#Soylent | Logs for 2014-09-28

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[00:01:26] <exec> 08*** SN funding has changed from $ to $1,880
[00:02:53] <SpallsHurgenson> woo, $1,880! Soylent pizza party!
[00:07:13] <crutchy> dammit. i should make that a file instead of a bucket else its gunna do that each time it restarts. stoopid bot
[00:09:48] <crutchy> hmm actually buckets should be saved and reloaded. cos i bombed out using ctrl+c that buckets weren't saved to file
[00:10:00] <crutchy> need moar complexity!
[00:11:47] <crutchy> coffee++
[00:11:47] <Bender> karma - coffee: 857
[00:11:57] <chromas> auto-saving buckets with bucket backup in case of borked buckets
[00:12:02] <SpallsHurgenson> coffee--
[00:12:02] <Bender> karma - coffee: 856
[00:12:22] <chromas> Everyone is turning against the coffee++
[00:12:26] <SpallsHurgenson> <whew>
[00:12:40] <chromas> smoking++ # for lolctl
[00:12:40] <Bender> karma - smoking: 1
[00:13:45] <crutchy> yeah coffee is starting to get phat
[00:14:48] <chromas> coffee++ # I was ironically upmodding in the face of the downmodders despite not drinking coffee BEFORE it was cool
[00:14:48] <Bender> karma - coffee: 857
[00:15:18] <crutchy> i should drink less coffee
[00:15:28] <chromas> more chocolate
[00:15:51] <SpallsHurgenson> chocolate++
[00:15:51] <Bender> karma - chocolate: 5
[00:16:03] <chromas> chocolate_headache-- though
[00:16:03] <Bender> karma - chocolate_headache: -1
[00:18:05] <SpallsHurgenson> chocolates bring happiness and bunnies, not headaches!
[00:19:10] <SpallsHurgenson> and sometimes the bunnies are chocolate themselves!
[00:25:00] <exec> 08*** SN funding has changed from $ to $1,880
[00:25:13] <crutchy> oops.
[00:25:15] <crutchy> sorry
[00:25:35] <crutchy> works off a file not
[00:25:38] <crutchy> *now
[00:26:09] <juggs> exec will never be finished! :)
[00:28:58] <SpallsHurgenson> woohoo, another $1,880! Now they can afford diamond-studded pizzas!
[00:30:21] <juggs> and the dentists to fix teeth afterwards
[00:30:27] <Leebert> Oh, I knew I kept forgetting something.
[00:31:07] <Leebert> argh, paypal.
[00:31:53] <juggs> bitpay is in the pipeline
[00:32:08] <Leebert> they insist on having your phone number now?
[00:32:24] <juggs> who? paypal?
[00:32:27] <Leebert> yeah
[00:32:30] <juggs> uch
[00:33:55] * SpallsHurgenson shakes a fist
[00:39:07] -!- aqu4 [aqu4!~aqu4bot@universe2.us/ircbot/aqu4] has joined #Soylent
[00:43:50] <SpallsHurgenson> my kitty has a plastic bag fetish; she can't leave the damn things alone.
[00:44:05] <SpallsHurgenson> I just thought that might be something the Internet should know.
[00:44:40] <chromas> need evidence
[00:44:49] <chromas> pussy pics
[00:44:55] <juggs> need evidence of what?
[00:45:23] <chromas> plastic bag kitteh
[00:45:29] <SpallsHurgenson> you need to buy me dinner first :)
[00:47:01] <juggs> ahh - I disconnected and missed spalls plastic bag fetish pussy
[00:47:06] <crutchy> there was that guy that asked 200 random chicks in holland for sex... and 1 said yes
[00:47:11] * juggs kicks lousy bouncer
[00:47:34] <crutchy> dammit should have grabbed your previous :p
[00:47:42] <crutchy> chromas, we're getting slow
[00:47:43] <SpallsHurgenson> frankly, I think that's pretty good odds if he was just asking flat-out like that
[00:48:32] * chromas buys SpallsHurgenson a 🍖, đŸ· and a 🍰
[00:49:06] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Subsentient] has joined #Soylent
[00:49:06] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Subsentient] by juggler
[00:49:22] <SpallsHurgenson> Have a ▀ in return
[00:49:31] -!- SpallsHurgenson has quit [Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de]
[00:50:08] <chromas> ooh, is that an upper half block of cheese?
[00:50:13] * chromas quiets his inner Charlie
[00:50:47] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Where Whistleblowers end up Working - http://sylnt.us - no-good-deed-goes-unpunished
[00:51:22] -!- SpallsHurgenson [SpallsHurgenson!~SpallsHur@giox-30-341-832-84.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #Soylent
[00:51:33] <SpallsHurgenson> I think I closed the wrong window...
[00:53:03] <chromas> We could tell it was an accident because there was no smartmouthing in the quit message
[00:53:39] <SpallsHurgenson> s/smartmouthing/dumb ass comment/
[00:54:03] <crutchy> ooh "chillhop"
[00:54:16] <chromas> snark
[00:54:23] <chromas> was that a block of cheese you sent me?
[00:54:29] <chromas> http://www.youtube.com
[00:54:30] <monopoly> ^ 03How much cheese is too much cheese? - YouTube
[00:54:49] <crutchy> https://www.youtube.com
[00:54:49] <monopoly> ^ 03City Nights Vol. 1 ♫ HD Chill Hip Hop mix - YouTube
[00:55:08] * SpallsHurgenson is still googling "chillhop"
[00:55:39] <crutchy> this one seems a bit nicer: https://www.youtube.com
[00:55:39] <monopoly> ^ 03Wonderful Ambient & Chill-Hop Mix 2014 - Vol 1 - YouTube
[00:55:48] -!- silverly [silverly!~65ae08eb@101.174.r.lht] has joined #Soylent
[00:55:56] <crutchy> and its got a hot chick on it
[00:56:21] * SpallsHurgenson clicks on the link... then very quickly closes it again
[00:57:05] <crutchy> chillout music sounds goodd as background music on a decent sound system
[00:57:39] <crutchy> not too loud but loud enough to feel some of the bass
[00:57:58] * SpallsHurgenson sticks with his MOD and S3M files when he wants some electronica :)
[00:58:02] <chromas> enough bass fofr the wife to enjoy it too, sitting on the woofer
[00:58:41] <crutchy> doggy style
[00:59:24] * SpallsHurgenson rocks out to Purple Motion
[01:00:56] <crutchy> retro
[01:01:16] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~62b0cebd@me88-761-391-779.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[01:01:22] <crutchy> ay fokker!
[01:01:47] <SpallsHurgenson> I guess "retro" is better than being called "old fashioned"
[01:01:57] <Leebert> Man. Soylent really does seem to be a self-selected group of crotchety cynics. :)
[01:02:28] <SpallsHurgenson> that's just the sort of thing I'd expect to hear from someone on IRC! :/
[01:02:54] <SpallsHurgenson> hmmm... that was sorta cynical but I don't think I got the crotchety part quite right
[01:02:59] * SpallsHurgenson tries again
[01:03:08] -!- Guest [Guest!~textual@87-281-631-798.dhcp.gvrb.ca.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[01:03:08] <Leebert> Reading it is on par with when I used to go with my (retired) dad to the local diner to coffee and complain about the government with all the other retired old men.
[01:03:15] <SpallsHurgenson> that's the sort of bullshit I'd hear from some young twerp on IRC!
[01:03:25] <SpallsHurgenson> better :)
[01:03:27] <Leebert> damn kids.
[01:05:00] <SpallsHurgenson> should see what they've done to my lawn!
[01:05:26] <crutchy> planted a bunch of pansies?
[01:05:26] <Ethanol-fueled> 'sup
[01:05:53] <Ethanol-fueled> that was crazy last night. I almost got beat up by 3 latinos, I was taunting them and calling them sissies, cocksuckers, and all kinds of things in Spanish
[01:06:03] <crutchy> awesome
[01:06:08] <Ethanol-fueled> they got BTFO and went inside because they knew if they lashed out against me they'd be fucked.
[01:06:08] <SpallsHurgenson> crutchy: I had to read that three times before I stopped reading it as "panties".
[01:06:29] <crutchy> it was meant to be panties. there was just a typo
[01:06:30] <Leebert> Well that sounds like a high-octane night.
[01:06:30] <Ethanol-fueled> they were blasting massive bass less than 10 feet of my apartment. Loud.
[01:06:32] <Leebert> Get it?
[01:06:40] <Leebert> Ethanol? High octane?
[01:06:52] <Ethanol-fueled> Hahaha, yeah, it was...probably didn't help that I got an early start at a happy hour with coworkers earlier.
[01:06:58] <Leebert> Yeah. OK, off to The Home Depot then.
[01:07:10] <Ethanol-fueled> Oh jesus, it was insane. Those bastards had their asses handed to them. I could have had the shit beat out of me, as well.
[01:07:17] <crutchy> eth, just bang one of your asian chicks outside their door and have her scream
[01:07:31] * Ethanol-fueled has a friend coming over in a few
[01:07:54] <Ethanol-fueled> but I can't stoop to their level of obnoxiousness this time. I want to be an example, not give them ammo.
[01:08:10] <crutchy> show em a big sloppy mess in her shitstain hole :p
[01:08:15] <Ethanol-fueled> I try and try and try not to be racist. I try to be a good man. But these folks keep TESTING me, man.
[01:08:22] <Ethanol-fueled> Testing my resolve to be a good and fair person.
[01:08:32] <Ethanol-fueled> Testing my resolve to see past culture and skin color.
[01:08:41] <crutchy> people are cunts
[01:08:52] <crutchy> oops, i mean people are c*nts'
[01:08:58] <Ethanol-fueled> they are, crutchy. It drives a man to drink.
[01:09:07] * SpallsHurgenson eyes crutchy nervously, "I think he's having a breakdown"
[01:09:29] <Ethanol-fueled> anyway, gonna go try to have fun. Have a good night, all!
[01:09:34] -!- rand has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[01:09:45] * Ethanol-fueled has quit [banned for this post]
[01:09:47] <crutchy> you too man. stay safe
[01:09:49] -!- Ethanol-fueled has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[01:14:49] <SpallsHurgenson> oh, I geddit.
[01:17:51] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~james@43-567-441-22.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Soylent
[01:18:38] -!- aqu4 has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[01:18:57] -!- Subsentient1 [Subsentient1!~WhiteRat@216.161.ghn.ql] has joined #Soylent
[01:20:10] -!- aqu4 [aqu4!~aqu4bot@universe2.us/ircbot/aqu4] has joined #Soylent
[01:20:11] -!- Subsentient has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[01:20:22] -!- aqu4 has quit [Client Quit]
[01:20:28] -!- aqu4 [aqu4!~aqu4bot@universe2.us/ircbot/aqu4] has joined #Soylent
[01:44:21] <crutchy> fracionado++
[01:44:21] <Bender> karma - fracionado: 1
[01:44:46] -!- Guest has quit [Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz
[01:48:38] <SpallsHurgenson> darn narcoleptic computers
[01:53:07] <chromas> it's the only thing holding back the robot takeover
[01:53:39] <chromas> uprising
[01:53:58] <idetuxs> greetings
[01:54:16] -!- Guest [Guest!~textual@87-281-631-798.dhcp.gvrb.ca.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[01:56:56] <juggs> greetings idetuxs o/
[01:57:29] <idetuxs> \o/
[01:57:53] <idetuxs> what's up
[02:01:31] <SpallsHurgenson> shhh, be weddy weddy qwuiet... we're hwunting wabbits!
[02:03:55] <juggs> not much is up :) quiet here as is the norm at the weekend unless EF rolls in for a near wrecked rant about something random
[02:06:17] <SpallsHurgenson> time for a #soylent sing-along!
[02:06:30] <crutchy> dubstep?
[02:06:40] <crutchy> weeee weeeee waaaah breeeewwwaaaaah
[02:06:51] <SpallsHurgenson> all sorts of music welcome; just start singing :)
[02:06:52] * juggs cranks up the pianola
[02:07:14] <crutchy> those videos with lyrics to skrillex songs are funny
[02:07:50] <crutchy> is crunching sprinkles considered singing?
[02:08:30] <chromas> As long as you're keeping a beat
[02:09:07] <chromas> Sprinkle Master C in da house!
[02:09:20] <SpallsHurgenson> [crunch][crunch][crunch-crunch-crunch] //SPRINKLE SPRINKLE SPRINKLE// Everybody sing!
[02:09:53] <idetuxs> lol, EF is funny guy I guess
[02:10:20] <SpallsHurgenson> if "EF" is who I think juggs means, then "funny" is not the word I'd have used for him
[02:11:00] <chromas> Elaphantiasis Fan
[02:11:23] <idetuxs> xP well, I just read a couple of comments, kinf of a random guy I think
[02:11:27] <chromas> (with better spelling)
[02:11:42] <idetuxs> exactly, chromas
[02:12:21] <chromas> Well actually, I was mocking my own spelling but
[02:12:52] <idetuxs> So, what are we singing?
[02:12:57] <SpallsHurgenson> wow, it's gonna be high 80s tomorrow. is it too late in the year to go to the beach?
[02:13:07] <chromas> it's never too late
[02:13:55] <crutchy> gangnam style!
[02:14:23] <crutchy> the version with the chick singing
[02:14:39] <crutchy> having multiple orgasms
[02:15:08] <SpallsHurgenson> erm...
[02:15:20] <idetuxs> if it's too cold then you can use a neoprene suit
[02:16:07] <SpallsHurgenson> and deny people a view of my beautiful body? :)
[02:16:44] <chromas> Get a skin-colored one and glue some pubes all over it
[02:17:13] <idetuxs> hahaha
[02:18:09] <SpallsHurgenson> I bet the water will be really cold though
[02:19:40] * chromas tries to suppress joke about cold water, the view and binoculars
[02:20:04] <crutchy> and shrinkage
[02:21:03] <chromas> Shrinkage is when your employees steal your girth
[02:22:50] <crutchy> hopefully as a result of disappearance into the nether regions
[02:23:57] <chromas> in that case, the small loss of inventory is a good thing
[02:27:49] <crutchy> chromas, s/small/massive/
[02:27:49] <SedBot9000> <crutchy> <chromas> in that case, the massive loss of inventory is a good thing
[02:28:28] <crutchy> chromas, s/in/massive in/
[02:28:28] <SedBot9000> <crutchy> <chromas> massive in that case, the small loss of inventory is a good thing
[02:28:39] * crutchy facepalms
[02:29:49] <chromas> s/s/th/g
[02:29:49] <SedBot9000> <chromas> in that cathe, the thmall lothth of inventory ith a good thing
[02:31:51] <SpallsHurgenson> heh
[02:42:19] -!- systemd has quit [Quit: Too many humans]
[02:46:12] -!- Guest has quit [Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz
[02:46:42] <SpallsHurgenson> his Mac needs some hot coffee++
[02:47:24] <idetuxs> coffee++
[02:47:24] <Bender> karma - coffee: 858
[02:47:44] <SpallsHurgenson> coffee--
[02:47:44] <Bender> karma - coffee: 857
[02:48:34] <idetuxs> :P
[02:49:31] <idetuxs> I think I still don't understand what this karma counter is for
[02:49:56] <SpallsHurgenson> highest karma of the day gets free subscription :)
[02:50:17] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Modular Microfluid Minature Laboratories - http://sylnt.us - like-Unix-pipes-but-with-real-fluids
[02:51:33] <idetuxs> rrright...
[02:52:01] <crutchy> i got ripped off
[02:52:38] <idetuxs> why crutchy
[02:52:56] <juggs> idetuxs, it just is. It's not 'for' anything. I wonder if it will have an existential crisis at some point. "Why am I here? Why am I keeping score of all these random things?"
[02:53:27] <crutchy> then i will lose my hard earned karma!
[02:53:46] <idetuxs> hahahaha. Cool juggs, then I DID get it :o
[02:54:01] <juggs> idetuxs++
[02:54:01] <Bender> karma - idetuxs: 1
[02:54:09] <crutchy> idetuxs++
[02:54:09] <Bender> karma - idetuxs: 2
[02:54:20] <idetuxs> thanks guys :_)
[02:54:31] <crutchy> monopoly++
[02:54:31] <Bender> karma - monopoly: 12
[02:54:38] <idetuxs> that feels good
[02:54:40] <juggs> touching acceptance speech right there :D
[02:54:47] <monopoly> exec++
[02:54:47] <Bender> karma - exec: 16
[02:54:53] <crutchy> juggs++ # for the awesome nick
[02:54:53] <Bender> karma - juggs: 20
[02:55:22] <crutchy> !grab idetuxs
[02:55:22] <Bender> Added quote 250
[02:55:24] <juggs> yehhh - didn't think that one through as well as I should
[02:55:42] <chromas> don't worry, we think about it all the time
[02:55:48] <idetuxs> Bender++ # for keeping the good work
[02:55:48] <Bender> karma - bender: -10
[02:56:09] <chromas> Bender's karma is so high it overflowed
[02:56:24] <crutchy> Bender++ # for perfecting the fine art of bending
[02:56:24] <Bender> karma - bender: -9
[02:56:28] <juggs> it's just depressed about itself right now
[02:57:08] <crutchy> bender++ # the last karma bender
[02:57:08] <Bender> karma - bender: -8
[02:59:02] -!- Guest [Guest!~textual@87-281-631-798.dhcp.gvrb.ca.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[03:06:27] <chromas> I always have to read PizzaRollPlinkett posts in Plinkett's voice
[03:12:47] * juggs notes he does not like false widow spiders (Steatoda nobilis). Just had to defenestrate yet another from my bathroom, I think I have an arachnid terrorist cell of these things nearby as they keep appearing.
[03:12:56] <juggs> things_that_bite--
[03:12:56] <Bender> karma - things_that_bite: -1
[03:15:10] <Lagg> NCommander, TheMightyBuzzard, etc: Does the shop with the cups and such count towards the funding goal
[03:15:45] <juggs> Lagg, yes it does. We get a (smallish) %ge on each purchase.
[03:16:03] <Lagg> How do I turn the smallish % into big %
[03:16:04] <ciri> very carefully and then some
[03:16:18] <chromas> Did you put an asterisk in the url?
[03:16:44] <Lagg> I've already gotten the subscription so can't I send money via paypal to someone and then get a cup or something
[03:16:59] <Lagg> I really don't like shop hosts that pull that crap
[03:17:22] * crutchy thinks would be more profitable for SN to code perks into slash
[03:17:47] <Lagg> ^ Yeah, I want my badge to reflect the mild reputation of insanity I've gained
[03:17:55] <Lagg> Would pay cash monies for that
[03:18:03] <chromas> karkma accumulates faster
[03:18:08] <chromas> or drains slower
[03:18:11] <crutchy> karkma++
[03:18:11] <Bender> karma - karkma: 1
[03:18:29] <juggs> Lagg, that would mean carrying stock ourselves - which as the store is not what you'd call exactly busy, would be a loss.
[03:18:49] <Lagg> juggs: Oh okay so it's one of those hosts that provides the skeleton product and does the printing for you?
[03:19:10] <Lagg> Small percentage makes sense in that case for manufacturing costs.
[03:19:13] <crutchy> we should build a mmorpg into slash
[03:19:22] <Lagg> Please no
[03:19:54] <chromas> How about we get something simple that one of the staff members fires at our house from a trebuchet? I'd buy that for a dollar
[03:19:55] <ciri> doing great here
[03:19:58] <juggs> Lagg, yep. They hold stock and do the printing and despatch. They also seem to have print / despatch facilities on several continents.
[03:20:05] <crutchy> 'what ho! a foe!?' -1 overrated... take that troll
[03:20:35] <crutchy> haha! i have Negative Karma Armor!
[03:20:35] * juggs fires a plague infested rat from the trebuchet towards chromas house.
[03:21:11] * chromas inserts a dollar into juggs' cleavage; awaits bitchslap
[03:21:15] <Lagg> juggs: Hrm, will think about this. I want to bump that scale but I'm also too selfish too just send money as a straight donation. Granted I've already basically done that but still I got a gold star so.
[03:21:26] <crutchy> chromas, NCommander already has his anvil flinger
[03:21:30] <chromas> If it weren't for SN, I'd've never read about this: http://www.mommyish.com
[03:22:22] <Lagg> juggs: I would strongly consider something like crutchy's suggestion if I were you. People in general like website perks to inflate their ego. It's partly why reddit had success with Gold
[03:22:44] <crutchy> holy shit is that a creampie coming out of the darker one in the 3rd row?
[03:22:58] <juggs> Lagg, yeh, I think there is some concern over legalities of straight donations. Not sure of the ins and outs of that.
[03:23:02] <Lagg> You basically have the same thing with subscriptions currently but reddit started gold when it had an established viewership. Not so much the case here
[03:23:06] <juggs> Lagg, what do you suggest?
[03:23:19] <chromas> We could have dimondium and diamondillium
[03:23:22] <chromas> instead of gold
[03:23:41] <crutchy> or purchase anvils to throw at trolls
[03:23:56] <Lagg> Well you're pretty much topped out in terms of technical benefits of subscriptions so what you could do is have badge evolutions if not custom badges.
[03:24:19] <crutchy> just use same model as just about every app in google play / iphone market
[03:24:31] <chromas> pay to turn off ads?
[03:24:35] <juggs> Ohh - right, weirdly I was reminiscing about something similar just yesterday with audioguy. There was an internet radio station (hookah radio) that formed a community and had internal hookah gold.
[03:24:36] <idetuxs> inflate karma 50 points with donations
[03:25:04] <crutchy> have gold (or karma or whatever) that is earned by involvement, and stars (or cash or whatever) which is paid for
[03:25:05] <Lagg> If it was me I'd have the subscription give a different badge for a given amount and then if someone pays a ridiculous amount allow a custom 16x16 badge
[03:25:14] <crutchy> and you can use them to buy useless shit
[03:25:25] <juggs> hmm - mobile apps! Need to kick the feathered one into action on building the apis necessary for that to happen.
[03:25:30] <Lagg> This is kind of what Steam is doing right now too just in an indirect way and with multiple badges
[03:25:36] <Lagg> and no custom badges
[03:25:48] <crutchy> i want a vagina cupcake badge
[03:25:52] <idetuxs> people love useless shit
[03:26:04] <Lagg> http://steamcommunity.com I've never been as proud of a potato associated with me as I am now
[03:26:05] <monopoly> ^ 03Steam Community :: Lagg
[03:26:06] <chromas> soylent minimag flashlights
[03:26:17] <chromas> s/a/e/2
[03:26:17] <SedBot9000> <chromas> soylent minimag fleshlights
[03:27:08] <chromas> we need to get some iconographers onboard
[03:27:20] <crutchy> i like building shit. is why i suggested some kind of nation states thing in the suggestions page
[03:27:33] <crutchy> 'you require additional pylons'
[03:27:53] <crutchy> settlers 4 is a cool game
[03:27:58] <crutchy> hmm might play some now
[03:28:12] <chromas> could have a pylon icon
[03:28:22] <Lagg> Anyway the main thing to consider is that people will pay if they like what they're paying into enough so long as there is something tangible associated with it juggs
[03:28:30] <Lagg> It doesn't really matter what, just that there /is/
[03:29:00] <Lagg> People like thinking that they're getting something back. That's why aforementioned steam badges were such a success even though they mean nothing in the grand scheme of things
[03:30:13] <crutchy> karma is a good system, but if its capped it becomes limited
[03:30:32] <crutchy> what's the point of doing anything if you're already at 50?
[03:30:41] <crutchy> except burn it on some troll
[03:30:54] * chromas would like to use his to construct additional pylons
[03:30:59] <Lagg> Yeah that's also an issue but if you uncap it then people start being whores
[03:31:10] <juggs> Lagg, so basically tiered subs?
[03:31:16] <crutchy> Lagg, true. need to make it harder to hoard
[03:31:41] <chromas> Buy a more expensives subscription, get your comments in a bigger font
[03:31:49] <Lagg> juggs: Pretty much, though I would suggest making it so that there's one base subscription and then other purchasable perks on top of it.
[03:32:09] <Lagg> chromas: You can't make it so that people get an advantage over others, favoritism is just seen as abuse
[03:32:13] <crutchy> then microsoft shills could really pwn
[03:32:28] <chromas> microsoft shills get comix sans ms
[03:32:32] <juggs> AFAIK (I may be wrong) - subs at the moment stack, so if you purchase a further sub with an already active sub in force it adds a further year.
[03:32:37] <Lagg> chromas: I like your pylons idea now that you explained it. Having something to spend karma on could do a lot
[03:32:56] <crutchy> look at the shit people buy in mobile games
[03:32:59] <chromas> Lagg: they've also talked about having karma decay over time
[03:33:10] <Lagg> Noes don't do that, that is just going to irritate people
[03:33:22] <Lagg> MMOs have proven that forcing activity just tends to make people spiteful
[03:33:45] <Lagg> juggs: You're right according to what I saw when I got mine, though I don't have any reason to stack them right now since I like paying all my yearlies in one go
[03:34:02] <juggs> Isn't that just asking for people to farm accounts? Have one main account and a bunch of other puppet accounts to accumulate karma to the main?
[03:34:03] <chromas> Needs to be an mmo—one where grinding just happens to involve writing good comments
[03:34:04] <crutchy> even things like UI features could be bought with karma or cash
[03:34:09] * SpallsHurgenson wakes up from his nap
[03:34:30] <crutchy> i want a myspace layout for slash guddammit! i will pay!!
[03:34:39] <Lagg> It's important to not bring this stuff into microtransaction territory. Remember the audience you're dealing with
[03:35:17] <chromas> one that likes to bitch :D
[03:35:18] <SpallsHurgenson> grumpy and cheap hackers?
[03:35:19] <Lagg> Or excuse me, viewership. People get weird if you don't acknowledge they are the driving force.
[03:35:27] <crutchy> just make a peon cost 1 karma, and you can send your peons to mine more karma. woohoo now we have our own digital currency!!
[03:35:54] <Lagg> and yes they do bitch a lot but it's often for a good reason and microtransactions would be one such good reason
[03:36:04] -!- Guest has quit [Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz
[03:36:15] <crutchy> must have a little animated window that shows the peons walking between the karma mine and the town hall
[03:36:47] <crutchy> ooh and you need defenses to guard against trolls killing your peons
[03:36:49] <juggs> sounds kike lemmings or something
[03:36:52] <juggs> like*
[03:36:59] <Lagg> Soylent Defense
[03:36:59] <SpallsHurgenson> one free comment per day, with additional posts available through microtransactions :)
[03:37:03] <crutchy> hehe gives a whole new take on trolls
[03:37:24] <juggs> gamifying the news - what could possibly go wrong?
[03:37:31] <crutchy> a lot of nerds like building shit. even if there aren't any graphics
[03:37:35] <chromas> gamifying the comments
[03:38:12] <crutchy> just to be able to say "yeah well bitches i've got 20 blacksmiths so take that"
[03:38:19] <Lagg> What has the discussion I started devolved to :(
[03:38:31] <crutchy> SoylentCraft
[03:38:34] <SpallsHurgenson> oooh, limit it by character-count instead of by comments. Post up to 500 characters per day :)
[03:38:48] <Lagg> Granted there's nothing wrong with brainstorming
[03:38:49] <chromas> 512
[03:39:14] <crutchy> just need goals of some sort
[03:39:18] <crutchy> personal goals
[03:39:52] <crutchy> everyone like little achievements
[03:40:14] <juggs> I'm sure tiered subs came up during the whole subs discussion. My goldfish like memory is failing me nicely, but I think there was some concern about remaining egalitarian as a community.
[03:40:20] <Lagg> juggs: Anyway for what it's worth when I stop dragging ass and filling my time with work and get back to my side projects I intend to add various types of badges and custom items for optf2.com (which is a digital item viewer for steam) as rewards for donation
[03:40:21] <chromas> all the achiements would be characters in a string next to the user name
[03:40:46] <arti> gif format
[03:40:51] <crutchy> chromas, that would work
[03:40:51] <Lagg> I've gotten good feedback when I discussed it with people that donated before
[03:41:15] <SpallsHurgenson> god, don't bring pointless achievements to soylent. they were bad enough on slash.
[03:41:29] <crutchy> badges are dumb, but for some reason people like them. maybe its something to do with the whole military rank history thingy
[03:41:31] <arti> Longest word used in a post.
[03:41:32] * chromas earns a đŸ’©đŸ–
[03:42:01] <Lagg> SpallsHurgenson: Was that directed at me, if so I don't think you get what I meant by that
[03:42:20] <crutchy> could always have an option to disable displaying of badges
[03:42:26] <crutchy> for spalls
[03:42:57] <juggs> Pretty much a certainty. As we do know for the sub star.
[03:43:04] <juggs> now*
[03:43:13] <juggs> crikey o-typey!
[03:43:43] <crutchy> am i the only one that hasn't disabled sub stars?
[03:43:45] * SpallsHurgenson is a grumpy old man who doesn't want anyone to have any fun
[03:43:51] <SpallsHurgenson> (especially on my lawn)
[03:43:57] <Lagg> Nope, I like knowing when subscribers are posting
[03:44:09] <juggs> why?
[03:44:18] <Lagg> I play favorites
[03:44:34] <chromas> a grumpy old man shaking his fist could be an award icon
[03:44:34] <juggs> sounds a bit cliquey
[03:44:47] <crutchy> clicky
[03:44:56] <Lagg> Yep, we are the elite $20 a year 1%
[03:45:09] <Lagg> To be serious though I like doing it to get an idea of activity and density
[03:45:52] <crutchy> things like no. of posts, no. of successful submissions would be worthy badges
[03:46:16] <Lagg> I wouldn't do one for post count, that just encourages spam
[03:46:18] <SpallsHurgenson> <mutter mutter grump>
[03:46:21] <crutchy> s/posts/comments/
[03:46:21] <SedBot9000> <crutchy> things like no. of comments, no. of successful submissions would be worthy badges
[03:46:38] <crutchy> maybe no. of +5 comments
[03:46:50] <Lagg> That's better
[03:47:26] <Lagg> Granted it would encourages bandwagon jumping but that happens anyway
[03:47:43] <chromas> and -1 comments chip a little off that achievement icon
[03:47:56] <juggs> which is karma
[03:48:01] <crutchy> have a separate troll icon for no. of -1 comments :p
[03:48:17] <crutchy> cos +5 comments are badgeworthy even for trolls
[03:48:32] <crutchy> and karma is fickle
[03:48:33] <SpallsHurgenson> "got a +5 comment", "days read in a row", "posted a comment", "comedian (got +1 funny)", "had comment modded up", "years read"
[03:48:41] <crutchy> lol
[03:48:41] <ciri> HEY! don't laugh at me
[03:48:58] <crutchy> we like numbers here at soylent
[03:49:10] <crutchy> our karma is a number, not a description
[03:49:35] <Lagg> juggs: Anyway take a look at the items on here http://optf2.com . What I plan is to let people generate their own with whatever image they want in it (and no I don't care about porn) and have it sit wherever they want in their inventory. It's a small thing but I guarantee people would jump on it. I would suggest translating something like that to soylent. Something
[03:49:37] <monopoly> ^ 03OPTF2 - Lagg's Backpack
[03:49:37] <Lagg> that integrates well with what is already there but isn't unfair.
[03:50:01] <crutchy> someone with a badge next to their username indicating 500 +5 comments would be someone of stature
[03:50:03] <Lagg> It's silly but it's something tangible for their money
[03:50:41] <crutchy> and someone with 500 -1 comments would be a troll to be reckoned with :p
[03:50:44] <chromas> and a badge for anyone with a uid equal to or lower than mine
[03:51:09] <crutchy> ooh yeah. variable badges depending on who is viewing
[03:51:27] <Lagg> I've actually consulted for stuff like this before juggs, I believe the bullshitbuzzword term for it is user engagement. The single basic rule of tangibles is the cornerstone to this sort of thing.
[03:51:27] <crutchy> lots of chewy nerdiness
[03:51:49] <Lagg> So just remember that and you'll be fine. And probably get money thrown at you.
[03:52:12] * juggs feels consulted :)
[03:52:21] <SpallsHurgenson> "days metamoderated", "the tagger", "the contradictor", "posted a journal entry", "spent all my mod points"
[03:52:23] <crutchy> need to ~suggest some of this stuff
[03:52:32] <chromas> a pillar icon for people who buy man subscriptions to support the site bigly
[03:52:48] <crutchy> yeah those kinda did suck spalls
[03:52:58] <crutchy> i never even knew wtf they meant
[03:53:05] <crutchy> (some of them)
[03:53:17] <crutchy> contradictor?
[03:53:36] <SpallsHurgenson> okay, how about some new ones:
[03:53:47] <crutchy> i like numbers
[03:53:55] <chromas> The 56er
[03:54:03] <crutchy> like 99 successful story submissions
[03:54:09] <juggs> Lagg, so a SN user inventory system? It's late here, I may not be following along well.
[03:54:12] <crutchy> 1024 +5 funny comments
[03:54:15] <chromas> Bender: karma luftballons
[03:54:15] <Bender> karma of luftballons is 99
[03:54:20] <SpallsHurgenson> "make a comment involving <meme>", "use a car metaphor", "RTFA", "submit a dupe", "point out a dupe", "reply to your own comment"
[03:54:30] <Lagg> juggs: No, I don't mean something like what I'm doing. I mean something that integrates equally well with the existing system
[03:54:34] <crutchy> number of times used the word "fart"
[03:54:49] <crutchy> number of IRC lines
[03:54:51] <Lagg> Since optf2 is an inventory viewer that shows items, it makes sense to give incentive to donate in the form of custom items
[03:54:57] <crutchy> hmm no not number of irc lines
[03:55:00] <Lagg> It fits nicely, see what I mean?
[03:55:11] <juggs> ya
[03:55:20] <crutchy> i wanna buy a nurses outfit for my soylentil
[03:55:29] <chromas> commits to soylent code
[03:55:41] <Lagg> I don't know what the equivalent would be to an aggregator site like soylent but there is surely something there.
[03:55:51] * juggs eyes the .quiet command
[03:56:06] <crutchy> maybe we could integrate minecraft into slash
[03:56:17] <Lagg> Quit yer trolling
[03:56:22] <crutchy> goes with the whole SoylentCraft theme :p
[03:56:25] <SpallsHurgenson> build our comments block by block :)
[03:56:32] <Lagg> This is serious business about serious business things
[03:56:44] <crutchy> 'you require more lesbian gas!'
[03:57:01] <Lagg> Also I don't know how this steered from monetary stuff into activity rewards but I'm okay with it
[03:57:26] <crutchy> its just part of the circle of shit
[03:57:39] <crutchy> people pay for shit so we just gotta build shit into shit
[03:57:47] <crutchy> mineshit
[03:57:52] <crutchy> shitcraft
[03:58:11] <swiss> agreeeeeeeed
[03:58:14] <juggs> gotta love irc for its ability to derail anything... like a concentrated forum slide
[03:58:32] <idetuxs> hahahah
[03:58:33] <crutchy> where's ef when ya need him :p
[03:59:16] <swiss> i can derail lots of things
[03:59:31] <swiss> just use pennies
[03:59:37] <idetuxs> I think what we all need is hookers
[03:59:47] <SpallsHurgenson> what a waste of pennies
[03:59:56] <SpallsHurgenson> feed them to ducks until they sink :)
[04:00:09] <swiss> does that work?
[04:00:17] <swiss> i wanna try it now
[04:00:19] <crutchy> ~suggest badges for no. of +5 comments (maybe inc separate funny, informative, etc). badge for no. of successful story submits
[04:00:30] <SpallsHurgenson> waaaaay back when I was a young lad, I had a peer who said he used to do that
[04:00:31] <exec> *** suggestion successfully added to wiki - http://sylnt.us
[04:00:36] <SpallsHurgenson> (sick fucker)
[04:00:48] <chromas> badges for helping old ladies across the street and selling cookies
[04:00:52] <swiss> SpallsHurgenson: i call bs, pretty sure the ducks wouldnt eat enough to do it
[04:00:55] <chromas> soylent scouts
[04:00:55] <idetuxs> badges for no. of successful story submits sounds cool
[04:01:06] <swiss> and they would have other issues before they sank
[04:01:09] <SpallsHurgenson> I dunno, I've seen ducks eat pretty much anything tossed at 'em
[04:01:22] <swiss> i just mean quantity
[04:01:27] <idetuxs> another duck? that's sick
[04:01:31] <swiss> their stomach would have issues
[04:01:46] <idetuxs> they would die before sinking
[04:02:01] <swiss> that is my guess
[04:02:05] <chromas> that's good; they don't have to work about drowning
[04:02:15] <crutchy> ask soylent: how many pennies does it take to sink a duck?
[04:02:43] <crutchy> haven't got a ~submit scripty yet :(
[04:02:46] <idetuxs> may be add concrete to someone's feet?
[04:03:01] <chromas> pennies are cheaper
[04:03:10] <SpallsHurgenson> http://www.duckrescuenetwork.org says they do eat the stuff, often getting poisoned from the metals
[04:03:11] <monopoly> ^ 03Duck Rescue Network
[04:03:12] <idetuxs> a rock, that should work
[04:03:25] <swiss> SpallsHurgenson: right, but no sinking
[04:03:28] <SpallsHurgenson> then they fall over or can't walk, so maybe that's where the rumor started from
[04:03:55] <idetuxs> we have to elaborate a plan to make them sink
[04:04:12] <chromas> feed them dice stock
[04:04:25] <crutchy> maybe when they eat too many they simply tip over
[04:04:28] <idetuxs> ^^
[04:04:32] <crutchy> we could have a duck tipping competition
[04:04:36] <swiss> just ruin their feathers
[04:04:45] <swiss> i think they sink with an oil spill
[04:05:03] <crutchy> i reckon one would sink if i threw a fridge at it
[04:05:08] <juggs> wth did you start Lagg?
[04:05:17] <swiss> crutchy: it would prob dodge
[04:05:19] <idetuxs> right, the trick it's to ruin their ability to stay afloat
[04:05:29] <swiss> idetuxs: oil
[04:05:39] <crutchy> take all the salts out of the water
[04:05:40] <SpallsHurgenson> if you want a duck to sink, just take away its life preserver
[04:05:46] <idetuxs> oil that is. cool cool cool
[04:05:55] <crutchy> freeze the pond/lake
[04:06:06] <crutchy> s/fr/snapfr/
[04:06:06] <SedBot9000> <crutchy> snapfreeze the pond/lake
[04:06:27] <idetuxs> welly welly welly welly welly welly well!
[04:06:27] <crutchy> by throwing shaken up coke cans in it :p
[04:06:33] <swiss> make concrete shoes for the duck is the best suggestion so far
[04:06:35] <SpallsHurgenson> acually, that I saw. dunno how it happened, but a duck got stuck in ice once and had to be rescued
[04:06:59] <swiss> why would you rescue something nature is trying to kill
[04:07:03] <SpallsHurgenson> guy belly crawled out onto a pond and cut it loose
[04:07:37] <idetuxs> There's people shouting outside my sweet home, and it's 1 AM. Sigh
[04:08:15] <crutchy> throw duck crap at them
[04:08:20] <swiss> make a sound like a gunshot, they will run
[04:08:31] <idetuxs> (with a gun)
[04:09:05] <chromas> use the whole magazine so they think it's a cop
[04:09:12] <swiss> it works for my 3x manager
[04:09:15] <idetuxs> hahahaha
[04:09:28] <idetuxs> I would love to have a gun right now
[04:09:54] <SpallsHurgenson> run outside naked screwaming while wielding a broadsword; it works for me
[04:09:55] <swiss> had some people beating a girl outside his house
[04:10:01] <idetuxs> plus by the end of the year everyone get out stealing shit
[04:10:10] <swiss> he shot his lawn, they ran away
[04:10:23] <idetuxs> yeah, that's cool
[04:10:36] <swiss> note to self, find out where manager 3x lives and dont live there
[04:10:37] <idetuxs> not a fan of running naked
[04:11:08] <idetuxs> Oh bliss! Bliss and heaven! Oh, it was gorgeousness and gorgeousity made flesh.
[04:11:33] <swiss> keep firecrackers in your room
[04:11:45] <swiss> throw them outside when people are being loud
[04:11:52] <crutchy> ~part
[04:11:52] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has parted #Soylent
[04:11:59] <idetuxs> no, that won't really work, i need a gun
[04:12:00] <swiss> exec is kill
[04:12:08] <Lagg> juggs: I don't know D:
[04:12:12] <chromas> our neighbors are being loud, too; playing stereotypical mexican music out back
[04:12:21] <swiss> firecrackers are to cover up the sound of the gunshot
[04:12:34] <idetuxs> hahahaha
[04:12:44] <swiss> chromas: find something traditionally bad luck they will be scared of
[04:12:55] <swiss> leave it in their backyard
[04:13:03] <swiss> watch them move houses
[04:13:09] <chromas> they're the ones who cut down all their trees right after moving in
[04:13:14] <idetuxs> a Santa Muerte sculpture
[04:13:48] <crutchy> just play miley cirus wrecking ball really loud
[04:14:13] <chromas> ~submit ask soylent: what should I learn from groups conforming to their stereotypes?
[04:14:36] <swiss> find a cartel related to their hometown
[04:14:39] <crutchy> /submit what he said :p
[04:14:53] <swiss> carve the name in their doorjam
[04:15:16] <crutchy> start inviting mormons over for dinner
[04:15:21] <idetuxs> oh that's genius swiss
[04:15:29] <juggs> ~submit answer soylent: recognise your own blind conformance to your own group before blithely calling others out for theirs.
[04:15:33] <idetuxs> what if they are part of the cartel?
[04:15:35] <swiss> idetuxs: thanks
[04:15:50] <swiss> they wouldnt be partying in the usa if they were
[04:15:52] <chromas> juggs: that's all the other groups' jobs :D
[04:16:12] <swiss> cartels arent cool enough to let people do what they want
[04:16:56] <crutchy> idetuxs, then you start playing the theme song from sporanos
[04:17:01] <crutchy> really loud
[04:18:37] <idetuxs> call it heisenberg's neighborhood
[04:19:21] <swiss> release venomous spiders through their house
[04:19:31] <crutchy> and dropbears
[04:19:43] <idetuxs> black widows
[04:20:02] <idetuxs> nice
[04:20:13] <chromas> opensshs
[04:20:34] * chromas gives tama an if(0)
[04:20:37] <SpallsHurgenson> install windowsME on all their computers when they aren't looking... even on their phones!
[04:21:17] <crutchy> take a dump on their doormat
[04:22:51] <SpallsHurgenson> on a completely different note: modern media indicates that - after the shotgun - the best weapon to use against a zombie is a sturdy screwdriver. Now imagine my terror, as all my screwdrivers have removable heads or shafts.
[04:23:32] <SpallsHurgenson> truly, geeks will not survive the zombiepocalypse
[04:23:36] <swiss> just keep extra shotguns
[04:23:48] <chromas> grasshopper manufacture says I need a chainsaw
[04:23:53] <chromas> and bewbs
[04:24:16] <crutchy> operation get behind the darkies
[04:24:38] <crutchy> b00bs++
[04:24:38] <Bender> karma - b00bs: 1
[04:24:53] <swiss> 58008
[04:25:32] <chromas> balled_mouse-- for needing a matt
[04:25:32] <Bender> karma - balled_mouse: -1
[04:26:26] <crutchy> mouse_with_balls++
[04:26:26] <Bender> karma - mouse_with_balls: 1
[04:26:35] * chromas only has one ball
[04:26:44] <crutchy> poor thing
[04:26:49] <SpallsHurgenson> titties, knockers, yayas, balloons,marimbas, shakers, bikini stuffers, double-whammies, cushions, bazoombas, boobies, honkers, domes, zeppelins, wah-wahs, peaches, melons, hooters, fun bags, jugs...
[04:26:54] <crutchy> maybe the other is undescended
[04:27:23] <crutchy> SpallsHurgenson, you mean juggs :D
[04:28:14] <crutchy> you forgot milk tankers
[04:28:17] <SpallsHurgenson> god I hope not
[04:28:59] <swiss> i should get onepiece leathers for the canyons
[04:29:59] <crutchy> swiss, s/an/ra/
[04:29:59] <SedBot9000> <crutchy> <swiss> i should get onepiece leathers for the crayons
[04:30:35] <swiss> crayons look so much better in leathers
[04:31:44] <crutchy> i would definitely eat them then
[04:31:54] <idetuxs> got to go
[04:31:57] <idetuxs> bye bye!
[04:32:00] <idetuxs> o/
[04:32:03] -!- idetuxs has quit [Quit: leaving]
[04:33:46] <juggs> don't forget the knee sliders swiss - gotta have them.
[04:34:00] <swiss> yeah
[04:34:08] <swiss> good one pieces should
[04:37:18] <crutchy> swiss, you going to visit subsentient?
[04:37:30] <juggs> lol - I managed to get my knee down on a honda cb100 - of course that was silly, just stick out a knee while going round a corner. Actually having to use a knee to control the bike has no place on the public highway.
[04:38:10] <swiss> no?
[04:38:25] <swiss> lol
[04:38:31] <swiss> juggs: rode the duke 690 today
[04:38:52] <crutchy> where are the canyons you mentioned?
[04:38:58] <crutchy> in CA
[04:39:00] <crutchy> ?
[04:39:05] <swiss> i have a lot to learn, the dude on the 690 enduro was taking corners 30mph faster than i normally do
[04:39:21] <swiss> crutchy: yeah, i live like 5 miles from mulholland
[04:39:47] <swiss> juggs: i mean, 30 mph faster than i even thought was possible
[04:41:32] <juggs> swiss, sure. A lot of that is to do with knowing the road and picking the best lines so as to minimise angle of lean. It's just physics at the end of the day.
[04:41:40] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Online Classes Really Do Work, According to Study - http://sylnt.us - more-than-google-fu
[04:42:26] <swiss> juggs: i knew the road better than the guy on the enduro
[04:42:29] <crutchy> is it just me or do fences seem rare in the US
[04:42:41] <swiss> i was just scared to lean harder
[04:42:48] <swiss> and to go faster
[04:43:01] <chromas> crutchy: don't need fences; we have guns
[04:43:05] <swiss> but i know mulholland really well in a car
[04:45:12] <juggs> swiss, My point was, if you are rounding a corner at speeds that require a knee on the deck to achieve, you'll be mighty fecked when faced with a stationary object in the way - like a car wreck, or a fallen tree. At that point you have no more usuable traction to get out of dodge as you are already at the very edge of the traction envelope.
[04:45:30] <swiss> yeah
[04:45:40] <swiss> i was nowhere close to that
[04:46:48] <swiss> i am gonna go watch motogp vids and fall asleep
[04:47:34] <crutchy> need moar saliva to get traction on the envelope
[04:48:24] <juggs> get some track time and tuition. At the moment your bike's capabilities probably exceed your own. Getting it wrong on track involves some bodywork and perhaps some gravel rash, get it wrong on the road and you get flattened by some truck coming the other way.
[04:51:30] -!- JamesNZ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[04:52:11] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~62b0cebd@me88-761-391-779.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
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[05:00:25] <juggs> I like this knot http://www.ties.com - purely because ties are an anachronism that need to die, if I must wear one I intend to do something remarkable with it, and I like the geometric form of the end result. Besides, it's a 13 step knot that will mean I will spend so long trying to get it right that I'll have missed whatever it was that required the tie in the first place, hence saving me the unnecessary pain.
[05:04:06] <chromas> nooses are for funerals and weddings
[05:08:33] <juggs> aye - still expected to wear the damn things along with suits and shiny boots for job interviews here. I've no idea why - maybe HR has some crusty checkbox labelled "Able to buy a new suit, tie a tie and lace own shoes" that must be inked in. Bizarre ritual that has no relevance to anything to my mind.
[05:09:53] <chromas> It makes you go faster, like a racing stripe
[05:10:00] <juggs> I put it in my "it just is box" then try to subvert it with silly knots I guess.
[05:13:14] <chromas> Use a rope for silly tie day
[05:14:58] <chromas> Not a mobile-friendly site. Keeps redirecting me to some promotion thing. Haven't seen that not though
[05:15:14] <juggs> yeah - turning up to a job interview with a 13 turn hangman's noose hanging from the neck may get one noticed, unlikely to secure the position though lol
[05:15:54] <chromas> Silly tie day. I guess that's only for places where you have to wear it every day
[05:16:04] <juggs> I have scripts blocked, so didn't redirect me anywhere. Sorry if it is overladen with such.
[05:16:49] * chromas looks to see if mobile firefox has noscript
[05:18:28] <juggs> Last job I remember wearing a tie regularly for was in the 90s, damn thing was a nuisance then. Yet still job interviews - gotta be suited and booted... whole thing's ridiculous.
[05:20:00] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~62b0cebd@me88-761-391-779.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[05:21:20] <chromas> Black tie, black undershirt, tight cropped or no hair. Make yourself look like a badass hitman
[05:21:47] <swiss> 234 people died in less than 100 years of the isle of man tt, wow
[05:23:38] <crutchy> fucking warm today
[05:23:41] <crutchy> ~weather
[05:23:55] <crutchy> stupid bot
[05:24:00] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[05:25:18] <crutchy> shit 31 deg C in september :/
[05:26:14] <juggs> swiss, IOM TT is insane. I've ridden the course at mostly sensible speeds - it has stone walls and phone poles and shitty surfaces and narrow parts between buildings all over the place. It's hairy balls racing that makes motoGP look like unicorns dancing. Find some YT vids of fastest laps point-of-view stuff - the mountain sections are not too bad other than the tank slappers invoked by the bad surfaces, the through village stuff is frankly terrify
[05:26:14] <juggs> ing.
[05:26:46] <swiss> yeah
[05:26:56] <swiss> they open it up week before the race right
[05:29:33] <juggs> I've no idea what the policy is now for public access.
[05:30:33] <swiss> i think they do
[05:31:24] <crutchy> ~queue
[05:31:27] <exec> *** SN submission queue: 18 - http://sylnt.us
[05:32:20] <juggs> They used to have "mad sunday" which was the course being open unrestricted speed but bi-directional - not sure if they still do, continental riders have a habit of straying to the worng side of the road when going full tilt.
[05:34:17] <juggs> I like that it still exists - it is a hairy public road circuit where competitors accept that there's a fair chance of death given a mistake. Long may it continue and the mad bastardest win!
[05:35:38] <swiss> lol
[05:35:39] <ciri> heh
[05:35:41] <swiss> yeah
[05:35:54] <juggs> It's a shining light for me in our oppressive regulate everything societies. Yes it's dangerous - but the people doing it know so and want to do it anyway, so why fret - have at it.
[05:36:05] <swiss> if people wanna do dangerous things, why are we stopping them
[05:37:02] <crutchy> ~suggest need a way to submit SoylentNews bugs/issues without having to sign up to github, and also would be handy to have scripty check for similar existing issues and either automagically append or link to related issues
[05:37:14] <exec> *** suggestion successfully added to wiki - http://sylnt.us
[05:39:08] <juggs> well they ninnies would jump and shriek "muh medical costs" - but the reality is, you get it wrong on the IOM circuit, you don't need a doctor you need someone with a paint scraper to get bits of you off the scenery you terminated on - costs of which are covered by the event itself.
[05:45:28] <swiss> yeah
[05:45:43] <swiss> and the event is their biggest attraction afaik
[05:46:52] <juggs> Check some of the sidecar fastest laps - I would ~not~ be a sidecar passenger there for love nor money.
[05:47:49] <swiss> i saw short clips of sidecar
[05:47:52] <swiss> holy shit
[05:48:54] <juggs> IOM is a nice place to visit any time of the year. Unless you specifically want to be there for TT (pricey) it better to avoid it. It's not like the rods change in between times.
[05:49:07] <juggs> roads*
[05:49:37] <swiss> but they have speed limits and more likely to have hazards the rest of the year
[05:50:39] <juggs> hmm - outside towns / villages it used to be completely unlimited. /me goes to check
[05:51:26] -!- SirFinkus has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[05:54:49] * swiss goes to bed
[05:55:03] <juggs> yup - still is. But you'll get pulled for dangerous or reckless for being ridiculous in inappropriate places. Hit the mountain section though - how fast dare ye go? Oh whoops should have fitted a steering damper! Oh shit a sheep escaped! SPLAT. But meh this is one of IOM's tourist attractions.
[06:16:40] -!- exec has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[06:31:02] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Rumblings of a Debian Fork Amidst Anger Over systemd - http://sylnt.us - yet-another-systemd-story
[06:31:42] -!- Guest [Guest!~textual@87-281-631-798.dhcp.gvrb.ca.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
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[08:10:55] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~james@43-567-441-22.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Soylent
[08:24:12] -!- Guest has quit [Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz
[08:28:29] <crutchy> bbq++
[08:28:30] <Bender> karma - bbq: 1
[08:28:55] <crutchy> hope the neighbors could smell it mwahahaha!
[08:36:10] -!- rand [rand!~rand@cea-547.64-463-42.nts-online.net] has joined #Soylent
[08:37:22] -!- Guest [Guest!~textual@87-281-631-798.dhcp.gvrb.ca.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[08:42:00] <crutchy> ~time
[08:42:08] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[08:42:18] <crutchy> ~time
[08:42:19] <exec> Sunday, 28 September 2014 @ 6:42 pm GMT+10 - Traralgon VIC, Australia
[08:43:08] <Konomi> ~time
[08:43:09] <exec> syntax: ~time location
[08:43:09] <exec> time data courtesy of Google
[08:43:14] <Konomi> ~time mars
[08:43:15] <exec> location not found - UTC timestamp: Sunday, 28 September 2014, 8:43 am
[08:43:29] <Konomi> this clock sucks how will I know my alien friends time?
[08:48:13] <crutchy> where are you konomi?
[08:48:13] <ciri> somewhere out on the WEB i guess crutchy
[08:48:22] <crutchy> thanks ciri
[08:49:06] <Konomi> ditto to what ciri said lol
[08:49:20] <Konomi> the only thing thus far I've seen it say that made any sense
[08:49:33] <crutchy> to do ~time on its own you just have to register your location with ~time-add konomi <your location> (you can also then do ~weather on its own cos they both use same location register)
[08:49:59] <crutchy> ~location
[08:49:59] <exec> alias "~location" requires additional trailing argument
[08:50:05] <crutchy> ~location crutchy
[08:50:05] <exec> *** location "crutchy" = "traralgon, victoria, australia"
[08:50:21] <Konomi> my paranoia is too high and my town is small sniff
[08:51:05] <crutchy> can also just add any major city in same time zone
[08:51:20] <crutchy> in different country if need be :p
[08:51:33] <crutchy> but anyway
[08:51:37] <crutchy> how you been?
[08:52:06] <crutchy> i would offer you a sausage, but i enjoy keeping them to tease the neighbors with the smell ;P
[08:52:48] <crutchy> almost couldn't use the damn barbie cos the loose part of the gas hose connector had seized
[08:58:08] <crutchy> Konomi, small towns are awesome. i would have stayed in my home town of 2000-odd if i could find work there
[08:58:18] <Konomi> no they're not ;p
[08:58:21] <Konomi> full of morons
[08:58:36] <crutchy> depends on the town maybe
[08:58:44] <crutchy> i love my home town
[08:59:18] <crutchy> cities are full of morons
[09:07:22] <crutchy> coffee++
[09:07:22] <Bender> karma - coffee: 858
[09:13:18] <JamesNZ> coffee--
[09:13:18] <Bender> karma - coffee: 857
[09:13:21] <JamesNZ> coffee--
[09:13:21] <Bender> karma - coffee: 856
[09:13:22] <JamesNZ> coffee--
[09:13:22] <Bender> karma - coffee: 855
[09:27:40] -!- JamesNZ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[09:28:32] <ar> coffee---
[09:28:34] <ar> coffee--
[09:28:34] <Bender> karma - coffee: 854
[09:28:36] <ar> coffee--
[09:28:36] <Bender> karma - coffee: 853
[09:28:38] <ar> coffee--
[09:28:38] <Bender> karma - coffee: 852
[09:28:53] <ar> coffee--
[09:28:53] <Bender> karma - coffee: 851
[09:28:55] <ar> coffee--
[09:28:55] <Bender> karma - coffee: 850
[09:32:14] <Guest> I finally got a spaceplane into orbit in Kerbal Space Program.
[09:32:22] Guest is now known as keplr
[09:34:06] <ar> keplr: any mods?
[09:34:26] <keplr> Some parts but I didn't use any for that vehicle
[09:34:33] <ar> keplr: you should use at least FAR. it makes atmospheric flights a lot more realistic
[09:34:50] <keplr> Yeah everyone seems to use that one
[09:34:55] <ar> and it actually makes building a plane easier, if you ever seen a plane that flies
[09:36:43] <keplr> I can't figure out the most efficient ascent profile, I never have enough fuel left over once I get into orbit for any operations. I'm just stuck up there.
[10:10:48] -!- KonomiNetbook has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[10:11:30] <ar> keplr: you go up ~30-45° (on jet engines, if you have enough power, it doesn't really matter, they don't use too much fuel) until ~16km, then you start leveling to be completly leveled at 20-22km and then try to go as fast as you can with jets
[10:12:04] <ar> keplr: and then you fire up the rocets and pull up a bit to shoot into LKO and circularize once there
[10:12:26] <ar> keplr: at least that's what i do
[10:13:09] <keplr> That's a good description of my basic flight plan
[10:13:29] <keplr> I'm probably just not optimizing the amount of fuel I take off with
[10:40:18] <ar> there's a good chance you're taking way more fuel with you than you really need. at least for the jet engines
[10:46:37] -!- keplr has quit [Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz
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[10:50:16] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - New Graphene Research Promises Reliable Chip-Level Production - http://sylnt.us - chippping-away-at-silicon
[10:54:53] -!- KonomiNetbook [KonomiNetbook!~Konomi@Soylent/Users/189/Konomi] has joined #Soylent
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[11:16:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> fishing++
[11:16:32] <Bender> karma - fishing: 10
[11:19:22] <crutchy> coffee++
[11:19:22] <Bender> karma - coffee: 851
[11:20:08] <crutchy> tmb, been or going?
[11:20:38] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Modular Microfluid Miniature Laboratories - http://sylnt.us - like-Unix-pipes-but-with-real-fluids
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[11:59:59] -!- SirFinkus [SirFinkus!~SirFinkus@l-64-313-06-125.hsd0.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[12:06:03] <crutchy> Bender, s/Unix-/butt/
[12:06:03] <SedBot9000> <crutchy> <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Modular Microfluid Miniature Laboratories - http://sylnt.us - like-buttpipes-but-with-real-fluids
[12:51:47] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Rosetta Update: Lander Date Confirmed: 12th November 2014 - http://sylnt.us - lander-has-a-date-why-can't-marvin?
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[13:32:25] * crutchy is now running a bastardized system with xfce and some gnome components (nautilus, gedit, etc)
[13:39:58] <chromas> Does it have systemd? According to soylent comments, it's the Final Solution
[13:40:32] <crutchy> i think it might have a systemd-related package or two, but still uses sysvinit
[13:40:51] <crutchy> i don't think xfce uses systemd (yet)
[13:41:18] <crutchy> anyone who fucks with it gunna have to go through torvalds
[13:41:51] <SirFinkus> systemd reminds me of the US healthcare debate
[13:42:01] <crutchy> i think xfce is his wm of choice (last time i read anyway)
[13:42:34] <crutchy> SirFinkus, you mean it happened after it was implemented already?
[13:42:54] <chromas> SirFinkus: lol I said the same thing
[13:43:09] <SirFinkus> I mean we kind of needed something new, someone makes a new system, which is still pretty shitty
[13:43:29] <SirFinkus> and people start using it because it's slightly better, but nobody is really happy
[13:43:36] <SirFinkus> idk, it makes sense in my head
[13:43:40] <crutchy> dunno why you guys couldn't just do wha other countries have been doing for years on that front
[13:43:51] <SirFinkus> because SOCIALISM
[13:44:18] * SirFinkus always prefered BSD style init
[13:45:39] <crutchy> i'm happy with debian's sysvinit. will prolly just stick with it. i don't know anything about systemd, so FUCK SYSTEMD!!
[13:46:06] <crutchy> debian_xfce_sysvinit++
[13:46:06] <Bender> karma - debian_xfce_sysvinit: 1
[13:46:16] <chromas> crutchy: are you american now?
[13:46:51] <chromas> There's always epoch
[13:46:55] <crutchy> dunno. am i? i live in australia but we're probably the 55th state of the USA or something
[13:46:58] <SirFinkus> upstart++
[13:46:58] <Bender> karma - upstart: 0
[13:47:01] <SirFinkus> not really though
[13:47:40] <crutchy> after iraq, israel and some other place
[13:48:24] <crutchy> the US military bombing range state... afghanistan
[13:48:25] <SirFinkus> everyone's american, we just may not have "liberated" your state yet
[13:49:06] <SirFinkus> except australia, nobody really wants australia
[13:49:29] -!- Konomi has quit [Quit: leaving]
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[14:00:48] -!- n1 [n1!~nick@Soylent/Staff/Editor/n1] has joined #Soylent
[14:00:48] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v n1] by juggler
[14:06:37] <crutchy> too many dropbears eh?
[14:06:44] -!- Konomi [Konomi!~Konomi@Soylent/Users/189/Konomi] has joined #Soylent
[14:07:06] * crutchy offers Konomi the runs :/
[14:07:19] * Konomi declines
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[14:31:01] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Wyoming Wind Farm Plan to Excavate Huge Salt Caverns - http://sylnt.us - the-answer-is-blowin-in-the-wind
[14:31:23] -!- prospectacle [prospectacle!~3a6b48c6@f24-623-24-090.mit945.act.optusnet.com.au] has joined #Soylent
[14:31:33] <prospectacle> hey hey
[14:33:25] <crutchy> mornin
[14:33:30] <crutchy> or evenin
[14:33:34] <crutchy> i can never remember
[14:34:28] <crutchy> mornin i think. you're a fellow dropbear hunter from vague memory :p
[14:35:50] <prospectacle> indeed I am
[14:36:17] <prospectacle> I guess technically it's morning isn't it
[14:36:45] <prospectacle> anyway, no matter, time stands still on irc
[14:36:50] <prospectacle> what's been happening?
[14:41:20] <prospectacle> Is anyone able to test my game prototype on their browser/operating system. I know it won't work on opera (a fix for that coming later) but in theory everything else should work
[14:42:13] <prospectacle> http://keycophany.com
[14:43:18] <n1> seems to work here, prospectacle
[14:44:44] <n1> cool little game it seems if i was in the right frame of mind
[14:45:22] <prospectacle> thanks, and thanks for testing
[14:46:09] <prospectacle> it will have a dozen or so tunes when it's released, so you don't have to do one as long as this sample one
[14:47:42] <n1> it's looking good so far :)
[14:48:00] <prospectacle> thanks, do the notes take very long to load the first time?
[14:48:40] <n1> feels very smooth to me
[14:49:15] <prospectacle> oh i mean when you first load it should show up the top left "load notes 2/44" etc, but if you didn't notice then that's a good sign.
[14:49:46] <n1> didn't notice, but internet is pretty fast
[14:50:04] <n1> yeah, it flashes up for less than a second
[14:50:12] <prospectacle> cool
[14:50:29] <prospectacle> after the first time it should be cached anyway, so no problem except when you select a new instrument which I intend to make possible.
[14:53:49] <n1> only thing i'd say (which is minor as it's a prototype) if you accidentally hit the right key and a wrong one at the same time, you still get a pass
[14:54:00] <n1> although it sounds as bad as it would, mashing keys
[14:54:39] <prospectacle> the cell you're in does go green (if you hit the right one second) but your accuracy score is reduced to take into account the incorrect key.
[14:54:55] <prospectacle> that's a good point you make. Maybe I should make it something between red and green if you pressed the right key but also a wrong one in that beat.
[14:55:32] <n1> maybe have it go orange or something?
[14:55:48] <prospectacle> yeah that could work
[15:00:13] <crutchy> ~last xlefay
[15:00:48] <exec> last privmsg for xlefay in #soylent: [2014-09-02 08:16:21] I need to eat some and get some sleep. I'll tty'all later ;-) Take care!
[15:01:57] <crutchy> gosh the systemd storm rages on
[15:02:23] <crutchy> alnost all comments are from the systemd-related articles
[15:02:24] <n1> i didn't expect the response to continue
[15:02:29] <n1> especially on a sunday
[15:03:10] <crutchy> 6 out of 7 comments in last hour
[15:03:27] <chromas> systemd++ # for lolz
[15:03:27] <Bender> karma - systemd: -4
[15:03:32] <n1> lol
[15:04:00] <prospectacle> crutchy, how can you tell so easily how many comments were made in what time? Have you made some clever scraping tool or is there a different view of SN that I don't know about.
[15:04:13] <crutchy> #comments
[15:04:15] <n1> for the story that went up today, i expected there to be maybe 20 or 30 comments, with a third of them complaining theyve had enough of systemd stories
[15:04:25] <prospectacle> interesting
[15:04:26] <n1> but didn't go down like that.
[15:04:30] <prospectacle> thanks
[15:04:35] <crutchy> there's a feed every half hour
[15:05:01] <crutchy> next one scheduled at 1.30 AEST
[15:05:23] <chromas> http://www.overclock.net
[15:05:42] <crutchy> or ADST or ADHD or whatever its called
[15:05:44] * chromas remembers ĂŸe olden dayes of case modding
[15:06:46] <prospectacle> aaat
[15:06:50] <prospectacle> australian awesome adventure time
[15:07:24] <crutchy> chromas, i like this case mod http://upload.wikimedia.org
[15:08:11] <chromas> needs moar blinkenlights
[15:08:26] <crutchy> true
[15:08:45] <chromas> but I guess it's just the power supply. Reverse-enhance!
[15:08:58] * chromas zooms out to see what else is in the room
[15:10:21] <crutchy> chromas... zoomed out more: http://1.bp.blogspot.com
[15:10:38] <prospectacle> holy shit
[15:10:57] <chromas> needs moar blinkenlights
[15:11:02] <prospectacle> i want one
[15:11:33] <crutchy> imagine playing minesweeper on that video wall
[15:11:37] <prospectacle> lol
[15:11:51] <chromas> at least one of those needs systemd so I don't have to leave to make food
[15:12:03] <chromas> kitchensink++
[15:12:04] <Bender> karma - kitchensink: 1
[15:13:23] <crutchy> better get some shuteye before workipoos. catch yas on the flipside
[15:13:58] <chromas> ~g'day crutchy|zzz
[15:13:59] <exec> * chromas insubordinately tosses a bucket of milo to crutchy|zzz
[15:16:19] <prospectacle> bye crutchy
[15:21:01] <Ethanol-fueled> i drak with a whore.
[15:21:05] <Ethanol-fueled> drank
[15:21:16] <Ethanol-fueled> ghghghghghgh
[15:21:51] <Ethanol-fueled> after beatunt ip latinos.
[15:21:56] <Ethanol-fueled> behhehehehehhehe
[15:22:00] <Ethanol-fueled> fuck teh spics
[15:22:35] <Ethanol-fueled> Pcc pchhchchc
[15:23:23] <Ethanol-fueled> But do you know........what it is like......to witness.....ETHANOL-VUELED's COCK
[15:23:38] <Ethanol-fueled> WHAT ITS LIKE
[15:23:47] <Ethanol-fueled> HAVIN A RONIE
[15:28:34] <Ethanol-fueled> HEAH!
[15:28:42] <Ethanol-fueled> Howard Dean for epresient!
[15:29:07] -!- Ethanol-fueled has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[15:34:56] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~62b0cebd@me88-761-391-779.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[15:35:27] <Ethanol-fueled> AWW yeah NIGGAS
[15:59:30] <Ethanol-fueled> IS FILTY
[15:59:35] <Ethanol-fueled> IS NASTAY
[15:59:54] -!- Ethanol-fueled has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[16:20:22] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The Great Lightbulb Conspiracy - http://sylnt.us - light-bulbs-may-die-but-dark-bulbs-are-forever
[16:26:49] <Konomi> who let Ef out, doof doof doof, doof
[16:34:31] <chromas> Even worse than Baha Men; he quoted Vanilla Ice
[16:36:25] <chromas> Bender: a/Ligh/Die/
[16:36:34] <chromas> Bender: s/Ligh/Die/
[16:36:34] <SedBot9000> <chromas> <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The Great Dietbulb Conspiracy - http://sylnt.us - light-bulbs-may-die-but-dark-bulbs-are-forever
[16:37:05] <swiss> dark bulbs are foreveeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrr~
[16:43:28] -!- prospectacle has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[17:27:54] -!- exec has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[17:29:27] -!- crutchy has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[17:31:11] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[17:33:17] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[18:02:15] -!- Tachyon_ [Tachyon_!~Tachyon@xuco.me] has joined #Soylent
[18:02:15] -!- Tachyon has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[18:11:46] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Ello (unfacebook) - http://sylnt.us - you-say-goodbye-and-I-say-ello
[18:21:51] <chromas> The social network with a Love button
[18:22:10] * chromas presses tama's Love button
[18:34:40] -!- xar has quit [Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in]
[18:49:19] -!- keplr [keplr!~textual@87-281-631-798.dhcp.gvrb.ca.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[19:50:34] -!- keplr has quit [Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz
[20:13:56] -!- keplr [keplr!~textual@87-281-631-798.dhcp.gvrb.ca.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[20:21:23] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Restoration of Nation's Oldest Municipal Organ Completed - http://sylnt.us - now-thats-what-i-call-music
[20:51:30] -!- pbnjoe [pbnjoe!~pbnjoe@Soylent/Users/313/pbnjoe] has joined #Soylent
[21:07:21] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~james@43-567-441-22.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Soylent
[21:12:57] <chromas> 109 comments on the debian fork article. What's the record?
[21:16:52] <n1> for a systemd story, 140 comments.
[21:17:16] <n1> i'm quite shocked it's managed to reach over 100 on a sunday
[21:18:04] <chromas> quick! install ads and post moar bitchbait!!!
[21:19:40] <n1> <+n1> for the story that went up today, i expected there to be maybe 20 or 30 comments, with a third of them complaining theyve had enough of systemd stories
[21:20:11] <chromas> I remember that comment
[21:20:37] <chromas> Don't recall any "shuddup about it" comments though
[21:20:55] <chromas> that means we need at lest twelve more systemd stories
[21:21:56] <chromas> "I refuse to use GitHub because I do not want to be associated in any way with the Rubyers and JavaScripters who infest GitHub."
[21:30:00] <n1> thats what i >expected< to happen when i queued the systemd story up last night
[21:30:15] <n1> but it didn't happen, and it's another 100+ comment story
[21:31:17] <chromas> what they need is a fuck beta campaign
[21:32:10] <n1> pretty sure that's already going on, at least with debian, but dissenters get silenced on the forums apparently.
[21:32:33] <chromas> in #debian too
[21:32:43] <n1> it seems to be a topic no side is going to listen to the others view
[21:32:53] <n1> so it's not like fuckbeta where a rollback was a possibility however small
[21:33:11] <chromas> there was just a guy adking about it, got a +q for 'ranting' then they started a battle of new-ip vs +q
[21:33:15] <n1> this seems to be a more 'your either with us or against us' type deal
[21:33:53] <n1> has just made me wonder, how furious are the wikipedia battles on the systemd article
[21:34:34] <chromas> ooh
[21:34:51] <chromas> doesn't say it's locked or anything, though
[21:35:19] <n1> doesn't seem too bad really
[21:36:10] <n1> maybe that will come later, when the war has been lost
[21:37:12] * chromas goes off to kickstart the battle and then submit a story about it
[21:37:26] <n1> hahah
[21:37:40] <n1> we don't only report the news, we make it!
[21:38:31] <n1> nothing gets views like controversy
[21:38:57] <chromas> oc++
[21:38:57] <Bender> karma - oc: 1
[21:39:33] <chromas> "Republicans say systemd is bad"
[21:39:46] <chromas> "democrats agree. cats and dogs
[21:39:51] <n1> "Obama praises systemd"
[21:39:53] <n1> would be a good one
[21:40:32] <n1> ya'll wanted change, systemd is that change.
[21:40:34] <chromas> "Rand Paul SLAMS Linus over systemd indifference"
[21:40:55] <n1> lol
[21:40:55] <ciri> lol damn!
[21:41:12] <chromas> (where "slams" == "Who? Whatever, anyway")
[21:41:49] <n1> the soylentnews twitter should be asking public figures for their 2c
[21:44:06] <n1> even with a lack of response, "x refuses to answer questions on systemd controversy"
[21:44:51] <n1> "the CIA can neither confirm or deny any involvment with the development of systemd"
[21:47:49] <chromas> "Now, I'm not saying Lennart Poettering is having gay buttsex with Kim Jong-un but why won't he deny it?"
[21:48:51] <chromas> (break into tears) It's about Linux—America! Am I the only patriot left?
[21:49:29] <n1> hah
[21:49:39] <n1> time to finish cooking dinners :D
[21:49:55] <chromas> mmm
[21:51:25] <chromas> hm, something changed since I last installed; torchlight 2 runs at ~1fps :'(
[21:52:53] <mrcoolbp> 1FPS should be plenty for anyone
[21:53:43] <chromas> I need at least 640k
[21:56:35] <mrcoolbp> does time have an (alleged) resolution? (like plank length in space)
[21:58:15] <chromas> I thni it's a 256bit float
[21:59:40] <chromas> there is a planck time unit
[21:59:58] <chromas> "The duration light takes to travel one Planck length. Theorized to be the smallest duration measurement that will ever be possible, roughly 10^−43 seconds."
[22:00:38] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Australian Welfare Data Management to be Outsourced to US Multinational - http://sylnt.us - cheap-foreign-labour
[22:01:28] <chromas> oh shit
[22:01:47] <chromas> Other countries are offshoring to us now? We really are third-world!
[22:02:23] <n1> one assumes the US company then outsources the actual labour to india or china
[22:02:41] <exec> 08*** SN funding has changed from $1,880 to $1,980
[22:02:55] <chromas> One hundred wing wangs!
[22:03:16] <n1> !!!
[22:03:27] <n1> lets go spend it on beer
[22:03:35] <n1> and bacon
[22:03:48] <chromas> and some wine for your dinner
[22:03:51] <mrcoolbp> crutchy: I like that new feature = ) works pretty quickly too
[22:04:08] <chromas> crutchy++
[22:04:08] <Bender> karma - crutchy: 101
[22:04:21] <mrcoolbp> we are averaging about 1.5 subscriptions/day if you throw out the first month
[22:04:37] <mrcoolbp> that is promising
[22:04:54] <n1> i dont drink wine, too classy for me
[22:06:37] <n1> having a good weekend, mrcoolbp?
[22:07:24] <mrcoolbp> not bad actually, how you been sir?
[22:09:07] <n1> have had a quiet weekend but i'm not complaining
[22:10:00] -!- exec has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[22:11:33] -!- crutchy has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[22:11:43] <mrcoolbp> n1: same here
[22:13:58] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[22:15:09] <chromas> Made some caramel; let it get a little dark. Now it tastes exactly like a roasted marshmallow
[22:19:33] <mrcoolbp> !uid
[22:19:34] <Bender> The current maximum UID is 4757, owned by Rosco P. Coltrane
[22:38:20] <arti> quiet weekends are best weekends.
[22:56:00] <JamesNZ> Imagine writing software so controversial that it causes a debian fork O_o
[22:56:19] * JamesNZ wonders what Lennart will think if it goes ahead...
[23:00:18] -!- xar [xar!~xar@2001:4800:7815:uyr:iogv:zty:xstj:uohw] has joined #Soylent
[23:30:59] -!- silverly [silverly!~cba199fc@wy-104-050-568-150.static.pipenetworks.com] has joined #Soylent
[23:52:01] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Twitter and Amazon Create New Add-to-Wishlist Tweets - http://sylnt.us - stress-free-life-#amazonwishlist
[23:53:52] <chromas> w00t! Turns out I had the wrong 32-bit nvidia driver installed; from the facepalm dept
[23:54:38] <juggs> oops!
[23:55:23] <chromas> I wondered why native software didn't have a problem with it. Pesky 32-bit
[23:55:50] <juggs> why 32-bit? old box?
[23:56:27] <chromas> for wine
[23:56:51] <chromas> I was getting 1fps in games on wine