#Soylent | Logs for 2018-01-08

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[00:17:46] <Bytram> ~weather sydney
[00:17:47] <exec> 10Sydney NSW, Australia - currently 84°F / 29°C, partly cloudy, wind N at 7 mph, humidity 52% - Monday mostly cloudy (73°F:91°F / 23°C:33°C), Tuesday scattered thunderstorms (69°F:94°F / 21°C:34°C), Wednesday partly cloudy (68°F:74°F / 20°C:23°C), Thursday cloudy (70°F:77°F / 21°C:25°C)
[00:18:05] <Bytram> ~weather mount washington, nh
[00:18:07] <exec> 10Mount Washington - currently -3°F / -19°C, mostly cloudy, wind W at 63 mph, humidity 37% - Sunday snow showers (-6°F:-1°F / -21°C:-18°C), Monday snow (5°F:18°F / -15°C:-8°C), Tuesday snow (-4°F:7°F / -20°C:-14°C), Wednesday cloudy (17°F:24°F / -8°C:-4°C)
[00:29:58] <Bytram> # Bytram had 0 hits totaling 0 points, had 0 drops, and had 0 blocked attacks;
[00:29:58] <Bytram> # (hit_list: no hits).
[00:29:58] <Bytram> # Bytram had 11 hits totaling 9901 points, had 2 drops, and had 17 blocked attacks;
[00:29:58] <Bytram> # (hit_list: 759, 765, 727, 725, 1480, 827, 772, 842, 760, 738, 1506).
[00:29:58] <Bytram> # Bytram: 4481: B D 759 D 727 B 725 B B 772 B B 760 738
[00:29:59] <Bytram> # Bytram: 5420: B B B B B 765 B B 1480 827 B B B 842 B 1506
[00:30:16] <Bytram> afk biab.
[00:32:17] <chromas> Maybe Trump should give Kim Jong an Pepsi
[00:35:03] <Sulla> An pepsi
[00:35:17] <chromas> ein pepsi
[00:35:51] <chromas> Just imagine an accent where the "p" isn't pronounced
[00:36:11] <chromas> like the "h" in "an historic"
[00:36:18] -!- Sulla has quit [Quit: Bye]
[00:36:29] <chromas> I guess he prefers Coke
[00:36:35] -!- Sulla [Sulla!~Sulla@214-31-4-0.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #Soylent
[00:36:47] * TheMightyBuzzard yawns
[00:36:47] * MrPlow flips a Skittle into TheMightyBuzzard's gaping mouth
[00:37:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> #smake chromas
[00:37:32] * MrPlow smakes chromas upside the head with horse tentacle tofu
[00:37:51] <Sulla> What accent does not pronounce pepsi correct
[00:38:02] <chromas> Welsh
[00:38:21] * chromas gives MrPlow a Welshi sammich
[00:38:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> we fought two wars against the brits over the right to pronounce our Hs properly. how dare you spit on all the dead soldiers by using "an" before a word starting with H?
[00:38:59] <chromas> But we flipped it with the word "herb"
[00:39:11] <chromas> 'cause they pronounce the H, right?
[00:39:29] <chromas> Hhhhurrb
[00:39:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> well of course. they're always wrong on H pronunciation.
[00:40:09] <chromas> Do they drop the "h" in Preparation H?
[00:40:37] * chromas sets up a shiny new apache
[00:40:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> probably. the drop the taste when they cook food. might as well drop something at the other end as well.
[00:42:14] <Sulla> Hah
[00:43:01] <chromas> 'a'
[00:44:01] <Sulla> Was slicing meat earlier on my meat slicer. Decided to eat some of it before fishing so made a sammich. Wife wanted to finish cutting so told her all the necessary safety steps etc
[00:44:10] <Bytram> TheMightyBuzzard: Touche'
[00:44:31] <Sulla> Needless to say she is at urgent care getting her fingertip stiched back on
[00:44:57] <Sulla> Told her that she should just get the bleeding stopped and dry out the tip as a constant reminder that I have never yet been wrong
[00:46:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> see, this tells me you both have a good sense of humor. otherwise you would die in your sleep tonight.
[00:46:22] <chromas> Did she stop to make a fingertip sammich?
[00:46:47] <Bytram> #sammich sulla
[00:46:47] * MrPlow looks around but does not see sulla
[00:46:51] <Bytram> #sammich Sulla
[00:46:51] * MrPlow sneaks up behind Sulla and cuts their throat
[00:46:51] * MrPlow fixes thinly sliced Sulla's corpse sammiches for everyone in #Soylent
[00:47:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> #sammich
[00:47:16] * MrPlow whips up a horse tentacle tofu sammich for TheMightyBuzzard
[00:47:53] <Bytram> https://www.youtube.com
[00:47:54] <upstart> ^ 03ZUMA Mission - YouTube
[00:48:13] <Bytram> ~weather Cape Canaveral
[00:48:15] <exec> 10Cape Canaveral, FL - currently 57°F / 14°C, partly cloudy, wind NE at 9 mph, humidity 76% - Sunday mostly cloudy (56°F:64°F / 13°C:18°C), Monday showers (62°F:70°F / 17°C:21°C), Tuesday scattered thunderstorms (63°F:70°F / 17°C:21°C), Wednesday showers (62°F:71°F / 17°C:22°C)
[00:49:42] <Sulla> Wow thats karma
[00:49:47] <Sulla> I still may die in my sleep
[00:49:56] <Bytram> 45K now watching
[00:50:08] <Sulla> I heard a "shit" so being the dumbass I am I asked "did you learn anything"
[00:51:19] <Bytram> what did she say?
[00:52:02] <TheMightyBuzzard> chameleon++
[00:52:02] <Bender> karma - chameleon: 12
[00:52:49] <Sulla> Started crying about how good he was doing and that it wasnt care because her fingers were nowhere close to the blade. I had a lot of laughs though.
[00:53:53] <Bytram> 55k watching now
[00:54:50] <Bytram> 60K
[00:55:41] <chromas> "chat disabled". Aww! But I wanted to watch a flood of shitposting
[00:56:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> i ate too much to shitpost tonight. you'll have to do it yourself.
[00:57:14] -!- Sulla has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[00:57:53] <Bytram> uBlock Origin is showing 60 blocked items atm... counts up by 1 every 10-15 seconds or so... yays!
[00:58:19] <Bytram> speaking of eating... sounds like a good idea... biab
[00:58:58] <chromas> It's always nice of the scripts to keep trying to load moar scripts
[00:59:07] <chromas> Very thoughtful
[01:00:05] <Bytram> that's an apt de-script-ion
[01:00:15] <Bytram> lift off
[01:00:29] -!- Sulla [Sulla!~Sulla@qdracy-756-261-271-851.mycingular.net] has joined #Soylent
[01:01:25] <Bytram> ublock @ 100
[01:01:32] <Bytram> 90k watching
[01:01:34] <Bytram> maxq
[01:02:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya know. the south park guys need to get back on the ball. they're not putting out enough episodes anymore when there's sooooo much material and dire need of some sacred cow slaughtering.
[01:03:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> Bytram, so you're saying zuma zoom zoom zoom?
[01:03:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> https://www.youtube.com
[01:03:20] <upstart> ^ 03Wreck-X-N-Effect - Rump Shaker - YouTube
[01:03:43] <Bytram> send it to zoom! box 350 boston mass 02134@
[01:05:41] <Bytram> fairings did deploy
[01:05:57] <Bytram> boost back burn sucdessful
[01:06:02] <chromas> But they didn't show it. Fake news! The earth is flat! There is no moon!
[01:06:10] <Bytram> re-entry burn coming up
[01:06:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, my back burn was successful too.
[01:06:34] * TheMightyBuzzard lurves him some spicy foods
[01:06:40] <Bytram> re-entry burn started
[01:06:52] <Bytram> re-entry burn done
[01:07:14] <Bytram> landing burn coming up 30s
[01:07:48] <Bytram> landing burn started
[01:08:18] <Bytram> landed
[01:09:24] <chromas> They'ren't gonna follow the rest of it?
[01:09:26] <Bytram> coverage completed 92,567 watched
[01:09:34] <Bytram> secret mission
[01:09:47] <Bytram> ummm, secret payload
[01:09:50] <chromas> I knew it! It's all staged
[01:10:15] <Sulla> What was this launch about?
[01:10:42] <Bytram> https://soylentnews.org
[01:10:43] <upstart> ^ 03SpaceX's Mysterious Zuma Mission May Soon Take Flight (Finally!) - SoylentNews
[01:10:43] <chromas> Launching a video game I think
[01:11:07] <chromas> Zuma http://4.bp.blogspot.com
[01:11:22] <Bytram> the story has a link to a wikipedia entry with more details
[01:11:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> chromas++ # Informative
[01:11:38] <Bender> karma - chromas: 198
[01:11:52] <Bytram> mote zuma's revenge?
[01:11:55] <Bytram> monte zuma's revenge?
[01:12:04] <Sulla> Got a quick rundown? Arm deep in cleaning a meat slicer
[01:12:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> should keep your arms out of it. don't want another ER trip.
[01:12:30] <Bytram> military payload -- details are secret
[01:12:52] * Bytram helpfully rummages around for some bleach to offer to Sulla
[01:13:06] <chromas> Did you try the meat tho?
[01:13:14] <chromas> Finger steak
[01:13:27] <Bytram> <groan!>
[01:13:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> finger sammiches
[01:14:06] <Sulla> If I eat the fingertip I cant hold it over my wife as a lifetime toldyouso
[01:14:12] <Bytram> checkin fingers
[01:14:24] <Bytram> chicken fingers
[01:14:35] <chromas> Waste not, want not
[01:14:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> Sulla, you can't anyway. women are far better equipped for the whole remember everything wrong you ever did game.
[01:14:56] <Bytram> a waist is a terrible thing to mind
[01:15:37] <Bytram> afk dishes
[01:16:33] <Sulla> On the bright side even ith the medical visit I came out paying $1/lb for sliced ham
[01:17:54] <TheMightyBuzzard> so did she carry the detached bit or did she give you the finger?
[01:18:32] <chromas> Just the tip
[01:20:08] <Sulla> Was probably 2mm of nail when the nail was same lenth of tip of finger
[01:36:39] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - SpaceX's Mysterious Zuma Mission May Soon Take Flight (Update: Successful) - http://sylnt.us - frogs-in-space?
[01:45:46] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - SpaceX's Mysterious Zuma Mission May Soon Take Flight [Update: Successful] - http://sylnt.us - frogs-in-space? || Australia's First Electric Passenger Plane Takes To The Skies - http://sylnt.us - electric-everywhere
[01:58:31] -!- probablysulla [probablysulla!~Sulla@cgxmap-013-523-531-010.mycingular.net] has joined #Soylent
[01:59:32] -!- Sulla has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[01:59:52] probablysulla is now known as Sulla
[04:15:52] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - 8 Reasons to Replace Your VPN Client with OpenVPN - http://sylnt.us - know-your-client
[04:19:33] <chromas> https://imgur.com
[04:44:01] -!- xuser [xuser!~xuser@uu-178-716-705-149.midwest.us.northamericancoax.com] has joined #Soylent
[06:00:16] -!- Sulla has quit [Quit: Bye]
[06:00:32] -!- Sulla [Sulla!~Sulla@214-31-4-0.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #Soylent
[06:37:36] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Google Employs Contractors to Recover Company Bicycles in Mountain View - http://sylnt.us - on-the-bicycle-recovery-team
[07:01:35] -!- xuser has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[08:57:04] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Danforth Center Uncovers A Genetic Mechanism That Could Enhance Yield In Cereal Crops - http://sylnt.us - feeding-the-world
[10:15:17] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Stellar Dynamo of Nearly Identical Star to the Sun Affected by its Metal Content - http://sylnt.us - heavy-metal
[12:37:01] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - A Thermometer for the Oceans - http://sylnt.us - oceanic-fever
[13:00:56] <Bytram> coffee++
[13:00:56] <Bender> karma - coffee: 3851
[13:00:59] <Bytram> !uid
[13:00:59] <Bender> The current maximum UID is 6838, owned by Joelni
[13:01:08] <Bytram> ~weather presque
[13:01:10] <exec> 10Presque Isle, ME - currently 6°F / -14°C, cloudy, wind W at 3 mph, humidity 82% - Monday snow (13°F:16°F / -11°C:-9°C), Tuesday snow showers (4°F:28°F / -16°C:-2°C), Wednesday mostly sunny (16°F:21°F / -9°C:-6°C), Thursday scattered showers (35°F:37°F / 2°C:3°C)
[13:01:14] <Bytram> ~weather portland, me
[13:01:16] <exec> 10Portland, ME - currently 18°F / -8°C, cloudy, wind S at 9 mph, humidity 60% - Monday cloudy (24°F:31°F / -4°C:-1°C), Tuesday sunny (15°F:37°F / -9°C:3°C), Wednesday mostly sunny (29°F:32°F / -2°C:0°C), Thursday mostly cloudy (39°F:43°F / 4°C:6°C)
[13:01:21] <Bytram> ~weather boston
[13:01:23] <exec> 10Boston, MA - currently 25°F / -4°C, cloudy, wind SW at 12 mph, humidity 47% - Monday cloudy (30°F:34°F / -1°C:1°C), Tuesday sunny (17°F:38°F / -8°C:3°C), Wednesday mostly sunny (32°F:36°F / 0°C:2°C), Thursday partly cloudy (44°F:49°F / 7°C:9°C)
[13:01:27] <Bytram> ~weather baltimore
[13:01:29] <exec> 10Baltimore, MD - currently 20°F / -7°C, mostly cloudy, wind NE at 2 mph, humidity 49% - Monday freezing rain (32°F:33°F / 0°C:1°C), Tuesday sunny (28°F:44°F / -2°C:7°C), Wednesday partly cloudy (35°F:43°F / 2°C:6°C), Thursday scattered showers (48°F:51°F / 9°C:11°C)
[13:01:34] <Bytram> ~weather atlanta
[13:01:36] <exec> 10Atlanta, GA - currently 32°F / 0°C, mostly cloudy, wind E at 7 mph, humidity 40% - Monday freezing rain (37°F:38°F / 3°C:3°C), Tuesday fog (46°F:55°F / 8°C:13°C), Wednesday drizzle (49°F:55°F / 9°C:13°C), Thursday fog (54°F:61°F / 12°C:16°C)
[13:01:39] <Bytram> ~weather jacksonville
[13:01:42] <exec> 10Jacksonville, FL - currently 45°F / 7°C, partly cloudy, wind NE at 3 mph, humidity 90% - Monday cloudy (56°F:69°F / 13°C:21°C), Tuesday showers (61°F:70°F / 16°C:21°C), Wednesday partly cloudy (61°F:72°F / 16°C:22°C), Thursday showers (59°F:73°F / 15°C:23°C)
[13:01:44] <Bytram> ~weather miami
[13:01:46] <exec> 10Miami, FL - currently 69°F / 21°C, partly cloudy, wind E at 10 mph, humidity 76% - Monday scattered showers (67°F:76°F / 19°C:24°C), Tuesday thunderstorm (68°F:75°F / 20°C:24°C), Wednesday scattered thunderstorms (65°F:77°F / 18°C:25°C), Thursday partly cloudy (70°F:78°F / 21°C:26°C)
[13:01:55] <Bytram> ~weather houston
[13:01:57] <exec> 10Houston, TX - currently 57°F / 14°C, cloudy, wind NW at 12 mph, humidity 86% - Monday partly cloudy (46°F:66°F / 8°C:19°C), Tuesday mostly sunny (49°F:62°F / 9°C:17°C), Wednesday partly cloudy (59°F:70°F / 15°C:21°C), Thursday rain (37°F:69°F / 3°C:21°C)
[13:02:05] <Bytram> ~weather san diego
[13:02:07] <exec> 10San Diego, CA - currently 61°F / 16°C, mostly cloudy, wind NE at 0 mph, humidity 91% - Monday scattered showers (60°F:70°F / 16°C:21°C), Tuesday rain (53°F:62°F / 12°C:17°C), Wednesday partly cloudy (50°F:62°F / 10°C:17°C), Thursday sunny (52°F:69°F / 11°C:21°C)
[13:03:28] <AndyTheAbsurd> ~weather Saint Petersburg, FL
[13:03:30] <exec> 10Saint Petersburg, FL - currently 55°F / 13°C, partly cloudy, wind E at 9 mph, humidity 89% - Monday cloudy (62°F:71°F / 17°C:22°C), Tuesday showers (63°F:73°F / 17°C:23°C), Wednesday showers (63°F:71°F / 17°C:22°C), Thursday sunny (64°F:71°F / 18°C:22°C)
[13:03:53] <AndyTheAbsurd> ~weather Saint Petersburg, Russia
[13:03:55] <exec> 10Saint Petersburg, Russia - currently 29°F / -2°C, cloudy, wind NW at 17 mph, humidity 72% - Monday partly cloudy (22°F:28°F / -6°C:-2°C), Tuesday cloudy (25°F:29°F / -4°C:-2°C), Wednesday cloudy (27°F:31°F / -3°C:-1°C), Thursday cloudy (21°F:28°F / -6°C:-2°C)
[13:04:44] * Bytram chuckles
[13:04:54] <Bytram> ~weather moscow
[13:04:56] <exec> 10Moscow, Russia - currently 30°F / -1°C, cloudy, wind W at 2 mph, humidity 71% - Monday scattered snow showers (23°F:31°F / -5°C:-1°C), Tuesday partly cloudy (23°F:27°F / -5°C:-3°C), Wednesday mostly cloudy (26°F:28°F / -3°C:-2°C), Thursday cloudy (19°F:28°F / -7°C:-2°C)
[13:05:00] <Bytram> ~weather moscow, ME
[13:05:02] <exec> 10Moscow, ME - currently 12°F / -11°C, cloudy, wind N at 1 mph, humidity 87% - Monday snow (17°F:21°F / -8°C:-6°C), Tuesday partly cloudy (11°F:28°F / -12°C:-2°C), Wednesday mostly sunny (22°F:29°F / -6°C:-2°C), Thursday cloudy (39°F:41°F / 4°C:5°C)
[13:05:20] <AndyTheAbsurd> Microsoft Outlook has been trying to start up for 20 minutes now, without anything but it's stupid splash screen.
[13:06:00] <Bytram> be grateful it's stupid... imagine the havoc it would be causing if it were smart
[13:06:11] <Bytram> whereto? https://youtu.be
[13:06:13] <upstart> ^ 03The Greatest Test Flight - STS-1 (Full Mission 03) - YouTube ( https://www.youtube.com )
[14:02:51] <cmn32480> #smake customers
[14:02:51] * MrPlow smakes customers upside the head with a jihad
[14:08:08] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Vuzix Alexa-Enabled Smart Glasses at CES - http://sylnt.us - alexa-enhance
[14:34:59] <AndyTheAbsurd> ~time phoenix, az
[14:35:01] <exec> Monday, 8 January 2018 @ 7:35 am MST - Phoenix, AZ
[14:35:44] <boru> MST is mountain time, right?
[14:36:02] <boru> That's the timezone I'd like to live in, in the US.
[14:36:48] <AndyTheAbsurd> boru: yes, but Arizona is special because (almost all of) the rest of the country does Daylight Saving Time and Arizona does not.
[14:37:06] <boru> I didn't know that. What a great place!
[14:37:17] <AndyTheAbsurd> ...but even that doesn't tell the whole story, because there's a Navajo reserveration in AZ that *does* do DST.
[14:37:37] <boru> Well, aren't they silly billies.
[14:37:49] <AndyTheAbsurd> ...and *inside* the Navajo reservation is a Hopi reservation that does *not* bother with DST.
[14:38:07] <boru> Sheesh, it's turtles all the way down.
[14:38:50] <AndyTheAbsurd> I just wish that we'd drop DST nationwide
[14:39:15] <AndyTheAbsurd> It's a dumb idea. I'd say it's a dumb idea with modern technology, but it's really just a dumb idea.
[14:39:28] <boru> I agree.
[14:46:42] <pinchy> have a continously variable daylight time. have it adjust a few seconds each day so that the sun sets at the same time
[15:46:05] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Are Loot Boxes in Games a Violation of Gambling Laws? - http://sylnt.us - 1-in-365,214,231-chance-of-getting-the-good-stuff
[16:02:41] -!- Sulla has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[16:58:40] -!- Sulla [Sulla!~Sulla@bzjfmn-756-716-771-41.mycingular.net] has joined #Soylent
[17:17:13] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Best-Ever Algorithm Found for Huge Streams of Data - http://sylnt.us - YAA!-Yet-Another-Algorithm!
[17:32:25] -!- mechanicjay has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[17:33:24] -!- mechanicjay [mechanicjay!~jhowe@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mechanicjay] has joined #Soylent
[17:33:24] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mechanicjay] by Aphrodite
[17:33:26] <exec> welcome mechanicjay: Seattle, WA, 8°C/46°F, 9:33 am PST, Monday, 8 January 2018
[17:50:15] <Sulla> Oprah or michelle? Who are you more excited to have as our next president
[17:51:05] <mechanicjay> Oprah
[17:51:46] <mechanicjay> Then we can start the 2nd Age of the American Empire: The TV Star Leaders
[17:52:03] <mechanicjay> They could even make a movie about it....
[17:52:07] <mechanicjay> Or at least a TV mini series!
[18:04:22] <Ingar> Reality Show
[18:04:35] <Ingar> Tonight on "The White House"
[18:46:34] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - New US Customs Guidelines Limit Copying Files and Searching Cloud Data - http://sylnt.us - sudden-outbreak-of-common-sense?
[18:49:51] <mechanicjay> Sheesh, when you've not had time to do an emerge update in like 8 weeks and there's 238 package updates to build....
[19:14:25] <FatPhil> but it's worth making burning a couple of days of CPU in order to make it .1% faster the rest of the time! funrollloops!
[20:17:42] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Don't Pirate or We'll Mess With Your Nest, Warns East Coast ISP - http://sylnt.us - suspected-is-now-guilty
[20:18:33] <AndyTheAbsurd> "Nest" or "Net"?
[20:18:59] <AndyTheAbsurd> Oh, it actually does mean "Nest".
[20:19:21] <AndyTheAbsurd> ...which should be a super-low-bandwidth item and kind of hard to mess with.
[20:25:04] <TheMightyBuzzard> FatPhil, who wouldn't want to use funrollloops? it has "fun" right in the name.
[20:29:05] * TheMightyBuzzard looks at the clock, looks at his bed, and fucks off to take a nap
[21:48:49] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Evidence That Alzheimer's Protein Spreads Like an Infection - http://sylnt.us - every-step-we-take
[22:45:35] <FatPhil> Black Mirror Season 4 finally found its legs in episode 4 /Hang the DJ/, I thought.
[22:56:22] -!- Sulla has quit [Quit: Bye]
[22:56:38] -!- Sulla [Sulla!~Sulla@214-31-4-0.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #Soylent
[23:35:37] <Sulla> I dont follow alzheimers info as much as I should
[23:37:59] <Sulla> Read an article years ago that nicotine postponed alzheimers
[23:38:12] <Sulla> Willing to smoke and get cancer if it keeps me from being a zombie
[23:45:50] <Sulla> Bunch of good submissions out there but nothing pending