#Soylent | Logs for 2015-01-29

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[00:00:22] <paulej72> I had to figure out the correct mysql startup by looking at history for prod
[00:00:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> nod nod
[00:01:09] * juggs looks around
[00:01:14] <juggs> taje it we rebooted?
[00:01:19] <juggs> take*
[00:01:23] <paulej72> and staff slash is still down as the web front end is not working. I thought it was nginx but that does not seem to be it as it was not installed and configed properly
[00:01:39] <paulej72> yes rebooted all servers to update kernels
[00:13:08] <juggs> good stuff
[00:18:43] <juggs> .op
[00:18:43] -!- mode/#Soylent [+o juggs] by juggler
[00:18:51] <juggs> .topic https://SoylentNews.org | Useful links: http://sylnt.us | SN PBC Board Meeting - TBA in #staff, all are welcome
[00:18:51] juggler changed topic of #Soylent to: https://SoylentNews.org | Useful links: http://sylnt.us | SN PBC Board Meeting - TBA in #staff, all are welcome
[00:23:10] -!- Hedonismbot [Hedonismbot!~confirms@0::1] has joined #Soylent
[00:24:04] -!- Hedonismbot has quit [Client Quit]
[00:24:53] -!- NetCraft [NetCraft!~chromas@22-049-32-821.dhcp.knwc.wa.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[00:25:07] -!- LancePodstrong [LancePodstrong!~john@tceitk-76-82-367-0.dr65.cnfl.mn.frontiernet.net] has joined #Soylent
[00:31:37] NetCraft is now known as HedonismBot
[00:38:30] <chromas> woot. running HedonismBot through Subsentient's nexus bouncer now so I can restart instantly
[00:38:33] <chromas> =restart
[00:38:48] <chromas> Needs a message though
[00:38:56] <chromas> Subsentient++
[00:38:56] <Bender> karma - subsentient: 24
[00:56:00] -!- SoyCow5894 [SoyCow5894!~ae39e68d@z-952-30-018-429.hsd9.nj.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[00:56:18] <SoyCow5894> hello goodbye
[00:56:19] <ciri> hey whats up SoyCow5894
[00:56:23] <LancePodstrong> mooooo
[00:56:25] -!- SoyCow5894 [SoyCow5894!~ae39e68d@z-952-30-018-429.hsd9.nj.comcast.net] has parted #Soylent
[00:56:57] <chromas> He could be a fan of Fragical Productions
[00:57:10] <paulej72> i was testing the web interface was up and ruuning
[00:58:47] <chromas> we need a floating version of that on the soylent site
[00:58:52] <chromas> like facebook/google chat :D
[00:59:09] -!- paulej72 [paulej72!~paulej72@Soylent/Staff/Developer/paulej72] has parted #Soylent
[01:00:01] -!- paulej72 [paulej72!~paulej72@Soylent/Staff/Developer/paulej72] has joined #Soylent
[01:00:01] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v paulej72] by juggler
[01:00:40] <chromas> Missing Diego; not sure if he was still doing anything
[01:02:46] <LancePodstrong> where in the world is (carmen san) diego?
[01:02:46] <ciri> hmmm thats a good question LancePodstrong
[01:05:03] <chromas> oh, did we upgrade to systemd yet :D :D
[01:05:17] -!- diego [diego!piespy@Soylent/Bot/Bender] has joined #Soylent
[01:05:37] <juggs> thar he blows :D
[01:05:52] <LancePodstrong> the bots are running systemd now
[01:06:40] <juggs> And he's got straight to work catching up :D http://stats.sylnt.us
[01:07:00] * juggs pokes HedonismBot with a pointED stick
[01:07:28] <chromas> no title
[01:07:32] <juggs> ah
[01:07:36] <chromas> maybe that should be a response
[01:08:07] -!- sedctl [sedctl!~sedctl@22-049-32-821.dhcp.knwc.wa.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[01:08:16] <paulej72> juggs: I was not even aware that the piespy stuff was still working
[01:08:23] -!- sedctl has quit [Changing host]
[01:08:23] -!- sedctl [sedctl!~sedctl@0::1] has joined #Soylent
[01:08:40] <chromas> he fixed it
[01:08:47] <chromas> juggs++
[01:08:47] <Bender> karma - juggs: 53
[01:08:48] <paulej72> sedctl can’t make up its mind
[01:08:50] <chromas> paulej72++
[01:08:50] <Bender> karma - paulej72: 96
[01:09:03] <juggs> paulej72, it was just running in a screen session, never got around to doing a startup script for it. Tis not critical
[01:09:08] <chromas> it has to manually ident
[01:09:14] <chromas> though I guess it could be scripted
[01:09:34] <paulej72> cronjob @reboot is your friend
[01:09:46] <juggs> aye
[01:10:18] <paulej72> all of the ircd stuff I setup runs this way and came up rather well after the reboot
[01:14:37] <paulej72> funny thing about restarting the vms. Each one needed to do a fsck since it was too long since the last one.
[01:15:13] <juggs> Nothing like a bit of patience when that occurs :D
[01:15:27] <chromas> try btrfs :)
[01:16:52] <paulej72> first one took enough time rebootng that I wen in through a different route. Then I decided to start watching them through Linode’s console system.
[01:17:25] <paulej72> actually Helium did not fully boot and required a manual reboot.
[01:18:26] <juggs> http://stats.sylnt.us
[01:18:40] * juggs pokes HedonismBot with a pointED stick
[01:19:05] <juggs> needs cache cleared chromas ^^ has title now
[01:20:09] <juggs> Bit worrying if Helium fails to come up :/
[01:20:35] <chromas> =del .titles.cache/ http://stats.sylnt.us
[01:20:35] <HedonismBot> k
[01:20:41] <chromas> http://stats.sylnt.us
[01:20:47] <juggs> o.O
[01:20:47] <chromas> :/
[01:20:56] <chromas> Oh a space
[01:21:04] <juggs> oh wait... needs to be in head perhaps?
[01:21:05] <chromas> =del .titles.cache/http://stats.sylnt.us/social/soylent/index.html
[01:21:05] <HedonismBot> Couldn't delete cell ".titles.cache/http://stats.sylnt.us/social/soylent/index.html"
[01:21:15] <juggs> 2 secs
[01:21:15] <ciri> 3
[01:21:16] <chromas> What did I break
[01:21:29] <juggs> nothing, I forgot <head> :D
[01:21:57] <chromas> =stats .titles.cache
[01:21:57] <HedonismBot> .titles.cache: 65981 bytes in 218 cells
[01:22:23] <chromas> =get .titles.cache/http://stats.sylnt.us/social/soylent/index.html
[01:22:29] <chromas> :(
[01:23:51] <chromas> http://stats.sylnt.us
[01:26:53] <juggs> ok, I took out spaces and the # in case that was causing probs.
[01:27:01] <juggs> http://stats.sylnt.us
[01:27:01] <HedonismBot> * 03SoylentNews - PieSpy Relationship Map - #soylent
[01:27:23] <juggs> ehh - I just changed that :D
[01:27:31] <juggs> I'll put it back :D
[01:29:18] <juggs> http://stats.sylnt.us
[01:29:18] <HedonismBot> * 03SoylentNews - PieSpy Relationship Map - #soylent
[01:29:31] <juggs> furrymuff
[01:31:10] <LancePodstrong> ym
[01:35:37] -!- diego has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[01:35:56] -!- diego [diego!piespy@Soylent/Bot/Bender] has joined #Soylent
[01:39:32] <chromas> =!clear .titles.cache
[01:39:32] <HedonismBot> k
[01:43:33] <chromas> Nah it's on my end
[01:43:49] <chromas> Might've been squid though
[01:47:07] <Konomi> http://i7.minus.com
[01:47:26] <Konomi> innovative must be code for looks like shit these days
[01:47:36] <Konomi> "Vivaldi Browser"
[01:48:17] <LancePodstrong> what's wrong with that?
[01:48:22] <LancePodstrong> looks ok to me
[01:48:40] <Konomi> inconsistent ui to system theme
[01:48:48] <Konomi> wasted ui space
[01:49:47] <Konomi> looks like win 8 hurled up it's browser on my linux desktop
[01:49:53] <Konomi> its*
[01:49:59] <LancePodstrong> lol
[01:50:00] <ciri> i don't think it's that funny lol
[01:50:13] <Konomi> ciri-- # shinii
[01:50:13] <Bender> karma - ciri: -40
[01:51:42] <LancePodstrong> there aren't many (any?) good browsers these days
[01:51:47] <LancePodstrong> they're either bloated as fuck or don't work right
[01:51:48] <chromas> Android's been working its way toward windows 8 style lately
[01:52:03] <LancePodstrong> i tried to load latest firefox on my atom netbook and it takes ages
[01:52:13] <chromas> Try pale moon
[01:52:49] <chromas> Although I've heard there's an ever increasing number of extensions becoming incompatible
[01:53:30] <LancePodstrong> i've heard of it before but not tried it
[01:53:41] <LancePodstrong> is it lightweight?
[01:54:01] <chromas> it's based on firefox but doesn't have the stupid aurora or whatever ui
[01:54:57] <LancePodstrong> i don't really have a problem with firefox ui
[01:54:58] <chromas> Aside from that, I think almost all other web browsers are based on webkit
[01:55:05] <LancePodstrong> it's jsut tabs and an address bar whats to not like
[01:55:13] <LancePodstrong> but it takes tons of ram and is slow
[01:55:52] <chromas> it has invading tiles
[01:55:59] <chromas> in the menu and stuff
[01:56:21] <chromas> You could try Opera. It's a chrome clone now with fewer features
[02:00:16] <LancePodstrong> i should get a usb -> db9 serial adapter
[02:01:01] <LancePodstrong> thats what i got that netbook for anyway was a portable serial console and it doesn't even have a serial port
[02:03:57] <Konomi> http://boingboing.net
[02:03:58] <HedonismBot> ^ 03“Man can’t change climate,” only God can, says Senate chair of Environment & Public Works - Boing Boing
[02:04:04] <Konomi> >.<
[02:05:30] <LancePodstrong> brilliant
[02:10:41] <LancePodstrong> weather ksyn
[02:10:45] <LancePodstrong> er
[02:10:56] <LancePodstrong> ~weather ksyn
[02:11:03] <LancePodstrong> :(
[02:11:20] <juggs> ^weather ksyn
[02:11:21] <geotti_away> [KSYN, Minnesota] Overcast. Temp is 0*C but feels like -2*C. NE wind: 6 kph. Humidity: 87%.
[02:11:36] <juggs> ^weather London
[02:11:37] <geotti_away> [London, United Kingdom] Clear. Temp is 3*C but feels like -2*C. WSW wind: 30 kph. Humidity: 81%.
[02:11:52] <juggs> ^weather LHR
[02:11:53] <geotti_away> [LHR, United Kingdom] Clear. Temp is 3*C but feels like -2*C. WSW wind: 30 kph. Humidity: 81%.
[02:14:14] -!- LancePodstrong has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[02:14:25] -!- LancePod1trong [LancePod1trong!~john@tceitk-76-82-367-0.dr65.cnfl.mn.frontiernet.net] has joined #Soylent
[02:14:44] <LancePod1trong> accidentally bumped the button on the power strip plugging in my netbook
[02:14:48] LancePod1trong is now known as LancePodstrong
[02:21:58] <paulej72> exec is offline still so no ~weather
[02:28:24] -!- BadCoderFinger [BadCoderFinger!~BadCoderF@216.160.gyz.km] has joined #Soylent
[02:33:07] <LancePodstrong> i happend upon an old serial cable
[02:33:13] <LancePodstrong> glad i checked it with a multimeter first
[02:33:19] <LancePodstrong> thing was in fact a null model cable already
[02:33:22] <LancePodstrong> didn't have to chop it up
[02:33:26] <BadCoderFinger> Hi guys
[02:33:26] <ciri> hello, whats up BadCoderFinger
[02:33:35] <LancePodstrong> hi
[02:33:41] <BadCoderFinger> (ciri doesn't have a keyboard!)
[02:33:55] <BadCoderFinger> Hey Lance
[02:35:26] <SirFinkus> exec is offline, but ciri is still here
[02:35:27] <SirFinkus> thank god
[02:44:45] <BadCoderFinger> Heh!
[03:01:51] <BadCoderFinger> What's going on with you guys?
[03:04:48] <LancePodstrong> swapping out wirelesws chips in this freebie netbook i got
[03:04:58] <LancePodstrong> for more openbsd compatible one
[03:05:11] <LancePodstrong> decided it's too slow for slackware
[03:08:11] <Konomi> trying to take over the world as usual
[03:12:47] <LancePodstrong> swap completed. janky atheros swapped for nice ralink. now i can use it as an access point and run all kinds of fun stuff
[03:18:33] <BadCoderFinger> "What are we going to do tonight, Brain?" "The same thing we do every night, Pinky. Recompile the kernel!"
[03:20:17] <LancePodstrong> reminds me of my gentoo days
[03:21:10] <BadCoderFinger> Yeah, lots of compiling in Gentoo. I wrote a script to do the same with Arch.
[03:22:03] <BadCoderFinger> Keep everything built with security flags.
[03:22:22] <LancePodstrong> i ran gentoo from 2006 to like.... 2011? 2012?
[03:22:24] <LancePodstrong> too long
[03:23:25] <BadCoderFinger> I hated portage. Every dot release of python seemed to break it.
[03:24:53] <LancePodstrong> i found that if i waited longer than a few days between updating the system, something would get broken with versioning
[03:25:29] <LancePodstrong> i should have been using debian
[03:26:08] <LancePodstrong> then again gentoo was nice when it worked, got cutting edge driver support first
[03:26:23] <LancePodstrong> not relaly a big deal now
[03:27:15] <BadCoderFinger> I did like Arch for a while, but ABS wasn't in sync with the package database, sometimes for months.
[03:27:50] <LancePodstrong> that's what i switched to right away after gentoo and i used it for a bit
[03:28:06] <LancePodstrong> but it did some things i didn't like and configuring everythign was different than what i was used to ,coudln't figure out what it was
[03:28:07] <BadCoderFinger> But it got harder and harder to keep it on openrc.
[03:28:09] <LancePodstrong> systemd
[03:28:15] <LancePodstrong> :(
[03:28:32] <BadCoderFinger> When they deprecated the single rc.conf thing, I formatted.
[03:29:02] <BadCoderFinger> I'm using FreeBSD on my laptop now.
[03:29:09] <LancePodstrong> nice
[03:29:16] <BadCoderFinger> Best part: ZFS.
[03:29:17] <LancePodstrong> i have openbsd on my server and slackware on my workstation
[03:29:34] <LancePodstrong> i'm a bsd noob but it's fun
[03:30:02] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - This Guy Found a Way to Block Robocalls when Phone Companies Wouldn’t - http://sylnt.us - domo-arigato
[03:30:10] <BadCoderFinger> BTRFS has some nice features, but I've run dead on battery several times, and not lost anything yet.
[03:30:56] <LancePodstrong> what's btrfs?
[03:31:34] <LancePodstrong> nvm i'll google it
[03:31:40] <BadCoderFinger> Linux's answer to ZFS, basically.
[03:32:27] -!- SpallsHurgenson [SpallsHurgenson!~SpallsHur@Soylent/Users/656/SpallsHurgenson] has joined #Soylent
[03:32:59] <SpallsHurgenson> I really miss having a ceiling.
[03:33:27] <LancePodstrong> what do you have now?
[03:33:37] <BadCoderFinger> Aw, the sky is pretty!
[03:33:45] <SpallsHurgenson> a big tarp over a giant hole where I used to have a ceiling
[03:33:53] <BadCoderFinger> And Hey Spalls, nice to see you again.
[03:34:04] <SpallsHurgenson> the tarp itself isn't the problem though. I can live with the tarp.
[03:34:08] <BadCoderFinger> I hope it's a blue tarp so you can call it a Katrina roof.
[03:34:23] <SpallsHurgenson> it's the roaches that crawl out from under it that get me <shudder>
[03:34:59] <LancePodstrong> O_o
[03:35:08] <SpallsHurgenson> or, as bad, their crawling on the crawl-space side of the tarp... I hear 'em skittering about.
[03:35:34] <SpallsHurgenson> to be fair, they are only doing that because they are dying from all the roach poison the exterminator sprayed up there, but still...
[03:36:10] <SpallsHurgenson> everybody look up and take a moment to appreciate that solid slab of sheet rock you got over your head
[03:36:30] <LancePodstrong> omg
[03:36:42] <LancePodstrong> i don't mind a few bugs here and there but serious infestations creep me right the fuck out
[03:37:01] <JamesNZ> I only have a few sheets of wood, but I'm grateful for that nonetheless.
[03:37:41] <SpallsHurgenson> it's not really a serious infestation... it's normal for roaches to move about after spraying the poison. But normally they can't get into the living area because there's a ceiling. Ceilings are great.
[03:38:05] <JamesNZ> ceilings++
[03:38:05] <Bender> karma - ceilings: 1
[03:38:44] <SpallsHurgenson> on the plus side, the insurance company and lawyers have just about finished their arguments so repairs will probably start sometime next week
[03:39:02] <SpallsHurgenson> after that I will be able to go back to living in happy ignorance about the terrifying ecosystem that exists above my head :)
[03:40:38] <SpallsHurgenson> I'm not ashamed to admit I screeched like a little girl after the first roach dropped down. Even the cat looked at me as if to say, "Man, grow a pair, won't you?"
[03:41:04] <SpallsHurgenson> (which, of course, is ironic considering kitty's condition :)
[03:42:04] <LancePodstrong> what happened to your ceiling?
[03:43:00] <SpallsHurgenson> oh, there was a leak upstairs; the whole ceiling got soaked so they had to pull it down. It's just a big empty hole into the crawlspace above.
[03:43:31] <LancePodstrong> wonderful
[03:45:34] <SpallsHurgenson> aside from the inconvenience (and the six-legged visitors) I'm getting away pretty easy; don't have to pay a thing for the repairs, but the insurance of the building mgmt and the upstairs tenent are haggling over who has to foot the bill :)
[03:46:38] <SpallsHurgenson> honestly, aside from the creepy-crawlies (which, again, only are an issue because the exterminator was doing his thing today) and the fact that tarp scares kitty to death, I really don't mind the delay so much (I mean, so long as it gets fixed eventually)
[03:48:20] <LancePodstrong> shit i just realized i put the wrong card in here
[03:48:27] <SpallsHurgenson> but it did make me appreciate the beauty of 1/2" sheetrock :)
[03:49:35] -!- Konomi has quit [Quit: leaving]
[03:49:47] -!- Konomi [Konomi!~Konomi@Soylent/Users/189/Konomi] has joined #Soylent
[03:49:57] <SpallsHurgenson> (that's "dry wall" or "plasterboard" for you Aussies ;-)
[03:50:44] <SpallsHurgenson> (possibly also Gyprock or Gibraltar board, according to wikipedia :)
[03:57:46] <SpallsHurgenson> http://videosift.com vital and useful information necessary to the continuation of civilized life :)
[03:57:47] <HedonismBot> ^ 03how to make caramel in the microwave
[04:01:17] <chromas> needs to talk faster
[04:01:42] <SpallsHurgenson> http://www.fudzilla.com and nobody cared
[04:01:44] <HedonismBot> ^ 03Windows RT dead
[04:01:52] <chromas> looks similar to making it on the stove
[04:02:56] <BadCoderFinger> HA! Windows RT!
[04:03:19] <chromas> what will the non-pro surface tabs run?
[04:04:23] <BadCoderFinger> Windows Crippled.
[04:04:57] <LancePodstrong> windows is dying
[04:04:58] <BadCoderFinger> They'll put a windows theme on XFCE and run it on Linux/ARM
[04:05:05] <LancePodstrong> did you hear windows 10 is going to be free
[04:05:09] <LancePodstrong> they can't sell it
[04:05:15] <LancePodstrong> bet the ycan't give it away either
[04:05:25] <chromas> does NetCraft confirm it?
[04:05:31] <BadCoderFinger> They'll move to a subscription based system sooner or later.
[04:05:41] <SpallsHurgenson> oh please, the free upgrade is a pointless gimmick
[04:05:59] <SpallsHurgenson> most people don't upgrade their windows OS; they get the new version "free" with their new computer
[04:06:29] <SpallsHurgenson> the "free for one year" update is just a panacea to the tech community in order to get them to try the OS so they don't have another win8 fiasco
[04:07:01] <chromas> They should say "100% systemd free!"
[04:07:02] <BadCoderFinger> SpallsHurgenson: That's very true.
[04:07:16] <BadCoderFinger> chromas: HA!
[04:07:21] <SpallsHurgenson> BadCoderFinger: I apologize for using facts and logic in my comments
[04:08:09] <BadCoderFinger> SpallsHurgenson: Heh!
[04:08:49] <BadCoderFinger> However, it's a slow strategy. A lot of people will be gun-shy after win8.
[04:08:55] <SpallsHurgenson> http://www.windowscentral.com of course, windows-not-RT surface tablets are doing pretty good so don't write off windows yet :)
[04:08:57] <HedonismBot> ^ 03Surface pulls in over one billion in revenue for Microsoft as sales increase by 24% | Windows Central
[04:10:45] <SpallsHurgenson> (clarification needed: is it acceptable to sing along with show tunes if they were written by The Who?)
[04:12:19] <BadCoderFinger> SpallsHurgenson: Go ahead, my speakers are off.
[04:13:03] * chromas gets ready to record and post to youtube
[04:13:34] * SpallsHurgenson wails, "I'm the Gypsy, the Acid Queen, and I'm guaranteed to break your little heart!"
[04:15:26] <SpallsHurgenson> note: not responsible for broken window panes
[04:20:16] <SpallsHurgenson> (at least it's better than that "Star Trekking" tune somebody planted in my head the other night)
[04:21:42] <BadCoderFinger> Yeah, that was funny
[04:22:21] <SpallsHurgenson> No, no it wasn't! Bad song, bad! I was singing about klingons on the starboard bow for 18 hours!
[04:23:16] <BadCoderFinger> Ever hear "USS Make Shit Up" by a guy calling himself Voltaire?
[04:23:38] <SpallsHurgenson> yeah, I saw a youtube video on it
[04:24:08] <SpallsHurgenson> didn't find it half as memorable
[04:24:15] <BadCoderFinger> Yeah, but funny.
[04:26:07] <SpallsHurgenson> https://www.youtube.com
[04:26:08] <HedonismBot> ^ 03Voltaire- USS Make Shit Up- Lyrics - YouTube
[04:27:08] <BadCoderFinger> His "When You're Evil" is a favorite.
[04:28:11] <SpallsHurgenson> filk songs seem to be on a decline :(
[04:28:50] <SpallsHurgenson> then again, perhaps I spoke too soon http://ovff.org
[04:28:51] <HedonismBot> ^ 03Pegasus Awards
[04:30:26] <SpallsHurgenson> heh, an old favorite :) https://www.youtube.com
[04:30:26] <HedonismBot> ^ 03Free Fall & Other Delights 11 - A Reconsideration (Zero-G Sex) - YouTube
[04:30:32] <BadCoderFinger> Ugh. Building anything related to qt wants to unpack the whole tarball.
[04:30:59] <SpallsHurgenson> the proper name of that song is "A Reconsideration Of Anatomical Docking Maneuvers In A Zero-Gravity Environment" :)
[04:31:21] <BadCoderFinger> If I didn't use qgit I wouldn't have qt on my system at all.
[04:32:02] <LancePodstrong> hahahaha yeah qt sucks
[04:34:48] <LancePodstrong> it's crazy how much faster openbsd boots on this netbook than slackware
[04:34:55] <BadCoderFinger> Heh!
[04:35:07] <BadCoderFinger> OpenBSD is pretty cool.
[04:35:09] <LancePodstrong> i knew slackware was bloated but didn't know just how bloated
[04:35:22] <LancePodstrong> until i tried it on this atom netbook
[04:35:42] <LancePodstrong> lol. keeping it on my desktop tho cuz it's nice and easy to use if you have the cpu cycles
[04:35:43] <BadCoderFinger> Slackware isn't bad if you build your own kernel.
[04:36:07] <LancePodstrong> what distros etc do you guys all run?
[04:37:00] <BadCoderFinger> FreeBSD, a Debian server soon to be converted, an Ubuntu (yecch) that's going to be converted as well.
[04:37:25] <SpallsHurgenson> https://www.youtube.com here's another good one
[04:37:26] <HedonismBot> ^ 03Jeffrey Hitchin - Tech Support - YouTube
[04:37:36] <BadCoderFinger> Working on OpenBSD on an old thinkpad, but that's waiting until the weekend.
[04:40:15] <LancePodstrong> awesome, usb tether to android works out of the box on openbsd.
[04:41:41] <SpallsHurgenson> http://www.inquisitr.com BOOM!
[04:41:41] <HedonismBot> ^ 03U.S. Navy Railgun Video Shows The Future Weapon?s Power, In February See It In Person
[04:44:43] <juggs> I have free, open and PC BSD iso's downloaded. Just need to find some time to play with them
[04:46:28] <BadCoderFinger> One thing I miss from Linux is iproute2. I like the router-like syntax versus ifconfig.
[04:49:35] <LancePodstrong> i never used iproute2 at all and only did pretty basic stuff with ifconfig
[04:49:52] <LancePodstrong> i like how openbsd integrates the funcitonality of iwconfig into ifconfig
[04:50:05] <SpallsHurgenson> https://www.youtube.com 1989 Best Techie Filk Song :)
[04:50:05] <HedonismBot> ^ 03Do It Yourself - Bill Sutton - YouTube
[04:52:43] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Subsentient] has joined #Soylent
[04:52:43] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Subsentient] by juggler
[04:55:13] <juggs> how's things Subsentient ?
[04:56:01] <Subsentient> Nurble nurble flesh eating gerbil
[04:56:07] <Subsentient> Python and whatnot.
[04:56:18] <Subsentient> Learned python, well, a good bit of python, now I need to figure out how to work with binary data in python. In C it's easy.
[04:56:56] <juggs> I'll take your word for it :D
[04:58:05] <BadCoderFinger> The only language I ever loved was C.
[04:58:41] <juggs> Did it love you back?
[04:59:21] <BadCoderFinger> I don't think so... I managed to break a few compilers. "Internal compiler error."
[04:59:57] <chromas> you broke their hearts
[05:00:09] <BadCoderFinger> Heh!
[05:00:57] <BadCoderFinger> GCC's optimizer isn't bad on x86, but MIPS and PowerPC? Bleh.
[05:01:10] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Self-Assembling Amyloid Fibers from Smaller Proteins for Nanotechnology Applications - http://sylnt.us - fibers-all-the-way-down
[05:02:00] <SpallsHurgenson> http://www.theregister.co.uk always one more drive than you have
[05:02:00] <HedonismBot> ^ 03Boffin finds formula for four-year-five-nines disk arrays • The Register
[05:02:13] <BadCoderFinger> Ha!
[05:10:37] -!- BadCoderFinger has quit [Quit: Time for Father Ted]
[05:12:07] <SpallsHurgenson> mmm, kitty seems much happier today now that she's had her Claws Of Death(tm) trimmed to a more managable level
[05:12:53] <chromas> kitties get their claws trimmed?
[05:13:08] <chromas> pawdicures
[05:13:18] <SpallsHurgenson> she had a visit to the vet and got a complimentary de-murderlizing :)
[05:14:33] <SpallsHurgenson> now she can only rip out my jugular with her fangs :)
[05:18:11] <LancePodstrong> i'm off to bed
[05:18:14] <LancePodstrong> later all
[05:18:15] -!- LancePodstrong has quit [Quit: sleep]
[05:18:38] <chromas> he must be new; doesn't know he can irc in his sleep
[05:19:10] <SpallsHurgenson> http://thehackernews.com
[05:19:10] <HedonismBot> ^ 03Ultra-secure Blackphone Vulnerability lets Hackers Decrypt Texts - Hacker News
[05:30:49] <SpallsHurgenson> "Over the centuries, mankind has tried many ways of combating the forces of evil... prayer, fasting, good works and so on. Up until Doom, no one seemed to have thought about the double-barrel shotgun." - awesome quote; thanks Terry Pratchett :)
[05:41:25] <SpallsHurgenson> http://www.vox.com last link for tonight, I think :)
[05:41:26] <HedonismBot> ^ 03How America got addicted to road salt — and why it's a problem - Vox
[05:42:41] <chromas> we got some of our roads 'fixed up' last year. Chip and seal, but they didn't roll it down well so there's lots of rocks all over
[05:43:20] <chromas> stinginess--
[05:43:20] <Bender> karma - stinginess: -1
[05:43:37] <SpallsHurgenson> I wonder how much salt it takes to melt 30" of snow :)
[05:43:41] <juggs> paint chips ftw
[05:44:04] <juggs> I suspect a snow blower may be of more use Spalls
[05:44:45] <SpallsHurgenson> but the snow is already blowing! I need a de-blower!
[05:45:52] <juggs> flame thrower perhaps? may not be effective but the neighbours will be alarmed
[05:46:09] <chromas> snowsharks
[05:50:48] <arti> nailgun
[05:51:33] * SpallsHurgenson shoots at the snow with a nailgun
[05:52:16] <arti> The Snow takes 1 piercing damage.
[05:52:54] <SpallsHurgenson> well at least it takes damage. the gazebo was apparently invulnerable to my attacks
[05:53:05] <arti> was it carved from a single pice?
[05:53:13] <arti> s/pice/piece/
[05:53:13] <sedctl> <arti> was it carved from a single piece?
[05:54:03] <SpallsHurgenson> I don't know; it ate me before I could get a clear look at it
[06:24:05] -!- SpallsHurgenson has quit [Quit: no more]
[06:34:05] <Konomi> https://www.phyramid.com
[06:34:05] <HedonismBot> ^ 03Monitoring servers at Phyramid
[06:36:14] <arti> this is the one with the sleek page right?
[06:36:27] <arti> kinda tron like
[06:36:38] <arti> yeah
[07:03:52] <arti> http://imgur.com
[07:03:53] <HedonismBot> ^ 03A tutorial on how to get into an admin account on ANY computer. - Imgur
[07:04:00] <arti> ^ Windows
[07:16:24] <juggs> ooh, that's naughty. Should have some kind of verification on "sethc" actually being the expected "sethc". Does that defeat file encryption? I forget how that works on Windows - can't see that defeating per user file encryption.
[07:19:40] <crutchy> fek. don't let ol' hairyballs find out about this. it might even convince him to quit shilling for microsoft
[07:20:56] <juggs> Well, to be fair, it does require physical access to the machine. Does it really matter what the OS at that point?
[07:21:59] <crutchy> dunno. i guess not
[07:22:30] <crutchy> live usb sticks are pretty much master keys to anything
[07:23:21] <crutchy> well, except maybe encrypted volumes
[07:24:19] <crutchy> and konomi prolly has hers surrounded by electrified razor wire
[07:25:05] <chromas> just think, firewire could've become the popular one
[07:25:30] <crutchy> bumblebee tuna!
[07:25:47] * chromas fires a dart
[07:26:08] <crutchy> one dart is too much
[07:26:30] <crutchy> ciri: your balls are showing
[07:26:41] <crutchy> :/
[07:26:59] * crutchy smakes ciri
[07:27:46] <chromas> I think #staff is missing a flag
[07:28:11] <chromas> Quick! Everyone go jibber jabber
[07:29:08] <crutchy> ohmy
[07:29:30] <chromas> Yeah; it usually has at least an +m
[07:29:35] <juggs> typically on linux machines I use LUKS for the whole drive then ecryptfs on the individual home dirs. I figure if someone gets access and has the knowledge to defeat that by planting something in the remaining unencrypted /boot I'm screwed anyway as they know far more than me and could just chuck a hardware keylogger in anyway.
[07:30:27] * crutchy calibrates security to consequence
[07:30:42] <chromas> consequences will never be the same
[07:30:45] <juggs> Is #staff usually moderated, I forget. Perhaps during meetings
[07:31:17] <crutchy> was it locked down cos eth started posting extender pics or summin?
[07:31:35] <crutchy> my brain is firmly in after work moron mode
[07:31:37] <juggs> We really do need more than one irc node so we don't go through this every time
[07:31:37] <chromas> No, it's just so we don't clock it up in there I think
[07:31:46] <chromas> can't be just during meetings 'cause you never have 'em :D
[07:32:03] <juggs> true dat
[07:32:16] <crutchy> ooh maybe a distributed irc network
[07:32:19] <chromas> we can all run an ircd on our servers/vps's :D
[07:32:23] <crutchy> we can call it 'freelode'
[07:33:31] <crutchy> i'm sure i can host an irc server as unreliably as i host a bot :d
[07:33:54] <juggs> We have enough SN servers to handle it, just not set it up. Just means when we have to reboot things for updates we can do one node at a time and retain the channel modes etc. Just get a brief netsplit when a node goes down
[07:33:59] <chromas> My net's usually up. But can they trust me?
[07:34:18] <crutchy> join the dark side chromas.... it is your destiny
[07:34:27] <juggs> one of us
[07:34:28] <chromas> noooooooooooooooooo!!!
[07:34:33] <chromas> or wait, I have vim
[07:34:41] <juggs> then no... you are not worthy
[07:34:42] <crutchy> ok you're in :D
[07:34:52] <chromas> in<esc>50io!<esc>ZZ
[07:35:06] <crutchy> oh wait no you're only worthy if you type everything in gedit
[07:35:21] <juggs> We'd need an active xlefay to keep chromas in line I think :D
[07:35:42] <chromas> I don't use vim much but I hate it's defaults when it doesn't have a config
[07:36:04] <chromas> maybe that's classic vi mode
[07:36:06] <crutchy> xlefay would be very disturbed by our lack of faith in bacon
[07:36:14] <crutchy> bacon++
[07:36:14] <Bender> karma - bacon: 288
[07:36:14] <Konomi> you're only worthy if you etch the 0s and 1s 8bits at a time with a magnet on the hard drive platter
[07:36:17] <juggs> I'm a wimp, I always set my default editor to nano or pico
[07:36:23] <chromas> =set karma/bacon 100000
[07:36:23] <HedonismBot> k
[07:36:23] <crutchy> nano++
[07:36:24] <Bender> karma - nano: 9
[07:36:54] <crutchy> i use nano for editing headless things over ssh
[07:37:51] <juggs> Occasionally I end up in vi when doing a crontab or something and I'm all "herp derp .... umm.. !q .. hmm.. !qw ?! Damn... google it"
[07:38:18] <crutchy> sometimes its just easier to code and test on a server than fuck around pushing and pulling to and from git repos
[07:38:32] <chromas> Need a qbasic-style editor
[07:38:43] <chromas> using shift-arrows for selection and stuff
[07:40:20] <crutchy> https://imgur.com
[07:40:21] <HedonismBot> ^ 03I wouldn't let David electrocute himself so I'm the asshole - Imgur
[07:40:30] <crutchy> been there. done that
[07:41:43] <chromas> http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net
[07:41:43] <HedonismBot> ^ 03Safety Tips for Kids!
[07:43:18] <juggs> Konomi?
[07:43:28] <Konomi> nani?
[07:44:17] <juggs> Is one worthy if one can cause another to reply "nani?" using solely the power of the mind? No magnets involved? :D
[07:44:20] -!- exec [exec!~exec@utioner/T-800/BeVeryAfraid] has joined #Soylent
[07:44:41] <crutchy> ~translate en nani
[07:44:43] <exec> [google translate] nani (auto -> en): Who
[07:44:56] <Konomi> ~translate en nani des ka
[07:44:58] <exec> [google translate] nani des ka (auto -> en): nani ka
[07:45:02] <Konomi> ....
[07:45:04] <Konomi> ~translate en nani deska
[07:45:07] <exec> [google translate] nani deska (auto -> en): nani board
[07:45:11] <crutchy> derp
[07:45:12] <Konomi> >.<
[07:45:25] <juggs> yup - that's me in vi
[07:45:37] <crutchy> ~translate-sl
[07:45:37] <exec> alias "~translate-sl" requires additional trailing argument
[07:45:54] <Konomi> https://answers.yahoo.com
[07:45:55] <HedonismBot> ^ 03What does nan desu ka mean?
[07:46:02] <crutchy> ~translate-sl jp en nani deska
[07:46:04] <exec> [google translate] nani deska (jp -> en): nani board
[07:46:06] <Konomi> ~translate en nan deska
[07:46:08] <exec> [google translate] nan deska (auto -> en): in deska
[07:46:18] * Konomi throws google translate out a window
[07:46:33] <crutchy> google failed LOTE
[07:47:02] <juggs> Not exactly a babelfish
[07:47:24] <juggs> Perhaps we should, ya know, not be so lazy and actually learn some languages :D
[07:48:36] <chromas> we are. We're learning together
[07:48:39] <crutchy> i know english, bad english, and some delphi and php. that's three more than school taught me :D
[07:48:42] <chromas> one ~translate at a time
[07:49:12] <Konomi> ~translate en nani desu ka
[07:49:15] <exec> [google translate] nani desu ka (auto -> en): nani sausage that
[07:49:23] <Konomi> there are no longer any words
[07:49:33] <crutchy> does html count or is that considered drooling to language experts?
[07:49:35] <Konomi> ~translate
[07:49:35] <exec> alias "~translate" requires additional trailing argument
[07:49:39] <Konomi> ~translate
[07:49:39] <exec> alias "~translate" requires additional trailing argument
[07:49:42] <Konomi> erm okay then
[07:49:46] * Konomi checks input controls
[07:49:50] <juggs> I swear school language teaching is the worst way to learn a language. Need exposure, you just don't get that in a classroom.
[07:50:07] <crutchy> i should make a little syntax helpy thing, but i'm a lazy jerk :d
[07:50:17] <Konomi> ~translate en なに です か
[07:50:19] <exec> [google translate] なに です か (auto -> en): What is
[07:50:23] <Konomi> bit better
[07:50:49] <Konomi> ~translate en なにですか
[07:50:51] <exec> [google translate] なにですか (auto -> en): What Is
[07:51:04] <Konomi> I like how without spaces it captialises the Is
[07:51:05] <crutchy> one of my clients at work made me use google translate. he sent me a few emails in afrikans
[07:52:24] <chromas> Did he need you to help him get his money out of the country using your account?
[07:52:53] <crutchy> ooh my missus is signed into her google account on my lappy :p
[07:53:19] <crutchy> i could start sending out random emails, but that would dramatically shorten my lifespan
[07:53:43] <crutchy> haha. nah he actually lives around the block from me
[07:53:58] <Konomi> ~translate en なにですか?
[07:54:00] <exec> [google translate] なにですか? (auto -> en): What?
[07:54:16] <Konomi> ~translate en なに?
[07:54:18] <exec> [google translate] なに? (auto -> en): What?
[07:54:41] <crutchy> ~translate en 喲媽媽是一個海盜屁股
[07:54:43] <Konomi> yeah google translate whatever
[07:54:43] <exec> [google translate] 喲媽媽是一個海盜屁股 (auto -> en): Yo mama is a pirate ass
[07:54:49] <crutchy> o.0
[07:54:59] <crutchy> that's not right
[07:55:09] <Konomi> kanji is suffering
[07:55:10] <crutchy> though its pretty close :D
[07:55:11] <chromas> wink
[07:55:33] <chromas> ~translate-sl en jp butt pirate
[07:55:34] <exec> [google translate] butt pirate (en -> jp): butt pirate
[07:56:12] <chromas> oh I suppose it wants something fancier, like "kanji" or whatever
[07:56:19] <crutchy> ~translate en واحدة من سناكبار!
[07:56:20] <chromas> instead of jp
[07:56:21] <exec> [google translate] واحدة من سناكبار! (auto -> en): One of the snackbar!
[07:56:25] <crutchy> derp
[07:57:19] <crutchy> ~translate-sl en cn butt pirate
[07:57:21] <exec> [google translate] butt pirate (en -> cn): butt pirate
[07:57:26] <juggs> crutchy, Afrikaans rather than Afrikans
[07:57:48] <crutchy> ah yeah
[07:58:02] <crutchy> ~translate-sl en zh-TW butt pirate
[07:58:03] <exec> [google translate] butt pirate (en -> zh-TW): 對接海盜
[07:58:21] <juggs> dutch / west german language
[08:03:28] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Scholarly Context Not Found: One in Five Articles Suffers from Reference Rot. - http://sylnt.us - someone-should-create-an-internet-archive
[08:05:24] <juggs> My neighbours puzzle me. Leaving for work - car windows frosted up. Their logic.. open car, grab scraper, scrape all windows to clear frost, enter car, start car, sit in car for a few minutes until air blows warm enough to clear interior misting. My logic, open car, start car, fans full / heat on, close car, go look at river for a few minutes, return, drive off in warm car.
[08:06:15] <swiss> juggs: you're missing my solution
[08:06:32] <swiss> start car, warm car, back in house, bottle of warm (not hot) water, pour over windows, drive off
[08:06:36] <juggs> They seem to have an aversion to being seen to be doing nothing. I don;t think it's healthy.
[08:07:06] <swiss> i have an aversion to waiting
[08:07:26] <swiss> if there's something I want to be doing, and i can be doing something to make it happen even 10 seconds faster, i'll do it
[08:07:54] <juggs> swiss, that works also. Careful on the "not hot" of course or else (especially with older cars) kurrump... 118-Autoglass please!
[08:08:05] <swiss> yep
[08:08:19] <swiss> i say if it's warmer than a bag of piss, it's too warm
[08:08:39] <juggs> just needs to be warm enough not to immediately refreeze
[08:08:43] <swiss> honestly, maybe you should just pee on your windshield
[08:09:02] <juggs> That may not go down well around here
[08:09:14] <swiss> tell them to sod off
[08:11:55] <crutchy> juggs, do you live next to a river?
[08:11:59] <crutchy> you lucky bastard
[08:12:43] <crutchy> when windows frosted here i just get the hose and squirt the windows
[08:12:58] <juggs> Hmm.. well other than the urinating in public, offending public decency and causing someone to tut or roll their eyes type offences I'd get nicked for in these parts, I see the logic. I would be more concerned about the long term effects of my magic piss in my car's rain channels.
[08:12:59] <crutchy> but we don't get huge blizzards like in the northern hemisphere
[08:13:30] <crutchy> hmm that's a very good point
[08:13:46] <swiss> juggs: hmmm, legitimate concern there
[08:13:56] <swiss> well, if it starts to smell funny, just sell the car
[08:14:22] <JamesNZ> juggs: You have magic urine?
[08:15:23] <juggs> crutchy, yeh live next to the Thames. Think I posted up a pic of my nearby flat brick bridge some while back for your delectation (being a stupidly flat brick bridge that shouldn't stay up).
[08:15:57] <juggs> JamesNZ, magic deicing urine. I'm thinking of starting a kickstarter to sell it worldwide as it goes.
[08:15:59] <arti> james, he tells people that to get them to drink it
[08:16:26] <arti> "works great on grout!"
[08:16:29] <juggs> Oh no arti, wouldn't want to drink it, it's toxic to humans.
[08:17:01] <JamesNZ> juggs: Yes, sounds like a great fundraiser for SN!
[08:17:02] <arti> have the royal taster do so
[08:17:05] <JamesNZ> arti: :P
[08:17:07] <juggs> Well... if by "works great on grout" you mean grout removal, then sure.
[08:17:27] <arti> "excellent for marking property!"
[08:17:40] <arti> "delicious with snow!"
[08:18:12] <crutchy> ah yeah i remember that bridge now
[08:18:18] <juggs> Could branch out into "essence of", "concentrated" and "eau de" varieties as a stretch goal
[08:18:23] * crutchy cranks brain some more
[08:18:35] <JamesNZ> "Perfect for friend-zoning!"
[08:18:58] <crutchy> juggs, call your new invention 'pice'
[08:19:30] <arti> "Squirt gun friendly!"
[08:19:52] <arti> "safe for use on RVs"
[08:20:12] <juggs> I'm rather glad I did not ~define pice
[08:20:20] <JamesNZ> ~define pice
[08:20:22] <exec> [urbandictionary] 3pice: 1. Literal Translation: Anal-cock-breath 2. Usually used to describe a dickhead of somekind who has skrewed with too many women. He has no sense of morals. Usually seen as a man-whore 3. Complete and...
[08:20:24] <crutchy> use it to warm up your whole family
[08:20:26] <arti> hahaha
[08:20:28] <JamesNZ> O_o
[08:20:44] <crutchy> hehe skrewed
[08:21:01] * juggs sulks in the corner.
[08:21:06] <crutchy> urban_dictionary++
[08:21:06] <Bender> karma - urban_dictionary: 1
[08:21:49] * JamesNZ consoles juggs with a bottle of Pice™
[08:22:28] <crutchy> you could sell it as deodorant too... Old Pice™
[08:22:37] <JamesNZ> crutchy++
[08:22:37] <Bender> karma - crutchy: 130
[08:22:57] <juggs> Would probably work as a roll on
[08:23:06] <crutchy> you can imagine who makes it
[08:26:18] <arti> Dr. Jenny McCarthy's Natural Pice Stones (with vanishing scent)?
[08:28:37] <juggs> are we back to kidney stones again?
[08:32:30] <arti> you mean the magic beads?
[08:33:44] <crutchy> or anal mushrooms
[08:35:26] <juggs> One day I'll understand upside-down humour... maybe :D
[08:43:27] <crutchy> https://www.youtube.com
[08:43:27] <HedonismBot> ^ 03Fat Pizza S04E07 - Burnout Pizza - YouTube
[08:46:12] <crutchy> "i called you an arse licker you stupid coconut" lmao
[08:53:12] <juggs> Must I watch this to understand upside down humour?
[09:00:57] <crutchy> yes :D
[09:04:29] <juggs> I tried.... I failed about 3 minutes in
[09:04:36] <crutchy> "he's my dickhead friend. shut up or i smash you"
[09:04:46] <crutchy> habib++
[09:04:46] <Bender> karma - habib: 2
[09:05:49] <chromas> Habib, Habib and Habib
[09:12:25] * juggs watches the upside down people and puzzles
[09:13:48] -!- JamesNZ has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[09:14:13] <chromas> turn your head on its side like you're confused. Then turn it some more
[09:16:48] <juggs> dad.... daaad neck broke!
[09:23:07] <juggs> I hope I didn't offend JamesNZ :/
[09:23:54] <arti> https://github.com
[09:23:55] <chromas> Nah, he went to go play in the rivers of gold
[09:23:55] <HedonismBot> ^ 03lhartikk/ArnoldC · GitHub
[09:24:01] <crutchy> nah hes got his sheep
[09:24:05] <crutchy> :D
[09:25:16] <chromas> ciri: Remember when movies used to have good one-liners?
[09:27:50] <crutchy> like "you know my cousin taylor... on her 16th birthday i got her pregnant"
[09:29:26] <chromas> "It's not like he felt up his cousin in the garage that one summer when I was nineteen"
[09:30:00] <arti> https://www.youtube.com
[09:30:02] <HedonismBot> ^ 03She is the only prostitute I can afford- Balls of Fury - YouTube
[09:30:29] <chromas> Was that in theaters
[09:30:30] <chromas> ?
[09:30:38] <arti> briefly
[09:30:42] <chromas> It's one of those movies that just kind of appears on tv out of thin air
[09:30:45] <arti> they released it like years after they filmed it
[09:34:37] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Original Opera Founders Back with New Browser: Vivaldi - http://sylnt.us - four-seasons
[09:36:51] <arti> now with more javascript!
[09:38:59] <Konomi> "On international tests, American children rank 25th in math and 21st in science, despite the push for greater accountability through No Child Left Behind." "American students get terrible math scores compared to their international peers, but they think they’re great in math—in fact, they have more confidence in their math skills than students from any other country."
[09:39:04] <Konomi> priceless
[09:40:20] <crutchy> meh. picking on americans is like picking on the retarded kid
[09:40:29] <crutchy> :p
[09:40:35] <arti> do your schools have ESL programs?
[09:40:41] <Konomi> it's more the mentality that bothers me
[09:40:48] <Konomi> could be any country if the stats were willing
[09:40:49] <crutchy> what are schools?
[09:41:15] <juggs> You don't need brains to fly a drone or to be cannon fodder. They still have uber military force. You don't laugh at the retard with all the guns.
[09:41:29] <crutchy> that is also true
[09:41:38] <Konomi> NK being doing that for ages last I checked
[09:41:51] <crutchy> NK has cows with guns
[09:42:01] <Konomi> and it hacked sony! (citation needed)
[09:42:18] * chromas blames the Mexicans and Obamma'r 'cause he's takin' all are guns
[09:42:45] <crutchy> i'm scared of china. its like a bull on fire stuck in a pen waiting for some idiot to unlatch the gate
[09:43:18] <Konomi> https://www.youtube.com
[09:43:20] <HedonismBot> ^ 03Study: Westerners getting dumber by the decade - GlobeTrendy - YouTube
[09:43:21] <Konomi> another fun one
[09:43:24] <juggs> NK has a mad sheltered dictator that could throw a nuke out of the pram. Doesn't matter where it lands, not good, regardless what is going on in country.
[09:43:26] <crutchy> what happens when a billion and a half people are busting to get out
[09:44:14] <Konomi> hard to quantify this stuff
[09:44:15] <crutchy> or a half a billion people get conscripted into the largest army the world has ever seen
[09:44:21] <Konomi> oh god
[09:44:28] <juggs> crutchy, China are not expansionist. Unless you consider Tibet. They're playing a long game it seems to me.
[09:44:33] <Konomi> the end conclusion of that article is the premise of idiocracty
[09:44:36] <Konomi> ._.
[09:44:49] <Konomi> the video*
[09:45:04] <crutchy> juggs, i think so. that's the only reason we aren't all speaking chinese atm
[09:45:13] <arti> chinese is so popular to speak too
[09:45:18] <arti> tonal languages blow
[09:47:01] <Konomi> in other news
[09:47:02] <Konomi> http://motherboard.vice.com
[09:47:03] <HedonismBot> ^ 03Tor and Encryption Have Created a ‘Zone of Lawlessness,’ Justice Department Says | Motherboard
[09:47:47] <juggs> China is interesting. The do partake of the sabre rattling stuff, but behind the scenes they are busy with nuke and renewable power stations. I think they are playing a long long game.
[09:48:41] <Konomi> they make it sound like a bad thing ho ho ho
[09:48:42] <arti> konomi read that earlier, it's sickening
[09:48:59] <arti> the lawlessness stems from them
[09:49:01] <Konomi> wait wait wait? there's a place where people can actually do what they want!? outrage!
[09:49:16] <Konomi> kinda sounds like freedom...
[09:49:20] <Konomi> ba ding tsh
[09:49:26] <Konomi> ;p
[09:51:19] <crutchy> you're starting to sound like a libertarian Konomi
[09:51:35] <Konomi> I'm not a libertarian
[09:51:38] <Konomi> I just like the irony
[09:51:42] <crutchy> :D
[09:52:01] <crutchy> no YOU'RE a socialist! :p
[09:52:03] <Konomi> the "land of the free" police dept is saying people should be less free ;p
[09:52:21] * crutchy wonders if his stupid link script works
[09:52:27] <Konomi> arti: also I totally agree with you they should take a look in the mirror if they want to see why that area of the internet exists
[09:52:44] <crutchy> need to store a link to that comic tmb found about arguing with a libertarian
[09:52:51] <crutchy> ~link
[09:52:52] <arti> eff is beating the drum for more encryption
[09:52:57] <juggs> Konomi, I would point you to the UK Lords discussion on the "Dark Cloud" while discussing the late amendment to a bill that is rolling through our parliament, but I fear your head would assplode - thankfully Lord Blencathra stepped in and slapped them in the head and the twats dropped it. Only the 4the time now its been presented and dropped as retarded. Maybe this time, having tried to roll it in right after Je Suis, they will get the message - FU
[09:52:58] <juggs> CK OFF!
[09:53:07] <Konomi> shame the rest of that site is myopic as hell
[09:53:11] <crutchy> ~link fart http://soylentnews.org
[09:53:13] <exec> link set
[09:53:15] <Konomi> dark cloud
[09:53:19] <crutchy> ~link fart
[09:53:20] <exec> └─ fart => http://soylentnews.org
[09:53:22] <Konomi> I'm sudden;y feeling edgey
[09:53:23] <crutchy> heh
[09:53:28] <Konomi> let me get my dark freaking cloud out
[09:53:32] <Konomi> someone find me a trench coat
[09:53:38] <Konomi> we're going to do this freaking properly
[09:53:45] <crutchy> oh my
[09:54:04] <crutchy> this is sounding incredibly kinky
[09:54:27] <crutchy> !blockgrab Konomi
[09:55:15] <juggs> Apparently the dark cloud is people doing messaging, web browsing and email over the Dark Cloud thing known as VOIP.
[09:55:34] <juggs> Yeh.
[09:55:35] <arti> SIP needs work
[09:55:44] <Azrael> juggs: I don't understand the dark cloud, but terrorists do!
[09:55:52] <crutchy> juggs, i think our morons in charge are doing all sorts of deals. we'll prolly have a TSA in straya soon enough
[09:56:05] <crutchy> that'll be a laugh
[09:56:20] <Konomi> sip needs tons of work
[09:56:23] <crutchy> i feel sorry for the poor bastards who take up those jobs
[09:56:24] <Konomi> ekiga
[09:56:28] <Konomi> the horror
[09:56:45] <Konomi> feature request: ability to make voice calls without using video
[09:56:57] <arti> crutchy: spread your kangaroo, sir.
[09:57:01] <Konomi> you literally have to disable the codecs for video if you want to do just a voice call
[09:57:06] <crutchy> my phone is wireless :D
[09:57:09] * crutchy struts
[09:57:17] <juggs> Let me know if anyone wants the Hansard transcript. The introductory speeches are moronical, the put downs are masterful works of pointing out flaws without saying "you're a moron".
[09:57:36] <Konomi> crutchy: what is this the 1990s who has a phone that isn't wireless
[09:57:38] <chromas> Konomi: just do like people on youtube; toss up some lyrics or a static picture or draw something on a whiteboard
[09:57:45] <crutchy> juggs, i think our parliamentary etiquette takes after yours
[09:57:50] <Konomi> not good enough for me
[09:58:01] <crutchy> question time is always a fucking joke
[09:58:04] <Azrael> juggs: I watched most of it live, couldn't bear to re-read I might hurt myself face-desking
[09:58:05] <arti> digging around, came across this: http://nces.ed.gov
[09:58:06] <HedonismBot> ^ 03Fast Facts
[09:58:09] <juggs> There is still some sense in our House of Lords. I dread to think what an elected upper house would result in.
[09:58:11] <arti> "In 2011–12, seven of the eight states with the highest percentages of ELL students in their public schools were in the West. In eight states, Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, and Texas, 10.0 percent or more of public school students were English language learners, with ELL students constituting 23.2 percent of public school enrollment in California."
[09:58:16] <Konomi> not going to half arse stuff and put it out there so in the future some other person has an even larger amount of shit to wade through to get to something decent
[09:58:26] <Konomi> it's why I don't github every bit of code I make
[09:58:47] <arti> you should spideroak it :D
[09:59:01] <crutchy> bitbucket is strayan at least
[09:59:07] <crutchy> i think
[09:59:12] * crutchy goes off to check
[09:59:23] <arti> crutchy is warming up to these services
[09:59:33] <Konomi> yeah cause our data retention policy is a shining become to be proud of.
[09:59:35] * arti makes extensive use of bitbucket
[09:59:38] <Konomi> becon*
[09:59:41] <arti> bacon
[09:59:56] <Konomi> https://imgur.com
[09:59:56] <HedonismBot> ^ 03So I got a glimpse of the future this morning... - Imgur
[10:00:05] <Konomi> hurry future hurry so I can tune out more idiots from my life
[10:00:18] <crutchy> i can't bitbucketify my pride and joy though :(
[10:00:24] <crutchy> or githubify
[10:00:26] <arti> konomi, it's called autism.
[10:00:45] <Konomi> if it's a choice between having autism and being a retard
[10:00:48] <Konomi> I'll take the first thanks
[10:01:01] <crutchy> lol. its gir!
[10:01:25] <Konomi> your grammar I think you got it wrong
[10:01:53] <crutchy> my grammar is fine thankyou. even though she lives by herself
[10:02:01] * arti snickers
[10:02:22] <chromas> living alone is a sign of social deviance. Get 'er!
[10:02:40] <chromas> We must all play together at all times
[10:02:43] <crutchy> nah she isn't my 16yo cousin
[10:02:52] <arti> :|
[10:03:29] <chromas> tama's living alone right now, too
[10:04:37] <arti> nah they're running from the same box
[10:05:16] <arti> "First they came for the verbs, and I said nothing because verbing weirds language. Then they arrival for the nouns, and I speech nothing because I no verbs."
[10:07:25] <juggs> Azrael, I didn't watch it live. I caught up on the transcript. I thought it would be lambasted out while in the Lords, and it was. What I didn't know was that following the Blencathra enquiry in 2012 there was already a less invasive agreeable draft bill on the commons shelf that the current gov't seems too chicken to reveal. The transcripts are most revealing.
[10:10:01] <Konomi> https://i.imgur.com
[10:10:04] <Konomi> \o/
[10:11:22] <juggs> I can only think they are waiting for an opportune moment to roll the more invasive option into law. Seems the attack on France was not enough. Would be audacious if we saw terrorist attacks on UK soil before the elections followed by the same bill being presented as an emergency. /me buys more tinfoil
[10:11:23] <arti> special kind of people think they're better than everyone :D
[10:11:28] <Konomi> https://en.wikipedia.org
[10:11:28] <HedonismBot> ^ 03Wiki: God Bless America (film)
[10:11:31] <Konomi> this movie is great btw
[10:16:32] -!- KonomiNetbook has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[10:18:17] <chromas> http://youtu.be
[10:18:18] <HedonismBot> ^ 03WKUK - Season 4 - History Network - YouTube ( https://www.youtube.com )
[10:21:30] <crutchy> juggs, they just need that false flag
[10:21:46] <crutchy> don't hang around large numbers of people
[10:22:16] <crutchy> oh hang on are we talking about terrorism or internets?
[10:24:00] <crutchy> sleepy time for me. bye for now
[10:46:51] * juggs prowls around
[10:57:24] * TheMightyBuzzard pokes juggs with a pointy stick
[11:06:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[11:06:44] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1011
[11:17:48] -!- KonomiNetbook [KonomiNetbook!~Konomi@Soylent/Users/189/Konomi] has joined #Soylent
[11:40:39] geotti_away is now known as geotti
[11:40:46] <geotti> tea++
[11:40:46] <Bender> karma - tea: 379
[11:41:39] geotti is now known as SoyGuest52883
[11:42:04] <chromas> whoops
[11:42:12] <chromas> gotta ident now
[11:43:41] SoyGuest52883 is now known as geotti
[11:44:05] <geotti> strange, i didn't disconnect from the network
[11:44:17] <chromas> recently
[11:44:30] <chromas> a few hours ago, all the server were rebooted
[11:44:34] <geotti> ah
[11:44:37] <chromas> +s
[11:44:49] <chromas> kernel upgrade
[11:44:50] <geotti> all the server are belong to bots
[11:45:01] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, had to do some security updates n one of em at least was the kernel
[11:45:01] <geotti> why reboot? ;)
[11:45:20] <chromas> updated to arch with systemd
[11:45:24] <chromas> >:D
[11:45:35] <geotti> systemd--
[11:45:36] <Bender> karma - systemd: -18
[11:45:39] <ar> systemd--
[11:45:39] <Bender> karma - systemd: -19
[11:45:48] <geotti> just kexec them next time, no need for reboots ;)
[11:45:56] <chromas> epoch++
[11:45:56] <Bender> karma - epoch: 9
[11:46:04] <geotti> that's how you get gentoo on digitalocean
[11:46:08] <geotti> or other kernels
[11:46:32] <ar> geotti: kexec kills your running processes
[11:46:55] <geotti> ar: oh
[11:47:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> sometimes ya just gotta reboot
[11:48:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> sides, we got to find out all kinds of fun things that didn't have init scripts
[11:48:27] <chromas> sometimes a cigar is just a cigar
[11:52:11] <geotti> and a turd a turd (systemd) ;) scnr
[11:53:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> went from being unable to even understand what i was reading yesterday to fixing a bug by changing half a line today.
[11:53:58] <TheMightyBuzzard> should be all clear for deploying now unless pj finds another bug.
[11:58:14] <geotti> TheMightyBuzzard++ #for finding master perl
[11:58:14] <Bender> karma - themightybuzzard: 137
[11:58:32] * TheMightyBuzzard snatched the pebble from his hand too
[11:59:00] <TheMightyBuzzard> the trick is, pretend it's an M&M, so you have incentive
[12:01:15] * TheMightyBuzzard reads through the Bass Pro catalog
[12:06:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> hrm, i need some hula poppers. lost my last one while i was on vacation.
[12:16:43] <geotti> laters
[12:16:46] geotti is now known as geotti_away
[12:17:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> adios
[12:20:37] SoyGuest9115 is now known as CoolHand
[12:20:58] <TheMightyBuzzard> mornin, CoolHand
[12:35:54] -!- idetuxs [idetuxs!~idetuxs@653-119-566-05.prima.net.ar] has joined #Soylent
[12:35:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> well crap. finished up all my todo list before the sun's even up.
[12:36:55] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - What is the Average Color of the Universe? - http://sylnt.us - comes-in-colors-everywhere
[12:39:22] <TheMightyBuzzard> let's see, i can either start packing or go fishing...
[12:40:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> or i could just play some video games
[12:40:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah, think i'll do that.
[12:43:48] -!- TheMightyBuzzard has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[14:08:04] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - ATM Bombs Coming Soon to United States - http://sylnt.us - or-how-to-expedite-large-cash-withdrawals
[14:30:56] -!- TheMightyBuzzard [TheMightyBuzzard!bob@Soylent/Staff/Developer/TMB] has joined #Soylent
[14:30:56] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v TheMightyBuzzard] by juggler
[14:48:24] -!- LancePodstrong [LancePodstrong!~john@tceitk-76-82-367-0.dr65.cnfl.mn.frontiernet.net] has joined #Soylent
[15:29:50] -!- SirFinkus has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[15:39:14] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Google Fiber Announces Next 4 Cities to Get 1Gbps - http://sylnt.us - for-faster-story-submissions
[15:44:53] <LancePodstrong> can anyone explain the mirbsd/sebastian rother flame war going on in this thread? http://undeadly.org
[15:44:54] <HedonismBot> ^ 03afl-fuzz - American Fuzzy Lop
[15:52:19] geotti_away is now known as geotti
[15:56:48] -!- SirFinkus [SirFinkus!~SirFinkus@71.197.zmm.nkk] has joined #Soylent
[16:08:46] -!- LancePodstrong has quit [Quit: off to the real world]
[16:19:03] -!- mechanicjay [mechanicjay!~jhowe@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mechanicjay] has joined #Soylent
[16:19:03] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mechanicjay] by juggler
[16:37:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> so, pretty fucking quiet today.
[16:41:42] <mechanicjay> yarp
[16:44:36] <TheMightyBuzzard> be a good time to break the server. wonder how paulej72's feeling.
[16:44:37] <ciri> me too, smoke time! TheMightyBuzzard
[16:45:09] <paulej72> I am busy upgrading work linux machines remotely
[16:45:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh, well as long as you're busy breaking something.
[16:46:10] <paulej72> breaking may be the key here
[16:47:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> me, i hate, hate, hate having to reboot a physical server. you can never tell if the drives are even going to spin back up.
[16:47:26] <paulej72> fsck take a while on 10 TB of pspinning rust
[16:47:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> truth
[16:49:40] <TheMightyBuzzard> s'why i can't stand seeing kernel security bugs. they mean a reboot is coming.
[16:51:11] <paulej72> well that server is rebooted, but damn I was worrried
[16:51:35] * TheMightyBuzzard nods
[16:52:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya know, if it weren't past my good coding hours and rapidly approaching nap time, i'd write that spam mod listing script into admin.pl
[16:53:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> think instead i'll go find some lunch
[16:54:07] <paulej72> Just had mine, so that is a good idea
[17:10:23] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Where did Earth’s Nitrogen Come From? - http://sylnt.us - a-mineral-named-after-a-beer?
[17:18:55] -!- SirFinkus has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com]
[17:32:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> food accomplished. nap incoming.
[17:37:24] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~james@43-567-441-22.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Soylent
[18:30:02] <geotti> gitter--
[18:30:02] <Bender> karma - gitter: -1
[18:41:32] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - It's Active. It's Passive. And it's got a Big, Spinning Lasso - http://sylnt.us - JPL-seeks-water-diviners
[19:24:48] <geotti> night
[19:24:52] geotti is now known as geotti_away
[19:48:43] -!- SirFinkus [SirFinkus!~SirFinkus@71.197.zmm.nkk] has joined #Soylent
[19:52:35] -!- JamesNZ has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[20:12:41] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Temperatures in Australia Rising Faster than Elsewhere. - http://sylnt.us - another-prawn-on-the-barbie
[20:44:51] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~james@43-567-441-22.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Soylent
[20:47:19] -!- idetuxs has quit [Quit: leaving]
[21:08:10] <crutchy> ++coffee
[21:08:10] <HedonismBot> Karma - coffee: 239
[21:08:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[21:08:37] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1012
[21:08:43] <JamesNZ> coffee--
[21:08:43] <Bender> karma - tea: 380
[21:08:43] <JamesNZ> coffee--
[21:08:43] <Bender> karma - tea: 381
[21:09:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> you been slacking, JamesNZ. i expected tea to be at 400 by now.
[21:09:33] <JamesNZ> TheMightyBuzzard: Hah :)
[21:10:14] <paulej72> well I got most of my Linux machines at work updated. A few had issus that I’ll take care of once I am on site.
[21:10:33] <TheMightyBuzzard> smooth. nothing show stopping?
[21:12:52] <paulej72> no the main servers all seemed to update and reboot fine. Just some of them needed fscking as they had uptimes over 500 days for some of them.
[21:13:26] <paulej72> some of the workstaions did not update well, but not as worried about them.
[21:13:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> nod nod, can always reimage them
[21:15:15] <paulej72> Well, I will be gone for a while as I am heading back to my place after being at my partents since Friday evning. While I would love to stay longer since I am not planning on going to work tomorrow, I did not bring enough of my meds with me.
[21:15:43] <paulej72> the workstations probably just need an on site forced reboot to fix.
[21:16:32] <paulej72> I ‘ll check in around 10ish EST.
[21:16:46] -!- Tachyon has quit [Quit: De omnibus dubitandum est.]
[21:25:58] <TheMightyBuzzard> no worries. i'm mostly on the do nothing much at all wagon until after the move. likely be march before i can get to anything serious.
[21:54:11] -!- Wigglewam [Wigglewam!~8232c801@130.50.hqs.i] has joined #Soylent
[21:54:19] <Wigglewam> Huh. Nagromlt submitted a story.
[21:54:32] <Wigglewam> Not much of a summary, but he is a good friend in real-life.
[21:54:38] -!- Azrael has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[21:54:54] <Wigglewam> I wrote a post about him awhile back, documenting his defecations on the sidewalk in broad daylight.
[21:55:02] <Wigglewam> I
[21:55:12] <Wigglewam> I'll tell him to write better summaries and keep up the submissions.
[21:56:53] <Wigglewam> I am an alter-ego of an occasional poster.
[21:56:59] -!- Azrael [Azrael!~Az@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Azrael] has joined #Soylent
[21:56:59] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Azrael] by juggler
[21:57:09] * Wigglewam farts
[21:57:26] <Wigglewam> Up, up, and awaaaaaay! *Phhhbhbhbhbhbhhtttt*
[21:57:40] * Wigglewam rockets into space, dying on the way to his home planet
[21:57:47] -!- Wigglewam has quit [Client Quit]
[22:06:59] -!- Azrael has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[22:09:02] -!- Azrael [Azrael!~Az@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Azrael] has joined #Soylent
[22:09:02] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Azrael] by juggler
[22:14:14] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Engineers Develop 'Ultrarope" For World's Highest Elevator - http://sylnt.us - elevator-still-at-the-top-when-I-arrive-at-the-bottom
[22:15:26] -!- Azrael has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[22:33:35] -!- TheMightyBuzzard has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[23:10:02] -!- JamesNZ has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[23:56:18] -!- TheMightyBuzzard [TheMightyBuzzard!bob@Soylent/Staff/Developer/TMB] has joined #Soylent
[23:56:18] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v TheMightyBuzzard] by juggler