#soylent | Logs for 2020-05-07

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[00:00:35] <chromas> They found Jared's stash?
[00:00:52] <Bytram> https://arstechnica.com
[00:00:53] <systemd> ^ 03COVID-19 wallops meat plant workers; shortages hit shelves, fast food ( https://arstechnica.com )
[00:01:22] <Bytram> where's the beef?
[00:04:57] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #soylent
[00:06:04] <guy_> =submit https://www.nationalgeographic.com
[00:06:06] <systemd> Submitting "Access Denied"...
[00:06:24] <Bytram> AzumaHazuki: o/
[00:06:27] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Access Denied" (1 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[00:06:29] <AzumaHazuki> o/
[00:06:46] <Bytram> welcome home... how was your day?
[00:06:48] <guy_> that's odd
[00:06:59] <AzumaHazuki> mweh, long and kinda boring but not bad
[00:07:05] <AzumaHazuki> i see emerge -e world is still running
[00:07:30] <Bytram> no comprende?
[00:07:46] <AzumaHazuki> gentoo. putting my new 32GiB kit through its paces
[00:07:57] <guy_> #submit https://www.nationalgeographic.com
[00:07:58] <MrPlow> Submitting. There is a mandatory delay, please be patient.
[00:08:01] <AzumaHazuki> some things just...take forever no matter how much RAM you have. llvm, clang, gcc...
[00:08:20] <Bytram> RAM != computes
[00:08:23] <MrPlow> Submission successful. https://soylentnews.org
[00:09:01] <AzumaHazuki> this does at least stop it from swapping/otherwise thrashing my disk, and i can devote a 24GiB ramdisk to /var/tmp/portage :)
[00:09:09] <Bytram> other than the waiting, the new box working out ok?
[00:09:18] <Bytram> yay
[00:10:45] <AzumaHazuki> this is my lappy, just with a hell of a lot of RAM added to it :)
[00:11:08] <Bytram> must be the spring season or somethin. TheMightyBuzzard just built gentoo for our servers; Ubuntu has a new release out, too.
[00:11:48] * Bytram remembers when 8 MB was "a hell of a lot of ram"
[00:12:45] <Bytram> and did a heck of a lot of coding on 64 KB or less.
[00:13:00] <guy_> =submit https://www.independent.co.uk
[00:13:04] <systemd> Submitting "US Space Force debuts first recruitment ad and previously secret spacecraft"...( 1 modified urls; https://www.independent.co.uk )
[00:13:09] <AndyTheAbsurd> Yup. Apple ][ series topped out at 64K IIRC.
[00:13:26] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03US Space Force Debuts First Recruitment Ad and Previously Secret Spacecraft" (12 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[00:13:26] <AndyTheAbsurd> There was a clone called the "Laser 128" with 128K of memory, though.
[00:13:30] <Bytram> apples were too pricey for me
[00:13:37] <Bytram> I recall
[00:14:08] <AndyTheAbsurd> I was too young to afford anything; my dad bought the computers.
[00:14:24] * Bytram actually did some [aid programming on ... it was in War Games
[00:14:56] * Bytram bought all his own computers
[00:15:05] <Bytram> =g move war games
[00:15:05] <systemd> https://www.youtube.com - WarGames (11/11) Movie CLIP - The Only Winning Move (1983) HD ...
[00:15:14] <chromas> imsai?
[00:15:27] <AndyTheAbsurd> First an Apple ][+, then the Laser 128...eventually a Zeos something-or-other with a 40MB HDD (and I don't remember how much RAM).
[00:15:28] <Bytram> =g wikipedia movie war games
[00:15:29] <systemd> https://en.wikipedia.org - WarGames - Wikipedia
[00:15:40] <chromas> https://imsai.net
[00:15:41] <systemd> ^ 03The Official IMSAI Web Site
[00:16:59] <AndyTheAbsurd> (The Zeos was a 386, I meant to mention that.)
[00:17:32] <Bytram> chromas: clicky
[00:23:16] <guy_> =submit https://www.wired.com
[00:23:18] <systemd> Submitting "Is There a Constitutional Right to Make Robocalls?"...
[00:23:39] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03is There a Constitutional Right to Make Robocalls?" (12 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[00:24:54] <AzumaHazuki> i'm sure the founding fathers explicitly had robocalling in mind 9_9
[00:25:42] * chromas activates his matchlock autodialer
[00:26:51] <Bytram> chromas: Yes, it was an IMSAI, running CP/M.
[00:28:24] <Bytram> reminded me of DEC machine I'd used. Vividly recall using PIP to transfer files -- "Peripheral Interchange Processor"
[00:28:42] <Bytram> =g DEC "Peripheral Interchange Processor"
[00:28:43] <systemd> http://www.bitsavers.org - A Guide for Users
[00:29:07] <Bytram> =g PDP DEC "Peripheral Interchange Processor"
[00:29:08] <systemd> http://www.bitsavers.org - A Guide for Users
[00:29:59] <Bytram> =g PIP PDP DEC "Peripheral Interchange Processor"
[00:30:00] <systemd> http://www.bitsavers.org - A Guide for Users
[00:30:05] <guy_> =submit https://gizmodo.com
[00:30:07] <systemd> Submitting "European Authorities Ban Dirty Cookie Practices in GDPR Update"...
[00:30:10] <Bytram> =g PIP PDP DEC "Peripheral Interchange Processor" -bitsavers
[00:30:11] <systemd> https://apps.dtic.mil - Automated Data Base Implementation Requirements for the ...
[00:30:28] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03European Authorities Ban Dirty Cookie Practices in GDPR Update" (1 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[00:47:19] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Hacker Buys Old Tesla Parts on eBay, Finds Them Full of User Data - https://sylnt.us - if-you've-done-nothing-wrong...?
[00:48:18] <chromas> What? They don't automatically wipe telemetry data when you disassemble and sell the parts?
[00:49:05] <AzumaHazuki> that would cost money, you fucking commie
[00:49:12] <AzumaHazuki> money is for bonuses, not labor
[00:49:38] <chromas> I just assumed the cars would detect nearby screwdrivers and start the shredding procedure.
[00:55:43] <carny> that's tesla's next iteration
[00:56:14] <carny> doesn't at least one of their subsystems brick itself if you try to hack on it yourself?
[01:14:07] -!- boru` [boru`!~boru@hfar-90-049-084-540.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined #soylent
[01:14:09] -!- boru has quit [Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by boru`!~boru@hfar-90-049-084-540.dynamic.mnet-online.de))]
[01:14:12] boru` is now known as boru
[01:26:48] <SoyGuest6075> at the NOC again now....
[01:27:15] <SoyGuest6075> yet going out to decant a caroy of wine..
[01:27:24] <SoyGuest6075> carboy
[01:28:41] <SoyGuest6075> Please report back your successes (or failures) for grabbing a file from ftp.saturn-tech.com
[01:29:09] <SoyGuest6075> greatly appreciated! l)
[01:29:14] <SoyGuest6075> :)
[01:38:11] <SoyGuest6075> Seriousky, none of you are even TRYING to grab anything as a test from that new ftp server?
[01:40:30] <SoyGuest6075> Please, grab at least the latest src.tgz and report back your bandwidth!??? :)
[01:41:15] <SoyGuest6075> hello?
[01:49:01] <Deucalion> SoyGuest6075, why would anyone download a file over FTP (of all things) from some random server on the request of some Anon?
[02:00:32] <SoyGuest6075> oh, so if I ident then you'll trust my ftp.ca.freebsd.prg server? OK
[02:00:42] <SoyGuest6075> The hashes are in there
[02:01:18] <SoyGuest6075> If you're worried about security you would be comparing those already though
[02:02:10] <SoyGuest6075> fine, don't trust my unofficial FreeBSD mirror... ok
[02:02:48] <SoyGuest6075> We don't have any official Canadian mirrors at all right now,
[02:03:17] <Deucalion> No, I wouldn't download from some random FTP server even if you authd here. Seems like a very odd way to throughput test your new server. Call me paranoid.
[02:03:22] <SoyGuest6075> I'm just running an UNOFFICIAL mirror to test my fiber....
[02:03:24] <chromas> Do they have torrents? You could be a seeder.
[02:03:27] <SoyGuest6075> :)
[02:04:30] <SoyGuest6075> I'm NOT trying to throughput test my server, I known I'm well connected
[02:05:29] <SoyGuest6075> well I suppose I am, but only in one use case
[02:06:01] <SoyGuest6075> Why, do we need SoylenTorrents?
[02:06:12] <SoyGuest6075> I don't think so
[02:06:35] <SoyGuest6075> ok, off to decant the wine...
[02:06:56] <Deucalion> Get your server added to https://www.freebsd.org :D
[02:06:56] <SoyGuest6075> None of you guys seem to be even trying the server....
[02:06:57] <systemd> ^ 03A.2.�FTP Sites
[02:07:00] <SoyGuest6075> for shame...
[02:07:15] <SoyGuest6075> NO!
[02:07:18] <SoyGuest6075> not yet!
[02:07:26] <Deucalion> Why not?
[02:07:34] <SoyGuest6075> I will become the western canada server
[02:07:44] <SoyGuest6075> but I'm not readyyet
[02:08:16] <SoyGuest6075> Heven't even finsished setting up rsync for FreebBSD-Archive, dor one thing...
[02:08:26] <SoyGuest6075> for
[02:08:49] <SoyGuest6075> plus I have a bunch of stuff to put in our own archive...
[02:09:20] <chromas> Do people still download their operating systems from ftp? I thought it was torrents all the way down now
[02:09:47] <Deucalion> I get mine posted on a CD-R
[02:10:44] <SoyGuest6075> If you don't care, then, please, respectfully, dont object...... I'm even gonna recompile everything from 1.0 onward and make new releases., just for the vintage-folk,..
[02:11:41] <SoyGuest6075> I usually install FreeBSD just from a boot stick, then point it at a server....
[02:12:02] <SoyGuest6075> Used to be a boot floppy but that was a long time ago :)
[02:13:04] <Deucalion> SoyGuest6075, should we trust ftp.saturn-tech.com or ftp.ca.freebsd.prg the latter doesn't seem to resolve for me even with .org on the end. Recent DNS entry? With a high TTL?
[02:29:29] <SoyGuest6075> I don't think I said that, but, sure... don't trust my mirror to install, I suppose, but you could at least download and give me a speed?
[02:30:17] <SoyGuest6075> Or,,, shudder... compare a checksum and realize I'm not a trojan... hahaha
[02:30:21] <SoyGuest6075> no worries
[02:34:58] <Deucalion> SoyGuest6075, at least you are connecting via Telus seemingly originating out of CA, so a point for that. Asking people to download an unknown .tgz should rightly see no-one do that. It's a hygiene thing. That could be a .tgz full of kiddie porn vids for all anyone knows. In a lot of places by the time you get the complete file in order to hash check it against the official OpenBSD hashes it is too late and you go to jail for having kiddie
[02:34:59] <Deucalion> porn just because the file existed even if no evidence of opening said file. Sorry, but no. If you are standing up a new OpenBSD mirror for your region, good on you and thank you, I have no reason to think you are doing anything other than that, but you have to realise there are reasons why people aren't just going to download random files. I miss the days we could trust one another online but those days are long since gone.
[02:39:33] <SoyGuest6075> Seriously, you're worried abou the contents of the stream?! lol
[02:40:08] <SoyGuest6075> Would you like a send-only upload that I send straight to /dev/null?
[02:42:10] <SoyGuest6075> I could make you a 000.000 file full of 00 00 zeroes but I'm sure that still wouldn't satisfy you anyway....
[02:45:08] <SoyGuest6075> That's why we have checksums in ftp archives.... Go, ahead, compare my "today" mirror rsynced yesterday from ftp3.us to today's checksum :)
[02:45:29] <SoyGuest6075> I'm pretty sure I'm still in sync
[02:45:30] <Bytram> SoyGuest6075: What he says is true. It can be serious jail time for possession -- no matter how briefly.
[02:46:09] <SoyGuest6075> Nobody told you to RUN anything from this server
[02:46:11] <Deucalion> How is a file download over FTP a stream? A file is moved from source to destination, the content of that file cannot be verified until the file has completed transfer. In some jurisdictions there are stupid laws and stupid enforcers of those laws and stupid end results as a result of those two things. That just is. And nope filling a file with zeroes really wouldn't achieve anything as it would be compressed on your storage and compressed in
[02:46:11] <Deucalion> transit so it would have to be a a file from urandom or something which takes us right back where we came in :D
[02:47:02] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Spacex has Fired Starship's Raptor Engine and the Vehicle Still Stands - https://sylnt.us - You're-fired!-YAY!
[02:47:20] <Bytram> And, like he said, I have no reason to doubt your generosity and sincerity... but here is one point where prudence a virtue.
[02:47:21] <SoyGuest6075> Seriously, you guys are worried about kiddie porn or something.... wow... I didn't know the FreeBSD archive mirror stirred up such controversy
[02:48:44] <Bytram> YOU *know* what it is... we *cannot* risk it, so matter how noble the endeavor.
[02:49:05] <Bytram> that said, i was going to go to bed 2 hours ago but
[02:49:15] <Bytram> the story queur needed paddding
[02:49:25] <Bytram> andnow I need to pad muy pillow.
[02:49:26] <SoyGuest6075> has anyone actually logged in and seen what is in the arcive?
[02:50:04] <Bytram> good night everybody!
[02:50:06] <SoyGuest6075> like 270 GB of FreeBSD 11.2, 11.3, 12.0 and 12.1? releases only, no snapshots
[02:51:17] <Deucalion> SoyGuest6075, don't be intentionally dumb. A file cannot be checksummed until entirely downloaded. Hence the concern for those in certain jurisdictions with backasswards laws and enforcement of same. I wish it were not so and I wish I could assist in a minor way to standing up a CA mirror for OpenBSD, but I trust nothing having seen the horrible things people do just for LULZ.
[02:51:40] <SoyGuest6075> You're paranoid that downloading a txz, that you don't even open, that matches a hash from FreeBSD.org..... oh, my....
[02:51:48] <SoyGuest6075> Ok, whatever
[02:53:29] <Deucalion> Can't checksum it and compare until I download it. At that point, open it or not, if it has grime in it the law where I am puts me in jail for years. Stupid laws, I didn't make them, just have to live under them.
[02:54:09] <SoyGuest6075> if you want my RL phone number, I'm happy to actually chat on the phone tomorrow, I'm UTC-7
[02:54:57] <SoyGuest6075> Actually, I don't think I want YOUR number
[02:55:25] <Deucalion> Happy to chat but it's not going to change the situation. You'll need a tester in a different locale with more sane laws. :D
[02:55:44] <Deucalion> Why would you not want my number? I'm and angel.
[02:55:55] * Deucalion jiggles and twerks
[02:56:01] <SoyGuest6075> but if any of the actual SN admins want to chat, I'm all in.... got connectivity and some server grade hardware to use for the cause... :)
[02:56:09] -!- kyonko [kyonko!~kvirc@97.73.il.psp] has joined #soylent
[02:56:21] <kyonko> it's peanut butter jelly time
[02:57:11] <SoyGuest6075> har, har... :) back later
[02:57:29] <Deucalion> SoyGuest6075, actual SN admins? I'm the CEO and IRC Admin. Do let me know who you would rather speak to and figure is more "real" in your eyes.
[02:58:01] <kyonko> how much profit does soylent news have?
[02:58:07] <kyonko> oh wait, no ads
[02:58:22] <Deucalion> kyonko, we cover costs - that's about it
[02:58:22] <SoyGuest6075> and it should stay that way
[03:00:20] <Deucalion> kyonko, no-one gets paid salary, no dividends are paid, it is all volunteer effort. The infra and legal costs are covered by donations and we rarely run a surplus.
[03:01:37] <kyonko> i forgot, how did this site start again?
[03:01:44] <kyonko> i remember something about slashdot becoming bloatted
[03:02:03] <chromas> it all started when someone downloaded a tarball from an anonymous ftpd
[03:02:17] <kyonko> was this code supposed to be secret? sorta like 2ch code?
[03:03:06] * Deucalion looks misty eyed.... it was a long time ago... there was /. and then FUCK BETA then there was angry people shouting "FUCK BETA" and then soylent happened
[03:03:44] <Deucalion> There may be some details I skipped there
[03:03:49] <Deucalion> Possibly...
[03:03:51] <kyonko> it stayed beta for a decade?
[03:03:55] <SoyGuest6075> Does anyone have an archive of the old welcome screen at wcarchive.cdrom.com?
[03:04:08] <kyonko> its on archive.org?
[03:04:40] <SoyGuest6075> I'm trying ti figure out the wording....
[03:04:49] <SoyGuest6075> to
[03:05:03] <SoyGuest6075> You have a copy from like 94?
[03:06:11] <SoyGuest6075> It had wording I would like to emulate on my welcome screen
[03:06:24] <kyonko> 94? man might as well have well.com and io.com
[03:06:35] <SoyGuest6075> I saw a copy recently but I can't find it now
[03:06:39] <Deucalion> kyonko, SN code is on github, open source as we forked the last release available of slashcode. It was reworked to function on up to date systems and called Rehash. Tis all on the wiki somewhere. Much time and sweat went into it. Some politicing went on along the way.
[03:07:10] <kyonko> this is like a pulling teeth sort of social network
[03:07:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> https://github.com
[03:07:17] <systemd> ^ 03SoylentNews/rehash
[03:08:42] <SoyGuest6075> whatever... you guys could at least try logging in to ftp.saturn-tech.com... the only thing online yet is a FreeBSD mirror
[03:08:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> that's all the corporate sekrits you're getting out of me tonight though. is bedtime.
[03:08:58] <TheMightyBuzzard> da hell i want with a freebsd mirror?
[03:09:04] <SoyGuest6075> report back a location and speed of any random file, fo all I care... sheesh....
[03:09:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh, i done did that. gonna sleep now.
[03:09:21] <kyonko> i used nomadbsd, its plug and play
[03:09:31] <kyonko> right now i'm on linux mint
[03:09:31] <TheMightyBuzzard> so's my blender
[03:18:37] <SoyGuest6075> you guys sound crackpot... :)
[03:19:44] <SoyGuest6075> almost better that typ-o guy earlier... hmmm...
[03:20:03] <Deucalion> SoyGuest6075, have some patience my man, there maybe 58 ppl in channel, some are bots, most are users using irc bouncers and not here right now. This isn't fucking Mechanical Turk where you pop up and go "Everyone download X and give me feedback because I want feedback NOW" - it's an IRC channel. Sheesh.... enjoy your wine carboy, sleep it off and hopefully come back with a better attitude.
[03:21:27] <SoyGuest6075> Indeed, this is not the #c of ole; ... :)
[03:22:00] <SoyGuest6075> I never said I want feedback NOW... :)
[03:22:29] <kyonko> SoyGuest49484: have you tried facebook for the mechanical turk effect?
[03:22:45] <kyonko> #c is on efnet
[03:22:58] <SoyGuest6075> Diddily, doodily, there Deucalion... :)
[03:23:01] <kyonko> twitter?
[03:23:04] <kyonko> idfk
[03:23:24] <SoyGuest6075> nooooo facebook eeeeevil
[03:23:38] <kyonko> oh you are one of those
[03:23:42] <kyonko> well good luck buddy
[03:23:42] <SoyGuest6075> twitter nooo bueno
[03:23:46] <kyonko> everyone is on facebook
[03:24:48] <SoyGuest6075> I'm pretty sure when I actually log in there's some way to mute kyonko.... no offense, my friend... :)
[03:25:22] <Deucalion> SoyGuest6075, as with most irc /ignore
[03:25:26] <kyonko> people actually need facebook to find employment
[03:26:08] <kyonko> if not facebook, twitter, instagram, youtube, then how?
[03:26:10] <kyonko> irc? lol
[03:26:18] <kyonko> irc is like herding cats and pulling teeth
[03:26:55] <kyonko> i'd bet my ass facebook's trade secret is user convenience and 1-step process
[03:26:57] <SoyGuest6075> Well, I'm hriring right now but if that's your job qualifications, then.... well... no.. :) sorry, man
[03:27:06] <SoyGuest6075> hiring
[03:27:15] <SoyGuest6075> right now, actually
[03:27:16] <Deucalion> The takeaway is everyone kyonko knows is on facebook, not actually everyone or even most people, just their little echo chamber group.
[03:27:40] <kyonko> i don't really care for facebook, I ended up being the product
[03:27:47] <SoyGuest6075> yeah, when I get back on my actual nic I'll ignore
[03:27:58] <kyonko> its pretty much the region, the state and the world regarding facebook
[03:28:02] <SoyGuest6075> Have fun, gents....
[03:28:15] <Deucalion> SoyGuest6075, what is you usual nick?
[03:28:21] <Deucalion> your*
[03:28:41] <SoyGuest6075> Be back online on one of the laptops shortly.... haha
[03:29:06] <SoyGuest6075> I'm drussell on the main site
[03:29:15] <Deucalion> Smells like EF... bring on the cock extenders
[03:29:22] * Deucalion was mistaken
[03:29:28] <Deucalion> sorry
[03:29:36] <SoyGuest6075> Usually I should show as logged in from gwa.saturn-tech.com
[03:29:50] <SoyGuest6075> but we're re-arranging the network
[03:29:55] <SoyGuest6075> :)
[03:30:13] <SoyGuest6075> I probably have no reverse
[03:30:30] <SoyGuest6075> just abhsia.telus.net or sinething
[03:30:39] <SoyGuest6075> alberta high speed internet access
[03:30:44] <kyonko> wow this is so fucking retro
[03:30:57] <SoyGuest6075> yeah, I can see the fiber pedestal from my kitchen window....
[03:31:00] <kyonko> the deathrow openvms cluster died
[03:31:14] <SoyGuest6075> UNLIMITED bandwidth to drussell's house :)
[03:31:21] <SoyGuest6075> and office..
[03:31:29] <SoyGuest6075> That's just down the street...
[03:31:31] <kyonko> in alberta..... hmm
[03:31:32] <Deucalion> I may be IRC Admin but I don't get all anal about keeping track of people and we keep bugger all logs
[03:31:54] <SoyGuest6075> both within like 700-1000m of the Killarney CO
[03:32:01] <SoyGuest6075> I should do a video....
[03:32:15] <SoyGuest6075> Dave Jones would be sad
[03:32:24] <kyonko> I had a CSU/DSU in 2013 or so untill the corrosion happened on the line
[03:32:37] <SoyGuest6075> This is not like the NBN :)
[03:33:00] <kyonko> geostationary satellite is worth it, for the 5Mbps you get from 2AM to 6AM
[03:33:02] <Deucalion> <kyonko> wow this is so fucking retro <<<< it is irc... like 32 years retro Bro.. grow a beard and wear a check shirt or something... and vape.. wait is that now retro too?
[03:33:11] <SoyGuest6075> I still run a bunch of dry coppers myself
[03:33:38] <kyonko> i'm on irc with educated but non CS nerds, they talk differently
[03:33:51] <kyonko> the irc normies from the 1990's who never left
[03:34:10] <SoyGuest6075> Paradyne HotWire 5446 system
[03:34:29] <kyonko> its bad ass you are well communicated in alberta of all places
[03:34:50] <kyonko> we're only connected here because we figured how to do more with less with math
[03:35:33] <kyonko> how long before someone get aaron schwartz'ed over running an illegal point to point network
[03:35:35] <SoyGuest6075> I have a big eliptical dish with a motor on it on the roof...
[03:35:48] <kyonko> is this for tv?
[03:35:55] <SoyGuest6075> What kind of LNB are you running?
[03:36:09] <kyonko> i don't know, but its powered by the coax cable from the modem
[03:36:16] <kyonko> its hughesnet
[03:36:17] <SoyGuest6075> I can probably pull your signal and analyze on the SDR
[03:36:21] <kyonko> we also have viasat and exede
[03:36:32] <kyonko> its everyone's signal going down really
[03:36:53] <kyonko> another satellite internet company uses v-band spotbeams
[03:37:00] <kyonko> its unaffordable
[03:38:08] <SoyGuest6075> What is the freq? circular or linear or are you way off the lynsat chart in the weeds on some specialized sat internet feed?
[03:38:32] <Deucalion> I've been irc since it existed. But OK. This is retro somehow... dunno... seems normal to me. I should get out more and adopt the endless stream of messaging proprietary things that come and go every few years and require everyone to jump ship each time. Or you know... just like POTS... decide on an open standard and just go with it. Wait no... stupid idea... can't monetise that or give it a new monicker. ~le sigh~
[03:39:05] <SoyGuest6075> 4032466354 is my BBS number...
[03:39:11] <SoyGuest6075> look it up...
[03:39:16] <kyonko> SoyGuest49484: its a spaceway satellite, which one I don't fucking know, i'd have to connect to my router
[03:39:17] <SoyGuest6075> SuperSpace BBS
[03:39:28] <SoyGuest6075> Still have the number
[03:39:31] <kyonko> i have voip on this
[03:39:32] <chromas> if you can connect with telnet then it's retro. needs xml or binary protocolses
[03:39:33] * Deucalion grows tit beards, jiggles and twerks while squeezing a bagpipe between the knees while heading for the horizon
[03:39:58] <kyonko> would bbs work on voip?
[03:40:07] <SoyGuest6075> It's screwed up today due to the Telus shit
[03:40:40] <kyonko> has anyone tried 56k dial up on voip?
[03:41:03] <kyonko> voip would be ideal for bbs
[03:41:30] <SoyGuest6075> but I can go outside and plug a phone directly into the NID and call you if you don't believe it's me... :) haha
[03:41:44] <SoyGuest6075> Yeah,, I have them set up
[03:41:50] <kyonko> here you had to use alligator clips and still do
[03:41:56] <SoyGuest6075> you can actually ge 56K or higher
[03:42:17] <kyonko> isdn speeds on voip?
[03:42:28] <SoyGuest6075> Even the old Vonage lines could to higher, like 48K on the downstream side
[03:42:29] <kyonko> which is stil slooooooooooooow
[03:43:16] <SoyGuest6075> Yeah, I actully want to put a bank of I-Modems or NetServers back online, juust for the fun of it
[03:43:28] <SoyGuest6075> even though I can emulat it in asterisk
[03:43:45] <kyonko> what is this, internet for lumbersexuals?
[03:43:58] <kyonko> i like my computers and networking like my fire
[03:44:05] <SoyGuest6075> I wanna run the actual hardware back to my BBS machines and early internet PPP servers, as a mater of principle
[03:44:23] <kyonko> oh i get you know, you have ancient bsd, for ancient hardware
[03:44:40] <kyonko> i have ancient hardware
[03:45:02] <SoyGuest6075> but I think I'll just trunk them in via SIP and get a few 4 or 8 port FXO/FXS cards and make something up
[03:45:17] <SoyGuest6075> that runs under asterisk
[03:45:23] <kyonko> are you indian?
[03:45:37] <SoyGuest6075> Canadian... Are you eskimo?
[03:45:51] <kyonko> i look the part, mongoloid
[03:46:08] <SoyGuest6075> ftp.saturn-tech.com
[03:46:10] <kyonko> there is no hiding the eyes on this one
[03:46:31] <kyonko> i'll be trying ancient bsd once I image my windows 98 machines
[03:46:38] <SoyGuest6075> maybe if I turn up the crunch it will be ftp.ca.freebsd.org... haha
[03:47:01] <SoyGuest6075> no, it is supposed to be totally unofficial
[03:47:02] <kyonko> no more crt bullshit, i'll give you that
[03:47:21] <kyonko> i had a bit of a freak out when I chose to get into retro computing
[03:47:48] <SoyGuest6075> I'm staring at 5 CRTs now, is that bad?
[03:48:05] <kyonko> real CRT's? trinitrons?
[03:48:16] <Deucalion> SoyGuest6075, you are making my bagpipe jiggle again... stop it with the ftp noise.
[03:48:44] <SoyGuest6075> Oh, many trinitrons....
[03:48:46] <kyonko> crt's belong in museums
[03:49:06] <SoyGuest6075> I need to pull ot the CR-70 and test a bunch though...
[03:49:40] <SoyGuest6075> the red guns go weak if they're grandma TVs left on all day
[03:49:55] <SoyGuest6075> Excellent picture...
[03:50:10] <SoyGuest6075> I have some HD big widescreen ones
[03:50:14] <SoyGuest6075> very rare
[03:50:25] <SoyGuest6075> DVI input
[03:50:49] <kyonko> are some kind of oilman?
[03:50:56] <SoyGuest6075> Have to send the audio in seperately or to stereo but does 720p
[03:51:22] <SoyGuest6075> Do you have an E-200C?
[03:51:41] <SoyGuest6075> I have thousands of vacuum tubes in stock...
[03:51:58] <SoyGuest6075> only one left in Calgary that I know that has them in stock to the public....
[03:52:12] <Deucalion> I have a big Sony Trinitron CRT on a Sony stand with glass shelf if anyone wants it. Works fine, can't bring myself to just landfill it even though I do not use it, the picture quality is great. Free to good home, buyer pays shipping (it's a heavy bastard).
[03:52:14] <SoyGuest6075> since ol' man Voss went out of business...
[03:52:18] <kyonko> you ever met theo deraadt?
[03:52:48] <kyonko> are you theo deraadt?
[03:53:01] <SoyGuest6075> Got some of the last like 1990s Philips tweeters from him to buld a big retro console about 10yr ago....
[03:53:10] <SoyGuest6075> no
[03:53:18] <kyonko> is he still in the area?
[03:53:19] <SoyGuest6075> no
[03:53:30] <SoyGuest6075> who? Voss?
[03:53:36] <kyonko> the openbsd founder
[03:53:39] <SoyGuest6075> Probably dead by now...
[03:54:03] <SoyGuest6075> still had din-> RCA cords for .79 when I was last in there
[03:54:28] <SoyGuest6075> I should have bought the whole store...
[03:54:40] <kyonko> how big is calgary that it is full of the latest tech?
[03:54:48] <SoyGuest6075> I always wanted to run a Radio Shack when I was a kid in the 70s ... :)
[03:55:07] <kyonko> we have the latest tech here, shitty tech, surveillence tech included for the state
[03:55:31] <kyonko> state won't come clean on its surveillence capabilities, the lockheed martin "virtual wall"
[03:55:58] <kyonko> they know i'm the only regional on irc
[04:34:37] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[04:58:06] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Closest Black Hole to Earth Found "Hiding in Plain Sight" - https://sylnt.us - Only-in-astronomy-is-~1000-light-years-away-"nearby"
[05:06:57] -!- kyonko_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[05:10:09] <kyonko> didn't know that guy was there, had 7 days uptime on cygwin on windows 10
[05:30:16] -!- Runaway1956 [Runaway1956!~Some@76.72.jwu.pi] has joined #soylent
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[07:05:55] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - US Space Force Debuts First Recruitment Ad and Previously Secret Spacecraft - https://sylnt.us - waiting-in-the-wings:-Russia-and-China
[07:49:08] <janrinok> SoyGuest6075, if you want to change to our usual ed channel I can chat with you there
[07:49:37] -!- fyngyrz [fyngyrz!~fyngyrz@Soylent/Staff/Editor/fyngyrz] has joined #soylent
[07:49:37] -!- mode/#soylent [+v fyngyrz] by Aphrodite
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[08:57:44] -!- mode/#soylent [+v fyngyrz] by Aphrodite
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[09:16:32] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Filming an Action Movie on the Space Station? - https://sylnt.us - i'm-ready-for-my-closeup
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[09:57:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[09:57:20] <Bender> karma - coffee: 5202
[09:59:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> https://scontent-dfw5-1.xx.fbcdn.net
[10:32:14] <FatPhil> It’s official! Whatever anyone may have previously thought of Steve Mnuchin he’s officially an asshole. — Axl Rose (@axlrose) May 6, 2020
[10:32:49] <FatPhil> never really considered Axl ROse to be the kinda guy to be engaging with career politicians
[10:37:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh he's plenty big enough an asshole for that. his douchebag level is over nine thousand.
[10:37:22] <TheMightyBuzzard> nicotine++ #smoke break
[10:37:22] <Bender> karma - nicotine: 770
[10:43:28] -!- fyngyrz_ has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
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[10:43:41] -!- mode/#soylent [+v fyngyrz] by Aphrodite
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[10:46:59] * TheMightyBuzzard yawns
[10:47:00] * MrPlow flips a Skittle into TheMightyBuzzard's gaping mouth
[10:48:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> hrm... should i go ahead and swap sodium over to gentoo since it's all fresh in my head and sodium's not being used currently?
[10:54:40] <TheMightyBuzzard> #submit https://techraptor.net Because censoring anything you find offensive is <i>always</i> the right answer.
[10:54:40] <MrPlow> Submitting. There is a mandatory delay, please be patient.
[10:55:05] <MrPlow> Submission successful. https://soylentnews.org
[11:26:19] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Murder Hornet Munchies: the Horrifying Insect Makes a Tasty Treat - https://sylnt.us - If-you-can't-beat-them,-eat-them
[11:39:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> #submit https://hackaday.com
[11:39:35] <MrPlow> Submitting. There is a mandatory delay, please be patient.
[11:40:00] <MrPlow> Submission successful. https://soylentnews.org
[12:00:52] SoyGuest49484 is now known as NCommander
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[12:00:58] -!- mode/#soylent [+v NCommander] by Aphrodite
[12:22:12] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #soylent
[12:42:24] <Bytram> !remind
[12:42:33] <Bytram> !todo
[12:42:33] <Bender> nothing todo for martyb ;]
[12:42:56] <AndyTheAbsurd> "Please be kind and remember to rewind."
[12:42:58] <TheMightyBuzzard> !todo
[12:42:58] <Bender> todo for themightybuzzard: 1) utf8mb4 upgrade 2) filter comments by score in the api 3) fix template_tool 4) fix the api 5) collapse spam comments by default regardless of score
[12:43:11] <AndyTheAbsurd> Or whatever it was that Blockbuster used to put on rental VHS tapes.
[12:43:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> um, how is template_tool broken?
[12:45:34] <Bytram> TheMightyBuzzard: no idea.
[12:46:25] <Bytram> FWIW. because I only found it a few months ago: http://www.template-toolkit.org
[12:46:27] <systemd> ^ 03Template Toolkit Home Page
[12:46:42] * Teckla is old and remembers semi-weekly trips to Blockbuster to rent movies.
[12:58:25] <SoyGuest6075> Ok, I think I'm back now... :)
[12:58:37] SoyGuest6075 is now known as drussell
[12:58:47] <Teckla> coffee++
[12:58:47] <Bender> karma - coffee: 5203
[12:58:50] <drussell> No, NOW I'm back... :)
[12:59:02] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[12:59:02] <Bender> karma - coffee: 5204
[12:59:11] <drussell> I'm still willing to provide free bandwidth for SN, despite the wankers last night... :)
[12:59:23] <Teckla> linux++
[12:59:23] <Bender> karma - linux: 1
[12:59:31] <drussell> linux--
[12:59:31] <Bender> karma - linux: 0
[12:59:36] <drussell> FreeBSD++
[12:59:36] <Bender> karma - freebsd: 6
[12:59:56] * Teckla chuckles
[13:00:02] <Teckla> I used to use FreeBSD. Great OS.
[13:00:15] -!- fungus has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
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[13:00:30] <drussell> One of my nameservers is still running 2.2.8 :)
[13:00:54] <drussell> Haven't touched it sibnce 99 except a few software security fix recompiles, basically...
[13:01:04] <Teckla> Wow, nice.
[13:01:09] <drussell> just has port 53 forwarded to it
[13:01:21] <drussell> but it's getting replaced today or tomorrow (finally... haha)
[13:01:24] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #soylent
[13:01:36] <Teckla> I used to run it at home, and connect to it from work, so I could do personal stuff in privacy.
[13:01:40] -!- fyngyrz [fyngyrz!~fyngyrz@Soylent/Staff/Editor/fyngyrz] has joined #soylent
[13:01:40] -!- mode/#soylent [+v fyngyrz] by Aphrodite
[13:01:56] <drussell> I use it for virtually everything here...
[13:01:59] <Teckla> drussell: Replaced with what?
[13:02:13] <drussell> 12.1-STABLE
[13:02:27] <Teckla> Ah. Cool.
[13:03:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> drussell, we don't even use a tenth of the bandwidth we get allotted with our servers
[13:03:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> even counting offsite backups
[13:05:02] <drussell> I've been using FreeBSD for pretty much everything since I first grabbed from wcarchive... :)
[13:05:31] <drussell> Well, yeah, I know most of it is "server" cost vs bandwidth.... I can supply server HW also
[13:05:44] <drussell> It can't actually be that intensive, is it?
[13:06:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> nah. we got plenty of spare capacity. mostly we keep so much for redundancy and less downtime.
[13:06:53] <drussell> yeah, I know, got many, multiple servers which is good....
[13:06:58] <drussell> but they're all linode which is bad
[13:07:06] <drussell> Well, linode is great, but having all in one basket is bad
[13:07:22] <drussell> I'm happy to run a couple of them from here for free
[13:07:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> two load balancers, two frontends, two db nodes, one external services box, one internal services box
[13:08:01] <drussell> but if you guys just want to keep everything at linode and pay for them, that's fine too
[13:08:01] <TheMightyBuzzard> had an offsite backup server but it quit talking ssh and the fuckers don't provide a console
[13:08:33] <drussell> If I'd been able to provide this when SN started, I would have... but I didn't have 2.488 Gbps coming into my NOC at the time... :)
[13:09:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> yar. anything we put on a non-paid-for server run by someone not staff would need to be encrypted though. user data privacy and all that.
[13:10:12] <drussell> It can be a dedicated server, I don't need access, but... whatever...
[13:10:21] * TheMightyBuzzard nods
[13:10:38] <drussell> not sure why hosting with linode would be more "secure" but ok...
[13:10:42] <drussell> I offered... :)
[13:11:02] <Ingar> it's probably not about "secure" but about "cotnracts" and "liability"
[13:11:08] <Ingar> "contracts"
[13:11:11] <drussell> I co-locate servers for lots of people
[13:11:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> well mostly because i don't think anyone at linode uses SN or even knows who we are except at billing time
[13:11:25] <drussell> no, probably not
[13:12:13] <drussell> just seems like a huge percentage of the donated operating costs go to paying for essentially unnecessary server fees...
[13:12:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> vps is a bit easier to admin remotely though cause you don't gotta worry about "hey, man, could you go over and cycle the power on $blah? it froze up."
[13:12:27] <drussell> but I'm not in charge... :)
[13:13:13] <drussell> Well wouldn't have constant upgrades and reboots either forced by linode...
[13:13:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> s'true. still very small cap though.
[13:13:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> true
[13:13:34] <drussell> you can run 1000 days uptime on my servers, I don't need to boot you or move you or whatever... haha
[13:13:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> i don't mind those too much except the times they forget to notify us a week or so ahead of time
[13:14:18] <drussell> well and sooner or later a reboot IS necessary, even just to boot a newer kernel
[13:14:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> nod nod
[13:14:33] <drussell> it is just nice when YOU decide when do to it :)
[13:15:22] <TheMightyBuzzard> i don't cotton to hot-switching kernels/modules. you're almost guaranteed to still have old stuff not flushed out because something was still using it.
[13:15:36] <FatPhil> grrrr, still 6 months away from my first 1000-day uptime. Damn that exploding DEC Alpha in the 00s, it was so close!
[13:15:45] <drussell> anyway, the name of the company is Saturn Computer Technologies, we've been around since 1986.
[13:16:03] <drussell> not sure how long linode has been around but probably not as long... :)
[13:16:10] <FatPhil> do you run rings around the opposition?
[13:16:15] <drussell> I think my highest were 1100-something days... just over 1000
[13:16:40] <TheMightyBuzzard> #g mp5
[13:16:41] <MrPlow> https://en.wikipedia.org - "The MP5 (German: Maschinenpistole 5) is a 9x19mm Parabellum submachine gun, developed in the 1960s by a team of engineers from the German small arms ..."
[13:17:04] <drussell> I would have had three more with really high uptimes back then but one of my UPSs blew up and cut power to several servers even though the power was on, back in about 1999
[13:17:31] <FatPhil> mine have all been the fault of the leccy-company. And don't mention UPSs, or I'll hit you round the head with what remains of my DEC Alpha after the UPS it was plugged into blew up!
[13:17:40] <drussell> Do we run rings around the competition? Well, we try, at least... :)
[13:18:12] <drussell> My ups that quit was an old, old, old, Tycor...
[13:18:29] <drussell> used 48v internally for the batteries, so that was nice...
[13:19:04] <drussell> I think I actually had that one rigged up to the rack of paradyne chassis on the -48V DC bus after I fixed it
[13:19:23] <FatPhil> from the colour of the lightning when it exploded, I think mine was using 30MV internally
[13:20:01] <drussell> even the "small" chassis of those paradyne units had a single AC in and then DC bus A and DC bus B for use in a CO
[13:20:04] <inz> hmm, 1263 days, hope my kernel ain't full of remote 'sploits
[13:20:10] <drussell> :)
[13:20:57] <drussell> As long as it's not direct on the internet or you've updated a few things, applied a few security patches, unless the kernel itself has major holes you're probably still fine :)
[13:21:35] <FatPhil> damn, my 855 looks pathetic now.
[13:21:43] <drussell> like I said, I still have a 2.2.8 box doing nameservice but it just has port 53 forwarded to it from another machine that is actually public
[13:22:13] <drussell> and named has been updated, it's not the stock 2.2.8 version... haha
[13:22:56] <drussell> These days it is more difficult to get multi-year uptimes, just because you typically end up needing to update your kernel
[13:23:09] <drussell> eventually, just for security fixes if nothing else
[13:24:50] <drussell> so, what is the consensus? does the IT community care about the shadowserver/cisco thing?
[13:25:17] <drussell> I've never used / relied on shadowserver.org but I know there are some who do, one way or another
[13:26:08] <drussell> I was going to submit a story when I saw about it a week or so ago, but since I don't know if anyone even cares, I never got around to it
[13:26:39] <drussell> was too busy messing with new connections and replacement stuff around here to even know what day it is
[13:29:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> i don't really care much about shadowserver. if someone else does, they can fund them.
[13:29:48] <Bytram> =g in the land of modor where the
[13:29:49] <systemd> https://en.wikipedia.org - Mordor - Wikipedia
[13:30:59] <drussell> 7:29AM up 612 days, 11:31, 1 user, load averages: 0.75, 0.88, 0.67
[13:31:04] <Bytram> =g "in the land of modor where the "
[13:31:05] <systemd> https://www.nytimes.com - Film: 'Lord of Rings' From Ralph Bakshi:Animated Mythology - The ...
[13:31:06] <drussell> looks like 612 is my highest right now
[13:32:07] <drussell> it's the one still running 2.2.8:
[13:32:10] <drussell> 2.2.8-STABLE FreeBSD 2.2.8-STABLE #0: Tue Mar 30 18:37:35 MST 1999
[13:32:55] <drussell> 21 years is pretty good for operational lifetime of an OS install, no?
[13:33:54] <TheMightyBuzzard> drussell, how're you fixed for spare storage capacity? we're actually in the market for a new offsite backup box.
[13:34:12] <drussell> that server still has all the stuff from what was my dad's main office router/BSD server back in the day... :)
[13:34:18] <drussell> How many TB are we talking?
[13:35:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> our current box has 100GB (that we can't get to)
[13:35:40] <drussell> oh, that's nothing... :)
[13:35:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> so >= that is peachy
[13:36:05] <drussell> One of our customers who is on a dedicated DSL link to here has an array of 10 8TB drives... haha
[13:36:12] * TheMightyBuzzard just backed up every server (os and everything) to his desktop the other day
[13:36:49] <drussell> you must be reasonably well connected to the net then, also...
[13:36:52] <drussell> :)
[13:37:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> 1Gb cable, yeah
[13:37:15] <drussell> What is your upstream like on there?
[13:37:28] <drussell> Didn't matter for you making a backup INTO your system , of course...
[13:37:33] <drussell> but if you had to restore... :)
[13:38:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> hrm, not sure. like 10Mb i think.
[13:38:44] <drussell> I was going to say, it's usually not more than 10% like 15 mbps on a 150 mbps down...
[13:38:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> not great but it'll do in an emergency
[13:39:03] <drussell> but I think the upstream on those DOCSIS3 modems only goes to 35 max or something...
[13:39:23] <drussell> I honestly don't know the specs on the latest equipment that most providers are using
[13:39:39] <drussell> indeed... :)
[13:46:05] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[13:46:25] <drussell> I still can't believe everyone in here is too paranoid to try FTPing a file out of ftp.saturn-tech.com... :)
[13:46:37] <drussell> Oh, how the net has changed since the 90s... haha :)
[13:46:43] <drussell> well, one guy did...
[13:46:59] <drussell> I think it was chromas who said he got 9?
[13:47:08] <drussell> Mbps that is
[13:48:10] <TheMightyBuzzard> i'd link you a file to download and time but apparently apache started 403ing everything some time back
[13:48:20] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - European Authorities Ban Dirty Cookie Practices in GDPR Update - https://sylnt.us - clean-your-dough
[13:48:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> and i don't give near enough of a shit to fix it right now
[13:48:56] <drussell> rsync reported an AVERAGE speed of 10,034,539.06 from ftp3.us.freebsd.org when I mirrored the repository
[13:49:03] <drussell> :) lol, TMB
[13:49:15] <drussell> I get better send rates than down...
[13:49:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> well it's my desktop and apache is only for linking random crap i wanna share
[13:50:01] <drussell> although I still get over 90, usually 93-95 on most speed test sites.... (and this is only on a 100 Mbps port, without jumbo frames enabled)
[13:51:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> anyway, i got offline crap that i wanna do today. i'll hit you up some later time/date about what we can work up for an offsite backup.
[13:52:30] <drussell> No worries... I'm happy to oblige if there's anything I can provide... I can do up invoices at $0 or some token amount if that helps make things official, liability/legality wise...
[13:52:56] <drussell> I'll set up whatever you guys would like....
[13:53:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> cool cool. ima bugger off for now though.
[13:53:41] <drussell> ok, we'll chat later... :)
[13:53:43] <drussell> no worries...
[14:32:18] <Soycow_Lover> pedigree canned puppy food, chopped chicken and beef
[14:32:49] <Soycow_Lover> The little monsters don't really know what it's for yet, but they both seem to have swallowed a little
[14:32:59] <Soycow_Lover> then they started clamoriing for the bottle
[14:37:46] <Bytram> may take a while until their digestive system can actually process it and derive sustenance from it.
[14:37:54] <Bytram> how old now?
[14:40:09] <Bytram> as long as they are still growing and active, I'd not worry about it too much. Just check with your vet in case you have any concerns. Good luck!
[14:45:07] <Soycow_Lover> I think they are just about 3 weeks old now
[14:45:28] <Soycow_Lover> can't be real sure because Mama sneaked off from the house to have them
[14:45:49] <Soycow_Lover> Didn't see her for a couple days, and went searching
[14:46:32] <Soycow_Lover> Brother in law told me about some pups he raised before I became part of the family
[14:46:51] <Soycow_Lover> their eyes weren't even open yet, he killed a rabbit and cut it up into little bitty chunks
[14:47:02] <Soycow_Lover> pups found the food, and made it disappear
[14:47:33] <Soycow_Lover> I can't say how much he might be exaggerating, but sister in law confirms the story
[14:58:32] <Bytram> interesting!
[14:58:48] <Bytram> Well, there's not many pet food stores in the wild.
[15:00:06] <Bytram> IIRC, it's generally around 8 weeks until puppies would be put up for adoption, but those are *old* recolllections, best to check a more reliable source than me on this!
[15:44:35] -!- drussell has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[15:56:43] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - X-Rayed Artifacts from Famed Shipwreck Shed Light on Secrets of Tudor Armor - https://sylnt.us - illuminating
[16:08:08] <chromas> If past tense of "pay" is "paid", shouldn't "X-Ray" be "X-RAID"?
[16:20:02] <boru> Heh, following up from the other day about that story about Ireland helping the Choctaw nation in the US for covid19, the national news outlet interviewed "a Native American living in Galway". I wonder if they realised just who he is: https://www.youtube.com
[16:20:04] <systemd> ^ 03'The favour is returned': 173 years on, Irish donors thank Native Americans
[16:29:31] <Soycow_Lover> Watched the video, boru - watched the boxes of groceries being distributed
[16:30:12] <Soycow_Lover> They been advertising on the local radio, Friday and Saturday, they'll be distributing boxes of groceries around here
[16:30:36] <boru> Aye, great to see that sort of solidarity. I just had no idea that John Romero lived in Ireland now.
[16:30:37] <Soycow_Lover> lots of donors, just about all the local businesses, some private individuals, couple political figures
[16:30:50] <Soycow_Lover> me either
[16:31:05] <Soycow_Lover> you reckon he's dodging a warrant?
[16:31:16] <Soycow_Lover> RIAA may want him for performing some of his own stuff
[16:31:29] <boru> Nonesense -- many a man have moved to finally get a decent bottle of whiskey.
[16:31:58] <Soycow_Lover> but, he couldn't afford good Scotch whiskey?
[16:32:24] <boru> Wasn't it one of the other Id Software guys that ripped off a bunch of 80s and 90s metal songs for the Doom soundtrack?
[16:32:39] <boru> There's no such thing as good scotch./
[16:32:56] <Soycow_Lover> Ripped them? I dunno, but ripping is fun, isn't it?
[16:33:13] <boru> Like most things Scottish, they take something Irish, and then do a bad job of it.
[16:33:51] <Soycow_Lover> I dunno, I found the Scottish women to be quite discerning
[16:34:12] <boru> Too much scotch, I'd imagine.
[16:34:43] <Soycow_Lover> Never! If you still have to walk home, you've not had enough!
[16:34:53] <Soycow_Lover> When you crawl home, then maybe you've had enough
[16:34:58] <boru> That's because they forget to burn off the methanol.
[16:35:31] <Soycow_Lover> Met a wine maker while in Scotland too
[16:35:43] <Soycow_Lover> sampled more wine than I imagined existed
[16:35:50] <Soycow_Lover> Excellent stuff . . .
[16:38:05] * Soycow_Lover considers falling bed
[16:39:30] <FatPhil> boru: I recommend Hopsbawm's /The Invention of Tradition/, good "little room" reading.
[16:40:17] <FatPhil> Well, if you like truthbombs being dropped on Scotland, that is.
[16:40:59] <boru> With a cover like that, I figured it'd be about the prods alright.
[16:42:08] <FatPhil> prods?
[16:42:37] <boru> Protestants
[16:43:04] <FatPhil> Oooh, the printing I read didn['t have htat cover on, but I forget exactly what it had instead.
[16:43:28] <FatPhil> i read it ~15 years ago, so that edition didn't even exist
[16:46:47] <FatPhil> So were there probs between the prods and the provos?
[16:47:28] <boru> There were prods in the provos as well.
[16:47:58] -!- fyngyrz_ [fyngyrz_!~fyngyrz@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #soylent
[16:48:20] <boru> The whole catholic vs. protestant thing was mostly a BBC invention to further sow division. It was Irish vs. British.
[16:48:27] -!- fyngyrz has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[16:48:38] <boru> The original planters in Ulster were scottish protestants, that's where it comes from.
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[18:06:33] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Uber Lays Off 3,700 People as its Ride Business Craters - https://sylnt.us - challenging-times
[20:08:03] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - "Wash" Your Hands with 20,000 Volts - https://sylnt.us - what's-that-smell?
[20:47:50] <FatPhil> you can't make this up: https://www.salon.com
[20:47:50] <systemd> ^ 03Arizona responds to projected rise in cases by ordering end to models
[21:07:02] <FatPhil> Anyone got any daily case stats for Arizona? I've just got to do a projection given that attitude.
[21:07:43] <FatPhil> All I've got is the kaputniks graph, which doesn't give me enough of a picture.
[21:09:26] <FatPhil> fearing the worst behaviour from the masses, and eyeballing an extrapolation, I can see it hitting 400-450.
[21:11:33] <chromas> can't say atodaso if there's no predictions
[21:12:44] <FatPhil> yeah, that's the reason I posted the link
[21:13:20] <FatPhil> It's like /South Park/ - "we've got to stop them telling"
[21:13:28] <FatPhil> or whatever it was.
[21:15:20] <FatPhil> Having said that, Gieseke kinda said the same thing. "Who cares what the stats are now, compare them after a year", or suchlike.
[21:16:42] <FatPhil> Aha! https://www.corona.help
[21:16:43] <systemd> ^ 03Arizona coronavirus information and stats
[21:19:11] <FatPhil> Fuxtix, it looks like this site is pulling numbers out of its arse: https://covid19.healthdata.org - so that eyeballing is literally shit.
[21:19:12] <systemd> ^ 03IHME | COVID-19 Projections
[21:20:35] <Bytram> FatPhil: Haven't tried before, but suspect you can drill down from here: https://www.worldometers.info
[21:20:37] <systemd> ^ 03Coronavirus Update (Live): 3,898,736 Cases and 269,548 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
[21:21:58] <FatPhil> Argh - nope, I've been fooled by this before - it seems to cache data, and so you get out-of-date figures.
[21:22:20] <FatPhil> Bytram: that's my main source, but Arizona doesn't drill down yet
[21:22:32] <Bytram> k
[21:28:26] <Bytram> FatPhil: fwiw, there's a footnote on https://www.worldometers.info saying they source from: https://www.azdhs.gov
[21:28:27] <systemd> ^ 03United States Coronavirus: 1,287,552 Cases and 76,693 Deaths - Worldometer
[21:28:28] <systemd> ^ 03AZDHS | COVID-19 Dashboards
[21:30:58] <FatPhil> the corona.help site seems to have what I need - it's way easier to eyeball from a graph than raw data.
[21:31:13] <Bytram> nod nod
[21:32:23] <FatPhil> healthdata.org predict ~1000, but the middle of my bell-curve is more like 1400-1600.
[21:33:11] <FatPhil> I'll scribble up a prediction with reasoning on my website tomorrow, I might be overlooking something, it's late, and I'm on the barrel aged imperial stouts already.
[21:39:43] <Bytram> gnawed gnawed
[22:16:28] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Zoom Acquires Keybase to Bring End-to-End Encryption to Video Platform - https://sylnt.us - all-your-keybase-are-belong-to-us
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