#soylent | Logs for 2020-11-03

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[00:00:47] <chromas> Yes. Yes they do.
[00:33:36] <FatPhil> the problem with good salsa is that you tend to crave good salsa, and be disappointed by mediocre salsa.
[00:34:57] <chromas> Don't make mediocre salsa.
[00:36:20] <Runaway1956> Pace picante sauce is good
[00:36:42] <chromas> New York City?!
[00:36:52] <Runaway1956> Never!
[00:37:15] <Runaway1956> Made by folks in San Antonio who know what salsa should taste like!
[00:38:30] <Runaway1956> My "trick" for good salsa (when I actually planted the garden)
[00:38:54] <Runaway1956> was to plant tomato and pepper plants together in the same row, alternating them
[00:39:00] <chromas> Use lime juice instead of vinegar
[00:39:29] <FatPhil> chromas: I'm thinking of when I eat out, of course *my* salsa's excellent.
[00:40:11] * Runaway1956 is not the world's biggest fan of salsa though
[00:40:34] <chromas> AzumaHazuki was right about you
[00:40:52] <Runaway1956> 'zumi may have been right a couple times in her life
[00:41:17] <AzumaHazuki> a couple of times an hour to a couple a minute depending on how fast I'm attacking :)
[00:41:27] <Runaway1956> lol
[00:41:34] * chromas sneaks in and installs salsa everywhere in Runaway1956's house
[00:41:52] <AzumaHazuki> if you're tired of the mean scary lady kicking your shrivelled nuts somewhere up behind your pineal gland on the regular, you can always leave :D
[00:41:54] * Runaway1956 notes that 'Zumi heard that dog whistle - she never misses it
[00:42:28] <chromas> =g'salsa FatPhil
[00:42:29] * systemd whole-heartedly steals a DVD of paprika from FatPhil
[00:42:39] <AzumaHazuki> also, that's not what dogwhistle means. dogwhistling is using coded language your base gets. like "thugs" for "black men in general"
[00:42:52] <AzumaHazuki> at least try and be correct with your choice of words when you try and fight back
[00:42:55] <chromas> What have I done?
[00:43:06] * Runaway1956 has no need to be "correct"
[00:43:16] <AzumaHazuki> good, because you'd be dead in short order if you did
[00:43:27] <AzumaHazuki> that also may be the most revealing thing you've said in a hot minute :D
[00:43:37] <Runaway1956> 'zumi has a desperate need to be corrected however
[00:44:09] <AzumaHazuki> i love it when you assholes drop back into epistemological skepticism to escape an oncoming asskicking. it's like flipping the chessboard and claiming you won
[00:44:21] <AzumaHazuki> this is why i call you a clown: because in the end, all you have is farce
[00:44:43] <Runaway1956> What you mean is, I don't spew shit like you do?
[00:44:55] <chromas> Salsa
[00:45:03] <Runaway1956> Salsa
[00:45:18] <Aphrodite> Salsa
[00:45:22] <AzumaHazuki> meh, we can agree on salsa anyway
[00:45:26] <FatPhil> =guacamole chromas
[00:45:26] * systemd ironically reverse-engineers a sweaty armpit of MP from chromas
[00:49:34] <Runaway1956> Fek - it hurts to look at this guy before his surgery
[00:49:38] <Runaway1956> https://www.scmp.com
[00:49:40] <systemd> ^ 03China’s ‘folded man’ finds happiness and hope after life-changing surgery
[00:57:04] <Teckla> The RPi 400 gives me all sorts of good nostalgic shivers :)
[01:11:38] <FatPhil> righty ho, time to retire, see you on election day!
[01:12:13] <FatPhil> =gerrymandering everyone
[01:12:13] * systemd insatiably QCs a painting of SATA cables for everyone
[01:14:20] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[01:15:51] <Runaway1956> https://www.youtube.com
[01:15:53] <systemd> ^ 03Millie Weaver - Exclusive footage! Leftist protest groups plot election day coup (mirror)
[01:16:40] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Researchers Develop a High-Power, Portable Terahertz Laser - https://sylnt.us
[01:20:37] <Runaway1956> Huh - after a big buildup, it was less than 10 minutes - what a waste
[01:24:13] <Runaway1956> https://www.youtube.com
[01:24:14] <systemd> ^ 03Sunrise Exposed [Extended Trailer]
[01:39:24] * TheMightyBuzzard yawns
[01:39:24] * MrPlow flips a Skittle into TheMightyBuzzard's gaping mouth
[01:39:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> just think, by this time tomorrow we'll have even less of an idea of who's going to be president than we do now
[01:40:49] <lld> TheMightyBuzzard: what if there still aren't any presidents by January and congress decides to rule directly as the executive? :)
[01:42:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> they don't get to. there are circumstances where they can just pick the president but i forget what kind of craziness needs to happen first.
[01:43:01] <lld> they decided not to and change the constitution instead "Never again" they all said in unison
[01:44:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> prolly for the best if we keep trending the way we have been on candidates
[01:45:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> okay, fuck the rpi400. piddly little shit keyboard. a model m has plenty of room for rpi guts already, only needs the back side flattened for the ports.
[01:46:03] <lld> somewhere in the future history books will read "...the notion that presidents need to be made in Washington D.C. ..."
[01:46:30] <lld> the keyboard also needs space for lithium batteries
[01:46:53] <lld> and a HDMI/DP port for display :)
[01:47:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> da fuck you need batteries for? it's a desktop.
[01:49:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> although... adding a huge battery pack to a model m would make it even more excellent for home defense. you could brain a bear with it instead of just a human.
[01:52:27] <c0lo> And... just found what you need for staying power https://www.ebay.com
[01:53:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> hell with that. i finally get old enough that i'm not being lead around by my pecker and you want me to take pills that'll undo all my hard work?
[01:53:47] <systemd> ^ 0310 x HOT Exxtreme Power Caps for pure power Man Libido Potency Pills Men for Him
[01:56:10] <c0lo> https://www.ebay.com
[01:56:11] <systemd> ^ 03Original Xiaomi 30000mAh Power Bank 2 USB Quick Charge 3.0 Fast Mobile Charger
[01:56:30] <c0lo> Sweet as
[02:04:18] <c0lo> 45h without recharge recording at 1080 resolution https://raspi.tv
[02:04:20] <systemd> ^ 03How much power does the Pi4B use? Power Measurements
[02:19:17] <lld> 30Ah? Probably 3.7v
[02:20:09] <lld> all these batteries and powerbanks should also be rated with voltage
[02:20:24] <lld> 30Ah at 12v is different than 30Ah at 3.7v
[02:36:27] -!- SoyCow8936 [SoyCow8936!~54112c98@84.17.rq.llu] has joined #soylent
[02:36:39] <SoyCow8936> Are you all ready for Trump to win tomorrow night?
[02:37:06] <Runaway1956> Probably Thursday night
[02:37:23] <Runaway1956> It takes liberals that long to count
[02:38:09] <SoyCow8936> People like to bet on elections and shit. What would be awesome is if people could bet on chimpouts like they bet the spreads on sports
[02:38:35] <Runaway1956> Oh, hi EF, I didn't recognize you
[02:39:38] <SoyCow8936> They say that lawful protests will happen if and only if Trump wins.
[02:40:08] <Runaway1956> Mmmmmm if you've seen Millenial Millie, they aren't planning "lawful" anything
[02:40:17] <Runaway1956> "If youse got the most guns you win!"
[02:40:57] <SoyCow8936> Good thing that in big cities, Jews are only a block away from all the other angry minorities.
[02:41:06] <SoyCow8936> They own property there, I don't.
[02:41:25] <Teckla> TheMightyBuzzard: Yeah, the RPi 400 keyboard is a disappointment.
[02:42:42] <SoyCow8936> Actually a little post-election uncertainty regarding cote counts is a good thing.
[02:43:06] <SoyCow8936> Give the shitbags hope and allow them a more gradual curve to calm down before finally accepting the bad news.
[02:43:25] <SoyCow8936> Same tactic the Jews used with 9/11, but on a much shorter scale.
[02:43:58] * Teckla yawns.
[02:45:55] <SoyCow8936> I'm already starting to see illegal Mexicans packing up and going away
[02:46:05] <SoyCow8936> a few non-illegal families, too
[02:46:59] <SoyCow8936> living in a historically Jewish neighborhood has its perks, but unfortunately we can't depend on the Jews having control of their Golems any longer.
[02:49:10] -!- boru` [boru`!~boru@amot-95-599-534-65.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined #soylent
[02:49:13] -!- boru has quit [Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by boru`!~boru@amot-95-599-534-65.dynamic.mnet-online.de))]
[02:49:14] <SoyCow8936> I guess, if those Golems really wanted to make a difference, they'd go to the hoods where the really rich Jews live and make their case there.
[02:49:15] boru` is now known as boru
[02:49:47] <SoyCow8936> But the Soros busses don't go out that way, for some mysterious reason.
[02:50:53] <SoyCow8936> Anyway, y'all have a good night. Let's hope this all turns out to be a fizzle, or hope that Antifa/BLM gets swept right off the streets by Blackwater just as Occupy did years ago.
[02:52:40] -!- SoyCow8936 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[02:56:57] <c0lo> lld, being an USB power bank, output voltage is 5V.
[03:26:45] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Five-Story Building 'Walks' to New Home in China - https://sylnt.us - gone-walkabout
[04:33:21] <lld> c0lo: the batteries inside isn't necessarily 5v
[04:33:44] <lld> I've seen some rated at 20Ah, but it is 3.7v internally
[04:34:09] <lld> do it doesn't translate to 100Wh just because the USB runs at 5v
[04:34:21] <lld> s/do it//
[04:34:21] <SedBot> <lld> doesn't translate to 100Wh just because the USB runs at 5v
[05:11:25] -!- SoyCow0448 [SoyCow0448!~4e905047@ldil-63-284-49-47.as72751.net] has joined #soylent
[05:19:07] -!- SoyCow0448 has quit []
[05:20:33] <c0lo> Mate, I've seen batteries with 100000mAh written on them. Doesn't mean I need to believe them. Howevs, when you pick a powerbank with a brand that wants to maintain their reputation, you are more likely to get it quite close with what is advertised.
[05:36:41] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Criss-Crossing Viruses Give Rise to Peculiar Hybrid Variants - https://sylnt.us - breeding-like-viruses
[06:08:13] -!- Runaway1957 [Runaway1957!~45a91227@69.169.gy.gg] has joined #soylent
[06:09:12] Runaway1957 is now known as SoyGuest62604
[06:09:25] <SoyGuest62604> Runaway1956 is one year short of a load.
[06:09:50] SoyGuest62604 is now known as Runaway1957
[06:10:50] Runaway1957 is now known as SoyGuest38174
[06:12:16] SoyGuest38174 is now known as aristarchus_
[06:13:19] <aristarchus_> Ouch, ferkin bucket, ouch@!
[06:21:05] <aristarchus_> This is the realaristarchus, a claim only made necessary by sockpuppeting Runaway, who is due for an angiocardiogram, like, tomorrow.
[06:35:20] -!- aristarchus_ has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[06:46:55] <lld> c0lo: it is 20Ah, written in small fonts "3.7v"
[06:47:34] <lld> it will not deliver anywhere close to 20Ah if tested at USB 5v
[06:48:36] <lld> so no, the manufacturers never lied, it just needs to be made clear at what voltage it is valid for
[06:55:57] <c0lo> lld, even so (haven't had time to look), it's still 111Wh. It's 11Wh more that you are allowed to carry on a plane https://www.faa.gov
[06:56:07] <systemd> ^ 03Pack Safe – Batteries, lithium
[07:27:35] <lld> you are allowed up to 2 such batteries (above 100Wh)
[07:28:04] <lld> oh now they changed it to "with approval"
[07:28:31] <lld> unlimited for anything under 100Wh
[07:47:42] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Nylon Finally Takes its Place as a Piezoelectric Textile - https://sylnt.us - man-of-the-cloth
[07:48:03] <c0lo> lld, pedantry on, regarding the "unlimited", you may be required to prove you are using them yourself and you will need to carry them in the hand-bagage (limited in weight by the airline)
[08:08:48] <FatPhil> =grabembythepussy everyone
[08:08:48] * systemd hideously connects a tray of poutine-- to everyone
[08:12:41] <lld> why of course, they would raise an eyebrow if you brought on 50 batteries
[08:15:11] <boru> =grüßgott FatPhil
[08:15:11] * systemd begrudgingly pairs the last bucket of paper chads with FatPhil
[08:29:31] <FatPhil> oooh, strangely on-topic for a bot
[08:29:47] <boru> Please elaborate.
[08:29:54] <FatPhil> paper chads
[08:29:58] <FatPhil> election day
[08:30:14] <boru> What is a paper chad?
[08:30:25] <FatPhil> an unsuccesfully punched hole
[08:30:32] <boru> There's an election in .ee?
[08:31:05] <boru> I wasn't aware that there was a name for unsuccessfully punched holes.
[08:31:08] <FatPhil> Nope, but there's a country west of here, over the other side of the big pond, that's having one.
[08:32:32] <boru> Oh, I see.
[08:32:32] <FatPhil> technically, it's a mass noun, chad is the punched out bit, but hanging chads were the thing that made Florida's results unreliable back Bush days.
[08:33:03] <FatPhil> back in the "SCOTUS says 'stop the recount'" days.
[08:33:44] <boru> I really don't understand the fascination with the US elections on this side of the Atlantic. People seem a bit obsessed.
[08:34:16] <boru> Most of the media companies are owned by the US, I guess, so that might explain it a bit.
[08:34:22] <FatPhil> However, I created a channel for election talk - #US_Election - to try to reduce the inevitable here.
[08:35:06] <boru> Probably sensible.
[08:35:08] <FatPhil> Alas it effects the economy over here in Europe, so we do have skin in the game.
[08:36:10] <boru> If only we didn't have central banks.
[08:36:27] <boru> Then it would have virtually zero impact.
[08:36:43] <FatPhil> There's also just the general train-wreck aspect to it, even if it didn't directly affect us. They are the poster child for how to fail to do democracy.
[08:37:18] <boru> On the contrary, I'd award that to several countries in Europe.
[08:37:51] <boru> cf. Nice treaty, Lisbon treaty, election of EU ministry etc.
[08:37:53] <FatPhil> I reckon the US has any EU country beaten by most meaningful metrics.
[08:38:16] <boru> Well, whatever the decision of the people, at least they follow through. I'd consider that to be democracy in action.
[08:39:20] <FatPhil> Quite the opposite - Bush and Trump were both elected by the smaller popular vote. Quite the opposite of democracy.
[08:39:46] <FatPhil> In the last 7 elections, the Pugs have only won the popular vote once.
[08:40:17] <boru> Why has the opposition conceded in these cases?
[08:40:31] <FatPhil> BEcause the US doesn't have a democracy, by design.
[08:41:08] <boru> So how can they fail at democracy if they don't have one?
[08:41:28] <FatPhil> It has so many places where rounding errors can be introduced that 0.00002% of the votes cast can beat the 99.99998% choice to the white house.
[08:41:55] <FatPhil> Because they pretend to have one. They have "elections", and things.
[08:45:57] <boru> Do you think being such a large land mass has anything to do with it?
[08:46:15] <boru> I think democracy can't work for large populations over a large area, personally.
[08:50:06] <FatPhil> Fully agree. Most countries start to fail to have a hope of keeping everyone vaguely happy once they're over 15M people. 7M seems to be quite easy to manage.
[08:50:58] <boru> I think the area has an impact, also; someone who has lived their entire life in a city has no frame of reference to adequately decide on policies for rural areas, and vice versa, for example.
[08:51:17] <FatPhil> I liked the concept of splitting the UK up into some of its ancient kingdoms, it splits into 7 * 8M people quite neatly.
[08:51:58] <FatPhil> Certainly the gegraphical/economic aspects are very important. City vs. country are polar almost everywhere.
[08:52:05] <boru> Right.
[08:52:21] <FatPhil> Very clear on the US map, and the UK one too.
[08:53:05] <FatPhil> Our friendly fluffy eastern bear neighbour has perverted that pattern here a bit, but I presume it's an almost universal bias.
[08:56:29] <c0lo> If US fails as a... scratch that... *when* US will fail as a superpower, I don't trust The Poh to have too much inhibitions.
[08:56:42] <c0lo> s/Poh/Pooh/
[08:56:42] <SedBot> <c0lo> If US fails as a... scratch that... *when* US will fail as a superpower, I don't trust The Pooh to have too much inhibitions.
[08:56:58] <boru> Who is The Pooh?
[08:57:36] <c0lo> The hyper-president of China.
[08:58:02] <c0lo> Wolf-diplomacy and whatnot.
[08:59:17] <c0lo> (I reckon the entire world has more or less skin in the game)
[09:00:21] <FatPhil> there is rather too much interdependency nowadays.
[09:01:34] <FatPhil> And whilst I agree with boru that it's financial interdependency, I'm not sure I'd lay the blame at the (theoretical concept of) central banks.
[09:02:14] <boru> Central banks are at the centre of globalism.
[09:02:51] <FatPhil> I reckon the same interdependencies would evolve without them, though.
[09:02:52] <boru> They have created the inter-dependency with absurd amounts of debt.
[09:03:09] <boru> You are entitled to your opinion, but I strongly disagree.
[09:03:19] <FatPhil> That's fractional reserve banking, nothing to do with central banking.
[09:03:21] <Ingar> capitalism violates the laws of thermodynamics
[09:03:42] <boru> The central banks practice fractional reserve banking.
[09:03:56] <Ingar> it wants profit for doing nothing, so it wants to create energy from nothing
[09:03:57] <FatPhil> Those who espose capitalism think it does, and pretend to, violate it, yes.
[09:04:47] <FatPhil> technically central banks aren't doing fractional reserve banking, as they are literally money creators, which you may consider *even worse*.
[09:05:49] <FatPhil> However, national debts have never been the thing that have crippled/destroyed economies, it's the *private* debts that have performed that task.
[09:06:08] <boru> I disagree.
[09:06:50] <boru> And factually, I don't think that's correct.
[09:07:00] <FatPhil> I'm more from the Steve Keen school of economics, I find his arguments convincing.
[09:07:18] <boru> But I have neither the time nor available to support my claim at the moment.
[09:07:23] <boru> Available effort, even.
[09:07:25] <FatPhil> Keen's looked at the data, it supports his theses.
[09:08:02] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #soylent
[09:08:24] <FatPhil> All economic models are flawed, but Keen's basically trashed everyone else's, whilst noone's trashed his yet.
[09:08:37] <boru> How far back does he analyse data?
[09:09:52] <c0lo> Fractional banking doesn't create more money than the fraction is allowed to create. On the other side, derivatives on that debt, that can be freely transactioned... and not even them are solely responsibile for the "rat race" the majority of people is forced to run.
[09:10:22] <FatPhil> We don't have much accurate data - so it's hard to analyse that which we don't have. But the best part of 200 years at least.
[09:10:43] <AzumaHazuki> when money is floating *and* fiat, it's on the bullshit standard. it's only got value when it's moving, hence the consumer economy
[09:10:48] <FatPhil> c0lo: You do realise that as of 2020, the fraction is now 0%?
[09:11:04] <AzumaHazuki> and the idiots in charge are all shockedpikachu.jpg that when people can't consume the economy shits itself
[09:11:13] <boru> Yeah, I think you'd need to go back further than that to examine the commodity market, which is the basis for much of the mess today, and how money started disappearing and and being created out of thin air.
[09:11:19] <boru> 200 years is not enough.
[09:11:58] <c0lo> FatPhil: care to provide citation for "fraction is zero'?
[09:11:59] <FatPhil> There's very little reliable data before that
[09:12:10] <FatPhil> c0lo: the news
[09:12:44] <boru> I disagree there.
[09:14:35] <c0lo> What news? Like the "private debt to GDP is 200% in Australia"? That extra comes from the fraction the private bank are allowed to lend from.
[09:14:40] <FatPhil> probably about may-ish when trump introduced his give-trillions-to-banksters emergency measures.
[09:15:20] <c0lo> That's fiat money not fractional reserve, right?
[09:15:51] <FatPhil> in a fractional reserve banking system based on fiat money, it's hard to separate the two concepts.
[09:16:15] <boru> The Bank of England was established in the late 1600s. There are plenty of records which show how they bankrolled economic ruin in other countries. He's missing out a lot of on how national debts and usury wrecked other nations there.
[09:16:20] <c0lo> In my terminology, they are distinct.
[09:16:38] <boru> So, I state again, 200 years is not enough.
[09:17:08] <FatPhil> YEs, and in my terminology food and cooking are distinct
[09:17:12] <c0lo> "Too big to fail" money and "govt bonds" money are fiat, private debt is fractional reserve.
[09:17:30] <FatPhil> c0lo: https://www.forbes.com
[09:17:32] <systemd> ^ 03The Fed Fires ‘The Big One’
[09:19:40] <FatPhil> boru: note that I did *not* say "he's ignored everything before 200 years ago". Clearly he's read the histories, but we simply don't have things like unemployment statistics before and after UK manipulation of overseas economies in early empire days. If you're doing mathematical modelling of stochastic systems, histories are not much better than simulations.
[09:19:58] <c0lo> Look, as long as there are enough products on the market to cover the extra fiat money (from the central bank, via govt), the inflation doesn't explode *and* the money get into circulation, fiat money aren't bad.
[09:20:07] <FatPhil> c0lo: look for the "THIS IS THE BOMB" bit
[09:20:27] <boru> Seems convenient to ignore historical fact of their outcomes, imho.
[09:20:56] <FatPhil> boru: but they can't be used as inputs to build a mathematical model.
[09:21:06] <FatPhil> And where did you get the "ignore" bit from.
[09:21:07] <boru> But as I said, I am a bit busy to discuss this properly, unfortunately.
[09:21:31] <FatPhil> Who said he was ignoring them? I didnt. He didn't. You're making that up.
[09:21:47] <c0lo> Hey, a bad application doesn't make the entire concept bad.
[09:21:50] <FatPhil> You'd save time if you didn't waste it making stuff up.
[09:22:20] <boru> Not including it in the model might as well be ignoring it, imho. These things in the last 200 years didn't happen in a vacuum.
[09:22:39] <boru> So, drawing a conclusion based on that is flawed, imho.
[09:22:42] <FatPhil> Noone's saying they did.
[09:22:49] <boru> i.e. that private debt caused the problems.
[09:23:29] <c0lo> I'll give you another example: Australia created fiat money to keep the non-essential workers at home. Inflation didn't grow. The govt guarantees for deposits increased. The banks in Au aren't allowed to work on no reserves.
[09:23:43] <FatPhil> The numerical models made with accurate data show an exceptionally high correlation between increase in private debt and later economic disasters.
[09:24:38] <FatPhil> And when you run simulations, when you push the private debt up, things tend to escape from bounded cycles.
[09:24:52] <boru> I think such a model is pointless if the conditions for creating that state is not considered in the model.
[09:25:10] <boru> The initial state, rather.
[09:25:12] <FatPhil> So does he. Which is why e takes that into consideration
[09:25:19] <FatPhil> What made you think otherwise?
[09:25:58] <boru> Your subscription to his theory that private debt is ultimately responsible for the current economic state of the world.
[09:26:26] <FatPhil> It's an indicator for impending troubles, that's all I said.
[09:26:27] <boru> I mean, you can take an arbitrary point in history and say that tie dye tshirts are at fault.
[09:26:31] <boru> Alright.
[09:27:17] <FatPhil> It's a contributor to positive feedback, and that increases the instability.
[09:27:57] <FatPhil> And I'm not even thinking boom-bust "instability", that's not even instability, that's just cyclical, and pretty much unavoidabe in any dynamic system.
[09:28:00] <boru> Well, that's the plan of the WEF. As they keep saying, by 2030 we won't own anything and live our entire life in debt.
[09:28:42] <FatPhil> Well, as long as noone owns anything, then there's noone to be in debt to! Hippytopia!
[09:29:00] <boru> I don't think they mean that no one will own anything.
[09:33:48] <lld> if no one owns anything, suddenly nobody has anything to lose
[09:33:52] <lld> :)
[09:34:15] <AzumaHazuki> are people still trying to make communism work? :/ that doesn't scale above 150 people or so
[09:34:34] <lld> nothing stops people from trying it
[09:34:41] <FatPhil> common sense does
[09:34:45] <lld> just from working
[09:35:12] <AzumaHazuki> human nature being what it is, communism will never work, and neither does poorly-regulated capitalism, both for the exact same reasons
[09:35:16] <boru> Heh, I think the WEF are far more insidious and sinister than that.
[09:37:13] <FatPhil> AzumaHazuki++ complete agreement there
[09:37:13] <Bender> karma - azumahazuki: 36
[09:37:54] * AzumaHazuki is trying to figure out why white supremacists, who have a permanent hard-on for the Nordic nations, don't also support their economic system...
[09:38:18] <AzumaHazuki> could it just possibly be they're dumber than a triple-decker brick hoagie and have worse tunnel vision than a presbyopic train engineer...?
[09:39:02] <lld> commonsense never stopped anything from happening
[09:40:01] <boru> Indeed. National socialism transformed Germany in four years from destitude to an economic superpower. Alas, none of that lot seem to see utility for it in their own countries.
[09:40:39] <AzumaHazuki> just one thing...the Nazis weren't socialists any more than the DPRK is a democracy
[09:40:54] <AzumaHazuki> you can call anything anything you want, but like Abe said, calling a tail a leg doesn't make it so
[09:41:27] <boru> Their policies worked, however, so you're quite right.
[09:42:12] <AzumaHazuki> given the shambles the Weimar regime left the economy in, almost anything would work. ...the price, I hope we'd agree, wasn't worth it
[09:42:33] <boru> War is never worth it.
[09:43:12] <boru> And indeed, France, England, Poland and Czechia left Germany in economic ruin after WW1.
[09:43:15] <AzumaHazuki> I don't know...there are a very limited set of circumstances under which i'd support going to war
[09:43:27] <AzumaHazuki> ...and none of them have happened since world war 2
[09:43:56] <boru> I'd go back further than that, personally.
[09:44:17] <boru> But I'm anti-interventionist. I don't think any nation has the right to declare war on another.
[09:44:18] <lld> blame the guy backing out of the international banking system
[09:44:29] <lld> he started the war
[09:44:47] <AzumaHazuki> you have a funny way of saying "it's a Jewish conspiracy"
[09:45:02] <AzumaHazuki> at least be up front about it like eth :/
[09:46:29] <AzumaHazuki> okay, time for work. IV room training begins today. a month ahead of schedule. they either really believe in me or really hate their patients :v
[09:46:36] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[09:47:01] <boru> What a strange character.
[09:48:47] <lld> woah dajews again
[09:48:54] <lld> I wonder what prompted that flex
[09:50:04] <lld> its like describing someone but no one in particular as evil and despicable, and then somebody screaming "lies" in the middle of the crowd
[09:50:05] <boru> It was referring to the cognitive dissonance.
[09:50:49] <lld> "see, this guy is an evil bastard who does all kinds of evil things" "No he didn't! You lie"
[09:50:52] <c0lo> "blame the guy backing out of the international banking system" there is no such a guy.
[09:51:24] <lld> yeah, so why the weird flex then?
[09:51:29] <boru> Gaddafi was one such guy.
[09:51:32] <lld> just say "there is no such guy"
[09:51:37] <lld> yeah gaddafi tried
[09:51:42] <c0lo> Emergent behaviour in complex systems. Don't blame the players before blaming the rues of the game.
[09:51:44] <lld> "gold only pls"
[09:51:45] <lld> he died
[09:52:01] <c0lo> s/rues/rules/
[09:52:01] <SedBot> <c0lo> Emergent behaviour in complex systems. Don't blame the players before blaming the rules of the game.
[09:52:05] <boru> Much more than that. Libya sounds very attractive under his rule.
[09:52:13] <boru> Sounded, even.
[09:52:25] <c0lo> Ghadaffi was economically stupid.
[09:53:00] <lld> pretty sure all the wealth disparity is also emergent behavior, yup, nobody manipulating it at all
[09:53:01] <boru> I don't agree, personally. He did what was right for Libya.
[09:53:04] <c0lo> Gold has no intrinsic value (other than it doesn't rust in storage)
[09:53:21] <boru> Free education, free healthcare, free car, free house, free money for newly-weds and so on.
[09:53:34] <c0lo> Local optimum in space/time not gonna last.
[09:54:05] <boru> I think that without export embargo, it would've been sustainable for quite some time.
[09:54:50] <boru> Of course, there is a lot of propaganda out there courtesy of the people trying to justify assassinating him.
[09:55:01] <c0lo> Those are good. Gold as a value was only gonna piss everybody else off.
[09:55:07] <boru> And invading Libya.
[09:56:13] <boru> It would piss off international bankers, for sure.
[09:56:19] <c0lo> I can't remember, was Lybia doing anythong else but pumping oil?
[09:56:28] <boru> But as I said, I admire that he did the best for his country.
[09:56:40] * c0lo likes anythong!
[09:57:24] <c0lo> Best for his country? Let me ask again: was Lybia economically doing anything else but pumping oil?
[09:57:33] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - New Way of Cooking Rice Removes Arsenic and Retains Mineral Nutrients, Study Shows - https://sylnt.us - boil-that-rice-speck
[09:58:52] <boru> Not that I am aware of, economically.
[09:59:46] <c0lo> And are you really honest when you say "A not diversified economy is best for the country"?
[10:00:50] <boru> I was primarily referring to social reform and the prosperity of the population after the regime prior to his leadership.
[10:02:03] <boru> I'm fairly certain there was a considerable amount of secondary industry in the nation at the time, as well, but since they had so much oil, it was the primary foundation for the economy.
[10:02:11] <c0lo> That's why I said "local spec/time optimum not gonna last". If you don't drive towards resilience in your country, no matter how much you spread money around, not gonna end well.
[10:02:28] <c0lo> s/spec/space/
[10:02:28] <SedBot> <c0lo> That's why I said "local space/time optimum not gonna last". If you don't drive towards resilience in your country, no matter how much you spread money around, not gonna end well.
[10:03:22] <boru> Well, we will never know if he would have.
[10:17:42] <c0lo> Will never know for sure. But I have my hunches that he wouldn't. Not because he didn't want it, but because he didn't know it's necessary.
[10:18:56] <FatPhil> I think he probably lucked into a zone of short-term stability, I don't think he was a great strategist with long-term plan for the benefit of the country.
[10:18:59] <c0lo> To support my assertion: he was trying tofight lower oil prices by organizing an oil cartel (parallel to OPEC?). A position of force that one.
[10:19:26] <c0lo> s/tofight/to fight/
[10:19:26] <SedBot> <c0lo> To support my assertion: he was trying to fight lower oil prices by organizing an oil cartel (parallel to OPEC?). A position of force that one.
[10:19:41] <FatPhil> Anything based on oil is not a long-term strategy, of course.
[10:20:18] <c0lo> No alternative solution to pumping oil. Same with Venezuela.
[10:20:30] <FatPhil> V had gold too
[10:21:24] <FatPhil> But any economy based on the removal of a finite resource is eventually doomed.
[10:21:58] <c0lo> Any economy based on a single leg is doomed.
[10:23:00] <FatPhil> to all intents and purposes, indeed.
[10:25:03] <boru> Libya is certainly worse off for it, now. Low and behold, it now has a central bank established after his death.
[10:26:09] <boru> That seems to happen wherever the US invade.
[10:26:39] <boru> IIRC, there are now only four or so countries left in the world without a central bank.
[10:26:47] <FatPhil> !?!? It had a central bank before his death. All it's done is change its name a few times.
[10:26:58] <boru> That was a state bank, iirc.
[10:28:46] <FatPhil> which is a central bank
[10:30:22] <boru> I'm fairly sure it wasn't foreign controlled prior to the second revolution, however, but I would need to find something to back that up.
[10:32:32] <FatPhil> If your concept of "central bank" includes "is foreign controlled", then we're talking in a different vocabulary.
[10:35:33] <boru> I would've considered it a redundancy in what I wrote.
[10:36:11] <boru> Foreign funded civil war, central bank established thereafter.
[10:36:51] <FatPhil> Erm, independence from Britain and France, central bank established thereafter.
[10:37:34] <boru> I don't think their first central bank was state controlled, actually.
[10:37:55] <boru> Or at least, it had foreign oversight.
[10:38:11] <FatPhil> Dunno about that, but it doesn't need to be to be the central bank.
[10:38:33] <boru> But the second revolution had nothing to do with Britain or France.
[10:39:21] <FatPhil> It issued the fiat, and was lender of last resort, supporting the state's monetary policy. It was a central bank, and it was founded in the 50s.
[10:39:56] <boru> And?
[10:40:21] <FatPhil> 12:25 < boru> Libya is certainly worse off for it, now. Low and behold, it now has a central bank established after his death.
[10:40:26] <FatPhil> 12:27 <+FatPhil> !?!? It had a central bank before his death. All it's done is change its name a few times.
[10:40:37] <boru> < boru> I would've considered it a redundancy in what I wrote.
[10:40:51] <FatPhil> I'd call it a falsity.
[10:40:53] <boru> Are you being deliberately obtuse?
[10:41:03] <FatPhil> "it now has a central bank established after his death"
[10:41:07] <FatPhil> is false.
[10:41:51] <FatPhil> It's the same central bank, it's just under different control - but that's because the state's under different control, and it's the state's bank, so that should be expected.
[10:42:20] <boru> Okay, if you want to be pedantic, "established" is false. What I was inferring was that it is now under foreign control.
[10:42:41] <FatPhil> If going back to the 50's and the founding of the independent country is "being obtuse" or "being pedantic", then you're not interested in facts.
[10:42:58] <FatPhil> words have meanings.
[10:43:45] <boru> I think you're being pedantic to avoid the point I was trying to make, and now you're making a big song and dance out of it for some reason.
[10:44:15] <boru> I stand corrected, as I said.
[10:44:23] <boru> What more do you want?
[10:44:40] <FatPhil> I'm not avoiding your point, I agree that there's puppetry now
[10:44:46] <boru> Thank goodness.
[10:45:34] <FatPhil> I'm just very sensitive to your use of the term "central bank" in any context, given what you've said this morning.
[10:45:39] <boru> Considering the very obvious foreign involvement in the second civil war, I intended "foreign controlled" to be implicit.
[10:48:46] <boru> Well okay, be sensitive. There's nothing I can do about that short of admitting when I infer something other than what I intended.
[10:52:02] -!- rage [rage!~2ef62e9f@rczq-36-249.vpn.ipredator.se] has joined #soylent
[10:52:14] -!- requerdanos has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[11:13:58] <FatPhil> Ahhh, Fintech is the new Dotcom... https://www.zerohedge.com
[11:13:59] <systemd> ^ 03"This Is Huge": World's Biggest IPO Trades 50% Higher In Gray Market After $3 Trillion In Retail Orders
[12:06:15] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Hello Solar Cycle 25 - https://sylnt.us - good-news-for-hams
[12:07:43] <boru> Heh, nice dept. choice.
[12:08:31] <boru> Is Blockchain™ dead already? I thought that was Fintech's golden goose.
[12:08:48] <boru> Or rather, gold egg laying goose of indeterminate metallic composition.
[12:09:38] <FatPhil> One of the "joys" of reading ZH is the occasional crypto-pumper story.
[12:10:09] <FatPhil> One wonders "do they believe their bullshit?" frequently.
[12:10:14] <boru> Indeed.
[12:10:27] <boru> I think the goal, however, is for others to believe their bullshit frequently.
[12:12:02] <FatPhil> just occasionally some of the technology does have a use (auctions/votes), but it's hilarious how they're selling tulips as both a foodstuff and a building material.
[12:12:15] <boru> It's a fun space if you're lacking diversity options for your investments. Put a few percent into that and see what happens. I sorely missed the bitcoin boom by listening to someone else's opinion when they were $100. I sure wish I hadn't listened then.
[12:13:31] <boru> But yes, indeed. There's an awful lot of solutions looking for problems out there...
[12:14:51] <boru> On an entirely unrelated note, one of life's simple pleasures is arring to the bakery just as they are taking the bread out of the oven.
[12:15:32] <FatPhil> We have a bakery just 50m from our front door, and turning right towards that street can sometimes be a joy.
[12:17:05] <boru> Convenient.
[12:18:01] <FatPhil> We're not big bread eaters, though, so all we do is walk past usually.
[12:25:48] <boru> Ah. Fair enough.
[12:26:08] <boru> I try not to eat too much of it, either, but boy are the bakeries very good here.
[12:26:34] <lld> where I live, bread is very expensive
[12:26:46] <lld> bread is bourgeois comrade :)
[12:26:53] <FatPhil> There's a strong correlation between our favourite restaurants in town and them baking their own bread on the premises.
[12:27:15] <FatPhil> lld - that's geographical though. Rice used to be very expensive and fancy here, for example.
[12:27:25] <lld> oh I see your bakeries are turning into restaurants
[12:27:29] <lld> its the same here
[12:27:47] <lld> also, only because the neighboring countries are net exporters of rice
[13:26:50] <FatPhil> I never knew Turkish Muslims were such heavy metal fans: https://zh-prod-1cc738ca-7d3b-4a72-b792-20bd8d8fa069.storage.googleapis.com
[13:28:18] <FatPhil> Even Erdogan: https://zh-prod-1cc738ca-7d3b-4a72-b792-20bd8d8fa069.storage.googleapis.com
[13:30:20] <FatPhil> n.p. And Justice For Halal
[13:51:12] <c0lo> +janrinok STEM!!! https://soylentnews.org
[13:53:35] * RandomFactor tries to reconcile 2020 with 'zone of short-term stability'
[13:57:24] * c0lo doesn't think 2020 is a relevant year in a Ghadaffi context
[13:57:29] <RandomFactor> ok, i give up. Closes i could come was the lgbt meaning of STEM "A person whose gender expression falls somewhere between a stud and a femme."
[13:58:10] <RandomFactor> Wait, you're NOT talking current US politics? Is that allowed?
[13:59:17] <c0lo> RandomFactor STEM!!! https://soylentnews.org
[13:59:18] <systemd> ^ 03SoylentNews Comments | Catching up with Things at SoylentNews -- Site Summary
[14:00:39] <c0lo> Of course discussing non US politics is frown upon. This is why the black background in IRC. You've been warned.
[14:01:33] <RandomFactor> So it's a reference to the site being a 'STEM' oriented site. Hadn't heard it put that way (more Techy/Geek) but STEM falls in line with that so it is fine.
[14:02:10] <c0lo> With what that?
[14:02:43] <RandomFactor> STEM falls in line with Techy/Geek (or vice versa)
[14:03:14] <c0lo> Ah, I tought it falls in line with "Newsom is a tyrant who has completely bypassed the state legislature and unilaterally locked down California with 57 executive orders!"
[14:03:49] <RandomFactor> Crazifornia activities could arguably be considered to fall outside the STEM area, yes :-p
[14:04:14] <c0lo> I'm confused sometime, I need janrinok to grandfather'splain it to me.
[14:04:39] <c0lo> s/sometime/sometimes/
[14:04:39] <SedBot> <c0lo> I'm confused sometimes, I need janrinok to grandfather'splain it to me.
[14:06:11] <RandomFactor> Although they generally DO fall under the alternate STEM definition I provided...
[14:07:30] <RandomFactor> So you'll probably just need him to clarify which STEM he was referring to.
[14:11:18] <c0lo> Called on him to 'splain again, haven't I?
[14:12:17] <FatPhil> STEM = South Texas / Eastern Mexico
[14:14:17] <c0lo> Yeah, but what the California tyrant has to do with East Mexico?
[14:15:50] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - NASA Objects to New Satellite Megaconstellation, Citing Risk of “Catastrophic Collison” - https://sylnt.us - size-matters
[14:21:02] <c0lo> FatPhil you got it wrong, they're UT at Austin alumni https://en.wikipedia.org
[14:21:03] <systemd> ^ 03Sign of the horns - Wikipedia ( https://en.wikipedia.org )
[14:21:59] <janrinok> just the traditional Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics - didn't realise that there were others...
[14:38:55] <FatPhil> Ah, I thought STEM was political - Stalin/Trotsky/Engels/Marx
[14:40:25] <c0lo> janrinok "California residents have been suffering under Newsom’s iron fist and draconian lockdowns since March." very sciency, tech... and all that. No, sir, even if I was able to mod that submission, we wouldn't want to put ur (iron) fist in submitter's mouth and lose the deep STEM truth in it.
[14:41:04] <c0lo> FatPhil++ that's so much closer.
[14:41:04] <Bender> karma - fatphil: 81
[14:46:41] <FatPhil> cheers mate!
[15:01:08] -!- RandomFactorAtWork [RandomFactorAtWork!~6c4a713f@629-71-065-58.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net] has joined #soylent
[15:23:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya know, it does my heart good to see kanye on the ballot in TN
[15:24:28] <FatPhil> did you see his bday present for his wife?
[15:24:41] <FatPhil> creepy, and slightly insane
[15:25:32] <aristarchus> ...
[15:25:55] <FatPhil> the 'hologram'
[15:26:00] <TheMightyBuzzard> nah, missed that.
[15:26:49] <boru> Good old Kanye. He'd have my vote.
[15:27:10] <TheMightyBuzzard> shurg, apparently she liked it. good to know they got complimenting weirdness.
[15:27:36] <TheMightyBuzzard> boru, might as well vote. i figure we'll have more votes cast than citizens this year anyway.
[15:27:43] * boru chuckles.
[15:29:35] <boru> Well, whatever happens, I hope you lads stay safe if/when SHTF in the cities.
[15:31:24] <Runaway1956> This is science we can get into
[15:31:27] <Runaway1956> https://nypost.com
[15:31:27] <systemd> ^ 03Cocktail queen sneaks drinks out of bars in her top
[15:31:43] <Runaway1956> How much booze CAN you fit into a bra?
[15:32:01] <c0lo> FatPhil fintech crash... actually, just a brake: https://www.reuters.com
[15:32:02] <systemd> ^ 03Ant Group's $37 billion listing suspended as China slams on brakes
[15:37:19] <Runaway1956> proof of foreign interference in our elections!
[15:37:22] <Runaway1956> https://sputniknews.com
[15:37:24] <systemd> ^ 03Indians in Kamala Harris' Ancestral Village Preform Special Prayers for Her Victory in US Election
[15:37:29] <Runaway1956> LOLOL
[15:38:47] <c0lo> https://www.reuters.com
[15:38:48] <systemd> ^ 03Election Day 'Trump Train' caravans may be a security concern, experts say
[15:39:39] <FatPhil> Wasn't Warren the Indian one? It's all sooooo confusing.
[15:39:48] <boru> Indian as in India, silly.
[15:40:01] <boru> According to that article, I mean.
[15:40:20] <FatPhil> just trollin'
[15:40:26] <boru> Is there a Betteridge's law for headlines which include "experts say"?
[15:41:01] <FatPhil> "Prefix 'pretend' to all such headlines"
[15:41:41] <boru> "My neighbour's jack russell thinks things will have returned to normal by the end of the fiscal year."
[15:42:02] <FatPhil> I don't understand.
[15:42:05] <boru> "He's an expert in postman detection"
[15:42:30] <boru> Sounds like you need an expert, FatPhil.
[15:42:33] <FatPhil> How can a Jack Russel throw darts at the FT pages to pick stocks? It makes no sense!!!
[15:42:42] <boru> He's an expert!
[15:43:00] <FatPhil> That's lucky, as I've got some perpendicular lines that need arranging.
[15:43:15] <c0lo> https://photos.wi.gcs.trstatic.net
[15:43:34] <c0lo> https://widerimage.reuters.com
[15:43:36] <systemd> ^ 03'Danger was coming': lone protester who defied Thai police ( https://widerimage.reuters.com )
[15:44:43] <boru> What's going on in Thailand at the moment?
[15:45:26] <FatPhil> Someone failed to pay sufficient reverence to the King. Heads rolled.
[15:45:36] <FatPhil> <-- trollin'
[15:45:54] <boru> Well, that chap has stones to do what he did, reading the article.
[15:45:57] <boru> Good for him.
[15:46:45] <boru> The photographs seem a bit photo-oppy, but regardless.
[15:47:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> https://tmb.dedyn.io
[15:47:36] <boru> I'm not loading that obscure and dodgy URL!
[15:48:04] <c0lo> It's safe, tNB posted it.
[15:48:18] <c0lo> s/tNB/TMB/
[15:48:18] <SedBot> <c0lo> It's safe, TMB posted it.
[15:48:28] <boru> I wasn't being serious.
[15:48:42] <c0lo> Neither was I.
[15:48:50] <boru> You're just saying that.
[15:48:58] <TheMightyBuzzard> i'm with you fellas
[15:53:48] * boru chuckles.
[15:57:08] <c0lo> =submit https://www.reuters.com
[15:57:10] <systemd> Submitting "McKesson says potential opioid settlement proposal raised to up to $21 billion"...( 1 modified urls; https://www.reuters.com )
[15:57:32] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03McKesson Says Potential Opioid Settlement Proposal Raised to Up to $21 Billion" (11 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[15:59:18] <c0lo> =submit STEM!!! https://www.reuters.com
[15:59:20] <systemd> Submitting "LGBT and religious rights collide in U.S. Supreme Court foster-care case"...( 1 modified urls; https://www.reuters.com )
[15:59:39] <boru> =submit https://www.mintpressnews.com
[15:59:42] <systemd> Submitting "War-Weary Yemenis See Threat in Israel's Increasingly Public Role in Their Country"...
[15:59:42] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03LGBT and Religious Rights Collide in U.S. Supreme Court Foster-care Case" (25 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[16:00:04] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03War-Weary Yemenis See Threat in Israel's Increasingly Public Role in Their Country" (22 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[16:09:09] <c0lo> =submit https://www.caradvice.com.au
[16:09:11] <systemd> Submitting "How the hell did Porsche shut down a major runway?"...
[16:09:33] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03How the Hell Did Porsche Shut Down a Major Runway?" (16 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[16:16:04] -!- arti|work [arti|work!~textual@fhv-836-375-856-960.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #soylent
[16:20:21] -!- arti|work has quit [Client Quit]
[16:25:37] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The US is One of the World's Biggest Sources of Plastic Pollution - https://sylnt.us - outsource-everything
[16:26:01] <FatPhil> ooh ooh oooh, have a meal out in a fancy restaurant tonight.
[16:26:19] <FatPhil> may as well treat ourselves to one last nice thing before the world implodes.
[16:27:26] <boru> Don't be so prone to hyperbole!
[16:34:37] <boru> What sort of food are you going out for?
[16:37:43] <FatPhil> some of this shit: http://www.soerestoran.ee
[16:37:45] <systemd> ^ 03SÖE restoran
[16:38:18] <FatPhil> we have a restaurant festival each november, and places do 3-course meals for 30e.
[16:39:19] <boru> Hmm, from the bits I understand, doesn't sound half bad. I just hope they don't serve it to you in such preposterous fashion as depicted in that image.
[16:39:23] <boru> What is that? A zen garden?
[16:39:45] <FatPhil> I forget which of their dishes are in the offer we got. something fishy, lamb, and I don;t care for desserts.
[16:39:58] <boru> Fish and lamb sounds good to me.
[16:41:56] -!- arti|work [arti|work!~textual@fhv-836-375-856-960.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #soylent
[17:43:22] <boru> TMB; was the song A Man of Constant Sorrow originally written in Tennessee or Kentucky, or is it known?
[17:43:56] <boru> It's a Kentucky song, obviously, but I am trying to discern where it was written.
[17:59:30] -!- rage has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[18:27:37] -!- SoyCow639 [SoyCow639!~40399c47@64.57.izr.pi] has joined #soylent
[18:27:47] <SoyCow639> =asub https://www.bankinfosecurity.com
[18:27:50] <systemd> Submitting "Russian Botnet Operator Sentenced to 8 Years in Prison"...
[18:28:12] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Russian Botnet Operator Sentenced to 8 Years in Prison" (14 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[18:28:12] <SoyCow639> =asub https://www.infosecurity-magazine.com
[18:28:15] <systemd> Submitting "US City Fined Over Former Employee's Data Theft"...( 1 modified urls; https://www.infosecurity-magazine.com:443 )
[18:28:37] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03US City Fined Over Former Employee's Data Theft" (19 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[18:29:15] -!- SoyCow639 has quit [Client Quit]
[18:36:21] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Pixel 5 Teardown Shows How a Metal Phone Supports Wireless Charging - https://sylnt.us - a-window-with-a-view
[18:45:58] <chromas> https://www.youtube.com
[18:46:00] <systemd> ^ 03Nautilus Live | Channel 1 Stream
[18:48:18] <chromas> https://nautiluslive.org
[18:48:19] <systemd> ^ 03Quad
[18:52:19] <FatPhil> well, starter was worth 5e, main 13e, and dessert 3e. so that was 21e worth of nosh for 30e. But I'm a tight bastard who knows where to get VFM elsewhere in town.
[19:05:03] <boru> That's a bit shite.
[19:07:24] <FatPhil> yeah, but I'm a really tight bastard who will find flaws with everything.
[19:08:21] <FatPhil> front of huse was crap, but the head chef was great. Gonna bring him a beer tomorrow as it would pair brilliantly with the main.
[19:08:59] <boru> I'd be interesting to hear what you have to say about some of my local haunts down here in that respect.
[19:09:08] <janrinok> So at least the chef will get a good deal out of it!
[19:09:24] <FatPhil> the restaurant's tied to a hotel popular with dosh-laden Finns, so the standard prices are high by my standards.
[19:09:36] <boru> Ah.
[19:09:51] <boru> I like some of the Northern Finnish food.
[19:10:01] <boru> Reindeer stew is good stuff.
[19:10:13] <FatPhil> I do need a trip to Germany, and I'm liking lager more than ever, so I like the idea of a visit.
[19:10:46] <boru> Not a whole lot of lager down here in BY, but you'll get a bit in BW.
[19:11:25] <FatPhil> Poronkaristys is great Finnish food, a favourite.
[19:11:34] <boru> But I can recommend some decent restaurants around München.
[19:11:41] <boru> Which one is that?
[19:12:01] <boru> My Finnish is practically non-existent, especially since most words have about 20 different meanings.
[19:12:03] <FatPhil> reindeer stew with mash
[19:12:32] <boru> Aha. Sounds great to me. As an Irishman, serving potatoes with a dish is always a winner.,
[19:12:34] <FatPhil> thin slices. normally comes with lingonberry jam
[19:12:46] <boru> Hmm.
[19:13:08] <boru> The stuff I ate up North there was more chunky.
[19:13:30] <boru> Not as good as venison stew I'd make, but similarly comforting.
[19:13:34] <FatPhil> proper hearty stews also exist.
[19:13:41] <boru> Aye.
[19:13:56] <FatPhil> one of finland's stengths is its fish
[19:14:21] <FatPhil> the starter was influenced by a finnish fish preparation
[19:14:28] <boru> It's alright, but I am a fish snob.
[19:14:58] <FatPhil> I don't know one end from the other!
[19:15:44] <boru> I grew up on fish from the Atlantic. Fish farms don't cut it for me, personally.
[19:15:58] <Cascade> As a snob snob, you guys aren't nearly as snobby as you think you are.
[19:16:08] <boru> But we grew up out of the rivers and off the land.
[19:16:18] <boru> Heh.
[19:16:50] <boru> To be serious, I'd say I'm only really snobby when it comes to whiskey, and recently starting to discover wines.
[19:16:59] <boru> Actually, tobacco as well.
[19:17:16] <boru> As Oscar Wilde said, forget about the necessities, just give me the luxuries.
[19:17:22] <FatPhil> craft beer has become so terrible, even I'm getting into wine now
[19:17:45] <boru> The closest I got to that was the ale scene living in Cambridge.
[19:17:58] <boru> Not half bad, but some utter shite there as well.
[19:18:08] <FatPhil> last place we lived in the UK was Cantab.
[19:18:22] <FatPhil> go back every couple of years, usually for beer.
[19:18:30] <boru> Reasonable.
[19:18:36] <boru> Not a bad town.
[19:20:56] * Cascade prefers Bottlecork
[19:21:35] <boru> What's that?
[19:22:14] <Cascade> Fake town with a name similar to Cantab
[19:22:46] <boru> Oh, I see what you did there.
[19:22:54] <Cascade> I'm just dicking around
[19:22:58] <Cascade> or cunting around I guess
[19:23:07] <boru> Feckin around, as we'd say.
[19:31:16] -!- Runaway1956 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[19:31:17] -!- Runaway1956_ [Runaway1956_!~some@67.223.okg.wi] has joined #soylent
[19:32:25] <chromas> I've never seen the nvidia driver be ahead of the linux kernel before
[19:32:39] <chromas> archlinux--
[19:32:39] <Bender> karma - archlinux: 69
[19:32:43] <chromas> nice
[19:33:36] <boru> It runs as a service now. So long as the service protocol doesn't change, Lennux should be able to run them version-agnostic from one another.
[19:34:17] <boru> Perhaps systemd-nvidiad-dbus-protocol is mismatched?
[19:34:26] <chromas> the package is putting the modules into 5.9.3 but the kernel's 5.9.2
[19:34:51] <chromas> also I don't have nouveau driver installed but X is using it anyhow
[19:35:04] <chromas> probably built into systemd
[19:35:31] <chromas> boru++
[19:35:31] <Bender> karma - boru: 44
[19:35:39] <chromas> you really don't get enough increments around here
[19:35:49] <boru> FreeBSD 12.2 now allows Linux jails, so the mascochism possibilities are endless now.
[19:36:01] <boru> You could run systemd on FreeBSD now!
[19:36:03] <chromas> Can I run systemd within a jail?
[19:36:14] <boru> I don't see why not.
[19:36:25] <chromas> that's feckin' awesome
[19:36:33] <boru> I haven't tried it, since I have very little need for Linux these days that FreeBSD's LBC doesn't provide.
[19:36:49] <boru> But conceptually, it should be possible.
[19:37:04] <chromas> What I really want to do is run my desktop within a VM, then pass the video card through, but be able to hotswap the card between VMs, perhaps using the bumblebee driver thingymagjier
[19:37:16] * boru chuckles.
[19:37:30] <boru> Why on Earth would you want to do that?
[19:37:46] <boru> PCI doesn't support hotswapping!
[19:37:49] <chromas> So I can switch between windows and linux without rebooting
[19:38:09] <chromas> or using two cards
[19:38:39] <chromas> Windows for the occasional game, so it would need a real video card
[19:39:04] <boru> ISTR reading an article recently about remote gaming.
[19:39:08] <chromas> although this new pc might be fast enough to pretend like games on wine is as good as running them on windows
[19:39:31] <boru> I mean, ISTR reading them perenially, but someone seems to be considering it seriously recently. I don't recall who.
[19:40:01] <boru> People tell me that this phonon thing, or whatever it's called, is pretty good for gaming.
[19:40:06] <chromas> I tried Steam remote gaming on the lan recently. It was alright. Looked like watching a youtube video
[19:40:08] <boru> The steam on unix thing.
[19:40:41] <chromas> oh yeah, the steam thing is a wine derivative I think
[19:40:56] <boru> What is the thing I am talking about? Phonon? Phenom? Something like that.
[19:41:39] <chromas> proton
[19:41:45] <boru> Proton, that was it. Thanks.
[19:43:26] <boru> Huh, I didn't realise the Pillars of Eternity games had a Linux native client. Neat.
[19:51:07] <chromas> Suite! Pulled the nvidia drivers off the old box and it seems to work
[20:15:44] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #soylent
[20:35:50] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Newly Discovered Earth-Like Rogue Planet Might be Smallest Free Floating World - https://sylnt.us - i-spy-with-my-gravitational-microlensing-eye...
[21:34:30] <FatPhil> n.w. /That's My Bush/ Ep.02
[22:15:45] <Runaway1956_> I don't know if you can do what you want chromas - I've not seen an option to give control of a video card to a virtual machine
[22:16:30] <Runaway1956_> only options I've seen is using 3d and 2d, to enable DirectX, and the amount of memory
[22:36:47] -!- SoyCow2500 [SoyCow2500!~49517dce@73.81.vix.yph] has joined #soylent
[22:38:08] -!- SoyCow2500 [SoyCow2500!~49517dce@73.81.vix.yph] has parted #soylent
[22:47:40] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Modified Drones Help Scientists Better Predict Volcanic Eruptions - https://sylnt.us - aerial-sniffer
[22:51:57] <AzumaHazuki> there have been an awful lot of callouts at work. i've been blazing through training at an accelerated pace but yesterday and today didn't get to train as planned because i had to cover someone
[23:20:55] <Runaway1956_> I hope everyone has a grain of salt to go with this URL
[23:21:00] <Runaway1956_> https://primepatriot.com
[23:21:38] <Runaway1956_> cool, if true, but I think it's probably BS
[23:28:26] <AzumaHazuki> neat! https://www.youtube.com
[23:28:29] <systemd> ^ 03Hydrocity Zone - Funk Big Band Version ft. Grace Kelly (The 8-Bit Big Band)
[23:28:38] <AzumaHazuki> i don't even like this style of music but this is good stuff
[23:48:01] -!- requerdanos [requerdanos!~requerdan@70.35.xrt.otm] has joined #soylent
[23:48:43] <AzumaHazuki> o/
[23:48:47] <requerdanos> So I found out this morning that the circuit breaker controlling the outlets in the Living Room (this computer, for example) is labeled "Bath 3"
[23:49:26] <requerdanos> I don't know what the electricians were smoking, but I do know that "Living Room" controls the overhead lights on the stairway and in the master bedroom closets.
[23:49:45] <AzumaHazuki> one of them took a leak behind the stairway in 1985
[23:51:01] <requerdanos> They have to have the breakers labeled to pass inspection, but apparently random labels are okay for that purpose.
[23:52:54] <requerdanos> Today has been quite the day of learning, house-wise. Today I also learned that FedEx can't find my house, having left an office desk in parts unknown (certainly not here) and marking it "delivered"
[23:53:15] <requerdanos> The post office finds the house, UPS finds the house, the pizza guy finds the house, why not fedex?
[23:55:52] <FatPhil> there are 20000 ballots stashed under that desk!
[23:56:42] <requerdanos> There's a source of happiness: Today being election day, no more of that after about 10pm eastern, 7pm pacific, 3am GMT.
[23:57:05] <requerdanos> North Carolina is an "important swing state" too. Hope no ballots are involved.