#soylent | Logs for 2020-07-20

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[00:35:21] * TheMightyBuzzard yawns
[00:35:21] * MrPlow flips a Skittle into TheMightyBuzzard's gaping mouth
[00:36:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> AzumaHazuki, stable as all hell. right up until they get dirty.
[00:43:56] -!- arti|work has quit [Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
[01:16:21] -!- boru` [boru`!~boru@uaqx-57-301-397-252.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined #soylent
[01:16:23] -!- boru has quit [Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by boru`!~boru@uaqx-57-301-397-252.dynamic.mnet-online.de))]
[01:16:26] boru` is now known as boru
[01:26:29] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Blood Iron Levels Could be Key to Slowing Ageing, Gene Study Shows - https://sylnt.us - iron-age
[03:46:31] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Freeway Project Unearths a Time When Camels Roamed San Diego - https://sylnt.us - not-a-new-discovery-for-this-region-but-we-made-it-the-title-anyhow
[05:38:14] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[05:57:34] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - NASA Ominously Chooses Halloween 2021 to Launch Long-Delayed Space Telescope - https://sylnt.us - trick-or-telescope
[06:18:45] <chromas> https://www.washingtonpolicy.org
[06:18:46] <systemd> ^ 03WSDOT Secretary wants mandated GPS tracking for a Road Usage Charge
[06:18:47] <exec> └─ 13WSDOT Secretary wants mandated GPS tracking for a Road Usage Charge » Publications » Washington Policy Center
[06:47:01] <chromas> https://www.theatlantic.com
[06:47:02] <systemd> ^ 03Why So Many Babies Are Getting Their Tongues Clipped
[06:47:03] <exec> └─ 13Do Tongue Ties Really Cause Breastfeeding Problems? - The Atlantic
[06:54:10] <chromas> I keep getting suggested articles about breastfeeding and stuff. What does the internet know about me that I don't?
[07:27:36] <Bytram> coffee++
[07:27:36] <Bender> karma - coffee: 5315
[07:35:40] <GrandFireWizard> =submit https://www.news.com.au
[07:35:43] <systemd> Submitting "South China Sea: Inside China’s plans to claim ocean dominance"...
[07:35:44] <GrandFireWizard> start of WW3?
[07:35:46] <exec> └─ 13South China Sea: Inside China’s plans to claim ocean dominance
[07:36:05] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03South China Sea: Inside China’s Plans to Claim Ocean Dominance" (22 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[07:39:03] <GrandFireWizard> Isn't the job of the UN to prevent this kind of thing from happening again?
[07:39:39] <Bytram> =g UN permanent members
[07:39:40] <systemd> https://www.un.org - Current Members | United Nations Security Council
[07:40:30] <Bytram> GrandFireWizard: ^^^ "Five permanent members: China, France, Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, and the United States, and ten non-permanent members elected for two-year terms by the General Assembly (with end of term year)"
[07:46:30] -!- aqu4bot [aqu4bot!~aqu4bot@pptdbxlc9.us] has joined #soylent
[07:48:23] <Bytram> aqu4bot: WB!
[07:48:36] <Bytram> #g Johns Hopkins covid-19
[07:48:37] <MrPlow> https://coronavirus.jhu.edu - "Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU)"
[08:06:15] <GrandFireWizard> ok, the world is screwed
[08:06:21] <GrandFireWizard> =submit
[08:06:21] <systemd> Submit one or more links plus some text if you want
[08:06:27] <GrandFireWizard> fodder for future COVID roundups
[08:06:48] <GrandFireWizard> =submit https://www.news.com.au
[08:06:50] <systemd> Submitting "Abattoir infections reach grim milestone"...
[08:06:53] <exec> └─ 13Coronavirus cases pass 100 across three Victorian abattoirs
[08:07:12] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Abattoir Infections Reach Grim Milestone" (13 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[08:07:18] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - CJEU Issues Judgment on Schrems II Case - https://sylnt.us - one-small-step-at-a-time
[08:24:11] <GrandFireWizard> =submit https://www.news.com.au
[08:24:13] <systemd> Submitting "World reacts to Melbourne mask rule"...
[08:24:16] <exec> └─ 13Coronavirus Australia: Melbourne masks mandatory, world reacts
[08:24:34] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03World Reacts to Melbourne Mask Rule" (23 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[08:28:47] <chromas> I'm not part of the world
[08:28:53] <chromas> Didn't even know they had a rule
[08:38:24] <FatPhil> You didn't react to our swimming elk either, yabastad
[08:46:34] <chromas> Is that abnormal over there?
[08:47:04] <GrandFireWizard> elk?
[08:47:16] <chromas> swimming elk
[08:47:29] -!- RandomFactor has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[08:47:36] <GrandFireWizard> no..
[08:48:15] -!- RandomFactor [RandomFactor!~IceChat9@629-71-065-58.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net] has joined #soylent
[08:48:26] <GrandFireWizard> =g When will WW3 start
[08:48:27] <systemd> https://www.youtube.com - When Will WW3 Start? - YouTube
[08:48:32] <GrandFireWizard> =gday RandomFactor
[08:48:32] * systemd hastily redirects a dire ear of estrogen into RandomFactor
[09:01:00] <FatPhil> https://news.err.ee
[09:01:02] <systemd> ^ 03Gallery: Moose spotted swimming at Pirita Beach
[09:01:03] <exec> └─ 13Gallery: Moose spotted swimming at Pirita Beach | News | ERR
[09:01:24] <FatPhil> now the world can ract to our surface-of-the-water shattering news!
[09:01:45] <FatPhil> +e
[09:19:46] <boru> That is terrifying. I had no idea moose were amphibious. Nowhere is safe!
[09:49:08] <Bytram> boru: that's nothing. A full-grown bull moose is HUGE. Like a cow, on stilts, that can run at least 20 mph (30 kph)... that's a guesstimate based on first-hand experience. Oh, and the antlers are massive, too.
[09:49:13] <Bytram> =g moose
[09:49:14] <systemd> https://en.wikipedia.org - Moose - Wikipedia
[09:56:37] <boru> Indeed. I've never seen one in person, but I know very well that they are to be respected in the wild.
[10:06:48] <GrandFireWizard> How does one get first hand experience in judging how fast a moose can run in your location?
[10:10:33] <FatPhil> boru: the largest ever member of that family (by some metrics) happened to be a native to your home shores. I've seen the skeleton (with antlers) in your national museum of natural history - very impressive.
[10:12:19] <Bytram> was on a white water rafting trip one weekend with a bunch of friends. Was riding in the car on the way to the gathering place for the day's run of the river. Wide road with very broad shoulders and about 100 feet of clearing on either side bordering dense forest. We were going along at easily 35 mph when out of the woods came a moose running diagonally to the road.
[10:12:41] <Bytram> Someone yelled "Moose!".
[10:13:44] <FatPhil> they are as stupid as fuck, and know very little about self-preservation.
[10:13:57] <Bytram> Driver was understandably... agitated by this appearance and swerved towards the shoulder of the road (spilling his coffee into his lap in the process)
[10:15:46] <Bytram> the moose (bull) was coming from the other side of the road, apparently noticed the car, and without slowing just sort of leaned to the left and adjusted its path into an arc to curve back towards the woods on the left
[10:15:51] <FatPhil> birdbrains have evolved to use cars as nutcrackers on zebra crossings. Cervids just stand and stare at the imminent death opportunity.
[10:16:27] <Bytram> it was pretty much matching our speed...
[10:16:36] <boru> FatPhil; you sure it wasn't an Irish elk?
[10:16:44] <boru> Because those things _were_ huge.
[10:16:47] <FatPhil> it was exactly an Irish Elk
[10:16:59] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Atomtronic Device Could Probe Boundary Between Quantum, Everyday Worlds - https://sylnt.us
[10:17:51] <Bytram> looked the size of a big cow, with the LONG legs (car could nearly have driven under it) with a rack that had to have been at least 4 feet across.
[10:18:33] <FatPhil> Mind-blowing antlers, literally twice the size of any moose's that I've ever seen.
[10:18:35] <Bytram> his was in northern Maine, so *not* an elk.
[10:19:42] <Bytram> https://en.wikipedia.org
[10:19:43] <systemd> ^ 03Eastern moose - Wikipedia
[10:19:44] <exec> └─ 13Eastern moose - Wikipedia
[10:20:34] <FatPhil> Bytram: you are aware that what you call moose, we call elk?
[10:20:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> bigracks++
[10:20:43] <Bender> karma - bigracks: 1
[10:20:58] <Bytram> different subspecies, I believe
[10:21:00] <FatPhil> /Alces alces/, specifically
[10:21:10] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[10:21:10] <Bender> karma - coffee: 5316
[10:21:13] <Bytram> https://en.wikipedia.org
[10:21:14] <systemd> ^ 03Moose - Wikipedia
[10:21:15] <exec> └─ 13Moose - Wikipedia
[10:21:27] <Bytram> =gargle TheMightyBuzzard
[10:21:27] * systemd dexterously cyberbullies a moldy tome of pocket rocket at TheMightyBuzzard
[10:21:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> =gzip Bytram
[10:21:46] * systemd disturbingly poops a tablespoon of crabgrass for Bytram
[10:22:10] <Bytram> tie, I thinl
[10:22:17] <Bytram> s/l/k/
[10:22:18] <FatPhil> Yeah, Alces Alces, the Elk (there's a clue in the Latin...)
[10:22:18] <exec> <Bytram> tie, I think
[10:22:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> not enough caffeine to tell
[10:22:44] <Bytram> FatPhil: Like I said, different SUB-species
[10:23:31] <Bytram> See: https://en.wikipedia.org
[10:23:32] <exec> └─ 13400 Bad Request
[10:23:33] <systemd> ^ 03Moose - Wikipedia ( https://en.wikipedia.org )
[10:25:57] <FatPhil> Nope. If you see a moose, I see an elk, and we'd both be right. Your 'elk' is unrelated.
[10:28:07] <Bytram> FatPhil: I disagree. There is an obvious difference in the antlers. Elk have "dendritic ("twig-like") configuration", Moose have "palmate ("open-hand shaped") antlers"
[10:29:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> don't matter to me. neither one has enough fat to be worth eating.
[10:29:30] <Bytram> White-Tailed Deer also have dendritic antlers. Moose are very different and much larger.
[10:31:09] <Bytram> TheMightyBuzzard: they average about 1,400 lbs. there's gotta be some fat on that (moreso in fall than spring, of course)
[10:32:10] <Bytram> granted, from the deer meat I've had (long ago), I don't recall much fat on it, now that I think about it
[10:32:18] <FatPhil> there will be region variations amongst populations that can't interbreed, certainly.
[10:32:36] <FatPhil> Your American ones are bigger too, I think.
[10:33:37] <Bytram> yes, that was what I was trying to say. :)
[10:33:37] <Bytram> https://en.wikipedia.org
[10:33:38] <systemd> ^ 03Venison - Wikipedia
[10:33:39] <exec> └─ 13Venison - Wikipedia
[10:34:12] <FatPhil> Reindeer makes a lovely salami
[10:35:05] <FatPhil> we also eat elk sausages quite often, it popular in this part of the world.
[10:35:05] <Bytram> "Cuts of venison tend to have a finer texture and be leaner than comparable cuts of beef.[6] However, like beef, leaner cuts can be tougher as well. Venison burgers are typically so lean as to require the addition of fat in the form of bacon, beef, olive oil, or cheese to achieve parity with hamburger cooking time, texture, and taste."
[10:35:13] * Bytram sits corrected
[10:35:55] <FatPhil> venison makes a nice carpaccio, though
[10:36:32] <FatPhil> had one last year that was so thin you could see through it and see the decoration on the plate.
[10:37:06] <Bytram> interesting!
[10:37:14] <Bytram> break time... biab
[10:39:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah, deer, elk, moose, pronghorn, whatever... the meat sucks ass unless you're making sausage or chili or something out of it. if you just want to eat meat, eat something with lots of fat or prepare yourself for shitty meat.
[10:40:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> red meat that is.
[10:40:57] <FatPhil> I've had slow-cooked roasts that have worked well. I'm not sure how difficult it was to keep it moist.
[10:41:34] <FatPhil> doesn't come around often, about once every 6 months, so we snap it up when available.
[10:42:26] <FatPhil> (at lunch special prices, that is, I'm sure there are several restaurants in town with it on their a la carte)
[10:42:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> heh. we've got a goodly few pounds in the freezer from a neighbor who overfilled his own hunting this year. haven't touched it.
[10:43:08] <FatPhil> that's one of the problems with the bigger animals - you need a group to share with.
[10:44:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> our problem is we just don't like it but The Roomie has something in his head saying it must be good because it's hard to get.
[10:45:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> while his head voices argue, it takes up space in our freezer that we could use for catfish.
[10:48:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> we most certainly are complete snobs on what constitutes good beef though. if it needs any special help at all to be extremely tender and absolutely dripping with juice, it'd better be something we'd planned on smoking.
[10:48:40] <FatPhil> Make Poronkäristys from it! I used to love that when I lived in Finland. https://en.wikipedia.org
[10:48:41] <systemd> ^ 03Sautéed reindeer - Wikipedia
[10:48:41] <exec> └─ 13Sautéed reindeer - Wikipedia
[10:49:05] <FatPhil> basically a stew, but you can't go wrong with a stew
[10:49:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> trew
[10:50:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> nicotine++ #smoke break
[10:50:34] <Bender> karma - nicotine: 782
[11:55:59] <Bytram> =g shadenfreuden
[11:56:00] <systemd> https://en.wikipedia.org - Schadenfreude - Wikipedia
[12:08:44] <Ingar> "leedvermaak"
[12:08:49] <cmn32480> coffee++
[12:08:49] <Bender> karma - coffee: 5317
[12:08:49] <Ingar> you need a better language
[12:27:31] <TheMightyBuzzard> =gawk cmn32480
[12:27:31] * systemd inadvertantly ships an armpit of SASL salsa with cmn32480
[12:27:37] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Scientists 3D Print Gunpowder Substitute, Achieve 420m/s Bullet Velocity - https://sylnt.us
[12:27:44] <cmn32480> !gday TheMightyBuzzard
[12:28:01] <cmn32480> ~gday TheMightyBuzzard
[12:28:02] * exec cohesively straps a tcp stream of boiled dog on TheMightyBuzzard
[12:34:25] <GrandFireWizard> =submit https://www.news.com.au
[12:34:27] <systemd> Submitting "Abusive partners have found new and ‘nasty’ ways to target their victims"...
[12:34:31] <exec> └─ 13Commonwealth Bank launches anti-domestic violence and financial abuse initiative
[12:34:49] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Abusive Partners Have Found New and ‘Nasty’ Ways to Target Their Victims" (46 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[13:08:04] -!- SoyGuest271828 [SoyGuest271828!~40399c0b@64.57.orv.ry] has joined #soylent
[13:08:10] <SoyGuest271828> =asub https://www.forbes.com
[13:08:11] <exec> └─ 13404
[13:08:12] <systemd> Submitting "Hackers Can Now Trick USB Chargers To Destroy Your Devices"...
[13:08:32] <SoyGuest271828> =asub https://www.androidcentral.com
[13:08:33] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Hackers Can Now Trick USB Chargers to Destroy Your Devices" (1 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[13:08:34] <systemd> Submitting "Page not found. Search Results for 'kaspersky anti ransomware reviewhttps www androidcentral com kaspersky anti ransomware review':"...
[13:08:48] <SoyGuest271828> =asub https://www.androidcentral.com
[13:08:49] <systemd> Submitting "Kaspersky Anti-Ransomware review: A free tool that actually works"...
[13:08:55] <systemd> ✓* Sub-ccess! "08Page Not Found. Search Results for 'Kaspersky Anti Ransomware Reviewhttps Www Androidcentral Com Kas" (1 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[13:09:01] <Teckla> coffee++
[13:09:01] <Bender> karma - coffee: 5318
[13:09:11] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Kaspersky Anti-Ransomware Review: a Free Tool That Actually Works" (32 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[13:13:45] <SoyGuest271828> #submit https://www.forbes.com
[13:13:45] <MrPlow> got http response code 403
[13:13:46] <exec> └─ 13404
[13:13:54] -!- SoyGuest271828 has quit []
[13:24:43] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #soylent
[13:25:54] -!- fungus_ [fungus_!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #soylent
[13:26:51] -!- fungus has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[13:41:24] -!- fungus_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[13:42:09] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #soylent
[13:46:37] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[14:09:23] -!- systemd has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[14:09:52] -!- chromas has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[14:09:52] -!- Cascade has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[14:10:37] <FatPhil> #weather
[14:10:38] <MrPlow> Town Hall Square, Raekoja plats, Tallinn, Estonia - Today: "Possible light rain in the evening." 75/61F, Humidity: 70%, Precip: 64%, Wind ~4mph. Tue: "Mostly cloudy throughout the day." 68/55F, Humidity: 73%, Precip: 37%, Wind ~11mph. Wed: "Partly cloudy throughout the day." 64/54F, Humidity: 65%, Precip: 49%, Wind ~17mph.
[14:11:21] <FatPhil> ah, "light" is true, "noisy" also true. I think you mean it's a thunderstorm.
[14:37:18] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Sorry Telstra but This is My F@ST 5355 Router - https://sylnt.us - taking-back-your-hardware
[15:16:13] -!- carny has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[15:17:09] -!- carny [carny!~irc@95.211.ysv.pnq] has joined #soylent
[15:40:49] -!- arti|work [arti|work!~textual@fhv-836-375-856-960.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #soylent
[16:14:56] <RandomFactor> https://www.studyfinds.org
[16:14:58] <exec> └─ 13Cellular aging 'master circuit' discovered: Extended human lifespan to follow? - Study Finds
[16:15:16] <RandomFactor> It works in yeast..... but that's not people.
[16:15:22] <RandomFactor> Maybe wortha poke
[16:15:45] <RandomFactor> =submit good for beer? https://www.studyfinds.org
[16:15:46] <exec> └─ 13Cellular aging 'master circuit' discovered: Extended human lifespan to follow? - Study Finds
[16:23:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> if it's good for beer it's good for people
[16:28:07] <FatPhil> yeasts are clonal, though
[16:28:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> s'okay. do i look like a bladerunner to you?
[16:30:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> speaking of, if they can lengthen lifespans they can build in shorter ones. one step closer to replicants.
[16:34:53] <RandomFactor> whatever happened to Murder Hornets anyway
[16:36:04] <RandomFactor> I never saw the sequel. So harrison ford and the origami guy are my only reference
[16:36:55] <RandomFactor> Also https://www.sciencenewsforstudents.org
[16:37:36] <RandomFactor> Most recent sighting of a murder hornet looks like June.
[16:38:53] <FatPhil> Don't give monsanto ideas. They did the terminator gene, we don't want them doing the bladerunner gene too.
[16:57:40] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Scientists Achieve Major Breakthrough in Preserving Integrity of Sound Waves - https://sylnt.us - was-their-integrity-in-quesiton-before?
[17:38:08] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@Soylent/Staph/Infector/chromas] has joined #soylent
[17:38:08] -!- mode/#soylent [+v chromas] by Aphrodite
[17:42:12] <chromas> Someone should invent a technology that allows one program to access the cpu even when another is trying to hog it
[17:43:00] -!- systemd [systemd!~systemd@pid1] has joined #soylent
[18:15:14] <chromas> I've seen that "domestic abuse by bank messages" article before, months ago, and yet it's new
[18:15:28] <chromas> I thought it'd been subbed before but I can't find it
[18:20:41] <FatPhil> preemptive multitasking? If it's not good enough for Apple, why should it be good enough for you?
[18:35:05] -!- arti|work has quit [Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
[18:53:12] <FatPhil> =g Daviess County naked
[18:53:13] <systemd> https://www.14news.com - Sheriff's Office: Naked man arrested says he used 'mushrooms with ...
[18:53:20] <FatPhil> enjoy :)
[18:55:03] <FatPhil> =g Walliul Islam charging cable
[18:55:04] <systemd> https://ktla.com - Indian man who put cellphone charger in penis undergoes surgery ...
[18:56:17] <pinchy> thanks for clickin!
[18:58:23] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Hackers Can Now Trick USB Chargers to Destroy Your Devices - https://sylnt.us - Phones-do-not-come-with-a-fuse?
[19:09:41] <FatPhil> =g Tanja Baumann counterfeit
[19:09:42] <systemd> https://px4.io - Meet the Contributor – Tanja Baumann - PX4
[19:09:52] <FatPhil> erp, no, not that
[19:11:31] <boru> #submit https://fortune.com https://www.zerohedge.com
[19:11:32] <MrPlow> Unable to find a summary for that page
[19:11:34] <exec> ├─ 13Son of judge overseeing Deutsche Bank-Epstein trial killed by hitman | Fortune
[19:11:34] <exec> └─ 13Suspect In Killing Of Federal Judge's Son Found Dead By Suicide In New York | Zero Hedge
[19:11:51] <boru> =submit https://fortune.com https://www.zerohedge.com
[19:11:53] <exec> ├─ 13Son of judge overseeing Deutsche Bank-Epstein trial killed by hitman | Fortune
[19:11:53] <exec> └─ 13Suspect In Killing Of Federal Judge's Son Found Dead By Suicide In New York | Zero Hedge
[19:11:53] <systemd> Submitting "Hitman kills son of judge overseeing Deutsche Bank-Epstein trial"...
[19:12:15] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Hitman Kills Son of Judge Overseeing Deutsche Bank-Epstein Trial" (29 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[19:12:52] <FatPhil> =g eBay Natick newsletter
[19:12:53] <systemd> https://www.ecommercebytes.com - About - EcommerceBytes
[19:13:03] <FatPhil> google, why you derp?
[19:49:02] <FatPhil> =g bronx perez cleaver
[19:49:03] <systemd> https://www.nytimes.com - Bronx Man Is Killed Trying To Drive Away Crack Users - The New ...
[19:49:29] <FatPhil> 1989? Nah, I want this month's story
[19:53:33] <Bytram> ~time x
[19:53:35] <exec> location not found - UTC timestamp: Monday, 20 July 2020, 7:53 pm
[19:56:41] <pinchy> chopchop
[20:07:18] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - SpaceX Falcon9 Launch Tonight Window: 1700-2055 EDT (2100-0055 UTC) - https://sylnt.us
[20:16:27] -!- arti|work [arti|work!~textual@kpku-40-80-465-497.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #soylent
[20:20:06] -!- arti|work has quit [Client Quit]
[20:22:52] -!- arti|work [arti|work!~textual@kpku-40-80-465-497.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #soylent
[20:58:17] -!- arti|work has quit [Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
[21:06:00] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Kaspersky Anti-Ransomware Review: a Free Tool that Actually Works - https://sylnt.us - I-remember-an-internet-with-no-ads-or-malware
[21:10:05] -!- arti|work [arti|work!~textual@kpku-40-80-465-497.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #soylent
[21:16:42] -!- arti|work has quit [Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
[21:17:35] -!- arti|work [arti|work!~textual@kpku-40-80-465-497.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #soylent
[21:25:30] <boru> Huh, this is an interesting read: https://www.voimagold.com
[21:25:30] <systemd> ^ 03Europe Has Been Preparing a Global Gold Standard Since the 1970s
[21:25:32] <exec> └─ 13Europe Has Been Preparing a Global Gold Standard Since the 1970s | Voima Gold
[21:58:32] -!- arti|work has quit [Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
[23:03:55] <FatPhil> =weather
[23:16:40] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Abusive Partners Have Found New and "Nasty" Ways to Target their Victims - https://sylnt.us
[23:57:56] -!- SoyCow4649 [SoyCow4649!~d8c4e185@925-300-434-342.ubr6.dyn.lebanon-oh.fuse.net] has joined #soylent
[23:58:02] <SoyCow4649> =cite https://dx.doi.org
[23:58:04] <systemd> <p><b>Journal Reference</b>:<br/>Anna J. P. G&#252;lcher, Taras V. Gerya, Laurent G. J. Mont&#233;si, <em>et al</em>. <b>Corona structures driven by plume–lithosphere interactions and evidence for ongoing plume activity on Venus</b>, <cite>Nature Geoscience</cite> (DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/10.1038/s41561-020-0606-1">10.1038/s41561-020-0606-1</a>)</p>
[23:58:05] <exec> └─ 13303 See Other