#soylent | Logs for 2020-03-25

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[01:05:50] <Soybull> https://www.dailymail.co.uk
[01:05:52] <systemd> ^ 03Greta Thunberg says she may have coronavirus
[01:16:10] <chromas> I thought she had FAS
[01:21:49] <Soybull> There's no telling what that girl has aside from TDS
[01:27:02] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Reports: Google, LG, Don't Want Qualcomm's Super-Expensive Snapdragon 865 - https://sylnt.us - too-expensive
[01:49:08] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #soylent
[02:28:22] -!- Runaway1956__ [Runaway1956__!~Some@67.223.lyo.vv] has joined #soylent
[02:31:40] -!- Runaway1956_ has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[02:44:58] -!- boru` [boru`!~boru@btha-90-549-080-508.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined #soylent
[02:45:01] -!- boru has quit [Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by boru`!~boru@btha-90-549-080-508.dynamic.mnet-online.de))]
[02:45:03] boru` is now known as boru
[03:17:22] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Windows Code-Execution Zeroday is Under Active Exploit, Microsoft Warns - https://sylnt.us - Bummer-of-a-birthmark,-Hal
[05:15:37] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - SpaceX Approved to Deploy 1 Million U.S. Starlink Terminals; OneWeb Reportedly Considers Bankruptcy - https://sylnt.us - space-is-becoming-a-crowded-place
[05:19:38] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[07:07:00] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Impossible Foods CEO Ponders Fake Imaginary Meat - https://sylnt.us - is-fake-meat-just-feet?
[07:23:53] <FatPhil> "they became infected while on a train tour of Europe this month" - fuck'em
[07:24:45] <FatPhil> It's idiots travelling around europe that are bringing the disease to this part of europe. Yeah, I'm selfish and care about me and mine, sue me.
[07:25:05] <FatPhil> That quote's from the Greta Thunberg story.
[07:29:08] <boru> Unbelievable.
[07:31:08] <boru> No doubt her flock of idiots and acolytes all lauded her and told her how brave she is.
[07:31:30] <FatPhil> And hugged her, and patted themselves on the back
[07:34:29] <inz> She's probably pretty pissed that a little virus has managed to make her agenda come true way more rapidly and totally than she ever could.
[07:36:33] <boru> Her agenda -- surely you mean her funder's agenda.
[07:37:45] <carny> greta thunberg is infected?
[07:37:58] <boru> Useful idiots and agents of chaos rarely care about their manufactured soapbox chorus.
[07:39:17] <FatPhil> carny: 03:05 < Soybull> https://www.dailymail.co.uk
[07:39:19] <systemd> ^ 03Greta Thunberg says she may have coronavirus
[07:40:16] <FatPhil> Yes, Daily Mail, but it includes photos from her stunning and brave instagram account.
[07:40:27] <boru> "Quick! I'm becoming irrelevant! Give me more attention!"
[07:40:33] <FatPhil> So must be facts(tm)
[07:41:03] <boru> That goes for most british newspapers.
[07:41:10] <FatPhil> Latest comorbidity data from Italy tells me that raging alcoholics might be protected!
[07:41:32] <FatPhil> Whoever said "confirmation bias" shut up!
[07:41:33] <boru> The Guardian used to do proper journalism up to about a decade ago, but not anymore.
[07:42:06] <FatPhil> I used to read the guardian, and its spiralling down has been shocking.
[07:42:26] <boru> Another day or two, and the USA will bump Italy out of the number 2 spot.
[07:42:44] <boru> Well, three or four days.
[07:42:54] <FatPhil> my prediction is this weekend.
[07:43:19] <FatPhil> carny: do you have shitlords logs? I have no record of my prediction in my logs.
[07:43:43] <FatPhil> I think I made it on the shitlord channel
[07:44:53] <chromas> I found it
[07:44:57] <chromas> [06:00:30] <FatPhil> true
[07:45:33] * boru chuckles.
[07:45:57] * chromas has the logs but isn't sure what to look for
[07:46:52] <chromas> Maybe this'n
[07:46:55] <chromas> <FatPhil> It's a meat token between two bread tokens.
[07:48:00] <boru> Posted in another channel on another net: https://www.sciencefocus.com
[07:48:02] <systemd> ^ 03How many plants are needed in an airtight room to be able to breathe?
[07:48:09] <boru> I wasn't aware of those experiments. Interesting.
[07:48:30] <FatPhil> it was ~ the US will overtake Italy this weekend ~ about when they reach 100000
[07:48:31] <boru> Could be a precursor to Silent Running.
[07:48:47] <boru> Just without the stupid robots that can't play poker.
[07:51:47] <FatPhil> Is that the one about the Jamaican olympic bobsled team?
[07:51:59] <chromas> That's Cool Runnings
[07:52:12] <chromas> You're thinking of Silent Steel
[07:52:37] <chromas> Oh I did the meme wrong
[07:52:50] <boru> It's rare I come across people that have seen Silent Running.
[07:53:04] <FatPhil> I've apparent;y seen it, and on IMDB I rated it 3/10
[07:53:19] <boru> It's original, but yeah, a bit shite...
[07:53:23] <FatPhil> I remember the midgets in cardboard boxes playing the bots.
[07:54:21] <FatPhil> I'm a fan of Turnbull's technical vision, but that doesn't mean he tells stories well.
[07:57:39] <FatPhil> https://popculture.com
[07:57:40] <systemd> ^ 03Coronavirus: Kentucky Couple Throw Fit Over Not Being Able to Buy 552 Cans of Mountain Dew at Kroger
[08:13:15] <carny> maybe they work for a non profit toxic waste disposal site and this is an act of charity?
[08:13:51] <chromas> When you have too many teeth
[08:16:25] <FatPhil> g/f's just left for work, and has just passed a couple with wheely cases... speaking to each other in... wait for it...
[08:16:34] <FatPhil> Italian, stronzo!
[08:16:55] <chromas> Did she cough in their general direction?
[08:17:13] <FatPhil> the country with the highest documented infection rate in the world. Stay classy, Italy, stay classy.
[08:27:23] -!- Web_weasel [Web_weasel!~Stefan@gtjn33-050-019-85.range76-248.btcentralplus.com] has joined #soylent
[08:32:49] -!- jman has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[08:35:02] -!- jman [jman!~root@136.49.wnz.nq] has joined #soylent
[08:56:37] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Intel Combines 768 "Loihi" Neuromorphic Chips to Simulate "100 Million Neurons" - https://sylnt.us - simulating-a-brain
[10:48:00] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Here's the Netflix Account Compromise Bugcrowd Doesn't Want You to Know About [Updated] - https://sylnt.us - another-day-another-hack
[11:09:17] <boru> Clickbaity.
[11:14:40] <FatPhil> s/Here's t/T/ better?
[11:49:55] <boru> No.
[12:10:36] -!- driveby [driveby!~amnesia@46.165.ugu.riv] has joined #soylent
[12:13:08] <driveby> https://www.clickorlando.com
[12:13:09] <systemd> ^ 03Man who died in California from coronavirus visited Disney World 2 weeks prior, report says
[12:37:23] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - This Day in SN history: Michael David Crawford Passes Away - https://sylnt.us - And-a-cast-of-thousands...
[12:56:22] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - This Day in SoylentNews History: Anniversary of Michael David Crawford Passing Away - https://sylnt.us - And-a-cast-of-thousands...
[13:21:09] <FatPhil> janrinok: I just had to validate an account with an online market by uploading a photo of my ID card. Phone camera was playing silly buggers, and saved to the wrong location, I blindly tab-completed the most recent photo in the usual folder, and uploaded that. I've just identified myself with 2 cider handpulls!
[13:26:11] <boru> Huh, I didn't realise my site subscription had run out. I should rectify that.
[13:26:50] <boru> The budget is bi-anually now, right?
[13:28:30] <Bytram> boru: Silent Running! Huey, Dewie, and Louie, amirite?
[13:31:13] <Bytram> 552 cans of Mountain Dew is... 23 *cases*; assuming 12 ounce cans 9and ignoring the weight of the packaging), that would be 414 pounds! (188 kg)
[13:31:35] <Bytram> s/9/(/
[13:32:23] -!- Bytram_huey [Bytram_huey!~a6b6fe00@8-087-910-999.mobile.uscc.com] has joined #soylent
[13:32:32] <Bytram_huey> testing
[13:32:37] <Bytram_huey> s/ing/ed/
[13:32:44] <Bytram_huey> ~sed on
[13:32:45] <exec> sed enabled for 10#soylent
[13:32:50] <Bytram> s/9/(/
[13:32:51] <exec> <Bytram> s/(/(/
[13:33:03] <Bytram> LOL
[13:33:09] <Bytram> 552 cans of Mountain Dew is... 23 *cases*; assuming 12 ounce cans (and ignoring the weight of the packaging), that would be 414 pounds! (188 kg)
[13:36:01] -!- Bytram_huey has quit [Client Quit]
[14:03:55] <cmn32480> Huey, Dewey and Louie... what about Screwy? Or is that the guy sitting at the keyboard?
[14:07:32] <FatPhil> inz: just working on some material for a Tampere museum and came across this: "Plevna was the largest mill in the Nordic region, with over 1200 loons".
[14:11:01] <Bytram> Actually, there were a few, rare, epsiodes where a 4th duck was accidentally draw in... was given the the name "Phooey"
[14:11:03] <inz> FatPhil, hah, missing an arc from m?
[14:25:22] -!- Soybull has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[14:25:34] -!- Runaway1956_ [Runaway1956_!~Some@67.223.lyo.vv] has joined #soylent
[14:25:37] -!- Soybull [Soybull!~some@67.223.lyo.vv] has joined #soylent
[14:27:52] -!- Soybull has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[14:28:07] -!- Soybull [Soybull!~some@67.223.lyo.vv] has joined #soylent
[14:28:17] -!- Runaway1956__ has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[14:37:39] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The Game Mastermind Turns 50 this Year - https://sylnt.us
[15:16:12] <AndyTheAbsurd> 23 cases of soda also takes up a nontrivial amount of space.
[15:17:26] <AndyTheAbsurd> like...you'd better have thought through where in your house you can store that much before you bring it home.
[15:37:40] <cmn32480> AndyTheAbsurd - you go a little overboard at Costco?
[15:40:35] <AndyTheAbsurd> Nah, usually you can get a better price by watching the regular store's ads...but I have definitely gone a little overboard at times.
[15:53:08] <FatPhil> info from my "local". pub has no plans to close, and they're still legit selling up to 10pm.
[15:59:47] <janrinok> FP - they will still know who you are from that photo though!
[16:14:17] <FatPhil> when that pub (which closes tonight :( ) changes its cider, do I become a non-person?
[16:15:04] <FatPhil> it's sauna night for us tonight, it's almost tempting to pop out in our bathrobes and go to that pub (it's about 80m away) between sessions!
[16:16:11] <FatPhil> inz: yeah, I had to read it twice before it sank in what the mistake was!
[16:16:31] <FatPhil> In the same document: "The [fire] guard was required to make rounds of all the factory rooms on food, [...]"
[16:16:46] <FatPhil> Presumably wearing baguettes as slippers?
[16:17:13] <FatPhil> Would have to be made from flame retardant flour, obvs.
[16:27:15] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - New Telescope Design Could Capture Distant Celestial Objects With Unprecedented Detail - https://sylnt.us - peek-a-boo
[16:46:44] <pinchy> jigg-a-boo
[17:07:25] <chromas> FatPhil: You don't become a non-person; you'll just be expired.
[17:13:04] <FatPhil> Past my BB date?
[17:14:09] <chromas> You'll shoot your eye out, kid.
[17:15:20] <FatPhil> 1st death confirmed in Estonia, in Tallinn, 83-year old. I wondered when we'd break that duck.
[17:19:20] <chromas> Was the 83-year-old also sick with something else?
[17:26:12] <FatPhil> considered an "at risk" patient, but that could just be age. You could say that at 83, she had the disease "fricken old".
[17:27:53] <inz> FatPhil, the mistake is of course that the number of loons greeatly outnumbers the 1.2k looms
[17:40:21] <janrinok> a 21 year old died of CV in the UK - no mention of underlying health issues yet.
[17:40:42] <Ingar> we had a few cases as well
[17:41:10] <Ingar> the majority of deaths are elderly ppl and ppl with a medical history though
[17:41:58] <Ingar> and one area where 50% of the hospitalized infected are Turks
[17:43:11] <janrinok> oh, there were quite a few other deaths from CV today, but I mentioned this because some seem to think that the young are not affected.
[17:44:25] <janrinok> FatPhil, if I turn you upside down, is your BB date stamped on your bottom -- I wish I hadn't had that thought now...
[17:51:27] <Soybull> notes on Corona?
[17:51:46] <Soybull> a guy was diagnosed with it in Texarkana
[17:52:11] <Soybull> Yesterday, my wife's boss had to go home, she was running a fever.
[17:52:29] <janrinok> I hope that your wife is safe and well
[17:52:30] <Soybull> Turns out the guy in Texarkana was at the boss's house just a couple days ago
[17:52:44] <Soybull> It's getting scary guys
[17:53:15] <Soybull> no deaths reported, but more and more diagnosis within a short drive of my home
[17:53:54] <Soybull> Short drive, in my dictionary, being an hour or so away
[17:54:14] <carny> nobody wants to admit that this pandemic breaks all the reliable models and is therefore worse than anything they planned for
[17:55:00] <FatPhil> Au contraire - I think it fits all the models - my predictions have been amazingly accurate.
[17:55:02] <Soybull> FatPhil - I have to admit, I don't know how large Estonia is - is it like New Jersey sized?
[17:55:18] <carny> when the incubation period can stretch to 97 days and the contagion period has an unknown overlap the old methods go out the window
[17:55:39] * Soybull needs coffee to stave off the bug
[17:55:40] <FatPhil> I think it's half way between Maine and Vermont, both pop wise and size wise
[17:55:41] <carny> FatPhil: that's because you're not invested in a lifetime of modelling last year's diseases
[17:55:53] <janrinok> carny - that is contradicted by the BBC coverage of the govt update that I have just watched where they said exactly that - this pandemic breaks all the reliable models
[17:56:04] <carny> you're capable of ignoring the past and your ego and just going by the data
[17:56:29] <carny> janrinok: oh how nice they're finally admitting they've been wrong for the past 90 days
[17:56:29] <FatPhil> yup, I just did the sums, nothing else
[17:56:47] <carny> too bad tens of millions of people are going to die becuase it took them this long
[17:57:11] <janrinok> they haven't - they are just using the best information available. If you've got better date then produce it.
[17:57:17] <FatPhil> I'll put my follow-up comments in a different chan...
[17:57:35] <carny> i've been linking articles for 2 months now
[17:58:23] <janrinok> random posts on imgur or youtube is not a better model, unless you can provide something to back them up.
[17:59:19] <Soybull> what if he derandomizes his posts?
[17:59:38] <Soybull> and deanonymize them, of course
[18:00:39] <carny> face it janrinok i'm just a better analyst than you are because i know when officials are lying
[18:01:02] <carny> i've been reading this situation correctly from the beginning and you've been in denial the whole time
[18:01:08] <Soybull> it's easy to tell when officials are lying
[18:01:11] <Soybull> their lips are moving
[18:01:26] <carny> ba dump bump ;]
[18:01:49] <janrinok> so you are an analyst. So you have access to classified information. So do you really think you should be asking us to compromise that without something to back it up?
[18:02:18] <carny> government officials or so called main stream media it's all the same
[18:02:39] <carny> and i have discussed exactly nothing classified here or anywhere else
[18:02:55] <carny> i don't break my oaths
[18:03:21] <carny> and i don't put other people in jeopardy just so i can shoot my mouth off
[18:03:50] <janrinok> in which case you are just reciting what others have posted on imgur and youtube without any supporting evidence. You cannot have it both ways
[18:03:58] <carny> all i asked was for you guys to approve stories that were telling the truth instead of the lies we're all being told
[18:05:01] <janrinok> you haven't submitted a story with any evidence. Your assessment is invaluable - but it belongs in comments so that others can discuss it, not as random suggestions. You were invited to submit a story but you have not done so.
[18:05:36] <janrinok> how do we know that the stories you say we should approve are factual?
[18:05:42] <carny> you could have made sn a clearing house for critical truth and warnings at a time when people really needed it and most other outlets were willingly participating in the lies
[18:06:24] <janrinok> That is what YOU want us to be - we are a discussion site.
[18:06:45] <carny> have fun with that
[18:06:53] <carny> for as much time as you have left
[18:06:55] <janrinok> provide a linked story that we can verify and we will publish it.
[18:07:15] <janrinok> we told you that less than 48 hours ago
[18:08:29] <janrinok> you could put your analysis as COMMENT on any of the CV stories we have published - but you have not done so. Why?
[18:08:56] <carny> comments are almost worthless and you know it
[18:10:18] <janrinok> so you want us to be your mouthpiece for information that cannot be substantiated, and we should not discuss it? That is not what this site is about.
[18:11:39] <janrinok> you can link to all of the material that you have linked to in the past. You can explain why it is important and better than other information that is on the same social media.
[18:12:07] <janrinok> because, if you cannot do that, it is not a story that we will ever publish.
[18:15:23] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Chrome Phasing out Support for User Agent - https://sylnt.us - all-your-user-agent-are-belong-to-us
[18:41:13] -!- soyCow1917 [soyCow1917!~4039920d@64.57.rwn.vj] has joined #soylent
[18:41:21] soyCow1917 is now known as Fnord666_
[18:44:48] <janrinok> hi Fnord666
[18:47:46] <pinchy> whats going on in chere?
[18:48:22] <janrinok> not a lot at this very moment - how's things?
[18:48:49] <pinchy> i gto food yesterday! it was amazing!
[18:49:03] <janrinok> lol - a whole food, or just bits of it?
[18:49:13] <pinchy> walmart had restocked mostly. got all i wanted at least
[18:49:22] <janrinok> good to hear
[18:49:34] <pinchy> shelves mostly back to normal. u can see signs of ransacking in the past
[18:49:49] <pinchy> hah the tissue/paper aisle was of course empty
[18:49:54] <janrinok> shoe marks on the top shelf? that sort of thing?
[18:50:34] <pinchy> sort of. stuff has moved since i guess they were so empty the restockers didnt know where it originally went
[18:51:10] <pinchy> it would be on the right aisle just a way different shelf then originally
[18:52:50] <janrinok> I hate it when they do that - my local shop has reorganised everything - non of the customers can find what they want now!
[18:53:42] <cmn32480> they do it to force you to look t everything so you can see about fiinding somethign else you want
[18:54:03] <pinchy> several years ago my usual store pursposely moved everything in what appeared to be get ppl to buy extra stuff
[18:54:08] <cmn32480> janrinok - do you enjoy shopping senior only hours?
[18:54:16] <janrinok> as it is, people have been saying 'sod it' and going to the next village
[18:54:19] <pinchy> i quit shopping there. places where in illogical places
[18:54:23] -!- Webweasel_ [Webweasel_!~Stefan@gtjn33-050-019-85.range76-248.btcentralplus.com] has joined #soylent
[18:54:55] <pinchy> even when u asked a clerk they couldnt even find stuff. after that we were done with that place
[18:55:00] <janrinok> I suppose I could, but they never believe my age until I show them some id. I suppose they might think I should be dead....?
[18:57:28] -!- Web_weasel has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[19:01:14] <FatPhil> So Prince Charles tests positive.
[19:01:52] <FatPhil> We might skip Charles and go straight to William by default!
[19:07:35] <janrinok> His horse ^W wife has proven clear.
[19:08:58] <janrinok> Bytram - have you gone back into that merge story?
[19:15:39] <chromas> He's married to Sarah Jessica Parker?
[19:16:34] <janrinok> no worse, even horses are embarrassed when they see her
[19:17:12] <janrinok> well, I suppose that is my knighthood out of the window
[19:28:38] <chromas> They can't take your knighthood if it's on lockdown
[19:31:03] <janrinok> I haven't even got it yet - and I'm not going round to his place to fetch it either
[19:34:13] <cmn32480> better be careful.. he'll hear you coming a mile away
[19:38:00] <Bytram> janrinok: Finished my first pass -- all yours; see #editorial, one story still needs a good deal more chopped out.
[19:42:49] <janrinok> I'll give it a quick look - I was about to go to bed but I will review it as best I can in the time remaining
[20:06:47] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Lab On A Chip: Developing A Tiny, Super-Resolution Optical Microscope - https://sylnt.us - now-we-can-read-the-fine-print
[20:15:00] -!- Fnord666_ has quit []
[21:07:32] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Chrome Phasing Out Support for User Agent - https://sylnt.us - all-your-user-agent-are-belong-to-us
[21:52:42] -!- arti|work has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[21:53:26] -!- arti|work [arti|work!~textual@fhv-836-375-856-960.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #soylent
[21:58:10] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Hubble Space Telescope Snaps Dazzling Pink Cloud to Learn More About Big Baby Stars - https://sylnt.us - pretty-in-pink
[21:59:04] -!- arti|work has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[21:59:47] -!- arti|work [arti|work!~textual@fhv-836-375-856-960.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #soylent
[22:06:20] <Bytram> =g xkcd "2016 Election Map"
[22:06:21] <systemd> https://xkcd.com - 2016 Election Map - xkcd
[22:37:52] <chromas> We need to get more Other votes
[22:38:16] <chromas> Vote for Pedro. Vote for Cthulu. Vote for None of the Above
[22:38:23] -!- Webweasel_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[22:50:00] -!- dx3bydt3 [dx3bydt3!~quassel@142.134.jq.mhx] has joined #soylent
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[22:53:26] <FatPhil> Jeebus, i've decided to finally start watching /Seinfeld/. The first few lines of S01E01 are remarkably on point for right now.
[22:55:59] <chromas> [laugh track]
[23:03:28] <FatPhil> I'm more perturbed by the synth bass
[23:03:47] <chromas> You no like the slapp?
[23:04:09] <FatPhil> No, I like real slapp
[23:04:22] <chromas> long as you don't picc
[23:07:47] <FatPhil> stronzo
[23:10:18] <chromas>
[23:48:17] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #soylent
[23:57:54] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Ken Shirriff Unfolds A Nuclear Missile Guidance Computer With Impressive Memory - https://sylnt.us - do-you-want-to-play-a-game?