#Soylent | Logs for 2016-08-10

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[00:04:20] -!- FrogBlast has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[01:16:30] <paulej72> Uuuuh
[01:16:35] <paulej72> Gggggu
[01:16:41] <paulej72> Pllioyhgf
[01:16:44] <cmn32480> precisely what i was think paulej72
[01:16:47] <paulej72> Bytgffvn
[01:16:57] <cmn32480> now, kindly GTFO of my head
[01:17:00] <paulej72> How was soccer
[01:17:10] <cmn32480> total tantrum frmo my daughter
[01:17:43] <paulej72> You seemed to be expecting that
[01:18:33] <cmn32480> yep
[01:18:51] <cmn32480> but she kept on crying through the whole of practice
[01:18:55] <paulej72> I am trying to motivate myself to do something other than spider solitaire
[01:19:06] <cmn32480> beause I told her if she dind't practice she'd lose the XBox until school started
[01:19:19] <cmn32480> I find beer is a good motivator
[01:19:25] <cmn32480> for sleeping
[01:19:29] <cmn32480> it motivates me to sleep
[01:19:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> paulej72, stop that. how are you ever going to master dicking off if you go trying to talk yourself out of practicing?
[01:20:21] <cmn32480> says the absolute master
[01:20:25] <cmn32480> ~gday the
[01:20:27] * exec carefully imagines an undersized chest of jesus juice with the
[01:20:28] <cmn32480> ~gday TheMightyBuzzard
[01:20:30] * exec single-candidly offers a cold can of canadian pennies to TheMightyBuzzard
[01:20:33] <cmn32480> ~gday paulej72
[01:20:35] * exec problematically stuffs a wallet of socketable gems into paulej72
[01:21:40] <TheMightyBuzzard> cmn32480, exactly.
[01:21:51] <paulej72> At least i should be able to make some money selling the gems
[01:21:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~gday cmn32480
[01:21:54] * exec ironically farts a massive fart a zip archive of salmonella at cmn32480
[01:22:02] * TheMightyBuzzard wins
[01:22:11] <cmn32480> yep
[01:22:18] <cmn32480> and it don't even depend on the exchange rate
[01:28:00] <paulej72> I think the beer only motivates my bladder
[01:28:11] <cmn32480> it'll at least get you off the couch
[01:28:18] <cmn32480> or you'll need a new couch
[01:28:55] <paulej72> Catheters to the rescue
[01:31:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> empty bottles to the rescue
[01:32:20] <cmn32480> and kids to bring more beer
[01:32:40] <cmn32480> ah fek I'm tired
[01:34:05] <cmn32480> I think I am going to go to bed
[01:34:11] <cmn32480> ~gnight TheMightyBuzzard
[01:34:13] * exec dexterously connects a buttload of the chronic to TheMightyBuzzard
[01:34:16] <cmn32480> ~gnight paulej72
[01:34:18] * exec illegitimately farts a massive fart an i/o stream of perl at paulej72
[01:34:21] <cmn32480> ~gnight johnboy
[01:34:22] * exec brazenly slides a B cup of various cheeses to johnboy
[01:34:34] <cmn32480> buzzard wins again
[02:01:37] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Facebook to Make Ads Harder to Block - http://sylnt.us - selling-everything
[02:47:18] -!- julian has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[04:03:11] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Scientists Keeping Antibacterial Protein Approach Secret Due to Intellectual Property - http://sylnt.us - cash-only
[05:08:26] <SirFinkus> anything neat going on?
[05:08:42] <SirFinkus> ENTERTAIN ME #Soylent!
[05:26:21] <Naze> my balls itch a little
[05:34:20] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Expensive Organic Compound Made from Biomass - http://sylnt.us - chemists-helping-chemists
[06:14:23] -!- Naze has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[06:35:38] <boru> That's not very entertaining.
[06:53:26] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[07:05:53] -!- Beige [Beige!beige@qep.beige.org] has joined #Soylent
[07:08:37] <Beige> Hoi folks..
[07:08:51] <boru> Greetings.
[07:09:28] <Beige> Command to submit a URL is #submit, right?
[07:09:40] <boru> One of many, yes.
[07:10:09] <Beige> Ok, it was the first one which I saw by skimming this channel's logs :-)
[07:10:17] <Beige> #submit https://ucrtoday.ucr.edu
[07:10:20] <MrPlow> Submitting. There is a mandatory delay, please be patient.
[07:10:45] <MrPlow> Submission successful. https://soylentnews.org
[07:11:12] <Beige> CVE-2016-5696 isn't getting nearly enough attention yet.. issue looks pretty serious.
[07:12:00] * boru chuckles.
[07:12:03] <boru> Oh, Linux...
[07:12:10] <Beige> Those guys should've given the vulnerability a retarded name like "TCP Kiss" and then mainstream tech news sites would've been all over it by now :-)
[07:12:37] <boru> Ugh, I think giving names to vulnerabilities is ridiculous, personally.
[07:12:44] <Beige> Indeed.
[07:13:38] <Beige> But whether we like it or not the branding seems to help in getting the word out.
[07:13:42] <boru> It's like reading bug reports or CVEs is too technical, so they need to add the Fisher Price factor with bright colours and a mascot so that people on reddit understand what the problem is.
[07:14:21] <boru> Like it or not, the problem is that people don't audit their systems.
[07:14:35] <boru> Or that most Linux distros don't provide auditing tools.
[07:15:34] <boru> The BSDs have vuxml and an audit tool built into the package manager. Some Linux distros follow suit.
[07:15:57] <boru> Gentoo, for example.
[07:16:22] <Beige> Perhaps. What's a bit peculiar about this vulnerability is that it was patched in the Linux kernel in July, but it doesn't look like any mainstream distros have backported it yet.. So some kind of breakdown in communication there (no pun intended).
[07:16:38] <boru> That's fairly common, ime.
[07:19:08] -!- x0908d3b2 has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[07:21:24] <Beige> I'm a FreeBSD guy myself btw so no argument there :-) But Linux is very common so this vulnerability is worth being aware of..
[07:21:41] <boru> I posit that the problem is distro maintainers; half of them don't follow the LKML, even. They just pull the next release, and are happy if it builds.
[07:23:09] <boru> Linux is very fragmented. New distros coming out every week, people putting Linux in places it shouldn't be and where it can't be upgraded or maintained. I think some catastrophics failures are overdue to teach people a very valuable lesson.
[07:30:37] <Beige> I don't think anyone who depends on his/her Linux would use anything but RedHat or CentOS anyway.. those guys are pretty good at keeping dependency trees from falling apart.
[07:31:02] * SirFinkus was considering playing with freebsd in the near future
[07:31:08] <SirFinkus> mainly for ZFS stuff
[07:31:15] <SirFinkus> anything I should know in particular?
[07:31:31] <SirFinkus> putting it on an old netbook
[07:35:15] <Beige> ZFS is powerful but depending on your use-case you may need to tweak the defaults.. e.g. if you run processes on the machine which require a lot of RAM then you may need to tune the max RAM settings for ZMS (otherwise it could grab a fair bit of RAM whenever it feels like it)
[07:35:53] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Despite Scandals, US Wants 4,000 More UN Troops in South Sudan - http://sylnt.us - flawed-logic
[07:35:59] <SirFinkus> yeah, might be a little ram starved at 1GB
[07:36:04] <Beige> So if you want to play with bhyve then you should tweak the ZFS max ram settings for sure. Not a happy combination by default :-)
[07:36:16] <SirFinkus> granted, the workload is small, and it's mostly for playing around
[07:36:21] <SirFinkus> performance isn't a huge issue
[07:36:40] <Beige> Yeah.. if you're not going to run anything critical on it stick to the defaults can keep an eye on RAM
[07:36:52] <SirFinkus> talking SMB and maybe a FTP server I'll use once in a blue moon
[07:36:54] <Beige> Err, can == and
[07:37:03] <Beige> Ok.. should be fine for that.
[07:38:05] <SirFinkus> currently running desktop ubuntu lol
[07:41:23] <boru> Without a lot of RAM, I'd be inclined to just stick with UFS and back up. If you want to do ZFS right, then lots of RAM, RAID-Z3 and back up.
[07:42:02] <boru> Jail your services, and remote mount the ZFS store therein.
[07:42:12] <SirFinkus> it's more for getting familiar with the features, I don't have a box right now with a bunch of hard disks to play with the raid stuff
[07:42:15] <SirFinkus> (but I want to)
[07:42:23] <SirFinkus> working with snapshots and stuff
[07:42:25] <boru> Fair enough.
[07:42:57] <SirFinkus> I've played with btrfs a bit, but it had a few problems that give me bad feelings in my stomach
[07:43:09] -!- x0908d3b2 [x0908d3b2!~quassel@2605:ea00:1:j::qvto:oymn] has joined #Soylent
[07:44:49] <boru> If you're not pressed for ports, then OpenBSD might be a better fit; their packages come in different 'flavours' representative of them being built from ports with different options enabled.
[07:45:05] <boru> If it's an old lappy, building from ports can be a bit...time consuming.
[07:45:27] <boru> You can always build your ports on another machine locally, though, then add that as a packagesite.
[07:45:30] <SirFinkus> I've run gentoo systems before, so that's similarish correct?
[07:45:45] <boru> I've used that sort of setup for cross compiling ports for other architectures.
[07:45:51] <boru> Aye, portage was inspired by BSD ports.
[07:46:12] <boru> It's a little different, but you should feel comfortable enough.
[07:46:52] <SirFinkus> I've installed gentoo on this thing, it took about 3 days
[07:47:03] <SirFinkus> compiling everything
[07:47:17] <boru> Heh, I bet.
[07:47:25] <SirFinkus> not really an issue, I installed it over ssh and just came back to it whenever
[07:47:56] <SirFinkus> still kind of sad they don't really make netbooks anymore
[07:47:56] <boru> I can build buildkernel+buildworld on FreeBSD in ~20-30 minutes on my big rig.
[07:48:07] <boru> My KERNCONF is very slimmed down.
[07:48:27] <boru> Development kernels on the other hand...
[07:48:44] <boru> With debug and witness compiled in, be prepared to make a few cups of tea.
[07:48:52] <boru> (When you boot it, too)
[07:49:14] <SirFinkus> I was lazy and just used genkernel, which is the "kitchen sink" option
[07:49:22] <SirFinkus> probably no debug stuff though
[07:49:29] <boru> Aye.
[07:49:42] <boru> Building a custom kernel couldn't be easier with FreeBSD.
[07:49:58] <SirFinkus> but the leds on obscure machintosh keyboards from 1992 will work perfectly!
[07:50:15] <boru> If you're planning on playing around with Snort at all, I _highly_ recommend building in netmap(4).
[07:50:26] <SirFinkus> oh man
[07:50:33] <SirFinkus> I hadn't even thought of that
[07:50:36] <SirFinkus> but that could be fun
[07:50:44] <boru> Netmap's data plane shits lightning.
[07:51:12] <boru> It's really the only option for inlining Snort on BSD.
[07:51:37] <boru> (If you want proper performance, that is)
[07:51:43] <SirFinkus> I'd get started tonight, but I can't be assed finding my precision screwdriver set so I can install this 500gb hard drive in the thing
[07:52:07] <boru> Jails, PF and Snort, and some clever rc.conf are all you'll ever need, really.
[07:52:18] <boru> Use a hammer!
[07:52:35] <SirFinkus> probably wouldn't touch this laptop
[07:52:40] <SirFinkus> I've abused the fuck out of it
[07:52:44] * boru chuckles.
[07:52:54] <SirFinkus> I managed to break the screen, but it's headless anyway
[07:53:22] <boru> Pft, screens. Who needs those.
[07:53:49] <SirFinkus> I accidentally dropped it halfway up the stairs onto a wooden chair
[07:54:07] <boru> What is it? Thinkpad? Toughbook?
[07:54:24] <SirFinkus> EEE 901h I think
[07:54:40] <SirFinkus> those laptops were the best
[07:55:04] <SirFinkus> $100, durable, and great for troubleshooting stuff
[07:55:23] <boru> I had one as a field astronomy backup; long battery life.
[07:55:39] <SirFinkus> just because they were so small, had lots of ports, and were durable as fuck
[07:55:51] <boru> If my control equipment failed, it'd failover to that.
[07:55:58] <boru> Not enough ports!
[07:56:08] <boru> Granted I typically need 8-10 USB ports...
[07:56:15] <SirFinkus> well, for a 10 inch laptop, they were great
[07:56:27] <boru> Plus 2 DB9 RS232 ports, plus...
[07:56:32] <boru> Yeah, for sure.
[07:57:00] <SirFinkus> I haven't really seen anything else that fits the bill these days
[07:57:27] <boru> Check out some ruggedised computers. They've been my goto for that sort of thing.
[07:57:32] <SirFinkus> about $60 on ebay, might be worth picking up a "new" one
[07:57:36] <boru> I am utterly dissappointed with my new thinkpad.
[07:58:24] <boru> You can't go wrong for 60 lids, really.
[07:58:49] <SirFinkus> the only improvement (aside from stuff like faster cpu more ram etc) would be a hdmi port
[07:58:58] <SirFinkus> it comes with vga I suppose, but that's pretty dated these days
[08:01:56] <SirFinkus> oh, it even came with a carrying case
[08:02:02] <SirFinkus> it was such a bargain
[08:02:23] <SirFinkus> I've probably gotten more use per dollar out of that damn thing than anything else I've bought
[08:02:29] -!- Beige has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[08:06:31] <boru> That's often the way.
[08:06:43] <boru> I miss my old toughbook. That was a great lappy.
[08:06:52] * SirFinkus blames ipads
[08:07:48] <crutchy> wu use these toughpad thingys at work
[08:08:08] <SirFinkus> wow, they even work upside down?
[08:08:13] <SirFinkus> they really are tough?
[08:08:16] <SirFinkus> !
[08:08:41] <boru> The toughpad is basically a tough tablet, right?
[08:08:48] <boru> Made by Panasonic, as well?
[08:08:49] <SirFinkus> do the fans spin backwards too?
[08:09:14] <boru> No, they work upside down as well, silly.
[08:09:25] <crutchy> boru, http://business.panasonic.com
[08:09:26] <yo_momma> ^ 03Panasonic Fully Rugged Tablets | Business Tablets | Toughpad FZ-G1
[08:09:42] <crutchy> we have 3 of these jiggas
[08:09:43] <boru> Aye, I vaguely know of them.
[08:09:51] <boru> They're a bit spendy, I expect.
[08:10:05] * SirFinkus shudders at the prospect of configuring a router with IOS on a tablet
[08:10:16] <crutchy> can attest that they work with gloves on
[08:10:34] <boru> I have an immense dislike for touchscreens in general.
[08:10:40] <crutchy> same here
[08:10:42] <boru> I use a stylus when I have to.
[08:11:32] <crutchy> i haven't personally used these things. i worked with another guy who was using one yesterday. he did a mixture of stylus and touch
[08:11:35] <crutchy> (in excel)
[08:11:47] <crutchy> i was the camera bitch :p
[08:12:06] <SirFinkus> it has buttons and ports, so it doesn't look that terrible
[08:12:28] <boru> Ruggedised machines are typically well thought out like that.
[08:12:56] <crutchy> it froze on us once, so it still has good ol' windows on it :p
[08:13:19] <SirFinkus> windows 10 if you're not careful
[08:13:49] <boru> How awful.
[08:14:10] <crutchy> apparently they are about to be 'upgraded' from 8 to 10 soon (to help stop the freezes)
[08:14:15] <boru> I think that should quaalify for a discount.
[08:14:34] <boru> I am amused whenever I see ruggedised or safety critical machines running windows.
[08:14:44] <SirFinkus> "to help stop the freezes" you mean "whether they like it or not"
[08:14:53] <crutchy> heh. probabkly
[08:15:08] <crutchy> do british nuclear submarines still run windows?
[08:15:21] <SirFinkus> I'm better off assuming that they don't
[08:15:31] * crutchy wonders if they have clippy nuclear edition
[08:15:43] <boru> We have a bunch of oscilloscopes here at work, inordinately expensive ones at that, which run windows. It's like buying a Ferrari and painting it turd brown.
[08:15:59] <crutchy> 'it looks like you're trying to launch armageddon. would you like help with that?'
[08:16:07] <boru> "It looks like you're trying to wipe out a civilisation. Do you need help with that?"
[08:16:10] <boru> Heh, beat me to it.
[08:16:19] <SirFinkus> that's a W.O.P.R. feature crutchy
[08:16:37] <boru> "How about a nice game of Minesweeper?"
[08:16:43] <crutchy> lol
[08:16:55] <crutchy> with 'force feedback'
[08:16:57] <crutchy> :D
[08:17:01] * boru chuckles.
[08:17:27] <SirFinkus> I bet one of those fully rugged tablets is on the nuclear football
[08:17:37] <SirFinkus> *in
[08:18:27] <SirFinkus> whatever they have inside it has to be stupid
[08:18:46] <SirFinkus> might actually be an ipad
[08:19:45] <crutchy> nah US nuclear forces don't use windows or ipads. they still use 3 1/4" floppies. whatever it is probably sends telegrams
[08:20:30] <boru> A vast improvement over an ipad.
[08:21:11] <SirFinkus> inside is a card with this printed on it http://www.omniglot.com
[08:22:51] <boru> Pft, who doesn't know semaphores by heart?
[08:23:20] <SirFinkus> have you followed US politics at all lately?
[08:23:38] <boru> I fairly successfully avoid politics altogether.
[08:23:45] <boru> It doesn't interest me in the slightest.
[08:24:11] <SirFinkus> probably a good idea tbh
[08:51:32] -!- x0908d3b2 has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[08:51:33] -!- x0908d3b2 [x0908d3b2!~quassel@2605:ea00:1:j::qvto:oymn] has joined #Soylent
[09:37:26] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Sandboxing Browsers on Linux with Firejail - http://sylnt.us - interesting-reads
[10:17:48] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[10:17:49] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2788
[10:18:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> feelin like a vidya mornin
[10:18:39] * TheMightyBuzzard reads through the morning news first
[10:30:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> right, that was basically fuck-all happening over night. cigarette and some vidya then.
[11:07:14] <boru> There was some good iCTF happening overnight.
[11:08:35] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Hackers Compromised Telegram Accounts, Identified 15 Million Users' Phone Numbers - http://sylnt.us - it-used-to-be-a-good-idea
[11:28:24] <crutchy> ~socialist TheMightyBuzzard
[11:28:26] <exec> TheMightyBuzzard, YOU'RE a SOCIALIST!
[11:28:31] <crutchy> guess wot mate
[11:28:48] <crutchy> today i gots the ok to put a workipoos-related thingy on github :D
[11:30:06] <crutchy> well, being worked on at home in my own time and not really work-related, but currently being developed for a work thingy. one of those muddy areas so i thought i'd better gets permission
[11:33:33] <cmn32480> ~gday crutchy
[11:33:35] * exec irresponsibly shoves a safespace of more cowbell in crutchy
[11:33:45] <crutchy> ~g'day cmn32480 o/
[11:33:46] <cmn32480> how si the cold dark winter?
[11:33:48] * exec abnormally experiences a fart hole of 👌👈 with cmn32480
[11:33:52] <crutchy> shitty atm
[11:33:59] <crutchy> pissing rain and blowing a gale :(
[11:34:30] <crutchy> kindda hoping i didn't park the car up the driveway too much so as to be under a tree
[11:34:31] <cmn32480> humid as hell here... s'posed to get to the mid 90's I think
[11:34:35] <cmn32480> ~weather
[11:34:37] <exec> 10Baltimore, MD, USA - currently 79°F / 26°C, cloudy, wind S at 3 mph, humidity 85% - Wednesday mostly cloudy (79°F:92°F / 26°C:33°C), Thursday partly cloudy (80°F:94°F / 27°C:34°C), Friday scattered thunderstorms (80°F:94°F / 27°C:34°C), Saturday partly cloudy (81°F:96°F / 27°C:36°C)
[11:34:38] <crutchy> oh. nice
[11:34:50] <crutchy> ~weather
[11:34:52] <exec> 12Melbourne VIC - currently 9°C, light rain showers, wind SW at 21 km/h, humidity 93% - Wednesday scattered showers (5°C:14°C), Thursday mostly sunny (7°C:15°C), Friday mostly cloudy (7°C:16°C), Saturday partly cloudy (8°C:16°C)
[11:35:02] <crutchy> pfft. light rain my arse
[11:35:12] * cmn32480 dreams of weather like that
[11:35:35] <cmn32480> 503 Windows updates????? WTF???
[11:35:37] <cmn32480> oh
[11:35:41] <cmn32480> patch tuesday
[11:36:26] <cmn32480> no giagantic surprises for you floating around I hope?
[11:40:05] <crutchy> apparently we have mozzies with flesh eating virus lately or something
[11:40:23] <crutchy> ~g mosquitos flesh eating virus victoria australia
[11:40:25] <exec> [google] www.aww.com.au/latest.../buruli-ulcer-fears-over-flesh-eating-bacteria-s...
[11:40:40] <cmn32480> hmmm... I suppose that's worse then Zika
[11:41:34] <cmn32480> but you'll probably have that too when the Olympics are over
[11:41:40] <crutchy> http://www.aww.com.au
[11:41:47] <yo_momma> ^ 03Buruli ulcer: Fears mosquitos and possums spreading flesh-eating bacteria in Melbourne | Australian Women's Weekly
[11:41:53] <crutchy> damn. i kinda wish i hadn't opened that link :|
[11:42:45] <crutchy> ah well. just another thing to add to the list of fauna trying to kill us
[11:43:10] <cmn32480> it's Australia.. aren't you guys beating off the local fauna in droves anyway?
[11:43:39] <crutchy> its probably some government experiment
[11:44:16] <cmn32480> coffee++
[11:44:16] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2789
[11:44:20] <cmn32480> says TheMightyBuzzard
[11:45:18] <crutchy> its not politically popular to have our navy shoot at boat people, so they're trying to come up with some way to a) scare the shit out of them from wanting to come or b) infect them so bad that it eventually scares the shit outta people from wanting to come
[11:45:42] <cmn32480> "I said fire across her nose, not up it!"
[11:46:16] <cmn32480> you could try surrounding yourselves with an ocean
[11:46:26] <crutchy> of dropbears :p
[11:46:53] <cmn32480> ~googledropbear
[11:46:58] <cmn32480> ~g dropbear
[11:47:00] <exec> [google] https://en.wikipedia.org
[11:47:31] <crutchy> ermagerd! it's a hoax!?
[11:47:47] * cmn32480 checks off one thign that is no longer trying to ckill crutchy
[11:48:02] <boru> That article is probably written by dropbears. Let's be honest.
[11:48:06] <crutchy> now its gunna be drop-mozzie
[11:48:43] <crutchy> boru, yeah i think so. they've infiltrated our government and everything
[11:48:53] <boru> I believe it.
[11:49:16] <cmn32480> that explains the Census dust up
[11:49:34] <cmn32480> "Dropbear falls on census Server Rack"
[11:49:37] <crutchy> hah. yeah that was pretty funny
[11:49:44] <cmn32480> I giggled.
[11:50:07] <cmn32480> the only thing that I coudl think to compare it to was Healthcare.giv
[11:50:16] <crutchy> ask millions of people to fill out an online questionaire and wonder why the server buckles
[11:50:23] <cmn32480> s/.giv/gov/
[11:50:23] <sedctl> <cmn32480> the only thing that I coudl think to compare it to was Healthcaregov
[11:50:30] <cmn32480> s/.giv/.ov/
[11:50:30] <sedctl> <cmn32480> the only thing that I coudl think to compare it to was Healthcare.ov
[11:50:37] <cmn32480> s/.giv/.gov/
[11:50:37] <sedctl> <cmn32480> the only thing that I coudl think to compare it to was Healthcare.gov
[11:50:44] <cmn32480> forurth tinme is the charm
[11:50:46] <crutchy> s/and/at the same time /
[11:50:46] <sedctl> <crutchy> ask millions of people to fill out an online questionaire at the same time wonder why the server buckles
[11:50:48] <cmn32480> stupid finger
[11:51:06] <cmn32480> dunno
[11:51:16] <cmn32480> google and Amazon don't seem to have that issue
[11:51:22] <crutchy> apparently they didn't stress test
[11:51:31] <cmn32480> ya think?
[11:51:39] <cmn32480> ~blame
[11:51:40] * exec points at Bytram
[11:51:45] <cmn32480> that 'splains it
[11:51:50] <crutchy> maybe census has 500,000,000 loc so they figured it was too impractical to stress test
[11:52:06] <cmn32480> unlikely...
[11:52:20] <boru> Typical web developers. "Let's just test in production as per usual"
[11:53:05] <cmn32480> sounds like our guys work there
[11:53:07] <crutchy> it wouldn't have been so bad if beforehand they threaten (in usual aussie way) to fine anyone that doesn't do it :|
[11:53:21] <crutchy> s/they/they didn't /
[11:53:21] <sedctl> <crutchy> it wouldn't have been so bad if beforehand they didn't threaten (in usual aussie way) to fine anyone that doesn't do it :|
[11:54:56] <crutchy> "oh shit our servers borked.. oh shit now nobody can do the shit.. oh crap now everyone thinks the gubmint gunna fine them... oh bugger we should figure out some way to tell people they not gunna get fined"
[11:56:22] <cmn32480> did they put out a "No fines this year" announcement
[11:56:56] <crutchy> dunno. wifey said she had trouble submitting ours. i didn't bother to ask her if it eventually worked :p
[11:57:16] <crutchy> and i don't bother reading aussie news. its like watching grass grow
[11:57:32] <crutchy> we don't have a trump vs hillary thing goin on :p
[12:01:05] <crutchy> woohoo decody thingy working :D
[12:02:13] <crutchy> fuckin hate binary math :(
[12:02:32] <boru> Bigot.
[12:03:00] <crutchy> oh don't worry i hate all math equally :p
[12:03:22] <crutchy> i just happen to be dealing with the binary variety atm
[12:03:49] <crutchy> anyone else ever dealt with websockets?
[12:06:27] * cmn32480 watches the tumbleweeds roll down the channel
[12:07:04] <crutchy> anyway, been working on this: https://github.com
[12:07:05] <yo_momma> ^ 03push_server/server.php at master · crutchy-/push_server · GitHub ( https://github.com )
[12:09:31] <cmn32480> what's it do?
[12:09:40] <AndyTheAbsurd> LOL I was about to ask that
[12:09:54] <AndyTheAbsurd> but then I figured maybe I should click the link and see if it has a description
[12:10:06] * cmn32480 knwons better.. this is crutchy code
[12:10:31] <boru> It's PHP. It's obviously some sort of server with backdoor functionality.
[12:10:42] <crutchy> the highlighted code decodes data frames transmitted over websockets, which are kinda like persistent ajax
[12:11:35] <AndyTheAbsurd> I'd describe websockets as "an inversion of the client/server model that the web was originally based on" rather than "persistent ajax"
[12:11:50] <crutchy> probably lol
[12:12:22] <crutchy> its still client/server.. its just... a bit more appy :p
[12:13:15] <crutchy> why have 1 server, when you can have 2 :D
[12:16:13] <AndyTheAbsurd> yo dawg, I heard you liked client/server models so we made your client a server and your server a client so that your client could server your server and you server could be a client of your client.
[12:17:18] <crutchy> gotta have them ads keep on flowing. can't have people keep blocking our ads now can we
[12:17:38] <crutchy> polymorpherized websites ftw!
[12:18:27] <crutchy> dunno if websockets could be used to get around ad blockers, but its an interesting thought
[12:19:05] <crutchy> maybe i should try to implement that and become an instant billionaire :p
[12:19:13] -!- weeds [weeds!~42c02ea2@01-732-05-876.static.twtelecom.net] has joined #Soylent
[12:19:27] <weeds> ~gday hosers
[12:19:29] * exec allegedly offers an overflowing treasure chest of rainbow to hosers
[12:19:45] <crutchy> ~rainbow g'day weeds o/
[12:19:46] <exec> 00,02g00,06'00,04d00,07a00,08y00,09 00,12w00,02e00,06e00,04d00,07s00,08 00,09o00,12/
[12:20:14] <AndyTheAbsurd> I'm not a hoser, I'm a cracker! Get your perjoratives right!
[12:20:28] <crutchy> yeah i resemble that insult!
[12:20:41] <weeds> ~gday cracker
[12:20:42] * exec dexterously gives birth to a can of clockwork oranges for cracker
[12:20:56] <AndyTheAbsurd> ~gday weeds
[12:20:57] * exec faithfully hurls an ace archive of lard at weeds
[12:20:58] <crutchy> clockwork oranges? lol
[12:21:05] <crutchy> ~g'day <list>
[12:21:08] <exec> http://ix.io
[12:21:19] <cmn32480> ~gday weeds
[12:21:21] * exec ceremoniously pisses a wide load of meat on weeds
[12:21:42] <crutchy> shitbags that file is growing
[12:21:49] <weeds> What??? Did I really desrve that?
[12:22:22] <weeds> Although I can't quite figure out how one might piss meat
[12:22:37] <crutchy> maybe we need to mix some of bender's quotes file into the g'day list
[12:22:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> thar we go. baddies pwned and lewtz acquired.
[12:22:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> !quote
[12:22:51] <Bender> quote <ID/search string>
[12:22:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> !quote 730
[12:22:59] <Bender> Quote 730 - <SirFinkus> well, there's your problem jasassin, you're not supposed to fuck em
[12:23:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> bender needs a random quote function
[12:23:28] <crutchy> poor em. very unappreciated character
[12:23:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh ya...
[12:23:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> #socialist crutchy
[12:23:32] <MrPlow> crutchy, you're a socialist!
[12:23:50] <cmn32480> TheMightyBuzzard - get w/ janrinok on Bender... he was looking at the rss code the other day
[12:24:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> ah, cool
[12:24:24] <crutchy> bender is a fat ass bot-ox
[12:24:55] <crutchy> !bier
[12:24:55] * Bender schenkt een glas chouffe in voor crutchy
[12:25:01] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~define bender, a fat ass bot-ox
[12:25:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~define-add bender, a fat ass bot-ox
[12:25:19] <exec> definition for term "bender" set to "a fat ass bot-ox"
[12:25:26] <cmn32480> zz_janrinok - talk to TheMightyBuzzard about Bender
[12:25:57] <crutchy> mebe arthur could become the new bender
[12:26:04] <crutchy> (in #rss-bot anyway)
[12:26:24] <crutchy> oh nah arthur reads from #rss-bot don't it
[12:26:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> maybe i should just write a ten minute perl bot to do it. it's easy to undef unnecessary bits of rss feeds in perl.
[12:26:46] <cmn32480> jr said he has been putting in significant time on Arthur for thigns like taking an individual URL and pulling it.
[12:27:00] <cmn32480> ther is cruft, but it igets the majority of things
[12:27:01] <xhedit> coffee++
[12:27:01] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2790
[12:27:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[12:27:05] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2791
[12:27:12] <cmn32480> coffee++
[12:27:12] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2792
[12:27:16] <crutchy> coffee++
[12:27:16] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2793
[12:27:34] <crutchy> bacon++
[12:27:34] <Bender> karma - bacon: 316
[12:27:44] <cmn32480> bacon++
[12:27:44] <Bender> karma - bacon: 317
[12:27:49] <xhedit> nicotine++
[12:27:49] <Bender> karma - nicotine: 111
[12:28:07] <cmn32480> nope... can't do that one
[12:28:10] <crutchy> fuck its really raining heavy now :/
[12:28:16] <cmn32480> been smoke free about 3 months
[12:28:27] <cmn32480> it going sideways?
[12:28:36] <crutchy> nah its just fat rain
[12:28:46] <cmn32480> better tehn hail
[12:28:54] <crutchy> and lerts of it
[12:29:09] <crutchy> yeah hopefully we dont get hail
[12:29:41] <crutchy> im gunna end up with a swimming pool in mah back yard again
[12:29:58] <crutchy> perfect spot for them flesh eating virus carrying mozzies to breed :(
[12:30:25] * cmn32480 hands crutchy a can of DDT
[12:30:53] <crutchy> we have one of those intermittent spray thingys
[12:30:57] <crutchy> just gotta put it up
[12:32:34] <crutchy> TheMightyBuzzard, did ya see i'm working on a websocket server?
[12:32:38] <crutchy> its gud fun
[12:32:48] <crutchy> socketastic :)
[12:33:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> i did indeed
[12:34:21] <TheMightyBuzzard> off to go buy boat stuff. yall don't burn nothin down.
[12:34:41] <cmn32480> we will...
[12:34:59] * AndyTheAbsurd digs up propane torch, hands it to cmn32480
[12:35:11] * cmn32480 digs out a zippo
[12:36:00] <crutchy> will sorta the same thing as ratchet and zeromq, but without all the framework cruft and dependencies
[12:36:15] <crutchy> cuz i hates frameworks and dependencies
[12:37:25] <crutchy> my version of zeromq is just gunna be a pipe file
[12:46:42] -!- Gravis [Gravis!~gravis@bi53-240-819-373.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[12:55:46] <crutchy> damn off by one error
[13:02:17] <xhedit> cmn32480: i get all my nicotine via smoke free methods
[13:07:56] -!- x0908d3b2 has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[13:10:08] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Nervana Deep Learning Chip - http://sylnt.us - no-diving-in-the-shallow-learning-end
[13:22:52] -!- x0908d3b2 [x0908d3b2!~quassel@2605:ea00:1:j::qvto:oymn] has joined #Soylent
[14:11:26] -!- crutchy has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[14:17:37] * Runaway1956 ships a cargo container of frameworks and dependencies to crutchy
[14:19:22] <Runaway1956> http://www.foxnews.com
[14:19:28] <yo_momma> ^ 03Two officers shot in Arkansas, suspect not in custody | Fox News
[14:19:44] <Runaway1956> That one is closer to home than either Dallas or Baton Rouge
[14:20:42] <AndyTheAbsurd> "Police said the shooter was carrying a semi-automatic weapon, NEWS5 reported."
[14:20:57] <AndyTheAbsurd> matches s/automatic weapon/ so trigger the gun control freaks!
[14:21:06] <AndyTheAbsurd> hehehe I said "trigger".
[14:21:20] <Runaway1956> Whatever trips your trigger
[14:21:24] <Runaway1956> or floats your boat
[14:21:29] <Runaway1956> or blows your skirt up
[14:21:48] <Runaway1956> Quick - what's another word for thesaurus?
[14:21:53] <boru> Indeed. Martial Law in the Excited States soon, no doubt.
[14:30:04] <Runaway1956> http://www.cbssports.com
[14:30:05] <yo_momma> ^ 03Media bus windows at Rio Olympics shattered by gunfire, passenger believes - CBSSports.com
[14:30:23] <Runaway1956> I thought that kind of thing only happened in the US and backward Islamic countries?
[14:32:19] <boru> Well, it's US citizens in both places.
[14:32:28] <AndyTheAbsurd> Nope, from what I understand, that kind of thing happens a lot in certain Latin/South American countries
[14:37:26] -!- n1 [n1!~n1@Soylent/Staff/Editor/n1] has joined #Soylent
[14:37:26] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v n1] by Aphrodite
[14:39:35] <AndyTheAbsurd> hey n1
[14:40:04] <n1> howdy, AndyTheAbsurd
[14:41:17] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - UCR Today: Study Highlights Serious Security Threat to Many Internet Users - http://sylnt.us - not-good-news
[14:42:53] * n1 wonders if the lack of submissions so far this week means 'no news is good news'
[14:43:34] <Runaway1956> Just jaded - here's one for you n1
[14:43:54] <Runaway1956> #submit http://www.4029tv.com
[14:43:54] <MrPlow> Submitting. There is a mandatory delay, please be patient.
[14:44:06] <n1> ¬_¬
[14:44:12] <boru> I've got a news backlog, it's just that work is bedlam at the moment...
[14:44:20] <MrPlow> Submission successful. https://soylentnews.org
[14:44:28] <Runaway1956> I just closed several hits from a google search - no one has much for details yet
[14:45:21] <Runaway1956> seems that someone called for the police to come to their home, about 7:15
[14:45:27] <Runaway1956> when the cops arrived, they were shot
[14:45:44] <Runaway1956> So, it's like 2 1/2 hours ago, and details are just lacking
[14:47:23] <n1> recall kind of things as a setup from a tv show as a way of dealing with cops that are not loyal to the force, set up a call that they wont return from.
[14:47:56] <n1> for whatever reason, that's what my brian decided was relevant
[14:48:45] <Runaway1956> It does sound personal - small town, only a couple cops on duty at any given time, the police chief and a sheriff's deputy responded
[14:48:59] <n1> brain, not my brian...
[14:49:00] <Runaway1956> whoever did the shooting was after one of those two individuals
[14:49:31] <Runaway1956> Yeah, I cipher-de'ed the brain, LOL
[14:50:22] <Runaway1956> I got stopped in Hackett years ago, for speeding, bringing my sons home from a work day a the boy scout camp
[14:50:28] <n1> i dont like being cynical or shit, but having heard enough stories, directly from officers, and people who have been the target, in lots of countries
[14:50:44] <n1> it's just not surprising that there could be those kind of angles to it
[14:51:10] <n1> beyond what's been on TV, ive heard enough from real people about real events
[14:52:24] <n1> small town cops being used to teach people a lesson, few days in jail for disrespecting the family, making someone upset etc...
[14:52:42] <paulej72> I am exhausted
[14:53:08] <Runaway1956> God I'm tired of the media coverage - every major news outlet praises Hillary, and dumps on Trump
[14:53:14] <paulej72> I just spent the morning doing cable management for our chair's workstation.
[14:53:29] <Runaway1956> If it were 50/50, I'd be happy
[14:53:58] <Runaway1956> Did you upgrade to Cat6 paulej72 ??
[14:54:26] <n1> well, trump could call clinton out on some shit, and because he said it, it would get coverage
[14:54:29] <n1> but he's not going to
[14:55:01] <Runaway1956> Another killing on radio talk show this morning - I haven't looked it up yet
[14:55:21] <Runaway1956> 27 year old connected to the DNC shot in the back on his way to an FBI meeting
[14:55:33] <paulej72> not sure if the cables are cat6 or cat 5e. I was mainly trying to manage the two 30" Apple displays, with active displayport to dualdiv adapters that connect to a Mac Pro.
[14:56:05] <n1> was not that long ago (unless social media has actually speeded up the passage of time) that trump endorse hilary, clinton's have been friends with trump for years, their kids are good friends.... oooh such an outsider is trump!
[15:01:45] <Runaway1956> http://www.thegatewaypundit.com
[15:01:46] <yo_momma> ^ 03WOW! BREAKING=> Julian Assange Suggests Seth Rich - Who Was MURDERED in DC - Was Wikileaks DNC Source!
[15:02:26] <Runaway1956> Uhhhh - wow. Time isn't being kind to Assange
[15:04:28] <cmn32480> he don't get much sun holed up int eh ecuadorian embassy away from the windows
[15:04:35] <n1> he's spent too long being a politician, and it's taken the toll that it seems to with presidents/prime ministers
[15:05:05] <n1> lots of talk, beating around the bush, little meat to chew on
[15:05:49] <n1> as far as i've seen, more interesting stuff has come from FoIA requests since snowden than wikileaks
[15:07:09] <cmn32480> except for the whole rigged election thing
[15:07:24] <cmn32480> which won't be investigated... beyond finding who stole the emails
[15:07:35] <n1> sure
[15:07:47] <n1> but that was such a scandal that require such damage control, that it literally got ignored
[15:08:05] <Runaway1956> Premature baby ward had a fire in Baghdad - twelve infants dead
[15:08:09] <Runaway1956> nasssty
[15:08:12] <n1> if i remember, what came from the DNC emails was
[15:08:17] <n1> the person at the top got a promotion
[15:08:34] <cmn32480> I don't think proomotion is the right word
[15:09:16] <n1> well, they certainly didn't resign after being disgraced and take a step away from politics to spend more time with family after this difficult time
[15:09:25] <cmn32480> she quit, lost a shitton of guaranteed $$ for the job of being both member of the house and the DNC chair, and is now workign for the clinton campaign in Florida, where she will very likely lose her primary
[15:09:26] <Runaway1956> I think she got an annointment from the annointed one
[15:09:55] <Runaway1956> If Shrillary wins, she'll get some lush appointment
[15:10:10] <Runaway1956> First Advisor to Her Highness or somethign like that
[15:10:27] <cmn32480> very likeely
[15:11:11] <n1> and no one really cared when the story broke, because like the NSA spying on everyone all the time, everyone knew that was going on anyway, it's only sensible
[15:11:33] <n1> much like what the GOP appears to be trying to to do trump, the DNC worked with hilary to avoid that situation
[15:11:41] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - UCR Today: Study Highlights Serious Security Threat to Many Internet Users - http://sylnt.us - not-good-news
[15:11:49] <Runaway1956> Yeah, but the party has spent the last two years denying anything like that was taking place
[15:11:53] <n1> anyone involved in the situation has a term for these types of shenanigans, it's called work in politics
[15:12:24] <n1> yeah, and how long has various government depts been denying things theyve been doing for decades?
[15:12:56] <Runaway1956> Some would say your cynical n1
[15:13:03] <Runaway1956> I would say you're a realist
[15:13:18] <n1> no one cares, no one blinks, people get outraged when it's one of their trigger issues, but we all knew it was going on, it always has been going on and in the grand scheme of things it's for our own good
[15:13:43] <n1> because really, we can't handle the truth and we give TPTB every indication that we don't want to
[15:13:44] <cmn32480> they say it's for our own good, or it actually IS for our own good?
[15:14:23] <n1> we beg for the bread and circuses.... i look at the UK, the brexit vote happened, the electorate is now washing their hands of it
[15:14:48] <n1> "we did out part, we voted out" and give no fucks about the diplomacy and all the things going on in an eventual exit
[15:15:00] <n1> they put a tick on a bit of paper, they did their democratic duty
[15:15:55] <n1> 'no one knows what's going to happen, but if someone say's it's bad, you shouldn't listen to them, we're getting lots of experts to start negotiations in which we will get everything and give nothing"
[15:18:29] <n1> "we're going to be out of the EU, but the most important thing is our banks keep their EU passport"
[15:18:43] <n1> how people can accept that kind of logic, i don't know.
[15:19:12] <cmn32480> like the user who calls me and tells me her internet is slow while watching Hulu at work, tehy are idiots
[15:20:39] <n1> i'm going to give up my status as a british subject so i don't have to pay the taxes, but i'll keep the british passport so i can live and work in the UK when i want it's convenient... i'm sure Her Majesty's Government would be fine with that.
[15:21:59] <n1> after all the taxes i've paid in recent years, it's the only fair arrangement.
[15:26:07] * n1 goes back to watching GBP/USD exchange rates
[15:27:54] <Runaway1956> Feeling suicidal? Eat some enzymes!
[15:28:07] <Runaway1956> #submit https://www.sciencedaily.com
[15:28:07] <MrPlow> Unable to find a title for that page
[15:28:26] <Runaway1956> Oh - wait - plowboy doesn't like that site . . . they suck
[15:29:43] <Runaway1956> #submit http://www.vai.org
[15:29:43] <MrPlow> Submitting. There is a mandatory delay, please be patient.
[15:30:09] <MrPlow> Submission successful. https://soylentnews.org
[15:30:13] <Runaway1956> HAH! I outsmarted the sucky site's poor page layout
[15:30:44] * Runaway1956 tries to remember who taught me to do that
[15:30:51] <Runaway1956> MartyB?
[15:31:44] <n1> wasn't me for sure
[15:32:57] <cmn32480> save it to archive.is?
[15:33:55] <Runaway1956> Nahhh, just follow the links within the article - this one had a direct link to the source
[15:34:53] <n1> http://www.reuters.com
[15:34:59] <yo_momma> ^ 03Russia accuses Ukraine of armed Crimea incursion, says two killed| Reuters
[15:35:12] <Runaway1956> CMN - you getting a lot of failed work units? I had about 1.25 metric butt-ton of them today.
[15:35:12] <n1> http://www.reuters.com
[15:35:13] <yo_momma> ^ 03Games bus hit by gunfire, no one seriously hurt: witnesses| Reuters
[15:35:40] <cmn32480> dunno.. I havne't looked in a while
[15:36:33] <Runaway1956> Your stats page looks about normal to me, I guess
[15:36:50] <Runaway1956> mine shows a lot of work units, but not a lot of points
[15:40:34] <cmn32480> the points all depend on the units that you are being assigned
[15:41:00] <cmn32480> on my GTX970 if I get an ax18 unit it is always worht a lot less than an ax21 unit
[15:41:01] <Runaway1956> Yes, of course, but I'm seeing failed WU's in the logs too
[15:41:26] <Runaway1956> "unstable platform" among other things
[15:41:48] <Runaway1956> Dumped two work units at once for that one
[15:42:09] <Runaway1956> and, that was the Linux box!
[15:42:30] <Runaway1956> ~folding-rank
[15:42:32] <exec> 07518
[15:43:02] <Runaway1956> 14 to 16 days til we hit 500, according to current stats
[15:43:19] <cmn32480> I've got one box that can't seem to get an assignment anymore
[15:43:52] <Runaway1956> do it like a stepchild - if it don't work, it don't eat
[15:44:07] <cmn32480> gonna kick start the linux server adn see if that helps
[15:44:37] * Runaway1956 has another box he intends to start up now that the CAT6 cable has arrived
[15:45:16] * cmn32480 has no idea what I P address that box isa on
[15:45:20] <Runaway1956> didn't want to plug available cable or questionable parentage into the system
[15:45:55] <Runaway1956> maybe?
[15:46:46] <cmn32480> prolly
[15:47:55] <Runaway1956> Chrome can't find a page at that address. Administrator probably screwed the pooch.
[15:48:14] <cmn32480> hmmmm 104 package updates adn 45 security updates...
[15:48:18] <cmn32480> let's start there
[15:49:20] <n1> https://www.theguardian.com
[15:49:26] <yo_momma> ^ 03New Duke of Westminster inherits £9bn fortune aged 25 | UK news | The Guardian
[15:49:33] <n1> new owner for the half of london that isn't owned offshore.
[15:49:40] <Runaway1956> Oh yeah - the homeworld game. I've made it to the last mission in the campaign, don't have enough of the right kind of firepower to pull off that final mission.
[15:49:59] <cmn32480> gotta go back and find the right firepower and come back?
[15:50:25] <Runaway1956> Yeah, basically - I need to capture more capital ships than I captured the first time around
[15:50:39] <Runaway1956> Blow up less shit, steal more shit
[15:50:54] <cmn32480> can you just go back and not lose the progress, or do you avhe to staret over?
[15:51:26] <Runaway1956> It's kinda a judgement thing. I can backtrack to any point, but whatever point I choose, all progress beyond that point is lost
[15:51:42] <cmn32480> so... no
[15:51:52] <cmn32480> reload
[15:51:54] <Runaway1956> I think things were looking good about mission 9, then it started falling apart
[15:52:42] <cmn32480> fuck I hate linux
[15:52:45] <cmn32480> linux--
[15:52:45] <Bender> karma - linux: 10
[15:53:07] <Runaway1956> fuck I love linux
[15:53:11] <Runaway1956> linux__
[15:53:15] <Runaway1956> linux++
[15:53:15] <Bender> karma - linux: 11
[15:53:25] <Runaway1956> it's systemd that I'm starting to hate
[15:53:27] <n1> i hate operating systems.
[15:53:41] <cmn32480> fuck I hate Windows
[15:53:44] <cmn32480> Windows++
[15:53:44] <Bender> karma - windows: -19
[15:53:45] <Runaway1956> everything I thought I knew has been twisted beyond recognition
[15:54:03] <Runaway1956> winbloze--
[15:54:03] <Bender> karma - winbloze: -1
[15:54:55] <takyon> https://soylentnews.org(s)+of+DNC+Staffer
[15:54:56] <yo_momma> ^ 03SN Submission by takyon: WikiLeaks Announces $20k Bounty For Murderer(s) of DNC Staffer
[16:00:19] <cmn32480> The required dependency 'apt (>= 1.01ubuntu2.13)' is not installed
[16:06:39] <cmn32480> ach... it's an office birthday... fucking wonderful
[16:06:49] <cmn32480> please kill me
[16:07:12] <n1> so not only are corporations people, offices have birthdays too now?
[16:07:23] <cmn32480> no
[16:07:27] <cmn32480> lady in the office
[16:08:10] <cmn32480> she's swell and all.... but the diabetic guy bought the cake... and will probably go inot a coma from it
[16:09:41] <n1> cake at work, i can't even imagine such a world
[16:11:00] <n1> although i am right now trying to decide if i should put some bbq sauce on the pork i have cooking
[16:11:03] <Runaway1956> we have dinners and stuff all the time - boss lady loves that stuff
[16:11:21] <Runaway1956> birthday thing every month
[16:11:36] <cmn32480> but I'm in the middle of shit
[16:11:48] <cmn32480> trying to get the decks cleared before I go on vacation
[16:11:54] <Runaway1956> was told last night that we're having hamburgers on Friday night
[16:12:07] <cmn32480> bring your own cheese
[16:12:19] * Runaway1956 passes cmn32480 a roll of paper
[16:12:27] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Elon Musk: "It's a Solar Roof, as Opposed to Modules on a Roof" - http://sylnt.us - let-the-sun-shine
[16:12:28] <cmn32480> and I'm gonna be out of the office for like 7 of the next 8 weeks the way thigns are looking
[16:15:59] <takyon> don't edit soylent on vacation
[16:16:02] <takyon> just be on vacation
[16:17:56] <takyon> http://www.marketwatch.com
[16:18:01] <yo_momma> ^ 03How far does $1 go in your state? - MarketWatch
[16:18:28] <Runaway1956> Arthur T's submission is sure interesting - http://www.theregister.co.uk
[16:18:29] <yo_momma> ^ 03Bungling Microsoft singlehandedly proves that golden backdoor keys are a terrible idea • The Register
[16:19:44] <cmn32480> takyon - if I don't edit Soylent, how will they pay me?
[16:19:53] <takyon> suddenly those bargain bin tablets got some value
[16:20:29] <Runaway1956> Well - "some value" is probably accurate
[16:20:44] <takyon> cmn32480: Simoleons
[16:21:58] <Runaway1956> Hey - do you guys get paid by the word? That might explain some people's attitudes, if they don't know very many words.
[16:22:54] * Runaway1956 still hasn't found a synonym for thesaurus
[16:24:54] <takyon> word-a-like book
[16:30:19] -!- SoyCow8857 [SoyCow8857!~ae683623@vnh-521-051-94-94.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #Soylent
[16:32:36] -!- SoyCow8857 has quit [Client Quit]
[16:36:49] <xhedit> the paper on that tcp attack is a pretty good read
[16:37:40] <takyon> this: https://soylentnews.org ?
[16:37:46] <yo_momma> ^ 03SN article:  UCR Today: Study Highlights Serious Security Threat to Many Internet Users 04(15 comments)
[16:37:50] <xhedit> yes
[16:39:51] <n1> http://www.bbc.co.uk
[16:39:53] <yo_momma> ^ 03Man arrested after running across Madrid airport tarmac to catch flight - BBC News
[16:39:57] -!- mecctro [mecctro!~Thunderbi@vnh-521-051-94-94.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #Soylent
[16:40:12] <n1> "A man who jumped out of a disconnected jet bridge and ran across tarmac at an airport in Madrid caught his flight, but was arrested when it landed."
[16:41:26] <takyon> success!
[16:41:36] <mecctro> ?
[16:41:38] <takyon> I'm surprised they even took off
[16:42:00] <n1> would have been expensive not to
[16:43:03] <xhedit> gotta pick up delta's traveler slack
[16:43:05] <n1> it happening at madrid is quite something, it's a huge airport
[16:43:40] <n1> which makes me think there was a decision to take off, rather than lose the slot as the passenger was 'contained'
[16:46:08] <n1> 6th busiest airport in europe apparently
[16:48:47] <takyon> airplanes get diverted back to originating airport when there is even a hint of possible terrorism
[16:48:56] <takyon> seems like guy running across the tarmac would qualify
[16:50:04] <n1> you would think so
[16:52:06] <mecctro> he was just too fast
[16:54:11] -!- mecctro has quit [Quit: twas nice]
[16:54:22] -!- mecctro [mecctro!~Thunderbi@vnh-521-051-94-94.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #Soylent
[17:05:41] <mecctro> Sidenote: I am Naze
[17:05:44] <mecctro> #sammich
[17:05:44] * MrPlow whips up a sex sammich for mecctro
[17:05:46] <takyon> hi
[17:05:48] <mecctro> top
[17:06:05] <mecctro> best sammish
[17:06:21] <cmn32480> #sammich mecctro
[17:06:21] * MrPlow sneaks up behind mecctro and cuts their throat
[17:06:21] * MrPlow fixes thinly sliced mecctro's corpse sammiches for everyone in #Soylent
[17:06:28] <n1> Hi Naze!
[17:06:32] <mecctro> always cutting my throat
[17:06:37] <mecctro> hello peeps
[17:10:30] zz_janrinok is now known as janrinok
[17:10:32] <n1> time for a smoke break to ponder how to be productive next
[17:10:40] <janrinok> ~gday n1
[17:10:41] <n1> janrinok !!
[17:10:42] * exec diarrhetically gives birth to a chariot of fencepost errors for n1
[17:10:52] <mecctro> sounds about right n1
[17:10:54] <janrinok> how's things?
[17:11:16] <janrinok> ~gday mecctro
[17:11:18] * exec abrasively drops an msi package of vespene gas on mecctro
[17:11:29] <mecctro> lol
[17:11:38] <cmn32480> ~gday janrinok
[17:11:40] * exec transphobically hangs a trigger warning sign about a freedom sandwich of bass hole on janrinok
[17:11:42] <janrinok> not quite what I had expected...
[17:11:47] <janrinok> ~gday cmn32480
[17:11:49] * exec flatulantly nudges black parking lot of eye crust toward cmn32480
[17:11:52] <mecctro> xD
[17:12:08] <cmn32480> nice
[17:12:29] <n1> how is janrinok today?
[17:13:03] <janrinok> was AWOL yesterday - the house next door caught fire, and our power was cut off while the fire brigade were brave men ....#
[17:13:17] <janrinok> ... but today I'm good
[17:13:19] <n1> wow, everyone ok?
[17:13:39] <janrinok> yep, although the occupant was unaware until I started banging on his front door
[17:14:01] <n1> being the good neighbour... "sorry to trouble you but i happened to notice your house is on fire"
[17:14:15] <janrinok> completely destroyed the upper floor - bedrooms.
[17:14:44] <mecctro> Lots of housefires around here in the last few years, starting to get paranoid
[17:14:52] <cmn32480> janrinok++
[17:14:52] <Bender> karma - janrinok: 37
[17:14:56] <janrinok> n1: something like that, and I asked would he mind standing outside until the flames had subsided...
[17:15:23] <cmn32480> to be rather cynical about it... better his house thean yours!
[17:15:27] <janrinok> mecctro, where's 'here' - it might be a place I try to avoid
[17:15:41] <janrinok> absolutely
[17:15:46] <cmn32480> just left of over there
[17:16:06] <janrinok> got it, found it on my map of fairy tale places
[17:16:23] <mecctro> It's not really a bad town, I just have the suspicion that there is a pyro around, or maybe a lot of people committing insurance fraud
[17:16:40] <cmn32480> west of the shire, south of mordor, and just over the third hill from Hogwarts
[17:16:41] <mecctro> Been 6 house fires in 2 years, all within a block
[17:16:53] <n1> mecctro, how have house prices been doing?
[17:16:56] <janrinok> cmn32480, not far from here then
[17:17:20] <mecctro> There absolutely dropped in this neighborhood, which was part of why I was suspicious.
[17:17:20] <cmn32480> oh... and slightly south northwesterlyish of Shangri-La
[17:17:25] <mecctro> They*
[17:18:00] <n1> i'd say that's a reasonable suspicion if there's a trend
[17:18:18] <mecctro> I just don't want my house burning down by proxy
[17:18:55] <cmn32480> and with a pattern forming just your luck to be the one they point to for fraud?
[17:19:40] <mecctro> I wasn't really thinking that far ahead, just seemed too common to be coincidence
[17:19:54] <janrinok> mecctro - do you get unexpected clicks when you answer the phone, are there strangers standing outside your house, do you have the feeling that you are being followed?
[17:20:22] <cmn32480> he might be a Pokemon Go gym....
[17:20:27] * janrinok doesn't expect modern smart phones to make a click anymore...
[17:20:39] <n1> cmn32480++
[17:20:39] <Bender> karma - cmn32480: 64
[17:20:45] <mecctro> Never answer the phone, most of the houses near me are torn down (not so many strangers), and I don't leave the house lol
[17:20:50] <janrinok> I think I would rather be known as an arsonist
[17:21:26] <n1> mecctro, last guy on the block... got to be the guilty party for whatever happened
[17:21:29] <cmn32480> heh... based on what he is saying he could live in Baltimore....
[17:21:40] <mecctro> the black shire?
[17:21:42] <janrinok> ... or not
[17:22:01] <cmn32480> IO prefer to think of it as the gates to Mordor....
[17:22:08] <cmn32480> Washington DC being Mordor
[17:22:46] <mecctro> I would think it would make it the back orifice of Mordor than
[17:23:21] <janrinok> the gates are 43.7 miles away? We have countries in Europe smaller than that!
[17:23:25] <cmn32480> well... Baltimore IS a shithole....
[17:23:31] <mecctro> ;)
[17:24:00] <cmn32480> yep... and how many of them can be named by a normal person?
[17:24:15] <janrinok> how many normal people do you think we have over here?
[17:24:16] * cmn32480 can name 3
[17:24:39] <cmn32480> none of whom are currently on IRC
[17:24:50] <n1> if we're using what normal people know as a measure of importance...
[17:25:18] <janrinok> now don't go bringing the US election into this...
[17:25:26] <mecctro> lol
[17:25:29] <xhedit> micronations don't count
[17:25:40] <mecctro> just like micropenises
[17:25:46] <cmn32480> That Sealand place off the Coast of the UK
[17:25:47] <janrinok> ouch, that hurt
[17:26:03] <xhedit> he's hung like a hamster
[17:26:13] <mecctro> there's always plastic surgery
[17:26:37] <janrinok> Vatican City (0.44 km2) ...
[17:26:37] <janrinok> Monaco (1.95 km2) ...
[17:26:37] <janrinok> San Marino (61 km2) ...
[17:26:37] <janrinok> Liechtenstein (160 km2) ...
[17:26:38] <janrinok> Malta (316 km2) ...
[17:26:39] <janrinok> Andorra (468 km2) ...
[17:26:40] <janrinok> Luxembourg (2,586 km2) ...
[17:26:42] <janrinok> Cyprus (9,251 km2)
[17:26:55] <xhedit> I was gonna say monaco but I don't think it's in the eu, i guess it is in europe though
[17:26:55] <mecctro> google doesn't count either
[17:27:14] <cmn32480> I had 4...
[17:27:49] <janrinok> https://en.wikipedia.org
[17:27:49] <cmn32480> I thoguht Luxembourg would be too big
[17:27:51] <yo_momma> ^ 03Wiki: European microstates
[17:27:58] <mecctro> I had 4 as well: VC, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg & Cyprus
[17:28:24] <cmn32480> replace Syprus w/ Andorra for mne
[17:28:58] <mecctro> I really thought Cyprus was smaller
[17:29:16] <n1> mecctro, it's complicated....
[17:30:01] <mecctro> how so?
[17:30:14] <janrinok> Cyprus is 62 miles wide, so doesn't fit the Baltimore/W DC distance
[17:30:35] <janrinok> mecctro: it is divided between 2 countries
[17:30:37] <n1> the whole north south cyprus divide
[17:30:45] <janrinok> Turkey and Greece
[17:31:13] <janrinok> so you have Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots
[17:31:28] <mecctro> I wasn't sure if that would declassify it or not, but, I really thought it was smaller than that.
[17:31:29] <janrinok> ... and usually they do not get on at all well with each other
[17:31:39] <cmn32480> I thoguht cyprus was a single country... didn't know it was split
[17:31:44] <n1> the only thing i really remember first hand from being there was being told that the turks had free electric for years, because if they cut them off, it would be acknowledging legitimacy of the turkish side
[17:31:53] <mecctro> Me either cmn32480
[17:31:57] <janrinok> The UN still have a force there to police the dividing line
[17:32:21] <cmn32480> becha that works out as well as the force in the Sudan
[17:32:56] <janrinok> It is a very popular tour - quite a few brits have done it, although I don't think we participate in it any more
[17:33:06] <n1> https://en.wikipedia.org
[17:33:07] <yo_momma> ^ 03Wiki: United Nations Buffer Zone in Cyprus
[17:33:16] <janrinok> like you guys being sent to patrol the beaches in California
[17:33:21] <mecctro> Is there a particular reason why they don't get along?
[17:33:41] <n1> greek cypriots: turkey invaded our country
[17:33:45] <janrinok> Greece and Turkey have been at each other's throats forever
[17:34:12] <n1> i have no knowledge of the turkish side, but i'm guessing it's similar, using a different time period for reference
[17:35:14] <n1> it's a big issue for turkey ever joining the eu
[17:35:24] <mecctro> Have the citizens in Cyprus been there for a lot of generations?
[17:36:06] <janrinok> In the Greek part, certainly, the northern Turkish part is a mixture of long-time residents and new arrivals
[17:36:54] <mecctro> I'm just surprised being in such a small place for so long, that they wouldn't be getting along better
[17:37:07] <n1> there are a few of these situations in 'europe', and i don't have enough knowledge of any of them to explain the origins, be it cyprus, ireland, crimea, basque country
[17:37:39] <janrinok> .. and new one's appear fairly often - Ukraine for example
[17:38:32] <n1> european history, it's complicated.
[17:38:38] <janrinok> yup
[17:38:38] <mecctro> Isn't basque the one where they speak some weird french "dialect"
[17:38:40] <mecctro> ?
[17:38:56] <janrinok> the French basques or the Spanish Basques?
[17:39:05] <n1> heh
[17:39:05] <mecctro> Some old language, on both sides
[17:39:20] <mecctro> then the weird varients therof
[17:39:24] <mecctro> variants*
[17:39:35] <mecctro> I think it's like 5
[17:39:43] <cmn32480> I believe that the sapanish Basques speak a different dialect of Spanish from the Castillian spoklen by the rest of the country\
[17:39:46] <mecctro> I could be completely mistaken, is this making any sense?
[17:39:58] <janrinok> the basque region straddles both nations, and the language is remotely related to the Celtic languages. However, it is a language in its own right
[17:40:01] <n1> https://en.wikipedia.org
[17:40:09] <yo_momma> ^ 03Wiki: Basque language
[17:40:18] <mecctro> right, and there are a few dialects I believe
[17:40:54] * cmn32480 goes back in his hole
[17:40:58] <mecctro> lol
[17:41:12] <janrinok> And in northen France, you have the Bretons who also have their own celtic language. As do the Welsh, Cornish, Irish and Scots
[17:41:46] <xhedit> don't forget transnistria
[17:41:48] <janrinok> You can even select Welsh, Gaelic or Breton on your computer
[17:42:04] <janrinok> yep, loads more to go yet :-)
[17:42:09] <mecctro> Scottish sounds hysterical
[17:42:12] <n1> xhedit++
[17:42:12] <Bender> karma - xhedit: 2
[17:42:54] <xhedit> hmm
[17:42:55] <xhedit> xhedit++
[17:43:05] <xhedit> no self loving allowed
[17:43:20] <janrinok> do you mean Scottish English, or Scottish Gaelic?
[17:43:27] <mecctro> only if you turn your camera on xhedit
[17:43:32] <mecctro> Gaelic
[17:43:34] * n1 is trying to remember a country that exists
[17:43:38] <mecctro> hysterical sounding to me
[17:43:43] <cmn32480> xhedit - correct.. keeps people from increasing their own karma
[17:43:53] <xhedit> gaelic spelling is annoying
[17:43:54] <janrinok> and if it is Scottish English, do you mean Glaswegian, the outer Hebrides, or what?
[17:44:22] <cmn32480> no different then the different dialects spoken in different places in the us
[17:44:38] <janrinok> we don't even know what each other are saying when we are speaking the same language!
[17:45:07] <cmn32480> and neither do we.
[17:45:08] <xhedit> could be worse, they could be speaking newfoundlandish
[17:45:29] <mecctro> oh yea,
[17:45:36] <mecctro> that shit is cringy
[17:45:48] <janrinok> yep, newfies are hard to understand. Spent quite a while in Happy Valley.
[17:46:36] <n1> Kosovo is the country i couldn't remember.
[17:47:05] <janrinok> Lots of people would prefer to forget it, too :~)
[17:47:07] <mecctro> I can't even understand people in Arkansas
[17:47:16] <n1> janrinok, indeed.
[17:47:29] <cmn32480> deep south alabama or Mississippi
[17:47:35] <janrinok> I spent years thinking it it was pronounced Ar-Kansas.
[17:47:43] <cmn32480> so did I!
[17:48:00] <cmn32480> granted.. I was a child at the time... but still
[17:48:06] <mecctro> I was born in Arkansas, I can't understand a lot of the shit they say
[17:48:13] <janrinok> me too - but I'm also not very bright
[17:48:45] * cmn32480 hands mecctro some sympathy
[17:48:58] * mecctro wipes salty tears
[17:49:25] <janrinok> I could never work out the pronounciation for Sioux either, until I started groking Westerns
[17:49:53] <cmn32480> diddferent language
[17:50:00] <cmn32480> like my typosing
[17:50:11] <janrinok> gotcha, makes sense now
[17:50:34] <mecctro> hebrew
[17:50:36] <janrinok> they have as much control of their mouths as you do your fingers...?
[17:50:38] * mecctro *shudders*
[17:51:36] * cmn32480 quits gioogling and calls support
[17:52:05] * cmn32480 starts the clock for hold timer
[17:52:37] * mecctro restarts printer
[17:52:49] * mecctro fingerbangs printer port
[17:53:58] <janrinok> time for a cup of tea - brb
[17:56:58] * cmn32480 goes for more coffeee to restore balance to the force
[18:01:29] * janrinok thinks that it is a good job cmn balanced the force, I could feel it shifting a little then...
[18:02:23] <cmn32480> I redad that as "I could feel it shitting a little"
[18:02:36] <mecctro> +1
[18:03:16] <janrinok> well, that too I suppose
[18:11:43] <Runaway1956> fek me . . . something woke me up, I need a drink. choices are cofee, water, gatorade, soda, iced tea
[18:11:58] <cmn32480> water.. then back to bed w/ ya
[18:11:59] * Runaway1956 pours iced tea and it's sweeter than a bee's ass
[18:12:08] <mecctro> don't forget vodka
[18:12:13] <Runaway1956> there's some tea in the sugar
[18:12:25] <mecctro> there's some tea in the vodka
[18:12:39] * Runaway1956 prefers Scotch over wodka
[18:13:08] <mecctro> Rum or whiskey
[18:13:11] <mecctro> for me
[18:13:29] * mecctro argh matey
[18:14:01] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Estonia's "Data Embassy" Could be UK's First Brexit Cyber Casualty - http://sylnt.us - outsourcing-the-dragnet
[18:52:31] -!- idxt [idxt!c845e35d@y-m.clients.kiwiirc.com] has joined #Soylent
[19:00:05] <idxt> Hi soylents!
[19:01:45] <mechanicjay> YO!
[19:01:50] <cmn32480> ~gdfay idxt
[19:01:55] <cmn32480> ~gday mechanicjay
[19:01:56] <idxt> I need some advice and of course I first turn into fellow comrades from the soylent community
[19:01:57] * exec $adverb throws a DD cup of frustration at mechanicjay
[19:02:08] <cmn32480> ~gday idxt
[19:02:10] * exec retroactively drops a linked list of hatred on idxt
[19:02:11] <cmn32480> ok
[19:02:14] <cmn32480> I'll bite...
[19:02:18] <cmn32480> what kind of advice
[19:02:18] <idxt> gday
[19:02:21] <mechanicjay> heh, a DD cup of frustration -- I definitely dated her one.
[19:02:23] <paulej72> http://img.thedailywtf.com
[19:02:28] <mechanicjay> *once
[19:02:29] <cmn32480> this is probably the wonrg place for advice on the aldies though
[19:02:53] <idxt> we´ll It just technical
[19:02:56] <cmn32480> i think it means a Dunkin' Donuts cup
[19:02:59] <mechanicjay> well, wrong place for *good* advice on ladies.
[19:03:23] <mechanicjay> You know, I don't think I've seen a Dunkin' Donuts since moving to Seattle.
[19:03:55] <mechanicjay> sorry, go for it idxt
[19:04:54] <idxt> okay, now I have one question, which one of you could pass a turing test? xD
[19:05:48] <mechanicjay> Nope, not taking that bait.
[19:06:00] janrinok is now known as zz_janrinok
[19:06:37] <idxt> the thing is I want to secure an application, specifically a browser
[19:07:03] <idxt> tunnel it through a VPN
[19:07:16] <idxt> and only the application. is that possible?
[19:08:19] <idxt> The background is I would like to not get my browsing activity logged
[19:08:28] <idxt> Ñ_
[19:10:08] <cmn32480> this will allow you to jail the browser on Linux...
[19:10:09] <cmn32480> https://soylentnews.org
[19:10:15] <yo_momma> ^ 03SN article:  Sandboxing Browsers on Linux with Firejail 04(14 comments)
[19:10:44] <cmn32480> typically, A VPN will force all traffic through it, not just the browser, unless it is destined for the local network
[19:11:09] <idxt> yeah, I was reading that, and gave me an idea. Thing is I work on windows or mac
[19:11:27] <idxt> but I will denfinitely implement that in my fedora
[19:12:05] <cmn32480> only way that I_I know to do it in Windows is to use a VM w/ a VPN.
[19:12:54] <idxt> bummer. If only my vpn provider would offer a proxy service
[19:13:01] <idxt> well, thanks cmn32480
[19:13:34] <idxt> maybe I will do that
[19:13:55] <n1> that would be the suggested way of doing it
[19:14:46] <n1> there are other ways im sure, but couldn't tell you how
[19:17:51] -!- Web_weasel [Web_weasel!~Stefan@amvg807-58-42-627.range476-60.btcentralplus.com] has joined #Soylent
[19:18:20] -!- Webweasel_ has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[19:19:31] <cmn32480> other option is Tor... but that limits a lot of things
[19:45:11] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - 5,000 Robots to Build 3D Map of the Universe - http://sylnt.us - robot-hell
[19:50:37] <xhedit> #submit http://www.networkworld.com
[19:50:37] <MrPlow> Submitting. There is a mandatory delay, please be patient.
[19:51:03] <MrPlow> Submission successful. https://soylentnews.org
[20:11:27] -!- idxt has quit [Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com - A hand crafted IRC client]
[20:38:05] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~b96455b0@SectorZeroZeroOne] has joined #Soylent
[20:38:15] <Ethanol-fueled> 'Sup Fellas.
[20:39:18] -!- Ethanol-fueled has quit [Client Quit]
[21:16:21] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Apple says Australia's Banks Pose a Security Threat to iPhones - http://sylnt.us - pot-meet-kettle
[21:28:17] <SirFinkus> hhhoooooo booooy
[21:28:18] <SirFinkus> http://abc7ny.com
[21:28:18] <yo_momma> ^ 03WABC News Live Streaming Video | abc7ny.com
[21:28:27] <SirFinkus> guy's climbing trump tower
[21:33:05] <SirFinkus> why the fuck do they need a swat team?
[21:33:38] <SirFinkus> LOL
[21:33:46] <SirFinkus> they shut down streets in manhatten
[21:33:54] <SirFinkus> good fucking job by this guy
[21:34:07] <SirFinkus> the black lives matters guys should just start climbing buildings
[21:35:01] <SirFinkus> holy shit that's unintentionally racist of me
[21:40:13] <xhedit> gorilla.bas?
[21:46:17] <AndyTheAbsurd> LOL I (vaguely) remember gorilla.bas
[21:48:37] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[21:48:49] <SirFinkus> I was thinking they'd need biplanes
[21:48:59] <SirFinkus> now THAT was intentionally racist
[21:53:41] -!- Knig_Knog [Knig_Knog!~62b0c8c6@ka52-830-964-802.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[21:53:54] <SirFinkus> oh man
[21:53:58] <Knig_Knog> It's gonna be some libtard trying to send a "message"
[21:54:10] <SirFinkus> the weather girl just explained how night works
[21:54:54] <SirFinkus> I'm assuming you're watching this too?
[21:54:58] <Knig_Knog> trying to "raise awareness" of Trump's racissssm
[21:55:05] <Knig_Knog> Yeah.
[21:56:00] <SirFinkus> so dramatic
[21:56:18] <Knig_Knog> For what it is, yeah, the newscasters are dramatic as fuck
[21:56:32] <SirFinkus> props to the guy though, one guy shutting down parts of manhattan is pretty impressive
[21:56:38] <SirFinkus> the cops too
[21:56:43] <SirFinkus> why do they need a swat team?
[21:56:51] <Knig_Knog> I dunno...there are people who can afford to do that?
[21:57:14] <Knig_Knog> Is he some bored rich kid or something?
[21:57:35] <SirFinkus> lmao
[21:57:41] <SirFinkus> they just explained suction cups
[21:57:59] <SirFinkus> and I highly doubt "mountain climbers" use suction cups
[21:58:24] <Knig_Knog> That's a good point - what other uses besides climbing glass could they be used for?
[21:58:36] <SirFinkus> moving glass
[21:58:41] <Knig_Knog> Oh, right
[21:59:24] <SirFinkus> lol newscaster shitting on the dumb bitch newscaster
[21:59:32] <SirFinkus> "no, he doesn't look tired at all"
[22:00:27] <SirFinkus> "he's well strapped"
[22:00:42] <SirFinkus> how can he tell from the back?
[22:01:03] <Knig_Knog> He's an expert
[22:01:06] <Knig_Knog> cockstarer
[22:01:43] <SirFinkus> if this guy circumvents this clever trap, he's an american hero
[22:02:21] <Knig_Knog> They can't grab him without risking his life
[22:02:35] <Knig_Knog> and if he plummets to his death Jew families will sue for emotional distress
[22:02:49] <SirFinkus> well, they're breaking the window above him
[22:02:54] <SirFinkus> or trying to
[22:02:59] <SirFinkus> but they're hilariously incompetent
[22:03:07] <SirFinkus> they've been whacking on it for like 10 minutes
[22:03:48] <SirFinkus> lol
[22:04:03] <SirFinkus> bizarre series of coincidences
[22:04:19] <SirFinkus> the eyewitness just happens to be from the state that trump is in now
[22:04:20] <SirFinkus> WOW
[22:04:28] <Deucalion> only to protect him from himself I'd imagine. He'll probably be killed to death whilst being dragged over broken glass or dropped off the building during the "rescue" attempt no doubt. But it will be in his own best interests :D
[22:04:48] <Knig_Knog> I'm going to laugh if that dumbass falls.
[22:04:57] <Knig_Knog> But he does know what he's doing.
[22:05:39] <SirFinkus> only thing that could happen is if a window breaks, but he's got two windows
[22:05:41] <Deucalion> Musta been reading about the blokes here in the UK that decided to climb onto Corbyn's home roof to further their point about guys getting a bad deal on child custody etc. during a divorce.
[22:06:29] <Knig_Knog> The cops need to get Avon Calling on that glass
[22:06:36] <Deucalion> I actually have no idea what you're talking about... some breaking news thing?
[22:06:54] <SirFinkus> some guy is climbing trump tower with suction cups
[22:07:02] <SirFinkus> http://abc7ny.com
[22:07:03] <yo_momma> ^✓ 03WABC News Live Streaming Video | abc7ny.com
[22:07:08] <Deucalion> HAHA - how mission impossible
[22:07:26] <SirFinkus> parts of manhattan are shut down now
[22:07:54] <Knig_Knog> Hahah those cops trying to knock the window out
[22:07:55] <SirFinkus> lol they're STILL trying to break that window
[22:07:58] <Deucalion> why? perhaps a few pavements where he may go splat for sure... but whole areas? :D
[22:08:11] <Deucalion> ok... I should go to bed, but tuning in
[22:08:18] <SirFinkus> they've deployed a swat team too
[22:08:20] <SirFinkus> for reasons
[22:08:34] <Knig_Knog> Even if the cops break that window he could always move sidewards onto the other facet
[22:08:39] <SirFinkus> the newscasters are talking breathlessly about "officer safety"
[22:08:59] <SirFinkus> he can't move very fast
[22:09:05] <SirFinkus> they can just break out another one
[22:09:15] <SirFinkus> oooh shit
[22:09:18] <SirFinkus> clever cops
[22:09:19] <Deucalion> 5 live feeds?? which to choose?
[22:09:42] <SirFinkus> if they break it while moving it
[22:09:46] <SirFinkus> or drop it on him
[22:09:49] <SirFinkus> that'd be great
[22:10:53] <Knig_Knog> I was hoping for Avon Calling (blasting it out with a short-barreled shotgun used to blast locks off of doors)
[22:10:59] <Deucalion> the guy's fine. Clearly a climber. 3 points of contact at any time.
[22:11:48] <SirFinkus> then this cheeky fuck pulls out a grappling hook and continues
[22:11:56] <Knig_Knog> Can't wait to see what smart-ass comment trump is going to make about it.
[22:12:10] <SirFinkus> hey guys
[22:12:18] <SirFinkus> what are is the guy using to climb?
[22:12:25] <SirFinkus> is this guy an experienced climber?
[22:12:32] <SirFinkus> I'm not sure
[22:12:40] <SirFinkus> how long until the sun sets?
[22:13:07] <Deucalion> lol "enough to hold his weight"... one of those suckers could lift a tonne
[22:13:29] <Knig_Knog> He's moving away, he's trying to evade
[22:13:37] <SirFinkus> oh he's fucked now
[22:13:46] <Deucalion> evading the police... just shoot him
[22:13:51] <SirFinkus> oh god
[22:13:57] <SirFinkus> imagine if he pulled a noose out
[22:14:03] <Knig_Knog> Hahahahaha
[22:14:14] <Deucalion> around the corner and up the louvers
[22:14:59] <Knig_Knog> They're still not going to reach out and grab him
[22:15:19] <Knig_Knog> If he gives up he's a pussy
[22:15:31] <Deucalion> TRAVERSE LEFT DUDE!!
[22:15:41] <xhedit> he needs to tomb raider that shit
[22:15:47] <Knig_Knog> The cops have a basket on the left
[22:15:50] <SirFinkus> like that guy in the tree
[22:15:57] <SirFinkus> was up there for like 3 days
[22:15:58] <Knig_Knog> THey could raise it and scoop him up
[22:16:03] <SirFinkus> BULLSHIT
[22:16:09] <SirFinkus> no cop's lives are at risk
[22:16:10] <Deucalion> Putting the emergency services' lives at risk????
[22:16:55] <SirFinkus> oh man
[22:17:01] <Knig_Knog> It would be pretty awesome if he pissed down the building.
[22:17:04] <SirFinkus> what if he has one of those climber's tents?
[22:17:14] <Deucalion> HAHA - epic
[22:17:27] <Knig_Knog> Hahahah, that would be great - he's probably got some snacks and more water in there.
[22:17:31] <Deucalion> just pitch the tent, crawl in and have a kip
[22:19:13] <SirFinkus> "at some point this is going to come to an end" insightful commentary
[22:19:43] <Deucalion> Why do the gathered masses want to cheer to stop the guy? Can't see he's doing any harm. Leave him too it... he'll stop at the top :D
[22:20:03] <Deucalion> Ohh.. yeah.. forgot.. not conforming to normal behaviour
[22:20:09] <SirFinkus> BITCH WE CAN SEE IT'S NOT RAINING
[22:21:03] <Deucalion> Anyone have his cell #? Txt him... GO LEFT YOUNG MAN! GO LEFT!
[22:21:17] <SirFinkus> naw, they got a window washing gondola there
[22:21:50] <SirFinkus> which begs the question, why didn't they just park one of those above him instead of fucking with the windows?
[22:21:52] -!- crutchy has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[22:22:30] <SirFinkus> how can he not know? those are windows, he can surely see through them
[22:22:48] <Deucalion> look mirrored / smoked from outside in
[22:23:00] <SirFinkus> he's right up agains them though
[22:23:04] <SirFinkus> and you can see through the other ones
[22:25:00] <SirFinkus> RISKING THEIR LIVES
[22:25:13] <SirFinkus> because they're in a window washing bucket?
[22:25:21] <SirFinkus> I guess window washers are heros now
[22:25:33] <SirFinkus> RISKING THEIR LIVES to clean windows
[22:25:36] * SirFinkus rolls eyes
[22:26:22] <Knig_Knog> It's definitely gonna be some heavy-handed protest message about Trump being racis' 'n' sheeit.
[22:27:39] <Knig_Knog> IF he falls they'll cut the cameras but we can see it on LiveLeak
[22:28:38] <SirFinkus> 2 hours of physical activity?
[22:28:39] <Deucalion> 2 and a half hours! Oh my word!
[22:28:55] <SirFinkus> I mean, what he's doing isn't easy, but if he's in shape, that'd be no problem
[22:29:16] * Knig_Knog can't even last 2 minutes on the rock-climbing conveyor belt
[22:29:38] <Deucalion> Newp. Climbers regularly climb for 6 hours, kip on the rockface then climb again. It's no biggy.
[22:30:09] <SirFinkus> "this device"
[22:30:12] <SirFinkus> IT'S A ROPE
[22:30:26] <Knig_Knog> it's the NOOSE TO HANG HIM WITH
[22:30:45] <Deucalion> That's because climbing isn't a conveyor belt. You take your time when climbing.
[22:30:53] <Knig_Knog> Don't grab the rope!
[22:31:31] <Knig_Knog> "Steve from Virginia"
[22:31:40] <Knig_Knog> Probably yet another obnoxious California Expat
[22:31:52] <SirFinkus> lmao
[22:32:11] <SirFinkus> "no political message, just shameless self promotion"
[22:32:16] <SirFinkus> what a hero
[22:32:43] <Knig_Knog> It's a distraction from Hillary News
[22:33:13] <SirFinkus> "are they going to try and rope him?"
[22:33:14] <Knig_Knog> He's one of her operatives, the same one who killed that leaker
[22:33:18] <SirFinkus> what the fuck is this?
[22:33:32] <Knig_Knog> Hahahah, lasso and hog-tie that varmint
[22:33:37] <Deucalion> Stream died for me
[22:34:39] <Deucalion> Live Stream ends at 6.30pm :(
[22:34:47] <Knig_Knog> When they finally get him...what's he gonna do? Be all cheeky in front of the Judge about all of the economic damage he caused the city and get a slap on the wrist?
[22:35:07] <cmn32480> ~gday knuckleheads
[22:35:09] * exec inadequately writes a fanfic featuring yo mama of windows 95 about knuckleheads
[22:35:24] <SirFinkus> works on my machine ™️
[22:35:36] <SirFinkus> oh FUCK
[22:35:41] <cmn32480> no thanks...
[22:35:44] <Knig_Knog> backing up traffic and wasting police resources can cost thousands if not millions of dollars in losses.
[22:35:45] <SirFinkus> that guy
[22:35:57] <SirFinkus> "this is not a terrorist"
[22:36:13] <cmn32480> the Trump tower climber?
[22:36:34] <Deucalion> damn I missed it... they pull him inside?
[22:36:37] <SirFinkus> BOOK HIM
[22:36:43] <Knig_Knog> Yeah, right after they cut the camera
[22:36:48] <Knig_Knog> Fucking idiot.
[22:36:54] <Deucalion> convenient :D
[22:37:17] <cmn32480> that the whole world can't see them beat his ass
[22:37:31] <Knig_Knog> probably has all that shit wrapped around his neck and is dying right now
[22:38:05] <Deucalion> high 5s all round for the brave services heroes that risked their lives to save the guys lives and LITERALLY thousands of other new yorkers. Heroes one and all.
[22:38:30] <SirFinkus> "Bro Team Pill @BroTeamPill
[22:38:30] <SirFinkus> I was traveling, officer, as is my right Can you prove I was "climbing" anything? am I being detained?"
[22:38:31] <SirFinkus> lol
[22:38:46] <Knig_Knog> Deucalion, he could have detonated the bomb in his backpack, causing the Trump tower to explode and collapse under freefall, prompting war in Iran.
[22:39:01] <Deucalion> true dat
[22:39:25] <Knig_Knog> And destroying all of Trump's tax returns in the process
[22:39:44] <SirFinkus> he could have had THERMITE PAINT in that backpack
[22:39:52] <Knig_Knog> hahaha
[22:39:54] <SirFinkus> dumbass didn't even throw his fliers
[22:39:59] <cmn32480> how high did he get?
[22:40:06] <Knig_Knog> Hahahah
[22:40:09] <Knig_Knog> They showed it
[22:40:17] <SirFinkus> lmao
[22:40:25] <SirFinkus> had him upside down
[22:41:20] <Deucalion> Ah well... media circus over. Wish he got to the top... just because I find it funny people do random shit and the rest of society goes "WOAH.... this has to be stopped.. because... umm... because... well it's random and disturbs my otherwise predictable life" :D
[22:41:50] <Deucalion> Anyways, off to bed for me.
[22:42:28] <cmn32480> ~gnight Deucalion
[22:42:30] * exec sardonically embiggens a dire ear of celerons with Deucalion
[22:42:41] <Knig_Knog> Car-chases never get old, Deucalion
[22:42:44] <SirFinkus> that fucking tackle
[22:42:58] <SirFinkus> might be the greatest tackle I've seen
[22:43:29] <Knig_Knog> When his legs went up it looked like Peanuts when the character's laughing so hard he falls back and his legs are up
[22:43:49] <SirFinkus> holy shit the weather girl
[22:44:12] <SirFinkus> looked average from the front, but when she turns to the side, jesus
[22:45:12] <Knig_Knog> OOh, it made Zerohedge
[22:45:14] <SirFinkus> I think they lost my speakers
[22:46:01] <SirFinkus> I blame the trump tower guy
[22:47:30] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Revealed: How a Weather Forecast in 1967 Stopped Nuclear War - http://sylnt.us - keeping-my-fingers-crossed
[22:48:07] <Knig_Knog> Allright, I'm out. Probably be back tomorrow (my Friday) trashed
[22:48:10] -!- Knig_Knog has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[23:18:51] <SirFinkus> https://www.youtube.com
[23:18:52] <yo_momma> ^ 03Message to Mr. Trump (why I climbed your tower) - YouTube
[23:18:54] <SirFinkus> lmao this kid
[23:24:29] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~62b0c8c6@SectorZeroZeroOne] has joined #Soylent
[23:24:40] <Ethanol-fueled> Eh, fuck it. I'll make today my Friday and drink.
[23:27:36] <SirFinkus> that's the spirite
[23:27:48] <SirFinkus> did you watch the video yet?
[23:27:49] <SirFinkus> https://www.youtube.com
[23:27:49] <yo_momma> ^✓* 03Message to Mr. Trump (why I climbed your tower) - YouTube
[23:27:53] <paulej72> It must have a sore ass from being fucked all time
[23:27:54] <SirFinkus> this one
[23:34:11] <Ethanol-fueled> Back from shower and prepping the wine
[23:34:17] <Ethanol-fueled> No, can you give a TLDR version?
[23:35:10] <SirFinkus> it's like 2 minutes long
[23:35:16] <SirFinkus> 1 minute
[23:36:52] <Ethanol-fueled> Hahahah
[23:37:05] <Ethanol-fueled> I have a seriously hard time believing they're the same person
[23:37:44] <Ethanol-fueled> This is a guy who will start stalking Trump and end up trying to assassinate him because no attention
[23:46:44] -!- Ethanol-fueled has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[23:57:16] -!- n1 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[23:58:19] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~62b0c8c6@SectorZeroZeroOne] has joined #Soylent
[23:58:31] <Ethanol-fueled> Fucking cheap-ass landlord
[23:59:13] <Ethanol-fueled> I live in a hourse converted into a few units. The power in mine goes off almost every 5-10 minutes while another has a window AC unit running continuously and she lever loses power
[23:59:34] <Ethanol-fueled> when I switch my heater on full-blast, the power returns...temporarily.
[23:59:57] <Ethanol-fueled> The deduction is that there's some kind of competition with current draw which sometimes reaches an "all-or-nothing" state