#Soylent | Logs for 2016-04-27

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[00:37:51] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The Rise of Mostly-Autonomous Systems and Employment of the Future - http://sylnt.us - operators-used-to-connect-phone-calls
[00:50:46] -!- BadCoderFinger [BadCoderFinger!~BadCoderF@216.160.gyz.km] has joined #Soylent
[01:20:38] <takyon> https://photographyisnotacrime.com
[01:20:41] <TransBotula> ^ 03Atlanta Cop Beats Man Over Purchased Tomato he Suspected was Stolen - PINAC News
[01:21:04] <takyon> https://fivethirtyeight.com
[01:21:06] <TransBotula> ^ 03Cuba Is Developing A Taste For U.S. Whiskey | FiveThirtyEight
[01:22:45] <takyon> http://www.futurity.org
[01:22:46] <TransBotula> ^ 03Is this a lonely planet or a light-weight star? - Futurity
[02:01:28] <cmn32480> word to your momma!
[02:08:22] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[02:09:01] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Twitter Shadowbans Republican Frontrunner - http://sylnt.us - is-a-Trump-tweet-called-a-Treet?
[02:10:09] <Bytram> !uid
[02:10:10] <Bender> The current maximum UID is 6218, owned by Shazburg
[02:13:16] <BadCoderFinger> Hey Bytram, how are you?
[02:13:35] <Bytram> okay, thanks. you?
[02:15:14] <BadCoderFinger> Not too bad. Waiting on beer day.
[02:17:22] <Subsentient> I found a true Gerbilian monk. https://www.youtube.com
[02:17:24] <TransBotula> ^ 03The New Full Version Leafy and Pyrocynical Love Song - YouTube
[02:24:50] <takyon> >Leafy
[02:39:23] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Life's Missing Links May Have Brewed in Primordial Puddles - http://sylnt.us - all-about-genesis
[02:56:53] -!- BadCoderFinger has quit [Quit: ENOBEER]
[03:10:52] Bytram is now known as Bytram|away
[03:14:06] <takyon> http://www.theregister.co.uk
[03:14:07] <TransBotula> ^ 03Secret UN report finds WIPO chief 'broke procurement rules' • The Register
[03:14:58] <takyon> http://nextbigfuture.com
[03:14:59] <TransBotula> ^ 03Next Big Future: New Exoskeleton is less than half the price and weight of competition
[03:16:50] <takyon> http://cms.marketplace.org
[03:16:51] <TransBotula> ^ 03Saudi Arabia is pushing for the biggest ever IPO | Marketplace.org
[03:19:11] <SirFinkus> Did you hear about the vampire confused about his gender? I hear he was from Transylvania
[03:20:34] <takyon> jej
[03:21:07] <SirFinkus> made that one up myself
[03:21:38] <takyon> http://nextbigfuture.com
[03:21:39] <TransBotula> ^ 03Next Big Future: Air force research lab roadmaps for game changing hypersonic vehicles, directed energy weapons and drones
[03:24:18] <takyon> https://theintercept.com
[03:24:19] <TransBotula> ^ 03Spy Chief Complains That Edward Snowden Sped Up Spread of Encryption by 7 Years
[03:25:34] <takyon> http://www.democracynow.org
[03:25:35] <TransBotula> ^ 03Part 2: Seymour Hersh's New Book Disputes U.S. Account of Bin Laden Killing | Democracy Now!
[03:25:53] <chromas> poor chief
[03:29:13] <SirFinkus> feature request: column headings on the submissions page
[03:30:10] <takyon> that don't matter
[03:30:17] <takyon> should be ez though
[03:32:29] <SirFinkus> it can be a little ambiguous imo
[03:32:55] <SirFinkus> is the name the submitter or the editor? the date the date of the submission, or when it will hit mainpage?
[03:33:12] <SirFinkus> I figured it out eventually, but it could be less ambigious
[03:33:21] <SirFinkus> not a big deal though really
[03:35:16] <SirFinkus> http://i.imgur.com
[03:35:24] <SirFinkus> posted in my math teacher's classroom
[03:35:26] <SirFinkus> he's awesome
[03:43:12] <Gravis> wouldn't emptied oil wells be a good place to store radioactive waste?
[03:49:57] <SirFinkus> yucca mountain would have been better
[03:50:07] <SirFinkus> but short sighted retards killed it
[04:10:33] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Hubble Discovers Moon Orbiting Dwarf Planet Makemake - http://sylnt.us - that's-not-a-moon,-that's-a-"companion"
[04:34:24] -!- SoyGuest92515 has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[04:34:28] -!- cykros [cykros!~cykros@162.221.ums.prp] has joined #Soylent
[04:35:27] cykros is now known as SoyGuest13857
[04:59:51] <Gravis> SirFinkus: true
[05:00:33] <Gravis> SirFinkus: i know the long history of yucca and i'm convinced that it was made for the express purpose of creating construction jobs
[05:01:19] <Gravis> and funneling money into the pockets of various companies
[05:02:49] <Gravis> SirFinkus: the highways were originally made for military transport, so i would have the military utilize those to transport the waste and tell the clowns opposing to go fuck themselves
[05:07:10] <Tramtrist> shadowbanning trump
[05:07:17] <Tramtrist> RIP twitter
[05:21:16] -!- SoyGuest13857 has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[05:22:29] -!- cykros [cykros!~cykros@c-09-47-70-945.hsd9.ma.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[05:23:30] cykros is now known as SoyGuest67525
[05:41:44] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - India to Require "Panic Button" on New Phones - http://sylnt.us - what-could-possibly-go-wrong
[06:02:35] <chromas> I thought twitter was already on its death bed
[06:02:44] <chromas> #triggered2016
[07:16:28] <crutchy> wats twitter?
[07:43:17] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Soylent News has a Top 1000 Folding@Home Team! - http://sylnt.us - yay-us!
[07:57:18] <crutchy> ~eds
[07:57:19] <exec> editor ping for crutchy: janrinok LaminatorX n1 nick martyb Bytram Azrael mrcoolbp cmn32480 coolhand takyon bytram|away NotSanguine
[07:57:29] <crutchy> mwahahaha!
[07:57:52] <crutchy> the http://irc.soylentnews.org in the folding story should be chat.soylentnews.org
[08:13:19] <chromas> did it change?
[08:13:39] <chromas> oh, the web client
[08:13:43] <chromas> the_web--
[08:13:43] <Bender> karma - the_web: -1
[08:29:08] <crutchy> irc.soylentnews.org takes you to a derp page
[08:29:29] <crutchy> maybe meant irc.sylnt.us
[08:29:42] <crutchy> hmm
[08:29:50] <crutchy> https://www.google.com
[08:29:50] <TransBotula> ^✓ 03Google ( https://www.google.com )
[08:29:53] <crutchy> :D
[08:30:09] <crutchy> thought TransBotula was sleeping on the jerb :p
[08:34:12] <crutchy> ooh poutine is on freenode >;-D
[08:36:56] <crutchy> <uptime> poutine: You just got banned from windows, quality support there buddy.
[08:36:59] <crutchy> lol
[08:39:13] -!- Pigeonburger has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[08:40:06] -!- Pigeonburger [Pigeonburger!~Pigeonbur@urvgb-618.298.601.673.electronicbox.net] has joined #Soylent
[08:51:12] <Gravis> pff... some people are no fun. -_- https://soylentnews.org
[08:51:13] <TransBotula> ^ 03SN comment by [02Gravis (4596)] (02Score:1, Redundant)
[09:14:26] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - U.S. Senate Nears Deal to Provide $1.1 Billion of Emergency Funding to Fight Zika Virus - http://sylnt.us - won't-someone-think-of-the-children?
[10:09:40] <cmn32480> crutchy - fixed link thatnks for the heads up
[10:09:56] <cmn32480> crutchy++
[10:09:56] <Bender> karma - crutchy: 202
[10:16:03] * Subsentient notices Bernie Sanders lost, lights a cigarette indoors in violation of his lease
[10:18:24] <Subsentient> Imma fucking hang myself
[10:18:27] <Subsentient> Fucking fuck
[10:18:42] <crutchy> he was never gunna win. same as ron paul was never gunna win
[10:18:52] <crutchy> nice guys finish last]
[10:19:08] <Subsentient> The worst part is, I really had some hope here.
[10:21:49] <Subsentient> crutchy: So it's Ms. Hypocrisy vs Mr. Hitler2.0 (tm)
[10:22:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[10:22:42] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2504
[10:23:34] <Subsentient> TheMightyBuzzard: Who you supporting? A good heated political piss off might take the doom of the country off my mind
[10:23:49] <crutchy> Subsentient, i think the point is that its mr and mrs more of the same
[10:24:06] <crutchy> the establishment is doing everything it can to protect the status quo
[10:24:18] <crutchy> only fools think trump and hillary aren't status quo
[10:24:39] <Subsentient> Well Trump is gonna be a lot worse than Bush, like, a lot worse.
[10:24:51] <Subsentient> Hillary I expect Obama's 3rd term.
[10:24:52] <TheMightyBuzzard> supporting? nobody. I'm hoping trump wins though for the shakeup it could potentially cause the Reps as a party.
[10:25:14] <crutchy> whoever wins will spend all their time whinging about congress
[10:25:56] <crutchy> and whoever wins may well be inheriting an economic time bomb
[10:26:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> the alternative is hillary, who's arguably as corrupt a politician as the US has ever produced.
[10:26:13] <crutchy> probably
[10:26:20] <crutchy> well, they're all pretty bad
[10:26:28] <Subsentient> Except Bernie. And now he's lost.
[10:26:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> sanders? he never had a chance. this is the US and we don't elect socialists.
[10:26:58] <Subsentient> Probably. It's the glimmer of hope I had that makes this painful.
[10:27:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> you gotta disguise that shit by calling yourself a democrat. you outright say it and you just shot your political career in the head.
[10:27:22] <crutchy> Subsentient, there are so many ron paul supporters that know how you feel
[10:27:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> well unless you're running for mayor of SF or something.
[10:28:07] <crutchy> many think that the republican party literally had to doctor primary results to stop him
[10:29:23] <chromas> hilary would make safes paces for all
[10:29:44] <chromas> except the cistraightwhites
[10:30:48] <crutchy> you might all get your own free private email servers
[10:31:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> fuck no. i've administered email servers. i'd rather have google reading all my mail.
[10:33:00] <crutchy> they'll be managed by the NSA
[10:33:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> thas fine
[10:33:46] <chromas> nmail
[10:36:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> you know, i've got a protonmail account now. i really should start using it.
[10:37:43] <crutchy> i have a gitlab.com account now, but its slower than github and i mistakenly thought gitlab was by atlassian but its not so it blows
[10:37:48] <crutchy> and its ruby
[10:37:58] <crutchy> so it definitely blows
[10:38:19] -!- FatPhil [FatPhil!phil@azdr.ee] has joined #Soylent
[10:38:45] <chromas> ruby doobie doo!
[10:38:51] <chromas> on rails
[10:40:07] <FatPhil> I need some crazy training in that language
[10:40:58] <crutchy> FatPhil, i made a little script in it a few weeks ago. weird syntax, but i kinda come to appreciate the 'gem'concept
[10:41:01] <chromas> atlassian--
[10:41:01] <Bender> karma - atlassian: 0
[10:41:18] * chromas opens website, gets a bunch of audio loops playing over and over on top of each other
[10:41:18] <crutchy> sourcetree++
[10:41:18] <Bender> karma - sourcetree: 7
[10:41:35] <crutchy> oh yeah they got one of those shitty scroller websites
[10:41:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> do like i do. just decide you want to learn it and jump into a huge project of your own creation using it.
[10:41:45] <chromas> I...
[10:41:48] <chromas> was audio rape
[10:41:50] <chromas> d
[10:42:00] * crutchy is jealous
[10:42:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> feet first into a massive clusterfuck. it's the only way to learn.
[10:43:33] <TheMightyBuzzard> like i started SN coding by going after unicode support
[10:43:42] <crutchy> you're a masochist
[10:43:48] <TheMightyBuzzard> possibly, yes.
[10:43:48] <FatPhil> atlassian--
[10:43:49] <Bender> karma - atlassian: -1
[10:44:27] <crutchy> their website sucks, but sourcetree is teh shit
[10:44:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> kay, sunrise is in like 20m and i wanna be out at the lake for it cause it's gonna storm by noon.
[10:45:02] <chromas> they need a loonix version
[10:45:24] <crutchy> they do
[10:45:43] <crutchy> i'm forced to use my dodgy 'whatever i changed' git script in linux
[10:45:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> ruh roh. mod ban time
[10:46:04] <crutchy> someone picking on our mate gewg again?
[10:46:40] * crutchy hasn't logged in for months. i probably forgot how to mod
[10:47:09] <crutchy> is there an api command to find out when i last logged in?
[10:47:39] <FatPhil> I haven't logged in for months, as the machine in the office with a saved password has committed suicide. None of my home machines have that login stored. (including my brain)
[10:48:02] <crutchy> i forgot my password for the SN wiki
[10:48:10] <crutchy> and didn't register an email address with it
[10:48:54] <crutchy> though i think i got exec's login
[10:48:59] <crutchy> its an admin too :p
[10:49:18] <crutchy> i dare not use it cos i might be roped into something
[10:50:19] <FatPhil> I think I might be forced into learning LUA.
[10:50:39] <crutchy> i've heard the name, but that's about it
[10:51:20] <FatPhil> A friend wants to write an embedded OK for IoT devices, and I presuaded him that once he's got a kernel, the next layer up should all just be scripted in a light-weight language such as LUA
[10:51:30] <FatPhil> OS, not OK
[10:52:00] <FatPhil> I suggested it because it's fairly bloat-free. It runs on many microcontrollers, for example.
[10:52:35] <crutchy> i've done a very small amount of asm on an atmega128. i can't imagine how hard it would be to write a kernel that could be used for scripting
[10:52:35] <FatPhil> The crypto subsystem of your phone, the stuff even the kernel doesn't have hands-on access to, could well be LUA scripts, it is on Nokia phones.
[10:53:42] <crutchy> even writing a vga driver for it would be hard
[10:54:14] <FatPhil> he's already written an alternative init. All that has to do is spawn a LUA interpreter, and bob's your uncle.
[10:55:27] <FatPhil> The problem is that because it was my suggestion, he's expecting me to help out.
[10:55:46] <FatPhil> Task 1 - write a compiler in LUA, apparently
[10:56:22] <TheMightyBuzzard> crutchy, no. no command for finding out when you last logged in. i dunno where in the db to even look for that off hand.
[10:56:43] <crutchy> years ago i wanted to make a compiler for pascal. i think i got as far as the tokenizer
[10:56:47] <crutchy> :p
[10:59:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> FatPhil, grab an oss lua interpreter and port it. prolly be easier.
[10:59:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> hacking is almost always easier than ground up writing.
[11:01:09] <chromas> ~define jackhammer jesus
[11:01:10] <exec> [urbandictionary] 03jackhammer jesus: a dildo in the shape of a crucifix
[11:01:22] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~define farticle
[11:01:23] <exec> [local] farticle: What you call one tiny bubble out of all the bubbles when you fart in the tub.
[11:01:42] <chromas> ##googleunsafeimagesearch
[11:02:09] <crutchy> ~define doorsnoker
[11:02:11] <exec> doorsnoker: unable to find definition
[11:08:06] <FatPhil> ~define flaccinating
[11:08:07] <exec> [urbandictionary] 03flaccinating: Something that is seen as foreplay is occurring on the opposite partner's body or revealed about their character that is so repulsive it instantly causes the penis to become flaccid. Although at t...
[11:10:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> ewww, fishing forecast says no fooshes gonna bite until it starts raining again around lunchtime.
[11:15:29] <Subsentient> TheMightyBuzzard: neener neener
[11:16:00] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Hacking Team Break-in Explained - http://sylnt.us - playing-with-fire-might-get-you-burned
[11:16:08] <crutchy> holy shit what kinda computer has cmn32480 got going on that folding stuff!?
[11:16:26] <crutchy> its doing 302,772 points per day
[11:16:27] <Subsentient> TI-82
[11:16:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> s'all good. fishing ain't always about catching fish. often it's more about yacking with the old guys on the dock.
[11:16:30] <crutchy> lol
[11:17:07] <crutchy> my work poota is doing 1,835 points per day. k its only running while i'm not there, but still
[11:17:26] <crutchy> my work poota is a newish i7 with a decent nvidia card
[11:18:06] <crutchy> fiik what sorta poota you'd need to multiply that by 200-odd
[11:25:11] * Subsentient has a 4-core AMD APU at 1.3Ghz, and a 2.3Ghz Core2Duo (2 core) as his most powerful machines
[11:33:53] <Thouren> Used a q6600 core2duo in my main desktop from 2007-2015, such a good cpu
[11:34:21] * FatPhil
[11:34:59] * FatPhil 's decided to go fanless. my next purchase will be a Cubieboard2
[11:37:12] <Thouren> Main machine now is a gaming pc in a massive NZXT Source 530 case. Been eying a small form factor Linux workstation build
[11:38:08] <cmn32480> crutchy - my i7 laptop is pulling about 7k PPD
[11:38:32] <cmn32480> I have an old server runnign about 15k ppd
[11:38:49] <cmn32480> the Celeron that Exec is running on gets about 400 ppd
[11:39:44] <cmn32480> and my box at the house has an AMD FX-8350, which pulls about 20k ppd
[11:40:07] <cmn32480> and a GTX970, which pulls between 280k and 310k ppd depending in the Work unit
[11:51:26] <Thouren> cmn32480, you use FAH as a space heater too?
[11:51:35] <cmn32480> yep~!
[11:52:02] <cmn32480> all my stuff is running on medium.. except the laptop, which runs on light... 'cuz... ya know work wants me to actually do stuff
[11:52:20] <Thouren> Nvidia has a FAH rewards program too
[11:52:25] <Thouren> But I run all AMD :(
[11:52:31] <cmn32480> Do they really?
[11:53:04] <Thouren> Whoops, it's EVGA
[11:53:14] <Thouren> http://www.evga.com
[11:53:15] <TransBotula> ^ 03EVGA - Folding@EVGA - Home
[11:53:46] * cmn32480 can't remember whose name is on the card he bought
[11:53:51] <Thouren> A friend paid for most of a 970 through it, that's why I was thinking Nvidia
[11:54:18] <Thouren> Can't go wrong with about any 970
[11:54:24] <crutchy> normally whenever i read "for the greater good" its a signal to run far away
[11:56:23] <cmn32480> you ahve to be on tehri team for it
[11:56:42] <Thouren> Or at least fold under their team the required amount of hours
[11:57:06] <Thouren> If you use FAH on the regular it could be worth it for you
[11:57:21] <cmn32480> then our team gets hosed
[11:57:39] <Thouren> Does soylent have a team?
[11:57:43] <cmn32480> we does
[11:57:53] <cmn32480> just cracked the top 1000 yesterday
[11:58:21] <cmn32480> https://soylentnews.org
[11:58:23] <TransBotula> ^ 03SN article:  Soylent News has a Top 1000 Folding@Home Team! 04(4 comments)
[11:59:09] <Thouren> cmn32480, You know the team number? I'll chip in
[11:59:18] <crutchy> ~link folding
[11:59:20] <exec> ├─ folding@home => http://fah-web.stanford.edu
[11:59:20] <exec> └─ folding@home_stats => http://folding.extremeoverclocking.com
[11:59:25] <cmn32480> 230319
[11:59:31] <Thouren> Thanks!
[11:59:54] <crutchy> my work poota is folding again tonight
[12:00:28] <crutchy> i got 4 pootas on my desk atm, but can't use the others
[12:01:05] <Thouren> I only fold on GPU, CPU just doesn't have the PPD to be worth it
[12:01:27] <crutchy> our server room gets so warm we gotta leave the door open at night to let it cool down. this weekend they're putting a whol lot more shit in there too which will be interesting. apparently they're putting an A/C unit in there in the next couple of weeks
[12:01:48] <Thouren> Though I have my dual Xeon 5647 server inactive right now
[12:02:16] <Thouren> I realized my server was really only running Flexget, I could use a raspi for that much cheaper
[12:02:44] <crutchy> i could fold on the hypervisor gpu. its a workstation card with multiple display ports. not sure of model
[12:02:56] <crutchy> but it would heat up the server room even more :p
[12:03:13] <Thouren> I'm running an R9 295x2 for my gpu, insane amounts of heat
[12:03:54] <crutchy> dunno if i'd wanna put in on the hyperv. if it caused it to tank that would be bad
[12:05:42] <crutchy> i'll try running it just on my gt 640 at home here
[12:06:00] <crutchy> probably wont do much, but better than nothing. running the cpu bogs everything down
[12:07:09] <cmn32480> the 640 may or may not handle it
[12:07:37] <cmn32480> https://folding.stanford.edu
[12:07:38] <TransBotula> ^ 03WinGPUGuide — Folding@home
[12:10:09] <Thouren> Had an apartment for awhile with shit heat, but electric was included. Lease said no electric space heaters, but no rules on gaming pcs...
[12:10:21] <crutchy> lol
[12:10:59] <Thouren> https://www.pugetsystems.com
[12:11:00] <TransBotula> ^ 03Gaming PC vs. Space Heater Efficiency - Puget Custom Computers
[12:11:10] <crutchy> set up a bitcoin mining operation ;-P
[12:11:18] <Thouren> TL;DR roughly as efficient as each other
[12:11:46] <Thouren> I use bitcoin, but pretty sure mining isn't profitable unless you're running a crazy AISC setup now
[12:12:03] <crutchy> it is if you get free electricity
[12:12:06] <crutchy> :)
[12:12:37] <crutchy> and you get the added benefit of heating
[12:13:50] <cmn32480> Video Card: 3x NVIDIA GeForce GTX Titan 6GB
[12:13:54] <cmn32480> JEBUS!
[12:14:19] <Thouren> I don't get free electric anymore sadly
[12:14:49] <crutchy> cmn32480, some people have moar dollars than sense
[12:14:56] <Thouren> These are amazing http://www.newegg.com
[12:14:57] <TransBotula> ^ 03Computer Parts, PC Components, Laptop Computers, LED LCD TV, Digital Cameras and more - Newegg.com ( http://www.newegg.com )
[12:18:43] <crutchy> i got a question for all you computer securitah experts
[12:19:01] <Thouren> Oh boy
[12:19:33] * cmn32480 hides
[12:19:48] <crutchy> i'm considering adding option to use just hostname for authenticating irc admin commands. is that any less secure than using nickserv account with a 330 numeric?
[12:19:53] <cmn32480> crutchy - no you soudl not give out your passwords... even for $50
[12:20:11] <crutchy> cmn32480, wat? that's just nonsensement!
[12:20:38] * crutchy shoves his hunter2 up cmn32480's ***
[12:21:00] * cmn32480 has no idea.
[12:21:47] <crutchy> i figure they both come from the server
[12:21:55] <crutchy> only thing i can think of is a mitm
[12:22:13] <crutchy> but they would both be as susceptable as each other to that
[12:23:24] * crutchy wonders if its possible to spoof the hostname and have the server repeat the spoof
[12:24:37] <crutchy> "To avoid spoofing, an ircd (the IRC server program) will compare reverse and forward DNS—that is, it will make sure your rDNS hostname points back to your IP address—before displaying it to other users."
[12:24:55] -!- stderr has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[12:24:58] <crutchy> http://superuser.com
[12:24:59] <TransBotula> ^ 03dns - How does hostname spoofing/customization work on IRC networks? - Super User
[12:27:25] <crutchy> i'll give it a whirl first just on one script
[12:32:04] <cmn32480> http://dilbert.com
[12:32:05] <TransBotula> ^ 03Miracle Of Consciousness - Dilbert Comic Strip on 2016-04-27 | Dilbert by Scott Adams
[12:39:47] <crutchy> wow. using hostname is waaaaay fkin easier
[12:39:58] * crutchy was wondering what i was missing :p
[12:40:24] <crutchy> screw you nickserv!
[12:41:18] <crutchy> actually i might keep nickserv auth for bot admin. i'll keep hostname auth for scripts
[12:42:10] <crutchy> the whois stuff has that extra element of security by obscurity about it :p
[12:42:18] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[12:42:34] <Bytram> coffee++
[12:42:35] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2505
[12:42:40] <Bytram> ~weather boston
[12:42:42] <exec> 10Boston, MA, USA - currently 41°F, mostly cloudy, wind NW at 8 mph, humidity 70% - Wednesday partly cloudy (38°F:59°F), Thursday mostly sunny (42°F:57°F), Friday partly cloudy (39°F:49°F), Saturday mostly sunny (42°F:54°F)
[12:42:44] <Bytram> ~weather portland, me
[12:42:46] <exec> 10Portland, ME, USA - currently 40°F, mostly sunny, wind W at 8 mph, humidity 65% - Wednesday sunny (31°F:55°F), Thursday mostly sunny (32°F:53°F), Friday partly cloudy (34°F:50°F), Saturday partly cloudy (38°F:55°F)
[12:42:49] <Bytram> ~weather presque isle
[12:42:51] <exec> 10Presque Isle, ME, USA - currently 32°F, sunny, wind NW at 12 mph, humidity 48% - Wednesday mostly cloudy (19°F:45°F), Thursday mostly cloudy (19°F:41°F), Friday sunny (24°F:51°F), Saturday mostly sunny (28°F:55°F)
[12:42:55] * crutchy just finished his last cuppa for the day
[12:43:01] <crutchy> ahoy Bytram o/
[12:43:05] * Bytram is most of the way through his first
[12:43:11] <Bytram> ahoy!
[12:43:13] <crutchy> ~time
[12:43:14] <exec> Wednesday, 27 April 2016 @ 10:43 pm GMT+10 - Traralgon VIC
[12:43:23] <Bytram> kinda late there, buddy!
[12:43:33] <Bytram> looks like folding is going well
[12:43:46] <crutchy> getting near bed time. just working on this server script a little more
[12:43:59] <Bytram> nod nod
[12:44:20] <Bytram> I'm just poking in for a few moments before I needs to head to work.
[12:44:30] <crutchy> exec needs moar complexity!
[12:46:45] <Bytram> here's some: 3+5i
[12:47:09] <Bytram> here's some more: exec+=sqrt(-3)
[12:47:09] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Clinton Trolls Shut Down Pro-Sanders Facebook Groups on the Eve of Elections - http://sylnt.us - gotta-love-social-media
[12:48:07] <crutchy> wow its been a long time since i did that kinda math
[13:01:42] -!- crutchy_ [crutchy_!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[13:04:15] <crutchy> disadvantage of using hostname auth is that unless the admin uses a cloak, anyone on the same ip can access
[13:06:40] <Bytram> gtg.
[13:06:48] <Bytram> have a great day everyone!
[13:06:49] Bytram is now known as Bytram|away
[13:06:51] <crutchy> cya mate. you too
[13:10:20] <Thouren> coffee++
[13:10:20] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2506
[13:11:05] <Thouren> ~weather Detroit
[13:11:07] <exec> 10Detroit, MI, USA - currently 45°F / 7°C, sunny, wind NE at 11 mph, humidity 60% - Wednesday mostly sunny (40°F:59°F / 4°C:15°C), Thursday cloudy (40°F:51°F / 4°C:11°C), Friday scattered showers (38°F:60°F / 3°C:16°C), Saturday partly cloudy (46°F:61°F / 8°C:16°C)
[13:11:21] <Thouren> Beautiful day in the city
[13:14:25] <AndyTheAbsurd> ~weather Saint Petersburg, FL
[13:14:27] <exec> 10St Petersburg, FL, USA - currently 75°F / 24°C, mostly sunny, wind S at 10 mph, humidity 78% - Wednesday mostly sunny (72°F:83°F / 22°C:28°C), Thursday sunny (72°F:84°F / 22°C:29°C), Friday sunny (72°F:85°F / 22°C:29°C), Saturday partly cloudy (73°F:85°F / 23°C:29°C)
[13:19:35] <Thouren> Guess there's a reason why my parents moved to Florida
[13:23:54] <AndyTheAbsurd> There's lots about this place that suck, though.
[13:24:18] <AndyTheAbsurd> I'd be fine with the heat except that almost always also humid as hell
[13:24:31] <AndyTheAbsurd> So you walk outside and two minutes later you've got swamp ass
[13:24:54] <AndyTheAbsurd> And half the population doesn't know how to drive, but they do it anyway.
[13:26:05] * cmn32480 envisions AndyTheAbsurd with swamp ass.. and retches into a trash can
[13:28:35] <AndyTheAbsurd> That is an appropriate reaction. (And I'm not even a fatass.)
[13:29:25] <AndyTheAbsurd> Also, another thing about driving around here: the interstate highways in the area were designed by drunken civil engineers.
[13:29:54] <cmn32480> and every other road has a toll on it
[13:31:03] <AndyTheAbsurd> Nah, you're thinking of northern New Jersey. Which is an equally terrible place, but for completely different reasons. ;)
[13:42:20] <Thouren> AndyTheAbsurd, I lived in florida for 7-8 months after high school. Only place I was actually scared riding motorcycles
[13:49:03] <exec> 05*** SN funding is currently $984
[14:06:19] <crutchy> cmn32480, just fixed a bug in the bucket_read function in lib_buckets.php
[14:06:27] <crutchy> just about every script uses it :p
[14:07:07] <crutchy> it may have been the cause of the odd bucket instability that seems to happen once in a blue moon
[14:07:21] <crutchy> very hard to replicate/debug
[14:09:31] <cmn32480> cruthy - did you update the file?
[14:10:07] <crutchy> nah not yet. still testing
[14:10:22] <crutchy> i've got an infinite loop, reading the same bucket over and over
[14:10:45] -!- stderr [stderr!~pohol@GetOffMyLawn/stderr] has joined #Soylent
[14:10:45] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v stderr] by Aphrodite
[14:11:07] <crutchy> before it would randomly read the value, then read an empty, in blocks of random increments
[14:11:15] <crutchy> now its consistent
[14:11:41] <crutchy> just seems like there might be a couple of rogue line breaks in the pipe somewhere still
[14:12:07] <crutchy> it consistently reads the value every 3rd call
[14:13:27] <crutchy> i think this bug probably was the cause of corruption of the occasional large serialized bucket
[14:13:41] <crutchy> if it split the string at a space, the space was trimmed
[14:13:54] <crutchy> which corrupted the entire serialized array
[14:14:30] <crutchy> only happened very rarely though, mainly when i was working on irciv
[14:15:19] <crutchy> it was probably also the reason why base64 encoding a serialized array was more stable; no spaces
[14:16:47] <crutchy> bucket_read works ok for a single call, same as exec does now
[14:17:03] <crutchy> only a problem in a loop, or yeah large serialized arrays
[14:17:11] <crutchy> wow sorry for wall of text :p
[14:18:20] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Millions of Mexican Voter Records 'Were Accessible Online' - http://sylnt.us - Sudden-Surge-in-Voter-Turnout
[14:18:50] -!- crutchy_ has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[14:18:53] <cmn32480> is IK.. I love ya anyway
[14:27:01] -!- stderr has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[14:35:29] <crutchy> woohoo!
[14:35:44] <crutchy> now it consistently reads the bucket on every increment :D
[14:36:11] <crutchy> eliminated the loop too
[14:36:17] <crutchy> much simpler code
[14:38:13] <crutchy> ~update-exec-file irc.php
[14:38:15] <exec> attempting to download https://raw.githubusercontent.com
[14:38:15] <exec> successfully saved downloaded content to "/home/chris/Downloads/Exec/exec-irc-bot-master/irc.php"
[14:38:30] <crutchy> ~update-exec-file irc_lib.php
[14:38:32] <exec> attempting to download https://raw.githubusercontent.com
[14:38:33] <exec> successfully saved downloaded content to "/home/chris/Downloads/Exec/exec-irc-bot-master/irc_lib.php"
[14:38:48] <crutchy> ~update-exec-file scripts/lib_buckets.php
[14:38:50] <exec> attempting to download https://raw.githubusercontent.com
[14:38:50] <exec> successfully saved downloaded content to "/home/chris/Downloads/Exec/exec-irc-bot-master/scripts/lib_buckets.php"
[14:39:02] <crutchy> ~restart
[14:39:06] <exec> successfully saved buckets file (74.4 kb)
[14:39:12] * crutchy crosses finglers
[14:39:14] -!- exec has quit [Quit: dafuq]
[14:39:30] -!- exec [exec!~exec@23.24.kp.ip] has joined #Soylent
[14:39:33] <Runaway1956> coffee++ but I think I sugared my coffee twice . . . . need some un-sweetener now.
[14:39:33] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2507
[14:40:33] <crutchy> ~g'day Runaway1956
[14:40:36] * exec seductively experiences yo mama's asscrack of skittles with Runaway1956
[14:40:36] -!- Webbyatwork [Webbyatwork!~Stefan@217.33.jmz.sy] has joined #Soylent
[14:40:45] <crutchy> woohoo no #debug flood :)
[14:40:52] <Webbyatwork> Good afternoon fellow soylentis
[14:41:04] <crutchy> ahoy!
[14:41:11] <AndyTheAbsurd> hello Webbyatwork
[14:41:11] <Webbyatwork> finally got around to adding you lot to my IRC client
[14:41:22] <crutchy> heh
[14:41:38] <Webbyatwork> FYI, Webweasel on soylent. Will be under that nick on my home connection later
[14:42:00] <crutchy> welcome to the nuthouse :p
[14:42:08] <Webbyatwork> Thanks
[14:42:55] <crutchy> cmn32480, hopefully that little update worked. any problemos you can punch me later
[14:43:02] <crutchy> bed time for me
[14:43:05] <crutchy> ciao!
[14:44:45] <Webbyatwork> gnight
[14:45:08] <Webbyatwork> So is this channel US centric mostly?
[14:45:22] <Webbyatwork> i.e. quiet during EU daytime...
[14:45:58] <FatPhil> it's very quiet, from my perspective, when I'm asleep.
[14:48:24] <Webbyatwork> Yeah, Global timing is a pain. Its really noticable how out of sync my comments on soylent are time wise, all replys seem to happen when i'm asleep
[14:49:48] <SirFinkus> http://stackoverflow.com
[14:49:49] <TransBotula> ^ 03c++ - Compiling an application for use in highly radio-active environments - Stack Overflow
[14:49:55] <SirFinkus> that's a neat question
[14:50:09] <SirFinkus> lo Webbyatwork, welcome
[14:50:17] <Webbyatwork> Thanks
[14:50:18] <Runaway1956> I wouldn't worry bout US-centric, Webbyatwork - there are people from all over here
[14:50:21] -!- stderr [stderr!~pohol@GetOffMyLawn/stderr] has joined #Soylent
[14:50:21] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v stderr] by Aphrodite
[14:50:42] <AndyTheAbsurd> there are even people here who aren't actually people.
[14:50:45] <AndyTheAbsurd> coffee--
[14:50:46] <Bender> karma - tea: 549
[14:50:50] <Runaway1956> There's even a guy from Oklahoma here!
[14:50:50] <Webbyatwork> Ahhh good to see you Runaway1956, glad to have really active members like you around
[14:51:00] * SirFinkus just woke up
[14:51:12] <Runaway1956> Uh-oh . . . .
[14:51:25] <AndyTheAbsurd> LOL! Is trying to subtract karma from coffee adding karma to tea? Or removing it?
[14:51:29] <AndyTheAbsurd> coffee--
[14:51:29] <Bender> karma - tea: 550
[14:51:40] <Webbyatwork> Its like being on <the green site who's name will not be mentioned> back in 1999
[14:52:02] <Runaway1956> karma++
[14:52:02] <Bender> karma - karma: 17
[14:52:06] <SirFinkus> that's why I've boycotted the karma system in irc AndyTheAbsurd
[14:52:10] <Runaway1956> coffee++
[14:52:10] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2508
[14:52:11] <AndyTheAbsurd> that was a good time to be at that place; I enjoyed it back then.
[14:53:07] <AndyTheAbsurd> Now I feel dirty whenever I go on that site. Although I ignored it for a long time and the last few times I've been back, the quality of the articles seemed to have gone up.
[14:53:31] <SirFinkus> you guys should give it another shot, I heard they overhauled the interface and everything
[14:53:33] <Webbyatwork> Yes, they have but the comments are getting worse and worse
[14:53:40] <Runaway1956> Yeah, Dice Holdings gave it up - it can only go uphill from there
[14:53:44] <SirFinkus> bigger pictures, and more javascript
[14:54:02] <Webbyatwork> heh they at least dropped videos
[14:54:04] <SirFinkus> they're even doing product reviews and stuff
[14:54:32] <SirFinkus> and you can follow them on twitter and facebook
[14:55:10] <Runaway1956> I like that "clinton trolls" article - it somehow insinuates that Clinton might have some supporters who are NOT trolls
[14:55:23] -!- stderr has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[14:56:09] <SirFinkus> when arguing with someone, I operate under the assumption that they're sincere
[14:56:17] <SirFinkus> it's all bernie in my area
[14:56:32] <SirFinkus> i've only seen one hillary bumper sticker
[14:56:52] <SirFinkus> their other bumper sticker was great though
[14:57:07] <SirFinkus> "I'm so gay, I can't even drive straight" made me chortle
[14:57:18] <Runaway1956> Bernie is actually kinda cool, despite that fact that I don't much like liberals
[14:57:27] <SirFinkus> which is a high bar for a bumper sticker
[14:57:43] <SirFinkus> he's the only candidate in the running (lol) that I'd vote for
[14:58:19] <SirFinkus> everyone else is just trying to one-up each other on the spying and torture shit
[14:58:24] * Runaway1956 believes he is going to vote Johnson
[14:58:31] <SirFinkus> "I'd bring back waterboarding"
[14:58:40] <SirFinkus> "Oh yeah, I'd waterboard their families!"
[14:58:41] <SirFinkus> etc etc
[14:59:12] <Runaway1956> Personally, I'd waterboard every elected official in the nation, and let the terrorists go home.
[14:59:17] <cmn32480> Runaway1956 - don't vote for that dick
[14:59:42] <Runaway1956> But, cmn32480, half the rest of the country is going to vote for a twat!
[15:00:00] <cmn32480> Hillary Cliton?
[15:00:05] <SirFinkus> I think I voted for Jill Stein last election
[15:00:09] <Runaway1956> You got it right in one guess
[15:00:13] <SirFinkus> might have been Johnson
[15:00:20] * AndyTheAbsurd predicts ~15% write in votes for Sanders in the general.
[15:00:22] <cmn32480> we shoudl start a write in campaign for Harry Johnson
[15:00:35] <Runaway1956> or for Dirty Harry
[15:00:51] <SirFinkus> I'm voting for https://www.youtube.com
[15:00:51] <TransBotula> ^✓ 03Vermin Supreme: When I'm President Everyone Gets A Free Pony - YouTube
[15:01:03] <AndyTheAbsurd> We should find a guy named Richard Long and get him elected President.
[15:01:14] <Runaway1956> Fek a pony, I hate when my feet drag on the ground like that . . . .
[15:01:27] <Runaway1956> Would he be president long?
[15:01:44] <SirFinkus> he will also faithfully execute every american
[15:02:05] <SirFinkus> it's not about the government issue toothpaste with a harmless but addictive substance
[15:02:36] <Runaway1956> I love harmless but addictive - sounds like McDonalds Big Mac!
[15:04:53] <Runaway1956> Oh, I'm passing out free beer and food over on the site today . . . .
[15:05:20] <Runaway1956> It's all web food, so it won't even fatten you lardarses up any
[15:05:31] <SirFinkus> will the beer at least work?
[15:05:45] <Runaway1956> Hell, we don't work, why should the beer?
[15:06:15] <Runaway1956> https://soylentnews.org
[15:06:15] <TransBotula> ^✓ 03SN article:  Soylent News has a Top 1000 Folding@Home Team! 04(4 comments)
[15:06:49] <SirFinkus> we're going to overtake the navy soon
[15:07:19] <Runaway1956> That's a no-shitter? No way! We're taking on the NAVY!?!?!?!
[15:07:48] <SirFinkus> http://folding.extremeoverclocking.com
[15:07:48] <TransBotula> ^✓ 03SoylentNews.org - Team Summary - EXTREME Overclocking Folding @ Home Stats
[15:08:16] <Runaway1956> Not just one navy, but TWO navies! Scroll up three spots, and the German Navy is there too!
[15:08:24] <Webbyatwork> Man, that takes me back. Have not run boinc or seti in years...
[15:09:01] <SirFinkus> should join our team, we're making great progress
[15:09:17] <Runaway1956> It's been awhile for me too, Webbyatwork - I thought I had a lot of points, but today's computers simply dwarf all my previous contributions
[15:09:56] <SirFinkus> you're in 2nd place on the ppd
[15:11:13] <Runaway1956> Yeah, I just invested in a video card, that's where most of my recent numbers are coming from
[15:11:34] <Webbyatwork> I was, once in the top 0.1% of contributors for seti, probably around 2003 I guess
[15:11:47] <Webbyatwork> I'd set it to run in the background of every PC in our call centre
[15:11:52] <Runaway1956> GTX 780 TI - has more power than 22 CPU cores, and 2 lesser video cards, combined
[15:11:52] <Webbyatwork> so about 3000 machines
[15:12:48] -!- stderr [stderr!~pohol@GetOffMyLawn/stderr] has joined #Soylent
[15:12:48] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v stderr] by Aphrodite
[15:13:52] <cmn32480> Webbyatwork - NICE!
[15:13:56] <SirFinkus> awesome
[15:14:05] <SirFinkus> except the call center bit, that sounds like hell
[15:14:14] <Webbyatwork> shudder to think how much electricity cost the firm
[15:14:23] <Runaway1956> Holy crap - how do I manage to have so many tabs open? Not just one, but two browsers.
[15:14:38] <Webbyatwork> I was desktop support back then, call centre was great. In the summer, when the aircon broke....
[15:15:00] <SirFinkus> so it was literally hell, heat and all
[15:15:00] <Webbyatwork> and a director that tried to only employ young blondes ;-)
[15:15:11] <Runaway1956> This is just a friendly reminder that you have not yet viewed the Care2
[15:15:11] <Runaway1956> e-card that The Care2 Team sent you 7 days ago.
[15:15:34] <SirFinkus> so you got away with folding on the computers because you're a young blonde?
[15:15:42] <Webbyatwork> SirFinkus, yes. It was hell.
[15:15:43] <Webbyatwork> LOL
[15:15:52] <Webbyatwork> well, I am blonde.. with long hair, wrong sex though
[15:16:00] <SirFinkus> damn
[15:16:10] <SirFinkus> but is it the wrong sex?
[15:16:22] * SirFinkus scoots up uncomfortably close to Webbyatwork
[15:16:24] <Webbyatwork> Well, are we not all trans nowadays?
[15:16:31] <Webbyatwork> I thought you had to be trans to be cool online now
[15:16:45] <Runaway1956> Oh-oh - SirFinkus is hitting on our Webby . . . .
[15:17:02] <Webbyatwork> It's OK, Ive been single for 13 years. Any port in a storm right?
[15:17:16] * cmn32480 avoids this conversation adn goes back to his day job
[15:17:26] <Runaway1956> I foresee an episode of User Friendly unfolding before our eyes
[15:17:56] <Runaway1956> Lemme know when we get to the exciting part, with space crowbars and stuff.
[15:17:58] <SirFinkus> the trouble is determineing whether you're the boat or the port
[15:18:10] <Webbyatwork> lol
[15:19:22] <Webbyatwork> More like marooned on a desert island
[15:19:49] <SirFinkus> drinking coconut milk?
[15:20:53] <Webbyatwork> Nah makes you fat
[15:20:57] <SirFinkus> oh, speaking of hell
[15:21:02] <SirFinkus> I get to go to the DMV today
[15:21:16] <SirFinkus> so I may be away from irc for a month or two
[15:21:41] <Webbyatwork> We hear about the DMV over in europe.....hell sounds like an understatement
[15:22:05] <AndyTheAbsurd> hell is an understatement for what happens at most DMVs
[15:22:08] <Webbyatwork> Heh, I renewed my driving licence and paid my road tax online last month
[15:22:32] <Webbyatwork> UK gov has actually done a good job, they used my Passport licence to auto renew my driving licence photo card
[15:22:35] <AndyTheAbsurd> And apparently California DMV now lets you set appointments online, but they're already booked out three months in most places.
[15:22:52] <SirFinkus> I was dark patterned into accidentally clicking the box that makes me come in
[15:23:05] <Webbyatwork> So, we don't have a DMV here, you either fill in forms at the post office or do it online
[15:23:21] <cmn32480> Maryladn's DMV is actaully not too bad.
[15:23:22] <SirFinkus> a very strangely worded question on the website about my vision
[15:23:25] <Webbyatwork> But I never understand why you lot have to visit the DMV so often
[15:23:32] <Webbyatwork> you have something weird about number plates?
[15:23:36] <Webbyatwork> new tags or something?
[15:23:42] <SirFinkus> apparently I have to take a vision test
[15:24:28] <nick> Webbyatwork, makes it very difficult to actually complain to the DVLA ;)
[15:24:43] <nick> can't blame the poor people at the post office.
[15:24:46] <AndyTheAbsurd> Webbyatwork: license plates here don't follow the car the way they do in Britain (IIRC about the details of that in Britain). New owner of car = new plate = visit to the DMV if it's a private sale.
[15:25:08] <Webbyatwork> nick, yeah except when they lose the car sales form thing (v5?) and you get 20 parking tickets ;-)
[15:25:18] <SirFinkus> I wouldn't even bother with it, but I won't be able to buy beer without my license
[15:25:21] <Webbyatwork> AndyTheAbsurd, thanks that explains it
[15:25:28] <cmn32480> back in a minuite... need to reboot.. PC is not acting right
[15:25:34] <SirFinkus> I could use bike and bus for the vast majority of the time if I wanted
[15:25:41] <Webbyatwork> Home time for me, Ill catch you guys n girls later
[15:25:51] <SirFinkus> and I'm off to school
[15:26:07] <nick> careful there Webbyatwork, a V5 isn't proof of ownership, just means the DVLA gets to fine you for anything that happens to the vehicle ;)
[15:26:10] -!- Webbyatwork has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[15:26:14] <nick> awww
[15:26:26] <Runaway1956> There's an exception to the license plate thing in Texas - the plates follow the car, they need a new sticker every year, but you keep the plates forever
[15:27:23] <AndyTheAbsurd> Neat. You're supposed to get a new plate every 5 years here in FL.
[15:27:36] <AndyTheAbsurd> So far, I've always changed cars more frequently than that.
[15:28:24] <nick> seems kind of silly to get a new plate all the time
[15:28:33] <nick> waste of resources
[15:29:38] <AndyTheAbsurd> Well, they charge you $100 to get a new plate, and I'm sure it doesn't cost them that much to make one.
[15:30:19] <nick> well sure, but they could achieve the same result with the sticker, like in texas
[15:30:36] <Runaway1956> It might cost them two or three dollars - I think most states use prison labor to produce the plates
[15:31:00] <AndyTheAbsurd> Oh, they have those, too - bright yellow sticker in the corner of the plate.
[15:31:02] <nick> same as what they used to do in the UK, with the tax disc, although now we dont even get that, just get to pay the money and hope the system works
[15:31:21] <nick> oh if they're doubling up, it makes more sense
[15:31:47] <nick> get an extra $100 every 5 years, or when a new car is purchased
[15:37:04] <TheMightyBuzzard> stupid weather
[15:37:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> #weather
[15:37:08] <MrPlow> Today: Isolated thunderstorms this morning, then mostly cloudy during the afternoon with heavy thunderstorms becoming likely. A few storms may be severe. High near 80F. Winds SSW at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 90%. Tomorrow: Sunny. High 84F. Winds W at 5 to 10 mph.
[15:38:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> ran out of dough bait. got rained on. would get thunder stormed on in an hour if i stayed out there.
[15:38:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> think it's time to call it a day for fishing.
[15:38:49] * cmn32480 hands TheMightyBuzzard a towel
[15:39:21] <Runaway1956> The fish are already wet man, they don't care about the rain.
[15:40:28] * TheMightyBuzzard always has knows where his towel is
[15:41:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> Runaway1956, strangely, they do. rain washes all kinds of stuff they're happy to eat into the water and makes it much harder to catch anything.
[15:42:22] <Runaway1956> like chumming, right?
[15:44:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> with the opposite effect
[15:44:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> cause it's not localized. it's all around the entire lake.
[15:54:47] <FatPhil> a stick of dynamite should work
[15:58:33] <Thouren> FatPhil, +1 for sustainable fishing methods
[15:59:10] <FatPhil> yah - we'll never run out of dynamite!
[15:59:32] <FatPhil> anyway, time for fud.
[16:19:53] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - New Companies Begin to Target the Micro-Satellite Market - http://sylnt.us - whatever-happened-to-Project-HARP?
[16:39:21] * NCommander waves
[16:42:52] * AndyTheAbsurd waves at NCommander
[16:43:49] <NCommander> hey AndyTheAbsurd
[16:43:55] -!- testbot has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[17:24:29] <Gravis> TheMightyBuzzard: leave them fishes alone! il||li(つд-。)il||li
[17:51:02] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Details of Sex Abuse Could Mean Prison Time for Former House Speaker Hastert - http://sylnt.us - voters-need-to-pay-better-attention
[18:21:25] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Dennis Hastert Sentenced to 15 Months in Prison in Hush-Money Case - http://sylnt.us - voters-need-to-pay-better-attention
[19:11:55] -!- Pigeonburger has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[19:17:22] -!- Pigeonburger [Pigeonburger!~Pigeonbur@urvgb-618.298.601.673.electronicbox.net] has joined #Soylent
[19:21:36] <Subsentient> NCommander: Been a while. How is things?
[19:47:55] <cmn32480> ~funding
[19:47:59] <exec> 05*** SN funding has changed from $984 to $1,414
[19:52:35] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Intel Proposes Replacement of 3.5mm Audio Jacks with USB Type-C - http://sylnt.us - you-don't-know-jack
[20:37:53] <Gravis> stupid muscles need to stupidly heal because their stupid. >:(
[20:49:32] <takyon> yo
[21:02:52] <Subsentient> derp
[21:23:45] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - New TAILS and Tor Releases - http://sylnt.us - tails-I-win-heads-you-lose
[21:25:52] <NCommander> Subsentient, surviving :/
[21:26:12] <Subsentient> NCommander: What's up?
[21:31:16] <takyon> https://soylentnews.org
[21:31:17] <TransBotula> ^ 03SN journal How much did Dennis Hastert think of the children? 04(0 comments)
[21:32:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> good to see ya, NCommander. always lifts the spirits having you around.
[21:33:17] <takyon> http://www.anandtech.com
[21:33:18] <TransBotula> ^ 03SanDisk Announces Z410 Client SSD
[21:36:11] <takyon> http://www.hpcwire.com
[21:36:12] <TransBotula> ^ 03IBM Expands All-Flash Storage; Takes Aim at Cognitive Computing and Cloud
[21:38:25] <chromas> sounds ominous
[21:38:48] <chromas> SmartCloud™
[21:41:05] <takyon> http://www.tomshardware.com
[21:41:06] <TransBotula> ^ 03Could Nintendo's Mysterious 'NX' Console Run On An AMD Zen APU?
[21:44:14] <nick> i like the endorsement from "American Postal Workers Union Health Plan" at the end of that IBM article
[21:44:39] <takyon> https://photographyisnotacrime.com
[21:44:41] <TransBotula> ^ 03Oregon Man Found Guilty Five Months After Receiving Settlement for Same Arrest Involving Recording of Police - PINAC News
[21:46:16] <takyon> http://www.npr.org
[21:46:17] <TransBotula> ^ 03Las Vegas Columnist Quits After Ban On Writing About Adelson : NPR
[21:47:31] <nick> that 'recording of police' story is pretty fucked up
[21:48:14] <crutchy> holy crap the boss was here!?
[21:48:19] <crutchy> well, the other boss
[21:48:32] <crutchy> lots of empire stuff, ooh empire stuff..
[21:49:39] <takyon> PINAC never runs out of material, nick
[21:50:09] <nick> that's quite depressing
[21:54:09] <nick> do not like their website, horrible to look at
[21:55:25] <SirFinkus> well guys, I think my threats against microsoft were taking seriously
[21:55:35] <SirFinkus> just drove all the way home with a police tail/escort
[21:56:12] <nick> windows 10 is the best
[21:56:35] <SirFinkus> yessiree
[21:56:54] <SirFinkus> I'd never dream of driving to microsoft headquarts in redmond with a bag full of molotov cocktails
[22:01:58] <SirFinkus> shit, now I'm all paranoid
[22:07:24] <crutchy> lmao
[22:07:33] * crutchy points at _NSAKEY :p
[22:08:13] <crutchy> SirFinkus, go for a drive across the country and see if they follow
[22:08:26] <crutchy> then make up a video blog
[22:08:31] <crutchy> would be funny as
[22:09:02] <crutchy> make sure you do the close up selfie in the dark with the tears and all
[22:10:19] <chromas> but now they have confirmation they're following the right guy
[22:54:55] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Google, Ford, Uber Launch Coalition to Further Self-Driving Cars - http://sylnt.us - no-more-asking-directions
[23:27:38] * Subsentient sings the praises of smoked cat nipple jerky