#Soylent | Logs for 2016-08-14

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[00:13:42] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Argentinian Ant Invaders - http://sylnt.us - simant-2
[00:22:14] -!- takyon_ [takyon_!~47b2b115@Soylent/Staff/Editor/takyon] has joined #Soylent
[00:22:14] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v takyon_] by Aphrodite
[00:22:34] <takyon_> TheMightyBuzzard
[00:22:48] <takyon_> https://soylentnews.org
[00:22:54] <yo_momma> ^ 03SN comment by [02takyon (881)] (02Score:2)
[00:23:02] <takyon_> think I found a bug, I copied my text and links to reproduce and it seemed to
[00:27:37] <takyon_> let me try to reproduce it again real quick
[00:29:00] <takyon_> It's the second link that causes it
[00:29:15] <takyon_> I removed the link preceding the error, nothing changed
[00:29:40] <takyon_> Bytram|away paulej72
[00:31:58] <takyon_> yup, I can reproduce the bug: https://soylentnews.org
[00:32:04] <yo_momma> ^ 03SN comment by [02takyon (881)] (02Score:2)
[00:32:19] <takyon_> I'll submit it tomorrow if nobody else does
[00:35:32] <takyon_> apparently some Russian athlete was doping while she got it on with a WADA anti-doping person
[00:37:09] <takyon_> nvm looks like some of those details are backwards: https://sport.bt.com
[00:37:15] <yo_momma> ^ 03Russian whistleblower Yuliya Stepanova has anti-doping records hacked | BT Sport
[00:38:02] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~62b0c8c6@ka52-830-964-802.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[00:38:24] <Ethanol-fueled> Day 3 of bender madness.
[00:38:36] <Ethanol-fueled> Actually, it's not a bender because there is some sobriety in between.
[00:38:46] <takyon_> hi
[00:38:48] <takyon_> do some DMT
[00:39:01] Ethanol-fueled is now known as SoyGuest68137
[00:39:07] <takyon_> that won't work
[00:39:27] <SoyGuest68137> Giodd dammit
[00:39:38] SoyGuest68137 is now known as Snotzaralla
[00:39:56] <Snotzaralla> I wish.
[00:40:09] <Snotzaralla> DMT would be awesome, but not just yet.
[00:40:24] <takyon_> not just yet?
[00:40:47] <Snotzaralla> Yeah, not it a good headspace for intense psychedelics
[00:41:06] <Snotzaralla> Maybe after I graduate and get some better financial security.
[00:42:42] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[00:43:24] <Snotzaralla> crutch dawg
[00:43:43] <Snotzaralla> From the land of the best damn shitposters in the world.
[00:45:44] <takyon_> your /pol/ is showing
[00:46:39] <SirFinkus> THE HOUSE NEXT DOOR TO ME...
[00:50:26] <Snotzaralla> What, fink?
[00:50:41] <Snotzaralla> takyon, you would have to browse /pol/ to know that.
[00:50:56] <SirFinkus> that Johnny Rebel song
[00:51:18] <Snotzaralla> Oh yeah, hahahaha
[00:51:36] <takyon_> https://www.engadget.com
[00:51:36] <Snotzaralla> The house next door to me, 's been sold, to nig-gers
[00:51:41] <Snotzaralla> They said they were wild indians from teh plains...
[00:51:42] <yo_momma> ^ 03Squid protein makes textiles self-healing
[00:51:43] <SirFinkus> I've caught myself singing that one
[00:51:48] <SirFinkus> it's too catchy
[00:52:13] <Snotzaralla> Blacks are actually a model minority around here.
[00:52:22] <Snotzaralla> Now, those Latinos, on the other hand...
[00:52:56] <SirFinkus> now, I disavow his lyrics, but goddamn that's a catchy song
[00:53:17] <Snotzaralla> It sure is. I've sang it a few times myself
[00:53:20] <Snotzaralla> Good wholesome classic Americana
[00:53:47] <takyon_> "A Lone gunman executed a revered Queens imam and his friend as the pair walked home from Saturday prayers, blasting each in the back of the head without a word, officials said."
[00:53:54] <SirFinkus> I've done it with gangsta fag too
[00:54:01] <takyon_> http://www.nydailynews.com
[00:54:01] <yo_momma> ^ 03Queens imam, assistant fatally shot after leaving mosque - NY Daily News
[00:54:10] <Snotzaralla> takyon, I just head that on NPR. The Mosque served Bengalis
[00:54:36] <Snotzaralla> Bengalis are savages. I'm just assuming that it's shady Bengali business rather than a hate-crime.
[00:54:57] <takyon_> seems like the headline has been updated to blame trump somehow
[00:55:14] <Snotzaralla> takyon, typical mass-media
[00:55:24] <Snotzaralla> Trump is Hitler etc etc ad nsuseum
[00:55:39] <SirFinkus> at this point, I want him to win
[00:55:42] <SirFinkus> just out of spite
[00:55:46] <takyon_> yeah it was just a comment from some rando
[00:56:06] <Snotzaralla> This makes me glad I never donated to KPBS/NPR. I really wanted to before this election season.
[00:56:24] <takyon_> donate to Internet Archive
[00:56:43] <Snotzaralla> Yeah, now that's something I could donate to....after SN, of course.
[00:57:07] <Snotzaralla> My sheckels are in short supply though, and booze always has priority over all else...even food
[00:57:20] <takyon_> what are you drinking
[00:57:29] <Snotzaralla> Gallo Sauvignon Blanc
[00:57:29] <takyon_> atm
[00:57:29] <SirFinkus> monarch
[00:57:46] <Snotzaralla> I think there's a Corona in the fridge too
[00:58:23] <SirFinkus> become a roadie, I get free beer and bud
[00:58:29] <takyon_> I think my 6 gallons of mead are almost done
[00:58:41] <Snotzaralla> mead is yummy
[00:59:25] <Snotzaralla> Fink, I hope that you reach the point where your band makes it big and you get groupies blowing the whole bus
[00:59:39] <Snotzaralla> Because as long as they're not kissing you, who cares?
[00:59:56] <SirFinkus> I got hit on by 3 milfs last gig
[01:00:04] <takyon_> milf magnet
[01:00:16] <SirFinkus> which was weird, because they all looked kind of like my mom
[01:00:16] <Snotzaralla> Were they wearing animal prints?
[01:00:23] <Snotzaralla> Milves are fucking awesome
[01:00:27] <takyon_> SirOedipus
[01:01:02] <SirFinkus> one was
[01:01:11] <Snotzaralla> Milfs have very relaxed mores and don't buy into the PC bullshit, you can tell them offensive jokes and they love it.
[01:01:24] <SirFinkus> I mean, it was pretty much what you'd expect
[01:02:02] <Snotzaralla> Plus, if you get in good with one, she will cook you food and feed you good beer.
[01:02:24] <SirFinkus> one of them worked at the bar
[01:02:27] * Snotzaralla ate some salmon roe today...that was some bomb shit
[01:02:29] <SirFinkus> but I just can't
[01:02:42] <Snotzaralla> Why not, fink?
[01:02:55] <takyon_> fidel castro age 90 suck it kennedy
[01:03:07] <SirFinkus> it's not in me
[01:03:26] <Snotzaralla> that's too bad, fink. Milfs take care of you.
[01:03:54] <SirFinkus> I don't think it's bad, I'm just not into it at all
[01:03:58] <Snotzaralla> Sure, they're a little aged, but you get laid, fed, drank, and they even buy you socks and underwear.
[01:04:18] <Snotzaralla> And they pinch your cheek and slap your butt on the way out.
[01:04:36] <takyon_> and they dress you up in diapers and rock you in their arms
[01:04:37] <Snotzaralla> agreed, takyon.
[01:04:50] <Snotzaralla> some do, takyon. Not the ones I prefer, though.
[01:05:07] <Snotzaralla> By the way, I am a patriot, but I think what we did to Cuba was fucked up.
[01:05:36] <Snotzaralla> We need a complete normalization of relations....and access to their classic car market ;)
[01:06:07] <Snotzaralla> It seems the CIA hasn't learned a goddamn thing from the Bay of Pigs debacle.
[01:07:01] <SirFinkus> BIRD DICK
[01:07:14] <Snotzaralla> What prompted that, Fink?
[01:07:20] <Snotzaralla> Is that a Tool song?
[01:07:35] <SirFinkus> naw, watching rick and morty
[01:07:46] <SirFinkus> someone said bird dick
[01:08:58] <Snotzaralla> Noice.
[01:09:26] <Snotzaralla> ~weather san diego, ca
[01:09:28] <exec> 10San Diego, CA, USA - currently 77°F / 25°C, partly cloudy, wind W at 11 mph, humidity 68% - Saturday partly cloudy (69°F:80°F / 21°C:27°C), Sunday sunny (69°F:81°F / 21°C:27°C), Monday sunny (69°F:83°F / 21°C:28°C), Tuesday sunny (67°F:82°F / 19°C:28°C)
[01:09:41] <Snotzaralla> Fuck it don't feel like 77 degrees
[01:10:04] <SirFinkus> ~weather
[01:10:06] <exec> 10Olympia, WA, USA - currently 87°F / 31°C, partly cloudy, wind N at 10 mph, humidity 36% - Saturday partly cloudy (55°F:91°F / 13°C:33°C), Sunday partly cloudy (55°F:86°F / 13°C:30°C), Monday partly cloudy (54°F:84°F / 12°C:29°C), Tuesday partly cloudy (54°F:86°F / 12°C:30°C)
[01:10:09] <SirFinkus> lol
[01:10:13] <SirFinkus> it's hotter here
[01:10:15] <SirFinkus> fuck this
[01:10:19] <Snotzaralla> No way
[01:10:30] <Snotzaralla> How the fuck does it get that hot in WA
[01:10:43] <SirFinkus> idk
[01:10:45] <SirFinkus> it does?
[01:11:01] <SirFinkus> this summer has actually been pretty mild
[01:11:10] <Snotzaralla> ~weather el centro, ca
[01:11:11] <SirFinkus> last summer it got up to mid 90s somteims
[01:11:12] <exec> 10El Centro, CA, USA - currently 112°F / 44°C, sunny, wind N at 6 mph, humidity 15% - Saturday clear (85°F:113°F / 29°C:45°C), Sunday sunny (86°F:116°F / 30°C:47°C), Monday sunny (86°F:115°F / 30°C:46°C), Tuesday sunny (86°F:116°F / 30°C:47°C)
[01:11:18] <Snotzaralla> HAHAHAHAH, those poor bastards
[01:11:47] <Snotzaralla> ~weather phoenix, AZ
[01:11:49] <exec> 10Phoenix, AZ, USA - currently 106°F / 41°C, partly cloudy, wind NW at 8 mph, humidity 16% - Saturday partly cloudy (84°F:107°F / 29°C:42°C), Sunday sunny (85°F:107°F / 29°C:42°C), Monday sunny (85°F:108°F / 29°C:42°C), Tuesday sunny (86°F:110°F / 30°C:43°C)
[01:11:54] <SirFinkus> they probably have AC though
[01:12:06] <takyon_> is season 3 of rick and morty out yet
[01:12:09] <SirFinkus> no
[01:12:39] <SirFinkus> there is this though https://www.youtube.com
[01:12:42] <Snotzaralla> ~weather show low, AZ
[01:12:43] <exec> 10Show Low, AZ, USA - currently 79°F / 26°C, mostly sunny, wind NE at 8 mph, humidity 18% - Saturday isolated thunderstorms (56°F:80°F / 13°C:27°C), Sunday sunny (60°F:84°F / 16°C:29°C), Monday mostly sunny (59°F:84°F / 15°C:29°C), Tuesday mostly sunny (58°F:84°F / 14°C:29°C)
[01:12:45] <yo_momma> ^ 03State of Georgia Vs. Denver Fenton Allen | Rick and Morty | Adult Swim - YouTube
[01:13:06] <Snotzaralla> ~weather Miami, AZ
[01:13:08] <exec> 10Miami, AZ, USA - currently 89°F / 32°C, partly cloudy, wind E at 15 mph, humidity 34% - Saturday partly cloudy (70°F:98°F / 21°C:37°C), Sunday sunny (72°F:97°F / 22°C:36°C), Monday sunny (73°F:98°F / 23°C:37°C), Tuesday mostly sunny (74°F:98°F / 23°C:37°C)
[01:19:23] <SirFinkus> I never realized how awesome primus music videos are
[01:19:35] <SirFinkus> I don't really like the band, but the music videos are great
[01:19:41] <Snotzaralla> Wynonna's big brown beaver is pretty awesome.
[01:19:54] <Snotzaralla> DMV is kinda meh, even though it's a decent song.
[01:20:11] <Snotzaralla> Primus has a hardcore cult following but at least half the music is crap.
[01:20:12] <SirFinkus> I like https://www.youtube.com
[01:20:18] <yo_momma> ^ 03Primus - Southbound Pachyderm - YouTube
[01:21:41] <Snotzaralla> They actually had a video for "my name is mud"
[01:22:19] <Snotzaralla> If there's a definition of "non-song" "my name is mud" is it.
[01:22:53] <SirFinkus> I respect primus, but I don't like them
[01:23:30] <Snotzaralla> Same here. Having a bass not only as the lead insrument but 6 string, and fretless
[01:23:47] <SirFinkus> the drumming is neat too
[01:24:30] <Snotzaralla> And an Ozark fatalism in their lyrics
[01:24:46] <Snotzaralla> This one is catchy
[01:24:47] <Snotzaralla> https://www.youtube.com
[01:24:48] <yo_momma> ^ 03Golden Boy - Primus - YouTube
[01:25:40] <SirFinkus> yeah, but still not something I'd listen to recreationally
[01:26:46] <Snotzaralla> Ler Lalonde is probably the most underutilized guitarist
[01:26:53] <Snotzaralla> he was trained by Joe Satriani
[01:28:31] <Snotzaralla> Pretty much every punk rock bassist plays more complicated lines than Ler does
[01:34:54] -!- julian_ [julian_!~Julian@63-39-039-73.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[01:41:23] <crutchy> fuck me 44 deg C is pretty warm
[01:41:38] <crutchy> 32 deg is nice
[01:41:44] * crutchy wishes it was 32 here
[01:42:06] <SirFinkus> 24℃ is the ideal temp
[01:42:17] <crutchy> thats a bit cool for me
[01:42:20] <Snotzaralla> crutch dawg, I grew up in that hotspot, and shitposted here from it many a time.
[01:42:20] <crutchy> ~weather
[01:42:23] <exec> 12Melbourne VIC - currently 15°C, mostly sunny, wind N at 16 km/h, humidity 63% - Sunday partly cloudy (7°C:17°C), Monday sunny (9°C:18°C), Tuesday mostly sunny (11°C:18°C), Wednesday partly cloudy (10°C:17°C)
[01:42:36] <Snotzaralla> Including the first time I banged a Jew
[01:42:37] <crutchy> Snotzaralla, ya i know
[01:42:47] <crutchy> you banged a jew in 44 deg C?
[01:42:54] <crutchy> ddayum!
[01:42:58] <Snotzaralla> I had a hotel room.
[01:43:02] <Snotzaralla> with AC
[01:43:27] <crutchy> lucky. she might have spontaneously... combusted...
[01:43:30] * crutchy shows himself out
[01:43:48] <Snotzaralla> It's only 25 degrees C here, now.
[01:44:51] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The Vibrator That Phones Home - http://sylnt.us - something-for-the-weekend-ma'am?
[01:51:00] <crutchy> from the cuck-men-outcry dept.
[01:52:23] * crutchy wonders if theres a way to connect a fleshlight to a computer and have it sync with a porno
[01:52:44] -!- Gravis_ has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[01:53:31] -!- Gravis [Gravis!~gravis@bi53-240-819-373.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[01:55:02] <Snotzaralla> https://www.youtube.com
[01:55:08] <yo_momma> ^ 03FM - YouTube
[01:55:13] <takyon_> bzzzzzzt
[01:55:24] <Snotzaralla> That's good music.
[01:55:29] <takyon_> hell yeah
[01:55:54] <takyon_> Steely Dan is my absolute favorite band of all time
[01:57:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> booze++
[01:57:27] <Bender> karma - booze: 8
[01:57:56] * TheMightyBuzzard has been getting his birthday celebrate on
[01:57:59] <Snotzaralla> Becker and Fagan were both educated in ENglish.
[01:58:15] <Snotzaralla> Nice Buzzard, Happy birthday, you bastard!
[01:58:29] <takyon_> happy bday TMB
[01:58:55] * TheMightyBuzzard tips his hat. then realizes he doesn't have a hat. then gets one and tips it.
[01:59:10] <takyon_> unluckily, it was a fedora
[01:59:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> just in case yall was unaware, apple crown royal and just a wee bit of coke tastes damned near exactly like a caramel apple but without your entire face getting sticky.
[02:00:27] <Snotzaralla> I won't like sweets but Crown Royal is the most delicious of Booze.
[02:01:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> scotch is better if you're looking for proper whiskey drinking but this particular mix is a damned fine use of alcohol.
[02:01:57] <takyon_> I'm not a fan of caramel
[02:02:07] <takyon_> starts off like a good idea, then you want to puke later
[02:02:16] <Snotzaralla> You scotch people. Never understood that. It's liquor sadomasochism.
[02:02:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> much like liquor.
[02:02:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> Snotzaralla, one word: flavor
[02:03:23] <Snotzaralla> Buzzard, our Native-American ancestors smoked rocks and dirt, for the same reasons.
[02:04:57] <takyon_> modern man has graduated to crack rocks
[02:06:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> cause he's po and can't afford rocks what ain't broken
[02:06:59] <Snotzaralla> Buzzard: If you can afford at least booze, then you're not yet at "rock bottom"
[02:07:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> what if your drinks are "on the rocks"?
[02:07:56] <takyon_> cliffhanger
[02:07:57] <Snotzaralla> That implies luxury. Ice cubes.
[02:08:47] <Snotzaralla> A large fridge, split down the middle longitudinally, with its own ice and water pourers.
[02:09:43] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[02:09:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> or $0.50 plastic trays
[02:09:56] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~blame
[02:09:57] * exec points at Bytram
[02:09:58] <Snotzaralla> Yeah!
[02:10:38] * TheMightyBuzzard is currently sipping one more drink before he hits the sack
[02:10:45] <Bytram> *poof* /me magically appears in a cloud of magic smoke
[02:11:11] <Bytram> TheMightyBuzzard: H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y 1 ! ! !
[02:11:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> was diablo3-ing it up with the roomie on the xbox but he turned into a pumpkin about 8:30
[02:11:20] <Snotzaralla> Life is good, Buzzard. Being a prick causes us to rise like cream.
[02:11:28] <Bytram> watch out formice and glass slippers
[02:11:36] <Snotzaralla> High-five, nigger.
[02:11:37] <Bytram> watch out for mice and glass slippers
[02:11:50] <Snotzaralla> https://www.youtube.com
[02:11:51] <yo_momma> ^ 03West Side Story-America - YouTube
[02:11:52] <TheMightyBuzzard> mice? we gots fookin rats up in dis house.
[02:12:06] <Bytram> and no cats?
[02:12:36] * Snotzaralla has a feeling that Buzzard has at least one cat
[02:12:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> newp. rent house.
[02:12:57] -!- Web_weasel has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[02:13:00] <TheMightyBuzzard> kittehs is with the parental types back in OK
[02:13:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> they's "fancy rats" though.
[02:14:22] <takyon_> so how old are you
[02:14:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> 41 i think
[02:15:07] <takyon_> I'm sorry for your loss
[02:15:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> 75, 16, yeah
[02:16:55] <Snotzaralla> Ain't life a bitch?
[02:17:54] <TheMightyBuzzard> meh, i been wantin to be old since i was in my late teens.
[02:18:14] <Snotzaralla> In my youth, oldheads were the most respected.
[02:18:42] <Snotzaralla> Like native elders.
[02:18:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> saw a bunch of ancient fuckers out in front of our blacksmith shop (yeah, bitch, we had a BLACKSMITH) drinkin coffee every morning and said "that's the life for me".
[02:19:10] <Snotzaralla> Holy shit, that's hardcore.
[02:19:47] <takyon_> but when was the last time you made a sword
[02:19:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> dude. it still exists too but the old guys who was always outside it is dead now.
[02:20:21] <Snotzaralla> Blacksmithing is a true super-autist gig now.
[02:20:41] <Snotzaralla> They do exist, but not a lot of them.
[02:21:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> yar, i can do real, real basic shit but not sword-level stuff.
[02:21:33] <TheMightyBuzzard> like i could shoe a horse or make a hammer but not anything precise or complex.
[02:21:58] <TheMightyBuzzard> #youtube dmx party up
[02:21:59] <MrPlow> https://www.youtube.com
[02:22:07] <Snotzaralla> Buzzard, if you can cold-roll Damascus steel then you can win
[02:22:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya know, that's really pretty easy.
[02:23:00] <Snotzaralla> From what I understand, that's not easy.
[02:23:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> nah, it's really not hard at all.
[02:25:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> it's a LOT of hammering but it's not difficult
[02:27:54] <TheMightyBuzzard> yo, Snotzaralla, go get all brown menace up on some motherfuckers so i got something to laugh at in the morning.
[02:28:21] <Bytram> it may be simple, but it's not easy... /me would be exhausted in just a few minutes trying to swing one of those sledges around
[02:28:23] <Snotzaralla> Good night.
[02:28:31] <Bytram> ~gnight Snotzaralla
[02:28:32] * exec metrosexually inserts a photograph of broiled hog anus into Snotzaralla
[02:29:38] -!- julian_ has quit [Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
[02:33:24] Bytram is now known as Bytram|away
[02:33:47] <Bytram|away> ~gnight #Soylent
[02:33:49] * exec scientifically crossbreeds a pint of chocolate chips with #Soylent
[02:34:08] * Bytram|away likes chocolate chips! Yum!
[02:34:30] <takyon_> http://www.nytimes.com
[02:34:31] <yo_momma> ^ 03( http://www.nytimes.com )
[02:35:13] <takyon_> Why can’t they fix the swimming pools at the Rio Olympics? The water in two of the competition pools has grown progressively greener and murkier all week, even as officials have been unable to provide a plausible explanation for the problem, let alone solve it.
[02:36:02] <Bytram|away> leprechauns
[02:36:39] <takyon_> don't piss them off
[02:36:48] <takyon_> they'll pee in your pool
[02:37:11] <Bytram|away> thats for sure... otherwise you won't be able to follow 'em to the end of the rainbow and steal theirpot of gold.
[02:37:29] * TheMightyBuzzard pees in everyone's pool just to be fair
[02:37:30] <takyon_> gold? GOLD?!
[02:37:39] <takyon_> All you're gonna get is a GOLDEN SHOWER
[02:37:56] <TheMightyBuzzard> #g golden shower
[02:37:57] <MrPlow> http://www.urbandictionary.com - "The act of urinating on another person, usually for sexual gratification, or as a way of humiliation. More common than a Golden bath, where, during..."
[02:38:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> well well... google is worth a shit occasionally
[02:38:42] <takyon_> didn't know that one eh?
[02:38:47] <Bytram|away> #g gold
[02:38:48] <MrPlow> http://goldprice.org - "GOLDPRICE.ORG - The No. 1 current gold price site for fast loading live gold price charts in ounces, grams and kilos in 47 major currencies plus advice on how ..."
[02:38:54] <Bytram|away> #g goaled
[02:38:55] <MrPlow> http://www.cityofevanston.org - "Jul 13, 2016 ... Evanston youth artists, crafters and makers ages 13 to 21 are invited to sell their work at the upcoming GOALed Gallery. The GOALed Gallery is ..."
[02:39:04] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, i just like seeing funny stuff defined
[02:39:21] <Bytram|away> #g leprechaun
[02:39:21] <MrPlow> https://en.wikipedia.org - "A leprechaun (Irish: leipreachán) is a type of fairy in Irish folklore. They are usually depicted as little bearded men, wearing a coat and hat, who partake in ..."
[02:39:32] <takyon_> #g fairy
[02:39:32] <MrPlow> https://en.wikipedia.org - "A fairy is a type of mythical being or legendary creature in European folklore, a form of spirit, often described as metaphysical, supernatural, or preternatural."
[02:39:37] <takyon_> damnit
[02:39:45] <Bytram|away> #g recursion
[02:39:46] <MrPlow> https://en.wikipedia.org - "Recursion occurs when a thing is defined in terms of itself or of its type. Recursion is used in a variety of disciplines ranging from linguistics to logic. The most ..."
[02:39:54] <Bytram|away> #g indirect recursion
[02:39:54] <MrPlow> https://en.wikipedia.org(computer_science) - "Indirect recursion occurs when a function is called not by itself but by another function that it called (either directly or indirectly)."
[02:40:01] <Bytram|away> #g direct recursion
[02:40:01] <takyon_> #g bytram
[02:40:02] <MrPlow> https://en.wikipedia.org(computer_science) - "Most basic examples of recursion, and most of the examples presented here, demonstrate direct recursion, in which a function ..."
[02:40:02] <MrPlow> http://www.gobytram.com - "The official home of Portland Aerial Tram--a unique and exciting transportation landmark. Sky high views of the city and beyond."
[02:40:14] <Bytram|away> ROFL!!!
[02:40:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> #g dangerous faggot
[02:40:17] <MrPlow> http://www.breitbart.com - "Breitbart senior editor Milo Yiannopoulos, the Dangerous Faggot himself will be returning to America's campuses in the fall semester in a tour that promises to be ..."
[02:40:26] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[02:40:39] <Bytram> takyon: thanks for that... I needed the laugh.
[02:40:59] <takyon_> no, what you needed was a unique and exciting transportation landmark
[02:40:59] <Bytram> just found out a woman I knew just died suddenly last week... she was in her early 20's
[02:41:46] <Bytram> she was very attractive, sensitive, and gentle.
[02:41:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> well that's the shit
[02:42:04] <Bytram> she had struggled with addiction, had gotten some clean time, and went back out.
[02:42:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh, ya, drugs is a good way to get dead.
[02:42:26] <Bytram> tried to get back into recovery, but the damn disease had her and she just couldn't get it.
[02:43:01] <Bytram> I know there is absolutely NOTHING that *I* could do about her disease, but it's stilla shock.
[02:43:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> had a friend o mine drink himself to death by 40 last year. some folks just can't cope.
[02:43:26] * Bytram notes there's been a lotta deaths lately
[02:43:29] <takyon_> if I don't post a comment for 4 weeks, one of you can write my obit
[02:43:49] <Bytram> well, given your namesake, it'll be written before you pass. right?
[02:43:53] <SirFinkus> "here lies takyon: he never scored"
[02:44:09] <takyon_> my userpage is my obit. it's too strong for the server
[02:44:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> "He was a silly liberal but he kept me from having to check links and search for typos."
[02:44:16] <Bytram> because his score card always returned a 503.
[02:44:51] <Bytram> couldn't complete query of accomplishments in permitted time.
[02:44:56] <Bytram> =)
[02:44:56] <takyon_> yikes, I'm a liberal now
[02:45:06] <Bytram> not with THAT attitude!
[02:45:09] <Bytram> ;)
[02:45:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> you can be a moderate one, it's okay by me.
[02:45:19] <Snotzaralla> https://www.youtube.com
[02:45:19] <yo_momma> ^✓ 03West Side Story-America - YouTube
[02:45:25] <SirFinkus> what about classical liberal?
[02:45:31] <takyon_> I consider myself more of a degenerate than a liberal
[02:45:48] <TheMightyBuzzard> SirFinkus, nobody likes those nowadays since they're called libertarians.
[02:45:48] <Bytram> hey guys, thanks for letting me vent a bit; still sucks to know she's gone, but the load is somewhat lessened. thanks.
[02:45:58] Bytram is now known as Bytram|away
[02:46:02] <Bytram|away> this time for sure.
[02:46:02] <takyon_> seeya
[02:46:06] <SirFinkus> well excUUUUUUSEE me
[02:46:13] <takyon_> ...princess
[02:46:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> takyon_, i was gonna say same thing but really not. if you wanna be a proper degenerate you gotta be in favor of laws that allow you to be.
[02:47:38] <takyon_> at the end of the day, I want that Supreme Court packed with liberals
[02:48:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> i want it packed with Stooges
[02:48:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> not paid, three
[02:48:16] <takyon_> sounds like common ground
[02:56:02] <takyon_> if you're done being the birthday boy, i posted about a small bug earlier
[02:56:17] <takyon_> it's on the Western Digital and Samsung article comments
[02:59:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> saw that but can't understand it
[02:59:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> far too much alcohol in my system currently to even see the bug.
[03:01:24] <takyon_> hahah k
[03:01:36] <takyon_> i'll put it in the bug tracker tomorrow
[03:01:52] <TheMightyBuzzard> cheers, yo
[03:02:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> half a bottle of booze gone tonight. still just as strong even if someone did add apple flavoring to it.
[03:02:43] * crutchy is running an automated websocket testsuite again... so pretty :D
[03:03:44] * TheMightyBuzzard pees in crutchy's sockets
[03:04:25] <crutchy> gradually getting more green results
[03:04:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> green? we hate green around these parts, pilgrim...
[03:05:02] <crutchy> at least not blue amirite :p
[03:05:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> nope, blue > green
[03:06:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> but red > blue
[03:06:06] <crutchy> as much as i don't care much about trump, reading even liberal news comment sections there seems be be much more nasty hatred spewed from the left
[03:06:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> crutchy, no shit?!
[03:06:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> dude, they been hatemongers for over a decade.
[03:06:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> nothing but.
[03:06:47] <crutchy> rightwingers complain that hillary is a crook yadayada, but the language isn't as nasty and threatening
[03:06:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya
[03:06:59] <takyon_> I'm not seeing it guys
[03:07:08] <crutchy> read wapo
[03:07:08] <takyon_> I think it depends on which sites you go to
[03:07:20] <crutchy> i been reading a lot of liberal sites lately
[03:07:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> takyon, read shat you don't agree with
[03:07:32] <crutchy> cos fox is a bit... eccentric :p
[03:07:34] -!- julian_ [julian_!~Julian@63-39-039-73.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[03:07:44] <takyon_> look, I read around
[03:07:52] <crutchy> fox isn't so much nasty, just... out there
[03:08:11] <crutchy> i'm not even american
[03:08:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> crutchy, by that you mean "utterly worthless unless you WANT clickbait and shit stirring"
[03:08:26] <crutchy> yeah
[03:09:10] <crutchy> i don't mind a bit of conspiracy, and i'm sure not everything is as it seems, but there are some whacko thinkers out there on both sides :p
[03:09:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> the nasty mostly lies on the left nowadays though
[03:09:39] <crutchy> but yeah lefties appear from my perspective to be more violent
[03:09:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> and the totalitarianism
[03:10:19] <takyon_> I've seen some pretty cringeworthy comments from conservatives on WaPo. And Fox News is a cesspool. Just read the comments on there on the "Venus may have been habitable" article
[03:10:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> takyon_, this is from a pair of libertarians who think both parties suck ass btw. take that for what it's worth.
[03:10:29] <crutchy> i've seen people get thrown out of trump rallies too
[03:10:35] <crutchy> but mainly from officials
[03:11:07] <crutchy> takyon_, yeah fox is wacko, but wacko is better than nasty
[03:11:12] * TheMightyBuzzard smakes crutchy in the forehead
[03:11:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> tag, you're it. i need a smoke.
[03:11:25] <crutchy> people can have their wacko as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else
[03:11:34] <takyon_> whatever
[03:11:45] <takyon_> there's no way this is a representative sampling of anything
[03:11:53] <crutchy> of course not
[03:11:58] <crutchy> its just my observation
[03:12:11] * TheMightyBuzzard represents the drunken fisherman demographic perfectly, thank you very much
[03:12:29] <takyon_> you represent it drunkenly
[03:12:32] <crutchy> i'm conservative economically and liberal socially
[03:12:40] <TheMightyBuzzard> takyon_, that as well
[03:12:49] <crutchy> so i don't really fit in with either of the major parties in the US
[03:13:22] <pinchy> https://youtu.be
[03:13:28] <yo_momma> ^ 03Try Not To Laugh Challenge (Vine Edition) BEST Vines of JUNE 2016 - Best Viners - YouTube ( https://www.youtube.com )
[03:13:43] <crutchy> lol
[03:13:50] <crutchy> "lord interface" :D
[03:14:02] <takyon_> hey, i think the buttblasting is beginning
[03:14:10] <takyon_> https://soylentnews.org
[03:14:11] <yo_momma> ^ 03SN article:  The French Solution - or How I Learned to Laugh More 04(5 comments)
[03:14:28] <takyon_> janrinok's headline
[03:14:31] <crutchy> from the "and-love-the-bomb" dept.
[03:14:41] <crutchy> :p
[03:15:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> https://www.youtube.com Just because...
[03:15:04] <yo_momma> ^ 03It's Not About The Nail - YouTube
[03:15:36] <crutchy> TheMightyBuzzard, SN should make a testsuite like autobahn for rehash
[03:16:01] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The French Solution - or How I Learned to Laugh More - http://sylnt.us - beer,-bacon-and-bikinis
[03:16:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> crutchy, testing is for bitches who aren't awesome enough to do it perfectly the first time
[03:16:24] <crutchy> true
[03:16:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> plus we have Bytram who can break anything
[03:16:41] <crutchy> but Bytram is very good at proving that we're all bitches
[03:16:45] <crutchy> yeah
[03:17:53] <crutchy> damn. still getting some big red blocks
[03:18:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> you should put some ointment on them
[03:19:26] <pinchy> and https://youtu.be
[03:19:27] <yo_momma> ^ 03Try Not To Laugh Challenge (Vine Edition) BEST Vines of JUNE 2016 - Best Viners - YouTube ( https://www.youtube.com )
[03:19:42] <crutchy> php doesn't have ointment like perl
[03:21:53] <crutchy> lot of unclean closes :|
[03:22:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> close yo shat
[03:26:39] <crutchy> lol i botched the closing status code encoding
[03:37:48] -!- takyon_ has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[03:57:44] -!- julian has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
[04:00:22] -!- julian_ has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com]
[04:08:20] <crutchy> ooh lots more grren now :)
[04:13:25] <crutchy> https://github.com
[04:13:34] <yo_momma> ^ 03push_server/index.html at master · crutchy-/push_server · GitHub
[04:13:50] <crutchy> not sure if theres a way to proper display the page on gh
[04:14:29] <crutchy> there's also https://github.com
[04:14:31] <yo_momma> ^ 03push_server/index.json at master · crutchy-/push_server · GitHub
[04:16:22] -!- Snotzaralla has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[04:16:47] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - SpaceX Falcon 9 Launch, and Testing of Mars Rocket - http://sylnt.us - another-one
[04:58:26] <SirFinkus> time to watch grizzly man
[04:58:29] <SirFinkus> ho boy
[04:58:32] <SirFinkus> this is a great one
[05:06:05] <mecctro> grizzly man, wtf is that?
[05:07:52] <mecctro> Autobahn lol
[05:11:14] <mecctro> this is probably one of the ugliest pieces of json
[05:11:39] <mecctro> 3637 lines : WHY?! The horror lol
[05:12:00] <mecctro> So this is for automated version testing I presume?
[05:15:59] <mecctro> nvm "no framework cruft" - bless you
[05:33:32] <crutchy> spacex launch in a few minutes
[05:33:36] <crutchy> ~g spacex
[05:33:38] <exec> [google] www.spacex.com/
[05:33:43] <mecctro> oh shit yes
[05:33:50] <mecctro> thanks
[05:37:25] <mecctro> what a time to be alive
[05:38:17] <crutchy> i think i was a bit late
[05:38:25] <crutchy> but still awesome :D
[05:38:34] <mecctro> indeed
[05:41:50] <mecctro> btw, the push server looks better than the reports lol
[05:45:53] <mecctro> #sammich
[05:45:53] * MrPlow whips up a roast beef and swiss with pickles sammich for mecctro
[05:47:57] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - New 'Trek' Series Committed to Casting Diversity, Main Character Won't be Captain - http://sylnt.us
[05:57:31] <mecctro> that chick is kinda cringey lol
[05:58:47] <mecctro> I mean, they are trying to commercialize space, but still "An MLI is like a bunch of lil blankees"
[05:58:53] <mecctro> XD
[06:00:41] <mecctro> well, it's launched woot
[07:02:46] zz_janrinok is now known as janrinok
[07:04:23] <janrinok> ~ping TheMightyBuzzard : RSS-bot has started returning links in the form of http://sylnt.us and not the original link for the story. Is there a good reason for this, and can one still get the original story link without downloading from SN?
[07:06:39] <crutchy> ~tell
[07:06:40] <exec> syntax: ~tell <nick> <message>
[07:06:50] <janrinok> thanks crutchy !
[07:07:01] <janrinok> ~tell TheMightyBuzzard : RSS-bot has started returning links in the form of http://sylnt.us and not the original link for the story. Is there a good reason for this, and can one still get the original story link without downloading from SN?
[07:08:11] <crutchy> bender just does whatever it wants :p
[07:08:18] <janrinok> lol
[07:19:06] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Astrophysicists Discover Mechanism for Spiral-Arm Formation in Disk Galaxies - http://sylnt.us - wheee!
[08:14:04] -!- Arc| [Arc|!~popeidol@333-802-14-103.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #Soylent
[08:17:32] -!- popeydoll has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[09:20:39] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - 100 Million Volkswagen Cars Vulnerable to Wireless Hack Due to 20-year-old Flaw - http://sylnt.us - open-sesame
[09:53:04] -!- Web_weasel [Web_weasel!~Stefan@amvg807-58-42-627.range476-60.btcentralplus.com] has joined #Soylent
[11:05:08] -!- butthurt has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[11:18:40] -!- Gravis_ [Gravis_!~gravis@bi53-240-819-373.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[11:18:44] -!- Gravis has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[11:22:13] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Congressional Leader Briefed on DNC Hacking a Year Ago, More Documents Released by Hackers - http://sylnt.us - known-unknowns
[12:56:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> janrinok, I prolly did that when I fixed shortening our own links after nc did something
[12:56:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> i'll look at it some day when i ain't hung over
[13:00:18] <janrinok> k thanks - it just makes choosing a story to submit that much more difficult for those who use the bot to find what they are looking for.
[13:19:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> janrinok, does it? should still have the site name in []s and the link should take you there after getting reenlongated.
[13:23:46] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Kenny Baker, R2-D2 Actor, Dies at 81 - http://sylnt.us - sad-beep
[13:25:06] -!- crutchy has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[13:39:15] <janrinok> TheMightyBuzzard, some people avoid certain sources for various reasons. Some of the RSS feeds are actually gathered from numerous sources (e.g. HackerNews) so just have the rss source is not as useful.
[13:39:31] <janrinok> just having*
[13:39:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> ahhh, nod nod
[13:41:37] <janrinok> TheMightyBuzzard, have you found a way of accessing stories from ForbesTech? I seem to download a page of js and no link to anything useful. If no-one can get to the story perhaps we should stop monitoring it?
[13:42:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> we prolly should but i dunno how to make bender remove a source
[13:46:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> !help
[13:46:23] <Bender> documentation for jsonbot can be found at http://jsonbot.org
[13:46:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> !list
[13:46:27] <Bender> see !list for loaded plugins and "!help plugin" for help on the plugin.
[13:46:31] <Bender> available plugins: admin, cfg, chan, chatlog, core, fleet, grabquote, ignore, irc, karma, koffie, lod, markov, more, plug, relay, soylentrss, sylnt, todo, twitter, uidchecker, urlinfo, user
[13:46:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> !help soylentrss
[13:46:47] <Bender> can't find help on soylentrss
[13:47:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> !soylentrss
[13:47:20] * TheMightyBuzzard shurgs
[13:49:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> !duke
[13:49:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh thas a ciri command
[13:51:40] <janrinok> the jsonbot.org page is also 'not found' currently - I was trying to download stuff from the there a day or two ago
[13:54:00] -!- n1 [n1!~n1@Soylent/Staff/Editor/n1] has joined #Soylent
[13:54:00] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v n1] by Aphrodite
[13:54:10] <janrinok> ~gday n1
[13:54:12] * exec presumably $action a cube of BEER-brand beer $preposition n1
[13:54:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> i'll try and delete it manually i suppose
[13:54:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> not today though
[13:54:38] <janrinok> I bet that'll do the job!
[13:54:47] <n1> ahoy, janrinok
[13:54:52] <TheMightyBuzzard> !todo delete forbestech as a bender source
[13:54:52] <Bender> todo item 5 added
[13:54:57] <janrinok> hi nick
[13:55:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> !todo relengthen urls for non-soylent urls
[13:55:12] <Bender> todo item 6 added
[13:55:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> #help
[13:55:27] <MrPlow> Commands: help, weatheradd, weather, submit, seen, smake, smakeadd, youtube, abuser, bot, admin, socialist, roll, bnk, join, part, tell, klingon, g
[13:55:36] <n1> janrinok, having a good sunday? ... great comment on the france story by the way.
[13:55:47] <janrinok> n1 - I'm just trying to keep TMB busy by finding things for him to do...
[13:56:01] <n1> he's been slacking lately
[13:56:08] <janrinok> I thought so too
[13:58:13] <n1> im working on having a shower, shaving my hair to a respectable shortness and making some vinyl decals for fun.
[13:58:34] <janrinok> vinyl decals of what, exactly?
[13:58:59] * janrinok reckons n1 sure knows how to party on a Sunday!
[13:59:07] <n1> lol
[13:59:31] <n1> well last week i made one of the fallout 'vault boy' in a wood effect and stuck it on one of my guitars
[13:59:38] <n1> so it looks like it's engraved
[13:59:52] <n1> http://i3.kym-cdn.com
[14:00:33] <janrinok> ah, sounds interesting. Both of my guitars are acoustic - as is the banjo, of course - but I haven't had any of them out of their cases in quite a while
[14:01:13] <n1> it's on my acoustic bass, which is a dark natural finish, the vinyl is a slightly lighter 'oak' style
[14:01:47] <janrinok> do you play for fun, beer, or dosh?
[14:01:57] <n1> janrinok, should always try to find time to play
[14:02:34] <janrinok> yep, but in my defence I have been a little busy over the last few months
[14:02:52] <n1> for fun mostly, it's a nice outlet, but also can be a bit more serious as i'm into writing music, so it required learning to be able to get close to making the music that i want
[14:04:45] <n1> janrinok, of course, i'm playing more now than i ever have and it's very rewarding, as an outlet and escape... too easy to get sucked into work and other bullshit, but just focusing on playing guitar is a effective way for me to relax
[14:13:29] -!- Nerdfest has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!]
[14:54:55] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - "Niku": The Trans-Neptunian Object with a Retrograde Orbit Around the Sun - http://sylnt.us - how-did-it-get-THERE?
[15:41:02] <pinchy> wow don rickles is still alive
[16:01:01] -!- n1 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[16:26:05] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Cracking the Code on Trump's Tweets - Who Wrote What? - http://sylnt.us - CRAZY-idea,-BADLY-done-by-WEAK-people.-So-Sad.
[16:58:25] -!- SoyCow0992 [SoyCow0992!~41b78233@05-723-775-65-doxm.burlingtontelecom.net] has joined #Soylent
[17:00:30] -!- mike802 [mike802!~IceChat9@05-723-775-65-doxm.burlingtontelecom.net] has joined #Soylent
[17:01:05] -!- SoyCow0992 has quit [Client Quit]
[17:57:16] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Television Review: The Expanse [SPOILERS] - http://sylnt.us - humaninty-in-spaaaace
[18:16:25] <takyon> http://www.cnn.com
[18:16:31] <yo_momma> ^ 03Ryan Lochte, other US swimmers robbed at Rio Olympics - CNN.com
[18:16:45] janrinok is now known as zz_janrinok
[18:16:49] <swiss> takyon: https://www.reddit.com
[18:16:50] <yo_momma> ^ 03Apocalympics: Rio 2016
[18:17:13] <takyon> teehee
[18:20:42] <swiss> https://www.instagram.com
[18:20:43] <yo_momma> ^ 03Instagram
[18:45:08] -!- pinchy has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[18:48:01] -!- n1 [n1!~n1@Soylent/Staff/Editor/n1] has joined #Soylent
[18:48:01] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v n1] by Aphrodite
[18:57:41] -!- n1 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[18:58:20] -!- n1 [n1!~n1@Soylent/Staff/Editor/n1] has joined #Soylent
[18:58:20] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v n1] by Aphrodite
[19:00:34] <takyon> https://www.youtube.com
[19:00:40] <yo_momma> ^ 03[YTP] Sausage to Mr. Trump - YouTube
[19:15:09] <n1> what should i do with a bag of dried chillies
[19:19:32] -!- Runaway1956 has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[19:23:02] <takyon> I was just gonna buy some of those
[19:23:20] <takyon> I'd say cook them in oil, and chicken, some other flavors, serve on rice
[19:23:38] <takyon> which is exactly what I want to do if I find some
[19:26:09] <takyon> n1 cooking
[19:26:37] <n1> chillies make everything better
[19:28:14] <takyon> http://www.npr.org
[19:28:19] <yo_momma> ^ 03Justin Rose Wins First Gold Medal Of Men's Golf In Past 112 Years : The Torch : NPR
[19:32:15] -!- Runaway1956 [Runaway1956!~sabayonus@162.216.rs.qqx] has joined #Soylent
[19:37:52] <takyon> http://www.vice.com
[19:37:57] <yo_momma> ^ 03What Does a 16-Year Hunger Strike Do to Your Body? | VICE | United States
[19:39:49] <n1> mmmmm boiled slurry
[19:42:49] <n1> thats quite the messed up story
[19:43:25] <takyon> yeah I know
[19:43:43] <takyon> sometimes those Indians just don't give a fuck
[19:44:02] <takyon> reminds me of a BBC radio segment about untouchables the other night
[19:44:18] <takyon> one of the guests had turned the douche up to 100%
[19:44:30] <takyon> http://www.vice.com
[19:44:31] <yo_momma> ^ 03Photos of a Day in the Life of a Real-Life Superhero | VICE | United States
[19:44:43] <n1> i wish vice would just write the damn story though rather than an aimless meander around the points
[19:45:31] <takyon> you get what you pay for
[19:58:49] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Cassini Finds Flooded Canyons on Titan - http://sylnt.us - methane,-ethane,-propane...
[20:12:24] <xhedit> https://i.imgur.com
[20:19:10] <n1> http://sputniknews.com
[20:19:17] <yo_momma> ^ 03Rioters Attack German President for 'People are the Problem, Not Elites' Remark
[20:44:39] <boru> Goodness. German leadership seems to have lost the plot, entirely.
[21:18:38] <takyon> lol
[21:29:59] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Google's New Non-Linux OS: Fuchsia - http://sylnt.us - One-OS-to-Rule-Them-All?
[23:01:09] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Microsoft Buys Interactive Game Streaming Startup - http://sylnt.us - bigger-borg
[23:24:37] <Deucalion> ~weather juggs
[23:24:39] <exec> 10London, UK - currently 62°F / 17°C, clear, wind E at 4 mph, humidity 68% - Sunday clear (55°F:74°F / 13°C:23°C), Monday sunny (56°F:74°F / 13°C:23°C), Tuesday partly cloudy (58°F:75°F / 14°C:24°C), Wednesday sunny (62°F:78°F / 17°C:26°C)
[23:33:08] -!- n1 has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[23:53:48] <SirFinkus> lo Deucalion
[23:53:51] <SirFinkus> how are things?
[23:56:03] <Deucalion> fair to middling. And you?
[23:56:14] <SirFinkus> same deal
[23:56:30] <SirFinkus> kind of anxious for school to start up again
[23:57:32] <Deucalion> why anxious?
[23:58:16] <SirFinkus> anxious in the sense of I just want to get it over with
[23:58:25] <SirFinkus> maybe anxious is the wrong word
[23:58:32] <SirFinkus> I just want to get back into that routine