#Soylent | Logs for 2016-09-18

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[00:38:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> .voice Deucalion
[00:38:59] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Deucalion] by Aphrodite
[00:41:41] * Deucalion clears throat - I needed voice?
[00:41:53] <Deucalion> 0/ hi TheMightyBuzzard
[00:42:36] <Deucalion> I been done messing with irc groups and perms... I mebbe broke something
[00:43:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> sounds like par for the course. we woulda broke the site when that hardware maint night happened but i thought ahead and told the load balancer to ignore fluorine
[00:47:25] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Jeff Bezos on the Future of Humans in Space - http://sylnt.us - deep-thoughts-with-Jeff-Bezos
[00:48:48] <Deucalion> TheMightyBuzzard, glad someone is on the ball :) Wait... isn;t that a sysop thing? :D
[00:49:52] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[00:51:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, they was napping. i just happened to stop in while drinking and saw Bytram mention it.
[00:52:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> #smake crutchy
[00:52:17] * MrPlow smakes crutchy upside the head with a sad trombone
[01:07:39] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[01:10:59] * Bytram notices the story queue is empty
[01:11:33] * mecctro still doesn't understand how to subit that story from earlier
[01:11:49] * mecctro is pleb
[01:12:06] <Bytram> If anyone here is in the mood to submit a story (a link is helpful, but an actual text submission would be preferred) it would be a HUGE HELP... submission queue is a bit light atm.
[01:14:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> i gots nothin. i'm in full on wind down mode for the night and the ole gray matter is already got its shoes off and is sucking down its third beer.
[01:14:16] <mecctro> http://www.foxnews.com
[01:14:16] <dogbox> ^✓ 03Stop the insanity! High school football fans told to stop chanting USA, USA | Fox News
[01:14:31] <TheMightyBuzzard> smoke break
[01:14:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> nicotine++
[01:14:32] <Bender> karma - nicotine: 152
[01:16:15] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~62b0c8c6@SectorZeroZeroOne] has joined #Soylent
[01:16:28] <Ethanol-fueled> Hyuuuugh
[01:17:27] <Ethanol-fueled> I don't got much going for me 'cept booze
[01:17:52] <Ethanol-fueled> And the San Diego Super Chargers
[01:18:18] <Ethanol-fueled> https://www.youtube.com
[01:18:19] <dogbox> ^ 03San Diego *SUPER* Chargers Fight Song! - YouTube
[01:19:33] -!- Ethanol-fueled has quit [Client Quit]
[01:41:31] <TheMightyBuzzard> #submit http://techraptor.net
[01:41:32] <MrPlow> Submitting. There is a mandatory delay, please be patient.
[01:41:57] <MrPlow> Submission successful. https://soylentnews.org
[01:42:24] <chromas> They're suing valve too?
[01:42:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> yuppers
[01:43:53] <chromas> I just read they're suing customers and trying to get valve to 'dox' them
[01:44:04] <mecctro> wow lol
[01:44:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> that too, yep
[01:44:11] <chromas> The valve pulled all their games
[01:49:23] <Bytram> suing their customers? that sounds like a sure-fire business plan... like burn-up-your-business-kind-of-sure-fire plan
[01:52:51] <Bytram> https://www.bloomberg.com
[01:52:54] <dogbox> ^ 03This Loophole Ends the Privacy of Social Security Numbers - Bloomberg View
[01:53:20] <Bytram> "Federal law is supposed to protect the privacy of your Social Security number from government inquiries -- but apparently that doesn’t extend to a check on whether you’ve paid back taxes and child support. In a decision with worrying implications for those who oppose a single national identification number, a divided federal appeals court has rejected a lawyer’s refusal to submit his Social Security number along with his renew
[01:53:21] <Bytram> al of Maryland bar membership."
[01:57:19] <Bytram> ~gnight TheMightyBuzzard
[01:57:21] * exec metrosexually cyberbullies an exfat volume of tongue awareness month at TheMightyBuzzard
[02:38:53] <Bytram> wehreto? https://medium.com
[02:38:53] <dogbox> ^✓ 03Medium
[02:51:17] Bytram is now known as Bytram|away
[03:48:19] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Air China Magazine Apologises Over 'Racist' Article - http://sylnt.us - beware!-beware!
[05:56:57] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - George Hotz: Make your Honda or Acura Semi-Autonomous for $999 - http://sylnt.us - beta-testing-—-with-your-life-on-the-line
[08:06:36] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The Ham Radio Parity Act Unanimously Passed By US House - http://sylnt.us - *-*.*-.*-**.*-**.-*-.-.**-.*-*.***.*.-*.*-.-.-.*-*
[08:24:45] -!- Booga1 [Booga1!~ae3dc4a8@a-076-06-281-708.hsd3.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[08:37:08] -!- Tachyon [Tachyon!~Tachyon@hollhb.kolej.mff.cuni.cz] has joined #Soylent
[10:03:44] <SirFinkus> whew
[10:04:03] <SirFinkus> the schedule is fucking brutal
[10:04:46] <SirFinkus> last night it was 11am to 2am
[10:04:59] <SirFinkus> tonight 8pm to 3am
[10:05:07] <SirFinkus> and we get to do it all next weeked
[10:10:25] <Booga1> thirteen hour days with wild swings from 11am start to 8pm start? Is that a work schedule?
[10:10:47] <Booga1> If so, that's a recipe for health issues. :P
[10:13:15] <SirFinkus> I'm a roadie
[10:13:44] <Booga1> Oh. That would explain it.
[10:14:01] <SirFinkus> and now, running the board apparently
[10:15:30] <SirFinkus> I get to drive one of these http://presonus.com
[10:15:31] <dogbox> ^ 03StudioLive 24.4.2AI | PreSonus
[10:15:35] <SirFinkus> makes me feel all fancy
[10:17:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[10:17:24] <Booga1> Heh. I'm more familiar with the older style sound boards. I haven't run one since I was 18, though...been a while. :P
[10:17:24] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2871
[10:18:09] <SirFinkus> all I know about it is that it costs 2 grand, so don't spill beer on it
[10:18:40] <Booga1> I've done broadcast work and stuff, but nothing beyond local radio stations.
[10:18:55] <SirFinkus> neat
[10:19:16] <SirFinkus> I pretend to twiddle the knobs when the drummer points to his ears
[10:19:16] <Booga1> $2000 now is probably like, $8000 adjusted back to the time I was working on audio. Tech is much cheaper now.
[10:19:31] <Booga1> Stuff available now is freakin' amazing.
[10:21:19] <SirFinkus> I did manage to drop the $600 wireless mic and receiver, but thankfully, it still works flawlessly
[10:21:47] <Booga1> Small blessings. :)
[10:25:43] <SirFinkus> it's pretty neat how good the UI on those things is
[10:26:00] <SirFinkus> it looks complicated, but everything makes so much sense
[10:27:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> #weather
[10:27:54] <MrPlow> Today: Foggy this morning, then partly cloudy this afternoon. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High 86F. Winds light and variable. Tomorrow: Sunny skies. High 88F. Winds light and variable.
[10:28:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> outstandin. we got ribs to go on the smoker soon.
[10:28:23] <mecctro> sounds sexy
[10:28:25] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Yelp Warns California Lawsuit Could Scrub Critical Reviews - http://sylnt.us - yelp-needs-help
[10:44:46] <SirFinkus> oh man
[10:44:49] <SirFinkus> sounds great
[10:45:09] <SirFinkus> I had a pretty good burger
[10:47:50] <Booga1> Not as great here. Hopefully my dog keeps me company for the night. I totally expect her to keep to herself on her bedding.
[11:07:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~join #dev
[12:00:21] <crutchy> ~join #dev
[12:00:27] <crutchy> admin command now
[12:00:38] <crutchy> cos securitah
[12:01:00] <crutchy> i think ~part is anyone though
[12:01:38] <crutchy> hmm. nope its not :|
[12:36:27] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Woman Live Streams Disastrous Tinder Date - http://sylnt.us - fifteen-is-a-crowd
[12:37:17] <pinchy> well if thats news so is this http://www.inquisitr.com
[12:37:17] <dogbox> ^ 03Victoria Martens: Monster Mom Enjoyed Watching Man Kill Daughter And Have Sex With Dead Body
[12:37:53] <chromas> But where's the video?
[12:38:12] <crutchy> yeah video or it didn't happen
[12:38:20] <crutchy> and its only news if there's video :p
[12:38:41] <pinchy> hehe hopfeully theyll release ALL the videos/pix after the investigation
[12:39:51] <pinchy> a boat full of tubbies
[12:40:46] <pinchy> tele tubbies
[12:43:08] <pinchy> anyone here still use a cellphone with a slider keypad?
[12:43:36] <pinchy> ive been using some ancient LG slider phone that works like a champ till some of the buttons started getting flakey
[12:44:09] <chromas> Okay, grandpa, time for your pills
[12:44:10] <pinchy> i found out about old motorola droid 3 that has a nice keybaord. the top row is dedicated numbers
[12:44:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> chromas, wut?
[12:44:45] <pinchy> i got one off ebay. CDMA phone and it wasnt able to activate. took it to verizon and they said nothing we can do about it
[12:45:04] <pinchy> "but theres plenty of other phones to upgrade to. how about the ishit 7"
[12:45:53] <chromas> 7 has awesome lightning connector. like the button. soon it will have only one of everything. and that's a good thing
[12:46:23] <pinchy> only reason i have a phone is for dating. other than that I might use it to call 2 or 3 times a year
[12:46:32] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Woman Live-Streams Disastrous Tinder Date - http://sylnt.us - fifteen-is-a-crowd
[12:47:08] <chromas> You can get book-style phone cases with keyboards
[12:47:53] <pinchy> well last few years i read the news on it while sitting on the can
[12:48:22] <pinchy> i saw some bluetooth slider keybaords that attach nicely to iphone
[12:48:27] <chromas> There still are some smartphones with keyboards
[12:48:34] <chromas> samsung stratosphere
[12:48:43] <pinchy> they look ok. of course no top number row like that droid 3 but its still too expensive
[12:49:05] <pinchy> shitty expensive phone with shitty keybaord just to get some ass on the weekends
[12:49:31] <chromas> https://www.amazon.com
[12:49:34] <dogbox> ^ 03Amazon.com: Samsung Stratosphere I405 4G LTE CDMA Android Slider Phone, Black (Verizon): Cell Phones Accessories ( https://www.amazon.com )
[12:50:34] zz_janrinok is now known as janrinok
[12:51:03] <pinchy> ill give that one a shot after the month runs out with this old one. hopefully the buttons dont flake out after a couple of years
[12:51:16] <pinchy> but im sure the battery life is pretty short
[12:51:30] <chromas> https://www.amazon.com
[12:51:33] <chromas> a more spendy one
[12:51:34] <dogbox> ^ 03Amazon.com: Motorola Photon Q XT897 Sprint CDMA 4G LTE Android Smartphone Black: Cell Phones Accessories ( https://www.amazon.com )
[12:52:21] <chromas> When I had a keyboard phone, it couldn't keep up with my fingers. The great thing about the touchscreen is it slows me down ;)
[12:52:50] <chromas> Usually it would skip letters because the next button was pressed too soon
[12:55:54] <pinchy> is there a name for the feature ive seen where unstead of tapping each key u drag your finger to each letter
[12:56:13] <pinchy> and it will try to autocomplete it
[12:57:02] <chromas> gesture typing or swipe
[12:57:30] <chromas> I think most of the stock software keyboards do it now
[13:00:56] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[13:02:44] <pinchy> so before the wall they had a line? http://www.amerika.org
[13:02:46] <dogbox> ^ 03Why Socialism Is Always Toxic
[13:03:39] <Bytram> !uid
[13:03:39] <Bender> The current maximum UID is 6353, owned by cpaadpro
[13:30:38] <crutchy> !stats
[13:30:38] <Bender> creating stats for channel #Soylent (Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970)
[13:49:02] <janrinok> crutchy - I think Bender's clock is a bit adrift
[13:56:41] <crutchy> or... maybe it isn't o.O
[14:00:16] <janrinok> I wish I could be that young again but with all the present day benefits
[14:35:59] -!- Nerdfest has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[14:56:51] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Emacs 25.1 Released - http://sylnt.us - this-version-is-sentient
[14:58:45] -!- crutchy has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[15:07:56] -!- Nerdfest [Nerdfest!~dougmcmil@590-29-771-243.cpe.teksavvy.com] has joined #Soylent
[15:14:46] <cmn32480> ~gday knuckleheads
[15:14:48] * exec flatulantly nudges a trunkload of systemd toward knuckleheads
[15:17:27] <cmn32480> ~gday janrinok
[15:17:29] * exec irresponsibly hangs a trigger warning sign about an example of 2 steak shit on janrinok
[15:30:57] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~62b0c8c6@SectorZeroZeroOne] has joined #Soylent
[15:31:29] <Ethanol-fueled> I cried, watching the destruction of Terminator 2
[15:32:27] <Ethanol-fueled> https://www.youtube.com
[15:32:28] <dogbox> ^ 03Terminator 2 ending scene - YouTube
[15:39:41] -!- Ethanol-fueled has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[15:46:49] <cmn32480> janrinok++
[15:46:50] <Bender> karma - janrinok: 40
[15:52:57] Bytram is now known as Bytram|away
[15:56:26] <pinchy> http://www.healthnutnews.com
[15:56:27] <dogbox> ^ 03Breaking: Woman removed by 6 Policemen off her flight for questioning what was being sprayed ON her! | Health Nut News
[16:23:27] -!- Nerdfest has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[17:06:30] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Efficiencies in Supermarket Checkout Lines - http://sylnt.us - slowest-line-is-the-one-I'm-in
[18:25:03] janrinok is now known as zz_janrinok
[19:19:34] -!- Booga1 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[19:26:41] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Alcohol Industry Bankrolls Fight Against Legal Pot in Battle of the Buzz - http://sylnt.us - buzzkill
[19:38:14] -!- mechanicjay has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[19:47:50] -!- Booga1 [Booga1!~ae3dc4a8@a-076-06-281-708.hsd3.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[19:53:09] -!- mechanicjay [mechanicjay!~jhowe@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mechanicjay] has joined #Soylent
[19:53:09] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mechanicjay] by Aphrodite
[20:30:25] -!- julian has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[21:29:44] -!- mechanicjay has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[21:34:18] -!- OverWatcher [OverWatcher!~02dec5e3@2.222.gku.oms] has joined #Soylent
[21:44:29] -!- Deucalion has quit [Quit: ~Quit~]
[21:47:03] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Game Dev Digital Homicide Sues Valve; Wants Steam "Safe Space" - http://sylnt.us - internets-never-forget
[21:55:32] -!- Deucalion [Deucalion!~Deucalion@Soylent/Staff/IRC/juggs] has joined #Soylent
[21:55:32] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Deucalion] by Aphrodite
[22:22:49] -!- BadCoderFinger [BadCoderFinger!~BadCoderF@216.160.gyz.km] has joined #Soylent
[22:23:54] <BadCoderFinger> Hi guys
[22:29:18] <OverWatcher> hi BadCoderFinger
[22:33:41] <BadCoderFinger> Eyo!
[22:35:55] -!- Deucalion has quit [Quit: ~Quit~]
[22:36:38] * OverWatcher is Deucalion - just updating / upgrading my bouncer box
[22:41:38] <BadCoderFinger> Oh, hey juggs, how are you?
[22:42:42] <OverWatcher> not bad thanks - having a lazy weekend mostly
[22:43:29] <OverWatcher> unsurprisingly - looks like I need to recompile ZNC following my upgrade shenanigans
[22:43:48] <BadCoderFinger> The endless upgrade train, gotta love it.
[22:44:12] <BadCoderFinger> Not that I'm immune, I did my time with Arch, heh.
[22:44:59] <OverWatcher> Sounds painful. This is very much vanilla debian server so pretty much as straight forward as it comes
[22:45:32] -!- Deucalion [Deucalion!~Deucalion@Soylent/Staff/IRC/juggs] has joined #Soylent
[22:45:32] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Deucalion] by Aphrodite
[22:46:03] <BadCoderFinger> Yeah, Debian was always the least amount of headache to upgrade.
[22:46:28] <OverWatcher> aha - more a case of a little patience rather than needing to recompile znc it seems :)
[22:46:46] <BadCoderFinger> Aw, I'm a coder, I never pass up a chance to recompile!
[22:47:24] <OverWatcher> I will have to anyway as I need to grab a newer version - just wanted to upgrade the OS first
[22:50:42] <BadCoderFinger> In that case, happy compiling!
[22:50:56] <BadCoderFinger> If you hit a snag, maybe I can help.
[22:53:47] <OverWatcher> hmmm.... seems znc 1.4 is now in the jessie repos (it was some horrible out of date version in the wheezy repos). /me needs to look at the change logs between 1.4 & current 1.6 versions then decide whether to go with the repo version or not
[22:54:14] <BadCoderFinger> Two minor versions could mean a lot of reading...
[22:55:01] <OverWatcher> indeed. I know there's been a lot of functionality changes - but last I read nothing additional I would actually use! More concerned if there are any security patches
[22:55:46] * OverWatcher takes post upgrade snapshot
[22:56:23] <BadCoderFinger> btrfs snapshot?
[22:56:38] <OverWatcher> vps snapshot
[22:56:45] <BadCoderFinger> Ah, cool.
[22:57:10] <OverWatcher> my connection at home is too damn flaky to run anything that needs any kind of connectivity reliability
[22:58:06] <BadCoderFinger> Yeah, I'm in the same boat. I'm rather unwilling to give comcast any money, so it's CenturyLink, which is almost as bad. Much like presidents, ISPs are always a choice of lesser evils.
[22:58:28] * OverWatcher looks askance at Deucalion - he shouldn't still be here... the VPS is powered down ffs lol. Guess he'll timeout shortly
[22:58:42] -!- Deucalion has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[22:58:53] <OverWatcher> And thar it goes
[22:58:59] <BadCoderFinger> Heh!
[22:59:40] <BadCoderFinger> Internet ghosts... Isn't there a good movie about those? With a crappy remake on the way?
[22:59:57] <OverWatcher> Ghost In The Machine or some such?
[23:00:07] <BadCoderFinger> Yeah, that was the joke.
[23:00:31] <BadCoderFinger> Not an exact fit, though, so maybe not as funny as it was in my head.
[23:01:36] * OverWatcher entirely missed the joke... but then I'm not really paying full attention here... never been great at multi tasking :D
[23:03:15] <BadCoderFinger> It's ok, I'm an odd one, my humour isn't always on the right wavelength.
[23:05:41] <OverWatcher> right wavelength for you - you gives a damn if others get it or not :D
[23:05:59] <OverWatcher> who*
[23:06:05] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Puzzling X-Ray Emissions From Pluto - http://sylnt.us - now-one-from-the-other-side
[23:06:07] <BadCoderFinger> Yeah, well, respect is the true currency of an engineer.
[23:07:04] <BadCoderFinger> So sometimes it's nice when someone else is on the same wavelength. Of course, when I watch american tv, I'm rather happy that I don't relate.
[23:07:36] <OverWatcher> snapshot complete... powering up for final sanity checks... very smooth other than a couple of GPG keys and apt having a little brainfart and needing it's bottom cleaned
[23:07:48] <BadCoderFinger> Heh, nice!
[23:10:31] -!- Deucalion [Deucalion!~Deucalion@Soylent/Staff/IRC/juggs] has joined #Soylent
[23:10:31] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Deucalion] by Aphrodite
[23:10:35] <OverWatcher> Oh - and remembering to change the choice of kernel via the vps provider GUI.... still not sure I understand the need for that.... you do a dist-upgrade in the vm which pulls in a new vmlinuz kernel, but then it actually boots up with something else defined in the hypervisor I guess ~shrug~
[23:10:52] <OverWatcher> right oh... time to check this shizzle out
[23:11:10] <BadCoderFinger> That's... odd. You'd think there would be one and only one way to select the kernel.
[23:12:34] <OverWatcher> The hypervisor seems to just inject the kernel at boot time - think it's a KVM thing. ~shrug~ I'm no expert on that
[23:12:55] <BadCoderFinger> Yeah, that's a QEMU thing, inherited by KVM.
[23:13:38] <BadCoderFinger> They should replace the internal method with a warning, though. "You should really change your kernel via the admin interface, this won't work."
[23:14:30] * OverWatcher hugs debian.... 39MB RAM used (ignoring cache).... not that it's really doing a lot, but that's a teeny amount these days :)
[23:14:42] <BadCoderFinger> Definitely!
[23:15:04] <BadCoderFinger> My work box (Xubuntu, sigh) has a lot of RAM chewed up.
[23:16:43] -!- julian [julian!~julian@63-39-039-73.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[23:17:37] <BadCoderFinger> My OpenBSD craptop is 144 MB.
[23:18:04] <OverWatcher> I'm not sure how they could insert that warning though without getting all intrusive on what people are doing within their VMs. In the provider GUI this vps still shows as debian 6 but actually it's been upgraded to 7 and now 8. These cloudy vps providers really have nailed the whole orchestration stuff, it's so damn slick being able to spin instances up and down willy nilly in less than a minute.
[23:18:57] <BadCoderFinger> Yeah, that's true. It would seem like crossing the line.
[23:19:44] <OverWatcher> My minty craptop is currently eating 1.5GB - but meh, headless servers and desktop UI installs are very different beasts
[23:20:20] <OverWatcher> It's not like RAM is the ridiculously expensive proposition it was many years ago
[23:21:13] <BadCoderFinger> That's true, I prefer mine to be ZFS cache, heh.
[23:21:49] <BadCoderFinger> Which OpenBSD does not have. That's the reason I still have a FreeBSD box.
[23:23:23] <OverWatcher> OK - nginx has shat its ssl config for some reason during the upgrade
[23:24:17] <BadCoderFinger> Natch!
[23:25:44] <Deucalion> Andd... back
[23:27:39] * Deucalion goes to poke nginx with a stick and see what is up with the ssl/tls stuff thar
[23:31:41] <BadCoderFinger> Hey, mostly there, can't complain about that.
[23:32:33] <Deucalion> newp - easy fix I'm sure.
[23:48:07] * Deucalion chortles to self... seems I never setup ssl on this nginx instance - kinda splains why it's not working now
[23:48:28] -!- OverWatcher [OverWatcher!~02dec5e3@2.222.gku.oms] has parted #Soylent
[23:57:03] <mecctro> it happens
[23:58:23] <Deucalion> there's nothing of note being served - just some MUD maps I did way back when SN had a MUD server running
[23:59:46] <Deucalion> not going to bother
[23:59:59] <mecctro> probably not even worth it.