#Soylent | Logs for 2016-08-13

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[00:06:32] * NCommander works on the wiki teeth pulling
[00:06:42] <NCommander> At least the base mediawiki update went off without a hitch
[00:11:33] <crutchy> ~g'day NCommander o/
[00:11:35] * exec single-handedly fires a 5¼" floppy disk of dongles at NCommander
[00:11:37] <crutchy> long time no see mate
[00:11:51] <NCommander> crutchy, I'm currently fighting to get beryllium upgraded to PHP 7
[00:11:56] <NCommander> All I got to say is "FUCK PHP"
[00:12:00] <crutchy> lol
[00:12:04] <crutchy> noob :p
[00:12:06] * crutchy ducks
[00:12:37] <crutchy> i'll wait to upgrade to 7 till all the kinks are worked out
[00:12:50] <crutchy> when it comes down to debian stable, i'll know :)
[00:13:00] <crutchy> so, in like 10 years
[00:13:54] <NCommander> crutchy, lol
[00:14:01] <NCommander> crutchy, I'm deploying this on CentOS 6 so yeah
[00:14:09] <crutchy> tbh the SN wiki probably doesn't need php7 anyway. its not really used that much it seems
[00:14:26] <crutchy> not sure how much load it would see
[00:14:55] <NCommander> crutchy, that box runs a LOT of stuff
[00:15:06] <crutchy> a lot of php stuffs?
[00:15:07] <NCommander> crutchy, our mediawiki install was borderline ancient anyway
[00:15:11] <crutchy> ah
[00:15:15] <NCommander> crutchy, ... everything it runs is PHP
[00:15:17] <NCommander> -_-;
[00:15:19] <crutchy> might be fun to try a 7 upgrade
[00:15:26] <crutchy> oh
[00:15:31] <NCommander> crutchy, I just got squirrelmail going again
[00:15:34] * crutchy has nfi what is on beryllium
[00:15:36] <NCommander> Ubuntu has patches available
[00:15:52] <NCommander> crutchy, IRC, wiki, and the URL shortener
[00:16:02] <crutchy> oh
[00:16:18] <NCommander> crutchy, yeah so a lot of stuff. Almost got everything running again
[00:16:36] <crutchy> php7 is supposed to be as slick as hhvm
[00:16:51] <NCommander> which means the puke is a slightly darker green
[00:16:57] <crutchy> heh
[00:17:05] <NCommander> I want to punch 18 year old me who used to think PHP was *good*
[00:17:19] <crutchy> it works for me. i mainly like the language syntax
[00:17:27] <crutchy> c-like, without the c
[00:17:39] <NCommander> https://eev.ee
[00:17:43] <NCommander> I just need to drop this here
[00:17:45] <yo_momma> ^ 03PHP: a fractal of bad design / fuzzy notepad
[00:18:14] <crutchy> people who write those articles are merely trying to make php work like $insert_preferred_language_here
[00:18:38] <NCommander> crutchy, this one doesn't. Its actually got a lot of good reasons why PHP is fucked
[00:19:30] <crutchy> he opens with "i'm cranky"...
[00:19:38] <NCommander> crutchy, keep going
[00:20:42] <crutchy> flicking through, i can't see anything that's wrong with php. they're just traps for people who don't know php very well
[00:20:51] <crutchy> things like using === instead of == is a classic noob trap
[00:21:05] <crutchy> if yer gunna use a tool, you gotta learn how to use it properly
[00:21:08] <NCommander> crutchy, except that when dealing with objects, you ahve to use == vs ===
[00:21:23] <crutchy> i don't use oop in php
[00:21:27] <crutchy> that part is shit
[00:21:30] <NCommander> That is unintuitive to say the least
[00:21:45] <NCommander> crutchy, I can tolerate older PHP4-style code. Don't love it, don't hate it
[00:21:49] <NCommander> But the PHP5 monster
[00:21:49] <crutchy> to me php is more like a bash replacement
[00:21:58] <NCommander> I just use bash ^_^
[00:22:00] <crutchy> procedural ftw
[00:22:00] <NCommander> CGI is still a thing
[00:22:24] <crutchy> if i wanna do oop, i use a real oop langauge like object pascal
[00:23:03] <crutchy> bash is ok. i just don't know it very well
[00:23:07] <crutchy> :p
[00:23:10] <NCommander> crutchy, I've never seen pascal code in the wild
[00:23:31] <crutchy> pretty sure most would be commercial/closed-source
[00:23:54] <crutchy> cos delphi has always been on the expensive side so not popular with the oss types
[00:24:18] <crutchy> freepascal/lazarus is slowly turning that around a bit
[00:25:21] <NCommander> Ah true, Delphi
[00:25:30] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Gmail: Question Marks for Unauthenticated Senders - http://sylnt.us - fix-your-mail-server
[00:26:28] <crutchy> php without all the oop cruft works for quick n dirty web and cli scripting though
[00:26:39] <crutchy> oop in most scripting languages is terrible
[00:27:43] <crutchy> php is probably just slower for the most part, and i hate the weak-typing, but meh
[00:28:47] <crutchy> so where are you lately? you were in alaska or new york or something... you still moving around a lot?
[00:32:19] <crutchy> lmao he says "preg_replace with the /e (eval) flag will do a string replace of the matches into the replacement string, then eval it." like he's somehow surprised
[00:32:49] <crutchy> moral of that is; if you don't want it eval'd, then don't use /e :p
[00:32:56] <crutchy> lol
[00:33:05] <crutchy> stupid people say stupid shit sometimes
[00:46:49] <crutchy> i'm guessing maybe what he's trying to say (besides that he's pissed off that php isn't perfect) is that maybe php isn't the best first language to cut your teeth on
[00:46:55] <crutchy> which probably makes sense
[00:47:11] <crutchy> i spent a few years with delphi before trying php
[00:55:53] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Engineering a Better Biofuel - http://sylnt.us - burn-baby-burn
[01:07:06] * NCommander just CPRed our squirrels
[01:29:27] * n1 hat tip
[01:29:53] <n1> empty room, but anyway, g'night ya'll
[01:30:18] -!- mechanicjay has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[02:27:03] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Vivaldi Browser Version 1.3 Released - http://sylnt.us - yet-another-browser
[02:30:59] -!- mothership [mothership!~mothershi@ka52-830-964-802.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[02:31:07] <mothership> Webchat is bammer
[02:31:17] mothership is now known as Ethanol-fueled
[02:31:49] Ethanol-fueled is now known as Biscuit_lips
[02:31:53] <Biscuit_lips> Goddammit
[02:31:59] <Biscuit_lips> I forgot how to use IRC
[02:32:31] <Biscuit_lips> Drunk as a motherfucker. Haven't been on a bender like this in quite awhile.
[02:33:05] <Biscuit_lips> Might as well enjoy summer before I have to start work again.
[02:33:49] <Biscuit_lips> Thank you, Jesus Christ, for booze.
[02:33:57] <Biscuit_lips> And sin
[02:34:11] <Biscuit_lips> and big, jiucy black female butts.
[02:35:20] <Biscuit_lips> And the base knave pleasures of life.
[02:41:22] <TheMightyBuzzard> evenin, EF
[02:41:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, NCommander broke it
[02:42:05] <NCommander> TheMightyBuzzard, what did I break?
[02:42:10] <NCommander> Oh
[02:42:12] <NCommander> Webchat
[02:42:13] <NCommander> fuck
[02:42:16] * TheMightyBuzzard chuckles
[02:42:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> doesn't seem to have effected our channel count so i wouldn't stay up all night fixing it.
[02:43:00] <Biscuit_lips> Good evening fellas.
[02:43:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> havin a good booze?
[02:43:17] <Biscuit_lips> Long time no see. NCommander. Hope life's been treating ya well.
[02:43:23] <Biscuit_lips> I have lots of booze here, yes.
[02:43:32] <Biscuit_lips> and have just started drinking it.
[02:43:46] <NCommander> TheMightyBuzzard, Biscuit_lips: fixed
[02:43:58] <NCommander> Biscuit_lips, shitty on the whole
[02:44:17] <Biscuit_lips> That sucks ass, NCommander. But it will get better.
[02:44:39] <NCommander> Biscuit_lips, to be fair, I don't even remember 'better'
[02:45:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> NCommander, bah, where's the fun in an easy fix?
[02:45:37] <NCommander> TheMightyBuzzard, you didn't see what I did to squirrelmail
[02:45:51] <Biscuit_lips> NCommander, then I suggest you smoke a lot of pot and blow your brain out until you're as easily amused as I am.
[02:46:58] <Biscuit_lips> Life's been a bit shitty here too. Due to unfortunate circumstances I had to quit a couple jobs and am hurting for monies, subsisting by hustling odd jobs here and there.
[02:46:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> NCommander, newp. i set it up to forward to my personal account so i only use it for sending.
[02:48:02] <TheMightyBuzzard> Biscuit_lips, never quit a job unless you already have another. that's like asking to be long-term unemployed.
[02:48:05] <Biscuit_lips> Actually had a weeklong gig teaching programming to kids at a ritzy-ass private school. $750 bucks, 3 hours a day, 5 days.
[02:48:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> wait, wtf can you teach them in five days?
[02:48:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> you didn't teach em javascript, did you?
[02:48:57] <Biscuit_lips> Agreed, Buzzard. I had to make the choice though - graduate on time, or work. Oh, and of course the official story is that I got fired for calling Eric Schmidt a "Jew Fag" ;)
[02:49:14] <Biscuit_lips> I did, buzzard. A combination of code.org and javascript.
[02:49:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> #smake Biscuit_lips
[02:49:30] * MrPlow smakes Biscuit_lips upside the head with a bag of LEDs
[02:50:37] <Biscuit_lips> Yeah yeah. Better than teaching them C or assembler. I don't want to make them cry.
[02:50:50] <Biscuit_lips> Opening and closing braces are hard enough for kids.
[02:51:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> teach em perl, ya commie bastich.
[02:51:29] <Biscuit_lips> Holy dog shit, are you some kind of sadist?
[02:52:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> dude, perl built the web, it's no more dated than python, and you don't gotta explain that how much you indent something actually matters.
[02:53:36] <Biscuit_lips> Perl code looks like hammered shit. Even assembler is less sadistic than Perl
[02:54:01] <TheMightyBuzzard> not if you teach em to write clean code.
[02:54:05] <Biscuit_lips> It's not necessarily bad, just bad for teaching babby's first real programming language.
[02:54:38] <Biscuit_lips> You want to start them on something more C-like.
[02:54:52] <TheMightyBuzzard> perl's really dirt simple unless you go try doing the funky, funky shit we do round here.
[02:56:00] <TheMightyBuzzard> C is asking for four days of troubleshooting off-by-one errors
[02:57:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> anyway. go drink. ima read book then sleep.
[02:57:27] <Biscuit_lips> drinking++
[02:57:27] <Bender> karma - drinking: 2
[03:05:31] -!- Biscuit_lips has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[03:05:50] -!- Biscuit_lips [Biscuit_lips!~mothershi@ka52-830-964-802.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[03:07:15] <Biscuit_lips> Wha??
[03:20:15] <crutchy> TheMightyBuzzard, i been arguing with socialists a bit... so fun :)
[03:20:30] <crutchy> they get so worked up
[03:20:54] <crutchy> "then you have the USSR" why specifically is that a bad thing?
[03:20:59] <crutchy> lol :p
[03:21:09] <crutchy> they are funny people
[03:22:25] <Biscuit_lips> Hey guys
[03:22:40] <Biscuit_lips> sup crutch dawg
[03:22:46] <Biscuit_lips> I wanna Blaque woman
[03:23:06] <Biscuit_lips> I want to feel the unique texture of her chocolatey skin
[03:23:15] <crutchy> aye focker! o/
[03:23:22] <Biscuit_lips> I want to make a mongrel-baby
[03:23:31] <Biscuit_lips> wit' nappy hair
[03:24:00] <crutchy> go to a BLM protest. plenty of baby making capacity there
[03:24:01] <Biscuit_lips> Slappin a phat black butt and knowing she wont be offended by even the most racist of jokes.
[03:25:35] <Biscuit_lips> Those types are too readilt offended.
[03:25:58] <Biscuit_lips> From personal experience, I know that most blacks have good gallows humor and are not easily offended.
[03:26:19] <Biscuit_lips> However, I blew those opportunities because those black women were aggressive and I was a pussy.
[03:26:38] <Biscuit_lips> Now, I am ready for them.
[03:26:59] <Biscuit_lips> And have fetishized mating with a woman of color.
[03:27:42] <Biscuit_lips> So I can have a kid who will get a sports scholarship and support me and my chocolate queen in our old age
[03:29:07] <Biscuit_lips> And she can read my Soylent News posts and call me a racist mothafucka
[03:29:54] <Biscuit_lips> Awwwww, yiss! I'm gonna hang out at Black people clubs after I graduate and start working
[03:33:22] <Biscuit_lips> And mate with a well-bred negress.
[03:39:08] <Biscuit_lips> You can call them "Honey" and get up in their face and they like it.
[03:39:32] <Biscuit_lips> They're "old-school"
[03:43:55] <Biscuit_lips> I will leave...and return.
[03:44:04] <Biscuit_lips> WITH A VENGEANCE.
[03:44:07] <Biscuit_lips> HAHAHAHHAHAHAH
[03:44:11] <Biscuit_lips> AAAAAAAAHAHAHAHHAHAH
[03:44:24] -!- Biscuit_lips has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[03:49:21] <xhedit> EF is special
[03:50:01] <xhedit> he's not wrong though, assembly is less sadistic than perl
[03:58:13] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - U.S. House of Representatives Says CENTCOM Produced Overly Upbeat Intelligence on ISIS - http://sylnt.us - only-the-good-news
[05:07:35] -!- butthurt [butthurt!~b07efc0b@aprmot.enn.lu] has joined #Soylent
[05:21:54] <crutchy> perl is ok
[05:21:59] <crutchy> not as bad a java
[05:29:22] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - IBM's Reputation at Risk in Wake of Census Bungle - http://sylnt.us - quick,-point-a-finger
[05:40:44] -!- butthurt has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[05:50:38] -!- butthurt [butthurt!~25bb81a6@iu382898.ip-91-346-333.eu] has joined #Soylent
[05:51:02] <butthurt> #submit http://www.ibtimes.com
[05:51:03] <MrPlow> Submitting. There is a mandatory delay, please be patient.
[05:51:29] <MrPlow> Submission successful. https://soylentnews.org
[05:57:36] <butthurt> #submit http://www.theinquirer.net
[05:57:38] <MrPlow> Submitting. There is a mandatory delay, please be patient.
[05:58:03] <MrPlow> Submission successful. https://soylentnews.org
[06:26:30] <butthurt> #submit https://hackaday.com
[06:26:31] <MrPlow> Submitting. There is a mandatory delay, please be patient.
[06:26:56] <MrPlow> Submission successful. https://soylentnews.org
[06:33:08] -!- butthurt has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[06:42:25] -!- butthurt [butthurt!~c0a066a6@hypfkbs.relay.coldhak.com] has joined #Soylent
[06:48:19] -!- butthurt has quit []
[07:08:21] * Subsentient angrily vomits with the force of a hydraulic metal cutter, destroying three walls of the channel building
[07:09:52] * Subsentient lights a peanut butter stained cigarette as the building collapses around him in flames
[07:10:03] <SirFinkus> you're the kool aid man of vomit
[07:10:16] <Subsentient> !grab SirFinkus
[07:10:16] <Bender> Added quote 766
[07:12:06] <SirFinkus> Subsentient, I finally found a song that expresses how I feel about you
[07:12:06] <SirFinkus> https://www.youtube.com
[07:12:12] <yo_momma> ^ 03Electric Six - "Gay Bar" (Hi Res) - YouTube
[07:14:16] <Subsentient> $burrito SirFinkus
[07:14:45] -!- aqu4 [aqu4!~aqu4bot@universe2.us/ircbot/aqu4] has joined #Soylent
[07:14:58] <Subsentient> $burrito SirFinkus
[07:14:58] * aqu4 chucks a nasty, rotten burrito at SirFinkus
[07:15:27] * Subsentient projectile vomits at SirFinkus, peeling off his face's skin like a peach
[07:16:30] <SirFinkus> https://www.youtube.com here
[07:16:31] <yo_momma> ^ 03AZIS - Mrazish / АЗИС - Мразиш - YouTube
[07:16:53] <SirFinkus> you can use my nasty rotten burrito any time
[07:17:25] <SirFinkus> this is how I picture cmn32480 when ever he bitches about doing phone support
[07:17:39] <SirFinkus> one of the ones in the headset
[07:18:03] <SirFinkus> slowly eating a strawberry
[07:30:55] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The Rise and Fall of the Gopher Protocol - http://sylnt.us - what-could-have-been
[07:32:38] <crutchy> #submit http://www.pcworld.com
[07:32:38] <MrPlow> Submitting. There is a mandatory delay, please be patient.
[07:33:04] <MrPlow> Submission successful. https://soylentnews.org
[08:31:41] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - CNN, MSNBC Use Graphics to Fact-Check Trump, Not Clinton - http://sylnt.us - she-said-he-said-he-didn't-(he-did)
[09:13:18] <mecctro> #sammich
[09:13:18] * MrPlow whips up a 💩 sammich for mecctro
[10:33:15] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Greenland Sharks May Live Up to 272 Years and Beyond - http://sylnt.us - longevity-jumps-the-shark
[10:52:01] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[10:52:02] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2796
[10:52:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> gettingolder++
[10:52:23] <Bender> karma - gettingolder: 1
[11:02:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> vidya++
[11:02:05] <Bender> karma - vidya: 1
[12:04:25] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - DoJ Report: Rampant Abuse by Baltimore Police - http://sylnt.us - ren-said-it-with-authority
[12:43:55] -!- takyon_ [takyon_!~47b2b115@Soylent/Staff/Editor/takyon] has joined #Soylent
[12:43:55] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v takyon_] by Aphrodite
[12:44:06] <takyon_> finally, this works
[13:06:53] <takyon_> yawn
[13:35:34] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Microsoft Backtracks on Windows 7/8.1 Support on Intel Skylake Chips - http://sylnt.us - four-more-years
[13:36:16] -!- crutchy has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[13:36:39] -!- takyon_ has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[13:49:36] <NCommander> well morning world
[14:08:54] <n1> afternoon NCommander
[14:14:04] zz_janrinok is now known as janrinok
[14:28:01] <NCommander> n1, yo
[14:29:14] <janrinok> ~gday NCommander
[14:29:15] * exec problematically farts a massive fart an armpit of caffeine at NCommander
[14:29:22] * NCommander fiddles with BIND
[14:29:45] * janrinok thinks that will keep NCommander busy ...
[14:57:27] <mecctro> #sammich
[14:57:27] * MrPlow whips up a bologna sammich for mecctro
[14:59:03] <n1> g'day mecctro
[14:59:42] <mecctro> how be the?
[15:02:26] -!- Night_Elf [Night_Elf!~ne@217.73.lor.oz] has joined #Soylent
[15:06:44] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Meet DDoSCoin, the Cryptocurrency That Pays When You P0wn - http://sylnt.us - theoretically,-of-course
[15:06:47] <Night_Elf> Hello all. I have the age-old problem of having forgotten the password of the soylentnews.org account. I have performed the "Mail Password" but nothing has happened. And I also have forgotten the email address I have used to register. Is there any hope for me?
[15:07:56] <Ingar> Solution might involve goats and nighttime rituals.
[15:08:27] <Night_Elf> I only bite live lizzards heads. That's traditional in my culture.
[15:09:07] <Ingar> My pet Iguana hates you ;)
[15:10:24] <Night_Elf> There must be a way to recover the account. I mean, without rituals.
[15:16:13] <xhedit> idle until a staff member is around, maybe they will feel mercy
[15:16:29] <n1> Night_Elf, is that your SN username?
[15:16:45] <Night_Elf> xhedit: I sort of came to that conclusion. Just discovered the irpg chanel.
[15:16:53] <janrinok> Night_Elf, what user name do you have on the site - it appears that Night_Elf isn't coming up with much
[15:17:04] <Night_Elf> n1: The username is "FunkyLich" in soylentnews.org
[15:17:19] <Night_Elf> janrinok: That "FunkyLich"
[15:17:42] <janrinok> userid 4689
[15:17:50] <n1> email is with adanet
[15:18:02] <Night_Elf> n1: yes, adanet.com.al
[15:18:12] <janrinok> well, that is showing up OK
[15:18:23] <Night_Elf> I was thinking it is an account with en*** starting, but it doesn't seem like it is that.
[15:18:38] <n1> it starts with tr****
[15:18:52] <Night_Elf> n1: and in the end with ***it ?
[15:19:01] <n1> yeah
[15:19:16] <Night_Elf> n1: odd. Nothing has arrived in the mailbox. Let me check again then.
[15:19:21] <n1> check spam?
[15:19:33] <Night_Elf> n1: will do that.
[15:19:42] <janrinok> I can send you an email to test, but I cannot fix the problem
[15:21:01] <Night_Elf> janrinok: well the account seems all right. I was thinking that I had used an alias for that, an account of "nightelf@adanet..." but I am glad I have not. The alias is no more there.
[15:22:15] <n1> Night_Elf, i sent you an email on the account
[15:22:27] <n1> just a test email from my @sn email to yours
[15:22:32] <janrinok> I've just logged on to my SN webmail and found that we have changed something. I only have 2 emails, no history, no address book
[15:22:51] <janrinok> Oh, they have just come back again - how strange
[15:23:02] <n1> janrinok, php got updated yesterday which caused some issues which caused webmail to need an update
[15:23:07] <n1> still some lingering issues i think
[15:23:12] <Night_Elf> Well nothing is there. <sigh> I used to work in the company that hosts that email domain long ago. Seems that domain is not used for emails anymore and it was left to fall in obscurity. A few months ago the old server died, the one I used to admin.
[15:23:17] <janrinok> how strange
[15:24:44] <n1> not receiving any emails at all?
[15:25:13] <Night_Elf> After a few complains, they did put a joke of a server, virtualised terribly badly, just to collect and serve the ancient email accounts of people like me there. But most probably it's missconfigured and drops emails. This is what I guess and think has happened.
[15:25:47] <n1> :(
[15:26:08] <Night_Elf> n1: Very few. To be honest I use that address as a registration address, with accounts. Not really for comunication.
[15:26:45] <Night_Elf> n1: Soylentnews, slash(oopsword), and some other sites where I login ocasionally.
[15:28:06] <Night_Elf> But as I don't work at the company for years, I don't have access to the server where the emails are collected, or the smtp gateway. I would be able to determine what is happeing otherwise.
[15:29:50] <Night_Elf> Probably there's something missbehaving there and these emails don't end up anywhere. My bet is they get dropped after the smtp is complete and when the message needs to be placed in the mailbox.
[15:32:43] <janrinok> Night_Elf, I've also sent you a test email - they don't bounce back so it seems that the address is still valid.
[15:33:59] <Night_Elf> n1: I receive spam there, I receive all sorts of adds from x-plane website for all the shiny new plane models one can get into the sim, but I didn't get the automated reset password email, neither what you had sent a while ago. Not yet until now at least.
[15:34:18] <Night_Elf> janrinok: yep, valid it is. Let me check again then.
[15:35:27] <Night_Elf> janrinok: n1: may I sent you in private the full proper address so you can confirm we're talking about the same thing? I am sure we are, but just to be 100% sure ?
[15:36:03] Night_Elf is now known as FunkyLich
[15:38:53] * NCommander pokes Linode's nameservers
[15:39:26] <NCommander> ns4.linode.com serial (2015061703) differs from ns2.linode.com serial (2015061704)
[15:39:26] <NCommander> ns3.linode.com serial (2015061703) differs from ns2.linode.com serial (2015061704)
[15:39:28] <NCommander> ugh come on
[15:46:10] <FunkyLich> I was wondering, is it unavoidable that when a company is taken over from a bigger company and becomes part of it, quantity of service grows too but quality goes down?
[15:51:18] <n1> FunkyLich, sorry i had to take a call
[15:51:53] <FunkyLich> n1: No worries man.
[15:52:01] <n1> if you havn't messaged someone yet, you can message me with the full address you think it is
[16:01:42] <FunkyLich> So then suppose soylentnews mechanism has sent me a password in the email address which I can not for the moment use. What has happened to the 'old' password of the soylentnews account. Can it still be used ?
[16:08:17] <NCommander> FunkyLich, I can check the code
[16:08:29] <NCommander> FunkyLich, part of me wants to say it does something stupid and overrides the PW
[16:09:31] <NCommander> FunkyLich, nope, its not that braindead. It generates a second PW in addition to the old one. Once you log in with the new one it replaces
[16:11:38] <FunkyLich> NCommander: This is nice. I actually tried to bring back the password and went ahead and tried it. The tentative failed. It means I still don't remember the correct password.
[16:12:00] <NCommander> FunkyLich, locked out of your account?
[16:12:30] <FunkyLich> And for the record, that email account of mine seems in a worse shape than I thought it'd be. It doesn't receive test emails from yahoo. And yahoo reports all is good and proper and sent.
[16:12:36] <FunkyLich> NCommander: yap.
[16:12:44] <NCommander> FunkyLich, what username?
[16:12:51] <FunkyLich> FunkyLich.
[16:12:51] * NCommander can check the problem from our side
[16:13:09] <FunkyLich> NCommander: I had n1 and janrinok help me a little while ago.
[16:13:27] <NCommander> FunkyLich, I'm a sysadmin. I can change your hash in the database if it comes to that and check the mailserver logs
[16:13:28] <NCommander> :)
[16:13:41] <FunkyLich> NCommander: Ave to you.
[16:13:51] <FunkyLich> :)
[16:37:53] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - £1m Military Drone Crashed in Wales After Crew Disabled Anti-Crash Systems - http://sylnt.us - don't-do-that
[16:41:18] * chromas summons Alanis Morissette
[17:02:37] * NCommander feels very very bleh
[17:25:03] <FunkyLich> I'm off for now. Take care all and nice weekend. janrinok, n1, NCommander, thank you for your help. :)
[17:25:41] <janrinok> FunkyLich, np, hope you get everything sorted
[17:26:00] <FunkyLich> Thanks. I'll try.
[17:26:06] <janrinok> have a good w/e
[17:26:07] -!- FunkyLich has quit [Quit: quitting]
[18:08:38] * NCommander sulks
[18:08:49] <NCommander> janrinok, I changed his email address to one he had access to in the end
[18:10:23] <janrinok> NCommander, thanks
[18:10:33] * NCommander feels dead to the world right now
[18:10:56] <janrinok> unwell, tired or just feeling unloved?
[18:14:50] <NCommander> janrinok, all three
[18:15:05] <janrinok> only two - we love you!
[18:15:12] <NCommander> janrinok, I'm going to run to the vape shop
[18:15:16] <NCommander> I'll be back a bit later
[18:15:23] <janrinok> cul8r
[18:30:46] -!- takyon_ [takyon_!~47b2b115@Soylent/Staff/Editor/takyon] has joined #Soylent
[18:30:46] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v takyon_] by Aphrodite
[19:08:39] janrinok is now known as zz_janrinok
[19:09:49] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - New Air-Gap Jumper Covertly Transmits Data in Hard-Drive Sounds - http://sylnt.us - listen-to-your-data
[19:11:02] <n1> http://www.telesurtv.net
[19:11:08] <yo_momma> ^ 03Venezuela's Maduro Announces 50% Minimum Wage Increase | News | teleSUR English
[19:13:49] <takyon_> hah
[19:14:08] <takyon_> but you'll still need to get your toilet paper from the black market
[19:14:47] <n1> "The Venezuelan president also called on all energy producing countries in the world, including OPEC and non-OPEC countries and organizations, to work together to achieve a price of oil at around US$70 a barrel."
[19:15:23] <takyon_> loool
[19:19:15] <n1> it's also apparently Castro's birthday today!
[19:20:39] <n1> http://www.telesurtv.net
[19:20:46] <yo_momma> ^ 03Cuba Celebrates Fidel Castro's 90th Birthday | News | teleSUR English
[19:23:35] <takyon_> so i heard
[19:23:37] <n1> http://www.bbc.co.uk
[19:23:39] <yo_momma> ^ 03Brexit: Government guarantee for post-EU funds - BBC News
[19:23:44] <takyon_> someone made him a 90-meter cigar or something like that
[19:24:20] <Gravis> n1: things to consider: https://soylentnews.org
[19:24:21] <yo_momma> ^ 03SN comment by [02aristarchus (2645)] (02Score:5, Insightful)
[19:25:03] <takyon_> n1 already replied to that comment, you doofus
[19:25:27] <n1> https://soylentnews.org
[19:25:28] <yo_momma> ^ 03SN comment by [02aristarchus (2645)] (02Score:2)
[19:25:30] <n1> reply to my reply
[19:27:34] <n1> i'm considering a journal of a listing why we shouldn't accept various sources, but essentially all of them, giving examples of conflicts of interest or previous examples collusion or suppression for each outlet.
[19:28:48] <xhedit> include washington post too, which is a dirt rag run by dread pirate bezos
[19:29:53] <takyon_> i will never stop using washpost
[19:30:02] <xhedit> you should
[19:30:09] <xhedit> i bet you're a dirty hillary supporter
[19:30:27] <takyon_> #ImWithHerr
[19:30:36] <xhedit> apropros
[19:30:42] <n1> a few off the top of my head beyond listed in the comment by aristarchus... WaPo, NYT, Telegraph, Metro, WSJ, Intercept, PandoDaily, ZeroHedge, Independent
[19:30:46] <xhedit> takyon_++
[19:30:46] <Bender> karma - takyon_: 1
[19:31:07] <xhedit> yeah definitely put zh on the lost of no thx
[19:31:07] <takyon_> nah, wapo has plenty of good reporting. The only reason I would consider not linking it is possible paywall issues
[19:31:17] <xhedit> wapo wears their bias on their sleeve.
[19:31:23] <SirFinkus> I dislike the use of gendered pronouns in #i'mwithher
[19:31:40] <takyon_> if the bias is so obv then there is no problem is there
[19:31:42] <n1> most of them have some good reporting, and the bad reporting is still worthy of comment at times.
[19:32:02] <takyon_> n1, what is that list
[19:32:07] <xhedit> the only wapo column i will read is volokh :p
[19:32:12] <takyon_> WSJ I wouldn't use because paywall
[19:32:22] <takyon_> Intercept I'd use any day
[19:32:32] <n1> sources that have by some standard been compromised or are illegitimate in some way
[19:33:13] <n1> my point is i can give examples to why we shouldn't trust or accept almost any vaguely established outlet, at least on certain topics
[19:33:17] <takyon_> The Intercept is the antidote to the mainstream media
[19:33:27] <takyon_> and I haven't heard our users complaining about it
[19:33:52] <takyon_> you know what we should do though
[19:34:09] <takyon_> scrape the last 1000 stories and find out the frequency of the domains linked in the summaries
[19:34:21] <takyon_> that will help you make your list I'm sure
[19:34:22] <n1> i'm just for taking the information on its merits regardless of the source
[19:35:09] <xhedit> can we just agree to make sure we never give cnn a single hit?
[19:35:44] <takyon_> I use them, but only for stories that a toddler could write, like breaking news ones
[19:36:03] <takyon_> they have a nice clean layout with javascript disabled
[19:36:06] <xhedit> i think cnn should die in a fire and have ever since they spent an entire month talking about Mh370
[19:36:14] <takyon_> hahahahha
[19:36:24] <takyon_> I think you are underestimating that coverage
[19:36:47] <xhedit> probably, it was more like 6 weeks of all MH370 all the time
[19:37:36] <takyon_> it's worse when you are watching MHCNN at the airport
[19:38:39] <xhedit> that's just the jinxing you were looking for right
[19:48:44] <Runaway1956> Why can't we just call retards by their proper names? Retards are retards.
[19:48:52] <Runaway1956> http://www.reuters.com
[19:48:58] <yo_momma> ^ 03California burglars caught passed out in their car at crime scene| Reuters
[19:50:19] <xhedit> yeah, who passes out from weed?
[19:52:10] <takyon_> nyt reporters
[19:52:38] <xhedit> nah, they just get sick from going to colorado and overdosing on weed brownies
[19:52:53] <Runaway1956> If you drink a fifth of vodka while smoking your weed, you might pass out
[19:53:50] <xhedit> I didn't need any weed to pass out from drinking a fifth of vodka
[19:57:14] <Runaway1956> Let's test drive this bad boy
[19:57:19] <Runaway1956> equo install www-client/vivaldi
[19:58:49] <Runaway1956> https://soylentnews.org
[19:58:55] <yo_momma> ^ 03SN article:  Vivaldi Browser Version 1.3 Released 04(13 comments)
[20:06:02] <xhedit> ugh not fully open source?
[20:07:48] <Runaway1956> I think some of our members are fully open source
[20:08:12] <Runaway1956> You can use them any way you like
[20:19:56] -!- julian [julian!~julian@63-39-039-73.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[20:28:58] <Runaway1956> the rise and fall of the gopher protocol - and I'm imagining yet another conspiracy theory, probably involving Jews
[20:30:20] <Runaway1956> http://www.haaretz.com
[20:30:27] <yo_momma> ^ 03Poland's New Defense Minister Defended 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion' as True - Jewish World News - Haaretz - Israel News Haaretz.com
[20:35:58] <Runaway1956> There will be a new event at the next Olympics - air gap jumping
[20:36:47] -!- takyon_ has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[21:11:22] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - NASA Pulls Together National Data to Sleuth Out Air Traffic Improvement Mysteries - http://sylnt.us - space-begins-very-close-to-earth-nowadays
[21:24:49] -!- butthurt [butthurt!~c1abca96@193.171.ljl.koj] has joined #Soylent
[22:30:49] -!- pinchy [pinchy!~krimskree@axg-01-89-53-201.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #Soylent
[22:35:36] -!- Gravis_ [Gravis_!~gravis@bi53-240-819-373.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[22:35:36] -!- Gravis has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[22:37:25] -!- n1 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[22:42:32] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Western Digital and Samsung at the Flash Memory Summit - http://sylnt.us - thanks-for-the-memory