#Soylent | Logs for 2017-07-23

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[01:10:51] -!- nick [nick!~nick@Soylent/Staff/Editor/n1] has joined #Soylent
[01:10:51] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v nick] by Aphrodite
[01:10:54] <exec> welcome nick: Montevideo, Montevideo Department, Uruguay, 12°C/54°F, 10:10 pm GMT-3, Saturday, 22 July 2017
[01:45:00] -!- Webweasel_ [Webweasel_!~Stefan@clym33-568-53-08.range95-325.btcentralplus.com] has joined #Soylent
[01:46:50] -!- Web_weasel has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[01:47:42] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Possible Diesel Exhaust Collusion Between German Automakers for Decades - http://sylnt.us - exhausting-coverage
[03:10:44] -!- nick has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[03:36:37] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Cows Are HIV Fighters - http://sylnt.us - mooving-development
[05:26:00] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Geostationary Satellites Likely to Blame for Mysterious Ross 128 Signal - http://sylnt.us - Beep!-Beep!-Like-a-Sheep!
[07:15:24] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Tethered, Soft Exosuit Can Reduce Metabolic Cost of Running - http://sylnt.us - running-more-miles-to-burn-off-calories
[09:16:55] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Senator Challenges Ajit Pai Over Evidence for Net Neutrality Repeal - http://sylnt.us - smack-him-with-your-gloves
[10:31:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[10:31:49] <Bender> karma - coffee: 3552
[11:07:19] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Utility's Pictures Likely Show Melted Fukushima Fuel for First Time - http://sylnt.us
[11:53:17] -!- Azrael has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[11:54:30] -!- Azrael [Azrael!~Az@vhost.removed.contact.irc.admin] has joined #Soylent
[12:06:31] <Bytram> coffee++
[12:06:31] <Bender> karma - coffee: 3553
[12:06:37] <Bytram> ~weather presq
[12:06:39] <exec> 10Presque Isle, ME, USA - currently 51°F, sunny, wind S at 5 mph, humidity 77% - Sunday mostly sunny (44°F:70°F), Monday mostly cloudy (52°F:72°F), Tuesday cloudy (50°F:72°F), Wednesday mostly sunny (57°F:80°F)
[12:06:41] <Bytram> ~weather portland, me
[12:06:42] <exec> 10Portland, ME, USA - currently 64°F, mostly cloudy, wind NE at 9 mph, humidity 52% - Sunday partly cloudy (59°F:74°F), Monday cloudy (56°F:66°F), Tuesday showers (56°F:68°F), Wednesday sunny (60°F:75°F)
[12:06:46] <Bytram> ~weather boston
[12:06:48] <exec> 10Boston, MA, USA - currently 69°F, partly cloudy, wind NE at 15 mph, humidity 59% - Sunday partly cloudy (63°F:72°F), Monday cloudy (61°F:68°F), Tuesday showers (59°F:65°F), Wednesday sunny (61°F:73°F)
[12:06:51] <Bytram> ~weather baltimore
[12:06:53] <exec> 10Baltimore, MD, USA - currently 77°F, mostly cloudy, wind W at 5 mph, humidity 87% - Sunday scattered thunderstorms (77°F:89°F), Monday partly cloudy (75°F:93°F), Tuesday partly cloudy (72°F:85°F), Wednesday partly cloudy (75°F:83°F)
[12:07:04] <Bytram> ~weather miami
[12:07:06] <exec> 10Miami, FL, USA - currently 84°F, partly cloudy, wind S at 3 mph, humidity 80% - Sunday partly cloudy (80°F:89°F), Monday scattered thunderstorms (81°F:90°F), Tuesday scattered thunderstorms (81°F:89°F), Wednesday scattered thunderstorms (80°F:91°F)
[12:19:03] <Bytram> got a busy day ahead... laters
[12:19:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> same
[12:58:42] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Lyft to Offer Autonomous Car Rides by the End of the Year - http://sylnt.us - trial-by-fire
[14:46:04] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - NSA Director Mike Rogers Not Impressed With U.S.-Russia Cyber Collaboration Idea - http://sylnt.us - voice-of-reason?
[16:36:26] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Nine Lifestyle Changes Can Reduce Dementia Risk, Study Says - http://sylnt.us - don't-stop-learning
[18:27:50] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The Hidden Ways Your Language Betrays Your Character - http://sylnt.us - what-about-swearing?
[20:26:47] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Say Goodbye to Spain's Glorious Three-Hour Lunch Break - http://sylnt.us - save-the-nap
[22:15:44] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - 'Sound' Research Shows Slower Boats May Cause Manatees More Harm Than Good - http://sylnt.us - a-sound-conclusion
[23:31:38] <takyon> https://www.youtube.com
[23:31:39] <upstart> ^ 03FRASIER ESCAPES THE SOVIET UNION - Episode 3 - YouTube