#soylent | Logs for 2021-01-04

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[00:01:33] -!- isocelated has quit [Quit: isocelated]
[00:41:11] * soybull mounts the remaining soycows
[01:00:29] -!- SoyCow1082 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[01:21:21] <FatPhil> so, Runaway1956_, you literally have a sockpuppet account so you can draw attention to your dick?
[01:21:31] <FatPhil> you have problems
[01:21:53] <chromas> wasn't aware FatPhil was a Runaway1956_ sock
[01:22:37] <FatPhil> I'm just the sunlight trying to act as a disinfectant
[01:23:51] <chromas> touching other men with your photons
[01:24:02] <Runaway1956_> FatPhil doesn't need an excuse to look at dicks.
[01:26:19] <FatPhil> I shouldn't need to havemto go out of my way to avoid them, no matter how small they are.
[01:29:20] <chromas> smol pener jokes
[01:29:38] <chromas> soylent bringing you the highest quality rejoinders
[01:29:49] <requerdanos> and those above, also
[01:35:55] <Runaway1956_> My, my, my - didn't realize FatPhil was so sensitive. My, my, my, my.
[01:36:23] <Runaway1956_> Uncle Remus gon be kinder and gentler with Brer FatPhil from now on.
[01:46:40] <FatPhil> grow up, you're acting like ten-year-old
[01:47:28] <Runaway1956_> That could be - but then, we have #boner
[01:47:58] <Runaway1956_> Now, THAT is mature beyond measure, is it not?
[01:55:24] <kyonko> ussa
[01:55:38] <kyonko> we're #2
[02:05:22] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Composite Fuselages: How They Changed the Airline Industry - https://sylnt.us
[02:53:40] * TheMightyBuzzard yawns
[02:53:40] * MrPlow flips a Skittle into TheMightyBuzzard's gaping mouth
[02:54:33] <TheMightyBuzzard> anyone break anything today?
[02:55:42] <chromas> I think Runaway1956_ broke FatPhil's spirit
[02:56:05] <kyonko> FatPhil 's soviet citizen is coming out
[02:59:01] <TheMightyBuzzard> FatPhil, wait, overpaid wankers? what's the going rate? sure sounds better than coding, even for industry.
[03:39:02] <c0lo> TMB, cum on man! Forget it, you can't do it at professional levels
[04:34:43] -!- sockpuppet_1337 [sockpuppet_1337!~name_take@154.21.nk.jjv] has joined #soylent
[04:35:23] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Tunguska the Ternary Computer Emulator - https://sylnt.us
[04:35:35] <sockpuppet_1337> how many newfags in here?
[04:36:02] <sockpuppet_1337> All oldfags then?
[04:36:36] <sockpuppet_1337> fags all got your mouths full?
[04:38:20] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #soylent
[04:46:43] <c0lo> =submit https://www.prnewswire.com
[04:46:47] <systemd> Submitting "Mendix 2020 Software Developer Drought Index Reveals Unexpected Hiring Hotspots and a Changing US Map of Tech Talent Scarcity and Needs"...
[04:47:09] <systemd> ✓* Sub-ccess! "08Mendix 2020 Software Developer Drought Index Reveals Unexpected Hiring Hotspots and a Changing US Ma" (20 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[04:47:28] <c0lo> ^^^ "Eight out of 10 US counties with the highest "Developer Demand" shortage are in states in the middle of America, such as South Dakota, Missouri, Arkansas, Illinois, Utah, and Mississippi"
[04:48:08] <c0lo> The next 8 counties to turn blue - grin
[04:53:44] <AzumaHazuki> let's hope so. maybe techheads can do what Lincoln couldn't, viz, civilize the South
[04:53:51] <AzumaHazuki> or, alternatively, burn it down
[04:54:07] <AzumaHazuki> i would be absolutely fine with either one happening.
[05:03:00] <c0lo> "Starlink - a guarantee the next election can be stollen more efficiently from the flyovers" - grin
[05:07:17] <AzumaHazuki> christ, anyone believing this election was actually stolen is insane
[05:07:55] <AzumaHazuki> the GOP has gone full fascist, right down to the Big Lie
[05:10:07] <sockpuppet_1337> gotta civilize the north, east, and west first
[05:10:16] -!- sockpuppet_1337 [sockpuppet_1337!~name_take@154.21.nk.jjv] has parted #soylent
[05:12:13] -!- sockpuppet_1337 [sockpuppet_1337!~name_take@154.21.nk.jjv] has joined #soylent
[05:12:38] <AzumaHazuki> Canada's doing fine in that regard
[05:13:12] <sockpuppet_1337> Maybe you should ask the First Nations, you presumpuous 'Murican cunt
[05:14:01] <AzumaHazuki> i can't. they're all dead
[05:14:12] <AzumaHazuki> aside from a few scattered remnants, you disingenuous prick
[05:14:38] <AzumaHazuki> and, on that note, i bet the Clovis people would have some sharp, pointed, dare I say flinty words, for the first nations...
[05:14:44] <sockpuppet_1337> They're all dead? You're awfully ignorant, as well as presumptuous.
[05:15:26] <sockpuppet_1337> You need to read Canadian news, instead of pussified 'Murican news
[05:16:05] <AzumaHazuki> why is a presumably straight male using "pussy" as an insult? that's like a fat kid calling someone they hate "chocolate cake"
[05:16:32] <sockpuppet_1337> I've already noted that you are presumptuous
[05:16:44] <AzumaHazuki> but correct :)
[05:16:54] <AzumaHazuki> nothing wrong with a little arrogance if you can back it up, sweetie <3
[05:17:09] <sockpuppet_1337> Don't you "sweetie" me
[05:17:29] <AzumaHazuki> stop me if you can!
[05:17:45] <sockpuppet_1337> newfag or oldfag?
[05:17:56] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Sunday's Site Outage - https://sylnt.us
[05:54:23] -!- halibut has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[06:00:12] -!- halibut [halibut!~halibut@2001:468:d01:mr:tvu:rpjp:hkzp:mwzz] has joined #soylent
[06:15:07] <Runaway1956_> Yay - someone is using the spam mod properly on the site
[06:15:30] <Runaway1956_> I hate when someone spam posts, but they get a stupid offtopic or something instead of spam
[06:23:14] <Runaway1956_> =submit https://www.zerohedge.com
[06:23:16] <systemd> Submitting "Military Recruiters Worry America's Youth Are Too Fat Or Dumb To Enter Service"...
[06:23:37] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Military Recruiters Worry America's Youth are Too Fat or Dumb to Enter Service" (26 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[06:24:58] <AzumaHazuki> https://www.washingtonpost.com keeee-rist
[06:25:10] <systemd> ^ 03Audio: Trump’s full Jan. 2 call with Ga. secretary of state
[06:25:23] <AzumaHazuki> an hour of Schmuck a l'Orange committing extortion, sedition, and yes, voter fraud
[06:25:54] <AzumaHazuki> what the fuck is it going to take, people?
[06:26:54] <Runaway1956_> =submit https://bbcbreakingnews.com Virtual Joe has a virtual parade
[06:26:56] <systemd> Submitting "Biden’s inaugural parade canceled and replaced with virtual version – BreakingNews"...
[06:27:18] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Biden’s Inaugural Parade Canceled and Replaced With Virtual Version – BreakingNews" (23 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[06:27:24] <Runaway1956_> Just what we need, a virtual president
[06:27:44] <AzumaHazuki> yeah fuck him for not wanting to drive up the infection rate
[06:28:21] <Runaway1956_> he's afraid of being embarrassed when no one shows up
[06:28:41] <AzumaHazuki> he's not Trump, Runaway :)
[06:29:10] * AzumaHazuki is darkly amused watching der Gropehnfuhrer's final moments
[06:29:12] <Runaway1956_> Trump had people showing up while Sleepy Joe hid in his basement, lol
[06:29:25] <AzumaHazuki> sure, sure. keep on believin' *pets head
[06:30:47] <Runaway1956_> well shit, I'm disconnected?
[06:30:49] <Runaway1956_> nope
[06:31:00] <Runaway1956_> =submit https://www.powermag.com
[06:31:03] <systemd> Submitting "Welding Method 7 Approved, Fitness for Service Project Launched"...
[06:31:06] <AzumaHazuki> you absolutely are disocnnected, and well on your way to delusional
[06:31:18] <Runaway1956_> Joe has the creep strength they are looking for there!
[06:31:24] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Welding Method 7 Approved, Fitness for Service Project Launched" (1 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[06:31:44] <AzumaHazuki> don't worry though...in a few years you'll have all the time you could possibly want with the Trump crew. I hear they're renting the biggest convention center there is in hell
[06:31:55] <AzumaHazuki> they're gonna pack the entire Malebolge. It'll be, as the kids say, lit. Fire, even.
[06:32:45] <Runaway1956_> *yawn*
[06:33:24] <AzumaHazuki> that's all you got? :)
[06:33:32] <AzumaHazuki> keep your mouth shut, you don't want brimstone in it
[06:35:54] <AzumaHazuki> see? was that SO hard? now just keep doing that <3 good boy
[06:37:26] <Runaway1956_> https://sputniknews.com
[06:37:29] <systemd> ^ 03City of Kenosha Reportedly Braces For Potential Unrest as DA to Rule on Jacob Blake Shooter
[06:37:50] * Runaway1956_ laughs at the idiot and her dreams of hell
[06:38:08] <Runaway1956_> 92nd percentile my ass
[06:38:42] <AzumaHazuki> awww, you kept it up for almost 3 minutes, too
[06:38:47] <AzumaHazuki> i'm sure that's a record for you
[06:39:28] <Runaway1956_> now this is some dirty shit
[06:39:36] <Runaway1956_> =submit https://sputniknews.com
[06:39:38] <systemd> Submitting "Maduro Says He Asked West to Unfreeze Venezuelan Funds to Purchase Vaccines, Was Refused"...
[06:39:56] <Runaway1956_> as for you, you stupid fuck, I'm doing other things, you are not the center of my universe
[06:40:00] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Maduro Says He Asked West to Unfreeze Venezuelan Funds to Purchase Vaccines, Was Refused" (3 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[06:40:12] <AzumaHazuki> then why do you respond to every single post i make? :)
[06:40:26] <AzumaHazuki> you and uzzard have the same problem: you cannot go without having the last word
[06:40:47] <AzumaHazuki> He Lost, Get Over It (TM)
[06:40:59] <Runaway1956_> https://bigleaguepolitics.com
[06:40:59] <systemd> ^ 03FACT CHECK: Did President Trump Really Tell the Georgia Secretary of State to Steal the Election? - Big League Politics
[06:41:16] <Runaway1956_> you seem to be obsessed
[06:41:41] <AzumaHazuki> What can i say, i need the laughs :)
[06:42:04] <AzumaHazuki> and you're great for them. it's not nice, i know, but watching this whole clusterfuck collapse on itself in the most clownish way possible is hilarious
[06:42:20] <Runaway1956_> https://www.waynedupree.com
[06:42:20] <systemd> ^ 03“Stop The Steal” Organizers Say Dems Just Made a Desperate Move to Sabotage Jan 6th - WayneDupree.com
[06:42:40] <Runaway1956_> Go ahead, laugh - it's a free country - oh yeah, a free country that you hate
[06:42:45] * AzumaHazuki leans over and honks Runaway's big red clown nose a few times. Wonka-wonka!
[06:43:30] <Runaway1956_> That's your ass you're sqeezing
[06:44:03] <Runaway1956_> and my grand daughter would beat your ass for touching her papaw
[06:44:23] <Runaway1956_> if the dogs didn't eat you first
[06:44:27] <AzumaHazuki> she's welcome to come try
[06:44:40] * AzumaHazuki honks runaway's nose again just for lulz
[06:44:52] <Runaway1956_> Don't worry though, they're all female, so you can''t whine about having your ass beat by a male
[06:45:14] <AzumaHazuki> sorry, can't hear you over the little bike-horn thingie in there
[06:45:33] <AzumaHazuki> you should get your nose tuned. it's a little off-key
[06:45:37] <Runaway1956_> This is the kind of shit your liberal party is known for
[06:45:49] <Runaway1956_> https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com
[06:45:49] <systemd> ^ 03Repeat offender sucker-punches woman on at New York subway station, gets released hours later
[06:46:43] <AzumaHazuki> who in the hell is playing Gladiator's March? my God, you have your own personal clown soundtrack. Clowned-track?
[06:47:00] <Runaway1956_> Bastard should have been mobbed, all his limbs and his nose and jaw broken, THEN set free
[06:47:24] <AzumaHazuki> is this what "tears of a clown" refers to?
[06:48:41] <Runaway1956_> Are you even in touch with reality anymore?
[06:48:59] <AzumaHazuki> yes, specifically the part of it wearing a red clown nose :) *honk!*
[06:49:00] <Runaway1956_> I don't have time to worry over it - have a crummy night asshole.
[06:49:15] <AzumaHazuki> ...and now the band is playing brave sir robin, LOL
[06:51:47] <chromas> =honk
[06:51:47] <systemd> 🤡
[06:56:30] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Corellium Notches Partial Victory in Apple iOS Copyright Case - https://sylnt.us - story-continues
[07:05:17] <sockpuppet_1337> A, blah blah blah
[07:18:00] -!- aqu4bot [aqu4bot!~aqu4bot@pptdbxlc9.us] has joined #soylent
[07:59:04] -!- Ellenor [Ellenor!~Ellenor@bmgswddr-myunzwfu.messed-me-up.umbrellix.net] has joined #soylent
[07:59:15] <Ellenor> blep :3
[08:01:42] <FatPhil> I love it how the trumpaloons like stories about Dems being "desperate". It's almost as if they are completely unaware of the concept of projection.
[08:01:56] <AzumaHazuki> they are. just fuckin' look at Runaway up there
[08:11:08] <FatPhil> But the sign round his neck says "Captain Self-Aware", why would he deceive himself so, it makes no sense?
[08:14:56] <AzumaHazuki> fuck knows. maybe he's a nihilistic redneck suicide bomber who'd willingly destroy SS and Medicare just as he becomes old enough to need them to "own the libs"
[08:15:19] <AzumaHazuki> maybe he's the kind of person who'd set off an IED except he's too cowardly to show up at Hell's gate in a zillion little pieces
[08:15:52] <AzumaHazuki> maybe he's an insane civil war revanchist who somehow believes white heterosexual men are an endangered and discriminated minority in the US
[08:25:36] <FatPhil> you don't have to be a redneck suicide bomber, even Ayn Rand would have those goals.
[08:27:11] <AzumaHazuki> except she took benefits, LOL. what a goddamn hypocrite
[08:33:04] <FatPhil> Sure, I was considering that as an included property in your list, although I now notice you didn't mention it explicitly. For some strange reason I just expected it to be there.
[08:42:27] <AzumaHazuki> these fucking nihilists will burn it down if they can't remake it in their image, that's the terrifying part. and they don't care who or what dies
[08:42:54] <AzumaHazuki> runaway is one of these. i am calling this now: he is a domestic terrorist, or at the very least would be if he weren't so weak. i'd love to see his Gab and Parler posts
[08:45:07] <FatPhil> I think he's more a cranky old man, but cranky old men do occasionally blow up RVs in front of offices of companies involved with 5G, because of the aliens.
[08:49:20] <AzumaHazuki> his obsession is the illegal aliens i think. he's constantly on about how Hispanics outbreed "us"
[08:58:35] <FatPhil> what, the lazy ones who milk our welfare system by tekkin ur jurbs?
[09:04:00] <Ellenor> that makes no sense lol
[09:05:43] <FatPhil> All credit has to go to South Park, they're the ones who I first saw make the joke, probably well over a decade ago.
[09:26:19] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - SpaceX Will Try to 'Catch' its Super Heavy Rocket Using the Launch Tower - https://sylnt.us - aim-high
[11:12:41] -!- isocelated [isocelated!~Thunderbi@asr-59-777-894-258.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #soylent
[11:45:16] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Pandemic-Boosted Remote Workforce May be in for a Shock at Tax Time - https://sylnt.us - the-tax-man-cometh
[12:04:41] <FatPhil> RIP Alexi Laiho :(
[12:20:54] <FatPhil> I've lost plenty of my hair in Alexi's machine head.
[12:39:10] <FatPhil> https://bigthink.com
[12:39:11] <systemd> ^ 03A decade ago, this scientist predicted 2020 would bring 'peak' chaos to the U.S.
[13:06:19] <isocelated> He's not wrong.
[13:11:59] <requerdanos> psychohistory in action
[13:22:40] <AzumaHazuki> glad i'm not the only one who thinks in those terms...
[13:37:35] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Judge: Assange Cannot be Extradited to the USA - https://sylnt.us
[13:46:48] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Pandemic-Boosted Remote Workforce may be in for a Shock at Tax Time - https://sylnt.us - the-tax-man-cometh
[14:12:58] -!- fliptop [fliptop!~fliptop@eukm.igolinux.com] has joined #soylent
[14:16:19] <fliptop> anybody awake yet?
[14:16:40] * requerdanos :: Yawn, stretch ::
[14:17:02] <fliptop> quite the enthusiastic bunch today
[14:17:34] <fliptop> i just submitted a story, noticed the <pre> tag doesn't seem to work
[14:17:50] <fliptop> is it a forbidden tag?
[14:21:59] -!- isocelated has quit [Quit: isocelated]
[14:22:13] -!- isocelated [isocelated!~Thunderbi@asr-59-777-894-258.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #soylent
[14:27:52] <Bytram> fliptop: what were you trying to preserve? Indentation? Code example?
[14:29:19] <Bytram> fliptop: nvm, found it. Instead of <pre> ... </pre> I would recommend: <ecode> ... </ecode>
[14:31:42] <fliptop> i tried <code> but not ecode. already submitted, just used <br> tags. can i edit and fix?
[14:32:14] <Bytram> no need; I'm on it. thanks for the heads up!
[14:32:19] <Bytram> fliptop++
[14:32:20] <Bender> karma - fliptop: 4
[14:32:28] <fliptop> thank you!
[14:36:12] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[14:37:11] <Fnord666> Well crap. I use a zyWall firewall on my home network. Thanks for submitting this!
[14:39:43] <fliptop> yw. i just updated my zyxel wap.
[14:43:04] <fliptop> i know some people like to hate on zdnet but they have a lot of timely stories on 0-days.
[15:39:26] <Runaway1956_> Ya know - I should note that the site is faster and more responsive than it has been recently
[15:39:44] <Runaway1956_> seems TMBs work yesterday had some unexpected benefits
[15:39:59] <Runaway1956_> unless it's just my connection to the internet
[15:41:35] <Ellenor> has your toilet ever been constipated?
[15:49:44] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #soylent
[15:56:50] <Runaway1956_> Just about fell of my chair when I read this:
[15:56:55] <Runaway1956_> congrats to George Floyd 223 days clean and sober….
[16:02:38] <FatPhil> hahah - a joke about a dead black man - yay, so funny!
[16:04:40] <Runaway1956_> What difference whether he's black white or latino? An addict knows no color.
[16:07:20] <Runaway1956_> Educational material - https://www.youtube.com
[16:07:22] <systemd> ^ 03Civil Rights And Communism
[16:28:22] <FatPhil> I was making a comment about your filter, but I wouldn't expect someone as self-aware as you to pick up on that.
[16:33:24] -!- sockpuppet_1337 has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[16:37:45] <Ellenor> it's somewhat deprssing
[16:47:02] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - 'Peak Hype': Why the Driverless Car Revolution Has Stalled - https://sylnt.us
[16:48:29] <Teckla> All the new driver assist features are awesome, though
[17:04:46] -!- Strawman [Strawman!~name_take@154.21.hs.hr] has joined #soylent
[17:05:18] <Strawman> Thank you TMB
[17:10:53] <FatPhil> I will admit that having an Audi brain save me from a marauding bus' sideswipe was most reassuring.
[17:11:45] <FatPhil> But there's a *long* way between emergency collision avoidance and being totally driverless.
[17:13:04] <TheMightyBuzzard> Strawman, welcome
[17:16:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> FatPhil, i have an entirely different take on the matter from having to drive a car that had computerized traction control all last week. it tried to kill me every chance it got.
[17:19:12] <Ingar> today it just looked like people have forgotten how to drive
[17:19:18] <Ingar> must have been some new year's party
[17:20:04] <TheMightyBuzzard> if you already know how to drive well on snow, ice, mud, wet roads, etc... the corrections it tries to make are far, far more liable to cause a wreck rather than prevent one because instead of known and understood conditions you get unpredictable changes in how the car handles during the most dangerous moments of driving
[17:22:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> i mean, it's probably better for people whose reaction was going to be throwing their hands in the air and screaming but that ain't me
[17:22:35] <fliptop> TMB I agree 100%. I disable it when driving in those conditions.
[17:23:44] <fliptop> ABS sucks for those conditions too, but usually can't be disabled unless you unplug the sensor wires.
[17:25:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> i seriously almost ended up in the ditch a dozen times just driving on wet dirt roads. and i can handle those without even paying attention if the car doesn't try to help.
[17:38:21] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[17:41:27] <Ingar> I drive the bicycle :)
[17:41:40] <Ingar> full manual control
[17:57:23] <FatPhil> you're conflating traction control with collision avoidance, they're very different features.
[18:21:09] <fliptop> FatPhil they're both related in that they use the ABS sensors to evaluate the situation and make adjustments accordingly.
[18:25:34] <FatPhil> One is extremely useful, one might say essential to the other, that's not an equivalence at all.
[18:48:10] <chromas> Collision avoidance is a type of traction control: if you don't crash then you're less likely to break bones
[19:16:55] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - FAA Finally Sets Rules for Piloting Small Drones - https://sylnt.us
[19:27:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> FatPhil, no i'm not. they both make the car do things i did not tell it and did not expect it to.
[19:32:53] <Runaway1956_> I've had similar comments regarding ABS brakes
[19:33:36] <Runaway1956_> One spot in particular, they do weird things - at the end of my road, to the highway, I'm slowing down to stop
[19:33:54] <Runaway1956_> I always squeeze over to the right, and there's a muddy spot there that never goes away
[19:34:19] <Runaway1956_> I feel the wheels break free, then grab traction again, break free, maybe three or four times
[19:34:25] <Runaway1956_> fekkin' weird
[19:35:13] <Runaway1956_> It's always the two wheels that are in the mud, never the two wheels near the center of the roadway, on good gravel
[19:36:16] <Runaway1956_> Of course, at that speed, nothing bad is going to happen - I'll either stop in 20 feet, or in 30 feet just the same
[19:41:11] <FatPhil> TheMightyBuzzard: your logic is horrible.
[19:41:38] <FatPhil> I said "sumo is a great sport" and you responded "no, I hate big piles of plain rice".
[19:41:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> my logic is dead on. a ton of steel doing something you do not expect during a crucial moment is a bad thing.
[19:41:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> doesn't matter what fancy name you give it
[19:42:39] <FatPhil> It's called logic, sorry if it sends your head all in a spin.
[19:42:56] <TheMightyBuzzard> yep, it is. and you're ignoring it.
[19:43:01] <FatPhil> Bollocks.
[19:43:06] <FatPhil> I said "sumo is a great sport" and you responded "no, I hate big piles of plain rice".
[19:43:28] <FatPhil> You were unable to distinguish between a complex thing with many features, and one feature of that thing.
[19:43:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> no, you said you like your car doing things on its own and i said it's dangerous as all fuck to have a car try to outsmart you
[19:44:04] <FatPhil> That's a bare-faced lie! And you say it with a straight face?!??!
[19:44:21] <TheMightyBuzzard> doesn't matter if it's a tiny portion or an extravagant rube goldberg monstrosity,
[19:44:30] <FatPhil> It does.
[19:44:34] <FatPhil> To logic.
[19:44:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> fucking with your control of a vehicle is my objection, not scope
[19:44:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> scope was never relevant
[19:45:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> so at best you're being pedantic
[19:45:20] <FatPhil> My point was specific about scope.
[19:45:25] <FatPhil> You just invented your own argument.
[19:45:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> well yeah
[19:45:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> nobody was gonna crawl in my head and invent it for me
[19:45:55] <FatPhil> Feel free to, just don't pretend, as you have done, that it's a logical counter to mine.
[19:46:05] <FatPhil> As I say, your logic is *laughable*.
[19:46:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> it's a logical negation of yours. you approved of a specific bit of loss of control, i rejected all loss of control
[19:46:53] <FatPhil> Shut up now, you're just embarassing yourself.
[19:47:02] <FatPhil> It is not a logical negation to mine.
[19:47:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> FatPhil: i like lima beans TheMightyBuzzard: beans suck FatPhil: your logic sucks
[19:47:34] <FatPhil> Yours wasn't even a general comment, so you're even contradicting yourself.
[19:48:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> hey, don't blame me if you can't follow when every little step isn't spelled out
[19:48:19] <FatPhil> I can, and have, said the same to you.
[20:20:19] <Runaway1956_> Automobiles went all wrong when they introduced power steering, power brakes, automatic transmissions, and they really went in the shitter with electric windows.
[20:20:41] <Runaway1956_> Everything since has been an abomination.
[20:22:05] <FatPhil> CAN is an abomination, the way it's used, I'll grant you that, but there's nothing wrong with fly-by-wire.
[20:23:20] * Runaway1956_ remembers a hard cable driving the accelerator in response to the pressure of your foot on the end of the cable under the gas pedal
[20:24:04] <FatPhil> if fly-by-wire's good enough for Lewis Hamilton, it's good enough for me.
[20:24:08] <Runaway1956_> Today a sensor beneath the gas pedal communicates to the computer that you want to go faster, and the computer decides whether to allow it
[20:25:31] <FatPhil> if the computer is going to disallow it, you're probably doing something terribly wrong with that pedal. Maybe the computer's right, old man.
[20:26:19] <FatPhil> A technologist would view it as "and the computer decides how best to achieve it", you're just a luddite.
[20:27:03] <Runaway1956_> Us luddites learned to drive, unlike the technologist who needs to computer to do his driving. ;^)
[20:27:50] <Runaway1956_> Worse, are those who never learned to drive, and have zero technical understanding, and thus rely on faith to get them to their destination.
[20:28:14] <FatPhil> So, you always drive stick?
[20:28:48] <Runaway1956_> I did until recent years - do you know how hard it is to find a 4, or 5, or 6 speed vehicle these days?
[20:29:05] <Runaway1956_> Unless you drive a big truck, with 13 or 18 speed trannies
[20:29:33] <Runaway1956_> Oh, you can still get Mack trucks with good old reliable 5-speeds
[20:29:44] <FatPhil> Found the hypocrite
[20:30:10] <Runaway1956_> What's hypocritical about using what's available, when you can't find what you want?
[20:30:25] <Runaway1956_> How many vehicles today are sold with a standard transmission option?
[20:30:28] <FatPhil> Techological advances are terrible, and people who use them are idiots, unless they're the ones I've adopted, in which case they're awesome.
[20:30:59] <Runaway1956_> Find me a four or five speed vehicle for cheap then.
[20:31:34] <Runaway1956_> I promise if you can find a three-on-the-tree, you're going to pay high dollar for that antique!
[20:36:53] <Runaway1956_> Hmmmmm - what happens if I UNinstall all fonts, except for NOTO?
[20:37:25] <Runaway1956_> It's crazy questions such as that, that have destroyed my Linux systems in the past . . .
[20:41:02] <FatPhil> none of the debian derivatives have sane package dependencies, but they tend to be wrong in the too-many-dependencies-declared way, rather than the other way round.
[20:42:43] <FatPhil> Before I die, I will write a sane package management system for a unix-alike.
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[21:12:35] <pinchy> I wonder what would happen in you get a midwife and deliver your kid at home. and dont get a birth certificate or ssn
[21:13:00] <pinchy> I guess the problems would start when they try to get a drivers license
[21:13:23] <pinchy> bank account etc
[21:28:21] <Runaway1956_> Today, pinchy the problems would start as soon as you try to put them into school
[21:28:35] <Runaway1956_> or, worse, as soon as anyone noticed that your kid doesn't go to school
[21:31:32] <kyonko> pinchy: happens all the time in the jewish community
[21:31:44] <kyonko> usually jews from belarus
[21:32:05] <kyonko> seems like the soviet socialism never quite domesticated the feral hebrew
[21:32:31] <kyonko> mainland chinese also keep pregnancy and birth clandestine
[21:33:40] <kyonko> there was this one autistic kid, born in an israel settlement of orthodox jews, he was sending voip call threats of muslim terrorism and antisemitic white supremacy to jewish centers and synagogues in the USA from israel
[21:34:01] <kyonko> when they found him, and it wasn't easy, turns out the state didn't even know the kid was in, or ever entered, israel
[21:34:20] <kyonko> his parents just spontaneously generated him
[21:34:39] <kyonko> look at the current disasters of innoculating orthodox jews in israel with covid19
[21:34:48] <kyonko> its innoculation, not immunization
[21:35:26] <kyonko> the autistic unregistered kid in israel was using the same methods indian voip call scammers use
[21:35:42] <kyonko> the israel cyber army couldn't find him fast enough
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[21:37:48] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Amazon Still Hasn’t Fixed Its Problem with Bait-and-Switch Reviews - https://sylnt.us - five-stars
[21:43:19] <pinchy> so is there similar requirements for gettting your kid home schooled as public school? I know nothing of the procedures for home schooling
[21:43:38] <kyonko> its a shitty system, I never had kids
[21:43:45] <pinchy> I guess you sign up to some place that provides the books and study plan or whatever?
[21:43:48] <kyonko> I live in the USA, but am culturally mexican
[21:44:04] <kyonko> USA always enrolls in govt schooling children of illegal aliens
[21:44:07] <pinchy> something has to verify they learned the material. or do they just take a GED test at the end?
[21:44:17] <kyonko> they test every year I think
[21:44:25] <kyonko> I just fucked the scantron by putting in garbage
[21:44:45] <kyonko> pinchy: what coutry are you in?
[21:45:00] <pinchy> USA aka washington DC
[21:45:14] <kyonko> you are in USA and you don't know the system? did you immigrate as an adult?
[21:45:39] <kyonko> usually everyone who comes to the USA has children, not something they can control
[21:45:52] <pinchy> I dont have any kids so have never tried to enroll them in it or homeschool
[21:46:02] <kyonko> you would pay less taxes if you had kids tho
[21:46:17] <kyonko> you employer would also pay less taxes hiring a parent
[21:46:23] <kyonko> married couples pay less taxes
[21:46:38] <kyonko> I almost died during the obama years because of this
[21:46:52] <kyonko> crime is a way of life in mexico
[21:47:31] <kyonko> anthropologically we are so fucked
[21:47:49] <pinchy> asked a friend about her kid, and she said they did it all at the hospital. "sign here here and here"
[21:47:49] <kyonko> a lot of people are going to die in the DC protests from weather exposure
[21:48:14] <kyonko> yeah they do, but a lot of illegal alien children get the "sign here" and "here" at the govt schools
[21:48:25] <pinchy> I just wonder if you could refuse to sign it at the hospital
[21:48:31] <kyonko> you just can't hack it in the USA an illegal alien childless
[21:48:41] <kyonko> you get welfare for the child as an illegal alien
[21:49:01] <kyonko> pinchy: I never did refuse to sign the paper that explained that I could be euthanised in 2016
[21:49:02] <pinchy> i hear property taxes pay for schooling illegal kids
[21:49:58] <kyonko> If I broke any of the hospital rules I would get a large dose injection of neuroleptic drug geodon which is known for stopping your heart
[21:50:23] <kyonko> reminds me a lot of the current covid rules
[21:50:55] <kyonko> the people heading to DC tomorrow are scared and have nothing to lose
[21:51:04] <pinchy> both my birth certificate and SSN card have all CAPS for the legalese. using that justinian deception stuff
[21:51:11] <kyonko> lol
[21:51:21] <kyonko> I had to get a new SSN card in 2009, the original wore out
[21:51:26] <kyonko> its all a joke man
[21:51:33] <kyonko> human beings ain't shit and never were
[21:51:43] <pinchy> just property of washington DC
[21:51:44] <kyonko> oooh look at that ass, those tits, that dick, big tall handsome chad
[21:52:15] <kyonko> when I got my replacement card in 2009 the guy who interviewed asked strange questions loaded with "key words"
[21:52:37] <pinchy> all done at the DMV located on the 33rd parallel?
[21:52:44] <kyonko> but it doesn't matter, they marked me in the living human databse as "recovered from mental illness"
[21:52:58] <kyonko> just like a covid recovery
[21:53:53] <kyonko> a lot of people are taking the covid masking the wrong way, they think its some kind of muzzle or underwear
[21:54:15] <kyonko> parents teach you to poop in toilets and not to play with your private parts
[21:54:26] <pinchy> its a good sign of submission
[21:54:32] <kyonko> yeah its hopeless
[21:54:48] <pinchy> some folks at work are saying "omg its a million cases a day"
[21:54:58] <kyonko> no reason not to be an alcoholic and obese
[21:55:05] <kyonko> well
[21:55:15] <pinchy> just have to view them as a toy jumping up and down. brainwashed out the wazoo
[21:55:17] <kyonko> the main stream media says it is ebola
[21:55:37] <kyonko> covid19 spontaneously generated in 9 year old daughter of los angeles mayor
[21:55:47] <pinchy> i heard a good point in that the pharma companies didnt even have to advertise for the new vaccine
[21:56:01] <kyonko> london strain covid19 spontaneously generates in denver colorado man who never traveled or had previous contact with anyone
[21:56:05] <pinchy> "gotta take ur shot goy"
[21:56:18] <kyonko> yeah, everyone on facebook is goy
[21:56:47] <kyonko> look at how israel finally innoculated the lazy useless leech orthodox jew settlers
[21:57:24] <kyonko> yhwh is one nasty mother fucker, he created satan and the branching demons
[21:57:44] <pinchy> someone mentioned its like the powers that be are playing with all the countries like chess pieces. they have no allegiance and dont care if one rises or falls
[21:57:54] <kyonko> exactly
[21:57:56] <pinchy> just to play and see what happens
[21:58:00] <kyonko> mexico has been a terrible place since 2008
[21:58:06] <kyonko> mexicans are very goyim
[21:58:18] <kyonko> they all believe they are going to become rich
[21:58:33] <pinchy> i heard mexico crime is getting really bad by some guy working narcotics on joe rogaine show
[21:58:42] <kyonko> but 2020 shows us, there will be no more new rich
[21:58:48] <kyonko> yeah
[21:58:49] <kyonko> well
[21:58:51] <pinchy> he said he envisions US putting troops on the ground in mexico in 5 years
[21:58:54] <kyonko> look at all the cartel gore videos
[21:58:59] <kyonko> whats done is done
[21:59:05] <kyonko> many people cut open alive and torn apart
[21:59:16] <kyonko> this is normal for them
[21:59:23] <pinchy> he said the cartel has moved to fruit and crops instead of drugs
[21:59:31] <kyonko> yes because the goy love it
[21:59:58] <kyonko> orthodox jews absolutely do not believe in covid19
[22:00:36] <pinchy> biggest psyop. they tried it with all the SARS and EBOLA from years ago but it didnt stick
[22:01:07] <pinchy> I guess they finally was able to get ppl scared of the common cold
[22:02:17] <kyonko> yep cold and flu
[22:02:37] <kyonko> are we living in idiocracy
[22:02:54] <kyonko> I remember it was SAR -> MERS -> EBOLA -> COVID19
[22:03:06] <kyonko> 2009 had the mexican factory farm swine flu
[22:03:28] <kyonko> more like human cannibalism flu
[22:08:57] <pinchy> its certainly an exciting time to be alive. ol jack van impe that was prophetising it all those years. ironic he died a year ago
[22:26:36] <kyonko> I see
[22:26:41] <kyonko> tom hagee
[22:26:48] <kyonko> I remember him the most
[22:27:04] <kyonko> well most of those mega churches are going to DC tomorrow and the 6th
[22:27:31] <kyonko> some bonafide christian cults too, like the overcomer ministry of walterboro, NC
[22:28:03] <kyonko> i'm not worried about the bussed in megachurches, I'm worried about all the morons who will be living like homeless bums and die
[22:28:32] <pinchy> hah ol hagee, the fat fuck that says you should donate to isreal?
[22:36:33] <kyonko> something like that
[22:36:40] <kyonko> but israel is innoculating orthodox jews with covid19
[22:36:47] <kyonko> infamous israeli settlers