#Soylent | Logs for 2019-01-13

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[00:05:07] <Deucalion> Drones spotted near UK airports while UK parliament debates and passes new Drone laws. :/
[00:07:28] <takyon> driver didn't die
[00:56:52] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Improved Superbug Infects a Dozen Undergoing Weight Loss Surgery Tourism - http://sylnt.us - it's-Hepatitus-A,-ruuun
[02:41:50] <Bytram> #g ludites
[02:41:51] <MrPlow> https://biblehub.com - "Ludites (2 Occurrences) ... Multi-Version Concordance Ludites (2 Occurrences). Genesis 10:13 And Mizraim begot Ludim, and Anamim, and Lehabim, and ..."
[02:42:06] <Bytram> #g ludities
[02:42:06] <MrPlow> https://en.wikipedia.org - "The Luddites were a secret oath-based organization of English textile workers in the 19th century, where a radical faction destroyed textile machinery as a form ..."
[02:44:09] <Bytram> #g 1984
[02:44:09] <MrPlow> https://en.wikipedia.org - "Nineteen Eighty-Four, often published as 1984, is a dystopian novel by English writer George Orwell published in June 1949. The novel is set in the year 1984 ..."
[02:45:07] <Bytram> #g big brother
[02:45:07] <MrPlow> https://www.cbs.com - "Stream and watch full episodes and highlight clips of Big Brother Season 20. Find out out everything that's new and view photo galleries of the cast."
[02:45:22] <Bytram> #g big brother orwell
[02:45:22] <MrPlow> https://en.wikipedia.org(Nineteen_Eighty-Four) - "Big Brother is a fictional character and symbol in George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. He is ostensibly the leader of Oceania, a totalitarian state wherein ..."
[03:16:42] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Amazon Accused of Mishandling Data From Ring Camera Users - http://sylnt.us - One-ringy-dingy-two-ringy-dingy...
[05:35:29] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Previously Unknown Complex Carbohydrate Found in Barley - http://sylnt.us - how-does-it-affect-beer?
[07:52:53] <jman> Not a bug per se, but noticed there are no redirects from the ssl versions of .com and .net to the site...
[07:55:12] <jman> FatPhil: I liked season 1 very much. Two was still quite good, but not at the same level. Their western set burned in the fires last year but that may not impact the current storyline as much.
[07:57:18] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - How the NSA Spies on Us All in Four Parts - http://sylnt.us - all-your-communications-are-belong-to-us
[08:37:57] -!- Web_weasel [Web_weasel!~Stefan@haxp83-042-067-156.range88-597.btcentralplus.com] has joined #Soylent
[09:17:43] <FatPhil> jman: thanks for your input. I'm familiar with the 1973 movie, quite a fan of it, and wonder if that will taint my view negatively.
[09:30:27] <jman> FatPhil: Probably not. I too enjoyed James Brolin & the late great Yul Brenner. They have done well with updating the tech involved.
[09:36:42] <FatPhil> jman++
[09:36:42] <Bender> karma - jman: 1
[10:25:45] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Australian Residents Reject Huawei Small Cell Boxes - http://sylnt.us - Losing-Trust-One-Piece-at-a-Time
[11:05:30] -!- Teckla has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
[11:44:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[11:44:13] <Bender> karma - coffee: 4547
[12:10:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> smoke break
[12:10:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> nicotine++
[12:10:43] <Bender> karma - nicotine: 686
[12:44:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> right, buggering off to do offline stuff. laters.
[12:46:02] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Child Brides Tracked Through Immigration Data - http://sylnt.us - Hiding-In-Plain-Site
[12:52:10] <Bytram> coffee++
[12:52:10] <Bender> karma - coffee: 4548
[13:31:37] Azrael_ is now known as Azrael
[13:31:40] -!- Azrael has quit [Changing host]
[13:31:40] -!- Azrael [Azrael!~Az@vhost.removed.contact.irc.admin] has joined #Soylent
[15:05:50] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Earth’s Magnetic Field is Acting up and Geologists Don’t Know Why - http://sylnt.us - Magnetic-north!=north-pole
[15:49:12] -!- stderr [stderr!~poho@GetOffMyLawn/stderr] has joined #Soylent
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[16:38:02] -!- jman [jman!~root@136.62.jpw.igv] has parted #Soylent
[16:45:56] -!- jman [jman!~root@136.62.jpw.igv] has joined #Soylent
[17:01:23] -!- dx3bydt3_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[17:08:48] -!- dx3bydt3 [dx3bydt3!~quassel@99.192.nj.js] has joined #Soylent
[17:26:41] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - FBI Had Opened an Investigation into Trump Ties to Russia - http://sylnt.us - Why-Not-Just-Say-No?
[18:04:50] -!- fliptop has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
[18:06:03] -!- fliptop [fliptop!~fliptop@eukm.igolinux.com] has joined #Soylent
[18:56:03] -!- fliptop has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat]
[19:46:28] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - British Army Seeks 'Snow Flakes' And 'Me Me Me Millennials' in New Recruiting Campaign - http://sylnt.us - We-will-fight-them-on-the-couches
[22:08:17] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Nobel Prize-Winning American Scientist James Watson Stripped of Honorary Titles - http://sylnt.us - race-to-disgrace
[22:20:53] -!- Web_weasel has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]