#Soylent | Logs for 2019-03-03

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[00:05:14] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Trump Campaign Pushes Government Intervention on 5G - http://sylnt.us - snipped-irrelevant-bits;-click-Original-Sub-to-get-sidetracked
[02:36:40] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Used Universal Forensic Extraction Devices (Phone Cracking Devices) Found on eBay - http://sylnt.us - just-in-case-you-forget-your-password
[02:47:04] * TheMightyBuzzard yawns
[02:47:04] * MrPlow flips a Skittle into TheMightyBuzzard's gaping mouth
[02:57:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> while i'm very glad that i'm able to do most any damned thing involved in building, repairing, or renovating a house, days like the last few remind me why i took up working with computers.
[04:26:17] * chromas emails himself over to tmb to do physical labor in exchange for bbq
[04:56:56] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Rarest Humans - A Set of Semi-Identical Twins - http://sylnt.us - Whoo-hoo-hoo,-look-who-knows-so-much.-It-just-so-happens-that-we're-only-MOSTLY-identical
[05:19:21] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
[05:51:40] <Runaway1956__> #submit https://www.eff.org
[05:51:40] <MrPlow> Submitting. There is a mandatory delay, please be patient.
[05:52:06] <MrPlow> Submission successful. https://soylentnews.org
[07:15:45] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Steven Spielberg Wants to Make It Harder for Streaming Films to Compete at the Oscars - http://sylnt.us - old-man-yells-at-cloud
[09:45:38] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Canada Will Contribute to the Lunar Orbital Platform-Gateway - http://sylnt.us - Whatever-happened-to-the-six-million-dollar-*man*?
[10:06:48] -!- Web_weasel [Web_weasel!~Stefan@qnxk76-238-245-342.range26-288.btcentralplus.com] has joined #Soylent
[11:57:19] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Mexican Craft Beer Coming to the U.S. - http://sylnt.us - make-a-beer-run-from-the-border
[12:08:00] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[12:08:00] <Bender> karma - coffee: 4631
[12:37:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> #weather
[12:37:54] <MrPlow> Today: Cloudy with a mixture of rain and snow during the morning. Some sleet may mix in. Temps nearly steady in the mid 30s. Winds N at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of precip 100%. Snowfall around one inch. Tomorrow: Sunny along with a few clouds. High 31F. Winds NNW at 10 to 15 mph.
[12:39:31] <TheMightyBuzzard> as much as i hate the rain causing french drain ditch collapses, i really needed a day off to rest, even if it causes me a good chunk more work over the next week
[13:00:21] <Bytram> coffee++
[13:00:21] <Bender> karma - coffee: 4632
[13:00:52] <Bytram> another work day... 2 hours 'til I need to be there and I gots some things to do at home before I leave... better check the story queue
[13:02:07] <Bytram> Oh goody! JR posted a couple stories so we are good for a few more hours; I've been trying to keep on top of things from work, but editing stories on a cell phone is, ummm, non trivial.
[13:02:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> reading em ain't that easy either
[13:02:37] <Bytram> imagine the user experience viewing the site on a mobile, and then add trying to edit stories (some with walls-of-text(TM))
[13:02:47] <Bytram> 'zactly
[13:03:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> the reading part will change in the next update though.
[13:04:00] <Bytram> I can only drag-select so much text to be deleted without having the Android 'menu' of "cut, copy, paste" (or something like that) go off screen. Grrrr.
[13:04:04] <Bytram> noice!
[13:45:38] -!- Web_weasel has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[13:48:16] <Bytram> TheMightyBuzzard: hope you are able to rest up and recover from your labors! (Hot bath with Epsom salts can be helpful)
[13:48:23] <Bytram> time to get ready for work... afk
[13:48:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> laters
[14:15:37] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Linux Servers 'Stranded' in Space and Still Running - http://sylnt.us - Robbie-the-Robot-had-solved-this-problem-in-1956
[16:25:46] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - U.S. Judge Dismisses Suit Versus Google Over Facial Recognition - http://sylnt.us - no-harm,-no-foul
[16:43:14] -!- Runaway1956__ has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
[17:48:20] -!- Web_weasel [Web_weasel!~Stefan@zkwn57-626-89-157.range88-507.btcentralplus.com] has joined #Soylent
[18:45:34] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Mike Pence: It's Time for Congress to Establish the Space Force - http://sylnt.us - Space-Force-or-Space-Farce?
[20:59:44] <FatPhil> #MEGA - Make Estonia Great Again! (dumb racist party doing quite well in our elections)
[21:05:54] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Three-Quarters of Crucial Border IT Systems at Risk of Failure -- Brexit Date is March 29, 2019 - http://sylnt.us - time-to-stash-some-cash-and-buy-extra-popcorn
[21:17:38] <chromas> Is Kim Dotcom in Estonia?
[21:20:52] <FatPhil> isn't he still in NZ thumbing his nose at the US?
[21:47:33] -!- Web_weasel has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[22:23:49] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@24.178.hu.hy] has joined #Soylent
[22:23:49] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Changing host]
[22:23:49] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #Soylent
[23:19:41] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
[23:27:25] <Bytram> ~time x
[23:27:26] <exec> Sunday, 3 March 2019 @ 11:27 pm UTC - Coordinated Universal Time
[23:37:51] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Pac-Man: The Untold Story of How We Really Played the Game - http://sylnt.us - Blinky,-Inky,-Pinky-and-????