#Soylent | Logs for 2017-03-16

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[00:13:31] <Deucalion> ~weather
[00:13:33] <exec> 10London, UK - currently 50°F / 10°C, clear, wind SW at 3 mph, humidity 83% - Wednesday clear with periodic clouds (43°F:64°F / 6°C:18°C), Thursday cloudy (42°F:56°F / 6°C:13°C), Friday mostly cloudy (49°F:54°F / 9°C:12°C), Saturday showers (51°F:58°F / 11°C:14°C)
[00:18:20] <charon_> brisk
[00:19:21] <cmn32480> iced tea?
[00:20:40] <charon_> i meant Deucalion's weather, but sure
[00:22:37] * cmn32480 finishes his 4th 7oz beer
[00:23:43] * cmn32480 starts digging into the plate of half pulled pork sliders
[00:23:59] <charon_> not fully pulled?
[00:24:21] <charon_> 7oz beer? where are you, mormon country?
[00:24:53] <cmn32480> hotel lobby serves dinner
[00:25:01] <cmn32480> included in the price of the room
[00:25:12] <cmn32480> they put out wine.
[00:25:27] <cmn32480> and a keg-er-ator of Bud lite
[00:25:36] <cmn32480> it isn't great beer, but it's beer
[00:26:02] <charon_> any port in a storm
[00:26:15] <charon_> s/port/porter/
[00:26:15] <sedctl> <charon_> any porter in a storm
[00:26:16] <exec> <charon_> any porter in a storm
[00:26:57] <cmn32480> i think it is a pilsner...
[00:28:11] <cmn32480> but after a long day... it was cold and tasted reasonably good
[00:29:57] <charon_> beer++
[00:29:57] <Bender> karma - beer: 62
[00:30:27] <charon_> that reminds me, i have a bunch of beer at my apt that i should probably drink one of these days
[00:33:50] <cmn32480> good choice
[00:34:36] <charon_> it just seems odd to me to drink when i am alone. i guess that means i'm not an alcoholic
[00:35:20] <cmn32480> ince in a while...
[00:35:31] <cmn32480> you get home after a hard day... it is SO good
[00:36:12] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Vibrator Maker Pays $3.75 Million Settlement Over Data Collection - http://sylnt.us - [not-so]-good-vibrations?
[02:04:30] -!- charon_ has quit [Quit: my day job to be a fleshlight assembly specialist]
[02:07:22] <Bytram> ~g we are the champions
[02:07:24] <exec> [google] https://www.youtube.com
[02:07:25] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Millions of US Employee Records 'Leaked' - http://sylnt.us - yet-another-data-breach
[02:07:35] <Bytram> https://www.youtube.com
[02:07:38] <exec> └─ 13Queen - We Are The Champions (Official Video) - YouTube
[02:36:45] -!- Andronas [Andronas!~Andronas@152.7.lv.zot] has joined #Soylent
[02:36:48] <Andronas> hallo :)
[02:37:22] <charon> buenas noches
[02:37:44] <Andronas> bon soir
[02:38:01] <Andronas> guten Abend :3
[02:38:29] <charon> blast, i'm out of languages
[02:39:06] <Andronas> sad
[02:39:29] <Andronas> what's up?
[02:39:39] <paulej72> 10 PRINT Hello
[02:39:48] <paulej72> 20 GOTO 10
[02:39:51] <charon> not much, just home from work. yourself?
[02:40:12] * Andronas presses paulej72's reset switch
[02:40:19] <Andronas> watching youtube as a way of decompressing from a long day
[02:40:34] <charon> Alert("Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down");
[02:41:03] <paulej72> JS Rick Roll
[02:43:04] <Andronas> :O
[02:43:36] <Bytram> paulej72: SYNTAX ERROR... Hello undefined.
[02:43:44] <Bytram> 10 PRINT "Hello"
[02:43:46] <Bytram> 20 GOTO 10
[02:43:50] <Bytram> ;)
[02:44:03] <charon> Bytram++
[02:44:03] <Bender> karma - bytram: 86
[02:44:10] <Bytram> ROFL!
[02:44:24] <Bytram> ~define 86
[02:44:25] <exec> [urbandictionary] 0386: To remove, end usage, or take something out or away. Despite ALL other posts suggestion the origion of this phrase there is only one true answer: Chumley's, a famous and OLD New York speakeasy, is...
[02:45:36] <Bytram> http://www.urbandictionary.com
[02:45:37] <paulej72> it's been a long time since i wrote working basic
[02:45:38] <exec> └─ 13Urban Dictionary: 86
[02:45:49] <charon> that is oddly verbose for a UD entry
[02:46:35] <Bytram> paulej72: was the first computer language I ever learned, and used it on a veritable cornucopia of systems: PDP-8, PDP-11, OSI Challenger 4P, Commodore 64, Atari 800, and others
[02:46:55] <charon> shoot the wumpus!
[02:47:00] <paulej72> it was the first I learned. I have not program it since about 97 or so
[02:47:11] <Bytram> charon: s/shoot/hunt/
[02:47:11] <sedctl> <Bytram> <charon> hunt the wumpus!
[02:47:12] <exec> <Bytram> <charon> hunt the wumpus!
[02:47:18] <paulej72> had to make some tweaks to a qbasic program
[02:47:36] <Bytram> yeah, been a long long time for me, too.
[02:47:45] <Bytram> my next language after BASIC was Pascal.
[02:47:52] <paulej72> mine too
[02:47:53] <Bytram> that was pretty mind-blowing
[02:47:57] <charon> ew
[02:48:07] <Bytram> and then I learned FORTRAN
[02:48:19] <Bytram> and had to use, gasp!, punch cards!
[02:48:21] <Bytram> :P
[02:48:27] <Bytram> brb
[02:48:29] <paulej72> we had a IDE for Pascal that ran on Macs that we used at CMU
[02:49:01] <paulej72> Learned a bit of fortran to fix another program that went with the qbasic one
[02:49:36] <paulej72> taught myself perl to do maintenacne scripts
[02:49:57] <paulej72> perl win32 module
[02:51:03] <paulej72> coded up a chown command and a script to create a folder for a user on a share and set the quota
[02:51:08] <charon> isn't perl the one where every punctuation mark is actually meaningful, and a program like "yuig*^RT^hgou%%UYLJk" probably actually does something?
[02:51:13] <Bytram> at college we had a WATFOR compiler for FORTRAN... it would not stop until it came up with *something* from the source you gave it...
[02:51:29] <Bytram> one time, just for giggles, I fed it a PL/I program...
[02:51:44] <Bytram> it screamed error messages out the wazoo...
[02:51:48] <Bytram> and then ran it
[02:51:54] <Bytram> correctly.
[02:51:55] <Bytram> !
[02:52:23] <Bytram> granted, the languages had a similar heritage, but that absolutely blew me away!
[02:52:35] <paulej72> charon: perl is famous for its regexes thoes look like binary dump
[02:52:49] <Bytram> charon: that's the one... or were you thinking of APL?
[02:53:07] <Bytram> ~g APL
[02:53:09] <exec> [google] www.playapl.com/
[02:53:13] <Bytram> lol
[02:53:16] <charon> not even slightly familiar with APL. brainfuck, on the other hand...
[02:53:16] <Bytram> ~define APL
[02:53:17] <exec> [urbandictionary] 03apl: It is a programming language, whose name stands for A Programming Language. It was developed by Kenneth Iverson, with the goal of coming up with better notation for mathematicians that wish to program...
[02:54:02] * Bytram never programmed in APL, but the programs were mostly comprised of greek characters -- mind numbingly dense code
[02:54:32] * paulej72 wants a coffee, but does not want to be up all night
[02:54:41] <Bytram> decaf?
[02:54:54] <paulej72> even decaf will keep me up
[02:56:00] <Bytram> :(
[02:56:00] <paulej72> I am addicted to small amounts of caffeine in decaf coffee
[02:56:33] <charon> espresso. it's just a tiny cup
[02:56:45] <paulej72> did not have my regural decaf yesterday which is a bit on the more caff side and I had a huge headache
[02:58:15] <Bytram> ouch!
[02:58:44] -!- Andronas has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[02:59:01] <Bytram> http://www.gocomics.com
[02:59:03] <exec> └─ 13Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for Jan 31, 2006 | Read Comic Strips at GoComics.com
[03:01:37] <paulej72> OK I need to get to bed
[03:03:02] <charon> ~gnight paulej72
[03:03:03] * exec figuratively crams a handful of U-matic tapes into paulej72
[03:03:06] <Bytram> sweet dreams!
[03:03:11] <Bytram> ~gnight paulej72
[03:03:12] * exec excoriatingly uninstalls a maildir of Jesus' Cheeses from paulej72
[03:04:26] -!- snary [snary!~mike@72-581-601-514.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[03:36:36] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Underground Ocean on Enceladus May be Close to the Surface - http://sylnt.us - surf's-up!
[05:16:55] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Cystic Fibrosis Patients in Canada Living Longer than Those in U.S. - http://sylnt.us - move-or-die
[06:14:23] -!- xuser has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[06:48:07] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - How Come There's No Digital Voting in Netherlands? - http://sylnt.us - every-vote-10101011's
[08:16:19] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Ebook Sales Continue to Fall as Younger Generations Drive Appetite for Print - http://sylnt.us - there's-nothing-like-the-smell-of-pixels-on-silicon
[09:01:52] <FatPhil> ~gday all
[09:01:53] * exec unjustifiably flings the last bucket of windows 7 at all
[09:02:02] <boru> ~gday FatPhil
[09:02:03] * exec insatiably imagines a caravan of pain and suffering with FatPhil
[09:02:22] <FatPhil> I guess that was my just desserts
[09:03:15] <boru> A caravan of pain and suffering. Sounds like going on holidays in Cork.
[09:05:27] <FatPhil> never been to cork. never been in a caravan.
[09:05:46] <FatPhil> Ireland was wonderful though, loved every minute.
[09:05:55] <boru> Where'd you go to?
[09:07:39] <charon> slieve league
[09:09:02] <boru> Good part of the world.
[09:09:44] <charon> i've been to ireland too, and i also loved it
[09:10:34] <boru> Good that you went West.
[09:12:58] <charon> it's been a while, so i don't recall everywhere we went. but we rented a car and drove around for about 10 days, beginning and ending in Dublin.
[09:13:44] <boru> Dublin is the arse of Ireland, alas.
[09:13:59] <charon> but but... the guinness brewery is there
[09:14:04] <FatPhil> One of my happiest memories was when we stopped in Enniskillen for lunch as we headed from Ireland's west coast to Ireland's east coast, and saw the locals watching Irish TV, and chearing for Irish hockey (local variant) teams. It proved that the lines on the map are actually just artifices.
[09:14:19] <boru> If that's what you could call it, being owned by Diageo, now. You can't get a good pint anywhere.
[09:14:28] <boru> If you like stout, go to the Porterhouse, next time.
[09:14:33] <boru> Their own stouts are good stuff.
[09:15:35] <boru> Irish hockey? Camogie? Hurling?
[09:15:45] <FatPhil> Hurling - that's the guy
[09:16:02] <charon> fastest sport on land
[09:16:28] <FatPhil> top-fuel drag racers might disagree
[09:16:40] * boru chuckles.
[09:16:42] <charon> non-machine assisted division
[09:16:56] <boru> Fastest field game, at least.
[09:17:13] <FatPhil> The shuttlecock in badminton also disagrees ;-)
[09:17:30] <boru> Badminton isn't a field game, though.
[09:18:13] <boru> Badminton is for nancys, anyway. Hurling is a contact sport.
[09:18:32] <charon> ha, i just twigged to your name, boru. slainte, mighty high king
[09:18:38] * boru chuckles.
[09:18:42] <boru> Sláinte, a chara.
[09:19:12] <FatPhil> Back on beer, which is now actually part of my job, I know the "Guinness is better in Ireland" *should* be bullshit, as it's a hermetically sealed container that doesn't know where it is, but actually, the best guinness is found in Ireland.
[09:19:47] <FatPhil> The worst guinness I've ever had was at the end of the brewery tour. They didn't clean their pipes properly, and it was basically off.
[09:19:52] <boru> The best Guinness is found wherever you see everyone else drinking it, since it's not sitting in the tap.
[09:20:13] <boru> Aye, they still have your man going around cleaning the pipes, at least.
[09:20:44] <charon> i thought they brewery was fairly fanatical about sending poeople to check that every pub was doing it right?
[09:21:04] <boru> Aye, they are.
[09:21:21] <boru> Still though, Guinness isn't the same since Diageo took over.
[09:21:35] <boru> The coopers is gone, the Dublin skin and hide company is gone etc.
[09:21:49] <boru> Watling street is a shadow of its former self.
[09:22:13] <boru> The old Jameson distillery is over the road, though. That's worth a visit.
[09:22:32] <boru> And the Porterhouse isn't too far a walk from there for a decent pint of stout.
[09:22:45] <charon> i've always wanted to take another visit. it's been about 15 years
[09:22:57] <boru> Just off Dame street, for the one in Temple Bar, but the other one on Nassau street isn't too far.
[09:24:07] <FatPhil> There was a tiny pub in Galway, I think, which had all 3 of the big brands. We made sure we tried them all. All on top form, and funnily we came to different conclusions about which was the best. Every beer was prefered by someone.
[09:24:27] <FatPhil> But yes, porterhouse shits on those 3 from a great height.
[09:24:34] <boru> Dead on.
[09:24:55] <boru> I like their Plain, Wrasslers, and Red.
[09:25:35] <boru> I'm a whiskey man, but I'll drink their stout all night when I'm there.
[09:27:54] <FatPhil> The bottled Celebration stout was really special
[09:28:26] <FatPhil> But Wrasslers XXXX was my favourite from the 3 regulars.
[09:29:42] <charon> beer academy. sounds verrrry interesting
[09:32:21] <FatPhil> Shameful! I've only had 43 different Irish beers :(
[09:33:31] <FatPhil> Porterhouse certainly pulling their weight: https://www.ratebeer.com
[09:33:36] <exec> └─ 13FatPhil's Beer Ratings | Ratebeer.com
[09:35:47] <charon> whoa, that celebration stout with a 10% abv... that'll sneak up on you but quick
[09:47:33] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Topical Curcumin Gel Used to Treat Burns - http://sylnt.us - and-it-tastes-great-in-a-curry
[09:48:56] <boru> Aye, Wrassler's is good stuff.
[09:49:11] <boru> Draught, that is.
[09:49:17] <boru> Never had it bottled.
[09:56:21] <charon> past my bed time. cheers all
[10:18:36] <FatPhil> hmmm, g/f won't stop singing/humming /Everything is Awesome/ today. no reason for it at all.
[10:19:08] <boru> Have you considered Naptime™?
[10:19:54] <FatPhil> god, she's started me on it now
[10:20:14] <FatPhil> ah, explained: http://www.bbc.co.uk
[10:20:17] <exec> └─ 13The joy of stocks: The weird world of stock photos - BBC News
[10:31:05] <paulej72> i like sterr better than stout
[10:31:13] <boru> Ho ho.
[10:31:45] <boru> Generally, I would consider lager to be stderr.
[10:32:12] <stderr> I'm not...
[10:33:04] <boru> ./lager 2>1 > /dev/toilet
[10:33:52] <boru> Pft. `close(stderr);`
[10:34:30] <stderr> stderr is a FILE *. You want fclose(), not close().
[10:36:04] <boru> I actually fat fingered the 'f'. Silly me.
[10:37:41] -!- saxdm [saxdm!~cf571582@207.87.iy.nnl] has joined #Soylent
[10:49:30] <takyon> amped
[10:49:36] <takyon> coffee++
[10:49:36] <Bender> karma - coffee: 3277
[11:07:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> indeed
[11:07:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[11:07:44] <Bender> karma - coffee: 3278
[11:08:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> and since i've been chasing bugs for over an hour this AM already, this also...
[11:08:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> smoke break
[11:08:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> nicotine++
[11:08:15] <Bender> karma - nicotine: 328
[11:16:43] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Two Russian FSB Officers Charged Over Yahoo! Hack - http://sylnt.us - but-they-are-not-in-custody
[11:26:26] * TheMightyBuzzard ponders
[11:40:33] * takyon watches Russia hack SovientNews
[11:43:53] <takyon> http://www.cnn.com
[11:43:55] <exec> └─ 13Trump releases $1.1 trillion 'hard power budget' with cuts to State Dept, EPA - CNNPolitics.com
[11:54:53] * TheMightyBuzzard shurgs
[11:55:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> most domestic programs could use some serious cutting but i don't think we need the increased military spending, just smarter spending with what we already spend.
[12:04:42] <takyon> after all that bluster about cutting fighter jets
[12:05:22] <takyon> or about how we shouldn't go into libya/syria/eceterastan
[12:05:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> i don't remember a "we shouldn't go into syria" but i do remember some "we should stomp the crap out of isis"
[12:06:58] <TheMightyBuzzard> personally, i think we should let the middle-ease burn itself to the ground. they really seem to want to and who are we to tell them not to?
[12:09:33] * TheMightyBuzzard gives up on rewriting "select all" for messages for the moment
[12:27:58] <takyon> well on syria, it was more of a "we gotta make this safe zone" combined with ISIS rhetoric
[12:28:02] <takyon> kind of muddled
[12:28:24] <takyon> as for "select all", I never use that function at all. I just open messages when I see X new messages have popped up
[12:28:34] <takyon> I never bother reducing the second #.
[12:30:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> takyon, you're our resident js guru... inform me something.
[12:31:01] <TheMightyBuzzard> how do you set up an event listener for a button click from a js source file rather than by using the onclick dom attribute?
[12:32:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> nm, google is my friend
[12:34:32] <takyon> hang on
[12:35:44] <takyon> document.getElementById("element").addEventListener("click", function() {;});
[12:35:53] <takyon> that should do ya
[12:37:00] <takyon> shocked nobody has tried commenting on the FSB story
[12:37:21] <takyon> Russia leads to Trump. Trump leads to fear. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to commentz
[12:38:36] <TheMightyBuzzard> now if we could just make commentz lead to profit...
[12:39:04] <takyon> I'm shocked the site gets as much donations as it does. The goal seems a little high to me
[12:39:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah, it's what we gotta have though if we wanna have redundancy and extras like irc and backups
[12:40:18] <boru> "Backups" -- beer, morelike.
[12:40:42] <takyon> haven't we reduced the number of unnecessary servers recently
[12:40:57] <boru> I posit that it is largely due to your users belonging to the set of high earning professions, and kind, altruistic types.
[12:41:47] <takyon> looks like we're going to have a good sub pile for the weekend. P666 just tossed 2 in
[12:42:17] <takyon> http://www.bbc.com
[12:42:18] <exec> └─ 13Paris IMF letter bomb injures one employee - BBC News
[12:42:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> altruism is when you get nothing for your moneys. subscribers get an awesome news site.
[12:42:52] <takyon> http://www.bbc.com
[12:42:54] <exec> └─ 13Emma Watson private photos stolen in 'hack' - BBC News
[12:43:01] <boru> You're alienating my sense of altruism. I will never donate again!
[12:44:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> boru, just think of it as supporting all the moochers who don't contribute.
[12:45:11] <boru> Moochers, forsooth!
[12:46:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> see, now don't you feel all progressive, supporting those who contribute nothing?
[12:46:45] <boru> Bloody timesheet crap. I am trying to write a script to do it for me, but I know next to nothing about web nonsense. I am trying to get the hang of WWW::Mechanize.
[12:47:06] <boru> Progression would be contributing to a project to eradicate moochers.
[12:48:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> no, that'd be actual progress which is kryptonite to progressives
[12:48:25] <boru> Heh, quite right.
[12:48:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> never used WWW::Mechanize i don't think
[12:49:06] <boru> It seems to abstract all of the web nonsense away from me, which is a good thing.
[12:49:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> hmm
[12:49:30] <boru> If it works, I'll cron it and never have to deal with officious bullshit again.
[12:50:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> nice in theory but you know they'll just come up with some new bullshit if you ever manage any time to do actual work.
[12:50:55] <boru> Yeah, that's true.
[12:51:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> okay, think i got the javascript done. now i gotta deal with rehash and figuring out how/where to include the script.
[12:51:15] <boru> I manage to avoid much of the managerial meddling, but this stuff is a real time sink.
[12:51:45] <boru> Up to now, I had been having the meat backfill it for me when they came to me to complain that I had not been filling it in for 10 months.
[12:51:59] * TheMightyBuzzard chuckles
[12:52:19] <boru> The really annoying part is that you can't actually log the amount of hours you spent on a project, only what they pay you for.
[12:52:44] <takyon> https://soylentnews.org
[12:52:46] <exec> └─ 13Dungeons & Dragons Finally Going Digital: SoylentNews Submission
[12:52:49] <boru> "Everyone is just working 8 hours a day, and we're getting all of this work done! We don't need to jire anyone else!"
[12:53:04] <TheMightyBuzzard> shit, we do our headers on a per-theme basis looks like
[12:53:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> wut?!
[12:53:52] <TheMightyBuzzard> hells fuckin yeah! that is some hard, hard shit to code!
[12:57:00] * TheMightyBuzzard grumbles at how rehash messes with headers
[12:57:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> aight, screw it. i got stuffs to do this morning. i'll pick back up later.
[12:57:30] <takyon> https://github.com
[12:58:04] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - America Needs to Get Over its Reverence for the Bachelor's Degree - http://sylnt.us - sit-stay-cook
[12:59:21] * TheMightyBuzzard scratches his head at that issue and resolves to let paulej72 deal with it
[13:00:26] <takyon> it seems easy!
[13:00:32] <takyon> like... strings bro
[13:00:43] <takyon> concatenation
[13:02:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> it prolly is but i just polluted my brain with javascript
[13:02:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> also there'll have to be length checks on account of you can only put so much into a note for varchar reasons
[13:06:01] <takyon> at the end of the day it is a way for me to be lazy by merging a story but not running it
[13:11:33] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh, well lazy is to be admired and supported wherever necessary.
[13:12:28] * TheMightyBuzzard wanders off to shoot stuffs on account of not feeling like chasing header creation through 50 different places and abstractions
[13:13:05] <takyon> I have merged stories before and just left them and they seem to linger because of not being quickly identifiable (due to the nondescriptive title)
[13:13:18] <takyon> or because it is assumed that he who merged it should run it. beats me
[13:13:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> prolly the latter. i'd assume that anyway.
[14:00:36] -!- zipppy has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[14:26:15] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - A Makeover for the World's Most Hated Crop - http://sylnt.us - and-healthy!
[14:54:57] <paulej72> TheMightyBuzzard: there are templates that load JS in the headers, you should be able to add it to one of them
[15:55:26] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Mars Rover Tests Driving, Drilling, and Detecting Life in Chile's High Desert - http://sylnt.us - in-a-surprise-twist,-the-Rover-contaminates-Chile-with-Martian-microbes
[16:04:09] <Bytram> coffee++
[16:04:09] <Bender> karma - coffee: 3279
[16:04:14] <Bytram> !uid
[16:04:14] <Bender> The current maximum UID is 6525, owned by aronahl
[16:17:29] -!- janrinok [janrinok!~janrinok@3x03iz5598mh2r07503n6nplyc38ex3x.ipv2.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #Soylent
[16:17:29] -!- janrinok has quit [Changing host]
[16:17:29] -!- janrinok [janrinok!~janrinok@Soylent/Staff/Editor/janrinok] has joined #Soylent
[16:17:29] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v janrinok] by Aphrodite
[16:17:32] <exec> welcome janrinok: Paimpol, France, 8°C/47°F, 5:17 pm GMT+1, Thursday, 16 March 2017
[16:17:33] <exec> welcome janrinok: Paimpol, France, 8°C/47°F, 5:17 pm GMT+1, Thursday, 16 March 2017
[16:25:34] -!- SoyCow7460 [SoyCow7460!~18724e89@24.114.uu.qyu] has joined #Soylent
[16:26:30] <SoyCow7460> neat didn't realize the irc was a web implementation
[16:28:06] janrinok is now known as janrinok_afk
[16:29:38] <Bytram> SoyCow7460: welcome!
[16:30:18] <Bytram> I ran with the web implementation for a short while until I was encouraged to get a *real* "reader" -- got hexChat and haven't looked back.
[16:33:00] <SoyCow7460> for some reason this layout makes me want to sing the red dwarf theme song :), > <Bytram> my sad win7 starter netbook doesn't have an IRC client installed so I still think it's neat
[16:33:42] * Bytram is running on Win 7 -- X64 Pro, SP1
[16:33:43] <SoyCow7460> kinda slow, is it always like this?
[16:33:51] <Bytram> nope...
[16:34:21] <Bytram> I think the devs are a bit fried from dealing with the upgrade and the issues that were raised...
[16:34:47] <Bytram> and the Northeast USA just had a major snowstorm which prolly taxed people out quite a bit and...
[16:34:53] <SoyCow7460> I rather like the +/- it's a good compromise
[16:35:01] <Bytram> true that
[16:35:31] <Bytram> one of the editors is on a business trip so is harder for him to pop n an chat duing the day like he often does.
[16:35:47] <SoyCow7460> reminds me I should check on my freind in NS
[16:35:49] * Bytram really needs to clean out all the cruimbs from his kbd!
[16:36:02] <Bytram> yep, they got hit pretty good, too
[16:36:27] <Bytram> what are you using to access IRC?
[16:36:46] <SoyCow7460> here in TO we got a dusting but was barely noticable
[16:36:54] <Bytram> lucky you!
[16:36:56] <SoyCow7460> the web client
[16:37:01] <Bytram> ahhh
[16:37:04] <Bytram> hold on a bit
[16:37:40] <SoyCow7460> wait what are you haxoing me?!! :)
[16:37:46] <Bytram> https://hexchat.github.io
[16:37:48] <exec> └─ 13Home – HexChat
[16:38:16] <SoyCow7460> You think it's better? reasons?
[16:38:19] <Bytram> do you have win 7 x86 or x64 ??
[16:38:32] <Bytram> channel logging,
[16:38:33] <SoyCow7460> x86
[16:38:36] <Bytram> customization
[16:38:47] * Bytram has about a dozen channels open atm
[16:39:10] * Bytram discovers his current version of hexchat is out of date
[16:39:11] <Bytram> https://dl.hexchat.net
[16:40:24] <SoyCow7460> ? oddy I've never spent much time on irc and never had much luck with finding places of interest so I mostly haven't bothered
[16:40:42] <Bytram> yeah, it grew on me
[16:40:49] <Bytram> never used IRC until I got to SN
[16:41:11] <Bytram> then as I volunteered and got active, more and more I discovered how useful it is
[16:42:17] <SoyCow7460> Oh I don't debate it's usefullness as a tool just that joining random channels that look like they might be interesting has not worked out for me
[16:42:48] <Bytram> nod nod
[16:43:18] <SoyCow7460> any recomendations?
[16:43:20] <Bytram> I just started here on #Soylent and before too long, was informed of other channels here... checked 'em out, and some became regulars for me
[16:43:30] <Bytram> #rss-bot
[16:43:49] <Bytram> are you familiar with using IRC?
[16:43:58] <Bytram> issue this command: /join #rss-bot
[16:44:38] <Bytram> we have a bot that sits around and monitors various rss feeds, when something new comes in, it gets posted out to that channel... makes it easy to keep up with the news
[16:45:34] <paulej72> Pinceton 23 Notre Dame 25
[16:46:04] <Bytram> yeah, but what inning is it? =)
[16:46:40] * Bytram is gonna try and upgrade his hexchat proggy... will be back soon if all goes well.
[16:47:25] <SoyCow7460> Good luck, I'm an if it ain't broke don't fix it man myself
[16:49:34] <Bytram> normally I'd agree, but there's been some issues with openssl, so an upgrade was in order
[16:50:51] <Bytram> looks like it worked... I like it when THAT happens!
[16:51:56] <SoyCow7460> Success!
[16:51:56] <Bytram> SoyCow7460: If you want, you can change your nick to something more "personal": /nick nackpaddywack
[16:52:29] <Bytram> as for other channels... #editorial is where you can generally reach the editorial staff, though it's very quiet atm.
[16:52:45] <SoyCow7460> meh I don't have a SN account and only post AC so..
[16:52:56] <Bytram> similarly, if you have an issue with the site and want to get someone's attention, the #dev channel is a good place
[16:53:37] <Bytram> well, on IRC there is "tab completion"... type the first few chars of someone's nick, press tab, and it would autocomplete for ya.
[16:53:40] <Bytram> try it:
[16:53:56] <Bytram> type "b", "y", "<tab>" and then your message
[16:54:11] <SoyCow7460> well I could ask wht all my post are not automaticly posted at 5 which given my great brilliance the should be, but they might not be receptive :)
[16:54:42] <Bytram> atm there are currently SIX nicks offered when I type: "soy<tab>"
[16:54:51] <Bytram> so I gotta keep typing until I get something unique
[16:55:11] <Bytram> SoyCow7460: s/wht/why/
[16:55:11] <sedctl> <Bytram> <SoyCow7460> well I could ask why all my post are not automaticly posted at 5 which given my great brilliance the should be, but they might not be receptive :)
[16:55:12] <exec> <Bytram> <SoyCow7460> well I could ask why all my post are not automaticly posted at 5 which given my great brilliance the should be, but they might not be receptive :)
[16:55:26] <SoyCow7460> humm that doesn't happen with the web client
[16:55:47] <Bytram> we've got two bots here that both want to help out with sed/regexp corrections =)
[16:55:59] <Bytram> is one of the reasons that Ilike hexchat =)
[16:56:42] <SoyCow7460> you should love your robot overloards, love the computer the computer is your friend
[16:56:45] <paulej72> P28 ND 33 with 1:33 let in 1st
[16:57:49] <Bytram> paulej72: Keeping it close, eh/? Good luck!
[16:59:21] <SoyCow7460> I will never get sports, but to be fair most people don't get PnP RPG's either so..
[17:00:06] <paulej72> P30 ND 36 at the half
[17:02:02] <SoyCow7460> paulej72: ha! suscess! sorry for my ignorance but what game is being played?
[17:04:52] * Bytram is not certain, but given the time of year, I would suspect it is NCAA basketball
[17:05:29] <paulej72> Princeton vs Notre Dame NCAA basketball round 1
[17:05:58] <SoyCow7460> paulej72: ah thanks
[17:06:19] <Bytram> looks like I guessed right!
[17:06:52] <paulej72> Princeton has not gotten in since 2011
[17:07:03] <Bytram> quick search reveals that princeton is on a 19-game winning streak
[17:07:25] <Bytram> The last time Princeton lost this season was Dec. 20, 2016. Since then, the Tigers have taken over the Ivy League, claimed 19 wins in a row, and found their way into the NCAA Tournament.
[17:08:07] <SoyCow7460> paulej72: 19 games seems like if should be pretty impressive.
[17:08:39] <Bytram> yes, but all teams are not the same.
[17:08:54] <paulej72> sure, but I was not following them until I heard they won the Ivy League
[17:09:27] <SoyCow7460> Anyone here ever do any NWN scripting? paulej72 why not?
[17:09:27] <paulej72> I have not been keeping up with the Princeton newspaper recently
[17:09:56] <paulej72> ~define NWN
[17:09:56] <exec> [urbandictionary] 03NWN: Shorthand for the game Neverwinter Nights. A great ORPG or Online Role Playing Game. While made many years ago it is still played by many people around the world.
[17:10:01] <Bytram> okay, I need to get up off my duff and get some things done today... my vacation is winding down and I still haven't done anything to speak of.
[17:10:30] <Bytram> oh,wait.
[17:10:44] <Bytram> paulej72: I was out of it yesterday, I apologize. What do you want me to check out on dev or staff servers that you recently fixed?
[17:11:35] <Bytram> btw, I am no longer seeing a favicon for the staff server
[17:11:39] <paulej72> staff has the new svg icons with some changes to the css on how disabled buttons are shown, spacing, wording and some others
[17:11:48] <Bytram> k
[17:12:15] <paulej72> dev has (or maybe had) the test script for collapsing child comments
[17:12:26] <Bytram> k
[17:12:38] <paulej72> that test code was proof of concept, notthing refined
[17:12:50] <Bytram> staff server - not seeing favicon in tab
[17:13:22] <paulej72> sometimes it requires a reload to see
[17:13:32] <Bytram> did that, Ctrl+F5
[17:13:56] <paulej72> I see it fine
[17:14:11] <Bytram> hmmm
[17:16:03] <Bytram> just posted a comment, and then moderated it +1 Funny, still have no icon... checked headers and do not see a request for it, either. ??!
[17:16:55] <Bytram> fwiw, TOS, T:-1, B:-1, oldest first
[17:17:14] <paulej72> what theme?
[17:17:30] <Bytram> hrmm... lemme check (it is the Blue one)
[17:18:08] <paulej72> <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="//chillax.soylentnews.org/favicon-chillax.png"> is in my header
[17:18:42] <Bytram> always used towork, but come to think of it, the first load would have a "swirl" while trying to load the site for the first time (aafter kerberos prompt), I'd have to do a duplicate tab to get it to finish loading.
[17:18:59] <Bytram> "chillax" theme
[17:19:35] <Bytram> <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="//chillax.soylentnews.org/favicon-chillax.png">
[17:19:43] <Bytram> yep, mine is same as yours.
[17:20:20] <Bytram> I'm going to try restarting from scratch
[17:22:20] <Bytram> logout, close tab, load page fresh... hey, wait...it didn't ask me to kerberos again?!
[17:22:34] <Bytram> just regular question for nick and pwd
[17:22:49] <Bytram> cleared cache, too.
[17:23:09] <paulej72> kerberos is sticky
[17:23:17] * Bytram washeshis hands
[17:24:21] * clorox|2 sprays Bytram's hands
[17:24:29] <Bytram> ROFLMAO!
[17:24:45] * Bytram wipes tears from his eyes forlaughing so hard!
[17:25:17] <paulej72> P 32 ND 38 16:30
[17:26:39] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Film Distributor Creates Torrent Site Clone That Gives Away Movie Tickets To Combat Piracy - http://sylnt.us - industry-innovation
[17:26:41] <Bytram> paulej72: i modded a comment overrated... and the comment score went up?!? https://chillax.soylentnews.org
[17:27:03] <Bytram> I thought overrated was supposed to decrease the comment's score!
[17:27:41] <paulej72> it should, unless somone funked something up
[17:28:22] <paulej72> it is possible that the db is out of sync on staff
[17:28:40] <Bytram> check the link I posted... only 1 moderation... oh, wait... it's *my* nick -- am I running into one of those inherited bugs about seeing the incorrect score for your own comments?
[17:29:10] <Bytram> no, that does not make sense, as I saw it at "1" before I moderated it.
[17:29:47] <Bytram> pls reply to that comment and I'll mod it overrated, too... then we can compare results.
[17:29:56] <clorox|2> Do you have a score modifier for Overrated comments?
[17:30:04] <Bytram> not me
[17:30:11] <paulej72> no the db is funked up
[17:30:47] <Bytram> run things pretty vanila most of the time -- besides being an editor, I do the most of the QA stuff so I like to keep most things pretty simple unless I am speifically checking something out
[17:30:57] <Bytram> ruh roh
[17:31:50] <Bytram> paulej72: I'm gonna take a break and leave you to your game... best of luck to them, and you... I'll check back in in about an hour or so.
[17:32:14] <Bytram> clorox|2: appreciate the idea... wasn't something that I would have thought of, at first.
[17:32:14] <clorox|2> classic Scoob
[17:32:23] <Bytram> =)
[17:32:23] <clorox|2> "Hey gang, let's split up"
[17:32:27] <Bytram> LOL
[17:32:46] <Bytram> "And I would have gotten away with it, too, if it wasn't for those meddlesome kids!"
[17:33:00] <Bytram> okay. break time... laters
[17:34:23] <paulej72> Bytram: just a staff slash issue
[17:35:20] <SoyCow7460> Sorry went away to argue that people with degrees suck and are destructive to society
[17:36:02] <paulej72> P 37 ND 45 13:00
[17:49:02] <paulej72> P 45 ND 50 8:25
[17:59:56] -!- zipppy [zipppy!~zippy@67.21.ph.ujr] has joined #Soylent
[18:00:47] <paulej72> P 51 ND 53 5:45
[18:00:57] <paulej72> P 51 ND 53 4:45
[18:14:11] -!- janrinok_afk has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[18:47:44] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - City of Everett, Washington Sues OxyContin Maker Purdue Pharma - http://sylnt.us - they-are-supposed-to-be-"controlled"-substances
[18:48:06] <SoyCow7460> has anyone else noticed that when you refresh the page after posting you end up at a random loction on the page?
[18:54:15] -!- saxdm has quit []
[19:08:06] <SoyCow7460> in the comments, not on the main page
[19:47:39] -!- Andronas [Andronas!~Andronas@152.7.lv.zot] has joined #Soylent
[19:48:39] Andronas is now known as SoyGuest67400
[20:15:29] -!- SoyGuest67400 has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[20:26:03] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Get Ready for the Matrix Reboot - http://sylnt.us - matrix-rebooted
[20:30:09] -!- SoyGuest67400 [SoyGuest67400!~Andronas@152.7.gty.gss] has joined #Soylent
[20:50:35] -!- SoyGuest67400 has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[21:13:21] <Bytram> https://www.sciencedaily.com
[21:19:07] <Bytram> ~weather san juan
[21:19:09] <exec> 10San Juan, Puerto Rico - currently 81°F, mostly cloudy, wind E at 16 mph, humidity 67% - Thursday partly cloudy (72°F:83°F), Friday partly cloudy (73°F:83°F), Saturday scattered showers (73°F:82°F), Sunday scattered showers (72°F:85°F)
[21:20:11] <Bytram> ~weather st maarten
[21:20:12] <exec> 10Philipsburg, Sint Maarten - currently 79°F, partly cloudy, wind E at 13 mph, humidity 66% - Thursday partly cloudy (75°F:83°F), Friday scattered showers (75°F:80°F), Saturday partly cloudy (75°F:81°F), Sunday scattered showers (75°F:81°F)
[21:22:19] -!- mrpg [mrpg!~m@201.209.thr.nnk] has joined #Soylent
[21:22:19] -!- mrpg has quit [Changing host]
[21:22:19] -!- mrpg [mrpg!~m@Soylent/Staff/Editor/mrpg] has joined #Soylent
[21:22:19] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mrpg] by Aphrodite
[21:23:47] <Bytram> http://dx.doi.org
[21:24:12] <Bytram> https://soylentnews.org
[21:24:14] <exec> └─ 13SoylentNews: SoylentNews is people
[21:34:34] -!- SoyGuest67400 [SoyGuest67400!~Andronas@152.7.gty.gss] has joined #Soylent
[21:45:18] -!- SoyGuest67400 has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[21:45:32] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - FBI Director James Comey: "There is No Such Thing as Absolute Privacy in America" - http://sylnt.us - compelling-truth
[21:45:46] -!- Andronas [Andronas!~Andronas@152.7.gty.gss] has joined #Soylent
[21:48:00] <mrpg> so is there 25% privacy?
[21:55:29] <Bytram> I ain't gonna tell ya!
[22:08:17] <Andronas> ??
[22:16:09] <Bytram> Andronas: that was wrt the title of the story that just went live on our site -- as mentioned by our bot, "Bender"
[22:16:16] <Bytram> annnnnd I need to be oging.
[22:16:18] <Bytram> *going
[22:16:22] <Bytram> laters!
[22:16:45] Bytram is now known as Bytram|fite
[22:17:47] Bytram|fite is now known as Bytram
[22:20:58] <Andronas> oh ok
[22:23:48] <Andronas> i am kinda excited cuz the article i submitted here is getting lots of comments :3
[22:24:05] <mechanicjay> which was yours?
[22:24:53] <Andronas> one of them was this one: https://soylentnews.org
[22:24:55] <exec> └─ 13America Needs to Get Over its Reverence for the Bachelor's Degree - SoylentNews
[22:25:12] <Andronas> i used ~arthur for it, so no karma, but that's ok :>
[22:25:25] <mechanicjay> Oh yeah, that's been a fun, though at time exasperating one to read and comment on.
[22:25:35] <mechanicjay> Andronas++
[22:25:35] <Bender> karma - andronas: 2
[22:25:47] <Andronas> cool
[22:25:54] <Andronas> yeah it is exasperating
[22:26:02] <Andronas> but at least it draws people to the site and makes them participate
[22:26:06] <Andronas> which is what we want right
[22:26:28] <mechanicjay> I assume exasperating for folks on both sides of the issue :) But there seems to be a bunch of good discussion going on.
[22:26:38] <Andronas> yea
[22:27:24] <Andronas> the other one hasn't shown up yet
[22:28:58] <Andronas> it doesn't show in pending anymore
[22:28:59] <Andronas> hrm
[22:29:02] <Andronas> it was this: http://chaosinmotion.com
[22:29:10] <exec> └─ 13A comment left on Slashdot. – Development Chaos Theory
[22:30:40] <mechanicjay> So far, I like it!
[22:31:27] <Andronas> yeah
[22:31:34] <Andronas> should i try submitting it myself or something?
[22:31:41] <Andronas> instead of ~arthur
[22:32:21] <mechanicjay> idk, I have no insight into that part of the site. If it's listed as "accepted" in your little dashboard thingy, it'll show up eventaully
[22:32:26] <mechanicjay> ..probably?
[22:32:31] <mechanicjay> Best to find an editor.
[22:33:25] <Andronas> okie dokie
[22:34:12] <Andronas> i gtg for now :) bye
[22:34:16] -!- Andronas has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[22:41:35] -!- xuser [xuser!~xachet@104.207.mqs.tn] has joined #Soylent
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[22:48:53] -!- SoyCow7460 has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[22:48:54] -!- xuser [xuser!~xachet@104.207.ypq.iy] has joined #Soylent
[23:18:08] -!- mrpg has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[23:26:27] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Engineering a Rescue - http://sylnt.us - launch-T-shirts-at-fundraisers
[23:49:27] -!- SoyCow6779 [SoyCow6779!~18724e89@24.114.uu.qyu] has joined #Soylent
[23:51:17] <SoyCow6779> Bytram: I see what you mean with logging, I went away for a bit and all gone. I will consider hexchat