#Soylent | Logs for 2016-01-27

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[00:26:09] <chromas> Making it's more fun :)
[00:26:19] <chromas> (than buying, I mean)
[00:28:06] -!- Brother_Emmett [Brother_Emmett!~Aaron@03-879-925-323.lightspeed.rsvlmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #Soylent
[00:44:32] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Rotation Speed May be Bad News for Red Planet Pioneers - http://sylnt.us - 23h56m-should-be-close-enough-for-anyone
[00:48:13] -!- J_Darnley has quit []
[00:57:25] <cmn32480> I think I might have just crapped myself into a msaller size pants
[01:00:45] <mechanicjay> cmn32480: That's terrible.
[01:01:03] <mechanicjay> Though, I've definitely been there myself.
[01:01:55] <cmn32480> qite the opposite mechanicjay... it was delightful!
[01:02:15] -!- nick [nick!~nick@Soylent/Staff/Editor/n1] has joined #Soylent
[01:02:15] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v nick] by Imogen
[01:02:18] <exec> welcome nick: London, UK, 11°C/52°F, 1:02 am GMT, Wednesday, 27 January 2016
[01:02:37] <cmn32480> adn the best part was having the kids quiet long enough to get the privacy to take such a monumental dump
[01:03:42] <cmn32480> nick - you ever wonder if people say stuff like that just because they saw some one join the channel?
[01:53:25] <Gravis> no, YOU are trolling for mod points! https://soylentnews.org
[01:53:26] <salty> ^ 03SN comment by [02Gravis (4596)] (02Score:4, Funny)
[01:54:46] <Gravis> i just thought it was a fun post really. :P
[01:55:31] -!- BadCoderFinger [BadCoderFinger!~BadCoderF@216.160.gyz.km] has joined #Soylent
[01:55:40] <chromas> cmn32480: wouldn't it be better to have them be noisy then?
[01:55:44] <chromas> cover_noise++
[01:55:44] <Bender> karma - cover_noise: 1
[02:15:41] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - 2014-15 Sales Data Indicate Tesla Model S Costing Luxury Rivals Business - http://sylnt.us - waiting-for-one-powered-by-Mister-Fusion
[02:19:33] <Deucalion> Gotta love recruiters' spin on jobs they are trying to sell.... one such nugget recently received after I queried their pitch.... "In regards, to the TSO team this is a proactive technical team who will ensure issue are effectively resolved before they happen" - wtf.... pre-cognisance of issues? (Other than foresight about stupid deadlines and feature creep) Did I sleep a couple millennia last night? Is their now some time travelling qualificat
[02:19:33] <Deucalion> ion I am missing out on?
[02:20:26] <chromas> You need at least 30 years of Java experience
[02:20:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> obviously. i mean we've had time travel since 1985.
[02:21:11] <SirFinkus> that just means they release buggy software, know what the bugs are, and release the software anyway
[02:21:17] <Deucalion> Good job I have a DeLorean in the garage... might ned some work though....
[02:21:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh, like us then
[02:21:55] <SirFinkus> not really, we aren't paying customers
[02:22:02] <chromas> Does non-gaming software have DLC for basic features?
[02:22:02] <SirFinkus> well, most of us
[02:22:08] <SirFinkus> yes
[02:22:14] <chromas> (Besides the super spendy enterprise stuff)
[02:22:24] <chromas> software--
[02:22:24] <Bender> karma - software: -1
[02:22:25] <chromas> computers--
[02:22:25] <Bender> karma - computers: -1
[02:22:27] <SirFinkus> remember shareware?
[02:22:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> see photoshop plugins
[02:22:58] <chromas> oh yeah. f2p = shareware
[02:22:59] <SirFinkus> "give nullsoft money so it can burn cds at higher than 2x speed"
[02:23:02] <chromas> It all makes sense now
[02:23:03] <chromas> cycles--
[02:23:04] <Bender> karma - cycles: -1
[02:23:17] <chromas> nullsoft had cd burning software?
[02:23:22] <SirFinkus> winamp?
[02:23:30] <SirFinkus> might have been ripping
[02:23:36] <chromas> I just remember Winamp was nagware but all the features were there
[02:23:42] <SirFinkus> it's been 10 years since I used winamp
[02:23:44] <chromas> oh, I didn't use music players for that stuff
[02:24:02] <SirFinkus> there was something about cds
[02:24:13] <chromas> Reaper also nags like that. "You should buy this, but we'll still let you use it for free"
[02:24:14] <SirFinkus> could have been a format restriction as well
[02:24:19] <Bytram> just need a steady hand and a large magnifying glass
[02:24:21] <Deucalion> TMB, this is not like us at all, these people are offering serious money for this.... fix shit before it breaks... all I see is buzzword ITIL et al bingo.... probably the hiring manager is somewhat sane, but this has to be nonsense to bypass the HR gatekeepers.
[02:24:44] * TheMightyBuzzard chuckles
[02:24:53] <Bytram> Deucalion: so would that be pre-pro-active?
[02:25:10] <TheMightyBuzzard> call me when they can be retroactive
[02:25:29] <Bytram> Deucalion: you didn't hear your phone ring yesterday?
[02:27:01] <Deucalion> Bytram, the amount they are waving about on the stick, I'm inclined to jump right in and play them at the game even to get booted out 3 months later for not fixing things before they happen. Could leave OK for a couple of years on that :D
[02:27:17] <Bytram> yowza!
[02:27:53] <Bytram> assuming you could last that long with that kind of an environment?
[02:28:08] <Deucalion> I live a modest life it has to be said.
[02:28:31] <Bytram> likewise; I like my shinies, but have a very strong, frugal yankee streak.
[02:28:47] <Deucalion> Bytram, it's only 12 weeks. Even I can hold my tongue that long. It may be a scapegoat role of course.
[02:29:09] <Bytram> yeah, it does have a certain 'fragrance' about it, doesn'tit?
[02:29:17] <Bytram> s/'t/'t /
[02:29:19] <exec> <Bytram> yeah, it does have a certain 'fragrance' about it, doesn't it?
[02:29:40] <Deucalion> So does my current position :D
[02:29:50] <Bytram> lol
[02:30:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> do it and then claim sexual harassment on your boss when things start looking to go south. bonus points if your boss is a millennial.
[02:31:51] <SirFinkus> lol trump isn't participating in the latest debate
[02:31:51] <SirFinkus> he's too good for it
[02:32:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> i wouldn't either. he doesn't get anything out of it.
[02:32:57] -!- SirFinkus has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[02:33:18] -!- SirFinkus [SirFinkus!~SirFinkus@q-37-359-375-883.hsd6.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[02:33:21] <exec> welcome SirFinkus: Olympia, WA, USA, 12°C/53°F, 6:33 pm PST, Tuesday, 26 January 2016
[02:33:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> he'll get covered regardless, what does he gain by sitting up there for an hour letting everyone take shots at him?
[02:33:37] -!- Deucalion [Deucalion!~juggs@Soylent/Staff/IRC/juggs] has parted #Soylent
[02:33:45] -!- Deucalion [Deucalion!~juggs@Soylent/Staff/IRC/juggs] has joined #Soylent
[02:33:45] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Deucalion] by Imogen
[02:33:55] <Bytram> Deucalion: wb!
[02:34:20] <Deucalion> I was just trying to get a welcome message from exec :P
[02:34:28] <Deucalion> Needs function to link nicks
[02:34:36] <Deucalion> aliases
[02:34:54] <Bytram> ahhh, got it!
[02:34:58] <TheMightyBuzzard> http://www.mediaite.com
[02:34:58] <salty> ^ 03U of Oregon Debates Removing MLK Quote For Not Being Inclusive Enough | Mediaite
[02:36:22] <Deucalion> Not that it would help - I never leave.... something something Hotel California...
[02:36:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> s'true
[02:37:36] <SirFinkus> god, trump endorsed by falwell, palin, and aprio
[02:37:49] <SirFinkus> like, the worst people
[02:38:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> the only way an endorsement could hurt trump is if he got a Sanders endorsement.
[02:38:28] <Deucalion> TMB, you never leave you just escape to the boat and rod :P
[02:38:35] <BadCoderFinger> You know how if you're a parent, and you catch your kid smoking, you're supposed to make them smoke more until they get sick? In that vein, I almost want so see Trump win. Mind you, I'll emigrate if he does.
[02:38:39] <Gravis> SirFinkus: then you should reconsider calling him your god. ;)
[02:38:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> truth. i spend much time with my rod in my hand.
[02:38:57] <SirFinkus> I've never called trump my god Gravis
[02:39:00] <Deucalion> BadCoderFinger, where would you emigrate to?
[02:39:02] <SirFinkus> he's always been an asshole
[02:39:06] <SirFinkus> he's just more an asshole now
[02:39:23] <Gravis> <SirFinkus> god, trump endorsed by falwell, palin, and aprio
[02:39:23] <Gravis> ^ god, trump. right there. ;)
[02:39:23] <SirFinkus> wouldn't vote for him in a million years
[02:39:32] <SirFinkus> comma
[02:39:33] <TheMightyBuzzard> BadCoderFinger, start packing. he's going to win barring implosion.
[02:39:53] <Gravis> SirFinkus: not even for a million dollars?
[02:40:05] <SirFinkus> nope
[02:40:09] <Gravis> lies
[02:40:10] <SirFinkus> maybe several million
[02:40:13] <Gravis> weak
[02:40:32] <SirFinkus> actually, nevermind
[02:40:40] <SirFinkus> probably about $1000
[02:40:53] <SirFinkus> because I live in washington and my vote doesn't matter anyway
[02:40:55] <Gravis> see, you would vote for him.
[02:41:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> i think ima break tradition of voting for the worst candidate and vote trump in the general. i think there's a better chance of the republican party having to rebuild and get something good than the nation at this point in time.
[02:41:08] <BadCoderFinger> Deucalion: No idea, really. Any suggestions?
[02:41:20] <SirFinkus> my state would just vote for the democrat anyway, so it doesn't really matter
[02:41:27] <SirFinkus> I'd never endorse him though
[02:41:37] <Deucalion> BadCoderFinger, was hoping you had some.
[02:41:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> and trump winning will absolutely devastate the establishment republicans.
[02:42:19] <Gravis> TheMightyBuzzard: laws are more difficult to repeal than they are to pass
[02:42:19] <Bytram> TheMightyBuzzard: who would it NOT devastate?
[02:42:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> Bytram, me. i was gonna vote for sanders. trump won't be near as damaging as a proper socialist.
[02:43:04] <Bytram> lol
[02:43:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> he gets a bully pulpit but he can't write his own laws, obama precedent aside.
[02:44:05] <Gravis> if sanders gets voted in, he will do serious damage to the estabilished bullshit political economy
[02:44:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> he'll gut anything with the word economy in its name.
[02:44:49] <SirFinkus> sanders seems to be the least bad of the people likely to actually win
[02:44:50] <Gravis> looking forward to it. :)
[02:45:04] <BadCoderFinger> I have a sticker that says, "Someone else for president"
[02:45:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, i would too but i'm gonna be slightly less cynical this go round.
[02:45:18] <BadCoderFinger> Can't say I'm a fan of anybody running, but that's the usual case.
[02:45:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> go for the easy minor revolution and hope it pays off instead of pushing for the real thing.
[02:46:00] <Gravis> i like sanders because he recognises that money flow is the problem
[02:48:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> Gravis, i was gonna go for him for the same reason. he's out to gut the rich. should do WONDERS for job creation in the nation.
[02:49:09] <Gravis> TheMightyBuzzard: right because those worker visas are really making jobs for people
[02:49:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> deflections--
[02:49:34] <Bender> karma - deflections: -1
[02:49:36] <Bytram> TheMightyBuzzard: if you're only going to keep a small[er] fraction of your income, might as well put it into the business?
[02:49:58] <Gravis> TheMightyBuzzard: the uber rich don't make jobs.
[02:50:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> Bytram, no, you just pay your accountant more and still do not pay any more in taxes.
[02:50:20] * Bytram needs a better accountant
[02:50:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> and you do whatever it takes for that to happen. including leave with your money.
[02:51:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> Gravis, you know nothing about money. You don't even know what it is.
[02:51:26] <Bytram> my mom used to hlaf-heartedly joke that 'Rich people just live at a higher level of poverty'.
[02:51:27] <SirFinkus> unfortunately, the criteria my support of bernie sanders of the mainstream candidates is that he seems to think that maybe spying on everyone isn't the greatest thing in the world
[02:51:50] <SirFinkus> of course the 2nd amendment is right out
[02:51:51] <Gravis> TheMightyBuzzard: it's a tool for enslavement.
[02:51:54] <SirFinkus> no winners
[02:51:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, that i actually like about him. course it's just lip-service.
[02:52:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> Gravis, obviously
[02:53:05] <Gravis> TheMightyBuzzard: you romanticize money into being a storage unit for work when the fact is that work does not equate to money.
[02:53:08] <SirFinkus> I have faith that the second amendment will largely remain in the same place, but the NSA shit seems to be all extra-judicial executive branch bullshit
[02:53:27] <SirFinkus> there's a lot of money protecting the 2nd, nothing for the 4th
[02:53:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> Gravis, typical leftist tardboy. take anything good and useful and claim it's oppressing you.
[02:53:48] <SirFinkus> wait, isn't that literally what money is?
[02:53:57] <Deucalion> Bytram, she was not wrong. "High" earners go bankrupt with alarming frequency. The seriously rich only gamble with the small change on their pile, the capital stays invested. Nothing ventured, nothing gained my ass. Nothing ventured at all.
[02:54:16] <Gravis> SirFinkus: that's the ideal but that's not what it is.
[02:54:46] <SirFinkus> maybe in a literal sense
[02:54:46] <Bytram> Deucalion: yup. Reminds me of the saying: "Want to know how to make a small fortune in the stock market? Start with a large fortune."
[02:55:06] <Gravis> SirFinkus: gasoline is a fuel but in reality it just burns things.
[02:55:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> Deucalion, investing creates wealth for them because it creates wealth for what's being invested in as well.
[02:55:19] <SirFinkus> feel the bern
[02:55:41] <SirFinkus> but burning things is pretty neat, that's how we have electricity and transportation and shit
[02:56:04] <Gravis> SirFinkus: too good for wind power? ;)
[02:56:19] <SirFinkus> no, not really
[02:56:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> or at least gives the investee more opportunity. they could still fail i suppose.
[02:56:25] <SirFinkus> I have nothing against wind power
[02:56:34] <SirFinkus> but we get most of our energy from burning shit
[02:56:38] <SirFinkus> so that seems useful
[02:56:57] <Gravis> SirFinkus: only in the short term
[02:57:12] <SirFinkus> maybe not in the future, but that's how we do it now, and that's why we're at the point we are technologically
[02:57:19] <SirFinkus> I'm all for renewable energy
[02:57:20] <Bytram> afk biab
[02:57:25] <SirFinkus> as much as and as fast as possible
[02:57:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> burn trees then. they're renewable.
[02:58:05] <Gravis> TheMightyBuzzard: failure to understand the issue.
[02:58:09] <SirFinkus> TheMightyBuzzard, lots of nasty emissions
[02:58:24] <SirFinkus> especially with wood
[02:58:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> or hippies. the grease should make them last a long time.
[02:59:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> dunno if they'd last longer with wood or not though.
[02:59:18] <Gravis> TheMightyBuzzard: or we could kill the greedy that are impeding progress.
[02:59:34] <SirFinkus> because that always works out
[02:59:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> the greedy are the ones creating progress, where have you been for the last few thousand years?
[02:59:53] <Gravis> SirFinkus: it works in limited instances
[03:00:26] <SirFinkus> violent revolution is a bad idea 95% of the time
[03:00:36] <SirFinkus> the american revolution is an anomoly
[03:00:44] <Gravis> SirFinkus: i didn't say anything about revolution.
[03:00:48] <TheMightyBuzzard> Gravis, if you lived in a town with one water source, you'd picket it for oppressing you.
[03:01:01] <Gravis> SirFinkus: i just said kill the greedy that were impeding progress
[03:01:04] <SirFinkus> "killing all the greedy" sounds like a revolution to me
[03:01:22] <Gravis> SirFinkus: not all the greedy, those impeding progress
[03:01:28] <SirFinkus> I mean, isn't that the standard revolutionary rhetoric?
[03:01:48] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, he's basically a Bolshevik right now.
[03:02:04] <TheMightyBuzzard> please, go on about the proletariat...
[03:02:33] * SirFinkus wonders how one would judge that, and who would do the judging
[03:02:39] <Gravis> TheMightyBuzzard: well if the two groups are "progress toward a sustainable future" and "fuck the future, i want your money", i'll take the Bolshevik side.
[03:02:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> Gravis, of course you would. you have nothing they want.
[03:03:03] <SirFinkus> anyone would, but that's a gross oversimplification
[03:03:37] <Gravis> SirFinkus: no, some people would prefer money over the future. they choose it every day.
[03:03:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> you, my friend, are what is referred to in those parts as a useful idiot.
[03:04:31] <SirFinkus> you're describing the vast majority of people with that
[03:04:41] <SirFinkus> humans are super bad at planning ahead
[03:05:06] <SirFinkus> I suspect that 99% of people would prefer immediate gains over "the future"
[03:05:26] <Gravis> SirFinkus: sure... but few people have the capability to actually do anything about it
[03:05:27] <Deucalion> TMB, I call bullshit on this.. "investing creates wealth for them because it creates wealth for what's being invested in as well." - what is that meant to mean? Define "wealth" in that sentence. Wealth is not a pay check of whatever amount if at the the end of the month you have to shit out pretty much all of it to maintain standing as a "wealthy" person. It's a trap, no matter what you earn, you have to spend it to maintain fishing rights in y
[03:05:27] <Deucalion> our new strata. I believe Ponzi had something going along those lines once upon a time.....
[03:05:33] <TheMightyBuzzard> right, cause the future might be fulla gravis-like turds.
[03:05:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> so screw it, have your fun now.
[03:05:53] <SirFinkus> the present is a sure thing, the future is uncertain
[03:06:42] <Gravis> SirFinkus: of course... someone might kill you for being a root cause of destroying the ecosystem. ;)
[03:06:58] <SirFinkus> unlikely
[03:07:19] <Gravis> SirFinkus: yet not a certainty.
[03:07:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> Deucalion, simplistically, if you invest in a startup, you have given that startup the opportunity to grow faster than it would have and produce significantly more jobs than it would have without the investment. it is good for the startup. it is good for those employed by it. it is good for the entire economy because your otherwise stagnant money is in motion.
[03:07:24] <SirFinkus> and given that you're on irc, you're probably one of those "destroying the ecosystem" folks
[03:08:01] <TheMightyBuzzard> Deucalion, the uber rich's money is NEVER stagnant. it is always in motion.
[03:08:08] <Gravis> SirFinkus: i have no power to change our future.
[03:08:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> at least if they want to stay rich.
[03:08:34] <SirFinkus> which is the exact rational that people that say "fuck the future, I want your money" use
[03:08:38] <Gravis> SirFinkus: well... i mean... unless you count violence.
[03:08:57] <SirFinkus> "If I don't do it, somebody else will, so might as well get mine"
[03:09:01] <TheMightyBuzzard> Gravis, thanks for reminding me. i gotta clean the smoker out so we can use half a tree to cook one day's worth of dinner later this week.
[03:09:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> fuck the future, i want bbq
[03:09:48] <SirFinkus> bbq is delcious
[03:09:53] <SirFinkus> what kind of meat?
[03:10:24] <Gravis> TheMightyBuzzard: that's fine, it's more likely to give you cancer than have any significant impact on anything.
[03:10:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> probably a pork butt. may put a couple steaks over on the firebox grill for lunch too though.
[03:11:01] <SirFinkus> sauce?
[03:11:33] <cmn32480> I've had enough tongiht
[03:11:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> dry rub. homemade. mostly chili powder and some habanero seasoning.
[03:11:34] <cmn32480> ~gnight #soylent
[03:11:36] * exec fanatically slides a wad of boogers to #soylent
[03:11:41] * TheMightyBuzzard waves at cmn32480
[03:11:47] <SirFinkus> mmm
[03:11:50] * cmn32480 waves tiredly back
[03:11:55] <SirFinkus> I tend to prefer sauces
[03:11:57] <Deucalion> TMB, naive to say the least. When moneyed interests capture the regulators we end up with 2008 and property booms as we are seeing ~again~ in the UK. It just keeps repeating.
[03:12:08] <SirFinkus> vinegar, not too sweet
[03:12:10] <Gravis> <SirFinkus> "If I don't do it, somebody else will, so might as well get mine"
[03:12:10] <Gravis> while yes, people rationalize things like this, i don't think it's a suitable excuse.
[03:12:26] <SirFinkus> that's the excuse you're using
[03:12:35] <Gravis> SirFinkus: how so?
[03:12:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> Deucalion, i got nothin to say about yall's property insanity. that's just asking for bankruptcy.
[03:12:46] <SirFinkus> "I have no power to change our future"
[03:12:56] <SirFinkus> you're absolving yourself of responsiblitiy
[03:13:14] <Gravis> SirFinkus: i'm not getting anything out of not having power.
[03:13:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> Deucalion, but that absolutely is how investment works for the vast majority of cases.
[03:13:33] <SirFinkus> at least you're justifying your share of the rape of the environment
[03:13:55] <Gravis> SirFinkus: if i had a choice, i would take it.
[03:14:03] <SirFinkus> well, you do
[03:14:12] <SirFinkus> you don't *need* a computer
[03:14:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> yup, go join a green commune.
[03:14:33] <SirFinkus> you don't need a car (if you have one)
[03:14:40] <SirFinkus> don't need electricity
[03:14:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> yup. luxuries.
[03:14:53] <SirFinkus> I've lived for 2 weeks without electricity, it's doable
[03:14:57] <SirFinkus> easilty
[03:15:05] <SirFinkus> easily even
[03:15:06] <Deucalion> TheMightyBuzzard, did yall's property insanity recover yet from 2008 in any real sense? Was Joe Schome's life lifted from needing to foodstamps to taking home a decent wage in the intervening time?
[03:15:15] <Gravis> SirFinkus: get solar panels.
[03:15:21] <TheMightyBuzzard> millions of people did for quite a lot of years, SirFinkus.
[03:15:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> billions really.,
[03:15:38] <SirFinkus> ahh, but you could do better gravis
[03:15:55] <SirFinkus> solar panels require an enormous amount of energy to build
[03:15:59] <SirFinkus> just the glass
[03:16:03] <SirFinkus> just go without electricity
[03:16:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> Deucalion, slowly. nobody would ever take a loss so we're having to wait for real values to catch up to what people want to sell for still.
[03:16:15] <Gravis> SirFinkus: it's an investment in a sustainable future.
[03:16:22] <SirFinkus> but it's not a sacrifice many are willing to make
[03:16:28] <SirFinkus> so really, it's a spectrum
[03:17:01] <TheMightyBuzzard> Deucalion, but you're down talking the hand that feeds you when you should be down talking the corruption.
[03:17:03] <SirFinkus> we all have the "I've got mine, screw the future" calculation, some people just set the threshold higher than others
[03:17:41] <Gravis> SirFinkus: eh... seems like more of an argument for "microagressions"
[03:17:53] <SirFinkus> usually, we think of it in the "tragedy of the commons" sense
[03:18:00] <SirFinkus> elaborate
[03:18:22] * TheMightyBuzzard issues a microapology for his microagressions
[03:18:35] <Deucalion> TheMightyBuzzard, I am talking that the hands are grasped together, hand in glove.
[03:18:55] <Gravis> your argument is that everyone is choosing to cause damage.
[03:18:56] <TheMightyBuzzard> Deucalion, they don't have to be. we just allow them to be.
[03:19:14] <Gravis> that's pretty much microaggressions right there
[03:19:53] <SirFinkus> I'm causing objective damage to the current environment by using this computer and space heater
[03:19:59] <SirFinkus> I could easily live without them
[03:20:03] * TheMightyBuzzard watches Gravis pull the mental double reverse half twist
[03:20:06] <Deucalion> /me microkicks TMB for microaggression.... 1ms timeout on the naughty step for you.... no doubt it will seem like a thousand life times. Any parting words?
[03:20:15] <cmn32480> if you go hit the hay, do you punch him in the bales?
[03:20:22] <Gravis> SirFinkus: i see it more of, there are people who are proping up a system that is destroying the environment for personal gain and then there are people who do things out of utility.
[03:20:23] <SirFinkus> if I "microagression" someone, I'm causing subjective damage to a specific person
[03:20:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> i regret that i have but one penis to give to the ladies!
[03:20:34] <SirFinkus> you don't see the difference in scale?
[03:20:43] <Gravis> TheMightyBuzzard: none of them regret it.
[03:20:48] <Deucalion> And back already... I need to learn to type faster
[03:21:58] <TheMightyBuzzard> seriously, Gravis, them's some quality mental gymnastics you're having to go through to justify your not quitting society and starting a farm.
[03:22:00] <Gravis> SirFinkus: whatever, forget the microagression stuff. i forfeit that argument because don't care about it.
[03:22:20] <Gravis> TheMightyBuzzard: not really.
[03:22:26] <SirFinkus> :^)
[03:22:44] <Gravis> TheMightyBuzzard: talk to a sociologist.
[03:22:54] <TheMightyBuzzard> well the russian judge kind of gave you a bitchslap but i'll give you a 7.5/10
[03:23:21] <TheMightyBuzzard> you bobbled the landing or it would have been a 9
[03:23:57] <Gravis> TheMightyBuzzard: that's ok... because you're just a spectator
[03:24:14] <cmn32480> you kids don't stay up too late arguing, ok?
[03:24:19] * Deucalion dual wields the blue gravity guns..... and solar panels.... in Dubai... this should work out well I think :D
[03:24:34] <cmn32480> ~gnight soylent
[03:24:35] <SirFinkus> I see Deucalion beat hl2 finally
[03:24:35] * exec suspiciously throws a cold can of Soylent Green at soylent
[03:25:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> not gonna, it's past my bedtime already. think ima go smoke (yay extra carbon emissions sheerly for my enjoyment!) and hit the sack where i shall undoubtedly release quite a lot of unfragrant methane under the covers.
[03:26:16] <Deucalion> SirFinkus, I'm a completion guy.... I go back and do it right if I die... oh no actually, I am terrible at these games. I killed of Ep. 1 too :D Just finished downloading Ep.2 - bear in mind this is my first run through.
[03:26:20] * chromas microaggresses the channel
[03:26:24] <SirFinkus> https://soylentnews.org
[03:26:25] <salty> ^ 03Journal of karenberkley (6049)
[03:26:25] <SirFinkus> lol
[03:26:44] <SirFinkus> dat seo
[03:27:37] <SirFinkus> oh shit, our favorite gun toting injun commented
[03:27:58] * SirFinkus throws an egg at TheMightyBuzzard's face
[03:34:02] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~JamesNZ@60.234.vml.gj] has joined #Soylent
[03:34:04] <exec> welcome JamesNZ: Wellington, New Zealand 5:19 PM Chatham Island (GMT+13:45), 15°C/59°F, 4:34 pm GMT+13, Wednesday, 27 January 2016
[03:34:55] * Deucalion is not even sure what a "microaggression" is... how does that go? You expressed anger once and then get tarred and feathered forever? I'm glad I mostly stuck to single player stuff I guess. XCOM was fun in MP.... just people laughing at me for being crap.... I'm OK with that.. I am :D :D
[03:39:54] <SirFinkus> huh, oregon guys got pwned
[03:40:02] <SirFinkus> 1 dead, 5 arrested
[03:41:24] <Deucalion> Musta been white guys.....6 dead, 1 unidentifiable would be the headline if they were less than snowflakes right?
[03:42:39] * Deucalion stirs the pot unnecessarily :(
[03:43:23] <SirFinkus> honestly, I haven't been following that shit much
[03:43:28] <SirFinkus> who knows
[03:44:16] <Deucalion> Only way to know is to be there. Same as any "news" story. Ever.
[03:46:50] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Trend Micro AV Has HTTP Listener Which Can Run Arbitary OS Commands From the Internet - http://sylnt.us - does-not-look-like-a-good-trend
[03:47:38] <Deucalion> I wish to be an omnipresent observer of the next 10M years upon my death. Just float above seeing all for that long. Sole intention - to see how shit turns out. Sadly I have to somewhat scale my thought back to my mortality and that saddens me.
[03:49:10] <chromas> Deucalion: a microaggression is when you say something innocuous and someone takes offense anyway
[03:53:02] <chromas> Juggs me a microaggression because it ignores those of us who are chestologically impaired
[03:53:06] -!- BadCoderFinger has quit [Quit: ENOBEER]
[03:53:13] <Deucalion> chromas, professional offense seekers are nothing new - been going on as long as I can remember. Just got to learn to flank them.... direct contact is a futile exercise.
[03:54:52] <Deucalion> Ye gads - chromas is a bot too! chestologically"
[03:55:02] <chromas> We call them SJWs now
[03:56:03] <chromas> And feminists
[03:58:32] <Deucalion> Ye gads.. the feminists demanding equality haven't been usurped in their aims by reversalists demanding retribution have they?
[04:00:09] <chromas> Nah, the 'leaders' have always been professional victims
[04:00:33] * chromas notes they were pro-abolition
[04:00:39] <chromas> Prohibition
[04:00:42] <Deucalion> This being the SJW leadership I take it.
[04:00:57] <chromas> Pro-prohibition
[04:01:20] <Deucalion> Pro-Californication?
[04:03:01] <Deucalion> Pro-prohibition? Are we back in the 1930's now? I lost a time bearing somewhere!
[04:04:06] * Deucalion buys a car with a running board and a big trunk - all the better to transport gunners and liquor..... hmm we could do a game based on this....
[04:05:14] * Deucalion tinkers with the engine.... hehehehehe.... moonshine makes a great fuel additive.....
[04:09:46] <Deucalion> Who needs Half-Life 3 when you could have a prequel.... Half-Life 1930? Modifiable vehicles etc. Then work up some story about how the bootleggers became the Vortigaunts due to their excessive intake of said moonshine :D
[04:11:20] <Deucalion> Hey - $5 a pop as a DLC.... all we need is ~$10mill in funding to make it so :D
[04:13:24] <chromas> Mafia was set back then
[04:13:35] <chromas> Or maybe the 20s
[04:21:43] <Deucalion> No actually, let's go back to Hogarth's depictions of Gin Lane and Beer Street - start from there.... an episode per decade should suffice... I can't see how this would not print money... said every deluded game company exec ever. :D
[04:27:24] <Deucalion> Who in their right mind would sacrifice the HL name on the ramblings of a mad man :D
[04:27:39] * Deucalion floats off to bed
[04:36:23] Bytram is now known as Bytram|away
[05:17:59] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Trend Micro AV Has an HTTP Listener Which Can Run Arbitary OS Commands From the Internet - http://sylnt.us - does-not-look-like-a-good-trend
[05:48:22] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Space Elevator Plans Persist, Despite Challenges - http://sylnt.us - hello,-to-the-penthouse,-please
[05:56:04] -!- qkontinuum [qkontinuum!~qkontinuu@v5l0z05e5.dyn.telefonica.de] has joined #Soylent
[06:03:23] -!- qkontinuum has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[06:28:40] -!- JamesNZ has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[06:30:20] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~JamesNZ@60.234.vml.gj] has joined #Soylent
[06:30:22] <exec> welcome JamesNZ: Wellington, New Zealand 8:15 PM Chatham Island (GMT+13:45), 15°C/59°F, 7:30 pm GMT+13, Wednesday, 27 January 2016
[07:14:01] <crutchy> TheMightyBuzzard, i think trump is more establishment than you think
[07:14:12] <crutchy> he speaks fluent neocon pretty well
[07:14:50] <crutchy> doesn't seem to give a rats about reducing debt, wants to keep the empire thing going
[07:15:01] <crutchy> unless i'm talking about a different trump
[07:26:48] <chromas> You're wrong crutchy
[07:27:00] * chromas sitrs the pot; awaits some poo flinging
[07:27:33] <JamesNZ> ~gday chromas
[07:27:35] * exec brazenly tosses a tinfoil hat of Debian to chromas
[07:27:39] <chromas> ~rainbow 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩
[07:27:40] <exec> 00,08ð00,09Ÿ00,12’00,02©00,06ð00,04Ÿ00,07’00,08©00,09ð00,12Ÿ00,02’00,06©00,04ð00,07Ÿ00,08’00,09©00,12ð00,02Ÿ00,06’00,04©00,07ð00,08Ÿ00,09’00,12©00,02ð00,06Ÿ00,04’00,07©00,08ð00,09Ÿ00,12’00,02©
[07:27:43] <chromas> aw
[07:27:50] <chromas> ~g'day JamesNZ
[07:27:52] * exec cohesively throws a spoon of spew at JamesNZ
[07:28:15] <chromas> Aw, Debian. I guess you got the better deal
[07:28:17] <JamesNZ> How come I get the spew and chromas gets Debian? S'not fair!
[07:28:22] <JamesNZ> :P
[07:28:47] <crutchy> JamesNZ, at least you didn't end up with a side of systemd :)
[07:28:50] <chromas> We need to make the bots have inventories so they can exchange and hurl items
[07:29:23] <JamesNZ> crutchy: True true :)
[07:29:48] <chromas> systemd++ # emacs for your soul
[07:29:48] <Bender> karma - systemd: -23
[07:48:01] <crutchy> https://www.washingtonpost.com
[07:48:02] <salty> ^ 03U.S.-backed rebels lose a key town to Russian airstrikes in Syria - The Washington Post
[07:48:45] <crutchy> from the might-as-well-say-us-and-russia-are-at-war dept.
[07:49:55] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Europe Wants a Reusable Spaceplane - http://sylnt.us - a-welcome-lift
[07:56:20] <crutchy> from the welcomes-europe-to-the-1960s dept.
[08:04:39] -!- qkontinuum [qkontinuum!~qkontinuu@131.228.rwt.sis] has joined #Soylent
[08:53:01] <Gravis> systemd--
[08:53:01] <Bender> karma - systemd: -24
[08:53:03] <Gravis> systemd--
[08:53:03] <Bender> karma - systemd: -25
[08:53:12] <Gravis> chromas: how dare you!
[08:53:49] <chromas> Well I can't upvote your systemd replacement 'til it has a name
[08:54:07] <chromas> GravisD
[08:54:22] <chromas> UltrasounD
[08:54:30] <Gravis> chromas: i call it... Windows 10! ;)
[08:55:36] <chromas> makes sense. the live tiles were confined to a container
[08:55:47] <chromas> never got the comparison to servicehost, though. it's not even the same thing
[09:01:19] <Gravis> well... i did come up with a name for my communication system. i pondered, "how do you communicate with with d[a]emons?" and realized a rigidly structured sequence of information already has a name, and incantation. so an RPC to your fav daemon is can incatation to a demon. :)
[09:01:31] <Gravis> fyi: daemon is the british spelling of demon
[09:02:27] <Gravis> -can+an
[09:04:04] <Gravis> i
[09:04:45] <Gravis> i'm working out the kinks in the RPC system so that i can write a RPC code generator
[09:06:14] <Gravis> i'm attempting to reduce the copying overhead
[09:07:47] <Gravis> though i'm probably overthinking it because it's just one extra copy. then again, that adds up if you are streaming lots of data.
[09:15:56] <crutchy> don't most supernerds just make up two or three letter names, like cp or gz or cat?
[09:16:05] <crutchy> shorter the nerdier
[09:17:04] <crutchy> maybe just call it rpc
[09:17:31] <crutchy> or rpcctl >;-D
[09:21:05] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Hand Powered Drilling Tools and Machines - http://sylnt.us - take-a-bit-and-brace-youreself
[09:23:57] <crutchy> Gravis, kinda like this sorta stuff? https://en.wikipedia.org
[09:23:57] <salty> ^ 03Wiki: RPCGEN
[09:45:50] -!- JamesNZ has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[10:52:14] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - How a DIY Network Plans to Subvert Time Warner Cable's NYC Internet Monopoly - http://sylnt.us - making-connections
[11:17:52] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[11:17:52] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2127
[11:22:38] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Trend Micro AV has an HTTP Listener Which can Run Arbitrary OS Commands from the Internet - http://sylnt.us - does-not-look-like-a-good-trend || Ammon & Ryan Bundy Arrested in Oregon; One Dead in Shootout with Cops - http://sylnt.us - i-fought-the-law-and...
[11:23:51] <Bytram|away> coffee++
[11:23:51] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2128
[11:24:24] * Bytram|away just popped in for a few minutes to correct some story typos. Time to go back to bed before heading off to work.
[11:25:58] * TheMightyBuzzard waves hello and goodbye to Bytram|away
[11:26:10] * Bytram|away waves back
[11:30:06] * nick waves
[11:31:07] * Bytram|away waves at nick
[11:32:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> hrm... i guess i could go through today and do up a VT220 theme
[11:33:10] <TheMightyBuzzard> doesn't really need testing all that much so it wouldn't be TOO bad to throw it in just days before golive
[11:34:05] <Bytram|away> what would be different for a VT220 from a VT100?
[11:34:50] * Bytram|away spent many an hour in front of a vt100, but never a vt220.
[11:35:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> Bytram|away, amber vs green
[11:35:45] <Bytram|away> seems like not much for going from 100 to 220?
[11:35:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> bleh, forgot i'd need a logo/favicon. guess i could just shift the hue in gimp
[11:36:28] -!- dyingtolive has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
[11:41:22] <chromas> did vt100s and 220s support unicode?
[11:42:24] <Bytram|away> ROFLMAO!
[11:42:48] <chromas> precious bytes
[11:43:48] <TheMightyBuzzard> #smake chromas
[11:43:48] * MrPlow smakes chromas upside the head with reluctance
[11:44:11] * TheMightyBuzzard smakes MrPlow upside the head with a moose turd pie
[11:44:47] <Bytram|away> laters; have a great day everyone!
[11:45:10] <chromas> g'day sir
[11:47:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> okay, now what exact colors did i use in vt100 so i can s/old/new/ them?
[11:48:00] salty is now known as SaltyChocolateB
[11:48:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> couldn't fit all of it?
[11:48:26] <chromas> if there's more than green and black then yer doin' it wrong
[11:48:35] <chromas> one shade. one shade only
[11:49:00] <TheMightyBuzzard> nah, some needs to be brighter green some dimmer. like visited links vs new ones.
[11:49:06] SaltyChocolateB is now known as SaltyChocolateBalls
[11:49:20] <chromas> aw, well I liked to pretend it wouldn't fit, but it actually does
[11:49:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh ya, forgot we bumped the nick length a while back.
[11:49:47] <chromas> ooh
[11:50:01] <chromas> I just remember it going down because someone's irc client didn't render them correctly
[11:50:40] <TheMightyBuzzard> pffft, that's their problem if they can't use a good client
[11:50:41] <chromas> =nick 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef
[11:50:56] <chromas> must be the numbers at the start
[11:51:07] <chromas> silly protocols
[11:52:37] <chromas> another project for you: give your gollum mod a lust for a golden cockring
[11:52:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> heh
[11:52:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> wrong spelling
[11:53:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> looks like it's going to be mostly ffc200 and ffa200
[11:53:52] <chromas> I wasn't sure. spellcheck said it should be "golly". I wasn't aware I was typing with Dennis the Menace
[11:55:27] <chromas> Can you add a png overlay that doesn't get focus, so it looks like stuff's burned into the screen?
[11:56:09] <chromas> maybe that could be an april 1 joke
[11:56:29] <chromas> it could look like the sn logo is burnt in, along with some easter eggs, like a pornhub tab
[11:57:21] <TheMightyBuzzard> ooooh, neat idear
[11:58:28] <chromas> coffee++ theme
[11:58:28] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2129
[11:59:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> ugh, gotta find a really dark amber now for one spot
[12:02:19] <chromas> use the v, luke
[12:02:31] <chromas> v slider
[12:03:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> mkay, time to give a test out on dev minus the favicon/logo
[12:09:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> huh
[12:10:15] * nick wonders how many people are going to miss the opportunity for an interesting discussion on the oregon shootout and arrests.
[12:11:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> i'm going to miss it. it's not really an interesting story. the ranchers were in the wrong, no question, facts are facts.
[12:12:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> much as i'd love to see the government show its totalitarian colors, this ain't the story for it.
[12:12:55] <nick> sure, i'm not a supporter of what theyve apparenty been up-to
[12:13:13] <nick> but there are other discussions to be had in the wider context
[12:13:46] <nick> there is more discussion to be had than the framed debate we all seem happy to not examine any further
[12:14:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> damn, missed a few spots
[12:15:08] <nick> as is usually the case with anything that requires a bit of critical thinking about context, nuance and precedent. i'm not sure how many times people have rebelled against a central authority in which they could not be argued against with valid social and legal arguments
[12:15:10] <TheMightyBuzzard> plenty of discussion to be had but only tangentially related to this story. no room for either side to get wound up. it'd have to be intelligent, reasoned debate.
[12:15:49] <nick> indeed, but i think we should be better than requiring spoon feeding to come to an intelligent debate
[12:16:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> we should be but we generally aren't =P
[12:17:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> mostly we're infotainment while folks drink some coffee before or instead of work
[12:17:23] <nick> apparently
[12:17:52] <nick> i'm not really down for that, a buzzfeed for tech/science without pictures.
[12:17:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> we can probably get a reasonable discussion going on it but it won't be no hof candidate.
[12:17:56] -!- crutchy has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[12:18:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> cause mad people just post more
[12:18:50] <nick> i accept things get derailed and points don't always get made that well
[12:18:58] * TheMightyBuzzard nods
[12:19:15] <nick> but it does frustrate me when no on even tries an objective analysis of a story or the debate it might open a door for
[12:20:07] <nick> but if that's what people want to do, fine, they're free to do so. and i don't comment much because i appreciate i'm a marginal view and shouldn't take the discussion.
[12:21:02] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh we do sometimes. site policy for instance generally garners quite a lot of discussion. has to be a high interest but non-partisan topic.
[12:21:52] <TheMightyBuzzard> partisan topics you can generally bank on having high levels of partisan comments
[12:22:02] <TheMightyBuzzard> aka low quality
[12:22:15] <nick> and that really makes me quite frustrated
[12:22:32] <nick> i try and respect peoples intelligence not to take the bait on those kind of stories
[12:23:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> people are people, man. if they weren't we could have someone decent in office.
[12:23:31] <nick> but time and time again, everyone goes all knee-jerk and repeats some mantra they got embedded in their brain a few years ago.
[12:23:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah, which is where you're supposed to jump in and slap them down with truthbombs
[12:24:24] <nick> yeah, which i do from time to time, but it's also not my place to do it
[12:24:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> become a non-idiotic mantra that gets stuck in a head or two for the next time it happens.
[12:24:49] <nick> i dont want to monopolise or control the debate, i don't want to frame it, think for your fucking selves people
[12:24:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> not your place? shit man, it's every user's place. staff or not.
[12:25:03] <qkontinuum> TheMightyBuzzard, I tried to connect via free proxy to IRC, didn't work. I got an error message from http://efnetrbl.org that the free proxy is blacklisted for being a free proxy. Was there a conscious decision for that (security / reducing power-trolling) or is it some default-setting somewhere?
[12:25:03] <SaltyChocolateBalls> ^ 03EFnet RBL
[12:25:36] <TheMightyBuzzard> qkontinuum, it probably got blacklisted because someone was botneting through it
[12:26:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> we don't generally proactively block anything
[12:26:15] <qkontinuum> According to EFnet they are blacklisting all free proxies + TOR exit points they can find.
[12:26:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya but we're not on EFnet
[12:27:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> we're our own lone server off in the wilderness
[12:27:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> so wait, you got an EFnet message trying to connect to US?
[12:27:48] <TheMightyBuzzard> das fooked up
[12:28:19] <qkontinuum> Yes. From your server. From the log: message : 465 SoylentBob :You are banned from this server- SoylentBob, your IP ( is listed in EFnet's RBL. For assistance, see http://efnetrbl.org
[12:28:43] <nick> i'd assume juggs or someone else who does the irc set it up to check against efnet's blacklist
[12:28:54] <TheMightyBuzzard> hrm... might ask Deucalion about that. he's our irc guy as well as CEO
[12:29:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> he prolly enabled it back when we had that one goober trying to botnet us
[12:30:19] * chromas sprinkles LED in the channel
[12:30:25] <chromas> LEDs
[12:31:11] <qkontinuum> Thanks. Maybe it is even good the way it is, but was just surprised because we are blocking tor and in the beginning IIRC we even had a TOR hidden service?
[12:32:37] <chromas> would it make a difference which domain name you use?
[12:32:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> still do
[12:32:49] <chromas> I notice only irc.sylnt.us resolves to an ipv6
[12:33:17] <chromas> (but the v4 is the same, of course)
[12:33:44] <qkontinuum> chromas, I could try that as well... But I assume the proxy will connect via IPv4 anyway
[12:34:10] <chromas> You need at least 7 proxies anyhow
[12:34:30] <qkontinuum> chromas, why?
[12:34:41] <chromas> user_style_manager--
[12:34:41] <Bender> karma - user_style_manager: -1
[12:34:56] <chromas> 'cause 7 is the old internet meme
[12:35:11] <qkontinuum> chromas, went apparently past me
[12:37:06] <chromas> http://knowyourmeme.com
[12:37:06] <SaltyChocolateBalls> ^ 03Good Luck, I'm Behind 7 Proxies | Know Your Meme
[12:37:09] <chromas> After threatening to involve the authorities, she was met with the response: “I WENT THROUGH 7 PROXIES GOOD LUCK".
[12:37:38] <chromas> more proxies == moar secure :)
[12:39:20] <qkontinuum> Well, my requirements are not that high. Actually I'd like to write a small bot, but that would probably run on a virtual root server. After reading about the Amazon security fuckup I thought I'd like to remain not that easy identifiable as bot-owner
[12:40:27] <chromas> are you using a socks proxy?
[12:40:32] <chromas> (or trying to)
[12:40:47] <chromas> or is it like a znc instance?
[12:40:49] <qkontinuum> Yes. I found a list, some of them even work for now.
[12:41:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> qkontinuum, join staff and you can run it on boron or beryllium
[12:41:41] <qkontinuum> http://irc-proxies24.blogspot.de
[12:41:41] <SaltyChocolateBalls> ^ 03IRC Proxies
[12:42:11] <qkontinuum> TheMightyBuzzard, I just might. But if you see the sources the bot won't be able to amuse you much anymore
[12:43:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> i never bother with other people's bots. cept occasionally Bender who nobody owns anymore.
[12:43:58] <TheMightyBuzzard> okay, vt220 theme done cept for switching the hue on the logo/favicon
[12:44:39] <chromas> you could give the bot an account here and a hostmask for it, then we won't see your ip when it comes in
[12:44:47] <chromas> though I think IPs are obscured anyway
[12:44:52] <TheMightyBuzzard> yup
[12:45:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> the left half of the address is bullshit we made up, cept for them with a hostmask.
[12:45:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> then the whole thing is
[12:45:44] * chromas still likes his grayscale sn theme
[12:45:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> submit that bitch then.
[12:46:14] <chromas> here to?
[12:46:21] <chromas> s/^/w/
[12:46:22] <exec> <chromas> where to?
[12:46:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> have unique favicon/logo?
[12:47:02] <TheMightyBuzzard> or does it use the standard ones?
[12:47:14] <chromas> oh oops, I didn't do the favicon
[12:47:22] <chromas> it's just a grayscale version of the stock logo
[12:48:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> either way, if you don't wanna github it up, just zip the css, logo, and favicon up and mail em to me. i'll put em where they go.
[12:48:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> #blackuweather humboldt, tn
[12:48:23] <MrPlow> T'day: Dey some clouds, nutt'n fancy though. It fuck'n cold! Dey a lil breeze. T'marra: Sheet, I ain even know. It fuck'n cold! Dey a lil breeze.
[12:49:29] <qkontinuum> Did anyone ever explain to MrPlow that this is a highly controversial language?
[12:49:58] <TheMightyBuzzard> he stole it from Ollie on Family Guy
[12:51:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> standard disclaimer: i do not discriminate based on race but will discriminate on culture all day long and twice on sunday.
[12:52:56] <qkontinuum> #blackuweather
[12:52:56] <MrPlow> Yo ass ain get no wetha, bitch.
[12:53:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> gotta #weatheradd city, st or #weatheradd zip if you want it to remember you
[12:53:47] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - You Need More Lumens - http://sylnt.us - lumens-schmumens
[12:54:01] <qkontinuum> #weatheradd Berlin
[12:54:01] <MrPlow> User qkontinuum location set to 'Berlin'.
[12:54:06] <qkontinuum> #blackuweather
[12:54:06] <MrPlow> Yo ass ain get no wetha, bitch.
[12:54:14] <qkontinuum> #weatheradd Amsterdam
[12:54:14] <MrPlow> User qkontinuum location set to 'Amsterdam'.
[12:54:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> test with #weather first
[12:54:17] <qkontinuum> #blackuweather
[12:54:17] <MrPlow> Yo ass ain get no wetha, bitch.
[12:54:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> #weather berlin, germany
[12:54:27] <MrPlow> Today: Generally cloudy. High 53F. Winds SW at 10 to 20 mph. Tomorrow: Cloudy with light rain in the morning...then becoming partly cloudy. High 49F. Winds W at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 70%.
[12:54:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> #weather amsterdam, holland
[12:54:39] <MrPlow> Today: Tomorrow:
[12:54:47] * TheMightyBuzzard shurgs
[12:55:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh right
[12:55:33] <qkontinuum> Amsterdam should be simple, usually cloudy... They legalized it long time ago :-)
[12:55:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> #weather amsterdam, the netherlands
[12:55:41] <MrPlow> Today: Tomorrow:
[12:55:48] <TheMightyBuzzard> #weather amsterdam, netherlands
[12:55:49] <MrPlow> Today: Cloudy and windy with periods of rain. High 54F. Winds SW at 25 to 35 mph. Chance of rain 80%. Winds could occasionally gust over 50 mph. Tomorrow: Mostly sunny. High 46F. Winds WSW at 10 to 20 mph.
[12:56:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> #blackuweather amsterdam, netherlands
[12:56:34] <MrPlow> T'day: Dey some wetha, bring yo umbrella. It fuck'n cold! Dat shit be blowin! T'marra: Shit bright, get yo shades. It fuck'n cold! Dey a lil breeze.
[12:57:40] <TheMightyBuzzard> for some reason the wunderground api i use will not search out the location of a city, famous or not. you gotta tell it where it is.
[12:57:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> smoke break
[13:04:40] <TheMightyBuzzard> better. now i gotta adjust the hue on the logo/favicon
[13:05:48] <chromas> hm. how does that work? favicon doesn't seem to be specified in the css
[13:06:12] <chromas> is there a template file too?
[13:08:21] <TheMightyBuzzard> favicon is in the html i think
[13:09:02] <TheMightyBuzzard> get me the icon and i'll put it where it goes though. ain't no thing but a chicken wing.
[13:09:15] <chromas> oh, I found the template file
[13:09:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> okay, vt220 is done i think
[13:11:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> chromas, would actually be easier to email me the css and the images and have me put them in with the pull request i'm about to do. otherwise we end up with a complex merge on the THEME file.
[13:11:40] <chromas> neat
[13:11:42] <chromas> thanks
[13:11:45] * chromas zips
[13:12:06] <AndyTheAbsurd> #submit http://www.smartcritique.com
[13:12:10] <MrPlow> Submitting. Be patient, there's a mandatory delay
[13:12:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> it'll be up on dev shortly
[13:12:40] <MrPlow> Story submitted. https://soylentnews.org
[13:14:57] <chromas> emailed
[13:15:08] <chromas> oh, I don't know what the theme looks like as an admin, so
[13:15:23] <chromas> but I assume most of those colors wanna stay
[13:15:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, i figured i'd hafta tweak it a tad
[13:15:54] <TheMightyBuzzard> there's like one or two things in admin that don't show in normal user view.
[13:16:35] <chromas> Plus all the other pages we don't get, like for editors and stuff
[13:16:44] -!- dyingtolive [dyingtolive!~dyingtoli@42-98-151-082.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[13:17:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, most of them use the same old user css
[13:20:36] -!- richardboegli [richardboegli!~r@180-32-566-585.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #Soylent
[13:20:59] <chromas> shit. looks like I missed coloring the edit fields
[13:21:02] <chromas> black on dark gray
[13:21:19] * chromas hangs head in shame
[13:22:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> no worries. will fix.
[13:23:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> think ima take a break and go shoot some supermutants in the face first though.
[14:24:56] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Massive Funnel-Web Spider "Big Boy" to be Milked by Australian Reptile Park - http://sylnt.us - creepy-crawly
[14:40:17] -!- alexbst has quit [Quit: Wish is the father to the thought.]
[14:53:46] <dyingtolive> i do not understand people who say they don't wish to waste their time reading the "political" subs on SN, but are apparently willing to waste their time bitching about it.
[14:55:20] -!- alexbst [alexbst!~lysander@thmnovybb.internationalconspiracy.org] has joined #Soylent
[15:03:02] <TheMightyBuzzard> dyingtolive, i love that they read them then bitch how they don't want to
[15:03:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> i mean, shit, i don't read everything we publish and i work for us.
[15:03:30] <Runaway1956> Buzzard, are you a veteran?
[15:03:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> nod nod
[15:03:51] <Runaway1956> If so, you should remember what you learned in boot camp.
[15:03:56] <TheMightyBuzzard> army, back in the 90s
[15:04:03] <Runaway1956> "A bitching sailor is a happy sailor!"
[15:04:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> s'true
[15:04:28] <Runaway1956> So, just give 'em all something to bitch about, and nod wisely while their gums are flapping.
[15:04:43] <dyingtolive> fair enough.
[15:05:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> chromas, your theme is up on dev. few tweaks for admin stuff.
[15:05:24] <Runaway1956> That's partly why I just smile when my "fan club" is dumping on me. I know they're happy, LMAO
[15:06:01] <Runaway1956> People are really kinda stupid, they don't really know what they want.
[15:06:25] <Runaway1956> But, I love 'em anyway, no matter that they're to stupid to come in out of the rain.
[15:06:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> nod nod. if they didn't want to argue, they wouldn't.
[15:06:38] <qkontinuum> "We can do what we want, but we cannot want what we want" (Schopenhauer, I think)
[15:07:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> "i may make you feel but i can't make you think" -- Jethro Tull
[15:07:30] <qkontinuum> ... makes you think...
[15:07:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> bah-dum-ching
[15:07:51] <dyingtolive> now i just want to listen to Thick as a Brick.
[15:08:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> s'okay, i really don't mind if you sit this one out.
[15:08:31] <dyingtolive> great album.
[15:08:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> truth
[15:09:00] <TheMightyBuzzard> two new themes up on dev, folks
[15:09:10] <TheMightyBuzzard> Grayscale and VT220
[15:25:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> hrm... i think i can make us a lot more mobile-friendly by in like an hour
[15:25:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> not going to just yet though. my code-fu is starting to run out for the morning.
[15:44:55] <qkontinuum> mobile-friendly sounds good. Wasn't that the motivation for "BETA" on the other side? Should we try the same improvements? SCNR
[15:48:58] <TheMightyBuzzard> ye gads no. i'm thinking just having a line that adjusts the font size and hides the left and right side bars if media=handheld
[15:50:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> be one line of html and less than fifty of css.
[15:50:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> AND would work for all themes without having to go through and adjust them all to be mobile friendly
[15:52:04] <TheMightyBuzzard> hrm... appears i could sell my bow mounting bracket for my trolling motor and pick up a transom mounting bracket and still have cash left over.
[15:52:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> plus it'd make things a lot easier on me putting the boat in and out of the water.
[15:56:06] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Probiotics Come with Bold Health Claims, but the Science is Shaky - http://sylnt.us - avoid-the-amateur-biotics
[15:57:21] <qkontinuum> Sounds like a good idea. I'm reading on (not-that-)smart-phone quite a lot.
[15:58:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, i don't try that often cause it looks exactly the same on them and that's way too small.
[15:59:36] <qkontinuum> Well, but it's easier to bring the mobile to the CR than bringing the laptop. And socially less awkward, if you care for such details :-)
[16:00:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> i don't but i acknowledge that some do
[16:01:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> well damn, our layout looks like i'm going to have to edit every single theme
[16:02:17] <qkontinuum> There is a practical problem, too: When I take the laptop from the docking-station it disconnects from lan. It connects to wifi, but all ssh-sessions are usually frozen. If I forgot to run all remote commands in screen sessions, this can be annoying...
[16:04:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> gak
[16:04:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> yup
[16:04:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> nfs mounts as well
[16:06:20] <qkontinuum> Don't have many of them at work. That's more relevant at home, but there I don't have wired lan anyway. It's more a problem when closing the lid without thinking first
[16:08:40] <qkontinuum> http://toonhole.com (sorry for spamming, but this just nailed it for me today :-))
[16:08:41] <SaltyChocolateBalls> ^ 03Toonhole | Overdose
[16:09:48] <dyingtolive> qkontinuum: haha, oh god. that takes me back to last night. :(
[16:11:48] <dyingtolive> well, not the taking the girlfriend's pills part, but the punchline. i think she actually said that at some point.
[16:12:41] <qkontinuum> dyingtolive, I know the feeling... Makes my skin crawl to think of this. And my toe- and fingernails.
[16:12:56] <qkontinuum> Time to go home. Bye
[16:13:04] -!- qkontinuum has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[16:21:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> hrm, apparently handheld isn't being set by android browsers.
[16:28:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> well that works a little better anyway
[16:32:48] <everdred> coffee++
[16:32:48] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2130
[16:34:52] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++ # damned straight
[16:34:52] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2131
[16:37:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> okay, someone with a phone check out https://dev.soylentnews.org and tell me what ya think?
[16:37:46] <SaltyChocolateBalls> ^ 03Dev.SN: Dev.SN is secured dead goatse
[16:39:56] <alexbst> http://www.socialmatter.net
[16:39:58] <SaltyChocolateBalls> ^ 03Weimerica Weekly - Episode 9 - Social Matter
[16:40:01] <alexbst> fairly good podcast
[16:40:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> what's it about?
[16:42:24] <alexbst> erm, modern progressive problems
[16:42:50] <alexbst> and many other things :-)
[16:43:04] <alexbst> the state of the disunion
[16:44:01] <TheMightyBuzzard> fun fun
[16:45:20] -!- nick has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[16:45:36] <alexbst> different topics each week
[16:45:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> nod nod
[16:45:58] <alexbst> the joke being weimar america
[16:46:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> he says "um" too much but i'll forgive him this once.
[16:49:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> okay, think i'll include this "mobile browser fix" in with the themes. it's really just a hack that changes the page if your screen width is 800px or less.
[16:49:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> hides the side bars and bumps the font size up
[16:49:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> it's not pretty but it's easier to read at least.
[16:50:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> now for a smoke break
[16:55:10] <dyingtolive> this is going to be included in themes? i assume it will be possible to toggle behavior off/on?
[16:57:45] -!- nick [nick!~nick@Soylent/Staff/Editor/n1] has joined #Soylent
[16:57:45] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v nick] by Imogen
[16:57:48] <exec> welcome nick: London, UK, 12°C/54°F, 4:57 pm GMT, Wednesday, 27 January 2016
[16:59:10] <alexbst> mmmmm
[16:59:19] <alexbst> not sunny is it
[17:00:04] <nick> it's been overcast and miserable all day
[17:02:04] <Runaway1956> LOL, "how do I submit bugs?" Don't submit them, EAT THEM! Enjoy the protein!
[17:02:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> dyingtolive, unfortunately it's not toggleable except by blocking the css file. we'd have to store a cookie or add something to the url to have the side bars display and the font size return to normal.
[17:02:37] <Runaway1956> ~weather
[17:02:39] <exec> 10Dallas, TX, USA - currently 49°F / 9°C, sunny, wind N at 5 mph, humidity 43% - Wednesday sunny (36°F:56°F / 2°C:13°C), Thursday sunny (41°F:65°F / 5°C:18°C), Friday sunny (47°F:71°F / 8°C:22°C), Saturday cloudy (55°F:71°F / 13°C:22°C)
[17:02:53] <alexbst> ~whether or not
[17:04:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> dyingtolive, right now it's only on dev. not in the github repo anywhere. just for testing today.
[17:04:47] <dyingtolive> TheMightyBuzzard: how would it look in a narrow desktop window? is dev visible to regular lusers like me?
[17:05:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> sure, https://dev.soylentnews.org
[17:05:06] <SaltyChocolateBalls> ^ 03Dev.SN: Dev.SN is secured dead goatse
[17:05:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> as long as your desktop resolution is wider than 800px it will look normal. it goes by resolution not window size.
[17:05:52] -!- SoyCow7919 [SoyCow7919!~6d4176b1@sob-120-67-010-029.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #Soylent
[17:05:58] <dyingtolive> oh! yeah, no worries then. good thinking.
[17:06:33] <TheMightyBuzzard> i figure most everyone can do better than 800x600 nowadays, so it SHOULD only hit mobile browsers.
[17:07:27] <dyingtolive> yeah. i sometimes browse at odd resolutions, so i was a little worried, but the monitors whatever the standard resolution widescreen is nowadays. 1920 or whathaveyou.
[17:07:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> considering back burnering it and putting up a m.soylentnews.org though so people can use it or not at their choice.
[17:08:37] <dyingtolive> honestly, i'm surprised that wasn't the initial goto move. it's the normal way people do stuff like that.
[17:08:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> s'a pain in the ass to do though.
[17:08:58] -!- SoyCow7919 has quit [Client Quit]
[17:09:02] <dyingtolive> ooh, be sure to have the naggy popup demanding people download the app and no way to degrade to the desktop site too! :)
[17:09:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> har
[17:09:27] <Runaway1956> Is this an example of self abuse?
[17:09:30] <Runaway1956> 02:44, 14 January 2016: GaryDunhill (Talk | contribs) triggered an abuse filter, performing the action "edit" on User:GaryDunhill. Actions taken: Block, Disallow; Filter description: Spam user pages
[17:09:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> well we do have the api that anyone could write their own app for reading the site with.
[17:10:06] <dyingtolive> i don't browse on mobile usually, so technically i think it's just sadism.
[17:10:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> Runaway1956, do huh?
[17:10:32] <Runaway1956> I was looking at the abuse log, and it appears that some guy was abusing himself . . .
[17:10:33] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh on the wiki?
[17:10:38] <Runaway1956> LOL
[17:11:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> i've no idea what's up with that. wiki is Not My Problem
[17:14:28] <Runaway1956> Oh, I wasn't looking for a very serious reply, it just appeared to be self abuse -
[17:14:46] <Runaway1956> speaking of which, I heard a story on the radio this morning, let me see if I can find it on the net
[17:16:10] <Runaway1956> http://www.cbsnews.com
[17:16:11] <SaltyChocolateBalls> ^ 03Pants-less driver in Detroit dies in wreck watching porn - CBS News
[17:16:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> as good a way as most to go i guess
[17:17:59] <Runaway1956> I suppose - he came into this world without pants, he left it without pants. I don't know about the obit though - "He died spanking his monkey!"
[17:18:12] <dyingtolive> i try not to normally look at comments on news sites, but i had to click on that one. gave me this gem:
[17:18:16] <dyingtolive> Police Proclaim: Porn Peeking, Pants-less, Pud Puller Plummets Past Pavement. Perpetrator Perished Pronto.
[17:18:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> ha
[17:23:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> okay, think i'm down for a nap then some lunch. you lot don't break anything i'll have to fix.
[17:27:16] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Netflix Exempts Overseas U.S. Military Bases from VPN Geoblocking - http://sylnt.us - should-offer-a-world-wide-rate-and-catalog
[19:16:50] -!- diginet has quit [Quit: diginet has quit!]
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[19:28:49] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Physicist Creates Math Model for "Viability of Conspiratorial Beliefs" - http://sylnt.us - can-you-keep-a-secret?
[19:31:31] -!- diginet [diginet!~diginet@107.170.knk.qi] has joined #Soylent
[19:42:06] <Runaway1956> https://www.youtube.com
[19:42:07] <SaltyChocolateBalls> ^ 03Morgan Freeman: Stuff You Need To Know (Courtesy Of Walton Johnson) - YouTube
[20:07:20] <Gravis> Runaway1956: the guy that died while driving and watching porn probably would have lived if he was wearing a seat belt.
[20:07:28] <Gravis> small miracles. :)
[20:59:58] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Neil DeGrasse Tyson Dissed by Flat-Earther - http://sylnt.us - you-know-I'm-right-because-I-used-math
[21:08:02] <chromas> the earth is obviously a flat plane uv-mapped to an oblate spheroid
[21:09:53] -!- Azrael has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
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[21:19:22] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Azrael] by Imogen
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[21:50:31] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Azrael] by Imogen
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[23:35:40] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Azrael] by Imogen