#soylent | Logs for 2020-04-17

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[00:24:04] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #soylent
[00:56:15] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The Secret Behind “Unkillable” Android Backdoor Called xHelper Has Been Revealed - https://sylnt.us - where's-xhelper
[01:10:16] <AzumaHazuki> so a factory reset doesn't actually mean a factory reset then? how do you deal with this, flash Clockwork or some other recovery and then blast a whole new ROM image over it?
[01:11:36] -!- driveby [driveby!~amnesia@zc7640414.ip-65-41-165.eu] has joined #soylent
[01:14:18] <chromas> Probably. Factory reset doesn't erase very much
[01:20:40] <kyonko_> I never fucked with brickware, still have them working though
[01:21:20] <kyonko_> all these modern devices made me learn, I need a NAS
[01:21:32] <kyonko_> no sneakernet allowed
[01:21:35] <kyonko_> no samizdat
[01:21:39] <kyonko_> obvious
[01:22:11] * AzumaHazuki loves how "samizdat" ("self-publish") kind of works in English too :)
[01:22:37] <kyonko_> I'm a us citizen of mexican ancestry
[01:23:03] <AzumaHazuki> "sam*" is more or less Russian for "self," i.e., samovar is self-boiler and is an old-fashioned type of tea dispenser/water boiler
[01:23:06] <kyonko_> I live on the border in arizona
[01:23:22] <kyonko_> yeah I've seen samovars, its for sanitary drinking water
[01:23:38] <kyonko_> we have nothing like it lol
[01:24:28] <kyonko_> if samovars get dirty they can always be heated to sterilize
[01:25:05] <kyonko_> its a real big deal, these people ended up in space and lived
[01:35:14] -!- GrandFireWizard has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[01:38:45] -!- boru` [boru`!~boru@xghf-26-975-465-875.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined #soylent
[01:38:47] -!- boru has quit [Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by boru`!~boru@xghf-26-975-465-875.dynamic.mnet-online.de))]
[01:38:50] boru` is now known as boru
[01:47:05] -!- GrandFireWizard [GrandFireWizard!~GrandFire@103.212.qvi.qtn] has joined #soylent
[02:03:34] -!- driveby has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[02:46:13] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Vaccine Skeptics Actually Think Differently Than Other People - https://sylnt.us - minds-of-others
[02:48:32] <kyonko_> well, thats because the vaccine can be anything at all
[02:48:41] <kyonko_> and compromised silicon is real
[02:48:54] <kyonko_> DIES
[02:49:08] <kyonko_> i've got the world's tiniest violen for sale
[02:49:25] <kyonko_> its in the space between electron orbits though
[02:50:54] <kyonko_> feels solid [state] maaaaaaaaan
[03:06:28] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Vaccine Skeptics Actually Think Differently than Other People - https://sylnt.us - minds-of-others
[03:26:01] <Bytram> https://sylnt.us
[03:26:03] <systemd> ^ 03Vaccine Skeptics Actually Think Differently than Other People - SoylentNews ( https://soylentnews.org )
[03:26:44] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The Secret Behind "Unkillable" Android Backdoor Called xHelper has been Revealed - https://sylnt.us - where's-xhelper
[03:30:20] -!- driveby [driveby!~amnesia@zc7640414.ip-65-41-165.eu] has joined #soylent
[03:31:38] <kyonko_> and it uses vpn too
[03:31:53] <kyonko_> xHelper reminds me of the windows xp era
[03:31:58] <kyonko_> svchost.exe
[03:40:15] <chromas> The Alfresco Digital Business Platform is a modern, enterprise-class, cloud-native platform that enables organizations to build digital operations to deliver instant services with exceptional experiences. It provides the fastest path for people to interact with information and for organizations to quickly respond to threats, opportunities and circumstances.
[03:40:19] <chromas> Sign me up!
[03:41:47] <AzumaHazuki> that...that actually had a negative signal to noise ratio
[03:42:22] <chromas> insert billy Madison game show speech
[03:42:28] * TheMightyBuzzard slow claps for at the effort from chromas
[03:42:28] <pinchy> das rite
[03:43:58] <chromas> I guess it's a document storage service
[03:45:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> you know shit's gone south when you can't tell the difference between the best efforts of satirists and the actual idiotic bullshit
[03:45:15] <chromas> That doesn't sound as exciting though.
[03:45:27] <chromas> That was a real quote from their site
[03:45:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> ed zachery
[03:45:53] <chromas> for reference, https://www.alfresco.com
[03:45:54] <systemd> ^ 03Alfresco Software and Services
[03:46:08] <chromas> the animation hogs my cpu
[03:46:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> nah, thas me mining the buttcoins
[03:47:24] <chromas> sad, corroded trombone
[03:47:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> rusty, is it?
[03:48:04] <AzumaHazuki> you cannot make that shit up
[03:48:33] <AzumaHazuki> i have this hypothesis that management everywhere is all part of some demonic cult, and to join you have to drop a puppy in a blender and then pledge your soul to Mammon
[03:48:40] <TheMightyBuzzard> no, but you can make this shit up: https://scontent-dfw5-2.xx.fbcdn.net
[03:49:38] <chromas> Someone should show him the Futurama episode where Bender adopts kids for...$1,200 each
[03:49:47] <chromas> Twelve-hundred wing-wangs
[03:50:10] <TheMightyBuzzard> nah, don't distract him. he's making america great again. with blackjack. and hookers.
[03:50:13] * chromas petitions to change the name of our currency
[03:51:27] * TheMightyBuzzard petitions to change the form of our currency. to bacon.
[03:53:16] * chromas signs up for tuberobaconoma
[04:16:34] <kyonko_> oma?
[04:22:34] <GrandFireWizard> I heard that Trump signed an order to enforce a law making cheese only available in blocks.
[04:23:16] <kyonko_> lock down wont end in colorado untill jun 26
[04:23:18] <GrandFireWizard> Trump just wanted to make America grate again.
[04:23:26] <kyonko_> sounds like getting people fat and diabetic
[04:23:29] <kyonko_> dia-besic
[04:23:42] <driveby> https://i.4pcdn.org
[04:23:48] <driveby> https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com
[04:23:50] <GrandFireWizard> people are joining Zoom rooms to exercise together
[04:24:05] <GrandFireWizard> ok, some of them are, and some of them are probably using it as an alternative to porn
[04:24:06] <driveby> https://3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion
[04:24:08] <kyonko_> I exercise like the lab rat I am
[04:24:21] <GrandFireWizard> in a huge wheel?
[04:24:27] <GrandFireWizard> for pieces of cheese?
[04:24:27] <kyonko_> close enough
[04:25:13] <kyonko_> I've always wondered how they remove pathogens from pet rats
[04:26:14] <kyonko_> the world may never know
[04:27:07] <GrandFireWizard> They sent them to 'a farm' where they live a long and glorious life, but you can never visit.
[04:27:28] <kyonko_> a quarantine for rats?
[04:27:47] <kyonko_> eventually the bad pathogens kill
[04:28:37] <GrandFireWizard> sure, let's go with that
[04:29:11] <kyonko_> that means having some philosophical understanding of nature
[04:29:38] <kyonko_> once the farmed rats look and act good, you test them
[04:31:05] <kyonko_> the MSM still peddles a medieval understanding of life and death
[04:31:09] <kyonko_> thats interesting
[04:31:21] <GrandFireWizard> MSM?
[04:31:37] <kyonko_> main stream media
[04:31:45] <kyonko_> or methyl sulfonyl methane, for joint health
[04:32:25] <kyonko_> I'd like to see a mass embalming
[04:32:35] <kyonko_> its 2020
[04:32:41] <kyonko_> why can't we?
[04:33:57] <GrandFireWizard> why would you?
[04:34:03] <GrandFireWizard> we can't all have a pyramid
[04:34:13] <GrandFireWizard> maybe if they were very small we could but still
[04:34:23] <kyonko_> I have a mummified baby possum
[04:34:24] <kyonko_> and a mouse
[04:35:18] <kyonko_> you should see the local grave yard
[04:35:26] <kyonko_> some cadavers have brick houses
[04:35:33] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - AMD Takes Another Crack at Intel's Server Stronghold with More Epyc Silicon - https://sylnt.us - back-and-forth
[04:35:48] <GrandFireWizard> you embalm as a hobby?
[04:36:01] <kyonko_> nah
[04:36:08] <kyonko_> I just know the secret of life and death
[04:37:00] <kyonko_> embalmed cadavers don't really work for anatomical practice
[04:37:13] <kyonko_> but a lot of med students fear pathogens
[04:38:14] <kyonko_> I forgot about the mummified pack rat
[04:39:35] <GrandFireWizard> ah, ok
[04:39:57] <kyonko_> one thing I do fear though, is cancer
[04:40:08] <GrandFireWizard> so long as you're not on the the Committee for Aesthetic Deletions or something
[04:40:20] <kyonko_> Aesthetic deletions?
[04:40:47] <GrandFireWizard> why ... do you have a mummified baby possum?
[04:40:56] <kyonko_> the mother was killed by a coyote
[04:40:59] <kyonko_> and they starved
[04:41:06] <GrandFireWizard> the circle of life
[04:41:25] <kyonko_> the mummy is in great shape
[04:41:44] <GrandFireWizard> no.. it was killed by the coyote
[04:41:49] <GrandFireWizard> sorry, couldn't resist
[04:42:02] <kyonko_> they aren't really coyotes
[04:42:11] <kyonko_> more like some purpose bred canid released in the wild
[04:42:22] <GrandFireWizard> when is a coyote not a coyote?
[04:42:25] <GrandFireWizard> when it is bold.
[04:43:03] <kyonko_> hmm I think I remember the dead mom
[04:43:09] <GrandFireWizard> people thought much the same for dingos
[04:43:10] <kyonko_> she smelled intensely
[04:43:23] <GrandFireWizard> like a wild animal?
[04:43:28] <kyonko_> well like dead meat
[04:44:00] <GrandFireWizard> apparently smell forms a significant part of memory
[04:44:06] <kyonko_> oh yeah I know the why
[04:44:10] <kyonko_> its evolutionary
[04:44:14] <GrandFireWizard> meaning that a specific smell helps memory recall
[04:44:18] <kyonko_> yes
[04:44:24] <GrandFireWizard> ah, that test on generations?
[04:44:33] <kyonko_> humans can only feel good within a temperature range that occurs in the equator
[04:44:51] -!- driveby has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[04:44:57] <kyonko_> if humans migrated out of the equator and even into space, its psychological
[04:44:58] <GrandFireWizard> where they hit the mice with a strong smell, then shock the mice... and see if the memory of being shocked after that smell survives in the children..
[04:45:14] <GrandFireWizard> humans can adapt
[04:45:22] <GrandFireWizard> some live on permafrost
[04:45:28] <kyonko_> I know mice communicate, genetically
[04:45:39] <kyonko_> mice are great pathogen wildcards
[04:46:24] <kyonko_> they change their genes according to their experiences and pass it on to their children
[04:46:26] <kyonko_> cats do this too
[04:46:56] <kyonko_> I take meds that have changed my body
[04:46:57] <GrandFireWizard> https://www.scientificamerican.com
[04:46:58] <systemd> ^ 03Fearful Memories Passed Down to Mouse Descendants
[04:47:05] <GrandFireWizard> https://www.newscientist.com
[04:47:06] <systemd> ^ 03Fear of a smell can be passed down several generations
[04:47:31] <GrandFireWizard> if they can pass on that knowledge down generations.. what else can be passed on?
[04:47:38] <kyonko_> bird song
[04:47:52] <GrandFireWizard> do birds sing without being taught?
[04:47:59] <kyonko_> they build nests too
[04:48:10] <GrandFireWizard> fish migration patterns?
[04:48:16] <kyonko_> lol fish
[04:48:20] <GrandFireWizard> penguin migration for that matter
[04:48:34] <GrandFireWizard> hey, don't knock fish, they taste great with a bit of pepper
[04:48:43] <kyonko_> freud studied fish
[04:49:03] <kyonko_> fish are a hoot
[04:49:12] <kyonko_> you can't let their metabolic waste build up in their tank
[04:49:35] <kyonko_> so you constantly have to put goldie in a net and change its water
[04:50:00] <kyonko_> some people here keep tropical fish in _tap_ water
[04:50:14] <kyonko_> the tanks have a thick crust of minerals
[04:50:15] <GrandFireWizard> Those fish farms.. big circles holding hundreds of fish in bays.. drop a lot of waste, which the ocean then takes care of. There was an article about it..
[04:50:40] <kyonko_> its not like fish waste forms a seperate phase
[04:50:45] <kyonko_> its dissolved in the water
[04:50:49] <GrandFireWizard> It's a really good idea. Having fisheries in rivers and the ocean. Much better than depleting natural stock.
[04:51:11] <GrandFireWizard> There's so much of it that it falls in a big pile under the floating cage
[04:51:26] <kyonko_> depends
[04:51:38] <GrandFireWizard> tap water? that's a good way to turn a fish into bait.
[04:52:10] <kyonko_> ever seen the GMO glo-fish?
[04:52:41] <GrandFireWizard> rings a bell
[04:52:51] <kyonko_> its proof of GMO
[04:52:56] <kyonko_> wal-mart sells them
[04:53:07] <GrandFireWizard> I've seen the glowing cats?
[04:53:17] <kyonko_> glow in the dark fur?
[04:53:20] <GrandFireWizard> don't worry about it
[04:53:47] <GrandFireWizard> one day the whole banana, corn and fruit markets will just collapse, die completely, and then perhaps they'll start doing the right thing
[04:54:00] <GrandFireWizard> until then they have grabbed control of the wheel of the bus we all ride in
[04:54:17] <kyonko_> the emergency exit is at a break leg height
[04:54:20] <kyonko_> ;)
[04:54:22] <GrandFireWizard> https://blogs.scientificamerican.com
[04:54:24] <systemd> ^ 03Jellyfish Genes Make Glow-in-the-Dark Cats
[04:54:35] <kyonko_> oh yeah, like the spider silk in goat milk
[04:54:55] <kyonko_> where can I get a glow in the dark cat?
[04:55:08] <GrandFireWizard> not yet
[04:55:12] <GrandFireWizard> but, sign me up :P
[04:55:17] <kyonko_> but I can get corona
[04:55:47] <GrandFireWizard> someone mixed spider chemicals with prawn shells to make a new decomposable plastic
[04:55:52] <GrandFireWizard> yeah, I can't stand that beer
[04:55:58] <GrandFireWizard> it's close to water
[04:56:06] <kyonko_> I can't have a beer, period
[04:56:28] <GrandFireWizard> neither could I, a long time ago. top shelf for ages.
[04:56:51] <kyonko_> although I could go for a bender now
[04:56:57] <kyonko_> one I might not return from
[04:57:07] <GrandFireWizard> ahhhh
[04:57:25] <GrandFireWizard> yes, been there. Not with alcohol though.
[04:58:26] <GrandFireWizard> A long time ago I found myself coming home and having a rum and coke. One shot of rum. Glass. Coke. After a few days I realised what I was doing. I poured the bottle of rum into the sink, put the bottle in the trash, and didn't have any alcohol for months.
[04:59:59] <kyonko_> oh did you?
[05:00:07] <kyonko_> I didn't
[05:00:16] <kyonko_> I had to come to terms with the guilt
[05:00:19] <kyonko_> then it ended
[05:00:38] <GrandFireWizard> A friend of mine spent a few months going to a local bar to have a drink and play the pokies. One day she told me that she had stopped going. She had put a $50 note in and blown it. $50. A chunk of change. So, she walked out and never went back.
[05:01:03] <GrandFireWizard> If I find myself on that path I stop. Cold turkey. Only way not to walk it. For me, anyway.
[05:01:18] <kyonko_> I can't quit coffee
[05:01:31] <kyonko_> I'm fated for chronic heart failure
[05:02:32] <kyonko_> my beard and head hair feel like plastic
[05:02:38] <kyonko_> my skin feels like rubber
[05:02:44] <kyonko_> I'm already a cyborg
[05:02:53] <GrandFireWizard> ah, yes, coffee
[05:03:15] -!- driveby [driveby!~amnesia@zc7640414.ip-65-41-165.eu] has joined #soylent
[05:03:16] <GrandFireWizard> I find it to be a requirement to work. For productivity. Then it becomes a habit.
[05:03:28] <kyonko_> I used to work
[05:03:33] <GrandFireWizard> When on holiday I stop. It takes a few days but I ask myself 'do I really need it'...
[05:03:37] <kyonko_> with mainframes, I only remember IBM CICS
[05:03:47] <GrandFireWizard> gz
[05:03:51] <GrandFireWizard> don't .. remind .. me..
[05:03:54] <GrandFireWizard> brrrrrr
[05:03:57] <GrandFireWizard> CICS...
[05:04:06] <GrandFireWizard> JCL... SAS.. REXX
[05:04:11] <kyonko_> it was the year I was supposed to graduate high school
[05:04:17] <kyonko_> i dropped out and went to work instead
[05:04:27] <kyonko_> they spied on us with vnc
[05:04:32] <GrandFireWizard> lol
[05:04:33] <kyonko_> ^_^
[05:04:35] <GrandFireWizard> ahahaha
[05:04:43] <GrandFireWizard> what did you do in mainframe?
[05:05:25] <kyonko_> it was financial data
[05:05:34] <kyonko_> I saw it go into 2008
[05:05:35] <GrandFireWizard> ...
[05:05:44] <GrandFireWizard> is there anything else done in COBOL? :)
[05:05:52] <GrandFireWizard> or SAS..
[05:06:00] <kyonko_> I used them terminal emulator in windows 98 called rumba
[05:06:29] <GrandFireWizard> haven't heard of that one
[05:06:35] <GrandFireWizard> wait
[05:06:43] <GrandFireWizard> W98? 2008?
[05:06:48] <kyonko_> 2003
[05:07:40] <kyonko_> it wasn't just CICS, but its the only one I remember
[05:07:52] <kyonko_> collections used HP-UX
[05:07:54] <GrandFireWizard> lucky you
[05:08:09] <GrandFireWizard> a lot of that was burnt into my brain..
[05:08:15] <kyonko_> I had good job metrics
[05:08:16] <GrandFireWizard> took years to forget it :P
[05:08:35] <GrandFireWizard> "job metrics"?
[05:08:47] <GrandFireWizard> JCL efficiency? :)
[05:08:48] <kyonko_> yeah, they had metrics to decide to keep you hired at will
[05:08:53] <GrandFireWizard> ahhh
[05:09:03] <GrandFireWizard> I love it when they do that with LOC :P
[05:09:28] <GrandFireWizard> never been through it myself.. but it's a good way to pad the repository for the sake of it
[05:09:31] <kyonko_> I had to use CICS to enter checking and routing numbers
[05:09:38] <GrandFireWizard> as a front end, yes
[05:09:56] <GrandFireWizard> rebt,10,1,DIEDIEDIE
[05:09:57] <kyonko_> I kinda saw the pre-lude to 2008
[05:10:10] <GrandFireWizard> cesf
[05:10:56] <kyonko_> all financial employees had to clock into a SCO openserver
[05:11:20] <kyonko_> you know who went insane though? american express employees
[05:11:27] <kyonko_> up the ass credit card fraud
[05:11:29] <kyonko_> circa 2003
[05:11:40] <GrandFireWizard> you can't shock me
[05:11:48] <GrandFireWizard> I've.. seen too much
[05:11:59] <kyonko_> this covid19, it is the end
[05:12:02] <kyonko_> the kali yuga is in 2025
[05:12:10] <GrandFireWizard> nah
[05:12:13] <GrandFireWizard> we'll get over it
[05:12:19] <GrandFireWizard> it's only The Flu on steroids
[05:12:35] <kyonko_> I only got H1N1 in 2009
[05:13:00] <kyonko_> I get pneumococcal disease often unless I wear PPE
[05:13:11] <kyonko_> and now its socially acceptable to wear PPE
[05:13:52] <kyonko_> I hate being sober, feel like I'm a kid again
[05:14:00] <kyonko_> I don't want to be a kid
[05:14:20] <GrandFireWizard> yeah, I know the feeling.. but.. sober or dead.. I choose sober
[05:14:33] <GrandFireWizard> PPE?
[05:14:46] <GrandFireWizard> personal.. protective.. equipment...
[05:14:48] <kyonko_> personal protective equipment
[05:15:23] -!- driveby has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[05:15:27] <GrandFireWizard> asian people wear them around the place.. face masks usually.. it's taken as a sign that person is either unwell and doesn't want to share it, or can't breathe in the germs of others
[05:15:38] <GrandFireWizard> so not that unusual, even before this pandemic
[05:15:40] <kyonko_> well, I know my body
[05:15:50] <kyonko_> I'm very susceptible
[05:16:10] <GrandFireWizard> I'd like to say 'trust a doctor' here.. but.. yeah :P
[05:16:31] <kyonko_> I know my mind
[05:17:23] <kyonko_> death is eternal
[05:17:27] <kyonko_> I'm not ready yet
[05:17:39] <GrandFireWizard> bleh
[05:17:55] <GrandFireWizard> I've died a couple of times. It's nothing to write home about.
[05:18:03] <GrandFireWizard> although, can be very very painful...
[05:18:04] <kyonko_> oh yeah?
[05:18:10] <kyonko_> explain?
[05:18:59] <GrandFireWizard> ah, I died on the way into life ... or so I am told.. cord wrapped around the neck .. they brought me back
[05:18:59] <kyonko_> biology just doesn't care
[05:19:06] <kyonko_> same for me
[05:19:27] <GrandFireWizard> I've had a couple of incidents.. ok, one accident.. that was 'fatal' .. but.. not permanently
[05:20:16] <GrandFireWizard> going from total aweness.. to.. black.. and then coming out.. in extreme pain for a while.. makes me appreciate life without the pain
[05:20:22] <kyonko_> social security sent me a letter I am cured of mental illness
[05:20:39] <GrandFireWizard> in other news, don't hit the ground with excessive force.
[05:20:40] <kyonko_> i am cured of mental illness because schizophrenics don't care for their health and I do
[05:20:50] <kyonko_> now what the fuck do I do
[05:21:25] <kyonko_> after this one every psychiatrist is going to see me as rational
[05:21:48] <GrandFireWizard> Well. I can only speak from my experiences. Stop caring about what other people think. Stop caring about what other people do. Choose what you want to do in your life.. and do it
[05:21:59] <GrandFireWizard> 'cured' .. ha
[05:22:03] <AzumaHazuki> would heaven it were always so easy
[05:22:05] <GrandFireWizard> what do they know?
[05:22:23] <kyonko_> well I'm in the low percentile of mentals who take care of their health
[05:22:51] <GrandFireWizard> you're still alive
[05:22:58] <GrandFireWizard> choose what you want to do with your life
[05:22:59] <kyonko_> I have major depression
[05:23:09] <kyonko_> it gets bigger as I get older
[05:23:17] <GrandFireWizard> like so many people I know.. many of whom.. are 'normal' people
[05:23:32] <GrandFireWizard> I find things to take my mind of reality
[05:23:35] <GrandFireWizard> escape for a while
[05:23:46] <kyonko_> you mean harry potter?
[05:23:52] <GrandFireWizard> life.. the universe.. will always be there
[05:24:02] <GrandFireWizard> read those books.. good for a diversion for a while
[05:24:08] <kyonko_> I used to look like harry potter as a kid, before it was cool
[05:24:13] <GrandFireWizard> sometimes I write books for the same reason
[05:24:40] <GrandFireWizard> I wore glasses for years when I didn't need to.. took them off when I realised there was no point to them..
[05:24:45] <kyonko_> oh
[05:24:47] <kyonko_> really
[05:24:52] <kyonko_> is this like rick and morty?
[05:24:55] <kyonko_> morty's son
[05:25:02] <kyonko_> gazorpazorp
[05:25:23] <kyonko_> we're all morty's son right now
[05:25:26] <kyonko_> with covid19 lockdown
[05:25:32] <kyonko_> this is why this is absurd
[05:25:54] <GrandFireWizard> haven't watch that show yet
[05:25:58] <GrandFireWizard> it's on The List
[05:26:00] <kyonko_> its old, from 2013
[05:26:11] <GrandFireWizard> so I've been told...
[05:26:12] <kyonko_> 2013 was like, me contemplating my alcoholism
[05:26:13] <GrandFireWizard> Pickle Rick?>
[05:26:20] <kyonko_> yes pickle rick, thats from 2015
[05:26:35] <kyonko_> there hasn't been a new season of rick and morty
[05:26:40] <GrandFireWizard> I can sympathise. I can only say that I have learned to stay away from that from which drains my life
[05:26:48] <GrandFireWizard> or rather.. drains my time
[05:26:56] <kyonko_> I'm running out of time
[05:27:28] <kyonko_> if I had godlike physiology, I would always be drunk
[05:27:33] <GrandFireWizard> make time
[05:27:38] <GrandFireWizard> ahhh
[05:27:41] <GrandFireWizard> yes, well
[05:27:50] <kyonko_> I still have until age 60 to get everything in order for the next 30 years
[05:27:55] <GrandFireWizard> I found some time that I need approximately one drink to be 'normal'
[05:28:06] <kyonko_> oh no, I couldn't have 1 drink
[05:28:07] <GrandFireWizard> problem is... less than that.. or more than that... yeah
[05:28:25] <GrandFireWizard> ah, I can ^ ^
[05:28:29] <GrandFireWizard> I can stop at one
[05:28:41] <GrandFireWizard> mostly because I know what happens at two..
[05:28:43] <kyonko_> the government made it illegal
[05:28:49] <GrandFireWizard> illegal?
[05:28:50] <GrandFireWizard> how so?
[05:28:55] <kyonko_> its complicated
[05:28:59] <kyonko_> zero tolerance drunk driving
[05:29:05] <kyonko_> public intoxication
[05:29:07] <GrandFireWizard> that's a given...
[05:29:11] <GrandFireWizard> yep
[05:29:20] <GrandFireWizard> not a problem for me really.. since I don't go outside much :P
[05:29:26] <kyonko_> its like feudal japan with the shogun's edicts
[05:29:30] <GrandFireWizard> I have a garden.. it's nice... and has no one else in it..
[05:29:34] <kyonko_> well, I do go out, just go out alone
[05:29:36] <GrandFireWizard> ha
[05:29:46] <kyonko_> I'm forever alone
[05:29:54] <GrandFireWizard> you mean when families joined up their estates to make a local neighbourhood all of their own?
[05:30:03] <GrandFireWizard> you have the internet
[05:30:12] <kyonko_> I've had internet since 1996
[05:30:17] <GrandFireWizard> 1995
[05:30:18] <kyonko_> I live in a rural area
[05:30:21] <kyonko_> well
[05:30:32] <kyonko_> I had internet in 1994 as a elementary school student
[05:30:45] <GrandFireWizard> there you go
[05:30:52] <GrandFireWizard> MUD?
[05:30:59] <kyonko_> no netscape and yahoo.com
[05:31:09] <kyonko_> wait for reply.....
[05:31:32] <kyonko_> there was nothing on the internet in 1994, but that all changed by 1996
[05:32:05] <GrandFireWizard> there was gopher?
[05:32:07] <GrandFireWizard> irc
[05:32:10] <GrandFireWizard> telnet
[05:32:21] <GrandFireWizard> email
[05:32:23] <GrandFireWizard> new boards
[05:32:29] <kyonko_> I signed up for a shell on wopr.org
[05:32:33] <GrandFireWizard> news... there was a news application...
[05:32:33] <kyonko_> something like that
[05:32:56] <kyonko_> I have a lot of physical and mental illnesses
[05:33:26] <GrandFireWizard> define 'normal'
[05:33:35] <kyonko_> richard feynman
[05:33:37] <kyonko_> groceries
[05:33:57] <kyonko_> richard feynman + groceries = normal
[05:33:58] <GrandFireWizard> hmmmm
[05:34:00] <GrandFireWizard> lol
[05:34:28] <kyonko_> I can't count
[05:34:35] <kyonko_> well I can, money
[05:34:42] <kyonko_> but not.... atoms and shit
[05:34:54] <kyonko_> how many atoms in a speck of aluminum
[05:35:47] <kyonko_> I've been sober since apr 1 2016, when i was released from court ordered psychiatric detention
[05:36:01] <kyonko_> I will do 5 years, after that, maybe more
[05:36:08] <GrandFireWizard> never give the authorities a reason to lock you up
[05:36:24] <kyonko_> it wasn't for me to decide
[05:36:27] <kyonko_> i'm poor
[05:36:29] <GrandFireWizard> did they have a good reason to lock you up?
[05:36:35] <kyonko_> they always do
[05:37:37] <GrandFireWizard> ahhhh
[05:37:41] <GrandFireWizard> I meant an actual reason
[05:37:53] <kyonko_> this is a post obama NDAA 2012 world
[05:37:54] <GrandFireWizard> they make make a reason out of anything if you say something
[05:37:59] <kyonko_> getting worse with covid19
[05:38:07] <GrandFireWizard> 'Do you have any weapons in your house?'
[05:38:12] <kyonko_> knives
[05:38:16] <GrandFireWizard> "Well, I have knives in my kichen"
[05:38:26] <kyonko_> gimme your knives
[05:38:57] <GrandFireWizard> the correct answer is "no" along with "and if you think otherwise, get a warrent"
[05:39:02] <kyonko_> when you first get in the hospital they make you sign a document that says they can use extreme chemical force if you don't complyt
[05:39:15] <GrandFireWizard> see, look at that
[05:39:17] <GrandFireWizard> 'make you sign'
[05:39:20] <GrandFireWizard> how?
[05:39:22] <kyonko_> yes
[05:39:29] <kyonko_> well, if you don't that makes it worse for you
[05:39:40] <GrandFireWizard> yes, it does, but it's worse if you sign
[05:39:49] <kyonko_> I came out fine
[05:39:55] <kyonko_> problem is, why am I recovered
[05:39:57] <GrandFireWizard> just look at the paper and say "I would like a lawyer to look at this first please"
[05:40:00] <kyonko_> I'm not recovered
[05:40:18] <GrandFireWizard> there's a lesson for you. always ask for a lawyer. politely.
[05:40:32] <kyonko_> There are lawyers, but not 24/7
[05:40:48] <GrandFireWizard> act reasonably, normally, and make them appear to be the ones in need of 'help'
[05:40:56] <kyonko_> ha
[05:41:16] <GrandFireWizard> yes, I know a few people eaten by The Sytem
[05:41:25] <kyonko_> its usally permanent damage
[05:41:36] <kyonko_> i got examined by a social security doctor
[05:41:36] <GrandFireWizard> I've seen what they can do.. and I understand why.. it's just not very polite
[05:41:41] <GrandFireWizard> oh?
[05:42:07] <kyonko_> they released me from the hospital on SSDI
[05:42:17] <kyonko_> they didn't think I would get better
[05:42:42] <kyonko_> I won't ever get on SSDI again, because only thing I'm getting after this is a heart attack
[05:42:42] <GrandFireWizard> well, that's something
[05:42:55] <GrandFireWizard> but you haven't got one yet
[05:42:59] <GrandFireWizard> still alive!!!
[05:43:01] <kyonko_> I will, I love fat
[05:43:24] <GrandFireWizard> bacon....
[05:43:27] <GrandFireWizard> hmm... bacon...
[05:44:37] <kyonko_> not that one specifically, but yeah
[05:44:44] <kyonko_> is beer alcohol?
[05:45:14] <GrandFireWizard> yes
[05:46:06] <GrandFireWizard> unless it's american beer
[05:46:08] <kyonko_> I have something really odd going on in my brain
[05:46:10] <GrandFireWizard> then.... debatable...
[05:46:16] <GrandFireWizard> join the club
[05:46:24] <GrandFireWizard> the question is.. can you identify what it is
[05:46:29] <kyonko_> evolution
[05:46:33] <kyonko_> biology doesn't care
[05:46:41] <kyonko_> why am I so stuck on circa 1999
[05:46:49] <kyonko_> homo sapiens don't know what time it is
[05:46:55] <kyonko_> its still cave man days in ethiopia
[05:47:07] <kyonko_> feels like it, in the flesh
[05:47:55] <GrandFireWizard> biology really only cares about keeping you alive and making more of you
[05:48:10] <GrandFireWizard> they have mobile phones now
[05:48:14] <GrandFireWizard> the internet
[05:48:34] <GrandFireWizard> even in a backwater village with sticks dirt and straw huts you can read the news on ccn.com
[05:48:57] <kyonko_> you mean on twitter
[05:49:28] <kyonko_> biology only cares about keeping me alive and making more of me
[05:49:46] <kyonko_> well... bacon does make me happy
[05:49:50] <kyonko_> but then.... heart attack
[05:50:15] <kyonko_> I missed my chance to make another one of me, that was back in y2K
[05:50:36] <GrandFireWizard> lol
[05:50:42] <GrandFireWizard> I've seen links to twitter pages
[05:50:47] <GrandFireWizard> still not sure why it's a thing
[05:51:01] <GrandFireWizard> then limit your bacon intake
[05:51:10] <GrandFireWizard> hmm what's that metor?
[05:51:14] <GrandFireWizard> it's.. coming right.. for me..
[05:51:15] <GrandFireWizard> err
[05:51:16] <GrandFireWizard> hrrr
[05:51:17] <GrandFireWizard> ahhh
[05:51:20] <GrandFireWizard> bye?
[05:51:23] <GrandFireWizard> wait!
[05:51:33] <GrandFireWizard> no! bacon for life! bacon for everyone!
[05:51:48] <GrandFireWizard> oh, look, the meteor is just a weather balloon...
[05:51:48] <kyonko_> beer
[05:51:57] <GrandFireWizard> no, thanks, had one :P
[05:51:59] <kyonko_> are you a caveman>
[05:52:13] <kyonko_> I look like a caveman
[05:52:16] <kyonko_> jomon peroid
[05:52:36] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[05:52:45] <GrandFireWizard> nope
[05:53:31] <kyonko_> if I had a beer
[05:53:40] <kyonko_> its like if you give a mouse a cookie
[05:54:40] <kyonko_> I do feel like a caveman, 24 hours in a day is too much
[05:55:00] <GrandFireWizard> this is why I get out to garden once in a while
[05:55:08] <kyonko_> what do you garden?
[05:55:16] <kyonko_> I'm sprouting milk thistle
[05:55:21] <GrandFireWizard> forget the worldl, help some plants grow, trim, line, feed, and make a small part of the world a better place
[05:55:33] <GrandFireWizard> ground with plants in it
[05:55:57] <kyonko_> I planted some potatoes, but they don't like temperatue flux within 24 hour periods
[05:55:59] <GrandFireWizard> the only vegetables I have are chilli and some kind of lettuce that came from the shops which grows like a fiend
[05:56:02] <kyonko_> they love 70F indoors
[05:56:17] <GrandFireWizard> I had an indoor garden once
[05:56:24] <kyonko_> we have very shitty daily temperature fluctuations
[05:56:28] <GrandFireWizard> I tried to 'save' my chilli plants from dying in winter
[05:56:32] <kyonko_> very bad for homo sapiens
[05:56:35] <GrandFireWizard> that was a mess....
[05:56:53] <GrandFireWizard> now I accept that chilli plants grow, blossom, fruit, and die
[05:58:07] <kyonko_> oh you want something more like a tree lol
[05:58:20] <kyonko_> a bonsai
[05:58:21] <GrandFireWizard> there's a few trees
[05:58:26] <kyonko_> remember bonsai buddy?
[05:58:31] <GrandFireWizard> I suspect I would kill bonsai..
[05:58:36] <GrandFireWizard> briefly.. never used it
[05:58:50] <kyonko_> I'm into retro computers
[05:59:02] <kyonko_> is it true SSD's lose data if not powered up?
[05:59:43] <GrandFireWizard> I have no idea
[05:59:43] <GrandFireWizard> Divorce inquiries at Reid Family Lawyers are going through the roof, as isolation takes its toll on relationships.
[05:59:46] <GrandFireWizard> never used one
[06:00:32] <kyonko_> oh right
[06:00:45] <kyonko_> well today, covid19 bad vibes are hitting me like a freight train
[06:00:58] <GrandFireWizard> stop reading the news?
[06:01:27] <kyonko_> how is it most normal people don't prepare for old age?
[06:01:48] <kyonko_> geezer on a forklift
[06:01:54] <GrandFireWizard> they can't see that far
[06:01:57] <GrandFireWizard> or don't want to
[06:02:00] <kyonko_> i'm fucked
[06:02:09] <GrandFireWizard> probably don't want to think about it
[06:02:22] <GrandFireWizard> they think the social security benefits will do it
[06:02:50] <GrandFireWizard> or their wage is culled into Super anyway so they stop caring
[06:03:22] <kyonko_> nobody enjoys being over 90
[06:03:28] <GrandFireWizard> depends
[06:03:30] <kyonko_> but the pro-lifers don't fucking get it
[06:03:34] <GrandFireWizard> if you have enough weed..
[06:03:50] <kyonko_> psychologist roy masters finally retired from his radio show nearing age 100
[06:04:14] <kyonko_> not everyone can be like that
[06:04:40] <GrandFireWizard> we can try
[06:04:48] <kyonko_> I'll see how far I make it
[06:04:55] <kyonko_> my mom will still be bugging me at 50
[06:05:01] <kyonko_> or longer
[06:05:07] <GrandFireWizard> Runaway founds the Church of Soylentology in order to make money from his unintelligible writings.
[06:05:27] <GrandFireWizard> yes, exactly
[06:05:31] <kyonko_> this site just started because slashdot was becoming bloat
[06:05:34] <GrandFireWizard> it's a marathon, not a sprint
[06:05:39] <GrandFireWizard> well, no
[06:05:49] <GrandFireWizard> because /. were becoming complete asshats
[06:06:03] <kyonko_> in what ways?
[06:07:02] <kyonko_> what does /. mean anyway?
[06:07:03] <GrandFireWizard> you mean with the slashdot dice takeover, etc etc?
[06:07:06] <GrandFireWizard> slash dot
[06:07:13] <kyonko_> I use ./
[06:07:21] <GrandFireWizard> dotslash? :)
[06:07:24] <kyonko_> yes
[06:07:27] <GrandFireWizard> or are you executing a file
[06:07:27] <kyonko_> because of shit happens
[06:07:37] <kyonko_> ./
[06:07:38] <kyonko_> ../
[06:07:45] <GrandFireWizard> dotdotslash
[06:08:00] <GrandFireWizard> ...///...
[06:08:03] <GrandFireWizard> sos?
[06:08:05] <kyonko_> i've done some things and stuff maaaaaaan
[06:08:23] <GrandFireWizard> what does 'kyonko' mean?
[06:09:13] <kyonko_> it means something of light
[06:09:34] <kyonko_> girl of light
[06:10:12] <GrandFireWizard> Kyon (キョン Kyon) is the main protagonist of the series and primary narrator.He is the second person to join the SOS Brigade
[06:10:53] <kyonko_> Kyon becomes a girl
[06:10:55] <GrandFireWizard> Kyon is the main male protagonist and narrator of the Haruhi Suzumiya light novel, manga and anime series.
[06:10:57] <GrandFireWizard> with ko
[06:11:02] <kyonko_> yeah
[06:11:14] <kyonko_> I haven't seen that show since last last decade
[06:11:20] <kyonko_> its been that long
[06:11:24] <GrandFireWizard> I haven't seen it yet
[06:11:32] <kyonko_> shit got real gay after 2008
[06:11:33] <GrandFireWizard> I have a large backlog of anime to watch
[06:11:49] <kyonko_> oh anime has changed a lot
[06:11:56] <GrandFireWizard> literally 'gay' or it just sucked?
[06:11:57] <kyonko_> I don't know whats hip these days
[06:12:01] <kyonko_> gay gay
[06:12:40] <kyonko_> I am going batshit insane with the diuretic I have to take
[06:12:49] <kyonko_> fluids fluids fluids
[06:13:22] <kyonko_> I refused the diuretic back in 2015, and then I had a cardiologist's 2nd opinion
[06:13:22] <GrandFireWizard> ahh, sapphic
[06:13:24] <kyonko_> and I gave in
[06:13:44] <kyonko_> I'm psychologically female
[06:13:47] <GrandFireWizard> in theory they know what they are talking about
[06:14:02] <kyonko_> i suffer from severe excessive talking
[06:14:08] <kyonko_> as you can tell
[06:14:12] <GrandFireWizard> no?
[06:14:30] <GrandFireWizard> join a discord channel and you'd get points :)
[06:16:00] <kyonko_> how does discord work?
[06:26:14] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - NASA Selects Early-Stage Technology Concepts for New, Continued Study - https://sylnt.us - interesting-ideas
[06:33:37] <GrandFireWizard> it's IRC in a web browser
[06:34:11] <kyonko_> is it realy irc?
[06:34:15] <GrandFireWizard> create an account, logon. join a 'server' which is basically like an irc server.. that can have multiple text and vc rooms
[06:34:18] <kyonko_> oh I have this thing called Irc cloud
[06:34:25] <kyonko_> for emergency comms
[06:34:32] <kyonko_> pay $5 for that and $8 for scribd
[06:35:00] <kyonko_> overdrafted this month because I ordered two mac os x 10.5.4 and 10.5.0 install discs
[06:35:11] * kyonko_ whispers compromised silicon
[06:35:13] <GrandFireWizard> doesn't use the IRC protocol that I'm aware of.. looks like it.. acts like it..
[06:35:20] <kyonko_> but isnt
[06:35:26] <GrandFireWizard> clone of it
[06:35:28] <kyonko_> normal people find irc is too hard
[06:35:44] <GrandFireWizard> you can post pictures in it ^ ^
[06:35:51] <kyonko_> irc cloud can too
[06:35:55] <kyonko_> less bloaty
[06:35:57] <kyonko_> so much bloat
[06:35:59] <chromas> That just leaves a few smart people, plus shitposters like ourselves, in irc
[06:36:10] <kyonko_> i shit posted hard on facebook
[06:36:17] <GrandFireWizard> ahh, facebook
[06:36:21] <GrandFireWizard> I remember the early days
[06:36:26] <kyonko_> I had plans to post pics of the woman who loved me as child on facebook to piss people off but then covid 19 happened
[06:36:30] <GrandFireWizard> before parents and family joined
[06:36:33] <GrandFireWizard> it was ok
[06:36:55] <kyonko_> I had lamers coment and react to my shit posts
[06:36:56] <kyonko_> normies
[06:36:59] <kyonko_> :)
[06:37:13] <GrandFireWizard> ah, irccloud
[06:37:15] <GrandFireWizard> yes, similar
[06:37:19] <GrandFireWizard> same as msteams
[06:37:23] <GrandFireWizard> or mattermost
[06:38:08] <kyonko_> GrandFireWizard: you started on facebook back in 2004?
[06:38:17] <kyonko_> it was harvard hot or not right?
[06:38:28] <GrandFireWizard> 2004?
[06:38:36] <GrandFireWizard> I really have.. no..wait.. I do
[06:38:38] <GrandFireWizard> 2007 or so
[06:38:38] <kyonko_> i'm the same age as zuck
[06:38:40] <GrandFireWizard> maybe 2008
[06:38:50] <GrandFireWizard> a manager at worked played 'mafia wars'
[06:38:52] <kyonko_> facebook was zuck's freshman college project
[06:38:56] <GrandFireWizard> so.. people.. joined to play..
[06:38:59] <kyonko_> oh the games
[06:39:00] <GrandFireWizard> that's about all I did
[06:39:01] <kyonko_> I heard about the games
[06:39:04] <GrandFireWizard> the games
[06:39:12] <kyonko_> I heard about the games more than facebook its self
[06:39:13] <GrandFireWizard> I read other people's walls
[06:39:14] <kyonko_> and zynga
[06:39:20] <kyonko_> never joined
[06:39:23] <GrandFireWizard> and wondered how they could post their life online
[06:39:26] <GrandFireWizard> or pictures
[06:39:31] <kyonko_> I posted my life on facebook
[06:39:34] <kyonko_> no one cares
[06:39:44] <GrandFireWizard> miss a mortgage paymnt
[06:39:47] <kyonko_> a few people rage knowing I was the first love of a certain woman
[06:39:50] <GrandFireWizard> then you will see who cares
[06:39:52] <chromas> People were doing that long before facebook. Remember Geoshitties sites for people's cats?
[06:39:59] <kyonko_> we have bigger problems than mortgage here
[06:40:09] <kyonko_> mmmm cats
[06:40:14] <chromas> Boarderwall running through your house?
[06:40:22] <kyonko_> there is a rosette pattern cat skulking the neighborhood here
[06:40:28] <kyonko_> chromas: close enough
[06:40:37] <GrandFireWizard> I had a geocities!
[06:40:40] <kyonko_> I don't have money to travel, so I don't leave the country or the county lol
[06:40:41] <GrandFireWizard> it was awesome
[06:40:52] <GrandFireWizard> all sorts of bright colors that would kill your eyes
[06:40:53] <kyonko_> rosette cats look like cheetahs
[06:40:56] <GrandFireWizard> moving pictures...
[06:41:16] <GrandFireWizard> when yahoo was good
[06:41:20] <kyonko_> a snowshoe cat adopted my home
[06:41:24] <GrandFireWizard> well, I didn't use it, but hey
[06:41:29] <GrandFireWizard> and ICQ was a thing
[06:41:32] <kyonko_> so many cat breeds around here
[06:41:36] <kyonko_> truly blessed
[06:41:37] <kyonko_> with cats
[06:42:06] <kyonko_> a few norwegian forest cats
[06:43:34] <kyonko_> cats cats cats cats
[06:43:40] <GrandFireWizard> Do any walk through walls?
[06:43:43] <kyonko_> cat turds bleach faster in the sun than dog turds
[06:43:55] <kyonko_> GrandFireWizard: they climb chain link fences like ladders
[06:44:17] <kyonko_> step out the door and the smell of cat pee is intense
[06:44:22] <kyonko_> smells like the middle ages
[06:44:52] <kyonko_> I stepped on a cat turd, wow, that was intense
[06:45:00] * kyonko_ talks like donald trump
[06:45:40] <kyonko_> live animals are lovely, their dead and decomposing bodies, not so much
[06:45:42] <kyonko_> everything dies
[06:46:00] <kyonko_> my mom as a catholic can't fathom death
[06:46:04] <kyonko_> eternal life you see
[06:46:20] <kyonko_> mummies do get moldy
[06:46:31] <kyonko_> can't beat mold
[06:46:54] <kyonko_> i'm pro-life, an atheist is a theist
[06:47:28] <GrandFireWizard> electrify the fence
[06:47:32] <kyonko_> i swear one of these days i will put on covid 19 PPE and embalm a cat
[06:47:58] <kyonko_> there you happy now mom, it doesn't smell
[06:49:04] <kyonko_> mexicans have this whole weird thing with the virgin mary and spontaneous generation of a rose stem
[06:49:15] <kyonko_> yes, roses smell good
[06:49:41] <kyonko_> every day I have to repeat myself to my mom, this is life on earth, there is no evidence of yahweh
[06:50:07] <kyonko_> I should diet with plant protein but then I have really bad smelly farts
[06:50:18] <kyonko_> and my mom wants to cut my throat over it
[06:51:25] <GrandFireWizard> charcoal tablets?
[06:51:34] <GrandFireWizard> well, that's not nice
[06:51:41] <GrandFireWizard> and not really a viable solution
[06:51:51] <GrandFireWizard> how will you breathe without a working throat?
[06:51:54] <GrandFireWizard> or eat, for that matter
[06:51:56] <kyonko_> at the hospital i ate oatmeal
[06:52:01] <GrandFireWizard> or, perhaps, that's the point
[06:52:06] <GrandFireWizard> no throat.. no problem
[06:52:33] <kyonko_> oatmeal, beans, all the same
[06:52:35] <kyonko_> plant protein
[06:56:27] -!- halibut [halibut!~halibut@63.155.my.gtu] has parted #soylent
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[08:18:13] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - YouTube Borked When Users Enable Firefox Anti-Fingerprinting - https://sylnt.us - anti-competitive-behavior
[10:02:11] <FatPhil> omnom beef fags
[10:05:15] <Ingar> ugly bags of mostly water
[10:05:33] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Why Didn't the Universe Annihilate Itself? Neutrinos May Hold the Answer - https://sylnt.us - keeping-a-neutral-point-of-view
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[11:54:36] <GrandFireWizard> humans?
[11:57:12] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Being Right-Brained or Left-Brained Comes Down to Molecular Switches - https://sylnt.us - my-switch-has-a-short
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[13:45:53] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Amazon Fires Three Workers Who Criticized Warehouse Conditions - https://sylnt.us
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[15:37:16] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - FCC to Approve 5G Network Despite Military Saying It Will Harm GPS - https://sylnt.us - follow-the-money
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[17:28:40] <Bytram> ~time x
[17:28:40] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - TP and Hand Sanitiser Hoarder Tries to Return Stock for Refund after Ebay Snub - https://sylnt.us - Stay-calm-and-Stop-Buying-Loo-Roll
[17:28:47] <Bytram> ~blame
[17:29:15] <Bytram> cmn32480: Ruh roh, exec has decide to take a nap again. =(
[17:51:24] <Bytram> =g national geographic movd pyramids
[17:51:25] <systemd> https://www.nationalgeographic.com - How We Spot Altered Pictures
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[19:16:02] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Disney+ Hilariously Censors Nudity in Classic Movie Splash - https://sylnt.us - Cats-has-a-lot-to-answer-for
[19:24:31] <chromas> I saw Fled on USA once. They made the censor bar for the striptease shaped like clothes
[19:24:54] <chromas> Oh yes, I totally believe she's wearing a solid black shirt!
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[21:26:40] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Looking for Alternative, Self-Hosted Audio (or Video) Chat Services - https://sylnt.us - suggestions-please
[21:59:41] <chromas> https://www.youphptube.com
[21:59:42] <systemd> ^ 03A Video Platform Script, Video Platform Clone Script, PHP, Open Source, Video Streaming Software
[22:00:00] <chromas> SoylenTube when?
[22:01:17] <Bytram> phone call... back in about an hour
[22:55:57] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - NASA Sets Date for First SpaceX Launch of NASA Crews From US - https://sylnt.us - wishing-them-success
[23:05:05] <kyonko_> SpaceXXX
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