#Soylent | Logs for 2015-03-13

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[00:00:58] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - More Evidence Linking "Equation Group" Hackers to NSA - http://sylnt.us - as-if-more-were-needed
[00:01:46] <TLA> 48km, my rocket is actually rendering at 1/25 normal speed :x
[00:04:21] <TLA> "...have released further [information?] tying the NSA..." <-I think the editor missed a word there ;)
[00:05:05] <chromas> Nah, they just accidentally it
[00:05:45] -!- Balderdash has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]
[00:05:50] <TLA> aha :)
[00:05:57] <chromas> "How can one know that the atoms of their FPGA have not been backdoored?"
[00:06:45] <chromas> It's not the atoms, but the quarks you have to worry about
[00:15:31] <TLA> not so much the quarks, but which way they spin.
[00:18:35] <SirFinkus> I need more proles, my city is too educated
[00:18:53] <nick> first world problems
[00:20:01] <nick> come to a conclusion on the flooding, SirFinkus?
[00:20:15] <SirFinkus> ?
[00:20:25] <TLA> yeah... I'm more worried about getting my greenhouse fixed before the neighbourhood cats decide my red rocket makes a fine toilet...
[00:20:37] <nick> you said yesterday about flooding, but wasnt sure if it was a glitch?
[00:20:44] <SirFinkus> oh, I abandoned that map
[00:20:49] <SirFinkus> so unresolved
[00:21:56] <nick> if it does have flooding that would be cool though
[00:22:12] <SirFinkus> seasonal flooding would be neat
[00:22:26] <SirFinkus> the game doesn't have weather or seasons or tides or anything now though
[00:23:28] <nick> is the main focus on logistics of the city?
[00:23:56] <SirFinkus> yup
[00:27:51] <SirFinkus> traffic is becoming the biggest issue atm
[00:31:29] <chromas> install traffic circles :D
[00:32:40] <SirFinkus> I have, but I've got one intersection that's going to be a problem
[00:37:35] <TLA> flyover lanes?
[00:39:23] <SirFinkus> not yet
[00:39:39] <SirFinkus> I'll need to bust out the bulldozer for that
[00:40:45] <chromas> Can you go underground?
[00:41:01] <chromas> expensive++
[00:41:01] <Bender> karma - expensive: 1
[00:41:01] <TLA> or you could get creative and install a spaghetti junction
[00:41:09] <SirFinkus> that's planned, only subways right now
[00:42:02] <chromas> can you push more citizens to use public transport?
[00:42:20] <SirFinkus> yep
[00:42:32] <SirFinkus> there's even a policy to provide it for free
[00:42:50] <SirFinkus> and some stuff like being able to ban trucks on certain roads
[00:46:59] <SirFinkus> gonna build a highway withe some frontage roads and a disgusting knot of an interchange at some poitn
[00:50:23] <nick> screenshot of your city, SirFinkus?
[00:50:28] <nick> im just curious
[00:51:04] <Landon> TLA: oh well I just assumed the linux client was unstable period. I do have severe rendering bugs on mine, 32 or 64
[00:55:41] <TLA> could be a hardware or setup issue, my installs are generally very stable.. Not discounting it as a possibility, particularly if you're seeing something you can replicate. In which case it might be worth going to the dev pages and looking up the bug tracker.
[01:00:07] <SirFinkus> http://i.imgur.com nick
[01:00:49] <nick> SirFinkus++
[01:00:49] <Bender> karma - sirfinkus: 10
[01:00:55] <nick> love it
[01:01:14] <SirFinkus> it has some warts
[01:01:27] <SirFinkus> I'm probably going to nuke it after a few thousand more move in
[01:02:31] <SirFinkus> bbiab
[01:04:17] <paulej72> SirFinkus: who built that nasty intersection with the highway. those bridges are not the most efficient
[01:07:34] <TLA> what game is that? Looks familiar...
[01:12:09] -!- Bytram|away [Bytram|away!~pc@Soylent/Staff/Developer/martyb] has joined #Soylent
[01:12:09] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Bytram|away] by Imogen
[01:12:40] <TheMightyBuzzard> corned beef and cabbage make me smell like i've been eating what actual buzzards eat. just in case you wanted to know.
[01:12:48] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[01:12:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> evenin, Bytram
[01:13:08] <Bytram> TheMightyBuzzard: hey ya!
[01:13:27] * Bytram came in on the tail end of a rather fragrant discussion, it seems.
[01:13:34] <Bytram> nograb, just in case
[01:13:50] <Bytram> TheMightyBuzzard: thanks for the link to the release notes!
[01:14:23] <Bytram> btw, there's a typo on it: 'parent' is missing the trailing 't'
[01:15:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> nah, it was a non-sequitur
[01:15:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> hrm...
[01:15:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> i have no idea what yer talkin about. can't find the word parent
[01:16:34] <Bytram> blegh, I misremembered... "We steal your first born's genetic code, paten it, " should be: "We steal your first born's genetic code, patent it, "
[01:16:46] <Bytram> twas patent, not parent that was misspelled
[01:17:23] <Bytram> no biggee, but I thought you'd prefer to hear it from me than from the rest of the community.
[01:18:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> wouldn't hurt my feelins, i copy n pasted it from pj
[01:18:45] <paulej72> I knew it was spelled wrong, but not how to fix it
[01:18:51] <Bytram> LOL!
[01:19:03] <Bytram> you guys know how tomake a guy feel wanted!
[01:19:17] <Bytram> s/tom/to m/
[01:19:17] <sedctl> <Bytram> you guys know how to make a guy feel wanted!
[01:19:20] <Bytram> nograb
[01:19:28] <chromas> To be fair, it also would be a wrong spelling of "parent" too :)
[01:19:37] <paulej72> !grab sedctl
[01:19:37] <Bender> Added quote 405
[01:20:21] <paulej72> i thwarted Bytram’s nograb
[01:20:29] <Bytram> chromas: well, one could conceivable be referring (say in a family tree) to the left paren and the right paren, but that sounds more like a syntax tree.
[01:21:00] <chromas> Makes sense. It's recursion all the way down
[01:21:01] -!- TLA has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[01:22:04] <Bytram> brb
[01:22:04] <ciri> where you going? Bytram
[01:23:45] <Bytram> back
[01:24:42] * Bytram had a 'Computer Languages' class in college which covered 4 different languages in one semester -- one of which included lisp.
[01:25:06] * Bytram has seen more than his fair share of parens
[01:26:14] <Landon> too much Bruce Parens?
[01:26:24] <Bytram> LOL
[01:26:25] <ciri> HEY! don't laugh at me
[01:26:48] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~62b0d9cc@cp71-454-095-082.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[01:26:53] <Ethanol-fueled> 'sup.
[01:27:11] <Bytram> was he the one who did the series on /. following columbine? /me can't remember the name of it
[01:27:30] <paulej72> i have porgramed in pascal, basic, perl, python, fortran VB and C#
[01:27:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> sup ef
[01:28:00] <Ethanol-fueled> Chillin'
[01:28:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> ditto, and plottin global conquest with apache 2.2
[01:28:45] <Bytram> 'Stories From the hellsmouth' or something like that
[01:28:55] <Bytram> does anyone else remember the name?
[01:29:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> sounds like something off buffy
[01:29:26] <Bytram> chuckle
[01:29:30] <chromas> Jon Katz?
[01:29:41] <Bytram> could be, I can't remember for sure
[01:29:43] <Ethanol-fueled> I did see something peculiar on Slashdot today.
[01:29:46] <chromas> http://slashdot.org
[01:29:47] <NetCraft> ^ 03More Stories From The Hellmouth - Slashdot ( http://slashdot.org )
[01:30:16] * Bytram goes to look
[01:30:21] <Ethanol-fueled> Timothy posted a submission about kernel settings for BIOS or some shit and included the word "Taquiya" in the ..uh...byline?
[01:30:34] -!- SoyCowVvarcques [SoyCowVvarcques!~47e5cd6f@l-80-483-464-825.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[01:30:49] <Ethanol-fueled> Jewish bias. Definitely Jewish bias.
[01:30:49] <SoyCowVvarcques> stdhell
[01:31:01] <SoyCowVvarcques> I got a really good idea for a poll
[01:31:10] <SoyCowVvarcques> unfortunately it's on the Order of editor wars....
[01:31:14] <SoyCowVvarcques> ed or vi ?
[01:31:36] <SoyCowVvarcques> me, I prefer issuing ed commands within vi
[01:32:09] <chromas> qbasic had the best editor
[01:32:24] * chromas readies pitchfork
[01:32:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> echo n redirects ftw
[01:33:47] <SoyCowVvarcques> heh
[01:34:14] <paulej72> best editor is dd
[01:34:30] <Bytram> TheMightyBuzzard: has served me well on many an occasion; works on most any platform, except punch cards
[01:34:32] <SoyCowVvarcques> It's sad that ed finds more usage as sed within scripts than as ed properly vocated from users' terms
[01:34:37] <Ethanol-fueled> Microsoft Notepad.
[01:35:23] <SoyCowVvarcques> Ethanol-fueled: before I went to lunix 10 years ago, Notepad was my favourite (or it's command.com equi, `edit') :P
[01:35:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> Bytram, i literally had to write ini files like that on old dos boxes so stripped down they had nothing else.
[01:35:41] * Bytram has used a large number of editors over the years, just happened to be introduced to emacs on one system and it was on the next several I used... kind of stuck with it since
[01:35:53] <Bytram> TheMightyBuzzard: ohhhh, the memories!
[01:36:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> one fuck up and you start all over
[01:36:34] <Bytram> trying to glean just another 8 *bytes* from memory by adjusting config.sys and autoexec.bat so a particular program would fit within the 640k boundary.
[01:36:56] <Bytram> that was before there even was 'himem'
[01:37:08] * Bytram does not miss THOSE days!
[01:37:51] <SoyCowVvarcques> shitballs
[01:38:04] * Bytram graduated to emacs after gaining some mastery of TECO -- seemed like the logical next step.
[01:38:07] <SoyCowVvarcques> I'm programming 16 bit these days at work
[01:38:27] <SoyCowVvarcques> Have to pay a bit of attn to memory bounds
[01:38:32] <Ethanol-fueled> varques, doing embedded?
[01:39:01] <SoyCowVvarcques> yep
[01:39:17] <Ethanol-fueled> for didoes?
[01:39:30] <paulej72> im a vi man since I do mostly sysadmin stuff and vi is usually always there and working
[01:39:44] <SoyCowVvarcques> Ethanol-fueled: quoi ?
[01:39:53] <Bytram> hmmm, one would think with the advancements of chip tech over the years, they should be able to squeeze an old 16-bit box down to almost nothing, size-wise, and crank up the GHz something fierce!
[01:40:34] * Bytram imagines his first computer's 6502 (which ran at 1 MHz or maybe 2 MHz) screeming along at 5 GHz.... Wheeeeee!
[01:41:00] <paulej72> Bytram: the programs would not work as they use cpu timing as real time clock timeing
[01:41:03] <Ethanol-fueled> varques, the only things nowadays with something so simple are dildoes.
[01:41:11] <Ethanol-fueled> even toasters have 32-bit ARM
[01:41:22] <SoyCowVvarcques> lol
[01:41:22] <ciri> it's not that funny :)
[01:41:26] <paulej72> 1s wait turns into 1ms wait
[01:41:30] <Bytram> could squeeze a hundred of them on a chip and still have gobs of space left over
[01:42:06] <Bytram> set autorepeat=on for firing and one could knock off the baddies in a video game in about 20ms!
[01:42:06] <paulej72> beowulf cluster of dos 1.1 machines
[01:42:10] <Bytram> LOL!
[01:42:32] * Bytram started his PC experience with PC DOS 3.0
[01:43:00] <paulej72> I started on a Apple ][
[01:43:26] <Bytram> paulej72: was that the first computer you *used* or *owned* ??
[01:43:43] <paulej72> used. It was at my elementy school
[01:43:48] <SoyCowVvarcques> I'm so fucking used to using vi that when I end up using a gui or web page of any sort and edit a line of text, I hit ESC instinctively and the window closes and I have to start all over
[01:43:57] <Bytram> I started on a PDP-8 which had about 24Kb and was a multi-user timesharing system
[01:44:04] <Ethanol-fueled> Ditto pauley
[01:44:25] <paulej72> first one I owned was a Mac LC II in college
[01:44:38] <Bytram> SoyCowVvarcques: has done the same... learned emacs... so I hit the escape before the command and ... hey! where did that window go?
[01:45:25] <Bytram> first I owned was an 'Ohio Scientific, Inc. Challenger 4P'
[01:45:29] <SoyCowVvarcques> heheh. almost just did it with this very window
[01:45:33] <paulej72> ok I did have a color compuer 2 when I was 10 or so, but i did not use it much as i was a poor typer and games were not big on this system
[01:48:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> trs-80 here. fun fun fun.
[01:48:58] <SoyCowVvarcques> no wai
[01:49:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> yar, audio tape drive and everything.
[01:49:27] <paulej72> used trash 80s in high school
[01:49:31] <SoyCowVvarcques> no 8 track ?
[01:49:46] -!- pogostix1696 [pogostix1696!~6c3ff97b@108.63.iwq.gsg] has joined #Soylent
[01:50:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> paulej72, your school needed to get its shat together. you're not enough older than me to justify them still using trs-80s when you were in highschool.
[01:50:39] <Ethanol-fueled> Late to the computer game. Family preferred typewriters right up until I graduated high school, though we got a hand-me-down 386 from the grandparents my junior year.
[01:50:54] <paulej72> I am 42
[01:51:05] <Ethanol-fueled> Yeah, that's right, my GRANDPARENTS had a 486 before we did.
[01:51:32] <Ethanol-fueled> meanwhile, all my high school buddies were pirating warez and taking IRC channels and playing dope wars
[01:51:33] <SoyCowVvarcques> lol
[01:51:34] <paulej72> they did by new apple ii gs computers my senoir year.
[01:51:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, three years and i had mine when i was in... oh grade school... 6th maybe
[01:52:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> though i guess 9th is technically highschool
[01:52:18] <paulej72> we were a small district about a hundered or so in my graduating class
[01:52:22] <Bytram> http://www.zdnet.com
[01:52:22] <NetCraft> ^ 03HGST gets closer to shipping 10TB HDD | ZDNet
[01:52:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, ditto cept i dropped out my junior year and joined the army so no graduation date.
[01:53:00] <paulej72> i thought seagate or wd purchased hgst
[01:53:03] <Ethanol-fueled> Buzzard, did you violate article 86 joining at such a young age?
[01:53:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> Ethanol-fueled, was 17 when i signed, 18 when i shipped.
[01:54:01] <Ethanol-fueled> Buzzard, 'scuse me, that was article 83. Always confuse the two.
[01:54:14] * TheMightyBuzzard shurgs
[01:54:25] <Ethanol-fueled> article 125 is the god of all articles.
[01:54:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> i wasn't an MP, only one i remember is the good ole 13.
[01:54:48] <paulej72> a is an article
[01:55:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> so is https://soylentnews.org
[01:55:06] <NetCraft> ^ 03SN article:  OpenBSD Keyboard Problems Fixed by pms(4) and a Forcible Mouse Port Reset 04(0 comments)
[01:56:14] <paulej72> The ASPCA might want to hear about a forcible mouse port reset
[01:56:19] <Ethanol-fueled> Holy hell, Buzzard, that reads like trolll innuendo impacted and packed.
[01:56:33] <TheMightyBuzzard> article 13 is the non-judicial punishment one where you go up in front of the captain, get bawled out, get your pay docked, and get told to go guard a flower every day for a month or something.
[01:57:03] <Ethanol-fueled> article 83 is lying on your enlistment paperwork like I did. No, sir, I have never smoked marijuana in my life.
[01:57:07] <SoyCowVvarcques> i am so confused
[01:57:07] <Ethanol-fueled> 83 is AWOL
[01:57:15] <Ethanol-fueled> 125 is the mighty SODOMY.
[01:57:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh, the fun one
[01:57:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> i should go have some of that.
[01:57:49] <Ethanol-fueled> every self-respecting military ID carrier knows it by heart....at least, before it was changed to accommodate homosexuals in the military.
[01:58:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> Ethanol-fueled, i was drunk.
[01:58:22] <Ethanol-fueled> http://www.ucmj.us
[01:58:22] <NetCraft> ^ 03925. ARTICLE 125. SODOMY « UCMJ ? United States Code of Military Justice
[01:58:29] <SirFinkus> paulej72 re: the highway interchange
[01:58:34] <Ethanol-fueled> Now with fancy CSI-inspired UI.
[01:58:34] <SirFinkus> that was on the map when I started
[01:58:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> yes, the whole bloody time except for when i was in boot or on duty.
[01:58:38] <SirFinkus> mine was much worse
[01:59:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> prolly would have died of liver failure at 30 if i had re-up'd
[02:00:15] * SoyCowVvarcques regrets deleting really basic ia32 pmode os code 4 years ago
[02:00:29] <Ethanol-fueled> Hmm, that's curious...when did the uniform code of military justice become the UNITED STATES code of military justice? The acronyms in the URL and Title don't even bounce!
[02:00:51] * SoyCowVvarcques needs x86 standard interrupt numbers for soft rebooting from the above conversation
[02:01:51] <Ethanol-fueled> Varques, you're pretty smart - how can a Windows database application repeatedly freeze the mouse cursor upon query?
[02:02:30] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - OpenBSD Keyboard Problems Fixed by pms(4) and a Forcible Mouse Port Reset - http://sylnt.us - but-not-fixed-in-5.7
[02:02:32] <SoyCowVvarcques> what, by a standard SQL query ?
[02:03:06] <Ethanol-fueled> Like, you can't fucking move the cursor (and it has the 'busy animation' and freezes) until the query completes
[02:03:09] <SoyCowVvarcques> or if you're in 32 bit windows 98 the application might get ring0 type permissions and F with the serial port ports
[02:04:17] <SirFinkus> oh Ethanol-fueled, I found a new IPA for you to try
[02:04:36] <SirFinkus> from Laurelwood, called workhorse IPA
[02:04:39] <SoyCowVvarcques> Ethanol-fueled: I don't know shit about windoze anymore, but that sounds like a threading/scheduling problem either in win or the program
[02:04:51] <SirFinkus> one of the better ones I've had
[02:05:38] * SoyCowVvarcques gettin' drunked on Upslope Brown @ 6.5% ABV
[02:05:56] <Ethanol-fueled> Drinking? On a weekday? How base.
[02:05:59] <SirFinkus> pfft
[02:06:07] <SirFinkus> I'm about to crack open a stout
[02:06:14] <SirFinkus> http://www.beeradvocate.com
[02:06:15] <NetCraft> ^ 03Wrecking Ball Imperial Stout | No-Li Brewhouse | Spokane, WA | BeerAdvocate
[02:06:19] <SirFinkus> 9.5%
[02:06:20] <SoyCowVvarcques> only 4 hrs due at work tomorrow ! :)
[02:06:50] <Ethanol-fueled> Drinking is for fools and buffoons.
[02:07:12] * SirFinkus is a fool AND buffoon
[02:07:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> buffools?
[02:08:02] <SoyCowVvarcques> Ethanol-fueled: are you fueld by the ethanol in Adult Beverages or not !?
[02:08:33] <TheMightyBuzzard> he's turned over a new leaf and is now an equal opportunity troll. he even trolls stuff he likes now.
[02:08:59] <chromas> He uses only the most subsidized corn-based fuels in his vehicles
[02:11:42] -!- LaminatorX [LaminatorX!~4751937c@Soylent/Staff/Editor/LaminatorX] has joined #Soylent
[02:11:42] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v LaminatorX] by Imogen
[02:13:36] <SoyCowVvarcques> so....
[02:13:43] <Ethanol-fueled> Unh....
[02:13:49] <SoyCowVvarcques> who else uses RPN calculators ?
[02:14:01] <Bytram> does 'dc' count?
[02:14:06] <SoyCowVvarcques> oh yes
[02:14:21] <SoyCowVvarcques> i go between dc and an HP 13 personal
[02:14:35] * Bytram uses 'dc' quite frequently
[02:14:39] <SoyCowVvarcques> ever tried orpie ? it's curses based
[02:14:45] <Ethanol-fueled> The kind of people who use physical calculators daily. Old Jewish accountants and slide-rule folks who never got the memo.
[02:15:09] * TheMightyBuzzard uses bc just to be obstinate
[02:15:25] <Bytram> lemme guess, you use bc, just BeCause?
[02:15:37] <Ethanol-fueled> birth control?
[02:15:48] <SoyCowVvarcques> slide rule ... there's something I never got into, even with doing well in high school math and taking CSCI courses ... must rectify this.
[02:15:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> Ethanol-fueled, that's discriminatory. not all jewish accountants are old.
[02:16:03] <SoyCowVvarcques> ha
[02:16:24] <Ethanol-fueled> Buzzard, but all don't trust PC software for their accounting needs. Their brains are too accute.
[02:17:19] <SoyCowVvarcques> I bet you guys trace the reference direction of circuits as electrons from the negative terminals too
[02:17:36] <TheMightyBuzzard> personally i dig abacussesesesses... how the fuck to you stop spelling that word?
[02:17:52] <SoyCowVvarcques> bananananananana
[02:17:58] <TheMightyBuzzard> zactly
[02:18:04] <Ethanol-fueled> varques, everybody knows current flows from positive to negative. It's like, totally intuitive, man! How do people miss that?
[02:18:46] <Bytram> SoyCowVvarcques: doncha mean bananarama?
[02:19:00] <Bytram> girlg group from the 80's (?)
[02:19:15] <Bytram> ~weather boston, ma
[02:19:21] <SoyCowVvarcques> i mean Howard Jones ackshually
[02:19:25] <Bytram> !uid
[02:19:25] <Bender> The current maximum UID is 5152, owned by KiwiDave
[02:19:32] <Ethanol-fueled> The tilde thingy doesn't work now.
[02:19:47] <Bytram> hmmm, we had a nice spurt for a while and it's tapered off to a trickle the past few days.
[02:19:59] <paulej72> !grab Bytram
[02:19:59] <Bender> Added quote 406
[02:20:12] <Bytram> oh my.
[02:20:29] * TheMightyBuzzard laughs
[02:20:31] <Bytram> ouch.
[02:20:32] <paulej72> take that one out of context
[02:21:00] <SirFinkus> that'd actually be pretty impressive
[02:21:10] <TheMightyBuzzard> !quote 380
[02:21:10] <Bender> Quote 380 - <SpallsHurgenson> just because I don't wear pants doesn't mean I'm naked
[02:21:17] <SirFinkus> because the implication is a several day long "nice spurt"
[02:21:20] <Bytram> ahhh, yous guys keep me on my toes.
[02:21:34] * SoyCowVvarcques goes to beat off
[02:21:39] <chromas> Bender: grab SirFinkus
[02:21:39] <Bender> Added quote 407
[02:21:43] <chromas> Bender: grab Bytram
[02:21:43] <Bender> Added quote 408
[02:22:01] * SoyCowVvarcques comes back and just turns on loveline instead
[02:22:20] * Bytram channels the theme to 'Love Boat'
[02:22:52] <Bytram> !quote 406
[02:22:52] <Bender> Quote 406 - <Bytram> hmmm, we had a nice spurt for a while and it's tapered off to a trickle the past few days.
[02:22:58] * SoyCowVvarcques channels the theme to "Taboo 2"
[02:23:00] <SirFinkus> I'm naming my new rail road "your mom" because I'm going to run trains on it all day long
[02:23:05] * TheMightyBuzzard tweaks it just a bit to Love Shack instead
[02:23:20] <Bytram> methinks we're getting a bit off track here
[02:23:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> bah-dum-ching
[02:23:56] <SoyCowVvarcques> erm *cough* yes *cough* all right... anybody doing ARM asm language these days ?
[02:25:01] * TheMightyBuzzard scratches his head
[02:25:24] * Ethanol-fueled the left eye of which twitches twice on the underlid
[02:25:36] <TheMightyBuzzard> nah, closest i do is scripting for the gpio pins on a rpi
[02:26:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> haven't really done any of that since i started playing with slashcode either. only other coding i done since i started this was teh bot and a few personal utility scripts.
[02:28:17] <SoyCowVvarcques> Goddamn, I hope I never see "BREAKING" in the title of another SN article again
[02:28:19] <SoyCowVvarcques> jesus shit
[02:28:40] <SirFinkus> why?
[02:28:48] <SirFinkus> seems like an odd thing to be annoyed about
[02:28:54] <SoyCowVvarcques> Here's what you do: remove "BREAKING:" from the text and post at earliest editorial convenience
[02:29:26] <SoyCowVvarcques> then it __is__ breaking news, rather than being hasty and titled as clickbait
[02:29:46] <SoyCowVvarcques> SirFinkus: don't you read the comments ?'
[02:29:46] <Ethanol-fueled> When you cater to a crowd of nerds, you're asking for meaningless pedantic bitching totally missing the point of the discussion.
[02:29:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> clickbait don't make sense with us since we don't get moneys for clicks
[02:30:06] <chromas> Bender: grab Ethanol-fueled
[02:30:06] <Bender> Added quote 409
[02:30:15] <Ethanol-fueled> nograb
[02:30:15] <SirFinkus> if it was the fcc one, I did read the first few
[02:30:26] <SirFinkus> I guess the bitching hadn't started
[02:30:49] <SirFinkus> could really use a meta monday or something, although I'm sure people would bitch about that too
[02:30:58] <TheMightyBuzzard> SirFinkus, sure it had, it was just being directed at me in another story. i was playing blocker.
[02:31:12] <SirFinkus> lol
[02:31:31] <Ethanol-fueled> Can somebody hack the digitized voice from Star Wars ("Stay on target") and replace it with ("Stay on topic")
[02:31:36] * TheMightyBuzzard can piss hippies and sjws off better than ef and ar combined.
[02:31:53] <Ethanol-fueled> Buzzard, you were awesome in the oklahoma frat discussion
[02:31:59] <nick> Ethanol-fueled++
[02:32:05] <nick> Ethanol_fueled++
[02:32:05] <Bender> karma - ethanol_fueled: 4
[02:32:15] <Ethanol-fueled> TheMightyBuzzard++
[02:32:15] <Bender> karma - themightybuzzard: 155
[02:32:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> gracias
[02:32:41] <Ethanol-fueled> there were a couple of those that I'd spout in real life
[02:33:01] <TheMightyBuzzard> personally i was damned proud of our dean coming out and saying oh fuck this, i ain't havin it.
[02:33:01] <SirFinkus> another idea: a "meta" mod that people can filter
[02:33:06] <SirFinkus> might be too weird though
[02:34:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> that's okies for you though. we decide we're gonna be something, we do it balls to the wall. we decide we 're not gonna be something, ditto.
[02:34:39] <SirFinkus> oh, the breaking story was the ferguson one, I hadn't read that one yet
[02:34:43] <SirFinkus> let me predict the bitching
[02:35:00] <TheMightyBuzzard> and if you get up in our grill telling us we are anyway, you're asking for an ass kicking n you better hope it's only verbal.
[02:35:04] <SirFinkus> "I moved to soylent to get away from the clickbait headlines and political stories"
[02:35:49] <Ethanol-fueled> Finkus, you know and I know that's bullshit. they moved to Soylent to get away from Beta.
[02:36:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> and timothy
[02:36:26] <SoyCowVvarcques> and all the racists, sexists, and astroturfers on /.
[02:36:34] <nick> people moved for different reasons.
[02:36:35] <Ethanol-fueled> Unfortunately for some, Soylent is like the wild, wild West. We still have our sacred cows. Kinda.
[02:36:45] <SoyCowVvarcques> although there is only a marked decrease in astroturfers on SN
[02:36:56] <Ethanol-fueled> varques, I'm a racist, but I don't hold your last name against you...yet.
[02:37:01] <TheMightyBuzzard> Ethanol-fueled, yes and they're damned tasty when you cut them up and eat them in front of them.
[02:37:38] <SoyCowVvarcques> I've posted with anti- videogame or anit-scifi opinions before.... was modded as Troll
[02:38:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah, hopefully the mod changes will keep that from happening most of the time now. or rather allow for it to be corrected by others.
[02:38:20] <SoyCowVvarcques> Ethanol-fueled: just let me have your Ivory hairpiece when you die ...
[02:38:58] <TheMightyBuzzard> you don't want it. if it's his hairpiece it's undoubtedly for pubes.
[02:39:32] * Ethanol-fueled was known for removing his pubes and inviting others to look at them under the microscope in grade school
[02:39:42] <SirFinkus> honestly, I think we should just kill the troll mod
[02:40:03] <Ethanol-fueled> Finkus, Troll and Flamebait should be merged into "Trollbait"
[02:40:05] <SirFinkus> all though I'm sure people would just use a different downvote mod
[02:40:11] <chromas> Replace them with punctuation. +, -, !, ?, ,
[02:40:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> nah, it's useful for when you properly know someone's trolling like EF
[02:40:25] <SirFinkus> but people are idiots
[02:40:25] <Ethanol-fueled> Good point, Buzzard.
[02:40:39] <SirFinkus> and trolling invites discussion
[02:40:41] <SoyCowVvarcques> so meta
[02:41:06] * SoyCowVvarcques puts on a VHS tap
[02:41:07] <paulej72> utimate downmod: beta
[02:41:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> a few downvotes never hurt anyone. as long as they get corrected for the most part, i'm happy.
[02:41:22] <TheMightyBuzzard> ooooh
[02:41:33] <paulej72> or dice
[02:41:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh hey, you see the earlier discussion about combo mods?
[02:41:56] <SirFinkus> it just seems to me we could use a few flamewars
[02:42:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> like -1 Troll + -1 Off-Topic = Douchebag
[02:42:15] <SirFinkus> lol
[02:43:38] <Ethanol-fueled> I don't give a shit about being modded down. Put an exception in the DB for me.
[02:43:54] <SirFinkus> if it were up to me, I'd just have spam, off-topic, and incoherent
[02:44:02] <TheMightyBuzzard> or maybe -1 Troll + 6x +1 Underrated = Troll King
[02:44:31] <Ethanol-fueled> Buzzard, that would imply that the modders are spineless and would not risk karma.
[02:45:13] <SirFinkus> karma is pretty useless anyway, I've been maxed out for a while, and it's trivial to regain lost karma
[02:45:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> nah, it'd be one of them things you just sneak in there and let people find out about.
[02:46:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh, paulej72, I would very much like the <URL:*> syntax to gtfo. just in case i haven't mentioned it this week.
[02:46:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, i wanna put in karma aging but it'll honk a lot of folks off.
[02:47:10] <chromas> They can pay karma to be exempt
[02:47:11] <SirFinkus> I honestly don't see the point of karma
[02:47:44] <SirFinkus> oh boy, all my comments start at +2
[02:47:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> well if it's got a proper sink, it can let you know who's a good contributor to discussion and who's not.
[02:48:22] <TheMightyBuzzard> and you can base other stuff off of it
[02:48:40] <SirFinkus> not if points are as easy to get as they are now
[02:48:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> hard to do when EF can stay capped if he remotely tries.
[02:49:11] <SirFinkus> I could make 10 shitty posts, then make 2 comments rated +5 insightful and be pretty much back where I started
[02:49:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> yup
[02:49:48] <SirFinkus> I don't see how karma decay would help that, the ratios would stay the same
[02:50:03] <SirFinkus> just the less prolific shitposters would be punished
[02:50:20] <Ethanol-fueled> The solution: KILL ETHANOL-FUELED
[02:50:38] <SoyCowVvarcques> if you want to wade through all the insight/lack thereof in summary form in a post like the 2 recent Fergusonians, 5 levels of quality is still not enough
[02:50:40] <Ethanol-fueled> MAKE AN EXAMPLE.
[02:51:01] <chromas> Make it consider the last few posts every time it changes karma
[02:51:06] <Ethanol-fueled> Aw, fuck varques...that means I have to submit shit.
[02:51:12] <SoyCowVvarcques> Ethanol-fueled: we'll need to know your address
[02:51:13] <SirFinkus> the shittier comments are usually pretty short anyway
[02:51:49] <Ethanol-fueled> I need to submit stories. But I can't. Because I have no energy yet.
[02:51:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> fuel up
[02:52:06] <SirFinkus> well, time to practice arpeggios
[02:52:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> enjoy
[02:53:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> think ima go round the cats up.
[02:53:29] <SoyCowVvarcques> !date
[02:53:30] <Ethanol-fueled> Our beloved monsters. Enjoy yourselves :D
[02:54:11] <SoyCowVvarcques> !snuggle Bender
[02:54:11] * ciri watches as SoyCowVvarcques starts to cuddle with Bender.
[02:54:25] <SirFinkus> ciri likes to watch
[02:54:36] <SoyCowVvarcques> hm yezzzzz
[02:58:53] <Ethanol-fueled> hold on. i'm going to the store.
[02:59:13] <Ethanol-fueled> for a total reason unrelated to drinking.
[02:59:35] * SoyCowVvarcques grabs another relatively cold one
[02:59:35] * Ethanol-fueled farts off to the moon! *PBFBFBBTRFBCFBTBTBFBF*
[03:00:07] <LaminatorX> I'm fueling myself with ethanol right now. The three-day weekend has begun!
[03:05:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> outstandin. yall enjoy. ima get some sleep cause i gotta go through all my stuff and ship out the bits that need to belong to goodwill tomorrow.
[03:05:20] <SirFinkus> night TheMightyBuzzard
[03:05:31] <SirFinkus> good luck with the move
[03:13:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> one quick stop back in to leave you with this random sighting i'd completely forgotten about: https://www.youtube.com
[03:13:15] <NetCraft> ^ 03The Bangles - Going Down To Liverpool - YouTube
[03:15:06] <Ethanol-fueled> Konomi isn't here for some reason.
[03:15:25] * Bytram hasn't seen konomi for quite a while
[03:15:34] <mrcoolbp> Ethanol-fueled, she hasn't been around for a while
[03:15:41] <mrcoolbp> I think she's still on freenode somewhere
[03:15:52] <Ethanol-fueled> its because s/he left because I posted the link to the vaginal jesus video.
[03:16:03] <SirFinkus> vaginal jesus?
[03:17:02] <Ethanol-fueled> https://www.youtube.com
[03:17:03] <NetCraft> ^ 03Metal Gear Solid 2 - Full JFK/JD Codec Conversation Part 1 of 2 - YouTube
[03:18:14] -!- SoyCowVvarcques has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[03:20:13] Bytram is now known as Bytram|away
[03:25:20] * mrcoolbp slithers away to get some rest
[03:25:37] * mrcoolbp says "later peoplez"
[03:28:22] <Bytram|away> g'night, all!
[03:28:27] -!- Bytram|away has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[03:29:48] -!- Ethanol-fueled has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[03:32:03] -!- pogostix1696 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[03:33:49] -!- LaminatorX has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[03:33:57] <NetCraft> ^ 03Akron, Ohio, Police Seek Man Who Defecated on 19 Cars - NBC News
[03:33:59] <NetCraft> ^ 03Aladar'dan Seçim Vaatleri - YouTube
[03:34:25] <chromas> whoops; bouncer backlog
[03:34:48] <juggs> TheMightyBuzzard, we have another release announcement draft?
[03:36:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> juggs, all i've got at the moment and you barely caught me on my way to bed. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com
[03:36:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> that's all that's in there but a few notes need to be included
[03:38:29] <juggs> yah, I thought you'd already be snoozing after I said that :D Doesn't need to be posted by me, I'm happy for the release announcement to be done by you or pj, it's you guys doing the work after all.
[03:39:00] <TheMightyBuzzard> note 1: we'll be doing up a story on exactly what is and what isn't spam as soon as i can find time, which may be a week or two.
[03:39:01] <juggs> That's a hefty list of things given how short a time it since the last one.
[03:39:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> mostly little stuff and it really helps having pj around and unbusy
[03:41:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> note 2: need to define mod bombs as multiple unwarranted downmods of a single person by either your account alone or any puppet accounts you control.
[03:41:39] <juggs> I thought we already defined Spam. Can't hurt to reiterate in its own story though. Probably need to encapsulate it in something that doesn't disappear of the front page. Maybe a TOS or similar that is permalinked - perhaps linked into the moderation guidance stuff.
[03:41:49] <juggs> off*
[03:42:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah, good thinking. it's just crunch time for me right now so i prolly won't have time to write it for a week or two.
[03:43:18] <juggs> No worries. I hope the move goes well
[03:43:54] <TheMightyBuzzard> I'll leave the fore/after words to you unless you want to farm them out to someone else.
[03:44:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh and NC is doing up an announcement for a2/mp2
[03:45:01] <juggs> As long as the changes are listed I can put the pre / post fluff around it.
[03:45:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> eggzellent
[03:45:22] <juggs> oookay wth is a2/mp2?
[03:45:31] <TheMightyBuzzard> apache2/mod_perl2
[03:45:46] <juggs> we pushing that live imminently?
[03:46:10] <TheMightyBuzzard> nah, isn't ready yet. i don't figure it will be before mid april with any kind of testing.
[03:46:48] <TheMightyBuzzard> nc is in fact da man though so who knows if he'll get on a tear and fix it all tonight
[03:48:20] <juggs> sterling work making it happen at all - mid april would seem an "optimistic" time frame, but NC does have a rate of work I've not witnessed before when he sets to
[03:48:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> we may end up doing a 15_03 and 15_04 is all i'm heads-up-ing you really
[03:48:46] <juggs> happy days
[03:49:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> anyway, he's still up if you wanna ask him about specifics. i'm off to bed. gotta shuffle some cruft off to goodwill tomorrow.
[03:50:05] <juggs> sleep well
[04:04:03] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Oxytocin Works as an Appetite Suppressant and Lowers Alcohol's Impact - http://sylnt.us - I-<3-hormones
[04:25:11] <mrcoolbp> juggs: NC is a beast
[04:25:24] <mrcoolbp> I've seen him type in person, it's a sight to behold
[04:25:55] * mrcoolbp replies to all the editor volunteers on the editor article
[04:26:18] <mrcoolbp> chromas: lol that bouncer backlog confused the crap outta me
[04:30:06] <chromas> confuses the bot too :)
[04:31:34] <mrcoolbp> chromas: you should disable the URL thing for bouncer backlog
[04:32:31] <chromas> it doesn't know about backlogs, and Subsentient's nexus didn't do backlog when I first started using it
[04:32:53] * chromas wonders if it sends begin/end flags for backlog
[04:33:06] * Subsentient nurbles and wibbles
[04:35:13] * mrcoolbp hugs Subsentient
[04:35:29] * Subsentient gives mrcoolbp a creepy grin
[04:35:37] * mrcoolbp runs
[04:36:16] <mrcoolbp> chromas: I think I get beginning end flags on my end
[04:49:43] <juggs> Subsentient, so has your nexus IRC proxy thing become a bouncer like ZNC or is there some nuance to it I missed?
[04:50:26] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~james@43-567-441-22.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Soylent
[04:51:23] <mrcoolbp> hi James
[04:51:23] <ciri> quick, everyone look busy mrcoolbp
[04:51:50] <mrcoolbp> ciri, I'm hardly the bossman, it's juggs you gotta worry 'bout
[04:51:52] * mrcoolbp ducks
[04:55:14] <Subsentient> juggs: It's a bouncer dedicated to making multiple machines connected as one nickname painless.
[04:55:44] <Subsentient> It probably does some parts of that better than ZNC, but NEXUS' purpose is limited. Really, it's job is just client-merging into one nickname.
[05:12:38] <JamesNZ> Hey mrcoolbp \o
[05:12:46] <JamesNZ> $beer Subsentient
[05:12:46] * aqu4 gives Subsentient a cold can of beer
[05:14:18] <juggs> Ya, I get the concept Subsentient - come to think I've never tried hooking up more than one client to a ZNC instance... no idea how it would react. I'll have to experiment.
[05:17:17] <juggs> $beer JamesNZ
[05:17:18] * aqu4 gives JamesNZ a cold can of beer
[05:34:39] -!- TheMightyBuzzard has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]
[05:38:55] -!- TheMightyBuzzard [TheMightyBuzzard!bob@Soylent/Staff/Developer/TMB] has joined #Soylent
[05:38:55] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v TheMightyBuzzard] by Imogen
[06:05:34] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - 20 New Star Wars Books and Comics to be Released - http://sylnt.us - splinter-in-the-mind's-eye
[06:06:30] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[06:07:05] <crutchy> soysauce++
[06:07:05] <Bender> karma - soysauce: 2
[06:13:28] -!- SoyCow1018 [SoyCow1018!~0260d009@tyth-0-79-081-7.as96513.net] has joined #Soylent
[06:35:07] -!- SoyCow1018 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[06:51:30] <crutchy> frothy_butt_pumps++
[06:51:30] <Bender> karma - frothy_butt_pumps: 1
[06:52:23] <chromas> Only one? Not gonna get much froth that way; needs moar agitation
[06:52:40] <chromas> or maybe it's been going up and down
[07:05:53] <crutchy> maybe we need to have it rigged like coffee :D
[07:06:06] <crutchy> frothy_butt_pumps++
[07:06:06] <Bender> karma - frothy_butt_pumps: 2
[07:43:05] <crutchy> frothy_butt_pumps++
[07:43:05] <Bender> karma - frothy_butt_pumps: 3
[07:44:06] <chromas> frosty_butt_stumps--
[07:44:06] <Bender> karma - frosty_butt_stumps: -1
[07:44:27] <chromas> ciri: There's no MS OneDrive application for Linux desktops :(
[08:09:17] <crutchy> poop_mater_pro++
[08:09:17] <Bender> karma - poop_mater_pro: 1
[08:09:26] <crutchy> derp
[08:09:58] <chromas> Too late! Your misteak will forever be in Bender's karma json file
[08:10:29] <crutchy> mmmm steak
[08:27:55] -!- SoyCow8459 [SoyCow8459!~52db0e5d@dptt.redembedded.com] has joined #Soylent
[08:37:28] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Google Ventures and the Search for Immortality. - http://sylnt.us - long-tomorrow
[08:39:05] <chromas> but refuse to fix the way user-installed certs work in android
[08:39:09] <chromas> from the butthurt dept
[08:39:21] <chromas> google--
[08:39:21] <Bender> karma - google: -10
[08:39:45] <crutchy> Bender, s/Immortality/Google's Immortality/
[08:40:43] <chromas> sedctl--
[08:40:43] <Bender> karma - sedctl: -3
[08:41:08] <crutchy> i think it was cock blocked by the karma thing
[08:41:22] <chromas> it should search back a few lines until it finds a match
[08:41:42] <chromas> but for some reason the dev went off and died
[08:41:45] <chromas> or at least left
[08:41:52] <crutchy> wow that would be a funky feature
[08:42:02] <chromas> it's up to you now
[08:42:06] <chromas> exec++
[08:42:06] <Bender> karma - exec: 21
[08:42:11] <crutchy> prolly would take 2 lines of awk
[08:42:19] <crutchy> but 50 lines of php
[08:42:41] <crutchy> i'm playing with my wiki tonight
[08:42:47] <chromas> exec is using mysql for logging now right?
[08:42:52] <crutchy> yup
[08:43:00] <crutchy> err. i think
[08:43:13] * crutchy opens mysql workbench to run a count query
[08:43:37] * crutchy then wonders why he is doing that when he could just whip up a 3 line script to do it
[08:43:39] <chromas> You can use the ~ operator :D
[08:43:49] <chromas> for regex match in sql
[08:44:16] <chromas> yeah, make exec do it
[08:44:30] <chromas> for owner use only
[08:45:45] <chromas> ~sql select count(bewbs) from clogs where channel=#soylent
[08:55:54] <crutchy> ~rehash
[08:56:05] <crutchy> ~resmash
[08:56:20] <crutchy> 404 bot not found
[09:20:15] -!- janrinok [janrinok!~janrinok@Soylent/Staff/Editor/janrinok] has joined #Soylent
[09:20:15] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v janrinok] by Imogen
[09:21:00] <janrinok> hi guys
[09:22:19] <chromas> ~g'day janrinok
[09:22:30] <janrinok> hi chromas how's things?
[09:23:13] <chromas> quiet and sleepy
[09:23:21] <janrinok> the way things should be ....
[09:23:48] <chromas> Ooh, a +5, Touché
[09:24:02] <chromas> well, 5 overall
[09:24:15] <janrinok> I like it this way, at least for part of the day
[09:24:43] <chromas> It's great. I could go for a walk and not see anyone
[09:24:57] <chromas> No witnesses
[09:25:12] <chromas> On the other hand, it's also harder to blend in
[09:25:19] <janrinok> lol
[09:25:20] <ciri> lol damn!
[09:25:44] <janrinok> you have a healthy blend of paranoia and menace ;)
[09:27:23] * chromas is considering installing xen or something on the desktop
[09:28:12] <chromas> But it looks like to get graphics to pass through to a vm, I need a card with some feature that almost none have
[09:28:35] <chromas> so it's kind of like the playstation 2's monitor requirement for linux
[09:28:53] <chromas> "Oh, you need a monitor wtih sync-on-green but nobody makes those"
[09:29:03] <janrinok> I have had great success with virtualbox - is that similar to xen, or am I talking out of my rear end again?
[09:32:02] <janrinok> OK - having googled I can see the difference
[09:32:53] <chromas> I was thinking it'd be nifty to have my graphical desktop be a VM, then I can update it with the latest everything, but still have another VM with servers and stuff that doesn't have to go down for reboots
[09:33:15] <chromas> and have fewer puters running when the heat stops by later
[09:33:50] -!- FatPhil [FatPhil!phil@azdr.ee] has joined #Soylent
[09:34:14] <chromas> Welcome back
[09:34:29] <janrinok> hi FatPhil
[09:34:37] <FatPhil> Howdy all
[09:34:38] <ciri> o.o FatPhil
[09:34:45] <FatPhil> Anyone a current Slackware user? Thinking of putting it on an new machine this weekend...
[09:35:05] <chromas> Just accept systemd already
[09:35:07] <chromas> :D
[09:35:08] <FatPhil> The webpage is a bit '90s - it talks about "boot floppies" and stuff like that
[09:35:13] <FatPhil> NEVAR!
[09:36:11] <chromas> Need to get a group together to push epoch into all the distros
[09:39:09] <FatPhil> I "invented" an init system based on make (it satisfies dependencies, and can do things in parallel)
[09:39:30] <FatPhil> A friend who's creating his own distro like the idea, and actually implemented it!
[09:39:59] <janrinok> sounds interesting. Any known downsides?
[09:40:10] <FatPhil> Alas, this distro only runs on the 20+ different machines in the guy's lab. He hasn't let anyone else try it yet.
[09:40:29] <chromas> make -j 64
[09:40:38] <janrinok> I'm sure if he wanted alpha testers there are plenty here who would give it a sping
[09:40:38] <FatPhil> Well, he's not thrown it away after at least one year of use, so it's not obviously broken
[09:40:41] <janrinok> spin*
[09:41:12] <FatPhil> There are plenty of ex-kernel devs he knows that keep pestering him.
[09:41:15] <janrinok> probably find a few who could package it as well.
[09:41:31] <FatPhil> he's an ex-Nokia workmate, all the kernel devs keep in touch still
[09:41:42] <janrinok> that's another useful community I guess
[09:42:59] <FatPhil> One of his platforms is the n900 phone, as well as big HPPA crates, Sun boxes, all kinds.
[10:12:14] <chromas> crutchy++
[10:12:14] <Bender> karma - crutchy: 130
[10:12:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> no no no, it goes like this...
[10:12:54] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[10:12:54] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1175
[10:13:22] <janrinok> hi TheMightyBuzzard - wheels balanced and ready to go?
[10:13:52] <TheMightyBuzzard> nah, had to get all new tires. wasn't enough tread left on those to be legal
[10:13:58] <crutchy> we're spying on a conversation about a possible critical flaw in the devuan project
[10:14:08] <crutchy> well, not really spying
[10:14:16] <crutchy> #freenode
[10:14:23] <janrinok> crutchy: hi, that sounds interesting
[10:14:33] <crutchy> g'day janrinok
[10:14:34] <ciri> o.o crutchy
[10:15:06] <chromas> big push
[10:15:09] <crutchy> tmb is taking a big github dump
[10:15:22] <crutchy> s/taking/took/
[10:15:22] <sedctl> <crutchy> tmb is took a big github dump
[10:15:24] * chromas feels the strain
[10:15:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> plop
[10:15:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> lil one really
[10:15:51] <janrinok> lol - too much graphic information
[10:16:00] <crutchy> now now don't be shy
[10:16:13] <chromas> Does sql have typecasting?
[10:16:22] <crutchy> poop_pride++
[10:16:23] <Bender> karma - poop_pride: 1
[10:16:24] -!- JamesNZ has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]
[10:16:40] <TheMightyBuzzard> no, it'd let shatner play a DBA
[10:18:34] <chromas> I'm passing a date/time into postgres and it says unknown type, so I thought maybe I could force it
[10:18:43] <chromas> forcing it in is usually good, right?
[10:18:48] <crutchy> pass as an integer
[10:18:53] <crutchy> unixtime
[10:19:29] <crutchy> in timestamps much easier to deal with
[10:19:36] <crutchy> s/in/int/
[10:19:36] <sedctl> <crutchy> int timestamps much easier to deal with
[10:20:31] <TheMightyBuzzard> chromas, have to look that up. i know you can do "2015-03-09 14:33:46" in mysql as a date type
[10:21:33] <chromas> it works in a regular query but not when I do it prepared
[10:22:08] <crutchy> or for the times when i'm stuck with a string datetime i use summin like this: https://github.com
[10:22:09] <NetCraft> ^ 03exec-irc-bot/lib.php at master · crutchy-/exec-irc-bot · GitHub
[10:23:00] <crutchy> converts a string in a known format to an unix timestamp int
[10:23:24] <chromas> does sql take that in a datestamp field?
[10:23:43] <crutchy> timestamp is an int in mysql
[10:26:43] <crutchy> if you read a unix timestamp out of mysql, you just convert it to a string in whatever format using php's date function (or you can do it in the sql too i think)
[10:26:53] <crutchy> ~php date
[10:26:59] <crutchy> :/
[10:28:23] <crutchy> http://www.w3schools.com
[10:28:24] <NetCraft> ^ 03MySQL DATE_FORMAT() Function
[10:28:35] <paulej72> morning folks
[10:28:37] -!- SoyCow8459 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[10:28:58] * chromas jacks crutchy's code
[10:29:04] <paulej72> i killed soycow8459 :(
[10:29:12] <chromas> you bastard!
[10:29:34] <crutchy> soycow, where is the nintendo?
[10:29:54] <crutchy> if you don't stop being so poor i'm gunna have to start hurling rocks at your house
[10:30:57] <paulej72> oh noes rain tomorrow
[10:31:00] * chromas notes the engine block on soycow's coffee table
[10:31:22] <paulej72> is it a hemi?
[10:31:32] <chromas> nope; too poor
[10:31:52] <paulej72> fucking ford straight 6
[10:31:58] <crutchy> maybe he 'borrowed' it
[10:49:31] * chromas tosses a derp
[10:49:49] <chromas> concatenating string with .+
[11:09:23] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Security Risks and Privacy Issues too Great for Voting via Internet - http://sylnt.us - massively-multiplayer-online-real-power-game
[11:30:52] <crutchy> https://www.youtube.com
[11:30:52] <NetCraft> ^ 03Two Steps From Hell - Blackheart (Skyworld)(Uplifting Orchestral Drama) - YouTube
[11:42:10] -!- cmn32480 [cmn32480!~17186141@23.24.kp.ip] has joined #Soylent
[12:10:08] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Google Ventures and the Search for Immortality - http://sylnt.us - long-tomorrow
[12:43:56] <chromas> http://soylentnews.org
[12:43:56] <NetCraft> ^ 03SN comment by DeathMonkey (1380)
[12:47:00] * chromas gives ciri the inward
[12:53:17] <crutchy> http://soylentnews.org
[12:53:17] <NetCraft> ^ 03SN comment by Anonymous Coward
[12:53:44] <crutchy> wtf is a douche nozzle?
[12:57:47] <chromas> I guess like a douche bag but with more directed output
[13:01:37] -!- Azrael has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]
[13:02:38] <CoolHand> I think the nozzle is what would come out of the bag to aim the stream (possibly inserted?)..
[13:08:39] <chromas> Ud should mention it but exec isn't well, he stayed back at the hotel
[13:08:54] -!- Tachyon has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]
[13:09:24] <chromas> Need a surrogate bot
[13:10:55] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Broadcom Releases First API's for its 'Open Network Switch Library' - http://sylnt.us - operators-on-roller-skates || Upgrade Plans: Slashcode 15.03/Rehash 15.04 - http://sylnt.us - big-changes-are-afoot
[13:12:34] <chromas> Roller skates afoot
[13:23:16] -!- Azrael [Azrael!~Az@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Azrael] has joined #Soylent
[13:23:16] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Azrael] by Imogen
[13:38:14] <janrinok> hi Azrael
[14:06:59] -!- necronian has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[14:09:11] -!- necronian [necronian!~necronian@mrltt.uberpurple.com] has joined #Soylent
[14:25:20] nick is now known as n1
[14:27:22] -!- pax681 [pax681!~59f1acd7@boed-62-524-950-098.as96063.net] has joined #Soylent
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[14:44:30] * mrcoolbp missed pax = (
[14:44:51] <mrcoolbp> was too busy typing an email to him
[14:46:49] <n1> :(
[14:47:35] <mrcoolbp> kind of ironic, but maybe he's reading the editorial docs I linked
[14:48:03] <mrcoolbp> okay, breakfast break. n1 keep an eye out for me
[14:48:28] <n1> 10-4
[14:50:08] <mrcoolbp> copy that
[15:12:27] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - UK ISPs Block Sites that List Pirate Bay Proxies - http://sylnt.us - whack-a-mole
[15:13:10] -!- necronian has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[15:16:41] -!- Tachyon [Tachyon!~Tachyon@94.142.ryu.uz] has joined #Soylent
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[15:56:31] <mrcoolbp> mechanicjay: ping
[15:57:39] <paulej72> too early for weast coasters
[15:57:54] <mrcoolbp> I can email him
[15:58:15] <SirFinkus> heeey
[15:58:29] <SirFinkus> it's 9 here
[16:00:12] -!- mechanicjay has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[16:00:57] <mrcoolbp> ^ I scared him off
[16:13:13] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - $7.4 Million Verdict in Blurred Lines Case Likely to Alter Music Business - http://sylnt.us - let's-get-it-on
[16:16:21] <n1> oh dear...
[16:16:44] -!- Tachyon has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]
[16:19:07] <mrcoolbp> n1: I guess there's a "blurred line" between homage/infringement = )
[16:19:37] <mrcoolbp> ooh, that's good, gonna post a comment
[16:23:55] <WakeTurbulence> who is paulej57?
[16:24:02] -!- mechanicjay [mechanicjay!~jhowe@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mechanicjay] has joined #Soylent
[16:24:02] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mechanicjay] by Imogen
[16:24:27] <janrinok> WakeTurbulence: Head of Dev, or was that a whoosh...?
[16:28:30] <cmn32480> mrcoolbp - I'm on my lunch (sort of) and wanted ot see what is needed to help with editing
[16:29:52] <mrcoolbp> hey cmn32480
[16:30:07] <mrcoolbp> type "/join #editorial"
[16:30:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> yar, paulej72 is mine and sort of NCommander's fearless leader. truthfully NCommander is the pro from Dover and makes me and pj look like we're noobs still writing bubble sorts.
[16:30:34] <mrcoolbp> cmn32480 type "/join #editorial"
[16:31:11] janrinok is now known as janrinok|afk
[16:31:11] -!- Tachyon [Tachyon!~Tachyon@ril-ggr-09-20.cust.vodafone.cz] has joined #Soylent
[16:36:33] <WakeTurbulence> no whoosh, the slash upgrade gives much credit to "paulej57"
[16:36:58] -!- n1 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[16:37:26] <WakeTurbulence> sorry, i was being a little facetious, I know paulej72, but the story is calling out "paulej57"
[16:37:40] * TheMightyBuzzard rotfls
[16:37:41] -!- n1 [n1!~nick@37.48.jj.ho] has joined #Soylent
[16:37:45] -!- n1 has quit [Changing host]
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[16:37:45] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v n1] by Imogen
[16:37:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> i'm not fixing it, that's funny.
[16:38:14] <mrcoolbp> rofl
[16:38:36] * mrcoolbp will not fix out of respect for TheMightyBuzzard's wishes
[16:40:02] <TheMightyBuzzard> looks like NC added an extra 15 birthdays for him
[16:40:50] <mrcoolbp> good for him
[16:41:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> and the fun bit is, paulej72 added two of the lines that call him paulej57
[16:42:36] <WakeTurbulence> I had a fleeting thought of going to register paulej57, but I swore to only use my powers for good
[16:43:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> i'd have laughed for sure
[16:43:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> maybe he's just feeling extra old today. someone send him some coffee.
[16:47:54] <mrcoolbp> WakeTurbulence: great power, etc.
[16:48:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> man, i could use a nap before i get on sorting for goodwill.
[16:49:20] <WakeTurbulence> so, if one becomes a subscriber, are they limited to subscribing for the set amount or can they subscribe and donate at the same time?
[16:50:27] <WakeTurbulence> great power, yes, but in my case that mostly means fouling things up, most of my experienced comes from great foul ups
[16:51:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> kay, works like this AFTER THE UPGRADE...
[16:51:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> there's a set minimum for each duration of subscription but you can set any price you like above that.
[16:52:52] <WakeTurbulence> I can handle that, sounds good
[16:52:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> like i think the 30day sub is $5 but you can pay $50,000 for it if you really want to
[16:53:21] <TheMightyBuzzard> right now we're limited to fixed prices though, so hang till after the weekend if you wanna go above that.
[16:54:00] <WakeTurbulence> I won't be in the $50k range, but that paints a clear picture, thanks
[16:55:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> heh, yeah, $50k would set us for... eh a dozen years or so.
[16:56:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> not figuring in taxes, mind you.
[17:02:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> right then...
[17:02:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> naps++
[17:02:16] <Bender> karma - naps: 25
[17:13:59] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - NASA to Investigate Magnetic Explosions - http://sylnt.us - cross-the-streams
[17:34:33] -!- mechanicjay has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[17:37:16] -!- Cyprus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[17:38:02] -!- cmn32480 [cmn32480!~17186141@23.24.kp.ip] has parted #Soylent
[17:47:54] <n1> teamwork++
[17:47:54] <Bender> karma - teamwork: 3
[17:48:12] -!- Cyprus [Cyprus!~ikiris@216.239.mm.is] has joined #Soylent
[17:51:01] -!- mechanicjay [mechanicjay!~jhowe@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mechanicjay] has joined #Soylent
[17:51:01] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mechanicjay] by Imogen
[17:51:54] -!- NotSanguine [NotSanguine!~d8fe4f79@qzg770-090-642.nyc5.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #Soylent
[17:52:46] <arti> http://www.alternet.org
[17:52:47] <NetCraft> ^ 03Backdoor Medicine: How Marijuana Suppositories Can Save Lives | Alternet
[17:59:47] -!- NotSanguine has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[18:01:43] <arti> giving a whole new meaning to the term "bum rush"
[18:02:06] <mrcoolbp> hehe
[18:02:10] <mrcoolbp> hey arti
[18:04:29] <arti> greetings sir
[18:04:50] <arti> discovered sailor jerry's rum this week, life changing
[18:06:32] <SirFinkus> that doesn't sound encouraging
[18:06:40] <mrcoolbp> arti: I told ya
[18:07:26] <arti> if you can get some reed's gingerbeer, use that
[18:07:36] <arti> 1 part rum, 3 parts ginger beer, some lime
[18:07:41] <arti> ridiculous
[18:08:35] <mrcoolbp> sounds fantastic
[18:08:41] <mrcoolbp> BBL lunch/haircut
[18:08:42] <ciri> ok see yea later mrcoolbp
[18:09:01] <arti> http://sailorjerry.com
[18:09:02] <NetCraft> ^ 03Ginger Beer Rum Cocktail: Jerry & Ginger - Sailor Jerry
[18:13:48] -!- SoyCow2507 [SoyCow2507!~329e42a0@h-69-317-37-686.hsd0.in.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[18:16:21] <SoyCow2507> soy!
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[18:19:11] -!- Tachyon has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[18:29:29] janrinok|afk is now known as janrinok
[18:30:57] -!- TLA [TLA!~52027da6@bzd3-bxxi33-7-6-smos942.64-6.cable.virginm.net] has joined #Soylent
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[18:57:48] janrinok is now known as janrinok|afk
[19:18:50] <midacre> http://www.reddit.com
[19:19:29] * mrcoolbp is back
[19:27:06] -!- Tachyon [Tachyon!~Tachyon@xuco.me] has joined #Soylent
[19:34:32] -!- mechanicjay has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]
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[19:45:54] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Study Asserts Young Americans Lack Real Skills - http://sylnt.us - "Our-youth-now-love-luxury."-Socrates
[19:48:06] -!- mechanicjay [mechanicjay!~jhowe@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mechanicjay] has joined #Soylent
[19:48:06] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mechanicjay] by Imogen
[19:59:15] CoolHand is now known as CoolHand|away
[20:00:14] -!- mechanicjay has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[20:01:19] -!- mechanicjay [mechanicjay!~jhowe@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mechanicjay] has joined #Soylent
[20:01:19] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mechanicjay] by Imogen
[20:02:59] -!- SoyCow5488 [SoyCow5488!~6358c280@15-35-596-525.lightspeed.sndgca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #Soylent
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[20:05:31] -!- PhysicallyPffft [PhysicallyPffft!~6358c280@15-35-596-525.lightspeed.sndgca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #Soylent
[20:05:51] <NCommander> I think I need to find a hole to hide in
[20:06:12] * mrcoolbp hands NCommander a hole
[20:06:19] <mrcoolbp> careful it's a black hole
[20:06:30] <mrcoolbp> What happened NCommander?
[20:06:56] <mrcoolbp> NCommander: something like 6-7 new editors we are working on training right now
[20:07:09] -!- PhysicallyPffft [PhysicallyPffft!~6358c280@15-35-596-525.lightspeed.sndgca.sbcglobal.net] has parted #Soylent
[20:07:37] -!- PhysicallyPffft [PhysicallyPffft!~6358c280@15-35-596-525.lightspeed.sndgca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #Soylent
[20:08:21] <NCommander> mrcoolbp, I made paulej72 old
[20:09:54] <mrcoolbp> NCommander: I'm pretty sure that was father time and not you
[20:09:55] -!- PhysicallyPffft has quit [Client Quit]
[20:10:11] <NCommander> mrcoolbp, on the post, I wrote it as paulej57
[20:10:13] <NCommander> >.<;
[20:10:46] <mrcoolbp> NCommander: we thought it was hilarious
[20:11:03] <mrcoolbp> TheMightyBuzzard vowwed not to change it
[20:11:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> wut?
[20:11:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh ya, was pretty funny.
[20:12:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> i did go bwahahaha. specially since he did it himself two more times after you did it.
[20:12:07] * NCommander smokes his piece pipe, redeems his free pizza
[20:14:10] <mrcoolbp> TMB: yeah that's the real funny part
[20:15:01] * NCommander facepalms
[20:15:06] <NCommander> Seems no one ever reads my articles
[20:15:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> i kinda wanna go in and snoop on all the new eds but i don't wanna interrupt and i can never sit quietly.
[20:16:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> sure they do or we wouldn't be cackling about poor paulej57
[20:21:41] -!- mechanicjay has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]
[20:21:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh hey, NCommander. you can prolly nuke open_backend.pl entirely since we do have dynamic feeds even if they aren't currently 100% proper.
[20:22:17] -!- mechanicjay [mechanicjay!~jhowe@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mechanicjay] has joined #Soylent
[20:22:17] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mechanicjay] by Imogen
[20:23:10] <NCommander> TheMightyBuzzard, I think the other thing thats dynamically generated is the header/footer.inc pages
[20:23:26] <NCommander> But if we rsync the site from a central place, those only get updated very very rarely
[20:23:45] * TheMightyBuzzard scratches his head
[20:24:05] <NCommander> TheMightyBuzzard, can you look for me, I'm still waking up, not in a place where I can look at rehash just yet
[20:24:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> no i mean we have feeds working-ish that do not read from flat files. there's just a bit getting added to the url that needs to not be or something.
[20:25:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> header n footer hmm?
[20:25:45] <NCommander> I mean technically
[20:25:58] <NCommander> We could work around the flatfile issue by just having a slashd job that runs rsync to the web frontends every once inawhile
[20:27:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah but i'd rather do it right.
[20:27:28] <NCommander> I'm just not waking up today
[20:27:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> know the feelin. it's been raining all day here and that's not conducive to being awake.
[20:28:01] -!- mechanicjay has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[20:30:02] <TheMightyBuzzard> shit, feels like i'm on an old teletype machine trying to use dev
[20:30:07] <paulej72> i actually copy pasta that error on my additions. i did not even noticed it.
[20:30:23] <NCommander> I'm still kinda thinking we should use /n/*nexusname*
[20:31:01] <TheMightyBuzzard> it'd prolly work fine, i just like foo.sn.org better aesthetically
[20:31:12] <NCommander> TheMightyBuzzard, causes lots of pain w/ cookies and such
[20:31:19] <NCommander> and SSL certificates :(
[20:31:24] <paulej72> why would we need header footer includes if we have no shtml files
[20:31:35] <NCommander> paulej72, are they not used anywhere else?
[20:31:45] <NCommander> If thats the case, then I think once the static RSS is burned, we're done.
[20:32:21] -!- mechanicjay [mechanicjay!~jhowe@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mechanicjay] has joined #Soylent
[20:32:21] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mechanicjay] by Imogen
[20:32:37] <paulej72> i would think not. lets detete them on devtest and see what happens
[20:32:57] -!- alberto [alberto!~bbf36fc9@Soylent/Users/3580/barrahome] has joined #Soylent
[20:33:15] <alberto> hello!
[20:33:20] * TheMightyBuzzard scratches his chin and looks around the header sub in Anchor to make sure
[20:33:23] <paulej72> does the apache rewrite stuff still dump acs to shtml silently
[20:33:35] <NCommander> paulej72, I burned that with fire in rehash
[20:33:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> i know we do use that header sub, i just don't know if it comes from static files.
[20:34:26] <NCommander> I'd like to fix the IPv6 stuff
[20:34:27] <paulej72> was not sure as the last i looked it was still there, but it was early in the change over that i last looked
[20:34:34] <NCommander> But ugh, that was a massive pain lasttime I looked
[20:34:42] <alberto> TheMightyBuzzard: will Soylent support internationalisation? not in content but in menu items and stuff maybe?
[20:34:57] <alberto> hey hey NCommander ! how are you?
[20:34:57] <NCommander> alberto, it technically can do that now, but its not easy to translate
[20:34:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> alberto, it already does
[20:35:00] <alberto> mr paulej72 !
[20:35:10] <NCommander> I'd like to hook the strings part into gettext
[20:35:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> get translating and we can prolly work something out
[20:35:14] <alberto> Can i help on translations?
[20:35:26] <alberto> i will use plain spanish not attached to any country
[20:35:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> NCommander, looks like the header at least just comes from a template file like any other slashDisplay
[20:35:41] <alberto> Where to change my language?
[20:35:52] <NCommander> alberto, its not implemented yet :)
[20:36:03] <alberto> oh
[20:36:04] <TheMightyBuzzard> ditto footer.
[20:36:19] <NCommander> alberto, the only way to do it as of right now is to create an entirely new skin, we need to make that less ugly
[20:36:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> alberto, takes a lot of work translating and someone who knows both languages.
[20:36:51] <alberto> well i can help i own a company wich does marketing, hosting and content i can just donate such translation
[20:37:01] <paulej72> all your bases are belong to us
[20:37:05] <alberto> don't care about the amount of work
[20:37:16] <alberto> so if you tell me where to look it will be fine.
[20:37:52] * TheMightyBuzzard ponders
[20:38:06] <alberto> also you can do a pre publish perl sript to take a .po
[20:38:16] <alberto> and generate many languages as you like
[20:38:19] <alberto> or something
[20:38:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> it would take translating all the templates to start with, no?
[20:38:36] <alberto> languages are hardcoded in templates right?
[20:38:42] <NCommander> As of right now, yes
[20:38:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> yep
[20:38:46] <alberto> Well
[20:38:55] <alberto> what is you use language as %VAR%
[20:38:57] <NCommander> There are ways to intergrate Template::Toolkit w/ gettext
[20:39:01] <NCommander> alberto, that's the plan
[20:39:10] <alberto> and then to gen_lang.pl es en ectera?
[20:39:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah, that's really the easy part though. it'd take time but would only be tedious not hard.
[20:40:01] <alberto> We can setup Rosseta
[20:40:16] <paulej72> use a giant strings template like the current data templates. use var to choose which one to call
[20:40:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> zactly, yeah
[20:40:42] <alberto> NCommander: you use this https://wiki.ubuntu.com at Ubuntu so can be setup local and we start from there
[20:40:43] <NetCraft> ^ 03Rosetta - Ubuntu Wiki
[20:41:06] <NCommander> alberto, LP's license doesn't allow local instances
[20:41:15] <NCommander> alberto, I used to work at Canonical, I'm well aware of the limitations of rosetta :(
[20:41:26] <alberto> TheMightyBuzzard: http://mail.template-toolkit.org
[20:41:27] <NetCraft> ^ 03[Templates] i18n with Template-Toolkit
[20:41:30] <NCommander> http://search.cpan.org - this is the "official" Template::Toolkit way to do it
[20:41:33] <NetCraft> ^ 03Template::Multilingual - search.cpan.org
[20:42:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> alberto, yes. the how is not hard. the doing takes time though and time is something we never have enough of lately.
[20:42:43] <alberto> ask the community for help we will help you!
[20:42:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> have but got zero more devs when we asked.
[20:43:32] <alberto> I really like Soylent i can donate again to get this done
[20:43:40] <alberto> like fouding this part
[20:43:47] <alberto> or anything just to get it done
[20:44:10] <paulej72> we got devs, but they ran away as soon as they looked at the code
[20:44:11] <mrcoolbp> alberto++
[20:44:11] <Bender> karma - alberto: -25
[20:44:23] <alberto> -25 gosh!
[20:44:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> paulej72, buncha pansies
[20:44:36] <NCommander> Its mostly a lot of gruntwork
[20:44:39] * alberto don't know perl but may start to learn so can help
[20:44:40] <NCommander> To make it happen.
[20:44:46] <NCommander> Template::Toolkit isn't very i18n friendly
[20:45:04] <NCommander> Well, I won't mind if burrapuento migrated to our codebase or something:)
[20:45:15] <alberto> i know i tried to use perl and Template::Toolkit in the past to make my website then run to CodeIgniter again :p
[20:45:51] <alberto> barrapunto is dead
[20:45:53] <paulej72> i learned the code the hard way by analyzing it line by line, NCommander was too busy keeping eveything running to help much, but TMB and i would have helped any newcomer out
[20:45:56] <alberto> i know that for a fact
[20:46:06] <NCommander> alberto, it is?
[20:46:08] <alberto> i used to read barrapunto til they just leave it as "is"
[20:46:11] <alberto> yep
[20:46:35] <alberto> you can see 1 or 2 news or max 4 in a day, no actual content as before
[20:46:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah, we know all kinds of stuff and are very helpful.
[20:46:39] <alberto> started like 2 years ago
[20:46:40] <NCommander> I'm looking at bugzilla to see how they handled i18n
[20:46:48] <NCommander> since they also use Template::Toolkit
[20:47:51] <alberto> NCommander: where is their code?
[20:48:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> alberto, it's possible this could get done by the end of the year but we do have a lot of other stuff going on as well and only three people to do..... hey... bytram keeps saying he wants to help but his computer isn't up to it...
[20:48:28] <alberto> ok
[20:48:29] <alberto> look
[20:48:38] <alberto> we raised money for a developer on Devuan
[20:48:44] <alberto> and we didn't know him at all
[20:48:54] <alberto> so we can raise money for a well known member of this project
[20:48:56] <alberto> simple as that
[20:49:05] <alberto> where bytram live's?
[20:49:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> if we get a large surplus once the new billing options are in we could get him something that could run a dev vm for the help
[20:49:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> don't know honestly
[20:49:47] <NCommander> alberto, if you want to help spearhead a SoylentNews-Spanish, as a burrapuento replacement, I'd be very interested in that
[20:49:49] <alberto> From where bytram is?
[20:49:51] <alberto> wich country?
[20:49:55] <NCommander> alberto, he's US based
[20:50:06] * alberto can do that
[20:50:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> big country though
[20:50:18] <alberto> US is cheap regarding hardware
[20:50:35] <alberto> Let me open my irc client to discuss this
[20:50:35] <NCommander> Actually ... http://www.streppone.it
[20:50:36] <NetCraft> ^ 03Internationalization (i18n) with Mojolicious and Template Toolkit | Random hacking
[20:50:40] <NCommander> It doesn't look like its THAT bad
[20:50:48] <NCommander> Just need to play find-a-string
[20:53:02] -!- alberto has quit [Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by alberto_!~alberto@187.243.xlm.pml))]
[20:53:17] -!- Alberto [Alberto!~alberto@Soylent/Users/3580/barrahome] has joined #Soylent
[20:53:28] <NCommander> WTF
[20:53:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> are we having bandwidth issues or is it me?
[20:53:41] <NCommander> http://cpansearch.perl.org - the "official" Perl examples show i18n in /code
[20:53:41] <NetCraft> ^ 03Web Localization in Perl
[20:54:39] -!- mechanicjay has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]
[20:54:44] <Alberto> NCommander, i wrote you on #dev
[20:57:03] -!- mechanicjay [mechanicjay!~jhowe@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mechanicjay] has joined #Soylent
[20:57:03] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mechanicjay] by Imogen
[21:04:06] <paulej72> TheMightyBuzzard: ????
[21:04:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> paulej72, think it's me and the weather.
[21:05:37] <paulej72> site seems fine for me
[21:07:31] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~8232c801@130.50.hqs.i] has joined #Soylent
[21:07:48] <Ethanol-fueled> Jeremiah Cornelius M-M-M-MEGA TROLLED!
[21:07:54] <Ethanol-fueled> He mad, yo.
[21:08:00] <SirFinkus> link to anger
[21:08:13] <Ethanol-fueled> See: the entire latest posted discussion
[21:08:19] <Ethanol-fueled> Warning - may make you angry.
[21:08:28] <Alberto> Ethanol-fueled on soylent?
[21:08:51] <Ethanol-fueled> ?como estas, guey?
[21:09:18] -!- Ethanol-fueled has quit [Client Quit]
[21:10:08] <NetCraft> " 03Backdoor Medicine: How Marijuana Suppositories Can Save Lives | Alternet
[21:10:09] <NetCraft> ^* 03Ginger Beer Rum Cocktail: Jerry & Ginger - Sailor Jerry
[21:10:10] <NetCraft> ^ 03I wish I was a female celeb in gaming sometimes...(nude pictures incorporated onto CSS of subreddit, hosted on reddit servers, admins didn't really seem to care) : KotakuInAction
[21:10:11] <NetCraft> ^* 03Rosetta - Ubuntu Wiki
[21:10:12] <NetCraft> ^* 03[Templates] i18n with Template-Toolkit
[21:10:12] <NetCraft> ^* 03Template::Multilingual - search.cpan.org
[21:10:13] <NetCraft> " 03Internationalization (i18n) with Mojolicious and Template Toolkit | Random hacking
[21:10:13] <NetCraft> ^* 03Web Localization in Perl
[21:10:53] <chromas> =part
[21:10:54] -!- NetCraft [NetCraft!~confirms@0::1] has parted #Soylent
[21:21:07] -!- SoyCow6756 [SoyCow6756!~17f09a68@jkg-37-409-818-363.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #Soylent
[21:22:08] -!- SoyCow6756 has quit [Client Quit]
[21:28:45] CoolHand|away is now known as CoolHand
[21:37:07] -!- NetCraft [NetCraft!~confirms@15-036-525-057.dhcp.wlwl.wa.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[21:37:24] -!- NetCraft has quit [Changing host]
[21:37:24] -!- NetCraft [NetCraft!~confirms@0::1] has joined #Soylent
[21:38:10] * mrcoolbp has to runoff for a bit
[21:42:09] CoolHand is now known as CoolHand|away
[21:45:52] janrinok|afk is now known as janrinok
[21:51:36] -!- janrinok has quit [Quit: leaving]
[22:17:51] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Some of the Greatest Science Fiction Novels are Fix-Ups - http://sylnt.us - tale-of-two-stories
[22:21:33] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~james@43-567-441-22.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Soylent
[22:21:45] * NCommander pulls the plug on Nitrogen
[22:23:00] <JamesNZ> O_o
[22:30:14] -!- mechanicjay has quit [Read error: No route to host]
[22:30:28] -!- mechanicjay [mechanicjay!~jhowe@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mechanicjay] has joined #Soylent
[22:30:28] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mechanicjay] by Imogen
[22:39:22] <NCommander> tor proxy is good to go
[22:39:23] <NCommander> yay
[22:39:25] <NCommander> Machine retired
[22:39:40] <NCommander> paulej72, can you confirm that backup before I push delete?
[22:42:29] <Alberto> \o/
[22:43:00] * NCommander is backing up lighthouse now for retirement
[22:43:02] <NCommander> THat one is easy
[22:56:56] -!- Cyprus has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]
[22:59:00] <arti> greetings humans
[23:02:02] <JamesNZ> Salutations arti \o
[23:04:18] <JamesNZ> emacs++
[23:04:18] <Bender> karma - emacs: 51
[23:04:21] <JamesNZ> fedora++
[23:04:21] <Bender> karma - fedora: 46
[23:05:44] -!- exec [exec!~exec@utioner/T-800/BeVeryAfraid] has joined #Soylent
[23:13:18] <crutchy> !rss
[23:13:34] <crutchy> has Regurgitator been regurgitated?
[23:16:52] -!- mechanicjay has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]
[23:18:33] -!- mechanicjay [mechanicjay!~jhowe@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mechanicjay] has joined #Soylent
[23:18:33] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mechanicjay] by Imogen
[23:25:03] <crutchy> ~g'day mechanicjay, mrcoolbp
[23:25:05] * exec allegedly tosses a pair of used panties full of NCommander to mechanicjay, mrcoolbp
[23:25:16] <mrcoolbp> hey crutchy
[23:25:20] <crutchy> there's an image o.O
[23:25:21] <TheMightyBuzzard> mornin, crutchy
[23:25:37] <crutchy> mornin
[23:25:41] <crutchy> coffee++
[23:25:41] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1176
[23:25:43] <mrcoolbp> crutchy we used some of your IRC-piped story submissions for editor training today = )
[23:26:05] <crutchy> "now listen class. this is how shitty it could get"
[23:26:26] <mrcoolbp> heheh
[23:27:01] <crutchy> lucky for you guys i (used to) only do that when the queue was desperate anyway
[23:27:13] <mrcoolbp> it was a teaching moment
[23:27:13] <crutchy> ~queue
[23:27:16] <exec> *** SN submission queue: 15 - http://sylnt.us
[23:27:31] <TheMightyBuzzard> !uid
[23:27:32] <Bender> The current maximum UID is 5155, owned by JavaDevGuy
[23:27:49] <crutchy> i think it was like if the queue was down to about 2 i used to try to pipe a few into the queue while i was drinking my coffee before work
[23:28:33] <crutchy> lmao
[23:28:36] <mrcoolbp> TheMightyBuzzard: grab that guy for the inline commenting = )
[23:28:43] <crutchy> kinetic_orbital_dropbears++
[23:28:43] <Bender> karma - kinetic_orbital_dropbears: 1
[23:29:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> thas java not javascript
[23:29:08] <mrcoolbp> oh = (
[23:31:12] <crutchy> vibrating_rooster_sammich++
[23:31:12] <Bender> karma - vibrating_rooster_sammich: 2
[23:31:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> !grab crutchy
[23:31:38] <Bender> Added quote 410
[23:31:58] <crutchy> it's a ciri gem
[23:41:48] -!- Cyprus [Cyprus!~ikiris@216.239.mm.is] has joined #Soylent
[23:47:29] <crutchy> need moar coffee before i gets into some coding for work
[23:48:02] <crutchy> douche_nozzle++
[23:48:02] <Bender> karma - douche_nozzle: 1
[23:48:59] <NCommander> Trying to figure out what useful crap to do tonight
[23:49:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> could trace down what's up with high ascii characters in links getting mangled while those outside the ascii range or low ascii are fine.
[23:50:17] <crutchy> maybe a liam neeson movie?
[23:50:20] <NCommander> Not my think
[23:50:22] <NCommander> *thing
[23:50:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> nod nod
[23:50:27] <NCommander> Tempted to try and make the IPv6 stuff work
[23:50:36] <TheMightyBuzzard> is it broke?
[23:50:40] <NCommander> Its never worked
[23:50:41] <NCommander> Properly
[23:50:55] <NCommander> Due to the hashing BS
[23:51:03] <NCommander> I need to deal w/ the AL2 bull
[23:51:09] * crutchy wanted to watch batman begins last night but wifey was watching some doco about snow monkeys (narrated by liam neeson ironically)
[23:51:10] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh, well hell, have at it then. we have issues with ipid and ipv6 but i'm not sure what they are.
[23:51:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> monkeys are as good as batman any day
[23:52:01] <crutchy> damn having 250g of internet but only a 7mbps pipe to squeeze it all through
[23:52:20] <chromas> torrents
[23:52:31] <crutchy> wifey does that most of the time
[23:52:38] <crutchy> for her tv shows
[23:53:02] -!- mechanicjay has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[23:53:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> NCommander, could also see about getting irc running on wherever its new home is going to be from carbon. should just be a tar and scp mostly, no?
[23:54:27] <chromas> crutchy and I will run the irc on our servers :)
[23:54:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> crutchy would put it on his laptop and turn it off all the time.
[23:54:53] <mrcoolbp> I'm out for the night guys, busy weekend, catch you all soon
[23:55:00] <TheMightyBuzzard> yep
[23:55:03] <crutchy> ooh apparently i'm getting 10.4mbps thismorning
[23:55:10] <crutchy> cya mrcoolbp
[23:55:20] <mrcoolbp> laterz
[23:55:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> think i'm gonna bail and go watch a bit of tv and drink a beer or three.