#Soylent | Logs for 2015-04-19

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[00:00:14] <chromas> make it a full corporation with stock on the market
[00:00:31] <chromas> get investors, sell out, fork again
[00:00:35] <crutchy> SoylentPets.com
[00:09:53] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Smartphone Debate Ends With Stabbings - http://sylnt.us - smartphones-do-not-mean-smart-users
[00:16:42] <SirFinkus> I like how wikipedia has thinly veiled suggestions on how to inhumanely kill cane toads
[00:17:02] <SirFinkus> The RSPCA has guidelines[31] for the humane culling of cane toads. Inhumane ways include spraying with Dettol, Phenyl and using golf clubs, but these are illegal in most states and territories.
[00:17:16] <SirFinkus> that sentence is very *wink* *wink*
[00:19:34] <SirFinkus> In April 2005, Dave Tollner, a Northern Territory Member of Parliament, called for legalisation of attacks on cane toads. This was criticised by many animal and conservation groups who claim freezing is a more humane way to kill cane toads than hitting them with cricket bats.
[00:30:22] <juggs> chromas, noo - it was salmon - I left the dish I cooked up in on the side a few hours back, and I could smell it two rooms away - that shit had to be washed. I know have plongeur's wrinkly fingers but at least the fish stench has been replaced by lemon detergent smell :D
[00:30:35] <juggs> now*
[00:32:13] <juggs> chromas, are you suggesting an IPO? I think that may be just a ~tad~ premature and not really what the board have in mind :/
[00:35:02] <arti> toad killing with golf clubs, sounds like a GTA minigame
[00:36:50] <juggs> SirFinkus, are they edible? How is freezing to death more humane than a quick blow to the head with a blunt object? Slightly more messy perhaps, but at least it's over in an instant rather than amphibians shivering to a slow death in someone's ice box.
[00:37:04] <SirFinkus> inedible
[00:45:58] <arti> how about...
[00:45:58] <ciri> how how brown cow
[00:47:10] <juggs> SirFinkus, Unless you live in Louisiana or Florida swamps inedible or just plain inedible?
[00:47:20] <SirFinkus> toxic
[00:47:43] <SirFinkus> it probably wouldn't kill you, but it'd be unpleasant
[00:48:37] <SirFinkus> The parotid gland produces milky toxic secretion or poison that is dangerous to many species.[1] This poison primarily affects the functioning of the heart. Intoxication is painful, but is usually not fatal for humans.[2] However, it does have some effects, such as burning of the eyes and hands, and skin irritation.[1]
[00:49:30] <juggs> OK - so no marketing them as a delicacy to get the numbers down. Got it.
[00:49:55] <juggs> Call in the army - worked well on the emus didn't it? Oh...
[00:57:56] <juggs> How do I always get dragged back to the Emu War..... it's like some messed up escape the room game where just as you think you escaped, it fades to black and you wake again in an unknown room with just a toothpick lying on the shagpile carpet with a hazy memory of a horrific dream about emus.
[00:58:28] <juggs> I blame crutchy and Bytram for this - it's an evil plot
[00:59:12] <juggs> SN is the new MKULTRA
[01:10:33] <arti> the emu war
[01:10:35] <arti> lol
[01:10:36] <ciri> HEY! don't laugh at me
[01:10:40] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Whistleblowers at Risk When Using U.S. Government Websites - http://sylnt.us - secure-until-retaliation
[01:10:43] <arti> juggs++
[01:10:43] <Bender> karma - juggs: 72
[01:11:29] <chromas> ~first message=emu
[01:11:32] <exec> 03[2014-02-21 07:15:39] #Soylent <swisskid> Konomi: http://veryoblivio.us is mine :D
[01:13:28] * SirFinkus is still mad they got rid of the battle infobox on the emu war wiki page
[01:13:34] <juggs> The wiki on the Emu War makes me laugh every time I read it - those understated quotes that clearly point to the poor efficacy of the approaches taken just stitch me up - it's a monty python film script never filmed. Fail, fail,fail,fail.
[01:22:01] <crutchy> juggs, ever seen the film "cube"?
[01:22:20] <juggs> can't say I have
[01:23:10] <crutchy> you reminded me of it with "it's like some messed up escape the room game where just as you think you escaped, it fades to black and you wake again in an unknown room with just a toothpick lying on the shagpile carpet with a hazy memory of a horrific dream about emus"
[01:23:22] <SirFinkus> I suspect it was just a premise to go out in the desert and shoot lots of expensive guns
[01:23:30] <SirFinkus> I bet beer was involved as well
[01:23:36] <crutchy> australia's big sandy shootout :D
[01:23:57] <crutchy> better than just firing into the ground or a little flying drone thing
[01:24:02] <chromas> big sandy hook
[01:24:18] <SirFinkus> but if I could think of a premise to go out and shoot shit on the government's dime, I'd be all in
[01:24:27] <crutchy> all our school teachers are emus
[01:26:33] <arti> big sandy hook, cs map?
[01:30:13] <juggs> SirFinkus, you do realise there is no such thing as "the government's dime" right? Either that's coming out of direct taxation or it's being printed for future generations to worry about. The government has no dime of its own.
[01:30:26] <SirFinkus> here we go
[01:30:37] <juggs> noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
[01:30:47] <chromas> yeah but they're taking your dime anyway
[01:31:04] <SirFinkus> but my emu killing would be subsidized on other taxpayers, so it's cool
[01:31:28] * juggs detaches
[01:31:31] <SirFinkus> I typically don't pay hundreds of dollars a day in taxes
[01:31:43] <arti> sounds like you're not speeding enough
[01:31:50] <arti> fgt.
[01:32:08] <SirFinkus> well, I ride my bike without a helmet
[01:32:17] <SirFinkus> so, really, fuck the police
[01:32:22] <chromas> dayamn, son
[01:32:47] <SirFinkus> there's a stop sign on the bike trail I go on that I never stop at
[01:33:04] <chromas> never seen such a thing
[01:33:16] <arti> http://files.broadsheet.ie
[01:33:24] <arti> fuck the police
[01:33:29] <SirFinkus> it's at an interesection
[01:34:05] <chromas> "Is that a nightstick up your butt, or"
[01:36:43] <SirFinkus> up in where I live, we're famous for our horse dickings
[01:37:24] <arti> :|
[01:37:30] <arti> "c'mon, everyone's doing it!"
[01:37:48] <SirFinkus> http://en.wikipedia.org
[01:37:48] <MrMustache> ^ 03Wiki: Enumclaw horse sex case
[01:37:57] <SirFinkus> Acute peritonitis caused by traumatic perforation of the colon
[01:38:01] <SirFinkus> you never want to hear that
[01:38:21] <SirFinkus> oh shit, there's video?
[01:38:42] <arti> you out in washington?
[01:38:56] <SirFinkus> yes
[01:40:21] <SirFinkus> shit, I need to see the video now
[01:40:27] <SirFinkus> I've seen the german chicken one
[01:40:36] <arti> the one where the dude takes 100hp damage to his rear?
[01:41:18] <arti> Horse uses RAPE. Rolls 20. Natural crit.
[01:41:35] <chromas> lol hp; horse power
[01:41:36] <ciri> :D
[01:41:51] <SirFinkus> Or horse penis
[01:42:03] <arti> or homosexual prancing
[01:43:12] <SirFinkus> The prosecutor's office wanted to charge Tait with animal abuse, but the police found no evidence of abused animals on the many videotapes they collected from his home. As there was no law against humanely fucking one horse, the prosecutors could only charge Tait with trespassing.
[01:43:19] <SirFinkus> horse fucking, legal in WA
[01:43:25] <SirFinkus> fuck yes
[01:43:38] * arti was aware of this
[01:44:00] <arti> looks like you've got more options :D
[01:44:14] <arti> also, horse face
[01:44:21] <SirFinkus> oh, nevermind, it's illegal now
[01:44:26] <SirFinkus> fucking pinyan
[01:44:27] <chromas> sarah jessica parker was in washington?
[01:44:30] <SirFinkus> ruining our fun
[01:47:52] <SirFinkus> but if anyone knows where to find the video, feel free to query me, you'll have my thanks and your anonymity
[01:48:12] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~james@43-567-441-22.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Soylent
[01:48:25] <arti> probably 4chan or emule
[01:48:26] * SirFinkus promises not to -1 horsefucker mod every one of your comments if you link me the video
[01:48:58] <SirFinkus> hehe, emule
[01:49:00] <SirFinkus> mule
[01:49:26] <chromas> poor edonkey2000
[01:49:27] <SirFinkus> more like eHORSE amirite/
[01:50:02] <SirFinkus> oh hey JamesNZ, how's it going? care to join the conversation?
[01:51:41] <JamesNZ> SirFinkus: Going good thanks. Nah, I think I'll just observe :)
[01:51:57] <JamesNZ> How are thinks in your hemisphere?
[01:52:03] <SirFinkus> decent
[01:52:07] <SirFinkus> nice weather
[01:52:20] <JamesNZ> \o/
[01:52:25] <SirFinkus> 21 degrees today, which is just perfect
[01:59:40] -!- takyon [takyon!~48d82d7d@Soylent/Staff/Editor/takyon] has joined #Soylent
[01:59:40] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v takyon] by Imogen
[01:59:47] <takyon> curry++
[01:59:47] <Bender> karma - curry: 9
[01:59:49] <takyon> beer++
[01:59:49] <Bender> karma - beer: 33
[02:04:53] -!- takyon has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[02:16:04] -!- takyon [takyon!~48d82d7d@Soylent/Staff/Editor/takyon] has joined #Soylent
[02:16:04] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v takyon] by Imogen
[02:23:10] <takyon> post #420blazeit submissions for Monday
[02:24:04] <SirFinkus> well, in my state we lost horse fucking, but gained weed I guess
[02:24:23] <SirFinkus> I'll call it even
[02:25:59] <takyon> they were using weed before they "gained" it
[02:26:08] <takyon> chew on dat
[02:27:11] <SirFinkus> yeah, but you could still get arrested for it
[02:27:29] <SirFinkus> and I'm sure people are still fucking horses
[02:35:02] <Bytram> !grab SirFinkus
[02:35:02] <Bender> Added quote 489
[02:35:07] <Bytram> coffee++
[02:35:07] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1297
[02:35:09] <Bytram> !uid
[02:35:10] <Bender> The current maximum UID is 5216, owned by VanderDecken
[02:35:15] <Bytram> ~weather
[02:35:16] <exec> syntax: ~weather <location>
[02:35:20] <Bytram> ~weather boston
[02:35:23] <exec> 03Boston, MA, USA - currently 45°F, clear, wind N at 6 mph, humidity 82% - Saturday clear (43°F-61°F), Sunday mostly sunny (42°F-52°F), Monday rain (49°F-50°F), Tuesday thunderstorm (44°F-64°F)
[02:35:26] <Bytram> ~weather portland, me
[02:35:28] <exec> 03Portland, ME, USA - currently 42°F, mostly cloudy, wind NW at 6 mph, humidity 81% - Saturday clear with periodic clouds (38°F-54°F), Sunday mostly sunny (38°F-56°F), Monday rain (42°F-47°F), Tuesday rain (40°F-54°F)
[02:35:31] <Bytram> ~weather presque isle, me
[02:35:33] <exec> 03Presque Isle, ME, USA - currently 42°F, cloudy, wind E at 2 mph, humidity 48% - Saturday snow showers (32°F-48°F), Sunday partly cloudy (28°F-54°F), Monday mostly cloudy (35°F-55°F), Tuesday rain and snow (37°F-43°F)
[02:35:44] <takyon> ~weather hell
[02:35:45] <exec> 03Washington, DC, USA - currently 67°F / 19°C, partly cloudy, wind S at 3 mph, humidity 55% - Saturday partly cloudy (55°F-79°F / 13°C-26°C), Sunday mostly cloudy (55°F-64°F / 13°C-18°C), Monday rain (59°F-81°F / 15°C-27°C), Tuesday mostly sunny (46°F-69°F / 8°C-21°C)
[02:36:10] <Bytram> ~weather hellena
[02:36:11] <exec> 03Helena, Mt, USA - currently 42°F, sunny, wind NW at 11 mph, humidity 59% - Saturday partly cloudy (34°F-55°F), Sunday partly cloudy (32°F-56°F), Monday sunny (37°F-65°F), Tuesday mostly sunny (39°F-71°F)
[02:37:16] <Bytram> takyon: hiya! how's things
[02:38:59] <Bytram> well, I just popped in to see what was happening...
[02:39:11] <Bytram> pushed out a few wstories to get us through the night.
[02:39:24] <Bytram> and with that, it's time for some zzzzzzzzzzz's
[02:39:29] <chromas> night
[02:39:31] <Bytram> g'night all
[02:39:47] <Bytram> chromas: just noticed you took care of a couple spammers on the wiki...
[02:39:51] <Bytram> chromas++
[02:39:51] <Bender> karma - chromas: 101
[02:39:52] <Bytram> chromas++
[02:39:52] <Bender> karma - chromas: 102
[02:39:55] <Bytram> thanks!
[02:40:07] <takyon> night
[02:40:10] <chromas> I'd delete 'em if I had the powah :)
[02:41:08] * Bytram remembers underdog had a ring he filled with an underdog super energy pill... he'd take one of those and then he could *fly*
[02:41:28] * Bytram thinks that might qualify as a super powah
[02:41:32] <Bytram> =)
[02:41:36] <Bytram> g'night!
[02:43:01] <JamesNZ> \o
[03:12:13] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - 4DX Adds Rainstorm, Snow, Warm Air Effects - http://sylnt.us - waiting-for-12D
[04:43:23] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Hacker on a Plane: FBI Seizes Researcher’s Gear - http://sylnt.us
[04:49:36] -!- takyon has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[05:58:06] -!- JamesNZ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[06:44:55] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Twitter User Base Growth Slows; Surpassed by Pinterest and Instagram - http://sylnt.us - Twits-Twitter-for-(t)What?
[06:51:15] <crutchy> ooh that department is a bit nawty
[06:51:49] <crutchy> fuck political correctness
[07:20:00] <FatPhil> crutchy: idlerpg ships with two example items/events sets, one based on the world of soylent-news reading tech nerds, and the other based on the sad world of compulsive beer hunters.
[07:23:57] * chromas gets Compulsive Forwarding Disorder; flood everyone's email with buzzfeed copypasta
[07:45:42] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Twitter User Base Growth Slows, Surpassed by Pinterest and Instagram - http://sylnt.us - Twits-Twitter-for-(t)What?
[07:59:31] <crutchy> buzzfeed? isn't that the thing with the chick with big titties?
[08:05:57] <chromas> no, it's a terrible, terrible wasteland of lists and perpetual rehashing
[08:06:32] <chromas> 19 Awesome Ways You Know You Live in Australia
[08:08:39] <chromas> The 26 Ugliest People Who Didn't Ride a Bicycle as Children
[08:31:45] * crutchy is trying to think of one awesome way
[08:35:11] <chromas> 6. You eat beer for breakfast
[08:35:25] <chromas> Number two will blow your fucking mind
[08:37:02] <crutchy> yeah there are a lot of number two's here
[08:37:07] <crutchy> esp in politics
[09:16:53] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - How are Vulnerabilities Distributed in Codebases? How must the NSA act? - http://sylnt.us - the-bugs-you-know-versus-those-you-don't
[09:30:14] <crutchy> coffee++
[09:30:14] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1298
[09:38:14] <FatPhil> Did you see the 26 Potatoes That Look Like Hollywood Stars one?
[09:38:42] <FatPhil> Me neither, but I'd follow that link...
[09:51:23] <crutchy> i think i'd prefer to look at the geekbuzz chick's bewbs
[09:51:41] * crutchy knew it had 'buzz' in the name
[09:55:14] <chromas> NixieVoxel—bewbs in 3d
[09:57:26] <crutchy> pornhub-bewbs in 4d
[09:59:14] <chromas> ooh, I got a 5376kbps ADSLmodem ; that's almost some speed
[10:00:48] <crutchy> i'm about 8.3mbps tonight
[10:01:01] <crutchy> little bit below average
[10:01:16] <crutchy> but lately its pretty good. still gotta get phone line looked at
[10:03:41] <chromas> in irpg?
[10:10:23] <crutchy> oh
[10:10:27] <crutchy> oops
[10:10:55] <chromas> no idea what dsl here would be; probably 1mbps
[10:16:19] <chromas> wow; level 40 already
[10:16:37] <chromas> Trebek'sMustache [160/454] has challenged arti [268/478] but is overpowered in combat! 0 days, 00:09:15 is added to Trebek'sMustache's clock.
[10:20:27] <crutchy> now trebek'smustache is known as dirty sanchez
[10:23:57] * chromas gives tama a mustache ride
[10:25:00] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[10:25:00] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1299
[10:25:22] <crutchy> wtf is wrong with the internets?
[10:25:24] <crutchy> http://conversationswithmywife.catpa.ws
[10:25:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> it's a thing
[10:26:01] <crutchy> :L
[10:26:55] <chromas> that is so like two years ago
[10:29:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> cappuccino++
[10:29:35] <Bender> karma - cappuccino: 1
[10:30:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> four shots of espresso is how i tell morning to go fuck itself
[10:32:56] <crutchy> aww. anime geeks on freenode didn't get my geek dad joke :(
[10:33:11] <crutchy> <Myrl-chan> "According to Microsoft, 32-bit software running under WOW64 has similar performance to executing under 32-bit Windows, but with fewer threads possible and other overheads."
[10:33:11] <crutchy> <Myrl-chan> Apparently, Microsoft doesn't understand that "similar performance" and "overhead" is mutually exclusive.
[10:33:11] <crutchy> <crutchy> maybe they just thunk it :P
[10:33:44] * crutchy must be getting old
[10:35:36] <crutchy> the guy even said he knew what a thunk was but he still didn't see how it was relevent :/
[10:36:43] <chromas> if he knew, then he'd be here :D
[10:41:54] <TheMightyBuzzard> back directly
[10:42:07] * crutchy locks his doors and windows
[11:17:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> hrmf, ya recon the auth calls for the api need more than login, logout, and a default nullop?
[11:18:27] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The Door to Hell, In Pictures - http://sylnt.us - brilliant-idea?
[11:20:03] <crutchy> login just returns an auth cookie?
[11:20:24] <chromas> does api login work exactly like web login?
[11:20:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> essentially. will need to go back and make sure all the other bits are account-friendly though.
[11:20:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> s'gonna use the same bloody cookie even.
[11:21:02] <chromas> nice
[11:21:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> for easier hijacking
[11:21:54] <crutchy> anyone know how i can get ff to accept dev ssl cert?
[11:22:10] <chromas> click the Accept button
[11:22:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> um, yes. you have to install our CA
[11:22:19] <crutchy> testing this thing for Bytram gunna be a pita if i gotta click through the dialog thingy every time
[11:22:28] <chromas> it should have a little triangle or something to expand the "details"
[11:22:37] * chromas never manually installed cert for dev
[11:22:46] <crutchy> hmm
[11:23:02] <chromas> ooh, maybe they changed it in recent ff
[11:23:33] <chromas> "I Understand the Risks"
[11:23:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> no we run our own ca so it's not technically a self-signed cert
[11:24:01] <crutchy> if i download the cert and install it maybe?
[11:24:07] <chromas> works the same though. "I accept the risks; add exception"
[11:24:23] <crutchy> that only works for the page i'm going to
[11:24:49] <crutchy> i'm using iceweasel, but basically same as ff
[11:24:55] <chromas> works for me; clicking different links doesn't make it pop up again
[11:25:18] <crutchy> there's a 'permanently store this exception' checkbox, but its disabled :(
[11:25:27] <chromas> debian--
[11:25:27] <Bender> karma - debian: 46
[11:25:33] * chromas installs iceweasel
[11:26:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> here's the CA's cert pulled fresh from my browser: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com
[11:26:15] <crutchy> same in aurora on win7
[11:26:31] <chromas> weird
[11:26:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> download it and "import" under preferences->advanced->certificates
[11:27:39] <chromas> oops; iceweasel is confused and thinks firefox is itself
[11:29:10] <crutchy> TheMightyBuzzard++
[11:29:10] <Bender> karma - themightybuzzard: 166
[11:29:12] <crutchy> thanks dude
[11:29:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> yar
[11:29:38] <crutchy> protip: make sure import as authority
[11:29:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> i blames audioguy for the confusion. he has a cert fetish.
[11:29:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> nod nod
[11:30:09] <crutchy> submit lib function works
[11:30:31] <crutchy> now bytram will be able to barrage the dev server with all manner of utf8 jibberish :p
[11:30:53] <chromas> is it using iceweasel?
[11:31:32] <crutchy> i'm using iceweasel in my debian vbox, but i also tried in aurora on the host os (win7)
[11:31:56] <chromas> oh, I thought maybe exec was going through it :)
[11:32:05] <crutchy> oh nah its just plain ol' php
[11:32:10] <crutchy> i'll push the code
[11:33:58] <crutchy> https://github.com
[11:33:59] <MrMustache> ^ 03exec-irc-bot/sn_lib.php at master · crutchy-/exec-irc-bot · GitHub
[11:34:15] <crutchy> ripped almost verbatim out of submit.php
[11:34:37] <crutchy> but i'll prolly tweak it to suit bytram's qa testing
[11:36:28] <crutchy> gunna make up a little testing framework in here: https://github.com
[11:36:29] <MrMustache> ^ 03exec-irc-bot/slash_test.php at master · crutchy-/exec-irc-bot · GitHub
[11:36:42] <chromas> you could make a generic page getterer and then make the rest livescripts :D
[11:36:42] <crutchy> prolly based on test case files in a subdir
[11:37:22] <crutchy> edited in irc?
[11:37:42] <crutchy> heh. i can't even remember how to work the live script thing :p
[11:37:57] <crutchy> ~x open fart
[11:37:59] <exec> script "fart" opened for editing by crutchy in #soylent
[11:38:16] <crutchy> wohoo i had to think about that
[11:38:39] <crutchy> ~x close fart
[11:38:41] <exec> script "fart" closed by crutchy in #soylent
[11:38:59] * crutchy wonders how similar live scripts and macros would be
[11:39:10] <crutchy> i guess livescripts are a bit more powerful
[11:39:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> have i mentioned lately that i hate people who use mod_rewrite?
[11:39:31] <chromas> we need someone to add some js to soylent
[11:39:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> .kick chromas you know why
[11:39:45] -!- chromas was kicked from #Soylent by Imogen!Imogen@imogen.dusty.attic [(TheMightyBuzzard) you know why]
[11:39:50] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@0::1] has joined #Soylent
[11:40:03] * TheMightyBuzzard chuckles
[11:40:13] <chromas> When I mod someone down for disagreement, it should add a "I'm so angry I wanna log out!" button
[11:40:34] <chromas> ~define imogen
[11:40:36] <TheMightyBuzzard> that's mostly all the downmod mods are used for.
[11:40:37] <exec> [urbandictionary] 03Imogen: Rare beautiful species of the girl genus. Imogens are are usually seen in groups of other girls, but never in packs of more than 17. Imogens are often refrerred to as both fabulous and fuckable, and w...
[11:40:45] <crutchy> i have some really basic generic rewrite rules that seem to work pretty well
[11:41:15] <crutchy> RewriteEngine On
[11:41:15] <crutchy> RewriteRule ^/story/(.*)$ /index.php?sid=$1 [L,QSA]
[11:41:17] <crutchy> RewriteRule ^/comment/(.*)$ /index.php?cid=$1 [L,QSA]
[11:41:19] <crutchy> RewriteRule ^/img/(.*)$ /index.php?img=$1 [L,QSA]
[11:41:21] <crutchy> RewriteRule ^/op/(.*)$ /index.php?op=$1 [L,QSA]
[11:41:23] <crutchy> RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
[11:41:25] <crutchy> RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
[11:41:27] <crutchy> RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
[11:41:36] <chromas> .kick MrMustache
[11:42:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> crutchy, rehash only uses rewrite rules to confuse the fucking devs my changing a perfectly good .pl script name to /my/login or /my/preferences or other bullshit
[11:42:28] <crutchy> ah. yeah its good for that eh
[11:42:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> now i gots to either find the rewrite rule or sift through the top .pl files and find what i'm looking for by chance.
[11:43:07] <crutchy> not in the vhost conf?
[11:43:56] <TheMightyBuzzard> fuck if i know
[11:44:46] <chromas> the wiki awaits your findings
[11:45:23] <crutchy> "We couldn't find any code matching 'RewriteRule'" :(
[11:45:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah well you wouldn't. the vhost confs are site-specific.
[11:45:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> thus not in rehash
[11:46:03] <crutchy> oh
[11:47:07] <crutchy> how can the source code depend on mod_rewrite but the repo not include the rules?
[11:48:15] <chromas> at least an example or stock one
[11:48:24] <crutchy> ~rehash-issue duh!, include the mod_rewrite rules in the codebase if the codebase is gunna depend on em :p
[11:48:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> shurg
[11:49:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> my vote is make the code not depend on em so i don't gotta go cross-referencing with the fucking rewrite rules every time i need to chase code
[11:49:46] <crutchy> rewrite might fuck that up though
[11:50:47] <crutchy> depending on rules, .pl files may no longer be 'visible'
[11:53:05] <crutchy> prolly need an external script that recurses through the entire codebase and changes .pl and .pm refs for you maybe
[11:53:31] <crutchy> though that might be fraught with risk
[11:54:05] <crutchy> ~rehash-issue dump mod_rewrite altogether :p
[11:54:43] <chromas> yeah; we don't believe in pretty things
[11:55:00] <crutchy> cos we use perl :D
[11:55:08] <chromas> in fact, replace all the labels and titles in the url with just id numbers or hashes
[11:55:21] <TheMightyBuzzard> fuck pretty. it's all pink inside.
[11:55:30] <chromas> I c what u did there
[11:55:38] <chromas> hashes could be good for comments since they're read-only
[11:55:49] * crutchy votes to make SN look like a star wars control panel
[11:56:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> crutchy, go for it. you know where the css is
[11:57:33] <crutchy> chromas, i think tmb was thinking pink sock
[11:57:54] <crutchy> or maybe i was
[11:58:00] <crutchy> .
[11:58:07] <chromas> I guess perl's not the only thing he knows inside out
[11:59:07] <crutchy> chromas: re "I'm so angry I wanna log out!"... need a 'ragequit' button that closes the browser :p
[12:00:00] <chromas> :D
[12:00:37] <chromas> I've often thought about that on facebook. Like "blah blah bullshit post" → [Like] [Unfriend]
[12:01:00] <crutchy> oh. oky doky. /me had 'Metallica - Enter Sandman' queued up :)
[12:01:11] <crutchy> haha
[12:01:13] <crutchy> facebook
[12:02:14] <chromas> it's sad almost everyone's on it. on the plus side, google and facebook both use (a limited form of) xmpp/jabber for instant messaging so I can just use pidgin or whatever
[12:02:51] * chromas no longer knows anybody on icq, yahoo messenger, msn/wlmessenger or aim
[12:02:51] <crutchy> i figure if anyone wants to talk to me that badly in meatspace they can pick up a phone or come visit
[12:03:14] <chromas> nobody wants to talk in meatspace; tha's jus' totally gay
[12:03:19] <crutchy> lol
[12:03:21] <crutchy> true
[12:03:36] <chromas> you want me to look you in the eye just to talk? DUDE! wtf!
[12:03:59] <crutchy> "it's the smell... if there is such a thing"
[12:04:12] <chromas> besides, the judge says I can't because I have a tendency to stare-rape
[12:04:35] <chromas> "She's totally eye-knowing me"
[12:04:35] <crutchy> my wife is the only one in meatspace that i would stare rape
[12:04:48] <crutchy> she's totally stare-rapable
[12:04:57] * chromas writes this down
[12:05:09] <chromas> ~random message=stare.*rape
[12:05:12] <exec> 03[2015-04-19 12:04:1] #Soylent <chromas> besides, the judge says I can't because I have a tendency to stare-rape
[12:05:16] <chromas> :(
[12:05:22] * TheMightyBuzzard returns from unannounced smoke break
[12:05:34] <crutchy> shit he's back
[12:05:35] <chromas> what's NOT in regex?
[12:05:43] <crutchy> ooh empire stuff. lots of empire stuff
[12:05:52] <chromas> isn't it something weird like [^]string ?
[12:06:01] <TheMightyBuzzard> really should be a way to apply regexs to meatspace. would save tons of time.
[12:06:37] <crutchy> what would be really awesome is if we could rm -rf /politicians/*
[12:07:07] <crutchy> TheMightyBuzzard, no YOU'RE a SOCIALIST!
[12:07:15] <chromas> delete * from universe where ass=true
[12:07:34] <crutchy> need an exception for hot female asses
[12:08:12] <crutchy> as much as i'm a bewb man, a nice shapely ass is pleasant eye candy
[12:08:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> crutchy, no YOU'RE a SOCIALIST!
[12:08:53] <crutchy> need a macro for that
[12:09:42] <chromas> or a timer
[12:09:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> oooh, smart matches would be even better
[12:09:59] <chromas> yeah, if it matches, they're okay
[12:10:04] <chromas> because smart
[12:10:15] <crutchy> .macro .socialist * privmsg %%trailing%%, YOU'RE a SOCIALIST!
[12:10:16] <exec> 02 *** macro with trigger ".socialist" and PRIVMSG command template "%%trailing%%, YOU'RE a SOCIALIST!" saved
[12:10:21] <crutchy> .socialist TheMightyBuzzard
[12:10:22] <exec> TheMightyBuzzard, YOU'RE a SOCIALIST!
[12:10:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> .socialist crutchy
[12:10:33] <exec> crutchy, YOU'RE a SOCIALIST!
[12:10:39] <crutchy> .socialist TheMightyBuzzard
[12:10:39] <exec> TheMightyBuzzard, YOU'RE a SOCIALIST!
[12:10:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> works for me
[12:10:49] <crutchy> :D
[12:11:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> ;klingon you're a socialist
[12:11:28] <MrPlow> TheMightyBuzzard: socialist ()
[12:11:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> hrmf
[12:11:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> ;klingon you are a socialist
[12:11:44] <MrPlow> TheMightyBuzzard: socialist ()
[12:11:52] <crutchy> MrPlow, no YOU'RE a BUNCH OF SQUARES!
[12:12:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh, must be like latin and the rest is implied
[12:12:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> ;klingon your mother is a socialist
[12:12:39] <MrPlow> TheMightyBuzzard: SoSlI' socialist ( )
[12:12:52] <TheMightyBuzzard> yup
[12:12:59] <crutchy> ooh it's copyrighted
[12:13:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> wonder how that happened
[12:13:31] <TheMightyBuzzard> didn't know klingons were big on copyright
[12:14:05] * TheMightyBuzzard headdesks
[12:14:12] * crutchy loves the into to Jon Bon Jovi - Blaze Of Glory
[12:14:57] <chromas> at least it's not ferengi
[12:15:02] <TheMightyBuzzard> okay so logins aren't really handled by either login.pl or users.pl but prior to those ever running by Slash::Apache::User
[12:15:04] <chromas> license to speak
[12:15:07] <chromas> pay up
[12:15:25] <crutchy> omg obama is ferengi!
[12:15:34] <chromas> he doesn't look jewish
[12:16:07] <crutchy> i can feel his stare all the way across the pacific
[12:16:10] <TheMightyBuzzard> drums intro on this is way more good https://www.youtube.com
[12:16:11] <MrMustache> ^ 03Van Halen - Hot For Teacher [HD] - YouTube
[12:16:37] <crutchy> pfft. "This video contains content from WMG, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds."
[12:16:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> har!
[12:17:03] * crutchy releases the wombatsnakes
[12:17:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> https://www.youtube.com
[12:17:08] <MrMustache> ^ 03Van Halen - Hot for Teacher + lyrics - YouTube
[12:17:13] <chromas> "We don't want you profit from your loading of ads in your strinky country"
[12:17:22] <TheMightyBuzzard> that one should skirt it
[12:17:38] <crutchy> ads? youtube?
[12:17:45] <crutchy> does not compute
[12:17:55] <chromas> what they don't know won't hurt their lawyers
[12:17:56] <TheMightyBuzzard> ads? what are these ads you speak of?
[12:18:18] * crutchy isn't all that into van halen's style
[12:18:25] <crutchy> its not bad
[12:18:40] <chromas> ads are how I know about the current flavors of powdered corn chips
[12:18:53] <crutchy> reminds me too much of bill and ted's excellent adventure
[12:19:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> ?!
[12:19:16] <chromas> sixty-nine, dudes!
[12:19:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> no such thing as too much of that
[12:19:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> !grab chromas
[12:19:29] <Bender> Added quote 490
[12:19:51] <chromas> need grab 690
[12:20:13] <chromas> 69 in a walmart, atop a fat guy on rolled-over cart
[12:20:35] <chromas> you can't see the cart; it's enveloped in rolls
[12:20:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> !quote 69
[12:20:38] <Bender> Quote 69 - <crutchy> i shall call him slashy and he will be mine... and he will be my slashy... here little slashy... DORY! THAT'S A PERL TURD! if you touch it you'll never get it off you!
[12:20:55] * crutchy hides
[12:21:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> not deserving of such an honored number but worth saving at least
[12:21:08] <chromas> ~count type=action message=hides
[12:21:12] <exec> 03202
[12:21:23] <crutchy> oh sweet
[12:21:25] <chromas> ~count channel= nick=Konomi type=action message=hides
[12:21:33] <exec> 0384
[12:21:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~count message=bewbs
[12:21:38] <exec> 03224
[12:21:39] <crutchy> chromas is taking over my bot
[12:21:49] <chromas> too lazy to write my own
[12:22:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> hrm... being as all the slash stuff runs before the top level scripts, i may not even need to write much in the way of login code.
[12:22:49] <crutchy> kinda feel like i'm taking credit for shit that you're doing
[12:23:06] <crutchy> my bot doing fancy stuff that you're making it do at your end :p
[12:23:32] <chromas> nah, I just haz the data :D
[12:23:53] <crutchy> it's nice data.. /me strokes the data
[12:23:53] <chromas> would those exec scripts work for the slash api as well?
[12:23:59] <chromas> Bender: grab crutchy
[12:23:59] <Bender> Added quote 491
[12:24:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> chromas, slash api has no idea about irc
[12:24:22] * chromas pines for moar data
[12:24:23] <crutchy> i guess. it's about as generic a script as you can prolly get
[12:24:43] <chromas> TheMightyBuzzard: when did you come onto the altslashdot scene?
[12:24:43] <crutchy> i'll make a little test
[12:24:54] <chromas> ~first channel= nick=Ashbentiel
[12:24:58] <exec> 03[2014-02-10 08:26:16] ##altslashdot <Ashbentiel> Yeah, they're $0.15 or so above their 52 week low.
[12:24:58] <TheMightyBuzzard> chromas, um...
[12:25:09] <crutchy> about... then
[12:25:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> whas the api commands, crutchy
[12:25:20] <chromas> that is a couple days after my log starts but
[12:25:23] <crutchy> ~pis
[12:25:33] <crutchy> :/
[12:25:35] <crutchy> ~api
[12:25:37] <exec> http://wiki.soylentnews.org
[12:25:43] <crutchy> fuck
[12:25:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~api max_uid
[12:25:53] <crutchy> ~uid
[12:25:55] <exec> The current maximum UID is 5216, owned by VanderDecken
[12:25:58] <chromas> ~api op=id nick=jiggler
[12:26:07] <crutchy> i think that's using bender's thingy
[12:26:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~api op=id nick=the+mighty+buzzard
[12:26:21] <crutchy> chromas, yeah i'll see if i can do that
[12:26:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~api op=get_uid nick=the+mighty+buzzard
[12:27:04] * TheMightyBuzzard smacks exec
[12:27:23] <chromas> ~random channel= nick=(TheMighty(Buzzard|Laptop))|Ashbentiel
[12:27:28] <exec> 03[2014-09-17 22:42:4] #Soylent <TheMightyBuzzard> that's what i do.
[12:27:30] <chromas> amidoinitrite?
[12:28:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> i think you misplaced the |Ashbentiel
[12:28:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~first channel= nick=(TheMighty(Buzzard|Laptop)|Ashbentiel)
[12:28:30] <exec> 03[2014-02-10 08:26:16] ##altslashdot <Ashbentiel> Yeah, they're $0.15 or so above their 52 week low.
[12:28:57] <chromas> I wasn't sure if it could count that toward the TheMighty
[12:29:15] <chromas> ~random channel=##altslashdot
[12:29:17] <exec> 03[2014-02-18 08:19:25] ##altslashdot <Landon> lol department
[12:29:40] <chromas> api++
[12:29:40] <Bender> karma - api: 6
[12:30:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~api get_uid the+mighty+buzzard
[12:30:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~api uid the+mighty+buzzard
[12:30:35] <exec> error: unable to retrive SN uid for user "the+mighty+buzzard"
[12:30:48] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~api uid The+Mighty+Buzzard
[12:30:50] <exec> error: unable to retrive SN uid for user "The+Mighty+Buzzard"
[12:30:54] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~api uid The Mighty Buzzard
[12:30:57] <exec> SN uid for user "The Mighty Buzzard" is 18
[12:31:04] <TheMightyBuzzard> funkay
[12:31:35] <chromas> ~api nick 69
[12:31:56] <TheMightyBuzzard> so, yeah, i was in the first round of alpha testers and dragged you in next time they said hey go get some people from chat and invite them to alpha
[12:32:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> beyond that i dunno
[12:32:49] <chromas> If I had a time machine and could only do one thing, it would be to idle in those channels until #fuckbeta
[12:33:12] <chromas> Logs to maximum Captain
[12:35:31] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~first message=fuck\s*beta
[12:35:37] <exec> 03[2014-02-21 06:43:39] #Soylent <Bender> [hax0rz] fuck beta
[12:35:46] <crutchy> ~api op=get_nick uid=18
[12:35:49] <exec> 02
[12:35:54] <crutchy> derp
[12:36:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> crutchy, yer sposed to know this, yo
[12:36:21] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~api name 18
[12:36:22] <exec> http://wiki.soylentnews.org
[12:36:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~api nick 18
[12:36:31] <exec> http://wiki.soylentnews.org
[12:36:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~api get_nick 18
[12:36:41] <exec> http://wiki.soylentnews.org
[12:36:42] <crutchy> its morphing before out eyes
[12:36:43] <chromas> ~first message=fuck\s*beta channel=
[12:36:55] <exec> 03[2014-02-07 03:01:00] ##altslashdot <pav5088> because that's what Slashdot hinges on for most people.... just read through the "fuck beta" messages
[12:37:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> \s* == 0 or more whitespace characters
[12:37:21] <crutchy> ~api op=get_nick uid=18
[12:37:23] <exec> /api.pl?&op=get_nick&uid=18
[12:37:24] <exec> 02
[12:37:31] <crutchy> damn
[12:37:34] <chromas> the missing part was the channel=
[12:37:39] <crutchy> rogue &
[12:37:42] <chromas> if no channel is passed, it defaults to the current one
[12:37:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> ahh, nod nod
[12:38:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> feh, why?
[12:38:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> should default to everywhere unless specifically limited
[12:38:36] <crutchy> ~api op=get_nick uid=18
[12:38:37] <exec> /api.pl?op=get_nick&uid=18
[12:38:38] <exec> 02
[12:39:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~api m=user op=get_nick uid=18
[12:39:26] <exec> /api.pl?m=user&op=get_nick&uid=18
[12:39:28] <exec> 02
[12:39:44] <crutchy> ~api m=user op=get_nick uid=18
[12:39:46] <exec> /api.pl?m=user&op=get_nick&uid=18
[12:39:47] <exec> 02
[12:40:04] * TheMightyBuzzard shurgs
[12:40:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> https://dev.soylentnews.org
[12:40:49] <crutchy> ~api m=user op=get_nick uid=18
[12:40:51] <exec> {"nick":"The Mighty Buzzard"}
[12:41:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> thas mo betta
[12:41:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~api m=user op=get_nick uid=17
[12:41:20] <exec> {"nick":"anthem"}
[12:41:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> fuck anthem
[12:41:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> my uid can buy smokes
[12:42:10] <crutchy> need some way to specify a return element
[12:42:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> why, is always gonna be a json string
[12:42:52] <crutchy> maybe something like ~api m=user op=get_nick uid=18 result=nick
[12:43:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~api m=user op=get_user uid=18
[12:43:18] <exec> 02{"totalcomments":"175","icq":null,"people":{"1":{"14":1,"21":1,"16":1,"22":1,"15":1,"27":1,"987":1,"2":1,"3":1,"1000":1,"13":1,"24":1,"11":1},"3":{"52":1,"987":1,"1000":1,"109":1,"21":1},"2":{"58":1,"1072":1},"5":{"15":{"21":1},"1671":{"13":1},"18":{"987":1,"21":1,"1000":1},"65":{"13":1,"1000":1,"2":1},"11":{"21":1},"49":{"13":1},"7":{"3":1},"707":{"13":1},"189":{"13":1,"2":1},"27":{"21":1},"22":{
[12:43:43] <crutchy> or for multiple levels: result=level1>level2>level3 etc
[12:43:48] <TheMightyBuzzard> got truncated
[12:43:56] <crutchy> yeah it did :D
[12:44:35] <crutchy> fuck. getting cool here :(
[12:45:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> intentionally leaving the parsing of the user data to the script writer though. better one call that gets you all you need than multiple calls for the same info.
[12:45:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> caching would be a good thing
[12:45:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> ;weather
[12:45:56] <MrPlow> Today: Thunderstorms likely this morning. Then the chance of scattered thunderstorms this afternoon. A few storms may be severe. High 74F. Winds SW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 80%. Tomorrow: Cloudy skies early, followed by partial clearing. High 67F. Winds WNW at 10 to 20 mph.
[12:45:57] <crutchy> true
[12:46:28] <crutchy> you know what exec needs... ability to pipe data from one script to another
[12:46:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> eh, maybe
[12:46:45] <chromas> use dbus
[12:46:48] <chromas> :D :D :D
[12:46:56] <crutchy> like ~fart | ~sniff
[12:47:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> guess i could memcache all api calls to limit new database calls to every five minutes for the same data
[12:47:16] <crutchy> exec is dbus :p
[12:47:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> but i don wanna
[12:49:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> meh, almost time to get up and make some pancakes
[12:49:22] <crutchy> how do cli pipes work? does stdout from the left get passed as stdin for the program on the right?
[12:49:22] <ciri> how how brown cow
[12:49:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> https://www.youtube.com
[12:49:33] <MrMustache> ^ 03Bacon Pancakes - ORIGINAL VIDEO - YouTube
[12:49:36] <TheMightyBuzzard> yar
[12:49:38] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Social Science Journal 'Bans' Use of p-values - http://sylnt.us - sometimes-you-DO-have-a-nail
[12:49:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> fu, Bender, don't interrupt
[12:50:15] <crutchy> thou shalt not interrupt the bacon!
[12:50:26] <crutchy> int_bacon--
[12:50:26] <Bender> karma - int_bacon: -1
[12:51:00] <crutchy> oh hang on. that could imply bacon doing the interrupting
[12:51:03] <crutchy> int_bacon++
[12:51:03] <Bender> karma - int_bacon: 0
[12:51:06] <crutchy> int_bacon++
[12:51:06] <Bender> karma - int_bacon: 1
[12:51:28] <crutchy> all computers need a bacon interrupt
[12:52:54] <TheMightyBuzzard> yes, yes they do
[12:53:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> i know my brain certainly has one
[12:53:32] <crutchy> my brain has a breast interrupt
[12:53:33] <TheMightyBuzzard> it's even lower numbered than int_bewbs
[12:54:36] <crutchy> actually its not even an interrupt. its like a complete system reboot
[12:55:10] <TheMightyBuzzard> soft or hard?
[12:55:20] <crutchy> oh definitely hard
[12:55:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> bewbs++
[12:55:45] <Bender> karma - bewbs: 44
[12:56:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> did you know if you name the main chick in final fantasy 3(US) "Tits" you get the following words of wisdom later: Tits has magical powers?!
[12:57:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> which i've found to be amazingly true.
[12:57:59] * TheMightyBuzzard does not feel like washing dishes but such is necessary for pancakes to happen.
[12:58:09] <crutchy> lmao http://imgur.com
[12:58:10] <MrMustache> ^ 03103 years ago on April 15 the RMS Titanic hit an iceberg and sank in the Atlantic Ocean. At the time, it was the largest ship afloat - here it is compared to modern day objects. - Imgur
[12:59:02] <crutchy> "You will one day learn not to cross my mother, seriously, it takes like three weeks."
[13:00:28] <crutchy> i wonder why this was marked as bad? "Hey OP, why don't you go fuck yourself with a cactus?"
[13:00:38] <crutchy> :D
[13:01:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> hmmmm
[13:13:22] <TheMightyBuzzard> hmmm
[13:15:56] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh yeah, that'll work. almost got authing done.
[13:16:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> it's on hold for a bit though cause pancakes
[13:16:33] <crutchy> http://i.imgur.com
[13:16:37] <crutchy> OMFG! really?
[13:18:53] * crutchy can imagine some fat liberal looking at that going "does that mean i'm not allowed to use a straw?"
[13:19:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> .socialist crutchy
[13:19:07] <exec> crutchy, YOU'RE a SOCIALIST!
[13:19:33] <crutchy> .socialist TheMightyBuzzard
[13:19:34] <exec> TheMightyBuzzard, YOU'RE a SOCIALIST!
[13:19:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> i need a smoke break hotkey
[13:19:55] <crutchy> which key would you prefer?
[13:20:48] <crutchy> ~x open smoke_break
[13:20:50] <exec> script "smoke_break" opened for editing by crutchy in #soylent
[13:23:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> there we go
[13:23:23] <chromas> crutchy: for hipsters
[13:23:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> smoke break
[13:23:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> all my macro keys is used now
[13:23:36] <chromas> no variable increment?
[13:23:48] <chromas> oh yeah? What about modifiers?
[13:23:54] <chromas> shift-hotkey
[13:23:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> who needs modifiers?
[13:24:13] <chromas> ctrl-alt-shift-super-meta-doublebucky-modifier
[13:24:30] * chromas notes that the windows key is super and/or meta, depending on the software
[13:24:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> spose i could. would turn five into a gerzillion
[13:24:51] <chromas> you could have a kick for each of us
[13:24:58] <chromas> then just press at random
[13:25:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> meh, five's enough for now
[13:25:09] <crutchy> ~x add if (($nick=="TheMightyBuzzard") and ($trailing=="`")) { pm($dest,chr(1)."ACTION wanders off to have a smoke break with $nick".chr(1)); }
[13:25:11] <exec> script line appended
[13:25:18] <crutchy> `
[13:25:32] * crutchy sighs
[13:25:36] <crutchy> must be late
[13:25:50] <crutchy> ~x code
[13:25:51] <exec> no lines in "a:2:{s:4:"fart";a:1:{s:4:"code";s:0:"";}s:11:"smoke_break";a:1:{s:4:"code";s:184:"aWYgKCgkbmljaz09IlRoZU1pZ2h0eUJ1enphcmQiKSBhbmQgKCR0cmFpbGluZz09ImAiKSkgeyBwbSgkZGVzdCxjaHIoMSkuIkFDVElPTiB3YW5kZXJzIG9mZiB0byBoYXZlIGEgc21va2UgYnJlYWsgd2l0aCAkbmljayIuY2hyKDEpKTsgfQ==";}}" script
[13:25:59] <crutchy> :/
[13:27:08] <chromas> ?REDO FROM START
[13:27:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> ;dothis $bar = Dumper(\&kicked);
[13:27:44] <MrPlow> $VAR1 = sub { "DUMMY" };
[13:27:56] <TheMightyBuzzard> huh
[13:28:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> interestin
[13:28:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> ;dothis $bar = Dumper(&kicked);
[13:28:14] <crutchy> i can't remember how the live scripting works. i need to rtfsc
[13:28:43] <chromas> nah; you want slightly more features. start from scratch. it's the linux way :D
[13:28:55] <crutchy> hehe
[13:29:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> anyway. smoke then pancakes. back later maybe or may get actual work around here done.
[13:29:12] <chromas> pulsebottio
[13:29:20] <crutchy> if i could incorporate piped scripts and then combine it with macros might be interesting
[14:51:12] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Netflix to Roll Out HTTPS on Video Streams - http://sylnt.us - when-does-a-video-stream-become-a-river?
[14:57:02] -!- takyon [takyon!~48d82d7d@Soylent/Staff/Editor/takyon] has joined #Soylent
[14:57:02] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v takyon] by Imogen
[15:17:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> just for future reference, do not use 8 year old pancake mix to make pancakes. the results will not be what you'd hoped.
[15:27:41] -!- takyon has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[15:30:06] <Landon> yes
[16:08:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> right, got logins working for a low error checking value of working on the API
[16:21:26] -!- kadal [kadal!~kadal@m-90-227-85-93.hsd0.ma.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[16:22:22] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - US Regulators May Scuttle Time Warner Cable - Comcast Merger - http://sylnt.us - can't-harm-competition-where-there-is-none
[16:28:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> https://dev.soylentnews.org
[16:28:25] <MrMustache> ^ 03SN (dev) comment by [02The Mighty Buzzard (18)] (02Score:2)
[16:28:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> s'right, bitches
[16:28:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> auth works
[16:29:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> i'll doc it up after coffee and a smoke
[16:46:53] -!- kadal has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[17:04:17] -!- mythterj has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[17:10:01] -!- mythterj [mythterj!mythterj@tonvizu.sdf.org] has joined #Soylent
[18:14:17] -!- kadal [kadal!~kadal@108.114.s.qvz] has joined #Soylent
[18:23:57] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The Strained Relationship Between Systemd and Syslog - http://sylnt.us - with-all-this-logging-we-need-a-lumberjack
[18:59:54] -!- takyon [takyon!~48d82d7d@Soylent/Staff/Editor/takyon] has joined #Soylent
[18:59:54] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v takyon] by Imogen
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[19:55:08] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - What Projects do you Donate to? - http://sylnt.us - tax-writeoff
[20:24:03] <FatPhil> If anyone has any suggestions for some new events for irpg, please fling them my way. I'm definitely after some Snowden/NSA-themed ones.
[20:26:10] <takyon> snowden international flight dungeon
[20:28:45] <FatPhil> is that related to operation Dick-Pic?
[20:30:05] <FatPhil> OK, I can add my own idea to the file: C realises he's being surveilled as part of the NSA's Operation Dick-Pic
[20:32:37] <FatPhil> Does nobody watch Jon Oliver? That phrase doesn't seem to have much google presence.
[20:35:43] <takyon> he has a big youtube presence
[20:35:53] <takyon> his monologues regularly make it to the front page
[20:36:27] <takyon> he's also got an undercurrent of attention in the media afaict
[20:36:47] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~james@43-567-441-22.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Soylent
[20:37:19] <takyon> you spelled his name wrong, maybe that's the problem?
[20:44:27] <FatPhil> I wasn't searching for his name, I was searching for "Operation Dick-Pic
[20:49:17] -!- JamesNZ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[20:56:46] <takyon> all these moore's anniversary articles suck
[20:56:49] <takyon> moore's law is dead
[21:26:18] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Utilities Battle Homeowners Over Solar Power - http://sylnt.us - home-power-is-killing-energy
[21:28:25] -!- JasonDrixtonLX [JasonDrixtonLX!~JasonDrix@199.115.zpy.ljm] has joined #Soylent
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[22:10:53] -!- Azrael has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[22:11:33] <chromas> spambot--
[22:11:33] <Bender> karma - spambot: -1
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[22:17:54] -!- BadCoderFinger [BadCoderFinger!~BadCoderF@216.160.gyz.km] has joined #Soylent
[22:18:15] <BadCoderFinger> Hi guys
[22:18:15] <ciri> >.> BadCoderFinger
[22:19:42] -!- Azrael [Azrael!~Az@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Azrael] has joined #Soylent
[22:19:42] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Azrael] by Imogen
[22:57:28] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - MakerBot Lays Off 20% of Staff - http://sylnt.us - singularity-unemployment
[22:58:00] <BadCoderFinger> Dangit. I want 3D printing to really take off.
[23:00:49] <crutchy> wait till china gets into it
[23:02:30] <crutchy> coffee++
[23:02:30] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1300
[23:09:09] <chromas> maybe they're 3d-printing their parts now
[23:10:45] <BadCoderFinger> There are some really neat kits, and I've got my eye on one that's about $600, but that's a hard sell with the wife.
[23:11:12] <chromas> Tell her you can make a new pulsating shower head with it
[23:11:47] <BadCoderFinger> One day I'll win the lottery, then I'll spend the rest of my life making stuff. Of course, that would require buying a lottery ticket, and I can do math, so that's out.
[23:12:38] <chromas> Meanie! You could be funding somebody else's big win
[23:12:53] <BadCoderFinger> Heh!
[23:13:03] <chromas> Lotteries have'd crowdsourcing down for ages
[23:13:23] <BadCoderFinger> State population: 10 million. Odds of winning: 1:140 million.
[23:15:06] * chromas buys 141 tickets just to beat the average
[23:15:11] <BadCoderFinger> Heh!
[23:15:36] <BadCoderFinger> That puts you slightly over 1:1 million. So that will never work.
[23:16:03] <BadCoderFinger> The key to "one in a million shots" is getting exactly 1:1 million. This can be exceedingly difficult.
[23:17:42] <chromas> Even tv shows/movies that try to be smart swap those around
[23:17:49] <chromas> "A milltion-to-one shot"
[23:17:53] <chromas> -t
[23:19:03] <chromas> Probably goes along with turning valves backward most of the time. Clockwise to open
[23:19:19] <BadCoderFinger> I thought I was the only one that noticed that.
[23:20:40] <crutchy> "I've always been annoyed when my 1kg-overweight luggage gets scrutinized when half the people in line have a 50kg overweight ass."
[23:20:49] <crutchy> hehe. so true
[23:20:51] <BadCoderFinger> Heh!
[23:21:16] <chromas> ooh good point; now I know where to hide the bomb
[23:21:21] * chromas puts on a fat suit
[23:21:26] <crutchy> in your ass?
[23:21:32] <BadCoderFinger> Ew.
[23:21:35] <chromas> it could be just like that old music video
[23:21:58] <crutchy> i'm pretty sure they thought of that already. ever seen 'man on fire'
[23:22:01] <BadCoderFinger> Better lube that bomb first.
[23:23:45] <chromas> https://www.youtube.com
[23:23:45] <MrMustache> ^ 03Jane's Addiction - Been Caught Stealing (Video) - YouTube