#Soylent | Logs for 2015-06-10

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[00:00:15] <n1> "The files are split by thousands, each thousand is archived as a ZIP-file without compression. Each torrent contains 100 archives, i.e. 100000 articles. The archives are numbered sequentially, in accordance with the article `ID` from the `scimag` database, the dumps of which can be downloaded by following this name pattern (replace the date wildcards with appropriate ones):"
[00:00:46] <Yog-Yogguth> oh dear god lol Aaron Swartz is laughing wherever he is :D
[00:00:53] <Yog-Yogguth> that's huge :)
[00:01:19] <n1> i guess i'll start with the first one and see how big that is...
[00:01:34] <SpallsHurgenson> those damn russians; the whole point of science is to make money and how can anyone do that if the information is being given away for free?
[00:01:54] <Yog-Yogguth> my sarcasm detector actually worked on that one SpallsHurgenson :)
[00:02:25] <SpallsHurgenson> actually, I'm a 'Merikan so that wasn't sarcasm :)
[00:02:41] <Yog-Yogguth> you'r not fooling me twice ;P
[00:02:47] <n1> 40GB is the first one
[00:03:55] <n1> this is a lot of data
[00:04:26] <n1> if they're all between 40-90GB
[00:04:37] <Yog-Yogguth> especially if it at least goes up to 280999999 torrents like that (and that's only up to 2014 the publication of the paper I wanted)
[00:05:02] <Yog-Yogguth> guess someone hacked the NSA lol
[00:05:55] <n1> theres over 400 torrents
[00:06:18] <n1> with 100 zip files contained in each torrent
[00:06:20] <Yog-Yogguth> or maybe that's the archive numbers and it's only ... ah I see
[00:06:33] <Yog-Yogguth> you're right
[00:06:34] <SpallsHurgenson> the little part of my brain that sees conspiracy and plots everywhere just assumes that the russians have secretly added minor mistakes to all the results in order to sabotage Western advancement :)
[00:06:44] <n1> with the aforementioned 100,000 articles per zip.
[00:07:05] -!- SirFinkus has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[00:07:33] <n1> my shitty math says thats 4bn articles...
[00:07:34] * Yog-Yogguth tries eraching for everything mentioning primes
[00:07:59] * NCommander tries to wake up
[00:08:07] * NCommander continues work on simplified rehash installation
[00:09:14] <Yog-Yogguth> they have stuff going as far back as 1949
[00:09:53] <SpallsHurgenson> wow, 1949? I didn't know they had invented science back then
[00:10:04] <Yog-Yogguth> XD Shapiro paper
[00:10:25] <n1> thought science was still a state secret in those days
[00:11:35] <SpallsHurgenson> Science? Bah! Here is the result of your "science": https://www.youtube.com
[00:11:41] <systemd> ^ 03A Compilation of Robots Falling Down at the DARPA Robotics Challenge - YouTube
[00:11:47] <Yog-Yogguth> lol it's getting hammered, long loading times now
[00:12:20] <SpallsHurgenson> isn't that the opposite of how torrents are supposed to work?
[00:12:35] <n1> im going see how far i get on the first and last archives
[00:12:47] <n1> coming in at 130GB or so :/
[00:12:53] <Yog-Yogguth> I'm doing direct downloads of papers rather than torrents because the torrents are too big for me
[00:13:26] <n1> getting reasonable speeds from them actually
[00:13:26] <SpallsHurgenson> leecher :)
[00:13:34] <Yog-Yogguth> :)
[00:14:36] <n1> hard to seed when dont have anything to upload!
[00:15:14] <SpallsHurgenson> I wish I had the internet so I could download stuff
[00:15:56] <n1> GOG sends you games via carrier pigeon?
[00:16:32] <SpallsHurgenson> is that what all those birds are for? kitty has been getting fat :)
[00:18:25] <n1> lucky kitty
[00:19:20] <SpallsHurgenson> I think she's still chewing on witcher 3 :)
[00:19:53] <n1> still playing that?
[00:20:42] <SpallsHurgenson> don't mind if I do!
[00:22:14] <n1> i know you talked about it before, but you'd only just started playing it then if i recall
[00:22:24] <n1> wondering what your feelings are after investing a bit more time in it?
[00:22:39] <SpallsHurgenson> nice big world, controls and combat still suck
[00:23:02] <SpallsHurgenson> good game, needs more work to deserve all those acolades
[00:24:06] <n1> nice to hear that opinion really, too much of the games press has been gushing about it
[00:26:13] <n1> it looks good, dont get me wrong, but the praise it's been getting seems beyond reasonable
[00:28:13] <SpallsHurgenson> has a lot of annoying issues, each fairly minor in and of itself but combined reduce the overall experience. has a nice big world and a decent enough story too it though
[00:29:57] <n1> between witcher 3 and the new mad max film, i've never seen the press in such agreement about how super awesome something is
[00:30:03] <SpallsHurgenson> if you like CRPGs, its worth picking up... but wait for the developers to finish fixing it
[00:30:14] <SpallsHurgenson> game will probably drop in price by then too, so its win-win :)
[00:30:51] <n1> well, if im lucky it will drop in price when FO4 comes out, so i can pick it up then and play it until FO4 goes on sale :p
[00:31:14] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Obama Asks Secret Court to Continue Doing What He Promises Not to Do - http://sylnt.us - dont-like-the-rules?-change-the-game
[00:32:11] <SpallsHurgenson> gotta wonder about obama sometimes; was he all talk? did he have a change of heart once he got to office? does the NSA have something on him?
[00:33:19] <n1> well, nothing stopping you from hoping, and he never said the change would be good
[00:35:17] <SpallsHurgenson> I'm not sure I see any real change from eight years ago... just more of the same
[00:35:23] <n1> national elections are about deciding how we continue on down the same path
[00:35:46] <n1> it has nothing to do with changing path
[00:36:05] <n1> depends what kind of spin you want from the white house/central government for the next few years
[00:37:11] <n1> not much has changed, except what was going on in the wake of 9/11 and the paranoia and fear around terrorists
[00:37:13] <n1> has become the new normal
[00:37:42] <SpallsHurgenson> terrorists? where? where?
[00:37:46] * SpallsHurgenson hides beneath the covers
[00:37:56] <n1> obama signed off on it as the new normal
[00:38:10] <n1> thats whats changed, it's just not what we were expecting
[00:39:16] <n1> now maybe it could have been worse, but at that point we can just argue over how slowly we want to march to our own destruction.
[00:40:11] <n1> as i suggest in the dept. title, they're playing a different game, we didnt get an invite to that table.
[00:41:01] <n1> but in times of credible but unspecific threats in the immediate short and long term, then secret courts are the only way forward, thats obvious you'd think.
[00:44:25] <SpallsHurgenson> agreed, if the terrorists know the laws then all is lost!
[00:44:39] <n1> although it must be working, because after 60 years or so(?), cuba is now off the state-sponsors of terrorism list
[00:44:51] <SpallsHurgenson> it'd be even worse if we expected the government to fight terrorism while restricted by those same laws :)
[00:45:07] <n1> which of course had everything to do with terrorism and nothing to do with international diplomacy
[00:45:35] <n1> you have to fight fire with fire apparently
[00:46:11] <n1> the logic goes, the only language ISIS understands is brutality, therefor it's obvious NATO and other opposing troops must be equally brutal in response
[00:46:37] <SpallsHurgenson> see, that's what I'm saying. we need to be able to light random people on fire in order to fight terrorism.
[00:47:14] <n1> thats what ive been seeing 'people' say about the reports of ISIS fighters being beheaded, and the recent Seal Team 6 story about them operating 'with only partial oversight'
[00:47:28] <n1> 'you have to fight fire with fire, thats how you deal with these people'
[00:48:03] <SpallsHurgenson> can we do the eye-for-an-eye thing too?
[00:48:14] <n1> thats apparently the plan
[00:48:55] <SpallsHurgenson> can we do an eye-for-an eye and a leg and a hand and your sister's eye and her daughter's lung?
[00:49:08] mechanicjay is now known as mechanicjay|away
[00:49:35] <n1> sounds reasonable
[00:49:58] <n1> im going to smoke, make sure no one wants my lungs
[00:52:17] -!- SirFinkus [SirFinkus!~SirFinkus@a-90-913-475-455.hsd9.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[00:53:09] <SpallsHurgenson> hey SirFinkus, if you need some new lungs you can have n1's.
[00:53:25] <SirFinkus> why would I need new lungs?
[00:54:07] <SirFinkus> and perhaps more importantly, why does n1 have a spare set of lungs?
[00:54:19] <SpallsHurgenson> who said anything about a spare?
[01:12:19] takyonAFK is now known as takyon
[01:14:09] -!- Tachyon has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[01:14:13] -!- Tachyon [Tachyon!~Tachyon@xuco.me] has joined #Soylent
[01:23:14] <Yog-Yogguth> *cough* I've found yet another bug related to the Netflix story, the naughty tags are back to being parsed when you moderate (I can't link this because it is comments.pl)
[01:24:18] <Yog-Yogguth> it shoulod be reproducable if you moderate a comment there and look at the returned page
[01:24:38] <Yog-Yogguth> (or same bug technically)
[01:26:14] <cmn32480> I shall drop this on the devs
[01:28:23] <Yog-Yogguth> ty :)
[01:28:28] <cmn32480> np.
[01:28:39] <SpallsHurgenson> I shall blame thison Microsoft.
[01:28:56] <cmn32480> the best way is typically dropping it in github with the reproduction instructions.
[01:29:04] <cmn32480> what browser are you using
[01:29:06] <NCommander> Yog-Yogguth, "fun"
[01:29:17] * NCommander notes paulej72 did that fix, well let him have first crack at it
[01:29:18] <Yog-Yogguth> yeah I've been meaning to sign up there
[01:29:48] <Yog-Yogguth> Firefox 37.0.1
[01:32:08] <cmn32480> I hae a customer named Babu
[01:32:20] <cmn32480> is it wrong that I giggle every time I gt an email from him
[01:32:37] <cmn32480> and see a mental picture of the guy from Seinfeld?
[01:33:22] <SpallsHurgenson> yes. hang your head in shame, you evil person you
[01:33:42] <Yog-Yogguth> only limited fun Ncommander: it seems like it's only a single tag (the first small?) getting through on that comments.pl page :)
[01:35:18] * NCommander is exhausted and tired :(
[01:36:05] <cmn32480> ncommander - rest. You need it.
[01:36:22] <Yog-Yogguth> are you on holiday yet? I hope you get a lot of rest and enjoyment
[01:37:17] <cmn32480> The site is running. TheMightyBuzzard is back, get some R&R. You have earned it.
[01:37:36] <cmn32480> oops... I told him I woudln't tell. Sorry Buzzard
[01:40:05] <NCommander> cmn32480, Yog-Yogguth: I woke up two hours ago
[01:40:43] <cmn32480> exhaustion and tired don't disappear with one sleep cycle.
[01:40:43] <takyon> dang
[01:40:56] * NCommander is doing some "light weight" coding
[01:41:04] <NCommander> Just a script to build the entire rehash dependency tree in a single go
[01:41:50] * cmn32480 thinks that NCommanders "light weight" coding makes a giant "WHOOSH" sound as it soars over my head
[01:42:23] <SpallsHurgenson> if only we could corral the energy of those whooshes...
[01:42:23] * Yog-Yogguth thinks the same
[01:43:01] <cmn32480> like bottling the energy of my 3 year old?
[01:43:19] <SpallsHurgenson> the matrix has some ideas on that one :)
[01:43:33] <cmn32480> nah... too cannibalistic
[01:43:57] <SpallsHurgenson> giant hamster wheel?
[01:45:52] <SpallsHurgenson> mind you, the electrical generation properties of 3-year olds is even less predictible than wind power... so either you will need multiple 3-year olds or some other power source to smooth out the flux :)
[01:46:41] <cmn32480> I do not need multiple three year olds. hell no
[01:47:07] <NCommander> cmn32480, basically, all it does is compile Apache, Perl, mod_perl in the ways required for the site to work, then installs all the perl CPAN modules the site needs
[01:47:46] <xar> cpan? ew.
[01:48:04] <cmn32480> There's that "WOOSH"ing sound again.....
[01:48:30] <NCommander> xar, its perl :(
[01:48:42] <SpallsHurgenson> it makes soylent go :)
[01:48:56] * xar goes back to lurking for 6 more months
[01:49:31] <NCommander> I'm still curious if the XSS bug we found today is something we introduced or something that slashdot and other slash sites have
[01:49:34] <cmn32480> actually, I get it in concept NCommander, but I'm not a programmer and the actual implementation is someethign that I was never good at
[01:50:08] <xar> im a devops guys, which means i code better than programmers >:)
[01:50:11] * xar hides
[01:50:43] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~Ethanol-f@SectorZeroZeroOne] has joined #Soylent
[01:51:02] <xar> "Obama Asks Secret Court to Continue Doing What He Promises Not to Do"
[01:51:09] <xar> that headline made me lol
[01:51:24] <cmn32480> ethanol-fueled: you gotta try "Not Your Father's Root Beer"
[01:51:36] <Ethanol-fueled> sho'.
[01:51:41] <cmn32480> 5.9%abv
[01:51:53] <Yog-Yogguth> haha @devops xar :)
[01:52:04] <cmn32480> tastes just like root beer and doens't taste like it has any alcohol in it
[01:52:25] <Ethanol-fueled> Sounds interesting...
[01:52:30] <cmn32480> if yo like root beer, it's awesome
[01:52:31] <Yog-Yogguth> helloo Ethanol-fueled :)
[01:52:37] <cmn32480> has almsot a creamy taste to it
[01:52:44] <Ethanol-fueled> sup yog. Finally hanging out, huh?
[01:53:32] <Yog-Yogguth> I really shouldn't but I got stuck here for at least the pat three days and now I just realized I have an appointment in five hours and I'm in the wrong “time zone” :S
[01:53:52] <Ethanol-fueled> Nice.
[01:54:09] <Ethanol-fueled> Yog, if you want to self-regulate your time here, get really trashed. Juggs will boot you sooner or later.
[01:54:20] <Yog-Yogguth> :)
[01:55:37] <Yog-Yogguth> anyway time for emergency 2-hours sleep, cya all later today :)
[01:55:41] <Ethanol-fueled> lata
[01:55:52] <cmn32480> night yog-yogguth
[01:56:00] -!- Yog-Yogguth has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[01:56:15] <Ethanol-fueled> mad trash talked about the santorum story.
[01:57:42] <n1> decided it was better to go that way, than have a discussion on any topic connected to tfa
[01:58:09] <Ethanol-fueled> https://soylentnews.org
[01:58:10] <systemd> ^ 03SN comment by [02Ethanol-fueled (2792)] (02Score:1)
[01:58:12] * Ethanol-fueled chuckles
[02:00:22] <n1> have a +interesting moderation.
[02:00:34] <Ethanol-fueled> Hahaha
[02:01:36] <Ethanol-fueled> Wonder if SN could use an explicit "editorial" catagory
[02:02:09] <Ethanol-fueled> Nah, probably could just be stated in the summary with a reminder that the submitter's views are their own and not representative of LibreNews
[02:02:24] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The "Let's Encrypt" Project Generates Root and Intermediate Certificates - http://sylnt.us - safety-in-numbers
[02:03:05] <n1> when you go down that route its hard to know where to draw the line
[02:03:26] <n1> especially with how the site works in general
[02:03:51] <n1> everything should be evaluated on its own merits
[02:03:58] <Ethanol-fueled> Hey, man, I'm sorry if you got in trouble for that, and you KNOW what I'm talking about.
[02:05:57] <n1> point is to have a discussion, sometimes it's not always a comfortable one to have
[02:06:37] <Ethanol-fueled> n1, that's why when you call it an "editorial" it takes more of the flak off of you.
[02:06:43] <SirFinkus> people will bitch no matter what
[02:07:20] <n1> i view it all as editorial, someone put their own spin on it somewhere along the line in most cases
[02:07:41] <n1> someone submitted what someone else wrote about someone else doing something that someone else saw and wrote down and showed it to someone else
[02:08:09] <Ethanol-fueled> Yeah, good point.
[02:08:27] <n1> if there was a line before, there isnt now when we are relying on third-party sources
[02:08:39] <n1> they have crossed the line themselves, if there was one
[02:08:45] <Ethanol-fueled> Yeah, good point.
[02:08:57] <n1> better way of putting it :)
[02:14:12] <Ethanol-fueled> ah, fuckit. Gettin' drunk tonight.
[02:19:11] <takyon> drink til you blackout
[02:19:51] <Ethanol-fueled> Not quite that much.
[02:20:40] <Ethanol-fueled> Enough for a heavy buzz, for sure.
[02:21:56] <Ethanol-fueled> if I can make it out the do'
[02:23:21] -!- Ethanol-fueled has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[02:45:54] <Landon> heh
[02:46:01] <Landon> arthur c clarke: 4 books is more than any trilogy needs
[02:46:36] <SpallsHurgenson> must've loved what gentry lee did with rama, then
[02:56:26] <Landon> :P this was in main respect to 2001
[02:56:42] <Landon> the authors foreword to the 2001 audiobook
[02:56:51] <Landon> how he only planned to have it one book and no sequels...
[02:56:56] <Landon> then they started to learn more about the solar system
[02:57:00] <Landon> so... 2010.... 2061...
[02:57:05] <SpallsHurgenson> damn science!
[02:57:16] <Landon> 3001...
[02:57:22] <Landon> hah! yeah damn science
[02:57:45] <Landon> factoid: movie was originally to be set around Saturn, but the artists couldn't satisy kubrick with the rings
[02:58:02] <Landon> good thing, because when they finally did find out what the rings looked like close up, they were all completely and utterly off
[02:58:27] <SpallsHurgenson> yes, we know. that's why the book refers to iapetus :)
[02:58:59] <Landon> mm, not something that came to my mind when I watched after reading
[02:59:13] <Landon> so many books would benefit with a brief snippet about their historical context
[02:59:26] <Landon> "While you enjoy your tour, be sure to pay attention to....."
[03:00:16] <SpallsHurgenson> larry niven's first story was scientifically accurate when written but inaccurate by the time it could published. stuff like that is why we should stop investigating the universe :)
[03:00:24] <Landon> ;)
[03:00:27] <Landon> goddamnit science
[03:00:34] <Landon> you're making our scifi look like shit!
[03:00:40] <Landon> what was his first story?
[03:00:49] <SpallsHurgenson> it aint got nuthin' on Hollywood
[03:01:00] <Landon> just wait until we meet real gungans
[03:01:10] <Landon> yousa be vewwwwwy sowwy
[03:02:05] <Landon> ok, to mad max
[03:02:06] <SpallsHurgenson> we're already sorry :)
[03:02:29] <Landon> unfortunately the "box set" I have of mad max only has road warrior and thunderdome :( :(
[03:03:13] <SpallsHurgenson> Road Warrior still has the most awesome car battle ever filmed
[03:03:17] <Landon> http://store.steampowered.com will leave this here
[03:03:18] <systemd> ^ 03TIS-100 on Steam
[03:05:31] <SpallsHurgenson> early access and indie and more than $2. Pass.
[03:05:55] <SpallsHurgenson> on a completely unrelated note:
[03:05:56] <SpallsHurgenson> http://www.pcgamer.com
[03:05:57] <systemd> ^ 03How motherboards are made - PC Gamer
[03:06:16] <SpallsHurgenson> not very detailed but some interesting pics of mobo sweatshops :)
[03:13:38] <Landon> SpallsHurgenson: look at the dev
[03:13:50] <Landon> spacechem, infinifactory
[03:14:02] <Landon> if you don't know those two games... whoof
[03:14:05] <Landon> :)
[03:14:10] <Landon> programmer candy
[03:14:58] <SpallsHurgenson> never 'eard of 'em
[03:15:28] <Landon> spacechem is worth looking up
[03:15:39] <Landon> infinifactory is roughly a 3d version of it if I understand right
[03:15:52] <Landon> basically programming an atom factory to make molecules on a 2d plane
[03:16:14] <Landon> they're pretty expensive though, but the big ol steam sale is coming up on the 11th I believe
[03:18:42] <Landon> SpallsHurgenson: I don't remember road warriors car fight scene, but is it better than Children of Men's single take car chase scene?
[03:20:18] <SpallsHurgenson> I think so. it was like the star wars death star battle on wheels :)
[03:24:19] <JamesNZ> Is it bad that I've never heard of Road Warrior?
[03:24:43] <SpallsHurgenson> yes. we all think the less of you now.
[03:25:06] <JamesNZ> Awww.
[03:25:53] <SpallsHurgenson> don't take it personally. it's just that you are a horrible person not worth knowing :) :) :)
[03:26:20] <JamesNZ> Good to know :P
[03:28:26] <SpallsHurgenson> sort of surprisng an Australian wouldn't know that movie though :)
[03:32:40] * JamesNZ throws SpallsHurgenson onto White Island
[03:33:04] <SpallsHurgenson> never heard of it, is that part of Austria too? :)
[03:33:53] * JamesNZ kicks Ayers rock on top of SpallsHurgenson for good measure
[03:34:40] <cmn32480> JamesNZ... it's my life story
[03:34:52] <SpallsHurgenson> oh, I remember that one. that's where the austrian national hero crocodile dundee lives
[03:35:03] <JamesNZ> cmn32480: :D
[03:35:07] <cmn32480> That's not a knife!
[03:35:41] <cmn32480> given the number of nights I have in hotels this year... (tonghit included)
[03:36:23] * SpallsHurgenson pokes and prods JamesNZ until he says "shrimp on the barbie" :)
[03:36:54] * JamesNZ pokes the kitty in revenge!
[03:37:15] <SpallsHurgenson> I wouldn't do that. kitty stole my shark-laser away from me last night...
[03:37:17] * cmn32480 pokes and prods SpallHurgenson into a Crocodile Hunter impression
[03:37:47] <JamesNZ> Shark-laser? I thought those had died out years ago!
[03:38:10] <cmn32480> 15 year old jokes about sharks with laser beams = +5 Funny
[03:38:12] <SpallsHurgenson> "Good evening. I am a hunter of crocodiles." How was that, was I close? I never saw the show :)
[03:38:26] * JamesNZ pokes a stingray barb into SpallsHurgenson's chest for maximum accuracy
[03:39:04] <SpallsHurgenson> "I say, this is rather a spot of bother!"
[03:40:57] <SpallsHurgenson> (huh, /another/ "ease the update experience to the latest version of windows" update from Microsoft...
[03:41:24] <cmn32480> are you gonna be one of the fools who updates wot Win 10 on day one?
[03:41:32] <SpallsHurgenson> oh fuck no
[03:41:38] <SpallsHurgenson> fuck fuck fuck fuck no
[03:41:42] <cmn32480> 1 year or 2 service packs
[03:41:47] <SpallsHurgenson> fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck nooooooooooooo
[03:41:57] <SpallsHurgenson> have I made my opinion clear on that topic? :)
[03:42:05] <cmn32480> no... I musta missed it
[03:42:59] <cmn32480> ok time for bed.
[03:43:06] <cmn32480> Y'all have a good evening
[03:43:15] <JamesNZ> Sweet dreams \o
[03:43:28] <cmn32480> a keep a shrimp on the barbie for me JamesNZ
[03:44:02] <JamesNZ> s/shrimp/sheep/
[03:44:03] <JamesNZ> :P
[03:44:11] <cmn32480> me whatever.
[03:44:13] <SpallsHurgenson> Fawstah, it's Austrian for beah :)
[03:44:14] <cmn32480> I prefer lamb
[03:44:31] <SpallsHurgenson> I've heard that about New Zealanders :)
[03:44:37] <cmn32480> and its American for piss in a can
[03:44:41] <JamesNZ> Fun fact: a lamb is a baby sheep.
[03:44:48] <cmn32480> I know
[03:44:57] <cmn32480> kinda like veal is baby cow
[03:44:59] * SpallsHurgenson takes notes; this may come up again
[03:45:03] <cmn32480> both a tasty and tender
[03:45:07] <JamesNZ> OMG, say it ain't so!
[03:45:09] <SpallsHurgenson> no, a calf is a baby cow
[03:45:11] <cmn32480> when cooked propertly
[03:45:14] <SpallsHurgenson> veal is meat from a calf :)
[03:45:25] <cmn32480> I took out the middle man spalls
[03:45:37] <JamesNZ> Cutting the cost an' all I see.
[03:46:04] <cmn32480> trying to keep the price of veal down :-)
[03:46:09] <SpallsHurgenson> I'll keep the middle man, thank you very much. veal is calf without all the nasty hairy bits
[03:46:19] <cmn32480> right
[03:46:34] <cmn32480> but the hairy bits can be turned into a very soft leather
[03:46:40] <SpallsHurgenson> are you still here?
[03:46:45] <cmn32480> oh right
[03:46:51] <cmn32480> Night Everybody!
[03:47:07] * JamesNZ slips some bedbugs down cmn32480's sheets
[03:47:18] <cmn32480> I'll kill you
[03:47:25] <cmn32480> for even bringing that up
[03:47:32] <SpallsHurgenson> there's a story there
[03:47:34] <JamesNZ> Darn, I thought you were actually gone that time.
[03:47:37] <SpallsHurgenson> I think we all need to hear it
[03:47:43] <JamesNZ> It's just a prank bro!
[03:48:11] <cmn32480> no story... just I stay in so many hotels, it is a constant watchfullness to make sure I don't get any hitchhikers on the way home
[03:48:30] <JamesNZ> Ah.
[03:48:32] <SpallsHurgenson> you can spice that up a bit
[03:48:56] <cmn32480> JamesNZ - I've spent about 30 mights in hotels in the last 3 months
[03:49:23] <JamesNZ> cmn32480: That's a fair percentage :o Work-related?
[03:49:31] <cmn32480> yup. all of it
[03:49:32] <SpallsHurgenson> spends a lot of time in hotels... has a bad "infestation" problem... is cmn32480 a hooker?!?!?
[03:49:52] <cmn32480> no... but the woman that lives across the street from me is
[03:49:54] <SpallsHurgenson> work related? Cmn32480 /is/ a prostitute!
[03:50:08] <JamesNZ> XD
[03:50:31] <cmn32480> g'night
[03:50:49] cmn32480 is now known as cmn32480|creeped_out
[03:50:51] * JamesNZ decides to put skeletons in cmn32480's closet instead
[03:51:03] <cmn32480|creeped_out> that I can deal with!
[03:51:14] <Landon> too much puppy, just told my printer "good girl"
[03:51:17] <JamesNZ> Heh.
[03:51:28] <Landon> to be fair, it did print out my documents without smearing
[03:51:55] <SpallsHurgenson> give it a pat on the toner so it knows it did a well
[03:52:06] <SpallsHurgenson> and don't forget to take it out walksies
[03:54:14] <Landon> ohhhh bad girl
[03:54:19] <Landon> didn't collate the copies
[03:54:28] <Landon> why is that even a default to not collate
[03:55:59] <SpallsHurgenson> must be an HP printer
[03:56:09] <Landon> Brother
[03:56:22] <JamesNZ> printers--
[03:56:22] <Bender> karma - printers: -3
[03:56:28] <SpallsHurgenson> that's what I said, a Brother printer
[03:56:59] <SpallsHurgenson> don't make fun of my accent; it's not my fault that when I say "Brother" it sounds like "aitch-pee". STOP BEING SO INTOLERANT!
[03:57:18] <cmn32480|creeped_out> Don't forget to listen to your radio at a reasonable volume while you're collating
[03:57:57] <cmn32480|creeped_out> or at least burn the building down
[03:57:57] <SpallsHurgenson> only from nine to eleven
[03:58:56] -!- SpallsHurgenson has quit [Quit: off to play with laser-kitty]
[04:00:33] <Landon> giggidy
[04:03:56] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - "Hot" New Superconductors Discovered - http://sylnt.us - attractive-orchestras
[04:21:56] -!- milkmaid [milkmaid!sid60592@vk-79018.charlton.irccloud.com] has joined #Soylent
[04:22:01] <milkmaid> Hey
[04:23:19] <milkmaid> Anyone around?
[04:28:37] <JamesNZ> Nah.
[04:37:02] <milkmaid> Sup
[04:58:21] <Subsentient> $burrito milkmaid
[04:58:21] * aqu4 chucks a nasty, rotten burrito at milkmaid
[05:00:12] <milkmaid> :/
[05:07:28] <JamesNZ> $beer milkmaid
[05:07:28] * aqu4 gives milkmaid a cold can of beer
[05:08:08] <milkmaid> I don't drink beer
[05:08:18] <milkmaid> I ordered some soylent!
[05:08:22] <milkmaid> I should get in a few days
[05:08:29] <milkmaid> How's it working for you guys?
[05:08:30] <JamesNZ> \o/
[05:08:45] * JamesNZ doesn't drink either :P
[05:09:46] <milkmaid> I'm using soylent to lose weight
[05:10:07] <milkmaid> Since it's so easy to eat just the right amount of calories
[05:17:46] <NCommander> hey milkmaid
[05:18:45] <milkmaid> Hello
[05:18:46] <ciri> meow milkmaid
[05:19:00] <NCommander> milkmaid, how goes your night?
[05:19:03] <milkmaid> Have any of you lost weight on soylent!
[05:19:04] <milkmaid> ?
[05:19:09] <milkmaid> Not bad. Yours?
[05:19:18] <NCommander> I think you have the wrong idea what SoylentNews is :)
[05:19:28] <NCommander> We're not related to the drink
[05:20:04] <milkmaid> What??
[05:20:06] <milkmaid> Aw
[05:20:14] <milkmaid> What is it?
[05:20:28] <NCommander> milkmaid, we're a news website, which takes submissions from members of our community. We're a play off SoylentGreen
[05:20:41] <milkmaid> Ah
[05:20:44] <NCommander> milkmaid, https://soylentnews.org
[05:20:44] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~Ethanol-f@SectorZeroZeroOne] has joined #Soylent
[05:20:44] <systemd> ^ 03SoylentNews is secured goatse
[05:20:53] <NCommander> milkmaid, I'm curious how you found us though
[05:21:02] <Ethanol-fueled> nice@systemd
[05:21:13] <Ethanol-fueled> sup NCom
[05:21:40] <NCommander> Ethanol-fueled, rebuilding hydrogen. Just nuked it and got its SSH and kerberos configuration setup. Almost ready to put it back into service
[05:21:55] <milkmaid> I just looked up soylent IRC
[05:21:55] <milkmaid> Lol
[05:22:04] <NCommander> milkmaid, rofl, that works.
[05:22:25] <NCommander> I've been interested in trying Soylent (the drink), but never got around to it
[05:22:26] <NCommander> .deop
[05:22:26] -!- mode/#Soylent [-o NCommander] by Imogen
[05:22:31] <NCommander> .voice
[05:22:31] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v NCommander] by Imogen
[05:24:06] <milkmaid> Have you had others come in here thinking this was for soylent the drink?
[05:25:42] -!- Ethanol-fueled has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[05:26:25] <NCommander> milkmaid, not to my memory :), in my defense, SoylentNews wasn't my idea, but it proved the most popular name chosen when we did site wide vote. Part of me is still partial to li694-22 ;)
[05:35:06] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - How American Students Get A University Degree For Free In Germany - http://sylnt.us - mmrpg
[06:06:14] <SirFinkus> woohoo movie night
[06:06:46] <SirFinkus> saw "Aliens" is on tv
[06:07:10] <SirFinkus> and plenty of beer
[06:07:51] <SirFinkus> they're about the land and someone is tempting fate
[06:08:19] <SirFinkus> hudson
[06:30:41] <artificial> sounds like a good time
[06:34:14] -!- cmn32480|creeped_out has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[06:39:41] <crutchy> ++coffee
[06:39:41] <systemd> Karma - coffee: 282
[06:39:41] <crutchy> coffee++
[06:39:41] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1416
[06:40:10] <crutchy> SirFinkus, has anyone ever mistaken you for a man?
[06:44:41] <JamesNZ> http://media.giphy.com
[06:49:23] <SirFinkus> "it's the only way to be sure"
[06:49:27] <SirFinkus> damn right it is
[06:49:48] <SirFinkus> idk crutchy, what about you?
[06:49:53] <SirFinkus> sorry, I was scrolled up
[06:52:32] <SirFinkus> this movie would sock so bad if they made it today
[06:53:22] <SirFinkus> "game over man, game over"
[07:00:50] <crutchy> it wouldn't suck so bad if the sarge wasn't offed so quick
[07:01:16] <crutchy> 'a day in the corps is like a day on the farm'
[07:06:16] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - All U.S. Federal Websites to Move to HTTPS - http://sylnt.us - fbi-encryption-prevention
[07:33:22] <SirFinkus> fucking noot
[07:34:31] <crutchy> https... where the fbi/nsa/$insert_acronym_here has the pem
[07:46:30] -!- Ryuugami [Ryuugami!~99e5ae9e@c8891124-ppubp96808csioiqffze.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp] has joined #Soylent
[07:53:42] <Ryuugami> Hey guys, there seems to be a major problem with the search function. Went to the bug tracker to submit a report, but it wanted me to create an account, which I'm in no mood to do right now.
[07:53:59] <SirFinkus> is NCommander still up?
[07:54:03] <Ryuugami> Anyway, the problem is that no articles since June 5th are indexed.
[07:54:10] <SirFinkus> he'd be the one to ask
[07:54:14] <NCommander> SirFinkus, I'm up
[07:54:21] <NCommander> SirFinkus, ugh
[07:54:24] <SirFinkus> see Ryuugami
[07:54:28] <NCommander> SirFinkus, indexer may have gone on vacation
[07:54:31] <Ryuugami> thanks :)
[07:54:34] <NCommander> Ryuugami, investigating now
[07:55:07] <Ryuugami> Fast response, that's what I like about you guys.
[07:55:13] <SirFinkus> one of these days everything will be working
[07:55:29] <NCommander> Ryuugami, oh, ok, well, ... I found the problem
[07:55:35] * NCommander disabled mysqld on helium due to RAM issues
[07:55:40] <Ryuugami> Fast indeed O_o
[07:55:46] <NCommander> I forgot I pointed searchd to use helium's mysqld
[07:55:48] <NCommander> d'oh
[07:55:48] <SirFinkus> I try my best to summon someone else to do actual work
[07:56:03] <NCommander> Ryuugami, give me a few minutes to figure out the best way to solve it
[07:56:12] <NCommander> The search daemon box is somewhat RAM starved at the moment
[07:56:22] <SirFinkus> "a few minutes" is pretty good for a bug fix lol
[07:56:26] <Ryuugami> No hurry, there is always google&co if I really wanted to search for something
[07:56:59] <Ryuugami> Just wanted to bring it to your attention, and here seemed like the most hassle-free place.
[07:57:17] <NCommander> Ryuugami, stand by, search should be back in about 3-4 minutes
[07:57:21] <NCommander> It has to rebuild the indexs
[07:58:09] <Ryuugami> Nice, thank you
[07:58:37] <NCommander> Ryuugami, Sphinx is fast, but its indexing roughly 100 MiB worth of text
[07:59:34] <NCommander> 100k records indexed ...
[07:59:55] <Ryuugami> Heh, that's a lot of text. I guess we've had a busy year ^^
[08:00:04] <NCommander> Ryuugami, 1.5 at this point
[08:00:22] <NCommander> 150k records indexed
[08:00:38] * NCommander notes he doesn't *love* Sphinx, but its far better than the piece of shit it replaced
[08:00:45] <NCommander> Ryuugami, rotating indices: successfully sent SIGHUP to searchd (pid=13156).
[08:00:48] <NCommander> Ryuugami, try it now
[08:00:50] <SirFinkus> god damn good movie
[08:01:45] <NCommander> SirFinkus, which movie?
[08:01:51] <SirFinkus> aliens
[08:01:59] * NCommander hasn't actually seen any of them >.>;
[08:02:04] <NCommander> Horror isn't my favorite genre
[08:02:11] <SirFinkus> they're good
[08:02:19] <NCommander> Today been busy
[08:02:20] <Ryuugami> Ok, seems to work now. Thank you, NCommander.
[08:02:21] <crutchy> SirFinkus, now watch the hishe yt for aliens :p
[08:02:23] <SirFinkus> it's good horror
[08:02:48] <NCommander> Ryuugami, you're welcome. I'm slightly curious though, you're connecting in from Japan; I'd expect you to frequent slashdot.jp more than us :)
[08:02:49] <SirFinkus> alien series does horror correctly, which is an anomoly
[08:03:03] * NCommander admits he liked Event Horizon though had nightmares for weeks because of it
[08:03:10] <SirFinkus> now it's スラド
[08:03:19] <NCommander> Forgot about that
[08:03:21] <Ryuugami> Nope, I'm from Europe, studying in JP
[08:03:25] <NCommander> Wonder if they're still running Slash
[08:03:36] <crutchy> ~translate スラド
[08:03:37] <exec> [google translate] スラド (auto -> en): Surado
[08:03:52] <SirFinkus> it's basically a shortened version of slashdot
[08:03:56] <NCommander> I still need to check to see if the green site, Barrapuento and ... the site formally known as slashdot.jp are vulerable to the XSS we found today
[08:03:57] <Ryuugami> hah, that ain't translate, that's transliterate
[08:04:17] <NCommander> Ryuugami, Japan is one of the "major" countries I actually haven't been to
[08:04:28] <NCommander> (well, I transferred in NRT twice, but I don't count that)
[08:04:28] <crutchy> its transgooglate
[08:04:36] <Ryuugami> slashdot -> surasshu dotto -> surado
[08:04:49] <NCommander> I still find it ironic the biggest use of UTF-8 on SN is the e in Touche
[08:04:57] <crutchy> NCommander is scared of dropbears
[08:05:09] <NCommander> crutchy, I lived in the PRC for awhile :P
[08:05:13] <Ryuugami> heh, better than posts full of emojis
[08:05:25] <NCommander> Ryuugami, well, there was that when we announced it "actually" working
[08:05:34] <crutchy> they have drop bears too?
[08:05:43] <crutchy> maybe mutated from pandas
[08:05:43] <NCommander> Ryuugami, not sure if you were here for when went live, but the site's UTF-8 support was really wonky until TheMightyBuzzard actually went and fixed it
[08:07:24] <crutchy> http://www.telegraph.co.uk
[08:07:25] <systemd> ^ 03US 'sending hundreds more troops to Iraq' - Telegraph
[08:07:51] <SirFinkus> pretty sure スラド is still running slash (modified of course)
[08:07:54] <crutchy> well thats lucky. the ied industry over there was almost in recession
[08:08:16] <SirFinkus> and somehow the color scheme is worse than SoylentNews default ;)
[08:08:16] <Ryuugami> NC: Hah, seems to happen often here :) (disclaimer: not complaining)
[08:09:01] <NCommander> SirFinkus, Ryuugami: the site is red because that was the default theme when I ran install-slashsite. I actually am currently using the chillax theme
[08:09:15] <SirFinkus> I know, just bitching
[08:09:20] <crutchy> chillax++ here too
[08:09:20] <Bender> karma - chillax: 3
[08:09:21] <SirFinkus> aimlessly
[08:09:39] <SirFinkus> vt100 here
[08:09:50] <Ryuugami> crutchy: no drop bears in JP, that's australia ;..;
[08:09:52] <crutchy> you been mesmerized by ripley. it happens to all of us
[08:10:51] <Ryuugami> <- night mode, with custom stylish to darkify it a bit more
[08:12:02] <chromas> soylent_gray++
[08:12:02] <Bender> karma - soylent_gray: 1
[08:12:03] <crutchy> NCommander, might be interesting submission to see sn theme usage stats
[08:12:14] <Ryuugami> Maybe a poll...
[08:12:23] <NCommander> Ryuugami, I'm deeply curious if スラド might take notice of us and migrate to rehash. Last I checked, they're running a truly antique branch of slash on Apache 1.3; I'm guessing DICE pressured them to drop the slashdot name
[08:12:30] <NCommander> crutchy, possibly
[08:13:09] <SirFinkus> I found their SVN repo
[08:13:10] <SirFinkus> http://osdn.jp
[08:13:12] <systemd> ^ 03コミット詳細: 1113 - slashdotjp (svn) - スラド - OSDN
[08:13:45] <crutchy> ~title http://osdn.jp
[08:13:48] <exec> 13コミット詳細: 1113 - slashdotjp (svn) - スラド - OSDN
[08:13:56] <crutchy> derp
[08:14:37] <Ryuugami> hmm, srad seems to have similar number of comments to SN
[08:14:47] <NCommander> ....
[08:14:54] <NCommander> THAT would have been useful a year ago
[08:15:00] <NCommander> When I was rewriting functions that we were missing code from
[08:16:02] <NCommander> Ryuugami, SirFinkus: appears this last tree imported the last open source drop of slashcode, then development stopped
[08:16:08] <SirFinkus> I don't know how old this all is, they just did the rebranding shit a few months ago
[08:16:31] <Ryuugami> I didn't even know they rebranded
[08:16:59] <Ryuugami> I agree with NCommander, probably pressure from DICE (no other rational reason)
[08:17:17] <SirFinkus> sounds about right, or they just wanted to distance themselves from the old site
[08:17:24] <SirFinkus> given how scummy dice is
[08:18:11] <NCommander> SirFinkus, Ryuugami: honestly, someone should send them an email that there's a maintained version of their codebase :)
[08:18:27] <Ryuugami> I'll see what I can do.
[08:19:12] <Ryuugami> At least I got fluent in reading/writing/speaking Japanese :)
[08:19:38] <NCommander> Ryuugami, well, I figure DICE screwed everyone, though I think it was the previous corporate overlords that closed it up
[08:20:09] <NCommander> Actually, it was under Geeknet
[08:20:10] <NCommander> Huh
[08:20:15] <Ryuugami> hah, they bacronymed it: "SRAD:Story, Research, Article, Discussion"
[08:20:16] <NCommander> Which is a direct offshoot of VA Linux
[08:20:24] <NCommander> Ryuugami, I just did that with Rehash today ;)
[08:20:25] -!- SirFinku_ [SirFinku_!~SirFinkus@a-90-913-475-455.hsd9.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[08:20:36] <SirFinku_> fucking internet
[08:20:42] <NCommander> SirFinku_, Ryuugami README - Rehash ("Revised and Enhanced Homebrewed Automatic Storytelling Homepage")
[08:20:59] <SirFinku_> I can't translate something myself, but I know a few people that might be able to help with a non-ncommander length email :)
[08:21:05] <Ryuugami> NC, I've seen worse :)
[08:21:08] -!- SirFinkus has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[08:21:16] SirFinku_ is now known as SirFinkus
[08:21:37] <SirFinkus> it looks like they've been running their own branch since 2008
[08:21:50] <NCommander> SirFinkus, its still basically the same site.
[08:21:55] * NCommander checks what they're running under the hood
[08:22:40] <Ryuugami> ah, found something that looks like contact email: slashmaster@srad.jp
[08:23:13] <NCommander> Ryuugami, it would give me a reason to resume work on internationalizing rehash; I did some work on a branch to see if it was even possible
[08:23:17] <Ryuugami> yah, that should be the one to contact
[08:23:27] <Ryuugami> NC, how was it?
[08:23:27] <NCommander> Ryuugami, Apache/1.3.42 Debian mod_gzip/ mod_perl/1.31
[08:23:40] <NCommander> Ryuugami, doable, but the community felt there wasn't a lot of point of localizing the UI w/o the content
[08:23:48] <NCommander> That's the same version of Apache we were stuck with until recently
[08:23:55] <Ryuugami> yah, I read the discussion
[08:24:41] <SirFinkus> NCommander I know a jp translator that owes me a favor, write something brief and I can get it translated and sent off most likely
[08:24:52] <Ryuugami> Oh, I can translate it.
[08:24:56] <NCommander> SirFinkus, well, given their commits are in English, I'm guessing someone speaks English
[08:24:57] <NCommander> :)
[08:25:00] <NCommander> But let me think
[08:25:13] <SirFinkus> haha, suppose that's a good assumption
[08:25:35] <SirFinkus> or have Ryuugami do it, so I can keep banking my favor
[08:25:35] <Ryuugami> I've been living in JP for about 7 years now, got my Master's in Japanese.
[08:25:54] <NCommander> Ryuugami, where in Japan?
[08:25:59] * NCommander is smoking a cigarette debating what to say
[08:26:14] <Ryuugami> (As long as you don't need me to grovel in a real Japanese fashion)
[08:26:23] <Ryuugami> SirFinkus: Tokyo
[08:27:06] <Ryuugami> NC: I can just send them a suggestion by myself, though I guess an offer from a dev would carry more weight
[08:27:14] <SirFinkus> the guy who owes me a favor is a native speaker, although it probably doesn't matter too much if the guys speak english anyway
[08:27:25] <SirFinkus> probably better off just sending the email in english
[08:27:37] <NCommander> First impressions are everything
[08:28:01] <SirFinkus> translation is a massive PITA, and a lot of nuance can be lost if you aren't careful
[08:28:07] <Ryuugami> True.
[08:28:15] <NCommander> Given they just redesigned their website, they've probably got a vested interest in keeping it going. The mod_perl 2 port was extremely difficult and I'm not suprised they haven't managed it
[08:28:55] <Ryuugami> On the other hand, Japanese usually get a bit defensive if talked to in English. Afraid of embarassing themselves :/
[08:28:58] <NCommander> It took me a near 50 hours non-stop just to get the main page to render, and probably two months of active development effort to just get it stable. We all remember how well the rollout went, though we have most of the bugs squashed now
[08:29:19] <Ryuugami> NC: I bow to your perserverance.
[08:29:21] <NCommander> Ryuugami, translate it for me, then place the English original below.
[08:29:25] <NCommander> Ryuugami, I just got fedup
[08:29:37] * NCommander notes we had three seperate attempts to port the mess
[08:29:43] <NCommander> The entire stack is interwoven with Apache
[08:29:46] <Ryuugami> NC: Yeah, that would probably be best
[08:29:47] <NCommander> Its an all or nothign deal
[08:30:30] -!- SirFinku_ [SirFinku_!~SirFinkus@a-90-913-475-455.hsd9.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[08:30:35] <SirFinku_> motherfucker
[08:30:36] <NCommander> Ryuugami, SirFinkus: https://github.com - here's my favorite rant from porting the thing
[08:30:37] <systemd> ^ 03rehash/Environment.pm at master · SoylentNews/rehash · GitHub ( https://github.com )
[08:30:46] <crutchy> http://images.csmonitor.com
[08:30:50] -!- SirFinkus has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[08:30:58] SirFinku_ is now known as SirFinkus
[08:31:10] <crutchy> this photo is begging for a caption competition
[08:31:47] <SirFinkus> "What do you expect ME to do?"
[08:31:59] <SirFinkus> "Well it ain't gonna suck itself"
[08:32:04] <crutchy> and obama 'yo bitch i wasn't me'
[08:32:04] <Ryuugami> NC: You can gauge the frustration in writing the code by the number of "fuck"s in source code comments :)
[08:32:09] <SirFinkus> bam
[08:32:09] <SirFinkus> I win
[08:33:17] <Ryuugami> Ya know, just yesterday I found out that Obama's middle name actually _is_ "Hussein"
[08:33:49] <crutchy> he has his own tv station too... BHO
[08:33:59] <SirFinkus> yeah, you didn't know he's an actual terrorist?
[08:34:27] <Ryuugami> All this time I thought FoxNews&co were just assholes as usual
[08:34:28] <crutchy> he was named after a character in a bugs bunny cartoon
[08:35:04] <SirFinkus> well, still assholes for pointing it out
[08:35:20] <crutchy> http://i.ytimg.com
[08:35:34] <Ryuugami> Oh, I know he's a terrorist (well, a member of the USA government, but that's just details)
[08:36:09] <crutchy> you'll be targeted by drones for such an accusation!
[08:36:11] * NCommander is writing
[08:37:18] <Ryuugami> nah, Japan is USA's little bitch
[08:37:35] <Ryuugami> I'm safe until I leave ;..;
[08:38:00] -!- SirFinku_ [SirFinku_!~SirFinkus@a-90-913-475-455.hsd9.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[08:38:07] <SirFinku_> here we go again
[08:38:35] <Ryuugami> SirFinkus: the string between the cans got cut again?
[08:38:49] <Ryuugami> Ah, I see. Comcast.
[08:39:10] <chromas> /ns ghost SirFinkus
[08:39:48] -!- SirFinku_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[08:40:17] -!- SirFinkus has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[08:40:38] <chromas> Maximum comcast :(
[08:41:55] <NCommander> I think he ghosted himself
[08:43:01] <chromas> Did https-by-default get turned off?
[08:43:14] * chromas just noticed he's only on http
[08:44:43] <Ryuugami> NCommander: I listed a throwaway email on the site, should I send you my actual email to the address listed on your profile?
[08:45:41] <NCommander> Ryuugami, go for it
[08:45:44] <NCommander> chromas, no?
[08:45:52] <NCommander> chromas, it should autoredirect you to https if you're not
[08:46:30] <chromas> hm; it does it in firefox but not palemoon
[08:47:06] <crutchy> chromas found a wormhole
[08:49:00] <Ryuugami> I can confirm that Palemoon 24.7.2 (x64) doesn't redirect.
[08:49:32] <NCommander> ...
[08:49:38] <NCommander> Firefox's SSL support is questionable it seems
[08:49:55] <NCommander> chromas, Ryuugami: can you do a nslookup on soylentnews.org?
[08:50:12] <NCommander> Its *possible* you're getting sent to the old loadbalancer which doesn't do the redirect
[08:50:39] <crutchy> ~eval nslookup soylentnews.org
[08:50:42] <exec> Server:
[08:50:43] <exec> Address:
[08:50:43] <exec> Non-authoritative answer:
[08:50:44] <exec> Name: soylentnews.org
[08:50:46] <exec> Address:
[08:50:51] <NCommander> THat's the new IP ...
[08:50:59] * NCommander downloads Pale Moon
[08:51:05] * chromas also gets that ip
[08:51:36] <Ryuugami> Addresses: 2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fe98:b8fe
[08:51:37] <NCommander> Ick
[08:51:39] <NCommander> Hrm
[08:51:40] <Ryuugami>
[08:51:45] * NCommander checks the IPv6 address
[08:51:55] * chromas doesn't get ipv6 :'(
[08:52:05] * Ryuugami is using an old version of Pale Moon
[08:52:08] <NCommander> Ryuugami, that's pointed to the right place
[08:52:12] <chromas> so far it looks like only pale moon doesn't redirect
[08:52:13] <NCommander> why the fuck aren't you getting redirected
[08:52:23] <NCommander> chromas, nginx should be rejecting attempts to access the site via http
[08:52:28] <NCommander> And send a 301 Relocated
[08:52:39] <crutchy> maybe cos he's from washington state
[08:52:54] <chromas> maybe pale moon has a bug where it thinks it's still http even though it isn't
[08:53:06] <NCommander> What, seriously?
[08:53:13] <NCommander> PM has their file on sourceforge, and its a shar
[08:53:15] <NCommander> I hate shars
[08:53:22] <Ryuugami> wait
[08:53:27] <Ryuugami> what the hell
[08:53:31] <Ryuugami> now it redirects
[08:53:36] <NCommander> which asks for a root password
[08:53:36] <chromas> ooh, it only doesn't redirect on the front page for me. Clicking a story goes to https
[08:53:43] <NCommander> I'm not installing anything from SF that needs root
[08:53:52] <NCommander> chromas, hrm
[08:53:55] <Ryuugami> check again on the front page
[08:54:03] <Ryuugami> for me now it redirects
[08:54:10] <chromas> here too now
[08:54:11] <Ryuugami> a few minutes ago it didn't
[08:54:19] <chromas> yo did it, NCommander!
[08:54:31] <chromas> s/ /y /
[08:54:31] <sedctl> <chromas> yoy did it, NCommander!
[08:54:34] <crutchy> NCommander, but dice will protect your system!
[08:54:35] <chromas> :|
[08:54:57] * NCommander tries to install Palemoon in WINE
[08:55:04] <NCommander> I didn't do anything!
[08:55:19] <chromas> ssh
[08:55:21] <NCommander> crutchy, Ryuugami: its possible someone is doing something nasty and you're getting proxied
[08:55:22] <chromas> just take the credit, man
[08:55:22] <crutchy> chromas, i think you meant (o Y o)
[08:55:45] <NCommander> We don't have HSTS enabled on the site (yet), so if Pale Moon gets content vs HTTP, it will show it
[08:55:56] <Ryuugami> NC: you can get a Pale Moon Portable from http://www.palemoon.org
[08:55:57] <systemd> ^ 03Pale Moon - portable!
[08:56:17] <NCommander> Ryuugami, give me a few minutes
[08:56:17] <chromas> pale moon is available for lunix, ya know
[08:56:30] <NCommander> Ryuugami, PM me your email, I want mrcoolbp to check over anything before we send it to SRAD
[08:56:35] <crutchy> just be a sheep and use ff
[08:56:50] <NCommander> I actually don't mind Aurora
[08:56:57] <chromas> NCommander--
[08:56:57] <Bender> karma - ncommander: 85
[08:57:02] <crutchy> i use aurora at work
[08:57:08] <NCommander> Then again
[08:57:10] <NCommander> I worked for Canonical
[08:57:11] <Ryuugami> NCommander: I sent you an email a few minutes ago
[08:57:21] <crutchy> i tried nightly. that was ghey
[08:57:29] <crutchy> back to aurora
[08:57:37] <NCommander> Ryuugami, thunderbird was being stupid
[08:57:50] <NCommander> Ryuugami, do you mind if I Cc you on the email I send to mrcoolbp and matt_?
[08:57:51] <crutchy> though eventually the crapness will trickle down into aurora
[08:57:57] <crutchy> unless i don't update :p
[08:58:04] <Ryuugami> NCommander: no problem
[08:58:20] <chromas> palemoon gets its own profile directory, but iceweasel uses firefox's
[08:59:05] <Ryuugami> chromas: Well, palemoon completely forked away from FF since version 25
[08:59:46] * chromas is disappointed ff still requires reboot for (en|dis)abling extensions and themes. What is it, 1998?
[09:00:14] <Ryuugami> chromas: not all of them, there is a large selection of extensions that don't require restart
[09:00:42] <chromas> neat. I should go look for those just to install them :)
[09:00:58] <chromas> at least they haven't Opera'd the themes yet
[09:01:01] <Ryuugami> Yeah, I think they're marked as such on addon page
[09:01:24] <Ryuugami> what did Opera do to themes?
[09:01:49] <chromas> Removed, replaced with a fancy new theme system that only lets you set a background image
[09:02:09] -!- SirFinkus [SirFinkus!~SirFinkus@a-90-913-475-455.hsd9.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[09:03:53] <Ryuugami> Wait, didn't Firefox introduce something like that?
[09:04:02] <Ryuugami> Forgot what they called it
[09:04:15] <chromas> Probably. But the real themes are still there
[09:04:23] * chromas uses FtDeepDark
[09:04:26] <Ryuugami> Yeah, at least that :)
[09:04:39] <NCommander> Ryuugami, out of curosity, what was SRAD's formal reason for rebranding?
[09:04:42] * Ryuugami uses FT DeepDark too
[09:05:02] <Ryuugami> NCommander: no idea
[09:05:17] <Ryuugami> NCommander: I have visited the site once or twice a few years ago
[09:06:21] <NCommander> Ryuugami, google.jp? :)
[09:06:56] <Ryuugami> duckduckgo.com!
[09:07:16] <NCommander> Ryuugami, if they support Japanese, more power to you
[09:07:31] * NCommander notes our auto-onion site translates links to duckduckgo to their tor site
[09:07:49] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - 75 Million Year Old Dinosaur Fossil Found to Contain Blood and Proteins - http://sylnt.us - ingen-at-isla-nublar
[09:08:04] <chromas> You're late, Bender
[09:08:27] <Ryuugami> NCommander: you mean the interface, or search?
[09:08:48] <Ryuugami> NCommander: search works perfectly, never checked if JP interface is available :)
[09:09:11] <NCommander> Ryuugami, I still use Google. I find myself highly frustated when I use DuckDuckGo because the results aren't as good :(
[09:09:45] <Ryuugami> anyway, this is just guesswork at this point, but SRAD rebranding may have to do with the "SRAD is a OSDN Corporation service." on the bottom.
[09:10:20] <Ryuugami> NCommander: DDG is usually OK, sometimes even better than Google
[09:10:51] <Ryuugami> when I'm not happy with the results, I just add "!g" on the end, it redirects to Google
[09:10:56] <NCommander> Ryuugami, thats true. the OSDN relationship between slashdot and the English OSDN was ... weird, and went poof when GeekNet was launched. I have no idea how the japanese counterpart went
[09:11:30] <NCommander> Ryuugami, feel free to translate this, but don't send it out until you get an explicate-OK from me :)
[09:12:08] <NCommander> Sent
[09:12:11] <SirFinkus> They've been owned by OSDN for as long as I can remember
[09:12:29] <SirFinkus> .jp I mean
[09:14:10] <Ryuugami> NCommander: OK, I'll try to translate it today.
[09:14:44] <Ryuugami> SirFinkus: Didn't know that, thought it may be a change-of-master related rebranding
[09:14:45] <NCommander> SirFinkus, well, slashdot and SF were connected to US OSDN. Slashdot changed owners so frequently its really hard to keep track of
[09:15:23] <Ryuugami> It seems it's been less than a month since rebranding
[09:15:54] <Ryuugami> I found a user diary titled "The Last Diary on slashdot.jp", dated May 11
[09:16:04] <NCommander> Ryuugami, link? (I'll run it through GT)
[09:17:50] <Ryuugami> http://srad.jp
[09:17:51] <systemd> ^ 03The Last Diary on slashdot.jp | kai_swlã®æ—¥è¨˜ | スラド
[09:19:26] <Ryuugami> nothing in it, just a long-time user commenting on the change
[09:22:13] <NCommander> Oh, OK, I get the history
[09:22:39] <NCommander> When VA Linux bought Andover, they put what they go (including slashdot) under a division called ODSN, which included SourceForge
[09:23:16] -!- janrinok [janrinok!~janrinok@Soylent/Staff/Editor/janrinok] has joined #Soylent
[09:23:16] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v janrinok] by Imogen
[09:24:10] <NCommander> morning janrinok
[09:24:49] <janrinok> morning NCommander - how's things?
[09:24:49] <NCommander> Ryuugami, the translation of that post is "Interesting", its like a haiku gone wrong
[09:25:08] <NCommander> janrinok, discussing sending an olive branch over to srand.jp (formally known as slashdot.jp, and one of the last slash sites on the internet)
[09:26:11] <janrinok> sounds like a good idea. Have we offended them, or are we just trying to reach out?
[09:26:31] <Ryuugami> NCommander: Found it!
[09:26:38] <Ryuugami> http://osdn.co.jp
[09:26:39] <systemd> ^ 03Slashdot Japanãªã‚‰ã³ã«SourceForge.JPã€ã‚µã‚¤ãƒˆå称変更ã®ãŠçŸ¥ã‚‰ã› | OSDNæ ªå¼ä¼šç¤¾
[09:26:56] <Ryuugami> NCommander: official press release about rebranding
[09:27:44] <Ryuugami> they stated disagreements between OSDN and Dice Holdings
[09:27:48] <NCommander> "The circumstances that led to change this service name, is greater divergence of business direction with the OSDN's management policy and the US Dice Holdings, Inc. called "snuggle up to all of the community who love open source and technology around the IT" is It is due to the, as Japan is set a new brand, it is obtained by decided to go towards to new growth axis. "
[09:27:49] <NCommander> Damn
[09:27:58] <NCommander> Dice appears to want to piss off everyone
[09:28:03] <Ryuugami> :)
[09:28:13] <janrinok> it looks like the url should be srad.jp - cut and paster from that page "http://srad.jp/"
[09:28:14] <systemd> ^ 03スラド -- アレゲãªãƒ‹ãƒ¥ãƒ¼ã‚¹ã¨é›‘談サイト
[09:28:56] <NCommander> I can't find much about the origins of slashdot.jp, but it seems it was a joint venture of the original US VA Linux and their Japanese subsidry
[09:29:08] <Ryuugami> anyway, they rebranded SlashDot.jp to SRAD.jp and SourceForge.jp to OSDN.jp
[09:29:12] <janrinok> hehehe - I can spot some of our stories there!
[09:29:23] <Ryuugami> yes, second paragraph
[09:31:01] * NCommander hasn't gotten that far yet
[09:31:54] <Ryuugami> First paragraph: rebranding
[09:32:01] <Ryuugami> Second paragraph: history
[09:32:01] <NCommander> Ryuugami, given what I know of Japanese culture, and taking account GT butchers everything, it seems to me that OSDN.jp dislike dice :)
[09:32:08] <Ryuugami> Thirs paragraph: Dice sucks
[09:32:23] <NCommander> I'm curious how "fuck beta" would translate ;)
[09:32:34] <Ryuugami> s/Thirs/Third/
[09:32:34] <sedctl> <Ryuugami> Third paragraph: Dice sucks
[09:32:38] <janrinok> They've also released their code in sourceforge.jp - git, svn and hg.
[09:33:02] <janrinok> if my translation programme is to be trusted.
[09:33:09] <NCommander> janrinok, I took a look at it, its mostly unchanged from what we used
[09:33:33] <NCommander> There were a few bits in the original slashcode tree that we didn't have (they look like they have the complete D2 system and Firehose), but otherwise, not much different
[09:34:02] <Ryuugami> janrinok: Get a new translation program :)
[09:34:08] <janrinok> lol
[09:34:25] <Ryuugami> the sourceforge sites are the old repositories
[09:34:28] <janrinok> I suspect that you have something of an advantage there...
[09:34:42] <Ryuugami> sourceforge.jp was also rebranded to osdn.jp
[09:35:06] <Ryuugami> BTW, they say osdn.jp was the corporate homepage, but they moved that one to osdn.co.jp
[09:35:26] <NCommander> Ryuugami, IMHO, its entirely possible they haven't made any major changes beyond templates since 2009
[09:35:34] <Ryuugami> probably
[09:35:52] <Ryuugami> the rebranding is only a month old
[09:35:58] <NCommander> slashdot.jp basically looked like slashdot circa 2009, and without a firm understanding of how humpy dumpy goes together
[09:36:32] <Ryuugami> well, it was basically a regional offshoot of slahdot with a soylent-like number of commenters
[09:36:34] <janrinok> I wonder if Dice are beginning to get the message yet?
[09:36:41] <Ryuugami> but no strong feelings about it
[09:37:16] <Ryuugami> so no motivation to make major changes
[09:37:37] <NCommander> janrinok, considering the shit they've done with sourceforge, I doubt it
[09:38:00] <NCommander> janrinok, though DICE's last earning report was pretty fun to read
[09:38:17] <NCommander> What's truly mindboggling
[09:38:23] <janrinok> didn't see it, but I'll take your word for it ;)
[09:38:29] <NCommander> Netcraft reports Slashdot runs on Apache/2.2.3
[09:38:46] <NCommander> "Released July 28, 2006"
[09:39:39] <NCommander> I know they did that upgrade sometime in 2011 off 1.3, and then are running on a very antique version of Apache
[09:39:55] <NCommander> Given all the "work" they've done to the site, you'd think someone would bother to upgrade shit
[09:40:33] <Ryuugami> nah, that type of upgrades are not obvious
[09:40:45] <janrinok> perhaps they haven't got a strong dev team behind them yet?
[09:40:56] <Ryuugami> as in, people might not notice that something changed
[09:41:06] <Ryuugami> better move a few boxes around instead :P
[09:42:07] <NCommander> If I could be bothered to log in, I'd like to check to see if the XSS bug we found today is present on either slashdot or srad
[09:42:12] <NCommander> But that would requie posting a comment
[09:44:13] <Ryuugami> post a comment "I found this cool site, SoylentNews, you heard of it?"
[09:46:00] janrinok is now known as janrinok|afk
[09:51:44] <Ryuugami> NCommander: you still here?
[09:52:12] <NCommander> Ryuugami, yeah
[09:52:22] <NCommander> Ryuugami, was reading some random wikipedia articles
[09:52:25] <Ryuugami> NCommander: can you tell me how to pronounce your name?
[09:53:02] <Ryuugami> I'd like to transliterate it to katakana in the email
[09:53:42] <Ryuugami> your surname sounds Spanish, so I'm not sure I'm pronouncing it right :)
[09:55:09] <NCommander> Ryuugami, Casa-de-vall (English l sound, not the traditional Spanish double-ll)
[09:55:41] <Ryuugami> first name is the usual English pronounciation?
[09:55:44] <NCommander> Yeah
[09:55:52] <Ryuugami> ok, thanks
[09:56:15] <NCommander> Ryuugami, my dad's side of the family traces itself to Spain, then some moved to England, migrated on the Mayflower, then moved to Cuba.
[09:56:53] <Ryuugami> Mayflower? Wow that's early.
[09:56:54] <NCommander> My father and his family left Cuba due to Castro, and fled to the United States.
[09:57:19] <NCommander> That was back when the United States would grant political asylum to escapees
[09:57:53] <NCommander> My grandfather, Alberto Casadevall, was a reporter in Cuba
[09:58:39] <NCommander> If the embargo is lifted, I'd like to go and visit their village of Santi Spiritus
[09:59:15] <Ryuugami> Doesn't sound like a very safe occupation in Cuba
[09:59:24] <Ryuugami> Wait, isn't embargo already lifted?
[09:59:25] <NCommander> No, he was imprisoned
[09:59:28] <NCommander> Ryuugami, not formally.
[09:59:36] <Ryuugami> Ah.
[09:59:56] <NCommander> Ryuugami, we're still working to normalize relations. In practice, we have a "special interest group" in Havana which acts as an embassy
[10:00:06] <NCommander> But no formally recongized diplomatic ties
[10:00:10] <Ryuugami> I watch Daily Show, and I was under the impression that it was.
[10:00:24] <NCommander> The United States and Cuba have had a long ongoing "billboard" war
[10:01:05] <NCommander> Ryuugami, http://en.wikipedia.org
[10:01:06] <systemd> ^ 03Wiki: United States Interests Section in Havana ( http://en.wikipedia.org )
[10:01:55] <NCommander> It reminds me of the flagpole war between North and South Korea
[10:02:15] <NCommander> Ryuugami, my grandmother still has most of my grandfathers writings. At some point, I'd like to translate them to English and post them
[10:02:33] <Ryuugami> IIRC, the US used some humanitarian organization to create a Twitter-like service in Cuba a few years ago... intended it as a tool of dissent
[10:02:43] <Ryuugami> NCommander: Nice.
[10:03:03] <Ryuugami> Wait, did your grandfather leave the prison alive?
[10:03:49] <NCommander> Ryuugami, yes, he did. They fled to Spain before international travel began impossible, and the family applied for asylum in the United States
[10:04:24] <NCommander> Ryuugami, they all got out independently, my father and his brother made Spain. I think my grandmother went to Mexico, I'm not sure where my aunt went
[10:04:42] <Ryuugami> In that case, I can reiterate: nice.
[10:04:43] <NCommander> They eventually all found each other and moved collectively to NYC
[10:05:19] <NCommander> I was too young at the time, but my dad told me how he was subject to mock executions and such :(
[10:05:41] <NCommander> After he got to the United States, he did a lot of writing about live in Cuba and things like it
[10:06:42] <NCommander> My dad had a funeral for TWA when they got bought out by AA, since that was the airline that brought him to America
[10:07:33] <Ryuugami> A funeral sounds a bit overblown, but I understand :)
[10:07:54] <NCommander> Well, I dunno if it was a funeral per-say. More like a moment of silence
[10:07:57] <NCommander> I wasn't there
[10:08:21] <Ryuugami> Especially with the reputation of US airline companies -.-
[10:08:22] <NCommander> I'm somewhat estranged from my family.
[10:08:34] <NCommander> so I don't talk to my dad that often
[10:08:49] <Ryuugami> I imagine it's like getting your small user-friendly ISP bought out by Comcast
[10:08:57] <NCommander> THere was a lot of friction when I dropped out of college, and more when I quit my job at Canonical.
[10:09:24] <Ryuugami> Eh, I don't talk to mine either, but that's just how we are
[10:09:48] <NCommander> My mom is "supportive" of my decision to go back into EMS and recertify as a firefighter
[10:09:54] <NCommander> My dad is hard to read.
[10:10:19] <Ryuugami> My impression is that that's how dads usually are :/
[10:10:31] <Ryuugami> EMS?
[10:10:47] <NCommander> Ryuugami, emergency medical system; you know, 911
[10:10:52] <NCommander> (or 999 in Japan I suppose)
[10:10:56] <Ryuugami> aha
[10:10:58] <NCommander> or 011
[10:11:24] <NCommander> I was a volunteer firefighter while I was in ROchester, certified by New York State
[10:12:09] <Ryuugami> I guess it's rough, but rewarding?
[10:12:21] <NCommander> Ryuugami, https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net
[10:12:49] <NCommander> Ryuugami, the burnout rate in this field is stupid
[10:12:55] <NCommander> My recruit class had 20 people in it
[10:13:07] <NCommander> Within a year, only four will still active. Two the year following (me and Matt Lutz)
[10:13:51] <Ryuugami> Sounds about right :/
[10:14:02] <Ryuugami> Not many people are prepared for it.
[10:14:08] <NCommander> We see shit that you won't believe
[10:14:09] <Ryuugami> I know I wouldn't be
[10:14:21] <NCommander> Yeah, most people join for the flashy flashy and not the shit that follows
[10:14:49] <Ryuugami> BTW, I'm really impressed and all, but I can't help but notice the certificate is dated April 1st.
[10:14:59] <NCommander> Ryuugami, ... I never noticed that before ...
[10:15:16] <Ryuugami> My plane ticket when I got scholarship for Japan was dated April 1st.
[10:15:43] <NCommander> The actual graduation cermony was the first weekend in April, I guess they did the legal part before that
[10:15:58] * NCommander always loved wearing the Class A uniform
[10:15:58] <Ryuugami> I spent a few idle moments wondering if it's an April Fools joke by the Japanese Embassy after all :)
[10:16:14] <NCommander> Ryuugami, given the difficulty in getting a residency visa for Japan, no kidding
[10:16:52] <NCommander> brb, checking the mail
[10:18:11] <NCommander> back
[10:18:47] <Ryuugami> I heard stories about residency.
[10:19:11] <Ryuugami> I'm on exchange student visa for now, that one's easier.
[10:20:17] <Ryuugami> It was a huge pain in the ass (and really expensive!) to get a researcher visa for the USA, though.
[10:20:39] <Ryuugami> I took about three months to get a visa for a two-week visit -.-
[10:22:16] <NCommander> Ryuugami, sounds about right. Where's your native country?
[10:22:42] <Ryuugami> Europe, Croatia
[10:22:54] <NCommander> Ryuugami, Zarab was a lot of fun when Iw as there
[10:23:43] <Ryuugami> Zagreb :) You also visited Croatia? You really travel a lot.
[10:23:51] <NCommander> Zagreb! thats it
[10:23:57] * NCommander went from Ljujalamba(sp?), Slovina to Crortia, to Sarajavo, and then to Serbia
[10:24:12] <NCommander> My passport reads like a travel magnize
[10:24:26] <Ryuugami> (Zagreb means something like "scratched")
[10:24:39] <Ryuugami> *Ljubljana, Slovenia
[10:24:40] <NCommander> If I remember correctly, Zagreb was the city with the large steam engine and park next to the train station
[10:24:53] <NCommander> Huge open area, with a statue of a horse near a museum
[10:25:29] <Ryuugami> Don't know about the train station, I was always using busses, but the statue sounds right
[10:25:43] <NCommander> I've got a ton of Croatia stamps because the train kept going over the border, and everytime, customs and immigration :)
[10:26:05] <Ryuugami> you mean this statue? https://en.wikipedia.org
[10:26:18] <NCommander> Thats it
[10:26:41] <NCommander> I remember it being near a gallery where they were doing a exhibition on the Arab Girl photo
[10:26:58] <Ryuugami> it's in the main square, there's a lot of historical stuff around
[10:27:07] <NCommander> I was there on a holiday weekend -_-, nothing was open
[10:27:34] <Ryuugami> And yeah, the country has a really problematic shape
[10:28:13] <NCommander> Its a nice place, I'd like to go back
[10:28:39] <Ryuugami> Yeah, I always say that Croatia is a great place to visit.
[10:28:45] <NCommander> I've got about half the countries in Eastern Europe, but I'd like to complete the balkins. I'm missing Romania, Bugaria, Albaina, and one or two others
[10:28:46] <Ryuugami> Now, as for living there...
[10:29:18] <Ryuugami> You better hurry, you never know when a new country is gonna sprout around there.
[10:29:25] <NCommander> Ryuugami, I will say that I might take the bus next time, no offense, but I think the trains were leftover from when they called it yugoslavia, and imported from the USSR :)
[10:29:46] <Ryuugami> none taken, you're correct anyway :)
[10:29:51] <NCommander> The builder plates were in Russian as best I could tell
[10:30:04] <Ryuugami> some have been updated, but most are old
[10:30:25] <Ryuugami> I prefer buses myself.
[10:30:31] <NCommander> I get motion sick on buses
[10:30:40] <NCommander> So its usually a last resort for me
[10:30:47] <Ryuugami> So do I.
[10:30:56] <NCommander> When I had to leave Costa Rica due to visa issues, I had to take a bus to Nicagura
[10:30:59] <NCommander> *THAT* was an experience
[10:31:41] <Ryuugami> Spent two hours every day in a bus for four years of high school... still get motion sickness :)
[10:31:57] <NCommander> Well, I'll tell you, Latin Americans know how to build an air conditioner
[10:32:00] <Ryuugami> How far is that?
[10:32:00] <ciri> doing great here
[10:32:07] <NCommander> 45 C outside, -5 C inside
[10:32:14] <NCommander> Ryuugami, 300 km give or take
[10:32:37] <NCommander> Pan American Highway = great pavement, losey drivers, The bus probably was going 60 kph the entire way
[10:32:47] <Ryuugami> So 5-6 hours of travel
[10:32:53] <NCommander> Plus two hours on the border
[10:33:10] <NCommander> 15 minutes out of Costa Rica, a ten minute drive, and 1.5 hours into Nicagura
[10:33:24] * NCommander notes Mexico took the cake for amount of paperwork to get in
[10:33:27] <Ryuugami> *Nicaragua?
[10:33:35] <NCommander> Yeah, sorry, can't spell tonight
[10:33:40] <Ryuugami> :)
[10:33:56] <Ryuugami> Well, usually people try to get _out_ of Mexico :)
[10:33:59] <NCommander> I drove into Mexico. Getting the FMN (tourist visa) was a 10 minute process after lcoating the visa office
[10:34:20] <NCommander> Getting an importation license for my car took two hours, and I thought I had taken a second citizenship bytime I was done with the paperwork
[10:34:38] <Ryuugami> ^^
[10:34:55] <NCommander> Plus I had to put a $400 dollar deposit on the border on my credit card
[10:35:00] <NCommander> What amazed me is it got posted back O_O;
[10:35:20] <Ryuugami> Truly amazing
[10:35:37] <NCommander> I remember though when I had a $4000 dollar refund in China though
[10:35:42] <NCommander> That one was the miracle of the century
[10:36:10] <NCommander> Got to love when the travel agent says they can't authorize payment on the hotel you've been in for a month
[10:36:23] <NCommander> and you're forbidden to leave the hotel, and about to get a visa violation
[10:37:02] <Ryuugami> Sounds... stressful and panic-inducing
[10:37:12] <NCommander> Grace under pressure
[10:37:26] <NCommander> I've never been so happy to fly middle seat between two passengers of "size" before
[10:37:50] <NCommander> They could have put me in the cargo hold and I'd been happy. After a 15 hour flight (PVD->ORD), I knew what sardines must feel like
[10:38:58] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Stanford Engineers Develop a Computer that Operates on Water Droplets - http://sylnt.us - not-ip66-rated-apparently
[10:39:20] <Ryuugami> I'm starting to suspect that airlines are actually a branch of PETA, determined to teach us the plight of sardines.
[10:40:04] <NCommander> Ryuugami, if you want cramped, try flying light aircraft :)
[10:40:18] * NCommander learned to fly on a Pacer PA-22, which had the pilots eating their legs
[10:41:24] * Ryuugami can fly only virtual spaceships
[10:42:37] <Bytram> coffee++
[10:42:37] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1417
[10:42:40] <Bytram> !uid
[10:42:40] <Bender> The current maximum UID is 5483, owned by PurpleAlien
[10:42:54] <Bytram> NCommander: Ryuugami morning!
[10:43:02] <Bytram> coffee++ # first one was NOT enought
[10:43:02] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1418
[10:43:07] <Bytram> =)
[10:43:43] <NCommander> hey Bytram
[10:44:04] * Bytram had trouble sleeping; woke at 0300
[10:44:25] <Bytram> felt restless and ended up puttering around on a couple stories in the queue
[10:44:52] * Bytram notices there has been a large uptick in new nicks being registered on the site!
[10:45:34] <Bytram> we'd been averaging about 3-4/day for a long stretch and we've jumped a couple hundred, at least, in the past 7-10 days.
[10:46:35] <Ryuugami> could be connected to the rehash update problems
[10:47:00] <Bytram> I doubt it... I saw the uptick start well before the site upgrade
[10:47:22] <Ryuugami> as in, "maybe the site will be faster if I'm logged in"
[10:47:50] <Bytram> oh. hmmm, that's a *dastardly* idea! =)
[10:48:14] <Ryuugami> hmm... then maybe either Dice pulled a new one, or SN has been mentioned somewhere major
[10:48:25] <Bytram> NCommander: how are you doing? have you started your trip, yet?
[10:48:48] <Bytram> I'm guessing it's the latter,but really don't know
[10:49:09] <Bytram> I doubt we keep REFERER info so hard to tell for sure
[10:49:28] * Bytram is still maintaining a slashcott, so have no idea what's happening on that site
[10:50:16] <NCommander> Bytram, not yet, and we keep some, Bytram records referers that make it past varnish
[10:50:26] * Ryuugami stopped poking in once the CSS changed and broke his Dark Slashdot stylish scripts
[10:50:47] <Bytram> ouch.
[10:50:59] <Bytram> do we have something similar for SN?
[10:51:21] <Bytram> there are a number of 'skins' you can select to tailor this site to your liking
[10:51:32] <Ryuugami> what, Dark Soylent stylish script?
[10:51:37] <Bytram> or twiddle with and submit back to us for making available to the community
[10:51:42] <Bytram> nod nod
[10:52:10] <Ryuugami> I use the dark theme, but didn't like the contrast and the slashboxes were too bright
[10:52:21] <Bytram> !uid
[10:52:21] <Bender> The current maximum UID is 5483, owned by PurpleAlien
[10:52:54] <Ryuugami> made a simple stylish script to fix it up, I think I posted it once in a comment
[10:53:53] <Bytram> nod nod
[10:54:10] <Ryuugami> Not polished enough to publish it officially, but I can post it on pastebin if you want to try it
[10:54:42] <Bytram> ooooh, that might be fun... provide a 'skin builder' feature for users who have subscribed...
[10:55:58] <Ryuugami> hah, per-user custom CSS?
[10:56:07] <Bytram> for each of the various css color fields, provide a text-entry box, and allow the user to save the set away as a private skin
[10:56:08] <Bytram> nod nod
[10:56:24] <Bytram> with the option to make it generally avail to the rest of the community
[10:58:29] <Bytram> need a break, biab
[10:58:30] <Bytram> afk
[11:00:25] -!- JamesNZ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[11:09:58] <Ryuugami> NCommander: Gotta go now
[11:10:08] <NCommander> Ryuugami, have a good evening :)
[11:10:25] <Ryuugami> I think I should be able to translate the email if not today, then tomorrow
[11:10:48] <Ryuugami> I have a seminar at the uni tomorrow that I need to prepare for but have been delaying
[11:11:19] <Ryuugami> In any case, I'll send the translation to you by the weekend
[11:12:36] <Ryuugami> Just a word of caution, while my Japanese is perfectly servicable and grammatically correct, I've been told by my professor that my writings look like a middle schooler wrote 'em :)
[11:14:01] <Bytram> This is what I did on my summer vacation. I went to the beach with my mom and had a good time. We had a barbequeue and all my friends came. The hamburgers were really good. ...
[11:14:03] <Bytram> =)
[11:15:12] <Ryuugami> Anyway, as long as you don't expect something Pulitzer-worthy, no problem.
[11:15:34] * Bytram doubts that *any* of us are quite at that level! lol
[11:15:38] <Ryuugami> Bytram: Not _that_ bad, but yeah
[11:16:01] <Bytram> by my calculations, we have had 200 new SN accts created since June 1!
[11:16:15] <Bytram> I tend to exagerate to make a point.
[11:16:37] * Bytram does very little by half-measure; all-or-nothing is more my speed.
[11:17:02] <Ryuugami> sounds like a jump of 100~200 %
[11:17:21] janrinok|afk is now known as janrinok
[11:17:28] <Ryuugami> Anyway! Really gotta go now, my stomach is complaining, "Feeeeeed meeeeee"
[11:17:38] <Ryuugami> cya
[11:17:47] <Bytram> food is good! ta ta for now!
[11:17:53] -!- Ryuugami has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[12:10:09] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Scientists Call for "Global Apollo" Program For Clean Energy Research - http://sylnt.us - brains-unite!
[13:41:21] <NCommander> http://barrapunto.com - we made barrapunto
[13:41:22] <systemd> ^ 03Barrapunto | Rehash, el fork actualizado de slashcode
[13:52:47] <AndyTheAbsurd> let me guess, "barra" is slash, and "punto" is period (or dot), right?
[13:55:09] <paulej72> NCommander: the one thing about barrapunto and the former slashdot.jp is that they may be using featrures that we have since thorwn away like FH and D2
[13:55:53] <NCommander> paulej72, BP isn't, there version of slash dates to 2005
[13:55:58] <NCommander> AndyTheAbsurd, bingo
[13:56:02] * NCommander is writing a comment on the rehash article
[13:58:00] <NCommander> http://barrapunto.com
[13:58:01] <systemd> ^ 03Rehash, el fork actualizado de slashcode
[13:59:09] <AndyTheAbsurd> at some point I want to jump in and fix slashcode/rehash's search function
[13:59:39] <AndyTheAbsurd> I'm working with Apache Solr (which is succinctly described as "the guts of a search engine") at $work
[14:00:05] <AndyTheAbsurd> and I feel like it could MASSIVELY improve the search results over what we get last time I tried the search function...
[14:01:39] <Bytram> AndyTheAbsurd: have you tried the SN search function lately? NCommander made some big improvements in it in the past week (or two)
[14:01:49] * Bytram has noticed a big improvement!
[14:01:53] <Bytram> NCommander++
[14:01:53] <Bender> karma - ncommander: 86
[14:02:02] <Bytram> that is NOT a nice number
[14:02:03] <Bytram> NCommander++
[14:02:03] <Bender> karma - ncommander: 87
[14:02:06] <Bytram> better!
[14:02:09] <Bytram> coffee++
[14:02:09] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1419
[14:02:10] <Bytram> !uid
[14:02:11] <Bender> The current maximum UID is 5486, owned by Handel
[14:02:14] <NCommander> Why is 86 a bad number
[14:02:32] <Bytram> I learned it when working in a restaurant many years ago
[14:02:35] <NCommander> AndyTheAbsurd, I rewrote it to use sphinx search, a necessity given the old method of FULLTEXT SELECT queries doesn't work w/ cluster
[14:02:38] <NCommander> of
[14:02:39] <NCommander> *oh
[14:02:40] <NCommander> to fire
[14:02:57] <Bytram> it means to deep 6 it, we're out of that item, consider it dead/gone/kaput
[14:02:58] <Bytram> etc.
[14:03:34] <Bytram> I remember reading an interesting write up about it on wikipedia awhile ago
[14:03:39] <AndyTheAbsurd> NCommander: no, it's been months since I tried a search.
[14:04:26] <NCommander> AndyTheAbsurd, try it now, its considerably less stupid
[14:04:40] * Bytram notes NCommander has a gift for understatement
[14:04:41] <AndyTheAbsurd> Yay!
[14:04:50] <AndyTheAbsurd> I love when someone else does the heavy lifting
[14:05:11] <AndyTheAbsurd> (until I'm trying to get bigger muscles. then I have to lift heavy things myself.)
[14:07:21] <NCommander> Bytram, "I'm going to write a short post" ... 3k words LATER
[14:08:21] <Bytram> LOL! For you, that *is* short!
[14:08:23] <Bytram> =)
[14:08:48] * Bytram is struggling with D/L of palemoon; get wrong SHA1
[14:10:33] <Bytram> oh. really? they had the wrong SHA-1 on the download page!
[14:10:50] <Bytram> ??!?
[14:11:42] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - BFQ Is One Step Closer To Being Merged Into The Linux Kernel - http://sylnt.us - Budget-Fair-Queueing-AKA-getting-in-line-at-a-cheap-carnival?
[14:15:42] <janrinok> Bytram: so will you trust the download?
[14:16:34] <Bytram> I have had issues at times with corrupted D/Ls (slow link with many wget restarts)
[14:17:00] <janrinok> do you want me to check the sha by downloading here?
[14:17:17] <Bytram> two different retrievals of the same link on their self-hosted mirror produced identical files (according to diff)
[14:17:29] <Bytram> but did not match the sha-1 sum provided on that page
[14:17:53] <Bytram> then I went to the first mirror link, hosted on FOSSHUB, and did another D/L
[14:18:29] <Bytram> gave same sha-1
[14:18:38] <AndyTheAbsurd> what version and OS?
[14:18:59] <Bytram> so I figured out I was prolly getting the file okay, but maybe the posted SHA1 was incorrect
[14:19:17] <Bytram> I checked the SHA1 value presented on FOSSHUB and saw that it matched what I computed
[14:19:36] <Bytram> further, their MD5SUM and my calc of it with the EXE I D/Led matched, too.
[14:19:52] <Bytram> so: 3 D/L's all produced same file
[14:19:55] <janrinok> are you going to let them know?
[14:20:24] <Bytram> posted SHA-1 for their private mirror was different from the one that was provided on the FOSSHUB site
[14:20:41] <Bytram> and the ones I calculated matched what was presented on FOSSHUB
[14:21:03] * NCommander is putting his Spanish to the test today
[14:21:07] <Bytram> so, I am lead to believe that I got the file okay (i.e. there were no transmission errors)
[14:21:14] <Bytram> Si senor!
[14:21:33] <Bytram> would appreciate someone else independently verifying it...
[14:21:40] <janrinok> NCommander: are you reading barrapunto?
[14:21:54] <janrinok> Bytram: ok, I'll download here
[14:22:07] * Bytram thinks he's trying to write a short comment on barrapunto, and he's already over 3k!
[14:22:09] <Bytram> =)
[14:22:10] <janrinok> version and OS?
[14:22:19] <Bytram> tx, hold on
[14:22:33] <Bytram> goto this page:
[14:22:35] <Bytram> http://www.palemoon.org
[14:22:35] <systemd> ^ 03Pale Moon Atom/WinXP builds
[14:22:57] <Bytram> scroll down to where it shows:
[14:22:57] <Bytram> Download links
[14:22:57] <Bytram> Installer (recommended, 16.8 MB):
[14:22:57] <Bytram> SHA-1: 8a6b1748cd7be68387b22832d895b4351d831c97
[14:22:57] <Bytram> GPG/PGP signature: [Sig]
[14:23:12] <janrinok> seen
[14:23:18] <Bytram> my first tries were with:
[14:23:20] <Bytram> Pale Moon mirror #2
[14:23:20] <Bytram> Direct download link
[14:23:26] <Bytram> which points to:
[14:23:35] <Bytram> http://relmirror2.palemoon.org
[14:23:38] <janrinok> downloading from mirror #2
[14:24:02] * Bytram notes that each of his D/Ls took about 10-12 minutes :(
[14:24:11] <janrinok> finished
[14:24:15] <Bytram> LOL!
[14:24:19] <janrinok> 35 secs
[14:24:26] <Bytram> do you have a tool to compute sha1 or md5sum?
[14:24:36] <NCommander> janrinok, I am at the moment. I was a more avid reader when Iw as actively studying español
[14:25:31] <janrinok> md5sum begins deaa4fa ?
[14:25:43] <Bytram> janrinok: here is what I got:
[14:25:43] <Bytram> 06/10/2015 10:25:18 P:\>md5sum palemoon-25.5.0.Atom.WinXP.installer.exe
[14:25:44] <Bytram> deaa4faabf7fb6d3ddaf5ad7e03b6007 *palemoon-25.5.0.Atom.WinXP.installer.exe
[14:25:51] <janrinok> same
[14:25:55] <Bytram> nod nod
[14:26:07] <Bytram> and for sha1... hold on...
[14:26:33] <janrinok> sha1 begins 0ffcd55f
[14:26:39] <Bytram> 06/10/2015 10:25:22 P:\>c:\tools\util\md5deep\hashdeep.exe -c sha1 palemoon-25.5.0.Atom.WinXP.installer.exe
[14:26:39] <Bytram> %%%% HASHDEEP-1.0
[14:26:39] <Bytram> %%%% size,sha1,filename
[14:26:40] <Bytram> ## Invoked from: P:\
[14:26:42] <Bytram> ## P:\> c:\tools\util\md5deep\hashdeep.exe -c sha1 palemoon-25.5.0.Atom.WinXP.installer.exe
[14:26:44] <Bytram> ##
[14:26:46] <Bytram> 17672696,0ffcd55faeb24b4d1f24c3cb0f6213b52076546f,P:\palemoon-25.5.0.Atom.WinXP.installer.exe
[14:26:52] <janrinok> same
[14:26:55] <Bytram> nod nod
[14:27:06] <janrinok> another download?
[14:27:15] <Bytram> okay, on the pale moon D/L page, what do YOU see for the sha1 signature?
[14:27:33] <janrinok> begins 8a6b174
[14:27:42] <Bytram> yuppers
[14:27:58] <Bytram> SHA-1: 8a6b1748cd7be68387b22832d895b4351d831c97
[14:27:59] <NCommander> I'm going to drop a submission into BP's queue
[14:28:06] <NCommander> To let them know we're open to talking w/ them :)
[14:28:19] <Bytram> British Petroleum? ;)
[14:28:20] <janrinok> NCommander: good idea - we could be growing today!
[14:28:35] <NCommander> Barrapunto
[14:28:54] * Bytram braces for an onslaught of posts written in spanish
[14:28:57] <janrinok> srad.jp and now barrapunto
[14:29:12] <Bytram> NCommander: yes, I know... poor attempt at a joke. nvm
[14:29:23] <janrinok> the Anti_Dice Coalition
[14:32:37] <NCommander> janrinok, basically
[14:33:19] <janrinok> what a good idea!
[14:34:32] <paulej72> NCommander: now that we have our own node balancer we could do nexus.soylentnews.org
[14:34:55] <paulej72> but we would need to pony up for the wild card cert
[14:35:51] <NCommander> paulej72, we could probably justify it. I'm just extending an olive branch to see where this goes.
[14:35:52] * Bytram wonders if ISRG can provide wildcard certs, too?
[14:36:11] <NCommander> paulej72, I may just end up helping them out of my desire to help people in general even if it goes nowhere w.r.t. to SN
[14:42:56] * Bytram closes palemoon and waits for all the page swapping to finish
[14:48:49] * NCommander reboots Bytram
[14:49:03] <NCommander> Dropped a post into Barrapuento's submission queue, and commented on the rehash article
[14:49:11] <NCommander> Its a bit depressing, their submission queue is completely empty :(
[14:50:05] <Bytram> not any more!
[14:50:15] <paulej72> well that is what happens when you limit yourself to spanish speaking people.
[14:51:17] * Bytram launches PM installer
[14:51:28] <paulej72> http://en.wikipedia.org
[14:51:33] <systemd> ^ 03Wiki: List of languages by total number of speakers
[14:51:41] * Bytram watches swap space get vauumed up again
[14:51:55] <NCommander> I think I'm going to order a pizza in 10 minutes
[14:52:16] <Bytram> of all the languages that programmers know, universal among them is profanity.
[14:52:41] <NCommander> Bytram, also known as Perl
[14:52:51] <NCommander> Bytram, BTW, that regex w/ grep you wrote worked beautifully
[14:52:56] <Bytram> YAY!
[14:53:14] <NCommander> Bytram, I haven't tried to see if it actually works, but if not all, then 95% of the dep tree
[14:53:18] <Bytram> I realized, later that night, that I could have offered to trim off all the "::stuff::morestuff" stuff
[14:53:38] <NCommander> DIdn't matter much
[14:53:47] <NCommander> I had to rewrite it anyway for CPAN so not that much effort would havebeen saved
[14:53:47] <paulej72> no we actually need that too
[14:53:54] <NCommander> Oh
[14:53:55] <Bytram> if I have "use foo" and "use foo::bar" are those both referring to the "foo" file?
[14:53:55] <NCommander> wait
[14:53:58] <NCommander> Just realized what Bytram said
[14:54:02] <NCommander> Bytram, no, we need to full package name
[14:54:09] <Bytram> oh, nice then!
[14:54:20] * NCommander commits a branch of his work thus far
[14:54:25] <NCommander> Not done, but fairly decent
[14:54:28] <paulej72> just bvecasue foo is installed does not mean foo::bar is installed
[14:54:31] janrinok is now known as janrinok|afk
[14:54:49] <paulej72> could be a seperate sub package
[14:54:49] <Bytram> oh, hmmm
[14:55:11] <Bytram> so, if I install foo::bar, do I always get all of foo?
[14:55:24] <paulej72> but if I install foo::bar foo will be installed as a dependency if it is a seperate package
[14:55:51] <Bytram> lol
[14:55:51] <ciri> :D
[14:56:05] * Bytram thinks he gets it
[14:56:06] <paulej72> but you may not get foo::baz
[14:56:18] <Bytram> nod nod; that makes sense
[14:57:35] <Bytram> assuming there is a dependency and it's a separate package then: install foo, get foo; install foo::bar, get foo and foo::bar; install foo::baz, get foo and foo:bazz
[14:58:10] <Bytram> want foo::bar and foo::baz, gotta install *each* of them
[14:58:56] <NCommander> paulej72, https://github.com)
[14:58:57] <systemd> ^ 03( https://github.com )
[14:59:01] <NCommander> paulej72, https://github.com :)
[14:59:02] <systemd> ^ 03Easier to install rehash work by NCommander · Pull Request #100 · SoylentNews/rehash · GitHub
[15:00:06] <Bytram> ok, I gtg
[15:00:26] <Bytram> nice chatting with everyone! we've got quite the crew here and I'm proud to be a part of it!
[15:05:58] <n1> take care Bytram
[15:08:34] <paulej72> NCommander: line 21 and 22 or Readme need to be fixed
[15:09:41] <paulej72> NCommander: should we update INSTALL as well
[15:13:43] <NCommander> ugh
[15:13:43] <NCommander> Ok
[15:13:43] <NCommander> I'm waiting for lunch
[15:13:46] <NCommander> paulej72, on my TODO
[15:13:55] <NCommander> Just wanted to commit it before I accidently rm -rf ~
[15:37:06] -!- sudormrf [sudormrf!~55b6b812@oqah.paradigma-software.com] has joined #Soylent
[15:37:46] <sudormrf> 1.2.3 test
[15:41:49] <sudormrf> Great! Hey devs, here's a minor request: Is it possible to display the posting-date in the journals like in the stories or comments (i.e. according to user preferences)? that means e.g. 15-06-10 15:45 instead of Wednesday June 10, 15 03:45 pm.
[15:42:48] -!- sudormrf has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[15:42:52] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Ethiopian Wolves and Gelada Monkeys Show Signs of Cooperation - http://sylnt.us - good-doggie
[16:46:15] <n1> http://www.forbes.com
[16:46:24] <systemd> ^ 03A $15 Minimum Wage Would Put All Americans Into The 1% - Forbes
[16:52:34] <n1> http://www.theregister.co.uk
[16:52:35] <systemd> ^ 03Condoleezza to China: 'The rules' mean cyber-spying isn't allowed • The Register
[17:04:25] <AndyTheAbsurd> Forbes: Redefining "the 1%" to make a relatively stupid, and unsupportable, point.
[17:13:45] <n1> i really dont like saying it, so i'll just say this... i associate the name tim worstall with some unpolite terms
[17:14:00] <n1> impolite*
[17:15:38] <n1> but i find it quite valuable to read viewpoints i disagree with especially when both sides of an argument are based on flawed concepts, to understand my own perception a little better and refine those thoughts into a more coherent outlook
[17:19:59] <n1> one of the more interesting bits on that forbes article was that apparently "After all, 96% of Americans earn more than the current one"
[17:20:04] <n1> in regard to minimum wage
[17:44:25] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The Rapid Rise of CRISPR - http://sylnt.us
[18:11:32] mechanicjay|away is now known as mechanicjay
[18:11:43] janrinok|afk is now known as janrinok
[18:11:47] <janrinok> hi mechanicjay
[18:12:00] <mechanicjay> hey janrinok -- how goes?
[18:12:07] <janrinok> not bad - you?
[18:12:23] <mechanicjay> aside from forgetting my work keys at home this morning, not too bad
[18:12:33] <janrinok> not a good start to the day!
[18:12:59] <mechanicjay> Nope, waiting on the facilities manager to get me a spare key so I can get into the Server Room.
[18:13:19] <mechanicjay> The good news is that it's given me time to think about some architecture stuff.
[18:13:28] <janrinok> damn, and you thought you could have time off to go and get your key...!
[18:13:46] <mechanicjay> :)
[18:13:53] <janrinok> but the time wasn't wasted! :)
[18:14:09] <janrinok> hope your day stays better from now on ;)
[18:15:49] <mechanicjay> thanks!
[18:28:53] <NCommander> hey mechanicjay
[18:29:01] <mechanicjay> Hey NCommander
[18:29:05] <NCommander> mechanicjay, I have a tech question for you, what hobbyist group did you go through to get your OpenVMS PAKs?
[18:31:41] <mechanicjay> erm -- good question, the process has changed a couple times over the last year or two. Give me a couple minutes
[18:33:11] <mechanicjay> NCommander: You can request them directly from HP here: https://ssl.www8.hp.com
[18:33:12] <systemd> ^ 03OpenVMS Hobbyist Registration
[18:33:30] <mechanicjay> However, you need to be member, I signed up with DECUServe
[18:34:33] <mechanicjay> I think you can register with them simply by telnettting to decuserve.org and running through the new account process
[18:34:42] <mechanicjay> that will result in a member number which you can use on the HP form.
[18:35:14] <NCommander> mechanicjay, yeah, I was thinking of installing OpenVMS on my zx6000. Linux sucks on that box, I have a Windows Server I64 license, but eh, what's the point, and HP-UX doesn't have a hobbist program
[18:36:49] <mechanicjay> Yeah the VMS kernel is really optimized for the hardware, I've found even 8.4 running on a 225 mhz Alpha is usable (though Disk IO is real killer there). On something much newer and flashier, it should fly.
[18:43:23] * mechanicjay has a sad that his VMS box is still in storage after moving.
[18:43:49] <NCommander> mechanicjay, maybe we should port rehash to OpenVMS ;)
[18:43:58] <NCommander> mechanicjay, lets let security through obsecurity work FOR us
[18:43:58] <mechanicjay> :)
[18:44:22] <NCommander> mechanicjay, actually, horrorifyingly enough, Apache2, and perl 5.22 build on VMS ... it *could* work O_o;
[18:44:23] <mechanicjay> There's already Perl (with cpan), apache and mysql on vms
[18:44:35] <NCommander> mechanicjay, we don't use vanilla mysql anymore. Not sure if you caught that memo
[18:45:01] <mechanicjay> NCommander: I've seen, but am not away of the specifics.
[18:45:34] <mechanicjay> I have a fully functioning VAMP stack on my VMS box -- I started to mess with Slash but the mod_perl2 thing was a non starter at the time.
[18:45:37] <NCommander> mechanicjay, mysqld cluster is only semi-related to the actual MySQL. I have since learned that slashdot uses multimaster replication complete with the stupidity that each master gets a seperate set of AUTO_INCREMENTS. Its truly horrifying
[18:45:55] <mechanicjay> .....eeew
[18:46:08] <NCommander> mechanicjay, cluster is considerably less braindead, but I want to replace it with postgresql
[18:46:17] <NCommander> mechanicjay, I just wrote a script that autoinstalls apache2, mod_perl2, and *all* the CPAN dependencies with a single command
[18:46:25] <NCommander> "sudo make build-environment", wait 30 minutes, done.
[18:47:23] <mechanicjay> Nice, I had one of those basically working a year ago or so - obviously useless now ;)
[18:47:41] <mechanicjay> also I think my script was Suse specific...because lizard.
[18:49:33] <NCommander> mechanicjay, mine builds from source */nerd points*
[18:49:43] <NCommander> mechanicjay, should make a transition to another operating system smoother ;)
[18:51:25] <NCommander> mechanicjay, in seriousness, probably a year from now, I'm going to be holding an open discussion on dumping Linux entirely for SN. I *really* hate the way shit is going overall
[18:53:43] <NCommander> That or migrate to Slackware
[18:54:53] <mechanicjay> NCommander: I'm with you, I'm pretty annoyed at the way most distros are going as well
[18:55:25] <NCommander> mechanicjay, BTW, how would you feel dumping LDAP for hesiod?
[18:55:25] <n1> is a sign of the times...
[18:55:42] <mechanicjay> I build a FreeBSD laptop a couple months back, but ACPI support is just flakey as fuck in BSD, so it kinda sucked
[18:55:46] <NCommander> n1, I used to work for Canonical. Trust me, when my NDA expires in four months, there's going to be a epic journal entry
[18:55:54] <mechanicjay> going to rebuilding as a gentoo box when I get a chance to test that out
[18:56:03] <NCommander> mechanicjay, I dislike rolling for servers
[18:56:10] <n1> NCommander, i look forward to it! :)
[18:56:40] <mechanicjay> I think I do too - we could just do a CoreOS and run all the services in their own docker containers.
[18:56:42] * mechanicjay ducks
[18:57:01] <NCommander> mechanicjay, honestly, in all seriousness, what's your thoughts about going to a Solaris derivative?
[18:57:10] <NCommander> One of the illumos distros
[18:57:32] <NCommander> The only other option that meets my requirements list is FreeBSD
[18:57:49] <mechanicjay> I'm not really informed enough to say on that front.
[18:58:30] <NCommander> mechanicjay, well, its fairly moot at thing point, we still have four years of support left on Ubuntu 14.04. But I like to have our escape route planned well before we need it
[18:58:32] -!- janrinok has quit [Quit: byeeeee]
[18:59:10] <NCommander> mechanicjay, oh, other news, we got exposéd by Barrapunto :) http://barrapunto.com
[18:59:16] <systemd> ^ 03Barrapunto | Rehash, el fork actualizado de slashcode
[18:59:57] <mechanicjay> As for hesoid -- I don't know what's the win there over LDAP, or going to a an open source Idenity management thingy like FreeIPA or ForgeRocks' OpenIDM -- they're kinda plug-n-play for kerberos/LDAP stuff.
[19:00:16] * mechanicjay notes he's in the midst of a major IDM overhaul project at work
[19:03:11] <NCommander> mechanicjay, Hesiod is DNS based. Edit the zone file and done.
[19:03:20] <NCommander> mechanicjay, its dead simple stupid
[19:03:45] <mechanicjay> RE: escape plan from Ubuntu. 4 yrs is a long time, but a plan is good.
[19:04:11] <mechanicjay> I don't think it's unreasonable that we'll see a major rift in the Linux community over the next couple years.
[19:05:57] <n1> systemd doesnt count?
[19:06:42] <mechanicjay> n1: It does, but I expect the situation to come to a head at some point with a real divergence.
[19:07:09] <mechanicjay> ..a fork if you will
[19:07:58] <mechanicjay> NCommander: A nice shout out -- wish I could read it!
[19:09:06] <NCommander> mechanicjay, maybe they'll call it renix
[19:09:07] <n1> thats an interesting perspective, i pretty much agree from where i'm sitting although the nuances are probably different, it all seems like a sign of the times, choice and freedom is being diluted from all ends.
[19:09:07] * NCommander ducks
[19:09:32] <NCommander> mechanicjay, without major corporate support, a fork would have considerable issues.
[19:10:31] <SirFinkus> I heard "freeIPA" how do I get involved in that?
[19:10:47] <mechanicjay> SirFinkus: Sorry, no beer
[19:10:51] <mechanicjay> *not
[19:11:07] <SirFinkus> lame
[19:11:38] <mechanicjay> NCommander: agree, which really is the root of the problem, isn't it. Or maybe a flock of Devs to FreeBSD -- I'd be happy to see that myself.
[19:13:40] <n1> when will we see the 'year of the BSD desktop?'
[19:14:10] <n1> although maybe it's all too late for that, as the time of desktops for the regular consumer is over.
[19:15:53] <mechanicjay> n1: true, but producers still need real workstations.
[19:16:11] <mechanicjay> I gotta run for a bit
[19:39:42] <AndyTheAbsurd> so when will see year of the Linux phone? .... oh wait, Android runs a Linux kernel, so we already saw it and nobody noticed.
[19:44:04] <chromas> pocket_computers++
[19:44:04] <Bender> karma - pocket_computers: 4
[19:45:58] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - SWAT Team Destroys Man's Home with Explosives, Ram in Pursuit of Shoplifter - http://sylnt.us - good-thing-no-one-was-jaywalking
[19:46:53] <n1> excuse my ignorance on this, but isn't android linux in the way that OS X is BSD?
[19:47:48] <n1> being that it is, but in the most impractical way possible for the end user
[19:56:00] <AndyTheAbsurd> n1: yeah, pretty much.
[19:56:28] <AndyTheAbsurd> as in, it is at the base, but until you're *really* deep in the system, it doesn't make much of a difference.
[19:57:23] <n1> but even then because of the hardware it's on, it becomes irrelevant and even more difficult... which is part of what i meant with my earlier point: "choice and freedom is being diluted from all ends"
[20:35:17] -!- Rune_ [Rune_!~Runeg@kmf-506-77-82-487.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #Soylent
[20:39:05] -!- Rune has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[20:53:41] <NCommander> Holy poop
[20:53:46] <NCommander> my GPG expired two years ago
[20:53:51] <NCommander> And I *just* noticed ...
[20:59:40] * NCommander generates a soylentnews.org UID and revokes his @canonical.com
[21:04:56] * NCommander debates generating a S/MIME certificate
[21:13:17] -!- Rune_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[21:43:19] -!- xar has quit [Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in]
[21:46:54] mechanicjay is now known as mechanicjay|away
[21:47:31] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Feds Want to ID Web Trolls Who ‘Threatened’ Silk Road Judge - http://sylnt.us - unintended-consequences-anyone?
[21:48:44] <SirFinkus> I've finished scanning my wang!
[22:08:28] * NCommander fired an email off to the Get Trusted project on expanding it to email
[22:08:35] <NCommander> I see interesting applications of what they're doing
[22:16:19] <crutchy> o.O
[22:16:21] <crutchy> ++coffee
[22:16:21] <systemd> Karma - coffee: 283
[22:16:22] <crutchy> coffee++
[22:16:22] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1420
[22:21:49] <crutchy> http://img2.timeinc.net
[22:22:02] <crutchy> deerp
[22:22:13] <crutchy> http://greatideas.people.com
[22:22:13] <systemd> ^ 03Pizza Hut Is Selling Hot Dog Crust Pizza - Great Ideas : People.com
[22:23:42] <SirFinkus> MERICA FUCK YEAH
[22:27:19] <crutchy> i was kinda just thinking that could only happen in america
[22:27:55] <crutchy> it sounds disgusting, but each to their own
[22:28:29] <SirFinkus> I'm sure you know about this
[22:28:30] <SirFinkus> https://np.reddit.com
[22:28:31] <systemd> ^ 03Removing harassing subreddits : announcements
[22:28:35] <SirFinkus> what
[22:28:40] <SirFinkus> http://www.toledoblade.com
[22:28:43] <SirFinkus> meant that
[22:30:00] <SirFinkus> the pizza looks good if you think of the hot dog and pizza parts as separate things
[22:58:32] <chromas> You don't like your meats to touch? Why are you homophobic?
[23:03:25] -!- BadCoderFinger [BadCoderFinger!~BadCoderF@216.160.gyz.km] has joined #Soylent
[23:03:59] <BadCoderFinger> Hi guys
[23:03:59] <ciri> :D BadCoderFinger
[23:07:30] <swiss> ciri is so nice
[23:08:23] <BadCoderFinger> Yeah, but the voice in my head for ciri is always dripping with sarcasm.
[23:35:11] <takyon> http://www.npr.org
[23:35:11] <systemd> ^ 03Creepy or Comforting? South Korea Tracks Smartphones To Curb MERS : Goats and Soda : NPR
[23:36:23] -!- mechanicjay|away has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[23:38:22] <milkmaid> Hi
[23:39:14] <takyon> hi
[23:39:14] <ciri> run everyone! takyon
[23:39:32] <takyon> any non-bots here
[23:39:41] -!- mechanicjay [mechanicjay!~jhowe@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mechanicjay] has joined #Soylent
[23:39:41] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mechanicjay] by Imogen
[23:40:01] <BadCoderFinger> Well, maybe.
[23:40:18] <BadCoderFinger> But don't bet on it.
[23:46:11] <takyon> has there ever been a helium HDD discussion on site
[23:48:56] <BadCoderFinger> I haven't seen one, but that's hardly conclusive, heh
[23:49:16] <takyon> google turned up nothing
[23:49:16] -!- cmn32480 [cmn32480!~cmn32480@Soylent/Staff/Editor/cmn32480] has joined #Soylent
[23:49:16] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v cmn32480] by Imogen
[23:51:13] <milkmaid> I don't really know what soylent news is
[23:51:15] <milkmaid> But can I stay?
[23:51:42] <mechanicjay> milkmaid: sure!
[23:51:48] <milkmaid> Thanks!
[23:52:00] -!- Rune [Rune!~Runeg@2605:e000:6a01:pogx:jvvo:iski:jyvv:tz] has joined #Soylent
[23:52:22] * mechanicjay notes that plumbing emergencies in the middle of the day really put a damper on your work productivity.
[23:52:28] <paulej72> Hola amigos
[23:52:41] <milkmaid> What do you guys do?
[23:52:43] <mechanicjay> Howdy paulej72
[23:52:53] <paulej72> especially when you forgot your keys
[23:53:02] <mechanicjay> ...indeed, it's been rough day
[23:53:59] <mechanicjay> milkmaid: infrastructure and development work, general IT tom-foolery.
[23:54:15] <milkmaid> Ah cool
[23:54:26] -!- rune_ [rune_!~rune@2605:e000:jvkm:qqpv::p] has joined #Soylent
[23:54:38] <milkmaid> Many IT people on IRC
[23:55:00] -!- Rune has quit [Client Quit]
[23:55:08] <paulej72> i do general IT stuff for the Chemical and Biological Engineering dept at Princeton. I also am one of the Solyentnews devs