#Soylent | Logs for 2017-06-09

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[00:12:14] * TheMightyBuzzard yawns
[00:12:14] * MrPlow flips a Skittle into TheMightyBuzzard's gaping mouth
[00:12:56] <TheMightyBuzzard> so who's winning, the klingons or the romulans?
[00:14:33] <n1_> so far we're at 13 seats for the communists and 5 for the aristocracy
[00:25:22] <TheMightyBuzzard> just so long as none of them are going to the people. that's what's really important.
[00:26:17] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Trying to Solve the Gerrymandering Problem - http://sylnt.us - kill-'em-all
[00:28:27] * TheMightyBuzzard adds gerrymanders to the endangered species list
[00:29:32] <FatPhil> ??!?! he's not a communist at all.
[00:29:54] <n1_> i was being facetious
[00:30:09] <FatPhil> Good good - you got me!
[00:30:14] <n1_> and framing it for a US audience
[00:30:40] <FatPhil> nd. Fuller's 1845, because I want to remember the good things about Britain
[00:30:55] <FatPhil> not my first of the evening, I will confess.
[00:31:41] <n1_> even if it kills me by a pound crash, i'd actually like to see a Labour coalition with an NI party
[00:31:56] <n1_> NI never gets any play in the UK political scene
[00:32:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> are you kidding? they have their own knights!
[00:32:58] <FatPhil> Since brexit, I have quite strong opinions on the non-English parts of Britain.
[00:33:32] <n1_> care to elaborate, FatPhil ?
[00:34:01] <FatPhil> Independence for Scotland I now consider mandatory, and NI can be given the benefot of the doubt.
[00:34:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> FatPhil, here's what you do: put itching powder in all the scotts' kilts and blame it on the welsh.
[00:35:20] <FatPhil> 99% of Scots don't even know what a traditional kilt even is.
[00:35:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> that's disappointing. they do at least know what scotch is though, yes?
[00:36:49] <FatPhil> OK, that's pretty much the only thing where they can claim superiority
[00:36:59] <FatPhil> This is a fascinating read: https://books.google.ee
[00:37:00] <upstart> ^ 03The Invention of Tradition - Google Books
[00:37:12] <Deucalion> Johnny Walkers is real scotch right? I mean you can;t go wrong with a decent blend of stuff to get alls the flavours
[00:37:19] <Deucalion> /s
[00:37:40] * TheMightyBuzzard blends some jalapenos, ketchup, and ice cream to test that theory
[00:37:54] <FatPhil> JW's a blend, but it's almost entirely an absolutely gorgeous malt whisky that you almost can't buy unblended
[00:38:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> there's nothing wrong with it as a general whiskey but calling it scotch is a crime.
[00:39:02] <FatPhil> I did once have the single malt of the main ingredient of JW (R&B), and it was eye-openingly good.
[00:39:36] <n1_> interesting note about the weirdness of south america... i can buy a bottle of JW blue off the shelf, but car lightbulbs are in a locked case.
[00:39:55] <FatPhil> Erm, it's scotch because it's a blend of scotch whiskies.
[00:41:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> you know, i think we'd all have a much more interesting class of criminal running our nations if instead of elections we had pistols at dawn.
[00:42:49] <n1_> TheMightyBuzzard, well if current laws applied, it would be a landslide for the autocracy as they're the ones with the land and thus have a reason to hold guns, for pest control... be that the poor, of foxes
[00:44:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> pistols for pest control?
[00:45:53] <n1_> i was just talking guns generally, but even then, i'd say the same applies, as the rich have more experience and access to firearms
[00:46:01] <n1_> the rest of the people just have the action movies
[00:47:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> go with the old rules. ten paces, turn, fire. you don't need to know anything but squeeze don't jerk at that range.
[00:48:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> i'd think the thugs would make out the best. they're more used to violence and not shitting themselves during it.
[00:48:38] <n1_> i'd rather go for a melee fight, cricket bats.
[00:49:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> lot to be said for that but then you'd have an issue with getting women in office.
[00:49:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> woot, roomie's home. i don't gotta entertain myself anymore.
[00:54:58] <Deucalion> hockey sticks for the ladies of course n1_ - got to be inclusive. No wait, we're being dragged back to pre-1950s, the ladies are too fragile for anything other than making Victoria Sponge Cakes and attending WI meetings. I mis-thought right there... that's me on a list somewhere!
[00:56:19] <FatPhil> lacrosse sticks, please
[00:56:31] <n1_> well played, Deucalion
[00:56:37] <FatPhil> and the men would lose, were they to be so armed.
[00:57:15] <FatPhil> Ahhhh, I think I hear 50 drunk brits outside my window...
[00:57:57] <n1_> L:36/C:23 is latest, Lab gains from SNP, looks like cons and lab did a swap for another 2 seats
[00:58:06] <FatPhil> Angus??!?!?
[00:59:44] <n1_> 38/24 ... just keeps on going... betting odds are now pretty convinced on hung parliament
[01:00:26] <FatPhil> Results are weird.
[01:00:32] <FatPhil> Looks like polarisation.
[01:00:52] <FatPhil> Polarisation = very very very very bad.
[01:01:33] <n1_> one assumes the "remoaner" "will of the people" rhetoric will not be so prominent moving forward
[01:01:43] <Deucalion> teehee
[01:01:58] <n1_> "you lost, get over it" will almost certainly disappear
[01:02:32] <n1_> because obviously it only applies when other people lose, when you lose it was unfortunate and you still deserve to have your voice heard
[01:02:44] * Deucalion jiggles restlessly as the chaos monkey that is the voting public makes a point
[01:03:25] <FatPhil> hard to make a point whilst Duverger's Law reigns supreme.
[01:03:39] <n1_> 'Tory insiders now saying that they've lost every marginal constituency that Theresa May has visited ' - random twitter person
[01:03:42] <FatPhil> At least we're not as bad as the US.
[01:04:22] <FatPhil> The day Thatcher May opened her mouth in a TV debate, the Con's lost 2% in the polls.
[01:04:40] <FatPhil> Ooops, did I say Thatcher?
[01:04:49] <FatPhil> I meant Hitler, obviously.
[01:05:47] <FatPhil> Hmmm, only one more 1845 left in the fridge, this election better self-destruct soon, or I'm gonna have to hit the scotch.
[01:06:01] <Deucalion> Cameron... "I'll call a Brexit vote and put that to bed and close out the UKIP bleating once and for all".... ohh shit... I'm off. May... "I'll call a snap election to enhance the party's hold over Parliament once and for all"..... ~fade to May looking a little grey right about now~
[01:06:59] <FatPhil> Lab+4, Con-2, SNP-2 - but fracking BBC doesn't tell me where!?!?!
[01:07:31] <FatPhil> May always looked grey!
[01:07:38] <n1_> twitter said cons lost battersea
[01:07:45] * Bytram enters the channel -- looks at pages of scrollback, and decides to ignore it.
[01:07:56] <Bytram> !uid
[01:07:56] <Bender> The current maximum UID is 6618, owned by hazard
[01:07:59] <n1_> could be a bloodbath in london for tories, with all the remoaners
[01:08:12] <Bytram> seems like an apropriate nick given the current vote in England
[01:08:18] <Deucalion> Bytram, just pages of UK election spectation... nothing to see
[01:08:46] <Bytram> Deucalion: thanks for the confirmation -- was pretty much what I gleaned from a quick skim
[01:08:47] <FatPhil> I'm a great believer in the healing power of schadenfreude, and I would like Revenge of Thatcher to remain forever recorded in history as a prime minister who was never elected in.
[01:09:34] <n1_> https://www.youtube.com
[01:09:34] <FatPhil> Oooops, I've lost the American in the flat....
[01:09:35] <upstart> ^ 03frank turner Thatcher Fucked The Kids - YouTube
[01:10:23] <FatPhil> for some odd reason the adrenalin is keeping me awake. Must be some kind of anger issue.
[01:10:27] <Deucalion> I'm puzzled by any attempt to suggest that May is another Thatcher in some way. Other than being female and tory... maybe that's as far as some people's thought processes can go.
[01:11:06] <FatPhil> Deucalion: nope, that's it. She's actually modelled her delivery on Thatcher. She wants to be Thatcher II.
[01:11:51] <n1_> i have to agree with FatPhil here
[01:12:02] <FatPhil> I'm just looking forward to a "not for turning" quote, or something equally inspiring/insipid.
[01:12:06] <n1_> while she isn't thatcher in many ways, she does try very hard to invoke the memory/image
[01:12:13] <Deucalion> I swear her public speaking voice changed since made PM... kinda lowered an octave in timbre and the phrasing altered dramatically.
[01:12:25] <n1_> which plays very well to people in the traditional tory base
[01:12:40] <n1_> because you cant have a political conversation without them mentioning 'mrs thatcher'
[01:13:14] <n1_> Deucalion, i believe she has, and it is from what i've seen a deliberate attempt to mimic thatcher
[01:13:27] <FatPhil> yarp
[01:13:56] <FatPhil> +5 -3 -2
[01:14:40] <FatPhil> Battersea, it seems
[01:15:11] <FatPhil> Where's the swingometer - how significant is that result?
[01:15:23] <FatPhil> ISO good website.
[01:16:59] * FatPhil heads to the fridge for a final (?) beer
[01:22:29] <Deucalion> It will be if it's the last in the fridge :)
[01:24:21] <FatPhil> Pffft - I have about another 20 beers in the fridge, but none are English.
[01:25:56] <FatPhil> I'm trying to think of the good things about my coincidence of birth
[01:26:50] <FatPhil> Not gonna touch any of the 6 port bottkwa==
[01:27:01] <FatPhil> WHERE ARE MY HOME KEYS
[01:27:18] <FatPhil> bottles that are open
[01:28:07] <Deucalion> Port is never good on a work night
[01:31:00] <FatPhil> Yeah, that's why I'm on the Fuller's 1845
[01:37:13] <n1_> labour now gained 6 seats
[01:38:10] * Deucalion is supping something cold and inoffensive from Vietnam... although reading the small text it seems even Vietnamese breweries have been assimilated into the Carlsberg borg. Only a matter of time before it is brewed in Northampton under license and turns to utter dross.
[01:39:04] <Deucalion> Bytram++
[01:39:04] <Bender> karma - bytram: 90
[01:39:22] <Bytram> gracias, mein Freund!
[01:39:32] <Bytram> Danke, Senor?
[01:39:44] * Bytram will get it write one of these daze
[01:39:48] <Bytram> ;)
[01:40:30] <Deucalion> :D
[01:42:15] <Deucalion> Updated 9 Jun at 02:40 BST L:87 C:71 SNP:13 180/650 seats declared
[01:42:17] <FatPhil> +7 -5 SNP -1 Lib
[01:42:38] <Deucalion> Going to be a long night :D
[01:43:38] <FatPhil> gidki oy!
[01:43:45] <n1_> cons just gained a seat
[01:44:05] <n1_> lab still 20 ahead though
[01:44:55] <Deucalion> Updated 9 Jun at 02:43 BST L:97 C:75 SNP:13 195/650 seats declared.
[01:46:09] <Deucalion> Hung with SNP being the king makers? Or do scot seats generally declare earlier so skewng the results?
[01:46:10] <FatPhil> right, on a keyboard I can see
[01:46:22] <Deucalion> letters and numbers?
[01:46:47] <FatPhil> phone has illuminated keys - PC didn't
[01:48:39] <Deucalion> Have you thought of using illumination within your abode? Such as oil lamps or candles... then you would be able to see an unilluminated keyboard
[01:49:21] <Deucalion> Updated 9 Jun at 02:47 BST L: 100 C: 86 SNP: 13 210/650 seats declared
[01:49:35] <FatPhil> Lab win High Peak with a 4.3% majority, 74% turnout
[01:49:42] <FatPhil> hi %
[01:50:15] <Deucalion> high turnout for sure
[01:50:30] <n1_> Deucalion, dont know about that c:86
[01:50:43] <n1_> bbc is saying 107/84
[01:50:46] <n1_> +7 lab
[01:50:48] <Deucalion> Nice place High Peak.... except in winter
[01:50:52] <n1_> +9 lab even
[01:51:24] <Deucalion> I'm just going off what google is assimilating from Press Association...
[01:51:26] <FatPhil> Nick Clegg loses Sheffield Hallam seat to Labour
[01:51:27] <n1_> nick clegg lost his seat
[01:51:31] <n1_> lol
[01:51:46] <Deucalion> The Libs have zero at this point...
[01:52:38] <Deucalion> Ooh--- no, they got 1
[01:53:16] <FatPhil> Sinn Fein +1
[01:53:29] <Deucalion> 108:92:13 C:L:SNP
[01:53:36] <Deucalion> oops
[01:53:41] <Deucalion> C:L:SNP
[01:53:46] <Deucalion> g'damn!
[01:53:57] <Deucalion> fukkit
[01:53:59] <FatPhil> Feik Niuus
[01:55:52] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Russian Malware uses Pop Star's Instagram Comments - http://sylnt.us - toxic-communications
[01:56:08] <Deucalion> I love how the various media outlets are still revising and publishing new forecasts every few minutes... what's the point in that? Just wait and see. Like annoying brats "are we there yet?" :D
[01:56:29] <n1_> bit like the US election
[01:56:44] <FatPhil> a forecast after a result isn't very forecasty
[01:57:04] <Deucalion> 116L 97L 14SNP
[01:57:07] <n1_> well all they have to do is make the last forecast before the final seat
[01:57:13] <n1_> and they can claim to be right
[01:57:19] <Deucalion> lol
[01:57:25] <FatPhil> L and L between them are ruling the roost
[01:57:42] <Deucalion> fuck me... I'll just stop trying :D
[01:58:08] <n1_> ' David Davis concedes UK government may have lost mandate to exit customs union and single market (Sky, 2.30am)'
[01:58:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> Deucalion, you're gen-x too, eh?
[01:58:37] <Deucalion> I have no idea what timescale gen-x covers....
[01:58:39] <FatPhil> I'm trying to imagine how much you've drunk or how far east you are, such that even I'm coping better than you!
[01:59:01] <n1_> latest; +10
[01:59:01] <n1_> −3
[01:59:33] <FatPhil> the Gen-? were redefined about 10-20 years ago, so there's no agreement
[01:59:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> basically means you were born in the 70s
[02:00:08] <Deucalion> early part of
[02:00:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> FatPhil, i got retcon'd? damnit.
[02:00:44] <FatPhil> yarp - start gof gen-x is 70s birth,
[02:01:06] <FatPhil> the end is not so well defined
[02:01:42] * FatPhil is Gen-X by any definition
[02:02:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> if you ever liked grunge and think underachieving is too ambitious to bother with you might be gen-x
[02:02:19] <FatPhil> narp
[02:02:32] <FatPhil> grunge is modern to gen-x
[02:03:23] <FatPhil> first time I heard grunge i wondered if it was some old garage tapes from the groundhogs (UK band from the 60s-70s)
[02:03:33] * TheMightyBuzzard chuckles
[02:04:07] <n1_> +12-4 ... interesting times
[02:04:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> first time i heard it was "smells like teen spirit" when i was like 16.
[02:04:23] <FatPhil> baby
[02:04:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> '75
[02:05:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> sure nuff, 91-75=16
[02:05:31] <FatPhil> OK, not so different
[02:06:13] <FatPhil> but I'd done n entire degree and left home before I first heard it
[02:06:58] <TheMightyBuzzard> didn't change my life or anything, just my wardrobe. meant i could stop buying megadeth and iron maiden shirts and just wear wtf ever ratty t-shirt i wanted.
[02:07:01] <Deucalion> All within a gnat's piss of years then
[02:07:42] * n1_ is one of those evil millennials you keep hearing about
[02:08:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, so's NCommander. puppies.
[02:08:38] * TheMightyBuzzard jabs them both with his cane
[02:08:45] <Deucalion> all eager n shit.... the grind will get to them all eventually :D
[02:09:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> yup. gen-x just avoided the christmas rush and decided to become cynical and apathetic in our teens n 20s.
[02:09:33] <TheMightyBuzzard> saved time.
[02:09:43] <n1_> and thats why i identify more with gen-x... i did the same
[02:09:58] <n1_> got myself a job for my 16th birthday, the grind got me nice and quick.
[02:10:22] <Deucalion> n1_ is doing the utopia, grass is greener somewhere else thing at the moment.... hope that works out :)
[02:11:14] <Deucalion> 295/650 seats declared
[02:11:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh, you lost your gen-y card right there. you're supposed to go to college, get a liberal arts degree while living with your parents, and then flip burgers.
[02:11:17] <n1_> have to seize the opportunities that exist, rather than doing the usual wait until im 65 and see what's left
[02:11:35] <Deucalion> mostly death at that point
[02:11:35] <FatPhil> whats up with Twickenham?
[02:11:59] <Deucalion> Oh wait - we don;t get to even retire by 65 any more.... so more work
[02:12:02] <n1_> and as we know Deucalion, someone of my generation is unlikely to see retirement anyway
[02:12:14] <n1_> if they keep moving the retirement age, it'll be 85 before i get there
[02:12:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, i don't get what everyone's so all fired up to live to retirement age anyway.
[02:12:55] <n1_> FatPhil, what you mean about twickenham?
[02:12:57] <Deucalion> Would be OK with full health and a nice boomer retirement fund :D
[02:13:06] <FatPhil> BBC said some oddness
[02:13:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> i mean you got maybe sixty years of having a body that does what you tell it when you tell it without complaining overly much. after that you gotta depend on other folks for too much daily life shit for it to be worth it.
[02:13:22] <FatPhil> n1_: ^^
[02:13:27] <n1_> thanks
[02:13:54] <Deucalion> 305/650 seats declared - I might make the half way point before having to conk out. Glad I don;t start work til 2pm :D
[02:14:03] <FatPhil> getting lots of contradictory info from various websites tonight.
[02:14:14] <n1_> FatPhil, seems like the weirdness is that the libdems actually won
[02:14:20] <Deucalion> and that is new how exactly FatPhil ?
[02:14:35] <n1_> they got the seat back, which i guess is unexpected
[02:14:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> yall got too many seats. need to pare it down to something manageable.
[02:14:59] <FatPhil> :Lib Dem fails to take Twickenham, 80% turnout:
[02:15:11] <FatPhil> https://www.theguardian.com
[02:15:13] <upstart> ^ 03Live UK election results seat-by-seat: are we heading for a hung parliament? | Politics | The Guardian
[02:15:47] <Deucalion> Well played Guardian.... don't make a prediction... just ask a fucking question..... good analysis right there
[02:16:06] <FatPhil> I make no apologies for failing to find the quote key
[02:16:11] <n1_> FatPhil, not seeing that from any other sources... is weird
[02:16:33] <n1_> richmond.gov has libdems win
[02:16:40] <n1_> Cable, Vince Liberal Democrat Party 34969 52.75% Elected
[02:16:40] <FatPhil> n1_: heence my facty mcfactface comment earlier
[02:17:11] <Deucalion> 325/650 seats declared 150:136:21 L:C:SNP - yay, made the half way point
[02:17:14] <FatPhil> I simply cannot trust any of the resources I have at my fingertips
[02:17:40] <FatPhil> oooh - g/f's finally flaked
[02:17:58] <TheMightyBuzzard> wtf are you lot still doing up anyway? go to bed. get up. drink your morning cup o tea. see who won. swear. go to work.
[02:18:03] <Deucalion> you have the finest, crumbliest g/f in the world FatPhil !
[02:18:08] <FatPhil> now I give up on britain and crack open the portwines!
[02:18:31] <FatPhil> Deucalion: yeah, quarter past five - weakling
[02:19:02] <Deucalion> quarter past five? /me looks confused
[02:19:08] <FatPhil> hmmmm, but she's a yank, so it's only late evening for her
[02:19:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> 2:18 utc
[02:19:21] <FatPhil> 5:19 here
[02:19:52] * TheMightyBuzzard keeps a UTC clock above his CST clock for SN purposes
[02:19:57] <FatPhil> quoted for honesty: 05:19 <+FatPhil> 5:19 here
[02:20:20] <Deucalion> easy enough to manipulate :P
[02:20:33] <n1_> +16-4
[02:20:33] <TheMightyBuzzard> you have a tardis?
[02:20:49] <n1_> its not a good day to be T.May
[02:20:54] <FatPhil> time to put the phone down and refresh the PC...
[02:21:27] * TheMightyBuzzard thumbs a ride for him and his .22 rifle to ~1K AD
[02:21:33] <Deucalion> 345/650 seats declared 158:144:24 L:C:SNP
[02:21:48] <FatPhil> +18 -5
[02:22:04] <FatPhil> funny thing is LD +1
[02:22:14] <Deucalion> I thought it might be a little surprising... but this I did not expect :D
[02:22:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> Deucalion, why not? yall been flipping the pollsters the bird every vote for the past year or two.
[02:22:58] <Deucalion> true
[02:23:32] <FatPhil> 6 Con seats in Scotchland?!?
[02:23:48] <Deucalion> The major cities.
[02:23:57] <FatPhil> narp
[02:24:21] <TheMightyBuzzard> think about it though. if you had a .22 rifle (because the ammo is so light relative to other calibers) in a time before firearms you could rule a goodly sized nation.
[02:24:28] <FatPhil> major city in moray being?
[02:25:16] <n1_> gap is closing
[02:25:30] <n1_> 163/151
[02:25:35] <FatPhil> TMB: we're brits, we don't think in terms of guns, we just hae a fist-fight and say "fuck you, I'm Millwall"
[02:26:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> FatPhil, you could take over france n make em speak something civilized.
[02:26:37] <FatPhil> French is a beautiful language
[02:26:55] <FatPhil> I'm just fucking glad I don't have to speakit
[02:28:12] <Deucalion> Elgin FatPhil ? Not a major city as such... but "very nice"
[02:28:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> you sure you're a brit with an attitude like that? i mean come on, yall been fighting the french for thousands of years. this little break since the 1900s is just an aberration.
[02:28:42] <FatPhil> I tried once, but as soon as they caught a whiff of my englishness they had no interest in trying to acommodate my pronounciation imperfection
[02:29:04] <Deucalion> I like listening to Welsh..... don;t understand a word but find it fascinating to listen
[02:29:15] <FatPhil> Deucalion: is that where the marbles are?
[02:29:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah, i'm like that with irish.
[02:29:42] <Deucalion> TheMightyBuzzard, I meant the Welsh language not the accent :P
[02:29:48] <TheMightyBuzzard> Deucalion, ditto
[02:30:04] <FatPhil> welsh is a touch harsh in places, a bit spitty perhaps
[02:30:24] <FatPhil> aberdeen is the accent you are looking for
[02:30:36] <Deucalion> is it?
[02:30:59] <FatPhil> beautiful, make no mistake
[02:31:26] <FatPhil> -6 +19
[02:31:58] <FatPhil> poor old SNP :-/
[02:32:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> anyway, yall have fun watching the dog n pony show. ima go smoke then hit the sack.
[02:32:21] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~gnight limeys
[02:32:22] <Deucalion> I shall be sad when ultimately all accents and languages are assimilated.....
[02:32:24] * exec deliciously refactors a lifetime supply of cowbell for limeys
[02:32:29] <Bytram> ~gnight TheMightyBuzzard
[02:32:31] * exec arrogantly derives a bowl of Boaty McBoatface from TheMightyBuzzard
[02:32:37] <Deucalion> ~socialist TheMightyBuzzard
[02:32:38] <exec> TheMightyBuzzard, YOU'RE a SOCIALIST!
[02:33:00] <FatPhil> erm, with all due respect (which is none)...
[02:33:24] <FatPhil> ~socialist FatPhil
[02:33:25] <exec> FatPhil, YOU'RE a SOCIALIST!
[02:33:32] <FatPhil> :-)
[02:33:42] <Bytram> ~time boston
[02:33:44] <exec> Thursday, 8 June 2017 @ 10:33 pm GMT-4 - Boston, MA, USA
[02:33:48] <Bytram> ~time x
[02:33:51] <exec> Friday, 9 June 2017 @ 2:33 am UTC - Coordinated Universal Time
[02:34:11] <Bytram> ~time UTC
[02:34:15] <exec> Friday, 9 June 2017 @ 2:34 am UTC - Coordinated Universal Time
[02:34:17] <FatPhil> -7 +20
[02:34:46] <n1_> 'May just called for a "period of stability" if Conservatives get the most seats'
[02:34:55] <Deucalion> 395/650 seats declared 181:166:26 L:C:SNP - oh my
[02:36:23] <n1_> saw the results for my seat.. cons hold with 58%, but still lost 4%
[02:36:43] <n1_> lab and lib got 7%+ each
[02:36:49] <n1_> tides turning
[02:37:14] <FatPhil> a period of "you lost your party seats" festivities?
[02:37:47] <n1_> libs are +2 now!
[02:38:05] <FatPhil> n1_: "your" seat, or the one you were historically interested in?
[02:38:27] <n1_> im still registered to vote there
[02:38:46] <FatPhil> I left Harrow West 28 yeats ago (and England 17)
[02:39:14] <n1_> ive left, returned and left again
[02:39:18] * FatPhil tries to contemplate 28 Yeats
[02:39:19] <n1_> but for how long remains to be seen
[02:39:34] <FatPhil> new results...
[02:39:39] <Deucalion> until the fuel embargo really kicks in :)
[02:39:51] <n1_> if i did go back to the UK permanently, id probably go elsewhere though
[02:39:54] <n1_> Wales probably
[02:39:59] <FatPhil> good ones, for a commie like me
[02:40:16] <Deucalion> deepest, darkest Wales?
[02:40:31] <FatPhil> Cambridge is the best city I've ever lived in - go there
[02:40:51] <n1_> cambridge is alright, but not for me.. i have family that live there
[02:40:53] <Deucalion> too effin expensive for me
[02:40:57] <n1_> not that it's the reason why no
[02:41:12] <Deucalion> and cyclists.... yah those too
[02:41:16] <n1_> yup
[02:41:19] <n1_> cyclists and expensive
[02:41:21] <FatPhil> should've bought before the boom!
[02:41:35] * FatPhil = cyclist!
[02:41:38] <n1_> yeah, was my fault i was born in the wrong decade
[02:42:00] <n1_> i have no problem with cyclists
[02:42:04] <FatPhil> well, I didn't buy there either
[02:42:19] <n1_> but i have had enough of cyclists in london
[02:42:24] <Deucalion> n1_ the boom still continues - all you have to do is work out how to buy in at all at this point :D
[02:42:37] <FatPhil> Lived there for ~3 years, came to love the place
[02:42:52] <Deucalion> Loved it so much you left 3 years later....
[02:43:07] <FatPhil> didn't like the UK
[02:43:24] <FatPhil> backward fucking country
[02:43:39] <n1_> +20-9
[02:43:59] <FatPhil> -10+22 please
[02:44:37] <n1_> only thing i miss about the UK is how cheap some things are, outside of rent/property
[02:45:41] <FatPhil> I miss the beer :-/
[02:46:41] <FatPhil> having said that, apparently I'm able to find enough English beer to either put a smile on my face or numb the pain...
[02:46:58] <FatPhil> Fuller's 1845 for the win
[02:48:07] <n1_> i cant see estonia being too bad for beer, and your tally of beers suggests you manage to get by
[02:48:48] <n1_> 192/189 according to bbc now
[02:48:50] <FatPhil> Estonia has exploded - it's great!
[02:49:42] <Deucalion> 440/650 seats declared 194:190:29
[02:50:39] <n1_> 198/191
[02:50:42] <FatPhil> Ahhh, let's watch the slow inevitable death of democracy as Duverger's Law takes over...
[02:51:24] <n1_> one has to wonder, what the 2% who voted for ukip were thinking...
[02:51:31] <FatPhil> -10 +22
[02:51:45] <FatPhil> Hahahahahaahah - he said "thinking"!
[02:51:56] <Deucalion> Either way, I suspect we'll see a little less arrogant, dictatorial smugness from the sith come the morning soundbites :D
[02:52:29] <Bytram> n1_: s/what.*ukip/if they/
[02:52:31] <exec> <Bytram> <n1_> one has to wonder, if they were thinking...
[02:53:01] <FatPhil> bingo
[02:53:08] <Bytram> just thought it was a (somewhat) humorous play on the phrase, I have no oars in this boat.
[02:53:54] <FatPhil> I'm not even in the boat
[02:54:03] <n1_> Bytram, the special relationship between the US and UK is under threat!
[02:54:21] <n1_> would be interesting to be in the room for a Trump meets Corbyn moment
[02:54:22] * Bytram chuckles
[02:54:26] <FatPhil> until Estonia kicks me out of the country for not being an EU citizen
[02:54:32] <Bytram> http://feedproxy.google.com
[02:54:35] <upstart> ^ 03SoftBank to acquire Boston Dynamics from Alphabet - CNET ( https://www.cnet.com )
[02:54:47] <Bytram> https://www.bloomberg.com
[02:54:48] <upstart> ^ 03SoftBank Agrees to Buy Robot Maker Boston Dynamics From Google Parent Alphabet - Bloomberg
[02:54:59] <Bytram> http://go.theregister.com
[02:55:01] <upstart> ^ 03Alphabet offloads bot businesses Boston Dynamics and SCHAFT • The Register ( https://www.theregister.co.uk )
[02:55:29] <n1_> FatPhil, at risk of that happening?
[02:55:29] <Deucalion> oo-eerr - they sold their shaft....
[02:55:30] <Bytram> so... SoftBank gets... SCHAFTed ??
[02:55:36] <FatPhil> fux, it's 6
[02:55:53] <n1_> 201/192
[02:55:54] <Deucalion> time for another Fullers!
[02:56:05] <Deucalion> 204/193
[02:56:09] <FatPhil> Has Adolf Bitchface been deposed yet?
[02:56:09] <Deucalion> :P
[02:56:38] <FatPhil> Deucalion: we only brought 2 bottles home from the pub :(
[02:57:03] * Deucalion opens the Port for FatPhil.... now go grab some cheese
[02:57:22] <FatPhil> g/f seems to be sleepin, maybe I can raid the whisky stash...
[02:57:55] <Deucalion> Does she keep it on her or under the pillow or something?
[02:58:30] <FatPhil> honest question - have you ever encountered a cheese which has a layer of ash running through it?
[02:58:33] <Deucalion> Besides... she's probably pretending and will "wake up" just as you take the first sip
[02:58:52] <Bytram> FatPhil: only in Pompeii
[02:58:58] <Bytram> ;)
[02:58:58] <FatPhil> Deucalion: shut up! she probably heard that!
[02:59:07] <Deucalion> Never encountered a cheese that's matured near a volcanic eruption
[02:59:08] <FatPhil> Bytram: nice one!
[02:59:47] <Bytram> mare sea!
[02:59:59] <FatPhil> apparently several countries have it. I have some in my fidge, with a dark band running through it
[03:00:18] <Bytram> ewww... no thanks!
[03:00:22] <Deucalion> Are you allowed to open the fridge without permission?
[03:00:32] <FatPhil> so, has the revolutioned happened yet?
[03:00:38] <Bytram> I prefer my ash as nature intended... mixed into a bar of soap
[03:01:00] <Deucalion> 475/650 seats declared 209:207:29 L:C:SNP
[03:01:28] <n1_> 211/210
[03:01:30] <Bytram> pardon my ignorance at this late time of day... which party is May in?
[03:01:32] -!- cosurgi has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[03:01:45] <Deucalion> Bytram, Conservative - current PM
[03:01:47] <FatPhil> Deucalion: I can do *anything* when she's actually asleep
[03:01:53] <Bytram> so, a 'C' then?
[03:01:59] <n1_> C for cunt
[03:02:06] <Deucalion> ^.^
[03:02:17] <Deucalion> seems a bit harsh
[03:02:19] <FatPhil> the portwines ans whiskies are not in the fridge
[03:02:32] <Bytram> so, no beating about the, umm, bush, as to where you all stand.
[03:02:55] <Bytram> and with that last bon mot, it is time for me to bid you adieu
[03:03:15] * n1_ hat tip
[03:03:20] <FatPhil> that reminds me of a banner during the anti Iraq war protests here
[03:03:28] <Bytram> may things go as you hope 'ere the night is through.
[03:03:51] <FatPhil> "your bush is out of control", with graphics
[03:03:54] <Deucalion> For me too, I must sleep before arising in the PM for peon duty
[03:03:56] <n1_> whatever the result of the election, i personally lose
[03:04:17] <n1_> but in a wider context, i don't want to see May with a mandate
[03:04:17] <Bytram> n1_: sounds like the third law of thermodynamics
[03:04:21] <Deucalion> ... uchh... "arising in the PM"... that would be bad whoever wins ~bloik~
[03:04:24] <FatPhil> I probably don't lose un.ess I move back.
[03:04:40] <Bytram> laters!
[03:04:46] <Deucalion> night Bytram
[03:04:50] <Deucalion> night all
[03:05:08] <FatPhil> I'd like to see May step on a landmine, but it takes all sorts
[03:05:38] <FatPhil> Fudgy McFudgeface, out of beer!
[03:07:58] <n1_> 'So June does mean the end of May after all'
[03:08:21] <FatPhil> owowowowowwww BBC says 41.1% Con 41.1% Lab
[03:08:40] <FatPhil> Duverger's...
[03:09:00] <n1_> got +25-10 on my last refresh
[03:09:03] <FatPhil> n1_: haha
[03:09:36] <n1_> even 220/220
[03:10:04] <n1_> 'looks like a Conservative minority gov't, supported by DUP'
[03:10:15] <FatPhil> BBC=+25-10, grauniad=+27-11
[03:10:42] <FatPhil> old friends...
[03:11:27] <FatPhil> last election I hit the pillow at about 2am
[03:11:51] <FatPhil> this one's causing me to gnash my teeth too much
[03:12:15] <FatPhil> will they, won't they, ...
[03:12:31] <n1_> im looking at the results and just imagining horse racing commentary
[03:13:22] <FatPhil> twickenham?
[03:13:26] <n1_> cons in the lead
[03:13:49] <n1_> 226/222
[03:14:05] -!- cosurgi [cosurgi!~cosurgi@qylizv7.bl.pg.gda.pl] has joined #Soylent
[03:14:24] <FatPhil> welcome to the madhouse?
[03:15:04] cosurgi is now known as SoyGuest12102
[03:15:20] <FatPhil> I can't go to sleep unti I see -14 (or whatever the previous margin was)
[03:16:15] <n1_> still quite a few london seats to be called
[03:16:51] <FatPhil> have you seen he guardian re-scaled map?
[03:17:19] <FatPhil> london is basicalle a big goatse
[03:17:21] <n1_> link?
[03:17:28] <FatPhil> ug
[03:17:48] <FatPhil> https://www.theguardian.com
[03:17:49] <upstart> ^ 03Live UK election results seat-by-seat: are we heading for a hung parliament? | Politics | The Guardian
[03:18:12] <FatPhil> hoorah for ssh, tmux, eetc.
[03:18:38] <n1_> hah, i see what you mean
[03:19:04] <FatPhil> but basically, london is england's distended bleeding arsehole!
[03:19:32] <FatPhil> it's just about to poop out a westminster!
[03:20:06] <FatPhil> OK, I'm fading
[03:20:42] <FatPhil> Con win Mansfield with a 18.5% swing 6 minutes ago
[03:20:57] <FatPhil> this is polarisatin
[03:20:59] <n1_> it's pretty safe to say it's going to be a hung parliament
[03:21:06] <n1_> so plenty of drama to come in the next days
[03:21:12] <FatPhil> this leads to krystalnacht
[03:21:17] <n1_> so can probably get to sleep now without missing much
[03:21:43] <FatPhil> I need to see Adolf May lose 14 seats
[03:22:07] <FatPhil> Sorry, Teresa Thatcher
[03:23:03] <FatPhil> The funny thing is that I probably come over as way more che guevara than I actually am
[03:23:32] <FatPhil> I'm only 85% Che, no loon.
[03:24:37] <FatPhil> and to{morrow,day} it's Estonia vs. Belgium at he football. Hmm...
[03:27:27] <n1_> FatPhil, it's understandable
[03:29:46] <FatPhil> looks like the con's have started their scottish invasion
[03:30:09] <n1_> -11 now
[03:30:57] <FatPhil> erm. 06:10 <+FatPhil> BBC=+25-10, grauniad=+27-11
[03:31:23] <FatPhil> think I'm gonna pretent to sleep,
[03:31:54] <FatPhil> but gonna have the head at the foot of the bead, so I can refresh
[03:32:02] <n1_> hah
[03:32:06] <n1_> good night mate
[03:32:13] <n1_> been a fun evening ;)
[03:32:30] <FatPhil> nice having a rant whilst you were here to hear it!
[03:33:07] <FatPhil> s/eve/mor/ please!
[03:35:21] <FatPhil> wake me up when the good guy wins...
[03:35:45] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Report: CIOs Need to Embrace Open Source Software to Drive Change - http://sylnt.us - reporting-common-sense
[04:32:59] <n1_> 5 seats to go for hung parliament
[04:36:19] <n1_> 3
[05:17:04] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Verizon to Lay Off Around 2,100 from Combined Yahoo!-AOL Entity - http://sylnt.us - job-creators
[06:30:04] * FatPhil wakes
[06:38:02] <FatPhil> "Theresa May has lost her parliamentary majority after calling an election to strengthen it."
[06:41:14] -!- Azrael has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[06:45:03] -!- Azrael [Azrael!~Az@vhost.removed.contact.irc.admin] has joined #Soylent
[06:48:23] <FatPhil> n1_: I've worked out where "Sunhill" was - Weybridge.
[06:51:25] <FatPhil> Fuckn cnuts doing DIY on the other side of the wall.
[06:52:27] <poutine> we should build a wall
[06:58:22] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - United Airlines Supervisor Injures Musician's Hand While Wresting Antique Violin in Baggage Dispute - http://sylnt.us - not-a-good-week
[07:09:01] <FatPhil> poutine: we = canuckistan?
[07:10:26] <FatPhil> as long as you make them pay, sure, go for it.
[07:26:01] <FatPhil> Fux. Stay up till nearly 7 to see the results roll in, get woken at 9 by the furniture company who are delivering a desk but say they will be late. Get called again at 10 with them saying "they got into an accident and are waiting for police" :/
[07:26:59] <FatPhil> Cherry on top is cunts downstairs doing DIY
[07:31:11] <boru> Serves you right.
[07:31:42] <FatPhil> what did I do wrong? :(
[07:32:07] <boru> You have a vested interest in politics, and stayed up like a silly billy!
[07:32:17] <FatPhil> Actually, the real cherry on top is that my hifi is now not outputting any sound at all.
[07:32:39] <boru> Have you turned it on?
[07:33:08] <FatPhil> took me 4 hours to get a peep out of it yesterday, and I thought I was done with it. BUt no - turn it off this morning, and on again 2 hours later, and not even the HDMI audio path is working.
[07:33:46] <FatPhil> Back in my day ... amps were amps. Signal in, signal out. This new thing I've bought has about 200 fucking sockets on the back.
[07:36:48] <boru> What do you mean you don't want a Connected Smart HiFi System™? I bet your old antique crippled product couldn't even share what tracks you were playing on Facebook®. You're in the 21st Century© now. It's time for a modern HiFi system.
[07:41:57] <FatPhil> I did chose one without internet, I'm not stupid.
[07:42:29] <FatPhil> But alas I'm too stupid to get any sound out of it this morning.
[07:43:24] <FatPhil> Hmmm, no sound at all is even worse than the bleedin' TV speakers. This is a step backwards.
[07:44:28] <boru> Does it have any aux outputs or 7.1 channels or anything like that you can test?
[07:44:44] <boru> What about media selection? Can you try playing a different medium?
[07:45:07] <boru> Have you got an oscilloscope?
[07:46:14] <FatPhil> I just did a channel test, and it put the pink noise to the only 2 speakers attached
[07:46:50] <boru> Was your input pink noise?
[07:47:02] <FatPhil> it looks like it's not detecting the audio from the PC over the HDMI, it doesn't think there's any audio PCM to play
[07:47:19] <FatPhil> the test signal it generates is a pink noise one
[07:47:23] <boru> No analogue aux input?
[07:47:32] <boru> Heh, okay, that's a start.
[07:47:49] <boru> If you were playing some Van Halen and it output pink noise, you might have a problem.
[07:48:42] <FatPhil> Hmm, I just tried something that I tried half an hour ago, and it worked this time
[07:49:07] <boru> You're welcome. That'll be €100.
[07:49:22] <FatPhil> I do have the choice of forcing it to only look for PCM audio on that particular input.
[07:49:42] <FatPhil> I think it was "detecting" (hallucinating) Dolby DTS or some shit that waasn't ther/.
[07:50:22] <FatPhil> I should have bought the simpler amp, there would have been less to go wrong :(
[07:50:45] <boru> It's always the way. I know next to nothing about A/V stuff, personally.
[07:51:05] <boru> Give me FLAC with a decent set of noise cancelling headphones and I'm happy.
[07:51:12] <FatPhil> I've been out of the loop hifi-wise since the days of pure analogue, pretty much
[07:52:04] <FatPhil> oooh, someone got sacked recently, and I jumped on his Bose noise cancelling headphones ($350 ones, the shit) and they were an abomination before man and before god.
[07:52:21] <FatPhil> so I didn't claim them.
[07:53:39] <FatPhil> they would jump betweem sound playing + noise cancellation and no sound playing + no noise cancellation with am abrupt square wave if I even moved my head too quickly. It was painful.
[07:57:11] <boru> Sounds like the battery was going.
[07:57:32] <boru> I have a set of the AC25s and they're pretty great. Not interested in the wireless ones.
[07:57:54] <boru> Audio quality sounds great to my ears, and the noise cancelling is very effective.
[07:58:07] <FatPhil> Could be battery, but it should *gracefully degrade*, not become daggers to the ears.
[08:06:15] <FatPhil> https://www.youtube.com
[08:06:16] <upstart> ^ 03You're screwed, thank you, bye - YouTube
[08:27:33] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Reddit, Amazon Push for "Day of Action" on July 12 to Protest the Killing of Net Neutrality - http://sylnt.us - we-rise
[09:27:05] -!- muxer [muxer!~muxing@116.233.ljw.ivh] has joined #Soylent
[09:36:15] -!- xrt [xrt!~slfim@193.90.gs.mr] has joined #Soylent
[09:36:15] <xrt> █▓▒░LAME *UCKING NETWORK HERE
[09:36:16] <xrt> ██╗██████╗ ██████╗
[09:36:16] <xrt> ██║██╔══██╗██╔════╝
[09:36:17] <xrt> ██║██████╔╝██║
[09:36:17] <xrt> ██║██╔══██╗██║
[09:36:18] <xrt> ██║██║ ██║╚██████╗
[09:36:18] <xrt> ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝
[09:36:19] <xrt> come to irc.volatile.bz
[09:36:20] <xrt> muxer Azrael SoyGuest12102 n1_ Runaway1956 FatPhil Talos sigh zipppy Leebert MrPlow mechanicjay x0908d3b2 popeydoll u Webweasel_ SoyGuest64809 exec stderr Aphrodite everdred Ellenor clorox|2 upstart chromas diginet arti poutine Xyem SoyGuest44231 cmn32480 arti|work alexbst SoyGuest71088 Deucalion
[09:36:20] -!- xrt [xrt!~slfim@193.90.gs.mr] has parted #Soylent
[09:36:37] <Ellenor> ummm
[09:38:12] <boru> You could just set +r on the channel, or set +q on $~a
[09:39:21] <Ellenor> volatile is lame.
[09:39:23] <Ellenor> xD
[09:42:45] -!- xrt [xrt!~wajwqor@193.90.gs.mr] has joined #Soylent
[09:42:47] -!- xrt has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[09:45:45] -!- xrt [xrt!~atjur@193.90.gs.mr] has joined #Soylent
[09:45:46] <xrt> █▓▒░LAME *UCKING NETWORK HERE
[09:45:46] <xrt> ██╗██████╗ ██████╗
[09:45:46] <xrt> ██║██╔══██╗██╔════╝
[09:45:47] <xrt> ██║██████╔╝██║
[09:45:47] <xrt> ██║██╔══██╗██║
[09:45:48] <xrt> ██║██║ ██║╚██████╗
[09:45:48] <xrt> ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝
[09:45:49] <xrt> come to irc.volatile.bz
[09:45:50] <xrt> muxer Azrael SoyGuest12102 n1_ Runaway1956 FatPhil Talos sigh zipppy Leebert MrPlow mechanicjay x0908d3b2 popeydoll u Webweasel_ SoyGuest64809 exec stderr Aphrodite everdred Ellenor clorox|2 upstart chromas diginet arti poutine Xyem SoyGuest44231 cmn32480 arti|work alexbst SoyGuest71088 Deucalion
[09:45:50] -!- xrt [xrt!~atjur@193.90.gs.mr] has parted #Soylent
[09:47:40] -!- n1_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[09:48:07] -!- n1_ [n1_!~nick@Soylent/Staff/Editor/n1] has joined #Soylent
[09:48:07] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v n1_] by Aphrodite
[09:54:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[09:54:27] <Bender> karma - coffee: 3479
[09:56:39] -!- xrt [xrt!~rlnehchk@iw899.ip-169-72-30.eu] has joined #Soylent
[09:56:39] <xrt> █▓▒░LAME *UCKING NETWORK HERE
[09:56:39] <xrt> ██╗██████╗ ██████╗
[09:56:39] <xrt> ██║██╔══██╗██╔════╝
[09:56:40] <xrt> ██║██████╔╝██║
[09:56:40] <xrt> ██║██╔══██╗██║
[09:56:41] <xrt> ██║██║ ██║╚██████╗
[09:56:41] <xrt> ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝
[09:56:42] <xrt> come to irc.volatile.bz
[09:56:43] <xrt> n1_ muxer Azrael SoyGuest12102 Runaway1956 FatPhil Talos sigh zipppy Leebert MrPlow mechanicjay x0908d3b2 popeydoll u Webweasel_ SoyGuest64809 exec stderr Aphrodite everdred Ellenor clorox|2 upstart chromas diginet arti poutine Xyem SoyGuest44231 cmn32480 arti|work alexbst SoyGuest71088 Deucalion
[09:56:43] -!- xrt [xrt!~rlnehchk@iw899.ip-169-72-30.eu] has parted #Soylent
[09:56:59] * TheMightyBuzzard yawns
[09:56:59] * MrPlow flips a Skittle into TheMightyBuzzard's gaping mouth
[10:00:38] <boru> No ops?
[10:05:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> newp. don't have many of em.
[10:05:48] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Bogus Bitcoiners Battered With US$12 Million Penalty - http://sylnt.us - paying-a-large-"bill"-for-a-bitcoin-scheme
[10:06:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> well i mean i could stop it from happening in this channel but not server-wide.
[10:07:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> so i'm not gonna stop it here so that it reaches maximum annoyance and we get this game of whack-a-mole going
[10:07:57] <boru> Snort could nuke it server wide, if you ran it inline.
[10:08:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> so could talos
[10:09:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> he's just in debug mode rather than kill it with fire mode cause he ain't an ircop yet.
[10:09:43] <boru> Hmm?
[10:09:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> talos = anti-spam bot
[10:10:00] <boru> Ah.
[10:10:31] <TheMightyBuzzard> so far he's got a 100% detection rate with no false positives
[10:11:42] <boru> pbot's antispam algorithm is pretty good, too. I know the guy who wrote it.
[10:14:22] <TheMightyBuzzard> i just looked at the source for the spam bot that keeps getting used for it and wrote against its idiosyncrasies
[10:14:23] <boru> This one: https://github.com
[10:14:24] <upstart> ^ 03GitHub - pragma-/pbot: Versatile Perl IRC Bot (designed for ##c on Freenode.net)
[10:14:54] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh, no, can't use a perl bot. they use way too much ram for a single purpose bot.
[10:15:16] <boru> Sure, I was just pointing at it for the algorithms in use.
[10:15:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> nod nod, gracias
[10:15:38] <boru> The C Jeopardy module is great fun.
[10:15:49] <boru> I held the top score for a long time.
[10:15:55] * TheMightyBuzzard chuckles
[10:16:03] <boru> It's all questions from the C standard.
[10:16:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> talos is gonna stay single purpose. might put another game or two in MrPlow though.
[10:17:36] <TheMightyBuzzard> soon as i get him working again and rewrite the fite code.
[10:18:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> right now he's hanging one of his threads by locking something then trying to lock it again before the first lock goes out of scope.
[10:18:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> i can't be arsed to fix it yet though.
[10:20:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> both locks in the same thread, not a multi-threaded problem.
[10:48:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya know what, i think i will have a look at that locking issue
[11:06:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> yays! found n fixed that one. prolly some more but they can wait as they're not locking the bot up.
[11:09:35] -!- MrPlow has quit [Quit: Powered by Rust.]
[11:11:32] -!- MrPlow [MrPlow!MrPlow@Soylent/BotArmy] has joined #Soylent
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[11:12:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> #submit https://www.rt.com
[11:12:42] <MrPlow> Submitting. There is a mandatory delay, please be patient.
[11:13:07] <MrPlow> Submission successful. https://soylentnews.org
[11:13:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> cool, appears the important stuff is working fine
[11:27:42] <FatPhil> forcing questions to be worded as if they were answers is silly
[11:28:04] <FatPhil> but part from that, a jeopardy bot sounds like fun
[11:36:59] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Japan Could Build New Nuclear Plants or Replace Existing Ones - http://sylnt.us - glowing-recommendation
[11:50:22] -!- MrPlow has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[11:52:56] <Bytram> coffee++
[11:52:56] <Bender> karma - coffee: 3480
[11:53:04] <Bytram> ~gday TheMightyBuzzard
[11:53:06] * exec abrasively heaps some chewy chunks of utils on TheMightyBuzzard
[11:53:13] <Bytram> oh, and MrPlow died
[11:53:21] <Bytram> :(
[11:53:33] <Bytram> Happened immediately after I tried to #fite you
[12:10:10] -!- muxer has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[12:28:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~gday Bytram
[12:28:46] * exec derisively piles crusty sock full of chocolate coins on Bytram
[12:28:55] <Bytram> yo!
[12:29:02] <Bytram> was just about to head off to work...
[12:29:27] <Bytram> and, your bot died... just when I did a "#fite TheMightyBuzzard" !?!! ;)
[12:29:29] -!- MrPlow [MrPlow!MrPlow@Soylent/BotArmy] has joined #Soylent
[12:29:29] -!- MrPlow has quit [Changing host]
[12:29:29] -!- MrPlow [MrPlow!MrPlow@nsa.gov] has joined #Soylent
[12:29:39] -!- MrPlow has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[12:29:48] <Bytram> he's dead, Jim
[12:32:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> ooooh, found an int overflow
[12:33:34] <chromas> Overflows? Time to invent a new, overflow-free programming language
[12:36:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> it is overflow free. it's crashing cause it would have caused an overflow instead of actually causing one.
[12:40:19] -!- MrPlow [MrPlow!MrPlow@Soylent/BotArmy] has joined #Soylent
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[12:57:42] * TheMightyBuzzard bails for breakfasty stuffs
[12:58:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> i shall return at a time of the later variety
[13:08:10] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - UK Election Results; Fired FBI Director's Testimony on Trump; Trump Nominates New FBI Director - http://sylnt.us - merging-the-swamps
[13:42:25] -!- mrpg [mrpg!~m@Soylent/Staff/Editor/mrpg] has joined #Soylent
[13:42:25] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mrpg] by Aphrodite
[13:55:12] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Tesla Adds Lots of Certified Pre-Owned Model S Vehicles for Under $40,000 with New Warranty - http://sylnt.us - reduce-REUSE-recycle
[14:00:36] -!- mrpg has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[14:01:10] <cmn32480> #smake talos
[14:01:10] * MrPlow smakes talos upside the head with reluctance
[15:12:47] <FatPhil> I will admit that I'm quite enjoying the realDonaldTrump posts currently.
[15:26:22] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - A Closer-than-Normal Moon Will Bring Higher-than-Normal Tides this Summer - http://sylnt.us - coastal-areas-beware
[17:36:35] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Malware uses Intel AMT feature to steal data, avoid firewalls - http://sylnt.us - swallow-the-red-pill
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[19:01:56] <n1_> "So I guess I'll just stop typing up my "Tillerson tries to de-escalate Qatar stand-off" and start a "Trump forcefully berates Qatar" then?" - AFP reporter
[19:06:18] <n1_> 'U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called on a Saudi Arabia-led coalition to ease its blockade of Qatar, saying that the cutoff is hindering the fight against Islamic State and provoking food shortages.' --- one hour ago
[19:06:36] <n1_> '“The nation of Qatar has unfortunately been a funder of terrorism, and at a very high level," Trump said during a press conference at the White House. ' -- 10 minutes ago
[19:17:53] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Life on Mars, in Hawaii - http://sylnt.us - dci-gene-hunt
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[19:54:43] cosurgi is now known as SoyGuest77707
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[20:45:27] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - SteamOS Update That Drops AMDGPU-PRO in Favour of Mesa Has Left Beta - http://sylnt.us - update-to-freedom
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[21:45:09] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mechanicjay] by Aphrodite
[21:45:12] <exec> welcome mechanicjay: Seattle, WA, USA, 15°C/59°F, 2:45 pm GMT-7, Friday, 9 June 2017
[21:45:13] <exec> welcome mechanicjay: Seattle, WA, USA, 15°C/59°F, 2:45 pm GMT-7, Friday, 9 June 2017
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[22:16:36] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Denuvo License Generator is Latest Circumvention Method - http://sylnt.us - i-am-the-keymaster-are-you-the-gatekeeper?
[23:56:26] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Adding Abiraterone to Standard Treatment Improves Prostate Cancer Survival by 40 Percent - http://sylnt.us - manly-cancer