#soylent | Logs for 2020-12-17

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[00:20:27] <kyonko> https://zh-prod-1cc738ca-7d3b-4a72-b792-20bd8d8fa069.storage.googleapis.com
[00:22:22] <carny> https://lockdownsceptics.org
[00:22:24] <systemd> ^ 03Code Review of Ferguson's Model – Lockdown Sceptics
[00:22:32] <carny> i wish i would have known about this at the time
[00:22:44] <carny> it would have made for some interesting discussion
[00:23:38] <chromas> is that the one with the random output? Pretty sure we had at least a journal entry at the time
[00:24:04] <carny> yes and i clearly wasn't paying attention
[00:25:10] <chromas> You probably weren't here then
[00:33:05] <carny> Much of the code consists of formulas for which no purpose is given. John Carmack (a legendary video-game programmer) surmised that some of the code might have been automatically translated from FORTRAN some years ago.
[00:33:13] <carny> For example, on line 510 of SetupModel.cpp there is a loop over all the “places” the simulation knows about. This code appears to be trying to calculate R0 for “places”. Hotels are excluded during this pass, without explanation.
[00:33:35] <carny> we need a few more covid deaths
[00:33:55] <carny> particularly anybody involved with this murderous farce
[00:33:57] <AzumaHazuki> we need ~240,000 fewer covid deaths, but Schmuck a l'Orange and company did their thing
[00:34:58] <kyonko> my facebook newsfeed is showing a lot of real people with covid hospitalization and deaths
[00:35:25] <AzumaHazuki> psssh, crisis actors hired by the Chinese and the Democrats and the Chinese Democrats. The virus is a hoax and it'll go away after the election
[00:35:29] <AzumaHazuki> which is rigged BTW
[00:35:52] <carny> instead of all the 'cases' like motorcycle accident deaths and copd patients who had a 6 month prognosis in november 2019 we should be counting the true victims like the suicides and opiate overdoses
[00:35:53] <kyonko> whatever this is, this is never before seen and we are going into year 20 since 9-11
[00:36:01] * AzumaHazuki flinches, grabs head as a couple of resistors in the brain's sarcasm center give up the magic smoke
[00:36:48] <kyonko> dumb it down with john carmack
[00:37:02] <carny> if the truth ever makes it out to the majority of the human race the consequences will make past wars look like child's play
[00:37:06] <kyonko> from dos ibm pc game maker to data scientist
[00:37:21] <kyonko> carny: humans go extinct, the end
[00:37:39] <AzumaHazuki> and you're just sitting there heavy-breathing and squirming in your seat waiting for it to happen ain't'cha, carny?
[00:38:02] <kyonko> AzumaHazuki: is there a camera staring down your throat at work?
[00:38:23] <AzumaHazuki> i hope not. not unless someone really likes looking at oatmeal i'd think
[00:39:52] <kyonko> are you back to being svelt from a pudgy petanko?
[00:43:43] <AzumaHazuki> uh...i've been just under 130lb at 5'10" for about a year now.
[00:43:48] <AzumaHazuki> what is petanko?
[00:43:58] <kyonko> flat chested girl
[00:44:15] <kyonko> you are a head taller than me lol
[00:44:17] <AzumaHazuki> ...i've had breasts since fourth grade. not buds, actual breasts
[00:44:31] <AzumaHazuki> whatever else anyone wanted to call me, "flat-chested" isn't it
[00:46:05] <kyonko> how do you have actual breasts at 4th grade?
[00:46:18] <kyonko> were you menstruating too?
[00:46:58] <AzumaHazuki> just before 5th grade started, yes
[00:47:10] <kyonko> and your mind is.... excellent
[00:47:17] <AzumaHazuki> ...huh?
[00:47:25] <kyonko> well, you are both mind and body in balance
[00:47:33] <kyonko> according to uh.... natural selection in africa
[00:47:42] <AzumaHazuki> why do i feel like i'm being given a teeth and hooves inspection here?
[00:47:51] <kyonko> you would have certainly had children before being eaten by a lion at age 20
[00:48:03] <AzumaHazuki> did you forget your asenapine again?
[00:49:22] <kyonko> early puberty suggests a more violent world with early death
[00:49:45] <kyonko> its a trait like high blood pressure
[00:50:16] <AzumaHazuki> i had read that actually. precocious puberty being associated with a precarious early environment. that...fits
[00:50:50] <AzumaHazuki> there's some epigenetic effect or other i would suspect. over- or under-methylation of the genes coding for sex hormones
[00:51:23] <FatPhil> or nowadays, it's transmitted through the fast food.
[00:51:42] <kyonko> heh FatPhil but thats the cliif notes version
[00:51:47] <kyonko> the rBSE
[00:52:04] <kyonko> or before that the one used in the 1970;s
[00:52:08] <kyonko> DES
[00:52:35] <FatPhil> All I know is that US milk wouldn't be legal in most of Europe.
[00:52:50] <kyonko> when I was a teen I looked more european, then I changed my mental habits and now I look very asian
[00:53:13] <kyonko> europe had a different history
[00:53:22] <kyonko> now sweden is freaking out over covid
[00:53:38] <FatPhil> Ah, Zelig has identified himself.
[00:53:52] <AzumaHazuki> i am so lost right now, this conversation
[00:54:04] <kyonko> you are a hot mind and a hot body, AzumaHazuki
[00:54:09] <AzumaHazuki> ...ew. stop.
[00:54:13] <AzumaHazuki> stop right now
[00:54:14] <kyonko> like the microbiologist from big bang theory
[00:54:41] <FatPhil> AzumaHazuki: you've been kyonked out, I hope you don't have kyonkussion.
[00:55:19] <AzumaHazuki> i was wondering how long it was going to take him to go into creepy incel mode
[00:56:07] <AzumaHazuki> leaving aside, hitting on a gay girl is about as productive as serenading a statue or something -_- like, seriously?
[00:57:23] <kyonko> relax, i'm at peace with what i'm about
[00:57:29] <kyonko> just a chimp in captivity
[00:57:40] <kyonko> an hiv+ chimp
[00:57:51] <kyonko> a reservoir
[00:58:28] <FatPhil> Right, that made things way less creepy.
[00:58:36] <AzumaHazuki> no, no it did not
[00:58:42] <kyonko> FatPhil: what graduating class are you?
[00:58:50] <kyonko> class of cccp?
[01:01:55] <FatPhil> I'm adopted pure Eesti Vabariik. I just dress up as an English toff when it will work to my advantage.
[01:02:28] <kyonko> arent you guys like czechoslovakia with a big of romanian?
[01:02:32] <kyonko> bit
[01:02:42] <kyonko> like moldova is to ethnic romanians
[01:03:38] <AzumaHazuki> ...oh goodie, snowstorm for the northeast. and for once, Buffalo does NOT get all the snow and NYC does, LOL
[01:04:08] <kyonko> what an ironic year for NYC timesquare NYE
[01:04:20] <FatPhil> lots of intermixing here, retty pointlss to try and narrow it down.
[01:04:36] <kyonko> yeah thats what I thought
[01:04:44] <kyonko> an artificial country
[01:05:11] <FatPhil> all countries are if you look at a long enough period
[01:05:43] <kyonko> yes except france
[01:05:56] <kyonko> big ass france
[01:06:00] <kyonko> the nation of europe
[01:06:09] <kyonko> europe = pretty much france
[01:06:27] <AzumaHazuki> uh, no, and also that's not a thing? "nation of europe," che cazzo...
[01:06:43] <FatPhil> Invading Danes, Swedes, Poles, Russians, etc. have made a mockery of national borders around here.
[01:07:21] <kyonko> only russia is here to stay to extinction
[01:07:27] <FatPhil> Ooops, forgot the bloody germans, who did it multiple times.
[01:07:39] <kyonko> russian military experiments with augmented reality in its forces using qr codes and blind helments
[01:08:01] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Senator Tries to Block Frontier's FCC Funding, Citing ISP's Various Failures - https://sylnt.us
[01:08:14] <kyonko> never knew russians to be high high tech, just what works is good enough and lets control the air, sea and orbit
[01:08:17] <FatPhil> I reckon the Nenets will survive any nuclear winter. Not so sure about the blingoids in Sochi.
[01:08:35] <kyonko> its not just nenents, but other primitive peoples
[01:08:45] <kyonko> i forgot most of their names
[01:09:10] <kyonko> among them another AzumaHazuki will be born/re-incarnated 1000 years from now
[01:09:37] <kyonko> breats pop up in 4th grade, the queen has arrived!
[01:09:50] <FatPhil> we have a uralic festival yearly (minus this year) so often get visiting nenet musicians.
[01:10:38] <kyonko> oh yeah, I kinda get that the whole cccp had a hand in exploration
[01:11:00] <kyonko> get us that czechoslovakian female mathematician, we're going to orbit
[01:11:11] <FatPhil> exploration, exploitation, what's in a couple of letters.
[01:11:28] <AzumaHazuki> i don't plan on ever reincarnating again, kyonko
[01:11:29] <kyonko> you know the story of eating polar bear liver?
[01:11:30] <AzumaHazuki> i've had enough
[01:12:26] <kyonko> neitszche believed he would come back and live through what ever he did as another person in a nother time
[01:12:38] <kyonko> the eternal return
[01:12:43] <FatPhil> mercury, wasn't it, or at least heavy metals. didn't get purged.
[01:12:49] <kyonko> so I'm not in a hurry to die and do it all again
[01:13:10] <kyonko> FatPhil: vitamin E or D in polar bear liver will cause human skin to fall off
[01:13:24] <AzumaHazuki> ...what. No, it was hypervitaminosis A
[01:13:31] <kyonko> the dutch voyagers to nova zemlaya didn't know this or why it happened
[01:14:33] <kyonko> how many people come to your pharmacy to buy back up meds in case there is a supply chain disruption?
[01:15:40] <FatPhil> Azuma wins, maybe it was the seals that accumulated the metals.
[01:15:49] <kyonko> metals in the 1600's?
[01:16:24] <kyonko> where is the pu from fukushima now?
[01:17:27] <kyonko> i think i got a good level of lead, but i'm "healthy" per blood exams
[01:17:45] <AzumaHazuki> fukushima was a breeder? i didn't think it had plutonium in its actinide chain
[01:18:15] <kyonko> we don't know exactly what went on in fukushima, but multiple back up systems failed
[01:18:31] <kyonko> japan is still..... there
[01:19:14] <kyonko> the iranium thing, thats HEU, oralloy
[01:19:36] <FatPhil> there was Hg in the seas before industrialisation, we've just ramped it up a bit.
[01:19:37] <kyonko> you get a ball of HEU alloy you can implode it into big hot boom to ignite fusion fuel
[01:20:24] <kyonko> fukushima produced non weapons grade plutonium
[01:20:52] <kyonko> besides the coolness factor of a man made element, only HEU is 100% weapons ready at will
[01:21:38] <AzumaHazuki> i'll bet there are some of those supposedly artificial elements created in the instants after a supernova blast, just not enough to detect and they have very short half lives
[01:21:45] <kyonko> no nuclear reaction occurs in producing HEU, you refine ore uranium into it, its like almost nothing of the total
[01:22:13] <kyonko> pu like po is bad strong poison
[01:22:36] <kyonko> iran must have megatons of depleted uranium from heu production over the past 20 years
[01:23:10] <AzumaHazuki> kyonko, has it evor occurred to you that you tends to jump all over the place? like, your stream of consiousness is discontinuous?
[01:23:34] <kyonko> yes and what does that mean in the big picture early puberty model woman?
[01:23:55] * bacteria go nuclear
[01:23:58] <kyonko> somehow I still function
[01:24:19] <kyonko> i really do wonder how I will be in my 60's
[01:25:06] <AzumaHazuki> it means, and this isn't a diagnosis here, that you may have schizoaffective disorder or outright schizophrenia. i'd see a specialist
[01:25:33] <AzumaHazuki> assuming you have healthcare, because that's not a given in the US >< I don't.
[01:25:55] <FatPhil> he's close to the border...
[01:26:20] <AzumaHazuki> and in theory i can walk into Canada in 30 minutes
[01:26:24] <FatPhil> as well as close to the edge.
[01:26:26] <kyonko> I have obama care
[01:26:39] <kyonko> and I've had it for 5 years
[01:26:45] <kyonko> with all its data harvesting glory
[01:26:57] <AzumaHazuki> you may wish to schedule a psychiatrist visit and see if there's something pathological going on here
[01:27:00] <kyonko> about the same as I have been on facebook
[01:27:11] <kyonko> well I don't speak to them like I do to you
[01:27:12] <kyonko> lol
[01:27:21] <kyonko> I dumb it down, carmack style
[01:27:31] <AzumaHazuki> that's...not what i mean
[01:27:35] <FatPhil> for us?
[01:27:52] <AzumaHazuki> i mean the particular form of discourse you have, this isolated islands in the stream of consciousness style, sounds like schizophrenia
[01:28:21] <AzumaHazuki> there are bizarre connections from topic to topic, not non-sequiturs but at skewed angles to what most people would consider normal segues
[01:28:54] <kyonko> hooray, you are the first to take me on
[01:29:11] <kyonko> but somehow.... I'm functional
[01:29:13] -!- c0lo [c0lo!~9f99d30a@159.153.yqr.yr] has joined #soylent
[01:29:18] <FatPhil> that's absurd - he doesn't use any battery powered personal transportation
[01:29:41] <AzumaHazuki> it's not a personal attack. i know from working with people who have this that schizophrenics usually aren't dangerous to anyone but themsevles
[01:30:07] <FatPhil> but it is a very wide bucket
[01:30:07] <kyonko> AzumaHazuki: you may be a healthy aging hot chick lesbian, but you are still a minority of womanhood in your intellect
[01:30:24] <AzumaHazuki> i'm 32! that's hardly old!
[01:30:33] <kyonko> old for someone who got early puberty
[01:31:00] <AzumaHazuki> if my mother's side of the family is any indication there's around 2 decades to go before menopause
[01:31:08] <kyonko> wait what?
[01:31:14] <c0lo> "i'm 32! that's hardly old!" so I said some long years ago.
[01:31:27] <kyonko> 2 decades before menopause, thats mid 50's
[01:31:36] <kyonko> sarah palin level
[01:31:46] <AzumaHazuki> yeah, the women in my family live a long time. my great-grandmother was in her late 90s when she died
[01:32:02] <kyonko> cult talk
[01:32:26] <AzumaHazuki> what?
[01:32:33] <c0lo> So, half of your menstrual years gone already?
[01:32:36] <FatPhil> c0lo: welcome back - you've missed some classics...
[01:32:36] <kyonko> for some reason nature wants you to exist and.... pass on your genes
[01:32:51] <AzumaHazuki> c0lo: Goddess, i hope so
[01:32:57] <c0lo> FatPhil, I'll look at the logs then.
[01:33:02] <AzumaHazuki> periods are not fun and i don't even have bad ones
[01:33:46] <AzumaHazuki> it's one major reason i watch my diet so closely. my sister doesn't and she gets knocked flat on her backside some months. i keep telling her to cut the sugar and white flour...
[01:34:05] <c0lo> And only 12-14 years to mid-point of your life.
[01:34:24] <kyonko> isn't your sister beavis and butthead in one person?
[01:34:31] <kyonko> is she.... hot?
[01:34:44] <kyonko> or are you the hot lesbian genius?
[01:34:57] <AzumaHazuki> first of all, asking someone if they think their sibling is hot? ew, ew, ew
[01:35:14] <AzumaHazuki> i'm not from Arkansas or Tennessee
[01:35:50] <FatPhil> hands up who thinks kyonko has been on the EtOH tonight. o/
[01:37:01] <AzumaHazuki> this sounds less like booze-a-hol and more like untreated schizoaffective disorder. he's not making typos
[01:37:42] <FatPhil> we've seen similar many times before, he seems a bit different tonight.
[01:39:05] <c0lo> (last log. carny goes apocalyptic - meh. 'Zumo paraded her breasts - wait, nobody grabbed her breasts? ...)
[01:41:00] <kyonko> she was the first girl with breasts
[01:41:03] <c0lo> (kyonko admits to shapeshifting)
[01:41:50] <AzumaHazuki> there was someone else in my class even further along
[01:42:01] <kyonko> its so rare someone has jugs in 4th grade and doesn't have cushing's syndrome at 32
[01:42:21] <kyonko> yeah I know the look, child breasts :P
[01:42:31] <kyonko> it means you are a girl
[01:42:34] <AzumaHazuki> if anything i'd be more worried about Addisonian crisis given all the stress...though watching diet and making sure to sleep 7-8 hours a night seems to help
[01:42:56] <kyonko> and you are going through all this ALONE
[01:43:07] <AzumaHazuki> of course. i've spent most of my life alone
[01:43:09] <c0lo> (kyonko reveals his awareness of East Europe obscure geography knowledge)
[01:43:21] <kyonko> c0lo: I have a hard on for partisans
[01:43:33] <kyonko> my noose boner
[01:45:18] <kyonko> AzumaHazuki: it sucks the cosmos has chosen you to be a warrior nun
[01:45:19] <FatPhil> boners? is kyonko really Ramaway1969?
[01:45:45] * AzumaHazuki grabs a cube, writes "WTF" on all six faces, and pulls on the edges until it unfolds into a tesseract of wtfery
[01:46:52] <kyonko> I guess its been a wild ride having everything change in 5 year periods
[01:47:20] <kyonko> how come you never got into modelling or show biz?
[01:47:25] <Bytram> =w "Time Cube"
[01:47:26] <systemd> Time Cube was a personal web page, founded in 1997 by the self-proclaimed &quot;wisest man on earth&quot;, Otis Eugene &quot;Gene&quot; Ray. It was a self-published outlet - https://en.wikipedia.org
[01:47:26] <FatPhil> You're taking part in the unwritten 4th book of Lord of the Rings. We've just met Gollem.
[01:47:27] <c0lo> (kyonko seem to think he's a long way to his 60-ies. Or so he say)
[01:48:25] <kyonko> c0lo: i'll be there tomorrow
[01:48:53] <AzumaHazuki> kyonko, think about what you just asked. does it really seem like my personality is suited to modelling or acting?
[01:49:16] <AzumaHazuki> i took a night shift specifically because being around too many people is horribly stressful and overstimulating
[01:49:29] <kyonko> I don't even know why your personality is the way it is, perhaps you suffered a cosmological scale loss in your teens?
[01:49:44] <c0lo> Many happy returns of the day, kyonko.
[01:50:00] <AzumaHazuki> try 25+ years of having your HPA axis hotwired like some idiot stuck a penny in the fuse box
[01:50:08] <c0lo> Should I trust Zumi and ask which one of you made it to 60?
[01:50:10] <AzumaHazuki> i am amazed my adrenals haven't exploded
[01:50:22] <kyonko> so you are xena warrior nun
[01:50:48] <kyonko> celibate lesbian amazon messiah
[01:50:49] <AzumaHazuki> no. i'm a tired, frightened woman who's seen too much, suffered too much, watched too many friends die needlessly, and just wants away from all this
[01:51:22] <kyonko> oh, so pretty much the 2000's and 2010's rubbed you the wrong way
[01:51:34] <AzumaHazuki> a good chunk of the 90s too
[01:51:42] <kyonko> oh hell, you didn't get a break
[01:51:57] <AzumaHazuki> could have been worse. that's the thing, life is never so bad it can't get worse
[01:52:03] <kyonko> at least you don't have organic brain disease like me
[01:52:14] <kyonko> i met someone like you who got cured
[01:52:19] <kyonko> a woman
[01:52:27] <kyonko> ugly, short, flat
[01:52:43] <kyonko> she makes $48,000 a year
[01:52:54] <kyonko> the nightmare ended for her
[01:53:09] <AzumaHazuki> i can't judge on ugly, but short and flat definitely don't apply to me. i've been this height since age 16
[01:53:25] <kyonko> yes, and people can't help but look
[01:53:46] <kyonko> you could have tapped out and trophy wifed a scientist
[01:53:56] <kyonko> but you decided to go solo
[01:54:30] <AzumaHazuki> what part of "gay" do you not understand?
[01:54:39] <kyonko> 2021 will be the 10 year anniversary of when I chose not to ascend
[01:54:47] <kyonko> well you could have married a rich or powerful woman
[01:55:10] <AzumaHazuki> and that kind of woman would even consider me because....?
[01:55:22] <kyonko> your bod as arm candy
[01:55:49] <kyonko> what would you give to find psychological peace?
[01:56:14] <FatPhil> #MakeSNCreepyAgain
[01:56:25] <AzumaHazuki> depends on how you define psychological peace and how i'd get there. a well-aimed ice pick through the orbital gives some people "psychological peace"
[01:56:41] <kyonko> they call it ECT now
[01:56:50] <kyonko> you get general anesthesia in an OR for it
[01:57:00] * Bytram looks at the time and realizes why he's hungry; afk for a while
[01:57:26] <AzumaHazuki> ECT is used for seizure disorders and some cases of fulminating crazy. like what i'm pretty sure you have
[01:57:38] <kyonko> yeah I deserve to be euthanized
[01:58:08] <AzumaHazuki> ...ECT isn't euthanasia. it works by causing a globalized seizure that, in theory, allows neural potentials to wipe clean and reset themselves
[01:58:20] <kyonko> yes, born again
[01:58:26] <kyonko> except the childhood development part
[01:58:52] <FatPhil> euthanazing should never be voiced in the passive, IMHO.
[01:59:33] <kyonko> theres probably a split universe were AzumaHazuki is bi
[02:00:05] <kyonko> she isn't so rare, the nihilist facebook groups have many people like her, men and women, beautiful and tall models
[02:00:30] <AzumaHazuki> the many worlds hypothesis? as I understand it, it doesn't actually say there are infinite actual universes, just that there's a coherent quantm wavefunction description for all possibilities
[02:00:50] <AzumaHazuki> so there is a coherent quantum description of a universe where i'm bisexual, but that doesn't appear to be the actual case
[02:01:02] <kyonko> why aren't you bisexual?
[02:01:08] <AzumaHazuki> who knows?
[02:01:08] <kyonko> i'm quite gay on the kinsey scale
[02:01:29] <kyonko> I might adopt a young lad in my 60's
[02:01:37] <AzumaHazuki> okay moving on
[02:01:40] <kyonko> ha
[02:01:41] * AzumaHazuki /clear
[02:02:31] <FatPhil> it's also just an 'interpretation', not a law or a rule, and it's only got minority support. Metaphysics rather than physics.
[02:02:38] <kyonko> clear is the goal of scientology
[02:02:49] <kyonko> its like nirvana
[02:03:25] <Bytram> AzumaHazuki++
[02:03:25] <Bender> karma - azumahazuki: 51
[02:03:42] <Bytram> AzumaHazuki++
[02:03:42] <Bender> karma - azumahazuki: 52
[02:03:50] <FatPhil> wot, did I miss a sheepshagging joke?
[02:03:59] <FatPhil> must have dozed off
[02:04:30] <AzumaHazuki> where there's a wool, there's a way :v
[02:04:34] <kyonko> FatPhil: in the 2000's canadian comedian tom green who also survived testicular cancer (one nut) recorded a video of him, his friend and a sheep on a motel bed
[02:05:04] <Bytram> Sounds like the buildup to a baaaaaad joke
[02:05:04] <FatPhil> AzumaHazuki++
[02:05:04] <Bender> karma - azumahazuki: 53
[02:05:08] <kyonko> glen humplink was wearing tighty whiteys, but he was grinding on a sheep's rear
[02:05:08] <c0lo> Yeah, well, 2020 started to slide into boring. Hindsight, there was a need for a creepy dose.
[02:05:34] <Runaway1956_> https://www.foxnews.com
[02:05:35] <systemd> ^ 03Democratic governor encourages people to stay home, get caught out at wine bar
[02:05:35] <Bytram> break time -- food!
[02:05:35] <kyonko> and yes, tom green put his cancer surgery on tv
[02:06:03] <kyonko> i think he porked drew barrymore
[02:06:07] <kyonko> or was it cameron diaz
[02:06:12] <kyonko> or is all of this mandella effect
[02:06:16] <FatPhil> #boner Runaway1956_
[02:06:33] <kyonko> AzumaHazuki: we get it, you have PPE for your puppies
[02:07:04] <kyonko> so far I have no contracted covid19 or bacterial pneumonia.... so far
[02:07:05] <AzumaHazuki> i don't have any pets yet. and when things stabilize enough for that it'll be a cat. i like a pet with some self-respect
[02:07:10] <kyonko> other years, yes
[02:07:13] <Runaway1956_> 'druther be an asshole than a 'zumi
[02:07:16] <kyonko> every single year, bacterial pneumonia
[02:07:25] * c0lo tries to refresh his memory in re #boner Runaway1956_
[02:07:38] <Runaway1956_> fatphil likes my boner
[02:07:51] <kyonko> AzumaHazuki: would you give up your height and your puppies and your face to have psychological well being?
[02:07:56] <kyonko> you are still gay
[02:08:05] <Runaway1956_> he has been buying those penis enhancement gimmicky things trying to grow a boner like mine
[02:08:27] <kyonko> you probably didn't look bad at all fat
[02:09:39] <AzumaHazuki> psychological well-being will come fairly soon, once i get somewhere sane. are you familiar with Maszlow's hierarchy of needs?
[02:09:50] <kyonko> yeah and I should be euthanized
[02:10:00] <c0lo> FatPhil said your hard hard hard denial is in some relation to you boner for pugs, Runaway.
[02:10:01] <Runaway1956_> I think all the uptight crowd are shopping online here this year https://mashable.com
[02:10:01] <systemd> ^ 0310 calming gifts for people with 2020 anxiety
[02:10:14] <kyonko> I've seen lots of old ladies with great tits
[02:10:21] <kyonko> interesting how they don't wrinkle
[02:10:22] <c0lo> Found nothing to say he likes your boner
[02:10:57] <FatPhil> quite the opposite - search for disgust.
[02:11:18] <kyonko> you can use a dildo
[02:11:33] <c0lo> kyonko, why would a bird wrinkle?
[02:11:37] <AzumaHazuki> runaway's gun collection *is* his dildo
[02:11:42] <c0lo> =w Great tit
[02:11:43] <systemd> The great tit (Parus major) is a passerine bird in the tit family Paridae. It is a widespread and common species throughout Europe, the Middle East, Central - https://en.wikipedia.org
[02:11:51] <kyonko> puppies
[02:11:59] <kyonko> =w puppie slang
[02:12:00] <systemd> Mexican shaved ice drink Shave ice - Hawaii shaved ice dessert Slurpee, Slush Puppie - shaved ice drinks Sno-ball - New Orleans shaved ice dessert flavored with - https://en.wikipedia.org(food)
[02:13:29] <c0lo> =g define disgust
[02:13:30] <systemd> https://www.merriam-webster.com - Disgust | Definition of Disgust by Merriam-Webster
[02:13:36] <Bytram> =w gelato
[02:13:37] <systemd> Gelato (Italian pronunciation: [dʒeˈlaːto]) is a popular frozen dessert of Italian origin. It is generally made with a base of 3.25% milk and sugar. It - https://en.wikipedia.org
[02:13:44] <Runaway1956_> https://www.upi.com
[02:13:45] <systemd> ^ 03FDA says pharmacists can draw extra doses from Pfizer vaccine vials
[02:13:46] <c0lo> ^wish granted, FatPhil
[02:13:58] <kyonko> they can draw extra doses?
[02:14:09] <kyonko> when I was in school in the 90's they vaxxed us in the halls
[02:14:14] <Runaway1956_> If they allow the vials to sit in an incubator, they can draw indefinite doses
[02:14:16] <FatPhil> are you searching in all the right places?
[02:14:44] <kyonko> Runaway1956_: something like that, viruses can't replicate in the dead though
[02:14:55] <c0lo> Nope. I avoid 2gurls1cup and the like, FatPhil
[02:15:05] <kyonko> bacteria are the ones that go nuts and explode with food and water and air
[02:15:27] <kyonko> anyone see that will smith science documentary, "one strange rock"?
[02:15:32] <Runaway1956_> they need the proper incubator, like some old woman in a nursing home
[02:15:48] * Bytram decides to take a break from this reality break discussion
[02:15:59] <c0lo> Missing that, they could use Runaway.
[02:16:02] <kyonko> I remember one time I was on the countdown toward bacterial pneumonia and I was seeing an episode of the 90's "3rd rock from the sun"
[02:16:32] <kyonko> I feel a dry patch in my left bronchial trunk
[02:17:23] <Runaway1956_> #boner fatphil
[02:17:35] <Runaway1956_> https://www.thedrive.com
[02:17:35] <systemd> ^ 03Dutch Marines Prepare For Arctic Warfare With New Machine Gun-Armed Sleds
[02:17:53] <FatPhil> =boner Runaway1956_
[02:17:53] <systemd> Runaway1956_ put your boner away
[02:18:09] <kyonko> what good are those machine gun sleds against kamikaze incinderiary quadrotor drones
[02:18:56] <FatPhil> I really should just set up a macro to autorespond to all Rubaway's URLs
[02:19:10] <kyonko> Runaway1956 is as old as my mom
[02:19:22] <kyonko> my mom doesn't look or act old..... but "catholic"
[02:19:57] <kyonko> Runaway1956 enjoyed life before the incel global phenomenon
[02:20:07] <kyonko> literally, john carmack
[02:20:16] <Runaway1956_> =submit https://www.educationviews.org
[02:20:27] <kyonko> old man at 90 still programming in MACHINE LANGUAGE
[02:20:29] <c0lo> Don't rub him, FatPhil, he's overexcitable.
[02:20:39] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03TEXAS A&M INVESTIGATING LARGE SCALE CHEATING CASE -- ONLINE CLASSES" (32 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[02:21:11] <kyonko> man, fedora 33 is tough as nails on an i7 cpu
[02:21:16] <FatPhil> he rubs himself enough already, I'm happy to socially distance at state levels.
[02:21:24] <c0lo> Serves them well, there's a limited number of controversies that make sense.
[02:21:56] <FatPhil> is it green to recycle them?
[02:22:14] <kyonko> fedora 33 is supposed to have early OOM, but I haven't triggered it yet, BSD always says "too many open files"
[02:24:25] <kyonko> its really speedy, if this could boot to ramdisk from a shitty foodmart usb, it would be perfect
[02:24:33] <c0lo> Recycling them seem to produce controversial resuts.
[02:25:33] <kyonko> I'm always OOM on my android devices
[02:26:20] * bacteria invade a freshly opened bottle of 4côtes du rhône
[02:26:51] <kyonko> is that like star bucks?
[02:27:05] <kyonko> bacteria, whats the air quality like for colonization?
[02:27:15] <AzumaHazuki> "Side/Bank of the Rhone River" it looks like. probably booze
[02:27:26] <FatPhil> wine
[02:27:51] <kyonko> bacteria: how did you go from a moist patch on a hard surface into a "dry" bacteria lifted up by convection?
[02:28:14] <kyonko> bacteria are supposedly dry when they are airborne
[02:28:25] <kyonko> like probiotics, all spore formers
[02:28:32] <kyonko> they change the smell of my farts
[02:28:55] <bacteria> we wouldn't know, we are anaerobic
[02:29:08] <kyonko> even anaerobes lift off
[02:29:25] <kyonko> like, why did they make covid19 to be a biological attack of botulism?
[02:29:42] <kyonko> you don't doubt the tetanus shot right?
[02:30:17] <bacteria> i am a patogen, not a doctor
[02:30:27] <kyonko> you kill all
[02:30:37] <kyonko> but then again, wouldn't you go extinct if you really did?
[02:30:42] <kyonko> you just kill most
[02:30:50] <kyonko> and among the most could be the messiah of mankind
[02:31:03] <bacteria> not if i have other means of collecting energy
[02:31:16] <Runaway1956_> =submit https://www.upi.com
[02:31:17] <systemd> Submitting "China returns moon samples from Chang'e 5 spacecraft"...
[02:31:39] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03China Returns Moon Samples From Chang'e 5 Spacecraft" (1 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[02:32:43] <bacteria> vin++
[02:32:43] <Bender> karma - vin: 1
[02:32:50] <kyonko> god my bronchi feels like shit again, like when I breathed in mold
[02:33:02] <FatPhil> returns the moon samples to the moon?
[02:33:03] <kyonko> bacteria: you are literally a waterbear
[02:34:36] <FatPhil> OK, finally a wave of tiredness has appeared. I shall retire.
[02:34:55] <FatPhil> ~gnight all
[02:35:32] <bacteria> 11o/
[02:36:04] <kyonko> bacteria: do you have a tennis racket appearnce?
[02:36:38] <kyonko> that long earthworm looking thing = ebola
[02:36:48] <bacteria> yeah, my flagellum is all over the place
[02:36:59] <kyonko> yes going into the fallopia tubes
[02:37:34] <kyonko> I kinda got bored of microbiology when the electricity got involved
[02:37:51] <c0lo> S/N front page misbehaves, Bytram.
[02:38:00] <kyonko> c0lo: its clownflare
[02:38:51] <c0lo> Alert level: orange clownflare!
[02:39:13] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[02:39:18] <kyonko> its always orange
[02:39:57] <c0lo> Thanks for making my point, kyonko
[02:40:16] <kyonko> bestgore was on clownflare
[02:40:28] <kyonko> now I have to pay bitcoin for documentingreality
[02:41:14] <c0lo> Try algore as a substitute.
[02:41:55] <kyonko> goretex
[02:42:06] <Runaway1956_> =submit https://www.nytimes.com
[02:42:08] <systemd> Submitting "As China Tracked Muslims, Alibaba Showed Customers How They Could, Too"...
[02:42:18] <kyonko> track my religion
[02:42:30] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03As China Tracked Muslims, Alibaba Showed Customers How They Could, Too" (33 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[02:44:25] <kyonko> incels.co is down
[02:44:38] <kyonko> bullshido.net forum archives back up
[03:25:32] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - SpaceX Won “Rural” FCC Funding in Surprising Places, Like Major Airports - https://sylnt.us
[03:40:58] * TheMightyBuzzard yawns
[03:40:58] * MrPlow flips a Skittle into TheMightyBuzzard's gaping mouth
[03:41:39] <carny> is this supposed to be a popular video game? https://i.redd.it
[03:41:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> c0lo, sn rendering bad or do i have to read the whole backscroll to find the joke?
[03:42:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> carny, beats me. there are a bunch of OSS games that look like that though.
[03:43:01] <c0lo> Was about 20 mins or so every comment post showed a redirect page on which you needed to click on the link to get back
[03:43:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> huh. frontend bounce time i guess
[03:44:10] <TheMightyBuzzard> should be sorted if it was still having issues.
[03:44:12] <c0lo> And when you did, you've got a page with all page elements missing except for the story and comment threads
[03:45:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> nod nod. hard to trace that down. never happens on dev, only on prod, which we don't want to leave broken long enough to troubleshoot.
[03:45:32] <kyonko> soylentnews can't be that complicated can it?
[03:45:38] * TheMightyBuzzard blinks
[03:46:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> not at all. feel free to dive in and fix lots of stuff.
[03:46:13] <c0lo> khallow even got trcked in replying twice - you can figure the time from here: https://soylentnews.org
[03:46:15] <systemd> ^ 03SoylentNews Comments | GOP is crumbling
[03:46:29] <kyonko> c0lo: so pretty much facebook shit
[03:47:21] <c0lo> I wouldn't know, I only shit but don't facebook, kyonko
[03:47:35] <kyonko> i've facebook for as long as i obama care
[03:47:44] <kyonko> i was aging out
[03:47:49] <kyonko> currently 35
[03:48:40] <TheMightyBuzzard> anyway, just wanted to see if all was well before i headed to bed. you're on dropbear repulsion duty for the channel, c0lo.
[03:50:16] * c0lo reassures TMB he'll do nothing about dropbears, so TMB can sleep well
[03:52:01] <kyonko> lol azuma still is dropping her dense tits all over SN with her femtocell sorcery
[05:10:34] <Runaway1956_> https://www.youtube.com
[05:10:36] <systemd> ^ 03Hitler phones Biden
[05:22:53] <pinchy> when in doubt anagram about
[05:26:08] -!- Runaway1956__ [Runaway1956__!~some@67.223.okg.wi] has joined #soylent
[05:26:42] Runaway1956__ is now known as Runaway1956
[05:27:05] -!- Runaway1956_ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[06:11:46] <c0lo> throw-him-out https://edition.cnn.com
[06:11:50] <systemd> ^ 03Mar-a-Lago neighbors want Trump to go elsewhere after he leaves the White House
[06:16:01] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - GTK 4.0 Toolkit Officially Released - https://sylnt.us
[06:36:53] <c0lo> https://apnews.com
[06:36:53] <systemd> ^ 03States grapple with next steps on evictions as crisis grows
[06:45:31] <c0lo> https://twitter.com
[06:51:44] <c0lo> =submit https://www.prevention.com
[06:51:47] <systemd> Submitting "Does COVID-19 Cause Erectile Dysfunction? Doctors Explain the Link"...
[06:52:08] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Does COVID-19 Cause Erectile Dysfunction? Doctors Explain the Link" (20 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[08:36:22] <c0lo> =submit POLITICS https://www.politico.com
[08:36:24] <systemd> Submitting "‘We want them infected’: Trump appointee demanded ‘herd immunity’ strategy, emails reveal"...
[08:36:45] <systemd> ✓* Sub-ccess! "03‘We Want Them Infected’: Trump Appointee Demanded ‘Herd Immunity’ Strategy, Emails Reveal" (1 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[08:56:01] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Revealed: China Suspected of Spying on Americans Via Caribbean Phone Networks - https://sylnt.us - hey-we're-in-the-Caribbean!
[09:33:47] <c0lo> =submit https://www.reuters.com
[09:33:49] <systemd> Submitting "Wearing someone else's face: Hyper-realistic masks to go on sale in Japan"...( 1 modified urls; https://www.reuters.com )
[09:34:11] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Wearing Someone Else's Face: Hyper-realistic Masks to Go on Sale in Japan" (12 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[09:52:57] -!- c0lo has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[11:37:08] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - 80-Core Ampere Altra Server CPU Competes Well Against Xeon and Epyc - https://sylnt.us - competition-is-good
[12:01:11] -!- c0lo [c0lo!~7892de8c@zqs-646-162-243-166.static.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #soylent
[12:46:55] -!- c0lo has quit []
[12:51:41] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #soylent
[12:52:12] -!- MediocreSavant [MediocreSavant!~6c31629b@lsdb-000-39-57-819.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #soylent
[13:00:05] <AzumaHazuki> caffeine at 4 am both is and is not your friend
[13:17:50] <Bytram> AzumaHazuki: So... quantum coffee?
[13:18:05] <AzumaHazuki> oh no, it's real all right
[13:18:42] <Bytram> so the numbers have no imaginary part? sqrt(-1)
[13:18:49] <AzumaHazuki> no one's outright saying this, but i know we're understaffed in there. i'm staying on top of it all and making sure the ICUs are all stocked on the essentials too
[13:19:06] <Bytram> AzumaHazuki++
[13:19:06] <Bender> karma - azumahazuki: 54
[13:19:14] <Bytram> and ++ for the patients, too!
[13:19:27] <AzumaHazuki> found a way to check the contents of any Pyxis cabinet in the whole hospital in seconds, so i keep tabs on the ICUs' propofol, norepinephrine, and powder antibiotic stores
[13:20:05] <Bytram> powder antibiotics?
[13:20:18] <AzumaHazuki> ceftriaxone powder in vials and things like that
[13:20:43] <Bytram> For reconstitution w/ water or direct apply to a would? or...?
[13:20:52] <AzumaHazuki> reconstitution, yes
[13:20:53] <Bytram> *wound
[13:21:01] <Bytram> kths
[13:21:26] <AzumaHazuki> i've set a soft deadline of 2 AM (midnight - 0200) to get the entire hospital's rounds done and have been meeting it even with how nuts things are
[13:22:13] <Bytram> if it were not for IV vancomycin I'd prolly have died a few year ago, from a simple flesh wound that got infected
[13:22:19] <Bytram> AzumaHazuki++
[13:22:19] <Bender> karma - azumahazuki: 55
[13:22:30] <Bytram> =yt I can't drive 55
[13:22:31] <systemd> https://youtube.com - Sammy Hagar - I Can't Drive 55 (Official Video) (04:42; 9,305,868 views; 👍73,091 👎2,627)
[13:22:38] <AzumaHazuki> we go through so much vanc holy crap
[13:22:51] <AzumaHazuki> and almost 2 gallons of propofol a night by my reckoning @_@
[13:23:11] <Bytram> that vanc molecule O_O
[13:23:15] <Bytram> huge!
[13:23:27] <Bytram> yowza
[13:24:05] <Bytram> looks like my typing is a struggle today, so I'm going to have to pace myself. :/
[13:25:18] <AzumaHazuki> vanc is one of those naturally-derived ones. it looks a lot like a macrolide, which is why it has the -mycin suffix
[13:25:52] <Bytram> when I was on it, I looked it up:
[13:26:00] <Bytram> =w vancomycin
[13:26:00] <systemd> Vancomycin is an antibiotic medication used to treat a number of bacterial infections. It is recommended intravenously as a treatment for complicated skin - https://en.wikipedia.org
[13:26:20] <Bytram> hmmm
[13:26:28] <Bytram> =w unisol
[13:26:29] <systemd> Unisol can refer to: Universal Soldier (1992 film), a 1992 action movie Universal Soldier (cyborg), the cyborgs in Universal Soldier Unisol (game), a - https://en.wikipedia.org
[13:26:42] <Bytram> =w unisol antibiotic
[13:26:43] <systemd> [0 results]
[13:26:56] <Bytram> =w unisom antibiotic
[13:26:57] <systemd> (Triamcinolone), for allergic rhinitis. Novaldol (Paracetamol), for pain and fever. Unisom (Doxylamine), for night-time allergy and cold relief. Xyzal (Levocetirizine) - https://en.wikipedia.org
[13:27:07] <Bytram> nope
[13:27:43] <Bytram> AzumaHazuki: ^^^ can you please help me out? can't remember the other IV they put me on with the vanc
[13:28:07] <Bytram> it was uni...something
[13:28:13] <AzumaHazuki> could be a lot of things but i'm guessing Unasyn, known to its friends as piperacillin + tazobactam
[13:28:28] <Bytram> that sounds rigjt...
[13:28:42] <Bytram> =w unasyn
[13:28:43] <systemd> developed in 1987 and marketed in the United States under the brand name Unasyn, generic only outside the United States, is an intravenous antibiotic. The - https://en.wikipedia.org
[13:28:43] <requerdanos> "complicated skin" is not a real condition btw.
[13:28:57] <AzumaHazuki> i've seen people get that exact combination in there
[13:29:16] <AzumaHazuki> oh, zosyn is the pip/tazo mix. unasyn is ampicillin/sulbactam
[13:29:37] <AzumaHazuki> similar idea (beta-lactamase inhibitor + *cillin antibiotic) though
[13:29:45] <Bytram> I think that was short fr "complicate skin infections"
[13:29:52] <requerdanos> probably so.
[13:30:17] * AzumaHazuki dreads the day when these things stop working, even with the BLI additives
[13:30:37] <Bytram> nope, not that one
[13:31:16] <Bytram> definitely started with "Un" and then a vowel. two syllables
[13:31:56] <requerdanos> the un plus vowel is two syllables right there...
[13:32:25] <Bytram> #smake Bytram
[13:32:25] * MrPlow smakes Bytram upside the head with a regex
[13:32:39] <Bytram> make that *THREE* syllables
[13:32:43] <Bytram> coffee++
[13:32:43] <Bender> karma - coffee: 5423
[13:33:11] <AzumaHazuki> hm...Unasyn is the only one i know of that fits that mold
[13:34:31] <requerdanos> if you had a paper PDR you could turn to the "un" page
[13:34:37] <Bytram> IIRC, it was a generic
[13:34:54] <Bytram> but I could be confusing it with the vanc
[13:38:33] <AzumaHazuki> we lost a few covid patients apparently. i don't know how the ICU nurses keep it together
[13:38:36] <Bytram> hmm, was long enough ago it's hard to remember. guess that must have been it. They've prolly updated the Wikipedia page a few times since I saw it, back then
[13:39:04] * Bytram neither
[13:39:52] <Bytram> whelp, time for me to actually do some stuff
[13:39:54] <AzumaHazuki> pharmacy is the easy end of this. all i have to do is keep them stocked on milk of amnesia and make sure the dialysis fluids (which come in 5L bags, in doses of 3-6 bags) get there on time
[13:40:38] <Bytram> nice chatting with ya -- have a great day! wait
[13:40:44] <Bytram> "milk of amnesia"??
[13:40:48] <Bytram> lol!
[13:41:02] <AzumaHazuki> propofol, 'cause it's a white lipid emulsion
[13:41:17] <AzumaHazuki> and comes in 100ml bottles with heavy steel caps that look like oldtimey milk bottles
[13:41:23] <Bytram> humor++
[13:41:23] <Bender> karma - humor: 0
[13:41:40] <requerdanos> virteoushumour++ also
[13:41:40] <Bender> karma - virteoushumour: 1
[13:42:41] <Bytram> we're getting a good-sized snow storm today and I'll be needing to head out in a couple hours, so time for me to get going for realz
[13:42:43] <Bytram> laters!
[13:42:48] <requerdanos> peace.
[13:46:43] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Google Reportedly Could be Hit With Second Antitrust Lawsuit This Week - https://sylnt.us
[13:50:16] -!- MediocreSavant has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[14:51:09] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[15:55:46] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Qualcomm Promises Three Years of Android Updates for its Entire SoC Lineup - https://sylnt.us - supply-stream-issues
[16:11:28] <FatPhil> Were PPP loan applications organised and managed state-by-state, or federally?
[16:13:32] <FatPhil> And was the quality of the loan ever taking into consideration - did loans not get made to businesses if it was considered they'd likely default?
[16:14:03] <FatPhil> There are several different ways to interpret https://www.bellingcat.com depending on how you read the data.
[16:14:04] <systemd> ^ 03What Restaurants and Maps Can Tell us About Billions of Dollars of Covid-19 Relief Funds - bellingcat
[17:50:33] <chromas> Well neat. Now that I figured out I can rely on locking my session to generate a log in systemd, it doesn't anymore
[18:00:40] -!- Subsentient has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[18:03:11] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@pptdbxlc9.us] has joined #soylent
[18:07:21] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Evidence of a Lunar Calendar on the Antikythera Mechanism - https://sylnt.us - horologically-speaking
[18:19:10] <chromas> $burrito Subsentient
[18:38:25] <requerdanos> systemd is widely used, feature-rich, and free software. But somehow I still have a lurking suspicion that it's "not your friend"
[19:45:40] <chromas> When will we discover a link between systemd and the Chinese government?
[19:49:49] <requerdanos> mmm, deepin gnu/linux uses systemd by default, there's a link right there
[19:50:35] <chromas> the plot deepins
[20:37:20] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Raspberry Pi: We're Making it Easier to Build Our Devices into Your Hardware - https://sylnt.us - homemade-pi
[21:39:15] <carny> https://twitter.com
[21:39:55] <carny> the us naval institute is a trumpist propaganda shill right?
[21:45:42] <carny> about a year ago there were no carriers off the american coasts
[21:50:44] <chromas> https://twitter.com
[21:51:02] <chromas> Surprisingly, Twitter doesn't even embed its own standard meta tags in its own website
[21:51:24] <chromas> and of course, no title tag
[21:54:13] <Runaway1956> Face masks are for lizard people
[21:54:17] <Runaway1956> https://nypost.com
[21:54:18] <systemd> ^ 03Law-abiding lizard goes shopping in a face mask
[21:55:47] <kyonko> web 2.0 pure garbage
[21:57:08] <kyonko> fedora 33 is openrc
[21:57:33] <kyonko> ghostbsd is openrc
[21:57:48] <kyonko> pure freebsd thinks its on a vt100
[22:21:38] <Runaway1956> There is no spoon , errr, I mean vaccine
[22:21:44] <Runaway1956> https://www.rt.com
[22:21:46] <systemd> ^ 03Texas hospital botches vaccine PR stunt as nurse jabbed with EMPTY SYRINGE, but liberals say pointing it out is ‘anti-vax’
[22:23:20] -!- Subsentient has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[22:29:59] <Runaway1956> =submit https://www.livescience.com
[22:30:00] <systemd> Submitting "Ötzi the Iceman may have scaled ice-free Alps"...
[22:30:22] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Ötzi the Iceman May Have Scaled Ice-free Alps" (21 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[23:13:12] * bacteria evolve
[23:17:20] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Third Party Browser Extensions for Instagram, Facebook, Vimeo and Others Infected with Malware - https://sylnt.us
[23:53:29] <kyonko> looks like covid19 has evolved
[23:53:31] <kyonko> "2nd wave"
[23:53:45] <kyonko> preced by 2nd wave of toilet paper outage before thxgving
[23:53:58] <kyonko> looks funny
[23:54:00] <kyonko> is funny
[23:54:28] <kyonko> i'll never forget the 28 days later "this is ebola shtick" back on 3-11
[23:56:49] <kyonko> "they" said not to travel in thxgiving, "they" said not to transport ready to eat food
[23:56:51] <kyonko> "they"
[23:56:53] <kyonko> "them"
[23:56:58] <kyonko> "xe"
[23:57:07] <kyonko> xe, blackwater with air support