#Soylent | Logs for 2017-02-03

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[00:29:07] -!- xuser [xuser!~xachet@108.61.npu.lix] has joined #Soylent
[00:38:25] -!- Webweasel_ [Webweasel_!~Stefan@vxry83-525-166-540.range88-070.btcentralplus.com] has joined #Soylent
[00:39:54] -!- Web_weasel has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[00:45:09] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry Confirmed in Baryons - http://sylnt.us - antimatter-doesn't-not-matter
[01:55:54] -!- Deucalion has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[01:56:32] -!- FatPhil has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[01:57:57] -!- Deucalion [Deucalion!~Deucalion@Soylent/Staff/IRC/juggs] has joined #Soylent
[01:57:57] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Deucalion] by Aphrodite
[02:07:19] -!- FatPhil [FatPhil!phil@Soylent/Staff/Editor/FatPhil] has joined #Soylent
[02:07:19] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v FatPhil] by Aphrodite
[02:16:20] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Charter (Time Warner Cable) Sued by State of New York for Slow Internet - http://sylnt.us - it's-about-time
[02:17:45] <chromas> Well I for one am getting about 20mb/s even though they advertise 60
[02:18:01] * chromas blames the Russians
[02:58:01] <Bytram> charon: s/se /se up to /
[02:58:13] <Bytram> chromas: s/se /se up to /
[02:59:14] <chromas> true
[02:59:28] <chromas> Actually in the voiceover I think they say "starting at"
[02:59:58] * Bytram should start an ISP that advertises up to 10Gb/s... and provide the users with 56kb modems
[03:03:09] * Deucalion wanders around mumbling to self and vaguely tidying the place up. How's folks in these parts?
[03:04:16] * chromas was excited to get ipv6 working but now it's forgotten because DNS
[03:04:29] * Bytram overhears mumblings and offers a greeting as well as a hearty "Much better. thanks for asking!"
[03:04:58] * chromas agrees
[03:05:34] <Bytram> oh yeah
[03:05:38] <Bytram> sciatica--
[03:05:39] <Bender> karma - sciatica: -4
[03:05:54] <Bytram> and, for good measure and old-time's sake:
[03:05:57] <Bytram> poutine--
[03:05:57] <Bender> karma - poutine: -410
[03:06:39] <Deucalion> sciatica--
[03:06:39] <Bender> karma - sciatica: -5
[03:07:33] <Deucalion> Glad to hear your life threatening infectious digit has decided to be less hostile to its host Bytram :D
[03:07:44] <Bytram> merci!
[03:08:18] * Bytram looks at his finger and notices that the 'necrotic tissue' bears a striking resemblance to a pad on a cat's paw.
[03:08:33] <Deucalion> chromas, I keep dipping into ipv6 know and then. Keep coming away with a "meh" feeling. At least my ISP supports it natively now instead of tunnelled.
[03:09:10] <chromas> I only get tunnel :'(
[03:09:12] <Deucalion> Bytram, as long as the necrosis is decreasing in area.... then casual observance should be educational :)
[03:09:53] * chromas places a can of tuna in front of Bytram
[03:10:11] <Bytram> yep, that's what the doc said. =) Went in for debridement on tuesday am... doc looked at it and decided it was best to just let nature run its course.
[03:10:17] <Deucalion> I always end up with a queasy feeling that I actually don;t know it well enough to be sure I've firewalled it correctly so end up disabling it across everything omn the LAN again :/
[03:10:40] <Bytram> that's gonna be an expensive bunch of "nothin"
[03:12:14] <Deucalion> Bytram, but what if by "let nature take it's course" they meant it's just going to necrotise you into the grave anyway so may as well just shorten the experience by letting it run rampant?!! You did clarify that aspect I hope? :D
[03:12:25] * Bytram is struggling to get up the motivation to write up a proper test spec for the new comment threading code
[03:12:56] <Bytram> well, I saw it as a way that I could avoid having to save for retirement.
[03:13:12] <Bytram> ;)
[03:13:14] * Deucalion vaguely remembers "motivation" - I think I experienced that once
[03:14:32] <Bytram> Deucalion: btw, with the recent efforts and progresson the new comment threading code, and a resultant site upgrade, I'm thinking this would be a good time to upgrade the DBs so that we have proper, 4-octet UTF-8 support... thoughts?
[03:15:07] <Bytram> (we are currently limited, IIRC, to at most 2-octets)
[03:15:16] <Deucalion> Not sure it's going to qualify for "Die young and leave a beautiful corpse" sentiments Bytram... however "Die young and leave ~no~ corpse" would surely be novel! VLOG the experience daily to YouTube and you'd leave a fine inheritance for those that remain. Sick bastards in the millions would subscribe to that kind of series!
[03:16:14] <Bytram> oh great, so the best way to save for retirement is to document my path to precluding it... :P
[03:16:43] <Bytram> well, at least I'd have something to leave to my kids... oh, wait. I ain't got any.
[03:17:12] <Deucalion> Bytram, I have no thoughts on UTF-8 octets and storage thereof - I know quite literally nothing about it. Run it by TMB and PJ, whatever they advise is good by me.
[03:17:43] <Bytram> nod nod
[03:17:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> Bytram, this is a big update. the db update needs to be done all on its own.
[03:18:05] <Bytram> wow. Now THAT was QUICK!
[03:18:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> if we ever do it.
[03:18:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> last time i tried it spazzed out that some columns were too wide to expand.
[03:19:21] <Bytram> is something that has been nagging at me for, what, a couple years now? The fewer things swirling in my head about site limitations the more brainpower I can apply to isolating and identifying bugs -- this making your life easier. =)
[03:19:34] * Bytram scrounges around for a really big C-clamp
[03:21:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> it's a big deal for very little benefit is why it hasn't been done.
[03:22:49] <Bytram> I understand that perspective... but it feels like we climbed within 500-feet of the peak of Mt Everest and decided, well, that's close enough.
[03:23:53] <Deucalion> TMB is omniscient and omnipresent here I swear. Just he chooses when to bother to respond or not immediately :D
[03:24:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> nah, just got done playin me some online dnd
[03:24:32] <Bytram> how'd you fare with the monsters?
[03:24:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> victorious as always
[03:25:02] <Bytram> TheMightyBuzzard++
[03:25:02] <Bender> karma - themightybuzzard: 281
[03:25:04] <Bytram> baddies--
[03:25:04] <Bender> karma - baddies: -1
[03:25:09] <Bytram> heh
[03:25:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> my character has no compunction against running the fuck away if necessary.
[03:25:30] <Bytram> better part of valor^wsurvival
[03:26:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> dm is fairly new to dm-ing though so he's not of a kill the whole party mindset. yet.
[03:27:55] <Deucalion> was this physical rolly dicey dnd or online simulated rolly dicey stuff?
[03:28:20] <Bytram> the doctor would prolly toss in some timey-wimey stuff, too
[03:28:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> simulated unfortunately.
[03:29:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> wasn't done sober at least though
[03:31:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> and, it's past my bedtime. gonna finish my beer off n hit the sack.
[03:32:05] <Bytram> TheMightyBuzzard: really appreciate all the work you put into cleaning up the comment threading code! It's looking much better!!!
[03:33:21] <Deucalion> Never really got into the whole bazillion sided dice x 7 times, damage defrayed by 6D4 etc. thing. Although I assume similar odds calcs actually underpin a lot of the games I do play that have random activity outcomes. I'd just rather not be bothered with all the manual rolling and calc stuff.... this is why we have 'puters... they can do the tedious lifting and leave us free to do even more mundane shit, like keep the 'puters running so th
[03:33:21] <Deucalion> ey can roll dice for us. What a fucking weird life.
[03:35:11] <Bytram> You pays you money you takes you chances, eh?
[03:43:13] <Bytram> is there someone here who can check this out for me? I'm seeing comment #30910 displayed when I load this link to comment #30909: https://dev.soylentnews.org
[03:43:15] <exec> └─ 13Dev.SN Comments | 20170202a - test story for submtting indented comments
[03:46:22] <Bytram> is getting to be my bedtime, too.
[03:46:33] <Bytram> laters, all.
[03:47:31] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Boston Dynamics Produces a Wheeled Terror as Google Watches Nervously - http://sylnt.us - is-that-you-AMEE?
[03:54:09] <chromas> I also get #30910
[03:54:18] * chromas says after he's long gone
[04:07:35] <cmn32480> ~gnight #soylent
[04:07:37] * exec cromulently instantiates yo mama of targeted ads for #soylent
[04:14:25] <charon> bytram: that link leads to 30910 for me also. in addition, it refuses to display 30909 when you try to view parent from 30910
[04:37:40] * Deucalion pokes charon in the eye with AN ~pointed~ oar - take that you spectral boatman!
[04:38:07] * Deucalion aways to bed before the imminent bolt of lightning hits! :P
[04:39:03] <charon> what the what? you wretched titan!
[04:39:29] <nick> Deucalion !!
[04:39:34] <nick> charon !!
[04:39:39] <charon> nick!
[04:40:00] <charon> haven't seen you in a couple days, are you travelling?
[04:40:22] <nick> not until next week
[04:40:29] <nick> i was dying of the flu for a while
[04:40:45] <charon> that's no good. i forbid dying
[04:41:00] <nick> through the worst of it now, just trying to be super careful
[04:41:13] <nick> don't want to be spending 24hrs in airports and planes feeling sick
[04:41:35] <charon> as well as helping the bug spread around the world
[04:41:41] <nick> yeah
[04:42:48] <nick> with all these flights, i need to figure out a way to get some free upgrades... flying cattle class seems to get worse every year now
[04:42:58] <charon> glad you're feeling better. being sick is tough
[04:43:35] <nick> thanks. as i mentioned in #editorial, i havn't had my ass kicked like this for quite some time
[04:44:12] <charon> i saw how much backscroll there was and lightly skimmed over it
[04:44:21] <charon> at least you're immune for the year, right?
[04:44:42] <nick> just primed to get a south american strain
[04:44:44] <nick> lol
[04:44:58] <charon> hah, that's about right
[04:45:27] <charon> and yeah, flying sucks donkey balls. i am 1.9M and my legs just don't fit
[04:47:07] <nick> i'm about same height and it's always been somewhat of an issue, but usually tolerable
[04:47:24] <nick> now though, the seats seem to be getting narrower and for broad shoulders, that's not ideal
[04:48:06] <charon> i fly very rarely. it seems each time is slightly worse than the last
[04:50:53] <nick> pretty much, and i'm really not that keen on the trend of removing the entertainment systems in favour of BYOD for streaming movies over wifi
[04:53:25] <charon> i am not aware of that trend. but i read during a flight anyway. does sound cheap on the airline's part
[04:54:01] <nick> i'm sure the airlines that didnt upgrade, or dragged out moving to personal screens are feeling pretty smug now
[04:54:31] <nick> but at least the time i had an opportunity to use it, there was no USB port to charge the BYOD device
[04:54:41] <charon> lol
[04:54:58] <nick> so it was a no go for me, need that battery for when i land...
[04:55:15] <charon> plenty of forethought there
[04:55:28] <nick> they do provide you with a foldable bit of cardboard to work as a stand on the fold out tray though!
[04:56:02] <charon> oh, how nice. to go with your 150ml drink and 10 peanuts
[04:57:09] <nick> actually, that's improved in some cases
[04:57:41] <nick> on my most recent international flight i was able to obtain 2x330ml cans of heineken
[04:58:25] <charon> don't want you brits getting too rowdy
[04:58:42] <nick> which was good since it was american airlines and i was worried i'd only have the choice of awful american beer
[04:59:10] <charon> coors light or miller geniune draft
[04:59:31] <nick> i was expecting bud or coors
[04:59:36] <Fnord666> you know what american beer and sex in a canoe have in common?
[04:59:39] <nick> i forgot miller existed
[04:59:58] <Fnord666> they're both fscking close to water.
[05:00:05] <nick> although over xmas i was drinking miller high life, and it was reasonable
[05:00:07] <charon> heheh
[05:00:18] <Fnord666> howdy nick charon
[05:00:29] <nick> ahoy Fnord666
[05:00:33] <charon> hiyo Fnord666
[05:00:56] <charon> i learned to drink with a regional beer called, not a joke, Pig's Eye
[05:01:02] <charon> it is terrible
[05:01:26] <Fnord666> In the military the commissary carried a beer called "beer"
[05:01:27] <nick> i learned to drink with white cider, so there's only one way to go from there
[05:01:37] <nick> usually to the hospital, but after that, anything's an improvement
[05:01:40] <Fnord666> whote label, black lettering, said beer.
[05:01:42] <charon> lol nick
[05:01:50] <Fnord666> s/whote/white/
[05:01:50] <sedctl> <Fnord666> white label, black lettering, said beer.
[05:02:13] <charon> yes, the old fashioned generics. that was all over the supermarket when i was a kid
[05:02:26] <nick> Fnord666, at least it was honest and didn't try and rely on some marketing gimmick
[05:02:37] <Fnord666> Then I found a proper irish pub and all was right with the world
[05:02:49] <Fnord666> nick so very true.
[05:03:10] <nick> so far i've enjoyed all the local beers in south america
[05:03:11] <Fnord666> it wasn't half bad actually. It was made by Ranier Brewing Company
[05:03:25] <charon> makers of vitamin R
[05:03:26] <Fnord666> out in the state of Washington
[05:03:31] <Fnord666> yep
[05:04:28] <nick> making me want a beer now
[05:04:41] <nick> there's some in the fridge that's decent too
[05:04:53] <charon> your poor immune system. maybe it will work harder while drunk
[05:05:11] <nick> https://www.beeradvocate.com
[05:05:13] <exec> └─ 13Pick Axe Blonde Ale | Keweenaw Brewing Company | BeerAdvocate
[05:07:47] * nick sighs with memories of better beer
[05:08:10] <charon> makes me want one too
[05:08:43] <nick> i've been craving a ram and special for too long now... don't know how i'm going to get one again though
[05:09:09] <nick> it's half a pint of Young's Special and half a pint of Young's Ram Rod as a mix
[05:10:21] <charon> double chocolate stout. sounds good
[05:10:44] <nick> by themselves they're ok... but mix them and it makes something awesome
[05:10:50] <Fnord666> It does sound good. Used to drink black and tans
[05:11:11] <nick> also good value in the right pub... special would be on tap, so you'd get a healthy glass of that, topped off with ram rod, from the bottle
[05:11:19] <nick> but you get the rest of the bottle too
[05:11:22] <charon> that's different than what nick mentioned but from the same brewery
[05:12:32] <nick> i have had a chocolate beer, it's as good as you'd expect if i recall
[05:12:51] <charon> the local costco has a case of sam adams springtime varieties on sale. might pick one up, might not. i don't drink a lot
[05:13:14] <charon> but it's too early to drink them anyway. they are all light things like pilsners and helles
[05:13:26] <nick> for a while i was the only person buying sam adams at my local booze shop
[05:13:33] <Fnord666> Not a big fan of IPAs or overhopped beers, so I'm a bit out of luck right now
[05:13:43] <nick> until i'm assuming i finished off the stock they had collecting dust and never reordered
[05:14:17] <nick> wasn't even a fan, it was just something different
[05:14:50] <nick> Fnord666, if in doubt go for a decent european lager!
[05:15:04] <charon> i like an IPA when it's hot out. or with spicy food
[05:16:43] <nick> now i want a VB
[05:16:47] <nick> been way too long
[05:16:54] <charon> visual basic?
[05:17:07] <nick> Victoria Bitter... real australian beer, none of that fosters shit.
[05:17:17] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Australian Government Asks U.S. to Take Detainees - http://sylnt.us - should-have-had-it-in-writing
[05:17:34] <charon> i've never had a foster's. i hear that aussies snicker at us for liking it
[05:17:36] <nick> ....
[05:17:53] <nick> charon, pretty much
[05:18:04] <nick> when i was in aus... i saw it like once in a booze shop
[05:18:09] <nick> and they have really impressive booze shops
[05:18:17] <nick> and it was like one row of single bottles
[05:18:36] <nick> as i'd be buying a case of carlton draught or vb or something else
[05:19:30] <nick> although i did drink a lot of american whiskey in aus
[05:19:34] <Fnord666> NEver heard of VB. Have to keep an eye out
[05:19:52] <nick> could actually buy different ones there... until recently in the UK it was pretty challenging to find anything but Jack Daniels
[05:20:16] <nick> Fnord666, pretty much any australian beer is worth a try if you happen to stumble across it
[05:20:37] <Fnord666> cool
[05:21:52] <nick> fosters and castlemaine being the exceptions to that
[05:21:58] <nick> so naturally they're the ones exported most
[05:22:09] <charon> damnit fnord!
[05:22:29] <Fnord666> gotta build experience somewhere
[05:22:52] <Fnord666> you mean fosters isn't australian for beer?
[05:23:28] <charon> australian for "beer we export so we don't have to drink it"
[05:24:23] <nick> sure, in the same way bud is the king of beers in a republic.
[05:26:03] <Fnord666> lol
[05:26:45] <Fnord666> toured the anheiser busch plant in St. Louis. Interesting and yet the scale is just so massive
[05:27:17] <Fnord666> But it ended with a tasting of pretty much every beer they make so that was good.
[05:27:38] <charon> the best part of a brewery tour
[05:27:43] <Fnord666> surprising how many beers they make that you think are done by small to midsize breweries
[05:28:06] <Fnord666> for example I didn't know they did Shock Top
[05:28:51] <Fnord666> speaking of massive scale, also got to see the clydesdales.
[05:28:55] <nick> being honest, most of the small brewery stuff i've had in the uk didn't impress me.
[05:29:20] <Fnord666> It's a real mixed bag here too.
[05:30:09] <Fnord666> Probably some of the best I've had locally made is from local home brewers that really have a love of the craft.
[05:30:27] <nick> generally that stuff is on such a small scale you can only buy it at festivals, only sold by keg in short runs
[05:31:19] <nick> been to a few music festivals that had a 'over 100 beers on tap' ... trying to find the good one is an expensive challenge
[05:31:24] <Fnord666> In this case it's because I know the gentlemen and in one case I helped him set up an Arduino system to automate part of the process.
[05:31:49] <nick> Fnord666, i'm sure that made it taste even better ;)
[05:32:16] <charon> i hate the choice paralysis that comes with 20 beers on tap but you don't recognize any of them
[05:32:30] <Fnord666> The Arduino? Lol. No but it helped automate temperature management and timing.
[05:33:54] <nick> charon, start with the strongest and work your way down :p
[05:34:27] <charon> sort by ABV highest to lowest
[05:35:18] <nick> anything under a 4.5 i would normally not bother with, as a personal preference
[05:36:05] <charon> yep. i have no patience with small beer
[05:39:24] <Fnord666> Like going out for steak and getting fish
[05:40:43] <charon> like asking for heroin but getting narcan
[05:40:55] <nick> right now though...
[05:40:57] <nick> water++
[05:40:57] <Bender> karma - water: 35
[05:41:17] <nick> charon takes beer seriously
[05:41:24] <charon> lol
[05:41:39] <Fnord666> good call
[05:42:24] <charon> https://www.beeradvocate.com
[05:42:26] <exec> └─ 1320 Pounds Of Pumpkin | Boston Beer Company (Samuel Adams) | BeerAdvocate
[05:47:04] <charon> in other news, the RPi emulator is a hit with my kids. they've each found an old school RPG they like
[05:47:13] <Fnord666> awesome
[05:47:19] <charon> maybe i stacked the deck a bit by including a bunch of them
[05:48:53] <nick> good work
[05:49:43] <nick> too many kids these days don't have appreciation for old school gaming
[05:49:49] <charon> problem is, while watching them play i have a hard time not telling what to do next
[05:50:34] <charon> but i have tried to impart the two golden rules. 1 save any time you can. 2. when you get to a new town, they will have new gear to buy
[05:50:43] <nick> in my 'get off my lawn' opinion, too much on the grinding and reflexes, and even the games with bigger gameplay and narratives to explore, there's always something else to play around the corner
[05:51:30] <charon> i've played a few games that have rosy memories for me, and they are not all that good
[05:51:37] <charon> they just happened to be what we had
[05:52:12] <nick> yeah, of course, i've done the same.. there was always more bad games
[05:52:27] <Fnord666> It's funny because I have daughters and they will spend as much time exploring all of the dialog options in the RPG games as they do on the quest lines.
[05:53:40] <nick> new or old games do you mean, Fnord666 ?
[05:53:54] <charon> both my kids usually click through the text/plot parts as quick as they can. but the games they settled on they're not really doing that. they actually seem to be reading it
[05:54:30] <Fnord666> In this context, newer. As in the last 10 years or so. The entire DragonAge series for example.
[05:54:47] <Fnord666> and Elder Scrolls from MorrowWind on.
[05:55:20] <charon> i do that too. gotta see every piece of dialogue
[05:55:42] <Fnord666> They've probably played thru Inquisition 5 or 6 times.
[05:55:43] <nick> good games make it necessary without it being like a forced thing
[05:56:23] <charon> yep
[05:56:27] <Fnord666> True
[05:56:50] <nick> not an rpg, but i used to do that with Metal Gear Solid... but replaying them more recently, don't have time for that shit lol
[05:58:12] <nick> although as i hadn't played 3, when i did... stuck around for all the dialogue... but fuck doing it if i replayed 4, with it's 9hrs of cut-scenes or whatever.
[05:58:17] <charon> i get a weird feeling of obligation in games that have recorded voice. the actor put effort into portraying a character, i should listen to them
[05:59:00] <charon> maybe it's a holdover from when only the important plot NPCs had voices
[06:00:34] <nick> just googled it now, MGS4 has a '1hr 8min' epilogue cutscene
[06:00:47] <charon> that's a lot of movie
[06:00:58] <charon> does it warn you?
[06:01:11] <nick> no
[06:01:22] <nick> MGS don't give a fuck about your time
[06:01:22] <charon> don't win this battle if you have a metting in 10 minutes
[06:01:34] <Fnord666> lol
[06:01:35] <nick> average cutscene is 9 minutes according to same source
[06:02:01] <Fnord666> "Sorry I'm late, there was this long cutscene..."
[06:02:38] <nick> https://www.youtube.com
[06:02:41] <exec> └─ 13Metal Gear Solid 4 - All Cutscenes/ The Movie [2k HD Remastered] - YouTube
[06:02:44] <nick> that video is 8hrs 27mins
[06:04:23] <charon> jeez. he made a TV miniseries and a short game you play in between
[06:05:12] <nick> hiding in a cardboard box most of the time
[06:05:17] <charon> lol
[06:06:36] <nick> it sounds stupid when you say it out loud
[06:07:07] <charon> i'm sure it makes sense in context
[06:07:42] <nick> never played MGS then?
[06:08:07] <Fnord666> I have not
[06:08:14] <charon> nope. i have the first one for playstation but never got around to playing it
[06:08:48] <Fnord666> Weren't the game mechanics sort of like Gears of War and Mass Effect?
[06:08:52] <nick> missed out there on the now classic gameplay of having to switch the controller port to defeat a boss!
[06:09:22] <nick> i never played either of those, but i don't think so
[06:09:43] <charon> as i understand there's sneaking, but not a lot of combat
[06:09:44] <Fnord666> Spent most of the game moving from cover to cover?
[06:09:54] <nick> probably not the best comparison, but it's similar 'gameplay' to like early resident evil
[06:10:14] <Fnord666> I hope not. I hated the viewpoint in the early RE games
[06:10:23] <nick> clunky, but you have to be careful and it's slow progress when learning
[06:10:45] <nick> camera is different, but it's not a third person as such, i forget the technical term
[06:10:45] <Fnord666> If I go left on the controller my character should go left on the screen.
[06:11:05] <nick> original RE is pretty tough to go back to
[06:11:35] <nick> believe i read somewhere that they've changed that on the latest remaster of RE1
[06:11:38] <Fnord666> Alone in the Dark was similar but it didn't rely on combat too much so it was bearable
[06:12:49] <charon> there's a name i haven't though of in a while
[06:12:51] <nick> another one i never played
[06:13:04] <charon> i played it but i have no momory of it
[06:13:35] <Fnord666> Either of you play Myst/Riven?
[06:13:57] <charon> nope. it was a big deal, but i somehow missed it
[06:13:58] <nick> all i can say on Alone in the Dark is the most recent one is called 'illumination'
[06:14:24] <nick> i've read and seen stuff about myst but not played it personally
[06:15:17] <Fnord666> They were interesting games and quite different from everything else at the time.
[06:15:39] <Fnord666> Lots of creative backstory to the world as well.
[06:16:17] <Fnord666> They tried to do an online game for the 4th or 5th game but I think it failed badly.
[06:16:57] <charon> i recall criticism that it was basically a bunch of still pictures and some puzzles
[06:17:01] <nick> i only have vague memories of the first few computer games, and they're all pretty weird
[06:17:33] <nick> charon, the original walking simulator
[06:17:48] <charon> QWOP, you say?
[06:18:03] <Fnord666> The original game was just that.
[06:18:23] <charon> there's a game to make you laugh. QWOP
[06:18:29] * nick googles
[06:18:39] <Fnord666> Almost an early predecessor to the current hidden object games but each location was a puzzle of sorts
[06:19:04] <Fnord666> And they were all interconnected as well
[06:19:12] <Fnord666> and told a story at the same time
[06:19:50] <nick> charon, already made me chuckle
[06:19:51] <Fnord666> But there was no guide or particular objective marker so a lot of people were just like "What do I do?"
[06:20:40] <charon> yeah. hand holding wasn't as prevalent then, but there are always people who need the strategy guide
[06:20:53] <nick> Fnord666, possibly even rambled about it before... but i enjoy Broken Sword 2, which is a point and click adventure game with light puzzles
[06:21:33] <Fnord666> QWOP sounds hilarious.
[06:22:13] <nick> http://www.foddy.net
[06:22:15] <exec> └─ 13QWOP
[06:22:17] <Fnord666> oh no a Knights Templar theme...
[06:23:14] <charon> it is ridiculously funny
[06:23:48] <Fnord666> almost has a Dan Brown sounding feel to the storyline
[06:26:14] <Fnord666> Well gentlemen, it's getting late and I have work tomorrow. Good night.
[06:26:30] <charon> good night fnord, sleep well
[06:27:44] <nick> take care Fnord666
[06:27:49] * nick hat tip
[06:28:08] * Fnord666 nods in reply
[06:29:13] * charon slaps his elbows in a complex pattern to signify sadness
[06:30:08] <nick> you have been drinking...
[06:30:32] <charon> i haven't even finished one beer. i must be a lightweight
[06:32:44] <charon> i think i shall dip into FO3 some more. cheers nick, catch you tomorrow. stay well
[06:33:45] * nick tips hat in the direction of charon
[06:34:00] <nick> have fun in the capital wasteland ;)
[06:46:26] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - GitLab Admin Deletes Database, 6 Hours of Data Lost - http://sylnt.us - 5-backup-strategies-weren't-enough
[07:16:18] -!- xuser has quit [Quit: SIGTERM]
[07:44:30] -!- nick has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[08:06:28] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Everything Wrong with Peter Thiel’s Doomsday Survival Plan - http://sylnt.us - "I-will-survive"
[09:26:55] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Viral Video: Introducing the Netherlands, Trump-style - http://sylnt.us - SN-third?
[09:47:36] * chromas submits Keyboard Cat and Chocolate Rain
[10:08:49] <FatPhil> /me wonders if the bot will resolve a page title from http://m.slashdot.org
[10:08:51] <exec> └─ 13Slashdot
[10:09:06] <FatPhil> ok, not a useful one
[10:10:10] <chromas> javascript--
[10:10:10] <Bender> karma - javascript: -4
[10:10:34] <chromas> "Slashdot's Facebook page has a chat bot now. Message it for stories and more."
[10:10:41] <chromas> Maybe we can teach it about SN
[10:12:25] <boru> Facebook page? Good grief.
[10:13:43] <chromas> bot's kinda dumb so far. needs more trainingses
[10:18:12] <FatPhil> not coping with other people's dumb doesn't necessarily make you dumb.
[10:18:32] * chromas rubs in some ointment
[10:18:51] <chromas> it mostly just returns articles from the site
[10:19:06] <FatPhil> or else it gets the hose again?
[10:19:32] <chromas> For sure
[10:19:40] <chromas> #g chatfuel
[10:19:41] <MrPlow> https://chatfuel.com - "Chatfuel is the best bot platform for creating an AI chatbot on Facebook. Learn how to create a Facebook message bot quickly and easily, no coding required."
[10:56:35] <jasassin> it mostly returns articles at night... mostly
[11:01:45] <jasassin> teach it a bunch nazi shit like they did to that microsoft bot
[11:06:49] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Arsonist's Pacemaker Rats Him Out; Police Subpoenaed Logs - http://sylnt.us - you-have-no-privacy;-get-over-it
[11:26:22] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[11:26:22] <Bender> karma - coffee: 3178
[11:27:05] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Breaking News: Terrorist Attack on Louvre, Paris - Assailant and Soldier Injured - http://sylnt.us
[12:04:48] <TheMightyBuzzard> smoke break
[12:04:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> nicotine++
[12:04:49] <Bender> karma - nicotine: 306
[12:14:22] <jasassin> The French Govt have confirmed it is a terrorist attack.
[12:14:30] <jasassin> should that be have or has?
[12:14:43] <jasassin> i'm not the best at grammar, but that seems wrong
[12:14:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> has, government is singular
[12:14:51] <jasassin> thats what i thought
[12:15:04] <jasassin> that could be fixed
[12:15:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> government officials have
[12:15:09] <jasassin> yes
[12:15:24] <jasassin> very bad grammar there
[12:15:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> grammars make the best food though
[12:15:59] <jasassin> yeah if you are drooling in an insane asylum they might give ya a few of those to knaw on
[12:16:53] <jasassin> they like to give gram crackers to crazy people, i dont know why...
[12:16:58] <TheMightyBuzzard> plus they tend to have really good taste in movies. john wayne and jimmy stewart and stuff.
[12:17:04] * jasassin cracks open a box of gram crackers they gave him
[12:17:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> #submit https://www.helpnetsecurity.com
[12:17:39] <MrPlow> Submitting. There is a mandatory delay, please be patient.
[12:17:39] <exec> └─ 13Uncloaking Tor Browser users with DRM-protected files - Help Net Security
[12:18:04] <MrPlow> Submission successful. https://soylentnews.org
[12:18:09] <jasassin> i'll have to read that one
[12:18:15] <jasassin> sounds like a buncha fuckin bullshit
[12:19:15] <jasassin> i like the jimmy stweart movie where he's got the broken leg and looks out the window
[12:19:17] <jasassin> heh
[12:19:19] <jasassin> classic
[12:19:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, and good ole harvey
[12:20:20] <jasassin> i didn't know steve harvey was a classic!
[12:20:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> jimmy stewart, invisible six foot rabbit.
[12:21:35] <jasassin> ok wait a second
[12:21:54] <jasassin> i know they redid the movie where he thinks his neibor kiled someone while he's looking out the window
[12:22:07] <jasassin> its with a kid with an ankle bracelet on house arrest
[12:22:12] <jasassin> and i know they did some movie
[12:22:27] <jasassin> with a 6 foot evil rabbit (i dont remember what that one was but it was so fucking stupid)
[12:22:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah, i don't watch remakes though.
[12:22:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> donnie darko. entirely different movie.
[12:22:48] <TheMightyBuzzard> bored the crap out of me.
[12:22:49] <jasassin> ok, yeah that donnie darko was dumb as fuck
[12:23:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> apparently it's really deep if you're not very smart.
[12:23:08] <jasassin> i can't believe that asshole got paid to make that peice of shit
[12:23:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> Drunk buddy text last night: I need a Super Bowl winner.
[12:23:46] <jasassin> i can't believe you didn't repress it as fully as i did
[12:23:54] <TheMightyBuzzard> Me: Yankees by five.
[12:23:57] <jasassin> hahahhahaha
[12:24:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> pro football bores me almost as much as pro baseball.
[12:25:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> only pro sport i'll watch is nascar and i don't watch that much since my favorite driver got injured enough he had to quit then my new favorite driver crashed n died.
[12:26:07] <jasassin> damn, those are about the only two nascars that sound like they are worth watching
[12:26:25] * jasassin realises he's a dick
[12:26:36] <TheMightyBuzzard> prolly from being around all them frenchies
[12:26:48] <jasassin> what?
[12:26:55] <jasassin> me around frenchies?
[12:27:05] <jasassin> not me
[12:27:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, brain fart
[12:27:23] * jasassin farts for about thirty seconds ending in a liquid shart
[12:27:43] * TheMightyBuzzard shall be watching http://www.hallmarkchannel.com sunday
[12:27:44] <exec> └─ 13Kitten Bowl - See the Cutest Kittens on TV! | Hallmark Channel
[12:27:52] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Apple Plans $10 Billion Bond Sale to Boost U.S. Cash Pile - http://sylnt.us - a-slice-of-the-apple-pie
[12:28:27] <jasassin> i have nothing for respect for that french soldier that shot 5 rounds at a melee weapon figter and wounded him
[12:29:10] <takyon> Oh yeah, you should organize a fundraiser to send him Steam copies of Quake and Left4dead
[12:29:19] <takyon> stretch goal: Left4dead2
[12:29:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya know, there's a charity what does that for us soldiers
[12:29:44] <jasassin> like a sick 70's gameshow... i could kill that machete in 3 rounds. "Well Bill, I can kill that machete in 2 rounds."
[12:30:06] * jasassin cackles at takyon
[12:30:07] <jasassin> dood
[12:30:09] <jasassin> stretch goal
[12:30:11] <jasassin> hahahahahahahah
[12:30:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> one of the few i contribute to
[12:30:29] <jasassin> funny shit bra
[12:30:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> on account of shit what takes your mind off gettin shot at and killin people is prolly good for the mental health.
[12:31:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> KITTEN BOWL!
[12:31:56] <takyon> NFL = traumatic brain injuries
[12:32:13] <jasassin> https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com
[12:32:14] <takyon> Kitten Bowl = anti-traumatic daaaaaaaaaaawwww injuries
[12:33:16] <jasassin> thats animal abuse
[12:34:21] <jasassin> i can't get that strech goal out of my head and i can't laugh too loud its too late
[12:34:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> had a dream i got me a new baby kitteh last night. gonna chalk that up as a win for the night.
[12:35:40] * jasassin wonders if TheMightyBuzzard has a house that reaks of cat piss
[12:35:45] <takyon> not yet
[12:36:13] <takyon> he just needs one of those $200 auto-cleaning litterboxes
[12:36:56] <takyon> https://www.vice.com
[12:37:16] <jasassin> with a little ramp that lets all the poops roll out the top floor out the house into the neigbors yard
[12:37:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> jasassin, no. smells like rat piss. roomie's kids have a pair of rats.
[12:37:57] <jasassin> well, i dont think the cats gonna help that much
[12:38:16] <jasassin> it's gonna eat the rats and squirt all over your favorite jacket
[12:38:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> meh, there ain't enough trannies for them to have a culture even if they was homogeneous, which they ain't.
[12:39:10] <jasassin> shit man, you should see my walm-mart! trannies everywhere!
[12:39:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> transformers on the toy aisle don't count
[12:40:20] <jasassin> you know, i don't think trannies are what they had in mind when they came up with the phrase more than meets the eye
[12:41:23] <jasassin> it's trannies... boners in disguise
[12:42:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya know, i almost wanna fire up this old laptop n see if it still works. pentium 133MHz
[12:42:46] <jasassin> try it with an old ass linux like ydrassil
[12:42:49] * jasassin snickers
[12:42:57] <jasassin> ygdrassil for everyone!
[12:43:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> man i don't think linux would fit on the hdd.
[12:43:34] <jasassin> hork a copy of lubunto and slap it on a flash drive
[12:43:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> and i'd have to burn a CD cause it has no dvd drive or usb ports.
[12:43:48] <jasassin> omfg
[12:43:59] <jasassin> the optical drive is probably broke
[12:44:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> could be but it hasn't been used in a decade at least.
[12:44:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> so prolly in whatever state it was back then.
[12:44:27] <jasassin> it would be interesting to try it out
[12:44:40] <TheMightyBuzzard> used to have a really nice irc client on it i remember though.
[12:44:49] <jasassin> BitchX!
[12:45:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> nah, forget what it was but it was bad fuckin ass for channel wars.
[12:45:32] <jasassin> you could take a channel in record time
[12:45:37] <jasassin> bwa ha ha take dat!
[12:46:23] <jasassin> i never got any of the flooding to work
[12:46:31] <jasassin> but fuckin a was i good at nick collisions
[12:46:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> you needed a faster connection. or just use the PING O DEATH
[12:47:19] <jasassin> nah i could tell when i server would split
[12:47:42] <jasassin> i'd hop on it immediately and make all the people names in the channel... server reconnect bam im ope channel mine cya bitch
[12:48:26] <takyon> https://twitter.com
[12:48:28] <exec> └─ 13Elon Musk on Twitter: "Regarding the meeting at the White House: https://t.co"
[12:48:51] <jasassin> you ever nick collide anyone?
[12:49:07] * TheMightyBuzzard shurgs
[12:49:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> usually better ways to take them out
[12:49:52] <TheMightyBuzzard> windows users were like all vulnerable to OOB ping data for like years
[12:50:07] <jasassin> yeah
[12:50:10] <TheMightyBuzzard> and nobody masked your ip back then
[12:50:16] <jasassin> that takes all of 1 millisecond
[12:50:18] <jasassin> heh
[12:50:20] <jasassin> one fuckign packet
[12:50:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> nod nod
[12:50:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> for that matter, i think MrPlow has something similar
[12:50:56] <jasassin> but even back then there were people with alternate os
[12:51:01] -!- MrPlow has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[12:51:04] <TheMightyBuzzard> yup
[12:51:08] <cmn32480> ~gday TheMightyBuzzard
[12:51:09] * exec explicitly snatches a hammerfs volume of bass hole from TheMightyBuzzard
[12:51:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~gday cmn32480
[12:51:13] * exec faithfully generates a small script that substitutes a 55 gallon drum of drool for cmn32480
[12:51:48] -!- MrPlow [MrPlow!MrPlow@nsa.gov] has joined #Soylent
[12:51:55] <jasassin> if thats a bug
[12:51:58] <jasassin> thats an ugly one
[12:52:02] <TheMightyBuzzard> it was
[12:52:03] <jasassin> why dont you fix it?
[12:52:10] <cmn32480> double lose
[12:52:21] <TheMightyBuzzard> cause i've been busy with other things.
[12:52:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> you want site upgrades i gotta stop playing with the bot.
[12:52:45] <jasassin> oh yeah
[12:52:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh, you got smiled upon in #fite
[12:52:51] <jasassin> thats cool man
[12:53:01] <jasassin> watch this
[12:53:02] <TheMightyBuzzard> quick, kill chromas
[12:53:48] <TheMightyBuzzard> sigh. now he's gonna kill you.
[12:54:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> #submit https://www.techdirt.com
[12:54:08] <MrPlow> Submitting. There is a mandatory delay, please be patient.
[12:54:09] <exec> └─ 13Bad Idea Or The Worst Idea? Having The FTC Regulate 'Fake News' | Techdirt
[12:54:33] <MrPlow> Submission successful. https://soylentnews.org
[12:54:47] <jasassin> nah
[12:54:54] <jasassin> it was too late
[12:55:12] <jasassin> shit
[12:55:13] <jasassin> FUCK
[12:55:16] <jasassin> you are right
[12:55:21] <jasassin> goddamn it
[12:55:31] <jasassin> it was my one chance in a blue moon
[12:55:33] <jasassin> i blew it
[12:55:37] <jasassin> meh
[12:56:04] <TheMightyBuzzard> oooooh, new rust features
[12:56:25] * jasassin ejaculates
[12:56:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> some of em is pretty danged nice
[12:57:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> blerg. gonna hafta wait till it hits portage
[12:58:29] <jasassin> i dunno man... im still learning some perl and its so fucked up. i saw the some C code... you know i half way get it, then i saw the same shit in rust and i was like UHHHHHHHHH HUH HUH no.
[12:59:39] <jasassin> its so complex i can't believe it can be more secure
[13:00:27] <jasassin> portage potty
[13:00:46] <jasassin> thats uhhhh arch isn't it?
[13:01:05] <jasassin> i've never ised it, i think i've heard of it
[13:01:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, c and rust are really nothing alike.
[13:02:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> but the compiler literally will not let you fuck up unless you force it to.
[13:02:13] <jasassin> yeah, i saw the two different versions for the same function
[13:02:45] <jasassin> c i could almost get
[13:03:01] <jasassin> im not that great at c it's really not that hard i just dont know all the functions
[13:03:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> yup. you can write different versions so that the one that fit the number/type of args you sent it got used.
[13:03:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> i do not use that particular feature. it's damned ignorant imo.
[13:04:15] <jasassin> i dont know anything about rust besides looking at one peice of code and going huh
[13:04:43] <jasassin> had half a page of c and the equivalent in rust bottom half
[13:04:53] <jasassin> i just thought i dont know enough c to bother with rust
[13:05:09] <jasassin> i'll spend what little time i have on this planet learning a little more c
[13:05:19] <jasassin> i am NOT a programmer, but i get it
[13:05:22] <jasassin> if that makes any sense
[13:05:35] <jasassin> i can look at other people code and cut and paste a lot of shit and make it work together
[13:05:40] -!- takyon_ [takyon_!~422c73bf@Soylent/Staff/Editor/takyon] has joined #Soylent
[13:05:40] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v takyon_] by Aphrodite
[13:06:14] <jasassin> hey tmb have you done any hexchat perl codes recently/
[13:06:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> newp. not in a couple years.
[13:06:30] <jasassin> shit
[13:06:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> perl's bloody easy though.
[13:06:45] <jasassin> just a weird thing that thing that we were through the other day
[13:07:11] <jasassin> the regex wont work on the name of the person running the program the hook doesn't catch or it just ignores that
[13:07:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> really, i don't want you buggers being able to trigger functionalities in my irc client. that's what bots is for.
[13:07:28] <jasassin> i think its a hexchat thing i have no idea
[13:08:00] <TheMightyBuzzard> the name ain't passed in the same var. should be $_[0][0]
[13:08:03] <jasassin> i'll email the dood and ask him about that... shoot him two lines of code to run and see what he says
[13:08:08] <jasassin> oh that doesn't matter at all
[13:08:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> da hell you say
[13:08:44] <jasassin> like lets say im running a script... and my username is jasassin.... any word that comes through the channel message hook will not work in a regex with that name in it
[13:08:48] <jasassin> it simply will not work
[13:09:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> use Data::Dumper; print STDERR "\n".Dumper($_[0][0])."\n";
[13:09:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> hrm
[13:09:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> i see what yer sayin
[13:10:01] <jasassin> yeah, i dont know why
[13:10:04] <jasassin> it just doesn't work
[13:10:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> you really should write a proper bot. less confusing.
[13:10:10] <jasassin> you can't use your own name in a regex
[13:10:25] <jasassin> wtf?
[13:10:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> start with Bot::BasicBot(not sure on that capitalization)
[13:10:35] <jasassin> it takes like 4 pages of c to send a syn packet
[13:10:38] <jasassin> i'll get right on that
[13:10:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> pffft, use perl then.
[13:11:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> smoke break
[13:11:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> nicotine++
[13:11:08] <Bender> karma - nicotine: 307
[13:12:56] <jasassin> i dont know how they have the isp routers setup anymore, but i used to be able to send out spoofed packets at will
[13:14:16] <jasassin> haven't tried since i turned 18
[13:14:34] <jasassin> that was like 23 years ago
[13:22:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> seriously, write yourself a bot in perl. you can rewrite it in C later as you get better.
[13:31:47] <jasassin> i'd just hork a template and hack it
[13:32:58] <jasassin> watching some deep space 9, finally made it to the Jem'Hadar
[13:33:44] <jasassin> not really in the point in my life where i want to learn a bunch of RFC
[13:34:28] <jasassin> you know kira from deep space 9, i'd totally hit that shit
[13:34:49] <jasassin> she makes me randy
[13:35:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> dax ftw
[13:35:43] <jasassin> nope
[13:35:47] <jasassin> i thought about it
[13:35:48] <jasassin> nope
[13:35:50] <jasassin> kira
[13:36:02] <jasassin> dax is like a trannie
[13:36:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> she's been a guy several times so she knows just how a blowjob needs to be given
[13:36:11] * jasassin cackles
[13:36:20] <jasassin> fuck dood!!!! SHIT!!!!!!!
[13:36:24] <jasassin> wow
[13:36:34] <jasassin> that is some fucked up shit bra
[13:36:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> well i mean think about it. she been bootying for centuries on both sides. she gotta be damned good at it.
[13:36:57] <jasassin> he/she
[13:37:01] <jasassin> it
[13:37:13] <jasassin> i dunno
[13:37:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> only matters that that body came with the girlie parts.
[13:37:24] <jasassin> hmmmm......
[13:37:58] <jasassin> we already have enough letters in the lgbtcsx might as well add another one
[13:38:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> t for trill is already taken
[13:38:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> guess we could kick out the trannies
[13:38:41] <jasassin> nah man
[13:38:54] <jasassin> i dont want to fuck with them, 90% of them could kick my ass
[13:38:59] <jasassin> lets just leave them alone
[13:39:01] <TheMightyBuzzard> pffft
[13:39:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> if they're pre-op you can still kick em in da nutz
[13:39:33] <TheMightyBuzzard> if they're post-op, their shit is weak.
[13:39:58] * jasassin gives TheMightyBuzzard a kick to the pre-op nuts... now he's post op
[13:40:44] * TheMightyBuzzard grumbles about gentoo being slow about updating portage
[13:40:57] <jasassin> i dont get it, why someone with a penis would want to chop it off?
[13:41:01] <jasassin> it just makes no sense?
[13:41:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> some people is just idiots
[13:41:30] <jasassin> its like dont you take that thing out for walks? talk to it when your down? smack it around when you are frustrated? beat it like it owes you money?
[13:41:35] <jasassin> whats wrong with these fuckheads?
[13:43:05] * TheMightyBuzzard shurgs
[13:43:21] <jasassin> if i couldn't punch MY clown, wringler brothers and barnem and bailey would be out of buisness about 30 years ago
[13:43:22] <TheMightyBuzzard> apparently they dunno how good they got it.
[13:43:52] <TheMightyBuzzard> i mean talk to any woman about being one for ten minutes and you'll never want to be one
[13:44:01] <jasassin> yeah no shit
[13:44:27] <jasassin> when is the last time you ever heard a woman say anything half way intelligent?
[13:44:40] <jasassin> just a buncha bitchin
[13:45:10] <jasassin> they like to bitch about poeple you are never going to meet
[13:46:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> #submit http://www.ghacks.net Watch dat shiz while you're out and about with your laptops.
[13:46:09] <MrPlow> Submitting. There is a mandatory delay, please be patient.
[13:46:09] <jasassin> i made the mistake one day driving along in a car with a girlfriend and she was running her mouth for about 10 minutes about these assholes im never going to meet and i couldn't take it anymore
[13:46:10] <exec> └─ 13SMB Zero-Day affects Windows 8, 10 and Server - gHacks Tech News
[13:46:34] <MrPlow> Submission successful. https://soylentnews.org
[13:46:40] <jasassin> i told her i dont want to hear about these people im never going to meet and all this shit
[13:46:44] <jasassin> that was a big mistake
[13:46:48] <jasassin> just take my advice
[13:46:51] <jasassin> just stfu and ignore it
[13:47:48] <jasassin> maybe add in a wow... or a what a fucking bitch every once in awhile
[13:48:14] <jasassin> gotta go easy on that
[13:48:38] <jasassin> dont do a wow... or a what a bitch too often or you'll work the bitch into a mouth frothing frenzy
[13:49:43] <jasassin> just a little bit for her to go on
[13:49:46] <jasassin> thats all she needs
[13:49:52] <jasassin> thats really all she wants, she doesn't realize it
[13:50:54] <TheMightyBuzzard> i find judicious use of "huh..." serves me well
[13:51:05] <jasassin> yeah me too... thats always the fallback
[13:51:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> roomie prattles on like nobody's business so i get regular practice.
[13:51:18] <jasassin> cuz if you're not paying to much attention what a bitch can get you in trouble
[13:51:34] -!- takyon_ has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[13:52:02] <jasassin> sed s/to/too
[13:52:24] <jasassin> s/to/too
[13:52:24] <sedctl> jesasson, did you know there's THREE slashes in a proper s/// command?
[13:52:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> i really need to set my two calculate installs to the same updates mirror
[13:52:43] <jasassin> s/to/too/
[13:52:43] <sedctl> <jysessin> sed s/too/too
[13:53:19] <jasassin> sadctl, nobody said anything about THREE BOOKS
[13:55:02] <jasassin> who programming that bot?
[13:55:12] <jasassin> what the fuck this jesasson shit?
[13:56:15] <jasassin> jesasson broke sed
[13:58:48] <jasassin> retard bot
[13:59:14] <jasassin> sed s/bot/olympicgoldwinner
[13:59:22] <jasassin> s/bot/olympicgoldwinner
[13:59:22] <sedctl> jisissyn, did you know there's THREE slashes in a proper s/// command?
[14:00:05] <jasassin> faux test
[14:00:19] <jasassin> s/faux/fake/
[14:00:19] <sedctl> <jasassin> fake test
[14:00:28] <jasassin> kinda lame man
[14:00:58] <jasassin> eductaional
[14:01:02] <jasassin> practial
[14:01:08] <jasassin> i take it back
[14:01:11] <jasassin> not lame
[14:01:21] <jasassin> just informative and eductaional and i appreciate the knowlege
[14:02:37] <jasassin> s/sed/WOOGIEWOOGIE/
[14:03:12] <jasassin> just testing the cage... like a velociraptor
[14:04:20] -!- takyon_ [takyon_!~422c73bf@Soylent/Staff/Editor/takyon] has joined #Soylent
[14:04:20] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v takyon_] by Aphrodite
[14:05:25] <jasassin> bytram is making his move
[14:05:57] <jasassin> help chromas wan kenobi you're are only hope
[14:06:08] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Google's Self-Driving Vehicles Are Getting Safer - http://sylnt.us - calling-off-the-wedding
[14:06:19] <Bytram> wish I could hang around but I need to be AT work in 40 minutes
[14:06:22] <Bytram> back later
[14:06:30] <jasassin> :(
[14:06:36] <jasassin> try not to have too much fun bra!
[14:06:40] * jasassin waves to bytram
[14:10:24] * TheMightyBuzzard fixes crap in the source
[14:12:25] <jasassin> the source of our power... the crystal
[14:14:05] <takyon_> meth
[14:17:40] <TheMightyBuzzard> fek, where do modreasons live. oh, the modreasons table.
[14:25:27] <jasassin> wtf?
[14:25:40] <jasassin> this stupid post about this asshole with the machete is pissing me off?
[14:25:42] <jasassin> wtF??!??!
[14:25:44] <jasassin> yeah
[14:26:05] <jasassin> like tmb if you had a rifle, could you NOT shot a guy and kill him at the range it would take before the machete hit you?
[14:26:41] <jasassin> fuck i think my 83 grandma could pull the fucking gun out her purse before the guy got close enough
[14:27:24] <jasassin> i promise you i PROMISE you
[14:27:48] <jasassin> if there are 5 people at 10 feeet away from me i could kill them all with an m16 before the rushed 10 feet
[14:28:07] <jasassin> and thats if they are circling me
[14:28:16] <jasassin> you should see my friend he goes to the range all the time
[14:28:31] <jasassin> mofo has a teflon clip guard so the shit slides in and out super fast
[14:28:40] <jasassin> he drops and reloads faster than john wick
[14:29:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> hmm?
[14:29:15] <cmn32480> pfftt...
[14:29:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> maybe, maybe not. depends on how far he was when i noticed he was lookin to chop on me.
[14:29:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> anything under ten yards you're better off with a melee weapon.
[14:30:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> cause you don't stand there with your rifle at your shoulder ready to target someone. you have it slung or at your side.
[14:30:33] <jasassin> bullshit
[14:30:42] <jasassin> if i was circled
[14:31:02] <jasassin> i just shot the 2 or 3 in front of me as i run and pass them then turn around and finish off the other 9
[14:31:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> dude, you're wrong. mythbusters tested this re: gun vs axe for zombies.
[14:31:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> axe won
[14:31:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> bigtime
[14:31:48] <jasassin> mythbusters are stupid idiots
[14:32:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> i watched it. methodology was sound.
[14:32:14] <jasassin> i suppose you believe all the macguyver shit too
[14:32:15] <jasassin> bah
[14:32:55] <jasassin> how does one sneak up on someone with a machete anyway!? the fucking thing is 4 feet long
[14:32:56] <jasassin> jesus
[14:33:12] <jasassin> its not like a ballisong or a switchblade
[14:33:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> dude, they can fit under any decent sized jacket. no trench coat needed.
[14:33:17] <jasassin> its a fucking huge blade
[14:33:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> they're like 18-24" long plus handle.
[14:33:35] <jasassin> like your not going to see someone whipping that thing out?
[14:33:41] <takyon_> anti-timeout
[14:34:02] <jasassin> i dont' believe it
[14:34:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> takyon, i am not. i'm very pro-timeout.
[14:34:21] <takyon_> just stopping the dumb web IRC client for timeout
[14:34:25] <takyon_> I have a question for the room
[14:34:27] <takyon_> https://soylentnews.org
[14:34:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> shoot
[14:34:29] <exec> └─ 13Are true burner phones now impossible in the USA?: SoylentNews Submission
[14:34:48] <jasassin> no
[14:34:53] <takyon_> is it really impossible to get one without an ID? I just asked someone and they said it was EZ
[14:35:00] <jasassin> yes you can
[14:35:11] <jasassin> you go to walmart grab about 20 of them and drop 300 bucks
[14:35:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> i have no idea
[14:35:14] <jasassin> their like 15 bucks
[14:35:20] <jasassin> like 15 bucks at walmart
[14:35:23] <jasassin> for a burner
[14:35:34] <jasassin> pay in cash
[14:35:34] <takyon_> I think the confusion is with pre-paid VISA type cards, which require ID for "advanced features"
[14:35:40] <TheMightyBuzzard> i'm not giving wal-mart my id for anything but my fishing license though.
[14:35:41] <jasassin> wear a disguise to the store if you want to be sure
[14:35:48] <jasassin> fuck no idea
[14:35:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> possibly.
[14:36:01] <jasassin> s/idea/ID/
[14:36:01] <sedctl> <jasassin> fuck no ID
[14:36:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> i'd go find out but i hate wasting money.
[14:36:26] <jasassin> there is no wasting money you go into the cell department get the 15 minute tracfone for 15 bucks and do what you want
[14:36:26] <takyon_> also I'm sure we've run stories on potential laws to track pre-paid phone buyers, but not any actual laws on the books
[14:36:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> i know you can get prepaid cards at the airport without showing id. cash into the machine and card comes out.
[14:36:59] <jasassin> you use up 13 minutes tell your friend you gotta go... tell him DO NOT CALL THIS NUMBER BACK... then wire the fucking thing to a bomb
[14:37:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> works online no matter what info you put in for it.
[14:37:09] <jasassin> just hope he doesn't call you back while you are wiring it up
[14:37:11] <takyon_> https://soylentnews.org
[14:37:15] <exec> └─ 13Bill Aims to Identify U.S. Prepaid Cellular Users - SoylentNews
[14:37:33] <takyon_> that's a March 2016 story
[14:37:33] <TheMightyBuzzard> afk, nicotine
[14:38:03] <jasassin> if you want one i'll sell you one
[14:38:25] <jasassin> $50.00 i'll sell you a phone
[14:39:17] <jasassin> 30 minutes on it
[14:40:51] <jasassin> but i dont sell shit for bombs
[14:40:59] <jasassin> im not a terrorist
[14:41:14] <jasassin> but if you need a phone and you dont want anyone to know just for anonymous purposes just let me know
[14:41:20] <takyon_> adding some crap to the summary for the new story
[14:41:35] <takyon_> thanks for giving your perspective
[14:41:48] <takyon_> I think I will go out and get one today cuz why not
[14:42:05] <takyon_> and I will wrap that motherfucker in tinfoil to block the signal
[14:42:06] <jasassin> shit they like 15 bucks at walmart, fuck it buy like 3 of them
[14:42:12] <jasassin> just take the battery out
[14:42:27] <takyon_> yeah it might have a secret battery though
[14:42:32] <jasassin> oh yeah
[14:42:33] <jasassin> true dat
[14:42:42] <jasassin> yeah take the batter out and wrap it all in tinfoil
[14:43:02] <jasassin> bring the tinfoil to the store
[14:43:07] <jasassin> take the battery out in the parking lot
[14:43:12] <jasassin> and wrap it in the parking lot
[14:43:13] <jasassin> then go home
[14:43:32] <takyon_> http://killyourphone.com
[14:43:32] <jasassin> dont take off the tinfoil until you're ready for business
[14:43:40] <exec> └─ 13KILLYOURPHONE.COM
[14:43:40] <takyon_> yeah, exactly
[14:44:14] <takyon_> I wrote stuff to that effect in the summary, very important to not just drag the thing in your house unless that's how you're gonna roll
[14:44:32] <jasassin> dood im bookmarking that for future reference
[14:44:34] <jasassin> and i will test it
[14:44:48] <jasassin> i will put my friends phone in one and try to call it
[14:44:49] <jasassin> heh
[14:44:51] <jasassin> we'll see
[14:45:06] <takyon_> I've done the same thing with just plain aluminum foil and I was able to test it by pulling the phone out, and you can very quickly see a no-signal icon on the turned-on phone
[14:45:16] <takyon_> before it reconnects to the network
[14:45:23] <jasassin> i'll just call it
[14:45:25] <jasassin> works
[14:45:28] <jasassin> wrap it in foil
[14:45:29] <jasassin> call it
[14:45:36] <takyon_> yeah
[14:45:52] <jasassin> thats just to test a theory
[14:45:57] <jasassin> you dont wanna do that with a burn phone
[14:46:01] <jasassin> shit jesus dont do that
[14:46:26] <jasassin> dont call any burn phone from any number that knows your number
[14:46:29] <jasassin> or vice verca
[14:46:34] <jasassin> burn phones are for one use
[14:47:49] <takyon_> as long as you use it correctly I don't see the problem with using it several times
[14:48:15] <jasassin> it depends on the numbers you call
[14:48:24] <jasassin> if you are calling burn numbers each time its ok
[14:48:43] <jasassin> but from a burn to a burn its ok
[14:49:14] <jasassin> but as soon as you call a number thats not a burner thats when you throw the fucking thing out the window
[14:50:30] <jasassin> even thats not safe depending on wher eyou are
[14:50:44] <jasassin> its always gotta be wihtin so far from a tower
[14:50:50] <jasassin> and they have cameras everywhere
[14:51:14] <jasassin> you could be out in bumfuck highway somewhere and some douch will have a camera
[14:51:23] <jasassin> even worse
[14:51:38] <jasassin> since you are on that highway and its nowhere when you do it you are really fucked
[14:51:48] <jasassin> because theres probably only 1 or 2 towers to cover it
[14:51:58] <jasassin> and a camera somewhere around the entry exit points
[14:52:37] <jasassin> burners are only worth a shit in a city
[14:54:13] <jasassin> you need to get yourself one of these new fangled gadgets: https://starwinar.files.wordpress.com
[14:57:23] <takyon_> maybe there's a Tor service that sends SMS
[14:58:58] <jasassin> its called tor and google voice
[15:00:15] <jasassin> right now i have an obi200 running on google voice for free
[15:00:23] <jasassin> its a free landline paid 49.99 for the obi200
[15:00:41] <jasassin> just a little box that plugs into my lan and i plug in a phone
[15:00:46] <jasassin> free forever phone
[15:00:53] <jasassin> www.obihai.com
[15:01:37] <takyon_> google voice is making some changes to service though
[15:01:48] <jasassin> oh no
[15:01:59] <takyon_> also, Google services notoriously lock people out when the account is not connected to a real phone #
[15:03:03] <takyon_> like if you make a Google email account and do one "suspicious" thing with it, like log in while using another IP, that fucker is gone forever unless you give up your textable phone number.
[15:03:29] <takyon_> I tried using an online phone number thingy where it just prints all the texts it gets for everyone to see, but no dice
[15:03:47] <jasassin> wtf dood
[15:03:49] <jasassin> are you retarded?
[15:03:51] <takyon_> as for the Google Voice changes, I will link the story. It was about 2 days ago
[15:03:54] <jasassin> just use sprintip.com
[15:04:01] <jasassin> i was a relay operator for over 4 years
[15:04:06] <jasassin> this is fucked
[15:04:13] <jasassin> relay is a service for the deaf
[15:04:24] <jasassin> you can use it to connect to anyone text to hearing person
[15:04:36] <takyon_> I'm not retarded. I just didn't care enough. I have dozens of emails
[15:04:45] <jasassin> and unfortunately for me while i worked there 2 weeks into it the fucking nigerians found out about it
[15:05:55] <jasassin> if you never used sprintip.com before... just make sure to type GA after you are done with what you are saying
[15:06:01] <jasassin> and SK before you hang up
[15:06:08] <takyon_> https://soylentnews.org
[15:06:11] <exec> └─ 13Ringing in 2017 With Updates to Our Google Voice Apps - SoylentNews
[15:06:13] <jasassin> fuck the sk i guess just close the window, but GA helps
[15:06:21] <jasassin> it's like OVER, for deaf people
[15:06:24] <jasassin> it means go ahead
[15:06:32] <jasassin> sk means stop keying
[15:06:51] <jasassin> sk is like over and out
[15:07:13] <jasassin> and please please please
[15:07:20] <jasassin> do not be a dick to the relay operator
[15:07:31] <takyon_> noted
[15:07:31] <jasassin> they are just normal people that dont need to be harrassed
[15:08:07] <jasassin> i was working there and some little prick called his own number and made me say stupid shit like shizza frizzle my nizzle my big black cock is so long
[15:08:23] <jasassin> and im sitting here doing this shit and im hating this fucking faggit kid and i hear his friends laughign in the background
[15:08:25] <jasassin> goddamn
[15:08:51] <jasassin> what a prick
[15:09:10] <jasassin> i totally broke the rules
[15:09:24] <jasassin> i wrote down the number he called
[15:09:33] <jasassin> and the number he called from
[15:09:47] <takyon_> then what
[15:10:04] <jasassin> then i called his house at about 8 or 9 pm
[15:10:14] <jasassin> and reamed his fucking mom a new one through relay
[15:10:22] <jasassin> it was fuckign funny
[15:10:44] <jasassin> i typed in hey you stupid bitch, did you know that your kid is abusing a relay service for the deaf with sick shit that he makes people say
[15:10:51] <jasassin> and him and his faggity friends keep doing this
[15:10:57] <jasassin> and she put him on
[15:11:14] <jasassin> and the operator types in <m>dood this isn't funny my mom is getting mad... stop doing this chris
[15:11:21] <takyon_> lol
[15:11:27] <jasassin> and i typed in no... fuck you you little faggit you made your bed you sleep in it
[15:11:37] <jasassin> and theres a relay operator telling him this shit
[15:11:42] <jasassin> fuck you ya little prick
[15:11:47] <jasassin> oh i didn't let them up for quiet awhile
[15:12:27] <jasassin> in the instructions box... just type in dont announce relay, just say this:
[15:12:28] <jasassin> blah
[15:12:31] <jasassin> funny shit
[15:12:41] <jasassin> the procedure goes like this
[15:12:45] <jasassin> person says hello
[15:13:00] <jasassin> hello you are receiving a call from relay blah blah have you ever recieved a relay call before?
[15:13:25] <jasassin> yes it continues, no explain relay (and theres a macro you press on the relay side that shoots out... EXPLAINING RELAY...)
[15:14:05] <jasassin> its better to just let them explain it
[15:14:20] <jasassin> but, you can command them to say nothing except what you type
[15:14:28] <jasassin> you can say do not say a single word that i do not type
[15:14:29] -!- janrinok [janrinok!~janrinok@Soylent/Staff/Editor/janrinok] has joined #Soylent
[15:14:29] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v janrinok] by Aphrodite
[15:14:35] <jasassin> but you'll get hung up on alot
[15:15:18] <jasassin> if you got a buncha shit you already know you wanna say you can cut and paste it and use that to make it go faster
[15:16:33] <jasassin> you wanna prove some pimp ass coding skillz? make a bot that takes everything from sprintip.com and puts it in the irc channel
[15:16:39] <jasassin> that would make for some humorous shit
[15:17:24] <jasassin> we could just call random numbers and talk to them all of us in the channel that would be awesome
[15:17:31] <jasassin> anyone can hop in and say something
[15:17:56] <takyon_> sounds better than that #fite bs clogging so many channels
[15:18:11] <jasassin> normally i would say dont abuse a service for the deaf
[15:18:16] <jasassin> but i worked there i know this shit
[15:18:22] <jasassin> the fuckign fcc MADE us do this
[15:18:30] <jasassin> we TOLD the fcc what they were doing
[15:18:38] <jasassin> they said by law we had to break the law
[15:18:47] <jasassin> i don't know how the fuck that works
[15:19:01] <jasassin> the law says we are just a human copper wire
[15:19:24] <jasassin> we cannot report if someone threatens to kill somoene or someone has killled someone or has killed a million people
[15:19:29] <jasassin> we cannot report it by law
[15:19:49] <takyon_> probably for the best, since a lot of those school bomb threats are a huge waste of everyone's time and money
[15:20:04] <takyon_> edgy teens probably abuse the service the worst, like the one you called
[15:20:09] <takyon_> or worse, 10 year olds
[15:20:19] <takyon_> 8 year olds playing Call of Duty and Destiny
[15:20:26] <jasassin> doesn't matter, if someone dials 911 on relay... that shit hit's the fan
[15:20:35] <jasassin> that goes through a whole different mode
[15:20:53] <jasassin> it's all ans, but there is special procedure for 911 calls
[15:21:17] <jasassin> yeah so if you have caller id spoofing that shit doesn't work on that system... we get the real number like 911 does
[15:21:53] <takyon_> some of those threats might be directed to schools or PDs rather than 911. in that case, no track?
[15:21:56] <jasassin> out of 4 years in working in relay i had one 911 call come in that didn't have an ans
[15:22:11] <jasassin> no track and even then its just gonna give the ip
[15:22:34] <jasassin> so if you used tails or whatever
[15:22:37] <jasassin> blah
[15:23:01] <jasassin> wait i mean the real number
[15:23:07] <jasassin> sorry i need more weed
[15:23:43] <jasassin> even 911 through internet... wtf are they gonna do?
[15:23:51] <jasassin> nothing
[15:23:58] <jasassin> its not possible
[15:24:03] <jasassin> jesus
[15:24:24] <jasassin> maybe possible but its not happening in this world for the next 200 years
[15:25:07] <jasassin> hit it through tails and you are good to go
[15:25:09] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Why Deep Space Nine and Voyager Aren't on Blu-Ray - http://sylnt.us - true-cost-of-VHS
[15:25:17] <jasassin> wanna give it a test
[15:25:49] <jasassin> heh i could give you my home number but im afraid i might aquire more friends than i would like and i only have two.... thats two two much
[15:26:28] <jasassin> hell its only 9:00
[15:26:40] <jasassin> calll someone through sprint hahahha
[15:26:41] <jasassin> try it
[15:26:48] <jasassin> call yourself see how it works
[15:26:51] <jasassin> just dont be a dickhead
[15:27:03] <jasassin> well whatever
[15:27:14] <jasassin> one time i called myself just to test it
[15:27:27] <jasassin> and i had the arnold schwarzenneger soundboard loaded
[15:28:12] <jasassin> so i held the phone up to my pc speaker and i would shoot out some soundboard like "well hello there cutie pie"
[15:28:38] <jasassin> and then i would type in im done with you ... you been beating me up too much.. im going to leave your never going to see me again
[15:28:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> dude, lay off the drugs. they give you verbal diarrhea.
[15:28:53] <jasassin> then i click the arnold soundboard... BULLSHIT YOU ARE MINE NOW YOU BELONG TO ME
[15:29:29] * jasassin BULLSHIT
[15:29:48] <jasassin> that didn't make any sense
[15:29:51] <jasassin> ok bullshit
[15:29:56] <TheMightyBuzzard> four screens of shit since the last time i spoke. all you.
[15:30:09] <jasassin> who cares?
[15:30:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> me a bit. it makes it hard to see if anything worth reading was said.
[15:30:40] <cmn32480> there wasn't
[15:30:45] <cmn32480> you dind't miss anything
[15:30:45] <jasassin> whatever dood
[15:30:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh, that's fine then.
[15:30:59] <jasassin> if you can't tell the difference between a string of 40 of the same names and one anoly in a list
[15:31:03] <jasassin> whatever man
[15:31:53] <jasassin> i heard of promoting a channel
[15:31:59] <jasassin> never heard of demoting a channel
[15:32:08] <jasassin> nah... our channel is nice and quiet.... go fuck yourself
[15:32:11] <jasassin> how stupid is that
[15:33:45] <jasassin> i talk and talk i dont care if anyone responds, but i do care when the response tells me to stfu
[15:33:52] <jasassin> so go fuckyourself TheMightyBuzzard
[15:33:57] <jasassin> go fuckyourself forever
[15:34:00] <jasassin> dickhead
[15:34:28] <jasassin> im just a lonely guy and you gotta be a jerk
[15:34:31] <jasassin> thanks a lot asshole
[15:35:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> welcome
[15:36:44] <jasassin> you really aren't that hard to like (for me), and really hard to hate... but fuck sometimes you are illogical and stupid dumbass
[15:38:38] <jasassin> i really love ya tmb but i dont get where you're coming from on the four pages
[15:38:54] <jasassin> you just sound like a dick
[15:39:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> dude, i am a dick. and as a dick it's my duty to tell you when you're rambling on worse than my roommate.
[15:39:35] <jasassin> so?
[15:39:41] <jasassin> its an irc chat channel?
[15:39:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> so nothin. i'm just fillin you in on that info.
[15:39:51] <jasassin> im not laying in your bed in your room whispering in your ear
[15:39:58] <takyon_> rambling is better than #fite
[15:40:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> #fite takyon
[15:40:03] <MrPlow> #fite temporarily restricted to the channel #fite
[15:40:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> don't argue with me, bot. i'll make you dance around in pink, frilly drawers
[15:40:32] * jasassin laughs
[15:40:47] <jasassin> just leave me out of it
[15:40:58] <jasassin> i dont want any part in your sexual bot fantasises
[15:41:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> nah, MrPlow is a dude bot
[15:41:21] <jasassin> trannie bot
[15:41:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> #help
[15:41:30] <MrPlow> Commands: help, weatheradd, weather, submit, seen, smake, smakeadd, youtube, abuser, bot, admin, socialist, roll, bnk, join, part, tell, klingon, g, sammich, sammichadd, say, pissoff, dieinafire, quit, nelson
[15:41:36] <takyon_> ^ now allowed in the Bot Scouts
[15:41:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> huh, thought i had an emote command as well as say.
[15:42:12] <jasassin> nah... you lost a letter and the bot got depressed
[15:42:38] <takyon_> http://www.cnn.com
[15:42:39] <jasassin> starting dressing in black and smoking cigarettes
[15:42:42] <exec> └─ 13Boy Scouts open membership to transgender boys - CNN.com
[15:42:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh damn, i gotta rewrite the klingon functions this month. mickeysoft is moving their translate api.
[15:43:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> transgender boys == child abuse.
[15:43:15] <jasassin> wtf?
[15:43:28] <jasassin> i just saw that shit on dr phil like 3 years ago
[15:43:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> scouting age is entirely too fucking young to be making informed life-altering decisions like that
[15:44:15] <jasassin> like my pastor says... gotta get em while they're young
[15:44:22] <TheMightyBuzzard> and parents making it for a child is abusive as all fuck.
[15:45:12] <cmn32480> I woudl agree TMB
[15:45:25] <jasassin> parents making a child is abusive
[15:45:33] <cmn32480> bigger issue is when these kids hit puberty in the Boy Scouts.. this is gonna cause major issues
[15:45:56] <TheMightyBuzzard> if they ain't hit puberty they got no business being brainwashed into being transgender.
[15:46:11] <cmn32480> crap like this screams "I wanna be the first female Eagle Scout"
[15:46:14] <jasassin> so what? we got a buncha boyscounts sucking each other off?
[15:46:27] <jasassin> what a fuck job...
[15:46:39] <jasassin> i knew there was a reason i thought that was shady even as a little kid
[15:46:39] <cmn32480> which drives me nuts
[15:47:09] <jasassin> i wasn't in it
[15:47:10] <TheMightyBuzzard> crap like this screams "mommy is pushing her sjw bullshit upon an eight year old"
[15:47:27] <takyon_> you gender conformists are making me sick. you are literally perpetuating discrimination
[15:47:34] <jasassin> i dont understand
[15:47:40] <jasassin> i lost coherence of the conversation
[15:47:54] <takyon_> jasassin: they lost coherence of gender
[15:47:56] <jasassin> do you mean the boyscounts are promototing faggity shit?
[15:48:21] <jasassin> i just thought you were talking about a child molesting scout leader
[15:48:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> takyon_, gender is not optional. you have one and it will never change. how you wanna look and act is up to you but it don't change biological facts.
[15:49:06] <jasassin> TheMightyBuzzard: tell that to bruce jenner or caitlyn or whatever it wants to call itself
[15:49:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> okay
[15:50:06] <cmn32480> I ahve no idea how this is actaually going to effect how the BSA operates
[15:50:26] <jasassin> who really cares? its all a buncha fuckin bullshit anyway
[15:50:37] <jasassin> really?
[15:50:48] <jasassin> if i want to learn to tie a knot i'll read a fucking book
[15:51:00] <cmn32480> there are so many things already in place to protect the youth.. there is no telling how thigns are going to have to change to now protect girls in the BSA as well.
[15:51:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> i really don't care if he wants a penisectomy and to be called Princess Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca Banana Fana Bo Besca III. i got no prollem with that. he's still a dude though.
[15:51:17] <jasassin> i dont need to give head to some weirdo cubscout leader to learn to tie a fucking bowling knot
[15:51:47] <jasassin> yes
[15:51:50] <jasassin> i think tmb is right
[15:51:51] <jasassin> yes
[15:51:52] <cmn32480> does it mean that for a TG scout who has lady parts, you now have to ahve a woman in attendance at all functions?
[15:51:53] <jasassin> yes
[15:51:54] <jasassin> yes
[15:52:02] <cmn32480> JFC it's gonna get VERY complicated very fast
[15:52:08] <jasassin> no its not
[15:52:11] <jasassin> tmb just nailed it
[15:52:14] <jasassin> he is a dood
[15:52:18] <jasassin> born with a cock
[15:52:22] <jasassin> you are a dood
[15:53:06] <cmn32480> I can easily see troops disbanding over it
[15:55:08] <jasassin> i dunno i guess i can see everyone seeing him as a chick on the jerry spring show
[15:55:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> possibly. i wouldn't give a kid the boot over it though. i'd just report their parents to CPS.
[15:55:55] <jasassin> hmmm...
[15:56:02] <jasassin> kids shouldn't be all fucked up like that
[15:56:06] <jasassin> ok wait
[15:56:07] <takyon_> i doubt cps will touch those cases due to the politics
[15:56:25] <jasassin> i'd love to have thousands of random samples to figure this out
[15:56:31] <cmn32480> I didn't say that the kid should get the boot.
[15:56:41] <jasassin> does gayness have anything to do with parents?
[15:56:42] <cmn32480> primarily the partes fault in this instance.
[15:56:50] <jasassin> hmmmm....
[15:57:01] <jasassin> is it genetic
[15:57:03] <jasassin> hmmm.....
[15:57:16] <cmn32480> but there will be Scout Troopps that will nto be able to deal with it, and the scouts will leave for other troops, or drop out altogether
[15:57:34] <jasassin> because of the gayness?
[15:57:41] <jasassin> so theres gonna be straight and gay trooops?
[15:58:02] <takyon_> scouts is a waste of time. just drive 100 miles into nowhere and drop your kid off. give them a compass and some canned food but no can opener
[15:58:17] <cmn32480> #smake takyon_
[15:58:17] * MrPlow smakes takyon_ upside the head with a used carrot
[15:58:24] <jasassin> hope that brat can find a sharp rock
[15:58:29] <cmn32480> I thouroughly disagree
[15:59:04] <jasassin> please elaborate
[15:59:07] <cmn32480> and frankly, if the Girl Scouts did more of the fun outdoor stuff, this would likely not be an issue
[15:59:28] <takyon_> you should send your kid to karate, and then Israeli Ninja School
[15:59:34] <jasassin> yeah, if they played doctor with the boys
[16:00:45] <jasassin> i never really understood why they seperate girls and boys
[16:00:54] <jasassin> why not just have something called "scouts"
[16:01:04] <jasassin> now i think im turning sjw
[16:01:06] <jasassin> someone shoot me
[16:01:13] * TheMightyBuzzard shoots jasassin
[16:01:19] * jasassin dies
[16:01:29] * takyon_ pours out a 40
[16:01:51] * cmn32480 drinks a beer
[16:01:58] <takyon_> (from the ground)
[16:02:18] <jasassin> you are a vicious bastard
[16:02:33] <jasassin> funny
[16:02:35] <jasassin> but vicious
[16:04:19] <takyon_> https://www.youtube.com
[16:04:21] <exec> └─ 13Transformers opening theme - YouTube
[16:04:45] <takyon_> I identify as a decepticon
[16:04:55] <jasassin> weird man
[16:05:08] <jasassin> went over to my dealers house one day... and i was wearing a cobra t-shirt
[16:05:31] <jasassin> then one day i went over there to get some more weed and i was wearing a decepticon t-shirt and he freaked out on me
[16:05:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> takyon_, me too
[16:05:50] <jasassin> how come you always wearing all these bad guys shirt what are you some kind of BAD GUY I DONT WANT BHKLSADHFLKSDHFLKSDHFLKSDHFLKSHDFKLSHDFKL
[16:05:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> jasassin identifies as Starscream
[16:05:55] <jasassin> i was like dood wtf?
[16:06:18] <jasassin> he was my #1
[16:06:32] <jasassin> i kinda based my whole life on starscream
[16:06:34] <jasassin> weird that you say that
[16:08:26] <jasassin> i wanted to buy the g1 starscream like 2 days ago, but it was 250 dollars
[16:08:31] <jasassin> for the full box deal
[16:08:34] <jasassin> not gonna happen
[16:09:11] <jasassin> he's the only transformer i dont have that i wanted
[16:09:15] <jasassin> i even got g1 megatron
[16:09:23] <jasassin> g1 optimus
[16:09:32] <jasassin> man i got all the shit except starscream
[16:09:41] <jasassin> everyone wanted starscream it was completely unavailable
[16:09:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> ha
[16:10:54] <jasassin> dood i went to every store in sioux falls at the time... did not exist
[16:11:06] <jasassin> i mean every store
[16:11:14] <jasassin> i walked the whole fucking city
[16:11:25] <jasassin> there is no star scream
[16:11:39] <jasassin> thinking about that kinda pisses me off
[16:11:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> there was no ebay either
[16:11:50] <jasassin> yeah
[16:11:54] <jasassin> that was before internets
[16:12:19] <jasassin> wayyyyyy before cell phones and internets
[16:12:26] <jasassin> well maybe one of those: https://starwinar.files.wordpress.com
[16:12:31] <TheMightyBuzzard> and you had to steal some playboys if you wanted regular porn supplies
[16:12:36] <jasassin> hahahahhaha
[16:12:37] <jasassin> omfg
[16:13:02] <jasassin> i stole a playboy from a friends house and his mom was mentally retarded like totally... full on mentally retarded and she called the cops
[16:13:06] <jasassin> and i was just a kid
[16:13:20] <jasassin> i dont mean mentally retarded as a metaphore
[16:13:30] <jasassin> she was metnally retarded like dudh hdudh
[16:14:05] <jasassin> and she was talkign to the cop duuuuuuuuhh heh stolp my blwayboy magazine and the cop asks me did you and i lied and said NO she's just a astupid retarded bitch
[16:14:10] <jasassin> cop didn't do shit
[16:14:43] <takyon_> mom just read it for the pictures?
[16:15:00] <jasassin> dood no seriously i was like 12 and i just wanted to read the articles
[16:15:33] <jasassin> that was not serious
[16:16:04] <takyon_> no I meant why did the mom care/know
[16:16:32] <jasassin> because i hung around with her kid he must have told her i took it
[16:17:32] <jasassin> lets digress for a second....
[16:18:23] <jasassin> can you imagine what the cop was thinking? a retarded bitch mumblimb about a kid stealing a prayboy... and me saying ahhh... shes' just a retarded bitch
[16:18:38] <takyon_> yah'
[16:18:42] <takyon_> perfect crime
[16:19:04] <jasassin> goddamn right
[16:20:43] <jasassin> gotta have a few prayboys in your croset for at kinda wife
[16:21:08] <jasassin> hmmmm yeah thats what i want... some of that retarded head
[16:21:20] <jasassin> wonder what that feels like? is it all teeth, or is it all good?
[16:21:34] <takyon_> teeth
[16:21:43] <jasassin> dood
[16:21:48] <jasassin> you said that a little too fast
[16:21:53] <jasassin> you got some retarded head?
[16:21:58] <takyon_> have you seen the langoliers
[16:22:04] <jasassin> no
[16:22:07] <jasassin> never heard of it
[16:22:29] <takyon_> http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net
[16:22:36] -!- mechanicjay has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[16:22:54] <jasassin> that pic on the left is kinda what she looked like
[16:23:06] -!- mechanicjay [mechanicjay!~jhowe@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mechanicjay] has joined #Soylent
[16:23:06] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mechanicjay] by Aphrodite
[16:23:41] <jasassin> retards giving head i think we reached the bottom of the barrel
[16:23:54] * jasassin sighs
[16:24:02] <takyon_> gotta dig through that barrel
[16:24:05] <takyon_> into the crevice of failure
[16:24:17] <jasassin> how do you fail to give head?
[16:24:32] <takyon_> you take head
[16:24:38] <takyon_> chomp
[16:24:39] <jasassin> gross
[16:24:55] <jasassin> yeah if someone sticks a dick in my mouth that is the last dick they'll stick anywhere
[16:25:06] <jasassin> i'll swallow it too... so they can't have it back
[16:25:09] <takyon_> cannibal
[16:25:25] <jasassin> just choke that 12 incher down like a starving cannibal
[16:25:55] <jasassin> ok fuck this cockswallowing shit
[16:26:09] <jasassin> no cheating but i got a joke for you
[16:26:12] <jasassin> no cheating allowed
[16:26:19] <jasassin> it just ruins it for everyone
[16:26:19] <takyon_> k
[16:26:45] <jasassin> what is the difference between a womens track team and a tribe of pygmies?
[16:27:08] <jasassin> don't cheat think about it
[16:27:10] <takyon_> something about blow guns?
[16:27:19] <jasassin> no but you are on the right track
[16:27:22] <jasassin> but not quite dont cheat
[16:27:34] <jasassin> i might have to make a new joke about that
[16:27:41] <takyon_> lul
[16:27:44] <jasassin> ok i'll just get it out
[16:27:50] <jasassin> what is the difference between a womens track team and a tribe of pygmies?
[16:27:57] <jasassin> one is a group of cunning runts
[16:28:10] <takyon_> hah
[16:28:30] <takyon_> I wasn't exadtly close
[16:29:15] <jasassin> but your mind was working furiously
[16:29:34] <takyon_> as much as I can when my attention is split
[16:29:45] <takyon_> gotta go so I can work on some stuff
[16:29:48] <takyon_> seeya
[16:30:14] -!- takyon_ has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[16:37:58] -!- jasassin has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[16:40:45] -!- jasassin [jasassin!~jasassin@785-776-23-379-vpcqzuh.midco.net] has joined #Soylent
[16:40:55] <jasassin> holy shit! they totally fuckerfied sprintip!!!!!!!!!!
[16:41:00] <jasassin> i could be an operator again!
[16:50:28] <jasassin> wow... weird i can't dial 711 with voip
[16:50:42] <jasassin> i guess the deaf voip people better stick to text messaging
[16:50:43] <jasassin> wtf
[16:51:21] <jasassin> ok fuck this shit im gonna get to the bottom of this
[16:51:38] <jasassin> its been so long since i fiddled with strange bits outside the nets
[16:51:47] <jasassin> use the nets to fiddle with bits outside it
[16:52:37] <jasassin> i am challenged
[16:52:51] * jasassin slaps his wrist against his chest repeatedly
[16:57:45] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Apple Wants to Ship More ARM Chips in Macs - http://sylnt.us - witty-connection-between-chips,-fries,-and-[Big]-Macs
[16:58:19] <jasassin> wow
[16:58:24] <jasassin> im kinda pissed off right now
[16:58:46] <jasassin> i worked at that shitty relay for about 2 weeks before the internet calls got integrated then i had to learn that shit
[16:58:54] <jasassin> then for the rest of the 4 years it was all SHIT
[16:58:57] <jasassin> 80% shit
[16:59:16] <jasassin> now i go to the site and the totally make you register, but im looking at it and im thinking the fuck i gotta do this
[16:59:23] <jasassin> im going to
[16:59:32] <jasassin> im gonna pull out my thumb drive boot up tails and go nuts
[17:00:12] <jasassin> anyone got a phone number they want a random person to say go fuck yourself to?
[17:00:51] <jasassin> working on it
[17:01:12] <jasassin> i wanna make a bot that will call someone and tell them to go fuck themselves and hang up (with a human operator)
[17:01:41] <jasassin> you know, kinda like !fu 2128382104
[17:03:09] <jasassin> speaking of burner phones
[17:03:10] <jasassin> wow
[17:03:20] <jasassin> might need to go buy a few to get this to work
[17:04:31] <jasassin> no
[17:04:35] <jasassin> it wont work
[17:04:46] <jasassin> tails wont help you
[17:04:52] <jasassin> i jus tlooked at the code
[17:05:04] <jasassin> its all javascripted to hell
[17:05:38] <jasassin> it would require a smart burner
[17:06:56] <jasassin> that is some mean javascript
[17:07:48] <jasassin> but i guess, its ok to just tell someone to fuck themselves
[17:08:00] <jasassin> but i wouldn't bet on it
[17:08:18] <jasassin> i'd need a burner smartphone
[17:08:24] <jasassin> so either way its 15 bucks
[17:08:45] <jasassin> 15 bucks i'd rather spend on some crack or a cheap hooker
[17:09:24] <jasassin> its kinda weird about that
[17:10:24] <jasassin> a few days ago... i was walking through the wal-mart parking lot and i found a wallet with an ID and 200 dollars in it. i was immediately faced with a moral dilemma
[17:10:52] <jasassin> crack or hookers?
[17:19:06] <chromas> why-not-both.jpg
[17:19:24] <chromas> One cheap hooker. One crack rock.
[17:23:22] <chromas> Gmail's going to quit running in older Chrome builds
[17:23:42] * chromas wonders what cool, modern browser features a webmail client suddenly needs.
[17:24:56] <cmn32480> ummmm
[17:25:08] <cmn32480> it's web 3.0!
[17:25:21] <chromas> heh, oh yeah
[17:25:26] <chromas> beavis.png
[17:26:10] <mechanicjay> the gmail interface is already a hot mess. The only sane way to use gmail is with an imap client.
[17:26:39] <cmn32480> friends don't let friends use gmail or yahoo or hotmail
[17:27:07] <mechanicjay> agreed
[17:27:18] <mechanicjay> business decision gapps for education! It's free!
[17:27:25] <cmn32480> says the guy with ast least 2 addresses on each...
[17:27:52] <cmn32480> oh it is definetly a gap for education....
[17:28:16] <mechanicjay> lol
[17:28:56] <cmn32480> go on... tell me I'm wrong
[17:29:19] <mechanicjay> <crickets>
[17:29:39] <cmn32480> 'zactly
[17:30:14] <cmn32480> next thing you know they will be teaching kids how to use Facebook is school
[17:30:33] * cmn32480 cringes at the current state of education for our youth
[17:31:00] <mechanicjay> The only good use for it, is google drive, when people want to share some giant research dataset with a bunch of people and we don't want to clog up our webservers.
[17:31:16] <cmn32480> true.... then it just clogs up your bandwidth
[17:31:36] <cmn32480> OH SHIT
[17:31:42] <cmn32480> RED ALERT
[17:31:44] <mechanicjay> other than that, groups is kinky as hell -- kind of a gimpy mailing list, but you can also kinda make a site for it.
[17:31:45] <mechanicjay> ?
[17:31:49] <cmn32480> WE ARE OUT OF COFFEE
[17:31:58] <mechanicjay> fuck dude,
[17:32:05] <mechanicjay> just close up shop, go home for the weekend.
[17:32:27] <cmn32480> not enough grounds in the can to make another pot./...
[17:32:33] * cmn32480 starts twitching
[17:32:55] * cmn32480 decideds that Costco is around the corner.. adn that might be a viable solution ot the porblem
[17:33:43] <cmn32480> gotta go get coffee... back in a few
[17:33:49] <cmn32480> THIS SHIT IS IMPORTANT~!!!!!!!!\
[18:01:06] -!- Arc| has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[18:24:39] <cmn32480> Crisis averted
[18:37:38] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Goodbye, "Tesla Motors" - http://sylnt.us - watts-in-a-name?
[19:03:53] <jasassin> 76 8
[19:11:48] -!- pinchy [pinchy!~krimskree@axg-01-89-53-201.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #Soylent
[19:49:27] -!- janrinok has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[20:15:18] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Are True Burner Phones Now Impossible in the USA? - http://sylnt.us - security-through-obscurity
[20:23:31] -!- nick [nick!~nick@Soylent/Staff/Editor/n1] has joined #Soylent
[20:23:31] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v nick] by Aphrodite
[20:24:27] <jasassin> 80s music is my personal favorite
[20:24:39] <jasassin> the rest is just not my style im 41
[20:24:41] <cmn32480> ~weather
[20:24:42] <exec> 10Baltimore, MD, USA - currently 35°F / 2°C, cloudy, wind W at 12 mph, humidity 31% - Friday cloudy (25°F:37°F / -4°C:3°C), Saturday mostly sunny (32°F:40°F / 0°C:4°C), Sunday partly cloudy (38°F:50°F / 3°C:10°C), Monday partly cloudy (41°F:54°F / 5°C:12°C)
[20:24:44] <jasassin> thats weird or not?
[20:24:55] <jasassin> i like 80s
[20:25:04] <jasassin> some people say it has no soul
[20:25:09] <jasassin> i think it is the best
[20:25:51] <nick> 80s was the best decade for pop music
[20:25:53] <jasassin> dood when i get access to a system you know how many zombies im gonna kills?? like millions
[20:25:57] <jasassin> fucking millions
[20:26:00] <jasassin> HOLY SHIT
[20:26:24] <jasassin> i need to shoot a zombie now
[20:26:39] <jasassin> i think they put some crack in that steam program
[20:26:43] <jasassin> now the phone rings
[20:26:45] <jasassin> holy s hit
[20:26:50] <jasassin> its the bat phone
[20:28:25] * nick is pondering using the last couple days of good internet to download some more games via steam
[20:30:07] * jasassin farts on nicks face
[20:30:42] <jasassin> gotta be faster
[20:30:44] <jasassin> fast dood
[20:30:45] <jasassin> fast
[20:30:55] <jasassin> lets do some irc bitchlsap
[20:31:04] <jasassin> rip rap
[20:31:07] <jasassin> ripipttiy do
[20:31:15] <chromas> Is your internet going sour?
[20:31:23] <cmn32480> just south
[20:31:29] <jasassin> does your momma charge by the dinar?
[20:31:57] <chromas> Is it Trump or the Russians?
[20:32:06] <jasassin> this shit all ariginall... i call it jasassin fuck the world
[20:32:10] <jasassin> fuck you if you dont like it
[20:32:12] <jasassin> fuck you all
[20:33:37] <nick> fuck you too
[20:34:40] <jasassin> chromas is racist so disgraced, tmb wtf half your shit bulshit and lies... go fishin and fuck off and die. and chromas you so old dirt makes you wonder where it came from, ya fucking shopping cart pushing bum
[20:35:50] <cmn32480> still nto feeling well nick?
[20:37:14] <jasassin> ok thank you for that outlet gentlemen
[20:37:24] <nick> i'd say i'm at 85% today
[20:37:36] <jasassin> i'd say your more like a 73
[20:37:58] <jasassin> you should try to stay about a 75 you know
[20:38:06] <cmn32480> that's good
[20:38:13] <cmn32480> better than yesterday by the sounds of ti
[20:38:42] <nick> yeah, i was kind of sick yesterday, possibly due to something i ate after feeling hungry again
[20:39:02] <nick> so the flu subsided and then i got a churning stomach, which wasnt so fun
[20:39:04] * jasassin shouts cmn32480 Realease The Hounds!
[20:39:10] <cmn32480> yick
[20:39:55] <jasassin> i got a winer dog
[20:39:57] <nick> now im just kind of down because i'll be moving on soon, got to get back to making shit happen
[20:40:08] <nick> it's been a really great time being here
[20:40:12] <jasassin> she gonna die pretty soon though thats a bummer
[20:40:19] <jasassin> my whole life basically like sucks
[20:40:28] <jasassin> pretty much the shitties person you could ever meet
[20:40:30] <jasassin> sucks
[20:40:56] -!- jasassin has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[20:47:24] <cmn32480> you've been there, about 2 months now?
[20:48:57] <nick> yup
[20:49:07] <cmn32480> just enough time to get compfy
[20:49:15] <cmn32480> now you gotta get back to real life
[20:49:40] <nick> well, back to south america and a different life
[20:49:56] <cmn32480> you know what I meant
[20:50:03] <cmn32480> buying a truck adn driving down?
[20:50:26] <nick> kind of wanted to, but it's not something i'd want to do by myself
[20:50:34] <cmn32480> gotcha
[20:50:40] <nick> and if im using uruguay as a base still, which is the plan... you cant import used vehicles
[20:51:08] <cmn32480> but you can bring in a vehicle if you are the owner and intend on being a permanent resident, if I recall correctly
[20:52:15] <nick> you can, but it's not that simple
[20:52:54] <nick> there's still a relatively long list of requirements, and there's a 100%+ tax on CIF
[20:53:23] <nick> and then you're likely to end up with a vehicle that you can't source parts for locally
[20:55:43] <nick> the only potentially cost effective option is on a 'classic' vehicle (over 20 years) , but i'm going to seek more advice locally before i consider doing anything like that
[20:56:20] <nick> as an old USDM 4X4 SUV or pickup could do well out there
[20:56:34] <nick> when they still made them to last longer than 5 years.
[20:58:14] <cmn32480> sorry
[20:58:17] <cmn32480> phone rang
[20:58:25] <cmn32480> i didn't think it woudl be THAT difficult
[20:58:41] <nick> they're very much about protecting local industry
[20:58:43] <cmn32480> but I'm surprised taht for a new-ish Toyota pickup, you can't source stuff local down there
[20:59:19] <nick> it would technically be possible, but by the time you're done with all the taxes and stuff
[20:59:27] <nick> you might as well have bought one thats there already
[20:59:30] <cmn32480> less problem to buy it locally
[20:59:53] <cmn32480> interesting
[21:00:10] <nick> this is only one source i have there... but i was told just don't bother trying to import anything, except your container for moving when applying for residency
[21:00:33] <nick> but i have a few more contacts that might be able to guide me better on that
[21:00:54] <cmn32480> definetly a good idea to look inot it
[21:01:05] <cmn32480> buy a truck in South Texas and start driving
[21:01:19] <nick> yup
[21:01:25] <nick> it's something i'd like to do for sure
[21:01:26] <cmn32480> but damn.. that is a LONG way
[21:01:50] <nick> and there's one part you can't drive, i forget the crossing's name
[21:02:14] <nick> but that by itself can be $800+ to ship a vehicle across the canal or whatever it is
[21:02:44] <cmn32480> Google Maps does not show a road route... only air
[21:03:16] <nick> https://en.wikipedia.org
[21:03:17] <exec> └─ 13Pan-American Highway - Wikipedia
[21:03:33] <nick> The Pan-American Highway is interrupted between Panama and Colombia by a 100 km (60 mi) stretch of marshland known as the Darién Gap. On the South American side, the highway terminates at Turbo, Colombia, while on the Panamanian side, the road terminus is the town of Yaviza. Because of swamps, marshes, and rivers, construction would be very expensive.
[21:03:36] <cmn32480> http://traveltips.usatoday.com
[21:03:41] <cmn32480> yep apparently you can
[21:04:00] <cmn32480> so... "No."
[21:04:26] <nick> ive read about people doing it
[21:05:08] <cmn32480> 60 hours from Laredo to Panama City, PAnama
[21:05:57] <cmn32480> "your search is Outside the current coverage areas for Driving"
[21:08:26] <nick> it's not a journey to take solo
[21:08:36] <nick> and i need to get my spanish skills up a fair way
[21:09:27] <cmn32480> yeah
[21:09:33] <cmn32480> I woudln't wanna do that drive alone either
[21:09:38] <cmn32480> you will end up dead
[21:09:47] <cmn32480> you might also consider doing ti armed...
[21:10:32] <nick> that would be adding another level to it, especially when crossing int'l borders
[21:11:09] <nick> they'd start thinking i was 'merican too...
[21:17:50] <cmn32480> lol
[21:56:37] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Drilling Into Heart of Iceland Volcano Complete - http://sylnt.us - too-hot-to-handle
[22:05:30] <pinchy> The US has 23.5 square feet of retail space per person, compared with 16.4 square feet in Canada and 11.1 square feet in Australia
[22:10:40] <chromas> We need to the room for our mobility scooters
[22:43:08] * Deucalion wonders in looking dishevelled
[22:43:21] <Deucalion> *wanders ~sheesh~
[22:51:01] <nick> hey Deucalion
[22:52:25] <Deucalion> hola nick - how goes the grand escape planning?
[22:53:57] <nick> it's goin... only a couple more days before on the road again
[22:54:09] <nick> really snuck up on me
[22:57:28] <Deucalion> always the way.... these things always seem ages away until all of a sudden they are tomorrow - it's the bastard time pixies pushing us into time vortices while we sleep!
[22:59:09] <nick> yeah, i've had a really great time here so i'm sad to be leaving
[22:59:44] <Deucalion> I've lost track of exactly where "here" is for you right now :/
[23:00:36] <nick> under the snow in upper MI
[23:00:43] -!- charon_ [charon_!~0c0959f3@Soylent/Staff/Editor/charon] has joined #Soylent
[23:00:43] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v charon_] by Aphrodite
[23:01:27] <Deucalion> wow, living in a snow shelter huh? sounds cosy :0
[23:02:31] <nick> lol
[23:17:40] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Vaccum Birefringence Observed Near Neutron Star - http://sylnt.us - it's-full-of-stars!