment, where a user puts on an oculus and with some depth sensors or other new-found old tech interacts with the nodes, edges and clusters, of a graph.
[22:44:53] <chromas> Dropped down to 80 already
[22:45:42] <geotti> But now I'm in front of the dilemma that I have a solution looking for a problem (because I don't know how to put in general, graph theory-ish terms, without resorting to a concrete example, which would skew the direction of the project in a specific direction).
[22:47:33] <geotti> any ideas how I can motivate the development of such a graph manipulation environment (e.g. non-planar graphs are easier to interact with in 3d than 2d [citation needed], it's more natural [citation needed], teaching aid for x, etc.) ?
[22:48:51] * geotti asked in ##math on freenode yesterday, but they were confused why I was asking them, which in turn, confused the shit out of me, since they should be the ones who could easily come up with a motivation for this. Instead I got asked why I want to put something in 3d when we can project stuff to a screen already. (stupid!)
[22:48:52] <Blackmoore> well, if we're solely talking about data reprentation - you have to deal specifically with graphs that must be displayed in 3d, (with also include 4d maps
[22:49:48] <Blackmoore> and unfortunatly i cant even think of a case for a 4d map - outside of the 4d rubiks cube
[22:50:09] <Blackmoore> and with that - I'm going home. g'nioght
[22:50:18] <geotti> Blackmoore: yeah, but unfortunately I didn't read all the graph theory books that I will undoubtedly have to read over the course of writing the thesis, so I don't know the graphs that would *have* to be in 3d, or what benefits that would give over existing projections on a plane
[22:50:20] Blackmoore is now known as blackmoore
[22:50:50] <geotti> blackmoore: thx!
[22:51:48] <blackmoore|afk> I USED to have sofware that would generate a virtual map in n dimentions, and path through the damn thing. it would have been useful for you
[22:53:16] <geotti> blackmoore|afk: probably would have. Do you know why people did it, or the name of it (that would probably suffice as motivation)?
[23:02:03] -!- chromas has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[23:04:14] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@62-36-590-45.dhcp.knwc.wa.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[23:04:14] -!- chromas has quit [Changing host]
[23:04:14] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@0::1] has joined #Soylent
[23:06:05] -!- monopoly has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[23:19:02] -!- monopoly [monopoly!~chromas@0::1] has joined #Soylent
[23:20:35] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Test Created to Find Impurities Added to Coffee - http://sylnt.us - strange-brown-drink
[23:21:35] -!- aqu4 has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[23:22:11] <chromas> Subsentient having power outage too?
[23:56:54] -!- pbnjoe [pbnjoe!~pbnjoe@Soylent/Users/313/pbnjoe] has joined #Soylent