#Soylent | Logs for 2017-09-24

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[01:18:44] -!- stderr has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[01:19:12] -!- stderr [stderr!~pohol@GetOffMyLawn/stderr] has joined #Soylent
[01:32:49] Bytram is now known as Bytram|fite
[01:33:14] Bytram|fite is now known as Bytram
[01:34:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> mmmm.... dates is nummy
[01:34:33] <Bytram> okay.... january 11
[01:34:38] <Bytram> like that?
[01:38:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> nah. em lil brown things what grow on palm trees.
[01:38:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> that reminds me. i needa find out if i can grow one in TN
[01:39:00] <Bytram> you may be far enough south, but what's your altitude?
[01:39:40] <Bytram> ISTR there are different 'zones' across the USA with a corresponding rating of what can grow in 'em
[01:42:25] <Booga1> You can frequently grow stuff outside the recommended areas, but the fruits probably won't be idea.
[01:42:26] <Virindi> often as long as a plant can stand "any cold" it will grow but just not be great, you should just try it
[01:42:26] <Booga1> l
[01:42:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> Bytram, bout 5'6"
[01:42:45] <Virindi> bah boogal, I should have typed faster :P
[01:42:48] <Bytram> ahh, a hobbit then! ;)
[01:43:06] * Bytram wonders if he has the hairy feets, too
[01:43:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> them're the little gay dwarves on that movie, right?
[01:43:20] <Bytram> well, close 'nuf
[01:43:33] <Bytram> Gimli was the dwarf
[01:44:28] <Bytram> had the viking-like helmet and a battle axe
[01:44:44] <Virindi> I thought they were tiny elves?
[01:44:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> no, those make cookies.
[01:45:09] <Virindi> yeah, same thing
[01:45:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> i didn't see any cookies. just a lot of homoerotic overtones.
[01:45:38] <Bytram> Pippin and Merry and Frodo and Bilbo
[01:46:12] <Virindi> How do you think the economy of that town operates, they certainly weren't doing much of anything else. They must have a cookie factory in one of those holes.
[01:46:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah. sam was the only one you weren't sure was full on gay. he was probably just too dumb to notice the rest of them were.
[01:46:46] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Microsoft, Facebook, and Telxius Complete 160 Tb/s Atlantic Ocean Cable - http://sylnt.us - sure-beats-dialup
[01:46:53] <Bytram> ahem... Samwise was his name
[01:47:05] * TheMightyBuzzard has a friend that would shoot him dead for having this conversation
[01:47:23] <Bytram> that's some friend you gots there!
[01:47:57] <Virindi> it's the south, shooting people dead is standard practice for any dispute? :D
[01:48:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> he's the one everyone wants to meet up with in the event of a zombie apocalypse. cept me. i wanna get bit and lazy around eating tasty, tasty brains.
[01:48:43] * Bytram looks around and quickly dons a football helmet
[01:48:48] <TheMightyBuzzard> Virindi, nah, that's chicago, detroit, new orleans... you know... democrat cities.
[01:48:54] * Bytram things again and grabs a pith helmet
[01:49:08] <Virindi> Comon man, I was just trying to have a one-liner
[01:49:15] * TheMightyBuzzard chuckles
[01:49:41] <Bytram> ~folding-rank
[01:49:43] <exec> 07266
[01:49:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> can't be helped when i'm on a shit talking roll
[01:49:59] <Bytram> s/ll/le/
[01:49:59] <upstart> <Bytram> ~folding-rank
[01:50:07] <Bytram> TheMightyBuzzard: s/ll/le/
[01:50:07] <upstart> <TheMightyBuzzard> can't be helped when i'm on a shit talking role
[01:50:08] <exec> <Bytram> <TheMightyBuzzard> can't be helped when i'm on a shit talking role
[01:50:15] <Bytram> lol
[01:50:41] <Virindi> you'd also want to change "on" to "in"
[01:50:55] <Bytram> be my guest
[01:51:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> s/alking/ootsie/
[01:51:20] <upstart> <TheMightyBuzzard> can't be helped when i'm on a shit tootsie roll
[01:51:22] <exec> <TheMightyBuzzard> can't be helped when i'm on a shit tootsie roll
[01:52:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> #yt smack my bitch up
[01:52:08] <MrPlow> https://www.youtube.com
[02:02:04] <Bytram> ~gnight TheMightyBuzzard
[02:02:06] * exec single-handedly deletes two fingers of materia from TheMightyBuzzard
[02:02:11] <Bytram> ~gnight Virindi
[02:02:13] * exec flatulantly pours an exabyte of sprinkles for Virindi
[02:02:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~gnight Bytram
[02:02:15] * exec homogeneously generates a small script that substitutes a buttcrack of coal for Bytram
[02:02:35] <Bytram> tie?
[02:02:53] <Bytram> tired.
[02:02:59] <Bytram> see ya on the 'morrow
[04:06:03] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - WhatsApp Refused to add a Backdoor for the UK Government - http://sylnt.us - we-can't-share-what-we-don't-have
[05:59:32] -!- Booga1 has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[06:27:48] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - First Human Embryo Editing Performed in the UK - http://sylnt.us - does-the-editor-have-an-undo-function?
[08:46:57] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Security Researchers Warn that GO Keyboard is Spying on Millions of Android Users - http://sylnt.us - Go-Fish!
[11:16:22] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Tech's Push to Teach Coding Isn't About Kids' Success - It's About Cutting Wages - http://sylnt.us - Programming-Jobs
[13:30:22] <Bytram> coffee++
[13:30:22] <Bender> karma - coffee: 3671
[13:30:23] <Bytram> !uid
[13:30:23] <Bender> The current maximum UID is 6719, owned by KINKU
[13:30:33] <Bytram> ~weather presq
[13:30:35] <exec> 10Presque Isle, ME, USA - currently 65°F / 18°C, mostly cloudy, wind S at 5 mph, humidity 71% - Sunday mostly cloudy (55°F:82°F / 13°C:28°C), Monday mostly sunny (63°F:83°F / 17°C:28°C), Tuesday scattered thunderstorms (54°F:79°F / 12°C:26°C), Wednesday scattered thunderstorms (58°F:76°F / 14°C:24°C)
[13:30:37] <Bytram> ~weather portland, me
[13:30:39] <exec> 10Portland, ME, USA - currently 73°F / 23°C, sunny, wind SW at 1 mph, humidity 74% - Sunday sunny (64°F:81°F / 18°C:27°C), Monday mostly sunny (61°F:79°F / 16°C:26°C), Tuesday partly cloudy (60°F:79°F / 16°C:26°C), Wednesday partly cloudy (64°F:73°F / 18°C:23°C)
[13:30:42] <Bytram> ~weather boston
[13:30:44] <exec> 10Boston, MA, USA - currently 72°F / 22°C, sunny, wind N at 3 mph, humidity 75% - Sunday sunny (66°F:77°F / 19°C:25°C), Monday sunny (65°F:76°F / 18°C:24°C), Tuesday mostly sunny (66°F:77°F / 19°C:25°C), Wednesday partly cloudy (68°F:79°F / 20°C:26°C)
[13:30:46] <Bytram> ~weather baltimore
[13:30:48] <exec> 10Baltimore, MD, USA - currently 80°F / 27°C, sunny, wind N at 3 mph, humidity 59% - Sunday sunny (72°F:90°F / 22°C:32°C), Monday sunny (72°F:89°F / 22°C:32°C), Tuesday partly cloudy (73°F:83°F / 23°C:28°C), Wednesday partly cloudy (73°F:85°F / 23°C:29°C)
[13:30:50] <Bytram> ~weather miami
[13:30:52] <exec> 10Miami, FL, USA - currently 80°F / 27°C, mostly cloudy, wind N at 7 mph, humidity 87% - Sunday scattered thunderstorms (76°F:88°F / 24°C:31°C), Monday scattered thunderstorms (78°F:89°F / 26°C:32°C), Tuesday scattered thunderstorms (76°F:88°F / 24°C:31°C), Wednesday scattered thunderstorms (76°F:89°F / 24°C:32°C)
[13:30:56] <Bytram> ~weather san juan
[13:30:59] <exec> 10San Juan, Puerto Rico - currently 89°F / 32°C, mostly sunny, wind SE at 3 mph, humidity 70% - Sunday partly cloudy (78°F:90°F / 26°C:32°C), Monday scattered showers (78°F:89°F / 26°C:32°C), Tuesday partly cloudy (79°F:90°F / 26°C:32°C), Wednesday partly cloudy (79°F:89°F / 26°C:32°C)
[13:36:09] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Walmart Wants to Deliver Groceries Directly Into Your Fridge - http://sylnt.us - is-your-fridge-"clean"?
[13:36:49] <Bytram> okay, need to get ready for work... have a great day everyone!
[14:24:44] -!- lincoln_ [lincoln_!~lincoln@v-16-11-34-600.hsd5.il.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[14:26:32] -!- lincoln has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[15:37:44] -!- Runaway1956 has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[15:48:25] -!- Runaway1956 [Runaway1956!~guy@67.223.zmk.nh] has joined #Soylent
[15:48:28] <exec> welcome Runaway1956: Dallas, TX, USA, 27°C/81°F, 10:48 am GMT-5, Sunday, 24 September 2017
[15:57:16] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Effective Collaboration: You Don't Need Superstar Developers - http://sylnt.us - just-need-a-thousand-monkeys
[18:16:33] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Megaherbivorous Dinosaurs Were Not Strict Vegetarians - http://sylnt.us - Not-MegaVegan
[20:36:21] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Mass Extinctions on Earth Coincided with Out-of-Whack Carbon Cycles - http://sylnt.us - better-whack-it-back
[20:43:44] -!- Booga1 [Booga1!~322e6367@45-00-15-624.evrt.wa.frontiernet.net] has joined #Soylent
[22:56:03] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - "Decapitated Man" Halloween Display Sparks 911 Calls in Greene County, Tennessee - http://sylnt.us - headless-horse[less]man
[23:02:27] <Bytram> No idea how many Trekkies are about, but the new Star Trek series starts tonight on broadcast TV on CBS... subsequent episodes reserved for CBS' pay channel.
[23:40:44] <Bytram> oh well, Bangles and Green Bay are in overtime... 60 minutes follows in its entirety... does that mean star trek is delayed?
[23:41:16] * TheMightyBuzzard isn't watching either one, for the same reason
[23:42:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> spoiled little bitches who don't work for a living trying to tell me i'm a bad guy.
[23:45:59] * TheMightyBuzzard is watching I Am Frankie instead http://www.imdb.com
[23:46:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> and appropriating mexico's culture by eating tacos.
[23:46:55] * TheMightyBuzzard steps away to do that
[23:47:25] <Bytram> Buenos dias: "Good day", Buenos Tardis: "Good afternoon", Buenos nachos: "Good snack!"
[23:47:30] <Bytram> ;)