#Soylent | Logs for 2016-05-06

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[00:21:26] <Gravis> woo! finished circlefs and it's an entire 1 file! :D
[00:21:55] <Gravis> circlefs is what lets programs create sockets for IPC and kills them when the PID is gone
[00:23:40] <Gravis> here it is in all it's 256 lines of glory: https://github.com
[00:23:41] <systemd> ^ 03circlefs/main.cpp at master · GravisZro/circlefs · GitHub
[00:49:48] -!- alexbst has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[00:51:02] -!- _NSAKEY has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[00:51:25] -!- _NSAKEY [_NSAKEY!~nsakey@2a01:4f8:zyy:tpmm::v] has joined #Soylent
[00:53:16] -!- alexbst [alexbst!~lysander@thmnovybb.internationalconspiracy.org] has joined #Soylent
[00:59:59] <cmn32480> well.. I done it.. I "upgraded" to windows 10
[01:00:42] <chromas> how was it?
[01:00:45] <chromas> do you feel violated?
[01:02:05] <cmn32480> like I got crewed in a very uncomfortable place
[01:03:36] <chromas> crewed with a sock or a cut?
[01:03:47] <cmn32480> not sure if I likee having the task bar on both sccreens yet
[01:03:57] <chromas> is it optional?
[01:04:18] <chromas> I have a panel on each screen but they each have their own taskbar for their own windows
[01:04:20] <chromas> linux++
[01:04:20] <Bender> karma - linux: 11
[01:04:31] <cmn32480> dunno
[01:04:50] <chromas> I also tried using two mice with their own pointer each. it seems to have a hard time drawing the second cursor
[01:13:24] <Gravis> LOL
[01:13:28] <Gravis> cmn32480: why would you do that?
[01:13:39] <cmn32480> testing gravis
[01:13:41] <cmn32480> testing
[01:13:51] <Gravis> cmn32480: do you like your computer snitching on you at all times?
[01:14:01] <Gravis> because that is what it's doing
[01:14:12] <cmn32480> I have to be the one who makes the decision about moving the company to Win 10 or not
[01:14:43] <Gravis> for security purposes, i would move away from windows completely
[01:15:16] <cmn32480> your opinion is duly noted Gravos
[01:16:19] <Gravis> just don't jump into systemd territory or you'll have a security problem much as before
[01:16:31] <chromas> does systemd have telemetry?
[01:16:38] <chromas> also, so does wondows 7
[01:17:25] <cmn32480> poetering wants to know every porn you see
[01:17:41] <chromas> he can't scroll the list fast enough
[01:17:49] <Gravis> no, he just wants to shove a LOT of untested code onto everyone's box
[01:18:18] <Gravis> and soooo much is just terribly undocumented
[01:18:19] <systemd> I'm right here, ya know
[01:18:31] <Gravis> the interfaces aren't even documented!
[01:18:42] <chromas> is that good or bad? is that worse than excellently undocumented?
[01:27:06] -!- erratic [erratic!erratic@j-13-687-6-480.sea.wa.customer.broadstripe.net] has joined #Soylent
[01:28:06] erratic is now known as SoyGuest94047
[01:42:47] * chromas changes his mouse battery because it's acting SoyGuest94047
[01:51:32] * TheMightyBuzzard yawns
[01:51:32] * MrPlow flips a Skittle into TheMightyBuzzard's gaping mouth
[01:53:42] * cmn32480 prepares the heimlich if the buzzard chokes on a skittle
[01:54:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> no worries. i got skillz
[01:54:13] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - China Plans Exascale Supercomputer for Deployment Around 2020 - http://sylnt.us - moore-power
[01:54:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> i also got a tired. been walkin around the city festival thing all evenin.
[01:55:00] <cmn32480> nice
[01:55:06] <cmn32480> you should catch a nap
[01:55:16] <cmn32480> ~gnight TheMightyBuzzard
[01:55:18] * exec seductively farts a massive fart a dongle of sweet onions at TheMightyBuzzard
[01:57:16] <cmn32480> sub queue has mad tumbleweeds....
[02:12:32] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[02:22:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> oof, you ain't kiddin.
[02:23:06] <cmn32480> I know
[02:23:17] <cmn32480> if I was kidding i would have said "Made you look!"
[02:24:00] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh well, past my bedtime. it'll just hafta run dry if it runs dry. or push out a story bawling folks out for letting us run outa subs.
[02:26:17] <chromas> Has there been a story about de-telemetrizing windows 10 lately?
[02:27:36] <cmn32480> no
[02:27:44] <Bytram> not that I recall. Would be nice, for those who are stil on Win 7 to know how they can keep MS's telemetry updates at bay.... which are safe to include, and which to avoid
[02:27:49] <cmn32480> but I was thinking abotu writing one w/ the two scripts I'm using...
[02:28:54] <cmn32480> also a good link
[02:28:55] <cmn32480> http://www.ghacks.net
[02:28:57] <systemd> ^ 03Comparison of Windows 10 Privacy tools - gHacks Tech News
[02:30:35] <Bytram> of course, there is the GWX control panel, but just stumbled upon another one today by GRC... let's see if I can find the link
[02:30:49] <Bytram> oh wait, those were for win 7 to block updating to win 10
[02:30:51] <Bytram> nvm
[02:31:15] <cmn32480> crap
[02:31:21] <cmn32480> forgot all the stuff in the task scheduler
[02:31:34] <Bytram> oopsie!
[02:34:08] <cmn32480> all right.... enough fun for one day
[02:34:14] <Bytram> http://arstechnica.com
[02:34:14] <systemd> ^ 03State chemist was high daily, thousands of drug prosecutions jeopardized | Ars Technica
[02:34:30] <cmn32480> I'm out
[02:34:36] <cmn32480> ~gnight #soylent
[02:34:38] * exec fanatically piles a fartbox of EF's extensions on #soylent
[02:34:44] <cmn32480> lol
[02:34:58] <Bytram> cmn32480: g'night!
[02:35:22] <Bytram> here's the GRC link I mentioned: https://www.grc.com
[02:35:23] <systemd> ^ 03GRC|Never10
[02:43:56] <Bytram> http://go.theregister.com
[02:43:57] <systemd> ^ 03IBM in OpenStack interoperability push • The Register ( http://www.theregister.co.uk )
[02:45:01] <Bytram> http://rss.computerworld.com
[02:45:01] <systemd> ^ 03Power up! SDS transforms isolated disk drives into a single storage pool to speed operations | Computerworld ( http://www.computerworld.com )
[03:35:28] <Bytram> http://arstechnica.com
[03:35:29] <systemd> ^ 03Watch live: SpaceX to try landing a “very hot and fast” rocket tonight | Ars Technica
[03:38:08] <Bytram> http://www.universetoday.com
[03:55:46] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Apple Literally Steals a Man's Private Music Collection - http://sylnt.us - backups:-early,-often,-offline,-AND-off-site
[04:21:11] <Bytram> SpaceX will attempt to launch its first rocket since the triumphant landing of its Falcon 9 first stage a month ago. The launch window opens at 1:21am ET (6:21am BST) and will last for two hours.
[04:21:21] <Bytram> t-minus 1 hr
[04:21:40] <SirFinkus> landing on ur mum
[04:21:47] <SirFinkus> hot and fast
[04:22:06] Bytram is now known as Bytram|away
[04:22:31] <SirFinkus> now bytram is rushing off to check on his mother
[04:49:32] <Gravis> fuck java
[04:49:43] <Gravis> and fuck oracle too
[04:50:24] <SirFinkus> agreed
[04:50:29] <SirFinkus> fucking java updates
[04:50:46] <SirFinkus> every time one pops up, my mind immediately says "malware"
[04:51:01] <SirFinkus> on windows especially, because the java update prompt looks exactly like a fake one
[04:51:11] <Gravis> no man, their stupid ass software fucked up registration for classes
[04:51:19] <SirFinkus> well, that too
[04:51:20] <Gravis> it just randomly dropped _all_ of my classes
[04:51:28] <SirFinkus> fun
[04:51:45] <SirFinkus> my college is a mess, I needed to create like 6 accounts
[04:51:49] <Gravis> yeah, well the semester starts next week and guess what, all the classes are full now
[04:52:45] <SirFinkus> email, registration, canvas, website login are the ones I remember right now
[04:52:57] <SirFinkus> all different accounts
[04:54:13] <Gravis> well the school i'm attending has classes on "cybersecurity" but they wouldnt' know security if it bit them on the ass
[04:54:42] <Gravis> passwords have a maximum length of 10 characters
[04:55:04] <Gravis> what fucktard came up with that? oracle.
[04:55:12] <SirFinkus> mine is even worse
[04:55:32] <SirFinkus> I'd tell you, but you'd probably be able to register/drop me from classes if I told you the scheme
[04:55:54] <SirFinkus> probably could anyway if I didn't tell you
[04:56:16] <SirFinkus> it's SHOCKING
[04:56:37] <SirFinkus> fuck it, it's not like any additional information you probably couldn't find anyway
[04:56:43] <SirFinkus> the passwords are assigned
[04:56:48] <SirFinkus> it's mmddyy
[04:56:52] <SirFinkus> I shit you not
[04:56:57] <Gravis> O_O
[04:57:17] <SirFinkus> you get that, and a student id and you can register/drop anyone from their classes
[04:57:21] <SirFinkus> shocking
[04:57:49] <Gravis> the fact that they can get away with such shitty software is criminal
[04:59:10] * SirFinkus is going to be pretty upset if he's dropped from his classes as a result of this lol
[05:01:09] <SirFinkus> it really isn't that shocking though, when you consider that full name and ssn function the same way on government documents
[05:05:02] * chromas logs in with SirFinkus@hipster.edu
[05:06:20] -!- SoyGuest94047 has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[05:07:05] <Gravis> SirFinkus: paper has more safegaurds than websites
[05:07:46] <Gravis> it might end up on a server but that server should never face the web, ever
[05:08:21] <SirFinkus> you have remarkable faith lol
[05:08:41] <Gravis> no, i'm just saying that's how it should be
[05:08:58] <SirFinkus> some guy is getting paid minimum wage to enter all that shit into a database from 1997
[05:09:05] <Gravis> at the very least it's obscured
[05:09:07] <SirFinkus> running on a webserver somewhere
[05:09:57] <Gravis> fuck. the government needs an agency that handles all the tech stuff for other agencies so that it's done properly
[05:10:12] <SirFinkus> another agency? what could possibly go wrong?
[05:11:14] <Gravis> SirFinkus: it would really be a unification of all the existing IT people. that way we can consolidate everything and fire the idiots.
[05:11:29] <Gravis> and when i say fire, i mean set them ablaze
[05:12:22] <chromas> the Department of Immolation
[05:13:48] <Gravis> the IT people could also rip out all the bullshit software that isn't needed or even wanted
[05:14:12] <Gravis> and tell oracle that they can go to hell
[05:15:59] <Gravis> SirFinkus: basically, i think the government needs it's own cloud people that ensure security
[05:17:17] <Gravis> they would be the ones doing pen testing and such
[05:18:19] <Gravis> for obvious reasons, every department having it's own IT people, is not working and will never work
[05:20:00] <chromas> like the NSA
[05:20:21] <chromas> cloudofpatriotism.nsa.gov
[05:39:51] <SirFinkus> what a shitty week, I can't wait for it to be over
[05:58:21] -!- brad [brad!~brad@42-98-151-082.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[05:58:26] brad is now known as dyingtolive
[05:59:14] <dyingtolive> hi all
[05:59:22] <SirFinkus> lo
[05:59:38] <dyingtolive> what's going on?
[05:59:56] <SirFinkus> not much
[06:00:00] * SirFinkus is not playing anything in iTunes.
[06:00:07] <SirFinkus> or not
[06:00:24] * SirFinkus is listening to Albert Collins — Conversation With Collins, from the album Ice Pickin'
[06:00:28] <SirFinkus> and drinking
[06:00:43] <SirFinkus> worked that time I guess
[06:01:20] <dyingtolive> o
[06:01:28] <dyingtolive> i wouldn't be playing anything on itunes. :)
[06:01:47] <dyingtolive> i'm trapped awake, making soup.
[06:01:50] <SirFinkus> yeah, it's pretty shitty
[06:01:58] <dyingtolive> and watching xfiles, and also drinking
[06:02:03] <SirFinkus> but everything else I've used is shitty
[06:02:11] <SirFinkus> that has the same functionality
[06:02:20] <SirFinkus> itunes just seems less shitty to me
[06:02:40] <dyingtolive> yeah, just about every music player sucks. i don't really know what to do about it. i use winamp in windows, otherwise, there's not much to work with.
[06:03:53] <dyingtolive> friend of mine just had a kid. kid is under birth weight, so pretty much the last month of his life has been dedicated to waking her up every couple hours to force feed the kid. this is going somewhere.
[06:04:22] <SirFinkus> and I thought my week was shitty
[06:05:04] <dyingtolive> tomorrow the military industrial complex summons him back to work, so he's worried about how he's going to make sure they have an ample supply of food available for her to be able to eat. i should mention that their idea of cooking is to decide which place to call for delivery.
[06:05:31] <SirFinkus> ha, yeah, that's trouble
[06:05:49] <dyingtolive> dude is like a brother to me, and they're in a really shitty situation, especially with her unable to leave the house, so i'm cooking up two gallons of soup for them for tomorrow as a care package.
[06:06:13] <dyingtolive> and now we've come full circle on the soup situation
[06:06:49] <dyingtolive> and yes, this week has been shitty all around. my dog and i both got sick from tick bites while camping. i start doxycycline tomorrow morning.
[06:07:03] <SirFinkus> fun
[06:07:50] <dyingtolive> poor guy struggles to eat a half cup of food a day, but he's been getting better. i think i got off better out of the situation, but still not great.
[06:11:31] <SirFinkus> the tick, or the friend?
[06:11:46] <SirFinkus> oh, the dog I guess
[06:11:56] <SirFinkus> or the tick
[06:11:59] <SirFinkus> but fuck the tick
[06:12:21] <dyingtolive> oh. i did leave that out in the open. the dog. fuck the tick. fuck nature at this point. i want to take a flamethrower to the fucking forest.
[06:13:16] <SirFinkus> dog will probably be fine, dogs in general seem to be pretty tolerant of that kind of stuff
[06:13:21] <SirFinkus> as long as they got a pack
[06:13:46] <dyingtolive> yeah i'm hoping so. he wasn't doing good the first few days, but the antibiotics have been doing their job.
[06:14:33] <dyingtolive> he's basically back to normal at this point, minus the appetite.
[06:19:57] <SirFinkus> it sounds pretty routine, I bet dogs pick up ticks like that all the time
[06:20:04] <SirFinkus> I'm off to bed, night
[06:20:11] <dyingtolive> night
[06:25:30] <dyingtolive>
[06:25:36] <dyingtolive>
[06:25:42] <dyingtolive>
[06:25:49] <dyingtolive>
[06:25:55] <dyingtolive>
[06:26:01] <dyingtolive>
[06:26:07] <dyingtolive>
[06:26:14] <dyingtolive>
[06:27:43] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The U.S. Government has been Outsourcing the Gitmo Trials - http://sylnt.us - approaching-fifteen-years-without-a-trial
[06:28:32] <chromas> Freedom Trials
[06:29:57] <dyingtolive> indeed :(
[06:31:09] <chromas> Our Freedom and way of life is great and we believe in it so much that we're willing to suspend it in certain situations
[06:33:51] <dyingtolive> well, on the bright side, the leading democratic candidate won't suffer that shit. the bad news is that he's getting beaten in the same party primary by a republican candidate. :(
[06:35:32] <chromas> we should hire trump for prez. we need somebody who likes to spout off and is an expert in being broke while pretending he's not
[06:36:23] <chromas> and just imagine getting our military to stamp USA on buildings 'round the world
[06:37:15] <dyingtolive> man, i really want to hate trump, but then i look at hillary, and i honestly don't know what to do at this point.
[06:39:38] <dyingtolive> it doesn't influence my vote, but i really do see trump winning this. i think there's enough angry bernie supporters that are going to bail if hillary wins the primary that it won't end well. i'm still just trying to figure out what that'll mean for everyone else.
[08:19:04] -!- crutchy has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[08:19:20] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[08:27:22] -!- Webbyatwork [Webbyatwork!~Stefan@217.33.jmz.sy] has joined #Soylent
[08:29:15] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Big Data Breaches Found at Major Email Services - Expert - http://sylnt.us - that's-a-lotta-passwords
[08:37:14] -!- julian has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[08:37:52] -!- julian [julian!~julian@56-08-620-95.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[09:00:26] -!- Webbyatwork_ [Webbyatwork_!~Stefan@217.33.jmz.sy] has joined #Soylent
[09:01:54] -!- Webbyatwork has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[09:24:17] <crutchy> gots me another short little domain
[09:24:27] <crutchy> http://o.is.my
[09:24:29] <systemd> ^ 03GitHub - crutchy-/exec-irc-bot ( https://github.com )
[09:25:01] <crutchy> just redirecting at the moment cuz mah web host isn't running
[09:54:28] <Subsentient> Jesus fucking christ
[09:54:36] <Subsentient> Qt is full of fucking macros
[09:54:54] <Subsentient> It's like 15% non-standard pseudo-language-extensions implemented with macros!
[09:56:38] <crutchy> sounds like mah stupid bot
[09:57:57] <Subsentient> crutchy: I fucking hate it so much lol
[10:03:01] <Subsentient> Jesus. Fucking. Christ.
[10:03:19] <Subsentient> I can't believe how bad of an idea that is, and how the fuckers actually did it.
[10:18:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[10:18:03] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2538
[10:18:41] -!- erratic [erratic!erratic@j-13-687-6-480.sea.wa.customer.broadstripe.net] has joined #Soylent
[10:19:41] erratic is now known as SoyGuest83601
[11:01:11] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Should you Upload or Ship Big Data to the Cloud? -- The Accepted Wisdom does not Always Hold True - http://sylnt.us - never-underestimate-the-bandwidth...
[11:07:19] -!- crutchy has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[11:07:40] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[11:14:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> evenin, crutchy
[11:16:20] <crutchy> ~g'day TheMightyBuzzard o/
[11:16:22] * exec suspiciously culturally appropriates a C cup of cow dung custard from TheMightyBuzzard
[11:16:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> welcome to it
[11:17:04] * crutchy is making the sneak game server into a generic server
[11:17:23] * TheMightyBuzzard ls learning rust
[11:17:36] <crutchy> noice
[11:17:49] <crutchy> guy at work today mentioned rust
[11:19:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> so far i think it sucks the balls. they is seriously anal about memory protection. you can't have multiple pointers to the same data at the same time. foo = bar essentially destroys bar and creates foo.
[11:20:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> which'd be fine for variables you planned on writing to but it's fucking pants for stuff you just want to read from.
[11:24:52] <crutchy> yeah the guy at work mentioned it was good for preventing memory leaks and buffer overflows n shit
[11:25:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> outstanding at it really but fuuuuuck
[11:29:34] <chromas> time to switch to another language
[11:29:53] <chromas> C#
[11:31:20] * AndyTheAbsurd smacks chromas upside the head with a C# book from 2001
[11:31:31] <chromas> wow, is it that old?
[11:31:41] <AndyTheAbsurd> yup
[11:32:13] <AndyTheAbsurd> "Beginning C#" by Karli Watson with...well, a bunch of other people.
[11:33:20] <AndyTheAbsurd> I keep it (and a bunch of other outdate books) at my desk at work to use as monitor risers or for whatever else having a nice stack of books comes in handy for.
[11:33:43] <chromas> in case of wiping emergency
[11:33:57] <chromas> paper cut!
[11:33:58] <AndyTheAbsurd> that's what the book on Palm OS programming is for. :)
[11:34:15] <chromas> to get really anal about it
[11:34:44] <chromas> that joke was in really poor taste
[11:34:46] <chromas> as was that one
[11:34:48] <chromas> ;)
[11:37:53] <crutchy> analicious
[11:38:21] <crutchy> ~g'day <list>
[11:38:24] <exec> http://ix.io
[11:38:41] <crutchy> ~g'day >adverb analiciously
[11:38:43] <exec> added to adverbs
[11:45:38] <cmn32480> ~gday kids
[11:45:40] * exec slowly piles an anvil of pre-snorted fridge mold on kids
[11:46:08] <cmn32480> that was a shit joke chromas
[11:47:30] <cmn32480> ~gday TheMightyBuzzard
[11:47:32] * exec hideously bitchslaps a photograph of bass hole with TheMightyBuzzard
[11:47:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~gday cmn32480
[11:47:39] * exec hurriedly pisses an exchange server of windows 95 on cmn32480
[11:47:45] * TheMightyBuzzard wins
[11:50:22] <cmn32480> agreed.
[11:50:27] <cmn32480> ~gday crutchy
[11:50:29] * exec provocatively pesters a 40 of milo with crutchy
[11:50:47] <cmn32480> crutchy gonna win too\
[12:02:31] <crutchy> ooh noice. sneak server auto exiting on missing bucket makes it easy to close without killing
[12:02:38] <crutchy> just gotta do ~buckets-flush
[12:02:50] <Subsentient> crutchy: TheMightyBuzzard hiyah
[12:02:54] <Subsentient> ~gday #Soylent
[12:02:57] * exec prematurely sodomizes a dumpster full of lips & assholes with #Soylent
[12:03:04] <Subsentient> mmm
[12:03:08] <Subsentient> flaaaavor
[12:03:28] <Subsentient> ~gday <list>
[12:03:32] <exec> http://ix.io
[12:06:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> Subsentient, sup, yo
[12:06:16] <Subsentient> TheMightyBuzzard: Learning Qt, gonna hang myself. It's bad.
[12:06:18] <Subsentient> Real bad.
[12:06:26] <Subsentient> Worse than I thought.
[12:06:56] <TheMightyBuzzard> try Rust. it'd make you vote Trump to escape.
[12:07:16] <Subsentient> TheMightyBuzzard: you learning Rust?
[12:07:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> giving it a shot
[12:07:29] <Subsentient> TheMightyBuzzard: whatcha think of it?
[12:07:47] <chromas> he touches himself at every moment while reading the docs
[12:07:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> i think they make you jump through your own asshole to access data
[12:08:08] <chromas> sounds like they took ideas from functional languages
[12:08:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> dude, you got no idea.
[12:09:10] <Subsentient> TheMightyBuzzard: Ahh. C++ is ugly as fuck with tons of warts, but it enables you to write really nice code really fast with the Standard Template Library, and it stays out of your way and lets you do what you want.
[12:09:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> i highly recommend spending a day trying to write a three function program.
[12:09:32] <Subsentient> I can write a one function program.
[12:09:35] <Subsentient> Goto, bitch.
[12:09:43] <chromas> oh you like those templates
[12:09:47] <chromas> but not the qt ones eh
[12:09:52] <chromas> but they're so qt!
[12:10:04] <Subsentient> chromas: Yes actually, I like C++ templates, they're pretty useful at times.
[12:10:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> Subsentient, ya, rust mostly gets in your way but you can't write an exploit for one of its programs to save yer life.
[12:10:41] <Subsentient> Templates are a little complicated imho but they solve more problems than they cause.
[12:10:58] <chromas> for now. but holes will appear later after your coke flakes away
[12:11:14] <chromas> s/k/d/
[12:11:16] <exec> <chromas> for now. but holes will appear later after your code flakes away
[12:11:27] <chromas> or coke. whatever
[12:11:28] <Subsentient> meh
[12:11:48] <Subsentient> C++ is ugly, but I must admit to liking the design philosophy/goals
[12:11:48] <Bender> karma - c: 55
[12:11:58] <chromas> unless it's black rust. then just lube it up
[12:12:07] <AndyTheAbsurd> c--
[12:12:07] <Bender> karma - c: 54
[12:12:23] <chromas> someone should invent c--
[12:12:40] <Subsentient> It seems C++ is designed to let you write code in whatever fucked up ways you might want to.
[12:13:00] <Subsentient> It doesn't try to railroad you into procedural or oop or anything
[12:13:04] <Subsentient> it just lets you do what you like.
[12:13:08] <chromas> c-- is PC friendly because objectification is wrong
[12:13:08] <Bender> karma - c: 53
[12:13:30] <chromas> so it's just like pascal :D :D
[12:13:32] <Subsentient> I like C99's designated initializers, and I miss them in C++.
[12:15:25] <chromas> any c++ or the edition you're working on at the moment?
[12:17:27] <Subsentient> chromas: Any C++.
[12:17:42] -!- alexbst has quit [Quit: "Nineteen hundred and forty-six. Nineteen forty-six, Mandrake. How does that coincide with your post-war Commie conspiracy, huh? It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of]
[12:17:46] <Subsentient> C++ does not support designated initializers. gcc supports really weak sauce versions as extensions.
[12:17:46] <Bender> karma - c: 54
[12:18:01] <Subsentient> they don't even work very well.
[12:18:11] -!- alexbst [alexbst!~lysander@thmnovybb.internationalconspiracy.org] has joined #Soylent
[12:18:37] <alexbst> /quit
[12:18:38] <alexbst> 
[12:18:42] -!- alexbst has quit [Client Quit]
[12:18:53] <chromas> nobody quits irc on purpose
[12:19:01] * chromas suspects things
[12:19:50] <crutchy> things--
[12:19:50] <Bender> karma - things: -1
[12:32:21] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - SpaceX JCSAT-14 Mission is a Success - http://sylnt.us - working-our-way-to-Mars
[12:33:59] -!- alexbst [alexbst!~lysander@thmnovybb.internationalconspiracy.org] has joined #Soylent
[12:36:56] <TheMightyBuzzard> yays! only took me two hours to figure that bit out...
[12:37:45] -!- Webweasel_ [Webweasel_!~Stefan@hhtntlvwh.priyom.org] has joined #Soylent
[12:40:49] -!- Web_weasel has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[12:42:01] <crutchy> Bender, s/working-our-way-to-Mars/yay-spaceflight-is-routine-again-zzzzzz/
[12:42:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> Bender: s/working-our-way-to-Mars/yay-spaceflight-is-routine-again-zzzzzz/
[12:42:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> hrm, apparently bender's on bot ignore
[12:43:04] <crutchy> maybe yeah
[12:43:31] <crutchy> ~ignore-list
[12:43:33] <exec> exec ignore list: ciri, tama, bender, Bender, MrPlow, aqu4
[12:44:04] <crutchy> apparently a case-sensitive ignore list :p
[12:45:00] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya reckon?
[12:45:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah, prolly if bender's on it twice
[12:46:11] <crutchy> not sure if it actually ignores case-sensitive though
[12:46:47] <crutchy> ~ignore dogfart
[12:46:48] <exec> exec set to ignore dogfart
[12:46:56] crutchy is now known as DogFart
[12:47:08] <DogFart> ~rainbow dogfart smells like roses
[12:47:09] <exec> 00,02d00,06o00,04g00,07f00,08a00,09r00,12t00,02 00,06s00,04m00,07e00,08l00,09l00,12s00,02 00,06l00,04i00,07k00,08e00,09 00,12r00,02o00,06s00,04e00,07s
[12:47:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> well hrm... i'm sposed to go to the parade here in a little over an hour. dunno if i wanna though.
[12:47:19] <cmn32480> ~ignore DogFart
[12:47:19] <DogFart> hmm. maybe it does
[12:47:20] <exec> exec set to ignore DogFart
[12:47:26] <DogFart> ~rainbow dogfart smells like roses
[12:47:30] <DogFart> heh
[12:47:37] <DogFart> today i learned :D
[12:47:39] <cmn32480> congrats, your bot is case sensitive!
[12:47:43] DogFart is now known as crutchy
[12:47:51] <crutchy> well, that part of it is :p
[12:47:53] <cmn32480> ~unignore DogFart
[12:47:54] <exec> exec set to listen to DogFart
[12:48:39] <cmn32480> I cna't remember why I put Bender on the ignore list
[12:48:58] <crutchy> probably cos otherwise it would title the SN feed
[12:49:06] <cmn32480> that was it!
[12:49:11] <cmn32480> crutchy++
[12:49:11] <Bender> karma - crutchy: 205
[12:49:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> nod nod
[12:49:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> well i got testbot logging in and logging at least
[12:50:01] <crutchy> if i wasn't so lazy i could have put a local ignore list in the title script. maybe i'll do that one day
[12:53:53] <crutchy> cmn32480, we now have a generic file servery scripty thingy
[12:54:12] <cmn32480> is that good?
[12:54:37] <crutchy> all you need to reuse it is declare a constant, include the generic server and define a message handler function
[12:54:43] <crutchy> hell yea hits gud :D
[12:55:11] <crutchy> we gunna be able to build irc games with it
[12:55:19] * cmn32480 cringes...
[12:55:54] <crutchy> sneak is just the proof of concept. next i'll try some kinda battleships thingy, and then return to IRCiv
[12:56:06] <cmn32480> cool
[12:56:17] <cmn32480> you sank my battleship!
[12:56:29] <crutchy> even rps might be migrated to it
[12:56:38] <cmn32480> whoa boy...
[12:56:50] <cmn32480> crutchy gonna make an IRC version of risk
[12:56:51] <crutchy> though rps aint exactly a high load script :p
[12:57:09] <cmn32480> each game for world domination takes 6 months to complete
[12:57:19] <crutchy> ooh yeah
[12:58:14] <crutchy> would just need a place to host the map files
[12:58:24] <crutchy> or file, or whatever
[12:59:00] <crutchy> could maybe do some kinda dungeon type thing too
[12:59:13] <crutchy> i'll just whip all these up in a few minutes :p
[12:59:49] <crutchy> i guess if i start off simple and slowly work up it might develop into something
[13:02:00] <cmn32480> nifty
[13:02:06] <cmn32480> I think exec can handle ti
[13:03:27] <crutchy> now it could cos each game server has its own command queue, so it takes the load off the bot
[13:03:49] <crutchy> just uses standard socket buffers
[13:04:05] <cmn32480> ok
[13:04:13] <crutchy> good for if games have slow commands
[13:04:19] <cmn32480> so the bot just passes the commands to the other queue...
[13:04:25] <crutchy> yup
[13:04:38] <cmn32480> and he continues to handle the remainder of the normal crap we toss at him
[13:04:43] <crutchy> lol yeah
[13:05:31] <crutchy> in theory we could use it for any command that caused the bot grief
[13:05:56] <cmn32480> so... pipe all of chromas' command to /dev/null?
[13:06:01] <crutchy> lol
[13:06:04] <crutchy> chromas++
[13:06:04] <Bender> karma - chromas: 168
[13:06:28] <crutchy> not sure what commands would cause grief except ones that use data files
[13:06:45] <cmn32480> ok
[13:07:03] <crutchy> throwing each command out to a separate process seems to add a bit of resilience
[13:07:09] <cmn32480> the data files (at least right now) aren't of any real size...
[13:07:48] <cmn32480> agreed
[13:07:56] <cmn32480> that way a single commadn won't take the whole bot down
[13:08:01] <crutchy> nah. and it would only potentially be an issue if a few people tried to run the same command at the same time. the bot would run the command scripts sequentially, but if there was file access overlap it might cause issues
[13:08:15] <cmn32480> gotcha
[13:08:18] <crutchy> *nah for the data file size
[13:08:21] <crutchy> :p
[13:08:41] * cmn32480 is learnding verra slowly
[13:08:48] * crutchy is too
[13:09:08] <crutchy> need xlefay back. he was good to learnd from
[13:09:22] * crutchy hadn't finished learnding from him :(
[13:10:28] <crutchy> realised today that exec has 1428 commits
[13:10:37] <cmn32480> he's been gone a year and a half or so
[13:10:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> crutchy, yeah, you really should build some locking in for spawned processes that could write data while something else is reading it.
[13:11:22] <TheMightyBuzzard> or queueing
[13:11:37] <crutchy> can't really do it in the bot. cos the bot has nfi what the script is doing. but if the script needs a data file it could make use of this server to handle it
[13:11:57] <crutchy> that's why i made it generic and fairly contained
[13:12:18] <crutchy> could use the server with 2 lines and a function
[13:12:21] <TheMightyBuzzard> right but YOU have an idea what the script is doing...
[13:12:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> hopefully
[13:12:41] <crutchy> yeah. i gotta write any script that needs a data file with the server
[13:12:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> ahh, nod nod
[13:13:26] <crutchy> its nice and complimicated. just the way i like it :p
[13:13:33] <TheMightyBuzzard> excellent
[13:18:09] <crutchy> in 3 years time, there might be a dozen or so data file socket server scripts run on exec startup to handle commands that use data files managed by those servers
[13:18:29] <crutchy> there will be pipes and sockets and processes and shit everywhere >;-D
[13:19:10] <crutchy> anyway, time for bed
[13:19:14] <crutchy> ciao o/
[13:21:11] <cmn32480> ~gnight crutchy
[13:21:13] * exec literally formulates a hooker full of caulk for crutchy
[13:21:28] <cmn32480> sorry I am stuck on a support call
[13:31:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> oooh, nice one
[13:45:49] <Subsentient> Alright, really starting to hate Qt.
[13:46:06] <Subsentient> Tons of hidden macro bullshit that breaks stuff in non-obvious ways.
[13:55:57] <exec> 05*** SN funding is currently $1,414
[14:03:30] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Encryption Using Chemicals - Molecular Enigma Machine - http://sylnt.us - making-light-work-of-cyphers
[14:05:15] -!- crutchy_ [crutchy_!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[14:05:18] -!- crutchy has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[14:28:26] -!- DECbot [DECbot!~DECbot@166.175.gzx.tzh] has joined #Soylent
[14:37:16] -!- Subsentient has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[14:37:16] -!- aqu4 has quit [Quit: aqu4bot baking shutting down.]
[14:41:02] -!- aqu4 [aqu4!~aqu4bot@universe2.us/ircbot/aqu4] has joined #Soylent
[14:41:17] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Subsentient] has joined #Soylent
[14:41:17] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Subsentient] by Aphrodite
[15:18:28] <Subsentient> Yeah, fucking fuck Qt.
[15:18:33] <Subsentient> I'm done.
[15:18:37] <Subsentient> Shit toolkit
[15:19:16] <Subsentient> pretty but fucktons of non-standard macro bullshit, and on top of it, you gotta use this 'moc' command to translate bastardized C++ into 'real' C++.
[15:19:25] <Subsentient> And qmake is pretty much mandatory too.
[15:19:50] <Subsentient> Fuck that shit.
[15:20:07] <Subsentient> I want to use what build system I want, not fucking qmake
[15:20:23] <SirFinkus> so smake?
[15:21:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> #smake SirFinkus
[15:21:51] * MrPlow smakes SirFinkus upside the head with loggie's massive log
[15:22:43] -!- Webbyatwork_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[15:38:28] <everdred> coffee++
[15:38:28] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2539
[15:38:29] <everdred> coffee++
[15:38:30] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2540
[15:38:46] <everdred> I think I missed one.
[16:03:48] <DECbot> I have the perception that SN has been chattier lately (more comments per article). Is it me or are there stats to back that up?
[16:07:18] <nick> my perception is similar, it seems more consistent at least
[16:12:04] <nick> i used to get graphs to look at that kind of thing in the admin stuff, but for whatever reason, it's not showing me anything right now
[16:17:02] <Runaway1956> Someone asked for Chatty Cathy? https://encrypted.google.com
[16:17:03] <systemd> ^ 03chatty cathy - Google Search ( https://encrypted.google.com )
[16:21:34] <Runaway1956> Chemically enhanced encryption should appeal to the chemicall enhanced addicts on the streets.
[16:33:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> cool, got testbot logging now at least
[16:34:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> well, rather saving data to the "seen" table of the db.
[16:35:26] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Silk Keeps Fruit Fresh Without Refrigeration - http://sylnt.us - watch-out-for-silk-worms
[17:46:04] -!- DECbot has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[17:53:03] -!- DECbot [DECbot!~DECbot@166.175.gzx.tzh] has joined #Soylent
[17:54:01] DECbot is now known as SoyGuest15320
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[18:36:59] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - God's Imperfect Red Pencil (CRISPR) - http://sylnt.us - try-vim-instead
[18:50:16] -!- DECbot [DECbot!~DECbot@166.175.gzx.tzh] has joined #Soylent
[18:51:16] DECbot is now known as SoyGuest19302
[18:55:11] -!- SoyGuest19302 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[18:56:37] -!- Trump2016 [Trump2016!~d1811d02@209.129.jo.s] has joined #Soylent
[18:56:47] <Trump2016> I ate a taco salad today.
[18:57:14] <Trump2016> It was bold and spicy but left me gassy.
[18:58:07] <Trump2016> On an unrelated note, Mexico has just been shipped a free shipment of bricks and mortar.
[18:59:13] -!- Trump2016 has quit [Client Quit]
[19:27:17] <Gravis> so... now that you can implement GPU accellerated APIs using vulcan, i think a new desktop API should be implemented using vulkan
[20:06:32] <chromas> go for it
[20:38:31] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - TOP500 and Green500 Lists to "Merge" - http://sylnt.us - mergers-that-make-sense
[21:21:13] -!- DECbot [DECbot!~DECbot@166.175.sir.kkh] has joined #Soylent
[22:40:03] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Regulator of Death Receptor Discovered - http://sylnt.us - timely-death
[22:55:37] -!- _DECbot [_DECbot!~DECbot@166.175.sir.kkh] has joined #Soylent
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[23:36:40] crutchy_ is now known as crutchy