#Soylent | Logs for 2016-01-04

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[00:08:22] <cmn32480> ~weather
[00:08:23] <exec> 10Baltimore, MD, USA - currently 41°F / 5°C, clear with periodic clouds, wind NW at 8 mph, humidity 52% - Sunday clear (30°F:51°F / -1°C:11°C), Monday sunny (20°F:35°F / -7°C:2°C), Tuesday sunny (23°F:36°F / -5°C:2°C), Wednesday mostly sunny (29°F:44°F / -2°C:7°C)
[00:43:07] <Subsentient> A collection of some of the most important verses from the Book of Gerbilius, my religion. :^)
[00:43:07] <Subsentient> http://pastebin.com
[00:43:07] <problematic> ^ 03Core axioms of Gerbilius: "What is life if not deranged? Spread the absurdity - Pastebin.com
[00:43:59] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Startup Founder: Why I Chose C++ - http://sylnt.us - masochism
[01:11:02] <TheMightyBuzzard> wait, what? they made a Shannara tv series?
[01:24:08] <swiss> my favorite thing i heard on the radio today: "Bernie Sanders wishes congress would give bipartisan support for X"
[01:24:29] <swiss> basically, him accusing congress of being shitty and disorganized because they won't do what HE thinks should be done
[01:29:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah, most of his supporters are exactly like that as well. a venn diagram of them vs sjws is fuckin scary.
[01:31:25] <swiss> lolol
[01:32:02] -!- SpallsHurgenson [SpallsHurgenson!~SpallsHur@Soylent/Users/656/SpallsHurgenson] has joined #Soylent
[01:32:21] <TheMightyBuzzard> .pants SpallsHurgenson
[01:32:22] <exec> SpallsHurgenson, ZOMGWTFBBQ YOU'RE wearing PANTS!
[01:32:30] <SpallsHurgenson> you lie!
[01:33:11] <SpallsHurgenson> Why are you lying, you lying liar, you?
[01:33:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> stupid clock. i'm all ready to go to bed but it keeps telling me bedtime is over an hour away.
[01:33:25] * TheMightyBuzzard points at exec
[01:33:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> #help
[01:33:42] <MrPlow> battlestations, blackuweather, bnk, default, dothis, find, help, join, klingon, newnick, part, perl6, ping, redtube, roll, seen, smake, smakeadd, socialist, submit, weather, weatheradd, whereis, youtube
[01:34:10] <Runaway1956> How about a nice game of thermonuclear warfare?
[01:34:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> #smake SpallsHurgenson a pair of skinny jeans
[01:34:18] * MrPlow smakes SpallsHurgenson upside the head with a pair of skinny jeans
[01:34:52] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya know, i haven't watched that in ages
[01:34:54] <Runaway1956> installation size, 60.63Mb
[01:34:58] <Gravis> fools! it's thermonuclear welfare! ;)
[01:35:05] <SpallsHurgenson> no, after what happened on the last three planets I'm starting to figure out that the only winning move is not to play
[01:35:22] <SpallsHurgenson> on the other hand... maybe one more try!
[01:35:23] <Runaway1956> I've just installed it from the AUR - testing it out in seconds now . . .
[01:35:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> you just need sturdier planets
[01:36:16] <SpallsHurgenson> it's not the planets, it's the squishy bits wandering around on 'em :)
[01:36:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh, why wouldn't you want rid of those things anyway? all they do is muck the place up.
[01:37:02] <SpallsHurgenson> for the porn, of course
[01:37:10] <TheMightyBuzzard> good point
[01:37:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> also...
[01:37:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> !grab SpallsHurgenson
[01:37:16] <Bender> Added quote 641
[01:37:44] <SpallsHurgenson> geez, finally! you know how long it's been since somebody grabbed me?
[01:37:54] <TheMightyBuzzard> !quote SpallsHurgenson
[01:37:54] <Bender> Quote 15 - <SpallsHurgenson> as a nerd, I am unfamiliar with this thing you call "sunlight"
[01:37:58] <Bender> Also in quotes: 21, 24, 50, 57, 72, 202, 245, 261, 273, 277, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 294, 309, 313, 318, 324, 326, 341, 348, 349, 376, 377, 380, 383, 384, 387, 389, 392, 400, 411, 473, 483, 484, 497, 524, 531, 538, 539, 554, 558, 561, 571, 572, 593, 594, 606, 609, 611, 641
[01:38:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> couple weeks looks like
[01:38:29] <SpallsHurgenson> see? I'm barely in the database at all!
[01:38:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> Runaway1956, good to have another arch user around. thought me and chromas were the only ones with balls enough.
[01:38:45] <Runaway1956> Ho-hum - no one available to play the demo game, I gotta buy a license to play the full game . . .
[01:39:34] <Runaway1956> Yeah, I've learned to like Arch - it's simple, and beautiful, and it doesn't change every two or six months
[01:39:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> right. it changes every week.
[01:40:03] <Runaway1956> Gotta have a rolling release, anything else seems silly outside of Enterprise
[01:40:44] <Runaway1956> Doesn't change like an Ubuntu, where you have to reinstall to make things work, is what I meant.
[01:40:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> well really, yeah. enterprise you need rock solid stability above most everything or admining becomes hell.
[01:41:10] <SpallsHurgenson> weird... does the Star Trek theme play automatically everytime somebody says that word for everyone, or is it just me?
[01:41:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> nod nod. ditto mint who actully recommend reinstalling as their upgrade method.
[01:41:16] <Runaway1956> Some Deb distros are going rolling release - I like that
[01:41:47] <Runaway1956> Sabayon is another nice one - rolling release, works for years unless you bork it
[01:42:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> well... i've been borked multiple times by arch on one box or another. i'm just okay fixing it most of the time.
[01:43:33] <Runaway1956> I'm learning to fix borked systems, but when you hop around from distro to distro, sometimes what you remember isn't applicable.
[01:44:04] <TheMightyBuzzard> yar. gotta be done some though just so's you get the experience
[01:44:21] <Runaway1956> I've kinda settled down on Arch, and I'm getting better at not screwing things up, and fixing what I do screw up
[01:44:55] <Runaway1956>  HexChat: 2.10.2 ** OS: Linux 4.2.5-1-ARCH x86_64 ** Distro: ArchLinux ** CPU: 12 x Six-Core AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 2425 HE (AuthenticAMD) @ 800MHz ** RAM: Physical: 17.7GiB, 82.2% free ** Disk: Total: 1.6TiB, 70.5% free ** VGA: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Radeon ES1000 ** Sound: HDA-Intel - HDA NVidia1: USB-Audio - USB Device 0x47f:0xc001 ** Ethernet: None found ** Uptime: 3d 9h 39m 50s **
[01:45:38] <Runaway1956> Pay no mind to that 800mhz bit - they run at 2.1Ghz, but mostly just idle at 800mhz
[01:46:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> right now i'm arch on... three? boxes and ubuntu lts on another i use as a server.
[01:46:41] <Runaway1956> CPU(s): 2 Hexa core Six-Core AMD Opteron 2425 HEs (-HT-MCP-SMP-) cache: 6144 KB
[01:46:41] <Runaway1956> clock speeds: max: 2100 MHz 1: 800 MHz 2: 800 MHz 3: 800 MHz 4: 800 MHz 5: 1400 MHz 6: 800 MHz
[01:46:41] <Runaway1956> 7: 800 MHz 8: 800 MHz 9: 800 MHz 10: 1100 MHz 11: 1100 MHz 12: 800 MHz
[01:47:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> one arch box is having to use the LTS kernel because the move to the 4.2 kernel hosed the OSS ati kernel module for R400 chips. at least my R400 chip.
[01:48:21] <Runaway1956> That move to 4.2 whipped my ass three times. I was beginning to think it was my machine. Finally, learned not to enable ACPI, and it finally worked.
[01:48:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> huh
[01:49:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> more or less went smoothly for two of my three boxen. just the old mobile vid chip what had issues.
[01:49:16] <Runaway1956> Not sure if it was because I'm using a server board, or what the problem was
[01:49:43] <Runaway1956> Old videos are problematic - and I'm sure you don't need me to remind you why
[01:50:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> leaves me wanting to break out the old voodoo2 and see if it still works.
[01:50:52] <Runaway1956> It might, with Vesa drivers, but how you going to plug it in? I don't have any slots for those old cards.
[01:51:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> I got a board with a couple pci slots on purpose just so i could plug old but still useful shat in.
[01:52:36] <TheMightyBuzzard> have an 802.11N card in one of them right now
[01:52:48] <Runaway1956> I have a PCI-E 8 slot, which limits my choices - today, you need PCI-E 16 There were very few cards made at 8x speed
[01:53:31] <TheMightyBuzzard> think mine's an 8 as well. been a year or two since i checked.
[01:54:14] <Runaway1956> LOL - I searched and searched for one, finally found an unused one on Ebay
[01:54:59] <Runaway1956> The "advice" I got was to cut out the end of the slot, so that a 16x card would go into the slot, then it would run at 8x
[01:55:12] <Runaway1956> I wasn't brave enough to stick a dremel into my machine!
[01:56:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> well that was annoying. fun lockup there.
[01:57:05] <Runaway1956> Got the fine tuning hammer after it?
[01:57:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> might in a bit. probably just a bit of dust on the ram contacts though.
[01:57:48] <TheMightyBuzzard> been acting randomly squirrely every week or so.
[02:06:56] <Runaway1956> Ever thought about cloning your favorite women?
[02:07:01] <Runaway1956> http://edition.cnn.com
[02:07:07] <problematic> ^ 03Japanese photographer who clones women - CNN.com
[02:07:36] <TheMightyBuzzard> i think mercedes carerra would charge too much for a dna sample
[02:08:33] <Runaway1956> It's up to you to convince her to accept a sample from you, so that you can surreptitiously take a scraping from her.
[02:08:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> does sound like a win-win
[02:09:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> and she is a big fan of veterans
[02:11:21] <TheMightyBuzzard> she's picking one to take to the AVN awards here later this month. i was sorely tempted to enter my name but i'm old and crabby and have more table muscle than i care for lately.
[02:11:48] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[02:12:45] <Runaway1956> Are you a member of the "harmless" club yet?
[02:13:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> hmm?
[02:13:49] <Runaway1956> Young women often times love old men, because they regard us as "harmless".
[02:14:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh. nope. i'm prolly more dangerous than ever because i'm now too old to be taking an ass whooping.
[02:15:02] <Bytram> TheMightyBuzzard: more unicode fun on the horizon: http://babelstone.blogspot.com
[02:15:02] <problematic> ^ 03BabelStone: What's new in Unicode 9.0 ?
[02:15:07] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - A Proposal for a Visual Hash - http://sylnt.us - where's-waldo?
[02:15:11] <Runaway1956> LOL - "harmless" means something entirely different to women, than it means to guys
[02:15:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh, who knows then. i don't speak chick.
[02:15:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> Bytram, not our issue. that's for font designers.
[02:15:54] <Runaway1956> It's like, "That sweet old man wouldn't take advantage of me!"
[02:16:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> oooooh
[02:16:36] <Bytram> TheMightyBuzzard: generally, I'd agree, but ISTR we still do not support 4-octet chars... doesn't that requirte a DB change or somethin?
[02:16:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> nah, definitely not harmless then. not that i'd be opposed to playing that up and stealthing a piece.
[02:16:47] * TheMightyBuzzard sighs
[02:17:01] <TheMightyBuzzard> Bytram, we support anything you can possibly key in.
[02:17:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> some of it just doesn't get stored as native characters but as entities.
[02:17:48] <Bytram> hrmmmmm
[02:18:50] <Bytram> so, please refresh my memory; how would we store something like: 18800..18AFF (which is the range of the new 'Tangut Components' proposed in Unicode 9
[02:19:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> &#xsomehex;
[02:20:02] <Bytram> so, ummm, &#x18800; ??
[02:20:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> yar
[02:20:19] <Bytram> huh!
[02:21:16] <Bytram> now I need to figure out how to load the extended chars into Pale Moon so i can actually SEE them. I had it working once on my old box, but with this new one, I've not gotten it working again. :/
[02:21:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> try em now if you like. they already work. it's your font that doesn't.
[02:21:56] <Bytram> I'm already trying some 3- and 4-octet glyphs...
[02:21:57] <Bytram> here are the 3-octet: :ࠀࠁࠂࠃࠄࠅࠆࠇࠈࠉࠊࠋࠌࠍࠎࠏ
[02:22:20] <Bytram> here are the 4-octet: 𐀀𐀁𐀂𐀃𐀄𐀅𐀆𐀇𐀈𐀉𐀊𐀋𐀌𐀍𐀎𐀏
[02:22:32] <Bytram> I just see numbered boxes on Pale Moon,
[02:22:36] <Bytram> and on HexChat
[02:22:49] <Bytram> I can see chars for the 3-octet, but not for the 4-octet
[02:23:22] <TheMightyBuzzard> water polo...
[02:23:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> emoji need to just diaf
[02:24:20] <Bytram> hieroglyphs failed once already, why do we need to repeat the past?
[02:24:31] <Bytram> iow, I agree with TMB
[02:24:42] <Bytram> time to fetch dinner; afk biab
[02:25:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> bed in a few for me
[02:27:25] <Bytram> sounds like a plan; doubt i'll be up too late, myself.
[02:42:45] <SpallsHurgenson> http://idlewords.com
[02:42:46] <problematic> ^ 03The Website Obesity Crisis
[02:43:44] <takyon> i have created some big html files
[02:44:23] <SpallsHurgenson> you monster, you're the McDonalds of websites!
[02:45:05] <takyon> more like the McGangBang
[02:45:25] <takyon> or KFC's Double Down
[03:20:28] <Gravis> Bytram: i can only see the 4 byte glyphs. :)
[03:21:12] -!- JamesNZ has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[03:28:42] Bytram is now known as Bytram|away
[03:31:36] <fliptop> cmn32480: thx for the merge
[03:31:55] <cmn32480> np
[03:32:10] <cmn32480> both stories had different links
[03:32:19] <cmn32480> and they were put in lik 4 minutes apart
[03:32:42] <fliptop> yeah, the queue was so low i wanted to put in 2 instead of 1
[03:33:17] <fliptop> not sure how i feel about the word 'hacktivist' though
[03:34:33] <fliptop> it makes me think 'activist' but these groups are more militant so maybe 'hackitant' or something
[03:36:43] <cmn32480> unfortunately, it is a word in common use
[03:36:52] <cmn32480> so we can use ti pretty easily
[03:56:37] -!- julian has quit [Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
[03:57:47] -!- SpallsHurgenson has quit [Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de]
[04:10:53] -!- richardboegli has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[04:11:16] -!- richardboegli [richardboegli!~r@053-536-545-43.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #Soylent
[04:16:39] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - LG to Demo an 8K Resolution TV at the Consumer Electronics Show - http://sylnt.us - 33177600-pixels-should-be-enough-for-anyone
[04:16:47] -!- SirFinkus [SirFinkus!~SirFinkus@q-37-359-375-883.hsd6.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[04:17:16] <SirFinkus> god DAMN that was a pita
[04:18:06] <SirFinkus> just spent like 4 hours driving through Snowqualmie pass, normally a 1 hour drive
[04:18:18] <SirFinkus> saw 6 wrecks in a 10 mile stretch
[04:18:22] <SirFinkus> one as it happened
[04:18:28] <cmn32480> oh
[04:18:34] <cmn32480> I figured Grandma came for a visit
[04:18:42] <SirFinkus> some asshole was behind us riding our ass and blinking their lights and generally being beligerant
[04:18:54] <SirFinkus> we let him pass, then saw the fucker spin out about a mile later
[04:19:01] <SirFinkus> we actually watched him, it was hilarious
[04:19:24] <SirFinkus> http://i.imgur.com another guy we saw wrecked
[04:19:40] <SirFinkus> http://i.imgur.com and another
[04:19:42] <cmn32480> ouch
[04:20:12] <SirFinkus> it was comical, people were going about 50MPH on a sheet of ice like retards
[04:21:07] <SirFinkus> oh, I have cunt stories about my grandma too
[04:21:42] <SirFinkus> maybe another time
[04:21:46] <SirFinkus> might even do a journal
[04:26:01] <cmn32480> sounds like dirty laundry that doesn't nee o tbe aired inpublic
[04:26:26] <cmn32480> and always remember, people who think they know how to drive generally have 4 wheel drive and don't know how to use it
[04:26:33] <cmn32480> 4 wheels on ice still skids!
[04:34:02] <fliptop> you've never tried studded snow tires? they work good on ice
[04:35:27] <SirFinkus> better than nothing fliptop, but they wouldn't have helped much here
[04:36:02] <SirFinkus> didn't look like they'd salted or sanded in a while either
[04:36:06] <fliptop> yeah you do need brains to handle bad weather driving
[04:36:25] <SirFinkus> my dad knows what he's doing
[04:36:38] <SirFinkus> grew up in the shit
[04:37:17] <fliptop> a year ago we had a bad ice storm and i was pushing people up my hill w/ my subaru
[04:37:31] <fliptop> i couldn't believe people were trying to drive in that crap w/ all-seasons
[04:40:40] <cmn32480> OK
[04:40:42] <cmn32480> time for bed
[04:40:46] <cmn32480> night fellas
[04:40:51] <cmn32480> ~gnight fellas
[04:40:52] * exec covertly drops a cheap plastic cup of dag on fellas
[04:41:01] <fliptop> l8r cmn32480
[04:41:56] <SirFinkus> it sucks here because we only maybe get a week all winter that we'd need winter tiers
[04:41:58] <SirFinkus> tires even
[04:42:17] <SirFinkus> so don't bother just because it only happens once every 3-4 years
[04:42:19] <fliptop> i put mine on 6 weeks ago and haven't seen a flake of snow yet
[04:42:37] <fliptop> although tomorrow...
[04:42:38] -!- julian [julian!~Julian@56-08-620-95.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[04:42:38] <SirFinkus> studded tires also decrease stopping distance in the rain
[04:42:45] <SirFinkus> *increase
[04:43:12] <fliptop> ~weather Wheeling WV
[04:43:13] <exec> 10Wheeling, WV, USA - currently 31°F / -1°C, light snow, wind NW at 7 mph, humidity 75% - Sunday snow showers (26°F:34°F / -3°C:1°C), Monday snow showers (15°F:31°F / -9°C:-1°C), Tuesday sunny (21°F:35°F / -6°C:2°C), Wednesday mostly sunny (26°F:45°F / -3°C:7°C)
[04:43:21] <SirFinkus> ~weather
[04:43:23] <exec> 10Olympia, WA, USA - currently 32°F / 0°C, cloudy, wind W at 1 mph, humidity 94% - Sunday snow (27°F:29°F / -3°C:-2°C), Monday showers (32°F:36°F / 0°C:2°C), Tuesday showers (34°F:39°F / 1°C:4°C), Wednesday partly cloudy (30°F:42°F / -1°C:6°C)
[04:43:39] <fliptop> SirFinkus: that's true, but usually there's not much rain in winter
[04:43:39] <SirFinkus> I'll be fine tomorrow
[04:43:59] <SirFinkus> in western Washington? It rains every goddamn day
[04:44:24] <fliptop> i meant here. i understand what you're saying though
[04:44:44] <fliptop> if you need them only once per season it wouldn't be worth it
[04:44:59] <fliptop> studless snow tires may be the solution
[04:45:03] <SirFinkus> I've never used studded tires, and I've only been semi-"stranded" once
[04:45:21] <SirFinkus> I couldn't get up the big hill in front of work so I had to park and walk 3 blocks
[04:45:24] <fliptop> well my experience is they are best on ice
[04:45:40] <SirFinkus> yeah, I bet
[04:45:55] <SirFinkus> I keep chains in my car just in case
[04:46:13] <fliptop> that's a good choice too, but can really mess up your fender if they come loose
[04:46:14] <SirFinkus> I've mainly had trouble with snow accumulation rather than ice
[04:47:07] <SirFinkus> I can handle driving in ice pretty well, it's not hard if you keep it slow and think ahead
[04:47:27] <fliptop> and avoid the brainless
[04:47:29] <SirFinkus> studded tires wouldn't stop some retard from rear ending you though, which is what I'm most afraid of
[04:48:04] <SirFinkus> snow is a physical thing I can't overcome with driving skill
[04:48:23] <fliptop> what's the elevation of that pass?
[04:48:31] <SirFinkus> can be mitigated a bit with judicious use of momentum
[04:49:04] <SirFinkus> http://www.wsdot.com
[04:49:09] <SirFinkus> all the info you could ever want
[04:49:09] <problematic> ^ 03WSDOT - Snoqualmie Pass Road and Weather Conditions
[04:49:21] <SirFinkus> looks like things have improved a lot since we drove through
[04:50:19] <fliptop> 3000'? weird that it's all coniferous
[04:50:23] <SirFinkus> I drove a little bit, I had more trouble with the blowing snow fucking with my brain
[04:50:32] <fliptop> at that elevation here we have oak
[04:50:38] <SirFinkus> subconsciously weaving
[04:51:45] <SirFinkus> maybe it's a moisture thing
[04:51:56] <SirFinkus> lots of rainfall etc
[04:52:12] <fliptop> must be - we have pine too but from your pics it looks like that's all there is
[04:52:46] <SirFinkus> that's not pine, they're evergreen trees, pine trees only grow on the east side
[04:53:09] <fliptop> well it's not oak
[04:53:12] <SirFinkus> err, fir
[04:53:53] <fliptop> to me, coniferous/pine - it's way less sylables
[04:54:24] <SirFinkus> fir is the same number of syllables as pine
[04:54:28] <fliptop> heh
[04:54:31] <SirFinkus> people get the confused all the time though
[04:54:40] <fliptop> it's too far away for me to tell
[04:55:11] <SirFinkus> pine trees have the big pine cones, fir trees have these tiny little brown things
[04:55:46] <fliptop> i just use 'pine' to label anything not deciduous
[04:55:52] <SirFinkus> https://en.wikipedia.org you can see them here
[04:55:52] <problematic> ^ 03Wiki: Fir ( https://en.wikipedia.org )
[04:56:28] <fliptop> i cut down 10 dead elm trees this week. not many left out there...
[04:57:23] <SirFinkus> I don't think we have any over here
[04:57:49] <SirFinkus> aside from planted ones
[04:58:26] <fliptop> it's really weird, i have small ones that died, some still alive, and a bunch of huge ones that just shed their bark in the past 2 years
[04:59:24] <SirFinkus> I've got a maple in the backyard that's going to need to be cut down pretty soon
[04:59:30] <SirFinkus> it's turning black and dying
[04:59:33] <SirFinkus> big fucker too
[04:59:44] <fliptop> is it hard or soft maple?
[05:00:02] <SirFinkus> not sure, I'd imagine soft
[05:00:23] <SirFinkus> how would I tell?
[05:00:51] * SirFinkus gets out his pennies, glass, and diamonds
[05:01:53] <fliptop> not sure over there, but here, soft maple has a smoother bark
[05:02:05] <SirFinkus> I just learned that there are hyperdiamonds
[05:02:13] <SirFinkus> what about growth rates?
[05:02:21] <SirFinkus> the maples over here grow absurdly fast
[05:02:34] <fliptop> poplar and maple grow faster than oak, walnut and hickory
[05:02:36] <SirFinkus> like 3-4 feet a year
[05:02:50] <SirFinkus> I was wondering between hard and soft maple
[05:03:40] <fliptop> i think the soft grows faster - not 100% since i really don't cut much maple
[05:04:27] <swiss> oregon: The white man's furgeson
[05:04:53] <SirFinkus> they're almost a pest over here, you have to nip them in the bud quickly or they'll be 10 feet tall before you know it
[05:05:06] <SirFinkus> a pruner job turns into a chainsaw job
[05:05:22] <fliptop> you can grow shrubs in a couple of years w/ a box elder which is a type of maple
[05:06:00] <SirFinkus> I'll take a picture of the one in our front yard tomorrow when it's light out
[05:06:08] <SirFinkus> it's like, the canonical tree
[05:06:26] <fliptop> well if you season it good it'll burn nice
[05:06:29] <SirFinkus> something you'd see in a picture book
[05:06:47] <fliptop> i have one of those too, when i cut timber 10 years ago i told the guys to leave it
[05:07:03] <fliptop> it's one of those trees you look at and just say to yourself, "damn"
[05:07:17] <SirFinkus> covers a good portion of our front yard, which is rather large
[05:07:25] <fliptop> it'll suck not having shade
[05:14:20] <SirFinkus> oh, that one isn't the problem one, the problem one is in the background
[05:14:26] <SirFinkus> backyard
[05:14:41] <SirFinkus> that one's an ugly fucker, especially now
[05:15:02] <fliptop> maples can be a bitch, they usually have a lot of little branches
[05:15:11] <fliptop> and if it's dying, the trunk may be hollow
[05:15:18] <fliptop> which makes cutting it dangerous
[05:15:24] <SirFinkus> had a nice big hole in it
[05:15:29] <SirFinkus> near the roots
[05:15:44] <fliptop> yeah they can barber chair on you if you're not careful
[05:15:49] <SirFinkus> not gonna be a fun job
[05:16:00] <SirFinkus> probably pricey too
[05:16:08] <SirFinkus> oh, and the dead limbs falling all over the place
[05:16:29] <SirFinkus> we've got one stuck in another tree that's big enough to cause damage if it falls on someone
[05:16:33] <SirFinkus> not sure how to get it down
[05:16:38] <fliptop> rope
[05:17:01] <SirFinkus> that was a thought, the way it's stuck up there it'll be hard to get something around it though
[05:17:21] <fliptop> you have to be part monkey for those jobs
[05:17:46] <SirFinkus> it's pretty high up, and the "trunk" part is pointed upwards so it's likely to just slip off anything we can reach with a rope
[05:18:20] <fliptop> i have a little rock w/ a hole in it, put the rope through, tie a knot, and i can throw it pretty high
[05:18:44] <fliptop> but usually i climb
[05:19:00] <SirFinkus> I'd do that, but not really an option in this case
[05:19:29] <SirFinkus> it's high enough that I'd be nervous in the best climbing tree, this one is way out on a branch
[05:20:04] <fliptop> if you don't have experience w/ something like that i'd hire it out
[05:20:05] <SirFinkus> I picture a scenario where I remove the dead branch and start springing up and down on the living one 5 feet each way
[05:20:13] <SirFinkus> oh yeah, we'd have to
[05:20:37] <fliptop> that's happened to me, when you're up there trimming off huge branches, the tree moves around and it's a little freaky
[05:21:05] <SirFinkus> it's probably 75 feet tall
[05:21:35] <SirFinkus> 3.5 - 4.5 foot trunk
[05:21:49] <fliptop> ouch. you need a pro
[05:21:59] <SirFinkus> and half dead
[05:22:00] <fliptop> w/ a really long bar on his saw
[05:22:16] <SirFinkus> and some dumb motherfucker nailed a chain (???) into the trunk
[05:22:23] <SirFinkus> probably what killed it
[05:22:40] <fliptop> probably
[05:23:12] <fliptop> what was the chain for?
[05:23:17] <SirFinkus> no clue
[05:23:21] <fliptop> weird
[05:23:24] <SirFinkus> there when we got the house
[05:23:38] <SirFinkus> it's like a 3 foot long chain nailed into the trunk about 4 feet up
[05:24:04] <SirFinkus> maybe they were hoping to pull it down or something retarded
[05:24:04] <fliptop> well that'll make it harder to cut down
[05:24:39] <fliptop> well you'd think when they failed they would've taken it off
[05:24:45] <SirFinkus> it's not attached at the bottom at least, they could probably just cut the chain with some bolt cutters or something and it wouldn't be a big deal
[05:24:57] <fliptop> does it go around the trunk?
[05:25:08] <SirFinkus> I'd just be nervous that there are more surprises
[05:25:14] <SirFinkus> nope, it's just hanging there
[05:25:33] <fliptop> maybe they were going to build a treehouse
[05:25:49] <SirFinkus> I've heard stories of hippies nailing things to trees to get loggers to stop from cutting them down, maybe this is one of those things
[05:26:05] <fliptop> usually they drive it into the tree, so you can't see it
[05:26:28] <SirFinkus> which is dumb, because that'll probably kill the tree anyway
[05:26:54] <SirFinkus> especially if it's galvanized
[05:27:02] <fliptop> from what you've described, i don't think i'd even try cutting it down
[05:27:16] <SirFinkus> well, that's the trouble
[05:27:21] <SirFinkus> it's probably coming down either way
[05:27:49] <SirFinkus> we could gamble that it doesn't fall towards the house, but it seems like a stupid risk
[05:27:50] <fliptop> hire someone, around here they'd charge $700-$1000 for something that large
[05:28:20] <SirFinkus> it's probably junk for firewood or timber
[05:28:42] <SirFinkus> just based on the quality of branches I've seen fall off of it
[05:28:49] <fliptop> if the trunk is hollow, and it's full of branches, you probably won't get a mill that's interested
[05:28:58] <fliptop> so yes, firewood
[05:29:10] <fliptop> next year, after it's seasoned
[05:29:48] <SirFinkus> probably not even worth it
[05:29:53] <SirFinkus> firewood is cheap as fuck over here
[05:30:07] <SirFinkus> people practically give it away
[05:30:13] <fliptop> wow
[05:30:50] <fliptop> it's cheap here too, $65/pickup for mixed, $90 and up for hardwoods
[05:31:03] <SirFinkus> for a cord?
[05:31:10] <fliptop> pickup load, 8' bed
[05:31:31] <fliptop> they generally don't measure it like that here, it's pickup load, dumptruck load, etc
[05:31:57] <SirFinkus> ahh
[05:32:14] <SirFinkus> we don't really use firewood for heat either so whatever
[05:32:42] <fliptop> heh, i have a wood burner, when it's bitter cold i supplement w/ kerosene
[05:33:02] <fliptop> right now i'm burning red elm i cut last week
[05:33:25] <SirFinkus> we have a fireplace, but we really only use it when the power goes out
[05:34:01] -!- julian has quit [Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
[05:34:04] <fliptop> that's nice, i don't have a wood fireplace
[05:34:10] <fliptop> just propane
[05:34:19] <fliptop> which i never use anyway
[05:34:26] <SirFinkus> don't be so sure, we have oil heating
[05:34:53] <SirFinkus> it's great, I have a massive tank of diesel outside my room, it'll be great if we have a housefire
[05:35:01] <fliptop> heh
[05:35:33] <SirFinkus> it's pretty cheap now, but it was rough a few years ago when it was like $4.50 a gallon
[05:36:31] <fliptop> i had propane and got rid of it when it started costing more than $1000 to fill the tank, in august
[05:38:50] <fliptop> good luck w/ your maple, i gotta get some shuteye. l8r
[05:39:05] <SirFinkus> night fliptop
[05:41:01] -!- fliptop has quit [Quit: ciao]
[05:47:50] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - New Method to Measure Star Gravity Could Help Determine Habitable Exoplanets - http://sylnt.us - science!
[06:30:18] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~JamesNZ@60.234.vml.gj] has joined #Soylent
[06:33:15] <SirFinkus> https://www.youtube.com
[06:33:16] <problematic> ^ 03Will Gunpowder Burn In Liquid Nitrogen? - YouTube
[06:33:20] <SirFinkus> I like this question
[06:36:16] -!- julian [julian!~Julian@56-08-620-95.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[06:52:43] -!- SirFinkus has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com]
[07:14:39] -!- julian has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com]
[07:49:22] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Self-Driving Cars Don't Need to be Perfect - http://sylnt.us - how-long-could-they-last-in-Boston?
[07:52:16] <Gravis> ugh... that last "story" was terrible
[07:52:23] <Gravis> it wasn't news at all
[07:52:37] <Gravis> it was just some idiots thoughts about autonomous cars
[08:09:29] <crutchy> that's ok. good to mix things up a bit :)
[08:10:22] <crutchy> could be worse. at least its not reddit
[08:11:18] <crutchy> how's the init project going?
[08:41:04] -!- SirFinkus [SirFinkus!~SirFinkus@q-37-359-375-883.hsd6.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[09:50:54] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Will "The Visionaries" Take Over Space? - http://sylnt.us - capital-idea
[10:19:45] -!- JamesNZ has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[11:14:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[11:14:37] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2036
[11:22:06] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Activision Buys Major League Gaming for $46 Million - http://sylnt.us - esports-are-a-thing?
[11:23:06] <chromas> Activision is still a thing?
[11:27:48] <TheMightyBuzzard> apparently. couldn't say why though.
[11:32:23] <crutchy> they used to make fackin awesomer games
[11:32:40] <crutchy> back before the facebewb era
[11:33:56] <TheMightyBuzzard> looks like all they can claim worth a damn lately is call of duty black ops 3
[11:34:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> and i haven't played it so i can't swear to it not sucking
[11:34:42] <crutchy> is that full of russians like cs:go?
[11:34:46] <crutchy> oh
[11:35:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> back in the day i woulda been all over tony hawk's pro skater 5 but skating games kinda suck after you stopped skating.
[11:36:55] <crutchy> i played a demo of tony hawk years ago. even the demo was fun
[11:37:14] <crutchy> i think it was just tony hawk pro skater though. no version number :/
[11:37:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah, like 20 years ago, wasn't it?
[11:38:15] <chromas> oh yeah, the latest tony hawk was apparently a fpos they rushed out before the license expired
[11:38:16] <crutchy> hmm prolly yeah... ergh i'm old
[11:38:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> tony's more of an old bastard than i am. no way he can still rip out tricks like back in the day.
[11:39:03] <crutchy> actually i think we only got a pyewta that could play it when i was in year 11 or something, so it can't have been 20 years ago
[11:39:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> be more like tony hawk's pro wheelchair 1
[11:39:18] <chromas> Sure but he can still rake in the money
[11:39:21] <crutchy> only... 17 years ago :/
[11:39:24] <crutchy> fuck me
[11:39:28] <chromas> ok
[11:39:42] <crutchy> i finished highschool in 1999
[11:40:00] * crutchy slumps in his chair
[11:40:00] * TheMightyBuzzard scratches his head
[11:40:05] <chromas> that's when the dreamcast came out
[11:40:12] <chromas> and the matrix
[11:40:16] <chromas> coincidence?
[11:40:23] <crutchy> i think not!
[11:40:35] * chromas suspects crutchy is an agent
[11:40:48] <TheMightyBuzzard> i shoulda graduated in... 92?
[11:40:59] <crutchy> i'd like to share a revelation that i've had... during my time here...
[11:41:04] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah, sumpin like that
[11:41:13] <crutchy> blah blah blah... blah blah blah blah
[11:41:32] <crutchy> then xlefay left
[11:41:38] <crutchy> and then... blah blah blah
[11:42:00] <chromas> but at least you learned some regex
[11:42:02] <TheMightyBuzzard> good summation of SN
[11:44:42] <chromas> crutchy: s💩.💩\💩💩g
[11:44:43] <sedctl> <chromas> <crutchy> 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩
[11:44:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> just glad we ain't got to the point we gotta say "and then paulej72 left and we were proper fucked"
[11:45:34] <chromas> if enough people leave, make a marketing deal with the beverage company for big moneys
[11:46:17] <chromas> Soylent News: Your only source of mind nutrients
[11:46:42] <chromas> (*warning: may cause excessive flatulence)
[11:46:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> nah, if pj leaves nobody knows how to get everything started properly after reboot anymore, though nc could figure it out.
[11:48:01] <chromas> Better get it ported to perl 6 then
[11:48:04] <chromas> just in case
[11:49:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh it ain't perl bits thas the problem. it's a mix of missing init scripts and knowing how to start what should be running on what boxes
[11:50:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> plus they keep telling me "blah" is on the master password file but when i tell em nobody ever told me where it is they're like meh, i'll do it later then.
[11:51:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> these is what would keep me up at night if i weren't busy sleeping like a baby.
[11:51:54] <cmn32480> coffee++
[11:51:54] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2037
[11:52:04] <TheMightyBuzzard> good idear
[11:52:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> nicotine++
[11:52:08] <Bender> karma - nicotine: 14
[11:52:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[11:52:09] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2038
[11:52:12] <crutchy> redgut++
[11:52:12] <Bender> karma - redgut: 2
[11:53:05] <chromas> port pipecode to perl :D
[11:53:17] <chromas> that way when the site dies, you can just migrate the db
[11:53:22] <crutchy> port php to perl
[11:53:26] <chromas> (yeah, "just" :)
[11:53:34] <crutchy> simply just
[11:53:50] <chromas> didn't they already migrate perl to java?
[11:54:16] <cmn32480> no
[11:54:22] <cmn32480> that's what we are doing with the coffee++
[11:54:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> hell if necessary i could ground up rewrite it given a proper db. it's the servery-admin things what's my worry.
[11:54:54] <cmn32480> we are migrating jave to pee-h-pee
[11:55:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> cmn32480++ # Insightful
[11:55:29] <Bender> karma - cmn32480: 34
[11:56:04] <chromas> don't worry about the servers; just store it in the cloud
[11:56:17] <cmn32480> ummm... it is
[11:56:38] <cmn32480> thouhg our cloud has been beat to fuck this pasty week or two
[11:57:00] <TheMightyBuzzard> s'a good cloud though. nice n fluffy n looks like a bunny.
[11:57:46] <cmn32480> needs sharks with frickin laser beams
[11:58:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> i'd rather have bunnies. monty python showed us the awesome of them long ago.
[11:59:10] <chromas> dang; cloudshark is already a thing
[11:59:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> plus we could have other bunnies like Hef
[11:59:56] * TheMightyBuzzard spontaneously figures out what to do with every surplus dollar
[12:01:22] <TheMightyBuzzard> smoke break
[12:01:22] problematic is now known as cloudshark
[12:05:14] <cmn32480> wow.... exec has been online for almost a whole week
[12:05:21] <cmn32480> exec++
[12:05:21] <Bender> karma - exec: 34
[12:08:01] <chromas> ~g'day exec
[12:08:03] * exec cohesively offers a blagoblag of bewb to exec
[12:10:01] <TheMightyBuzzard> hrm, think ima dick off today and code some more minecraft moddage. wanna finish up the one i'm working on before the roomie's kids get back.
[12:10:33] <cmn32480> have fun buzzard?
[12:10:45] <cmn32480> s/?/!/
[12:10:45] <sedctl> <cmn32480> have fun buzzard!
[12:11:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> well it's java coding so the ? would have been more appropriate.
[12:11:23] <cmn32480> <--- knows nothing
[12:13:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> Sgt. Schlutz? Good show.
[12:13:51] <chromas> <?xml version="1.0"?><punctuation class="inquisitive">\?</punctuation>
[12:27:32] * crutchy is triggered by chromas' foul language
[12:28:11] <cmn32480> if you duck it will be fowl language
[12:28:50] * crutchy smakes cmn32480 with a rubber duck
[12:29:03] <chromas> poor scripting languages and their fowl typing
[12:29:06] * cmn32480 quacks
[12:29:19] <crutchy> #smakeadd rubber duck
[12:29:19] <MrPlow> added: rubber duck
[12:29:39] <crutchy> #smakeadd rubber duck-shaped dildo
[12:29:39] <MrPlow> added: rubber duck-shaped dildo
[12:30:13] * crutchy better count some sheep
[12:30:20] <crutchy> work tomorrow :/
[12:30:27] <crutchy> ~g'night fockers!
[12:30:29] * exec prematurely passes a cold can of glowballs to fockers!
[12:31:18] <cmn32480> AWWWW
[12:31:21] <cmn32480> back to the grind
[12:31:24] <cmn32480> poor bastard
[12:31:31] <cmn32480> ~gnight crutchy!
[12:31:33] * exec abrasively throws a socket of pancakes at crutchy!
[12:32:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> typing is for pussies. a language that can't handle its own type conversion shouldn't be allowed in this day and age.
[12:35:14] <chromas> oooh
[12:35:20] <chromas> implement perl 6 in minecraft
[12:35:27] <chromas> redstone, was it?
[12:35:43] <chromas> whatever people used to make logic gates and stuff
[12:38:39] <chromas> Make a mod to automate constructing the logic blocks, then use it to implement itself in the game
[12:38:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> hrm....
[12:38:56] <TheMightyBuzzard> they have made 8086 cpus out of redstone
[12:39:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> i spose i could make perl5 run on it.
[12:39:09] <AndyTheAbsurd> Implement a computer that can play Minecraft in Minecraft.
[12:39:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> only prollem is input for them is worse than punchcards
[13:03:23] <cmn32480> I kinda like long weekends... but going back to work SUCKS
[13:04:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah, i should get around to having that problem again soon or ima run out of savings
[13:07:48] <cmn32480> might be a good idea Buzzard
[13:08:33] <TheMightyBuzzard> gonna be a pain in the ass going back to wages after being self-employed so long. thankfully i can subsist on very little.
[13:08:47] <cmn32480> what kid of work you looking for?
[13:08:56] <cmn32480> s/kid/kind/
[13:08:56] <sedctl> <cmn32480> what kind of work you looking for?
[13:09:36] <TheMightyBuzzard> not really sure yet. might get something working for the local isp.
[13:10:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> generally carries perks like a free highest speed account when you work for one.
[13:11:11] <cmn32480> ok
[13:11:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> man i dunno what i ate yesterday but i need to not do that again.
[13:12:12] <cmn32480> https://www.youtube.com
[13:12:13] <cloudshark> ^✓ 03Welcome To The Internet Helpdesk - Official Version - YouTube
[13:12:48] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, help desk is right out. working the reception desk might be doable though.
[13:13:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> i had my fill of helldesk back when i was sysadmining and just had to supervise the helldesk pleebs.
[13:14:57] <cmn32480> that link is worth a watch... just for the lol's
[13:17:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> nod nod. will do that after a smoke.
[13:17:30] <cmn32480> prolyl from stirring up all the stuff when you cleaned the palce
[13:18:45] <cmn32480> or coudl be leftovers from your lady friend
[13:23:38] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Ask Soylent: What Do You Do When Your Distro Reaches EOL? - http://sylnt.us - party-like-it's-1999
[13:25:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> think ima blame the combination of jalapeno cheeseburger hamburger helper and several bloody marys
[13:28:22] <chromas> don't blame the alcohol
[13:28:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> never
[13:28:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> the mixer however...
[13:28:59] <chromas> it was drunk, therefore victim blaming
[13:30:00] <chromas> #smake tmb alcohol-free vodka
[13:30:00] * MrPlow smakes tmb upside the head with alcohol-free vodka
[13:30:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> victims always deserve the blame
[13:31:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> if they had any sense at all they wouldn't put themselves in a position where they can become victims.
[13:32:02] * chromas takes partial blame for beta
[13:32:03] <cmn32480> alcohol free vodka?
[13:32:10] <cmn32480> isn't that just water?
[13:33:14] <chromas> (°⌣°)
[13:37:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> pffft, I wasn't a victim of beta. i'm a conqueror of problems not their bitch.
[13:38:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> hrm... now how do you do push and pop in java...
[13:38:47] <chromas> #smake tmb perpetual victimhood syndrome
[13:38:47] * MrPlow smakes tmb upside the head with perpetual victimhood syndrome
[13:41:13] <chromas> the internets say arrays are fixed size in jarva
[13:42:18] <chromas> but there's a stack class that has push/pop methods
[13:43:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> nod nod. i might can get away with a fixed size but i refuse to enjoy it if i can.
[13:44:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh, i know how to do that. just be sneaky.
[13:47:08] * chromas watches for diagonal attack
[13:48:31] <TheMightyBuzzard> need an array of Item type but its size is always going to be the same as CustomTunes.records.length
[13:52:07] -!- Subsentient has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[14:00:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> ha! suck it, java.
[14:06:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> ugh, now i gotta make 123 model files. thankfully they'll all be identical except for one thing, so i can write up a quick perl one liner to generate them.
[14:11:01] <nick> blargh
[14:12:31] <TheMightyBuzzard> yep
[14:23:24] <nick> shouldn't have spent so long in bed this morning
[14:24:03] <nick> i found out that wasn't needed to go in this morning at about 7.30, went back to bed instead of getting other shit done.
[14:27:50] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Subsentient] has joined #Soylent
[14:27:51] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Subsentient] by Imogen
[14:31:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah, if i don't get up at 5am it completely throws my shit off all day
[14:33:23] <nick> didn't help i barely slept last night as i was too busy thinking about other projects
[14:38:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> i'm better off if i get only a few hours of sleep and still get up at the regular time than if i get eight hours and wake up some other time myself.
[14:38:45] <cmn32480> that'll throw you off for days
[14:38:52] <cmn32480> I hate that
[14:39:25] <nick> thankfully i only have a month or two of this left
[14:39:33] <nick> and then i can get back on my own schedule properly
[14:41:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> excellent, 123 json files created
[14:49:28] <cmn32480> WTF is wrong with UPS?
[14:49:42] <cmn32480> they want you to use their software in a corporate environment.
[14:49:54] <cmn32480> but don't support server class operating systems
[14:50:13] <cmn32480> "must be installed on windows 7, 8, 8.1, or 10"
[14:54:48] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - BBC, Trump Web Attacks "Just the Start," says Hacktivist Group - http://sylnt.us - they-hitting-linode-too?
[14:57:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> cmn32480, wtf are you contemplating web browsing from a server for anyway?
[14:57:36] <cmn32480> nah... it is their shipping software
[14:57:51] <cmn32480> no web browsing needed
[14:57:54] <TheMightyBuzzard> right but from a server? use a desktop.
[14:58:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> servers shouldn't even have a browser besides wget installed.
[14:58:21] <cmn32480> it's a client server app
[14:58:35] <cmn32480> I have 5 or 6 people with access to the software
[14:58:59] <cmn32480> in order to use a central DB, it has to be installed on a box that everybody can get to.
[14:59:00] <TheMightyBuzzard> ugh. slap it in a vm. that's bloody stupid architecture.
[14:59:17] <cmn32480> in order to install the software, you MUST be on a desktop OS
[14:59:39] <cmn32480> which means one more license, one more box to manage, and one more pain in my ass
[15:00:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> these licenses you speak of... i do pity you.
[15:00:25] <cmn32480> stupid part is that they designed it this way and in the new version it actually checks the OS
[15:00:40] <cmn32480> it never used to.
[15:00:47] <cmn32480> yeah.. no kidding
[15:00:59] <cmn32480> unfortunately, there are some thigns that we can't get to run in Linux
[15:01:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> stick it on some chucklehead's desktop i guess.
[15:01:10] <cmn32480> minor shit, like our accounting system
[15:01:16] <cmn32480> fuck no
[15:01:33] <TheMightyBuzzard> sure, then you can blame them when it doesn't work
[15:01:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> pick someone you don't like.
[15:01:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> get em fired for rebooting.
[15:01:59] <cmn32480> yeah... great idea. becasue then it becomes mission critical that I drop everythgin to fix it
[15:02:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> vm's the way to go if you wanna be all responsible though.
[15:02:44] <cmn32480> buncha fucktards at UPS.
[15:02:48] <TheMightyBuzzard> yup
[15:02:54] <cmn32480> I know.. but I needed to vent
[15:03:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> yar
[15:03:24] <cmn32480> Now I have to debate what OS to put it on
[15:03:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> hrm...
[15:03:31] <cmn32480> 7, 8, 8.1 or 10
[15:03:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> 7, duh.
[15:03:40] <cmn32480> buncha fucktards at UPS.
[15:03:48] <cmn32480> IF i have an extra license
[15:04:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> upgrade someone on 7 to 10 and use their 7 license.
[15:04:22] <cmn32480> I'd rather not subject my users to that hell quite yet
[15:04:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> you're entirely too nice to your lusers
[15:04:56] <cmn32480> if I'm not they bother me by asking questions
[15:06:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> expense a winders 10 for retards book. then you can bitch to the higher ups that they're wasting your time instead of RTFMing
[15:06:23] <cmn32480> lol
[15:07:21] <TheMightyBuzzard> not that it'll do any good but you'll get to bitch about something justified.
[15:09:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> http://www.breitbart.com
[15:09:50] <cloudshark> ^ 03Legendary 'Call of Duty' Organisation OpTic Reportedly Picking Up Ex-Conquest CS:GO Team - Breitbart
[15:11:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> hrm, wonder if i can write a quick imagemagick script to change one color in a png to another a hundred times or so
[15:14:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> later maybe. kinda burning out on coding this morning.
[15:20:16] <cmn32480> odd.. your burned out on coding.. I'm burned out on stupid
[15:21:10] <TheMightyBuzzard> i burned out on that about 20 years ago and never got over it. which is why helldesk work is out of the question.
[15:22:10] <cmn32480> the hold button is your friend... takes some of the fight out of them
[15:22:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> think i'll go play me some fallout 4. shooting things in the head is stress relieving.
[15:23:26] <cmn32480> amen
[15:23:31] <cmn32480> shame I can't do it to my users
[15:25:00] <AndyTheAbsurd> well, you *can* but the boss insists that you only use Nerf dart guns instead of a .45
[15:25:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> got a chick with 10 perception and working up her other sniping skillz. makes for a rough time with groups of enemies but it's fun until they find you.
[15:30:13] <nick> apparent lack of the rpg elements really killed any interest in fallout4
[15:31:40] <nick> the one rpg i liked, especially because it wasn't about magic, dragons and wizards and other fantasy rpg staples, and they took the rp out of it.
[15:34:33] <mrcoolbp> fallout4 = love/hate
[15:43:09] <cmn32480> shit
[15:43:13] <cmn32480> i forgot how to count
[15:43:21] * cmn32480 removes his shoes and socks
[15:51:51] <nick> i can see why people like it, but i don't see how it's an improvement over 3 or NV.
[15:52:29] <nick> when i saw the trailers for FO4, i had high hopes after seeing the graphics hadn't had a massive upgrade, assuming that would mean there would have been a lot of work put into the RP elements
[16:13:41] <Bytram|away> http://arstechnica.com
[16:13:42] <cloudshark> ^ 03AMD’s new graphics architecture is called Polaris | Ars Technica
[16:20:13] <AndyTheAbsurd> Launch the Polaris, the end doesn't scare us
[16:21:05] -!- fliptop [fliptop!~fliptop@67.231.zpp.nw] has joined #Soylent
[16:31:55] <fliptop> despite Gravis' complaints, the self-driving blog story i posted generated a lot of good comments
[16:32:58] <Bytram|away> fliptop: when does G not complain?
[16:33:04] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[16:33:31] <fliptop> i just looked at his page, he could submit a story or two
[16:33:39] <fliptop> i wouldn't complain
[16:34:04] <Bytram> nod nod
[16:34:12] <Bytram> glass houses and all that, eh?
[16:34:29] <fliptop> the blog i linked to was linked to acm.org, so the guy's no slouch
[16:35:45] <Bytram> I think I llost context there... are you referring to the source to your story or to G's SN page?
[16:36:34] <fliptop> sorry, the i found the blog via acm.org
[16:36:36] <fliptop> http://cacm.acm.org
[16:36:37] <cloudshark> ^ 03Blogroll | Communications of the ACM
[16:36:48] <fliptop> i get a lot of stories from there
[16:36:55] <Bytram> nice!
[16:37:07] <Bytram> is that in our #rss-bot channel's feed?
[16:37:13] <fliptop> not sure
[16:37:20] <fliptop> you mean arthur?
[16:37:27] <cmn32480> nope
[16:37:36] <cmn32480> #RSS-bot is different
[16:37:45] <cmn32480> arthur pulls form tehn RSS bot
[16:37:59] <Bytram> only he has better speeling
[16:38:03] <Bytram> ;)
[16:38:04] <fliptop> heh
[16:38:16] <cmn32480> http://logs.sylnt.us
[16:38:17] <cloudshark> ^ 03#rss-bot | Logs
[16:38:17] <fliptop> well a lot of the stories i post originate from that page. i've been reading it for years
[16:38:20] <Bytram> fliptop: issue this command: /join #rss-bot
[16:38:34] <Bytram> and then you will see what we are talking about...
[16:38:38] <fliptop> do i need to log into nickserv 1st?
[16:38:42] <cmn32480> nope
[16:38:45] <Bytram> I don't think so
[16:38:46] <cmn32480> it's public
[16:38:53] <Bytram> also, you can check out the log that is kep...
[16:38:56] <cmn32480> and if not, the link I posted will have the public logs
[16:38:56] <Bytram> *kept
[16:38:58] <Bytram> gimme a sec
[16:39:11] <cmn32480> already did it bytram
[16:39:12] <Bytram> ummm, nvm, what cmn32480 said
[16:39:25] <Bytram> yeah, I saw.
[16:39:27] <cmn32480> sheesh... kids these days
[16:41:35] <fliptop> ok, i see now
[16:43:26] <fliptop> f'in a, it's like the firehose
[16:43:45] <cmn32480> only worse
[16:43:53] <cmn32480> and better
[16:45:47] <Bytram> nod nod
[16:49:18] <cmn32480> trying to do that on a live feed on the site would be a nightmare... TheMightyBuzzard is herby nominated!
[16:50:30] <nick> hi fliptop
[16:50:36] <fliptop> hey nick
[16:50:58] <fliptop> random thought
[16:51:04] <fliptop> http://my.opencarry.org
[16:51:16] <fliptop> anyone else think she looks hot only b/c she's carrying?
[16:52:21] <cmn32480> kind of plain but I'm hardly a good judge of those things
[16:52:48] <fliptop> the watch kinda thows me off
[16:53:25] <Bytram> yeah, you better watchout.
[16:54:01] -!- Cyprus [Cyprus!~ikiris@216.239.mm.is] has joined #Soylent
[16:56:18] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Militia Occupies Federal Building in Oregon After Rancher Arson Convictions - http://sylnt.us - seeds-of-revolution
[17:14:14] <fliptop> nick: last night i figured out upgrading firefox to version 43 no longer plays h.264 encoded mp4 files
[17:14:23] <fliptop> in the browser, that is
[17:16:13] <nick> why would they change that
[17:16:30] <fliptop> not sure, i'm looking at bug reports right now trying to see if it was intentional
[17:23:52] <Bytram> fliptop: can you still play them locally?
[17:24:56] <fliptop> in vlc, yes
[17:25:13] <fliptop> ff shows a black box "can't play because file is corrupt"
[17:25:23] <fliptop> v42 plays them fine
[17:26:24] <Bytram> ahve you tried downloading the video and then putting a link to a local fil e in the FF address bar?
[17:29:39] <Bytram> lunchtime++
[17:29:39] <Bender> karma - lunchtime: 1
[17:29:42] <Bytram> afk, biab
[17:29:46] <Bytram> oh!
[17:29:49] <Bytram> coffee++
[17:29:49] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2039
[17:29:51] <Bytram> !uid
[17:29:51] <Bender> The current maximum UID is 6014, owned by clorkster
[17:33:03] <fliptop> Bytram: yes, it will not play via html5 <video> tag or local file:// method
[17:44:41] -!- mechanicjay [mechanicjay!~jhowe@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mechanicjay] has joined #Soylent
[17:44:41] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mechanicjay] by Imogen
[17:50:42] <Bytram> fliptop: grrr! I'm fresh out of ideas on that one. Sorry!
[17:53:09] <fliptop> yeah the workaround is to downgrade to v42. i filed a bug report
[17:53:51] <Bytram> nod nod
[17:54:12] <fliptop> i'm hoping it wasn't intentional due to patent restrictions on h.264
[17:54:52] <Bytram> shouldn't matter, right? They'd just use whatever codec you have installed. If you don't have it installed (on your own) then it cannot use it -- no skin off their nose.
[17:55:05] <fliptop> one would think
[17:55:15] <fliptop> testing on android right now
[17:57:30] <Bytram> k
[18:01:19] <fliptop> mobile ff 40.0.3 plays it, but the video is not right. a reencoded ogg plays fine, though
[18:05:40] <fliptop> same w/ chrome 44
[18:07:32] <AndyTheAbsurd> fliptop: got a link to a h.264 encoded video? I want to try something.
[18:08:10] <fliptop> i'll go ahead and pull a 1-min video and upload it for you
[18:10:14] * Bytram would be willing to try on PM 25.8.1 on Win 7 Pro
[18:10:54] <AndyTheAbsurd> Bytram: that's what I was going to try...and also same version Linux x86.
[18:11:15] <Bytram> AndyTheAbsurd: are you running PM x32 or x64 on windows?
[18:11:23] * Bytram has x32
[18:12:07] <AndyTheAbsurd> x86 so 32 bit....which is funny because I'm pretty sure that this is a 64-bit machine...
[18:12:13] <Bytram> same here.
[18:12:36] <Bytram> I've been thinking of moving on up to x64, but am nervous about losing extensions and/or customizztions
[18:13:30] <AndyTheAbsurd> *if* that happens, pop over to #palemoon on Freenode and complain to the developers. But it shouldn't happen AFAIK.
[18:14:05] <Bytram> have you tried it? I don't know if it would allow both to run side-by-side, or if the x64 would replace the x32.
[18:14:14] <AndyTheAbsurd> or you could go post on the Pale Moon x64 forum: http://forum.palemoon.org
[18:14:20] <cloudshark> ^ 03Pale Moon forum View forum - Pale Moon x64
[18:14:59] <AndyTheAbsurd> I suspect that they can run side-by-side but you'd probably have to go to some manual effort to get it working, rather than just relying on the installer(s)
[18:16:27] <fliptop> AndyTheAbsurd: uploading now...
[18:21:46] <mrcoolbp> https://www.oculus.com
[18:21:46] <cloudshark> ^* 03Blog — Oculus Rift Pre-Orders to Open on January 6
[18:21:47] <fliptop> AndyTheAbsurd: http://www.peacecomputers.com
[18:21:48] <mrcoolbp> wohoo
[18:22:15] <fliptop> pulled from a level1 ip cam, 10fps, 1000kbps, h.264
[18:22:35] <AndyTheAbsurd> fliptop: shows as "corrupt" on Pale Moon on Windows, but works on Linux
[18:22:48] <AndyTheAbsurd> (Linux Mint 17.2 specifically)
[18:22:55] <fliptop> command: /usr/bin/ffmpeg -r 10 -i rtsp://x:x@ -b:v 1000k -c:v libx264 -map 0:0 -preset ultrafast -qp 0 -movflags +faststart ./try.mp4
[18:23:30] <fliptop> my workbench is a mess, sorry you had to see that
[18:24:00] <mrcoolbp> works on chrome
[18:24:05] <mrcoolbp> Win 8.1
[18:24:09] <fliptop> i'm gonna fire up win7 32-bit in a vm here and test...
[18:27:30] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The Dirty Truth About 'Clean Diesel' - http://sylnt.us - solar-cells-on-top-of-your-car
[18:39:52] <AndyTheAbsurd> fliptop: this may be helpful: http://forum.palemoon.org
[18:39:53] <cloudshark> ^ 03Pale Moon forum View topic - Pale Moon MP4 H.264 Support?
[18:40:16] <fliptop> thx
[18:49:46] <fliptop> "by default, Firefox tries to play MP4 files with known errors, whereas Pale Moon does not"
[19:00:58] <fliptop> doesn't play at all in ff43 on win7 32-bit. sigh
[19:01:30] <Bytram> fliptop: okay, looked okay when I viewed it using VLC (2.2.1) on Win 7 Pro
[19:02:12] <fliptop> thx
[19:02:53] <Bytram> on PM Version 25.8.1 (x86) got gray screen with dark black center rectangle containing: Large gray X and below it in white text: "Video can't be played because the file is corrupt."
[19:03:43] <fliptop> win7 32-bit vlc plays it too
[19:04:13] <fliptop> that error is the same as ff
[19:05:20] <fliptop> thx everyone for helping!
[19:05:28] * Bytram has an idea
[19:07:32] * fliptop hates that every time i start windows there's 4000 things that need updated
[19:07:45] <Bytram> just start it more often? :/
[19:07:50] <fliptop> heh
[19:07:59] * Bytram lookded at vlc statistics after playing...
[19:08:22] <Bytram> did not see any lost audio or video buffers / frames
[19:08:28] <Bytram> oh well.
[19:08:51] <fliptop> this is rtsp over udp so there's bound to be dropped frames at times
[19:09:34] <Bytram> in what you received, but in the file, try.mp4, I would expect there to be no dropped frames. right?
[19:09:45] <fliptop> correct, i checked it b4 uploading
[19:09:57] <Bytram> transcoding, whatever, would only save the 'good stuff'.
[19:09:59] <fliptop> wanted to make sure everyone was looking at a "clean" video
[19:10:03] <Bytram> nod nod
[19:11:58] <Bytram> ffplay.exe reports: "deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly"
[19:12:42] <fliptop> cam is set to 1280x800
[19:14:04] <fliptop> looks like ffmpeg used yuvj420p when pulling the stream
[19:14:09] <Bytram> Just telling you what I saw pop up... not sure what it means. :/
[19:15:02] <fliptop> i'm gonna try fiddling w/ the ffmpeg command a little
[19:16:58] <Bytram> fwiw, I tried it on opera:
[19:16:59] <Bytram> Version: 34.0.2036.25 - Opera is up to date
[19:16:59] <Bytram> Update stream: Stable
[19:16:59] <Bytram> System: Windows 7 64-bit (WoW64)
[19:17:23] <Bytram> it recognized it was a video and put up controls to play it, but nothing displayed.
[19:17:38] <fliptop> similar to ff on win7
[19:17:53] <Bytram> nod nod
[19:25:02] <Bytram> ok, lack of sleep and lunch have caught up with me...
[19:25:09] <Bytram> time for a nap.
[19:25:21] <Bytram> hope to check in later, but not sure if that will work out.
[19:25:27] Bytram is now known as Byttam|away
[19:25:35] <Byttam|away> have a great day everbody!
[19:26:24] <Byttam|away> !uid
[19:26:25] <Bender> The current maximum UID is 6014, owned by clorkster
[19:36:28] <cmn32480> egad.. win 10 is a nightmare to get rid of all the CRAP
[19:40:19] <AndyTheAbsurd> So install Slackware?
[19:40:27] <AndyTheAbsurd> Or Arch Linux?
[19:41:25] * AndyTheAbsurd does not actually recommend installing Arch unless you are some weird of masochist who likes to have your Linux break regular so you can cry while trying to fix it
[19:41:42] <cmn32480> sadly.. this is specifically for a windows only program that I don't ahve time to test under wine
[19:42:15] <cmn32480> if I was able to get this going on linux, it'd be ubuntu, regardless of anyones feelings toward systemd
[19:42:46] <AndyTheAbsurd> oh...then my solution would be to run it, and Windows, in a VM which would be only be used for "this only runs on Windows" programs.
[19:43:40] <cmn32480> it is on a VM... but server side as this is a shared program that will only run on desktop OS and CAN'T be installed on a server version of windows
[19:43:45] <cmn32480> I hate UPS
[19:49:59] <chromas> Can't sneak it into wine?
[19:50:13] * chromas scrolls up
[19:50:29] <chromas> $burrito chromas
[19:50:29] * aqu4 chucks a nasty, rotten burrito at chromas
[19:50:31] <cmn32480> #smake chromas
[19:50:31] * MrPlow smakes chromas upside the head with a red Slimline stapler
[19:51:00] <cmn32480> slimline?? WTF???
[19:51:08] <cmn32480> somebody don't know their movie!
[19:51:34] <chromas> #smake whoever entered that string
[19:51:34] * MrPlow smakes whoever upside the head with entered that string
[19:52:05] <cmn32480> #smake MrPlow's_Programmer
[19:52:05] * MrPlow smakes MrPlow's_Programmer upside the head with a sac of nuts
[19:53:58] <chromas> win 20 comes with crapware?
[19:54:04] <chromas> s/2/1/
[19:54:04] <sedctl> <chromas> win 10 comes with crapware?
[19:54:38] <chromas> besides win 10, I mean
[19:54:48] <chromas> Does ccleaner help?
[19:57:00] <cmn32480> no
[19:57:37] <cmn32480> having to script a bunch of shit, including how to get rid of the privacy stuff, and uninstall all the bloatware that is put in by MS instead of the manufacturers
[19:58:16] <cmn32480> I did find a powershell script to get rid of things like the XBox and all that garbage
[19:58:25] <cmn32480> but not Cortana or Edge.
[19:58:35] <chromas> just say "Cortana, delete yourself"
[19:58:49] * cmn32480 wishes
[19:59:02] <cmn32480> "cortana, go fuck yourself"
[19:59:16] <cmn32480> works as good on her as it does on ciri
[19:59:25] <chromas> I told cortana to stuff my hdd full of porn; just returned a shitty search result page
[20:00:23] -!- richardboegli has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[20:00:36] <cmn32480> that ignorant bitch
[20:00:51] <chromas> ^ connection ate by a roo
[20:01:21] <cmn32480> nah... crutchy is still sleepin
[20:03:34] -!- richardboegli [richardboegli!~r@053-536-545-43.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #Soylent
[20:04:45] <cmn32480> #smake a_roo
[20:04:45] * MrPlow smakes a_roo upside the head with a limp carrot
[20:07:16] <cmn32480> 21 lines of power shell to uninstall all the useless cruft.
[20:07:24] <cmn32480> I kept the calculator.
[20:07:41] <cmn32480> and the alarm and clock
[20:10:00] <chromas> If you downgrade a windows 7 to 10, then upgrade it back, does it keep the original 7 license?
[20:16:36] <cmn32480> <derp>
[20:20:34] <chromas> I only ask because a friend of mine…
[20:21:26] <chromas> Upgrading buttpirated windows to 10 gives it a legitimate license, so I wondered if it would stay that way when going back to 7
[20:22:11] <cmn32480> I haven't tried anythgin on the upgrade or the other way
[20:22:22] <cmn32480> honestly, the thought of doing it scares the crap out of me
[20:29:02] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Russia Introduces Obligatory Drone Registration - http://sylnt.us - shouldn't-the-drones-register-you?
[20:49:14] <nick> i wouldn't try it
[20:49:55] <nick> wouldn't trust w10 'features' to completely vanish
[20:50:56] <swiss> i like win10
[20:56:19] <cmn32480> so far, I have a powershell script and a batch file to shut off a shitton of registry keys
[20:57:11] <cmn32480> I set a reg key that turns Cortana all the way off
[20:57:25] <cmn32480> I get a message "I'm sorry, company policy prevents me from working"
[20:58:53] <cmn32480> Next up: Telemetry
[20:59:03] <cmn32480> this is a gigantic pain in the ass
[21:03:03] <chromas> Did they get rid of the policy editor?
[21:20:54] <cmn32480> group olicy editor? no idea yet
[21:21:02] <cmn32480> that will all get set from the domain level.
[21:21:14] * cmn32480 needs to get the amdx files for win 10
[21:40:45] <SirFinkus> still fucking with windows 10?
[21:40:49] <SirFinkus> muhahahaha
[21:54:24] * cmn32480 tell sirfinkus where to stick it
[21:54:47] <cmn32480> #smake sirfinkus rubber ducky dildo
[21:54:47] * MrPlow smakes sirfinkus upside the head with rubber ducky dildo
[21:55:11] * SirFinkus catches it with his mouth
[21:57:48] <cmn32480> interesting... the diagtrack service doesnt' show in services.msc
[21:58:03] <cmn32480> but you can see it in the services tab of taskmanager
[22:00:11] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Microsoft Warns Windows 7 Has Serious Problems - http://sylnt.us - own-worst-enemy
[22:00:23] <cmn32480> so doe win 10 ya fockers!
[22:01:24] <chromas> Did you peek at the task scheduler?
[22:01:29] <cmn32480> not yet
[22:01:46] <chromas> that's a place where gwx.exe hid out
[22:02:11] <cmn32480> just got the first powershell script done to remove all the bloat, shut down the tracking services, and set a shitton of reg keys.
[22:03:21] <SirFinkus> lol look at him chromas
[22:03:32] <SirFinkus> he think he removed all the bloat and shut down all the tracking services
[22:03:34] <SirFinkus> it's adorable
[22:03:56] <cmn32480> #smake sirfinkus rubber ducky dildo - twice
[22:03:56] * MrPlow smakes sirfinkus upside the head with rubber ducky dildo - twice
[22:04:28] <chromas> what was it for? ups? could you just let it run its shat and firewall everything but ups-related internets?
[22:05:24] <cmn32480> it's on the domain... and I think that might require a separate firewall to do that..
[22:05:33] * cmn32480 scratches his head adn thinks
[22:05:37] <chromas> is it in a vm?
[22:05:41] <SirFinkus> I fucking hate my school's terrible website and everything associated with it
[22:05:42] <cmn32480> yeah
[22:05:48] <chromas> you could do the firewalling in the host os
[22:05:56] <cmn32480> VSphere?
[22:06:00] <SirFinkus> I have like 6 different logins to keep track of
[22:06:23] * cmn32480 points and laughs at sirfinkus
[22:06:31] <Gravis> srsly guys! https://soylentnews.org
[22:06:32] <cloudshark> ^ 03SN comment by [02Gravis (4596)] (02Score:5, Insightful)
[22:06:40] <SirFinkus> I just had to create 2 more
[22:08:19] <nick> most stories are just written by some asshole
[22:08:47] <nick> i agree that the summary at least adds nothing of value to the conversation
[22:08:49] <SirFinkus> they are? I wish my asshole had the dexterity to write articles
[22:08:51] <cmn32480> and most people complaining about the quality of stories don't submit anything.
[22:09:10] <SirFinkus> best I can do with the damn thing is open beers
[22:09:18] * chromas notes that 100% of all news on the web is technically a blog post
[22:09:18] <cmn32480> bottles or cans?
[22:09:33] <nick> pretty much
[22:09:48] <SirFinkus> bottles, with cans I have to insert the whole thing and squeeze until it pops
[22:10:22] * cmn32480 thinks he might pay to see that
[22:10:24] <chromas> backdoor shots
[22:10:55] <SirFinkus> look what I ordered http://www.amazon.com
[22:10:57] <cloudshark> ^ 03Amazon.com: Orange Micro Dark 20W Hybrid Head: Musical Instruments
[22:11:36] <cmn32480> hybrid head?
[22:11:40] <cmn32480> that sounds dirty
[22:11:53] <chromas> SirFinkus can't wait to get head from the ups guy
[22:12:13] <SirFinkus> it means it has a tube in it
[22:12:22] * Byttam|away looks at Gravis story submission history: https://soylentnews.org
[22:12:23] <cloudshark> ^ 03Gravis - SoylentNews User
[22:12:24] <SirFinkus> and it's solid state
[22:12:26] <cmn32480> chromas s/guy/truck/
[22:12:45] <cmn32480> that woudl be required for hybrid head
[22:15:01] <Byttam|away> Gravis: Seems you have submitted a single story since you joined on 2014-08-04; if the stories are so bad, please submit better stories for the editors to use.
[22:15:22] <Gravis> Byttam|away: sometimes there aren't any good stories.
[22:15:33] <Gravis> Byttam|away: sometimes there is no news to be had
[22:15:56] <Gravis> Byttam|away: that does not mean you have to publish something just to publish something
[22:15:59] * Byttam|away thinks he might post a story saying there are not any stories to post.
[22:16:35] <Byttam|away> so, you mean to say that in the past 16 months, you could only find one story to submit?
[22:16:42] <Byttam|away> the web must be pretty bad these days.
[22:16:55] <Gravis> Byttam|away: i come for the news, not to broadcast it
[22:17:38] <Gravis> i mean, you don't read every paper and then write articles for your local paper, do you?
[22:17:49] <SirFinkus> just because somebody hasn't submitted any stories, doesn't mean they don't have the right to bitch about garbage ones
[22:18:14] * Byttam|away doesn't get a local paper
[22:18:47] <SirFinkus> the story in question looks like a comment at best
[22:18:55] <SirFinkus> I suppose the can't all be winners
[22:19:10] <Byttam|away> last i checked, i am still human.
[22:19:32] <SirFinkus> which is exactly what a bot would say
[22:19:33] <Byttam|away> and, though it may not have been the best written story out there, it fostered what this community was based on: discussion...
[22:19:42] <Byttam|away> I see that there were 71 comments to that story
[22:19:48] * SirFinkus gets out the rare earth magnets
[22:20:04] * Byttam|away starts furiously writing a PO to Acme
[22:20:20] * Byttam|away thinks... Rocket Shoes
[22:20:29] * Byttam|away thinks... Super Duper Elctro Magnet
[22:20:37] * Byttam|away thinks... Bird seed
[22:20:42] * Byttam|away thinks... catapult
[22:20:47] * cmn32480 thinks catapult inot solid rock
[22:20:58] * Byttam|away thinks... blackboard, chalk, band-aids
[22:21:03] <Byttam|away> =)
[22:21:06] <SirFinkus> you forgot the obvious: dynamite
[22:21:25] <Byttam|away> how did I miss THAT?!!?
[22:21:43] <Byttam|away> prolly should also get a whistle for sound effects, tooo.
[22:21:51] <Byttam|away> and with that, I need to get going.
[22:22:07] <cmn32480> ~gnight bytram|away
[22:22:08] * exec brazenly poops an assfull of Soylent Green for bytram|away
[22:22:08] <Byttam|away> am having dinner with family tonight and to give a birthday gift to my niece
[22:22:18] <SirFinkus> https://vine.co
[22:22:19] <cloudshark> ^ 03Watch つっちぃ's Vine "綿アメ洗おうとしたアライグマかわいすぎるw"
[22:22:20] <SirFinkus> night
[22:22:49] <Runaway1956> sucks to have a birthday at new year - the wife bitches about it all the time
[22:23:08] <Runaway1956> No one buys her presents - aside from her sistters and I
[22:23:41] * Runaway1956 notes that she only has three sister
[22:23:57] <Byttam|away> especially because a few hours earlier and it would have meant an extra tax deduction for the prior year!
[22:24:00] <Gravis> <Byttam|away> last i checked, i am still human.
[22:24:00] <Gravis> <SirFinkus> which is exactly what a bot would say
[22:24:00] <Gravis> LOL
[22:24:18] <SirFinkus> it wasn't THAT funny
[22:24:30] <Runaway1956> maybe it rated an L
[22:24:53] <Runaway1956> Why you so cranky, Gravis, is it your birthday too?
[22:24:54] <Gravis> SirFinkus: it was from my perspective.
[22:25:00] <SirFinkus> I'd give it a sharp nasal exhale out of ten
[22:25:15] <SirFinkus> maybe a touch of snort
[22:25:36] <Gravis> Runaway1956: sorry, no time for you today.
[22:25:50] <Runaway1956> that's cool
[22:26:02] * Runaway1956 sighs
[22:26:21] <Runaway1956> Gotta go back to work tonight . . . just went out to check oil, water, tires, etc
[23:01:05] * SirFinkus sighs
[23:01:17] <SirFinkus> looks like valve took away some DLC
[23:01:21] <SirFinkus> from my account
[23:01:23] <SirFinkus> bastards
[23:01:26] <SirFinkus> time to email support
[23:14:15] <fliptop> AndyTheAbsurd: if you're interested:
[23:14:20] <fliptop> http://www.peacecomputers.com
[23:14:20] <cloudshark> ^ 03FFmpeg / RTSP / H.264 / MP4 / FireFox Browser
[23:31:19] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - How Close Are Meat Alternatives to Replacing Beef and Chicken? - http://sylnt.us - where's-the-beef?