#Soylent | Logs for 2015-10-21

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[00:00:07] <takyon> nothing changed
[00:00:40] <paulej72> you can only see so much porn
[00:01:40] <Yog-Yogguth> I'm worried everything cahnged :( (not joking, still trying to piece together the Deep Science Machine thing, it's scary, it means they'll be able to analyse all the stuff they've had trouble with so far; it's all about human behavior)
[00:03:22] <takyon> join or die
[00:03:29] <takyon> that's my advice
[00:04:55] <Yog-Yogguth> join what? :D
[00:06:04] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Subsentient] has joined #Soylent
[00:06:04] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Subsentient] by Imogen
[00:06:17] -!- aqu4 [aqu4!~aqu4bot@universe2.us/ircbot/aqu4] has joined #Soylent
[00:08:35] <takyon> http://www.marketplace.org
[00:08:36] <knack> ^ 03How a secret meeting on Jekyll Island led to the Fed | Marketplace.org
[00:11:33] <takyon> http://www.marketplace.org
[00:11:33] <knack> ^ 03Tesla's Elon Musk: cars, design and those falcon doors | Marketplace.org
[00:12:13] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Let's Encrypt Authority X1 and Let's Encrypt Authority X2 Receive Cross-Signatures - http://sylnt.us - its-safe-to-say
[00:13:55] <nick> We haven't always had the Fed to kick around — or to save our economic hides, depending on how you see it. But secrecy has been a part of the Federal Reserve (what is Janet Yellen thinking?) since its beginning.
[00:13:56] <nick> The birth of the Fed is the subject of “America’s Bank: The Epic Struggle to Create the Federal Reserve.” Author Roger Lowenstein told Marketplace’s Kai Ryssdal just how difficult it was to for the Fed’s architects to draft plans for a U.S. central bank.
[00:13:58] <nick> ...
[00:14:01] <nick> fuck those guys
[00:17:27] <nick> they struggled to create the federal reserve, bernanke had the courage to act, they're doing god's work.
[00:18:58] <paulej72> please tell us how you really feel
[00:20:53] <nick> i should save it, for when i get paid to write a book about it
[00:21:19] <nick> until then, what's the official soylentnews position?
[00:21:50] <paulej72> missionary
[00:22:04] <paulej72> or doggie
[00:22:11] <paulej72> depends on the day
[00:22:22] <takyon> or night
[00:27:14] <SpallsHurgenson> so, I go to visit my friend today; amongst his other hobbies, he's a musician and he has a bunch of instruments lying around the house
[00:28:26] <SpallsHurgenson> so while he's puttering around doing stuff, I'm sort of poking about, looking at just looking at them. he has this pile of brass instruments - trumpets and the like - sitting bell-down on a table, and when I go past I must have accidentally jostled the table so a bunch of them fall over in a clatter
[00:29:17] <paulej72> I saw "lying around the house" poking out from behind anohter window. I was hpoing we were taking about naked ladies
[00:29:35] <SpallsHurgenson> my friend comes rushing in to see what the noise is, and he goes beserk
[00:29:35] <SpallsHurgenson> he starts ranting and raving, totally angry, saying how these instruments are all incredibly valuable - how one was once owned by Dizzy Gillespe and worth tens of thousands of dollars - and how I damaged them
[00:30:13] <paulej72> fuking bad way to display high value brass
[00:30:32] <SpallsHurgenson> and he's like, "everytime you come here you do this, stuff of mine gets broken, I'm sick of it" and stuff like that. He starts cursing and gets all red and he's, like, really really furious and swearing that the trumpet is damaged and I'm going to pay for it; that sort of thing
[00:30:42] <paulej72> they make stands for this kind of stuff
[00:31:16] <SpallsHurgenson> and normally he's like the nicest, most laid-back guy so this is really out-of-character for him, and I'm getting all defensive; "I barely bumped the table, it was an accident, the horn isn't even damaged, if its so valuable why is it just sitting out there like that", that sort of thing
[00:31:32] <SpallsHurgenson> paule72: exactly!
[00:31:38] <SpallsHurgenson> and it's just getting really really uncomfortable
[00:31:39] <paulej72> http://www.amazon.com
[00:31:41] <knack> ^ 03Amazon.com: trumpet stands: Musical Instruments
[00:31:54] <SpallsHurgenson> and then suddenly he just stops... and laughs is is, like, "gotcha"
[00:31:56] <paulej72> 13 bucks
[00:32:08] <SpallsHurgenson> and I'm like, what the hell, were you just shittin' me all the time?
[00:32:21] <SpallsHurgenson> and he goes, "well you know what they say: you mess with the horns you get the bull."
[00:32:41] <SpallsHurgenson> my friends can be both incredibly clever and assholes sometimes :)
[00:32:41] <SpallsHurgenson> and he goes, "well you know what they say: you mess with the horns you get the bull."
[00:33:05] <SpallsHurgenson> (oops, why that line reappear?)
[00:33:40] <SpallsHurgenson> I swear, he was probably waiting YEARS to use that line
[00:34:12] <Yog-Yogguth> so was he bullshitting the first or second time? *ponders*
[00:34:27] * Yog-Yogguth wonders what he had hidden in that brass
[00:34:31] <SpallsHurgenson> I don't even think he PLAYS the trumpet :)
[00:34:35] <takyon> good ending to that story
[00:34:37] <Yog-Yogguth> :)
[00:35:11] <SpallsHurgenson> I didn't know whether to laugh or slug him :)
[00:35:48] <takyon> http://fas.org
[00:35:57] <knack> ^ 03Uses of Force Abroad 1798-2015, and More from CRS
[00:38:11] <takyon> it was just a prank, bro
[00:38:20] <takyon> @Iraq
[00:38:28] <SpallsHurgenson> it was excellent acting :)
[00:38:56] <SpallsHurgenson> topped off with a terrific pun, although I didn't appreciate it much at the time
[00:39:36] <takyon> that's when he's supposed to hand you a beer
[00:41:55] <SpallsHurgenson> I got no beer!
[00:42:09] <SpallsHurgenson> I knew I should have slugged him!
[00:42:37] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Orionid Meteor Shower - http://sylnt.us - falling-rocks
[00:42:56] <paulej72> !bier SpallsHurgenson
[00:42:56] * Bender geeft een flesje jupiler aan SpallsHurgenson
[00:53:02] <SpallsHurgenson> the bot's talking in tongues! Kill it, kill it!
[00:56:21] <chromas> !sex aqu4
[00:56:21] * Bender huh? moeilijk? waar? aqu4
[01:05:49] <Gravis> SpallsHurgenson: perhaps you just shouldn't touch his musical instruments... or even look at them.
[01:07:35] <Gravis> SpallsHurgenson: in fact, don't go to his house if you are a big dumb elephant that can't help but knock things over.
[01:08:03] <Gravis> SpallsHurgenson: because your description makes you sound like a big dumb elephant
[01:18:05] <chromas> Now my burps taste like leaves. tea--
[01:26:58] <SpallsHurgenson> still better than sludge^h^h^h^h^h^h coffee
[01:36:54] -!- Silverly [Silverly!~silverly@hmq-028-610-82-5.lnse9.ken.bigpond.net.au] has joined #Soylent
[01:43:23] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - US Will Clean Area in Spain Where Hydrogen Bombs Fell - http://sylnt.us - mop-and-bucket
[01:49:33] <Yog-Yogguth> okay I've got to get some sleep, cya all :)
[01:50:00] <SpallsHurgenson> that's just what THEY want you to do!
[01:58:04] <crutchy> https://www.ksl.com
[01:58:05] <knack> ^ 03'Floating city' appears in sky over China | KSL.com
[01:59:59] <SpallsHurgenson> the chinese have anti-grav technology! launch the nukes! pre-emptive attack!
[02:00:14] -!- SoyGuest73794 has quit [Quit: Coyote finally caught me]
[02:01:29] -!- nick has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[02:07:09] -!- nick [nick!~nick@Soylent/Staff/Editor/n1] has joined #Soylent
[02:07:09] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v nick] by Imogen
[02:13:36] -!- K_benzoate has quit [Quit: leaving]
[02:13:45] -!- NCommander [NCommander!~mcasadeva@2600:3c00::gkjo:ggkm:vshr:juyz] has joined #Soylent
[02:14:45] NCommander is now known as SoyGuest42126
[02:25:47] -!- K_benzoate [K_benzoate!~textual@02-904-949-88.dhcp.gvrb.ca.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[02:26:32] -!- K_benzoate has quit [Client Quit]
[02:27:55] <arti> heh @ <SpallsHurgenson> the bot's talking in tongues! Kill it, kill it!
[02:33:47] -!- K_benzoate [K_benzoate!~textual@02-904-949-88.dhcp.gvrb.ca.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[02:43:01] <Gravis> SpallsHurgenson: stolen technology! https://en.wikipedia.org(mirage)#/media/File:Fata_Morgana_Example.jpg
[02:43:01] <knack> ^ 03Wiki: Fata Morgana (mirage) ( https://en.wikipedia.org(mirage) )
[02:44:10] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Tricky New Malware Replaces Your Entire Browser With a Dangerous Chrome Lookalike - http://sylnt.us - not-so-subtle
[02:48:53] <SpallsHurgenson> that's why I run Lynx on Windows3.1!
[02:49:42] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~Ethanol-f@ka52-830-964-802.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[02:50:16] <Ethanol-fueled> Sup Fellas.
[02:50:41] Ethanol-fueled is now known as SoyGuest37331
[02:50:46] <SoyGuest37331> Fug
[02:50:54] <SirFinkus> lo
[02:51:03] SoyGuest37331 is now known as Ethanol-fooled
[02:51:35] <Ethanol-fooled> wondering if I should become temporarily nocturnal
[02:51:49] <chromas> do you have emissions?
[02:52:01] <SirFinkus> I wouldn't recommend it
[02:52:07] <Ethanol-fooled> Just because more quiet and less bullshit at night to distract
[02:52:16] <Ethanol-fooled> Yeah, but it's ridiculously unhealthy
[02:52:22] <SirFinkus> but sometimes you need to take care of shit during the day
[02:52:27] <Ethanol-fooled> Yeah.
[02:52:37] <SirFinkus> and that SUCKS if you're nocturnal
[02:53:09] <SirFinkus> it is nicer to work at night though
[02:54:28] <Ethanol-fooled> Making_those_annoying_exceptions_disappear_with_empty_catch_blocks++
[02:54:28] <Bender> karma - making_those_annoying_exceptions_disappear_with_empty_catch_blocks: 1
[02:55:16] <Gravis> Ethanol-fooled: that's called willful ignorance.
[02:55:19] -!- nick has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[02:55:47] <Ethanol-fooled> It's called "modern software engineering best-practices," Gravis.
[02:55:50] <Ethanol-fooled> Ask Adobe.
[02:56:02] <Ethanol-fooled> or InfoSys
[02:56:13] <Gravis> Ethanol-fooled: nope.
[02:57:07] <SirFinkus> whenever I write a program, I put the entire thing in a try catch block, that way it never crashes
[02:57:18] <Ethanol-fooled> Finkus, you too?
[02:58:36] <SirFinkus> I just make scripts and stuff to spam dicks on anon FTP servers with upload permissions
[02:59:43] * SpallsHurgenson literally LOLs at SirFinkus
[02:59:57] <fliptop> http://4.bp.blogspot.com
[03:00:01] <SirFinkus> dicks 3.0 enterprise edition was fucking great
[03:00:28] <SirFinkus> dicks 3.1 for workgroups added a gui and support for custom wordfiles
[03:00:36] -!- candyman has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[03:00:40] <Ethanol-fooled> sorry fellas, ain't clickin'.
[03:00:57] <SirFinkus> you should, it's microwavable
[03:01:07] <SirFinkus> and spongey
[03:01:23] <Ethanol-fooled> There are BME pics out there that remind me of the way I used to make fried hot-dog sandwhiches.
[03:02:09] <Ethanol-fooled> spongy weenies split down the middle and curling over the heat.
[03:02:18] <Gravis> Ethanol-fooled: have you seen the JOS pics?
[03:02:35] <Ethanol-fooled> Nope.
[03:02:36] <Gravis> Ethanol-fooled: or of SUH
[03:02:51] <Ethanol-fooled> BME is about as far as an acronym as I'll go, bro.
[03:03:08] <SirFinkus> BME is pretty hardcore
[03:03:12] <K_benzoate> What does that mean?
[03:03:20] <Gravis> Ethanol-fooled: what about ISEFJKLSdMNIOFJWEI?
[03:03:28] <Ethanol-fooled> k_benzoate - if you don't know, don't Google it.
[03:03:38] <K_benzoate> I'd rather not.
[03:04:35] <Gravis> Ethanol-fooled: but seriously, you must know NTS
[03:05:02] <Ethanol-fooled> Nope.
[03:05:30] <SirFinkus> I don't know NTS, and I'm a sick fuck
[03:05:34] <Gravis> Ethanol-fooled: the write what you mean instead of BATAYFR
[03:05:42] <Gravis> then*
[03:06:02] <Ethanol-fooled> Beating A Tard All Year For Real?
[03:06:35] <Ethanol-fooled> or Being a Tard All Year For Real. Yeah, I know that one.
[03:06:38] <SirFinkus> damn, don't think I can top that
[03:07:46] <SirFinkus> to be fair, Gravis didn't know about /pol/
[03:08:05] -!- SpallsHurgenson has quit [Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de]
[03:08:26] <Gravis> SirFinkus: SHTCOYFTD
[03:08:40] <SirFinkus> sure, why not
[03:09:08] <Ethanol-fooled> \pol\ has pretty good discussions if you're willing to sift through cock porn and national accusations of cuckoldry.
[03:09:14] -!- nick [nick!~nick@Soylent/Staff/Editor/n1] has joined #Soylent
[03:09:14] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v nick] by Imogen
[03:09:27] <Ethanol-fooled> cuck porn^
[03:09:29] * SirFinkus just visited
[03:09:33] <SirFinkus> http://i.4cdn.org first op thread
[03:09:50] <Ethanol-fooled> Hehehehe.
[03:09:50] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[03:10:03] <SirFinkus> fucking terrible, but god damn it's pretty funny
[03:10:29] <Ethanol-fooled> Free speech usually is funnier than Ellen Degeneres-tier humour.
[03:11:08] <SirFinkus> the jew and black paranoia is a bit much, gets pretty annyong
[03:11:13] <SirFinkus> annoying even
[03:11:43] <chromas> Anyong
[03:12:00] <Ethanol-fooled> Yeah, that is one downside. EVERYTHING is blamed on the Jews.
[03:12:34] <Gravis> SirFinkus: yes, i didn't know about /pol/ because i don't go to hate forums.
[03:12:53] <Gravis> which pretty much sums up 4chan
[03:13:01] <Ethanol-fooled> Pffffft, calling /pol/ a "hate forum." Get aload of this guy.
[03:13:30] <Ethanol-fooled> Gravis, if you want to see some REAL hate forums, check out chimpout.com, n****rmania.com, and stormfront.com
[03:13:51] <chromas> chimpmania
[03:13:54] <chromas> spookbucket
[03:14:05] * SirFinkus hates self censoring
[03:14:20] <SirFinkus> really, most of the racist shit on 4chan is contained to /pol/
[03:14:44] <Ethanol-fooled> \b\ has some racist shit, but far less.
[03:14:45] <SirFinkus> boards like /n/, /g/, and /mu/ can be intresting
[03:15:11] <Ethanol-fooled> \g\ don't know shit about technology other than PCs and iGadgets.
[03:15:32] <SirFinkus> true, but I've seen some good threads there sometimes
[03:16:06] <SirFinkus> learned about plan 9 there and stuff
[03:16:15] <SirFinkus> mostly phones and shit now
[03:16:29] <Ethanol-fooled> They are really good with PC and gadget-related shit.
[03:17:17] <Ethanol-fooled> REALLY good. But that's all they're good at. I like /diy/, /k/, and /o/
[03:17:31] <Ethanol-fooled> and of course /pol/
[03:17:59] <Ethanol-fooled> \sci\ is also pretty good.
[03:18:11] <SirFinkus> 4chan's reputation is defined almost entirely by /pol/ and /b/, which is kind of stupid
[03:18:32] <Ethanol-fooled> Damn shame, but fortunately most people branch out from there.
[03:19:07] <Ethanol-fooled> or at least don't let themselves be defined by one of both of /pol/ and /b/
[03:19:16] * Ethanol-fooled is defined by /pol/
[03:19:55] <Ethanol-fooled> You know things are getting bad when Seinfeld is boycotting college campuses for comedy shows.
[03:20:03] -!- K_benzoate has quit [Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
[03:21:36] <Ethanol-fooled> (or are they boybotting him?)
[03:21:45] <Ethanol-fooled> hahah, boyCOTTING
[03:21:59] <chromas> mancotting
[03:22:25] <SirFinkus> yeah, shit, BOYcotting is sexist as fuck
[03:22:39] <chromas> we should femcot the term
[03:22:50] <Ethanol-fooled> What should it be? What's the acronym you use when you don't want to be sexiss' 'n' sheeit.
[03:23:00] <chromas> Ethanol-fooled: is it 'cause he's too edgy and triggering?
[03:23:32] <SirFinkus> I don't even know in this case
[03:23:37] <chromas> Pimple Popper, MD #triggered
[03:23:48] <Ethanol-fooled> chromas, indeed it is. The unrefined barbarism of Seinfeld's humor leaves many a college undergrad scurrying toward the nearest safe zone.
[03:24:36] <chromas> He did have that bee cartoon. Jesus, dude! Some of us are allergic to bees! #internetptsd
[03:35:13] -!- nick has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[03:38:55] -!- K_benzoate [K_benzoate!~textual@02-904-949-88.dhcp.gvrb.ca.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[03:39:51] -!- Ethanol-fooled has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[03:41:39] -!- nick [nick!~nick@Soylent/Staff/Editor/n1] has joined #Soylent
[03:41:39] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v nick] by Imogen
[03:52:32] -!- K_benzoate has quit [Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
[03:56:30] -!- K_benzoate [K_benzoate!~textual@02-904-949-88.dhcp.gvrb.ca.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[04:00:43] <SirFinkus> holy shit, my fucking bank
[04:01:47] <SirFinkus> you can't just pull this poorly formatted bullshit http://i.imgur.com
[04:02:11] <SirFinkus> "To celebrate BECU's 80th anniversary in 2015, we are closing our doors for part of the day on Tuesday, October 20, sending all of our employees to volunteer at local high schools."
[04:09:16] <chromas> the picture says closing for good. that seems like more than part of a day
[04:09:25] -!- nick has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[04:15:19] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Is It Still Possible to Do Phone Phreaking? Yes, With Android on LTE - http://sylnt.us - old-shall-become-new-again
[04:15:46] <Bytram> http://www.forbes.com
[04:15:46] <knack> ^ 03Forbes Welcome ( http://www.forbes.com )
[04:20:00] -!- K_benzoate has quit [Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
[04:25:19] <chromas> does that mean they deleted the article?
[04:26:04] <chromas> oh it's some retard splash page
[04:27:30] <SirFinkus> thought of the day
[04:41:58] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~Ethanol-f@ka52-830-964-802.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[04:42:10] Ethanol-fueled is now known as Ethanol-fooled
[04:42:21] * Ethanol-fooled shitposts idly
[04:44:51] * TheMightyBuzzard yawns
[04:45:18] <Bytram> 15 minutes to reboot of Sodium and Magnesium
[04:45:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> yup. means web downtime.
[04:45:49] <Bytram> nodnod
[04:46:35] <Bytram> VirtualBox: the VirtualBox client service is not running. exiting
[04:46:44] <Bytram> oh well... can't win 'em all
[04:56:00] -!- Ethanol-fooled has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[05:08:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh noes, the site's down!
[05:17:11] <chromas> was Chip involved?
[05:17:31] <TheMightyBuzzard> bytram broke all of the things!
[05:17:54] <chromas> be sure to reboot it three times
[05:18:03] <chromas> and remember, you can't arrange 'em by penis
[05:21:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> says you
[05:24:48] <paulej72> Damn Linode must be tired tonight as they are slower to update than yesterday
[05:24:55] <Bytram> agreed
[05:26:09] <paulej72> sodium is restarting
[05:26:21] <Bytram> is about time
[05:26:22] <paulej72> will take a few minutes
[05:26:34] <Bytram> 25 minutes to get restarted.
[05:26:41] <Bytram> how's magnesium?
[05:27:20] <Bytram> let me rephrase the prior one; it took 25 minutes from the time the servers were scheduled to go down until we saw the first hint that they were coming back up.
[05:27:25] <paulej72> still waiting but I don't care
[05:27:31] <Bytram> lol
[05:28:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> magnesium is the new hydrogen. just sits off in a corner quietly doing not much of anything.
[05:28:29] <Bytram> but ready to jump in off the bench at a moment's notice
[05:28:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> allegedly
[05:28:59] <Bytram> optimist!
[05:30:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> nicotine then i'll check back in
[05:35:02] <Bytram> k
[05:35:17] <Bytram> ima taking a break, too
[05:36:25] <paulej72> looks like linode is having issues with tonights updates
[05:41:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> fun fun fun
[05:41:53] <paulej72> magnesium started booting
[05:42:02] <TheMightyBuzzard> yays!
[05:42:16] <paulej72> lets see which one boots first
[05:42:33] <TheMightyBuzzard> c'mon sodium, you can do it!
[05:43:15] <Bytram> Looks like I got back before sodium or magnesium
[05:43:48] <TheMightyBuzzard> nope, just got a page load on soylentnews.org
[05:43:58] <paulej72> sodium up
[05:44:19] <Bytram> yup, I just got a page load on main page
[05:44:23] <Bytram> YAY!
[05:45:11] <Bytram> I just loaded the admin 'Stories' page as well as submissions page
[05:45:21] <Bytram> things are looking good from this side.
[05:45:25] <paulej72> OK I am not planinng on staying up for neon's maintenance
[05:46:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> okey doke, i'll grab a quick cat nap then check up on it. not that i can watch from the linode control panel.
[05:46:08] <Bytram> if neon has troubles, then helium should take up the slack, right?
[05:46:29] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - A Look Inside the Lowline, New York City’s First Underground Park - http://sylnt.us - bring-your-watering-can
[05:46:33] <TheMightyBuzzard> in theory, yep
[05:46:48] <Bytram> was just able to ssh to sodium
[05:47:19] <Bytram> still no joy with ssh to magnesium, but that's prolly just a matter of time, and not entirely necessary at this point with sodium running as it should.
[05:47:21] <paulej72> I did do a backup of the db during the sodium downtime
[05:48:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> this whole spreading out our reboots over three days thing sucks
[05:49:01] <paulej72> helium should take over for neon. we will need to manually restart ndb on neon when it comes back up. I am a bit afraid to set that on rc.local
[05:49:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> where's the saved command line?
[05:49:29] -!- crutchy has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[05:49:42] * Bytram waves goodbye to crutchy
[05:50:34] <Bytram> man nc
[05:50:36] <paulej72> should just be /opt/mysql/bin/ndbd --initial
[05:51:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> don't want the ndb_mgmt restarted as well?
[05:51:49] <paulej72> that is only on helium
[05:51:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> ahh, roger
[05:52:12] <paulej72> and it seems ndb is run as myqld user
[05:52:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> i'll take care of it when it comes back up then.
[05:54:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> echo /home/bob/bin/alarm.sh | at 1:50
[05:54:36] <TheMightyBuzzard> afk power napping
[05:55:21] <Bytram> well, since all seems to be well atm and a failure of neon is not likely to be catastrophic, I'm going to call it a night
[05:55:44] <SirFinkus> tempting fate
[05:56:28] <Bytram> whaddaya mean? I'm the one who breaks things -- if anything, it's best that I not get within 10000 miles of any of this stuff!
[05:57:30] * Bytram closes his putty connection and his VM
[05:57:44] <Bytram> TheMightyBuzzard: hope all goes smoothly, thanks for taking the second watch!
[05:58:09] <Bytram> paulej72: thanks for staying up for this -- I know you got little enough sleep LAST night!
[05:58:22] Bytram is now known as Bytram|away
[05:59:00] <Bytram|away> http://go.theregister.com
[05:59:02] <knack> ^ 03'10-second' hack jogs Fitbits into malware-spreading mode • The Register ( http://www.theregister.co.uk )
[06:01:14] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[06:01:38] <paulej72> TheMightyBuzzard: FYI /root/ps_20151019 has the ps list of current running junk on the servers. Neon is running ndbd without the --initial option since it was last started cleanly. this one will not be clean
[06:02:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> roger
[06:02:50] <Bytram|away> hmmm, would it have made sense to shut down the servers prior to the reboot; that way they'd be starting from a known good state?
[06:02:56] * Bytram|away is just thinking about the future
[06:03:12] <paulej72> not 100% sure on that one
[06:03:22] <Bytram|away> k
[06:03:30] <Bytram|away> that makes two of us!
[06:04:49] <Bytram|away> okay, this time for sure.
[06:04:56] <Bytram|away> g'night everyone!
[06:11:05] -!- nick [nick!~nick@Soylent/Staff/Editor/n1] has joined #Soylent
[06:11:05] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v nick] by Imogen
[06:11:56] -!- artificial [artificial!~arti@2605:e000:3041:qsqs:yltq:rgzr:ltiu:gyrh] has joined #Soylent
[06:12:38] <paulej72> Well now I am awake. not sure if I should just wait for neon
[06:14:49] -!- arti has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[06:17:15] -!- exec [exec!~exec@utioner/T-800/BeVeryAfraid] has joined #Soylent
[06:17:45] <crutchy> ~isup soylentnews.org:443
[06:17:48] <exec> 03soylentnews.org:443: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[06:32:24] -!- SirFinkus has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com]
[06:32:28] <crutchy> http://www.livescience.com
[06:32:29] <knack> ^ 03Widespread Damage to Syria's Ruins Seen from Space
[06:58:40] <paulej72> 2 minutes until neon outage
[07:03:10] <TheMightyBuzzard> thought you was gonna get some sleep
[07:03:40] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~james@43-567-441-22.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Soylent
[07:04:11] <paulej72> too awake
[07:04:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> ahh, suck
[07:04:22] <paulej72> so I shaved instead
[07:04:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah, i should do that some week
[07:09:17] -!- nick has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[07:12:51] <crutchy> what's neon?
[07:13:02] <TheMightyBuzzard> one of the db hosts
[07:13:30] <crutchy> what are you guys doing up so early/late?
[07:13:38] <crutchy> ~time chicago
[07:13:40] <TheMightyBuzzard> see above
[07:13:40] <exec> Wednesday, 21 October 2015 @ 2:13 am CDT - Chicago, IL, USA
[07:13:44] <crutchy> oh
[07:14:03] <paulej72> ~time
[07:14:05] <exec> Wednesday, 21 October 2015 @ 3:14 am EDT - Princeton, NJ, USA
[07:14:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> linode scheduled outage time again
[07:14:39] -!- crutchy has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[07:15:06] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[07:15:33] <TheMightyBuzzard> #weather
[07:15:33] <MrPlow> Today: Plentiful sunshine. High 81F. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph. Tomorrow: Sunny. High 82F. Winds light and variable.
[07:16:31] <crutchy> closed a window but my finger spasmed or some shit
[07:16:38] <crutchy> closed hexchat under it as well :p
[07:16:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> too much masturbation will cause that.
[07:17:02] <crutchy> or not enough
[07:17:04] <paulej72> ~weather
[07:17:06] <exec> 03Princeton, NJ, USA - currently 52°F / 11°C, clear, wind SW at 4 mph, humidity 70% - Tuesday clear (48°F:53°F / 9°C:12°C), Wednesday mostly sunny (48°F:75°F / 9°C:24°C), Thursday mostly sunny (45°F:75°F / 7°C:24°C), Friday sunny (35°F:61°F / 2°C:16°C)
[07:17:30] <chromas> are the fingers trembling of fatigue or in anticipation?
[07:17:38] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - New Mathematical Method Reveals Structure in Neural Activity in the Brain - http://sylnt.us
[07:18:00] <crutchy> 'neural activity in the brain' eh?
[07:18:11] <crutchy> can neural activity occur anywhere else?
[07:19:01] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~api m=story op=latest limit=1 /title
[07:19:04] <exec> 02 api error: element "title" not found
[07:19:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> fool bot
[07:19:40] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh ya, it's in an array then a hash
[07:20:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> how do ya pick an array element out, crutchy?
[07:20:53] <crutchy> the /
[07:21:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> that's for hashes. need a numerical indexed array picker as well.
[07:21:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> like /0
[07:21:38] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~Ethanol-f@ka52-830-964-802.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[07:21:41] <crutchy> hmm. should work for any sort of index i think
[07:21:48] * crutchy opens the script
[07:21:48] Ethanol-fueled is now known as Ethanol-fooled
[07:21:52] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~api m=story op=latest limit=1 /0
[07:21:56] <exec> 02
[07:22:00] <Ethanol-fooled> man, that was pretty painless.
[07:22:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> Ethanol-fooled, colonoscopy time was it?
[07:22:39] <Ethanol-fooled> Yup. Up the butt.
[07:22:58] <Ethanol-fooled> Pretty Awesome, but preferable to browsing on Slashdot.
[07:23:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> keeps the ole cornhole nice n supple for them larger turds too.
[07:23:35] <crutchy> hmm. tmb that worked, but for some reason it was an empty element :/
[07:23:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~api m=story op=latest limit=1 /0 /title
[07:23:50] <exec> 02 api error: element "0 /title" not found
[07:24:00] * TheMightyBuzzard shurgs
[07:24:11] <crutchy> ~api
[07:24:13] <exec> http://wiki.soylentnews.org
[07:24:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> crutchy, here's what you're dealing with. https://soylentnews.org
[07:24:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> a single element array containing a hash
[07:25:13] <Ethanol-fooled> unh! The slashes are both backwards and forwards!
[07:25:38] <Ethanol-fooled> its clobberin' time
[07:25:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> not slashin' time?
[07:26:34] <crutchy> that just mean e-f is going to visit the mexicans :p
[07:26:55] <Ethanol-fooled> https://www.youtube.com
[07:26:56] <knack> ^ 03Conspiracy Theory Rock By Robert Smigel - YouTube
[07:27:02] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh, clobberin his cornhole
[07:27:07] <Ethanol-fooled> Hahahaha
[07:27:13] <Ethanol-fooled> Thass Rite.
[07:27:17] <crutchy> he had it cleaned out specially
[07:28:30] <Ethanol-fooled> Hahaha, yup.
[07:28:37] <Ethanol-fooled> Goatse.cx
[07:28:58] <TheMightyBuzzard> zactly. that man go no issues with cheese.
[07:29:55] <crutchy> ~api m=story op=latest limit=1 /[0]["title"]
[07:29:59] <exec> 02
[07:30:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> needs more eval
[07:30:52] <TheMightyBuzzard> stoopid slow neon
[07:31:01] <crutchy> needs me to figure out how to use eval properly
[07:31:06] -!- Ethanol-fooled has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[07:32:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> ah well, you got several hours to figger it out before i'm sposed to be awake.
[07:33:51] <paulej72> neon is rebooting
[07:33:56] <TheMightyBuzzard> woohoos
[07:34:01] <paulej72> I'll get ndbd started
[07:34:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> smooth. ima go ahead n hit the sack again then.
[07:34:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> normal 5am wakeup time may very well not happen either.
[07:36:01] <chromas> hit the sac, then go to bed
[07:36:16] <crutchy> ~api m=story op=latest limit=1 /[0]["title"]
[07:36:19] <exec> 02New Mathematical Method Reveals Structure in Neural Activity in the Brain
[07:37:40] <crutchy> ~api m=story op=latest limit=1 /[0]["title"];privmsg("fart")
[07:37:44] <exec> 02New Mathematical Method Reveals Structure in Neural Activity in the Brain
[07:38:14] <crutchy> hmm. yeah that seems like a really nasty use of eval :/
[07:39:45] <crutchy> need some validation before i leave that on
[07:40:56] <crutchy> might go shoot some baddies in bf1942
[07:41:32] * artificial o.o
[07:58:14] <crutchy> http://www.bbc.com
[07:58:15] <knack> ^ 03Indian domestic servant: Saudi employer 'cut off my arm' - BBC News
[07:58:26] <crutchy> stupid bf1942 crashed on me :/
[07:58:35] <crutchy> might be cos i'm running a vm
[07:59:39] <chromas> install wine
[07:59:44] <chromas> inside the vm
[08:14:23] <paulej72> neon started and mysql has the ndbd startup in its crontab
[08:42:52] -!- Silverly has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[08:48:48] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - For Offenders Who Can’t Pay, It’s a Pint of Blood or Jail Time - http://sylnt.us - Judge: 30-days-or-$100?-Arrestee: I'll-take-the-$100
[09:06:20] -!- marius_k [marius_k!~c1bd5755@193.189.ur.tn] has joined #Soylent
[09:10:16] -!- nick [nick!~nick@Soylent/Staff/Editor/n1] has joined #Soylent
[09:10:16] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v nick] by Imogen
[09:40:57] -!- K_benzoate [K_benzoate!~textual@02-904-949-88.dhcp.gvrb.ca.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[09:56:15] -!- stderr has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[09:57:35] -!- K_benzoate has quit [Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
[10:02:49] -!- soylentpoutine has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[10:03:01] -!- stderr [stderr!~pohol@GetOffMyLawn/stderr] has joined #Soylent
[10:03:01] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v stderr] by Imogen
[10:04:07] -!- crutchy_ [crutchy_!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[10:04:43] -!- exec has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[10:05:59] -!- crutchy has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[10:08:57] crutchy_ is now known as crutchy
[10:13:14] -!- K_benzoate [K_benzoate!~textual@02-904-949-88.dhcp.gvrb.ca.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[10:19:58] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - First Report of Gaping Security Flaws in Internet of Things Device - http://sylnt.us - consumers-are-steaming-mad
[10:20:45] -!- K_benzoate has quit [Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
[10:23:26] -!- SirFinkus [SirFinkus!~SirFinkus@q-37-359-375-883.hsd6.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[10:24:22] <crutchy> ~q
[10:28:56] <marius_k> hello! soylent wiki says that "icinga/monitoring project needs killed". Do you have any issues using Icinga?
[10:33:13] -!- nick has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[10:56:57] <crutchy> our previous icinga expert has deserted
[10:57:32] <crutchy> well, his bouncer is connected still (xlefay) but he hasn't been heard of for months
[11:51:07] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Warming Opens Famed Northwest Passage to Navigation - http://sylnt.us - Henry-Hudson-was-ahead-of-his-time
[12:24:50] -!- JamesNZ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[12:33:46] <cmn32480> !last xlefay
[12:34:35] <cmn32480> #help
[12:34:35] <MrPlow> battlestations, bnk, default, dothis, find, help, join, klingon, part, ping, redtube, seen, showme, socialist, weather, weatheradd, youtube
[12:34:56] <cmn32480> #help seen
[12:34:56] <MrPlow> Returns date, time, channel, and the last thing said of a given nick. #seen crutchy
[12:35:10] <cmn32480> #seen xlefay
[12:35:10] <MrPlow> I don't remember seeing xlefay.
[12:35:54] <crutchy> chromas' log would have it
[12:36:06] <cmn32480> probly
[12:36:08] -!- exec [exec!~exec@utioner/T-800/BeVeryAfraid] has joined #Soylent
[12:36:19] <crutchy> ~log nick=xlefay
[12:36:19] <cmn32480> but if I recall correctly, it was a year ago earlier this month
[12:36:29] <exec> 03[2014-02-21 03:23:36] #Soylent <xlefay> Barrabas: he actually knows that
[12:36:43] <crutchy> hmm
[12:36:57] <cmn32480> ~help
[12:36:57] <exec> http://sylnt.us
[12:37:01] <crutchy> ~last nick=xlefay
[12:37:06] <exec> 03[2014-09-02 08:16:2] #Soylent <xlefay> I need to eat some and get some sleep. I'll tty'all later ;-) Take care!
[12:37:14] <crutchy> that's it
[12:37:20] <cmn32480> that's the one I was looking for
[12:37:32] <cmn32480> ~join #editorial
[12:39:37] <cmn32480> exec performs so many nice functions
[12:39:47] * cmn32480 wonders if there is a way to have him be permanently attached
[12:41:49] <crutchy> dunno. its not really the neatest bot
[12:42:11] <crutchy> the source is out there for anyone that wants to hack away though
[12:42:43] <crutchy> if you want it to auto-join #editorial i can add it to its .start macro
[12:42:59] <crutchy> .macro-list
[12:43:00] <exec> 13 .ciri.poke [*] INTERNAL ~say <#> ciri: %%trailing%%
[12:43:00] <exec> 13 .part [#freenode] INTERNAL ~minion raw sylnt :sylnt PART %%trailing%%
[12:43:00] <exec> 13 .join [#freenode] INTERNAL ~minion raw sylnt :sylnt JOIN %%trailing%%
[12:43:00] <exec> 13 .whois [#freenode] INTERNAL ~minion raw sylnt WHOIS %%trailing%%
[12:43:01] <exec> 13 lol [#] PRIVMSG ciri is a butthole
[12:43:01] <exec> 13 .alljoins [#freenode] PRIVMSG .join #epoch,#boxedfox,##crawl,#NetHack
[12:43:02] <exec> 13 .start [#journals,#freenode,#test] INTERNAL ~join #,#soylent,#belle,#crutchy,#nethack,#test,#crawl,#wiki
[12:43:03] <exec> 13 .sleep [*] PRIVMSG sleep is for the weak
[12:43:04] <exec> 13 .flip [*] PRIVMSG (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
[12:43:05] <exec> 13 .socialist [*] PRIVMSG %%trailing%%, YOU'RE a SOCIALIST!
[12:43:06] <exec> 13 .sn [#Soylent] PRIVMSG https://soylentnews.org
[12:43:07] <exec> 13 .convert [] INTERNAL
[12:43:07] <exec> 13 ~g'morning [*] INTERNAL ~g'day %%trailing%%
[12:43:08] <exec> 13 .soylentfart [*] INTERNAL ~sql query select comment_body from exec_irc_bot.sn_comments where (comment_body like '% fart %') order by rand() limit 1
[12:43:09] <exec> 13 .soylentbutt [*] INTERNAL ~sql query select comment_body from exec_irc_bot.sn_comments where (comment_body like '%butt%') order by rand() limit 1
[12:43:12] <crutchy> oops
[12:43:19] <crutchy> more than i thought :/
[12:44:04] <crutchy> .macro .start * INTERNAL ~join #,#soylent,#belle,#crutchy,#nethack,#test,#crawl,#wiki,#editorial
[12:44:05] <exec> 02 *** macro with trigger ".start" and INTERNAL command template "~join #,#soylent,#belle,#crutchy,#nethack,#test,#crawl,#wiki,#editorial" saved
[12:44:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> ye gads, what you still doing up?
[12:44:26] <crutchy> not even midnight yet
[12:44:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[12:44:32] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1767
[12:44:43] <crutchy> prolly will head to bed soon
[12:44:52] <crutchy> ~time
[12:44:54] <exec> Wednesday, 21 October 2015 @ 11:44 pm GMT+11 - Melbourne VIC
[12:45:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~api m=story op=latest limit=1 /[0]['title']
[12:45:41] <exec> 02 api error: element "[0]['title']" not found
[12:45:56] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~api m=story op=latest limit=1 /[0]["title"]
[12:45:59] <exec> 02 api error: element "[0]["title"]" not found
[12:46:04] <crutchy> i disabled the eval cos its bad joojoo
[12:46:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> har
[12:46:19] <crutchy> gotta make some sorta validate for it
[12:46:55] <crutchy> not so bad for auth aliases but for a public command i'm not gunna eval a trailing
[12:46:58] -!- nick [nick!~nick@Soylent/Staff/Editor/n1] has joined #Soylent
[12:46:58] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v nick] by Imogen
[12:47:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> get better with your regex
[12:48:18] <crutchy> i could probably kill most bad things by simply not permitting a semicolon
[12:49:09] <crutchy> but i couldn't be sure that some smartypants couldn't come up with some voodoo hack
[12:49:19] -!- fliptop has quit [Quit: ciao]
[12:49:24] <cmn32480> autojoining #editorial would be a nice touch, Thanks crutchy!
[12:50:15] <crutchy> doesn't actually autojoin. i only have ait autojoin a few channels just in case i'm testing or its borking
[12:50:27] <crutchy> i run the .start macro to make it join #soylent etc
[12:50:39] <crutchy> but no probs :)
[12:50:54] <crutchy> sorry its not more available
[12:51:05] <crutchy> kinda never intended it to be :p
[12:51:20] <cmn32480> ubderstood
[12:51:36] <cmn32480> it's funny how we come to depend on a bot for certain things.
[12:53:01] <crutchy> i'm making a delphi port at the moment. all it does so far is join #test and identify, but its a bit more modern than the php version
[12:53:10] <crutchy> uses classes and events and whatnot
[12:53:17] <cmn32480> curiostiy question more than anything, what's required to run it?
[12:53:25] <cmn32480> the current version I mean
[12:53:48] <crutchy> can be run with just php if you disable logging. need mysql for logging feature
[12:54:15] <cmn32480> ok.
[12:54:33] <crutchy> doesn't use any weird frameworks or third party crap
[12:54:35] * cmn32480 begins thinking.... <queue smoke>
[12:55:59] <crutchy> might call it a night. cyas tomorrow o/
[12:56:06] <cmn32480> nigfht crutchy
[12:56:09] <cmn32480> sleep well
[12:56:11] * TheMightyBuzzard /wave
[12:56:21] <cmn32480> coffee++
[12:56:21] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1768
[13:01:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> think ima hafta give moneys for sword coast legends. we're gonna end up playing it a lot i think.
[13:02:22] <paulej72> hello all
[13:02:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> mornin, boss
[13:03:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya know, unless that adderall kicks in harder than usual this mornin ima be useless for anything but watchin tv or vidya
[13:07:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> happy back to the future day all
[13:15:10] zz_janrinok is now known as janrinok
[13:15:33] <janrinok> hi guys (and guyettes, I suppose)
[13:16:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> heya, janrinok
[13:17:39] <janrinok> TheMightyBuzzard: good morning to you from a damp afternnon here
[13:18:02] <TheMightyBuzzard> soggie frenchies, is it?
[13:18:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> s/gie/gy/
[13:18:17] <sedctl> <TheMightyBuzzard> soggy frenchies, is it?
[13:18:47] <janrinok> tres soggy
[13:19:09] <paulej72> I like my frenchies nice and crisp
[13:19:25] <janrinok> HBTTFD - Happy Back to the Future Day
[13:19:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> pass it along this way when you're done with it. we could use a bit of a dust wetter.
[13:19:32] <cmn32480> and fresh from the fryer
[13:19:37] <janrinok> cmn32480: !!
[13:19:43] <cmn32480> janrinok !!
[13:20:01] <paulej72> but sloppy wet frenchies are also fun
[13:20:02] <janrinok> how's things today - it being Wednesday for most of us
[13:20:19] <janrinok> hi paulej72 - very true
[13:20:22] <cmn32480> pj - with chili and cheese?
[13:20:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> cmn32480, if you swing that way, i guess
[13:21:27] * cmn32480 goes to get more coffee as he is slow on the uptake obviously
[13:21:43] <paulej72> we have survived 1/2 of the planned outages so far, but the front ends are scheduled for tonight
[13:22:08] * janrinok plays tension music like the theme from Jaws
[13:22:08] <cmn32480> feels like Wednesday today janrinok. But I seem to have lost Tuesday this week.
[13:22:17] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - White House to Feds: Stop Buying New PCs, Laptops Right Now - http://sylnt.us - start-buying-old-boxes
[13:22:24] <janrinok> great - a 4 day working week!
[13:23:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> i think i just got a three day monday
[13:24:06] <janrinok> that's not so good
[13:24:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> wouldn't have been so bad back when i was doing the dial-up isp sysadmin thing.
[13:24:43] <paulej72> I lost tuesday baby sitting a Windows 7 machine that was chocking on a bad OS update
[13:25:06] <janrinok> what is a good Windows update like?
[13:25:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> they made the mistake of telling me i got two sick days a month, so i took every other monday off sick.
[13:25:15] <janrinok> lol
[13:25:26] <janrinok> I used to be sick of Monday's too
[13:26:34] <paulej72> the problem with taking Mondays off, Tuesdays become Mondays
[13:26:50] <janrinok> but Friday rolls around much more quickly
[13:27:18] * TheMightyBuzzard explains it much in the way "but ours go to 11" was explained
[13:28:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> https://twitter.com
[13:28:16] <knack> ^ 03The Spectator on Twitter: "This week's cover: The end of feminism. The battle's won, says Emily Hill. It's time to move on https://t.co"
[13:30:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> that there's gonna chap some female backsides. wish i'd said it.
[13:32:17] <janrinok> I get 'That page doesn't exist' on that link
[13:32:41] <janrinok> the abbreviated link, that is
[13:34:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> weird
[13:34:59] -!- nick has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[13:35:13] <janrinok> nick has quit - didn't even know he was here
[13:35:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> silent but deadly, our nick
[13:41:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> meh, hell with coding. i'm going hoverboarding.
[13:41:32] -!- nick [nick!~nick@Soylent/Staff/Editor/n1] has joined #Soylent
[13:41:32] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v nick] by Imogen
[13:42:24] <janrinok> I looked in the garage for my flying car - it wasn't there!
[13:43:42] <cmn32480> but I did see a manure truck on the way to work today
[13:44:18] <janrinok> lol - Bytram|away is stuck on 999 stories - he felt sure he would hit the 1k today
[13:45:00] <janrinok> cmn32480: that could easily be the case around here - bloody farmers!
[13:54:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> okay, damnit, i'll crank out just a little bit of code today.
[13:54:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> buncha slave drivers
[13:54:32] <cmn32480> empty the queue and be quick about it!
[13:54:37] <janrinok> vidya stopped working?
[13:57:57] -!- marius_k has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[13:58:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> cmn32480, done. all subs deleted.
[13:58:38] <cmn32480> thanks Buzzard
[13:59:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> janrinok, nah. just really wanna get some of this done cause i'm just gonna hafta do it tomorrow if i don't.
[14:00:44] <cmn32480> done. queue is empty. Bytram|away is foiled again!
[14:02:31] <TheMightyBuzzard> har
[14:02:44] <cmn32480> did you actually look at the queue buzzard?
[14:02:55] <janrinok> lol
[14:02:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> nah, that would require a slight effort
[14:03:28] <janrinok> don't get sucked into their petty dispute - just because Bytram|away is winning ;)
[14:04:08] <janrinok> mind you, cmn32480 has put a hell of a burst of speed on over the last few months
[14:04:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> keep in mind he has full db access and can easily change someone else's editor id to his =P
[14:04:41] <cmn32480> all I need to do to outrun a bear is trip the guy next to me
[14:04:43] <janrinok> don't give him ideas
[14:05:07] <cmn32480> not a new idea. He threatened he was gonna take away my ed privs yesterday.
[14:05:55] <janrinok> as long as he picks up the slack and it gives you a break, I don't suppose you would mind for a day or two
[14:06:05] <cmn32480> I dared him to do it, and be responsible for keepign the site up over the christmas season
[14:07:41] * TheMightyBuzzard snickers
[14:08:09] <cmn32480> you will note, that after this exchange my ed privs are untouched.
[14:08:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> http://journal.frontiersin.org
[14:08:40] <knack> ^ 03Frontiers | Women have substantial advantage in STEM faculty hiring, except when competing against more-accomplished men | Developmental Psychology
[14:08:47] <janrinok> ouch
[14:08:48] <TheMightyBuzzard> slow today, knack
[14:09:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> i should sub that. it should chap many an SJW butthole.
[14:10:41] <nick> do it
[14:11:10] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, everyone does so love a good flamewar.
[14:11:29] <nick> as a SJW, i want to be outraged at the insensitive headline and conclusions of the article
[14:11:38] <janrinok> hi nick
[14:11:53] <nick> ahoy, janrinok :D
[14:12:05] <janrinok> HBTTFD
[14:13:03] <nick> HBTTFD?
[14:13:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> happy back to the future day
[14:13:27] <nick> oh, i see
[14:13:31] <janrinok> hand in your geek card at the door :)
[14:13:33] * nick slowly backs away
[14:14:03] <nick> i already had to hand it in, over my indifference to starwars and other sci-fi
[14:14:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> what, even the slave leia outfit?
[14:15:21] <nick> im not indifferent to attractive women
[14:15:28] <cmn32480> perhaps he prefers Chewbacca.... don't judge
[14:15:41] <nick> chewbacca has a beautiful soul no doubt
[14:16:02] <janrinok> I don't know how tall he is, perhaps Ewocs are more his type?
[14:16:21] <cmn32480> and frankly, who DOESN'T have a man crush on Harrison Ford?
[14:16:24] <cmn32480> !nograb
[14:17:12] <nick> cmn32480 whatever floats your boat sir
[14:22:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> there we go. https://soylentnews.org
[14:22:44] <knack> ^ 03SN Submission by The Mighty Buzzard: STEM Hiring, Now With Science
[14:23:14] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[14:23:19] <janrinok> hi Bytram
[14:23:24] <janrinok> !!
[14:23:32] <cmn32480> heya bytram
[14:23:35] <cmn32480> !!
[14:23:55] <Bytram> hi
[14:25:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> i now return to my regularly scheduled coding
[14:27:05] <Bytram> TheMightyBuzzard++ # site maintenance
[14:27:05] <Bender> karma - themightybuzzard: 189
[14:27:12] <Bytram> paulej72++ # site maintenance
[14:27:12] <Bender> karma - paulej72: 180
[14:27:26] <janrinok> oooh - another war ...
[14:27:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> damnit, he's catching up. i better hurry on this credit card processing what's not done by paypal
[14:27:51] <Bytram> LOL!
[14:30:13] <Bytram> coffee++
[14:30:13] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1769
[14:30:16] <Bytram> !uid
[14:30:16] <Bender> The current maximum UID is 5922, owned by jez9999
[14:30:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[14:30:23] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1770
[14:49:32] <mrcoolbp> coffee++
[14:49:32] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1771
[14:49:53] <cmn32480> amen mrcoolbp
[14:50:13] <mrcoolbp> mmm hmm
[14:50:20] <mrcoolbp> how goes it cmn32480?
[14:50:32] <cmn32480> pretty good sir, and you?
[14:50:37] <mrcoolbp> where are you traveling this week? Japan? The Moon? Abudabi?
[14:50:46] <mrcoolbp> I'm decent, it's my day off!
[14:50:51] <cmn32480> only between the house and the office this week.
[14:50:56] <mrcoolbp> nice
[14:50:59] <cmn32480> next trip is week after Halloween.
[14:51:22] <cmn32480> things slow slightly for us this time of year with all the holidays and people trying to use up their vacation time
[14:52:09] <mrcoolbp> yup yup
[14:52:32] <cmn32480> how about you? anythgin good happening?
[14:53:27] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - When a Dev Dies, Their Apps Should Live On - http://sylnt.us - make-sure-it-runs-in-a-vm
[14:53:43] <Bytram> cmn32480: glad things have slowed down a bit for ya! enjoy it while you can. as it is, I'm using up some vaca time before the crazy holiday season
[14:55:22] <cmn32480> slower on the travel... but we are going to be doing major systems upgrades between now adn the end of the year. The accounting system, Excahnge (maybe), and a few others
[14:55:33] <Bytram> oy
[14:55:35] <Bytram> good luck!
[14:55:57] * cmn32480 gladly accepts good luck with gratitude.
[14:56:36] <mrcoolbp> cmn32480: not too much new with me, I've been playing with VR which is fun
[14:56:56] <cmn32480> interesting
[14:57:06] <cmn32480> not somethign that I have had any time to look inot at all.
[14:57:13] <cmn32480> what are your impressions?
[14:57:55] <mrcoolbp> Well.... it's a DK1 Oculus Rift which means the tech is pre-1st gen and already 2-3 years old
[14:58:49] <mrcoolbp> STILL... pretty amazing, just that the resolution is low, and the tracking latency causes some sickness (not to mention I was flying an x-wing in outer space doing barrell rolls so that didn't help the sim-sickness factor = P
[14:59:17] <cmn32480> but it sounds like fun!
[14:59:24] <mrcoolbp> it's pretty immersive, can't WAIT to see the production model early 2016
[14:59:49] <mrcoolbp> It will cost me ~$400 for the unit and about $300 for the gfx card that will bring my system up to specs though
[15:00:00] <mrcoolbp> (I have onboard gfx right now)
[15:00:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> right, and that is all the coding gas i have for today. time for more nicotine and caffeine and some
[15:00:32] <cmn32480> if all that needs to be upgraded is the gfx card, that isn't bad at al
[15:01:00] <cmn32480> at home, I'm on a P4 that isn't really cutting it anymore for much of anytrhign
[15:01:06] <mrcoolbp> later Buzz
[15:01:21] <nick> a P4 isn't cutting edge anymore?
[15:01:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> not out yet, just afk.
[15:01:30] <mrcoolbp> cmn32480: well I got a decent system last year: Core i5 with 8gb ram
[15:01:50] <mrcoolbp> *almost* got the i7 but I'm quite happy with the i5
[15:01:53] <cmn32480> that ought to run most stuff
[15:02:35] <mrcoolbp> yup, but the extra gfx card is necessary, you see, you are rendering 2x as many pixels at 90fps
[15:02:56] <cmn32480> good point
[15:02:58] <mrcoolbp> that's intense by todays standards
[15:03:11] <cmn32480> you ahve to use SLI?
[15:03:29] <mrcoolbp> I'm actually not sure, I don't think so though
[15:03:37] <mrcoolbp> I've been reading up but only for the last week or so
[15:03:56] <cmn32480> sounds like a fun way to spend some time
[15:04:08] <cmn32480> very smart doing the research first
[15:04:10] <mrcoolbp> and I'm behind the curve working on the first model (DK1) there's a DK2 that I haven't even seen yet, then the Prod model in a few months
[15:04:37] <mrcoolbp> I'm borrowing it from my friend, so I only have 2 weeks to work with it
[15:05:03] <mrcoolbp> I've been going crazy trying to learn as much as possible and find as many demos as possible that are actually compatible with my kit
[15:05:37] <mrcoolbp> cmn32480: Okay, I've commissioned myself to do a writeup on a "stretch goal" for the extra money we have rolling in this period. I'm off to do that. You can help proofread when I'm done if you are around.
[15:05:52] <cmn32480> certainly.
[15:06:00] <mrcoolbp> give me like 30 min
[15:06:01] <cmn32480> I'll be here all day, as per usual when I am at the fofice
[15:06:14] <cmn32480> we just can't let Bytram post it
[15:06:23] <cmn32480> can't have him breaking 1k author'd stories
[15:07:23] <mrcoolbp> I'll write as new as to avoid that situation = P
[15:07:29] <mrcoolbp> mwahahaha
[15:09:15] <takyon> http://www.npr.org
[15:09:16] <knack> ^ 03Ahmed, The Clockmaking Texas Student, Will Move From U.S. To Qatar : The Two-Way : NPR
[15:11:24] <mrcoolbp> hey takyon
[15:11:53] <takyon> hi
[15:12:26] * takyon broadcasting on all channels
[15:13:13] <mrcoolbp> copy that
[15:18:04] <TheMightyBuzzard> right, hungry but also too wiped to cook anything.
[15:18:35] <takyon> uncooked instant ramen
[15:18:48] <TheMightyBuzzard> what, like Finn?
[15:27:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> Ay gurl, did you just step out of a DeLorean? 'Cuz you McFly.
[15:27:58] <takyon> ayyy lmao
[15:30:02] <TheMightyBuzzard> kayso, off to the kitchen in search of easy to prepare foods.
[15:30:30] <takyon> queso?
[15:30:38] <takyon> quesadilla
[15:40:35] <takyon> https://theintercept.com
[15:40:36] <knack> ^ 03NSA Pushing Its Deadline for Ending Bulk Collection of U.S. Phone Call Metadata
[15:44:22] janrinok is now known as janrinok_afk
[15:44:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> toast to the rescue
[15:45:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> and now for a reboot and some vidya
[15:47:50] <takyon> http://www.theregister.co.uk
[15:47:50] <knack> ^ 03Oh dear, Microsoft: UK.gov signs deal with LibreOffice • The Register
[16:17:53] -!- stdhell has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[16:21:55] <mrcoolbp> Staff are working up a "Stretch Goal" for all the extra monies we have
[16:21:59] <mrcoolbp> yay
[16:24:37] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - NSA Chief Looks to Win Allies at Elite Tech Conference - http://sylnt.us - trust-is-hard-won-and-easily-lost
[16:25:34] <nick> " "We increasingly live in an acrimonious environment where differences in perspective are made almost personal," Rogers said. [...] Rogers avoided being pinned down regarding whether he favored having US tech companies install "back doors" that intelligence agents could use to get into systems or devices."
[16:25:46] <nick> sounds quite personal.
[16:30:23] <takyon> he is a big target in the tech community
[16:30:38] <takyon> although maybe among people like us rather than Google/MS/Apple
[16:33:46] <nick> the nsa is quite a big part of the tech community apparently
[16:37:27] <takyon> in what way? crypto? the big storage systems they need to buy?
[16:37:46] <takyon> "big" is relative
[16:48:09] <nick> they have infrastructure and influence
[17:25:24] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Western Digital Acquires SanDisk, MyPassport 256-bit AES Encryption "Useless" - http://sylnt.us - would-you-like-the-good-or-bad-news?
[17:28:30] <artificial> how about something from the star citizen model
[17:29:10] <artificial> webgl site variant
[17:29:32] <artificial> winter is coming, people need to keep warm. and what better way than ramping up the cycles on the cpu?
[17:31:12] <mrcoolbp> "Winter is coming, you know nothing John Snow"
[17:41:05] janrinok_afk is now known as janrinok
[17:41:41] <Bytram> ~timer x
[17:41:45] <Bytram> ~time x
[17:41:46] <exec> Wednesday, 21 October 2015 @ 5:41 pm UTC - Coordinated Universal Time
[17:42:17] <Yog-Yogguth> nick: they used to be heroes to some of us, that made the fall personal
[17:43:16] <Yog-Yogguth> it's like Luke truning to the Dark Side and giving his father a bj :C
[17:43:47] <mrcoolbp> hah
[17:56:02] <mrcoolbp> ~weather
[17:56:04] <exec> 03Boston, MA, USA - currently 58°F / 14°C, mostly cloudy, wind E at 10 mph, humidity 84% - Wednesday showers (51°F:57°F / 11°C:14°C), Thursday mostly cloudy (45°F:70°F / 7°C:21°C), Friday sunny (36°F:50°F / 2°C:10°C), Saturday partly cloudy (44°F:54°F / 7°C:12°C)
[18:00:44] -!- crutchy_ [crutchy_!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[18:04:47] -!- exec has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[18:04:47] -!- crutchy has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[18:34:16] <mrcoolbp> Bytram++
[18:34:16] <Bender> karma - bytram: 63
[18:35:25] <mrcoolbp> https://www.youtube.com
[18:35:25] <knack> ^ 03Huey Lewis And The News- The Power Of Love (Back To The Future,Lyrics) - YouTube
[18:35:31] * mrcoolbp grooves
[18:36:10] <mrcoolbp> I love this song (probably soley due to the childhood association with BTTF moview)
[18:51:30] <Gravis> ugh
[18:51:39] <Gravis> that song is terrible and yes, i like BTTF
[18:53:06] <mrcoolbp> oh it's absolutely terrible, doesn't stop me from liking it = P
[18:54:13] * Bytram saw HL&TN in concert -- put on a great show!
[18:55:03] <Bytram> he wasn't that much of a singer -- maybe two octaves? -- but the band was phenomenal and everyone was rocking
[18:56:07] Bytram is now known as Bytram|afk
[18:56:33] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - SN Financial "Stretch Goal" 2015 - http://sylnt.us - moar-monies
[19:09:23] -!- mechanicjay has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[19:18:58] janrinok is now known as zz_janrinok
[19:21:56] -!- mechanicjay [mechanicjay!~jhowe@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mechanicjay] has joined #Soylent
[19:21:56] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mechanicjay] by Imogen
[19:28:25] <Gravis> mrcoolbp: if you know it's horrible, don't link to it without saying it's super awesome so that everyone knows your links cannot be trusted and then puts you on /ignore forever and you die of loneliness! ;)
[19:28:45] <Gravis> mrcoolbp: alternatively, just dont link to crappy songs
[19:28:59] <Gravis> mrcoolbp: third option: eat shit and die. :P
[19:47:02] <Bytram|afk> http://rss.computerworld.com
[19:47:03] <knack> ^ 03Mozilla mulls early cutoff for SHA-1 digital certificates | Computerworld ( http://www.computerworld.com )
[19:47:20] <mrcoolbp> Gravis: jeez man it's just a song
[19:47:48] <Gravis> mrcoolbp: this is the internet, everything is a matter of life and death.
[19:47:56] <mrcoolbp> + that's why we got "knack" to explain the links to people
[19:48:04] <mrcoolbp> Gravis: Too true
[19:48:59] <Gravis> mrcoolbp: but i would personally prefer if you refrained from links that you know people will likely find uninteresting or bothersome
[19:49:22] <mrcoolbp> Gravis: it's Back To the Future day, so let me have this one?
[19:49:23] <Gravis> mrcoolbp: although... there still is the third option. ;D
[19:50:00] * chromas wonders how we'd know when a random person would find certain things to be uninteresting
[19:50:12] <Gravis> mrcoolbp: the internet never lets anything go, otherwise it wouldn't be the internet.
[19:50:28] <mrcoolbp> Gravis = the internet
[19:50:40] <Gravis> i am part of internet
[19:51:12] * chromas finds this part of the internet to be uninteresting or bothersome
[19:51:25] <Bytram|afk> if it's on the net, then someone must have thought it was interesting -- you can't link to uninteresting things on the net! QED. ;)
[19:51:28] <mrcoolbp> Gravis: like I said, the link was clearly explained by the bot, so feel free NOT TO CLICK ON LINKS on the internet = )
[19:51:56] <Gravis> "the internet" is comprised of individuals who will provide feedback even if you don't want it.
[19:51:57] <mrcoolbp> Gravis: would you click on a goatze link if it was clearly defined then complain about it?
[19:52:21] <mrcoolbp> I mean, more Power (of love) to you, but seems pointless to me
[19:52:36] <mrcoolbp> = P
[19:52:39] <Gravis> mrcoolbp: obviously i would complain about the lack of goats on the page.
[19:52:50] <mrcoolbp> fair 'nuff
[19:53:20] <mrcoolbp> Gravis: Your stance that you would personally prefer that I not post links to songs that you don't like is duely noted
[19:53:21] <chromas> there are goats, you just have to look really deep
[19:53:25] <mrcoolbp> lol
[19:53:38] <Gravis> LOL
[19:54:04] <Gravis> chromas: an excellent internet retort
[19:54:06] <Bytram|afk> Gravis: could you please post links to the songs you don't like so we can make sure to not post links to them?
[19:54:42] <mrcoolbp> rofl
[19:54:59] <Bytram|afk> if you leave any out, though, then it's fair game for us to post links to them.
[19:55:01] <Bytram|afk> ;)
[19:55:31] <mrcoolbp> honestly given the context of the day I thought people might enjoy the blast from the past terrible 80s song
[19:55:49] <mrcoolbp> every once in a while I like a good rick roll. There I admit it!
[19:56:01] <Gravis> pff... 80s sucked, even in the 80s.
[19:56:04] * mrcoolbp may even dance a bit and sing along
[19:56:51] <Gravis> the difference was that everyone was doing lines of coke, so they didn't notice the music very much
[19:57:11] <mrcoolbp> a fair assesment of the music scene then
[19:57:20] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - 512-bit RSA Keys Cracked in Four Hours for only $75 - http://sylnt.us - what-are-you,-hourly?
[19:57:25] <Bytram|afk> sorry to hear it was such a wearisome decade for you. what songs, if any, do you like?
[19:57:35] <chromas> what were they using to line the coke? they didn't "need no credit card to line this thing"
[19:57:53] <mrcoolbp> hah chromas
[19:58:00] <chromas> or ride train. same thing, really
[19:58:59] <Gravis> Bytram|afk: well, i think chopin is on the mark here: https://www.youtube.com
[19:59:00] <knack> ^ 03Funeral March (Chopin; High Audio Version) - YouTube
[20:00:33] <chromas> oh, back when everybody was high on heroin
[20:04:41] <Gravis> i thought the 90s was heroin
[20:05:02] <Gravis> and now, since it's become cheap
[20:05:09] <cmn32480> I think the 90's was crack
[20:06:43] <Gravis> hmm... may be a regional issue
[20:06:57] <Gravis> drm on drugs. *sigh*
[20:50:04] -!- SoyCow2842 [SoyCow2842!~4ac81ad4@540.04.038-02.q7.net] has joined #Soylent
[20:52:09] <SoyCow2842> -name SoylentSnow
[20:53:13] SoyCow2842 is now known as SoylentSnow
[20:54:32] <SoylentSnow> Does anyone know what "Access to Database intensive operations" means under the subscriber benefits section? Does that mean I can directly query the DB somehow?
[20:55:19] <Bytram|afk> SoylentSnow: that's a good question!
[20:55:36] Bytram|afk is now known as Bytram
[20:55:47] <Gravis> SoylentSnow: i think that just means the search functionality can be more precise or something
[20:56:10] <Bytram> IIRC (If I Recall Correctly), we had a period when we were discussing the creation of subscribers.
[20:56:30] <Bytram> there was a question as to what benefits we would make available to a user should htey choose to submit.
[20:56:38] <Bytram> this is one of the things that came upat the time.
[20:57:18] <Bytram> AFAIK (As Far As I Know) this functionality, though not advertised, is generally available to anyone -- it was easier to do that than it was to gate it by [not] having a subscription
[20:57:30] <Bytram> let me see if I can find the Wiki page on it
[20:57:36] <Bytram> brb (Be Right Back)
[20:58:58] <Bytram> okay, I think I found it. Try this link:
[20:59:00] <Bytram> http://wiki.soylentnews.org"
[20:59:00] <knack> ^✓ 03Wiki: ApiDocs
[20:59:24] <Bytram> ~api help
[20:59:25] <mrcoolbp> I though it meant you could hit the DB more often without getting the "Slowdown Cowboy" page
[20:59:40] <crutchy_> ~api
[20:59:41] <Bytram> oops, I think you are right!
[21:00:02] <mrcoolbp> SoylentSnow: I liked your comment and have been working on a "ProposedSpending" page on the wiki for the last 20 min or so
[21:00:04] <crutchy_> 404 bot buggered?
[21:00:05] <Bytram> now that I think about it, I believe that was the actual intention.
[21:00:06] <mrcoolbp> I'm almost done
[21:00:28] <mrcoolbp> hang on
[21:00:45] * Bytram took a stab at making some coding changes for the site, but buggered it up by failing to perform a couple steps up on github. :/
[21:02:10] <crutchy_> wow Gravis is feeling particularly Sith Lord'ish today apparently
[21:02:43] * crutchy_ must've had an internet or wifi dropout overnight :/
[21:02:48] crutchy_ is now known as crutchy
[21:05:44] -!- fliptop [fliptop!~fliptop@67.231.zpp.nw] has joined #Soylent
[21:05:49] -!- exec [exec!~exec@utioner/T-800/BeVeryAfraid] has joined #Soylent
[21:05:59] <crutchy> ~api
[21:06:01] <exec> http://wiki.soylentnews.org
[21:06:41] <mrcoolbp> SoylentSnow: http://wiki.soylentnews.org
[21:06:42] <knack> ^ 03Wiki: ProposedSpending
[21:06:57] <mrcoolbp> I just spent way too much time doing that = /
[21:07:11] -!- SoylentSnow has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[21:07:55] <crutchy> ~api
[21:07:57] <exec> sylnt.us/api
[21:08:14] <crutchy> that's much shorter and nicer :)
[21:08:19] -!- Soylent [Soylent!~4ac81ad4@540.04.038-02.q7.net] has joined #Soylent
[21:08:29] Soylent is now known as SoylentSnow
[21:08:36] <crutchy> "one api to rule them all"
[21:08:46] <SoylentSnow> Ugh, got pulled away at work and idled out here.
[21:08:49] <SoylentSnow> Stupid work
[21:09:04] <mrcoolbp> SoylentSnow: did you get my link?
[21:09:08] <crutchy> i gotta go to work soon :(
[21:09:13] <crutchy> after coffee++
[21:09:17] <mrcoolbp> crutchy: = (
[21:09:44] <SoylentSnow> The reason I asked about the DB access is because I wanted to steal all the quotes that appear at the bottom of the page...
[21:10:00] <SoylentSnow> Yes, I got the link, reviewing it now. Thanks
[21:10:00] <mrcoolbp> SoylentSnow: we can probably find the list for you
[21:10:08] <crutchy> aren't they just from the book
[21:10:10] <mrcoolbp> np, thanks for the suggestions
[21:10:26] <crutchy> the thingy book that i can't think of the name of right now for some reason book
[21:10:40] <mrcoolbp> crutchy: they are in slash somewhere (now rehash I guess), there was talk of changing them at some point
[21:10:51] <mrcoolbp> I think someone got offended by one (oh noes!)
[21:11:30] <crutchy> it was prolly either Gravis or gewg_
[21:11:36] <crutchy> ~openthepodbaydoors
[21:11:37] <exec> My schoolmates would make love to anything that moved, but I never saw any
[21:11:37] <exec> reason to limit myself.
[21:11:38] <exec> -- Emo Philips
[21:11:38] <knack> Karma - : -1
[21:11:58] <crutchy> maybe we should change them to use fortune -s -o :D
[21:12:02] <chromas> they don't just come from fortune?
[21:12:09] <chromas> ah
[21:12:41] <crutchy> ~openthepodbaydoors
[21:12:42] <exec> Evangelists do it with Him watching.
[21:12:47] <crutchy> lol
[21:12:49] <SoylentSnow> Lol, some of them are really awesome. I want to somehow integrate them into my signature in outlook so that a random one is selected and inserted into the email
[21:13:34] <crutchy> hmm. i don't remember having my multivitamins, but they appear to be gone, along with half of my coffee++ :/
[21:13:51] <mrcoolbp> SoylentSnow: regardless I'm sure we can track down the list for you so you don't need to scrape them all somehow
[21:13:55] <chromas> flintstones?
[21:14:20] <mrcoolbp> In my mind I picture crutchy and chromas kind of like itchy and scratchy
[21:14:41] * crutchy bifs chromas
[21:14:47] <SoylentSnow> Ahh, don't lose sleep over it, but if you happen to stumble across them and remember me... :D
[21:15:07] <mrcoolbp> SoylentSnow: I can grab your email from your account if that would be acceptable
[21:15:11] <crutchy> ~g slashdot quotes
[21:15:13] <exec> [google] sd.dhedegaard.dk/
[21:15:29] <mrcoolbp> ?
[21:15:31] <SoylentSnow> perfect!
[21:15:37] <crutchy> hmm. that's not a very long list :<
[21:16:05] <crutchy> oh wait. there's 2179 quotes in there... somewhere
[21:16:24] <Bytram> a couple or so years ago, there was a bug on slash and when it went to display the 'fortune', instead of just one it pushed out *lots* and *lots* of them.
[21:16:37] <SoylentSnow> There are multiple pages on that link. That is perfect!
[21:16:45] <crutchy> they do look like fortune quotes. esp with the -- before the name
[21:16:47] <SoylentSnow> Thanks exec!
[21:16:50] <Bytram> I saved them away somewhere, but now that I have access to the source, if I just knew where they were I could just point to 'em on github
[21:17:00] <Bytram> hmmm
[21:17:09] <mrcoolbp> SoylentSnow ^
[21:17:23] <mrcoolbp> told ya someone would know where they are
[21:17:38] <mrcoolbp> probably has a nice neat list somewhere on git
[21:18:07] <crutchy> maybe look for a fortune command in the rehash repo :p
[21:18:29] <Bytram> I did not find it in anywhere in the repo
[21:18:40] <mrcoolbp> = (
[21:18:42] <SoylentSnow> I'm actually pretty lazy, so that link to the website is where this search ends.
[21:18:52] <mrcoolbp> there ya go then
[21:18:55] <mrcoolbp> thanks crutchy
[21:19:42] <crutchy> Bytram, not sure if/how its used, but there's https://github.com
[21:19:43] <knack> ^ 03rehash/new_motd.pl at master · SoylentNews/rehash · GitHub ( https://github.com )
[21:20:02] cmn32480 is now known as cmn32480|away
[21:20:04] <Bytram> thanks ... looking
[21:22:06] <Bytram> looks like it just builds it from the fortunate command
[21:22:13] <Bytram> see: /usr/games/fortune
[21:22:14] <crutchy> paulej72's comment to this issue is also prolly a bit relevant https://github.com
[21:22:16] <knack> ^ 03Fortune not updated in over 24 hours · Issue #186 · SoylentNews/rehash · GitHub
[21:22:40] <Bytram> our code runs on Ubuntu 12.04 (?)
[21:22:46] <Bytram> hope that helps
[21:22:53] <crutchy> i don't think fortune is installed by default on ubuntu
[21:22:55] -!- SoylentSnow2 [SoylentSnow2!~4ac81ad4@540.04.038-02.q7.net] has joined #Soylent
[21:22:59] <crutchy> (its not in debian)
[21:23:24] <crutchy> so if/when they do a server rebuild its gotta be manually installed
[21:23:36] <Bytram> nod nod; I just needed to do: sudo apt-get install fortune-mod
[21:23:42] <crutchy> hmm. wonder if there is a file that mentions dependency packages
[21:23:45] <SoylentSnow2> It looks that way...
[21:24:04] <SoylentSnow2> Bytram, did you need to locate the quotes elsewhere, or did they come with the install?
[21:24:14] <Bytram> I'm running Ubuntu 14.04
[21:24:35] <Bytram> I haven't actually located the quotes file, yet.
[21:24:37] <crutchy> did you get your share thingy working?
[21:25:11] <Bytram> crutchy: not yet. got things so my win box knew how to share it, but still dont have virtualbox how to properly install guesyt additions
[21:25:17] <Bytram> had other priorities to deal with first
[21:25:28] <Bytram> and, speaking of which, I really really need to take a nap
[21:25:28] <crutchy> Bytram, check out /usr/share/games/fortunes/
[21:25:54] <Bytram> k
[21:26:11] -!- SoylentSnow has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[21:26:42] <Bytram> if you scroll back, you'll see that I mentioned the same path without the 'share': /usr/games/fortune
[21:26:58] <crutchy> looks like offensive ones are under /usr/share/games/fortunes/off/
[21:27:14] <crutchy> ah. that's prolly where the bin is located
[21:28:11] <crutchy> i had better be off too. another day, another dollar
[21:28:16] <Bytram> yeah, I just found htat out; you pointed to where the actual fortunes are located, but I could not find the ones that we are using for the site on my box.
[21:28:23] <Bytram> they may have augmented it with some other files.
[21:28:28] <crutchy> oh
[21:28:29] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Ask Soylent: Can We Turn ReactOS into a Viable Alternative to Windows 10? - http://sylnt.us - we-put-a-man-on-the-moon,-but-we-wont-do-that
[21:28:31] <Bytram> anyway time for a nap
[21:28:37] <crutchy> cya Bytram
[21:28:39] Bytram is now known as Bytram|away
[21:28:48] <crutchy> ~g'night #soylent
[21:28:49] * exec unjustifiably poops a coffee++ mug of coffee for #soylent
[21:28:50] <Bytram|away> crutchy: cya; thanks for the help!
[21:28:53] <Bytram|away> teamwork++
[21:28:53] <Bender> karma - teamwork: 15
[21:29:22] <Bytram|away> crutchy: next time I'm on one of the site hosts, I'll try to remember to take a look around
[21:29:25] <Bytram|away> =)
[21:29:28] <Bytram|away> gtg
[21:34:25] -!- exec has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[21:35:41] -!- crutchy has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
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[21:43:41] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@135-10-9-848.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[21:51:36] <mrcoolbp> PJ is busy keeping the site working during the reboots
[22:22:48] <paulej72> once helium gets rebooted tonight I'll be happy
[22:25:09] <mrcoolbp> I saw all the emails and I was getting white-knuckled for you
[22:25:25] <paulej72> TheMightyBuzzard: varnishlog is your friend
[22:25:34] <paulej72> https://www.varnish-cache.org
[22:25:35] <knack> ^ 03Logging in Varnish — Varnish version 2.1.5 documentation
[22:25:52] <mrcoolbp> paulej72: on the up side, we had a nice positive post on the funding today, and it looks like we are finally done with the Tax returns (thank god) as of this week
[22:26:11] <paulej72> yay
[22:27:02] <paulej72> my light keeps flickering, I am not sure if it is the halogen bulb dying or poer fluctuations
[22:28:03] * mrcoolbp tries to nod understandly but fails even that
[22:28:19] <mrcoolbp> oh "power fluctiations" ?
[22:29:10] <mrcoolbp> I thought "Poer" was some electrical engineering genius that came up with halogen light bulb fluctation anomoly models or something
[22:30:01] <mrcoolbp> paulej72: does it look like this? https://www.youtube.com
[22:30:02] <knack> ^ 03Catastophic Failure of Halogen Lamp (2.4 Kilovolts) - YouTube
[22:30:08] <paulej72> well the bulb is about a year old, but I mostly run it at 50% output which decreases its lifespan.
[22:30:32] <mrcoolbp> interesting, it would prefer to run at it's rating?
[22:32:15] <paulej72> well part of the magic of a halogen is the filiment heats up and comes to equilbrium with the gas in the bulb and what gets deposited on the glass. when run at lower power and thus temperature it deposits more on the glass and thus slowly vaporizes until it breaks
[22:32:48] <mrcoolbp> cool
[22:33:07] <paulej72> https://en.wikipedia.org
[22:33:08] <knack> ^ 03Wiki: Halogen lamp
[22:46:34] SoyGuest42126 is now known as NCommander
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[22:46:40] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v NCommander] by Imogen
[22:47:10] <paulej72> hola NCommander
[22:51:52] <chromas> the shiny new progress bars on the site are lookin 'good
[22:53:27] <mrcoolbp> aye, takyon and martyb worked them up for me while I wrote the story
[22:54:17] <paulej72> I hate drive encryption
[22:59:39] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - IARPA’s New Director Wants You to Surprise Him - http://sylnt.us - pocket-sand
[23:13:42] <Yog-Yogguth> amen to that paulej72, that only ever burns me on my own machines
[23:29:41] <mrcoolbp> I prefer to encrypt individual files
[23:31:25] <Yog-Yogguth> yeah or folders, anything as long as it is very manual and deliberate, it's stuff one forgets about which gets you like "automatic"/"transparent" whole disk encryption by hardware or the operating system --but maybe I'm just a slob XD
[23:56:59] * chromas encrypts all disks
[23:57:08] <chromas> encryption on android never works for me though
[23:58:14] <Yog-Yogguth> as long as you've got backups it's okay, still sucks when it goes wrong though :)