#soylent | Logs for 2020-02-27

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[00:47:11] -!- arti|work has quit [Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
[01:06:05] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Clearview AI Reports Entire Client List Was Stolen - https://sylnt.us - keep-digging
[01:42:43] <carny> great that won't lead to anything bad
[02:25:01] -!- boru` [boru`!~boru@uaqx-57-851-846-283.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined #soylent
[02:25:03] -!- boru has quit [Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by boru`!~boru@uaqx-57-851-846-283.dynamic.mnet-online.de))]
[02:25:06] boru` is now known as boru
[02:46:22] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #soylent
[02:57:31] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - New Study Finds Most Private Browser - https://sylnt.us - Missed-All-Other-Browsers
[03:16:24] <chromas> Of course, the browser with the built-in buttcoins
[04:46:28] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - New Temporary Moon in Earth Orbit - https://sylnt.us - mini-moon
[05:17:41] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[06:36:21] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Crossbow Murder Solved Using Car Tracking Telemetry - https://sylnt.us - put-an-arrow-in-the-map
[08:25:36] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Apple Takes Heat Over 'Vulnerable' iOS Cut-and-Paste Data - https://sylnt.us - leaky-clipboard
[08:45:40] <FatPhil> You're supposed to stop on the green to avoid hitting the people running yellow and red lights!
[08:47:02] -!- fyngyrz has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[08:47:23] -!- fyngyrz [fyngyrz!~fyngyrz@Soylent/Staff/Editor/fyngyrz] has joined #soylent
[08:47:23] -!- mode/#soylent [+v fyngyrz] by Aphrodite
[10:27:07] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Jif Peanut Butter Weighs in on GIF Pronunciation -- Runs Contrary to Historical Evidence - https://sylnt.us - it's-not-geef-either
[10:39:09] <FatPhil> Fuxake
[10:39:37] <FatPhil> Estonia case in Parnu (way down south), was a false alarm
[10:40:08] <FatPhil> the confirmed case in estonia is here in tallinn instead
[10:41:01] <FatPhil> do I win? am I the first soylentil to have it in their home town?
[10:47:23] <chromas> I think so
[10:47:30] <chromas> Congrats and whatnot
[10:49:33] <FatPhil> Thank you, thank you, I am so blessed to receive this honour
[11:52:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[11:52:04] <Bender> karma - coffee: 5114
[12:00:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> got rid of the superfluous privacy policy links in slashboxes other than the main nav one
[12:17:06] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Smallsat Launcher Astra Preparing Two Consecutive Orbital Launches for DARPA Challenge - https://sylnt.us - taking-on-a-challenge
[12:24:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> okey doke, getting ready and heading out to work my ass off again
[12:54:42] <AndyTheAbsurd> TIL TheMightyBuzzard will have no ass by evening.
[13:25:20] <Bytram> coffee++
[13:25:20] <Bender> karma - coffee: 5115
[13:26:15] <Bytram> .op
[13:26:15] -!- mode/#soylent [+o Bytram] by Aphrodite
[14:05:52] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Austerity Is Killing Britons, Says Landmark New Report - https://sylnt.us - imagine-that
[14:15:03] <AndyTheAbsurd> from the no-shit-sherlock dept.
[14:15:21] <AndyTheAbsurd> Governmental austerity kills a lot of things - including the economy that it's meant to save.
[14:23:10] <TheMightyBuzzard> AndyTheAbsurd, ask greece about what drastic government overspending does though
[14:23:11] <FatPhil> Seeing the effects of austerity definitely brings out the small bit of keynes in me.
[14:24:03] <FatPhil> Boom time is the time for austerity, they forgot that part.
[14:25:24] <AndyTheAbsurd> TheMightyBuzzard, both extremes of government spending are bad. And "austerity" is a code-word for "drastic government underspending".
[14:25:36] <TheMightyBuzzard> or you could just not overspend in the first place. i know, i know, might as well wish for a unicorn with a stripper and a keg of scotch on its back
[14:26:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> AndyTheAbsurd, nah, it's what the ones who want to overspend call any cuts at all.
[14:26:21] <AndyTheAbsurd> Can I get mine with bourbon instead?
[14:26:33] <TheMightyBuzzard> kentucky or tennessee?
[14:27:17] <AndyTheAbsurd> Either will do. Honestly, I'd be happy with just the unicorn and the stripper.
[14:27:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> try four roses then. damned good for not costing a hundred bucks or more a fifth.
[14:31:07] <FatPhil> small batch is best
[14:35:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> truth
[14:38:30] <AndyTheAbsurd> The company I work for just announced a "temporary" 10% pay cut for all employees (except five members of senior management, who are taking a 15% pay cut). I think it's time to look for a new gig...
[14:42:23] <chopchop1> andy must work in japan
[14:42:38] <chopchop1> keep the stragglers on
[14:43:30] <AndyTheAbsurd> https://www.tampabay.com
[14:43:32] <systemd> ^ 03Tampa Bay Times announces temporary pay cut for full-time staff
[14:43:33] <TheMightyBuzzard> AndyTheAbsurd, tells me they're likely to fold soon, yes.
[14:47:54] <TheMightyBuzzard> okay, unplanned bit of free time over. back to the salt mines.
[14:49:22] -!- SoyCow2736 [SoyCow2736!~d844379d@216.68.oo.kjv] has joined #soylent
[14:49:42] <SoyCow2736> =submit https://www.vice.com
[14:49:44] <systemd> Submitting "This Program Will Make You Invisible (to Your Webcam)"...
[14:50:05] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03This Program Will Make You Invisible (to Your Webcam)" (5 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[14:50:28] -!- SoyCow2736 has quit [Client Quit]
[15:39:15] -!- arti|work [arti|work!~textual@kpku-40-80-465-497.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #soylent
[15:57:16] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Coronavirus Drug Clinical Trials Beginning in Nebraska - https://sylnt.us
[16:40:54] <Bytram> !uid
[16:40:54] <Bender> The current maximum UID is 9619, owned by maniiya
[16:51:16] -!- Web_weasel [Web_weasel!~Stefan@zkry33-570-55-233.range26-713.btcentralplus.com] has joined #soylent
[17:31:03] <Bytram> =join #qa
[17:39:51] -!- Sulla [Sulla!~8cd35204@140.211.gj.y] has joined #soylent
[17:46:21] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - China’s Rover Finds Layers of Surprise Under Moon’s Far Side - https://sylnt.us - moon-rabbits
[17:47:20] <Bytram> =list
[17:47:24] <Bytram> =help
[17:47:24] <systemd> blame, caps, cite, contribute, declinectl, declined, do, doi, dump, folding-rank, g, gcctl, join, nick, notes, part, rehashctl, save, say, sedctl, sub, submit, taco, tacoctl, threadcount, y, yt, gday
[17:47:51] <Bytram> =join qa
[17:47:58] <Bytram> =join #qa
[17:48:03] <Bytram> =join
[17:48:04] -!- systemd has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[17:48:17] <Bytram> chromas ^^^
[17:48:38] * Bytram was just trying to get he bot to join #qa... sorry!
[17:48:43] <Bytram> ~blame
[17:48:45] * exec points at Bytram
[18:16:07] <Bytram> jo... pls scroll back and see where I was abble to download it from
[18:51:32] -!- systemd [systemd!~systemd@pid1] has joined #soylent
[19:36:24] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Finland and the EU Could Eventually Pursue Self-Sufficiency in Computing - https://sylnt.us - three-cheers-for-optimism
[20:19:50] -!- SoyCow3025 [SoyCow3025!~40399c0d@64.57.mnn.vo] has joined #soylent
[20:19:56] <SoyCow3025> =submit https://gizmodo.com
[20:19:58] <systemd> Submitting "Heart Rate Limitations Show Why You Shouldn't Get Your Medical Advice From the Apple Watch"...
[20:20:19] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Heart Rate Limitations Show Why You Shouldn't Get Your Medical Advice From the Apple Watch" (1 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[20:20:20] <SoyCow3025> =submit https://www.technologyreview.com
[20:20:22] <systemd> Submitting "A billion Wi-Fi devices suffer from a newly discovered security flaw"...
[20:20:43] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03A Billion Wi-Fi Devices Suffer From a Newly Discovered Security Flaw" (0 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[20:25:17] -!- SoyCow3025 has quit []
[21:26:40] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - 2 GB Model of Raspberry Pi 4 Gets Permanent Price Cut to $35 - https://sylnt.us - cheaper-pie
[21:48:44] <FatPhil> fuck me, I'm trollin' right: "You have 6 new messages"
[21:48:52] <FatPhil> I only left the flat a couple of hours ago
[21:50:19] <Sulla> Where were you posting?
[21:56:47] <Runaway1956__> <+FatPhil> fuck me, I'm trollin' right: "You have 6 new messages"
[21:56:57] <Runaway1956__> he wasn't posting, he was trolling
[22:09:41] <FatPhil> Agro responses to half of them
[22:09:53] <FatPhil> too many idiots in the world.
[22:10:20] <FatPhil> If only someone could genetically engineer a disease that would spread quickly and kill people.
[22:10:51] <FatPhil> Anyway
[22:10:57] <FatPhil> ~gday Sulla
[22:10:58] * exec irrefutably poops a shot of carrot sticks for Sulla
[22:11:03] <FatPhil> ~gday Runaway1956__
[22:11:04] * exec curiously postulates a combinatoric explosion of eggs towards Runaway1956__
[22:11:57] <FatPhil> Did you hear - I won!
[22:24:47] <FatPhil> Anyone seen Avenue 5? Worth watching? I am quite a fan of Ianucci
[22:31:39] <Sulla> ~gday FatPhil
[22:31:41] * exec irresponsibly confiscates a barrage of itchy butt from FatPhil
[22:35:56] <Sulla> Wonder if any of the Iranian ministers who have caught the Wuhan Pnemonia met with the Ayatollah. If the Ayatollah catches it his chances are low based on age. Hopefully doesn't spread that far, would create further international chaos
[22:40:00] -!- mechanicjay has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[22:40:34] -!- mechanicjay [mechanicjay!~jhowe@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mechanicjay] has joined #soylent
[22:40:34] -!- mode/#soylent [+v mechanicjay] by Aphrodite
[23:07:07] <FatPhil> holy jesus - Avenue 5 is festering dog shit
[23:08:25] <FatPhil> the only positive thing that I can say about it is that I did work out 1 single way to make it worse.
[23:10:07] <Sulla> avenue 5?
[23:22:27] <AndyTheAbsurd> Avenue V?
[23:23:52] -!- bacterium has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[23:25:45] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Google Earth Supported in Non-Chrome Browsers - https://sylnt.us - where-did-they-hide-all-the-turtles?
[23:33:18] -!- Web_weasel has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[23:37:02] <FatPhil> https://en.wikipedia.org
[23:37:03] <systemd> ^ 03Avenue 5 - Wikipedia
[23:40:40] * FatPhil informs the rest of the residents onchan that google does still exist
[23:52:01] -!- bacterium [bacterium!1125@76-051-167-000.static.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #soylent