#Soylent | Logs for 2015-06-09

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[00:11:45] <Bytram> !uid
[00:11:45] <Bender> The current maximum UID is 5471, owned by Ones Own
[00:11:55] <Bytram> coffee++
[00:11:55] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1412
[00:11:59] <Bytram> poutine--
[00:11:59] <Bender> karma - poutine: -405
[00:12:12] * Bytram did that for nostalgia
[00:12:13] <Bytram> poutine++
[00:12:13] <Bender> karma - poutine: -404
[00:12:22] <Bytram> ~weather boston
[00:12:24] <exec> 03Boston, MA, USA - currently 69°F, mostly cloudy, wind S at 16 mph, humidity 65% - Monday cloudy (64°F-72°F), Tuesday scattered thunderstorms (62°F-72°F), Wednesday mostly sunny (62°F-82°F), Thursday partly cloudy (62°F-84°F)
[00:12:27] <Bytram> ~weather portland, me
[00:12:28] <exec> 03Portland, ME, USA - currently 59°F, mostly cloudy, wind S at 15 mph, humidity 85% - Monday scattered showers (60°F-68°F), Tuesday showers (59°F-68°F), Wednesday mostly sunny (58°F-79°F), Thursday scattered showers (59°F-78°F)
[00:12:31] <Bytram> ~weather presque isle
[00:12:33] <exec> 03Presque Isle, ME, USA - currently 53°F, cloudy, wind S at 10 mph, humidity 84% - Monday rain (53°F-55°F), Tuesday rain (57°F-64°F), Wednesday showers (56°F-75°F), Thursday scattered thunderstorms (56°F-77°F)
[00:13:33] <Bytram> paulej72++
[00:13:33] <Bender> karma - paulej72: 169
[00:13:37] <Bytram> slowqueries--
[00:13:37] <Bender> karma - slowqueries: -1
[00:14:25] <cmn32480|dinner> just throwing karma around like it's free tonight, huh Bytram?
[00:15:05] -!- SirFinkus [SirFinkus!~SirFinkus@a-90-913-475-455.hsd9.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[00:15:24] <cmn32480|dinner> sirfinkus++
[00:15:24] <Bender> karma - sirfinkus: 14
[00:15:44] <SirFinkus> neat, not sure what for though
[00:16:15] <cmn32480|dinner> Bytram is throwing around karma like it's free. Htought I'd give it a try to see what all the hub bub is about
[00:17:05] cmn32480|dinner is now known as cmn32480
[00:19:39] <Bytram> cmn32480++ # catching on is nice
[00:19:39] <Bender> karma - cmn32480: 13
[00:20:33] <cmn32480> ooooo now I feel special
[00:20:48] <cmn32480> my wife says I'm special... but I don't think she means like this
[00:21:50] <Bytram> what does she say when you tell her *she* is 'special'?
[00:23:13] <SirFinkus> I'm boycotting the karma system due to vote rigging
[00:23:41] <n1> SirFinkus++
[00:23:41] <Bender> karma - sirfinkus: 15
[00:23:47] <takyon> boycott++
[00:23:47] <Bender> karma - boycott: 1
[00:23:50] <cmn32480> Bytram - "What'd you do wrong?"
[00:23:56] <cmn32480> Sirfinkus++
[00:23:56] <Bender> karma - sirfinkus: 16
[00:24:11] <cmn32480> it's rigged in your favor Sirfinkus
[00:24:35] <cmn32480> enjoy it... feel the Obama flow through you
[00:24:36] <SirFinkus> what can I say? I'm an idealist
[00:24:55] <n1> SirFinkus lost any hope of getting a job in politics.
[00:25:15] <takyon> no no
[00:25:17] <cmn32480> sad really.... I was going to vote for him
[00:25:20] <takyon> he's a capitalist idealist
[00:25:23] <SirFinkus> no, I just need to go through the decades of slow corruption
[00:25:26] <cmn32480> early AND often!
[00:25:42] <takyon> Believe in the Free Market
[00:38:09] <takyon> http://www.theregister.co.uk
[00:38:10] <systemd> ^ 03Apple's HomeKit: So, you know, it exists and all that • The Register
[00:42:11] <cmn32480> some days I hate Windows
[00:42:48] <takyon> http://www.marketplace.org
[00:42:49] <systemd> ^ 03This is your brain on Wi-Fi | Marketplace.org
[00:46:52] * n1 listens
[01:03:08] * Bytram doesn't hear anything... oh oh. :P
[01:03:43] <cmn32480> <cricket> <cricket>
[01:03:47] <takyon> http://nextbigfuture.com
[01:03:47] <systemd> ^ 03Next Big Future: Ancient History repeating as Wolves associate with monkeys showing the early mechanisms that could have initiated domestication
[01:03:55] <takyon> Planet of the Apes submission incoming
[01:05:28] -!- SirFinkus has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com]
[01:15:24] -!- SpallsHurgenson [SpallsHurgenson!~SpallsHur@Soylent/Users/656/SpallsHurgenson] has joined #Soylent
[01:16:01] <cmn32480> It's fixed!
[01:16:04] <cmn32480> WOO HOO!!!!
[01:16:14] * cmn32480 does the happy dance without pants
[01:16:28] -!- Tachyon [Tachyon!~Tachyon@xuco.me] has joined #Soylent
[01:16:31] <cmn32480> SpallsHurgenson++
[01:16:31] <Bender> karma - spallshurgenson: 17
[01:16:37] <SpallsHurgenson> the joy of home veterinary surgery
[01:17:10] <Bytram> SpallsHurgenson: well, that's quite some intro sentence! what ya been up to?
[01:17:29] -!- Tachyon__ has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[01:17:29] <SpallsHurgenson> home veterinary surgery, I thought I made that clear :)
[01:18:32] <cmn32480> SpallsHurgenson: what'd you do?
[01:18:38] <SpallsHurgenson> here kitty-kitty-kitty, snip-snip time!
[01:19:05] <SpallsHurgenson> nothing /completely/ illegal, I assure you!
[01:19:25] <Bytram> yeah... but *what* did you snip-snip?
[01:19:44] <cmn32480> thanks Bytram... I was trying to figure out a nice way to phrase that question
[01:19:54] <SpallsHurgenson> well... I got sort of carried away so maybe its better to ask what I didn't snip-snip.
[01:20:25] <cmn32480> did it start as a haircut, and get out of control again?
[01:21:03] <SpallsHurgenson> hey, that was a perfectly legitimate way of getting a new kidney!
[01:22:24] * Bytram is relieved that spalls wasn't talking about spaying or neutering at home!
[01:22:53] <SpallsHurgenson> oh no, you should never spay your home; how will you ever get little garden sheds if you do that?
[01:24:12] <Bytram> chop off little bits from the main shoot, stick 'em in the ground, and water 'em really well>
[01:25:59] * cmn32480 shakes his head and looks for the check
[01:26:41] <SpallsHurgenson> I tried that but ended up with a nuclear missile silo. It caused me all sorts of problems with the home ownership association; they don't even like if I paint my house a different color
[01:26:46] <Bytram> at least it works well with Weeping Willows and the like
[01:27:07] <Bytram> SpallsHurgenson: it's cause you forgot to add the stylish logo!
[01:27:28] * Bytram wonders if there's an EMOJI for *that* one
[01:28:27] <SpallsHurgenson> if in doubt, ASCII art
[01:30:40] <Bytram> U+2622
[01:31:22] <SpallsHurgenson>
[01:31:34] <Bytram>
[01:31:39] <Bytram> ah, just beat me to it!
[01:32:14] <SpallsHurgenson> looks like an angel wavings its robed hands over its head :)
[01:32:25] <cmn32480> can I ask a very basic question
[01:32:32] <SpallsHurgenson> I think you just did
[01:32:34] <Bytram>
[01:32:37] <cmn32480> <finger>
[01:32:48] <Bytram> that's something on your hand... next?
[01:32:49] <SpallsHurgenson> that was a gesture not a question
[01:33:05] <cmn32480> What are the actual keystrokes for the U+2622?
[01:33:25] <Bytram> depends on where/how you are entering them.
[01:33:28] <cmn32480> after you all stop laughing, I mean
[01:33:34] * Bytram just loaded up BabelMap and scrolled down
[01:33:46] <cmn32480> I'm think ing form a keyboard woudl be a good place to start
[01:33:53] <Bytram> there's a way to key in unicode chars on HexChat that I once knew and can no longer recall
[01:34:37] <takyon> not a lot of them work in here maybe
[01:34:58] <Bytram> is decimal, 0x2622 is 9762 so, on windows, you might be able to press down the ALT key and then key in those digits on the 10-key keypad
[01:35:07] <SpallsHurgenson> its not difficult. move mouse to hover over browser icon. double-click. click on "search" bar. type "u+2622". press enter. highlight symbol from search results with mouse, then press CTRL-C. move mouse to where you want to enter symbol, click then press CTRL-V
[01:35:08] <Bytram> s/is/in/
[01:35:08] <sedctl> <Bytram> in decimal, 0x2622 is 9762 so, on windows, you might be able to press down the ALT key and then key in those digits on the 10-key keypad
[01:36:34] <cmn32480> ALT-<number> move you to the logged in channel in HexChat
[01:36:46] <SpallsHurgenson> a mere four mouse clicks and eleven keypresses :)
[01:37:02] <Bytram> aha!
[01:37:13] <Bytram> FOund it!
[01:37:17] <Yog-Yogguth> on linux hold Ctrl + Shift then u + 2 + 6 + 2+ 2 = ☢
[01:37:53] <Bytram> that's what I just found for HexChat, as well: http://hexchat.readthedocs.org
[01:37:54] <Yog-Yogguth> if you're using something unusual that's still linux you might have to enable Ctrl + Shift
[01:37:55] <systemd> ^ 03Frequently Asked Questions — HexChat 2.10.0 documentation
[01:38:49] <Yog-Yogguth> just today I noticed one can enable level 3 and level 5 modifier keys, tht's pretty harcore and I haven't tried it yet
[01:39:20] <Bytram> Yog-Yogguth: not following you there... what are those?
[01:39:22] <Yog-Yogguth> afaik Alt GR use and CtrlSHift use don't even count as a modifier level
[01:41:32] <Yog-Yogguth> those are meta-keys that enable direct typing of 5 different levels of characters, the first level is what is printed on your keyboard, the second is using a single meta-key (I use Caps Lock for it) to write unicode directly like ₄ or superscript etc (I don't have superscript yet, at least not in Xchat/HexChat)
[01:43:06] <Yog-Yogguth> CapsLock(Meta) + o + / =
[01:43:47] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Lawyer Who Sued EFF Blames Ars Technica Readers for Hacking, Defamation - http://sylnt.us - suing-is-in-their-blood
[01:43:59] <SpallsHurgenson> Assman!
[01:45:01] <Bytram> Yog-Yogguth: thanks for that!
[01:45:06] <Bytram> afk brk
[01:46:14] <Bytram> biab
[01:46:44] -!- BadCoderFinger [BadCoderFinger!~BadCoderF@216.160.gyz.km] has joined #Soylent
[01:46:58] -!- Tachyon_ [Tachyon_!~Tachyon@xuco.me] has joined #Soylent
[01:48:05] -!- Tachyon has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[01:48:15] <SpallsHurgenson> I'm hungry; suggestions?
[01:48:27] <BadCoderFinger> Hey Spalls. Try a bison burger!
[01:48:31] <takyon> hummus with chicken, rice, and vegetables in a pita
[01:48:41] <cmn32480> cookies
[01:48:45] <SpallsHurgenson> ding ding!
[01:48:57] <SpallsHurgenson> we have a winner!
[01:49:05] <cmn32480> I'm eating milanos - raspberry chocolate
[01:49:06] <n1> takyon is always right
[01:49:23] <takyon> sometimes I'm always right
[01:49:26] <SpallsHurgenson> I wonder if there is a place around here that does cookie delivery
[01:49:35] <n1> point proven
[01:49:47] <Yog-Yogguth> ❤ yogurt
[01:50:36] <SpallsHurgenson> bah, if I wanted to eat spoiled milk I'd... I'd eat spoiled milk :)
[01:50:46] <Yog-Yogguth> blasphemy :)
[01:51:26] <SpallsHurgenson> look, you can eat as much of that foul-tasting bleached slime as you want, just don't get it near me :)
[01:51:49] <cmn32480> I'm lactose intolerant, you insensitive clod!\
[01:52:19] <Bytram> cmn32480: don't worry, it'll pass :P
[01:52:21] <SpallsHurgenson> now now, I'll have you know Yog-Yogguth is actually quite a sensitive clod
[01:52:30] <cmn32480> oh it passes Bytram.
[01:52:35] <cmn32480> usually explosively
[01:52:39] <Bytram> lol
[01:52:40] <ciri> HEHEHEHE
[01:52:43] <Bytram> =)
[01:53:14] <cmn32480> but I'll NEVER suffer from constipation.
[01:53:14] <BadCoderFinger> You think you hate yogurt, try kefir.
[01:53:32] <Yog-Yogguth> yeah I don't like kefir :|
[01:53:37] <cmn32480> can't shit? here's a glass of milk!
[01:53:43] <Yog-Yogguth> kefir is like stale yogurt
[01:53:44] <Bytram> http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[01:53:45] <systemd> ^ 03US Army website defaced by Syrian Electronic Army [Updated] | Ars Technica ( http://arstechnica.com )
[01:53:52] <BadCoderFinger> I like them both, provided they're unflavored.
[01:54:32] <Yog-Yogguth> my yogurt is always flavored
[01:54:51] <BadCoderFinger> That... may not end well.
[01:55:24] <takyon> gotta love script kiddies
[01:55:41] <Bytram> 💩
[01:55:42] * exec chucks a nasty sloppy dogshit at aqu4
[01:56:14] <BadCoderFinger> Dear god man, give it a chance to get an umbrella!
[01:56:20] <SpallsHurgenson> Yogurt! Yogurt! I hate Yogurt! Even with strawberries.
[01:56:46] <Yog-Yogguth> heh I especially love yogurt with strawberries XD
[01:56:55] <BadCoderFinger> Hrm, Spalls has a huge helmet, but no pants. I could now use cortex bleach.
[01:57:21] <Yog-Yogguth> dear $deity why ar you looking at his helmet? :o
[01:58:06] <cmn32480> i fell back into this conversation at a very awkward moment...
[01:58:15] <BadCoderFinger> I knew I should never have hacked into his webcam. The password was 12345
[01:58:20] <SpallsHurgenson> those tend to happen when I'm around
[01:58:35] <cmn32480> That's the kind of code ass asshole woudl have on his luggage!
[01:58:44] * cmn32480 changes code on his luggage
[01:59:07] <BadCoderFinger> "Hey, this combination lock is in hexadecimal!"
[01:59:29] <Yog-Yogguth> *spots a business opportunity*
[02:00:24] <BadCoderFinger> That idea is BSD licensed, so run with it!
[02:00:26] <Yog-Yogguth> because hexadecimal combination locks would be fun
[02:01:35] <SpallsHurgenson> oh you texas cops, stay classy! http://gawker.com
[02:01:36] <Yog-Yogguth> *makes yet a not of something to do*
[02:01:36] <systemd> ^ 03Texas Cop Suspended After Footage Emerges of Brutal Pool Party Arrests
[02:01:43] <Yog-Yogguth> note*
[02:02:14] <BadCoderFinger> I think "brutal-poo" was much funnier.
[02:04:57] <Yog-Yogguth> have to wonder if it's plain envy
[02:05:52] <SpallsHurgenson> perhaps we could googlebomb "Corporal Eric Casebolt" to be forever associated with brutal poo :)
[02:06:10] <BadCoderFinger> Heh, that's a winning plan!
[02:10:23] -!- Tachyon [Tachyon!~Tachyon@xuco.me] has joined #Soylent
[02:12:05] -!- Tachyon_ has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[02:13:25] <SpallsHurgenson> on a completely different topic...
[02:13:48] <SpallsHurgenson> the movie "Jupiter Ascending" does to sci-fi what "Twilight" did to monster flicks.
[02:14:16] <cykros> i'm very sorry to hear that. i had high hopes considering the track record of the wachowskis...
[02:14:27] <cykros> i hear good things about ex machina though
[02:15:41] <Bytram> cykros: I saw ex machina
[02:16:15] <cykros> 1-10?
[02:16:27] <Bytram> I don't see many movies at all, but it had good reviews and I thought it quite well done. the lead actress was outstanding, IMHO
[02:16:51] * SpallsHurgenson rates it three oranges and a rather colorful sandle
[02:16:52] <cykros> very good to hear; i don't like wasting my time (of which i have so little)
[02:17:10] <cykros> SpallsHurgenson: what's the hex value for the color of the sandal?
[02:17:13] <Bytram> I've done QA for decades, so I can't help but notice continuity issues... only saw a couple of note.
[02:17:29] <Bytram> prolly somewhere around 7-8 on a scale of 1-10
[02:17:46] <cykros> good enough for me
[02:19:10] <Yog-Yogguth> *makes scetch of novel hexadecimal combination lock with 1677216 combinations (6 dials)* ← one of many reasons I shouldn't IRC
[02:19:26] <BadCoderFinger> Heh!
[02:20:44] <SpallsHurgenson> make it eight dials; I want DEADBEEF as my combo :)
[02:20:57] <Yog-Yogguth> hehe :)
[02:22:29] <Bytram> heh, /me once looked up all hex 'words' in a dictionary
[02:23:13] <SpallsHurgenson> why do I imagine you sitting in front of a real (paper) dictionary doing that?
[02:23:40] <Bytram> you don't know me well enough, I guess
[02:24:38] <cykros> i think there's a list of them on wikipedia...
[02:24:45] <cykros> but doing it manually might be fun.
[02:24:52] <Bytram> I've got something like 30 dictionary files I've gathered over the years
[02:25:26] <SpallsHurgenson> there's a list of pretty much everything on wikipedia
[02:25:27] <takyon> wow
[02:25:33] <SpallsHurgenson> I think there's a list of things that aren't on wikipedia
[02:26:04] <cykros> yea, it's the list of things that aren't allowed on wikipedia :-P
[02:26:12] <takyon> deletionpedia
[02:26:24] <cykros> i <3 gopherpedia.com
[02:26:33] <cykros> wikipedia has no place being defiled by the modern web
[02:27:11] <Bytram> SpallsHurgenson: for example; here's a quick and dirty cmd to get all 6-char words whose letters are in a-f (note: on windows)
[02:27:12] <Bytram> grep -i "^[a-f]\{6\}$" unixdict.txt
[02:27:24] <Bytram> accede
[02:27:24] <Bytram> decade
[02:27:24] <Bytram> deface
[02:27:24] <Bytram> efface
[02:27:24] <Bytram> facade
[02:27:44] <SpallsHurgenson> none of those are naughty. get me naughty words :)
[02:27:57] <takyon> fondleslab
[02:28:09] <Bytram> but if I use this dictionary: allwords2.txt, I get:
[02:28:12] <Bytram> aaaaaa
[02:28:12] <Bytram> acacea
[02:28:12] <Bytram> accede
[02:28:14] <Bytram> afaced
[02:28:16] <Bytram> bacaba
[02:28:18] <Bytram> baccae
[02:28:20] <Bytram> baffed
[02:28:22] <Bytram> beaded
[02:28:24] <Bytram> bedaff
[02:28:26] <Bytram> bedded
[02:28:28] <Bytram> bedead
[02:28:29] <takyon> takyon
[02:28:30] <Bytram> bedeaf
[02:28:32] <Bytram> beebee
[02:28:34] <Bytram> beefed
[02:28:38] <Bytram> caadac
[02:28:40] <Bytram> cabbed
[02:28:42] <Bytram> cabeca
[02:28:44] <Bytram> cacace
[02:28:46] <Bytram> cadded
[02:28:48] <Bytram> caffee
[02:28:50] <Bytram> dabbed
[02:28:52] <Bytram> dadded
[02:28:53] <SpallsHurgenson> I want a word that will make a ten-year old boy titter :)
[02:28:55] <Bytram> daffed
[02:28:56] <Bytram> debbee
[02:28:58] <Bytram> decade
[02:29:00] <Bytram> decaff
[02:29:02] <Bytram> decede
[02:29:04] <Bytram> deeded
[02:29:08] <Bytram> deedee
[02:29:09] <cmn32480> and these are just off the top of Bytram's head
[02:29:10] <Bytram> deface
[02:29:12] <Bytram> defade
[02:29:14] <Bytram> efface
[02:29:16] <Bytram> facade
[02:29:18] <Bytram> faffed
[02:29:20] <Bytram> feeded
[02:29:22] <Bytram> but, I've got 4 dictionaries that think 'pharoah' is a word :/
[02:29:22] <takyon> FAFFED
[02:29:28] <Bytram> grep is my friend =)
[02:29:58] <cykros> grep is probably my most used old-school unix command when used in a pipe...
[02:30:08] <takyon> what was the point of what just happened
[02:30:11] <cykros> awk and sed have their place, but i can't get through any day without grep
[02:30:17] <Yog-Yogguth> BADA55 is not titter-wrothy but still cool
[02:30:23] <cykros> takyon: it's irc. if you're looking for a point...
[02:30:32] <takyon> yeah I faffed
[02:31:19] <SpallsHurgenson> http://www.ginandtacos.com
[02:32:02] <Yog-Yogguth> FADA55 perhaps? But you sound like you have a cold
[02:32:44] <Bytram> cykros: yuppers! grep, sed, and awk are my mainstays, too.
[02:32:59] <Yog-Yogguth> A55FA6 ? I loled a little :)
[02:33:32] <cykros> facade makes for a good hex alias to use when one is attempting to hold some kind of anonymity..,.
[02:33:53] <Bytram> A55FA6E?
[02:34:06] <Yog-Yogguth> assfage?
[02:34:17] <cykros> A55FACE
[02:34:22] <Yog-Yogguth> oh
[02:34:26] <Yog-Yogguth> you have C though
[02:34:27] <cykros> no 6
[02:34:28] <cykros> yea
[02:34:32] <cykros> C is hex friendly
[02:34:36] <Yog-Yogguth> :)
[02:34:48] <BadCoderFinger> FECEFACE
[02:35:44] <SpallsHurgenson> <titter>
[02:35:48] <cykros> fece5f4ce
[02:36:20] <cykros> or yea, i guess i can stop using 4 as A
[02:36:31] <cykros> l33tspeak habits die hard
[02:40:29] <Yog-Yogguth> 80081E5 of coruse :3
[02:40:58] <cykros> B00B1E5
[02:41:11] <Yog-Yogguth> ah I fell into the trap as well XD
[02:42:33] <SpallsHurgenson> <titter titter>
[02:56:34] <takyon> http://www.marketplace.org
[02:56:35] <systemd> ^ 03BBC at risk as the UK weighs TV license fee | Marketplace.org
[02:57:02] <cykros> so i wonder how long before someone stages some kind of direct action protest against the video game hall of fame for inducting WoW alongside pacman, tetris, and mario bros.
[02:57:56] <cykros> oh man, i meant to look into the whole BBC streaming thing...anyone know if they stream soccer games free to the UK? i was thinking of trying to get the most out of my VPN subscription...
[02:57:56] <takyon> WoW that's terrible
[03:00:31] <Bytram> time for some shuteye...
[03:00:36] <Bytram> have a good night everyone!
[03:00:36] <cmn32480> exactly
[03:00:45] <cmn32480> good night kids
[03:00:51] <cmn32480> and stay off Bytram's lawn
[03:00:55] <Bytram> g'night 'pops' =)
[03:00:58] <Bytram> lol
[03:00:59] <ciri> hehehe
[03:01:44] cmn32480 is now known as cmn32480|sleepin
[03:02:19] <cykros> WoW being in the hall of fame isn't what bothers me in its own right; it's that it was one of the first 6.
[03:02:42] <cykros> putting it on the same pedestal as doom, pacman, tetris, pong, and super mario bros. is tantamount to sacrilege.
[03:03:07] <cykros> it probably should be in there...but it didn't have to get such an honorific induction.
[03:03:37] <cykros> besides. if you can't finish/beat a game, it's debatable whether or not it's a game at all, or just a toy.
[03:04:19] <cykros> (though, as most women will tell you, toys aren't to be overly disparaged :-P)
[03:06:42] <Yog-Yogguth> why WoW and not StarCraft instead?
[03:06:59] <cykros> hell, warcraft 2
[03:07:03] <cykros> would have been a good call
[03:07:09] <Yog-Yogguth> that too
[03:07:15] <cykros> the real question is: where are the strategy games in the first place?
[03:07:23] <cykros> none of the inducted games were strategy
[03:07:32] <cykros> it was hand-eye coordination, and then WoW
[03:08:19] <cykros> though to be fair, i'm just as keen on playing Go as i am most strategy video games.
[03:08:21] <SpallsHurgenson> I'm not sure that I'd really consider Starcraft strategy either :)
[03:08:43] <cykros> resource management?
[03:08:59] <cykros> (i'd mostly class that as a subset of strategy anyway)
[03:09:00] <Yog-Yogguth> more tactical than strategy for sure
[03:09:26] <cykros> there were calls for games like LORD too, but LORD was less a video game than a computerized text game...
[03:09:30] <SpallsHurgenson> more reflex than tactics these days :)
[03:09:34] <cykros> i'm not sure they should be considered the same thing...
[03:09:54] <cykros> SpallsHurgenson: heh, it's interesting to see games change over time due to no changes to them, but to the tech they run on
[03:09:57] <Yog-Yogguth> nethack of course
[03:09:59] <cykros> check out TW2002 for an example there.
[03:09:59] * chromas distributes vespene gas
[03:10:11] <cykros> TW2002 is unrecognizeable to anyone that last played in the 80s
[03:10:17] <cykros> but it is for the most part the exact same game.
[03:10:38] * SpallsHurgenson sticks with Civilization
[03:10:40] <cykros> it's just that, well, most servers now are unlimited turns, and without being on expensive phone connections...people stay on 24/7
[03:10:41] * Yog-Yogguth births a mutalisk
[03:10:47] <cykros> a game that'd take a year now lasts a week.
[03:11:08] <SpallsHurgenson> (or rather I don't... I avoid that game like a plague. Civ eats lives
[03:11:17] <SpallsHurgenson> )
[03:11:21] <cykros> civ frankly should have also made the hall of fame
[03:11:32] <cykros> if not any single one of them, the dynasty as a unit
[03:11:36] <Yog-Yogguth> Solitaire (lol)
[03:12:01] <cykros> missile command not being there is also a little sore...
[03:12:05] <SpallsHurgenson> just so long as Call of Duty 72: More Dakka made it onto the list :)
[03:12:09] <cykros> but you can't just include all of the old classic arcade games...
[03:12:37] <cykros> same with asteroids
[03:13:38] <Yog-Yogguth> I won't acknowledge them until they include those divide-the-screen-area-to-reveal-soft-porn games XD
[03:14:00] <SpallsHurgenson> "Hey, you got PacMan?" "No." "You got Space Invaders?" "No." "You got Asteroids?" "Naw, but my dad does. Can't even sit on the toilet some days."
[03:14:19] <SpallsHurgenson> can't but remember that quote whenever somebody mentions that game :)
[03:14:27] <Yog-Yogguth> I can't believe I actually played that in public in a kiosk when I was a teenager, I have no shame
[03:14:41] <cykros> if anyone's in the boston area, i found a bar in waltham that has a few old arcade cabinets...
[03:14:50] <Yog-Yogguth> hehe aasteroids
[03:14:55] <cykros> missile command, centipede, galaga, pacman...
[03:14:59] <cykros> i think one other
[03:15:50] <SpallsHurgenson> generally, I'm glad to see the backside of most of those old arcade games. With all respect for how influential they were, modern games are generally much more fun
[03:15:55] <cykros> oh, it was centipede and millipede
[03:15:59] <cykros> and it was ms pacman, not pacman
[03:16:10] <cykros> SpallsHurgenson: sure, but when you're at a bar?
[03:16:18] <cykros> i don't want to go to a bar with modern games
[03:16:21] <cykros> nobody'ed ever talk
[03:16:29] <cykros> the old games were over quick enough for a social atmosphere
[03:16:31] <SpallsHurgenson> I don't want to go to a bar with old games :)
[03:16:43] <SpallsHurgenson> actually, in general I'd rather not go to a bar at all :)
[03:16:47] <cykros> they had much of the same appeal pinball has
[03:16:49] <cykros> well, fair enough
[03:18:53] <cykros> i'm just hoping some of the old companies offer roms for sale now that mame is no longer specifically non-commercial
[03:19:06] <cykros> i don't want single game cabinets; i want a cabinet with 300+ games
[03:19:20] <cykros> though even with abandonware being an option i'm glad for the license change
[03:19:36] <Yog-Yogguth> yeah Mame went free/open source, that must be a good thing
[03:19:46] <cykros> well it was already open source
[03:19:49] <cykros> it was just non-commercial
[03:20:39] <cykros> i kind of feel like they got the impression that if popcorn time can exist, mame isn't even worth being on anyone's radar for piracy zealotry
[03:23:52] -!- BadCoderFinger has quit [Quit: ENOBEER]
[03:26:02] <Yog-Yogguth> guess so
[03:26:37] <Yog-Yogguth> and the internet archive posting all those gigabytes of ROMs as well
[03:26:40] * SpallsHurgenson goes off to slay horrid monsters and rescue fair maidens
[03:26:51] * SpallsHurgenson hopes he gets it in the right order this time
[03:26:57] <Yog-Yogguth> :)
[03:45:19] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - MERS Outbreak and Quarantines in South Korea - http://sylnt.us - nothing-funny-about-MERS
[04:14:01] <SpallsHurgenson> my cat has recently remembered she can jump... and now she's leaping from table to table in great glee
[04:16:36] <SpallsHurgenson> still not that good at leaping down though... looks at me plaintively until I pick her up and place her gently on the floor :)
[04:17:02] <artificial> sounds neat
[04:17:09] <artificial> equip the laser pointer
[04:17:49] <SpallsHurgenson> I need to buy a proper laser pointer... the cat-toy lasers have a battery life of 30 minutes
[04:18:55] <artificial> make a modded one, like a vape, but not
[04:23:25] <SpallsHurgenson> was just thinking of kidnapping some sharks
[04:28:57] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~james@43-567-441-22.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Soylent
[04:32:37] <Landon> SpallsHurgenson: the first time you light your cat up with a wicked laser, he's gonna be maaaaad pissed
[04:32:43] <Landon> s/him/her/
[04:33:13] <SpallsHurgenson> its only fair: kitty has claws, I have a laser.
[04:34:11] <Landon> hehe
[04:34:33] <Landon> today I was thinking about the absurdity that I regularly try to cage a mutant wolf with a peanut butter covered antler lure
[04:34:55] <Landon> and the worst that happens when I piss said mutant wolf off is I get a nibble
[04:35:27] <SpallsHurgenson> nothing like genetically encoding them to recognize human as alphas :)
[04:35:49] <Landon> hehe, that's been disproven though
[04:36:09] <Landon> I seem to recall we exist outside the bounds of "the pack"
[04:36:16] <Landon> The God
[04:36:20] <Landon> Of Peanut Butter Treats
[04:45:41] <Yog-Yogguth> we're not alphas, we're just superfun :)
[04:46:51] <Yog-Yogguth> if we were able to treat each other the same way everything would be hippie-trippie
[04:47:15] <SpallsHurgenson> so... what, we ought to neuter and spay each other?
[04:47:22] <Yog-Yogguth> probably lol
[04:47:23] <Landon> I wish I could happily sustaint myself on kibble....
[04:47:42] <Landon> instead, I puke if I eat burritos for lunch for a month
[04:47:54] <Landon> fucking nutrition reflexes
[04:47:56] <Yog-Yogguth> I think your pet would as well :3
[04:48:14] <Yog-Yogguth> your puke is likely to be healthier :D
[04:48:27] <Landon> I won't gobble my puke back up
[04:48:32] <SpallsHurgenson> dog would still eat either though
[04:48:57] <Landon> right, not only would the dog eat kibble for a month or burritos for a month, even if it did puke, it would just eat that too
[04:49:19] <Yog-Yogguth> at least they're not rabbits eating their own shit
[04:49:43] <SpallsHurgenson> right, 'cause dogs never do that :)
[04:50:01] <SpallsHurgenson> bad puppy, the catbox is not an all-you-can-eat banquet table!
[04:50:02] <Yog-Yogguth> not on a regular basis at least I hope
[04:50:17] <Landon> my pup has never tried her own shit :P
[04:50:24] <Landon> I don't know how she'd fare cross species though
[04:50:55] <Yog-Yogguth> I caught a crow eating horse dung once, it looked a slightly ashamed
[04:51:19] <SpallsHurgenson> crow was picking undigested seed out of the dung :)
[04:51:30] <Landon> horse crap actually smells decent
[04:51:41] <Yog-Yogguth> no picking going on there, it was a frenzy
[04:51:55] <Yog-Yogguth> it is fairly nutritious since horses are bad at digestion
[04:51:58] -!- SpallsHurgenson has quit [Quit: this conversation is getting quite shitty]
[04:52:15] <Yog-Yogguth> all in all I was impressed
[04:52:39] <Yog-Yogguth> and it was late winter, not much to eat
[05:38:25] -!- SoyCow5891 [SoyCow5891!~525f7ec3@g96-66-647-661.adsl.xs8all.nl] has joined #Soylent
[05:40:55] <SoyCow5891> hello, I just noticed I am not receiving my daily digest in my inbox anymore (since 31-5), has this happend to anyone else? I checked my preferences on the site.. they were not changed.. and set to send the email.?
[05:56:51] <JamesNZ> Yep, that's happened to me too.
[05:56:58] <juggs> Hi SoyCow5891 - I hadn't noticed that. I do see mails Subject: [SoylentNews] slashd Error Alert with content:
[05:57:02] <juggs> SoylentNews Slashd Error Alert!
[05:57:02] <juggs> SLASHD line 165 produced the following error:
[05:57:02] <juggs> daily.pl odd exit (status 25, signal 0)
[05:57:20] <juggs> That would seem related.
[05:57:47] <juggs> I'll bug report it as I think I'm already logged in to github...
[06:02:16] <JamesNZ> I want my money back!
[06:03:30] <juggs> SoyCow5891, JamesNZ https://github.com
[06:03:31] <systemd> ^ 03Daily Digest Emails not being delivered · Issue #95 · SoylentNews/rehash · GitHub
[06:04:27] <juggs> I can't fix it, but I can report it to those that do :) Not sure how that dancer snuck in there.... it just auto-completed in there in place of a :D
[06:05:41] <juggs> Thanks for the heads up SoyCow5891, appreciate it
[06:06:49] <juggs> I'm thinking NCommander may be delaying his bicycle getaway :)
[06:10:32] <JamesNZ> juggs: Shall I comment on the bug saying that I have the problem too?
[06:11:26] <juggs> JamesNZ, sure if you have a github acct, go for it. Are you getting the daily error mails too? (Not sure if that is a staff only thing)
[06:12:09] <JamesNZ> juggs: I'm not getting anything :P Must be staff-only.
[06:12:18] <juggs> makes sense.
[06:13:19] <JamesNZ> (commented)
[06:13:20] <juggs> Not sure how I got on that list as I can't fix anything, but w/e.... the devs will see the github issue, so I guess it's a good thing.
[06:13:25] <juggs> Saw it :P
[06:16:27] <juggs> I'm at least 24 hours out of date, which when NCommander is working is a long time. When I left he was standing up in house load balancers to fix a firefox problem. Not sure where that got to.
[06:16:42] <crutchy> ++coffee
[06:16:43] <systemd> Karma - coffee: 281
[06:16:43] <crutchy> coffee++
[06:16:43] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1413
[06:16:53] <JamesNZ> coffee--
[06:16:53] <Bender> karma - tea: 475
[06:16:56] <JamesNZ> --coffee
[06:16:56] <systemd> Karma - coffee: 280
[06:16:57] <JamesNZ> --coffee
[06:17:02] <JamesNZ> --coffee
[06:17:16] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - How MIT Students Won $8 Million in the Massachusetts Lottery - http://sylnt.us - don't-laugh-at-geeks!
[06:17:45] <crutchy> how's life on the other side of the pond?
[06:18:00] <JamesNZ> Windy :) How's things on your side?
[06:18:10] <crutchy> cold :/
[06:18:26] <JamesNZ> In 'straya? :o
[06:18:38] <crutchy> nah. just victoria
[06:19:15] <crutchy> i remember flying from sydney to melbourne once and i could tell where the state line was from the edge of the clouds
[06:19:29] <crutchy> victoria is either on fire or shitty cold
[06:19:43] <JamesNZ> :D
[06:23:17] <crutchy> http://www.ibnlive.com
[06:23:17] <systemd> ^ 03US Army takes down its website after hackers post messages - IBNLive
[06:26:29] <crutchy> http://www.washingtonpost.com
[06:26:30] <systemd> ^ 03Didn’t the Texas police officer know he was being recorded? - The Washington Post
[06:26:51] <crutchy> he probably just didn't give a shit
[06:45:33] <Yog-Yogguth> it shouldn't really matter if he was taped or not but... :3
[06:47:46] <SoyCow5891> juggs: thanks for putting it on github.
[06:48:40] <juggs> No problem SoyCow5891, thanks for bringing it to our attention. Been kinda busy around here lately :)
[06:49:30] <SoyCow5891> np juggs , same here.. took me a week to notice :).. signing off as soycow5891
[06:49:38] -!- SoyCow5891 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[06:50:03] <JamesNZ> And I only noticed because SoyCow noticed :P
[06:50:54] <crutchy> SoyCow++
[06:50:54] <Bender> karma - soycow: 1
[06:52:02] <juggs> It's been a bugfest since NC stood up rehash, but it feels like we're getting there. I say "we" - I should say "they" but I like to feel included :D Giving myself a false sense of inclusion ftw! :S
[06:52:16] <crutchy> something borked the irc comment feed
[06:52:54] <juggs> Benders feed to #rss-bot?
[06:53:33] <crutchy> between 2.30pm and 3pm AEST yesterday
[06:53:46] <crutchy> nah exec's feed of SN comments (in #comments channel)
[06:54:30] <crutchy> i'll have a look into it some more. i'm wondering if maybe something to do with either forced https or that glitch where the scheme is left off links
[06:54:53] <juggs> You're on your own with that, I have no idea how you are feeding that. Feel free to BR any issues you find.
[06:54:59] -!- cmn32480|sleepin has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[06:55:21] <crutchy> it starts from the xml feed
[06:55:28] <crutchy> i'll check that first
[06:57:13] <crutchy> ah. yeah i think its the forced https
[06:57:26] -!- cmn32480 [cmn32480!~cmn32480@Soylent/Staff/Editor/cmn32480] has joined #Soylent
[06:57:26] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v cmn32480] by Imogen
[06:58:40] <crutchy> hehe yep. there it goes
[06:58:51] <crutchy> gunna be a bit of a flood fest catching up
[06:58:57] <juggs> so be it
[07:01:32] -!- SirFinkus [SirFinkus!~SirFinkus@a-90-913-475-455.hsd9.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[07:01:52] <Yog-Yogguth> pretty cool
[07:05:48] <Yog-Yogguth> how fast or slow is it normally?
[07:06:12] <crutchy> normally there's only a few new comments (whatever has been posted in the last hour)
[07:06:33] <crutchy> each line has a little delay to prevent the bot from being booted off the server
[07:07:51] <crutchy> bit more info if you're interested: https://soylentnews.org
[07:07:52] <systemd> ^ 03SN journal SoylentNews IRC comments feed dispatch filters 04(0 comments)
[07:08:08] <juggs> aye, we do have anti-flood set, but it's quite lax as ircds go. Wouldn't suggest trying to dump 1000 lines with no delay though ;)
[07:08:48] <juggs> !last xlefay
[07:08:52] <crutchy> i think exec dumps up to 6 lines without delay (or something like that)
[07:09:05] <juggs> damn... too many prefixes
[07:09:09] <Yog-Yogguth> thanks crutchy
[07:09:15] <juggs> 'last xlefay
[07:09:23] <juggs> ^last xlefay
[07:09:24] <crutchy> ~last nick=xlefay
[07:09:27] <juggs> oh come on
[07:09:30] <crutchy> lol
[07:09:45] <exec> 03<xlefay> I need to eat some and get some sleep. I'll tty'all later ;-) Take care!
[07:09:56] <crutchy> ~log op=last nick=xlefay channel=#soylent
[07:10:01] <juggs> Needs time/date
[07:10:11] <crutchy> hmm. i thought it had that
[07:10:15] <exec> 03<xlefay> I need to eat some and get some sleep. I'll tty'all later ;-) Take care!
[07:10:17] * crutchy points at chromas :p
[07:10:22] <juggs> :D
[07:10:39] <crutchy> ~log
[07:10:47] <exec> 03Parameters: op [random,first,last,all,count] message regex to match channel limit scope to a channel since, until date/time range limit maximum records to return; default is 1 nick limit scope to a nick out [json, php, tab, irc] debug show the query and whatever else type [message,action]
[07:10:48] <chromas> ~last nick=Kobach out=irc-full
[07:10:49] <exec>  http://chromas.0x.no
[07:11:01] <exec> 03[2014-07-16 14:05:3] #Soylent <kobach> see i told you same abbreviations
[07:11:05] <crutchy> ah. i figured there might be moar parameters :p
[07:12:47] <juggs> Could exec assistance messages be any more cryptic? That is typical of an assist written by the guy that built the bot :D
[07:13:04] <crutchy> hehe
[07:13:10] * crutchy again points at chromas :p
[07:13:27] <crutchy> chromas has infected my bot :D
[07:13:39] <JamesNZ> Kill it with fire!
[07:13:58] <juggs> This is why when we get beyond hobbyist, the devs don't write the docs :D
[07:15:21] <chromas> the formatting gets lost in irc
[07:15:23] * chromas adjusts
[07:15:42] <chromas> th–the docs. Adjusting the docs
[07:15:42] <crutchy> my standard documentation response is 'rtfsc'
[07:16:04] <juggs> I swear you never sleep chromas
[07:16:13] <crutchy> chromas is a robot
[07:17:07] <juggs> could be. could be. a darpa IRC bot that spawns specialist irc bots. That would be a nice thing to work on.
[07:17:15] <chromas> :( something's eating my ctrl-arrow presses over ssh
[07:17:17] <crutchy> ~time wa, usa
[07:17:20] <exec> Tuesday, 9 June 2015 @ 12:17 am PDT - Washington, USA
[07:17:38] <crutchy> screen?
[07:17:48] <crutchy> for me screen eats all the shortcuts
[07:17:50] <chromas> nah, just the plain ssh at the moment
[07:17:53] <crutchy> oh
[07:18:08] <chromas> yeah, I try to avoid that because of that plus breaking mouse scrolling
[07:18:15] <chromas> though I do run the bots and stuff in tmux
[07:18:42] <crutchy> i think there is a command to allow scrolling, but i think it pauses whatever script is running (so if i do it for exec sometimes it pings out)
[07:22:59] <crutchy> though atm exec is just running locally in a plain ol terminal emulator on my desktop
[07:23:35] <crutchy> that for once is actually getting some use instead of just collecting dust
[07:23:50] <chromas> Your new nas
[07:23:53] <crutchy> ooh i have 9 new sn messages
[07:23:59] <chromas> moar power. You can run ten execs now
[07:24:03] <crutchy> lol
[07:24:30] <crutchy> old nas is still bricked. i try turning it back on occasionally thinking something different might happen
[07:24:49] <Yog-Yogguth> sometimes it does, has happened to me
[07:24:56] <crutchy> one day i'll rip out the hdds and put them in another box. prolly a desktop
[07:25:10] <crutchy> with a sata card from an old lacie nas
[07:25:19] <juggs> well, you know the common wisdom about try the same actions over and over again :D
[07:25:36] <chromas> juggs: worked for Commodore
[07:25:37] <crutchy> i think mine has a loose connection cos i got it working by removing the hdds and bashing the case a few times
[07:25:46] <Yog-Yogguth> yeah but once in a while ti still works even so :)
[07:25:59] <crutchy> i should try that again
[07:26:01] * chromas recalls the 1541-II FDD manual explicitly stating if the operation didn't work to keep trying until it did
[07:26:31] * crutchy blames the electrical storm that almost set his house on fire
[07:26:57] <juggs> true, a hefty kick here or there sometimes works I guess. Tearing down and reseating stuff is probably more likely to work, but just go with what works for you I say :D
[07:27:36] <crutchy> this one is a bit hard to tear right down. its a netgear nv4000+ (or something like that)
[07:27:51] <crutchy> i remove the hdds cos i'm pretty sure they don't like being bashed around
[07:28:43] <chromas> it's not gonna work if you didn't kick the hdds
[07:28:51] <Yog-Yogguth> XD
[07:28:53] * chromas kicks the baby
[07:29:14] <juggs> ok.... that's probably uncalled for
[07:30:10] <juggs> SN does not condone kicking babies - for the record
[07:31:14] <chromas> https://www.youtube.com
[07:31:15] <systemd> ^ 03South park - Kick The Baby! (Kyle Ike) - YouTube
[07:31:55] <crutchy> bugger. didn't work this time
[07:32:03] <crutchy> maybe next time :p
[07:32:13] <chromas> ~log
[07:32:21] <exec> 03Ops: random, first, last, all, count. Parameters: message, nick, channel (regex); since, until (date-/time range); limit (maximum messages to return; default is 1, unless op=all); type [message (plain+action; default), plain, action, nick, mode, join, part, quit, kick, kill, topic]; out [json, php, tab, irc]; debug (show the query and whatever else)
[07:32:21] <exec>  http://chromas.0x.no
[07:32:30] <juggs> chromas! why!? why do you always have a clip or link to hand for the most ridiculous scenario, What is wrong with you? Do you have a library of these things?
[07:32:46] <crutchy> he just dropped a log in the channel
[07:32:49] <crutchy> so uncouth
[07:32:53] <juggs> smells
[07:33:13] <crutchy> juggs, of course we have a library of these things
[07:33:16] <crutchy> ~link asdf
[07:33:17] <exec> ├─ asdf/piano => https://www.youtube.com
[07:33:18] <exec> ├─ asdf/rainbows => https://www.youtube.com
[07:33:18] <exec> ├─ asdf/skateboards => https://www.youtube.com
[07:33:19] <exec> └─ asdf/turtle => https://www.youtube.com
[07:33:53] <crutchy> piano is my fave :D
[07:34:03] <chromas> hm, maybe I need a link about collecting links
[07:34:11] * juggs does not go there
[07:34:28] <chromas> ~count type=topic
[07:34:35] <exec> 030
[07:34:36] <crutchy> recursion is your recursion is your recursion is your... friend :D
[07:35:09] <crutchy> oh shit i think i may have just offended the redundant department of redundancy
[07:35:30] <crutchy> chromas, we could prolly create a link maze using execfs
[07:35:36] <juggs> I heard they were made redundant, no biggie
[07:35:47] <crutchy> ~cd /you/can/run/but/you/can't/hide
[07:35:48] <exec> 13error: path not found
[07:35:50] <chromas> http://xkcd.com
[07:35:50] <systemd> ^ 03xkcd: Porn Folder
[07:35:53] <chromas> >:D
[07:35:57] <crutchy> ~mkdir /you/can/run/but/you/can't/hide
[07:35:59] <exec> 13path "/you/can/run/but/you/can't/hide" created
[07:36:07] <crutchy> ~ls
[07:36:09] <exec> 13current path for crutchy: /
[07:36:10] <exec> 13children: you
[07:36:21] <crutchy> cd /you/can/run
[07:36:30] <crutchy> ~cd /you/can/run
[07:36:30] <exec> 13current path for crutchy changed to "/you/can/run"
[07:36:53] <crutchy> ~mkdir some/other/path/that/we/can/stash/some/crap/in
[07:36:54] <exec> 13path "/you/can/run/some/other/path/that/we/can/stash/some/crap/in" created
[07:38:21] <crutchy> ~set /you/can/run/some/other/path/that/we/can/kick_the_baby = https://www.youtube.com
[07:38:22] <exec> 13var "kick_the_baby" set to "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkcNLtn2gtk" in path "/you/can/run/some/other/path/that/we/can"
[07:39:54] <crutchy> ~get /you/can/run/some/other/path/that/we/can/kick_the_baby
[07:39:55] <exec> 13kick_the_baby = https://www.youtube.com
[07:42:15] <juggs> Yog-Yogguth, it's good to have you here with us btw. You got to watch out for the upside down guy, he's kinda loco. And chromas will !quote you like a sniper. Otherwise, it's pretty chilled hereabouts :D
[07:42:46] <crutchy> choo choo!
[07:42:54] <juggs> crutchy are you NZ or Aus? I forget
[07:43:04] <crutchy> aus
[07:43:18] <crutchy> though nz is basically aus anyway :p
[07:43:35] * crutchy dodges incoming spittle from JamesNZ
[07:43:37] * juggs backs away from that hot potato
[07:43:45] <Yog-Yogguth> hehe
[07:44:03] <Yog-Yogguth> I'm sort of constantly afk though :)
[07:44:09] * chromas whistles nonchalantly
[07:46:42] <Yog-Yogguth> I'm reading a bit about Let's Encrypt and really hope they will add some manual alternative but I doubt they will
[07:48:10] <chromas> ~define let's encrypt
[07:48:31] <chromas> poor exec
[07:48:35] <Yog-Yogguth> these → https://letsencrypt.org
[07:48:36] <systemd> ^ 03Let's Encrypt
[07:48:42] <exec> process timed out: ~define let's encrypt
[07:48:47] <juggs> Yeh, I'm not sure about the whole automated thing. I know they're trying to make it simple, but that may be a bit too invasive for those that just want a free cert. It's the EFF so I want to trust them, but on on the flipside... who do you trust?
[07:49:17] <Yog-Yogguth> exactly and also I can do slightly naughty things if it's manual XD
[07:49:31] <Yog-Yogguth> I mean: free page hosting etc.
[07:50:42] <Yog-Yogguth> without a care for what it runs on etc.
[07:51:40] <juggs> True. And someone will if only to mess the whole effort up, just for the sake of messing it up. Teeheehee... let's see if we can get the EFF's CA delisted in the major browsers. That would be COOL! ~sigh~
[07:52:43] <Yog-Yogguth> actually I don't think it will be a problem or malicious but maybe
[07:53:23] <Yog-Yogguth> I mean if I control the folder I write to then why not allow encryption of it by any means?
[07:53:49] <Yog-Yogguth> whoever owns whatver is above can always just delete the folder int he worst case scenario
[07:55:46] <Yog-Yogguth> (but it has to be the folder rather than just any page, otherwise it's madness)
[07:56:07] <juggs> Not sure where you are going with analogy Yog-Yogguth.
[07:56:34] <Yog-Yogguth> well let's say I make a webpage or tiny site on some free hosting
[07:56:44] <juggs> ok
[07:57:20] <Yog-Yogguth> so i get a free subdomain with that and would like to manually (since I won't have rights to install anything on the web server) define a certificate for that specidic subdomain and the respective folder (which I do control as intended)
[07:57:55] <juggs> oook
[07:58:20] <Yog-Yogguth> in this case my own persnal key isn't even on tht server but I could compute locally and upload the token they want wherever they want in the specific folder
[07:58:46] <Yog-Yogguth> and thus get https for such a site :D
[07:59:05] <Yog-Yogguth> did I mention I'm insane? :3
[07:59:30] <crutchy> you'll fit in here quite nicely :)
[07:59:35] <Yog-Yogguth> XD
[08:01:51] <juggs> Yog-Yogguth, have you ever bought even a basic SSL cert? I wish you luck, but I'm not entirely sure your plan will work. :D
[08:03:21] <Yog-Yogguth> no I haven't and that surely wouldn't work but the Let's Encrypt approach is a bit different since they allow non-DNS proof of ownership
[08:03:54] <crutchy> i read about that a while ago. it looks pretty cool
[08:04:00] <juggs> I'm intrigued about the part where you compute locally a personal key and how that would magically result in serving https from the webserver. I may have spotted a flaw in your plan.
[08:04:28] <crutchy> i would trust letsencrypt more than verizon or microsoft
[08:04:30] <Yog-Yogguth> welol what I mean is that you use your private key to compute the token they're asking for
[08:05:10] <Yog-Yogguth> but yes it does require the ability to make the free hosting use the certificate
[08:05:15] <Yog-Yogguth> afterwards
[08:05:23] <Yog-Yogguth> or else it's no go from the start
[08:06:03] <Yog-Yogguth> so yeah maybe it's a pipedream
[08:06:14] <juggs> :D make the free hosting use the certificate - you bringing guns?
[08:06:25] <crutchy> it has mozilla, so ff is in
[08:06:52] <Yog-Yogguth> hehe no but since they will provide some sort of administrative panel for each site they host...
[08:06:57] <juggs> Yah it's looks like a good effort but it's vapourware right now
[08:09:49] <Yog-Yogguth> ...I was thinking they could (if they support https at all) use Let's ENcrypt without installing the Let's Encrypt client program
[08:10:50] <Yog-Yogguth> hopefully I make sense now)
[08:10:53] <Yog-Yogguth> :)
[08:11:11] <juggs> Yog-Yogguth, if you ever see audioguy up in here, you guys should chat, that guy has the intricacies of SSL/TLS and cert chains down. You may need a foil hat to even begin to talk with him, but he's a cool guy once you get past the trust issues.
[08:11:59] <juggs> Wow, I seriously need to switch out of gaming spectator speak.
[08:12:07] * juggs clears throat
[08:13:38] <Yog-Yogguth> it's not about the certificate as such but about avoiding having to install a program because that's unlike to be allowed
[08:13:47] <Yog-Yogguth> unlikely*
[08:15:42] <Yog-Yogguth> anyway: could be madness :)
[08:17:25] <artificial> #sparta
[08:18:23] * JamesNZ spews saliva over crutchy
[08:18:49] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - HackerOne Connects Hackers With Companies, and Hopes for a Win-Win - http://sylnt.us - game-changing-rule-breakers
[08:21:53] <juggs> Yog-Yogguth, you're nuts. I think we have an issue with that right now, seems to be an infection going around in #Soylent. I think chromas or arti where case #1, we've not quite nailed it down just yet, but I hink it was one of those two, The upside down guy, he was always loco before the virus hit.
[08:22:11] <juggs> s/where/were/
[08:22:11] <sedctl> <juggs> Yog-Yogguth, you're nuts. I think we have an issue with that right now, seems to be an infection going around in #Soylent. I think chromas or arti were case #1, we've not quite nailed it down just yet, but I hink it was one of those two, The upside down guy, he was always loco before the virus hit.
[08:22:12] <Yog-Yogguth> :D
[08:24:33] <crutchy> i like you juggs, but only because i'm a breast man :D
[08:24:58] <chromas> suckup
[08:25:02] <JamesNZ> O_o
[08:25:07] <chromas> from the wink dept
[08:25:22] <juggs> I like you too crutchy, but only because you are constantly in upside down glitch mode. :P
[08:25:46] <crutchy> i can't help being awesome
[08:26:23] * juggs whacks crutchy for looking at cleavage... NO! Not cool... that's racist or something.
[08:26:38] <crutchy> breastist
[08:27:00] <crutchy> 8008135++
[08:27:01] <Bender> karma - 8008135: 21
[08:27:35] <Yog-Yogguth> lol
[08:27:36] <ciri> it's not that funny :)
[08:27:36] <juggs> Hey baby, you want to get breakfast together? Don't forget I got mrscrutchy on speed-dial, so don't get fresh.
[08:27:52] * juggs jiggles
[08:28:35] <juggs> I have no idea what I am supposed to be right now. This name has me all confused.
[08:29:27] <JamesNZ> Juggle something.
[08:29:34] <crutchy> hehe. her nick starts with b
[08:29:57] <JamesNZ> bryan? :P
[08:30:26] <crutchy> no i'm bryan! and so is my wife!
[08:32:59] <juggs> hey bryan, I crocheted you this tea cosy. Your tea will be warm forever.
[08:33:10] <juggs> Just... what.
[08:33:21] <crutchy> crocheted!?
[08:33:40] <juggs> Look it up, upside-down person. It's a skill.
[08:33:52] * crutchy resists the temptation to bring out snatch quotes
[08:34:59] <Yog-Yogguth> I don't think a crochee (that's right isn't it?) tea-cozy will retain much heat
[08:35:11] <Yog-Yogguth> they're kind of holey
[08:35:35] <crutchy> tea cozies are things that you put on the heads of people you've just shot
[08:35:38] <juggs> Are you doubting my crochet skills?
[08:36:33] <crutchy> we
[08:36:35] <juggs> Nooo... tea cozies go on tea pots... what is wrong with people. Keep the tea warm while it steeps.
[08:36:38] <crutchy> derp
[08:36:42] <juggs> :P
[08:36:50] <crutchy> juggs, you don't own a pig farm by any chance?
[08:37:49] <Yog-Yogguth> https://en.wikipedia.org
[08:37:51] <systemd> ^ 03Wiki: Crochet
[08:37:54] <juggs> not to my knowledge sir. Oh.. wait, I may have one or two.
[08:37:57] <Yog-Yogguth> for our mutual edification
[08:38:04] * juggs nods
[08:38:24] <Yog-Yogguth> it's string around holes :3
[08:38:25] <crutchy> oh my
[08:38:53] <crutchy> its to keep the holes warm
[08:39:04] <Yog-Yogguth> XD
[08:39:07] <JamesNZ> Dare I ask which holes?
[08:39:16] <Yog-Yogguth> lots of them
[08:39:16] <crutchy> the cozy ones
[08:39:26] <Yog-Yogguth> the holes outside the tea pot
[08:39:32] <JamesNZ> :P
[08:40:02] * crutchy does enjoy a nice warm cozy hole
[08:40:30] <Yog-Yogguth> works well as a hat too
[08:40:50] <crutchy> for someone you've just shot
[08:41:00] <Yog-Yogguth> keeps all the heat out :D
[08:41:25] <Yog-Yogguth> is that becaue of the drainage crutchy?
[08:41:26] <juggs> OK.. my persona is all over the place, I have to go to respite between the horizontal thing and the insulation layer things before this gets any worse. Keep the faith with the silliness! There is strength in silliness, remember to smile and be kind today. Damn, now I sound like a wannabe Buddha... yeh... ~sccrrtch I'm out~.
[08:41:45] <Yog-Yogguth> don't worry juggs :)
[08:42:22] <juggs> Yog-Yogguth, I never worry. Probably why I fuck up so much :D Now I am out.
[08:42:28] <Yog-Yogguth> cya :)
[08:46:45] <JamesNZ> This is beautiful <3 https://xkcd.com
[08:46:46] <systemd> ^ 03xkcd: Compiler Complaint
[08:49:14] <crutchy> damn you!
[08:50:27] <Yog-Yogguth> I can see what he tought and it's cute compared to my association :x
[09:09:41] -!- cmn32480 has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[09:09:59] -!- cmn32480 [cmn32480!~cmn32480@Soylent/Staff/Editor/cmn32480] has joined #Soylent
[09:09:59] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v cmn32480] by Imogen
[09:33:42] <JamesNZ> emacs++
[09:33:42] <Bender> karma - emacs: 76
[09:33:43] <JamesNZ> emacs++
[09:33:43] <Bender> karma - emacs: 77
[09:33:44] <JamesNZ> emacs++
[09:33:45] <Bender> karma - emacs: 78
[09:41:48] <crutchy> 💩
[09:41:49] * exec chucks a nasty sloppy dogshit at aqu4
[09:42:06] <JamesNZ> So rude.
[09:42:47] * aqu4 eats it, pukes it up, and injects it up exec's left nostril with a turkey baster
[09:49:58] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Netflix: The Crumbling Borders of Geolocation and the Thieves Who Happily Pay for What They "Steal" - http://sylnt.us - wanting-to-be-free
[10:15:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[10:15:23] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1414
[10:16:28] <JamesNZ> coffee--
[10:16:28] <Bender> karma - tea: 476
[10:16:29] <JamesNZ> coffee--
[10:16:29] <Bender> karma - tea: 477
[10:16:30] <JamesNZ> coffee--
[10:16:30] <Bender> karma - tea: 478
[10:33:54] -!- cmn32480 has quit [Quit: See You Later]
[10:38:31] <TheMightyBuzzard> ;socialist crutchy
[10:38:31] <MrPlow> crutchy, you're a socialist!
[10:39:36] <JamesNZ> ~gnight y'all
[10:39:37] * exec dexterously offers a coffee++ mug of bewb to y'all
[10:39:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> nite, JamesNZ
[10:39:53] <JamesNZ> \o TheMightyBuzzard
[10:39:55] -!- JamesNZ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[10:42:01] <chromas> ~count type=kick nick=themighty
[10:42:10] <exec> 030
[10:42:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> s'right, i'm not that flexible. i punch.
[10:42:36] <chromas> [disbelief]
[10:42:51] <chromas> ~count type=kick message=themighty
[10:43:00] <exec> 0336
[10:43:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> well okay, i tell other people to do my kicking for me too
[10:43:16] <chromas> Ah. Kicker is in the message slot
[10:44:02] <TheMightyBuzzard> yerg. i was up too late last night
[10:45:32] <chromas> Now you need double ☕s
[10:46:27] <crutchy> 💩
[10:46:28] * exec chucks a nasty sloppy dogshit at aqu4
[10:46:59] <crutchy> i dont think that will ever get old :p
[10:47:16] <chromas> 🐔💩
[10:48:03] <chromas> Lunix desktops need the colored emoji icons
[10:48:49] <Yog-Yogguth> sorry I don't even see them
[10:49:00] <Yog-Yogguth> only the tofu blocks
[10:49:57] <chromas> Bean_curd-+
[10:50:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, you gotta have fonts of impressive completeness to see most of the nonsense
[10:50:31] <TheMightyBuzzard> ;klingon coffee plus plus
[10:50:32] <MrPlow> TheMightyBuzzard: qa'vIn-- (--)
[10:50:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> i said plus plus, fool, not minus minus
[10:51:02] <chromas> Pretty sure I used to see those on my phone. Not anymore apparently
[10:51:41] <chromas> Now I just get question blocks for Klingon. Where's Mario?
[10:53:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> ;klingon i like big butts and i can not lie
[10:53:04] <MrPlow> TheMightyBuzzard: tIn butts vIparHa' 'ej laH wej jIQot (      )
[10:53:29] -!- Tachyon has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[10:53:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> the copyright symbols showing up disturbs me. who knew klingons were so big on IP
[10:54:57] -!- Tachyon [Tachyon!~Tachyon@xuco.me] has joined #Soylent
[10:55:20] <chromas> Here's some Ferengi: 🔯💰
[11:02:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeesh, i have prollems.
[11:03:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> don't feel like buggering up rehash today so i'm coding perl in an environment where both the std outputs are sent to /dev/null
[11:03:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> makes for some fun, fun debugging if you miss a { or ;
[11:03:56] <TheMightyBuzzard> no feedback, it just don't go
[11:04:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> iron man perl
[11:05:38] <chromas> Redirect to a ciri fifo and tail it
[11:05:44] <chromas> Whoops
[11:05:51] <chromas> Editing--
[11:05:51] <Bender> karma - editing: -2
[11:06:32] <chromas> Editors++
[11:06:32] <Bender> karma - editors: 5
[11:09:31] <TheMightyBuzzard> love to but i dunno enough about the environment to alter where they go
[11:42:19] <AndyTheAbsurd> looks like there's an unclosed <small> tag on the main page. From a cursory overview, looks like in the "Original submission" link of the Netflix story.
[11:43:46] <AndyTheAbsurd> ...and I just got an "XSS attack" message after clicking through to the comments.
[11:43:49] <AndyTheAbsurd> which is odd.
[11:44:53] * AndyTheAbsurd goes off to #dev so that hopefully action gets taken
[11:51:31] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Airbus Working on Re-Usable Successor to Ariane Rocket - http://sylnt.us - what-goes-up
[11:51:57] <crutchy> ~title http://www.baidu.com
[11:52:01] <exec> 13百度一下,你就知道 [04Baidu, you know]
[11:54:54] <crutchy> ~title http://www2.chinese.net.au
[11:54:58] <exec> 13澳华网 - 澳洲嚴懲外國人非法購房:稅局查+鄰居揭發+個人自首 [04Sino Network - Australia punish illegal aliens buyers: Inland Revenue investigation revealed + + neighbor personal surrender]
[11:56:32] <AndyTheAbsurd> exec does translations?
[11:58:18] <crutchy> does now :p
[12:01:57] <crutchy> ~title http://www.aljazeera.net
[12:02:00] <exec> 13موشيه يعالون في مرمى المقاومة.. دلالات وتساؤلات [04Moshe Yaalon in the range of resistance .. semantics and questions]
[12:02:18] <crutchy> google_translate++
[12:02:18] <Bender> karma - google_translate: 1
[12:03:11] <crutchy> prolly not very useful, but something to do while i wind down for the night
[12:05:07] <Yog-Yogguth> hah arabic and translation on IRC, well done!
[12:05:13] <Yog-Yogguth> looks great here
[12:11:06] <crutchy> Yog-Yogguth, https://github.com (if you're curious)
[12:11:07] <systemd> ^ 03exec-irc-bot/title.php at master · crutchy-/exec-irc-bot · GitHub
[12:12:22] <Yog-Yogguth> hmm translate_lib.php does the translation?
[12:12:36] <crutchy> yup
[12:12:50] <crutchy> its in the same directory
[12:13:03] <Yog-Yogguth> it's independent or tied into Google?
[12:13:23] <crutchy> https://github.com
[12:13:24] <systemd> ^ 03exec-irc-bot/translate_lib.php at master · crutchy-/exec-irc-bot · GitHub
[12:13:54] <crutchy> TheMightyBuzzard told me the url pattern
[12:14:16] <crutchy> most of exec's interaction with the web is basic scraping
[12:14:24] <Yog-Yogguth> ah I see, then python can do something similar (I had to check) :)
[12:14:37] <crutchy> only api activity is with the SN wiki
[12:14:53] <crutchy> [[IRC]]
[12:14:55] <exec> 13Contact chat@soylentnews.org if you are interested in working on one of these projects. Also, the IRC Page has information about getting started with IRC, and the IRC vision is worth checking out.
[12:14:56] <exec> 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/wiki/IRC
[12:15:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> wut?
[12:15:36] <crutchy> ~socialist TheMightyBuzzard
[12:15:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> ;socialist crutchy
[12:15:44] <MrPlow> crutchy, you're a socialist!
[12:15:45] -!- Gravis [Gravis!~46ae8167@wd91-690-690-124.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[12:15:46] <crutchy> .socialist TheMightyBuzzard
[12:15:47] <exec> 04TheMightyBuzzard, YOU'RE a SOCIALIST!
[12:15:53] <Yog-Yogguth> it's interesting but I should really be working on something else (I shouldn't even be here but well)
[12:16:12] <Gravis> someone is fixing the XSS Attack issue, right?
[12:16:30] <crutchy> there's an xss attack issue?
[12:16:31] <Yog-Yogguth> Gravis: IO know someone else headed to #dev to bring it to attention
[12:16:50] <Yog-Yogguth> Gravis: AndyTheAbsurd did so
[12:16:58] <TheMightyBuzzard> Gravis, what's the warning specifically?
[12:17:22] <TheMightyBuzzard> cause if it's coming from a soylentnews domain it's prolly the site stats bug.
[12:17:32] <crutchy> prolly rehash doing something that makes the browser think yer trying to wackery hackery
[12:17:44] <AndyTheAbsurd> TheMightyBuzzard: ...and I just got an "XSS attack" message after clicking through to the comments. (PaleMoon/latest on Windows)
[12:17:54] <AndyTheAbsurd> that was literally the text of the message.
[12:17:56] <crutchy> maybe something ajaxy
[12:17:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> ick
[12:18:05] <Yog-Yogguth> is that the kind you get from NoScript?
[12:18:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> that's horribly useful
[12:18:22] <crutchy> got a url?
[12:18:22] <AndyTheAbsurd> Might be...I *do* have NoScript installed.
[12:18:38] <AndyTheAbsurd> It was the comments link for the Netflix story currently on the front page.
[12:18:46] <Yog-Yogguth> more properly: is it the NoScript one, iirc it says on the window that it's from NoScript
[12:19:05] <Yog-Yogguth> I'll try to reproduce
[12:19:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> checking
[12:19:23] <Gravis> oh i see. you can use <script> in a comment
[12:19:34] <Gravis> or maybe just the subject
[12:19:40] <Yog-Yogguth> I get it too and it's not from NoScript as far as I can tell
[12:19:50] <crutchy> pretty sure script tags get mooshed
[12:19:51] <Yog-Yogguth> (although I too use NoScript)
[12:20:08] <Gravis> crutchy: not if you put them in the subject
[12:20:15] <Yog-Yogguth> I got it by going directly to the story so it's the whole page it seems
[12:20:28] <Yog-Yogguth> https://soylentnews.org
[12:20:29] <systemd> ^ 03SN article:  Netflix: The Crumbling Borders of Geolocation and the Thieves Who Happily Pay for What They "Steal" 04(10 comments)
[12:20:33] <crutchy> hmm. i get it as a js alert
[12:20:58] <Yog-Yogguth> oh is that what js alerts look like these days (been a while lol)
[12:21:26] <crutchy> heh. yeah i see the effect of the unclosed small tag :p
[12:21:39] <Gravis> retarded
[12:22:05] <Gravis> you need to have submissions validated before they go to the front page.
[12:22:16] <AndyTheAbsurd> https://lofn.hardison.net
[12:22:57] <Yog-Yogguth> page doesn't stop loading either or is that just me?
[12:22:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah, the xss attack message is entirely unhelpful
[12:23:09] <crutchy> <div id="comment_top_194031" class="commentTop">
[12:23:10] <crutchy> <div class="title">
[12:23:10] <crutchy> <h4><a name="194031">Testing <script>alert('XSS attack');</script></a>
[12:23:10] <TheMightyBuzzard> just you
[12:23:17] <Gravis> TheMightyBuzzard: sure it is, just look at the source
[12:23:19] <Yog-Yogguth> :3
[12:23:26] <crutchy> someone's put a js alert in their comment subject
[12:23:28] <crutchy> that's all
[12:23:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeurg
[12:23:35] <crutchy> (still bad though i guess)
[12:23:42] <Gravis> very bad
[12:23:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> annoying, yes
[12:24:08] <AndyTheAbsurd> sounds like you need to start rejecting comments with HTML tags in the subject.
[12:24:08] <Gravis> html should not be allowed in subjects for obvious reasons
[12:24:27] <crutchy> pretty sure all scripts good smooshed in slashcode
[12:24:32] <crutchy> no?
[12:24:41] <crutchy> *got
[12:24:58] <Bytram> hola!
[12:25:03] <crutchy> at least it was a friendly xss attack
[12:25:03] <Gravis> crutchy: did you see the screenshot?
[12:25:14] <Bytram> Looks like others have already seen the 'XSS Attack' alert
[12:25:31] <crutchy> yeah i got it too. but only with js enabled
[12:25:32] * Bytram is reminded of 'Mars Attacks!' or somesuch
[12:25:34] <Yog-Yogguth> well it's the most helpful thing someone could do really
[12:25:44] <Yog-Yogguth> now it can be fixed :)
[12:25:44] <crutchy> Yog-Yogguth, true that
[12:26:26] <crutchy> could have been a total prick and redirected the page to a miley cirus video
[12:26:40] <Yog-Yogguth> yeah that would be bad
[12:27:01] <Yog-Yogguth> Astley is okay though :D
[12:27:03] <Gravis> i disagree! that would have gotten the dev's attention far sooner
[12:27:04] * AndyTheAbsurd makes note to do that, but to either Justin Bieber (if he doesn't like the article) or the Vytautus Mineral Water ad (if he does)
[12:27:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> i'm not fixing it. too out of practice.
[12:27:21] <Yog-Yogguth> hehe Gravity
[12:27:28] <crutchy> its prolly gunna happen in every article now
[12:27:36] <crutchy> trolls are gunna have a field day
[12:28:20] <Gravis> AndyTheAbsurd: bottled water is a doing a great job at ruining the environment. :)
[12:28:27] -!- janrinok [janrinok!~janrinok@Soylent/Staff/Editor/janrinok] has joined #Soylent
[12:28:27] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v janrinok] by Imogen
[12:28:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> s'easy to remove from the db but a pain to find where it's buggered up in the source if you don't remember where things are after being gone a couple months.
[12:28:42] <Yog-Yogguth> gah I meant Gravis of course, not Gravity
[12:29:07] <janrinok> hi guys
[12:29:08] <ciri> g'day janrinok
[12:29:13] <Gravis> Yog-Yogguth: hint: they actually are the same thing.
[12:29:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> mornin, janrinok
[12:29:15] <AndyTheAbsurd> Gravis: yeah but the Vytautus Mineral Water ad is hilarious. Go look up at it on YouTube (if you're not at work). The proceed to drink tap water.
[12:29:17] <Yog-Yogguth> so how was it injected? was it part of the submission or what?
[12:29:39] <crutchy> Yog-Yogguth, it was just a little script tag in a comment subject
[12:29:41] <Bytram> it seems it was entered in the user's comment title
[12:29:50] <Bytram> s/title/subject/
[12:29:50] <sedctl> <Bytram> it seems it was entered in the user's comment subject
[12:30:07] <Yog-Yogguth> thanks
[12:32:01] * TheMightyBuzzard scratches his head
[12:33:05] <Bytram> UPDATE comments SET comments.subject = "testing" WHERE comments.cid = "194031";
[12:33:09] <Bytram> note...
[12:33:48] <Bytram> I am a bit rusty on my SQL syntax and I'm MUCH better at queries than updates, but I *think* that should solve the current instance of the problem.
[12:33:58] <Gravis> Bytram: just be glad you didnt get hit by bobby tables. :P
[12:34:00] <Bytram> idea
[12:34:18] <Bytram> select * from comments where comments.cid = "194031";
[12:34:44] <crutchy> someone will just repeat it anyway. the cat's out of the bag
[12:35:28] <Bytram> true that; but it doesn't stop us from fixing this instance and reducing its propogation surface
[12:39:49] <Yog-Yogguth> it looks to me that all he did was to use script tags in the title, am i missing anything?
[12:40:01] <Gravis> Yog-Yogguth: nope
[12:41:40] <Yog-Yogguth> maybe it goes through any sanitation because all the titles are lnks
[12:42:00] * crutchy is looking through https://github.com
[12:42:01] -!- Gravis has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[12:42:02] <systemd> ^ 03rehash/Comments.pm at master · SoylentNews/rehash · GitHub ( https://github.com )
[12:42:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> Yog-Yogguth, it used to. i think i broke it a while back and it just now got caught.
[12:42:12] <Yog-Yogguth> so very tempting to test variations XD
[12:42:23] <Yog-Yogguth> oh well :)
[12:42:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> do it on dev.soylentnews.org if you really want to
[12:43:50] <crutchy> TheMightyBuzzard, what happened to the escaping stuff that you did with the utf8 stuff?
[12:43:56] <Yog-Yogguth> I'll hold back for now but that'sd a sensible suggestion
[12:44:12] <Yog-Yogguth> AndyTheAbsurd: was anyone awake in #dev?
[12:44:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> crutchy, beats me. i think i was on drugs or just missed a step.
[12:44:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> Yog-Yogguth, i was, just outside smoking at the time.
[12:44:43] <Yog-Yogguth> oh okay :D
[12:44:44] <crutchy> surely <script> would be converted to &lt;script&gt; before going to the db, or does the db store what the user typed and it gets munched on output
[12:44:48] <crutchy> ?
[12:44:59] <janrinok> anything I can do to help? Otherwise, I'll just shut up and let you think.
[12:45:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> should be the former
[12:45:36] <TheMightyBuzzard> or rather converted on output
[12:45:57] * crutchy is up to https://github.com
[12:45:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> may have to convert on input to save some headaches
[12:45:59] <systemd> ^ 03rehash/Comments.pm at master · SoylentNews/rehash · GitHub ( https://github.com )
[12:46:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> crutchy, it's going to be in a template
[12:47:57] <crutchy> think i gone too far :p
[12:47:58] <crutchy> https://github.com
[12:48:00] <systemd> ^ 03rehash/Comments.pm at master · SoylentNews/rehash · GitHub ( https://github.com )
[12:49:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> crutchy, yeah, you're barking up the wrong tree right now.
[12:49:32] <crutchy> bugger
[12:50:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> havin a smoke then i'll see if i can find the template that needs to whoop the ass of that kind of nonsense.
[12:51:12] <crutchy> github's search is shit
[12:51:28] <crutchy> think i gotta download the zip file so i can use sagasu or summin
[12:51:39] <crutchy> you guys prolly use grep but i suck at that :p
[12:52:35] <Yog-Yogguth> ok I fixed closing the small tag at least (right now)
[12:52:58] <Yog-Yogguth> using the same trick
[12:53:56] <Yog-Yogguth> haha that made a title later one much bigger than usual XD
[12:57:22] <Yog-Yogguth> ok no more js alert window for me now, same for everyone else?
[12:57:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> damn, ncommander deleted my source tree
[12:58:11] <Yog-Yogguth> (did I solve it?)
[12:58:21] <Yog-Yogguth> https://soylentnews.org
[12:58:21] <systemd> ^* 03SN article:  Netflix: The Crumbling Borders of Geolocation and the Thieves Who Happily Pay for What They "Steal" 04(10 comments)
[12:59:31] <Yog-Yogguth> it really works the right way for me now, please confirm
[13:01:09] <janrinok> I've still got small text getting smaller!
[13:01:17] <crutchy> lol
[13:01:19] <Yog-Yogguth> yeah but no js alert any more right?
[13:01:25] <crutchy> no alert popup
[13:01:29] <Yog-Yogguth> good
[13:01:30] <janrinok> correct
[13:01:32] <crutchy> but the layout looks trippy
[13:01:39] <crutchy> lets leave it that way :D
[13:01:44] <Yog-Yogguth> yeah well that's history now :D
[13:01:51] <Yog-Yogguth> yes :)
[13:02:16] <Yog-Yogguth> I modded pkrasimirov interesting or insightful, I think he deserves that :)
[13:03:38] <crutchy> derp. now i get a 502
[13:03:58] <Yog-Yogguth> okay I'm going to wreak havok on an oldish dev thread now to learn more (hope that's okay)
[13:03:59] * crutchy is reminded of that tv movie of apollo 11
[13:04:09] <crutchy> "gimme the story on a 1202"
[13:04:21] <crutchy> "beep beep beep beep"
[13:06:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> !todo filtering for the api cause damn
[13:06:09] <Bender> todo item 6 added
[13:07:05] * crutchy wonders if it would be possible to xss the funding goal bar to go all the way to 11 :D
[13:07:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> too late. missed your window.
[13:07:50] <crutchy> doh! so *you're* responsible for my 1202 alarm
[13:10:41] <Yog-Yogguth> okay I've found that all titles fail validation
[13:10:53] <Yog-Yogguth> so it wasn't the open small tag
[13:10:57] <crutchy> i made a comment with a bunch of unclosed small tags in the subject, but i was a bit late
[13:11:31] <TheMightyBuzzard> Yog-Yogguth, you sure about that? check https://soylentnews.org again.
[13:11:31] <systemd> ^* 03SN article:  Netflix: The Crumbling Borders of Geolocation and the Thieves Who Happily Pay for What They "Steal" 04(10 comments)
[13:11:55] <Yog-Yogguth> yes TheMightyBuzzard I've teted it on a dev story
[13:12:02] <Yog-Yogguth> the last comment has to wait for a timeout
[13:12:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> paulej72 already fixed it on live. dunno bout dev.
[13:12:21] <paulej72> not on dev but will be soon
[13:13:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, they done went psycho while i was gone and started doing everything on prod instead of dev =P
[13:13:09] <Yog-Yogguth> here is my testing → https://dev.soylentnews.org
[13:13:10] <systemd> ^ 03SN (dev) article:  20150528a - Story e-mail test (POT)
[13:13:30] <crutchy> lmao https://soylentnews.org
[13:13:31] <systemd> ^ 03SN comment by [02Anonymous Coward] (02Score:0)
[13:13:36] <paulej72> TheMightyBuzzard: i just did a live edit on the template from the admin page
[13:13:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> ahh, nod nod
[13:13:52] <paulej72> then restared rehash to clear the caches
[13:14:05] <paulej72> deployed to dev
[13:14:37] * Bytram takes a quick peek at dev
[13:14:38] <Yog-Yogguth> hmm try the page I linked
[13:14:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> think ima set myself back up with a source tree on dev today and just in general get my shat squared away again so i can do actual work.
[13:16:59] <Bytram> paulej72++
[13:16:59] <Bender> karma - paulej72: 170
[13:17:02] <Bytram> TheMightyBuzzard++
[13:17:02] <Bender> karma - themightybuzzard: 168
[13:17:06] <crutchy> i did a reply with three consecutive unclosed sub tags and they were replaced with a single closed sub tag, so there's definitely some html mangling code in there somewhere
[13:17:18] <Bytram> TheMightyBuzzard: missed ya, buzz! so glad to see you've come back to the roost!
[13:17:44] <Bytram> ok, afk biab before I hafta leave
[13:18:17] <Yog-Yogguth> is it just me or is https://dev.soylentnews.org still showing the alerts?
[13:19:31] <crutchy> hehe "oops"
[13:19:40] <Yog-Yogguth> okay not just me then :)
[13:19:49] <crutchy> multiple "oops" alerts this time
[13:19:59] <Yog-Yogguth> yes that's my testing on dev
[13:20:08] <crutchy> ah
[13:20:21] <crutchy> didn't look at the url :)
[13:22:41] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - OS X "El Capitan", Swift, Apple Music, and More at WWDC - http://sylnt.us - green-apple
[13:24:41] <Yog-Yogguth> well at least the devs can use that page for testing real solutions now :)
[13:26:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> right. i am a crabby, crabby bastard today. believe i'll blow everything off and go fishing till i'm in a better mood.
[13:27:32] <crutchy> tmb, here's a nice little liberal hack job that you can mow down when it comes online
[13:27:34] <crutchy> https://soylentnews.org
[13:27:35] <systemd> ^ 03SN Submission by Hugh Pickens: Rick Santorum Wants Pope Francis To Stop Talking About Climate Change
[13:27:58] <crutchy> santorum is a penarse, but the story is still tripe
[13:29:52] <TheMightyBuzzard> crutchy, gracias. i'm so in the mood to rip into noobs.
[13:44:41] <Yog-Yogguth> there is still an issue, load the following page: https://soylentnews.org
[13:44:42] <systemd> ^ 03SN comment by [02Anonymous Coward] (02Score:0)
[13:45:10] <Yog-Yogguth> (it wasn't me who posted that comment)
[13:45:32] <crutchy> yeah that was me
[13:46:10] <crutchy> that was my lmao earlier
[13:46:39] <Yog-Yogguth> :)
[13:46:51] <crutchy> testing++
[13:46:51] <Bender> karma - testing: 5
[13:47:35] <crutchy> having the odd bug and server catastrophe helps build the community. would be pretty boring without them :p
[13:47:59] <Yog-Yogguth> haha yeah this is almost an event except for the devs I suppose
[13:48:14] <Yog-Yogguth> not sure if we're annoying or helpful
[13:48:20] <crutchy> yeah prolly sucks to be them. its bad enough that they subject themselves to perl
[13:49:00] <crutchy> and the weird database/template nightmare that was formerly known as slash
[13:49:08] <crutchy> hmm sounds like a pop singer
[13:49:27] <Yog-Yogguth> I could never have done it, not in a thousand years
[13:49:34] <Yog-Yogguth> :D
[13:49:39] <crutchy> same
[13:49:46] <Yog-Yogguth> there's the guitarist
[13:50:05] <crutchy> i'm a php guy though, so i'm pretty much useless from the outset
[13:51:06] <Yog-Yogguth> I'm nothing really, working on what might become a paper
[13:51:24] <Yog-Yogguth> well except for the last few days XD
[14:27:09] <paulej72> new fixes have been merged to the main site. I had so many template fixes for the XSS that I needed to deploy them
[14:53:51] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - NASA's Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator June 8 Test - http://sylnt.us - rocket-rocket-go!
[14:59:53] <AndyTheAbsurd> I had a username of \ on a friend's BBS back in the day
[15:00:24] <AndyTheAbsurd> and my password on slashdot used to be ****** (I've changed it since, and I don't use this nick)
[15:00:33] <takyon> hunter2
[15:01:19] <AndyTheAbsurd> (that was in response to "there's the guitarist" after the "formerly known as slash") comment
[15:01:30] * AndyTheAbsurd is behind the times because $JOB
[15:44:03] <janrinok> !user
[15:44:05] <janrinok> !userid
[15:46:44] <AndyTheAbsurd> I thought it was !uid
[15:46:47] <AndyTheAbsurd> !uid
[15:47:58] <AndyTheAbsurd> ~uid
[15:48:02] <exec> The current maximum UID is 5476, owned by redengin
[15:48:07] <AndyTheAbsurd> there we go.
[15:48:20] -!- Tachyon has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[15:48:34] -!- Tachyon [Tachyon!~Tachyon@xuco.me] has joined #Soylent
[15:52:01] -!- Tachyon has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[15:52:15] -!- Tachyon [Tachyon!~Tachyon@xuco.me] has joined #Soylent
[16:25:01] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Planetary Society's LightSail Has Finally Deployed After Multiple Setbacks - http://sylnt.us - if-at-first-we-dont-succeed
[16:38:04] <AndyTheAbsurd> ~uid
[16:38:08] <exec> The current maximum UID is 5476, owned by redengin
[16:42:35] <artificial> kinda like a scramble of redesign
[17:02:53] mechanicjay|awak is now known as mechanicjay
[17:22:38] <paulej72> !uid
[17:22:38] <Bender> The current maximum UID is 5476, owned by redengin
[17:37:59] -!- mythterj [mythterj!mythterj@tonvizu.sdf.org] has joined #Soylent
[18:26:34] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Rick Santorum Wants Pope Francis To Stop Talking About Climate Change - http://sylnt.us - controlling-the-papacy
[19:01:45] <takyon> http://www.theregister.co.uk
[19:01:46] <systemd> ^ 03Vic cops want 'potential radicals' off the Internet • The Register
[19:03:04] <n1> as i said on an unrelated matter...
[19:03:05] <n1> i am shocked, shocked i say!
[19:04:39] <n1> pre-crime was only laughable and silly when we didnt have the technology
[19:04:51] <n1> now we have the technology, it's an obligation, to keep us safe from ourselves.
[19:10:51] <n1> and in other news. "A former senior executive at Deutsche Bank AG told the British Bankers’ Association in April 2008 that allegations Libor was being manipulated were a “conspiracy theory.”"
[19:11:11] <n1> "That’s an interesting conspiracy theory but that doesn’t happen,"
[19:12:00] <n1> "Deutsche Bank Pays $2.5 Billion To Settle LIBOR Manipulation Suit"
[19:16:09] <takyon> gotta love LIEBOR
[19:17:06] <n1> i blame the unions, as Libor is a bit like Labour, the party of work-shy union thugs.
[19:18:57] <n1> it seems like Deutsche Bank AG is being set up as the fall guy for the banking institutions, it was going to be HSBC but then they threatened to fuck off back to China, so they called the dogs off.
[19:19:55] <n1> Deutsche Bank cant really go anywhere, and punishing them in high profile prosecutions will keep the German economy in its place.
[19:22:55] <n1> which i guess makes a changes from the arresting of random UK citizens as the scapegoats
[19:27:21] <takyon> 2submit2fast
[19:40:41] <n1> what did you do?
[19:49:44] <takyon> lot of subs
[19:49:49] <takyon> https://soylentnews.org
[19:49:49] <systemd> ^✓ 03SoylentNews Submissions
[19:50:27] <n1> that is a lot of subs
[19:53:20] <takyon> https://soylentnews.org
[19:53:21] <systemd> ^ 03SN Submission by takyon: Elsevier Cracks Down on "Pirate" Science Search Engines
[19:53:31] <takyon> you should get in on this early in case the website disappears
[19:53:40] <takyon> http://gen.lib.rus.ec
[19:53:41] <systemd> ^ 03Library Genesis: Scientfic Articles
[19:54:04] <takyon> maybe I have already downloaded several papers
[19:54:15] <n1> yeah
[19:54:43] <n1> time sensitive enough to shuffle the queue a little?
[19:54:57] <n1> i'm going to do it after the superconductors and dinosaurs.
[19:55:12] <n1> i havnt actually lokoed at the science search engines yet
[19:55:50] <takyon> how about 03:20 UTC for Elsevier
[19:55:50] <ciri> doing great here
[19:56:01] <takyon> ok, Siri
[19:56:15] <takyon> say something ciri
[19:57:45] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - 20 Billion Nanoparticles Inserted Into Mouse Brains - http://sylnt.us - brain-food
[19:57:49] <n1> if it's important, i'd be happy to swap it out for the German University story
[19:58:01] <n1> as thats not new news.
[19:58:05] <takyon> sure
[19:58:08] <n1> might be a new spin on old news.
[19:58:36] <takyon> I did read that before it got here
[19:59:00] <takyon> call it a BBC variety story
[20:01:20] <n1> it's been around for a while i believe, although it might be even more open now
[20:02:42] <n1> found a CBS story on it from october last year with the most lazy of google news searches
[20:03:47] -!- janrinok has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
[20:04:19] <takyon> me and Phoenix666 finally submitted during the same minute
[20:04:54] <n1> guess that proves he's not a split-personality of yours ;)
[20:05:43] * AndyTheAbsurd considers queuing up a bunch of submissions in separate tabs and submitting them as rapidly as possible
[20:06:16] <takyon> what would that accomplish?
[20:06:26] <paulej72> AndyTheAbsurd: unless you are a subscriber, you will hit the limiters
[20:11:03] <AndyTheAbsurd> I'm a subscriber. :-D
[20:11:17] <takyon> WoW
[20:11:20] <AndyTheAbsurd> because I love Soylent News. :-D
[20:12:09] <AndyTheAbsurd> takyon: it wouldn't *accomplish* anything (except maybe annoying the editors). it would just be amusing to see a bunch of submissions with the same timestamp on them.
[20:39:37] -!- Rune [Rune!~Runeg@2605:e000:6a01:hsty:gxrs:wsxn:iisr:wsxq] has joined #Soylent
[20:40:30] <Rune> juggs, Ah thanks for that, was using web client and was just too lazy to apparently check all the boxes on hexchat.
[20:44:34] <n1> g'day, Rune
[20:45:28] <takyon> http://www.marketwatch.com
[20:45:29] <systemd> ^ 03Is this $2 billion meal startup really cheaper than Whole Foods? - MarketWatch
[20:45:45] <Rune> n1 how's it going?
[20:51:36] <n1> varying degrees of headache depending on the story in question
[20:51:43] <n1> how are things for you?
[20:52:35] <Rune> Choosing to look at the silver lining in life. So, OK for the day.
[20:53:14] <n1> smart move
[20:53:42] <n1> has actually been a reasonably good day, but reading the news does seem to fix that
[20:54:15] <Rune> Yeah, I feel you on that. I see why people just ignore it and watch Reality Tv or some such.
[20:54:44] <n1> takyon, i like how a company that has raised $135m in funding proves its worth $2bn, according to the people who put up the $135m, no bias there obviously.
[20:55:07] <takyon> that's how the game is played
[20:55:16] <n1> there are some days i wish i could do that, Rune
[20:55:26] <n1> but now, watching TV in general makes me angry
[20:55:46] <Rune> I cut the cord, only netflix, amazon prime, pandora.
[20:55:54] <Rune> and HBO Now until Game of Thrones is over
[20:55:58] <takyon> I think you have it backwards though
[20:56:21] <takyon> the people who funded the company $135m want it to be worth closer to $135m, so they own more of the company
[20:56:51] <n1> 'The new deal values the company at $2 billion pre-money, a company spokeswoman confirmed.'
[20:57:01] <n1> which they no doubt will, after the first 24hrs of it going public
[20:57:03] <n1> whenever that happens
[20:57:59] <n1> Rune, there are a few good shows out there, but they are in far of the minority, and are almost insignificant to what people are exposed to by the TV networks in general
[20:59:08] <n1> i really need me some VC funding for my company...
[21:00:30] <takyon> http://www.theregister.co.uk
[21:00:31] <systemd> ^ 03HGST shimmy shimmy shingles its way to a 10TB spinning rust drive • The Register
[21:02:20] * n1 notes how coverage of HSBC has shifted over the last few hours, from 48,000 job cuts, to 25,000
[21:02:33] <n1> as they're only counting full-time staff in the reports on job cuts now
[21:05:43] <Rune> n1, don't we all?
[21:07:23] <n1> there seems to be plenty to go around
[21:21:34] <paulej72> they should do top down layoffs save more money that way
[21:22:12] <paulej72> how many low level employees do you need to layoff to equal on ceo
[21:22:13] <ciri> you talking to me?
[21:22:16] <n1> would save on paperwork too
[21:22:28] <n1> one layoff saves $x million, only one set of forms to fill out
[21:22:50] <n1> although when they get laid off, they do get a 'leaving package' or whatever they call it
[21:23:03] <n1> ie "thanks for fucking up the company, here's a few million to tide you over until you find the next one to ruin"
[21:25:54] <artificial> severance
[21:26:57] <n1> if we get fired, we lose benefits and pensions and everything, they get paid more to stop them coming to work.
[21:27:08] <n1> severance is indeed one version of it, there is another that may have only recently emerged
[21:27:13] <n1> i cant recall the term though
[21:27:50] <n1> its in the same vein as 'bankers bonuses capped in EU' ... 'EU bankers to get multi-million 'allowances' instead'
[21:28:23] <artificial> slush fund lol
[21:28:54] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Computer Independently Solves 120-Year-Old Biological Mystery - http://sylnt.us - obsolete-resources
[21:29:00] <n1> "Jerry del Missier, who resigned after telling subordinates to reduce the bank's Libor submission during the October 2008 banking crisis, was reported to have been handed £8.75m cash as part of his leaving package."
[21:29:44] <artificial> must be an english thing
[21:29:51] <n1> afaik, severance doesn't work if you resign yourself
[21:30:00] <n1> thats more like a redundancy payment, i believe?
[21:30:23] <artificial> i had a friend recently leave zappos and he took advantage of a severance
[21:30:27] <n1> open to correction on that, as someone who resigned a month before my employer started offering redundancies
[21:30:58] <artificial> we need employment lawyers
[21:31:03] <artificial> jargon.txt
[21:31:06] <n1> they certainly didnt pay me off to leave, because they didnt give me the offer
[21:31:20] <n1> although they did offer me a sabbatical
[21:32:05] <n1> dont know if there's such a thing for us small fry
[21:32:27] <n1> lawyers cant make a living off working for people pulling in <$100k
[21:32:47] <n1> how are they going to get a $200k retainer when a clients income is like that?
[21:32:49] <ciri> doing great here
[21:34:07] <takyon> http://www.bbc.com
[21:34:09] <systemd> ^ 03US may have sent live anthrax to UK lab - BBC News
[21:34:51] <n1> well, i'd be sad if they didn't, they shared it with everyone else...
[21:35:03] <n1> wouldn't be fair to exclude the special friend that is the UK
[21:35:09] <takyon> http://www.bbc.com
[21:35:11] <systemd> ^ 03BT TV announces pricing for sports coverage and 4K - BBC News
[21:35:51] <n1> i dont even know how you get 'BT TV'
[21:36:10] <takyon> carefully
[21:36:34] <takyon> http://www.bbc.com
[21:36:36] <systemd> ^ 03Naked rambler Stephen Gough appears nude via video link from prison - BBC News
[21:37:24] <n1> 'As of November 2014, BT TV (Vision and BT YouView) has just under 1.4 million subscribers.'
[21:38:27] <n1> half as many as netflix, 1/10 of what Sky has
[21:39:33] <takyon> 4K support will boost their subscriber base!
[21:39:34] <n1> i guess it's easy to offer 4K when there's no one to watch it, and no one will have the hardware to view it
[21:40:05] <n1> might get 1.6m views by the end of the year
[21:40:45] <n1> as they're targeting people who a) care about 4k and b) are not faithful to sky c) have the money to get a 4k display and a 4k BT TV box
[21:41:12] <n1> oh, and you have to be a football fan
[21:41:27] <n1> and you'll need internet fast enough
[21:43:05] <n1> im almost certain sky is rolfing their way to the bank while BT TV does all the leg work for them
[21:43:16] <n1> rofling*
[21:54:32] <n1> rupert murdoch never loses
[22:01:12] <takyon> you seem mad today
[22:03:01] <n1> just one of those days, although its been a good (productive) day, it started off like complete shit
[22:03:43] <crutchy> ++coffee
[22:03:44] <systemd> Karma - coffee: 281
[22:03:44] <crutchy> coffee++
[22:03:44] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1415
[22:04:05] <n1> i havnt slept properly for over two weeks and i keep getting what little sleep i do get ruined by work calls
[22:04:27] <crutchy> maybe 'accidentally' lose your phone?
[22:04:38] <n1> and the news only seems to feed my pessimism at the moment
[22:04:54] <n1> i wish i could
[22:04:58] <crutchy> its good at that
[22:05:21] <crutchy> i only read the news to find out if the global financial system has assploded again
[22:05:28] <n1> being self-employed in multiple sectors means theres always some shit going wrong
[22:05:32] <crutchy> or if someone is dumb enough to attack russia
[22:05:59] <n1> and i also got to start my day with the XSS shit here, after work waking me.
[22:06:15] <crutchy> hehe. it was funny
[22:06:32] * crutchy liked the unclosed small tag thingy better than the script injection
[22:07:48] <crutchy> dunno if what happened was technically xss. i thought browsers had built-in features to block running js from 3rd party domains, or am i thinking of how the internets work on a different planet?
[22:09:00] <n1> im glad you found it amusing heh
[22:10:29] * crutchy added a bookmark for that link :)
[22:11:14] <n1> :)
[22:15:18] <Rune> n1 what's your dayjob?
[22:16:46] <n1> depends on what day it is to be honest, but today for example i was servicing a mobile/rapid deployment cctv system
[22:17:57] <crutchy> speaking of day job. i had better be off to service the man myself
[22:18:00] <crutchy> ciao
[22:18:41] <n1> i also do infrastructure work on events, administration for small & large businesses, and have recently started up a new venture related to MVNO's
[22:18:53] <n1> laters crutchy
[22:21:40] <n1> next week i will be wearing a suit and tie to try for meetings to get some hardware manufacturers and service providers on board with the new venture
[22:21:56] <n1> and then later in the week i'll be doing the heavy lifting on an event project
[22:22:16] <n1> if all that makes any sense
[22:29:08] <n1> it's why weeks can sometimes pass without me contributing here, sometimes work stuff does not allow it and the prospect of coming on here to do editing after 18hrs on the 'day job' doesnt seem like the best use of my time
[22:33:34] * n1 should have just said 'company director for a couple of small businesses'
[22:33:54] <n1> curry++
[22:33:54] <Bender> karma - curry: 10
[22:36:25] <takyon> curry++
[22:36:25] <Bender> karma - curry: 11
[22:37:54] <n1> tesco now does a 'hot' tikka masala, so that made my day
[22:38:58] <Rune> n1, what about getting more help?
[22:41:51] <n1> i have this moral thing about paying people a real living wage if i employ them, i have a few people who i use as contractors but i'm unable to provide any security or stability to maintain regular help
[22:41:58] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~james@43-567-441-22.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Soylent
[22:42:16] <Rune> More than enough work for one, not quite enough work for 2
[22:42:43] <n1> kind of, and because it's over different sectors, the people i do use dont have the skillsets to go across all of them
[22:43:10] <n1> but it's very hard to 'grow' without taking risks and then expecting people on a low wage to share that risk
[22:44:06] <n1> obviously they wouldnt see the risk, as they'd be employees, but thats not how it works in reality. at those stages of growth, the initial hires are taking just as big a risk as the people who started the business.
[22:44:20] <n1> we're (my business partner and I) are trying to grow without debt
[22:44:30] <n1> which is obviously counter to how the economy seems to work these days
[22:44:53] <n1> and also a 'real living wage' around here, is quite a lot. based in London, UK.
[22:47:17] <n1> i know of too many businesses that have grown on the back of the welfare state picking up the tab for the shortfall in their employees wages.
[22:48:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> n1, if that's what you think their work's worth, that's absolutely what you should pay them.
[22:48:13] <Rune> What do you consider a low wage?
[22:48:18] -!- cmn32480 [cmn32480!~cmn32480@Soylent/Staff/Editor/cmn32480] has joined #Soylent
[22:48:18] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v cmn32480] by Imogen
[22:48:58] <cmn32480> WOOT! Extra Cookie from Doubletree! Best thing that has happened all day!
[22:48:59] <n1> well, as an example, in this area it costs about $600 a month to rent a small room in a shared house
[22:49:24] <Rune> about the same here, give or take
[22:49:28] <n1> sharing your bathroom and kitchen with maybe 6 other people you dont know
[22:49:57] <n1> but to rent an apartment, including taxes and bills, you're looking at much closer to $1500
[22:50:24] <cmn32480> is that US$? or $ = the local currency
[22:50:31] <n1> so in the end of it, $2k a month is a 'low living wage'
[22:50:32] <n1> US
[22:51:08] <n1> but for that i would expect someone willing, with 0 skills or experience
[22:51:09] <cmn32480> thank you for the clarification
[22:52:40] <Rune> more like 2.5-3k if they don't own a car and have payments, and college debt, and want to eat more than ramen
[22:52:45] <n1> but to sleep well at night
[22:52:52] <n1> i'd need to be paying at least $3.6k
[22:52:57] <n1> aye
[22:52:58] <Rune> 3.6k takehome
[22:53:04] <n1> we agree there
[22:53:17] <Rune> er, 3kish takehome.
[22:53:22] <Rune> which is about 50k/year
[22:53:24] <Rune> raw
[22:53:30] <n1> which is a lot per month to pay for someone who doesnt know shit, in harsh terms
[22:54:06] <Rune> I was paid 50k/year with 3years exp as a sr desktop support
[22:54:48] <n1> that seems pretty good
[22:55:30] <Rune> in santa barbara, ca
[22:55:34] <n1> i think $2k a month probably works out at the legal minimum here, or close enough
[22:55:35] <Rune> median house isl ike 800k
[22:55:48] <Rune> studio apt was 1.6k
[22:55:56] <cmn32480> Rune - I was in the Washington DC area and making 50k straight out of school for jr desktop support.
[22:55:57] <Rune> shared room was 900
[22:55:58] <n1> which is why a realistic living wage is more like 3.6, if you dont expect the state to pick up the tab on rent and such
[22:56:08] <Rune> cmn32480, yep, about the same, given cost of living
[22:56:13] <cmn32480> right
[22:56:27] <cmn32480> apt (30 miles outside DC) was about $1200/month
[22:56:47] <Rune> Now I make more than that :)
[22:56:54] <cmn32480> the fiancee was working too, so between us we were pulling about 70k
[22:56:58] <cmn32480> Thank God me too
[22:57:12] <Rune> It's tough at those times. A huge incident can really mess you up for a few years
[22:57:30] <Rune> $600 repair now adays? annoying, but okay. Back then? Had to get a new credit card.
[22:57:30] <cmn32480> like the wife's car catching fire?
[22:57:41] <Rune> like that.
[22:57:45] <Rune> did they catch you?
[22:57:56] <cmn32480> she came back from the fitness center in the apt complex to find the fire dept putting her car out
[22:58:23] <n1> not nice
[22:58:25] <cmn32480> I was 2 hours away at a branch that day. And I can prove it!
[22:58:35] <n1> lol
[22:58:39] <Rune> lol
[22:58:52] <n1> i can only speak from personal experience, but things seem tougher now than in decades past
[22:59:02] <n1> i think i know more people 'living on the edge' now than i was aware of then
[22:59:11] <Rune> I would agree with you n1.
[22:59:21] <cmn32480> you are probably more aware of it now
[22:59:25] <Rune> Several of my friends still live with their folks, and they are hitting their late 20s.
[22:59:38] <Rune> Not that it's bad, just indicating it's tough.
[22:59:40] <n1> thats why i went out on my own, because after quitting, doing my own thing, when it came back to 'getting a job', the prospects did not look good
[22:59:50] <n1> it would be survival, but there would be little room to advance
[22:59:59] <n1> stagnation would be the order of the decade
[23:00:04] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Elsevier Cracks Down on "Pirate" Science Search Engines - http://sylnt.us - use-the-swartz
[23:00:17] <cmn32480> stagnation IS the order of the decade
[23:00:24] <n1> yup
[23:00:33] <n1> but we cant talk like that
[23:00:36] <cmn32480> how many have just given up looking for a job
[23:00:37] <n1> because 'confidence' is all we have!
[23:01:13] * cmn32480 mumbles something about hioping there is change left in his pocket at the next election
[23:01:21] <n1> i've mentioned here before, when times were bad for me, before i started up my own thing, trying to get any job, even on minimum wage
[23:01:33] <n1> all that was going at that level, and still is, are essentially employment scams
[23:01:52] <n1> become self-employed, do grunt work with unrealistic targets, quit, and they get the next batch of marks in.
[23:02:13] <n1> it's a great way of paying less than minimum wage legally
[23:02:25] <cmn32480> soon as you say somethign I can argue with, I'll jump in
[23:02:34] <n1> lol
[23:03:39] <n1> it was and still is an interesting experience working in different industries at different levels, seeing things from different perspectives
[23:03:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> hope... change... i've heard that somewhere before
[23:03:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> some guy on tv i think
[23:04:04] <cmn32480> THEMIGHTYBUZZARD RETURNS!!!
[23:04:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya but don't tell nobody
[23:04:16] <n1> yeah, i remember that guy
[23:04:24] <n1> did he have a reality show or something?
[23:04:35] <cmn32480> it should be a day of celebration
[23:04:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> probably. that'd explain why i didn't watch it.
[23:05:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> well, okay, but i was already celebrating that i cook good.
[23:05:30] <cmn32480> you missed all the fun
[23:05:53] <cmn32480> oooo... whatcha makin'?
[23:06:17] <cmn32480> someethign tasty I hope
[23:06:22] * n1 hopes TheMightyBuzzard has time to add his 2c to the Rick Santorum/Pope/Climate Change story
[23:06:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> already made n ate. 1/2lb burger, fried okra, mac n cheese.
[23:07:10] <takyon> doof ytsat gnikam ...5102
[23:07:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> eh, i would but there's just too much stupid in it. bossy dumbass says other bossy dumbass shouldn't be bossy. big whoop.
[23:07:38] <cmn32480> takyon - In english, pleae?
[23:07:49] <Rune> cmn32480, backwards yo
[23:08:00] <n1> TheMightyBuzzard, thats a fair point and was basically my conclusion and reason i didn't throw in my 2c ;)
[23:08:19] <n1> hummus on the menu again, takyon?
[23:08:25] <takyon> yes
[23:08:48] <TheMightyBuzzard> sides, i ain't had time to actually read anything yet today. been otherwise busy.
[23:09:01] * n1 checks the commodities and futures markets for hummus
[23:09:08] <takyon> try chickpeas
[23:09:24] <takyon> it's like the world's 8th biggest crop
[23:09:48] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh ya, and washing all that down with homemade elderberry wine.
[23:10:53] <n1> nice
[23:11:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> very. that batch turned out right tasty.
[23:12:50] <n1> might be a good time to buy: "Chana futures continue its negative trend for sixth day and closed 0.89 % down on sufficient arrivals in the domestic market against subdued demand."
[23:13:09] <n1> "According to Angel Commodities, Chana futures expected to trade sideways to negative note due to heavy arrivals of imported chana in the domestic market as imports of chana have surpassed entire previous year’s imports by more than 50 per cent during marketing year 2014-15."
[23:13:51] <takyon> j/k about it being the 8th biggest crop
[23:14:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, that's prolly pot or something
[23:14:59] <n1> takyon, you might be predicting something there though
[23:15:09] <n1> based on imports up by 50%
[23:15:25] <n1> would be a better world if it was pot...
[23:16:07] <takyon> doesn't cannabis use a lot of water
[23:16:58] <n1> im still amazed that coconut water went from being a $0 industry to a $1bn industry in about 2 years.
[23:17:16] <n1> i'd assume so
[23:17:20] <takyon> don't buy the wrong brand
[23:17:39] <n1> of coconut water?
[23:17:55] <takyon> yeah
[23:18:26] <takyon> http://www.informationisbeautiful.net
[23:18:32] <systemd> ^ 03What is the World's Biggest Cash Crop? | Information Is Beautiful
[23:18:45] <n1> i will only drink it fresh from the coconut, how it should be done, i'm not buying that shit, i dont even like it much.
[23:20:11] <n1> interesting
[23:20:43] <n1> although as they note, the drugs figures are probably not right at all
[23:21:17] -!- SpallsHurgenson [SpallsHurgenson!~SpallsHur@Soylent/Users/656/SpallsHurgenson] has joined #Soylent
[23:22:18] <n1> the old DEA trick of 'weigh the whole plant, stems and leaves and all and say it's the biggest bust in history at x kilos'
[23:26:25] <cmn32480> I did get to try a new beer w/ dinner
[23:26:35] <cmn32480> Not Your Father's Root Beer
[23:26:53] <cmn32480> tasated just like root beer... but 5.9%ABV
[23:28:34] <n1> dont think ive ever had root beer...
[23:28:51] <n1> 5.9% does make it more enticing though
[23:30:00] <cmn32480> it was fantastic
[23:30:03] <cmn32480> I was shocked
[23:30:15] <cmn32480> so good I'm gonna see if my local liquor store can get it
[23:31:40] <n1> i've been craving for some VB lately
[23:33:12] <SpallsHurgenson> I'm generally against the war on drugs, but I think we all can agree that visual basic needs to be banned from this planet
[23:33:50] <cmn32480> no way. VB6 is awesome
[23:34:07] <SpallsHurgenson> see how it rots the brains of its victims?
[23:34:57] <n1> lol
[23:35:14] <SpallsHurgenson> oooh, anyone want a free game? Got an extra copy of STALKER Clear Sky from GOG :)
[23:35:34] <n1> for those who dont know: http://en.wikipedia.org
[23:35:35] <systemd> ^ 03Wiki: Victoria Bitter
[23:36:37] <n1> if there's no one else, obviously more deserving, i'm up for it SpallsHurgenson
[23:36:48] <n1> i havnt played a STALKER game yet even after reading a lot of good things
[23:36:48] <SirFinkus> I'll take it if nobody else wants it
[23:36:57] <SirFinkus> ahh, give it to n1 then
[23:37:06] <SirFinkus> I have all the games except clear sky
[23:37:45] <SpallsHurgenson> n1 gets it 'cause he was first :)
[23:38:07] <SirFinkus> it taught me that vodka can prevent radiation sickness
[23:38:19] <n1> SpallsHurgenson++
[23:38:19] <Bender> karma - spallshurgenson: 18
[23:38:29] <SirFinkus> ever since the fukushima thing, I've been drinking a bottle a day
[23:38:38] <SirFinkus> no radiation sickness yet!
[23:38:39] <SpallsHurgenson> ah, so that's the way to get high karma: bribery!
[23:39:30] <SpallsHurgenson> and if you do, you're too drunk to care :)
[23:40:34] takyon is now known as takyonAFK
[23:42:00] <n1> why does GOG want to me to download the game in 4 parts o_O
[23:43:01] <SpallsHurgenson> just to annoy you, I'm sure
[23:43:07] <cmn32480> time to make like spallshurgenson
[23:43:30] <SpallsHurgenson> wait... who is making it with spallshurgenson?
[23:43:44] <cmn32480> make LIKE SpallsHurgenson
[23:43:58] <n1> seems kind of silly Part 1 = 1MB , Part 2 = 1.5GB, Part 3 = 1.5GB, Part 4 = 265MB
[23:44:09] <SpallsHurgenson> well, of course they would LIKE to make it with spallshurgenson.
[23:44:29] <cmn32480> I gotta treat the poison ivy on my leg
[23:44:37] <cmn32480> had to lose my pants in the process
[23:45:00] <SpallsHurgenson> if you'd been wearing pants in the first place you wouldn't have gotten poison ivy
[23:45:05] <n1> SirFinkus, any progress on your ARMA rig?
[23:45:15] <SirFinkus> nope
[23:45:23] <n1> booo!
[23:45:32] <cmn32480> I guess Spallshurgenson had to be right once
[23:45:38] <SirFinkus> it's a "when I have a spare $1500" thing
[23:45:42] <n1> although thats fine, i havnt played it really :p
[23:45:46] <cmn32480> now if we can get him to be left, he'll go straing
[23:45:52] <cmn32480> *straight
[23:46:03] <n1> i did find time to start skyrim the other day, on the news that FO4 is on the way
[23:46:55] <SpallsHurgenson> I can't play skyrim anymore. all the mods I like cause the thing to crash after half an hour :)
[23:47:30] <n1> i'm playing it vanilla (with official DLC)
[23:47:43] <n1> only just started and i have no fucking clue whats going on
[23:48:17] <SpallsHurgenson> its simple. you're this guy (or gal). You have a sword. The world is full of monsters. Go kill them.
[23:48:35] <cmn32480> n1 - just blow shit up
[23:48:52] <n1> if thats all i need to know, i'm cool with it
[23:49:27] <SpallsHurgenson> https://hbr.org
[23:49:28] <n1> i dont usually play the 'high fantasy' games with monsters and magic and all that, only reason i considered it was because i like the mechanics of fallout3/nv
[23:49:28] <cmn32480> that si the theme of every game since Duke Nukem
[23:49:30] <systemd> ^ 03We Can’t Recall Logos We See Every Day: An Interview with Alan Castel - HBR
[23:50:14] <SpallsHurgenson> (this is true; I can't remember the Dell logo and I literally stare at it for hours every day, since its right on the front of my monitor)
[23:51:28] <n1> i cant see why the one on the bottom right of the 'not quite' examples is wrong
[23:51:37] <n1> unless not getting it perfectly to scale counts as wrong
[23:53:00] <SpallsHurgenson> yeah, I was wondering about that too. maybe they don't consider it the real apple logo unless it still uses the old rainbow banding :)
[23:53:38] <n1> it does seem amazing that they couldnt get that one
[23:53:50] <n1> especially with the iconic status of apple and the number of people who use the devices
[23:54:01] <SpallsHurgenson> maybe the guys doing the study couldn't remember what the apple logo looked like either :)
[23:54:08] <n1> I can get why people wouldnt be so quick to get the Dell one right
[23:54:13] <n1> Dell isn't a fashionable brand
[23:54:42] <Yog-Yogguth> I wish I had the space to download the torent mirror of that russian science pirate site
[23:54:46] <SpallsHurgenson> I remembered the apple logo except for the direction of the leaf
[23:54:54] <Yog-Yogguth> 80GB or so
[23:55:00] <n1> hmmm
[23:55:06] <n1> 80GB doesnt seem too bad
[23:55:20] <n1> could almost fit that on a micro sd card
[23:55:34] <Yog-Yogguth> I might remove some stuff that is easier to get back later
[23:55:52] <SpallsHurgenson> Russian Science Pirates sounds like something out of a pulp adventure novel
[23:56:02] <Yog-Yogguth> already found a paper I wanted so it seems pretty complete
[23:56:20] <Yog-Yogguth> first try too
[23:56:46] <SpallsHurgenson> 80GB isn't that big. I think GTA5 almost takes that much space :)
[23:57:19] <n1> Yog-Yogguth, is there one torrent for it?
[23:58:04] <n1> i found the list of lots of torrents on the site, but eh, thats a lot of individual torrents
[23:58:09] <Yog-Yogguth> yes hold on (its on the page to the lower left of a search result)
[23:58:32] <Yog-Yogguth> http://libgen.in
[23:58:59] <Yog-Yogguth> or maybe that is only the part that had my result in it?
[23:59:11] <n1> could be
[23:59:12] <n1> :/
[23:59:21] <n1> ftp://ftp.libgen.in