#Soylent | Logs for 2015-04-21

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[00:01:40] -!- mechanicjay has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[00:17:02] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Women Twice as Likely to be Hired for Academic STEM Posts as Men - http://sylnt.us - gender-equality
[00:22:41] -!- SpallsHurgenson [SpallsHurgenson!~SpallsHur@Soylent/Users/656/SpallsHurgenson] has joined #Soylent
[00:24:18] <SpallsHurgenson> so I look outside and see that there's a thick fog bank covering everything so I can't see more than 40' away... and the first thing that crosses my mind is that the world must be suffering a GPU failure that they have to push back the clipping plane so dramatically
[00:25:28] <juggs> Couldn't you lend it some from your spares shelves Spalls?
[00:26:14] <SpallsHurgenson> it could also be a problem with the PSU; they might not have enough juice to drive all those GPUs
[00:26:30] <SpallsHurgenson> they need to plug in some more human-batteries :)
[00:32:53] <chromas> they're just all getting high right now
[00:34:05] <SpallsHurgenson> oh please let us not discuss anything to do with pot. I've heard enough about it today already
[00:35:06] <SpallsHurgenson> I mean, I think the criminalization of the stuff is ridiculous too, but the worship over this stupid little herb just reminds me how sad must be the lives of most pot-smokers
[00:36:46] <SpallsHurgenson> government: stop trying to legislate morality. potsmokers: fix whatever is fucking wrong with you that you need to ingest a chemical to feel happy :-/
[00:37:27] <SpallsHurgenson> <mutter mutter> dirty hippies. damn pigs. Get off my lawn, the lot of you!
[00:48:22] <BadCoderFinger> I worry about your lawn with hippies and pigs on it.
[00:49:32] <SpallsHurgenson> me too; that's why I've laid down landmines!
[00:49:56] <BadCoderFinger> That's effective. Hope you drew a map, though.
[00:51:23] <SpallsHurgenson> why? I never go outside! that's where the pigs and hippies are!
[00:56:08] <BadCoderFinger> Hopefully "were"
[00:59:32] <SpallsHurgenson> I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over the explisions outside :)
[01:03:01] <BadCoderFinger> Definitely "were" then.
[01:07:02] <SpallsHurgenson> also the fog suddenly seems more of a red mist now :)
[01:09:52] <BadCoderFinger> Might skip painting for a bit.
[01:12:20] <SpallsHurgenson> he says nothing new but says it funny http://videosift.com
[01:12:20] <MrMustache> ^ 03Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Patent Trolls
[01:14:13] <chromas> heh, I just watched that a bit ago
[01:19:04] <SpallsHurgenson> and did you share with the rest of the class, young man?
[01:20:35] -!- SirFinkus has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com]
[01:20:53] <chromas> nope; keeping my gum to myself as well
[01:23:35] -!- SirFinkus [SirFinkus!~SirFinkus@q-37-359-375-883.hsd6.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[01:47:48] * SpallsHurgenson makes chromas stay after and write "I will share interesting links" 100 times
[02:04:58] -!- BadCoderFinger has quit [Quit: ENOBEER]
[02:18:36] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - 43% of World's Electric Cars Bought in 2014 - http://sylnt.us - electrify-me
[02:27:05] -!- cmn32480 has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[02:27:05] -!- hka has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[02:34:07] -!- SirFinkus has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com]
[03:14:34] -!- cmn32480 [cmn32480!cmn32480@Soylent/Staff/Editor/cmn32480] has joined #Soylent
[03:14:34] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v cmn32480] by Imogen
[03:14:54] <juggs> hola cmn32480 - everything good?
[03:15:17] <cmn32480> doin' alright Juggs... how goes your world?
[03:16:03] <juggs> peaceful. Just idly browsing some https://www.reddit.com
[03:16:04] <MrMustache> ^ 03Tales From Tech Support
[03:16:32] <cmn32480> I just got back from dinner with the guy I'm traveling with adn the customer
[03:17:06] <cmn32480> now I get to go through all the email that came in all day while we were out on site... whhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[03:17:20] <cmn32480> I'll try to keep the party noise to a minimum
[03:18:30] <juggs> have hooker#1 take care of the email while you work on hooker#2 and the blow! What could possibly go wrong?
[03:19:47] <cmn32480> that is what I wanted to name my cats... Hooker and Blow
[03:20:14] <cmn32480> So I could be on the phone wiht somebody and say I was laying on the couch with Hooker and Blow
[03:20:26] <cmn32480> just to hear the vapor lock
[03:20:29] -!- baryonAFK has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[03:20:40] <juggs> Lemme guess - the name choices were overruled
[03:20:55] <cmn32480> good guess Kreskin
[03:21:04] <cmn32480> my wife would have no part of it
[03:21:14] <cmn32480> she's no fun sometimes
[03:21:59] <juggs> Careful... she's probably lurking in here under a pseudonym! :D
[03:22:01] <swiss> how lame
[03:22:09] <swiss> change your name to hookers and blow
[03:22:18] <swiss> so she has to say she's married to hookers and blow
[03:22:23] cmn32480 is now known as Hookers
[03:23:01] <Hookers> hmmmm
[03:23:20] Hookers is now known as HookerAndBlow
[03:23:30] <swiss> lol
[03:23:36] <HookerAndBlow> apparently the & is frowned upon
[03:23:42] HookerAndBlow is now known as cmn32480
[03:24:07] <cmn32480> she'd never be known as SoyCow juggs
[03:24:42] <cmn32480> dear god... If I called her a SoyCow... I'd be on the couch for weeks
[03:24:47] <juggs> SoyCows can /nick too you know :D Or even not be a SoyCow to begin with by changing the nick on the login page
[03:25:02] <cmn32480> she's not that computer literate
[03:25:23] <juggs> that's what she wants you to believe
[03:25:46] <cmn32480> I've been married to her almost 10 years... and together for 15. I'm pretty sure
[03:26:31] <swiss> she might be deep undercover
[03:26:49] <juggs> she has you where she wants you the devious hellion!! :D :D
[03:27:22] <cmn32480> 15 yeasrs is a long time as a deep cover agent.... to catch me working on a site that didn't exist much over a year ago
[03:28:07] <cmn32480> she must be awful patinet
[03:28:15] <cmn32480> *patient
[03:31:45] <juggs> I suspect swiss would know more about that than I
[03:32:05] -!- SirFinkus [SirFinkus!~SirFinkus@q-37-359-375-883.hsd6.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[03:33:12] <swiss> SNEAKY PEAOPLE ARE SNEAKY
[03:34:57] <SpallsHurgenson> what are non-sneaky people?
[03:35:36] <juggs> badgers??
[03:35:47] <juggs> no...
[03:35:47] <SpallsHurgenson> this explains much
[03:35:55] <juggs> squirrels... that's it
[03:36:02] <SpallsHurgenson> this explains more!
[03:36:21] <juggs> shiny golden squirrels
[03:36:31] <SpallsHurgenson> I think swiss is a vehement anti-sneakist.
[03:36:45] <juggs> I'm not convinced
[03:38:43] <SpallsHurgenson> but swiss used CAPS and everything! what more do you need? :)
[03:40:28] <juggs> I'M SO TOTALLY CONVINCED NOW!!!1
[03:41:39] <SpallsHurgenson> for some reason when I read that I imagined you as Loud Howard from Dilbert
[03:42:04] <cmn32480> lol
[03:42:23] <cmn32480> Now I will always see juggs as Loud Howard
[03:42:46] <juggs> THAT'S GREAT!!!1
[03:43:00] <cmn32480> Thanks SpallsHurgenson
[03:44:30] * SpallsHurgenson tents his fingers and cackles evilly
[03:44:50] <cmn32480> excellent
[03:45:16] <SpallsHurgenson> yes, like that but with 32% more diablocism :)
[03:45:51] <juggs> 32.24% IF I AM NOT MISTAKEN!!!1
[03:47:02] <SpallsHurgenson> this new trend gladdens me, as I own majority stock in the company that manufactures the CAPSLOCK key on all keyboards :)
[03:47:49] <juggs> S/IF/IS/
[03:49:01] <SpallsHurgenson> hmmm... I think juggs is faking it. Nobody who uses all-caps ever spells rogue "rogue" instead of "rouge" :)
[03:50:41] <juggs> damn rouges everywhere :( my bluster is well and truly flustered by your incisive detective work SpallsHurgenson - pesky kids!
[03:51:01] <juggs> something something lawn dark side
[03:51:14] <SpallsHurgenson> eeep! not my beautiful lawn!
[03:52:39] <juggs> what? it's already full of massive craters thanks to your mine deployment
[03:53:05] <SpallsHurgenson> there's always more lawn (and more mines)
[03:53:58] * juggs carefully backs off the lawn being sure to only tread in his own recent footprints
[03:55:13] * juggs returns with http://www.army-technology.com - hold my beer and watch this!!!
[03:55:15] <MrMustache> ^ 03MineWolf Mine-Clearance Machine - Army Technology
[03:55:16] <paulej72> rehash updates have been merged.
[03:55:52] <paulej72> killed off a few bugs, but found a bunch more
[03:58:01] <paulej72> ~weather
[03:58:03] <exec> 03Princeton, NJ, USA - currently 58°F / 14°C, cloudy, wind NE at 4 mph, humidity 95% - Monday showers (56°F-72°F / 13°C-22°C), Tuesday partly cloudy (46°F-67°F / 8°C-19°C), Wednesday scattered showers (40°F-66°F / 4°C-19°C), Thursday partly cloudy (36°F-58°F / 2°C-14°C)
[04:05:01] <SpallsHurgenson> DuckDuckGo is getting slower and slower
[04:06:38] <cmn32480> they gonna rename it DuckDuckSlow?
[04:09:00] <SpallsHurgenson> I don't get it
[04:09:33] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~james@43-567-441-22.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Soylent
[04:09:39] <cmn32480> ruin my fun. you ruiner
[04:09:42] <chromas> you will, when it gets there
[04:10:33] * SpallsHurgenson starts thinking really hard
[04:20:09] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The Machines Are Coming - http://sylnt.us - luddites-r-us
[04:20:34] <juggs> paulej72++
[04:20:34] <Bender> karma - paulej72: 145
[04:20:41] <cmn32480> amen to that.
[04:20:50] <cmn32480> paulej72++
[04:20:50] <Bender> karma - paulej72: 146
[04:29:53] <SpallsHurgenson> the sky is being noisy again.
[04:30:18] <SpallsHurgenson> also, it's flashing me
[04:30:22] <paulej72> tell it to shut the fuck up and go to sleep
[04:30:29] <cmn32480> boy flashing or gilr flashing?
[04:31:09] <SpallsHurgenson> I went outside to yell at the sky and it peed on me :(
[04:32:01] <juggs> You upset Thor
[04:33:01] <SpallsHurgenson> wow... its really coming down now
[04:39:09] * juggs cackles as SpallsHurgenson's sugar-cube body dissolves. Lay mines would you? HA!
[04:40:17] <SpallsHurgenson> momma always did say I was sweet
[04:40:37] * juggs is a sick a little
[04:41:25] <cmn32480> ~weather Durango, CO
[04:41:27] <exec> 03Durango, CO, USA - currently 44°F / 7°C, clear, wind N at 6 mph, humidity 44% - Monday clear (32°F-61°F / 0°C-16°C), Tuesday mostly sunny (36°F-68°F / 2°C-20°C), Wednesday partly cloudy (32°F-67°F / 0°C-19°C), Thursday mostly sunny (35°F-65°F / 2°C-18°C)
[04:42:06] <cmn32480> ~weather Alamosa, CO
[04:42:07] <exec> 03Alamosa, CO, USA - currently 42°F / 6°C, clear, wind N at 3 mph, humidity 47% - Monday partly cloudy (27°F-51°F / -3°C-11°C), Tuesday mostly sunny (29°F-65°F / -2°C-18°C), Wednesday scattered thunderstorms (28°F-64°F / -2°C-18°C), Thursday mostly sunny (30°F-65°F / -1°C-18°C)
[04:42:18] <cmn32480> crutchy++
[04:42:18] <Bender> karma - crutchy: 164
[04:42:37] <SpallsHurgenson> ~weather somewhere over there, no slightly to the left of that
[04:42:38] <exec> syntax: ~weather <location>
[04:42:55] <cmn32480> ~weather hell
[04:42:56] <exec> 03Washington, DC, USA - currently 63°F / 17°C, mostly cloudy, wind S at 4 mph, humidity 85% - Monday showers (56°F-79°F / 13°C-26°C), Tuesday partly cloudy (51°F-68°F / 11°C-20°C), Wednesday scattered thunderstorms (44°F-69°F / 7°C-21°C), Thursday partly cloudy (42°F-63°F / 6°C-17°C)
[04:43:00] <SpallsHurgenson> bah, stupid bot, I can't be more precise than that!
[04:43:15] <cmn32480> ~weather heaven
[04:43:16] <exec> syntax: ~weather <location>
[04:43:21] <cmn32480> booooo
[04:43:35] <cmn32480> ~weather intercourse
[04:43:37] <exec> 03Intercourse, PA, USA - currently 60°F / 16°C, rain, wind W at 5 mph, humidity 82% - Monday isolated thunderstorms (55°F-73°F / 13°C-23°C), Tuesday mostly sunny (45°F-64°F / 7°C-18°C), Wednesday rain (39°F-61°F / 4°C-16°C), Thursday mostly cloudy (36°F-55°F / 2°C-13°C)
[04:43:47] <cmn32480> ~weather blue ball
[04:43:48] <exec> 03Blue Ball, PA, USA - currently 58°F / 14°C, thunderstorm, wind NW at 6 mph, humidity 91% - Monday thunderstorm (56°F-72°F / 13°C-22°C), Tuesday partly cloudy (46°F-64°F / 8°C-18°C), Wednesday rain (39°F-62°F / 4°C-17°C), Thursday mostly cloudy (37°F-54°F / 3°C-12°C)
[04:44:45] <cmn32480> I figured ~weather my balls would be in poor taste
[04:45:21] <SpallsHurgenson> data missing
[04:46:58] <cmn32480> nope. they are right here
[04:47:44] <SpallsHurgenson> variables too small for accurate prediction
[04:48:14] <cmn32480> se.. that wasn't nice
[04:48:16] <juggs> You need balls with their own gravity
[04:48:31] <SpallsHurgenson> (tee-hee, dick jokes! I'm really raising the level of discourse tonight :)
[04:49:16] <cmn32480> I expect nothing less. Some days we all need to have a few big dick jokes
[04:49:44] * SpallsHurgenson goes to make the obvious joke... but then stops. "Too easy."
[04:50:14] <cmn32480> Go for the obvious joke
[04:50:20] <cmn32480> sometimes they ar the best kind
[04:50:43] <SpallsHurgenson> no, I shall strive for something more esoteric and intellectual!
[04:50:52] <SpallsHurgenson> just as soon as I figure out what those words mean
[04:51:01] <cmn32480> fair enough
[04:51:58] <cmn32480> ok it's bed time. gotta be up early
[04:52:01] <cmn32480> again
[04:52:31] <cmn32480> goodnight all
[04:52:32] <SpallsHurgenson> sleep is for the weak
[04:52:34] <SpallsHurgenson> and the tired
[04:52:40] <SpallsHurgenson> :)
[04:52:43] <cmn32480> I qualify under the second category
[04:52:52] <SpallsHurgenson> well that's okay then
[04:52:56] <SpallsHurgenson> have a good evening
[04:53:15] <cmn32480> night spalls
[04:53:25] cmn32480 is now known as cmn32480|sleepy
[05:11:15] -!- SpallsHurgenson has quit [Quit: wait, wait... DuckDuckSlow? That's funny!]
[05:33:12] <Subsentient> http://i.imgur.com
[05:42:58] <JamesNZ> That would be properly terrifying.
[05:48:28] <arti> evening
[05:58:53] <JamesNZ> \o
[06:37:45] -!- cmn32480|sleepy has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[06:37:56] -!- cmn32480|sleepy [cmn32480|sleepy!cmn32480@107.17.rzi.wis] has joined #Soylent
[06:52:07] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The Earth is 'Humming', and Scientists Think They Know Why - http://sylnt.us - we-thought-it-was-only-us-hearing-strange-noises
[07:00:59] <crutchy> aw man i missed a dick conversation
[07:04:04] <chromas> bonersation
[07:14:29] -!- sedctl has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[07:15:41] -!- MrMustache has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[07:16:17] -!- chromas has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[07:32:56] <crutchy> oooh nooooo!
[07:37:28] <arti> he's dead, jim.
[07:38:32] <crutchy> maybe he's alive, but not as we know it
[07:43:15] <arti> :)
[07:43:22] <arti> how're you today crutchy?
[07:48:12] <FatPhil> Damn, my sense of humour's too advanced for SN mods :-(
[07:48:42] <arti> maybe they need recalibration?
[07:48:59] <arti> quick, we must inject more into the site
[07:54:24] <FatPhil> https://soylentnews.org
[07:55:13] <FatPhil> I sometimes do flamebaity posts that are actual flamebait, hoping for a funny or touche, but that wasn't one of them
[07:55:38] <FatPhil> But, as I admit at the bottom - if you need to explain the joke, it wasn't funny.
[08:19:40] <crutchy> i'm good thanks arti. bit tired
[08:19:48] <crutchy> bit slow too eh
[08:40:15] <crutchy> any devs around?
[08:40:20] <crutchy> prolly bit early i guess
[08:40:27] <crutchy> ~time tmb\
[08:40:29] <exec> location not found - UTC timestamp: Tuesday, 21 April 2015, 8:40 am
[08:40:31] <crutchy> ~time tmb
[08:40:32] <exec> location not found - UTC timestamp: Tuesday, 21 April 2015, 8:40 am
[08:40:35] <crutchy> hmm
[08:40:39] <crutchy> ~time TheMightyBuzzard
[08:40:40] <exec> Tuesday, 21 April 2015 @ 3:40 am CDT - Jackson, TN, USA
[08:40:55] <crutchy> ~time-add tmb Jackson, TN, USA
[08:40:56] <exec> name "tmb" set for location "Jackson, TN, USA"
[08:41:32] <crutchy> noticed on dev that the home page says zero comments for articles with comments
[08:43:46] <crutchy> ~slashcode-issue comment count, comment count on homepage showing zero for articles with comments
[08:43:50] <exec> https://github.com
[08:53:40] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Scientists are Using Electrodes to Remote Control People - http://sylnt.us - only-paranoid-if-they're-not-really-out-to-get-us
[08:58:29] -!- cmn32480 [cmn32480!cmn32480@Soylent/Staff/Editor/cmn32480] has joined #Soylent
[08:58:29] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v cmn32480] by Imogen
[09:01:17] -!- cmn32480|sleepy has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[09:10:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> crutchy, apparently slashd ain't running proper on dev
[09:24:27] <crutchy> maybe its out having a slash
[09:24:44] <crutchy> coffee++
[09:24:44] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1303
[09:25:28] * crutchy is trying to get comment posting working using new lib function
[09:25:41] <crutchy> with help of new execstat alias monitor :D
[09:26:16] <crutchy> puts stdout for a single alias into a separate memo so its not lost in all the garbage
[09:27:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[09:27:20] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1304
[09:27:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah, that makes no sense to me but good nuff
[09:29:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> believe ima boot winders n beat up baddies till i wake up nuff to code
[09:30:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> back in an hour or two
[09:34:04] <crutchy> haf fun
[09:39:37] <crutchy> TheMightyBuzzard, http://picpaste.com
[09:41:36] <crutchy> all the garbage is in the left memo. if i type ~slash-test in the alias textbox, only stdout from ~slash-test alias processes will appear there. makes debugging a script much easier cos normally there's a whole bunch of shit scrolling by so output from a specific script run can disappear from the terminal pretty quickly
[09:47:08] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@0::1] has joined #Soylent
[09:47:18] <crutchy> he lives!
[09:47:40] * crutchy puts the defib kit away
[09:48:36] <chromas> my internet had a sad
[09:48:40] <chromas> must've been maintenance. I should read their emails
[09:48:49] <crutchy> that happpens
[09:49:07] <crutchy> or someone digs up a cable
[09:53:44] -!- sedctl [sedctl!~sedctl@0::1] has joined #Soylent
[09:54:01] -!- NetCraft [NetCraft!~confirms@71.81.ouw.rwh] has joined #Soylent
[09:56:15] <chromas> crutchy++
[09:56:15] <Bender> karma - crutchy: 165
[09:56:44] <chromas> @71.81.ouw.rwh ? new fake vhosts?
[09:56:53] -!- NetCraft has quit [Changing host]
[09:56:53] -!- NetCraft [NetCraft!~confirms@0::1] has joined #Soylent
[09:57:48] <crutchy> ~title http://irciv.us.to
[09:57:49] <exec> 13192.168.0.2
[09:57:53] <crutchy> derp
[09:59:32] <crutchy> i could have sworn a minute ago my vhost here was my real ip host
[09:59:46] <crutchy> just before i did the ~title thing
[10:00:49] <crutchy> maybe it was an artifact from freenode
[10:21:14] <crutchy> damn. i forgot exec's password on dev
[10:21:23] <crutchy> or maybe it doesn't even have one
[10:22:43] <crutchy> bugger. not registered
[10:24:51] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Something Smells: Cities Use High Tech to Investigate Unpleasant Odors - http://sylnt.us - somethings-rotten-in-nyc
[10:26:14] <crutchy> Bender, s/$/ ...yeah, liberals/
[10:26:14] <sedctl> <crutchy> <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Something Smells: Cities Use High Tech to Investigate Unpleasant Odors - http://sylnt.us - somethings-rotten-in-nyc ...yeah, liberals
[10:33:43] -!- JamesNZ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[10:35:52] <crutchy> damn. http://en.wikipedia.org
[10:35:52] <NetCraft> ^ 03Wiki: Lingchi
[10:50:28] <chromas> Nah, everything in nyc stinks
[10:57:32] <crutchy> especially turtles
[11:20:48] <chromas> " Back in the day there was UUCP, in which everybody held hands, sang Kumbaya, and passed mail around from one network node to another until it hopefully reached its destination."
[11:25:35] <crutchy> the internets was invented in straya by the abordiginals. when someone wanted to send a message, they threw a rock at a nearby person, then that person threw the same rock at the next nearest person. if someone threw the rock at someone hard enough to knock them out, that was considered packet loss
[11:30:30] <chromas> Sounds rockin'
[11:30:41] <chromas> " The original article is so full of holes that I've printed it out to use it as a replacement for my colander."
[11:39:06] -!- cmn32480 has quit [Quit: See You Later]
[11:56:01] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The Rise of H3N2 Canine Flu in the US - http://sylnt.us - watching-out-for-our-best-friends
[12:04:05] <paulej72> morning TheMightyBuzzard
[12:04:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> mornin
[12:04:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> how goes?
[12:04:37] <ciri> not sure
[12:04:45] <paulej72> going to get your code on
[12:05:05] <paulej72> I commited my code and have pulled to master
[12:05:37] <paulej72> https://dev.soylentnews.org
[12:05:37] <NetCraft> ^* 03Dev.SN: Dev.SN is dead developers
[12:06:05] <paulej72> preview of what nexues will look like
[12:06:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> oooh, nifty
[12:06:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> doesn't show if you just hit /breakingnews/ though
[12:06:52] <crutchy> omg! its full of... gray
[12:07:27] <crutchy> tmb, remember... rewrite is not our friend
[12:07:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh ya
[12:07:36] <paulej72> TheMightyBuzzard: nexus url handeling is a bit borked
[12:08:04] <TheMightyBuzzard> don't need rewrite to get /breakingnews/ to show /breakingnews/index.pl though
[12:09:02] <paulej72> but the nexus skin is not loaded properly when there is not a 2nd part of the url
[12:09:10] <TheMightyBuzzard> weird
[12:09:18] <paulej72> its a bug in the Apache.pm module
[12:09:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> we should prolly fix that
[12:09:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> i'm gonna monkey with finding out why unicode n some of the ascii range stuff is acting funky
[12:10:00] -!- kadal [kadal!~kadal@73.47.lyy.kjn] has joined #Soylent
[12:10:01] <paulej72> NC did a split on the url with / and is looking for at least two elemtents to the array, when there is only on in this case.
[12:10:09] <crutchy> does DirectoryIndex allow default for subdirectories?
[12:10:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> ahh, thas no biggie then.
[12:10:21] * crutchy doesn't deal with apache confs enough to know/remember
[12:10:26] <paulej72> but I think he wanted /n/breakingnews to work or some such
[12:10:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> meh, the n would be wasted
[12:11:00] <paulej72> my thoughts as well
[12:11:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> just set it to split on any subdir and explicitly exclude things like /my/blah
[12:12:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> speaking of, i hate that. it keeps me from finding out what script i'm supposed to be working on without looking in the vhost file for rewrite rules.
[12:12:26] <paulej72> well it is susposed to check the first part and match it aginst a skin. If matched set the skin.
[12:13:55] <crutchy> is there a female skin?
[12:14:04] <TheMightyBuzzard> pwnies
[12:14:37] <crutchy> that doesn't look like female skin
[12:14:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> s'pink. pink's a girlie color.
[12:15:59] <paulej72> OK I need to get ready and go to work. be back after 9 or so
[12:16:02] * crutchy thinks konomi would disagree... by throwing a chainsaw at you (or something along those lines)
[12:16:52] * crutchy isn't convinced konomi is/was really a girlie though
[12:17:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> paulej72, you push to master on github yet?
[12:20:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> nm, someone left a change uncommitted so i needed to push again regardless.
[12:20:58] <TheMightyBuzzard> crutchy, coulda been a liberal guy i spose. any other type of male wouldn't have gotten bunched panties over EF
[12:42:24] <crutchy> true
[12:42:33] <crutchy> might have been a SJW :D
[12:42:41] -!- kadal has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[12:47:37] <crutchy> bot is sending about 100 Mb of data per hour out the api socket
[12:48:01] <crutchy> not the most efficient :/
[12:56:47] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Pig Sludge Separation to Drinking Water - http://sylnt.us - from-poop-to-pure
[12:58:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> crutchy, over the network?
[12:58:28] <crutchy> yup
[13:02:04] <paulej72> TheMightyBuzzard: I pulled my stuff but I never did so derectly off of lithium
[13:02:39] * TheMightyBuzzard shurgs
[13:03:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> set up src/rehash-tmb that's tied to my repo as origin. make for more clean work that way at least.
[13:04:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> having minor luck with utf8 in urls but the 0x0001 character is proper now.
[13:41:55] -!- kadal [kadal!~kadal@jcbswjm.whoi.edu] has joined #Soylent
[13:50:32] <paulej72> TheMightyBuzzard: figured out why comment counts are not being updated. freshenup.pl writes the data to a file and then looks it up as needed to update the stories. NC removed the code when removing the static files.
[13:50:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> ahh, no worries. we can dynamic that up easy enough.
[13:51:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> my codey time is up though
[13:51:37] <paulej72> did you make any progress?
[13:52:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> sideways progress. found out some things it wasn't. did manage to get u+0001 not giving us 500s anymore though.
[13:52:39] <paulej72> wtf why write the comment count to a file then read it in to set it in the db. that is so braindead
[13:53:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> so it doesn't have to be done multiple times every single page load but that's an ignorant way to do it. skip the file and just write it to the db.
[13:54:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> paulej72, were you poking on dev? cause i was switching branches around in ~/src/rehash.
[13:55:06] <paulej72> the comment system all ready has a comment count being tracked, so it should be trivial to have it update the story as well
[13:55:32] <paulej72> I was poking, but not changing anything
[13:55:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> meh, leave it in slashd but just have it update the db instead of writing to a file.
[13:56:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> okey doke. i'm done monkeying with rehash.
[13:57:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> removed the global user.name and user.email settings cause i got tired of all my commits being done as NC. you can make your own dir and not get your settings overwritten by his now.
[13:57:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> in git i mean
[13:57:50] <paulej72> well I do not commit from dev much
[13:57:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> anyway. out for likely the rest of the day.
[14:07:02] <crutchy> its just passed midnight and i'm making noodles
[14:15:09] <kadal> instant ramen?
[14:15:23] <kadal> it's 10:15 am here, and I'm hungry....
[14:21:33] <crutchy> magi 2 minute chicken noodles
[14:21:53] <crutchy> with some spices chucked in
[14:26:33] <FatPhil> "Two and a half Finns in top 4"
[14:26:46] <FatPhil> ooops, wrong window
[14:27:58] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - It's 2015 and Your Windows Server Can Still be Pwned by a JPEG - http://sylnt.us - a-pictures-worth-a-thousand-lines-of-malware
[14:52:54] <kadal> ah, maggie. Haven't eaten it in about 5 years
[15:14:48] -!- mechanicjay [mechanicjay!~jhowe@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mechanicjay] has joined #Soylent
[15:14:48] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mechanicjay] by Imogen
[15:59:09] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Norway to be First Nation to Switch Off National Analog FM Stations - http://sylnt.us - digital-killed-the-fm-star
[17:30:19] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - "Microsoft Open Technologies" MS Subsidiary Closes - http://sylnt.us - dr-jekyll-or-mr-hyde
[18:29:40] -!- Gravis [Gravis!~46ae8167@wd91-690-690-124.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[18:30:40] <Gravis> the link this this summary ( https://soylentnews.org ) to http://www.cdc.gov is incorrect. it should link to http://www.cdc.gov
[18:30:42] <NetCraft> ^ 03SN article:  The Rise of H3N2 Canine Flu in the US 04(18 comments)
[18:30:42] <NetCraft> ^ 03CDC - Page Not Found
[18:30:42] <NetCraft> ^ 03Update on Canine Influenza (Dog Flu) Outbreak Reported in Chicago Area | News (Flu) | CDC
[18:38:29] -!- Tachyon has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[18:38:34] <arti> morning soylentils
[18:51:34] <CoolHand> good afternoon arti
[18:52:50] <arti> how's it going ^_^
[18:55:33] <CoolHand> good.. about time to have to go to a meeting though... ttyl..
[18:57:15] <CoolHand> Gravis: fixed
[19:01:29] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Australian Scientists Cure Hepatitis B in Animal Trials - http://sylnt.us - trial-wonders-that-we-never-see-in-real-life
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[20:14:53] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Subsentient] by Imogen
[20:32:40] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Valve to Implement Two-Tiered Account System - http://sylnt.us - gabe-needs-our-cash
[20:34:30] -!- Tachyon [Tachyon!~Tachyon@hollhb.kolej.mff.cuni.cz] has joined #Soylent
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[22:03:51] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Using Adderall in the Office to Get Ahead - http://sylnt.us - better-living-through-chemistry
[22:31:53] -!- kadal [kadal!~kadal@73.47.lyy.kjn] has joined #Soylent
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[23:59:26] <paulej72> nobody home