#Soylent | Logs for 2018-12-01

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[00:01:25] -!- arti|work has quit [Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
[00:17:31] -!- Sulla [Sulla!~8cd35204@140.211.gj.y] has joined #Soylent
[00:17:38] <Sulla> earthquake--
[00:17:38] <Bender> karma - earthquake: -1
[00:25:52] <chromas> Getting the shakes?
[00:47:50] <Sulla> I didn't, lot of people I know did
[00:48:04] <Sulla> inlaws lost all their dishes, shelving, computers crushed, etc
[00:48:50] <Sulla> I was in the process of taking over ownership of a car rental lot and it looks like we got some damage because they are parked real tight in the off-season
[00:54:02] <chromas> Gotta store the cars in bubble wrap
[01:01:14] -!- Sulla has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[01:01:46] <Bytram> =g define nour
[01:01:47] <upstart> https://www.urbandictionary.com - Urban Dictionary: Nour
[01:03:31] <Bytram> ~translate nour
[01:05:50] <Bytram> ~translate merci
[01:06:15] <Bytram> https://soylentnews.org
[01:06:16] <upstart> ^ 03SoylentNews: SoylentNews is people
[01:06:55] <Bytram> ~titles on
[01:07:07] <Bytram> ~title on
[01:07:08] <exec> titles enabled for 10#Soylent
[01:07:12] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Archaeologists Map Centuries of History Beneath World’s Oldest Cathedral - http://sylnt.us - that's-deep
[01:07:16] <Bytram> there you are!
[02:06:29] <chromas> windows--
[02:06:29] <Bender> karma - windows: -24
[02:06:35] <chromas> Not enough bitching and moaning in here
[02:07:40] <chromas> Default for this installation of Windows was to not notify about updates, so it just rebooted in the middle of installing stuff. Very nice.
[02:25:45] * TheMightyBuzzard mocks chromas's pain
[02:34:34] <chromas> :'(
[02:47:41] <Konomi> yeah had that happen at work on my lunch break
[02:47:57] <Konomi> boss was glad we didn't lose any work on the project since I press ctrl+s a little too often
[02:48:22] <Konomi> I think you can tell windows a prefered reboot time but it might still ignore it
[02:50:49] <Bytram> Konomi: !! So good to 'see' you!
[02:51:41] <Bytram> and, IIRC, tell Windows you are on a metered/limited connection and it will be less... enthusiastic... about downloading and installing updates.
[02:52:02] <Konomi> I remember my partner being able to say "not using the pc at x to y time"
[02:52:05] <Konomi> which helped
[02:52:10] <Bytram> or so I've heard... I'm still on Win 7 Pro
[02:52:12] <Konomi> I don['t know windows 10 well though
[02:52:36] * Bytram is glad he did not give in to the MS proddings
[02:52:39] <Konomi> I just like to poke fun when it reboots on her randomly lol
[02:52:40] <Konomi> xD
[02:52:45] <Bytram> lol
[02:53:10] <Bytram> of course, when your system randomly reboots... fair is fair, right?
[02:53:18] <Konomi> plus now that I play WoW with a 70fps frame rate constantly nix seeming awfully tempting to her
[02:53:27] * Bytram heads off to make some popcorn
[02:53:45] <Bytram> hard to beat actually seeing the real thing!
[02:54:20] * Bytram thought his lappy had bluetooth but can't seem to find out where the controls are to turn it on.
[02:57:27] <Bytram> Okay, I found a Bluetooth service that was not running; started it manually.
[02:57:38] <Bytram> now I gotta plug in my speakers... biab
[02:59:17] <Bytram> well, just noticed the time, so I think I'll hold off on that until another day. Have an early start at work tomorrow.
[03:00:09] <Konomi> corded speakers > BT any day
[03:25:19] <Bytram> =g T&V Vertrag BT
[03:25:28] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Palm Oil was Supposed to Help Save the Planet. Instead it Unleashed a Catastrophe. - http://sylnt.us - smoke-gets-in-your-eyes
[03:25:30] <upstart> https://www.t-mobile.com - T-Mobile | Holiday Deals 2018
[03:25:47] <Bytram> =g T&V Vertrag BT speakers
[03:25:57] <upstart> https://www.t-mobile.com - T-Mobile | Holiday Deals 2018
[03:26:13] <Bytram> nope
[03:27:28] <chromas> Hm, my top results in-browser are amazon links
[03:28:00] <chromas> I bet the bot doesn't url-encode the search string and it's searching for "T"
[03:29:41] <chromas> =g t&Windows sucks ballz
[03:29:42] <upstart> https://www.t-mobile.com - T-Mobile | Holiday Deals 2018
[03:30:01] <Bytram> found 'em!
[03:30:05] <Bytram> https://thonet-vanderspeakers.com
[03:30:06] <chromas> Well that's dumb
[03:30:09] <upstart> ^ 03Vertrag BT – Vander Speakers
[03:30:12] <exec> └─ 13Vertrag BT – Vander Speakers
[03:30:13] <chromas> #smake upstart
[03:30:13] * MrPlow smakes upstart upside the head with a box of chelsea fasteners
[03:30:38] <upstart> #smake chromas
[03:30:38] * MrPlow smakes chromas upside the head with a gloveslap
[03:30:52] <Bytram> https://thonet-vanderspeakers.com
[03:30:53] <upstart> Error: Title is empty
[03:30:54] <exec> └─ 13404 Not Found
[03:30:57] <Bytram> lol
[03:34:26] <Bytram> =g Thonet Vander Vertrag BT
[03:34:27] <upstart> https://www.amazon.com - Amazon.com: Thonet and Vander Vertrag BT Bluetooth Bookshelf ...
[03:35:24] <Bytram> .\
[03:35:57] <Bytram> Oh, did I mention how much I paid for these? Would you believe I bought the pair for... $3.99 ??
[03:49:05] <Bytram> Correction... my speakers say they are 46W (23W + 23W)
[03:49:24] <Bytram> and... they have RCA inputs (and optical, too)
[04:08:15] <Bytram> #yt outlaws ghost riders in the sky
[04:08:16] <MrPlow> https://www.youtube.com
[04:08:17] <upstart> ^ 03The Outlaws - Ghost Riders in the Sky
[05:45:45] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Mozilla Testing DNS-over-HTTPS in Firefox - http://sylnt.us - dnss
[08:07:32] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Al Lowe Reveals his Sierra Source Code Collection—then Puts it on eBay - http://sylnt.us - how-many-copies-of-each-will-he-sell?
[10:29:16] <FatPhil> Bytram++
[10:29:16] <Bender> karma - bytram: 117
[10:29:39] <FatPhil> ISO more Outlaws, not the kind of thing in the 2nd-hand record shops here.
[10:37:58] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Study Unlocks Full Potential of 'Supermaterial' Graphene - http://sylnt.us - garbage-in-garbage-out
[11:31:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[11:31:07] <Bender> karma - coffee: 4468
[11:31:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~gday caffeine
[11:31:18] * exec homogeneously scissors a stash of dough for caffeine
[12:10:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> bleh, yall's too quiet. ima go vidya.
[12:36:50] * chromas is using Edge on Win10...on purpose
[13:55:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> #smake chromas
[13:55:49] * MrPlow smakes chromas upside the head with a clue-by-four
[14:13:09] <chromas> I only get 20 or so extra bung points
[14:15:06] <chromas> It still doesn't support the <details> tag but it does have uBlock Origin
[14:17:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> https://psyarxiv.com
[14:17:25] * TheMightyBuzzard pokes exec
[14:17:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~title on
[14:17:30] <exec> titles already enabled for 10#Soylent
[14:17:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> stoopid bot
[14:24:56] <TheMightyBuzzard> #submit http://www.wnpr.org I would have thought it was obvious in how many progressives think certain minorities need their help to succeed. That just can in no way mesh with viewing them as equals.
[14:24:57] <MrPlow> Submitting. There is a mandatory delay, please be patient.
[14:25:05] <chromas> No title tag
[14:25:23] <MrPlow> Submission successful. https://soylentnews.org
[14:25:29] <upstart> ^ 03SoylentNews Submissions
[14:25:44] * TheMightyBuzzard eyes chromas
[14:26:00] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh, the first link. roger.
[14:26:11] <chromas> aye
[14:26:20] <chromas> it has it in-browser so there must be js involved
[14:26:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> lots
[14:27:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> there should be a law allowing one punch in the nose per recipient for js abuse.
[14:27:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> per week.
[14:28:32] * chromas nods in jquery
[14:29:41] * TheMightyBuzzard submits a pr rewriting jquery in perl
[14:32:03] <chromas> Why not rewrite perl in js?
[14:32:22] <TheMightyBuzzard> prolly already has been
[14:33:02] <TheMightyBuzzard> https://github.com
[14:33:04] <upstart> ^ 03hideo55/node-perl
[14:34:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> https://webperl.zero-g.net
[14:34:52] <upstart> ^ 03WebPerl
[14:35:52] <TheMightyBuzzard> aight, i needs to finish off that pot of coffee and get some work done.
[14:40:31] -!- Web_weasel [Web_weasel!~Stefan@pqil619-83-345-727.range619-38.btcentralplus.com] has joined #Soylent
[14:47:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> so, daredevil and george bush both canceled yesterday. i'm pretty sure the two are related. if disney didn't own every bloody comic book they'd make great supervillains.
[14:50:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> #submit https://torrentfreak.com
[14:50:31] <MrPlow> Submitting. There is a mandatory delay, please be patient.
[14:50:32] <exec> └─ 13Scammers Hit Pirate Game Sites With 'Irreversible' Google Takedowns - TorrentFreak
[14:50:57] <MrPlow> Submission successful. https://soylentnews.org
[14:50:59] <upstart> ^ 03SoylentNews Submissions
[15:06:22] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Up to 500 Million Customers of Marriott International Hotel Group Involved in Data Breach - http://sylnt.us - I-have-reservations
[17:28:12] -!- SoyCow1984 [SoyCow1984!~d8c4e185@925-300-434-342.ubr6.dyn.lebanon-oh.fuse.net] has joined #Soylent
[17:28:17] <SoyCow1984> =submit https://www.engadget.com
[17:28:19] <upstart> Submitting "Facebook and MIT tap AI to give addresses to people without them"...
[17:28:19] <exec> └─ 13Facebook and MIT tap AI to give addresses to people without them
[17:28:41] <upstart> Sub-ccess! https://soylentnews.org
[17:29:36] <SoyCow1984> =submit https://www.engadget.com
[17:29:38] <upstart> Submitting "Hacker hijacks 50,000 printers to tell people to subscribe to PewDiePie"...
[17:29:39] <exec> └─ 13Hacker hijacks 50,000 printers to tell people to subscribe to PewDiePie
[17:30:00] <upstart> Sub-ccess! https://soylentnews.org
[17:30:13] <SoyCow1984> =submit https://www.engadget.com
[17:30:15] <upstart> Submitting "Google explains the Pixel 3's improved AI portraits"...
[17:30:15] <exec> └─ 13Google explains the Pixel 3's improved AI portraits
[17:30:37] <upstart> Sub-ccess! https://soylentnews.org
[17:35:45] <SoyCow1984> =submit https://anu.prezly.com
[17:35:47] <exec> └─ 13Study could lead to safer and cheaper 3D medical imaging
[17:35:47] <upstart> Submitting "Study could lead to safer and cheaper 3D medical imaging"...
[17:36:10] <upstart> Sub-ccess! https://soylentnews.org
[17:36:56] <SoyCow1984> =submit https://www.sciencedaily.com
[17:36:58] <upstart> Submitting "Making it easier to transform freeform 2D sketching into 3D Models: Novel method for modeling diverse freeform shapes by drawing intuitive and expressive sparse 2D sketches"...
[17:37:20] <upstart> Sub-ccess! https://soylentnews.org
[17:37:47] <SoyCow1984> =submit https://news.illinois.edu
[17:37:49] <upstart> Submitting "Adoption of mobile payment shifts consumer spending patterns, habits"...
[17:38:12] <upstart> Sub-ccess! https://soylentnews.org
[17:38:57] <SoyCow1984> =submit https://news.umich.edu
[17:38:59] <upstart> Submitting "Revealing hidden information in sound waves"...
[17:38:59] <exec> └─ 13Revealing hidden information in sound waves | University of Michigan News
[17:39:21] <upstart> Sub-ccess! https://soylentnews.org
[17:40:30] <SoyCow1984> =submit https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org
[17:40:32] <upstart> Submitting "How viruses hijack part of your immune system and use it against you"...
[17:40:54] <upstart> Sub-ccess! https://soylentnews.org
[17:41:16] <SoyCow1984> =submit https://www.sciencedaily.com
[17:41:17] <upstart> Submitting "When good macrophages go bad: How cancer manipulates our immune system to become harder to treat"...
[17:41:39] <upstart> Sub-ccess! https://soylentnews.org
[17:42:18] <SoyCow1984> =submit https://www.hpcwire.com
[17:42:19] <exec> └─ 13Researchers Demonstrate New Building Block in Quantum Computing
[17:42:22] <upstart> Submitting "Researchers Demonstrate New Building Block in Quantum Computing"...
[17:42:41] <FatPhil> https://fearoflanding.com
[17:42:42] <SoyCow1984> =submit https://www.hpcwire.com
[17:42:44] <exec> └─ 13Researchers Demonstrate New Building Block in Quantum Computing
[17:42:44] <upstart> Sub-ccess! https://soylentnews.org
[17:42:45] <upstart> Submitting "Researchers Demonstrate New Building Block in Quantum Computing"...
[17:43:08] <upstart> Sub-ccess! https://soylentnews.org
[17:46:37] -!- SoyCow1984 has quit []
[19:00:29] <chromas> HDDs must be measured by the same people who do TVs, wood and women's clothing
[19:17:34] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - When Good Macrophages Go Bad: How Cancer Manipulates Our Immune System to Become Harder to Treat - http://sylnt.us - stop-hitting-yourself
[19:39:32] -!- upstart has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[19:39:34] -!- chromas has quit [Quit: chromas]
[21:46:28] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - To Predict the Future, the Brain Uses two Clocks - http://sylnt.us - music-to-code-by
[22:43:06] -!- Web_weasel has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[23:58:06] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - To Predict the Future, the Brain Uses Two Clocks - http://sylnt.us - music-to-code-by