#Soylent | Logs for 2017-10-06

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[00:00:06] <chromas> TheMightyBuzzard: lol "This video may show graphic violence or gore."
[00:05:13] <Bytram> chromas: what is that from?
[00:05:48] <chromas> tmb linked to an article with a facebook video. it made me go to fb to watch it and that was the warning it had
[00:05:57] * chromas wants 70,000 rounds per minute
[00:06:43] <Bytram> just set your keyboard on autorepeat and hold down the period key!
[00:07:28] <Bytram> or, I suppose, the "o" key.
[00:08:46] <Bytram> 70k rounds per minute is about 1200 rounds per second... 1200 Hz. That would make for a very loud experience, and very hot, too.
[00:11:40] <chromas> This was the vidya link https://www.facebook.com
[00:12:24] * Bytram has facebook.com blocked in his hosts file
[00:17:44] <Sulla> You see the one from a while back with a lib journalist crying about being bruised and PTSD'd from firing one AR round?
[00:19:31] <Sulla> *tried to load multiples of thousands of assets but failed basic addition, system got confused, threw a tantrum, and quit
[00:20:16] <Bytram> did not see... do not use FB in any way, not allow their trackers on my system
[00:21:29] <Sulla> http://m.nydailynews.com
[00:22:04] <Bytram> NY Daily News? Well, that might have something to do with it.
[00:22:06] * Bytram reads
[00:24:49] <Bytram> sounds like a very sensitive person who was facing the experience with a lot of trepidation to start with... said he'd fired a pistol before, but gave no mention of caliber or what rounds he had fired.
[00:25:29] <Sulla> https://m.youtube.com
[00:25:30] <upstart> ^ 03Shooting an AR15, a ptsd creating event - YouTube ( https://www.youtube.com )
[00:25:53] <Bytram> sounds like something i'd have said, when I was getting over my fears with my first few times firing a gun.
[00:26:09] <Bytram> I now treat a gun with tremendous respect, but not anything approaching rfear.
[00:26:10] <Sulla> Remembered how funny his name was
[00:30:19] <Sulla> Neal stephenson books are so great. Soon as he finishes his main point about tech he just stops caring and drops the plot off of a cliff
[00:33:07] * Bytram hate to admit it but never read any of his works
[00:33:36] <Sulla> Pretty good, but skip seveneves (personal opinion)
[00:34:29] <Bytram> have seen *many* MANY mentions of his works, but never got around to reading any... last time I was into reading books was prolly about 15 years ago.
[00:34:49] <Sulla> * audible cause too lazy to read
[00:35:00] * Bytram spent WAY too much time wading through the Wheel of Time series... gave up after about the 10th book
[00:36:00] * Bytram recalls reading yet another tome and realized I could summarize the plot advancement in about a page's worth of text, and it took me 1000 or so pages to get there.
[00:36:04] <Sulla> Most recent "book" I have physically read was the decline and fall by gibbon
[00:36:10] <Sulla> Kek
[00:36:26] * Bytram decided to give up reading that stuff until the series was finally ended... and haven't gone back.
[00:36:34] <Bytram> umm, what does 'kek' mean?
[00:36:38] <Sulla> Listened to "piller to the sky" several times recently, pretty great SF about modern space elevator
[00:37:03] <Sulla> Its modern for lol
[00:37:19] * Bytram is NOT into steam punk or whatever it is called -- give me more of the old-school dream-of-the-possibilities stuff
[00:37:27] <Sulla> Also ancient egyption frog god worshiped by /pol/
[00:37:33] <Bytram> LOL == Laugh Out Loud
[00:37:40] <Bytram> KEK == ??
[00:37:54] <Bytram> Kan't Even Kare?
[00:37:59] <Sulla> Kek = kek, not sure how to explain
[00:38:28] <Bytram> is it supposed to be somewhat onomatopoetic?
[00:39:05] <Sulla> Think so
[00:39:30] <Bytram> umm, I supposed I could look it up
[00:39:33] <Bytram> ~define kek
[00:39:34] <exec> [urbandictionary] 03kek: Kek literally translates to lol on World of Warcraft. When someone from the Horde side types lol in /say, members of the alliance side see kek instead. Not specific to Orcs.
[00:39:48] <Sulla> Wut, wow?
[00:40:14] <Sulla> Kek is that egyption frog god of chaos that 4chan/pol has been worshiping since before the trump run for pres
[00:40:15] <Bytram> =)
[00:40:26] <Bytram> ~g kek
[00:40:28] <exec> [google] www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=kek
[00:40:31] <Sulla> At some point people started saying it instead of lol
[00:42:20] <Bytram> https://en.wikipedia.org(mythology)
[00:42:21] <upstart> ^ 03Kek ( - Wikipedia
[00:43:02] <Sulla> Douchebag for lol sums it up I think
[00:44:22] <Bytram> In the oldest representations, Kekui is given the head of a serpent, and Kekuit the head of either a frog or a cat. In one scene, they are identified with Ka and Kait; in this scene, Ka-Kekui has the head of a frog surmounted by a beetle and Kait-Kekuit has the head of a serpent surmounted by a disk.[7]
[00:44:25] <Bytram> In the Greco-Roman period, Kek's male form was depicted as a frog-headed man, and the female form as a serpent-headed woman, as were all four dualistic concepts in the Ogdoad.
[00:44:28] <Bytram> In relation to the 2016 United States presidential election, individuals associated with online message boards, such as 4chan, noted a similarity between Kek and the character Pepe the Frog. This resulted in a resurgence of interest in the ancient deity.[8]
[00:45:12] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Strontium Atoms Used in New "Quantum Gas" Atomic Clock - http://sylnt.us - accurate-reporting
[00:45:17] <Sulla> Was a sort of weapon pol roleplayed to ue against hillarys moloch
[00:45:47] <Sulla> Where is your wiki on the great meme war
[00:46:17] <Bytram> also saw a definition that suggests that 'kek' in Korean is similar-in-sound-concept to what we mean when we utter 'lol'
[00:46:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> you call that a war? more like a massacre. libs can't meme.
[00:46:42] <Bytram> http://knowyourmeme.com
[00:46:42] <upstart> ^ 03Kek | Know Your Meme
[00:47:00] <Bytram> ~gday TheMightyBuzzard
[00:47:02] * exec defiantly flings a shoe of rainbows at TheMightyBuzzard
[00:47:19] * Bytram runs to the end and grabs the pot-o-gold
[00:47:27] <Sulla> Was a good time to be on the internet
[00:47:45] <Sulla> Wish I was being paid by correct the record though, could have used the money
[00:47:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~gday Bytram
[00:47:53] * exec seductively planks a TCP stream of pinballs for Bytram
[00:48:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> #yt pinball wizard
[00:48:04] <MrPlow> https://www.youtube.com
[00:48:11] * Bytram hums pinball wizard
[00:50:02] <Sulla> Tmb, you see the spiderman meme the left tried to push recently? Where they got his vision backwards?
[00:50:12] <Sulla> Incredible how hard they fail
[00:50:59] <Bytram> break time... biab
[00:51:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> Sulla, i know, right?
[00:56:33] <Sulla> So whats with moderation the past week or two, ive seen a lot fewer 4+ posts
[00:58:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> don't ask me. i ain't moderated much lately.
[01:00:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> you tend to get less moderation directly after a really busy argument though.
[01:03:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> smoke break
[01:03:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> nicotine++
[01:03:52] <Bender> karma - nicotine: 474
[01:06:41] <Sulla> How many users are currently banned for abusing spam?
[01:07:45] <Bytram> I dunno, would likely have to pose a direct query to the DB as I do not recall anything in the site UI (even for admins) which lists that.
[01:15:48] <TheMightyBuzzard> Sulla, my guess would be 0-2
[01:16:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> i'm not sure we've ever had more than two banned at the same time
[01:17:33] <TheMightyBuzzard> #yt cry little sister
[01:17:33] <MrPlow> https://www.youtube.com
[01:18:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> it's that time again. haven't watched the lost boys in a couple years.
[01:19:13] <Sulla> Haha very select club. Bet one of them is a cool guy
[01:20:17] <Sulla> Looks like NRA wont oppose bumpstock regulations, maybe I should buy one even if I dont own an ar
[01:22:06] * TheMightyBuzzard really gives not a shit about gun regulations
[01:22:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> i obey them about as stringently as i obey copyright regulations
[01:22:56] <TheMightyBuzzard> for the same reasons
[01:23:51] <Sulla> Sounds reasonable
[01:28:44] * Bytram just scanned down the comments that were modded spam... blech!!!
[01:28:49] <Bytram> community++
[01:28:49] <Bender> karma - community: 4
[01:28:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> troof
[01:29:02] <TheMightyBuzzard> good bunch we got
[01:29:24] * Bytram tries to not let one bad apple spoil the broth
[01:29:40] <Sulla> Hey I posted a good defence of why I modded spam and I got +5 insightful for it
[01:29:53] <Sulla> Total legit serious business
[01:30:46] <Sulla> Havent seen any DN first posts today, but havent looked that hard, so system must be workin
[01:31:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> haven't been any in a while cept one registered imposter
[01:31:47] <Bytram> Ultimately, in my experience, any technological solution will fail when up against a determined perpetrator
[01:32:32] <Bytram> I just try to make it clear for a first-level attempt it is not a good idea, and then trust to leave it to the community to mod things appropriately
[01:32:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> nah, i can do up one that's utterly unbeatable. it's just not worth the effort unless the diptshit keeps doing it.
[01:33:06] <Bytram> the trick is to do so... with NO collateral effects
[01:33:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> also doable
[01:34:02] <Bytram> I'll take your word for it... but I have my doubts.
[01:34:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> there are a very finite number of ways to place those particular characters or workable substitutions in that order.
[01:34:51] <Bytram> wihtout intrvening chars that still alow it two bee understoofd?
[01:35:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> yarp
[01:35:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> the longer and more words in a phrase, the easier it is to deal with
[01:36:22] <Bytram> and the easier for them to omit or transpose or intervene chars so as to convey the same message
[01:37:17] <Bytram> hmm, I was just trying to find a comment of yours and search is coming up empty... it's the one where you said something like I could break an anvil if you gave me 5 (10?) minutes alone with it
[01:37:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> nah. you the more characters the smaller a percentage you need to match to avoid false positives
[01:37:30] <Bytram> no match on "anvil" or "Anvil" in comments
[01:37:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> search isn't worth a shit
[01:37:49] <Bytram> orly? o_O
[01:38:16] <Bytram> it often DOES find stuff when searching stories, at least.
[01:38:28] <Sulla> Just find his irl address and sent letters saying DN to his house
[01:38:40] <Sulla> Although thats probably illehal
[01:38:46] <Bytram> posts as AC
[01:39:13] <Sulla> True ac doesnt exist in 2017
[01:39:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> does round these parts. we don't care enough to build the necessary code in or rainbow table our ip hashes.
[01:39:59] <Bytram> ^^^ what he said
[01:40:31] <Bytram> and, since everything is SSL, I can't even sit on our incoming pipe and watch what comes along
[01:41:00] <TheMightyBuzzard> sure ya can. tell nginx to start spitting out an access log
[01:41:04] <Sulla> Oh well, for the best
[01:41:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> won't tell you what's being requested really beyond the url cause we put all the data in POST but...
[01:41:41] <Bytram> well, there's that, but I mean to surreptitiously watch for 'certain traffic' -- one would have to be 'inside' our system to do that... and even then that is not a default configuration
[01:42:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> nod nod. you could probably write the code into apache easy enough but it don't currently exist.
[01:42:11] <Bytram> anyway, I just realized I hvasen't had dinner and my stomach is growling... back shortly
[01:42:27] <Sulla> Is beer dinner?
[01:42:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> yup. ima go get me another smoke then get back to movie night
[01:43:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> Sulla, sure. it's not keto-friendly though.
[01:43:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> alcohol = carbs
[01:44:10] <Sulla> All you people with your health and your caring
[01:44:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh i didn't say that had anything to do with me. just a PSA.
[01:45:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> i won't even drink diet (light) beer unless it's directly after having done a lot of sweaty work outside in the heat.
[01:45:50] <Sulla> Ah. Normally im a scotch or rye drinker, but beer always looks good. Tastes bad though.
[01:45:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> crisp, mostly flavorless, and easy to down fast are attributes that match well with that one circumstance though.
[01:46:04] <Sulla> But im a fatass who will die early, tradeoffs of life
[01:46:58] <TheMightyBuzzard> i'm not outgrowing my 36s yet but i wouldn't mind being back in 34s cause i got more pairs of them.
[01:49:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> aight. nother round of nicotine then back to watching kiefer sutherland be a vampire
[01:49:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> smoke break
[01:49:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> nicotine++
[01:49:30] <Bender> karma - nicotine: 475
[01:49:42] <takyon> what's the current user count
[01:49:47] <Bytram> !uid
[01:49:47] <Bender> The current maximum UID is 6733, owned by hARiBRAGen
[01:49:51] <takyon> thanks
[01:49:56] <Bytram> np
[01:49:57] <Bytram> hth
[01:50:16] * Bytram wonders what THAT nick is about?
[01:51:53] <Bytram> back to preparing dinner
[01:51:55] <Bytram> afk
[01:56:25] <Sulla> Ar brag?
[01:56:32] <Sulla> Nobody should brag about an ar
[02:07:11] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Europe Could See Another Brexit-Like Rupture—Beyond Spain - http://sylnt.us - nation-state-is-over
[02:12:52] <chromas> The search used to suck but I thought NC or pj implemented a new one
[02:18:32] <Bytram> it was updated... ISTR a couple years ago... and it dramatically improved, but it is still not... ideal
[02:20:54] <chromas> search.soylentnews.nsa.gov
[02:25:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> s'a good idea. no sense in both of us having to implement search code.
[02:31:01] <chromas> Plus you're paying for it with taxes
[02:34:29] -!- Runaway1956 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[02:45:59] <Bytram> Found it... but wasn't easy! https://soylentnews.org
[02:46:01] <upstart> ^ 03SoylentNews Comments | Call for Volunteers: Editors [Updated] ( https://soylentnews.org )
[02:46:49] <Bytram> ^^^ TheMightyBuzzard here it is: Let me answer that by bringing up the dev team. Slashdot, under shiny new management, has been promising unicode support for the better part of a year now. I coded it up for this site (having never looked at slashcode before) in around three weeks worth of spare time. And I'm fairly sure both NCommander and paulej72 are better than me at perl. And let's not forget martyb who could tear up an anvil given
[02:46:50] <Bytram> five minutes of playing with it. That's a quality you really want in a QA guy, though it is annoying when you think you're done with something and he shows you you're not.
[03:01:05] -!- stderr has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[03:01:54] -!- stderr [stderr!~pohol@GetOffMyLawn/stderr] has joined #Soylent
[03:06:42] -!- Sulla has quit [Quit: Bye]
[03:25:36] <chromas> Yeah but 'we' did have to enable unicode twice
[03:40:08] <Bytram> ttwwiiccee??
[03:52:45] -!- diginet has quit [Quit: diginet has quit!]
[03:53:55] -!- diginet [diginet!~diginet@107.170.knk.qi] has joined #Soylent
[03:56:47] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - More Than 70% of US Fears Robots Taking Over Our Lives, Survey Finds - http://sylnt.us - I-robot-you-slave
[04:59:02] -!- darkmorph has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[05:17:47] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - NHK Employee Logged 159 Hours of Overtime in One Month Before Dying of Heart Failure at Age 31 - http://sylnt.us - NEET-or-DEATH
[06:55:44] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Ancient Asteroid Impact Exposes the Moon's Interior - http://sylnt.us - prepare-for-a-coverup
[08:25:50] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Intel Releases 8th-Generation "Coffee Lake" CPUs, Including Quad-Core i3 Chips - http://sylnt.us - coffee++
[09:56:57] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Kaspersky Lab and Lax Contractor Blamed for Russian Acquisition of NSA Tools - http://sylnt.us - whom-can-you-trust?
[11:06:18] <SoyGuest42136> what's the simplest lightweight linux spreadsheet program that can create files taht either libre or MS can open?
[11:07:22] <boru> I usually use csv, which is portable, but for quick/dirty with other formats, I use gnumeric.
[11:09:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[11:09:24] <Bender> karma - coffee: 3683
[11:17:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> #submit http://socionextus.com
[11:17:19] <MrPlow> Submitting. There is a mandatory delay, please be patient.
[11:17:44] <MrPlow> Submission successful. https://soylentnews.org
[11:18:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> #submit https://www.techdirt.com
[11:18:46] <MrPlow> Submitting. There is a mandatory delay, please be patient.
[11:19:11] <MrPlow> Submission successful. https://soylentnews.org
[11:19:47] <AndyTheAbsurd> Given the @InternetOfShit twitter account that already exists, I wonder if this is (going to be) an @InternetOfSexyShit account there as well.
[11:23:49] <AndyTheAbsurd> #submit https://electrek.co
[11:23:49] <MrPlow> Submitting. There is a mandatory delay, please be patient.
[11:24:15] <MrPlow> Submission successful. https://soylentnews.org
[11:25:20] <AndyTheAbsurd> #submit https://www.fightforthefuture.org
[11:25:21] <MrPlow> Submitting. There is a mandatory delay, please be patient.
[11:25:46] <MrPlow> Submission successful. https://soylentnews.org
[11:27:20] <AndyTheAbsurd> #submit https://www.cnet.com I hear the Wu-Tang clan ain't nothing to [NO CARRIER]
[11:27:21] <MrPlow> Submitting. There is a mandatory delay, please be patient.
[11:27:46] <MrPlow> Submission successful. https://soylentnews.org
[11:37:25] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Slashdot Turned Twenty Yesterday (October 5th) - http://sylnt.us - upon-the-shoulders-of-others
[12:09:07] -!- darkmorph [darkmorph!~kitsunech@2602:304:45bd:ospv:usru:izlo:lopx:hrvl] has joined #Soylent
[13:08:32] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Catholic Church to Make Record Divestment from Fossil Fuels - http://sylnt.us - eco-pope
[13:25:26] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Slashdot Turned Twenty on October 5th [Updated] - http://sylnt.us - upon-the-shoulders-of-others
[14:35:21] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Mattel Shelves "Aristotle" AI Baby Monitor After Privacy Outcry - http://sylnt.us - wahhhhhhhh
[14:52:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> #submit https://www.thetimes.co.uk I was going to add some snark here but they pretty well covered making a mockery of academia for me.
[14:53:01] <MrPlow> Submitting. There is a mandatory delay, please be patient.
[14:53:26] <MrPlow> Submission successful. https://soylentnews.org
[15:06:17] -!- darkmorph has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[15:10:12] <SoyGuest42136> Every time I see "foo bar unrecognisable university" the thought "I wonder what that used to be" goes through my mind... "...previously known as Bath College of Higher Education"
[15:10:45] <SoyGuest42136> "...ranked as one of the best creative universities in the UK..." - what - they make things up?
[15:14:38] <SoyGuest42136> anyway, shouldn't such shitlordery belong you-know-where, in our wrongspeak safe space?
[15:16:01] <TheMightyBuzzard> nope. when they shitlord themselves, it's news.
[15:20:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> well, time to get naked and rub all over myself. which is a more fun way of saying shower. there's also "remove my hippie camouflage" if you prefer.
[15:24:20] -!- everdred has quit [Changing host]
[15:24:20] -!- everdred [everdred!~everdred@Soylent/Users/110/Everdred] has joined #Soylent
[15:27:22] <SoyGuest42136> As a hippy, I feel my smelly place is being violated.
[15:31:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> stop feeling your smelly place in public
[15:31:40] <SoyGuest42136> someone's got to
[15:33:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh ya, i was gonna go destinkify myself. got distracted commenting.
[15:52:09] <SoyGuest42136> Stop badmouthing Stinky! /me drinks coffee from his Stinky mug... http://fatphil.org
[15:53:06] <SoyGuest42136> (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_characters_in_the_Moomin_series#Other_characters might be needed for context)
[15:53:07] <upstart> ^ 03List of Moomin characters - Wikipedia ( https://en.wikipedia.org )
[15:53:11] -!- lemon has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[15:53:24] <AndyTheAbsurd> reminds me of Crud Puppy from User Friendly.
[15:58:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> good ole crud puppy
[15:59:17] <SoyGuest42136> I can see why you say that
[15:59:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> aight, smoke n then nap. yall hold down the fort a couple hours.
[15:59:55] * TheMightyBuzzard passes the server reboot switch to AndyTheAbsurd
[16:07:37] * AndyTheAbsurd places the server reboot where he can kick it really hard when the servers are down
[16:15:51] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - A Novel Textile Material That Keeps Itself Germ-Free - http://sylnt.us - high-five-for-sterility
[16:22:53] <pinchy> another friday has crept up on us
[16:27:44] <cmn32480> sadly it isn't 5pm yet
[16:45:11] -!- darkmorph [darkmorph!~kitsunech@2602:304:45bd:ospv:usru:izlo:lopx:hrvl] has joined #Soylent
[16:46:12] darkmorph is now known as SoyGuest33560
[17:00:47] <mechanicjay> Man some people are fucked in the head.
[17:03:32] -!- SoyGuest33560 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[17:31:46] -!- xuser [xuser!~xachet@cp-25-05-09-098.chicago.us.northamericancoax.com] has joined #Soylent
[17:46:57] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Young People Suffer from a Lack of Practical Skills - http://sylnt.us - would-you-like-fries-with-that?
[17:49:51] <chromas> But we have the skills to call out racism in anything no matter how nonexistent. Isn't that really enough?
[19:25:55] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Decaffeinated Black Tea Found to Shrink Guts by Working Inside Them - http://sylnt.us - gutsy-research
[19:33:24] -!- Sulla [Sulla!~Sulla@ddrvse-201-711-274-25.mycingular.net] has joined #Soylent
[19:38:44] <Sulla> Wtf is "proportional force" and how is voting proportional to beating
[19:44:24] <AndyTheAbsurd> Sulla: context, motherfucker!
[19:56:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> Sulla, proportional force is i walk up and punch you in the face but you can only punch me back as hard as i hit you.
[19:56:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> which is to stay, blatant stupidity.
[19:56:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> say even
[19:57:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> overwhelming force is how you solve problems. proportional force is how you make sure they continue to be problems.
[19:57:36] <Sulla> EU vp in france said proportional force should be used against catalans
[19:58:17] <Sulla> MAD = proportional force imho. Beating protestors for voting is not
[19:58:33] <TheMightyBuzzard> i'm pro-catalans. i don't blame anyone for not wanting to be french.
[19:59:09] <Sulla> In general I think everyone has a right to self determination. Kurds, catalans, californians, whatever
[19:59:47] * TheMightyBuzzard bakes a going away cake for california
[20:02:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> i'm serious about what i said when calexit was proposed a while back. i will absolutely pack up my rifle and go help them gain independence. it's worth the risk to be rid of them.
[20:07:30] <chromas> We need some way to move Portland and the NW corner of Washington down there first
[20:13:26] <Sulla> Would be great if we could most of the people in eugene to move back down there too
[20:26:26] <Sulla> I hope catalonia pulls this off, would be a cool win for smaller more repreentative gov
[20:38:15] <pinchy> omg im surrounded by alt-right halp
[20:39:24] <pinchy> i wonder if cali will keep the same name?
[20:39:35] <pinchy> maybe they can join forces with canada
[20:41:40] <pinchy> http://www.msn.com
[20:41:41] <upstart> ^ 03Customer casually robs Tim Hortons in East Windsor
[20:56:01] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Dust the Likely Cause of Tabby's Star Dimming - http://sylnt.us - just-needs-a-bit-of-swiffering
[21:15:43] -!- arti|work has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com]
[21:16:02] -!- arti|work [arti|work!~textual@kpku-40-80-465-497.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #Soylent
[21:30:50] <mechanicjay> Sulla, nope we're taking it all with us. Free Cascadia!
[21:38:58] <TheMightyBuzzard> meh, i don't want any Cascadia. not even if it's free. how bout some beer instead?
[21:47:59] <Sulla> Ill just go back to alaska then I guess
[21:48:28] <mechanicjay> Sounds good. As long as its not an IPA.
[21:51:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> IPAs are for hipster douchebags
[21:57:29] * TheMightyBuzzard gets himself presentable to go watch bladerunner 2
[22:08:09] <mechanicjay> Agree, I haven't yet figured out to make a backronym for IPA that includes the term Hispter Douchebags.
[22:12:02] -!- SoyGuest33560 [SoyGuest33560!~kitsunech@2602:304:45bd:ospv:usru:izlo:lopx:hrvl] has joined #Soylent
[22:31:06] <SoyGuest42136> Philip K Dick's Electric Dreams - anyone seen them?
[22:33:14] -!- SoyGuest33560 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[22:36:10] <Sulla> Never saw the appeal for IPAs, but I tend to not like beer much anyways
[22:36:34] <SoyGuest42136> HAve you been reading my beer reviews?
[22:37:17] <SoyGuest42136> I had an Americna IPA for the first time in about half a year tonight, and it was everything I don't like about the style.
[22:37:40] <Sulla> None that I can recall.
[22:38:06] <Sulla> Sad to say not yet read any philip k dick, although I have a bunch of books on the shelf
[22:38:11] <SoyGuest42136> https://www.ratebeer.com
[22:38:55] <SoyGuest42136> CHannel 4 in the UK's just done 10 1 hour Dick things - watched #1 tonight, and will watch the rest as I like it
[22:39:08] <SoyGuest42136> they're unconnected to each other, of course, some might be less good.
[22:39:49] <SoyGuest42136> One reason I didn't like the White Witch was because that (in Latin) is my company name.
[23:00:40] * chromas invents the APA
[23:02:57] <SoyGuest42136> Can we take comments like that to the shitlordery channel, as APA really winds me up.
[23:03:09] * SoyGuest42136 hates US-05 yeast.
[23:04:50] * SoyGuest42136 's beer nerdery goes not to just 11, but probably 13
[23:09:14] <SoyGuest42136> (which is one reason I probably hate hipsters even more than you lot - I am hypersensitive to the bullshit they spout in a field that I've been immersed in for many decades)
[23:16:45] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - All NYC Public School Cafeterias to Offer Plant-Based Options - http://sylnt.us - seeds-of-change
[23:21:59] * chromas sets out a selection of follicly challenged beards and used flannel shirts from the thrift store
[23:46:04] <Sulla> Man, I live in eugene, and I really hate hipsters
[23:47:14] <Sulla> My drive home from work is 25 minutes of nonstop establishments built to worshop the hipster lifestyle
[23:47:38] <Sulla> Pretty offended that they are culturally appropriating beards
[23:48:06] <mechanicjay> Didn't you hear? We hit peak beard sometime last year, the clean look is on the way in!
[23:53:31] <SoyGuest42136> Dare I mention waxed moustaches?
[23:53:44] <mechanicjay> please don't
[23:54:02] * SoyGuest42136 completely avoids all mention of waxed moustaches
[23:54:06] * Bytram is so tempted to wax eloquent