#soylent | Logs for 2020-02-04

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[00:06:30] <FatPhil> g/f's from just up the river, so knew the more likely location for soemthing with that name. It was only a guess that the the team came from the large one, but a safe guess.
[01:06:48] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Vast Amounts of Valuable Energy, Nutrients, Water Lost in World's Fast-Rising Wastewater Streams - https://sylnt.us - watt-a-waste
[01:12:43] -!- Sulla has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[01:17:56] -!- arti|work has quit [Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
[02:47:50] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@yoo-28-54-752-713.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #soylent
[02:47:50] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Changing host]
[02:47:50] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #soylent
[02:48:17] -!- boru` [boru`!~boru@tdbt-26-925-966-453.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined #soylent
[02:48:20] -!- boru has quit [Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by boru`!~boru@tdbt-26-925-966-453.dynamic.mnet-online.de))]
[02:48:22] boru` is now known as boru
[02:54:52] -!- systemd has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[02:55:26] -!- systemd [systemd!~systemd@0::1] has joined #soylent
[03:06:36] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Heisenberg Limit Gets an Update - https://sylnt.us - but-can-we-be-sure
[03:18:58] <AzumaHazuki> did you hear the one about Heisenberg getting arrested for speeding?
[03:19:37] <AzumaHazuki> The cop asks him "Did you have any idea how fast you were going?" He says "No, but I know exactly where I was." "You were doing 70 in a 55!" "Well, shit, thanks for that. Now I'm lost!"
[04:03:14] -!- arti|work [arti|work!~textual@fhv-836-375-856-960.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #soylent
[04:18:45] <AzumaHazuki> does SN have a discord?
[04:57:33] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Archaeologists Put Stone Tools Through Modern Engineering Tests - https://sylnt.us
[05:20:06] -!- arti|work has quit [Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
[06:06:00] -!- exec has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[06:09:21] <TheMightyBuzzard> AzumaHazuki, nope. we had an xmpp for a while but it was just a test thing.
[06:46:19] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Record Labels to Ask Potential Jurors: Have You Ever Read or Visited Ars Technica or TorrentFreak? - https://sylnt.us - Have-you-ever-read-a-book,-magazine,-or-newspaper?-Which-ones?
[06:48:01] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
[08:14:16] <FatPhil> '
[08:14:24] <FatPhil> We’ll stop supporting this browser soon' - youtube :/
[08:26:29] <inz> N900?
[08:27:29] <FatPhil> palemoon, pinned to the last version that let me select whether I want to accept cookies from individual sites or not.
[08:28:06] <FatPhil> wikipedia now serves errors to my n900(after 6 months of warnings that it was going to so do)
[08:30:40] <janrinok> I'm not seeing any problems with PaleMoon and accessing wikipedia. I have AddBlock and NoScript installed and third party cookies blocked.
[08:31:15] <FatPhil> yeah, that new warning was from youtube
[08:31:23] <janrinok> OK - looking
[08:32:31] <janrinok> yep - I'm getting the same warning from youtube but currrently I can still access everything OK
[08:33:00] <FatPhil> hopefully they'll forget about the no-js viewers, and fail to break the page for them.
[08:33:15] <janrinok> fingers crossed
[08:33:16] <FatPhil> ^ modern technology "progress" in action
[08:37:42] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Parker Solar Probe Completes Fourth Closest Approach, Breaks New Speed and Distance Records - https://sylnt.us - that's-some-hot-rod!
[09:39:15] <janrinok> =declined
[09:39:15] <systemd> Thanks for submitting this story. It appears that no editor has yet selected this story to be run. At least a week has passed since the story was submitted, and if an editor was going to have selected it, they would likely have done so by now. It has, therefore, been removed from the submission queue.
[09:57:05] <FatPhil> Let me get this straight... Primaries and caucuses are basically having a vote to decide who the people you actually effectively vote for should be able to vote for when they decide the president?
[10:23:48] <chromas> You can't just vote for people to vote for people. You have to vote for a party to have people, then vote for people to vote for the party
[10:26:38] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - How to Create a Virtual Traffic Jam - https://sylnt.us - What's-the-holdup?
[10:26:57] <FatPhil> do you really vote for a party, I thought that you voted for a person that represents a party that represents a person
[10:27:56] <FatPhil> that person being the one who will vote for another person, obvs.
[10:29:45] <chromas> Well personally, I vote for a party with personal pan pizzas
[10:30:05] <FatPhil> I don't even acknoledge existence of ones without
[10:30:31] <FatPhil> and on that note, taco tuesday begins!
[12:03:01] <FatPhil> oooh, .th +6, .sg +6, .hk +1, .ko +1, .au +1, .mo +2, .vn +2, .my +2
[12:10:19] <FatPhil> s/ko/kr/
[12:15:24] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - CBS Gets Angry Joe's YouTube Review of 'Picard' Taken Down For Using 2x13 Seconds of Show's Trailer - https://sylnt.us - sense-no-makes?
[13:54:49] <Bytram> janrinok: FatPhil: youtube-dl FTW ( https://github.com AND https://ytdl-org.github.io )
[13:54:51] <systemd> ^ 03ytdl-org/youtube-dl ( https://github.com )
[13:54:51] <systemd> ^ 03youtube-dl: Download Page
[13:55:57] <FatPhil> Bytram: yup, I use that for fetching the vids, I only use youtube itself for seeing the playlists
[13:56:17] <Bytram> ahh, ok. I tend to do the same.
[13:56:41] <janrinok> Bytram, if the downloaded video requires something in a 'modern' browser that is not found in palemoon, I'm not sure if this will help.
[13:56:49] <FatPhil> jwz's youtubedown also works and is a little more lightweight
[13:57:08] <Bytram> not familiar with that one... linky?
[13:57:17] <Bytram> =g youtubedown
[13:57:17] <FatPhil> janrinok: both of those proggies will just fetch the file(s), you need a local player to play them
[13:57:18] <systemd> https://www.jwz.org - youtubedown
[13:57:59] <janrinok> I use Easy Youtube Video Downloader Express and/or DownloadHelper
[13:58:19] <Bytram> Oh, it's perl. I don't have perl installed on my main, windows box. (sad face)
[13:58:43] <janrinok> perl's a singer....
[13:58:51] <Bytram> janrinok: so, those are addons to the browser?
[13:58:59] <janrinok> yep
[13:59:00] <Bytram> coffee++
[13:59:00] <Bender> karma - coffee: 5097
[13:59:12] <Bytram> got it.
[13:59:57] <janrinok> but it is often nice to watch part of the video before knowing if I want to waste my time downloading all of it - so this is only a part solution
[14:01:40] <Bytram> excellent point. I usually end up being satisfied with the thumbnail image; by default I have things set up with noscript so that I cannot view a video in the browser on Pale Moon
[14:02:20] <FatPhil> if you download premultiplexed a/v, then you can start playing it immediately.
[14:03:15] <FatPhil> I also don't have a d/l cap on my internet, so if I accidentally download a gig of shit, it costs me nothing
[14:04:04] <Bytram> Hmmm, like when youtube-dl reports that format 22 is available: 22 mp4 1280x720 720p 766k , avc1.64001F, mp4a.40.2@192k (44100Hz) (best)
[14:05:07] <FatPhil> I have aliases for getting the highest quality non-premuxed and premuxed streams available (which is a grep for '(best)' mostly!
[14:05:22] <Bytram> unfortunately, I *do* have a data cap which was recently increased so yesterday (the last day of my billing month) I had to be somewhat careful, o/w I have yet to find it to be an issue.
[14:05:31] <Bytram> ditto
[14:06:47] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - First Childhood Flu Helps Explain why Virus Hits Some People Harder than Others - https://sylnt.us - what-doesn't-kill-you-(at-first)-makes-you-stronger?
[14:13:06] <Bytram> Hmm, well I *thought* I did.
[14:18:38] <FatPhil> yd() { youtube-dl -f"$(youtube-dl -F $1|grep -w best | cut -f1 -d' ')" $1 ; }
[14:40:15] <Bytram> #yt NUxDxLu21UQ
[14:40:16] <MrPlow> https://www.youtube.com -- SodaStream Discovers Water On Mars: Fresh Sparkling Water in Seconds
[14:45:01] <Bytram> FatPhil: Nice one! I have found that, oftentimes, there is a combo of .mp4 video and .m4a audio that I can have youtube-dl download and merge which gives a higher video resolution. For example, look at the formats available for: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUxDxLu21UQ"
[14:45:02] <systemd> ^ 03SodaStream Discovers Water On Mars: Fresh Sparkling Water in Seconds ( https://www.youtube.com )
[14:46:04] <Bytram> In that particular case, I would choose between these commands:
[14:46:06] <Bytram> youtube-dl -k -f 137+140 --merge-output-format mp4 https://www.youtube.com
[14:46:07] <systemd> ^ 03SodaStream Discovers Water On Mars: Fresh Sparkling Water in Seconds
[14:46:08] <Bytram> youtube-dl -f 22 --no-playlist --no-check-certificate https://www.youtube.com
[14:46:09] <systemd> ^ 03SodaStream Discovers Water On Mars: Fresh Sparkling Water in Seconds
[14:51:00] <chromas> You guys are sick
[14:51:11] <chromas> If you don't use the youtube site how do you read all the great comments?
[14:54:04] <Bytram> "great" comments? On YouTube?
[14:54:45] <chromas> Yes. For example, just in case I missed something in the video, there's all the hundreds great people who take the time to transcribe their favorite bits.
[14:55:38] <Bytram> I read them so rarely (cause I've often seen some... dreck) and it means I need to tell NoScript to temporarily allow YouTube.com
[14:56:46] <chromas> I like to live dangerous so I have first-party scripts on by default
[15:48:50] <FatPhil> Bytram: youtube-dl automatically fetches higher resolution vid/audio components and then merges them, but if you want an immediately playable stream you need the premuxed ones.
[15:49:00] <FatPhil> ditto youtubedown
[15:50:32] <FatPhil> e..g on the sodastream it fetches 137 and 251 automatically
[15:51:48] <FatPhil> quite why it saves them individually and then merges them and then deletes the two parts I don't know rather than just downloading the audio and then merging that with a pipe of the video, and only having one thing to clean up I don't know. Don't people learn about pipes any more?
[15:52:23] <chromas> it's all about sockets now
[15:52:28] <FatPhil> (well, technically you could pipe both parts, but very few programs will cope with arbitrary pipe input rather than just stdin)
[15:53:44] <FatPhil> between processes in a process group, yes, I'm thinking good old fashioned ignorance of what process is talking to you (because it doesn't matter, all I want is the payload)
[15:54:04] <chromas> just use dbus then
[15:54:46] <FatPhil> erm, just use stdin, that's been a standard way of getting input for way longer.
[15:55:34] <chromas> but then you're back to pipes. ew
[15:55:49] -!- arti|work [arti|work!~textual@kpku-40-80-465-497.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #soylent
[15:55:50] <FatPhil> that's what I'm saying - just use pipes!
[15:56:08] <chromas> how about sockets-over-pipes?
[15:56:28] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - As Seen in Movies, New Meta-Hologram Can be Used as a Communication Tool - https://sylnt.us
[16:19:52] <chromas> "A study led by Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington researchers has shown that legal requirements around the display of alcohol could be doing more to reduce alcohol consumption in New Zealand."
[16:20:10] <chromas> Is there a study that shows there's a need to reduce alcohol consumption in New Zealand?
[16:25:44] <FatPhil> probably worldwide, apart from Islamic countries. it's not a particularly healthy substance.
[16:54:43] -!- Web_weasel [Web_weasel!~Stefan@srfa88-557-27-805.range76-240.btcentralplus.com] has joined #soylent
[17:01:12] -!- Web_weasel has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[17:45:51] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Microsoft Teams Starts February With A Good, Old-Fashioned Cock-Up - https://sylnt.us - we've-all-done-it
[17:57:59] -!- Web_weasel [Web_weasel!~Stefan@srfa88-557-27-805.range76-240.btcentralplus.com] has joined #soylent
[18:46:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> https://www.bolde.com
[18:46:33] <systemd> ^ 03Man Arrested For Attempting To Pay For Prostitute With A Hamburger
[18:47:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> serves him right for not at least making it a cheeseburger
[19:11:06] -!- Cowardly_Anonymizer [Cowardly_Anonymizer!~40399c0c@64.57.npr.jj] has joined #soylent
[19:11:12] <Cowardly_Anonymizer> =submit https://gizmodo.com
[19:11:14] <systemd> Submitting "Neural Networks Upscale Film from 1896 to 4K, Make It Look Like It Was Shot on a Modern Smartphone"...
[19:11:29] <Cowardly_Anonymizer> =submit https://www.pandasecurity.com
[19:11:31] <systemd> Submitting "More dangerous vulnerabilities in Intel CPUs - Panda Security Mediacenter"...
[19:11:36] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Neural Networks Upscale Film From 1896 to 4K, Make It Look Like It Was Shot on a Modern Smartphone" (1 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[19:11:53] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03More Dangerous Vulnerabilities in Intel CPUs - Panda Security Mediacenter" (10 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[19:12:45] -!- Cowardly_Anonymizer has quit [Client Quit]
[19:27:45] <Bytram> FatPhil: I could see a value for separate downloads if wanted each to hang around afterward so one could download another video file with a different resolution, and be able to merge the audio with each of video files.
[19:36:30] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Iowa Up In the Air with Democratic Results Delayed [Due to Electronic Voting Problems] - https://sylnt.us - Surprise-to-nobody
[20:01:13] <FatPhil> there are times all I want is the audio
[20:01:37] <FatPhil> what annoys me is that it's wrapped in a container format, so I still need to process it to just have the audio
[20:17:03] <Bytram> ahhh, got it.
[21:06:04] <Bytram> #yt wylie coyote magnet
[21:06:04] <MrPlow> https://www.youtube.com -- Compressed Hare
[21:25:25] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - OneWeb Joins the Satellite Internet Gold Rush this Week - https://sylnt.us - It's-getting-awful-crowded-in-my-sky
[21:28:10] * boru sighs.
[21:29:12] <chromas> Soon, we'll have our own Dyson Sphere made up of internet microsatellites
[21:29:33] <boru> They should call it a Kessler Sphere.
[21:36:12] -!- Web_weasel has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[22:48:12] <Bytram> .deop
[22:48:12] -!- mode/#soylent [-o Bytram] by Aphrodite
[23:27:04] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - At Last, the Fix No One Asked for: Portable Home Directories Merged into systemd - https://sylnt.us - just-in-case-you-want-to-TAKE-it-with-you