#Soylent | Logs for 2018-12-07

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[00:28:10] -!- kc99 [kc99!~kc99@2602:43:2afc:ngrz:pvgs:qjyp:hxwr:hmop] has joined #Soylent
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[01:26:14] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Intel Says "7nm" Node Using Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography is on Track - http://sylnt.us - little-things-add-up
[01:27:43] -!- arti|work has quit [Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
[02:57:25] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Cybernetic Houseplant Can Move Itself Towards Light Sources - http://sylnt.us - sieze-the-light
[04:38:43] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - World's First Live Birth From a Deceased Woman's Transplanted Uterus - http://sylnt.us - life-after-death?
[06:06:18] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Amazon robot puts human workers in hospital - http://sylnt.us - the-smell-was...un-bear-able
[06:26:43] -!- pinchy has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
[06:31:39] -!- pinchy [pinchy!~pinchy@ddn-070-027-81-21.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #Soylent
[07:47:35] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Public Domain Day is Coming - http://sylnt.us - Please-keep-the-MOUSE-out-of-the-HOUSE-(and-Senate)
[09:27:23] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Behavior Laws? Guidelines? No, Just Tendencies. - http://sylnt.us - Lifestyles
[11:05:42] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Seagate Starts to Test 16 TB HAMR (Heat-Assisted Magnetic Recording) Hard Drives - http://sylnt.us - 2KB-for-tracking-every-person-on-earth
[12:39:42] <cmn32480> coffee++
[12:39:42] <Bender> karma - coffee: 4485
[12:47:28] * FatPhil wonders how many HODLers think that BTFD stands for 'Buy The Fucking Deathspiral'
[13:06:42] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Australians Can Now be Forced to Unlock their Phones - http://sylnt.us - 1984-is-not-a-howto-guide
[13:18:32] <cmn32480> chromas - http://ttyplus.com
[13:18:32] <upstart> ^ 03TTY Plus
[13:18:49] <cmn32480> mutli-tabbed putty like we were talking abotu the other day
[13:19:01] <cmn32480> this is better than the ones taht were in that article
[13:19:24] <cmn32480> and you can find them on Facebook!
[13:19:29] <FatPhil> WIth this obsession with 'tabs', does that mean people have finally agreed that having different variously-sized windows was a bad idea?
[13:19:58] * FatPhil uses DWM as his window manager, obviously
[13:20:02] <cmn32480> depends what I am working on
[13:20:17] <cmn32480> but with Putty is was mostly haveing 37 instances running in the taskbar
[13:20:18] <FatPhil> sorry, "variously sized and movable" windows.
[13:20:39] <cmn32480> it was a pain in the ass to find what I wanted
[13:20:41] <FatPhil> now you have 37 tabs in the tab bar...
[13:20:54] <AndyTheAbsurd> I love having variously-sized windows between different programs.
[13:20:56] <cmn32480> but only 1 icon in the taskbar
[13:21:15] <cmn32480> AndyTheAbsurd - I agree
[13:21:23] <AndyTheAbsurd> Within a program, I was okay with MDI, but I'm fine with tabs as well.
[13:21:45] <FatPhil> MDI really didn't last that long as a paradigm
[13:21:56] <cmn32480> for my terminal sessions, I find full screen is easiest...
[13:22:07] <cmn32480> if I increase the text size so it is readable
[13:22:10] <FatPhil> Longer than OO's initial "desktop" paradigm
[13:25:24] <FatPhil> Does multi-tabbed putty let you break tabs out into separate windows, like firefox/chrome do?
[13:25:47] <cmn32480> unlikely
[13:25:50] <cmn32480> it is from 2012
[13:25:53] <boru> Why do you need multitabbed putty?
[13:26:11] <cmn32480> too many sessions open in the taskbar
[13:26:15] <cmn32480> it was annoying me
[13:26:17] <FatPhil> boru: to stop an explosion of putty windows
[13:26:23] <boru> For the same host?
[13:26:27] <cmn32480> but chromas had asked about it the other day in some discussion we were having
[13:26:33] <cmn32480> differnet hosts
[13:26:36] <boru> Ah, right.
[13:26:38] <cmn32480> as a for instance
[13:27:19] <cmn32480> I was logged into a customer network and had SSH sessions open to 2 wireless controllers (primary and backup) and an AP that was giving us issues
[13:27:35] <boru> Yeah, I was about to ask why you weren't using tmux or screen, but that'd only be useful for the same host, unless you were using cygwin (or something) as your terminal emulator, and tmux'd in that, which you could break out.
[13:28:26] <cmn32480> i dont' generally do a lot of command line, but it is the best place to get information for a lot of the euquipment we deal with
[13:32:17] * boru nods.
[13:38:53] <FatPhil> Whenever I leave the house, the first thing I do is pull up 3 xterms in my phone, and pick up 3 tmux sessions (one of which has an embedded screen session, for reasons) on my dev server, my live server, and a mail host on a completely different network. Without xterm/ssh/tmux I simply cannot operate.
[13:39:07] <FatPhil> pull up on my phone, that is.
[13:39:15] <FatPhil> Oh, I said that
[13:39:29] <FatPhil> can't read my own wall of text, or remember what I wrote, herp derp.
[13:40:29] <boru> Bit early to be on the sauce, Phil.
[13:40:53] <FatPhil> :-D
[13:40:56] <FatPhil> boru++
[13:40:56] <Bender> karma - boru: 28
[13:41:28] <FatPhil> was a bad night's sleep last night, didn't finally get off until 06:30
[13:41:36] <boru> Ouch.
[13:42:09] <FatPhil> did a big dollop of coding (on my phone, on the dev server), still not worked out if it was good coding or bad coding...
[13:42:39] <boru> Writing code on your phone sounds like a truly awful experience; I presume you have a physical keyboard.
[13:42:45] <FatPhil> I hope it is good coding, as I can then justify being properly on the sauce tonight!
[13:43:02] <boru> I'm the same, though. I just VPN in to my machine in the lab here when I want to work from home.
[13:45:13] <FatPhil> Biggest local (as in Estonian) craft brewery is just about to open a new brewery/taproom, and a bunch of fanbois have decided that we should have a tasting of some of their historical classics (the .rar whalez) in their taproom 2 weeks before it officially opens. I think there are 15 different barrel aged stouts waiting for us (OK, we're supplying them ourselves from our own cellars).
[13:46:08] <boru> Beer-wise, I'm a stout fella, so I approve.
[13:46:24] <FatPhil> I've considered trying to VPN my home network and my office network together, but at the moment everything kinda works over SSH, so I've not felt the need for the plunge.
[13:46:33] <boru> I'm no beer boffin, though. I like my whiskey, and more recently, I've been dipping into calvados.
[13:47:11] <boru> Yeah, the only reason I'm using a VPN is because the netadmins here are feckin useless.
[13:47:32] <FatPhil> Whisky has started to price itself a bit high, so I don't indulge as much as I used to.
[13:47:33] <boru> I'm redundantly SSH'ing in over VPN.
[13:47:54] <FatPhil> Had a G&T that blew my socks off last week, and I wondered why I'd been drinking anyting else that evening!
[13:48:16] <boru> Aye, it's becoming popular again. I've always drank from the same distilleries back at home, so the price has been fairly static for decades.
[13:48:34] <boru> I never got into the gin.
[13:48:38] <FatPhil> if you can tunnel VPN over an SSH connection, then you're sorted - encryptception!
[13:48:44] <boru> Heh.
[13:49:02] <boru> HTTPS over VPN via SSH over VPN.
[13:50:30] <FatPhil> via a machine with a bluetooth keyboard and a monitor that faces the window.
[13:50:49] * boru chuckles.
[13:51:38] <FatPhil> not that that matters anyway, me mate dave is shagging the secretary
[13:57:19] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Amazon Robot Puts Human Workers in Hospital - http://sylnt.us - the-smell-was...un-bear-able
[14:02:04] <FatPhil> right, time to resume watching the Trump Perry match...
[14:02:10] <FatPhil> fricken' love snooker.
[14:02:43] <FatPhil> For those that thought it might be Donald vs. Katy in a WWF ring
[14:16:05] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Talk About a GAN-do Attitude... AI Software Bots Can See Through Your Text CAPTCHAs - http://sylnt.us
[14:41:48] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[14:41:48] <Bender> karma - coffee: 4486
[14:41:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> better late than never
[14:42:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> anyway, buggering off to run errands most of today. back much later.
[16:07:31] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - WordPress 5.0 Release Brings Brand New Editor for Easier Page Design - http://sylnt.us
[16:50:52] -!- Web_weasel [Web_weasel!~Stefan@tytc353-212-790-306.range115-024.btcentralplus.com] has joined #Soylent
[17:38:44] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Engineers Invent "Groundbreaking" Spin-Based Memory Device - http://sylnt.us - low-tolerance-for-spin
[18:37:15] <chromas> You could also ssh into one host, then use tmux to ssh into all the others :D
[19:27:07] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Millions Left Without 4G Data Access After O2 Network Goes Down Due to Ericsson Software Outage - http://sylnt.us - 4-gee-whiz
[21:06:25] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Bloodhound Supersonic Car Project Terminated Due to Lack of Funds - http://sylnt.us - say-it-pulls-water-out-of-thin-air-and-crowd-fund-it
[22:21:23] -!- arti|work [arti|work!~textual@fhv-836-375-856-960.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #Soylent
[22:45:37] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - State of Utah Sued Over Watering Down of Medical Cannabis Proposition - http://sylnt.us - everyone-should-just-chill-out
[23:34:32] -!- Web_weasel has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[23:48:28] -!- mrpg [mrpg!~Thunderbi@Soylent/Staff/Editor/mrpg] has joined #Soylent
[23:48:28] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mrpg] by Aphrodite