#Soylent | Logs for 2015-05-01

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[00:07:26] <juggs> we need to give chromas dropdowns on the api :D
[00:09:30] -!- takyon [takyon!~takyon@Soylent/Staff/Editor/takyon] has joined #Soylent
[00:09:30] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v takyon] by Imogen
[00:16:27] <Ethanol-fueled> can I see the api reference?
[00:17:01] <chromas> http://wiki.soylentnews.org
[00:17:03] <TriggerWarning> ^ 03Wiki: ApiDocs
[00:17:04] <juggs> it's on the wiki somewhere....
[00:17:10] <juggs> ninja'd
[00:20:29] <Ethanol-fueled> Nice.
[00:23:39] <chromas> aw, I renamed that windows update file so now it wants to reinstall all updates :(
[00:24:27] <chromas> The update that fixes the windows buttpirate loophole is automatically unchecked
[00:25:45] <Ethanol-fueled> What version, chromas?
[00:25:51] <chromas> 7
[00:26:39] <chromas> windows update was stuck on a file so after trying other stuff I did juggs' thing and it's working again, though it forgot about all the updates already installed so it's starting over
[00:27:01] <chromas> Later on, that windows authenticity update thing will disappear
[00:27:33] <Ethanol-fueled> It's the NSA.
[00:28:07] <juggs> chromas, as long as you only deleted \Datastore it will take some time to rebuild the updates database but it shouldn't have to download all prvious updates.
[00:29:25] <juggs> Damn thing is a mystery.
[00:29:47] <chromas> oh whoops
[00:29:58] <chromas> well I just did the .edb file within, not the whole directory
[00:30:28] <chromas> it's already back up to >500 MB
[00:32:11] <juggs> ja ja - alles gut. Just got to kill the database file. Then restart the services and do a check for updates - it seems to notice the db is not there and rebuilds the db from the actual updates downloads folder. I think. Fucking drove me mad when I had to deal with it.
[00:35:33] <arti> yay
[00:35:52] * arti finishes with the initial form
[00:36:01] <chromas> ooh, formography
[00:36:12] * arti is trying to do fancy per field css styles for success/fail highlighting
[00:39:13] -!- SpallsHurgenson [SpallsHurgenson!~SpallsHur@Soylent/Users/656/SpallsHurgenson] has joined #Soylent
[00:43:22] <SpallsHurgenson> I hunger for the flesh of the innocent. Or a pizza. Either would work for me.
[00:44:44] * juggs prepares an innocent pizza in the charcoal oven of hell for SpallsHellion
[00:46:12] <SpallsHurgenson> just so long as it doesn't have anchovies. I mean, you gotta draw the line somewhere, amirite?
[00:48:19] <chromas> does it have 666 different meats?
[00:48:28] <juggs> somehow those smelly buggers got past the pearly gates... so no danger of contamination on this pizza. Their might be the odd cloven hoof print in the cheese, but I'm assured it doesn't affect the flavour.
[00:48:32] <arti> "Suffering you can taste!"
[00:48:49] <juggs> There*
[00:48:56] <arti> Putting the love, in cloven foot.
[00:49:29] <juggs> cloven hoof - I can't believe it's not butter!
[00:50:04] <juggs> Yeh... that really didn't come out how it sounded in my head...
[00:50:19] * juggs gets coat and makes a stealthy exit
[00:50:28] <arti> it's alright
[00:50:38] <SpallsHurgenson> less echo and reverb than you expected?
[00:57:59] <juggs> no - just we have a product here called "Clover" that is one of those butter substitutes - butter mixed with some mix of rancid oils that are supposedly healthier and "spread straight from the fridge". I was going for some pun on Clover and cloven hoof and fucked it up, not just in the pun itself but in the fact that the audience wouldn't have any idea what Clover is even had I got the pun right :D
[00:58:19] <Ethanol-fueled> that sounds gross, juggs.
[00:58:29] <Ethanol-fueled> We call that shit "margarine."
[00:59:03] * SpallsHurgenson stares at the lemon tart he bought, engaged in an epic test of will
[00:59:35] <paulej72> get a butter bell http://www.butterbell.com
[00:59:36] <TriggerWarning> ^ 03Official Butter Bell® Store - Original ButterBell Crock
[01:00:03] <juggs> Nah, it's not margarine. It's some butter mixed with sunflower / rape seed / oil of the day, so it stays soft at fridge temps. Margarine is something else entirely.
[01:02:59] * juggs stares at SpallsHurgenson from the dark corner. Move to touch that tart and I shall eviscerate you it reaches your lips. I shall allow your dying corpse just long enough time to watch as the kitty eats out the tart's insides before you slip off the mortal coil.
[01:03:26] <SpallsHurgenson> oops :)
[01:03:46] <SpallsHurgenson> at least I can be assured that kitty won't eat the tart; cats hate citrus :)
[01:04:08] -!- cmn32480 [cmn32480!~cmn32480@Soylent/Staff/Editor/cmn32480] has joined #Soylent
[01:04:08] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v cmn32480] by Imogen
[01:04:22] <juggs> bugger - there goes my scary "dark corner" persona. What's next for me? Killer rabbits I guess.... might as well...
[01:05:08] <paulej72> is eating a cheese burger like having a chicken omlette
[01:05:22] <SpallsHurgenson> no, no, the evisteration thing was good. I'd give you two thumbs up if my guts weren't draining out onto the carpet :)
[01:05:41] <chromas> paulej72: yes and it's delicious
[01:08:08] -!- GungnirSniper [GungnirSniper!~GungnirSn@arbs-718-80-998-378.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #Soylent
[01:08:27] <Ethanol-fueled> That response to subsentient's journal was pretty funny
[01:08:55] <Ethanol-fueled> about the necessity to brutally hack rodents to death to grow vegetables.
[01:09:08] <Ethanol-fueled> sup snipes.
[01:16:47] <chromas> http://www.ign.com
[01:16:48] <TriggerWarning> ^ 03500,000-Piece Lego Car Takes to the Streets - IGN
[01:17:29] -!- GungnirSniper has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[01:20:47] <Ethanol-fueled> That's pretty cool chromas.
[01:21:55] <chromas> http://null-byte.wonderhowto.com
[01:21:56] <TriggerWarning> ^ 03Crack Any Master Combination Lock in 8 Tries or Less Using This Calculator « Null Byte
[01:23:37] <Ethanol-fueled> Nice.
[01:24:36] <SpallsHurgenson> I wonder if they ever fixed masterlock so you can't pick 'em with a ballpoint pen anymore
[01:26:29] <Ethanol-fueled> What do you brits think of the upcoming general election?
[01:26:52] <Ethanol-fueled> desired outcome vs. likely outcome?
[01:27:03] <Ethanol-fueled> Overall better afterward? Worse?
[01:27:34] <takyon> Nigel y/n
[01:28:25] <Ethanol-fueled> Nigel ain't on the Wikipedia page. Which means he's gonna lose.
[01:29:19] <takyon> he's on the page
[01:29:26] <takyon> he just isn't in the fancy template
[01:30:20] <paulej72> i think a brit might win
[01:30:57] <takyon> even the winner will be a loser
[01:31:11] <paulej72> yep
[01:31:19] <Ethanol-fueled> So it's just gonna be the same old shit?
[01:31:22] <Ethanol-fueled> Like in America?
[01:45:15] -!- cmn32480 has quit [Quit: See You Later]
[01:46:27] <juggs> Prediction - another coalition in the making. Neither Labour or Conservative (the previously dominant parties) will win a mandate to rule outright, so there will be some post election shenanigans to try to form a government. Much like the last go around, only this time the Liberal Democrats are much weakened, so they will not be king makers. It will be interesting.
[01:50:09] <juggs> At some point the electorate will wake up and realise a first past the post system is no way to run a representative democracy.... and then I woke up, twas but a dream.
[01:52:55] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - 3D Printed Graphene Aerogel to Improve Sensors and Batteries - http://sylnt.us - reducing-a-Tesla's-curb-weight
[02:06:42] <Ethanol-fueled> Shit, liking a girl but totally gotta have "the talk" with her eventually about the mustache.
[02:06:52] -!- SoyCow7396 [SoyCow7396!~95581895@149.88.hz.oqy] has joined #Soylent
[02:07:05] <Ethanol-fueled> Goddammit, you think you meet the perfect girl and there's always a fucking problem.
[02:07:21] <chromas> tell her you're a cop
[02:07:50] <chromas> or one of those guys who hangs out at the high school watching the girls. those are the only two options
[02:08:00] <chromas> Do you have a denim jacket?
[02:08:04] <Ethanol-fueled> Man, situations like those are always lose-lose.
[02:08:28] <chromas> oh, or did you mean she has a mustache?
[02:08:31] <Ethanol-fueled> No, chromas, she has a 'stache. When we were first dating she hid it well but she's starting to get sloppy with it.
[02:08:56] <Ethanol-fueled> It's subtle, but I can feel it abrade my upper lip when we kiss...it's really physically noticeable.
[02:09:22] <chromas> put some nair on your face first, then let it do the work while you get to work
[02:09:29] <Ethanol-fueled> Even the faint dark hair on her lower back is okay, in fact, it's what Russian writers used to refer to as "down"\
[02:10:21] <Ethanol-fueled> Well, since she took care of it at first and gradually got sloppy, then she's aware of it. She's trying to see if I will tolerate it. But I won't.
[02:10:31] <Ethanol-fueled> She's half-Italian :|
[02:10:50] <chromas> is the other hald Mexican?
[02:10:55] <chromas> s/d/f/
[02:10:55] <sedctl> <chromas> is the other half Mexican?
[02:10:58] <Ethanol-fueled> Lord, I try to be a good man...I really do...but these STEREOTYPES, man...they keep testing me!
[02:11:40] <Ethanol-fueled> If they're not beating me up and taking my wallet, or driving 30 Mph in the fast lane, they're abrading my face like 4--grit sandpaper!
[02:12:02] <Ethanol-fueled> s/4--/40/g
[02:12:02] <sedctl> <Ethanol-fueled> If they're not beating me up and taking my wallet, or driving 30 Mph in the fast lane, they're abrading my face like 40grit sandpaper!
[02:13:07] -!- SoyCow7396 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[02:16:33] <takyon> just shave her
[02:16:47] <Ethanol-fueled> Bleech.
[02:17:03] <Ethanol-fueled> I'm thinking just to give up on real-life women and chronically masturbate to tentacle porn.
[02:17:41] <chromas> you can make it sexy
[02:18:00] <chromas> you shave her, she shaves you
[02:18:20] <Ethanol-fueled> chromas, that might work if I were shaving her legs, or, you know, not her upper lip.
[02:18:25] <takyon> call it nicking
[02:19:44] <Ethanol-fueled> had a coworker like that, Asian woman, we started to call "Fu Man Chu" after she started getting sloppy at work.
[02:20:15] <Ethanol-fueled> The older women I've seen admit to that but at least they get it taken care of with electrolysis and don't get sloppy.
[02:21:40] <juggs> Who knew... woman have hair
[02:22:29] <Ethanol-fueled> juggs, I knew that. But, for tactile reasons, I remove extensively the hair around certain regions of mine. It is painful. But it ends up feeling mutually better and is worth the effort it takes.
[02:23:10] <Ethanol-fueled> This is not being unfair to females, it's saying that as somebody who grooms, I expect a certain level of grooming from people I'm close to.
[02:24:07] <Ethanol-fueled> It's not a deal-breaker, juggs...but it will be one uncomfortable talk.
[02:26:06] <Ethanol-fueled> And since I like this woman, it's gonna be a talk I'm going to have to reserve for later while I put up with "the flaw."
[02:27:10] <Ethanol-fueled> It would be much easier if, when I gave her the talk, she called me a "disgusting needledick" and never talked to me again. But I know she won't do that. She'll just be really bummed out for awhile, maybe passive-aggressive.
[02:27:31] <juggs> Ethanol-fueled, what set your expectations about what is an acceptable level of grooming or depilation for either a female or male?
[02:27:45] <chromas> you could stop grooming too, then you could run off and be hippies together
[02:29:19] <Ethanol-fueled> juggs - my rules are simple - have a smooth face and legs. In turn I will have a smooth face (except for goatee), and everything between belly-button and mid-thigh smooth.
[02:29:28] <chromas> ♪so hippie together!♪
[02:29:46] <Ethanol-fueled> chromas, stinking is disgusting.
[02:29:59] <Ethanol-fueled> and there are other health issues that could arise without bathing.
[02:30:17] <chromas> you know you wanna sit around bitching about The Man and saving money by not showering or flushing
[02:30:42] <Ethanol-fueled> chromas, my utilities are included with the rent. I live in meager and laughable situations advantageous to myself.
[02:31:08] <Ethanol-fueled> Which means, 2-3 showers a day EVEN IN CALIFORNIA and being (for now, at least,) insulated from the consequences.
[02:31:44] <juggs> Troll +1
[02:31:50] <Ethanol-fueled> juggs, truth + 1.
[02:31:59] <juggs> sad +1
[02:32:27] <Ethanol-fueled> juggs, I've lived out of my car and eaten out of trash cans. There is a significant advantage to a bare minimum feeling like paradise.
[02:32:52] <Ethanol-fueled> Living like an animal turns you into an animal while you do it, but leaves you with extreme street-smarts afterward when you claw yourself out.
[02:33:55] <Ethanol-fueled> The ones who don't manage to claw themselves out are the ones you see beggin' and bummin' on the street corners and sleeping in their own piss in allyways.
[02:34:40] <juggs> Ethanol-fueled, going back to your armpit thing. Would the same apply if the females in your scenario were sprouting full under arm hair? As you seem to only mention a smooth face and legs
[02:35:10] <Ethanol-fueled> the armpits must be perfect. Funny thing is, the girl I'm seeing is always perfect there.
[02:36:04] <juggs> what makes a perfect armpit? must it have been carved in alabaster?
[02:36:26] <Ethanol-fueled> Michaelangelo carved some pretty good ones, and the painters of antiquity painted good ones.
[02:36:48] <Ethanol-fueled> And in old shows like Bewitched and I Dream of Jeannie, when shown they were perfect.
[02:37:08] <juggs> all depilated of course
[02:37:16] <Ethanol-fueled> Perfect is clean, not too flabby, of the natural skin tone and not white from antiperspirant, and no stubble whatsoever.
[02:37:48] <Ethanol-fueled> juggs, shaving is often better than depilatory stuff, but whatever they do, yeah, those are my guidelines.
[02:38:18] <juggs> Thanks for clarifying that.
[02:38:42] * juggs jiggles an fucks off to bed
[02:38:51] <Ethanol-fueled> I get kicks out of all those spring break videos you see of women gratuitously showing their armpits when dancing, and their underarms are caked unnaturally snow-white and/or have an unmatching dirty strip of stubble.
[02:39:09] <Ethanol-fueled> That shit would have never been aired on 60's TV shows.
[02:39:29] -!- SpallsHurgenson has quit [Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de]
[02:41:13] <chromas> or two-person beds
[03:02:26] <Ethanol-fueled> Yeah, good point.
[03:12:20] <Ethanol-fueled> So what was the significance of this comment? : https://soylentnews.org
[03:12:22] <TriggerWarning> ^ 03SN comment by [02Anonymous Coward] (02Score:3, Informative)
[03:12:33] <Ethanol-fueled> Is it saying that things got better, or worse?
[03:14:39] <chromas> dunno, since he didn't say what it was before
[03:15:24] <Ethanol-fueled> I asked that hoping that one of you had a real answer.
[03:15:29] <Ethanol-fueled> I'm an internet retard.
[03:16:13] <chromas> I, for one, never paid attention to what it was
[03:16:35] <Ethanol-fueled> Yeah, me either.
[03:38:01] -!- takyon has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[03:50:36] <chromas> ~count message=ntalk.de nick=monopoly until=2014-06-05 20:56
[03:50:40] <exec> 03205
[03:51:52] <SirFinkus> wooohoo bourbon barrel aged porter
[03:52:28] <SirFinkus> nitro too
[03:54:28] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Scientists are Figuring Out How to Change Blood Types - http://sylnt.us - not-yet-ready-for-primetime
[03:55:42] TriggerWarning is now known as InfoSphere
[03:57:20] -!- Ethanol-fueled has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[04:55:14] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - New Pluto Images Hint at Polar Ice Caps - http://sylnt.us - ice-on-pluto?!
[06:56:47] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Apple Rejects Watch App for Description Saying 'Pebble Compatible' - http://sylnt.us - walled-bonsai-garden
[06:58:54] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~james@43-567-441-22.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Soylent
[07:34:17] -!- mythterj_ [mythterj_!mythterj@tonvizu.sdf.org] has joined #Soylent
[07:34:18] -!- mythterj_ has quit [Client Quit]
[07:34:18] -!- Popeidol has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[07:39:45] -!- mythterj has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
[07:48:59] <crutchy> coffee++
[07:48:59] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1333
[07:48:59] <crutchy> ++coffee
[07:49:00] <InfoSphere> Karma - coffee: 251
[07:50:18] <crutchy> http://da.feedsportal.com
[07:50:19] <InfoSphere> ^ 03Advertisement
[07:50:54] <crutchy> http://www.techradar.com
[07:50:56] <InfoSphere> ^ 03Windows 10: release date, price, news and features | TechRadar
[08:30:33] <chromas> Ooh, slightly translucent menu
[08:36:14] <crutchy> what would we do without that
[08:36:50] * crutchy just had a thought... web pages for desktop wallpaper!
[08:37:47] <chromas> It would never work
[08:38:28] * crutchy calls this new phenomenon 'ie4 vista for workgroups'
[08:39:38] <crutchy> ...cloud edition
[08:39:57] <crutchy> s/ / 2.0 /
[08:39:57] <sedctl> <crutchy> ...cloud 2.0 edition
[08:58:19] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Unique Fish Fossils Shed Light on Evolution of Bony Fishes - http://sylnt.us - my-bone-smells-like-fish
[09:09:08] <crutchy> http://i797.photobucket.com
[09:56:44] -!- mythterj [mythterj!mythterj@tonvizu.sdf.org] has joined #Soylent
[10:00:17] <mythterj> ping
[10:00:28] <mythterj> DOH!
[10:03:22] <chromas> Well now we all know your porn nas
[10:20:32] <TheMightyLaptop> coffee++
[10:20:32] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1334
[10:20:33] <chromas> I figured you were calling the convert utility
[10:22:18] <chromas> Oops. Wrong channel. That's it. That totally wasn't my soylent password
[10:52:27] -!- TheMightyLaptop has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[11:05:33] -!- TheMightyLaptop [TheMightyLaptop!~TheMighty@Soylent/Staff/Developer/TMB] has joined #Soylent
[11:05:33] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v TheMightyLaptop] by Imogen
[11:30:15] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Compact Synchrotron Makes Tumors Visible - http://sylnt.us - compact-means-compact-car-dept
[12:05:37] <chromas> Lol <nerdbot> arti filled in 33 TPS reports, and may have to work on Saturday. This terrible calamity has slowed them 0 days, 06:16:39 from level 65.
[12:15:01] <crutchy> coffee++
[12:15:01] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1335
[12:15:01] <crutchy> ++coffee
[12:15:01] <InfoSphere> Karma - coffee: 252
[12:15:21] <crutchy> InfoSphere++ # cool nick for a bot
[12:15:21] <Bender> karma - infosphere: 1
[12:30:50] -!- cmn32480 [cmn32480!~cmn32480@Soylent/Staff/Editor/cmn32480] has joined #Soylent
[12:30:50] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v cmn32480] by Imogen
[12:31:05] <cmn32480> !uid
[12:31:06] <Bender> The current maximum UID is 5235, owned by skyrocketends
[12:31:20] <crutchy> ~convert 1 usd eur
[12:31:21] <exec> 031 USD = 0.8874 EUR
[12:38:59] -!- janrinok [janrinok!~janrinok@Soylent/Staff/Editor/janrinok] has joined #Soylent
[12:38:59] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v janrinok] by Imogen
[12:39:20] -!- JamesNZ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[12:39:27] <janrinok> hi guys
[12:39:27] <ciri> yeah, yeah hi HI janrinok
[12:40:25] <CoolHand> janrinok!!
[12:40:38] <janrinok> hi CoolHand how's things?
[12:40:50] <CoolHand> a lot better than yesterday.. :)
[12:41:10] <CoolHand> lots of submissions, and other people working on putting some out.. nice..:)
[12:41:17] <janrinok> yes, I noticed. Perhaps my comment in that thread have helped
[12:41:28] <janrinok> has helped*
[12:41:47] <CoolHand> maybe.. :)
[12:42:05] <janrinok> no matter, I'm glad that it is a bit easier for you today
[12:42:52] <CoolHand> I had time to make a submission myself.. then right after I noticed someone beat me to it (while I was writing mine up - I checked before starting)
[12:43:09] <janrinok> which one was that?
[12:43:22] <janrinok> ah, the Tesla story
[12:43:22] <CoolHand> Tesla Powerwall battery
[12:43:49] <janrinok> they'll merge together nicely
[12:44:02] <CoolHand> yeah, they will
[12:44:10] <janrinok> ... not that you need the karma
[12:44:20] <CoolHand> no.. neither does he
[12:44:36] * CoolHand is sooo disappointed, he only does things for karma...
[12:44:44] <CoolHand> :)
[12:44:56] <janrinok> the trick with the subs is to pace them over the weekend. You might (should) get more but you cannot guarantee it
[12:45:13] <CoolHand> yah, I've noticed that :)
[12:45:46] <janrinok> Its the May Day holiday here - everyone having a long weekend - but the weather is lousy
[12:46:17] <CoolHand> it happens... maybe everyone will stay inside and read SoylentNews.. :)
[12:47:12] <janrinok> I don't think my wife would be too excited by that prospect - although she supports what we are doing but the content isn't really her cup of tea so to speak
[12:47:53] <CoolHand> well, ya, I was talking bout the rest of Europe (or just France, or whomever celebrates this "May Day" :)
[12:48:08] <janrinok> most of Europe
[12:49:20] <janrinok> In France, May is terrible - a public holiday in almost every week this month means that shops close or government departments don't answer the phone
[12:49:24] <CoolHand> well, I'll have a full day tomorrow.. taking my youngest to take a warmup round of college entrance exams in the morning, then taking him with his "scout" crew to paintball and movies after
[12:50:11] <CoolHand> meh, the month of May around here (Indianapolis) used to be almost like that (because of the Indy 500), but it's scaled back a bit now..
[12:50:20] <janrinok> that sounds like fun for everyone in the afternoon. Of course, you will have to join in to provide adult supervision and safety advice ;)
[12:50:33] <CoolHand> exactly.. :)
[12:50:51] <janrinok> that's what I like to see - taking one's parental duties seriously
[12:51:13] <janrinok> .. and having fun!
[12:53:13] <janrinok> the lastest story about Compact Synchroton - did you mean to have a dept dept?
[12:53:58] <CoolHand> no..
[12:54:22] <janrinok> I'll do it
[12:54:35] <CoolHand> I usually catch that.. (given by submitter - copy/pasted) I usually fix it but maybe something weird happened
[12:56:18] <janrinok> well, you can always blame cmn32480
[12:59:38] <cmn32480> why not... everybody else does.
[12:59:46] cmn32480 is now known as whippingboy
[12:59:49] <janrinok> Lol!
[13:00:07] <janrinok> whippingboy: are you home or just taking the blame in transit?
[13:00:25] <whippingboy> home until Tuesday
[13:00:39] <janrinok> have a good weekend then. How did your week go?
[13:01:25] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Vaccine Campaign Leads to Elimination of Rubella in the Americas - http://sylnt.us - maybe-bed-bugs-will-be-next
[13:01:26] <CoolHand> whippingboy!!
[13:01:46] <whippingboy> it was busy. Job on Wednesday took 5 hours longer than expected
[13:01:49] * CoolHand says it was all whippingboy's fault
[13:02:57] <janrinok> but you got the job finished in time to be home on schedule, or were you a little late?
[13:04:27] <janrinok> mrcoolbp: ping?
[13:07:05] <whippingboy> home on time, but exhaustion is catching up to me
[13:07:31] <janrinok> well take it easy then. The family all well?
[13:07:42] <whippingboy> yes kids are doing well.
[13:07:53] <whippingboy> wife is happy I am home for more than a weekend
[13:07:55] <janrinok> good - my best wishes to them all
[13:08:06] <whippingboy> thanks. how are you feeling?
[13:08:10] <whippingboy> getting enough rest?
[13:08:19] <janrinok> tired and no, but I'll manage
[13:08:25] <whippingboy> you can have all the rest I am missing out on if it helps
[13:09:02] <CoolHand> hey, wait a minute...
[13:09:10] <janrinok> I'm getting rest but I am in so much debit that I will not recover in a matter of days.
[13:09:11] <whippingboy> ok
[13:09:13] <whippingboy> 60
[13:09:13] <CoolHand> if you're missing it, how can you give it away??
[13:09:14] <whippingboy> 59
[13:09:15] <whippingboy> 58
[13:09:17] <whippingboy> 57
[13:09:18] <whippingboy> 56
[13:09:19] <whippingboy> 55
[13:09:20] * CoolHand has his mind blown
[13:09:20] <whippingboy> 43
[13:09:34] <whippingboy> well taht was a small explosion
[13:09:39] <janrinok> that jumped to 43 quite quickly after 55
[13:09:45] <whippingboy> tired fingers
[13:09:51] <CoolHand> lol
[13:09:54] <janrinok> matches the rest of my body
[13:10:00] <whippingboy> amen
[13:10:14] <whippingboy> and I can only count in ascending order
[13:10:27] <janrinok> it's the mental fatigue that annoys me - I cannot even program efficiently at present, and that is something I enjoy doing for relaxation
[13:11:13] <whippingboy> programming for relaxation... interesting
[13:11:44] <janrinok> yeah, not as complex as the stuff you are doing on a daily basis :)
[13:13:17] -!- SirFinkus has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[13:16:08] <whippingboy> I do networking, wireless, and mobile terminals.
[13:16:26] <whippingboy> programming might as well be Greek. Or that clicky african language
[13:16:47] whippingboy is now known as cmn32480
[13:17:04] <janrinok> I've not done 'hard' programming for quite a few years now - but I still use Python and c++ for 'fun'
[13:19:22] <janrinok> I'm working on several projects at present - a large button controller so that S can switch the TV, satellite, computer on/off using a Raspberry Pi, and a mini-GIS so that I can accurately map my home and garden.
[13:20:12] -!- TK [TK!~9ff5202f@159.245.ix.ry] has joined #Soylent
[13:20:15] <janrinok> I also do a lot of scripting (mainly in Python) to keep my 8 aging but working computers fully busy
[13:20:27] <janrinok> hi TK
[13:23:59] <janrinok> brb5 - time for tea
[13:58:57] <AndyTheAbsurd> janrinok: Know anything about old versions of Django? Specifically, I've got a Django 1.2.5 install that we're trying to add another field to a model (and the database behind the model). Unfortunately, that's an earlier version than either South or django-evolution will support (both require Django 1.4).
[13:59:22] <janrinok> No, I'm afraid I don't
[13:59:35] <AndyTheAbsurd> Darn.
[13:59:48] <janrinok> not my area of expertise unfortunately
[14:01:43] <janrinok> AndyTheAbsurd: I don't know anyone who does use it here - its not part of our setup. Have you tried asking on #dev?
[14:02:40] <AndyTheAbsurd> I have not asked on #dev
[14:03:04] <janrinok> It might be a long shot - but there might be someone on there with some experience of it
[14:03:26] <AndyTheAbsurd> I think I'm going to end up upgrading Django instead of trying to figure out a five-year-old version that's got known security issues
[14:03:39] <janrinok> well, that makes sense
[14:04:10] <AndyTheAbsurd> (and that's assuming that the project ever comes back alive. The PM killed it, at least for now.)
[14:08:18] <CoolHand> cmn32480: you know if Bytram is ever going to finish the Personal Privacy article?
[14:08:39] <cmn32480> no idea
[14:08:44] <janrinok> I think he has RL work before he can do that
[14:09:05] <cmn32480> keep pushing it out. set it to May 15.
[14:09:10] <CoolHand> I was chatting with him last evening.. I shoulda asked him then I guess. :0
[14:09:58] <CoolHand> that was sposed to be a smiley.. what's :0? surprise?
[14:10:09] <CoolHand> me pushed to 5/15
[14:10:14] <janrinok> I think so
[14:10:29] <janrinok> .. or someone spitting peas?
[14:10:48] <janrinok> my 0 has a little dot in it
[14:11:14] <CoolHand> lol, ya that's it :)
[14:12:03] <cmn32480> looks kinda inappropriate ....
[14:12:24] <janrinok> I think that is why I like it ;)
[14:12:30] <CoolHand> cmn32480: u had to go there...
[14:12:49] <cmn32480> yes, coolhand, I did
[14:13:16] <janrinok> you two are rapidly becoming a double act
[14:13:38] <cmn32480> which one is Abbot, which one is Costello?
[14:14:02] <janrinok> more like the Blue's borothe
[14:14:06] <janrinok> brothers*
[14:14:18] <janrinok> Blues Brothers **
[14:14:37] -!- kadal [kadal!~kadal@jcbswjm.whoi.edu] has joined #Soylent
[14:14:49] <janrinok> hi kadal
[14:15:20] <cmn32480> We are two wild and crazy guys
[14:15:25] <cmn32480> oh wait... wrong sketch
[14:15:42] <CoolHand> hah
[14:16:29] <cmn32480> I't 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full take of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses
[14:16:40] <TheMightyLaptop> hit it
[14:16:51] <cmn32480> <tires squeal>
[14:16:57] <janrinok> TheMightyLaptop: hi, wondered if you would show
[14:17:07] <cmn32480> Thank you TheM'ightyLaptop!
[14:17:17] <TheMightyLaptop> been around a bit, just not much worth saying.
[14:17:28] <janrinok> still in Texas?
[14:17:40] <TheMightyLaptop> till noonish, yeah
[14:17:53] <janrinok> then back home for a weekend of fishing?
[14:18:04] <cmn32480> I'm in Ft. Worth in a couple weeks
[14:18:06] <TheMightyLaptop> nah, oklahoma for the weekend then back home.
[14:18:14] <TheMightyLaptop> nifty, got family there
[14:18:20] <TheMightyLaptop> well, benbrook
[14:18:33] <cmn32480> TML, your travel schedule sounds al little like mine
[14:18:52] <TheMightyLaptop> yeah, thankfully it should calm down after monday
[14:19:02] <TheMightyLaptop> back to coding and fishing
[14:19:37] <TheMightyLaptop> i'm not a huge travel fan. did far too much of it as a kid.
[14:20:42] <cmn32480> I'm doing it far too much as an adult.
[14:21:35] <TheMightyLaptop> gonna be nice to stay home for a month or two. will have another OK trip coming up though cause a court date i need to be at got bumped to who knows when.
[14:22:00] <cmn32480> a month or two... wow I am jealous
[14:22:34] <cmn32480> I'm currently traveling every week between now and mid June
[14:22:40] <TheMightyLaptop> ye gads
[14:22:45] <janrinok> that's too much
[14:22:52] <cmn32480> yeah.... no kidding Janrinok
[14:23:23] <TheMightyLaptop> you'll have my sympathies while i'm coding from my desktop then going fishing
[14:24:06] <cmn32480> N. Carolina next week.
[14:24:11] <cmn32480> PA and VA the week after
[14:24:28] <TheMightyLaptop> NC ain't bad but i got no use for the other two
[14:24:33] <cmn32480> Indianapolis and Ft. Worth 3 weeks out
[14:25:35] <TheMightyLaptop> hrm... i need to find some breakfast i think. getting a little low-blood-sugar-ish
[14:25:46] <janrinok> pancakes?
[14:25:50] <CoolHand> Indy?
[14:26:07] <TheMightyLaptop> nah, prolly peanut butter sammich or something
[14:26:07] <CoolHand> wanna go out for a beer?
[14:26:17] <TheMightyLaptop> afk
[14:26:23] <janrinok> hang on, I'll get my coat
[14:26:43] * janrinok checking flight times
[14:27:00] <cmn32480> Connecticut 4 weeks out
[14:27:09] <cmn32480> Jacksonville, FL 6 weeks out.
[14:27:21] <CoolHand> well, I wasn talking to cmn32480 janrinok since he's coming here already, but if you wanna fly over for a beer, that's cool too :)
[14:27:23] <cmn32480> and somebody is bound to want the week of June 1
[14:27:51] <janrinok> I'll always go out for a beer
[14:27:54] <cmn32480> We can probably do that. I am meething my uncle for dinner on the 18th
[14:28:26] <cmn32480> I have to book all the flights, etc still. Let me see what I can do
[14:28:32] <CoolHand> yeah, I'm actually in Michigan that weekend - coming back on 18th.. so schedule may or may not work anyway, but thought I'd throw it out there
[14:28:45] -!- exec [exec!~exec@utioner/T-800/BeVeryAfraid] has parted #Soylent
[14:28:56] <paulej72> better than throwing it up
[14:29:01] <cmn32480> I'm supposed to fly to Ft. Worht on the night of the 18th or early morning on the 19th
[14:29:04] <CoolHand> (Michigan - fun trip - Zoo-de-Mack 50 mile ride to Mack Island and big parties all w/e)
[14:29:20] <cmn32480> nice way to spend the weekend Coolhand
[14:29:33] <CoolHand> bicycle ride.. not motorcycle
[14:29:41] <CoolHand> (I do both so it gets confusing :) )
[14:29:55] <CoolHand> paulej72: way to jump in there with that.. heh
[14:30:00] <paulej72> lol
[14:30:08] <janrinok> paulej72: hi
[14:30:11] <paulej72> hello
[14:30:40] <cmn32480> Coolhand - I'll get everythgin booked and let you know what my schedule looks like.
[14:30:50] <CoolHand> cmn32480: cool.. sounds good
[14:31:06] <cmn32480> brb
[14:32:00] <CoolHand> and with cmn32480 leaving. the party quiets down..
[14:32:02] <CoolHand> :)
[14:38:31] <cmn32480> BOOOO
[14:38:38] <CoolHand> aaaah!
[14:38:46] <CoolHand> party's back
[14:38:47] <janrinok> damn, I nearly fell of my chair then
[14:38:58] <cmn32480> be nice coolhand
[14:39:01] <CoolHand> janrinok: I'm gonna ask you a question in #editorial
[14:39:04] <janrinok> lower case would have been more than sufficient
[14:43:45] <CoolHand> it WAS pretty scary
[14:59:14] <mrcoolbp> janrinok: pong, what I do?
[14:59:34] <paulej72> you stayed
[14:59:36] <janrinok> hi, just a long time since we spoke. Can we pay by debit/credit cards yet
[14:59:43] <janrinok> ?
[14:59:53] <mrcoolbp> uh
[15:00:30] * janrinok loves asking fast ball questions
[15:00:31] <paulej72> if he rage quit he would not be here to answer the ping
[15:00:34] <mrcoolbp> paulej72: any progress on swipe?
[15:00:50] * janrinok appears to have asked the wrong person - oops
[15:00:53] <paulej72> what was that on my plate?
[15:00:57] <janrinok> lol
[15:00:57] <ciri> HAHAHAHA
[15:00:58] <mrcoolbp> not sure
[15:01:11] * mrcoolbp just woke up
[15:01:23] <janrinok> well thanks for clearing that up guys - sorry to have woken you mrcoolbp
[15:01:30] <paulej72> 100 questions when you are half asleep
[15:01:30] <mrcoolbp> np
[15:02:01] <paulej72> think we redirected all efforts to rehash
[15:02:07] <janrinok> I seem to have my tz confused
[15:02:58] <paulej72> no a normal east coaster would be up, but one that probably came home from working yeseterday, early today, sleeping late is necessary
[15:02:59] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - IBM Shows Off a Quantum Computing Chip - http://sylnt.us - now-we-scale-it-up
[15:03:03] <janrinok> mrcoolbp: sry to have woken you,
[15:03:09] <mrcoolbp> np
[15:03:42] <paulej72> mrcoolbp can only handel short words.
[15:03:47] <paulej72> coffee++
[15:03:47] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1336
[15:03:48] <janrinok> other than being half-asleep, how are things with you?
[15:04:04] <mrcoolbp> I'm good
[15:04:22] <janrinok> that's good to hear
[15:04:24] <mrcoolbp> how have you been? haven't seen you around much, hoping you are getting some well needed rest
[15:05:01] <janrinok> had some more treatment, a week of compulsory bed rest, and now told to take it very easy for several weeks
[15:05:31] <mrcoolbp> {{janrinok}}
[15:05:36] <janrinok> thx
[15:05:52] <janrinok> we got a good ed team so I'm able to rest as needed
[15:06:20] <mrcoolbp> they are doing great, still want to get them more help though
[15:06:25] <janrinok> agreed
[15:06:30] <mrcoolbp> I pinged some of the recruits that kinda dropped off
[15:06:33] <mrcoolbp> no luck yet
[15:06:48] <mrcoolbp> wantkitteh got busy IRL I think
[15:06:59] <janrinok> I'm available for training providing I can limit it to a couple of hours max per day
[15:07:00] <mrcoolbp> dopefish/blackmoore same
[15:08:27] <janrinok> well, time to go again. Be back in a few hours time.
[15:08:36] <mrcoolbp> okay, good to talk to ya
[15:08:38] janrinok is now known as janrinok|afk
[15:08:43] <janrinok|afk> and to you mrcoolbp
[15:08:49] <mrcoolbp> = _
[15:08:53] <mrcoolbp> = )
[15:09:03] <mrcoolbp> okay I need da coffeez
[15:15:14] <mrcoolbp> instead of 4-5 "full time" editors, I kinda wish we had 10-20 part-time editors
[15:15:31] <mrcoolbp> more sets of eyes, less work for everyone
[15:16:09] <paulej72> I want a dev ed
[15:16:15] <janrinok|afk> that's a very good idea. The problem would be getting them to work at the less popular times, such as weekends I suppose
[15:16:27] <mrcoolbp> not if there were more of them
[15:17:00] <mrcoolbp> the problem we have seen in the past, is it's a lot of work for 3-4 people
[15:17:18] <mrcoolbp> with 10-20, one person taking a week off would go unnoticed
[15:17:25] <janrinok|afk> it's worth floating the suggestion as a story to see what the community think, and if anyone fancies taking on the role if it is less arduous
[15:17:36] <mrcoolbp> it would be less demanding
[15:17:56] <mrcoolbp> some people were put off by the time involvement I think
[15:18:04] <paulej72> well other than breaking news, the stories can be edited for later publicaion so that little work needs done on the weekends. the issue is our queue is usually a bit empty to do that easily
[15:18:51] <janrinok|afk> on the downside, if people can't be bothered to make a submission would they be prepared to even edit 1 story?
[15:19:19] <janrinok|afk> got to really go now....
[15:19:35] <paulej72> bye
[15:23:09] <mrcoolbp> paulej72: any thoughts on the meta nexus? I had a few ideas about how to provide the community with a way to start open discussion on sn matters
[15:23:17] <mrcoolbp> the idea I came up with was a soylent "wall"
[15:23:25] <mrcoolbp> comments show as newest first
[15:23:31] <mrcoolbp> there is no "off topic"
[15:24:25] <mrcoolbp> either that or people submit “stories” to the meta nexus to start discussion
[15:24:29] <mrcoolbp> which I guess would work
[15:25:32] <mrcoolbp> This was all sparked by the fact that many of the discussions we have with the community are off-topic discussions on other meta posts
[15:26:02] <mrcoolbp> I’d like to have a “forum” for these random questions and discussions
[15:26:10] <paulej72> once we have a meta nexus, we can do a regular gripe article that we keep up for discussion. then the comments could be summerized and posted as the next gripe article
[15:26:31] <mrcoolbp> summarizing 100 comments is a lot of work
[15:26:42] <mrcoolbp> just let the mod system do that for us = )
[15:26:54] <mrcoolbp> but yeah
[15:27:10] <mrcoolbp> a weekly “gripe” article might work
[15:27:16] <paulej72> I am thinking high level. paragraph or so.
[15:27:22] <mrcoolbp> sure
[15:27:49] <paulej72> bitched about x, x was fixed, bitched about y, y is now on the todo list ..
[15:28:03] <mrcoolbp> “Last week, such-n-such raised a great point, the community agreed. Now we are thinking about doing X.”
[15:28:11] <paulej72> yep
[15:29:08] <mrcoolbp> let me know if there’s anything I can do to help with the rehash stuff
[15:29:48] <mrcoolbp> TheMightyBuzzard: did you get to look at takyons CSS fix for VT100?
[15:30:08] <mrcoolbp> TheMightyLaptop ^
[15:30:12] <paulej72> mrcoolbp: I already did that.
[15:30:16] <mrcoolbp> oh coo,l
[15:30:22] <mrcoolbp> nice nice
[15:30:33] <mrcoolbp> paulej72++++++
[15:31:00] <mrcoolbp> did NCommander get the rehash stuff up on hydrogen?
[15:31:01] <paulej72> I made some changes to what takyon provided, but I fixed what he suggested and some other issues.
[15:31:15] <paulej72> not yet, he said this weekend
[15:31:43] <mrcoolbp> nice, we should let takyon know if we didn’t already, he’ll be appreciateive
[15:32:05] <mrcoolbp> he mentioned it the other day
[15:33:55] <mrcoolbp> paulej72: what can I do to help you?
[15:35:14] <TheMightyLaptop> mrcoolbp, newp but if it looked good to him i got no beef. i'm a coder not a design guy.
[15:35:53] <mrcoolbp> TheMightyLaptop: cool thanks, pj fixed already. I mentioned it cause you were the guy messing with Teh Themez
[15:36:33] <TheMightyLaptop> paulej72, when we looking at going live with hydrogen/rehash?
[15:37:19] <mrcoolbp> once we work out more bugs I assume
[15:37:27] <paulej72> when we get the critical bugs fixed.
[15:46:26] <TheMightyLaptop> cool, i should be able to get back into things after i get home monday.
[15:49:55] <TheMightyLaptop> powering down n packing up. see you lot after the weekend and a whole lot of driving.
[15:50:04] -!- TheMightyLaptop has quit [Quit: blah]
[16:10:15] <cmn32480> Instead of being at work... cvan I go home and take a nap?
[16:10:31] <mrcoolbp> you can do whatever you want = )
[16:10:49] <cmn32480> excellent. I'll let me boss know that you sadi ti was OK
[16:12:09] <cmn32480> how's life trating you mrcoolbp?
[16:12:47] <mrcoolbp> not bad, I’m contacting the CPA for getting our books in order ( <-- juggs )
[16:16:45] <cmn32480> that's good.
[16:22:35] * mrcoolbp goes to update our funding progress
[16:24:09] <cmn32480> your a good man Charlie Brown
[16:27:53] <mrcoolbp> yay 71%
[16:29:11] <mrcoolbp> hmm, what happened to lancepodstrong
[16:30:20] <mrcoolbp> looks like he never completed training
[16:31:13] <mrcoolbp> and NotSanguine hasn’t been around much
[16:31:55] <mrcoolbp> last posted story/comment were april 10th/15th
[16:34:22] <mrcoolbp> cmn32480: did you read that SN policy doc?
[16:34:37] <cmn32480> <blink><blink>
[16:34:40] <mrcoolbp> heh
[16:34:57] <mrcoolbp> I ask because we should actually “ACK” that at some point
[16:35:05] <mrcoolbp> it’s still kinda unofficia
[16:35:09] * mrcoolbp reads it
[16:35:12] * cmn32480 wonders WTF mrcoolbp is talking about
[16:35:23] <mrcoolbp> crap, did I not send it to you?
[16:35:40] <cmn32480> <blink><blink>
[16:35:54] * cmn32480 wonders WTF mrcoolbp is talking about
[16:36:01] <mrcoolbp> sec
[16:36:24] <cmn32480> oh there are 2 emails in my soylent news box
[16:37:00] <cmn32480> both are regarding the meeting
[16:40:13] <mrcoolbp> http://wiki.soylentnews.org
[16:40:13] <InfoSphere> ^âś“ 03Wiki: SoylentNews Policy Document
[16:40:47] <mrcoolbp> cmn32480: this is our unratified Staff Policy ^
[16:41:30] <cmn32480> Got it. Will read over lunch
[16:41:37] <mrcoolbp> cool
[16:42:20] -!- mechanicjay [mechanicjay!~jhowe@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mechanicjay] has joined #Soylent
[16:42:20] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mechanicjay] by Imogen
[16:42:23] <cmn32480> Sorry I haven't bee around much
[16:42:39] <cmn32480> RL has been a cast iron bitch lately
[16:42:39] <mrcoolbp> don’t apologize, you have been around!
[16:43:49] <mrcoolbp> cmn32480: while we are at it, have you been offered a ZNC bouncer account yet?
[16:44:08] <cmn32480> yes. Juggs was taling to me and takyon about it last night
[16:44:15] <cmn32480> said he was going to get them set up
[16:44:18] <mrcoolbp> cool
[16:44:46] <cmn32480> I got 2 whole weeks before I get on an airplane again
[16:44:53] <mrcoolbp> Nice! I think that all I missed for you was reading the policy doc, sorry about that.
[16:44:54] <cmn32480> everythgin in between is driving
[16:45:02] <mrcoolbp> = /
[16:45:25] <cmn32480> is ok. I'm not sure that you didn't send it to me. It looks kinda familiar. But I was probably in a hotel someplace at the time
[16:45:45] <cmn32480> I'd rather drive than fly any day
[16:45:56] <mrcoolbp> ah, cool, and cool.
[16:46:06] * mrcoolbp waves to mechanicjay
[16:46:12] <cmn32480> too many a$$holes at security. adn I don't mean TSA
[16:46:17] <mrcoolbp> heh
[16:46:41] <mrcoolbp> okay, looks like our hosting bill is paid already
[16:47:13] <cmn32480> excellent
[16:47:28] * mechanicjay waves
[17:04:31] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Tesla Announces Powerwall Home Battery - http://sylnt.us - big-buzz
[17:17:19] * mrcoolbp crunches numbers
[17:17:49] <mrcoolbp> The good news is that it looks like our yearly costs should be less then our current 6month costs
[17:18:17] <mrcoolbp> yearly costs going forward I mean
[17:18:23] <CoolHand> yeah, sounds good..
[17:18:35] <mrcoolbp> well it’s an improvement
[17:19:08] <mrcoolbp> paulej72: are we pretty much done with the “Great Server Consolidation”?
[17:31:30] <paulej72> mrcoolbp: yes I think so. I am reluctant to remove the linode backups of the few servers it is on as they could be used for quick disaster recovery.
[17:31:41] <mrcoolbp> okay
[17:31:43] <mrcoolbp> thankx
[17:47:19] <mrcoolbp> wow, we actually get mentioned a lot on linuxinsider.com via “SoylentNews blogger hairyfeet”
[17:48:10] <mrcoolbp> https://www.google.com
[17:48:11] <InfoSphere> ^ 03Google
[17:48:35] <mrcoolbp> seem to all be posted by the writer known as “Katherine Noyes”, maybe we should contact her
[17:48:51] <mrcoolbp> offer to do an interview or something
[17:55:04] <mrcoolbp> ooh, she’s on twitter
[17:55:11] * mrcoolbp tries to figure out how to use twitter
[18:02:59] <mrcoolbp> paulej72 / juggs: do you have the login credentials for twitter? (bender posts in there). The credentials I have are not working, but I don’t wish to reset the password and break the bender reposting functionality
[18:03:29] janrinok|afk is now known as janrinok
[18:04:18] <mrcoolbp> paulej72 / juggs: disregard, I figured it out!
[18:05:18] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - "Reactionless" Thruster Tested Again, This Time in a Vacuum - http://sylnt.us - newtons-per-kilowatt
[18:12:19] <mrcoolbp> I’m doing teh twitterz
[18:12:22] * mrcoolbp shudders
[18:12:30] <janrinok> lol
[18:12:56] <janrinok> you young 'uns
[18:16:12] <mrcoolbp> rofl: https://twitter.com
[18:16:13] <InfoSphere> ^ 03SoylentNews on Twitter: "@_TheTerminator_ Cool, I am made of people!"
[18:19:21] <mrcoolbp> janrinok: this is the most i’ve ever used twitter, about 10 minutes = )
[18:19:38] <janrinok> I've never used it - to me you are a twitter god!
[18:20:11] <paulej72> mrcoolbp: resist the urge to post potty break tweets
[18:20:19] <mrcoolbp> oh fine
[18:20:58] <mrcoolbp> Actually I contacted the Katherine Noyes correspondent for linuxinsider.com that mentions us constantly
[18:22:00] <paulej72> the concrete truck just pull up outside my window to pore a sidewalk. Noisy MFer
[18:23:21] <janrinok> paulej72: the works must be nearly finished by now aren't they?
[18:28:32] <paulej72> hell no. they say june, but I think july or august. They doint even have all of the elevator parts on site yet.
[18:29:04] <janrinok> obviously trained by the British School of Building Contractors
[18:31:03] <paulej72> for the elevators, the contractor that got the bid was a non-union shop, so they had to sub contract the job to a union one. (Since we are in the mob state of NJ, we have to have all jobs done by union workers or Tony Soprano will not get a pay check.)
[18:32:10] <janrinok> that seems a bit too obviously crooked to pass here, but more subtle attempts might be successful
[18:33:08] <paulej72> well you phrase it in the correct way it looks like you are on the Workers side not the corrupt Union boss' side.
[18:33:37] <paulej72> Union bosses with no show jobs :)
[18:33:43] <janrinok> I'm on the honest side - neither side should be crooked - but I must accept that this is not a perfect world
[18:34:58] <paulej72> there is a reason that it costs more than 8X the US average to pave a mile of road in NJ, and its not just the cost of living and wages paid.
[18:35:23] <paulej72> cause those are not 8x higher.
[18:35:47] <janrinok> I didn't realise that the control was quite so blatent though
[18:36:22] <janrinok> s/control/corruption
[18:36:22] * sedctl tosses a / to janrynok
[18:36:30] <paulej72> it is not unless you read between the lines. The money must go somewhere
[18:37:58] <paulej72> and it is not in my paycheck
[18:38:33] <janrinok> its not what you know.....and you obviously don't know the right people
[18:39:02] <paulej72> I imagine that most of the costs look legit, but the people getting paid never neeed to show up to work unless it is to pick up the pay check
[18:39:22] <janrinok> its our fault - you are mixing with ne'er-do-wells and geeks here
[18:41:32] * mrcoolbp is searching online for soylentnews stuff
[18:41:33] <mrcoolbp> https://www.youtube.com
[18:41:34] <InfoSphere> ^ 03The Hidden Internet- Soylent News - YouTube
[18:42:05] <mrcoolbp> wtf is this guy talking about
[18:43:47] <janrinok> hey, we're on the hidden internet! Its quite visible with a computer but, without one or some other connected device, we are completely hidden!
[18:59:38] <mrcoolbp> we are on TOR, but he didn’t talk about what SN is at all really, and just kept mentioning “streaming” and “mp3s” which we don’t have : p
[19:00:20] <janrinok> I realise he is 'excited' by TOR, but we are also in full view on the net anyway. He is not an informed person :)
[19:08:27] <janrinok> perhaps we were the only 'clean' site he could show on YouTube - hehehe
[19:26:21] <mrcoolbp> heh
[19:39:26] <janrinok> got to go, doc's orders!
[19:39:32] -!- janrinok has quit [Quit: leaving]
[20:37:15] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Robbery Suspect Pulls Guilty Plea After Stingray Disclosure, Case Dropped - http://sylnt.us - how-you-like-it-now
[20:45:35] <chromas> What? I stream Soylent mp3s all the time
[20:59:19] <arti> :D
[20:59:25] <arti> happy friday/saturday
[21:04:54] -!- cmn32480 has quit [Quit: See You Later]
[21:34:10] -!- TK has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[21:48:05] -!- kadal has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[21:57:42] <arti> hey so uh, anyone use composer?
[22:07:01] <chromas> which kind?
[22:07:33] <chromas> looks like there's a php thing
[22:09:04] * arti was referring to the php one
[22:10:29] <arti> after searching around, the question is about asset pipelines. typically i serve assets out of a web accessible assets directory
[22:10:42] <arti> assets/js assets/css assets/images et.c
[22:10:51] <chromas> as you should
[22:10:59] * chromas says, with zero professional experience
[22:11:05] <arti> so composer plops stuff into a vendor directory
[22:11:20] <arti> it's good for php stuff, bower seems to be the js one.
[22:12:11] <arti> with stuff thats used i was wondering if it makes sense to serve it out of the vendor folder (i don't like this approach) and doing a copy seems kinda meh
[22:12:47] <chromas> what about a symlink?
[22:12:56] <chromas> hm, server may be set to not follow
[22:13:01] * arti likes the asset manager approach since it handles fetching versions
[22:13:16] <arti> been playing around with grunt, too.
[22:13:31] * arti is integrating everything into an IDE
[22:14:01] <chromas> I like how phpstorm can push to your server automatically
[22:14:03] <arti> it's handy since there is even a plugin to tell you what the shortcut keys are for the actions you're doing.
[22:14:22] <arti> yeah, it's pretty fucking cool
[22:38:49] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Bitcoin Disrupting Argentina's Financial System - http://sylnt.us - who-said-fake-money-would-never-be-worth-anything
[22:39:09] <chromas> is there non-fake money?
[22:44:09] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~james@43-567-441-22.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Soylent
[22:54:47] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~Ethanol-f@ib33-266-285-766.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[23:02:33] <mrcoolbp> there goes the chatroom ^
[23:02:53] <mrcoolbp> ; )
[23:04:48] <Ethanol-fueled> yup.
[23:05:00] <Ethanol-fueled> along with sobriety.
[23:13:10] <Ethanol-fueled> ~weather
[23:13:17] <Ethanol-fueled> !weather
[23:13:27] <chromas> ^ or ;
[23:13:33] <Ethanol-fueled> ^weather
[23:13:38] <Ethanol-fueled> ;weather
[23:13:38] <MrPlow> Syntax: ;weather City, ST or ;weather zip code
[23:13:46] <Ethanol-fueled> ;weather san diego
[23:13:46] <MrPlow> Syntax: ;weather City, ST or ;weather zip code
[23:13:58] <Ethanol-fueled> 'weather san diego, ca
[23:14:12] <Ethanol-fueled> welp, so much for that.
[23:14:15] -!- exec [exec!~exec@utioner/T-800/BeVeryAfraid] has joined #Soylent
[23:14:18] * chromas laments the death of two weather bots
[23:14:24] <chromas> ooh
[23:14:28] <Ethanol-fueled> did they die with critchy, chromas?
[23:14:38] <chromas> exec did but it's back now
[23:14:44] <crutchy> my ghost is here to haunt you
[23:14:49] <chromas> not sure what happened to geotti_away's weather
[23:14:54] <chromas> ^weather bewbs
[23:14:54] <geotti_away> Invalid query. Learn to type, dumbass.
[23:14:58] <Ethanol-fueled> hahah
[23:14:59] <crutchy> lol
[23:15:02] <Ethanol-fueled> ~weather san diego
[23:15:04] <exec> 03San Diego, CA, USA - currently 77°F / 25°C, partly cloudy, wind NW at 15 mph, humidity 40% - Friday clear with periodic clouds (61°F-79°F / 16°C-26°C), Saturday partly cloudy (60°F-72°F / 16°C-22°C), Sunday partly cloudy (59°F-69°F / 15°C-21°C), Monday mostly sunny (58°F-68°F / 14°C-20°C)
[23:15:11] <arti> ~weather irivne, ca
[23:15:13] <exec> 03Irvine, CA, USA - currently 86°F / 30°C, partly cloudy, wind SW at 10 mph, humidity 23% - Friday clear (59°F-84°F / 15°C-29°C), Saturday sunny (57°F-79°F / 14°C-26°C), Sunday sunny (56°F-73°F / 13°C-23°C), Monday partly cloudy (56°F-69°F / 13°C-21°C)
[23:15:18] <Ethanol-fueled> Gotdamn, it's gonna be shit-hot tomorrow.
[23:15:29] <crutchy> ~weather dickbutt
[23:15:30] <exec> syntax: ~weather <location>
[23:15:33] <crutchy> aww
[23:15:41] <arti> ~weather dogpipe
[23:15:42] <exec> syntax: ~weather <location>
[23:15:47] <crutchy> ~weather uranus
[23:15:48] <exec> syntax: ~weather <location>
[23:15:50] <chromas> ~weather | ~weather | ~weather
[23:15:52] <exec> 03Walla Walla, WA, USA - currently 80°F / 27°C, sunny, wind W at 10 mph, humidity 17% - Friday partly cloudy (50°F-80°F / 10°C-27°C), Saturday sunny (45°F-73°F / 7°C-23°C), Sunday sunny (48°F-78°F / 9°C-26°C), Monday sunny (48°F-80°F / 9°C-27°C)
[23:15:56] <chromas> aw
[23:16:00] <chromas> pipes++
[23:16:00] <Bender> karma - pipes: 3
[23:16:01] <Ethanol-fueled> california needs some england-like weather for awhile.
[23:16:01] <crutchy> lol
[23:16:14] <Ethanol-fueled> that was pretty funny chromas.
[23:16:33] <arti> england, like where they don't know what the sun looks like?
[23:16:38] <crutchy> it doesn't like piping the same command atm, well doesn't really 'pipe' yet. it's still pretty dum
[23:16:45] <crutchy> ~weather | ~rainbow fart
[23:16:46] <exec> 00,02f00,06a00,04r00,07t
[23:16:47] <exec> 03Melbourne VIC - currently 16°C, mostly cloudy, wind N at 26 km/h, humidity 68% - Saturday scattered showers (9°C-23°C), Sunday partly cloudy (9°C-20°C), Monday sunny (14°C-23°C), Tuesday cloudy (8°C-16°C)
[23:16:51] <Ethanol-fueled> no joke, arti. Wouldn't hurt every once in Awhile.
[23:17:00] <arti> or seattle.
[23:17:11] <arti> http://www.theonion.com
[23:17:11] <InfoSphere> ^ 03College Encourages Lively Exchange Of Idea - The Onion - America's Finest News Source
[23:24:32] <Ethanol-fueled> ~help
[23:24:35] <exec> http://sylnt.us
[23:29:21] -!- chromasss [chromasss!~toobee@71.81.ouw.rwh] has joined #Soylent
[23:29:29] -!- Tachyon has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[23:29:41] <chromasss> Seems like weechat doesn't support self-signed certs
[23:34:36] -!- takyon [takyon!~takyon@Soylent/Staff/Editor/takyon] has joined #Soylent
[23:34:36] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v takyon] by Imogen
[23:42:52] -!- SirFinkus [SirFinkus!~SirFinkus@q-37-359-375-883.hsd6.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[23:44:55] <Ethanol-fueled> sup fink
[23:46:23] <Ethanol-fueled> There can be only one fink - Doctor Fink: http://www.northwestmusicscene.com
[23:47:48] <SirFinkus> hi ef
[23:47:48] <ciri> o/ SirFinkus
[23:47:52] <SirFinkus> not you
[23:47:59] <SirFinkus> how it goes?
[23:48:00] <ciri> doing good, and you?
[23:48:09] <SirFinkus> god dammit
[23:48:14] <Ethanol-fueled> haha,
[23:48:30] <Ethanol-fueled> considering writing a bot in C# just to piss everybody off.
[23:49:33] <SirFinkus> irc bot?
[23:49:41] <Ethanol-fueled> yeah.
[23:49:46] <SirFinkus> just make it like ciri, except with EFisms
[23:49:58] <Ethanol-fueled> Yup.
[23:49:59] <SirFinkus> random sentences from your journal
[23:50:08] <Ethanol-fueled> No, it will be smarter than that.
[23:50:37] <SirFinkus> proposing scenarios with people that have been chatting recently?
[23:51:05] <Ethanol-fueled> hahaha
[23:51:55] <Ethanol-fueled> It would be a good goal to fool people into believing it's real. But then it would be just "MAAAAN DUUUUUUDE I"M DRUUUUNK AND HIGH!"
[23:52:45] <crutchy> so it would be just like ciri :p
[23:53:00] <crutchy> Ethanol-fueled, you should join #
[23:53:09] <crutchy> you'd like tama
[23:53:16] <takyon> just write a random rant for a list of keywords. it can't tell the same rant within 12 hours. and punctuate them with drunkenness
[23:53:23] <crutchy> ~random nick=tama channel=#
[23:53:25] <Ethanol-fueled> I've been in there, crutchy.
[23:53:33] <exec> 03[2015-03-23 03:27:5] # <tama> the bot to peoples ratio is too low... activate ciri clone
[23:53:57] <Ethanol-fueled> naw, I have some ideas about how to make it more intelligent.
[23:54:04] <crutchy> ~random nick=tama channel=#
[23:54:08] <exec> 03[2015-04-21 22:09:4] # <tama> Yo mama is so mean, her standard deviation's zero!
[23:54:24] <chromas> ~random nick=ciri channel=##altslashdot
[23:54:26] <Ethanol-fueled> its personality will be based on that of a *egro
[23:54:26] <exec> 03[nothing found]
[23:54:31] <Ethanol-fueled> a beligerent and intoxicated one.
[23:54:52] <chromas> Ethanol-fueled: can it instigate and/or participate in riots?
[23:54:55] <crutchy> will it flirt with staff like ciri did once?
[23:55:14] <crutchy> (and got kickbanned for)
[23:55:19] <crutchy> that was funny
[23:55:22] <Ethanol-fueled> no, but it can /msg users and harass them
[23:55:29] <chromas> ~random nick=ciri message=NCommander
[23:55:33] <exec> 03[2014-10-01 00:08:1] #Soylent <ciri> NCommander, I don't remember seeing byrtam.
[23:55:42] <Ethanol-fueled> did that really happen, crutchy?
[23:55:48] <crutchy> lol byrtam
[23:55:48] <ciri> lol damn!
[23:56:00] <crutchy> chromas prolly remembers
[23:56:17] <crutchy> it was prolly about maybe april last year or summin
[23:56:32] <crutchy> not sure exactly when